A report on BBC radio 4 news that horror of horrors English football fans in Marseilles were chanting anti Islamic slogans when drunk.
Cut to agonised reporter where it turns out that around 6 English fans chanted “where’s ISIS now” OOOh makes the blood run cold at the Islamophobia !
Never in the field of left wing conflict (with its own people) have far left loons been so outraged at such an innocuous comment by so few.
It just shows how obsessed the BBC is with Islam and the protection of Muslims against imaginary threats
And trust Paddy O Connell to flap about fire engines going past the bloke on the other end of his phoneline to Marseille.
He rather hoped that it was a police car, and that it was all kicking off as it were.
The English would again be typecast as the hooligans who dared to drink in the Muslim areas of the city during this period of Ramadan.
Still Paddy found a professor of hooliganology to talk to-do wonder what other soft centre science flanneurs we choose to employ at our yooniz, instead of people who actually DON`T get a living out of crims, footy or meeja studeez.
The academic poseurs, media houris and sportys locker lollards seem to have a stranglehold on our public discourse-and require criminality, racial discord and surveys of paedos to pimp a living off the good people of England-vote NO, and get them flappin`…
Good point, JimS. We’ve been lectured by an endless procession of idiots in the media and politics and elsewhere that Islamic terrorism has nothing to with Islam, so if BBC hacks were logically consistent or had a moral compass they would praise anyone opposed to ISIS.
Interestingly, the earlier version of this sky article quoted a senior cop as saying everything was peaceful until the local ‘ultras’ came out for a fight. That quote has mysteriously disappeared.
There are lots of hooligans out there from different countries looking for a fight but from the press coverage here you’d think it can only be an English problem. If you poke a hornets nest do you not expect to get stung?
And good to see the usual self-congratulatory tripe from the Taffs and the Jocks in the comments sections. Uh-oh, looky here though….
The 31-year-old father-of-two, with a pit-bull physique, has been a leading figure in Scotland’s most notorious football hooligan gang, the Hibs Casuals – or Capital City Service (CCS) to give them their full name – since they first came to prominence in 1984…..
And he blames a schism after Euro 96 which led to the CCS splitting in two. One half stayed as the Hibs Casuals, while the other joined up with Rangers casuals to form the Scottish National Firm, a loosely built group centred on individuals linked to the Far Right, including the British National Party.
It was this group which was thrown out of Spain in 1998 as they tried to join up with other hooligans for organised battles during World Cup games in France…..
Talking of which, I was watching an RT live-feed which appeared to show that English fans were being targeted by dark-skinned thugs… The article stated muslim but cannot be verified.
Todays Bible reading at the Queens celebration was rather apposite to the current referendum debate:
Matthew 6 Vs 25 – 34
25 “Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? 26 Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? 27 And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life?7 28 And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, 29 yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. 30 But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? 31 Therefore do not be anxious, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32 For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and my/our heavenly Father knows that you need them all. 33 But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
34 “Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.
Ta for the Bible quote thoughtful-very apt.
Nigel had a gentle breeze through, didn`t feel that Neils heart was really in it.
To be fair, Nigel has lots of practice in all this-whereas a chancer like Osborne really isn`t used to being asked what the hell he`s here for.
IDS next week-the calibre of those who want out of the EU is of a different level than the slime who want to trough on unimpeded,,,and it`s clearer to us all as the campaign goes on.
Yes, the pressure is showing people in their true colours and the Remainers are just not up to it. Of course Nige is used to high pressure business and all the crap that gets thrown at him as leader of UKIP. Osborne has never had a job in his life so far as I am aware.
Osborne actually had 2 previous employment roles. The first was with the NHS entering names of the recently deceased into a computer. He then worked for a week in Selfridges folding towels and putting them on the shelves for people to buy.
With that glittering CV he worked for Tory HQ and then became Britain’s youngest Chancellor since 1886. Might explain the total stagnation of the UK economy since the smug silver spooned c***was given the Chancellor role from his bestest mate Cameron.
Except he completely failed to present a convincing case to cut immigation which is meant to be his strong point. If we go out, those people wanting to expel the black faces will not only lose their jobs but also end up with new black faces according to Nigel, this time from Africa and India.
Every time Izzard opens his mouth (or appears in public) he increases the Brexit vote.
Well done beeboids – keep up the good work. Incidentally you could also start to “big up” everything the Moron says. Sorry I must have missed it but it seems you’re already doing that.
That passage was quoted by the actor playing St Francis of Assisi in the movie ‘Brother Sun, Sister Moon’. That was 44 years ago. It made an appearance on YouTube, where I saw it last year, but has since been removed.
I have just watched E Lizzard in full flow on last night’s QT and I wonder if he may have some health issues to deal with.
I am not trying to be deliberately nasty about him because of his totally misguided rantings and deliberate Labourite technique of closing down discussions by shouting down anyone who has the temerity to have opposing views…
However, I wonder if the poor chap is suffering from the same illness as Russel Brand and Stephen Fry who I discovered both suffer from Bipolar (which is a terrible thing to be lumbered with)
Izzard is not a bad actor and is intellectually high on the spectrum with his multi lingual skills and possibly also on a ‘high’ when he does those multi marathons.
So maybe we should cut him some slack and feel a little sorry for the poor fellow as Al Beeb inexcusably have him on their speed dial for him to turn up and embarrass himself time and time again.
By the way, I wonder why the British Brainwashing Corporation has lost Frederick Forsyth’s number?
Farage only confirmed he would get more immigrants from the Commonwealth instead of Europe. The need for continued high levels of immigration is confirmed by the Leave campaign so Im not convinced the Brexiters really understand what they are voting for thesedays.
“so Im not convinced the Brexiters really understand what they are voting for these days. ”
I don’t think the Brexiters really care if you are convinced .
For those who don’t study the Lisbon Treaty constitution of the EU, and lets face it why would you, this might prove useful:
Article 8.
1. The Union shall develop a special relationship with neighbouring countries, aiming to establish an area of prosperity and good neighbourliness, founded on the values of the Union and characterised by close and peaceful relations based on cooperation.
2. For the purposes of paragraph 1, the Union may conclude specific agreements with the countries concerned. These agreements may contain reciprocal rights and obligations as well as the possibility of undertaking activities jointly. Their implementation shall be the subject of periodic consultation.
Unless the Remain camp are suggesting that the EU will defy its own constitution it’s going to be difficult to get around this
Agreed. But what the Independent wants to do, is to panic people into thinking that if we did leave the EU, the £ will nose dive to nothing. Nothing of the sort. When the markets recover, and the £ goes way too high, the same Independent will be claiming that Brexit has led British companies becoming uncompetitive
Don’t be an idiot. Gordon Brown’s wrecking of the economy took Sterling from Eu1.50 to Eu1.05 (about 30%) in short order. That’s a collapse to me, and here we are with our economy having motored along since while the Eurozone has coughed and spluttered, and even the ECB pulling the choke out with QE has failed to make any real difference.
But I suppose in your book that was just a downturn rather than a collapse because there wasn’t a referendum at the time?
Today I heard on social media from a relation who I always assumed was a remainer. He has ‘come out’ as a leaver, based mainly on difficulties he’s had as a small businessman with EU trading laws. I was very surprised and I wonder just how many other Leavers are waiting quietly in the wings.
LOL ! I think it is more likely to be a result of the fall in Government bond yields. I have never known markets to react to an opinion poll ! And it will boost our exports.
According to the Independent the 10% Brexit lead is good for Remain ????!
Apparently, as yet unmobilised Remainians will be so galvanised by the horror of
a Brexit that they will turn out en masse on June 23 and clinch victory. It’s all a bit like Hitler in his bunker deploying imaginary divisions to secure the Endsieg.
Well, I gritted my teeth and sat through Thursday’s ITV EU debate in four parts on YouTube. The Remain side was dire, frequently trying to interrupt the Brexiters and swinging from indignation to bitchy insults and back again. The Brexit side, by contrast, was calm and dignified, with a bit of humour thrown in by Boris.
I watched half of it and then found the only way I could bear the rest was to mute the Remainians whenever they spoke. They made me think of Al Pacino in that great scene from ‘Scent of a woman’ where he says, “This is such a crock of shit!”
That’s what the moderator should have told the Remainian crew, but somehow I can’t quite picture her doing that.
It would be all the better for Brexit if Bunter wasnt a proven liar and had no interest in whether we leave or remain. He would like to be PM and for no other reason than just getting to that position. It was exactly the same when he became Mayor. No interest and no aptitude.
You panicked me into going to the BBC site to check. Thank God that she is alive.
As our spiritual leaders and politicians, and the BBC (Inshallah BBC ), have abandoned us to the Islamic wolf, I see Her Majesty the Queen as the last serious obstacle to us becoming an Islamic nation.
I am really sorry. It was a terrible mistake after a very long day. I am second to none in my respect for Her Majesty . I meant to type ” birthday “. It was too late to edit which maybe makes me think that this site should have a delete button. I posted the correct post on the midweek thread by mistake and reposted on this. Mind you , it is unusual for someone to be alive in the morning and have funeral the same day !
Listening to Clinton speaking at Ali’s funeral. Something seems to happen to the voices of men once they get over 65, they sound like they are breaking in new dentures !! Clinton is only 69 yet sounds like someone over 80 !!
Mr Izzard can consider himself to be a lucky “man”. It wasn’t that many years ago that if he had been seen like he was on Thursdays ‘BBC Question Time” he would have been detained under the “Mental Health Act”. But then they introduced “Care in the Community”. The ‘Emperor and His Clothes’ spring to mind.
I felt sorry for him. He was way out of his depth and it showed. The BBC should take care of it’s tame pundits. Excellent vote loser for remain though.
At one point he got so agitated at Farage that he started flapping his hands as if trying to shoo a troublesome fly away. But of course Farage is not one to be shooed away.
His dialogue was rehearsed – he said all the same ‘soundbites’ on the Jeremy Vine show earlier in the day, which made him look even more amateur. Like – ‘there are 8 billion people in the world who have to be given a chance’. Nice thought, but the UK/Europe is not responsible for that IMHO. He needs to run some more marathons.
Good question. As I understand the situation, referendums have no historic precedent. Parliament has the last say in all matters.
For instance, if the people decide to leave, it is quite possible that parliament will not recognise it. But being a little apprehensive of the consequences on the street, parliament can spin the process for so long, that the people are confused by the sheer mechanics of it all. Then parliament can hold another referendum to negate the first.
As far as I understand, we do not have the power to make a sitting parliament do our will via a referendum. What we do have, is the power to elect a parliament that will do our will.
NCBBC – “As I understand the situation, referendums have no historic precedent. Parliament has the last say in all matters.”
Sadly, not for long if we vote remain. In fact, as it stands, parliament doesn’t have the final say if some clever lawyer spots a loophole – and you’d be very naïve not to think they aren’t already going through the law with a fine toothed comb. If there’s a legal challenge then the judiciary, ultimately the Supreme Court, have the final say, but if it concerns anything to do with EU law then guess who has the final say on that one? Yep, European Court of Justice.
Whichever way this referendum goes there are underhand and dastardly shenanigans ahead, well before article 50 is invoked, and even then, article 50 has never been legally tested…
Whatever happens, Cameron is toast. He has already lost any authority and credibility which he had and that was not much. He and Osborne are yesterday’s men or , more accurately, boys.
I think you are correct. Our unwritten constitution seems to hinge on the supremacy of Parliament and the House of Commons in particular. So the referendum would appear not to be binding either way but advisory. Parliament would have to vote to accept any referendum decision.
It folllows that any vote by referendum to stay in or leave can then be changed if a majority of our MPs agree.
Maybe I am wrong but this is my reading of it.
As with all things though Parliament must always consider public opinion and the likelihood of civil unrest .
If we had a USA style written constitution then we would never have had to think about the EU anyway as membership would have been blocked by it.
I am clear that in England all sovereignity rests with the electorate. WE elect our MPs to form a parliament but these same MPs cannot cede our sovereignity to anyone or any institution. This already puts our MPs in conflict with this doctrine as any EU treaty is a violation of this.
Furthermore this sovereignity is inalienable and we ourselves cannot cede it. We are custodians of it down the generations.
I wish this view was made clear to our young so that they could understand that the vote is not about travel and phones but serious matters.
Dave S, well said, particularly the last paragraph. I recall a few years ago I believe Norris McWhirter mounted a legal challenge to the EU, claiming that Britain’s entry into it was treasonous because it ceded power to a higher authority than HM the Queen. At the time as a naive young liberal-leftie, I just thought ‘what a nutter’ but now, I realise just what he was on about.
The ‘experts’ will tell you that we can’t, because it would break the rules. However most momentous events that happen in the world are because someone ‘broke the rules’. Some call these ‘Black Swan’ events because, as everyone knows, all swans are white, except for the ones in Australia that break the rule.
Many, many moons ago the BBC had a programme presented by the guy from Tomorrow’s World, James Burke, in which experts were presented with scenarios that they had to provide solutions to. Invariably Mr. Burke would tell them that such and such couldn’t be done because of some law, rule or convention. That is the reason why Hitler didn’t invade Poland and why Turkey won’t join the EU.
