David Dimbleby presents this week’s show from Folkestone. Joining him on the panel are leader of UKIP Nigel Farage MEP, Conservative Chris Grayling MP, Labour MP Hilary Benn, comedian and campaigner Eddie Izzard and Daily Telegraph columnist Allison Pearson.
Kick off tonight at 22.45
Blimey, 3:2 in favour of Brexit, that must be a first.
If Benn’s father could hear his treacherous son he’d turn in his grave, and if Izzard’s father could see his son in a frock and lipstick, f**k knows what he’d think!
Anyway, the more the BBC bring out Izzard, the more likely the folk outside of Islington will be put off by the remain camp. No pun intended.
I’ll probably watch QT for the first time in months tonight, but I expect the audience will be full of far-left stooges as usual, jeering and shouting down Farage every time he attempts to answer a question.
Well Kent is Nigel’s neck of the woods so he may be ok. Reminds of the late, and great Bob Monkhouse ( yes he was one of the great stand up comics ) who also came from Kent. ” I am a Man of Kent. I know because I hear people muttering it in the street as I walk by ” .
Yeah, he might be from Kent, but al Beeb will be bussing the professional SJW’s and race-baiters from London.
Of course, I forgot. Silly me .
Bussed in at our expense of course.
Quite right neilw, and jolly good to see it is too.
Running Total
Remain 51
Leave 35
Undecided 4
Thanks for the score wronged – keep us posted! Ooo – member of the audience yells “shut up” to Izzard, who seems has had a bout of tourettes.
I would say it was a win for the Leave camp-but as usual there were some that seemed confused about the picture, and Farage made it plain that the Referendum was not about him, UKIP or any other Political party, the vote was us, and it behoved us all to make oursleves aware of all issues. With the World Wide Web, there is no excuse for not knowing knowing everything about the EU and where it is heading.
Is Eddie Izzard a National Treasure yet?
Sorry – is he supposed to be funny?
Did I just hear an audience member tell Izzard to “Shut Up”?
Bloody right-what a prize twerp-he might mean well in some areas but is way out on the main issues that concerns people. As usual one of the very serious issues now engulfing Europe & the UK is the drive of Islam, but so far all debates is side stepped or completely shut down-I say just wait, your’e all in for a very nasty surprise.
I wasn’t quite sure from the clip whether the ‘shut up’ was intended for Farage or Izzard. The camera did focus on Izzard immediately afterwards however, which suggests it was intended for him. Plus he completely deserved it, as he was behaving like a six year old who has had too many sugary drinks, trying to get attention at a dinner party because everyone else is listening to the grownups talking.
Cranmer. I’m certain the “Shut Up” was aimed at Izzard. Farage had given up responding several seconds earlier. Thanks to Pounce posting below for the link to this clip:
Looking at Lizzard’s response, folding his arms and shutting up like a petulant child it was clear that the freak had been told to shut up, or was it ‘belt up’?
How “Gentlemanly” Gisela Stuart was last night on ITV.
A Labour politician who patiently waits her turn to speak, and does so quietly and earnestly with no histrionics. I suppose there have to be exceptions that prove the rule.
Gob shites like Izzard and Bragg are from the standard “Progressive” camp where the only possible view is theirs and no one will be allowed to express a contrary one.
Izzard is like most BBC so called comedians, not really a comedian. He is a political activist who uses humour to make his points. He and his ilk are no different to a vicar cracking jokes during a sermon – he may raise a laugh but his main purpose is to get a particular viewpoint across rather than just to entertain.
Answering my own question. He’s a National Embarrassment.
Only when he’s buried. Comment for Mr G.
He certainly is a National Treasure … without question …. and should therefore be handled as such ….. buried on an unidentified island in the in the middle of the Pacific.
Dimbleby challenges Grayling on immigration figures and gets a big round of applause. It’s a 3 – 3 tonight folks.
Yes – people want to know why the Conservative government haven’t done more about immigration so far (the bit they *can* control). Of course it’s bollocks – the EU migrants are mostly low-skilled workers, while the points-system visa workers from outside the EU are *skilled* workers. What are we supposed to do, deny ourselves skilled workers in the NHS and everywhere else, so we can be flooded by unskilled workers from the EU?!? Of course not.
Dont kid yourself that all the non Eu immigrants are ‘skilled’ workers that we need. They include ‘family reunion’ , illegal invaders, ‘students’ (who actually work in low skilled jobs), refugees/asylum seekers, fake refugee/asylum seekers, illegal overstayers, intra company transfers!
If they were mostly skilled workers tat we need then why are most doing unskilled jobs such as taxi driving (Asians) and security guards (Africans)?
