This morning I heard on RTE (I’d become fed up the Today programme) that the EU was looking for Irish language translators as it had been recognised as an official EU language. The decision was sometime ago I think, but they are only advertising now. I thought that I was becoming a bit paranoid, thinking that this might be an attempt to influence the influence the Irish people who are allowed to vote in the UK, then I saw that Major and Blair were campaigning in Northern Ireland today. I couldn’t find a link at the time, but I finally got one, in case anyone reading this thinks I am having paranoid delusions:
Unbelievable. Ramadam began 3 days ago, and yet on the BBC news (Luton area), an Islamic doctor has seen around 20 patients – 16 of whom are suffering from the effects of fasting. My question is this; how in hell’s name aren’t they having to wait at least 2 weeks to even get an appointment, let alone be seen over a 3 day period ?
And, of course, no mentions about Muslim girls and eating disorders that come about by these fasts of theirs…funnily enough no Jenni Murray or Claudia Hammond to bewail bloody sexist white blokes who run the advertising agencies.
No wonder they want all Muslim women to adopt an elasticated burka for weight loss…but there again, Tony Adams used to wear black bin bags to sweat out his last boozing binge, so there are precedents.
As for Ramadan-thank the Lord for French papers who tell us of a Tunisian waitress getting assaulted by an illegal immigrant(and pal) in Nice-for the crime of serving booze on the first day of Ramadan earlier in the week.
S`pose its not burning your hostel down for small Ramadan portions/not getting your Ramadan alarm call and breakfast wafted down the gullet as you sleep…Dusseldorf…but the BBC won`t be telling us of Ramadan and criminality anytime soon will they?
Even in peaceful little Gambia ( if you don’t fall foul of the lunatic President that is ), crime goes up in Ramadan. And that is mostly muslim on muslim crime. As Pat Condell would say, ” Peace “.
Two weeks? – “Luxury!” to quote an old Monty Python sketch. Recent visit to the doctors involved a 20 day wait, and when I turned up 5 minutes in the waiting room confirmed the reason why. Mothers in burkas with kids or Polish mums with kids.
Old people take up a fair whack of the NHS budget it’s true, but for the NHS and other public sector ‘providers’ -it’s now the preserve of women and immigrants nowadays.
I thought the BBC was bad but watching the ITV Referendum Debate tonight, 8pm to 10pm, they have taken 2 questions so far from the random cross section audience. First one was from a Muslim man, second one was from Muslim woman.
Watching the Referendum debate on ITV.
Really didn`t know how nasty and unpleasant the Remain team are.
Continual shouting down and shrill abuse from them-so any neutral surely would rather have a Boris than the extremely unpleasant Angela Eagle.
Don`t these clowns see that the more personal abuse of Boris that they do, the more saintly the Leadsoms and Stuarts appear to be.
Only shows you how desperate(that word again) the Remain campaign now are…very ugly, verey personal and spitting venom at all who dare to question them and their experts(all hand picked and paid fro by the EU, and shills like the SNP and Labour).
Gisela Stuart hugely impressive.
Absolutely. Surely their appalling behaviour will lose them votes ? Always been a great admirer of Gisela. Polite, intelligent and attractive, and speaks good english for a German !
History will be kind to Gisela and all others of the Left who`ve blown the whistle on the traditional traitors who infest Labour, Liberal and Greens today.
This debate has shown the contempt in which the Left hold us-comes out with every sneering utterance of Little Englanders, or goading a Boris and their scorn for those of us who dared to call for a referendum-which NONE of our crop of Remain creeps wanted us to have from the outset…and we now seem to be draining them of their freebies and pensions in Brussels.
Basically there are now only two political types-those who want out and love this country-and the scum elitists who want to scrape us off their shoes…and hoping for an upgrade to jackboots.
I did wonder who awful Amber Rudd reminds me of as I watch this referendum debate.
It`s Joan Cusack-the trendy Wendy head teacher who does Stevie Nicks impressions and is a cool kind of head…but destroys her school of any academic purpose in her efforts to be “with it”.
Apt really…she represents the living end of the dead Tory project.
Cameron, the self-styled ‘heir to Blair’, modelled himself a little too closely when he decided he too needed some token females to cheer from the sidelines. Blalr had the ‘Blair babes’. Cameron has nasty little schemers like Rudd – all ambition and a complete absence of either intellect or integrity.
Amber seemed slightly hysterical and Sturgeon made a noise more irritating than a pneumatic drill.
All the ad hominems and childish accusations from the Remainians, suggest desperation. I hope the tide is turning toward Brexit. Gisela Stuart made the most important point reminding everyone the greater deepening that will be required to save the Eurozone. Many Continentals think that the UK is not really a member of the EU anyway because of the opt-outs. Not wanting to be part of the “European project” is heresy for most Germans. Britain will eventually become irrelevant or a hindrance to the grand project. Better to get out now and bow to the inevitable.
So ends the Referendum debate.
No doubt the elites at the BBC etc will say that the Remain campaign won it…they always do.
But this was disaster for them surely-for Amber Rudd to say that it`s the Wizard of Oz again was a fine own goal.
This Remain campaign is just that- a load of political munchkins who crave the big voice of the EU behind the curtain to scare us…only to find it`s an effete mincing of the political class with helium gas-and without any sense of irony or self-reflection in themselves.
Rudd has won it for us surely…and we`ve been blessed in the opponents offered to us.
These morons think Farage and Boris are toxic-complete reverse is the truth, but who`ll tell them?…they don`t listen, never have-for we are the little people…fuck em!…and we will!
Osborne?…never seen such a shower of uglies, harpies and snide bitchslappers…but they only reveal an absence of principle, reason and humanity.
The Leavers do human-the political elites who want to stay in are utter creeps….comes across every time, so let`s see more of them…catastrophic morons who`ve lost the plot.
PS. I couldn’t be bothered to watch it, seeing as who was representing the remain side. Two minutes of Beeboid “News” highlights was quite enough for me to justify my comment.
Amber Rudd is the sister of Roland Rudd yet another of the financial pr elite that has absolutely nothing but contempt for us. She is the epitome of all that is deplorable in the Tory party. I would rather have a cup of tea with Corbin than the finest dining experiennce with her.
The same useless ITV presenter who egged on the nasties in the audience to abuse Farage the other day. The audience showed better self-control today but the presenter was just as useless as last time. This time she kept allowing the witches to continually shout over Boris’s answers But despite the Outers being much more polite when they did try to challenge the witches you could hardly hear them, including Boris with his baritone voice. Of course, there was never a problem hearing the hags shouting – have ITV learned the BBC art of fiddling microphone volumes to suit?
Also, how many times did she allow two Weird Sisters to follow one-another? I don’t think she allowed the Outers consecutive comments even once. A total stitch-up – full of scare tactics, lies and personal abuse from the harridans. The ugliness of the banshees was only exceeded by the ugliness of their personalities.
Amber Rudd is positioning herself, in the event of a Remain win, to be a top Cameron lickspittle. She wants high office. She probably won tonight’s award for the angriest panellist, her voice quivering with emotion at times, although it was a close contest with the finger-jabbing Eagle.
Agree with you completely chrisH. That was a massive failure by Remain. Their three attack dogs barked and spat at the dignified and quietly authorative Andrea and Gisela. Apart from European and Union, I think the two most frequently used words were Boris and Johnson. Disgraceful scenes by Sturgeon, Rudd and Eagle as they launched co-ordinated attacks against an initially hesitant Johnson. Sturgeon and Eagle took the opportunity to give the Tories a good bashing (tad embarrassing for Amber perhaps) when the debate is cross-party.
This is definitely not a good look for the Remain campaign after Cameron’s “Little Englander” slur (repeated tonight by Rudd). Lines are being drawn. We, the voters, will remember the words spoken and positions taken by our elected representatives during this referendum period. And we will not forgive.
A little off topic but an issue readers might want to consider.
In the interests of multiculturalism and diversity of course.
It is Ramadan and June, so between about 4am and 10pm practicing Muslims cannot eat or drink anything.
Question. If you required surgery in hospital, how would you feel about a practicing Muslim surgeon carrying out an operation on you in say, mid Afternoon or later, having had nothing to eat or drink for 12 hours plus?
And dont expect any mortality statistics to help you
So then according to Remain. Trade supercedes democracy. Why don’t Remainers live in Russia or Saudi Arabia. They have trade without democracy.
If even the thickest of ‘thickyness’ person cannot possibly see the argument in favour of Leave tonight on ITV then they need to be shot or mentally reprogrammed.
I thought it was a complete no contest. The Remainers witches were absolutely awful and I mean awful. I almost felt sorry for them. Ms Eagle was desperate, Sturgeon not much better, Rudd a bit better, but still awful.They seemed to consistently make personal attacks. So negative in their fear mongering.
Telegraph poll says that the Leave won the debate 78%-22 %. At least it was when placed my vote.
Otherwise fit and healthy coppers dropping out of a footchase due to faintness is another one Sluff, already happened with the evidence caught on camera once.
Very good point. I expect that the view will be taken that all Muslims should receive paid holiday throughout Ramadan. Seriously though I think this is yet another good reason why Islam is incompatible with the way of life in the 21st century west. There are many other of course. However, I don’t see much hope that any politician will dare to say this in the UK . Not just because they would be pilloried , ostracised and possibly arrested (and if they weren’t, they would probably be killed by ROPers) but also because they know that increasingly brainwashed Brits wouldn’t support them. Just look how over represented ethnics of all types are in our Referendum debates on telly. The UK elite is in thrall to anyone who isn’t a white Brit and most ordinary Brits have been brainwashed into accepting this highly dangerous and ridiculous state of affairs. The same ‘white guilt’ is true to a greater or lesser extent in some other European countries eg Sweden. In the USA Donald Trump is attacked none stop for sensibly saying the USA should halt Muslim immigration for a while to allow the country to try and come to a modus vivendi with those ROPers already there. Mad Merkel invites millions to go to Germany and then uses the state to suppress any protests from her own people. The West is committing suicide for reasons which are beyond comprehension.
Watched the ridiculous EU ‘debate’ with the banshee Amber Rudd and her endless ad hominem attacks on the leave campaign.
She might not like Farage, but today Tony Blair gave his support to Remain and he’s a war criminal.