Indeed. The bullying and condemnation of Hungary over its border controls is a recent example. Hungary was carrying out EU law by protecting the Schengen area, but this did not fit in with the masterplan.
But who knew? The BBC completely ignored it. (Or was it buried at the foot of something else? Google returns nada, zip, zero for John Hayes on BBC news.)
But hey, it’s only a statement by a government minister about our national security – nothing important or anything.
Writing in The Daily Telegraph, John Hayes says that the EU is guilty of “grand scheming” and trying to “appropriate power” instead of “doing the job in hand”.
Although the minister is known to be a supporter of Brexit he reveals his reasons for voting Leave as he warns that the EU is “too rigid” to deal with the “pan-national terrorist threat”.
His intervention in the Brexit debate – less than two weeks before polling day – threatens to undermine one of David Cameron and Theresa May’s central arguments for remaining in the EU.
“Threatens to undermine one of David Cameron and Theresa May’s central arguments for remaining in the EU” – perhaps this shines a light on why the luvvies might have spiked this story – couldn’t be more obvious if they tried.
Reading about Dennis Skinner after seeing his decision to support leave and found a great clip of him schooling Emily Maitlis as she tries to twist his words. The incident in question is right at the end of the interview (about 3:40 in).
I read a late e-mail from work and they are telling me sterling got a bit of a hammering late on as the American’s getting wind of a poll showing Brexit moving well ahead. Let’s get out of this fffing EU.
That’ll be Labour’s fault for admitting that their core voters put control of immigration at the top of their priorities. That is as it has been for sometime but in general elections they have largely swung back to the party. this is a single issue vote and the opportunity will be taken to give the establishment a kicking. The major parties have ignored that happening at the Euro-elections.
Quite right. The wealthy champagne socialists in the Labour elite are totally out of touch with the grassroots and have no idea what it is like for most British people living in this country. And , as you say, it applies to all the major parties. Time for us to take our country back from these parasites.
Glad to see Sir Rod get an award.
Top twelve Rod songs
1. Pool Hall Richard
2. You Wear It Well
3. Farewell
4. Maggie Mae
5. Handbags and Gladrags
6. You Can make me dance sing or anything
7. Gasoline Ali(oops!)
8.I know (I`m losing you)
9. Every picture tells a story
10. Do you think I`m sexy(sorry-but the drumming is great)
11. Reason To Believe
12 Mama you been on my mind.
Good news ongs too over the last few years-working class hero still, as far as I can tell.
Maybe a posthumous award for Ronnie Corbetts family…and a lifetime genius award for Prince?
Harsh grant.
But maybe you know more about him.
Not sure he is really-given all the money and madness he does well to still write a good song on occasion still.
Got to be a Tory I`d say…hence my indulgence of his plastic shortbread impressions at Scotlands World Cup fiasco of 1978.
Yes, I was a little harsh on Rod , the faux Scot, and that is a narrow -minded , parochial view.
” Plastic shortbread impressions ” . Wow ! You are spot on !
Hey, chrisH, I am just listening to Paul Simon , age 74, latest ” Stranger to stranger ” . Not sure yet but , maybe , on 3 rd listening ? Or just listen to Rod and leave my brain in bed ?
After watching Andrew Neil questioning Nigel Farage this evening, which I thought was one of the fairest interviews I’ve ever seen him get on al beebus, I’ve reached the conclusion that A.N. is a Brexiter.
He gave Farage a much easier ride than either Benn or Osborne received (which was a nice change for once) and he was given plenty of opportunity to present his case and time to respond to the questions put to him.
I think this has been a very good week for Leave: I hope they can keep this momentum going right up to the wire.
From here on in, no Dyson cleaners will be allowed to dust down the champagne socialists located in broadcasting house…..Forget that they’re the best, James Dyson has declared for Brexit…
Number 6.
Actually this law make sense from an animal welfare perspective – which differs from animal rights. The point being that penetrative sex can compromise an animal’s welfare – eg. cause pain and distress. Consider that the most popular animals to have sex with are chickens, followed by dogs etc. Most animal welfare laws are based on the feelings of the animal, not on public morality. Hence female with animal sex, although grossly immoral, which might not harm the donkey, would not be unacceptable in welfare terms and presumably legal in many countries. In fact the US has a considerable number of states which permits interspecies sexual contact. They never got around to making it illegal
The UK seems to embrace both public morality and animal welfare. It is illegal to have sex with a living animal, but OK to have sex with a dead one.
However, under the Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008, whilst you can have sex with a dead animal it is illegal to store and distribute images of the act.
I guess Dave is in the clear if he did not take a selfie with the pig’s head.
LOL ! In Turkey , it is compulsory for the President to have sex with goats. It sets me thinking . With the , increasingly likely, possibility that Boris is PM one day and scumbag Erdogan is still President, how will their relationship develop in the light of Boris’ ” Spectator” poem ?
It’s pretty amazing that we have to have laws to cover that. How can it be legal when the animal can’t give consent. Anyway, good news cos I’ve seen an ant on the patio that I quite fancy….
Biased BBC Toady 7am headlines.
1. 13 carefully selected people no-one has heard of say Brexit will be a disaster
2. James Dyson and Nigel Farage found in bed together with underage children and photos of Jimmy Savile, on the phone to ISIS and plotting a bomb attack.
I’ve only MOSTLY made that up as it does reflect that news bulletin’s start, like so many, and therefore pretty much sums up the biased BBC reporting in general, in terms of order of points and scraping the barrel in their headlong biased support for Remain.
LOL ! You know that there are some people who just want to be on the winning side. I think , if the Leave bandwagon is rolling, more will come over. Of course, the BBC never will but, if they come to realise that their relentless propaganda is counterproductive, they may tone it down a bit. Personally, I am beginning to see the BBC as an asset and almost hope that they become even more outrageous as time goes by.
Deputy Labour leader Tom Watson, Ed Miliband and Chuka Umunna are calling on labour activists to encourage (tell) the labour party to get behind the remain campaign.
For a referendum in which one of the big issues is democracy, you might think that for once people might be allowed to make up their own minds. Not so in the Labour party where a left wing dictatorship rules or tries to rule and enforce the party line. (Russia in the 1960s – 1980s anyone?)
At least the conservative train wreck of a EU campaign, if nothing else, does appear to be unrepentant about party divides – for the time being.
There’s quite a funny image Ed posted on Twitter (handling his own PR, if with advice from Dave now) of a massive rally in support with about two easy to see ladies around his camp table, and one looks like she was there seeking a free sample.
Newsnight have been following the fortunes of a Syrian refugee family admitted to the UK from Jordan under the UN vulnerable refugees programme.
Evan Davies announced last night that the 19 year old son of the family appeared in court on Tyneside yesterday with two others “believed to be Syrians” charged with sexual offences against a 14 year old.
“We will be continuing to cover this when the case goes to trial later in the year”
This was carried on Newsnight during the last 5 minutes of the programme aired on 10th June. For some reason it wasn’t shown further up the running list. It’ll be on the I player now.
You couldn’t make it up. If that person is convicted he should be shipped straight back, and another more deserving person given a chance. Why oh why are they admitting young men like this who will have no useful purpose or occupation? Recipe for disaster and only leftards would think it could work.
But I am a bit worried about the poor things human rights? Surely, even child rapists cannot be deported due to their right to a family life?
This is what the leftists will opine, of course. The one about right to family life preventing deportation particularly annoys me. What is stopping the family of the offender also travelling to the country the offender is being deported too? Family reunited. What have they got to complain about?
If they choose to keep their family split after deportation, that is their business. This should not be a block to deporting a criminal in 99% of cases.
Just read the article – makes me so mad that we have given these folks a chance and this is the gratitude they show. Why are these young men considered vulnerable? And if they have illnesses, they shouldn’t be out assaulting young women. It makes a mockery of the whole thing – you reap what you sow. Young able bodied men should be excluded from this program.
Posters may recall that Mark Carney outrageously intervened in the debate on the Remainer side. I have just watched a clip on Youtube of him being quietly taken apart by Jacob Rees-Mogg in a select committee. Jacob even calls him a liar ( well, he uses the word sophistry ! ). Carney squirms, bullshits but can’t escape. How did this wretched man ever become Governor ?
*Put your mouse pointer on the http:// address bar at the top of the page you want to link to
*Right click the mouse and the address will be highlighted and a menu will drop down
*Left click on Copy
*Right click in the comment box where you want the link to appear
*Left click on Paste and there you have it
You can use this Copy and Paste method to lift whole chunks of text from a page and plonk them down at BBBC or wherever. You have to first highlight the text by clicking, holding and dragging the mouse, which needs a bit of practice, but once you’ve got it you’re ready to roll!
No problem. I’m trying a shortcut now. I’ve just Googled the pollsatation referendum thingy and right-clicked on the heading of the first result, which is ‘The EU Referendum by Pollstation’.
I left-clicked on ‘Copy Shortcut’ from the menu which appeared and now I’m going to right-click below this line to get the menu to appear here:
Well, it did appear and when I clicked on ‘Paste’ I got a four-line jumble of a link, which didn’t look that great, so I reckon I’ll stick to the first method!
Dunno, I was trying to see where and when Mogg was savaging the guy, rather than mumbling and grumbling at him. He certainly emerged from the savaging unscathed.
I guess it didn’t help that I barely understood a word of what either of them were saying.
At about 10:36 Carney refers to the ‘so-called new settlement agreement’.
I wonder which part of Cameron’s ‘Reformed EU Deal’ the ‘so-called’ applies to? New? Agreement? Or is he basically just saying we asked for nothing and got even less? Please tell us BBC!
Weird. Also weird is the fact that the Brexit The Movie upload to YouTube that had well over a million views after four weeks, 20 000 likes to 2 000 dislikes and 14 000 comments has disappeared while another upload with fewer views is still up there.
Meanwhile the pollstation referendum poll seems to be currently attracting a bit more attention from the Remainians, with 16% for Remain and 81% for Leave, whereas about a week ago and for at least three weeks before that it was hovering around 14% and 82%:
It seems like a significant stat because over 121 000 people have now voted and the Remainians began to increase their % at about 100 000 votes. If the poll has not been fiddled with then a helluvah lot of people are starting to vote Remain on it. Perhaps this is desperation as Remain senses that it could well lose and lose badly.
Does anyone know how the votes cast will be counted? Is it done by constituency as in a GE or is it done by area or county or what? In the Scottish Indy I am sure it was different from a GE as Orkney and Shetland were counted separately whereas in a GE it is one constituency.
And I vaguely seem to remember a digital counter on the TV screens when the AV referendum was done a few years ago.
I am told it’s likely to be done by returning officer.
So if a returning officer normally is responsible for a number of constituencies then they will be grouped and announced as one.
So a county like Lincolnshire which has a retuning officer for the North & another for the South will probably announce along those lines, and not for the constituencies which wouldn’t mean much anyway.
Soapbox. Just off the top of my head I think it will be done by Voting Areas based on councils. There are three hundred and thirty something in England. While in Scotland there are 32 and Wales 22.
These are based on councils. The councils are aggregated into a Region. There are Twelve Regions, South West, South East, London, East of England, West Midlands, East Midlands, Yorkshire and Humber, North East, North West, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Island. The last being the only region not divided into voting areas.
Gibraltar votes are counted in the South West Region.
I might be right in thinking that the voting areas are the same as the AV referendum in England and Wales and Scotland should be the same as the Independence referendum more recently.
You can go to Wikipedia and search for ‘Eu referendum 2016 results’ and if you look around you should find lists and maps of the regions and voting areas and also a full list of voting areas. But you have to search around the article to find them, but they are there.
I am open to correction on this as I am not at my desk, but I hope this helps.
heard a good piece of advice….to prevent the remainers committing fraud by altering your vote.take a black pen in with you and make your X,then go over it with the pencil they give you
the very notion of making your mark with a pencil is an open invitation to fraudulent behaviour….not that that would ever happen…..
I have lived in and loved this country for 72 years and believed it to be the most honest, fairest and democratic of societies. But now I fear that there has been and will be electoral fraud committed by a grasping, self-serving elite under the (hidden) banner of Common Purpose. I have not been one for conspiracy theories and perhaps this is just simple gravy train politics but everything points to us being manipulated with the pretence of democracy biding the time when we are all suitably indoctrinated into accepting our inferior places in a society run by our “betters”. Those that shout “remain” are either complicit or useful idiots, in my opinion, and that includes the BBC
Number 6, it would be good if we could get some definitive statement somewhere on this. I’ve heard various theories about using pen or pencil to prevent fraud – but I don’t want to risk my paper being soiled.
Oh Hell. I wrote Northern ‘Island’ when I meant Northern ‘Ireland’. Silly me. But was gone midnight and I was very tired.