What is even worse is when they take good jobs which are not actually ‘skilled’ (i.e. skills come from training on the job). Many of these are public sector such as housing officers and border agency. Because the public sector favours BAMEs they discriminate in their favour.
Oooohh this is interesting… Allison Pearson says NHS waiting time figures came out today showing waiting times have gone up (as a result of pressure on services, hint hint unbridled immigration), but the figures were buried she says by Woolaston’s defection today! Talk about burying bad news. Oh and she told Izzard where to stick it when he interrupted her. The man is a dick.
And even better-the lovely Allison Pearson said that Izzards continual interrupting of her-she being the only woman on the panel-was typical of blokes unused to having to listen for once.
One sentence-and two shafts right into Eddies gizzard…to put this male boor who thinks he
And even better-the lovely Allison Pearson said that Izzards continual interrupting of her-she being the only woman on the panel-was typical of blokes unused to having to listen for once.
One sentence-and two shafts right into Eddies gizzard…to put this male boor who thinks he
And even better-the lovely Allison Pearson said that Izzards continual interrupting of her-she being the only woman on the panel-was typical of blokes unused to having to listen for once.
One sentence-and two shafts right into Eddies gizzard…to put this male boor who thinks he`s Mrs Guevara into his place for being a bloke in a bleached beret-whilst hoping to be taken for Evita-must have crumpled him deeply.
Needed saying-and it was spontaneous…takes a real woman to put Izzard back into his manbag.
Great Freudian slip by Dimbleby: “And Michael Gove will be on his own up against the Question Time audience – I mean with the Question Time audience.”
When is Dimbleby actually going to do some chairing and tell that fuckwit Izzard to shut up?
If the answer is never then lets get that audience member mr golightly mentioned above,
In the chair.
And maybe then we might get some impartiality rather than Dimbleby acting as the third remainer on the panel.
Dumledore was a fucking disgrace tonight. It took the audience to tell Izzard to shut up.
Compare and contrast the polite exchanges between him and Dan Hannan at one debate (Reading Uni?). And the chairs were nearly silent and unobtrusive throughout. It’s like the BBC pays a small fortune to red princes to manage propaganda and turn light into heat. All via force funding. A ‘unique’ too far.
I rather think that by allowing Izzard to make a complete, and prolonged, fool of himself, Dimbleby presented a gift to us on the Leave side. Whenever possible, I purposefully avoid seeing or listening to the bizarre Izzard: I always knew he was odd, but not THAT odd!
Why on earth should anyone accept the political views of a comedian dressed up as a circus clown is beyond me? If the pollsters listen to him they deserve all they get .
Well, what do you say after that?
Notwithstanding the fact that Izzard came dressed as a cross between Citizen Smith and Widow Twanky, he showed himself to be exactly what he is – a complete an utter f***wit. Completely out of his depth and absolutely no coherent argument. He reminded me of this old Python sketch : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNfGyIW7aHM
Things must be so simple in his little world. His sole purpose was to attack Farage who handled him brilliantly, just like you would a petulant teenager who thinks he knows it all. It certainly didn’t do any harm to the cause, and the audience, in the main, seemed to react like we do – FFS shut the F**K up!!
Upvote for classic python sketch. Fuckwit is the word – a QT equivalent of a troll
Another man (if he is one? ) who has never done a real day’s work in his life, spouting gibberish to the British population, telling them to surrender a thousand years of hard won democracy and freedom of speech to a bunch of unelected ‘Commissioners’ .
And dare I add, ‘Commissioners’ who could very well turn out to be right wing fascists in two years time when the French and German population ‘turn’ and become right wing Nazis when their migrants problem ‘ hits the fan’.
Wake up Britannia and vote out .
Great link ! I am afraid I am old enough to remember when I first saw it as a schoolboy !
Two responses on tvguide.co.uk to the ITV debate:
My mind was made up
the minute I heard Turkey was seeking to join. That hot bed of terrorism would be given open house under the guise of immigration to penetrate GB and the west.
once more 10:31pm Thu 9 Jun
My decision how to vote ????
I would like to say a great big THANKYOU to the REMAIN panel in your show, you have now made my dilemma of how to vote so much easier, my heart said to leave but my head did not agree!!. They are both, after listening to your comments, in happy unison & I will be casting my vote to LEAVE.
Me Myself &I 10:15pm Thu 9 Jun
I hope Remain get a chair for Edith Izzard on every QT between now and the day of the referendum and any other political show on which he can be exhibited; he is one of the best weapons the Leave campaign could ever wish for.
QT tonight was a solid win for Brexit (IMHO).
I’d either heard or read somewhere that Eddie immature Izzard is standing to get elected onto the Labour Party’s National Executive!