After that I turned over to watch Mock the Week to find Nish Kumar, an unfunny Asian with a chip on his shoulder playing the race card to the approval of a baying audience.
Question Time: Opening with Farage answering question about immigration, Dimblebum challenges him that he (Farage) had said that it doesn’t matter if our standard of living goes down a bit, if we get control of immigration… Eddie Izzard says migrants put more into the economy than they take out, and mentions Woollaston in his 2nd sentence, and then says Brexit = recession! Well, he is a comedian… but now he’s just being rude and taking the piss. Very poor taste – why doesn’t Dibmlebum tell Eddie to let him finish the question. Let’s see if Izzard harasses the others in the same way… not holding my breath… Grant I understand about your blood pressure, mine is boiling!
Izzard hasn’t interrupted or taken the piss out of any other speaker (yet) – just Farage. Gosh, what a shock. Not. I was wondering what Izzard was doing on this panel, know we know. Goodness, how blatant can they be?
I’m pleased he is on Question Time.
He is a very immature and silly man.
A very good representative of the Remain. Lets have another one. How about giving the very thick Charlotte Church another go.
I think he’s mentally ill in so many different ways. As the psychiatrist on Fawlty Towers said of Basil: “There’s enough material there for a conference.”
When we lived back in the Uk I had to stop my husband watching Newsnight and Questions Time because of his blood pressure, at least here in France the news was ok for pictures but the longer we live here the more we understand and back up goes his blood pressure. We moved here years ago as we did not believe we would ever get the chance of a referendum and have learnt over time that we’re not the only ones who want out. We’ve spoken to French,German , Dutch and Belgium people and they all hope that our Brexit will lead to a cascade effect.
OMG… woman in audience compares Leave to Hitler… MUST be a plant. Not English… Dimblebum specifically asked for a Remainiac to ask a question and picked her. Coincidence? I think not. Oh wait, she just blew her credibility by saying “who is Brussels? We are all Brussels!” Howls of derision all round.
I think you and wronged might be right, No 6 – now he’s predicting doom and the entire breakup of the UK if we leave, followed by the trite “pooled sovereignty” line 🙄
Such a pity Gizzard shouted down Allison Pearson, she was just about to make a very good point. Shame on Dimblebum for letting him get away with it. How to ruin the chances of 3 Leavers vs 2 Remainers? Get some lunatic on the show to shout everyone down. A new low point for the BBC.
Tonight I have watched three hours of the Remainers digging themselves a very large hole. With the Macbethian trio on ITV or the Raspberry Beret on BBC, the Leavers only had to be coherent and dignified to win the day.
Back to Basics .
Why was the debate between Nigel Farage and David Cameron conducted in different studios and not ‘face to face’ ?
And why no HYS on Al Beeb – perhaps the most important topic of this century ?
Once again I smell a rat.
While our dear old beeb leads with a very odd headline about “Remain targetting Boris”, trying to start a civil war in the tory party no doubt. My god they are really desperate.
Sounds like Boris did a good job tonight – missed it unfortunately but will catch up when I can.
Just watching Andrew Neil shredding Osborne on iPlayer – classic!! Thanks Grant for the heads-up on this one.
I wonder if the ethnic minorities who were either born here or came thru migration, when complaining about new migrants and the current immigration situation, ever stop to think that the already indigenous (and centuries old) population had exactly the same thoughts when they first arrived here; so now they know what it feels like !
Yes, in a way that’s true, but then again not all immigrant populations are the same. For example, Jews didn’t turn cities into no-go zones, didn’t mass-rape women in public, didn’t engage in or encourage terrorism, and didn’t claim any benefits (in the late 1980s and early 1900s, there weren’t any “benefits” to claim!)
The dilemmas a BBC editor of integrity must face at such times… and there’s only so much skateboarding turtle footage or ‘could’ negative PR they can recycle to pack the schedule.
The Beeb dont like proper Labour men with integrity like Skinner who support the British working class, as they and most of the Labour party hate the British working class.
As the slurry of broadcast media “In” propaganda steadily mounts around us, it is instructive to consider what is happening a few mile away across the English Channel (oops, sorry; La Manche) and just how much those same media bastions of the “truth”, and “fact checking” want to avoid any serious discussion of a major economic, social and potential political meltdown in France. Still less would they care to consider the potential long term economic impacts the current French crisis may have on the economic wellbeing of other EU members, and also on the EU budget.
A fine example of this is todays Al Beeb offering ” Can Euro 2016 lift France out of the doldrums ?” Well, the short answer is “No, it bloody can’t”, and here is why:
I cite in evidence the latest review of the French economy by the IMF (yes, yes I know the IMF didn’t spot the ’97 Asia crisis, or the US shadow bank/ sub-prime crash of 2007/8, but hey they are the lovechild of the Remainiacs and their Managing Director, Lagarde, just happens to be French) and here it is in summarised form:
” The economy is recovering, but not at a pace that will bring about the needed reduction in France’s high level of unemployment and public debt. Over past decades, growth has been supported by rising government spending, robust wage dynamics and productivity growth, and a steady expansion of the labor force. But the crisis has taken a toll, with unemployment increasingly entrenched at a high level and the public debt ratio still rising and approaching triple digits. With past drivers of aggregate demand fading and a still fragile euro area recovery, medium-term growth prospects are modest. Real GDP is expected to grow by close to 1.5 percent in 2016, and we project growth to average 1.75 percent over the coming five years. This would still leave output well below the level that would have been achieved on pre-crisis trends. Moreover, it assumes that no major economic shocks hit the economy, a prospect that should not be taken for granted. New episodes of stress in global financial markets, emerging economies, or protracted stagnation in the euro area would present serious policy challenges.” (source: IMF Article IV review dated May 2016).
Yes I know, the international civil service verbiage of the IMF is coma-inducing , but in plainspeak the IMF are saying France is F***ED without major internal economic reforms and much greater fiscal and monetary union within the Euro-zone area, and do not believe for one moment that Cameroon’s so -called “safeguards” offer any protection to the UK from the consequences of further Euro troubles.
So while the rotting rubbish in Paris, and Marseilles piles up, the rolling public sector strikes continue to take their toll and Hollande scrambles desperately to find a way to placate the French unions without giving way entirely, just consider for a moment how tremendous it would be if a French football team triumphs at Euro 16.
In the BBC coverage of the Euros watch for lots of gratuitous diversity talk…generally in the form of lionising non white players in any of the teams, but especially in the England team.
(Always interests me how “non diverse” some of the European teams are still)
And diversity pictures….crowd shots of ebony and ivory side by side in perfect harmoneee, and hijabs…must find hijabs!…..though these will be French TV pictures so they may still give us gratuitous shots of the blond German, Scandinavian, East European and other assorted babes with national flags daintily face painted on their cheeks.
The other thing I’ve noticed is sudden changes of camera angles when players look like they are crossing themselves, it looks like the editors are trying to avoid showing this overt sign of Christian belief among footballers……Not sure if that is BBC specific but it’s very obvious sometimes.
On a more serious note….I just hope there isn’t going to be a Bataclan style attack on the tournament to mark the month of Ramadan. The odds must be pretty short on that eventuality.
As the Farce stumbles towards its next watershed moment, I have been pondering all these alternatives to one person, one vote, on the day, at the ballot box.
It makes a mockery, were any more needed, of campaigning at all.
All those postal votes already in and being duplicated, based purely on ideological fealty and self interest, immune to spectacular exposures of paucity in argument ongoing.
How many imams watched Eddie and felt that maybe, just maybe, the flock were steered over a cliff a bit prematurely?
LOL ! They will reappear after the Referendum. The BBC are so blatant and totally unsubtle. Did they report the fire at the refugee centre in Dusseldorf ? That is big news .
The BBC seems very keen on a bunch of them around a statue of a shoe in Iraq. Before they don their orange vests. Life-variety, as opposed to the other sort.
The BBC deftly combines its two fixations, pro-EU and pro-labour. We are told on Newsnight and then on Today that senior labour politicians fear a Brexit victory . Heavens above, their supporters are going to exercise their own freedom of choice and many will vote Leave. Truly shocking!.
Just how incompetent does a party leader have to be before the BBC stops worshiping at his feet? Ed Millipede was truly awful. But we are supposed to take note of him when he reappears to tell us that after Brexit the nasty Tories will dismantle much social legislation about women’s and workers’ rights. Really? At least he’s at one with the awful Sturgeon-Eagle combination on last nights EU Debate.
Every day the Remainers are shooting themselves in the feet. Even if they win the vote by lying, cheating, fixing, rigging , bullying and bribing, we have already won a moral victory. Their victory will be hollow. It will not be over until the fat lady sings. Where is Charlotte Church by the way ?
A late thought on last night’s “debate”. Sturgeon and the other innards kept claiming that for every pound we give to the EU we get 10 back. WTF??? We all know it’s blatantly a lie – we don’t even get 1 pound back for every pound we pass to Brussels (not even 70p). However, are they that stupid that they don’t realise that most people would be able to work out that there is not another £9 to be had (magic money trees are like fairy dust – they don’t exist). But even if it was true some other “country” or “countries” would be bankrupting themselves just to pay us. And they had the gall to claim that the Out Battle Bus figure was a lie. Another of their blatant lies was claiming that we are independent countries – no we’re not (hence the scare quotes above).
Time for the BBC to wheel out an independent, expert economist to ‘explain’ in one of their famous, trusted Q&A ‘factchecks’. Or is it fat cheques? Down… Hislop. It’s in the mail.
I love the way she and the SNP make all their numbers up. For independence they banked on getting oil revenue to become McSaudiArabia. Two problems with that. 1. The price went down. 2. The Shetlands voted no(64% to 36%) and consider themselves British, not Scottish, according to my Shetland friends. Could be a rather big elephant in the room to scheming with the remain campaign as the Shetlands could become like the Channel Isles or the Isle of Man.
It’s some sort of bullshit figure, designed to show that the value of all the trade we do with other EU states is so vast it dwarfs the mere £9 billion we pay into the cesspool of corruption. It seems to suggest all this trade will disappear if we leave the EU, and our former partners will walk off in a huff, taking their £74 billion trade surplus with them.
The railways are like BR was in the 1970s and the EU require them to open up their passenger services to competitive tendering! The strikes then will be much worse than now where because there are 6 rail unions some trains run, but it is only decided the day before which ones.