Although Gibraltar does have a vote, rest assured the North Island of New Zealand does not.
taffman, Yes, I’ve been popping in there from time to time to read, recommend and post. They removed a post where I’d pointed out that the unaccountable power structures of the EU dictatorship were ideal for radical Islam and the infiltration of those who favour Sharia and a Caliphate.
Anyway, it stayed up long enough to attract at least 9 likes.
I find it interesting that the BBC has reactive moderation on these HYS articles. They used to be extremely reluctant to open even one article to comments without initial moderation. Of course, pre-moderation destroys debate – which I’d always believed was the BBC aim.
Anyway, there are other ways of fiddling with the debate – like restricting posts to a ridiculously short word limit and making the comment page almost impossible to navigate back through to try to find older comments.
As usual, about 90% of comments and recommendations favour Brexit, which almost makes me feel sorry for the propagandists at the BBC. Their propaganda has been shown to be ineffective even on their own website.
Some new faces around on the BBC Blogs & EU Referendum HYSs. Mostly indicating support for Leave.
Caution however; may not be reliable as it’s a self-selecting group & possibly vulnerable to abuses of multiple posting, Trolling in original sense, etc..
You have got to hand it to the EU. The EU grant con works amazingly well.
In 19th century Britain ar least corrupt politicians used their own money to buy free beer and tokens of gratitude The favours they granted were within their own power to grant The Labour party went one step further in places like Oldham and Bolton. “Community leaders” would be given tax payers’ money to create Islamic centers so increasing the status of the community leader. The community leader’s wives would be given £40,000 a year jobs as Urdu/English translators in the Labour council, even though they could barely read and write Urdu, let alone speak English. This is a peasant thing. A generous gift engenders a true feeling of obligation and loyalty. It is not surprising therefore that Welsh peasant farmers like EU subsidies and perceive them as largesse and munificence from Brussels. I find it shocking that 13 Nobel prize winners think of EU research grants in the same way. Surely they must have the intellectual sophistication to realise they are being bribed with their own money? If they are all male, pale and stale, perhaps their views should be ridiculed in the media like other famous scientists of a similar pedigree.
Some British Scientists …..
Francis William Aston
David Axon
Francis Bacon
Roger Bacon
Michael Bearpark
John Beddington
Ralph Benjamin
Kevin Beurle
David Mervyn Blow
Edward August Bond
Edward Augustus Bowles
C. V. Boys
Dennis Bray
Malcolm Brenner
Donald Broadbent
W. A. S. Butement
Robert W. Cahn
Sandy Cairncross
James Cameron (scientist)
Richard Caton
Colin Cherry
Harriette Chick
Samuel Hunter Christie
Marcela Contreras
Eva Crane
Francis Crick
Henry Holmes Croft
Andrew Crosse
John Dalton – Father of modern atomic theory – Dalton’s law of Partial Pressures
Donald Davies – One of the three Fathers of the Internet
Humphry Davy
Charles Darwin (naturalist – Theory of Evolution)
Paul Dirac
Deborah Doniach
Michael Faraday
Adrian Farrel
Axel Firsoff
Carey Foster
Henry Foster
Rosalind Franklin
Ed Gallagher
Michael Gerzon
June Goodfield
Dougal Goodman
Guy Goodwin
Raymond Gosling
Monica Grady
Malcolm Green
Robert Grosseteste
Frederick Guthrie
Helen Gwynne-Vaughan
Wendy Hall
Edmond Halley
William Vernon Harcourt
Anita Harding
Richard Harrison
Thomas Hayes
Stephen Hawking (theoretical physicist and cosmologist)
Oliver Heaviside
Vernon Heywood
Julia Higgins
Peter Higgs
Harold Hillman
Peter Hirsch
George Hockham
Anthony Hollander
Victor Horsley
Rosalinde Hurley
Harold Edwin Hurst
Janet Husband
Ray K Iles
Alec Jeffreys
Edward Jenner (pioneer immunologist)
Harren Jhoti
Mark H. Johnson
Daniel Jubb
Maged N. Kamel Boulos
Charles K. Kao
Frank Kearton, Baron Kearton
David Kelly
Alexander King
Rudolf Kompfner
John Howard Kyan
Patrick Laidlaw
John Henry Lefroy
John Lennard-Jones
Chris Lightfoot
John McCafferty
George Macfarlane
Harry Marsh
Charles James Martin
Neil D. Mathur
James Clerk Maxwell (physicist, mathematician – formulated electromagnetic theory)
Peter H Millard
John F. B. Mitchell
Kieran Moriarty
William Musgrave
Sir Isaac Newton
Bridget Ogilvie
Ian Osterloh
Woodbine Parish
Arthur Lindo Patterson
David Peakall
Joseph Barclay Pentland
Chris Phillips (professor)
Henry Piddington
Andrew Pitman
Vicky Pope
Matthew Raper
Chris Rapley
Michael Reiss
Sheila Rodwell
Gordon Rugg
Bertrand Russell (philosopher, logician, mathematician, historian, and social critic)
John Burdon-Sanderson
Sydney Selwyn
Nigel Shadbolt
George D. W. Smith
Charles Stanhope, 3rd Earl Stanhope
James Stirling
Peter A. Stott
Peter Sykes
Benjamin Thompson
J. J. Thomson
William Thomson, 1st Baron Kelvin
John Sealy Townsend
Eric Trist
Alan Turing (mathematician, cryptanalyst and computer scientist)
Arthur James Turner
James Underwood
Olga Uvarov
Nicholas Wald
Kevin Warwick
Andrew Watson (scientist)
Alexander Watt
Richard Burkewood Welbourn
Michael Wells
Thomas Summers West
Elsie Widdowson
Maurice Wilkins
James H. Wilkinson
Alan Wilson
Tamsin Wilton
Greg Winter
Heinz Wolff
Thomas Young
Tim Berners-Lee
To name but a few – Have faith people of Great Britain.
ID, George Orwell pointed out as long ago as the 1930s that English intellectuals are virtually the only ones in the world who tend to hate their own country. Anybody in the arts and sciences born in the last 100 years or so has had hatred of England rammed down their throats until it is like mother’s milk to them. So it’s hardly surprising they believe the EU is preferable to an independent UK in absolutely everything.
I may have missed the “Yooniz for Remain” yesterday that Kirsty Wank promised us on Thursdays Newsnight…but I`d not be escaping the Nob Prize Guys who tell us that science will stop and we`ll all die of cancerous AIDS if we choose to leave the EU.
Thirteen of them apparently….and yet no names from the BBC…are we talking Faraday and Maxwell standards here?…or Alan Turing and Jim Al Khalili here I ask myself?
In what disciplines too-are talking the synthesis of insulin, or Danny Blanchflowers economics doodles?
No-as ever, no context from the BBC.
AND-follow the money…who pays for their departments and their research…into eugenics?…how to disguise a postal vote to avoid a Venezuelan or Austrian rumbling of the project?….can`t ALL be going to the UEA for its global warming, Oxbridge Migration research into space blankets can it?
In short-STFU Beeb…until you know what your Nobel Prize Guys actaully DID-or WHY they`d send this shit through instead of marking exam papers for high maintenance, thick and depressed snowflakes who learned nothing from them all year, as the poor sods were charged £9,000 for a bloody library card…..
I wonder whether any science – or inventing or manufacturing or farming or fishing or teaching or travelling or banking (insert whatever you feel like) was done before the EU existed? You’d think not if you listened to the rubbish via the Bbc that emerges from Nobel prize winners and experts on all these subjects. It’s as if they have all forgotten our history.
So the Daily Mirror has had it’s appeal to reduce the payments of it’s own phone hacking scandal rejected……..the coverage from the BBC…………..nothing.
Contrast this with the outrage shown towards the Sun and it’s scandal and the stench of hypocrisy from the BBC and the left is overwhelming.
The money that the Mirror has to pay out has increased to £41 million, that is one reason that Trinity Mirror (the parent company) are closing some regional titles and trying to dispose of others….basically they are in serious financial trouble…….the BBC and its’s hypocritical friends on the left are refusing to report on this and seem determined to sweep it under the carpet.
Have I got this wrong?
Looking at Alis funeral-is there any reason why both the US and Olympic flags are hung “the wrong way round”?
This one for the conspiracy/illuminati pals of ours?…or simply being due to the cameras needing to film from behind them?
The US flag is being displayed according to the US regulations, i.e. top of the hoist edge of the flag on the left. The Olympics flag is being hung according to the same convention, I don’t know if there are guidelines for it but it makes for symmetry to apply the same rule.
Ta jim.
Knew there`d be someone who knew this kinda thing.
Really hate the Olympic blusters after a local sausage show was not allowed to display the five rings in a sausage way…trademark breach of copyright…so since then I`ve made it a point to annoy their pretensions if I ever get the chance.
Seb Coe-no further questions, yer honour.
[Three parliamentary questions that won’t be answered before the referendum, or at all. And if answered won’t be mentioned by the Beeb or the Guardian:]
Question asked by Lord Laird on 8 June 2016 – HL566
Department of Health
Health Services: Reciprocal Arrangements
To ask Her Majesty’s Government what payments were made, in sterling, (1) in the most recent year by the UK to each European Union member state for healthcare provided to UK citizens and pensioners resident in each of those states, and
(2) by each member state to the UK for EU citizens and pensioners resident in the UK; and what were the respective totals.
[The answer, roughly, is we pay out to EU countries around £1b. each year and they pay us £50m.]
Question asked by Lord Laird on 8 June 2016 – HL567
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Free Movement of People
To ask Her Majesty’s Government how many British citizens are resident in each European Union member state; how many from each of those states are resident in the UK; and in each case how many are of pensionable age.
[The answer is, roughly, a lot fewer British live in the EU than spun by Remainians, and we haven’t a clue how many EU are here, anyway most are ‘seasonal workers’!]
Question asked by Lord Laird on 08 June 2016 – HL568
Home Office
Migrant Workers: Entry Clearances
To ask Her Majesty’s Government, in relation to certificates of sponsorship used to support immigrants’ entry clearance or extension of stay applications, (1) how many sponsoring employers are currently registered, (2) where those employers are listed, (3) how many certificates of sponsorship are granted to each sponsoring employer, (4) whether such figures are available on application, and (5) what was the total number of those sponsored in the last two years.
[They won’t say which companies sponsors how many each year. The biggest sponsors are usually Indian IT companies.]
I gather from Radio Three news this morning that the ‘remainians’ discount Dyson because he backed entry into the Euro. Does that mean that they now disown all the pro-Remain economic ‘experts’ who backed the Euro too?
Must have been a hard day for TV cameramen. A large and, as far as I could see from Sky’s coverage, very non “diverse” crowd outside Buckingham Palace and down The Mall. Usual story.
The commentator stressed how good natured everybody was. They usually are at these events. I don’t think the Met will be coming under any scrutiny.
Not a big fan of Sky these days but their commentator, whose name I don’t know, appeared to be ex military and showed some evidence of having done a little research beforehand. Never a bad idea. Don’t know what the BBC’s coverage was like.
BBC TV’s Newswatch this morning had two very effective viewers in the studio complaining about the excessive coverage of Cassius Clay’s demise. The BBC’s defence was totally unconvincing.
I have switched from the BBC to Sky when these Royal events are being covered because this ex-military man is better than the BBC’s people. I did go to the BBC for a moment, only to find the Welsh nationalist whose name also escapes me doing the commentary. He is always pushing his Welshness down our throats and maybe it was just chance but he was doing that very thing as I switched.
And has anyone noticed that when he’s presenting the news he’s forever scanning his eyes across his desk, at screens I suppose, very rarely does he look at the viewer. I suppose he’s trying to give the impression he’s everso busy and very important! To me it’s extremely irritating. It’s time he was retired.
I have switched from the BBC to Sky when these Royal events are being covered because this ex-military man is better than the BBC’s people. I did go to the BBC for a moment, only to find the Welsh nationalist whose name also escapes me doing the commentary. He is always pushing his Welshness down our throats and maybe it was just chance but he was doing that very thing as I switched.
And has anyone noticed that when he’s presenting the news he’s forever scanning his eyes across his desk, at screens I suppose, very rarely does he look at the viewer. I suppose he’s trying to give the impression he’s everso busy and very important! To me it’s extremely irritating. It’s time he was retired.
The demented children who run the ludicrous 38 degrees, a staggeringly well funded left wing lobbying group, offer an interesting poll on in/out of the EU.
I answered all the questions as a passionate ‘get us f*****g’ out of the EU soon, before my brain explodes’ type of person. Yet oddly my result showed that I am an ‘IN.’
Hmmm. Expect 38 Degrees to trumpet my, and other’s, undying support for the chicanery of the EU.
Ta for this scribbling scribe.
Did it-got myself an 85% out vote(which surprised me seeing as I thought I`d be 100%).
Good to think though-and it confirms that its the “democracy” bit that most animates me in the debate…sounds right to me.
Quite a good survey-would recommend it if only to clarify your thinking-and how the left see the debate, seeing as 38% are about as commitred and “intelligent” as the New Left can be these days.