I hope he is very successful in this venture.
Mr. Izzard does indeed seem to have the Midas Touch. Maybe Gordon could sell it at a loss, with limitless BBC PR support?
I’m sure he would be highly respected on the world stage. Especially in places like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.
Quite right Lobster; perhaps he’d possibly consider running a marathon attired like that in Yemen or Somalia?
Labour’s John Mann has come out for Brexit ! Good Mann ! That is a big feather in Brexit’s cap !
Even the Beeb have it on there web site, though under Politics rather than the main News section even though its a new story.
Whilst a non news Remain story:
EU referendum: Labour warns of Brexit emergency budget
is deemed headline material, right we understand.
Yes, one is real news, John Mann is well respected, the other just more speculation and bullshit from the Remainers. Bias ? What bias ?
BBC editorial integrity at eleven these days.
The other evening the Beeb showed a debate from 41 years ago; It was hosted by Dimbleby and had Tony Benn and Roy Jenkins. Both these men were urbane, well informed and civil to each other. Inviting a crass, embarrassing and (dare I say it?) repulsive transvestite to debate the present EU vote shows how far we have fallen.
Forty years ago Izzard wouldn’t have been given air time, now he’s feted by the Beeb and we’re expected to listen to his inane burblings and endless interruptions as though he was some sort political sage.
In forty years time (I sincerely hope) we’ll look back at this national embarrassment and our toes will curl in shame.
QT is quickly becoming a freak show.
Jeff, that was a perfect summary.
To some extent you have to feel sorry for Eddie Izzard. In times gone by it would be made quite clear that he looked an arse dressed up like that and the ridicule would make him dress appropriately in public. Now, the likes of the BBC encourage him to dress like that so he is given no social boundaries to his behaviour. Most people still thinks he looks an arse but no-one in this PC age is prepared to say so, instead laughing behind his back and so undermining the message he wants to give.
Great post. Surely you must be correct in saying that in 40 years time Izzard will be regarded with shame. The alternative hypothesis is that we continue the graph downwards at the same rate as occurred in the period Benn/Jenkins to Izzard. If that were the case, I honestly can’t picture where we would end up in 2056.
Yep, seems to me that it will all show how bankrupt and trivial politics became, how scandalously we let the entertainment industry( I use the word loosely) lead political discourse and groom our kids in the cause of “let it all hang out maan”- we`ve got our pensions and cruises).
Live Aid was the main impetus, but Secret Policemans Ball and George Harrisons influence can`t be minimised.
A we look at the kiddies in the ballpool of politics like Brand and Izzard-needy walking adverts for not taking drugs, not reading TOO many of Chomskys lecture notes whilst being suicidal or needing “validation” as a sleb…I think back to the likes of Benn, Wilson, Powell, Healey and Jenkins.
Don`t have to agree with them, but can respect intellect and some background knowing of war, or historical trends.
Don`t recall Eric, Ernie, Tommy or Ken getting on the panels at that time-ALL of who WOULD have known more about politics and what real people think and feel than the frankly weird “comics” that the BBC choose to put on their “panels”.
The BBC at that time would have been embarrassed to have asked Eddie Large, Syd Little or Lennie Bennett on in such company as Benn or Jenkins…today that is EXACTLY who`d they have chosen.
And these comedy sidelines were FAR more talented as comics than a Brand or a Russell, an Eddie or a Marcus.
Still eh?…by the time the BBC have done their worst, it`ll all be hennaed beards,dirty sandals with Polly Toynbees niece, Harriet Harmans granddaughter serving the iced coffees to the Jurisprudence Religious police live on MEMRI or Al Jizz.
Top post.
Spot on. The combination of intellect and the experience of WW2 made all the difference . I have neither but I can recognise it in others. Most of today’s politicians are inadvertent and unaware comedians .
As a BBC poll tax payer I demand that either Jim Davison or Roy Chubby Brown be on a panel with that Izzard thing and then I can guarantee that he would be put in his place. What is happening with his sort is the “emperor’s new clothes” syndrome. PC is stopping people’s real thought’s coming out ( no pun ) and we having to listen to his utter rubbish.
Or Ken Dodd.
I think Ken Dodd has always avoided of party politics.
Probably a good idea, unlike his avoidance of taxes, which wasn’t.
I’m sure I remember him saying many years ago that he was a Conservative, which in their business is something you don’t repeat too often.
Especially in Liverpool.
