“‘Iranian nationals’ rescued in the English Channel believed to be attempting to enter Britain illegally”
Well of course they fucking are, otherwise they’d get on a ferry/train/plain with an appropriate visa, like normal legitimate visitors. Jeez… Send ’em back to France.
Our Car Moron told us that staying in the EU would prevent immigrants getting in here .
Well its not working.
My message to him is, its time to get out of this ‘manufactured Union State’ and get our armed forces to do the job they are paid for – to defend this nation form invasion .
What on earth is our Home Secretary doing about this ? Where is our Tory Cabinet ? Why aren’t the grass roots Tory voters pressing their MPs about this ?
If Operation Sealion had been properly thought through… Thousands of little boats made to look like Trojan Dolphins, with military age German passport holders aboard who suddenly lose seafaring skills a mile off the British coastline. The BBC ready with a towel and microphone to greet them on the beaches….
To these reverend blue jeans types, politics IS their chosen religion!
Being a Lefty takes priority over any belief in God. let alone their nominal choice of the person of Jesus Christ…might as well have been Brian Cohen.
Which is why only state subsidy and the JCB that piles old bishops into the Lords keeps them in the BBC Green Room bubble…nobody out here gives a stuff what the Christian AIDS say or do any more….Trump knows more about the Bible than the Pope, and Welby might as well be Elton Welsby as far as we`re concerned.
The Anglicans will be buried along with Peter Mullen and Michael Nazir Ali…the last prophets.
Chris and Taffman – I am afraid the likes of Welby perfectly illustrates the the lefty stance of compassion without common sense.
I am afraid all these intellectually types would rather sell their country down the river in the long term for a five minute warm glow in their well fed tummies. Rather than deal with real issues in a practical way. However all that compassion rarely seems to extend to christian refugees, whose persecution is just not “sexy enough” to be mentioned.
I suspect that Welby has far more in common and feels more more home with the likes of Eddie Jizzard or Simon Smarma than he ever would with a normal member of his own congregation. Despite the fact that in all probability many lefties are generally hostile to The C of E.
Welby may well have now twigged that he may have ignored the “bleedin obvious” regarding many peoples view on immigration and like many politicians he is now trying to look both ways at once.
As I have said in previous posts it is educated idiots like Welby who have helped to make the C of E increasingly irrelevant to society. They say charity begins at home its a pity that they never taught this at theological college.
You may want to turn the other cheek but that does not mean you have to to turn your wife and daughter over too!
Chris/ Taffman – I am afraid that Welby is a perfect example of the lefty way of Compassion without Common Sense.
I am afraid all these intellectually types would rather sell their country down the river in the long term for a five minute warm glow in their well fed tummies. Rather than deal with real issues in a practical way. However all that compassion rarely seems to extend to Christian refugees, whose persecution is just not “sexy enough” to be mentioned.
I suspect that Welby has far more in common and feels more more home with the likes of Eddie Jizzard or Simon Smarma than he ever would with a normal member of his own congregation. Despite the fact that in all probability many lefties are generally hostile to The C of E.
Welby may well have now twigged that he may have ignored the “bleedin obvious” regarding many peoples view on immigration and like many politicians he is now trying to look both ways at once in a desperate attempt to still appear relevant.
As I have said in previous posts. It is educated idiots like Welby who have helped to make the C of E increasingly irrelevant to society. They say charity begins at home its a pity that they never taught this at theological college.
You may want to turn the other cheek but that does not mean you have to to turn your wife and daughter over too!
“Brexit could lead to EU break-up – Swedish FM Wallstrom”
Great Britain must surrender over a thousand years of her freedom and sovereignty to save the EU ……………………….. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-36504890
Perhaps the EU should change to save it self ?
Funny that EU ministers and their cohorts were adamant that they could concede nothing – and I do mean ‘nothing’, Mr Cameron – to the UK during negotiations just a few months ago, in order to save the EU from such devastation. After all, any EU Ministers and Senior Civil Servants, of any repute whatsoever, must have known then that this would be the result of any Brexit.
Alternatively, I wonder what has happened to leave the EU in such a parlous state in just a few short weeks….?
Oh dear Dave, the BBC will have to write you better scripts in favour of remaining. Today the morning scare is that pensions, NHS, and defence cannot be protected outside the Reich.