I’m 97% Out. Which is reassuring. I did notice that there was a frequent conflation of ‘Europe’ with ‘EU’, especially the question re security vs crime and terrorism. That probably accounts for the odd 3%. Fucking shysters.
Can the Biased Bullsh-t Concotor s push the erm “embarrassing” … waycist/yobbo angle any further for England fans pre match? what a revolting, racist, self hating shower they are. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-36504410 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-36496745
Then there is the shameful anti-Crusader factually untrue piece, poisoning the minds of the young http://www.bbc.co.uk/guides/ztvdg82
and … I for one am bloody sick of them deliberately syphoning in, yet more “effniks” to host everything from the weather to daytime dead-zone broadcasting … it is discrimination, it is racist and its blatant.
what next? follow Ch4 with their incomprehensible “Patua” afternoon announcer?
They truly are a laughing stock, even across the pond
Just when you think the BBC couldn’t get more depressing, they once again trot out their lies about the Crusaders – and it’s not even ‘Horrible Histories’ giving them the excuse this time.
Tell us again, BBC – how exactly did Islam spread out from Arabia into the Middle East and well beyond, conquering everything in their path through violence and subjugation, before the Crusaders even had chance to saddle up their horses?
So 4 Syrians (not 3 bBC) decided they would like to sexually assault a couple of 14 year old girls and the bBC as usual plays the victim game for these perverts. I quote: Mr Badreddin came to the UK from Jordan last November under the government’s refugee resettlement programme.
He and his family were judged to be vulnerable by the UN refugee agency.
And The scheme was designed to bring vulnerable Syrian refugees directly from refugee camps in the Middle East to the UK.
And The BBC’s Newsnight has been following the progress of Syrian refugees and reporter John Sweeney says that although the case is at an early stage, police are concerned that the charges could raise tensions between locals and Syrian refugees in Newcastle.
It appears the bBC as usual are never concerned about the victim of Islamic sex offenders
The bBC, the propaganda arm and apologists for Islamic intolerance.
‘How British let one million Indians die in famine’
‘A wealthier, less agriculturally dependent India is now able to ensure that this does not happen’.
And there was me thinking there had been massive advances in agricultural methods introduced from europe into the third world in the last 150 years. Huge increases in world trade and transportation. A well developed system of emergency releif and foreign aid. Oh well, what do I know… I should be reasonable… there’s a far bigger agenda here that transcends all facts and history. White bad.
Do wonder when we`re going to get a good list from the Leave Campaign about what will happen to this country if we give Juncker the nod to apply the anaesthetic and butchers knife to our democracy on June 25th.
Think this is the order in which things are due to happen
1. Electrical appliances like hairdryers to be reduced in power…that people will simply have to use them for longer in order to dry their hair seems not to have occured to the green eejits at the EU…but it`ll knacker industries and put us in our box…be surprised if James Dysons appliances don`t get an extra kicking after his Telegraph article today.
2. New taxes to scupper the arts market in London which has got too big for Europes jackboots
3. New taxes to shackle our ports , so Rotterdam and Hamburg get an advantage
4. A return to the Tobin tax to screw over our financial services again-the EU rages at Frankfurt and Paris not getting the advantages that the City has.
5. The new European Army in embryo
6. The National Insurance EU PIN number for taxation
7. The Identity card
8. Increased contribution to the slush funds required to bail out Greece….then Italy…then Spain and then France
9. Forcible imposition of increased migrant quotas seeing as we`re all Euro pussies as before-and WE confirmed this and agreed to this.
10. Turkey and the other four gradually getting slipped into the EU for us to contend with.
All these surely will be on the agenda in the coming year alone….roughly in the order as I think them to be…but as yet, no Remain scum have had to give us the order in which the Five Presidents Report will be getting implemented and imposed on a docile stupid and submissive Britain who sniffed the air..then cowered back in the bloody EU hell hole because we had no balls.
(With thanks to Dan Hannen in the Spectator who gives us most of these priorities this week)
Solid post cH. It’s a shame Daniel Hannan didn’t appear on QT last week instead of Chris Grayling; he’s been a MEP for along time (a la Farage) and has seen how the sausages are made.
You aren’t painting a very rosy prospect for the Remainians, chrisH!
In my opinion any Britons who connived in any way with the EU, by sitting on its committees or voting to impose any of its ‘laws’ on Britain should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves. I’d like to put a bit more strongly but tender souls might be reading this.
Anyway, Brexit is going to win and then you guys will have the arduous task of undoing the damage of decades. I don’t envy you but I wish you all the best.
Too true True too!
After forty years now of a cossetted louche political and academic elite, needing only to supplicate before all things European for a career and pension, it WILL be hard to create a class of people who actually CAN write laws once again-CAN balance the books and stop sleeping under the Brussels magic money tree for their wages.
Not much is said about that-but this Stockholm syndicate of blancmanges, spongebobs and suckups for liberal vogues are not equipped to think to work or to account for themselves…and will need improving or removing.
Must be a factory setting that we can change for them-and even WE will have to get out of Platos cave and stop confusing shadows with substance…been so long in the EU slurry that it may well be discomfiting to only have ourselves to blame as opposed to bloody Brussels…but we`ll do it.
Anyone else notice the brief period for which the BBC poll tracker (on their website) for the EU referendum showed a Brexit lead has now gone and it seems they only want to report polls before then:
Third time in about a week that migrants have been picked up in the Channel, and this is just the ones we know about. Can our politicians please start to defend our borders, make a bold statement and protect us, before this trickle becomes a flood.
We need a fleet of about 100 fast armed patrol boats, not ribs, they are no good, and nor are the Border Force cutters, they are too slow. The fact there we only have three or is it five shows just how weak our government is, just how they fail to treat our nation and its indigenous people seriously.
We need boats about the size of the MTBs of WW2, with towing capacity.
I don’t wish to hear any more whiny stories from the BBC about how these invaders are victims and have been ‘rescued’.
Our defences should include interception of alien craft at our sea limits with an immediate tow back to the French or Belgian or Dutch coats, the nearest at the time of interception. And let’s not hear more whines about that being dangerous, they have just come over safely in the first place.
We are in a kind of war – and certainly if there is any hint that the alien boats are carrying arms, they must be shot at.
taffman, it lasted till midnight. I imagine many Remainians only crawl out of bed in the late afternoon on a Saturday and only wake up by evening so perhaps BBC propagandists let the HYS continue because they were desperate to see more support for Remain in the comments and recommendations. From what I saw, it didn’t happen.
One who did manage to rub the sleep out of his eyes and stagger to the computer insisted that HYS had been “hijacked” by the Brexiters as he irritably tried to explain away the massive support for Brexit on the leftie BBC’s own propaganda website.
I was going to respond but then I thought, why bother – he’d almost certainly staggered back to bed having made that profound contribution to the debate.
England just drew with Russia. Wait for the tweet from Cameron blaming this on the leave campaign. No doubt informing us that England will never win another match and lose by 27 goals each time if we vote to leave the EU.
England just drew with Russia. The BBC will be blaming this on the lack of cultural and gender diversity. They will suggest bringing in Eddy Izzard to add more diversity and add the nutter factor.
I’d question the use of the word “shamed”, as he clearly doesn’t feel any shame at all. In Pakistani politics, politicians are expected to be corrupt, they are judged on how much they can steal for their supporters, in this case an islamic school. I’d call it pork barrel politics, but that doesn’t seem appropriate.
The bottom line is that when you populate your cities with Pakistanis, and they gradually take up leadership roles in local government and the police, they do not by magic suddenly become English, they are and remain Pakistani, and behave exactly as they would in Pakistan. Frankly, it is racist to expect them to behave differently just because they have moved country. Why should they, it’s not as if our state expects them to is it?
We “celebrate diversity”. If the “diversity” involves corruption, bribery and voting fraud, it seems we are expected to celebrate that too!
atlas_shruggedMar 5, 18:22 Midweek 5th March 2025 ‘extremely vulnerable’ girls is code for girls removed from their parents and raised by socialist services. Out of the frying…
tomoMar 5, 18:20 Midweek 5th March 2025 Let’s remember the BBC was on USAID payroll. https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1896930796310806835
tomoMar 5, 18:17 Midweek 5th March 2025 Didn’t go far enough but still an all too rare piece of push back. Just Stop Oil (and others) are…
DoublethinkerMar 5, 18:11 Midweek 5th March 2025 Freddy Gray of the Spectator usually gives a fair assessment of US affairs and has only the faintest trace, almost…
Richard PinderMar 5, 18:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 [img]https://preview.redd.it/day-41-44-of-britain-colonising-europe-british-denmark-v0-6w86d9rzn88a1.png?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=03788bfc8d74bb318d13bb730ceb502ea44289df[/img] Flag of the Dominion of Ukraine Mandatory conscription for those who put a little yellow and blue Ukrainian flag…
atlas_shruggedMar 5, 17:48 Midweek 5th March 2025 Harry Miller outside Newcastle copshop saying Transwimmin are men: https://www.youtube.com/live/GrdmA0VWGSE
Lucy PevenseyMar 5, 17:45 Midweek 5th March 2025 Professional journalists https://twitter.com/runews/status/1897230271659041182
non-licence payerMar 5, 17:40 Midweek 5th March 2025 Starmer’s co-operation with the French clearly going well.
DocmaroonedMar 5, 17:09 Midweek 5th March 2025 Such bravery! Must have fought well for this collection of meaningless nonsense.
MarkyMarkMar 5, 16:55 Midweek 5th March 2025 First to the Ukraine Frontline? [img]https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2024/06/05/16/85752695-13498029-image-m-49_1717601797482.jpg[/img]
A report on BBC radio 4 news that horror of horrors English football fans in Marseilles were chanting anti Islamic slogans when drunk.
Cut to agonised reporter where it turns out that around 6 English fans chanted “where’s ISIS now” OOOh makes the blood run cold at the Islamophobia !
Never in the field of left wing conflict (with its own people) have far left loons been so outraged at such an innocuous comment by so few.
It just shows how obsessed the BBC is with Islam and the protection of Muslims against imaginary threats
And trust Paddy O Connell to flap about fire engines going past the bloke on the other end of his phoneline to Marseille.
He rather hoped that it was a police car, and that it was all kicking off as it were.
The English would again be typecast as the hooligans who dared to drink in the Muslim areas of the city during this period of Ramadan.
Still Paddy found a professor of hooliganology to talk to-do wonder what other soft centre science flanneurs we choose to employ at our yooniz, instead of people who actually DON`T get a living out of crims, footy or meeja studeez.
The academic poseurs, media houris and sportys locker lollards seem to have a stranglehold on our public discourse-and require criminality, racial discord and surveys of paedos to pimp a living off the good people of England-vote NO, and get them flappin`…
Couldn’t that chant be seen as an act of defiance?
It certainly can’t be anti-Islamic as we all know that ‘so-called’ ISIS ‘has nothing to do with… etc.’
Good point, JimS. We’ve been lectured by an endless procession of idiots in the media and politics and elsewhere that Islamic terrorism has nothing to with Islam, so if BBC hacks were logically consistent or had a moral compass they would praise anyone opposed to ISIS.
“BBC man, he speak with forked tongue ” !
Instead of believing or caring what the sickening leftists of the BBC think, view the entire picture on the Internet, as it’s far more credible…
Interestingly, the earlier version of this sky article quoted a senior cop as saying everything was peaceful until the local ‘ultras’ came out for a fight. That quote has mysteriously disappeared.
Since then the Russians have done the same.
There are lots of hooligans out there from different countries looking for a fight but from the press coverage here you’d think it can only be an English problem. If you poke a hornets nest do you not expect to get stung?
And good to see the usual self-congratulatory tripe from the Taffs and the Jocks in the comments sections. Uh-oh, looky here though….
The 31-year-old father-of-two, with a pit-bull physique, has been a leading figure in Scotland’s most notorious football hooligan gang, the Hibs Casuals – or Capital City Service (CCS) to give them their full name – since they first came to prominence in 1984…..
And he blames a schism after Euro 96 which led to the CCS splitting in two. One half stayed as the Hibs Casuals, while the other joined up with Rangers casuals to form the Scottish National Firm, a loosely built group centred on individuals linked to the Far Right, including the British National Party.
It was this group which was thrown out of Spain in 1998 as they tried to join up with other hooligans for organised battles during World Cup games in France…..
And then…
A Scottish football fan has become the first hooligan to be convicted on World Cup violence-related charges.
Talking of which, I was watching an RT live-feed which appeared to show that English fans were being targeted by dark-skinned thugs… The article stated muslim but cannot be verified.
Todays Bible reading at the Queens celebration was rather apposite to the current referendum debate:
Matthew 6 Vs 25 – 34
25 “Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? 26 Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? 27 And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life?7 28 And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, 29 yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. 30 But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? 31 Therefore do not be anxious, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32 For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and my/our heavenly Father knows that you need them all. 33 But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
34 “Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.
Thought Nige acquitted himself more than well against Andrew Neil just now…..theres no getting him into a corner and verbally pummeling him
Ta for the Bible quote thoughtful-very apt.