Many regions rail (pun intended) at the crap service they get from SNCF but none dare put services out to tender.
Privatised freight companies have hammered SNCF on that side. SNCF refused to rent out wagons to the new boys, who have built their own leaving SNCF with thousands earning nothing. The bitterness towards privatised drivers in the early days was not nice, particularly those who retired “knackered” at the 55 retirement age from SNCF and then started with the private companies.
Just listened to John Humphrys’ cosy chat with Ed Miliband. (Today BBC R4 8.15am 10 June)
Tough questioning? No. Instead, some easy let outs for Ed to waffle in full on glottle stop Labour speak. Ed is such a hypocrite. He mentions the Conservatives ‘Blue on Blue’ attacks in the Referendum debate as an excuse for Labour’s voice not being heard. What does Ed do? He makes a Red on Blue attack, not just once but three times.
Here’s the remarkable thing: Labour hope to be in Government (perhaps in coalition) in 2020 if not before if the Conservatives split post Brexit. What Ed Miliband is effectively saying is that a future Labour Government would deliberately disadvantage workers’ rights, their pay & the Minimum Wage, their pensions, etc., if we the people choose to leave the European Union.
What is even more amazing is that a BBC interviewing presenter is not sharp enough to challenge Miliband on that.
LOL! That particular presenter is both loaded & receiving his old age pension!
Even though the Humph is old school BBC neutral, there have been the very few occasional slight signs that he might be slightly conservative in his old age. Above all that though, he is a natural sceptic and has made a career out of it.
Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition in Parliament have gone AWOL. I’m sure the Humph has noticed. Not a peep from him this a.m.. The old dog has lost its bite.
Obeying orders?
Trouble is with conspiracies like that, especially once they go over a size of about three people, it’s very hard to keep a lid on. How many does the Beeb employ? Do you really think a memo could go round from the DG or people be called in for cosy chats with the DG and told to disseminate ‘the word’ down the chain of command that the BBC in all areas should be pro-EU? Someone, somewhere would blab, leak or object.
In that last category, John Humphrys would be the first person I would expect to object to such an order.
Oh no!
SKINNER on our side?
Complete tool of idiocy, but -in this one regard-will now have to give a curt nod once again.
Who says that former enemies can`t be reconciled in the cause of this country?
John Mann ripped Livingston a new one…so we`ll look after him, daft though lefties are…he`s right on the big things.
Gisela for next Labour leader then?
I tnink that the problem with the BBC giving ex labour leaders and ex hopefuls like Burnham so muchaie time to promote Remain is that many labour voters will be swayed out of loyalty rather than their instincts. Corbyn as a socialist, is quite right to have been anti EU. The EU other than under the Delors led Commission favours big business . It’s the bedrock of corporatist’s a pity Corbyn didn’t have the guts to stick to his real opinion.
When it comes to the national EU debate – or ‘the debate over Europe’ – as the BBC tend to gloss it…. (anyway it’s all just this weird intra-Tory obsession, which will (hopefully) split their party, doncha know) our self-appointed national debate chairperson and tax-funded broadcaster operates a much self-vaunted Fact Checker.
Well, with fact checking in mind I’ve been watching some bits of the BBC tv news that are supposedly non-political.
Just this morning sofa-boy Charlie Stayt erroneously told us the ‘Euros’ football tournament was on for a ‘fortnight’. Full marks to the BBC here because within seconds beaky Nugent there on the ground – or at least the elevated broadcast platform looking – appropriately – down on the Fan Zone – corrected her house eunuch’s erroneous claim, informing licence payers this mega jolly gig would last ‘30 days’. Ou la la! Never mind Charlie – you were only 50% out with your Euro claim.
Well, I suppose at least the Scots have unilaterally opted out of the Euros.
A more egregious false statement (or at least false equivalent) was made by an anonymous news editor/headline autocue writer for the tv news last night. We are told French authorities were gearing up to meet “The Twin Threats of Terrorism and Hooliganism at the Euros”. Oh dear, do we really now equate the massacre of hundreds of innocent youngsters at a rock concert by Islamic extremists with some raucous naughty chants and a few plastic chairs chucked around outside johnny foreigner’s cafe bar when Woy’s Bhoys lcrash out on penalties in the quarters? ‘Twin Threats’ really? I suppose this does tell us quite a lot about BBC news values and agendas.
And to a minor case of les majesty this morning as the BBC she-reporter confidently announces in respect of (not respect for) the Queen’s Birthday “Fans have been gathering”. No Loyal Subjects here folks – you like the Royals then you’re a fan. Get yourself to the Fan Zone.
You know, if there are two things this referendum is showing the people of this country, it is showing us that the politicians who are supposed to speak for us and the media who are supposed to inform us, do nothing of the sort. All they do is speak at us and keep us ill informed because of private agendas.
This is why up until the recent Euro elections, I had never voted in my life and why I ditched the enforced payment of £145 p.a. to watch TV., to which I’m now £1,450 better off. The saddest thing of all is that “we get what we pay for” in all this, and it has to be said, for that payment, as we can all now see, we get shit politicians and shit BBC.
It is all very depressing.
This forum and a few others out there, keep me sane. Thank you good people who post here, thank you. (Excluding the trolls of course..8-))
Just a wild notion to get out there… is it possible the BBC, Dave, Nicola, Alan, Ed, Eddie, etc are really the true patriots, and wicked clever, to all take one for the team by finding so many ways, so often, to make the Remain case look so utterly dire?
GW, the thought has occurred but surely that would be a mega-risky strategy? Likely to go horribly wrong if, as I fear, the British people are divided, self-interested and scared absolutely witless by the relentless battering from the Fear mongers and vote Remain.
Kind of funny, really, when the lot of them were – not so long ago – all going around muttering or proclaiming loudly the FD Roosevelt quote “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”
I have caught myself wondering at odd moments, TOB, whether – in the event of a miracle and a clear win for the Brexiteers – we might get some unexpected benefits.
I have mentioned before the shock may lead the EU hierarchy to stare reality in the face and make some much needed and substantial reforms. But I also wonder whether in the UK it may give our politics a really good shake up.
You are right, the people who have been kicked around and disadvantaged the most over decades are the ordinary people. Betrayed totally by Labour. Given second goes at crumbs from the table by the Conservatives. Occasionally thought of by the LibDems & Greens when they were not thinking up and debating some of their daft ideas but no more than that.
Maybe, just maybe (especially with the prospect of Boris Johnson leading the Conservatives, something that makes me very nervous) the vast middle ground of MPs will either retire or form a new mid-ground Party. Maybe, just maybe that Party will succeed where the SDP failed in the 1980s and pull in candidates, future representatives, plus the activists to support them from people previously not engaged in the political process.
Or is that all a whiff of smoke from an occasional pipe dream?
Up2snuff, I have been telling people much the same thing when the referendum comes up in discussion. It is not about turning our backs on Europe, but about resetting (rebooting, to use the language of ‘the kids’) our relationship with the EU and Europe to provide a better deal for everybody. A Brexit will, hopefully, encourage the remainder of the EU to take a long hard look at itself. The Remainers use far too much negative language about Brexit and this should be countered wherever possible.
There’s a headline in my local paper this morning that hundreds of packs for postal votes in my area have gone missing. The level of imcompetence when it comes to postal votes is truly staggering.
I’ve been catching up and, in fact, there’s little I can add to the general common-sense opinions expressed in all the great posts on here. But sometimes, even if for my own benefit, I find it helps to step back, regroup and put it all in perspective, especially when so much seems to be happening.
In the past month, the Leave campaign has had all manner of s**t thrown at it from the Remain side, but it has survived. Not only that, I do believe its message is cutting through while that of the Remain side is now beginning to fall on deaf ears. Sometimes when a Remainer comes out with yet another myth or scare story, I detect that glazed look in the eyes of an audience which says…I’ve heard it all before and it’s rubbish! The Britsih public are not stupid!
The conduct of members of both campaigns is coming under the spotlight now as we near the finishing post, and last night I feel was a huge positive landmark for the Brexiteers, as many of you on here have already said. The Remain side consisted of three very shouty women; not only that, the way they ganged up and sneered at Boris was an absolute disgrace. Their whole conduct throughout displayed their immaturity both in their behaviour and in what they said.
Conversely, the Brexiteers, – or could they be called the Three Musketeers (all for one and one for all) – were sensible and rational in what they said; but most of all, their overall behaviour and demeanour was beyond reproach, especially considering the constant rude onslaught coming from the three women. How Boris kept his cool, I’ll never know, but he did brilliantly. His two compatriots were most worthy members of that team too. All three Musketeers talked slowly and calmly, and time and time again reverted to their core message that…it’s all about regaining control…and every time that was said, the audience applauded.
I read the posts about QT and decided to watch it on iplayer, if only to see for myself what a prat that Eddie-in-a-beret was! And he was an absolute idiot, true to form. As someone on here said, the more we see of him, the better for the leave campaign. Nigel also did very well. Like Boris, he too kept his cool and when he did get the chance to speak, he spoke common sense which again was well received by the audience.
With just under 2 weeks to go, there is still all to play for but if the Brexiteers have survived this torrid week from the Remainers, then they can go from strength to strength.
And finally just a thought about the polls. We all know they got the GE disastrously wrong last time and so they should all be treated with a bucket-load of salt. I am of the firm opinion that many people are not telling how they are going to vote – and they all all Leavers. I think the turn-out is going to be high – and don’t be fooled that all the young are for remaining in the EU. Many are not which is a delight to hear.
Signs of hope soapbox?
Last night Kirsty Wanks “Newsnight” said that the universities would be issuing THEIR statement on whether we should leave the EU(and begin to think for ourselves once again)-or stay in( where the migrants can pretend to be students at their hollowed our fiction factories, as they award each other yet MORE degrees, yet MORE cash bonuses in ways that even Blatter would have admired).
But didn`t hear of this promised announcement-maybe the Remain scum think that even THIS bit of extra ballast on their Ship of Fools is a bit rich.
Instead the BBC website led with some German saying we`ll never be allowed into the single market again-but this too was removed an hour later, as if no-one really gave a damn…none of us are listening, none of us care.
We`ve had a good week-Nigel is on tonight, beer and crisps out for the Euros….and hoping that Englands fans will do us proud-about the only people who are even LOOKING for IS!