I suspect Mr Dodd is of the generation that believes politics is for politicians, and that the business of a comedian is to make people laugh. In its purest form comedy cannot be party political, because it challenges fixed opinions and closed systems of thought. This is why totalitarians have traditionally hated comedians. (Eg, the plot of the novel ‘The Name of the Rose’ is about the suppression of the idea that Christ had a sense of humour, because some thought the idea would weaken the power of the church). The comedians of the left wing tradition came to prominence in the 1980s because leftists believed they were challenging what they saw as the totalitarian authority of Thatcherism by mocking it. That may have been true at the time – but now politics has moved on. Who is the real threat – Farage giving a reasoned argument, or Izzard trying to drown him out by gibbering nonsense?
Ken is a Tory-always has been always will be.
And Knotty Ash is just the kind of place that Labour could never have taken-like Sale in Manchester…people who did well off their own talents, and every northern city had them..
Locals who rose up to escape their own places, but stayed around to build up the north, go home to remember their roots and put some money back.
And Doddy was loved for it-still is…local lad who`s “One of Their Own”…and his dealings with the tax people put him up among the Gods up there-especially when it was the Tories who were in power then.
These days, Labour would have had him run out of town…and the likes of Hodge and Cameron would have done this.
Dodds comedy routine afterwards about his accountants was among the best of his career-a great, great comic!…last man standing too!
It’s a pity Kenny Everett isn’t still alive; think he’d have been a Leaver. I remember he was a Conservative and campaigned with good humour for the party. Who can forget his oversized rubber hands as he shouted to the gathered crowd ” Let’s bomb Russia”. Proper talent sadly missed. Unlike Mr Izzard who is sadly missing talent.
Everett was lucky enough to be around before the left dominated comedy. At the time he was still rather unusual as he was a conservative but also, I believe, openly homosexual. Even today, such people seem to be regarded by the left with puzzled distaste. I doubt he could have been as successful as he was in the contemporary BBC.
Didn’t Kenny Everett follow the ‘let’s bomb Russia’ with the brilliant, ‘let’s kick away Michael Foot’s walking-stick!’ That made me chuckle but went down very badly with lefties – which made me chuckle even more.
Was on the same flight as Izzard from LAX to LHR. He was a miserable git. And he stole the Virgin sleep suit when we landed. Al Murray was on the same flight – they didn’t talk to each other. Murray was very chatty and not luvvied up.
Murray is as obnoxiously left-wing as Gizzard (good name for an Innard).
UK: Eddie Izzard told to shut up by TV audience for acting like a…Screaming Queen.
Why the Leave parties have allowed the Remainers to hijack the immigration and Global terms and call all leavers racist and ‘Little Englanders’ (which itself according to their definition is surely racist !) is beyond me. The EU countries are demographically white. The countries outside the EU that we could freely trade with are not ! The racists are the Remainer Eurosycophants who want to stay in a 28 country trading block that imposes tariffs on all the other 160+ countries, including some of the poorest in the world. The Remainers are the ones that are turning their backs on the world … they are the ‘Little Europeans’.
The Brexiteers are the ones that want to remove all tariffs, trade globally, with people of any colour !! Keep faith with the British electorate to come to the right decision. Even should it go against us the reaction at the next election I suspect will mirror the Scottish result. The backlash against the smug political elite will be stunning.
AceFlyingPig, the term ‘racist’ no longer has any meaning; nor does the term ‘bigot’. They are just virtue-signals for the left to denote those who do not think like them. Mr Farage has a German wife, for God’s sake, so why would he be against foreigners? I myself was married to a lady from eastern Europe, speak two European languages in addition to English, and have lived on the continent as well as in India. To say Leavers are somehow racist or xenophobic is just a kneejerk response by people who have lost the argument.
Well said Cranmer.
Correct, and to the same people, and to our friends at Al Beeb, the words ‘Muslim’, ‘enriched multicultural society’ and ‘colourful’ are an even greater anthem. At about 11.05 this morning Numpty and the dopey bitch he was interviewing used them all about our Muslim invaders in connection with ‘progress’ since the 1950s. Never any amplification as to how these drab monochrome dressers, black, grey female outfits and white half-mast trousers for the men is the norm show progress in other than wife-beating and child exploitation.
Brexit is the last chance we have of saving our nation, first from the EU, then from Islam. If we don’t do it now, we will have to fight, and fight hard to rescue Britain.
“If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed;
if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may
come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you
and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse
case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it
is better to perish than to live as slaves.”
― Winston S. Churchill
I managed to watch QT and confess to being amazed that there was actually support for Lizzard even though he was rightly told to shut up, The fool deserved not a single clap and will certainly contribute to maintaining the Labour Party as a permanent opposition.
But here is my plea, perhaps Change will draw up a petition.
Please, please, can Russell Brand be conscripted to support Remain.
He lost Labour the last election and would be the deciding factor in the referendum