Nigel had a gentle breeze through, didn`t feel that Neils heart was really in it.
To be fair, Nigel has lots of practice in all this-whereas a chancer like Osborne really isn`t used to being asked what the hell he`s here for.
IDS next week-the calibre of those who want out of the EU is of a different level than the slime who want to trough on unimpeded,,,and it`s clearer to us all as the campaign goes on.
Yes, the pressure is showing people in their true colours and the Remainers are just not up to it. Of course Nige is used to high pressure business and all the crap that gets thrown at him as leader of UKIP. Osborne has never had a job in his life so far as I am aware.
Osborne actually had 2 previous employment roles. The first was with the NHS entering names of the recently deceased into a computer. He then worked for a week in Selfridges folding towels and putting them on the shelves for people to buy.
With that glittering CV he worked for Tory HQ and then became Britain’s youngest Chancellor since 1886. Might explain the total stagnation of the UK economy since the smug silver spooned c***was given the Chancellor role from his bestest mate Cameron.
Except he completely failed to present a convincing case to cut immigation which is meant to be his strong point. If we go out, those people wanting to expel the black faces will not only lose their jobs but also end up with new black faces according to Nigel, this time from Africa and India.
“UKIP would introduce a visa system based on the Australian points model.” ………….
Every time Izzard opens his mouth (or appears in public) he increases the Brexit vote.
Well done beeboids – keep up the good work. Incidentally you could also start to “big up” everything the Moron says. Sorry I must have missed it but it seems you’re already doing that.
Thanks for all the good work.
Grassroots Out.
Or this
Mark 8:36
For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?
If we stay in the EU, its unlikely we will all get rich, but Britain will lose its soul.
Coincidence ? I mean the bible reading
That passage was quoted by the actor playing St Francis of Assisi in the movie ‘Brother Sun, Sister Moon’. That was 44 years ago. It made an appearance on YouTube, where I saw it last year, but has since been removed.
Here’s the trailer:
Thank you for posting those words of wisdom from the Bible.
Well spotted, Thoughtful.
Thoughtful by name, Thoughtful by nature.
I have just watched E Lizzard in full flow on last night’s QT and I wonder if he may have some health issues to deal with.
I am not trying to be deliberately nasty about him because of his totally misguided rantings and deliberate Labourite technique of closing down discussions by shouting down anyone who has the temerity to have opposing views…
However, I wonder if the poor chap is suffering from the same illness as Russel Brand and Stephen Fry who I discovered both suffer from Bipolar (which is a terrible thing to be lumbered with)
Izzard is not a bad actor and is intellectually high on the spectrum with his multi lingual skills and possibly also on a ‘high’ when he does those multi marathons.
So maybe we should cut him some slack and feel a little sorry for the poor fellow as Al Beeb inexcusably have him on their speed dial for him to turn up and embarrass himself time and time again.
By the way, I wonder why the British Brainwashing Corporation has lost Frederick Forsyth’s number?
think its called imadickheaditus the person suffering from it thinks he/she is a great sage whilst everyone knows the’re a dick.
Or too much “snow” in the green room.
Perhaps that’s the “polar” part of Bipolar.
The “bi” part involving a credit card and a rolled up £50 note.
I was thinking he had been on the old Colombian marching powder prior to going on the show as well, he acted like a right “charlie” anyhow 😀
To me seemed a much lower interruption index figure for Neil v Farage compared with Neil v Osborne and far fewer hits by Neil.
Surprised Neil dragged out immigration so long in the interview as Farage likely to be better prepared on that front than on some others.
No mention at all of sovereignty or self determination.
Overall if people can divorce the message from the messenger in their minds it was a pretty good 30 minutes for Leave.
Farage only confirmed he would get more immigrants from the Commonwealth instead of Europe. The need for continued high levels of immigration is confirmed by the Leave campaign so Im not convinced the Brexiters really understand what they are voting for thesedays.
“so Im not convinced the Brexiters really understand what they are voting for these days. ”
I don’t think the Brexiters really care if you are convinced .
For those who don’t study the Lisbon Treaty constitution of the EU, and lets face it why would you, this might prove useful:
Article 8.
1. The Union shall develop a special relationship with neighbouring countries, aiming to establish an area of prosperity and good neighbourliness, founded on the values of the Union and characterised by close and peaceful relations based on cooperation.
2. For the purposes of paragraph 1, the Union may conclude specific agreements with the countries concerned. These agreements may contain reciprocal rights and obligations as well as the possibility of undertaking activities jointly. Their implementation shall be the subject of periodic consultation.
Unless the Remain camp are suggesting that the EU will defy its own constitution it’s going to be difficult to get around this
[Oops, reported your comment by accident. Damn smartphone]
“suggesting that EU will defy its own constitution”
Who could ever think such a thing…
This is much too tricky a subject for the geniuses at the BBC to consider asking the Remainists to comment on.
Another good spot, T.
On top form. 🙂
EU referendum: Sterling falls after Independent poll puts Brexit 10 points ahead
breaking news
Who cares. Financial markets are always going up or down. But if we stay in the EU, we will forfeit the right to be a self-governing nation.
it’s not the sterling fall which is important, but the ten point brexit lead !
Agreed. But what the Independent wants to do, is to panic people into thinking that if we did leave the EU, the £ will nose dive to nothing. Nothing of the sort. When the markets recover, and the £ goes way too high, the same Independent will be claiming that Brexit has led British companies becoming uncompetitive
Yes exactly. We dont care about Sterling collapsing do we, because lets face it none of us really understand the significance of that, do we?
Don’t be an idiot. Gordon Brown’s wrecking of the economy took Sterling from Eu1.50 to Eu1.05 (about 30%) in short order. That’s a collapse to me, and here we are with our economy having motored along since while the Eurozone has coughed and spluttered, and even the ECB pulling the choke out with QE has failed to make any real difference.
But I suppose in your book that was just a downturn rather than a collapse because there wasn’t a referendum at the time?
What is your definition of ” collapse ” ? And what is your psychiatrist’s definition ?
Today I heard on social media from a relation who I always assumed was a remainer. He has ‘come out’ as a leaver, based mainly on difficulties he’s had as a small businessman with EU trading laws. I was very surprised and I wonder just how many other Leavers are waiting quietly in the wings.
LOL ! I think it is more likely to be a result of the fall in Government bond yields. I have never known markets to react to an opinion poll ! And it will boost our exports.
Gordon Brown’s balls up of the economy caused Sterling to slide 20% against the Euro.
And look what that did for us.
Left the Euro countries trailing in our wake!
Similar to leaving the ERM.
According to the Independent the 10% Brexit lead is good for Remain ????!
Apparently, as yet unmobilised Remainians will be so galvanised by the horror of
a Brexit that they will turn out en masse on June 23 and clinch victory. It’s all a bit like Hitler in his bunker deploying imaginary divisions to secure the Endsieg.
Well, I gritted my teeth and sat through Thursday’s ITV EU debate in four parts on YouTube. The Remain side was dire, frequently trying to interrupt the Brexiters and swinging from indignation to bitchy insults and back again. The Brexit side, by contrast, was calm and dignified, with a bit of humour thrown in by Boris.
I watched half of it and then found the only way I could bear the rest was to mute the Remainians whenever they spoke. They made me think of Al Pacino in that great scene from ‘Scent of a woman’ where he says, “This is such a crock of shit!”
That’s what the moderator should have told the Remainian crew, but somehow I can’t quite picture her doing that.
It would be all the better for Brexit if Bunter wasnt a proven liar and had no interest in whether we leave or remain. He would like to be PM and for no other reason than just getting to that position. It was exactly the same when he became Mayor. No interest and no aptitude.
March 15, 2015 at 1:09 pm
I contribute here because I am highly critical of BBC news.”
So where is your contribution ?
Nothing to say again Taffman?
I certainly have……,
So where is your contribution ?
Go easy on Manon. He is just lonely and he is harmless
Notice that we have a different ‘Manon’ today ? Same name tag but different person on duty .
BBC Website. Headline of American boxer’s funeral appears above headline of Queen’s funeral.
I wasn’t aware that the Queen had died Grant !
oops ! Mistype !!!!
You panicked me into going to the BBC site to check. Thank God that she is alive.
As our spiritual leaders and politicians, and the BBC (Inshallah BBC ), have abandoned us to the Islamic wolf, I see Her Majesty the Queen as the last serious obstacle to us becoming an Islamic nation.
I am really sorry. It was a terrible mistake after a very long day. I am second to none in my respect for Her Majesty . I meant to type ” birthday “. It was too late to edit which maybe makes me think that this site should have a delete button. I posted the correct post on the midweek thread by mistake and reposted on this. Mind you , it is unusual for someone to be alive in the morning and have funeral the same day !
Listening to Clinton speaking at Ali’s funeral. Something seems to happen to the voices of men once they get over 65, they sound like they are breaking in new dentures !! Clinton is only 69 yet sounds like someone over 80 !!
I didn’t know Clinton was 69 – no doubt Monica Lewinsky will confirm that ………
Mr Izzard can consider himself to be a lucky “man”. It wasn’t that many years ago that if he had been seen like he was on Thursdays ‘BBC Question Time” he would have been detained under the “Mental Health Act”. But then they introduced “Care in the Community”. The ‘Emperor and His Clothes’ spring to mind.
I felt sorry for him. He was way out of his depth and it showed. The BBC should take care of it’s tame pundits. Excellent vote loser for remain though.
At one point he got so agitated at Farage that he started flapping his hands as if trying to shoo a troublesome fly away. But of course Farage is not one to be shooed away.
His dialogue was rehearsed – he said all the same ‘soundbites’ on the Jeremy Vine show earlier in the day, which made him look even more amateur. Like – ‘there are 8 billion people in the world who have to be given a chance’. Nice thought, but the UK/Europe is not responsible for that IMHO. He needs to run some more marathons.
Something that has perhaps not been discussed by the BBC?
Could the UK leave the EU by act of Parliament?
If the Remain win, and there is a pro-Leave shift in the government, could it happen?
(I’m not a Parliamentary expert).
Good question. As I understand the situation, referendums have no historic precedent. Parliament has the last say in all matters.
For instance, if the people decide to leave, it is quite possible that parliament will not recognise it. But being a little apprehensive of the consequences on the street, parliament can spin the process for so long, that the people are confused by the sheer mechanics of it all. Then parliament can hold another referendum to negate the first.
As far as I understand, we do not have the power to make a sitting parliament do our will via a referendum. What we do have, is the power to elect a parliament that will do our will.
NCBBC – “As I understand the situation, referendums have no historic precedent. Parliament has the last say in all matters.”
Sadly, not for long if we vote remain. In fact, as it stands, parliament doesn’t have the final say if some clever lawyer spots a loophole – and you’d be very naïve not to think they aren’t already going through the law with a fine toothed comb. If there’s a legal challenge then the judiciary, ultimately the Supreme Court, have the final say, but if it concerns anything to do with EU law then guess who has the final say on that one? Yep, European Court of Justice.
Whichever way this referendum goes there are underhand and dastardly shenanigans ahead, well before article 50 is invoked, and even then, article 50 has never been legally tested…
If Cameron sides with his EU masters in sabotaging a Brexit victory he will be the most hated man in Britain. He will make Tony Blair seem popular.
Whatever happens, Cameron is toast. He has already lost any authority and credibility which he had and that was not much. He and Osborne are yesterday’s men or , more accurately, boys.
Assuming Brexit wins, would there be an internal Tory squabble and the election of a new leader?
If Remain wins, won’t Cameron feel vindicated and simply carry on?
I think you are correct. Our unwritten constitution seems to hinge on the supremacy of Parliament and the House of Commons in particular. So the referendum would appear not to be binding either way but advisory. Parliament would have to vote to accept any referendum decision.
It folllows that any vote by referendum to stay in or leave can then be changed if a majority of our MPs agree.
Maybe I am wrong but this is my reading of it.
As with all things though Parliament must always consider public opinion and the likelihood of civil unrest .
If we had a USA style written constitution then we would never have had to think about the EU anyway as membership would have been blocked by it.
I am clear that in England all sovereignity rests with the electorate. WE elect our MPs to form a parliament but these same MPs cannot cede our sovereignity to anyone or any institution. This already puts our MPs in conflict with this doctrine as any EU treaty is a violation of this.
Furthermore this sovereignity is inalienable and we ourselves cannot cede it. We are custodians of it down the generations.
I wish this view was made clear to our young so that they could understand that the vote is not about travel and phones but serious matters.
Dave S, well said, particularly the last paragraph. I recall a few years ago I believe Norris McWhirter mounted a legal challenge to the EU, claiming that Britain’s entry into it was treasonous because it ceded power to a higher authority than HM the Queen. At the time as a naive young liberal-leftie, I just thought ‘what a nutter’ but now, I realise just what he was on about.
Short answer: yes.
The ‘experts’ will tell you that we can’t, because it would break the rules. However most momentous events that happen in the world are because someone ‘broke the rules’. Some call these ‘Black Swan’ events because, as everyone knows, all swans are white, except for the ones in Australia that break the rule.