To think that I scorned the lads in 1998-now I`m proud of them, hope their crusader shifts will dry nicely in the warm winds down there.
We can all breath a sigh of relief . The BBC daily politics show tells us that the European Parliament (or did they mean unelected Commission ?) has a plan to deal with mass migration and the creation of Eurabia in our lands. We are told that at last the EU is on the front foot . It’s trade deals and development aid programmes will transform a swathe of sub Saharan African countries as well as middle eastern countries like Lebanon. Prospective migrants will see sense and stay at home.
Please forgive my scepticism .
As Dan Hannan said, what happens to migration during the 30 years that this experiment will at best take? Why not scrap the CAP straight away? it’s the most regressive policy imaginable , making European farmers rich and shutting out third world food producers .
Just vote Leave on 23 June and say to hell with all this lying and incompetence .
After seeing some of the ‘undesirables’ sitting in the congregation at St Pauls this lunchtime, I’m only amazed that Philip Green hadn’t waddled up the aisle. Apart from Bliar and cronies, the camera fleetingly spotted Rabbi Laura Janner-Klausner – she of the regular spot on The Big Question, but noticeably absent since vehemently defending her father Lord Greville Janner of any wrong doing. There were plenty from the Jewish faith being represented, so was her presence really necessary. Many were there that get where castor oil cant !!!
Wasn`t Philip Green one of Blairs Lords aleaping?
Like Fred the Shred Goodwin and others at HBOS…who were Gordon Browns turds in the jacuzzi left for the rest of us to fish out in 2010.
Will the BBC remind us of who ennobled these deadweights of Labours leavings?
Walking owl pellets of all that labour spat up and shewed out….and nobody reminds them of it in the MSM.
Marvin, if the website crashed two hours before the deadline, why extend it by two DAYS? If it hadn’t “crashed” wouldn’t the deadline have remained the same?
Presumably the website would be liable to crash if only a two hour slot was made available. 48 hours would spread the load. Don’t you want people to have the opportunity to vote?
If you turn up to a polling station at 8.30 pm only to be told that you can’t vote because of a technical problem and that you should have arrived earlier I assume you’d find that acceptable.
I trust those with only a few brain cells who left it until the 11th hour to register to vote, are able to read the voting slip – at least they don’t have to write their name – just put an X, that should be simple enough for even the dimmest !!!
Back on the topic this blog addresses, do you think BBC CECUTT should deny people the right to discuss ongoing issues after an arbitrary BBC-set deadline, especially when they can simply keep hitting an faux apology/extension button for periods up to years when missing their own claimed response requirements?
Back off topic, how did people vote before things like websites? Or still do if not in possession of a connected device? Were/are they denied the right, or simply are not really together enough to get to do so.
Marvin and the Night Owls may have scrabbled in under the wire and made their 11th hour extra website hits – but the chances of many of them making it to the polling booth – meh!
‘Their wbsite, their rules’ but ‘our’ BBC, as in licence payers, right?
I had the misfortune to hear Clive Lewis on TWATO: what a simply awful, awful b@st@rd!
He seemed to think that it was acceptable for voters to express their concerns about immigration but not for politicians or the media to seek to represent those views; that was racist.
There was the mandatory swipe at Nigel Farage too, of course, which appears to be the default interview setting of the Progressive Lib, Lab, Con , SNP & Green Remainiacs.
The Labour Party seem to be smelling the coffee at long last re their core supporters views on immigration: unfortunately they’ve woken up too late, SUCH a shame; never mind, do please watch your @rse on the door handle on the way out though.
I have the dubious pleasure of Clive Lewis being my M.P.
As an 18 year old schoolboy I feel sure that he had all the answers, and still believes the same answers now.
You may / not be surprised to learn that he is an ex BBC reporter, who has accused the BBC of racism against him by not promoting him.
I suspect that his far left views were too far left even for the BBC, who felt it better to keep him lower down the ranks, being one of those who struggled to “leave his politics at home” as I believe the BBC now says of their impartial staff.
And there was another rash of no hope Labour minions on last night.
One of whom was Owen Smith-some Labour Welsh nomark who seems entitled to call himself a leading bloke of the Labour Party-as if anybody else in his rancid cadaver of political death would recognise him.
He was on Newsnight last night talking like he had something to say to “his people” re staying in the EU.
Looks just like Francois (M. Flamby) Hollande-but even less useless and fit to hold any public brief.
Still though-does make you wonder how many Labour nonentities the BBC will summon up for us like a knobbly knees end of the pier gang show…all of who will think that they`re “getting the vote out”.
No Labour person I`ve ever known would vote for this shower of Poly fillers…so let`s see more of them please-preferably with a signed photo of Russell Brand to kneel alongside.
Anybody wonder when and why Labour died and went to the bottom of Wilsons pipe bowl?…look at the scum and dense clots that now speak for it, like a batty pipsqueak through a john Major cone.
I too heard him. As an exercise in pissing off voters by telling them they are being bigoted, I don’t think it could be bettered. More power to his elbow, I’d say.
Having watched several TV panels and debates like the notorious Lizard infested QT it is obvious that immigration is under discussion. Farage continues to be branded as a racist for supporting an Australian style points system, but the M word has been effectively removed from the discussion. No one dares mention that it is immigration of RoPers that people dislike.
I found this clip very amusing – a Black Muslim doing, well what you’d expect of a Black Muslim. Wonder what the BBC would make of two of their favourite groups having a bit of a set to. I reckon the Black guy would have attacked the trannie if he hadn’t reacted first.
Very funny though and it shows the Black guys to be nothing but cowards when confronted.
Yes, he’s a good man, Boris. I’m belatedly halfway through the ‘debate’ and it’s very painful viewing indeed. The three girls on the Remain side continually swing from indignation to bitchy insults and back again. They seem desperate. The contrast with the Brexit side is stark. The Brexiters are presenting their case in a dignified and calm manner, with a bit of humour thrown in by Boris.
This evening’s BBC News webpage and their 6 o’clock news summaries both put Muhammad Ali’s funeral as their main story, leaving our own Queen’s birthday celebrations as a subsidiary story, thus showing their usual anti-British and anti-monarchy stance.
There’ll probably be less fuss made of the Pope when he dies.
Who was Ali? A world champion boxer with a sense of humour. Does that really warrant mass adoration from the BBC? Well, he was also a Muslim so that might go some way towards explaining it.
And of course he was also black. If he’d been white the BBC would hardly have registered his death.
Brexit certainly is looking good. Judging by the comments and the likes opposed to the dislikes, about nine out of ten support the Leave campaign. And this result has been consistent across all the HYS articles I’ve seen on the stay/leave debate.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
This morning I heard on RTE (I’d become fed up the Today programme) that the EU was looking for Irish language translators as it had been recognised as an official EU language. The decision was sometime ago I think, but they are only advertising now. I thought that I was becoming a bit paranoid, thinking that this might be an attempt to influence the influence the Irish people who are allowed to vote in the UK, then I saw that Major and Blair were campaigning in Northern Ireland today. I couldn’t find a link at the time, but I finally got one, in case anyone reading this thinks I am having paranoid delusions:
Unbelievable. Ramadam began 3 days ago, and yet on the BBC news (Luton area), an Islamic doctor has seen around 20 patients – 16 of whom are suffering from the effects of fasting. My question is this; how in hell’s name aren’t they having to wait at least 2 weeks to even get an appointment, let alone be seen over a 3 day period ?
A muslim doctor will give priority to muslims. Simple as that. It may be that he only treats muslims.
And, of course, no mentions about Muslim girls and eating disorders that come about by these fasts of theirs…funnily enough no Jenni Murray or Claudia Hammond to bewail bloody sexist white blokes who run the advertising agencies.
No wonder they want all Muslim women to adopt an elasticated burka for weight loss…but there again, Tony Adams used to wear black bin bags to sweat out his last boozing binge, so there are precedents.
As for Ramadan-thank the Lord for French papers who tell us of a Tunisian waitress getting assaulted by an illegal immigrant(and pal) in Nice-for the crime of serving booze on the first day of Ramadan earlier in the week.
S`pose its not burning your hostel down for small Ramadan portions/not getting your Ramadan alarm call and breakfast wafted down the gullet as you sleep…Dusseldorf…but the BBC won`t be telling us of Ramadan and criminality anytime soon will they?
Even in peaceful little Gambia ( if you don’t fall foul of the lunatic President that is ), crime goes up in Ramadan. And that is mostly muslim on muslim crime. As Pat Condell would say, ” Peace “.
Two weeks? – “Luxury!” to quote an old Monty Python sketch. Recent visit to the doctors involved a 20 day wait, and when I turned up 5 minutes in the waiting room confirmed the reason why. Mothers in burkas with kids or Polish mums with kids.
Old people take up a fair whack of the NHS budget it’s true, but for the NHS and other public sector ‘providers’ -it’s now the preserve of women and immigrants nowadays.
I thought the BBC was bad but watching the ITV Referendum Debate tonight, 8pm to 10pm, they have taken 2 questions so far from the random cross section audience. First one was from a Muslim man, second one was from Muslim woman.
I saw it was on and I just could not bear to watch it.
You forgot to put random in quotes!
Watching the Referendum debate on ITV.
Really didn`t know how nasty and unpleasant the Remain team are.
Continual shouting down and shrill abuse from them-so any neutral surely would rather have a Boris than the extremely unpleasant Angela Eagle.
Don`t these clowns see that the more personal abuse of Boris that they do, the more saintly the Leadsoms and Stuarts appear to be.
Only shows you how desperate(that word again) the Remain campaign now are…very ugly, verey personal and spitting venom at all who dare to question them and their experts(all hand picked and paid fro by the EU, and shills like the SNP and Labour).
Gisela Stuart hugely impressive.
Absolutely. Surely their appalling behaviour will lose them votes ? Always been a great admirer of Gisela. Polite, intelligent and attractive, and speaks good english for a German !
History will be kind to Gisela and all others of the Left who`ve blown the whistle on the traditional traitors who infest Labour, Liberal and Greens today.
This debate has shown the contempt in which the Left hold us-comes out with every sneering utterance of Little Englanders, or goading a Boris and their scorn for those of us who dared to call for a referendum-which NONE of our crop of Remain creeps wanted us to have from the outset…and we now seem to be draining them of their freebies and pensions in Brussels.