Many, many moons ago the BBC had a programme presented by the guy from Tomorrow’s World, James Burke, in which experts were presented with scenarios that they had to provide solutions to. Invariably Mr. Burke would tell them that such and such couldn’t be done because of some law, rule or convention. That is the reason why Hitler didn’t invade Poland and why Turkey won’t join the EU.
The EU break the “rules” any time it suits them .
Indeed. The bullying and condemnation of Hungary over its border controls is a recent example. Hungary was carrying out EU law by protecting the Schengen area, but this did not fit in with the masterplan.
Britain is better placed to fight terrorists outside the European Union, the security minister says.
But who knew? The BBC completely ignored it. (Or was it buried at the foot of something else? Google returns nada, zip, zero for John Hayes on BBC news.)
But hey, it’s only a statement by a government minister about our national security – nothing important or anything.
Writing in The Daily Telegraph, John Hayes says that the EU is guilty of “grand scheming” and trying to “appropriate power” instead of “doing the job in hand”.
Although the minister is known to be a supporter of Brexit he reveals his reasons for voting Leave as he warns that the EU is “too rigid” to deal with the “pan-national terrorist threat”.
His intervention in the Brexit debate – less than two weeks before polling day – threatens to undermine one of David Cameron and Theresa May’s central arguments for remaining in the EU.
“Threatens to undermine one of David Cameron and Theresa May’s central arguments for remaining in the EU” – perhaps this shines a light on why the luvvies might have spiked this story – couldn’t be more obvious if they tried.
British Bullshit Corporation at its Finest™
A lot of security going on in France. Surely it can’t be to protect people against Moslems, who have yet to be linked to any form of terrorism.
Reading about Dennis Skinner after seeing his decision to support leave and found a great clip of him schooling Emily Maitlis as she tries to twist his words. The incident in question is right at the end of the interview (about 3:40 in).
“Just joking….”
Seems to get deployed mainly when the joke either did not exist or fell very flat.
I read a late e-mail from work and they are telling me sterling got a bit of a hammering late on as the American’s getting wind of a poll showing Brexit moving well ahead. Let’s get out of this fffing EU.
That’ll be Labour’s fault for admitting that their core voters put control of immigration at the top of their priorities. That is as it has been for sometime but in general elections they have largely swung back to the party. this is a single issue vote and the opportunity will be taken to give the establishment a kicking. The major parties have ignored that happening at the Euro-elections.
Quite right. The wealthy champagne socialists in the Labour elite are totally out of touch with the grassroots and have no idea what it is like for most British people living in this country. And , as you say, it applies to all the major parties. Time for us to take our country back from these parasites.
Honours List just announced. Thankfully we are spared the knighting of Beckham (phew!)
Did the Lemon drizzle cake cook get an award?
Without looking at the list I think we can assume Nigel Farage won’t be made a Sir – not until Boris becomes PM in July at least.
GWF and Tabs,
LOL ! But that prick Rod Stewart made it so that is OK.
Glad to see Sir Rod get an award.
Top twelve Rod songs
1. Pool Hall Richard
2. You Wear It Well
3. Farewell
4. Maggie Mae
5. Handbags and Gladrags
6. You Can make me dance sing or anything
7. Gasoline Ali(oops!)
8.I know (I`m losing you)
9. Every picture tells a story
10. Do you think I`m sexy(sorry-but the drumming is great)
11. Reason To Believe
12 Mama you been on my mind.
Good news ongs too over the last few years-working class hero still, as far as I can tell.
Maybe a posthumous award for Ronnie Corbetts family…and a lifetime genius award for Prince?
He is still a prick !
Harsh grant.
But maybe you know more about him.
Not sure he is really-given all the money and madness he does well to still write a good song on occasion still.
Got to be a Tory I`d say…hence my indulgence of his plastic shortbread impressions at Scotlands World Cup fiasco of 1978.
Hey ! chrisH,
Yes, I was a little harsh on Rod , the faux Scot, and that is a narrow -minded , parochial view.
” Plastic shortbread impressions ” . Wow ! You are spot on !
Hey, chrisH, I am just listening to Paul Simon , age 74, latest ” Stranger to stranger ” . Not sure yet but , maybe , on 3 rd listening ? Or just listen to Rod and leave my brain in bed ?
Not yet, – New Year’s list perhaps ??
After watching Andrew Neil questioning Nigel Farage this evening, which I thought was one of the fairest interviews I’ve ever seen him get on al beebus, I’ve reached the conclusion that A.N. is a Brexiter.
He gave Farage a much easier ride than either Benn or Osborne received (which was a nice change for once) and he was given plenty of opportunity to present his case and time to respond to the questions put to him.
I think this has been a very good week for Leave: I hope they can keep this momentum going right up to the wire.
From here on in, no Dyson cleaners will be allowed to dust down the champagne socialists located in broadcasting house…..Forget that they’re the best, James Dyson has declared for Brexit…
He says that the idea the UK cannot trade outside EU is ” absolute cobblers” . Good man !
It’s a pity he moved his factories to the far east. Very pro-British.
It is a shame. Maybe we should only ever buy something made in Britain ?
Does anyone make electrical eqpt in Britain?
Canada sinks to new depths of depravity…….how long before the low life bbc start pushing this one?
Judge in court case in Canada has declared that non penetrative sex with your pet is ‘permissable in law’
Ithought this was a joke when i first read it,but apparently not…..
Words do not do justice…….
Number 6,
My goldfish is quaking in her bowl. But , seriously, this is beyond belief . It is not a big step from that to children.
Number 6.
Actually this law make sense from an animal welfare perspective – which differs from animal rights. The point being that penetrative sex can compromise an animal’s welfare – eg. cause pain and distress. Consider that the most popular animals to have sex with are chickens, followed by dogs etc. Most animal welfare laws are based on the feelings of the animal, not on public morality. Hence female with animal sex, although grossly immoral, which might not harm the donkey, would not be unacceptable in welfare terms and presumably legal in many countries. In fact the US has a considerable number of states which permits interspecies sexual contact. They never got around to making it illegal
The UK seems to embrace both public morality and animal welfare. It is illegal to have sex with a living animal, but OK to have sex with a dead one.
However, under the Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008, whilst you can have sex with a dead animal it is illegal to store and distribute images of the act.
I guess Dave is in the clear if he did not take a selfie with the pig’s head.
LOL ! In Turkey , it is compulsory for the President to have sex with goats. It sets me thinking . With the , increasingly likely, possibility that Boris is PM one day and scumbag Erdogan is still President, how will their relationship develop in the light of Boris’ ” Spectator” poem ?
Whats the problem we have a PM who had sex with a pigs head….
But Boris hasn’t written a poem about it…. yet !
It’s pretty amazing that we have to have laws to cover that. How can it be legal when the animal can’t give consent. Anyway, good news cos I’ve seen an ant on the patio that I quite fancy….
Exactly, the animal cannot give consent. As for your ant . Ha ! Not a patch on my Goldfish !
Now I know why they open and shut their mouths like that! The little flusies (not sure of the spelling there..)!
Biased BBC Toady 7am headlines.
1. 13 carefully selected people no-one has heard of say Brexit will be a disaster
2. James Dyson and Nigel Farage found in bed together with underage children and photos of Jimmy Savile, on the phone to ISIS and plotting a bomb attack.
I’ve only MOSTLY made that up as it does reflect that news bulletin’s start, like so many, and therefore pretty much sums up the biased BBC reporting in general, in terms of order of points and scraping the barrel in their headlong biased support for Remain.
LOL ! You know that there are some people who just want to be on the winning side. I think , if the Leave bandwagon is rolling, more will come over. Of course, the BBC never will but, if they come to realise that their relentless propaganda is counterproductive, they may tone it down a bit. Personally, I am beginning to see the BBC as an asset and almost hope that they become even more outrageous as time goes by.
Deputy Labour leader Tom Watson, Ed Miliband and Chuka Umunna are calling on labour activists to encourage (tell) the labour party to get behind the remain campaign.
For a referendum in which one of the big issues is democracy, you might think that for once people might be allowed to make up their own minds. Not so in the Labour party where a left wing dictatorship rules or tries to rule and enforce the party line. (Russia in the 1960s – 1980s anyone?)
At least the conservative train wreck of a EU campaign, if nothing else, does appear to be unrepentant about party divides – for the time being.
I think this guarantees even more votes for Leave. In really important matters British people do not like being told what to do !!!
Nothing guarantees sense.
If we don’t like being told what to do, how should we react to Schauble’s latest repeated threat?
Boris was quite right to point out Germany’s desire to dominate Europe – again!
There’s quite a funny image Ed posted on Twitter (handling his own PR, if with advice from Dave now) of a massive rally in support with about two easy to see ladies around his camp table, and one looks like she was there seeking a free sample.
Newsnight have been following the fortunes of a Syrian refugee family admitted to the UK from Jordan under the UN vulnerable refugees programme.
Evan Davies announced last night that the 19 year old son of the family appeared in court on Tyneside yesterday with two others “believed to be Syrians” charged with sexual offences against a 14 year old.
“We will be continuing to cover this when the case goes to trial later in the year”
This was carried on Newsnight during the last 5 minutes of the programme aired on 10th June. For some reason it wasn’t shown further up the running list. It’ll be on the I player now.
You couldn’t make it up. If that person is convicted he should be shipped straight back, and another more deserving person given a chance. Why oh why are they admitting young men like this who will have no useful purpose or occupation? Recipe for disaster and only leftards would think it could work.
But I am a bit worried about the poor things human rights? Surely, even child rapists cannot be deported due to their right to a family life?
This is what the leftists will opine, of course. The one about right to family life preventing deportation particularly annoys me. What is stopping the family of the offender also travelling to the country the offender is being deported too? Family reunited. What have they got to complain about?
If they choose to keep their family split after deportation, that is their business. This should not be a block to deporting a criminal in 99% of cases.
Just read the article – makes me so mad that we have given these folks a chance and this is the gratitude they show. Why are these young men considered vulnerable? And if they have illnesses, they shouldn’t be out assaulting young women. It makes a mockery of the whole thing – you reap what you sow. Young able bodied men should be excluded from this program.
Links please!
Posters may recall that Mark Carney outrageously intervened in the debate on the Remainer side. I have just watched a clip on Youtube of him being quietly taken apart by Jacob Rees-Mogg in a select committee. Jacob even calls him a liar ( well, he uses the word sophistry ! ). Carney squirms, bullshits but can’t escape. How did this wretched man ever become Governor ?
Please post a link Grant
Number 6
Just enter “rees-mogg carney “. I must learn how to do links .
Here’s a simple method to insert links, Grant:
*Put your mouse pointer on the http:// address bar at the top of the page you want to link to
*Right click the mouse and the address will be highlighted and a menu will drop down
*Left click on Copy
*Right click in the comment box where you want the link to appear
*Left click on Paste and there you have it
You can use this Copy and Paste method to lift whole chunks of text from a page and plonk them down at BBBC or wherever. You have to first highlight the text by clicking, holding and dragging the mouse, which needs a bit of practice, but once you’ve got it you’re ready to roll!
Thank you so much . I shall try it. Seems to me that there should be a short cut way . But , I shall see
No problem. I’m trying a shortcut now. I’ve just Googled the pollsatation referendum thingy and right-clicked on the heading of the first result, which is ‘The EU Referendum by Pollstation’.
I left-clicked on ‘Copy Shortcut’ from the menu which appeared and now I’m going to right-click below this line to get the menu to appear here:
Well, it did appear and when I clicked on ‘Paste’ I got a four-line jumble of a link, which didn’t look that great, so I reckon I’ll stick to the first method!
It’s a breeze once you get used to it.
Please don’t spend too much time on it . I shall try again tomorrow .
No problem. The second method was one that I’d been meaning to try for a while. Now I see that it doesn’t work on BBBC. I’ll leave it up to you now.
Grant, save this website it helps in most simple HTML subjects:
Here it is:
Thanks , Al !
Dunno, I was trying to see where and when Mogg was savaging the guy, rather than mumbling and grumbling at him. He certainly emerged from the savaging unscathed.
I guess it didn’t help that I barely understood a word of what either of them were saying.
Pity that The Mogg looks so odd, he would otherwise make a great Tory leader.
Yes, but I think he is too clever for that job ! And probably not interested in Party politics. Just guessing .
This is quite good:
At about 10:36 Carney refers to the ‘so-called new settlement agreement’.
I wonder which part of Cameron’s ‘Reformed EU Deal’ the ‘so-called’ applies to? New? Agreement? Or is he basically just saying we asked for nothing and got even less? Please tell us BBC!
Maybe dave & george had a hand?
BT.com BREXIT poll shows 80% for Leave….then abruptly disappears
Weird. Also weird is the fact that the Brexit The Movie upload to YouTube that had well over a million views after four weeks, 20 000 likes to 2 000 dislikes and 14 000 comments has disappeared while another upload with fewer views is still up there.