Basically there are now only two political types-those who want out and love this country-and the scum elitists who want to scrape us off their shoes…and hoping for an upgrade to jackboots.
I did wonder who awful Amber Rudd reminds me of as I watch this referendum debate.
It`s Joan Cusack-the trendy Wendy head teacher who does Stevie Nicks impressions and is a cool kind of head…but destroys her school of any academic purpose in her efforts to be “with it”.
Apt really…she represents the living end of the dead Tory project.
Cameron, the self-styled ‘heir to Blair’, modelled himself a little too closely when he decided he too needed some token females to cheer from the sidelines. Blalr had the ‘Blair babes’. Cameron has nasty little schemers like Rudd – all ambition and a complete absence of either intellect or integrity.
Amber seemed slightly hysterical and Sturgeon made a noise more irritating than a pneumatic drill.
All the ad hominems and childish accusations from the Remainians, suggest desperation. I hope the tide is turning toward Brexit. Gisela Stuart made the most important point reminding everyone the greater deepening that will be required to save the Eurozone. Many Continentals think that the UK is not really a member of the EU anyway because of the opt-outs. Not wanting to be part of the “European project” is heresy for most Germans. Britain will eventually become irrelevant or a hindrance to the grand project. Better to get out now and bow to the inevitable.
ITV Debate: “This isn’t a pooling of sovereignty, this is a takeover by an unelected superstate” – well said!
Couldn’t bear to watch the debate. I do have high blood pressure anyway but enjoying the posts here !
So ends the Referendum debate.
No doubt the elites at the BBC etc will say that the Remain campaign won it…they always do.
But this was disaster for them surely-for Amber Rudd to say that it`s the Wizard of Oz again was a fine own goal.
This Remain campaign is just that- a load of political munchkins who crave the big voice of the EU behind the curtain to scare us…only to find it`s an effete mincing of the political class with helium gas-and without any sense of irony or self-reflection in themselves.
Rudd has won it for us surely…and we`ve been blessed in the opponents offered to us.
These morons think Farage and Boris are toxic-complete reverse is the truth, but who`ll tell them?…they don`t listen, never have-for we are the little people…fuck em!…and we will!
Osborne?…never seen such a shower of uglies, harpies and snide bitchslappers…but they only reveal an absence of principle, reason and humanity.
The Leavers do human-the political elites who want to stay in are utter creeps….comes across every time, so let`s see more of them…catastrophic morons who`ve lost the plot.
Well said ChrisH
That utter harradin Amber Rudd
Pity the poor sod thats shacked up with that cow
Those three harpies sounded as though they based their rehearsals on the opening lines of Macbeth.
PS. I couldn’t be bothered to watch it, seeing as who was representing the remain side. Two minutes of Beeboid “News” highlights was quite enough for me to justify my comment.
Bias???? What bias????
Where do they get these poison Barbies from?
Possibly literally.
Broadmoor by the sound of them.
Amber Rudd is the sister of Roland Rudd yet another of the financial pr elite that has absolutely nothing but contempt for us. She is the epitome of all that is deplorable in the Tory party. I would rather have a cup of tea with Corbin than the finest dining experiennce with her.
The same useless ITV presenter who egged on the nasties in the audience to abuse Farage the other day. The audience showed better self-control today but the presenter was just as useless as last time. This time she kept allowing the witches to continually shout over Boris’s answers But despite the Outers being much more polite when they did try to challenge the witches you could hardly hear them, including Boris with his baritone voice. Of course, there was never a problem hearing the hags shouting – have ITV learned the BBC art of fiddling microphone volumes to suit?
Also, how many times did she allow two Weird Sisters to follow one-another? I don’t think she allowed the Outers consecutive comments even once. A total stitch-up – full of scare tactics, lies and personal abuse from the harridans. The ugliness of the banshees was only exceeded by the ugliness of their personalities.
Amber Rudd is positioning herself, in the event of a Remain win, to be a top Cameron lickspittle. She wants high office. She probably won tonight’s award for the angriest panellist, her voice quivering with emotion at times, although it was a close contest with the finger-jabbing Eagle.
An empty vessel. Chillingly empty.
Agree with you completely chrisH. That was a massive failure by Remain. Their three attack dogs barked and spat at the dignified and quietly authorative Andrea and Gisela. Apart from European and Union, I think the two most frequently used words were Boris and Johnson. Disgraceful scenes by Sturgeon, Rudd and Eagle as they launched co-ordinated attacks against an initially hesitant Johnson. Sturgeon and Eagle took the opportunity to give the Tories a good bashing (tad embarrassing for Amber perhaps) when the debate is cross-party.
This is definitely not a good look for the Remain campaign after Cameron’s “Little Englander” slur (repeated tonight by Rudd). Lines are being drawn. We, the voters, will remember the words spoken and positions taken by our elected representatives during this referendum period. And we will not forgive.
Your last sentence says it all. It is about humanity.
A little off topic but an issue readers might want to consider.
In the interests of multiculturalism and diversity of course.
It is Ramadan and June, so between about 4am and 10pm practicing Muslims cannot eat or drink anything.
Question. If you required surgery in hospital, how would you feel about a practicing Muslim surgeon carrying out an operation on you in say, mid Afternoon or later, having had nothing to eat or drink for 12 hours plus?
And dont expect any mortality statistics to help you
So then according to Remain. Trade supercedes democracy. Why don’t Remainers live in Russia or Saudi Arabia. They have trade without democracy.
If even the thickest of ‘thickyness’ person cannot possibly see the argument in favour of Leave tonight on ITV then they need to be shot or mentally reprogrammed.
I thought it was a complete no contest. The Remainers witches were absolutely awful and I mean awful. I almost felt sorry for them. Ms Eagle was desperate, Sturgeon not much better, Rudd a bit better, but still awful.They seemed to consistently make personal attacks. So negative in their fear mongering.
Telegraph poll says that the Leave won the debate 78%-22 %. At least it was when placed my vote.
Otherwise fit and healthy coppers dropping out of a footchase due to faintness is another one Sluff, already happened with the evidence caught on camera once.
Very good point. I expect that the view will be taken that all Muslims should receive paid holiday throughout Ramadan. Seriously though I think this is yet another good reason why Islam is incompatible with the way of life in the 21st century west. There are many other of course. However, I don’t see much hope that any politician will dare to say this in the UK . Not just because they would be pilloried , ostracised and possibly arrested (and if they weren’t, they would probably be killed by ROPers) but also because they know that increasingly brainwashed Brits wouldn’t support them. Just look how over represented ethnics of all types are in our Referendum debates on telly. The UK elite is in thrall to anyone who isn’t a white Brit and most ordinary Brits have been brainwashed into accepting this highly dangerous and ridiculous state of affairs. The same ‘white guilt’ is true to a greater or lesser extent in some other European countries eg Sweden. In the USA Donald Trump is attacked none stop for sensibly saying the USA should halt Muslim immigration for a while to allow the country to try and come to a modus vivendi with those ROPers already there. Mad Merkel invites millions to go to Germany and then uses the state to suppress any protests from her own people. The West is committing suicide for reasons which are beyond comprehension.
More evidence that ITV has studied the BBC’s methods to the nth degree. From Breitbart:
“REVEALED: ITV Producer Behind ‘Stitch Up’ Debate Has History Of Anti-‘Leave’ Tweets”
Watched the ridiculous EU ‘debate’ with the banshee Amber Rudd and her endless ad hominem attacks on the leave campaign.
She might not like Farage, but today Tony Blair gave his support to Remain and he’s a war criminal.
After that I turned over to watch Mock the Week to find Nish Kumar, an unfunny Asian with a chip on his shoulder playing the race card to the approval of a baying audience.
Isn’t cultural enrichment great?!!
Question Time: Opening with Farage answering question about immigration, Dimblebum challenges him that he (Farage) had said that it doesn’t matter if our standard of living goes down a bit, if we get control of immigration… Eddie Izzard says migrants put more into the economy than they take out, and mentions Woollaston in his 2nd sentence, and then says Brexit = recession! Well, he is a comedian… but now he’s just being rude and taking the piss. Very poor taste – why doesn’t Dibmlebum tell Eddie to let him finish the question. Let’s see if Izzard harasses the others in the same way… not holding my breath… Grant I understand about your blood pressure, mine is boiling!
Now it’s being taken as “fact” that migrants contribute more to the economy than they take out of it… 🙄
Maybe Chris Evans will have a refugee in a reasonably priced car segment soon? FACT.
To be hoped they don’t feel the urge to stop at any remote part of the track to offer a solo lady a ride.
Izzard hasn’t interrupted or taken the piss out of any other speaker (yet) – just Farage. Gosh, what a shock. Not. I was wondering what Izzard was doing on this panel, know we know. Goodness, how blatant can they be?
If anyone should be having the piss taken out of them its that pillock Izzard….wtf
What a total and utter dick. If it wasn’t for him, it would be an interesting, civilised debate. He’s ruining it for everyone. Muppet.
I’m pleased he is on Question Time.
He is a very immature and silly man.
A very good representative of the Remain. Lets have another one. How about giving the very thick Charlotte Church another go.
I think he’s mentally ill in so many different ways. As the psychiatrist on Fawlty Towers said of Basil: “There’s enough material there for a conference.”
When we lived back in the Uk I had to stop my husband watching Newsnight and Questions Time because of his blood pressure, at least here in France the news was ok for pictures but the longer we live here the more we understand and back up goes his blood pressure. We moved here years ago as we did not believe we would ever get the chance of a referendum and have learnt over time that we’re not the only ones who want out. We’ve spoken to French,German , Dutch and Belgium people and they all hope that our Brexit will lead to a cascade effect.
OMG… woman in audience compares Leave to Hitler… MUST be a plant. Not English… Dimblebum specifically asked for a Remainiac to ask a question and picked her. Coincidence? I think not. Oh wait, she just blew her credibility by saying “who is Brussels? We are all Brussels!” Howls of derision all round.
Meanwhile, at the BBC, Jasmine Lawerence enters the edit suite…
I actualy think this QT is one of the better ones Ive seen…….arseholes like Gizzard only serve to alienate sane people,so he is achieving something
I think you and wronged might be right, No 6 – now he’s predicting doom and the entire breakup of the UK if we leave, followed by the trite “pooled sovereignty” line 🙄
Such a pity Gizzard shouted down Allison Pearson, she was just about to make a very good point. Shame on Dimblebum for letting him get away with it. How to ruin the chances of 3 Leavers vs 2 Remainers? Get some lunatic on the show to shout everyone down. A new low point for the BBC.
Tonight I have watched three hours of the Remainers digging themselves a very large hole. With the Macbethian trio on ITV or the Raspberry Beret on BBC, the Leavers only had to be coherent and dignified to win the day.
Back to Basics .
Why was the debate between Nigel Farage and David Cameron conducted in different studios and not ‘face to face’ ?
And why no HYS on Al Beeb – perhaps the most important topic of this century ?
Once again I smell a rat.
Because Dave is a coward .
A sack of them…
In other news, “Security minister says Britain better placed to fight terrorists outside EU”
While our dear old beeb leads with a very odd headline about “Remain targetting Boris”, trying to start a civil war in the tory party no doubt. My god they are really desperate.
Sounds like Boris did a good job tonight – missed it unfortunately but will catch up when I can.
Just watching Andrew Neil shredding Osborne on iPlayer – classic!! Thanks Grant for the heads-up on this one.
Cheers, Mike. And that was Brillo a little bit off form. Gideon was lucky ! If Brillo had just had him for one hour………
Doesn’t Angela Eagle have a beautiful voice for public speaking? Almost as mellifluous as that possessed by the delightful Scottish rose at her side.
I wonder if the ethnic minorities who were either born here or came thru migration, when complaining about new migrants and the current immigration situation, ever stop to think that the already indigenous (and centuries old) population had exactly the same thoughts when they first arrived here; so now they know what it feels like !
Yes, in a way that’s true, but then again not all immigrant populations are the same. For example, Jews didn’t turn cities into no-go zones, didn’t mass-rape women in public, didn’t engage in or encourage terrorism, and didn’t claim any benefits (in the late 1980s and early 1900s, there weren’t any “benefits” to claim!)
Meant to post here that John Mann has come out for Brexit ! What took you so long , John ?
Maybe he was an Eddie Izzard fan? Until now?
LOL ! A closet Eddie fan, maybe !
Now Dennis Skinner, but BBC website have buried it in the middle of a scare story !
The dilemmas a BBC editor of integrity must face at such times… and there’s only so much skateboarding turtle footage or ‘could’ negative PR they can recycle to pack the schedule.
The Beeb dont like proper Labour men with integrity like Skinner who support the British working class, as they and most of the Labour party hate the British working class.
Too right. Most of them have never done a proper day’s work in their lives.
As the slurry of broadcast media “In” propaganda steadily mounts around us, it is instructive to consider what is happening a few mile away across the English Channel (oops, sorry; La Manche) and just how much those same media bastions of the “truth”, and “fact checking” want to avoid any serious discussion of a major economic, social and potential political meltdown in France. Still less would they care to consider the potential long term economic impacts the current French crisis may have on the economic wellbeing of other EU members, and also on the EU budget.
A fine example of this is todays Al Beeb offering ” Can Euro 2016 lift France out of the doldrums ?” Well, the short answer is “No, it bloody can’t”, and here is why:
I cite in evidence the latest review of the French economy by the IMF (yes, yes I know the IMF didn’t spot the ’97 Asia crisis, or the US shadow bank/ sub-prime crash of 2007/8, but hey they are the lovechild of the Remainiacs and their Managing Director, Lagarde, just happens to be French) and here it is in summarised form:
” The economy is recovering, but not at a pace that will bring about the needed reduction in France’s high level of unemployment and public debt. Over past decades, growth has been supported by rising government spending, robust wage dynamics and productivity growth, and a steady expansion of the labor force. But the crisis has taken a toll, with unemployment increasingly entrenched at a high level and the public debt ratio still rising and approaching triple digits. With past drivers of aggregate demand fading and a still fragile euro area recovery, medium-term growth prospects are modest. Real GDP is expected to grow by close to 1.5 percent in 2016, and we project growth to average 1.75 percent over the coming five years. This would still leave output well below the level that would have been achieved on pre-crisis trends. Moreover, it assumes that no major economic shocks hit the economy, a prospect that should not be taken for granted. New episodes of stress in global financial markets, emerging economies, or protracted stagnation in the euro area would present serious policy challenges.” (source: IMF Article IV review dated May 2016).
Yes I know, the international civil service verbiage of the IMF is coma-inducing , but in plainspeak the IMF are saying France is F***ED without major internal economic reforms and much greater fiscal and monetary union within the Euro-zone area, and do not believe for one moment that Cameroon’s so -called “safeguards” offer any protection to the UK from the consequences of further Euro troubles.
So while the rotting rubbish in Paris, and Marseilles piles up, the rolling public sector strikes continue to take their toll and Hollande scrambles desperately to find a way to placate the French unions without giving way entirely, just consider for a moment how tremendous it would be if a French football team triumphs at Euro 16.
Top post Gunner. Naturally not reported by the BBC. Their big question would be ” Will the England team be home in time to vote ? “
In the BBC coverage of the Euros watch for lots of gratuitous diversity talk…generally in the form of lionising non white players in any of the teams, but especially in the England team.
(Always interests me how “non diverse” some of the European teams are still)
And diversity pictures….crowd shots of ebony and ivory side by side in perfect harmoneee, and hijabs…must find hijabs!…..though these will be French TV pictures so they may still give us gratuitous shots of the blond German, Scandinavian, East European and other assorted babes with national flags daintily face painted on their cheeks.
The other thing I’ve noticed is sudden changes of camera angles when players look like they are crossing themselves, it looks like the editors are trying to avoid showing this overt sign of Christian belief among footballers……Not sure if that is BBC specific but it’s very obvious sometimes.
On a more serious note….I just hope there isn’t going to be a Bataclan style attack on the tournament to mark the month of Ramadan. The odds must be pretty short on that eventuality.
The BBC are dreaming of the day that a muslim player stops to pray during a match !
Very true Grant! look out for the “Allah sky point”…..often see Muslim players doing this already…accompanied by a verbal affirmation.
I watched Saudi footballers doing this during a tournament some years ago.
Fair enough and , because the BBC is unbiased and impartial, they will give equal treatment to players of all religions.
How did the appeal to the man upstairs work out for them?
As the Farce stumbles towards its next watershed moment, I have been pondering all these alternatives to one person, one vote, on the day, at the ballot box.
It makes a mockery, were any more needed, of campaigning at all.
All those postal votes already in and being duplicated, based purely on ideological fealty and self interest, immune to spectacular exposures of paucity in argument ongoing.
How many imams watched Eddie and felt that maybe, just maybe, the flock were steered over a cliff a bit prematurely?
In France, it’s always 1979.
The floods of gimmegrants flloding into europe seems to have vanished from our screens
Maybe just a coincidence
Shurely shome mishtake
Number 6
LOL ! They will reappear after the Referendum. The BBC are so blatant and totally unsubtle. Did they report the fire at the refugee centre in Dusseldorf ? That is big news .
Just noticed ” gimmegrants” ! This Grant does not want hand-outs !
The BBC seems very keen on a bunch of them around a statue of a shoe in Iraq. Before they don their orange vests. Life-variety, as opposed to the other sort.
The BBC deftly combines its two fixations, pro-EU and pro-labour. We are told on Newsnight and then on Today that senior labour politicians fear a Brexit victory . Heavens above, their supporters are going to exercise their own freedom of choice and many will vote Leave. Truly shocking!.
Just how incompetent does a party leader have to be before the BBC stops worshiping at his feet? Ed Millipede was truly awful. But we are supposed to take note of him when he reappears to tell us that after Brexit the nasty Tories will dismantle much social legislation about women’s and workers’ rights. Really? At least he’s at one with the awful Sturgeon-Eagle combination on last nights EU Debate.
Every day the Remainers are shooting themselves in the feet. Even if they win the vote by lying, cheating, fixing, rigging , bullying and bribing, we have already won a moral victory. Their victory will be hollow. It will not be over until the fat lady sings. Where is Charlotte Church by the way ?
LOL, Grant.
Probably making a personal visit to check investments in some sunny part of the globe.
No bbc mention of John Mann…….but a seagull fell into a vat of curry sauce and turned orange
Oh how we laughed
Number 6
LOL ! The BBC give Mann a lot of airtime when it suits them ! Hypocrites !
A late thought on last night’s “debate”. Sturgeon and the other innards kept claiming that for every pound we give to the EU we get 10 back. WTF??? We all know it’s blatantly a lie – we don’t even get 1 pound back for every pound we pass to Brussels (not even 70p). However, are they that stupid that they don’t realise that most people would be able to work out that there is not another £9 to be had (magic money trees are like fairy dust – they don’t exist). But even if it was true some other “country” or “countries” would be bankrupting themselves just to pay us. And they had the gall to claim that the Out Battle Bus figure was a lie. Another of their blatant lies was claiming that we are independent countries – no we’re not (hence the scare quotes above).
Wow ! If we get back 10 , Germany must get back 20. Pity poor Bulgaria having to pay for all of this !
I thought I must have misheard it the first time. But she said it once or twice more to prove that she’s totally bat-s*** crazy.
Nicola always has had problems with economics ! She is not the sharpest tool in the box !
Time for the BBC to wheel out an independent, expert economist to ‘explain’ in one of their famous, trusted Q&A ‘factchecks’. Or is it fat cheques? Down… Hislop. It’s in the mail.
I love the way she and the SNP make all their numbers up. For independence they banked on getting oil revenue to become McSaudiArabia. Two problems with that. 1. The price went down. 2. The Shetlands voted no(64% to 36%) and consider themselves British, not Scottish, according to my Shetland friends. Could be a rather big elephant in the room to scheming with the remain campaign as the Shetlands could become like the Channel Isles or the Isle of Man.
It’s some sort of bullshit figure, designed to show that the value of all the trade we do with other EU states is so vast it dwarfs the mere £9 billion we pay into the cesspool of corruption. It seems to suggest all this trade will disappear if we leave the EU, and our former partners will walk off in a huff, taking their £74 billion trade surplus with them.