Meanwhile the pollstation referendum poll seems to be currently attracting a bit more attention from the Remainians, with 16% for Remain and 81% for Leave, whereas about a week ago and for at least three weeks before that it was hovering around 14% and 82%:
It seems like a significant stat because over 121 000 people have now voted and the Remainians began to increase their % at about 100 000 votes. If the poll has not been fiddled with then a helluvah lot of people are starting to vote Remain on it. Perhaps this is desperation as Remain senses that it could well lose and lose badly.
BREXIT: Now the Remaindeers resort to poll disinformation.
Does anyone know how the votes cast will be counted? Is it done by constituency as in a GE or is it done by area or county or what? In the Scottish Indy I am sure it was different from a GE as Orkney and Shetland were counted separately whereas in a GE it is one constituency.
And I vaguely seem to remember a digital counter on the TV screens when the AV referendum was done a few years ago.
Anybody know?
I am told it’s likely to be done by returning officer.
So if a returning officer normally is responsible for a number of constituencies then they will be grouped and announced as one.
So a county like Lincolnshire which has a retuning officer for the North & another for the South will probably announce along those lines, and not for the constituencies which wouldn’t mean much anyway.
Soapbox. Just off the top of my head I think it will be done by Voting Areas based on councils. There are three hundred and thirty something in England. While in Scotland there are 32 and Wales 22.
These are based on councils. The councils are aggregated into a Region. There are Twelve Regions, South West, South East, London, East of England, West Midlands, East Midlands, Yorkshire and Humber, North East, North West, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Island. The last being the only region not divided into voting areas.
Gibraltar votes are counted in the South West Region.
I might be right in thinking that the voting areas are the same as the AV referendum in England and Wales and Scotland should be the same as the Independence referendum more recently.
You can go to Wikipedia and search for ‘Eu referendum 2016 results’ and if you look around you should find lists and maps of the regions and voting areas and also a full list of voting areas. But you have to search around the article to find them, but they are there.
I am open to correction on this as I am not at my desk, but I hope this helps.
Yasser & Thoughtful…thanks for that. I felt it was different from a GE for sure. I’ll have a look round Wiki.
heard a good piece of advice….to prevent the remainers committing fraud by altering your vote.take a black pen in with you and make your X,then go over it with the pencil they give you
the very notion of making your mark with a pencil is an open invitation to fraudulent behaviour….not that that would ever happen…..
I have lived in and loved this country for 72 years and believed it to be the most honest, fairest and democratic of societies. But now I fear that there has been and will be electoral fraud committed by a grasping, self-serving elite under the (hidden) banner of Common Purpose. I have not been one for conspiracy theories and perhaps this is just simple gravy train politics but everything points to us being manipulated with the pretence of democracy biding the time when we are all suitably indoctrinated into accepting our inferior places in a society run by our “betters”. Those that shout “remain” are either complicit or useful idiots, in my opinion, and that includes the BBC
Number 6, it would be good if we could get some definitive statement somewhere on this. I’ve heard various theories about using pen or pencil to prevent fraud – but I don’t want to risk my paper being soiled.
Oh Hell. I wrote Northern ‘Island’ when I meant Northern ‘Ireland’. Silly me. But was gone midnight and I was very tired.
Although Gibraltar does have a vote, rest assured the North Island of New Zealand does not.
HYS is still running …………………………….
taffman, Yes, I’ve been popping in there from time to time to read, recommend and post. They removed a post where I’d pointed out that the unaccountable power structures of the EU dictatorship were ideal for radical Islam and the infiltration of those who favour Sharia and a Caliphate.
Anyway, it stayed up long enough to attract at least 9 likes.
I find it interesting that the BBC has reactive moderation on these HYS articles. They used to be extremely reluctant to open even one article to comments without initial moderation. Of course, pre-moderation destroys debate – which I’d always believed was the BBC aim.
Anyway, there are other ways of fiddling with the debate – like restricting posts to a ridiculously short word limit and making the comment page almost impossible to navigate back through to try to find older comments.
As usual, about 90% of comments and recommendations favour Brexit, which almost makes me feel sorry for the propagandists at the BBC. Their propaganda has been shown to be ineffective even on their own website.
Glimmer of Hope Department.
Some new faces around on the BBC Blogs & EU Referendum HYSs. Mostly indicating support for Leave.
Caution however; may not be reliable as it’s a self-selecting group & possibly vulnerable to abuses of multiple posting, Trolling in original sense, etc..
Up2snuff – I saw you putting your oar in there a few times today. Good work.
You have got to hand it to the EU. The EU grant con works amazingly well.
In 19th century Britain ar least corrupt politicians used their own money to buy free beer and tokens of gratitude The favours they granted were within their own power to grant The Labour party went one step further in places like Oldham and Bolton. “Community leaders” would be given tax payers’ money to create Islamic centers so increasing the status of the community leader. The community leader’s wives would be given £40,000 a year jobs as Urdu/English translators in the Labour council, even though they could barely read and write Urdu, let alone speak English. This is a peasant thing. A generous gift engenders a true feeling of obligation and loyalty. It is not surprising therefore that Welsh peasant farmers like EU subsidies and perceive them as largesse and munificence from Brussels. I find it shocking that 13 Nobel prize winners think of EU research grants in the same way. Surely they must have the intellectual sophistication to realise they are being bribed with their own money? If they are all male, pale and stale, perhaps their views should be ridiculed in the media like other famous scientists of a similar pedigree.
Some British Scientists …..
Francis William Aston
David Axon
Francis Bacon
Roger Bacon
Michael Bearpark
John Beddington
Ralph Benjamin
Kevin Beurle
David Mervyn Blow
Edward August Bond
Edward Augustus Bowles
C. V. Boys
Dennis Bray
Malcolm Brenner
Donald Broadbent
W. A. S. Butement
Robert W. Cahn
Sandy Cairncross
James Cameron (scientist)
Richard Caton
Colin Cherry
Harriette Chick
Samuel Hunter Christie
Marcela Contreras
Eva Crane
Francis Crick
Henry Holmes Croft
Andrew Crosse
John Dalton – Father of modern atomic theory – Dalton’s law of Partial Pressures
Donald Davies – One of the three Fathers of the Internet
Humphry Davy
Charles Darwin (naturalist – Theory of Evolution)
Paul Dirac
Deborah Doniach
Michael Faraday
Adrian Farrel
Axel Firsoff
Carey Foster
Henry Foster
Rosalind Franklin
Ed Gallagher
Michael Gerzon
June Goodfield
Dougal Goodman
Guy Goodwin
Raymond Gosling
Monica Grady
Malcolm Green
Robert Grosseteste
Frederick Guthrie
Helen Gwynne-Vaughan
Wendy Hall
Edmond Halley
William Vernon Harcourt
Anita Harding
Richard Harrison
Thomas Hayes
Stephen Hawking (theoretical physicist and cosmologist)
Oliver Heaviside
Vernon Heywood
Julia Higgins
Peter Higgs
Harold Hillman
Peter Hirsch
George Hockham
Anthony Hollander
Victor Horsley
Rosalinde Hurley
Harold Edwin Hurst
Janet Husband
Ray K Iles
Alec Jeffreys
Edward Jenner (pioneer immunologist)
Harren Jhoti
Mark H. Johnson
Daniel Jubb
Maged N. Kamel Boulos
Charles K. Kao
Frank Kearton, Baron Kearton
David Kelly
Alexander King
Rudolf Kompfner
John Howard Kyan
Patrick Laidlaw
John Henry Lefroy
John Lennard-Jones
Chris Lightfoot
John McCafferty
George Macfarlane
Harry Marsh
Charles James Martin
Neil D. Mathur
James Clerk Maxwell (physicist, mathematician – formulated electromagnetic theory)
Peter H Millard
John F. B. Mitchell
Kieran Moriarty
William Musgrave
Sir Isaac Newton
Bridget Ogilvie
Ian Osterloh
Woodbine Parish
Arthur Lindo Patterson
David Peakall
Joseph Barclay Pentland
Chris Phillips (professor)
Henry Piddington
Andrew Pitman
Vicky Pope
Matthew Raper
Chris Rapley
Michael Reiss
Sheila Rodwell
Gordon Rugg
Bertrand Russell (philosopher, logician, mathematician, historian, and social critic)
John Burdon-Sanderson
Sydney Selwyn
Nigel Shadbolt
George D. W. Smith
Charles Stanhope, 3rd Earl Stanhope
James Stirling
Peter A. Stott
Peter Sykes
Benjamin Thompson
J. J. Thomson
William Thomson, 1st Baron Kelvin
John Sealy Townsend
Eric Trist
Alan Turing (mathematician, cryptanalyst and computer scientist)
Arthur James Turner
James Underwood
Olga Uvarov
Nicholas Wald
Kevin Warwick
Andrew Watson (scientist)
Alexander Watt
Richard Burkewood Welbourn
Michael Wells
Thomas Summers West
Elsie Widdowson
Maurice Wilkins
James H. Wilkinson
Alan Wilson
Tamsin Wilton
Greg Winter
Heinz Wolff
Thomas Young
Tim Berners-Lee
To name but a few – Have faith people of Great Britain.
Despite the BBC’s account of the richness of Islamic scholarship and contribution to Britain, there are no Mohamids and Ahmeds in the list.
ID, George Orwell pointed out as long ago as the 1930s that English intellectuals are virtually the only ones in the world who tend to hate their own country. Anybody in the arts and sciences born in the last 100 years or so has had hatred of England rammed down their throats until it is like mother’s milk to them. So it’s hardly surprising they believe the EU is preferable to an independent UK in absolutely everything.
I may have missed the “Yooniz for Remain” yesterday that Kirsty Wank promised us on Thursdays Newsnight…but I`d not be escaping the Nob Prize Guys who tell us that science will stop and we`ll all die of cancerous AIDS if we choose to leave the EU.
Thirteen of them apparently….and yet no names from the BBC…are we talking Faraday and Maxwell standards here?…or Alan Turing and Jim Al Khalili here I ask myself?
In what disciplines too-are talking the synthesis of insulin, or Danny Blanchflowers economics doodles?
No-as ever, no context from the BBC.
AND-follow the money…who pays for their departments and their research…into eugenics?…how to disguise a postal vote to avoid a Venezuelan or Austrian rumbling of the project?….can`t ALL be going to the UEA for its global warming, Oxbridge Migration research into space blankets can it?
In short-STFU Beeb…until you know what your Nobel Prize Guys actaully DID-or WHY they`d send this shit through instead of marking exam papers for high maintenance, thick and depressed snowflakes who learned nothing from them all year, as the poor sods were charged £9,000 for a bloody library card…..
Maybe they are Political “Scientists “.
I wonder whether any science – or inventing or manufacturing or farming or fishing or teaching or travelling or banking (insert whatever you feel like) was done before the EU existed? You’d think not if you listened to the rubbish via the Bbc that emerges from Nobel prize winners and experts on all these subjects. It’s as if they have all forgotten our history.
So the Daily Mirror has had it’s appeal to reduce the payments of it’s own phone hacking scandal rejected……..the coverage from the BBC…………..nothing.
Contrast this with the outrage shown towards the Sun and it’s scandal and the stench of hypocrisy from the BBC and the left is overwhelming.
The money that the Mirror has to pay out has increased to £41 million, that is one reason that Trinity Mirror (the parent company) are closing some regional titles and trying to dispose of others….basically they are in serious financial trouble…….the BBC and its’s hypocritical friends on the left are refusing to report on this and seem determined to sweep it under the carpet.
Have I got this wrong?
Looking at Alis funeral-is there any reason why both the US and Olympic flags are hung “the wrong way round”?
This one for the conspiracy/illuminati pals of ours?…or simply being due to the cameras needing to film from behind them?
The US flag is being displayed according to the US regulations, i.e. top of the hoist edge of the flag on the left. The Olympics flag is being hung according to the same convention, I don’t know if there are guidelines for it but it makes for symmetry to apply the same rule.
Ta jim.
Knew there`d be someone who knew this kinda thing.
Really hate the Olympic blusters after a local sausage show was not allowed to display the five rings in a sausage way…trademark breach of copyright…so since then I`ve made it a point to annoy their pretensions if I ever get the chance.
Seb Coe-no further questions, yer honour.
[Three parliamentary questions that won’t be answered before the referendum, or at all. And if answered won’t be mentioned by the Beeb or the Guardian:]
Question asked by Lord Laird on 8 June 2016 – HL566
Department of Health
Health Services: Reciprocal Arrangements
To ask Her Majesty’s Government what payments were made, in sterling, (1) in the most recent year by the UK to each European Union member state for healthcare provided to UK citizens and pensioners resident in each of those states, and
(2) by each member state to the UK for EU citizens and pensioners resident in the UK; and what were the respective totals.
[The answer, roughly, is we pay out to EU countries around £1b. each year and they pay us £50m.]
Question asked by Lord Laird on 8 June 2016 – HL567
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Free Movement of People
To ask Her Majesty’s Government how many British citizens are resident in each European Union member state; how many from each of those states are resident in the UK; and in each case how many are of pensionable age.