Having written something above on the French economic catastrophe which has yet to fully unfold, I have just seen this excellent summary from Evans-Pritchard in the Telegraph:
Whisper it quietly, the French are now more eurosceptic than us ! Marchons mes amis !
Les Miserables seems to neatly summarise the harpies, to be sure.
France is f****d while in the Euro.
The railways are like BR was in the 1970s and the EU require them to open up their passenger services to competitive tendering! The strikes then will be much worse than now where because there are 6 rail unions some trains run, but it is only decided the day before which ones.
Many regions rail (pun intended) at the crap service they get from SNCF but none dare put services out to tender.
Privatised freight companies have hammered SNCF on that side. SNCF refused to rent out wagons to the new boys, who have built their own leaving SNCF with thousands earning nothing. The bitterness towards privatised drivers in the early days was not nice, particularly those who retired “knackered” at the 55 retirement age from SNCF and then started with the private companies.
Just listened to John Humphrys’ cosy chat with Ed Miliband. (Today BBC R4 8.15am 10 June)
Tough questioning? No. Instead, some easy let outs for Ed to waffle in full on glottle stop Labour speak. Ed is such a hypocrite. He mentions the Conservatives ‘Blue on Blue’ attacks in the Referendum debate as an excuse for Labour’s voice not being heard. What does Ed do? He makes a Red on Blue attack, not just once but three times.
Here’s the remarkable thing: Labour hope to be in Government (perhaps in coalition) in 2020 if not before if the Conservatives split post Brexit. What Ed Miliband is effectively saying is that a future Labour Government would deliberately disadvantage workers’ rights, their pay & the Minimum Wage, their pensions, etc., if we the people choose to leave the European Union.
What is even more amazing is that a BBC interviewing presenter is not sharp enough to challenge Miliband on that.
Or…. maybe the BBC interviewing presenter is sharp enough to know what keeps the money rolling in.
Speaking of which, isn’t HIGNFY tonight? I wonder what Ian Hislop and Co. will opt to tease tonight?
LOL! That particular presenter is both loaded & receiving his old age pension!
Even though the Humph is old school BBC neutral, there have been the very few occasional slight signs that he might be slightly conservative in his old age. Above all that though, he is a natural sceptic and has made a career out of it.
Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition in Parliament have gone AWOL. I’m sure the Humph has noticed. Not a peep from him this a.m.. The old dog has lost its bite.
Obeying orders?
Trouble is with conspiracies like that, especially once they go over a size of about three people, it’s very hard to keep a lid on. How many does the Beeb employ? Do you really think a memo could go round from the DG or people be called in for cosy chats with the DG and told to disseminate ‘the word’ down the chain of command that the BBC in all areas should be pro-EU? Someone, somewhere would blab, leak or object.
In that last category, John Humphrys would be the first person I would expect to object to such an order.
What did Ed say when the Humph asked him about John Mann and Dennis Skinner joining the Brexit side ?
“… And that is all we have time for. Suddenly”.
Editorial integrity. Apparently.
I thought that Humphreys (unintentionally perhaps) gave Millipede enough rope to hang himself this morning.
Oh no!
SKINNER on our side?
Complete tool of idiocy, but -in this one regard-will now have to give a curt nod once again.
Who says that former enemies can`t be reconciled in the cause of this country?
John Mann ripped Livingston a new one…so we`ll look after him, daft though lefties are…he`s right on the big things.
Gisela for next Labour leader then?
‘every cloud…….’
On the bright side , he is going to bring a few supporters into the Brexit camp.
Al Beeb buried that one bit of important breaking news in the trash .
I tnink that the problem with the BBC giving ex labour leaders and ex hopefuls like Burnham so muchaie time to promote Remain is that many labour voters will be swayed out of loyalty rather than their instincts. Corbyn as a socialist, is quite right to have been anti EU. The EU other than under the Delors led Commission favours big business . It’s the bedrock of corporatist’s a pity Corbyn didn’t have the guts to stick to his real opinion.
When it comes to the national EU debate – or ‘the debate over Europe’ – as the BBC tend to gloss it…. (anyway it’s all just this weird intra-Tory obsession, which will (hopefully) split their party, doncha know) our self-appointed national debate chairperson and tax-funded broadcaster operates a much self-vaunted Fact Checker.
Well, with fact checking in mind I’ve been watching some bits of the BBC tv news that are supposedly non-political.
Just this morning sofa-boy Charlie Stayt erroneously told us the ‘Euros’ football tournament was on for a ‘fortnight’. Full marks to the BBC here because within seconds beaky Nugent there on the ground – or at least the elevated broadcast platform looking – appropriately – down on the Fan Zone – corrected her house eunuch’s erroneous claim, informing licence payers this mega jolly gig would last ‘30 days’. Ou la la! Never mind Charlie – you were only 50% out with your Euro claim.
Well, I suppose at least the Scots have unilaterally opted out of the Euros.
A more egregious false statement (or at least false equivalent) was made by an anonymous news editor/headline autocue writer for the tv news last night. We are told French authorities were gearing up to meet “The Twin Threats of Terrorism and Hooliganism at the Euros”. Oh dear, do we really now equate the massacre of hundreds of innocent youngsters at a rock concert by Islamic extremists with some raucous naughty chants and a few plastic chairs chucked around outside johnny foreigner’s cafe bar when Woy’s Bhoys lcrash out on penalties in the quarters? ‘Twin Threats’ really? I suppose this does tell us quite a lot about BBC news values and agendas.
And to a minor case of les majesty this morning as the BBC she-reporter confidently announces in respect of (not respect for) the Queen’s Birthday “Fans have been gathering”. No Loyal Subjects here folks – you like the Royals then you’re a fan. Get yourself to the Fan Zone.
As opposed to the ‘shi*t hits the’ zone that is any BBC HYS on any topic foolishly left open for more than ten minutes currently?
Luckily they have a mod for that.
You know, if there are two things this referendum is showing the people of this country, it is showing us that the politicians who are supposed to speak for us and the media who are supposed to inform us, do nothing of the sort. All they do is speak at us and keep us ill informed because of private agendas.
This is why up until the recent Euro elections, I had never voted in my life and why I ditched the enforced payment of £145 p.a. to watch TV., to which I’m now £1,450 better off. The saddest thing of all is that “we get what we pay for” in all this, and it has to be said, for that payment, as we can all now see, we get shit politicians and shit BBC.
It is all very depressing.
This forum and a few others out there, keep me sane. Thank you good people who post here, thank you. (Excluding the trolls of course..8-))
Just a wild notion to get out there… is it possible the BBC, Dave, Nicola, Alan, Ed, Eddie, etc are really the true patriots, and wicked clever, to all take one for the team by finding so many ways, so often, to make the Remain case look so utterly dire?
GW, the thought has occurred but surely that would be a mega-risky strategy? Likely to go horribly wrong if, as I fear, the British people are divided, self-interested and scared absolutely witless by the relentless battering from the Fear mongers and vote Remain.
Kind of funny, really, when the lot of them were – not so long ago – all going around muttering or proclaiming loudly the FD Roosevelt quote “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”
Nowt so queer as folk!
I have caught myself wondering at odd moments, TOB, whether – in the event of a miracle and a clear win for the Brexiteers – we might get some unexpected benefits.
I have mentioned before the shock may lead the EU hierarchy to stare reality in the face and make some much needed and substantial reforms. But I also wonder whether in the UK it may give our politics a really good shake up.
You are right, the people who have been kicked around and disadvantaged the most over decades are the ordinary people. Betrayed totally by Labour. Given second goes at crumbs from the table by the Conservatives. Occasionally thought of by the LibDems & Greens when they were not thinking up and debating some of their daft ideas but no more than that.
Maybe, just maybe (especially with the prospect of Boris Johnson leading the Conservatives, something that makes me very nervous) the vast middle ground of MPs will either retire or form a new mid-ground Party. Maybe, just maybe that Party will succeed where the SDP failed in the 1980s and pull in candidates, future representatives, plus the activists to support them from people previously not engaged in the political process.
Or is that all a whiff of smoke from an occasional pipe dream?
Up2snuff, I have been telling people much the same thing when the referendum comes up in discussion. It is not about turning our backs on Europe, but about resetting (rebooting, to use the language of ‘the kids’) our relationship with the EU and Europe to provide a better deal for everybody. A Brexit will, hopefully, encourage the remainder of the EU to take a long hard look at itself. The Remainers use far too much negative language about Brexit and this should be countered wherever possible.
There’s a headline in my local paper this morning that hundreds of packs for postal votes in my area have gone missing. The level of imcompetence when it comes to postal votes is truly staggering.
Gone missing or been “borrowed”?
I’ve been catching up and, in fact, there’s little I can add to the general common-sense opinions expressed in all the great posts on here. But sometimes, even if for my own benefit, I find it helps to step back, regroup and put it all in perspective, especially when so much seems to be happening.
In the past month, the Leave campaign has had all manner of s**t thrown at it from the Remain side, but it has survived. Not only that, I do believe its message is cutting through while that of the Remain side is now beginning to fall on deaf ears. Sometimes when a Remainer comes out with yet another myth or scare story, I detect that glazed look in the eyes of an audience which says…I’ve heard it all before and it’s rubbish! The Britsih public are not stupid!
The conduct of members of both campaigns is coming under the spotlight now as we near the finishing post, and last night I feel was a huge positive landmark for the Brexiteers, as many of you on here have already said. The Remain side consisted of three very shouty women; not only that, the way they ganged up and sneered at Boris was an absolute disgrace. Their whole conduct throughout displayed their immaturity both in their behaviour and in what they said.
Conversely, the Brexiteers, – or could they be called the Three Musketeers (all for one and one for all) – were sensible and rational in what they said; but most of all, their overall behaviour and demeanour was beyond reproach, especially considering the constant rude onslaught coming from the three women. How Boris kept his cool, I’ll never know, but he did brilliantly. His two compatriots were most worthy members of that team too. All three Musketeers talked slowly and calmly, and time and time again reverted to their core message that…it’s all about regaining control…and every time that was said, the audience applauded.
I read the posts about QT and decided to watch it on iplayer, if only to see for myself what a prat that Eddie-in-a-beret was! And he was an absolute idiot, true to form. As someone on here said, the more we see of him, the better for the leave campaign. Nigel also did very well. Like Boris, he too kept his cool and when he did get the chance to speak, he spoke common sense which again was well received by the audience.