[The answer is, roughly, a lot fewer British live in the EU than spun by Remainians, and we haven’t a clue how many EU are here, anyway most are ‘seasonal workers’!]
Question asked by Lord Laird on 08 June 2016 – HL568
Home Office
Migrant Workers: Entry Clearances
To ask Her Majesty’s Government, in relation to certificates of sponsorship used to support immigrants’ entry clearance or extension of stay applications, (1) how many sponsoring employers are currently registered, (2) where those employers are listed, (3) how many certificates of sponsorship are granted to each sponsoring employer, (4) whether such figures are available on application, and (5) what was the total number of those sponsored in the last two years.
[They won’t say which companies sponsors how many each year. The biggest sponsors are usually Indian IT companies.]
Just listening to the AQ repeat on R4; to adopt Nigel Farage’s phrase: another “very carefully selected” BBC audience.
UK Politics page:
Dyson backs campaign to leave the EU
Brexit could break-up EU
Farage: Upbeat Leave ‘set for victory”
Labour MP Mann to vote or Brexit
I gather from Radio Three news this morning that the ‘remainians’ discount Dyson because he backed entry into the Euro. Does that mean that they now disown all the pro-Remain economic ‘experts’ who backed the Euro too?
So tell us, what ‘turned’ you ?
Must have been a hard day for TV cameramen. A large and, as far as I could see from Sky’s coverage, very non “diverse” crowd outside Buckingham Palace and down The Mall. Usual story.
The commentator stressed how good natured everybody was. They usually are at these events. I don’t think the Met will be coming under any scrutiny.
Not a big fan of Sky these days but their commentator, whose name I don’t know, appeared to be ex military and showed some evidence of having done a little research beforehand. Never a bad idea. Don’t know what the BBC’s coverage was like.
BBC TV’s Newswatch this morning had two very effective viewers in the studio complaining about the excessive coverage of Cassius Clay’s demise. The BBC’s defence was totally unconvincing.
Interesting that Sky online lead with Queen’s birthday, BBC lead with pantomime baddie Philip Green.
On Any Questions the delightful Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh broke ranks with the panels’ loyal tribute to HM by babbling about ‘the NHS’.
I have switched from the BBC to Sky when these Royal events are being covered because this ex-military man is better than the BBC’s people. I did go to the BBC for a moment, only to find the Welsh nationalist whose name also escapes me doing the commentary. He is always pushing his Welshness down our throats and maybe it was just chance but he was doing that very thing as I switched.
And has anyone noticed that when he’s presenting the news he’s forever scanning his eyes across his desk, at screens I suppose, very rarely does he look at the viewer. I suppose he’s trying to give the impression he’s everso busy and very important! To me it’s extremely irritating. It’s time he was retired.
I have switched from the BBC to Sky when these Royal events are being covered because this ex-military man is better than the BBC’s people. I did go to the BBC for a moment, only to find the Welsh nationalist whose name also escapes me doing the commentary. He is always pushing his Welshness down our throats and maybe it was just chance but he was doing that very thing as I switched.
And has anyone noticed that when he’s presenting the news he’s forever scanning his eyes across his desk, at screens I suppose, very rarely does he look at the viewer. I suppose he’s trying to give the impression he’s everso busy and very important! To me it’s extremely irritating. It’s time he was retired.
The demented children who run the ludicrous 38 degrees, a staggeringly well funded left wing lobbying group, offer an interesting poll on in/out of the EU.
I answered all the questions as a passionate ‘get us f*****g’ out of the EU soon, before my brain explodes’ type of person. Yet oddly my result showed that I am an ‘IN.’
Hmmm. Expect 38 Degrees to trumpet my, and other’s, undying support for the chicanery of the EU.
They appear not to have learned that rigging polls is not the same as rigging elections. Yet.
Ta for this scribbling scribe.
Did it-got myself an 85% out vote(which surprised me seeing as I thought I`d be 100%).
Good to think though-and it confirms that its the “democracy” bit that most animates me in the debate…sounds right to me.
Quite a good survey-would recommend it if only to clarify your thinking-and how the left see the debate, seeing as 38% are about as commitred and “intelligent” as the New Left can be these days.
I’m 97% Out. Which is reassuring. I did notice that there was a frequent conflation of ‘Europe’ with ‘EU’, especially the question re security vs crime and terrorism. That probably accounts for the odd 3%. Fucking shysters.
Luckily the BBC is out and about sharing topical information and education globally….
Can the Biased Bullsh-t Concotor s push the erm “embarrassing” … waycist/yobbo angle any further for England fans pre match? what a revolting, racist, self hating shower they are.
Then there is the shameful anti-Crusader factually untrue piece, poisoning the minds of the young
and … I for one am bloody sick of them deliberately syphoning in, yet more “effniks” to host everything from the weather to daytime dead-zone broadcasting … it is discrimination, it is racist and its blatant.
what next? follow Ch4 with their incomprehensible “Patua” afternoon announcer?
They truly are a laughing stock, even across the pond
Just when you think the BBC couldn’t get more depressing, they once again trot out their lies about the Crusaders – and it’s not even ‘Horrible Histories’ giving them the excuse this time.
Tell us again, BBC – how exactly did Islam spread out from Arabia into the Middle East and well beyond, conquering everything in their path through violence and subjugation, before the Crusaders even had chance to saddle up their horses?
No mention, I suppose, of the idea that Christendom got the idea of ‘holy war’ from the very Mohammedan jihadists who had overrun Spain.
The bBC , the propaganda arm for Islamic intolerance:
Three Syrian men deny sex assault in Newcastle
So 4 Syrians (not 3 bBC) decided they would like to sexually assault a couple of 14 year old girls and the bBC as usual plays the victim game for these perverts. I quote:
Mr Badreddin came to the UK from Jordan last November under the government’s refugee resettlement programme.
He and his family were judged to be vulnerable by the UN refugee agency.
The scheme was designed to bring vulnerable Syrian refugees directly from refugee camps in the Middle East to the UK.
The BBC’s Newsnight has been following the progress of Syrian refugees and reporter John Sweeney says that although the case is at an early stage, police are concerned that the charges could raise tensions between locals and Syrian refugees in Newcastle.
It appears the bBC as usual are never concerned about the victim of Islamic sex offenders
The bBC, the propaganda arm and apologists for Islamic intolerance.
‘It appears the bBC as usual are never concerned about the victim of Islamic sex offenders’
Judging by a link on the BBC news page which carries the story this little cultural missunderstanding is perhaps all just tit for tat
‘How British let one million Indians die in famine’
‘A wealthier, less agriculturally dependent India is now able to ensure that this does not happen’.
And there was me thinking there had been massive advances in agricultural methods introduced from europe into the third world in the last 150 years. Huge increases in world trade and transportation. A well developed system of emergency releif and foreign aid. Oh well, what do I know… I should be reasonable… there’s a far bigger agenda here that transcends all facts and history. White bad.
Do wonder when we`re going to get a good list from the Leave Campaign about what will happen to this country if we give Juncker the nod to apply the anaesthetic and butchers knife to our democracy on June 25th.
Think this is the order in which things are due to happen
1. Electrical appliances like hairdryers to be reduced in power…that people will simply have to use them for longer in order to dry their hair seems not to have occured to the green eejits at the EU…but it`ll knacker industries and put us in our box…be surprised if James Dysons appliances don`t get an extra kicking after his Telegraph article today.
2. New taxes to scupper the arts market in London which has got too big for Europes jackboots
3. New taxes to shackle our ports , so Rotterdam and Hamburg get an advantage
4. A return to the Tobin tax to screw over our financial services again-the EU rages at Frankfurt and Paris not getting the advantages that the City has.
5. The new European Army in embryo
6. The National Insurance EU PIN number for taxation
7. The Identity card
8. Increased contribution to the slush funds required to bail out Greece….then Italy…then Spain and then France
9. Forcible imposition of increased migrant quotas seeing as we`re all Euro pussies as before-and WE confirmed this and agreed to this.
10. Turkey and the other four gradually getting slipped into the EU for us to contend with.
All these surely will be on the agenda in the coming year alone….roughly in the order as I think them to be…but as yet, no Remain scum have had to give us the order in which the Five Presidents Report will be getting implemented and imposed on a docile stupid and submissive Britain who sniffed the air..then cowered back in the bloody EU hell hole because we had no balls.
(With thanks to Dan Hannen in the Spectator who gives us most of these priorities this week)
Solid post cH. It’s a shame Daniel Hannan didn’t appear on QT last week instead of Chris Grayling; he’s been a MEP for along time (a la Farage) and has seen how the sausages are made.
You aren’t painting a very rosy prospect for the Remainians, chrisH!
In my opinion any Britons who connived in any way with the EU, by sitting on its committees or voting to impose any of its ‘laws’ on Britain should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves. I’d like to put a bit more strongly but tender souls might be reading this.
Anyway, Brexit is going to win and then you guys will have the arduous task of undoing the damage of decades. I don’t envy you but I wish you all the best.
Too true True too!
After forty years now of a cossetted louche political and academic elite, needing only to supplicate before all things European for a career and pension, it WILL be hard to create a class of people who actually CAN write laws once again-CAN balance the books and stop sleeping under the Brussels magic money tree for their wages.
Not much is said about that-but this Stockholm syndicate of blancmanges, spongebobs and suckups for liberal vogues are not equipped to think to work or to account for themselves…and will need improving or removing.
Must be a factory setting that we can change for them-and even WE will have to get out of Platos cave and stop confusing shadows with substance…been so long in the EU slurry that it may well be discomfiting to only have ourselves to blame as opposed to bloody Brussels…but we`ll do it.
Anyone else notice the brief period for which the BBC poll tracker (on their website) for the EU referendum showed a Brexit lead has now gone and it seems they only want to report polls before then:
Talk about hiding the truth.
Latest Opinium poll
In the referendum, 44% plan to vote to Remain part of the EU while 42% plan to vote to Leave.
13% said that they did not know
I wonder if al beebus will be howling its indignation about this or just ignore it?
Third time in about a week that migrants have been picked up in the Channel, and this is just the ones we know about. Can our politicians please start to defend our borders, make a bold statement and protect us, before this trickle becomes a flood.
We need a fleet of about 100 fast armed patrol boats, not ribs, they are no good, and nor are the Border Force cutters, they are too slow. The fact there we only have three or is it five shows just how weak our government is, just how they fail to treat our nation and its indigenous people seriously.
We need boats about the size of the MTBs of WW2, with towing capacity.
I don’t wish to hear any more whiny stories from the BBC about how these invaders are victims and have been ‘rescued’.
Our defences should include interception of alien craft at our sea limits with an immediate tow back to the French or Belgian or Dutch coats, the nearest at the time of interception. And let’s not hear more whines about that being dangerous, they have just come over safely in the first place.
We are in a kind of war – and certainly if there is any hint that the alien boats are carrying arms, they must be shot at.
“The scheme will see 20,000 refugees come to Britain over the next four years.”
Thanks Mr Car Moron………………………….
Does HYS normally run for this amount of time ?
taffman, it lasted till midnight. I imagine many Remainians only crawl out of bed in the late afternoon on a Saturday and only wake up by evening so perhaps BBC propagandists let the HYS continue because they were desperate to see more support for Remain in the comments and recommendations. From what I saw, it didn’t happen.
One who did manage to rub the sleep out of his eyes and stagger to the computer insisted that HYS had been “hijacked” by the Brexiters as he irritably tried to explain away the massive support for Brexit on the leftie BBC’s own propaganda website.
I was going to respond but then I thought, why bother – he’d almost certainly staggered back to bed having made that profound contribution to the debate.
England just drew with Russia. Wait for the tweet from Cameron blaming this on the leave campaign. No doubt informing us that England will never win another match and lose by 27 goals each time if we vote to leave the EU.
Cameron has become almost that desperate to convince people that the EU is not a monstrous dictatorship.
England just drew with Russia. The BBC will be blaming this on the lack of cultural and gender diversity. They will suggest bringing in Eddy Izzard to add more diversity and add the nutter factor.
I can’t see any mention of this on the BBC news pages for Birmingham and the Black Country – how very odd …….
I could point out that it might have something to do with his name but I don’t want to be called a waycist.
I’d question the use of the word “shamed”, as he clearly doesn’t feel any shame at all. In Pakistani politics, politicians are expected to be corrupt, they are judged on how much they can steal for their supporters, in this case an islamic school. I’d call it pork barrel politics, but that doesn’t seem appropriate.
The bottom line is that when you populate your cities with Pakistanis, and they gradually take up leadership roles in local government and the police, they do not by magic suddenly become English, they are and remain Pakistani, and behave exactly as they would in Pakistan. Frankly, it is racist to expect them to behave differently just because they have moved country. Why should they, it’s not as if our state expects them to is it?
We “celebrate diversity”. If the “diversity” involves corruption, bribery and voting fraud, it seems we are expected to celebrate that too!