With just under 2 weeks to go, there is still all to play for but if the Brexiteers have survived this torrid week from the Remainers, then they can go from strength to strength.
And finally just a thought about the polls. We all know they got the GE disastrously wrong last time and so they should all be treated with a bucket-load of salt. I am of the firm opinion that many people are not telling how they are going to vote – and they all all Leavers. I think the turn-out is going to be high – and don’t be fooled that all the young are for remaining in the EU. Many are not which is a delight to hear.
Signs of hope soapbox?
Last night Kirsty Wanks “Newsnight” said that the universities would be issuing THEIR statement on whether we should leave the EU(and begin to think for ourselves once again)-or stay in( where the migrants can pretend to be students at their hollowed our fiction factories, as they award each other yet MORE degrees, yet MORE cash bonuses in ways that even Blatter would have admired).
But didn`t hear of this promised announcement-maybe the Remain scum think that even THIS bit of extra ballast on their Ship of Fools is a bit rich.
Instead the BBC website led with some German saying we`ll never be allowed into the single market again-but this too was removed an hour later, as if no-one really gave a damn…none of us are listening, none of us care.
We`ve had a good week-Nigel is on tonight, beer and crisps out for the Euros….and hoping that Englands fans will do us proud-about the only people who are even LOOKING for IS!
To think that I scorned the lads in 1998-now I`m proud of them, hope their crusader shifts will dry nicely in the warm winds down there.
We can all breath a sigh of relief . The BBC daily politics show tells us that the European Parliament (or did they mean unelected Commission ?) has a plan to deal with mass migration and the creation of Eurabia in our lands. We are told that at last the EU is on the front foot . It’s trade deals and development aid programmes will transform a swathe of sub Saharan African countries as well as middle eastern countries like Lebanon. Prospective migrants will see sense and stay at home.
Please forgive my scepticism .
As Dan Hannan said, what happens to migration during the 30 years that this experiment will at best take? Why not scrap the CAP straight away? it’s the most regressive policy imaginable , making European farmers rich and shutting out third world food producers .
Just vote Leave on 23 June and say to hell with all this lying and incompetence .
After seeing some of the ‘undesirables’ sitting in the congregation at St Pauls this lunchtime, I’m only amazed that Philip Green hadn’t waddled up the aisle. Apart from Bliar and cronies, the camera fleetingly spotted Rabbi Laura Janner-Klausner – she of the regular spot on The Big Question, but noticeably absent since vehemently defending her father Lord Greville Janner of any wrong doing. There were plenty from the Jewish faith being represented, so was her presence really necessary. Many were there that get where castor oil cant !!!
Wasn`t Philip Green one of Blairs Lords aleaping?
Like Fred the Shred Goodwin and others at HBOS…who were Gordon Browns turds in the jacuzzi left for the rest of us to fish out in 2010.
Will the BBC remind us of who ennobled these deadweights of Labours leavings?
Walking owl pellets of all that labour spat up and shewed out….and nobody reminds them of it in the MSM.
So was the mouthy female on ITV v Farage a plant or not?
Dear Sir/Madam,
Thank you for your recent email regarding The EU Referendum Debate.
All audience members were picked at random by emailing with their name age and location.
The information can be found here:
I can confirm that your comments have been registered here at ITV and will be fed back to the relevant teams.
May I take this opportunity to thank you for taking the time to contact us here at ITV Viewer Services.
If we can be of further assistance please do not hesitate to contact us again.
Kind regards,
ITV Viewer Services Officer
So either John Gaunt? and Breitbart got it wrong or ITV are telling porkies
On the interview she had with Jon Gaunt Morgan said ITV had approached her.
Maybe Jade could offer a thought on this now?
Or did she use to work for CECUTT and can now shut down as things are not working out as they should?
“EU referendum: 430,000 apply to register during extension deadline”
Banana Republic democracy fit for a Latin American Junta.
Previous attempts at fixing a ballot. From Adolf Hitler to Augusto Pinochet.
People are encouraged to exercise their democratic right to vote. Shocking!
Do you think David Cameron would have been so keen to extend the deadline if he thought those johnny-come-latelys were going to vote Leave?
Do you think people should be denied the right to vote because a website crashes?
Marvin, if the website crashed two hours before the deadline, why extend it by two DAYS? If it hadn’t “crashed” wouldn’t the deadline have remained the same?
Presumably the website would be liable to crash if only a two hour slot was made available. 48 hours would spread the load. Don’t you want people to have the opportunity to vote?
It’s not about websites, because there are many ways to register. Anyone who leaves it that late has no grounds for complaint.
Marvin is a chipmunk, treat him as such.
If you turn up to a polling station at 8.30 pm only to be told that you can’t vote because of a technical problem and that you should have arrived earlier I assume you’d find that acceptable.
They weren’t late. They attempted to register before the deadline.
200,000 applied before the time limit and 400,000 have now registered.
So you agree that at least 200,000 should be barred?
No. I think people should be encouraged to participate in the democratic process. Obviously you don’t.
“No I think people should be encouraged to participate in the democratic process.”
Nice one – Tell that to the EU Commissioners.
I trust those with only a few brain cells who left it until the 11th hour to register to vote, are able to read the voting slip – at least they don’t have to write their name – just put an X, that should be simple enough for even the dimmest !!!
“at least they don’t have to write their name – just put an X, that should be simple enough for even the dimmest !!!”
Only if they have the instruction leaflet from Bristol that shows them which box to mark.
Back on the topic this blog addresses, do you think BBC CECUTT should deny people the right to discuss ongoing issues after an arbitrary BBC-set deadline, especially when they can simply keep hitting an faux apology/extension button for periods up to years when missing their own claimed response requirements?
Back off topic, how did people vote before things like websites? Or still do if not in possession of a connected device? Were/are they denied the right, or simply are not really together enough to get to do so.
Their wbsite, their rules. It’s really not that important.
Marvin and the Night Owls may have scrabbled in under the wire and made their 11th hour extra website hits – but the chances of many of them making it to the polling booth – meh!
‘Their wbsite, their rules’ but ‘our’ BBC, as in licence payers, right?
I had the misfortune to hear Clive Lewis on TWATO: what a simply awful, awful b@st@rd!
He seemed to think that it was acceptable for voters to express their concerns about immigration but not for politicians or the media to seek to represent those views; that was racist.
There was the mandatory swipe at Nigel Farage too, of course, which appears to be the default interview setting of the Progressive Lib, Lab, Con , SNP & Green Remainiacs.
The Labour Party seem to be smelling the coffee at long last re their core supporters views on immigration: unfortunately they’ve woken up too late, SUCH a shame; never mind, do please watch your @rse on the door handle on the way out though.
I have the dubious pleasure of Clive Lewis being my M.P.
As an 18 year old schoolboy I feel sure that he had all the answers, and still believes the same answers now.
You may / not be surprised to learn that he is an ex BBC reporter, who has accused the BBC of racism against him by not promoting him.
I suspect that his far left views were too far left even for the BBC, who felt it better to keep him lower down the ranks, being one of those who struggled to “leave his politics at home” as I believe the BBC now says of their impartial staff.
And there was another rash of no hope Labour minions on last night.
One of whom was Owen Smith-some Labour Welsh nomark who seems entitled to call himself a leading bloke of the Labour Party-as if anybody else in his rancid cadaver of political death would recognise him.
He was on Newsnight last night talking like he had something to say to “his people” re staying in the EU.
Looks just like Francois (M. Flamby) Hollande-but even less useless and fit to hold any public brief.
Still though-does make you wonder how many Labour nonentities the BBC will summon up for us like a knobbly knees end of the pier gang show…all of who will think that they`re “getting the vote out”.
No Labour person I`ve ever known would vote for this shower of Poly fillers…so let`s see more of them please-preferably with a signed photo of Russell Brand to kneel alongside.
Anybody wonder when and why Labour died and went to the bottom of Wilsons pipe bowl?…look at the scum and dense clots that now speak for it, like a batty pipsqueak through a john Major cone.
I too heard him. As an exercise in pissing off voters by telling them they are being bigoted, I don’t think it could be bettered. More power to his elbow, I’d say.
Just spotted a HYS ,hidden away, fire away before it closes …………………..
Having watched several TV panels and debates like the notorious Lizard infested QT it is obvious that immigration is under discussion. Farage continues to be branded as a racist for supporting an Australian style points system, but the M word has been effectively removed from the discussion. No one dares mention that it is immigration of RoPers that people dislike.
I found this clip very amusing – a Black Muslim doing, well what you’d expect of a Black Muslim. Wonder what the BBC would make of two of their favourite groups having a bit of a set to. I reckon the Black guy would have attacked the trannie if he hadn’t reacted first.
Very funny though and it shows the Black guys to be nothing but cowards when confronted.
sadly it is a put up. but funny never the less
What was Boris doing on the ITV stage last night with 6 women?
Because ……. ‘he’s worth it !”
Yes, he’s a good man, Boris. I’m belatedly halfway through the ‘debate’ and it’s very painful viewing indeed. The three girls on the Remain side continually swing from indignation to bitchy insults and back again. They seem desperate. The contrast with the Brexit side is stark. The Brexiters are presenting their case in a dignified and calm manner, with a bit of humour thrown in by Boris.
Brexit is going to win this referendum.
This evening’s BBC News webpage and their 6 o’clock news summaries both put Muhammad Ali’s funeral as their main story, leaving our own Queen’s birthday celebrations as a subsidiary story, thus showing their usual anti-British and anti-monarchy stance.
There’ll probably be less fuss made of the Pope when he dies.
Who was Ali? A world champion boxer with a sense of humour. Does that really warrant mass adoration from the BBC? Well, he was also a Muslim so that might go some way towards explaining it.
And of course he was also black. If he’d been white the BBC would hardly have registered his death.
Na. Ali was way more important than the queen. he was a true giant.
If the HYS ‘posts’ are anything to go by, things are looking good for Brexit………………..
Brexit certainly is looking good. Judging by the comments and the likes opposed to the dislikes, about nine out of ten support the Leave campaign. And this result has been consistent across all the HYS articles I’ve seen on the stay/leave debate.
It is going to take a massive vote-rigging effort for the Remainers to cheat us but they will already have it planned.