I cannot wait to hear what the religious commentators will say this Sunday
From your link G.W.F.,
“Mr Osborne said Brexit would mean “a new dose of austerity, more years of public spending cuts”.”
Is that a Gideon guarantee that should the UK remain in the EU there will be no further austerity measures or public spending cuts? and if so can we have it in writing. It’s looking increasingly likely that no matter what the result of the referendum we won’t be allowed to leave, too many snouts gorging out of too many troughs.
Well, I’m going to disagree with folk here lambasting Justin Welby. As Archbishop he is entitled to express a view on matters of national importance such as this. It’s his job. No doubt, if he had said “I’m voting Leave.” you would all be cheering him to the rafters. (That’s the building rafters, not the ‘other’ sort . . . 😉 but then, again . . . . ? )
Not only that, our arch-enemy (if that is not too strong an expression to describe a section of the media) is the first to complain when the Archbish doesn’t pronounce on matters of social & political importance and completely ignores or partially misreports what he says when doing the main part of his day job: preaching the Gospel.
Seeing as all the world and his dog has expressed a view on the EU Referendum, whether entitled to or not, Welby may as well do so. At least, as the BBC has reported it, he is not telling the Anglican communion how to vote from the pulpit. Now that, in my view, would have been wrong.
Still, am disappointed that he’s not voting leave, but there you go.
As to Christian ‘lefties’, etc., etc., also rubbished often by our favourite broadcaster along with their counterparts elsewhere on the spectrum of Christian political thought & beliefs, they are the ones who often (always?) go around putting sticking plasters and a whole lot more on the wounded of society who our politicians, notably those led by Corbyn & Sturgeon and to an extent those led by Cameron, have been happy to neglect or abandon.
Welby’s job is to tend his flock. If he wants to go into politics , then he should stand for Parliament. Otherwise , he should not use his position to influence political matters. I would tell him to F off . Just my opinion .
Sorry, Grant, think you are technically wrong there. Archbishop – the Canterbury one – has state constitooootionally role that goes beyond the faith & ministry one. The knee joint or some claimed bit (Snuffy’s eyeballs rolled & raised heavenward) of a troublesome priest that has just been returned to Canterbury from Eastern Europe (Snuffy’s eyeballs rolled even more & raised to altitudes occupied by transcontinental passenger aircraft – good grief! they’ll be selling indulgences next!) is a recent reminder of the importance of the position.
Not only that, he doesn’t have to stand for Parliament. He’s there already, mate! Gratis, ex-officio an’ all that.
Snuff I agree that Welby is entitled to express his view and in fact I have no objection to him using his position to do so. He has the same rights as any other national figure.
However I still think the C of E should as well as expressing compassion for those in other countries should at least have some regard for our own culture and certainly christians being persecuted in other countries as well as muslims.
My reservations about Welby revolve around the fact that to me he seems more concerned with being generous with”Asylum seekers” – many who are plainly not! (see his new year message) than to the fact that many Christians in Syria etc have not had the opportunity to be asylum seekers as they are now simply dead.
I do at the very least think he has been a little naive and the very worst for his own reasons jumped onto the same lefty Compassion bandwagon as soon as he could in case he got left behind.
I certainly do not consider him an odious individual like Dave or Tony and I do acknowledge that he has mentioned the fact that Christians are being persecuted worldwide – however I would like to have seen him more supportive of those we share a common religion/culture with, as well as those from other religions many of whom are actively hostile towards us.
Good post, oaknash, and agree about the persecuted Christians. I am amazed that Britain did not quickly offer Syrian Christians refugee status here. We now know, statistics released just over a week ago, that Britain is de-Christianising at a fast rate.
We do not know what has been done behind the scenes though. Much diplomacy has to be quiet diplomacy. I heard retired Bishop Michael Nazr-Ali speak, on BBC Radio4, on the subject of persecuted Christians worldwide. Mind you, the global community as a whole appears to have a total blind spot concerning Syria as well as some very blinkered views. However, your post highlights the failure of the media in relation to Christianity especially. Think the last time they did any big work in that area was the mid-1990s and the Toronto Blessing thing.
To be fair to the Beeb, they have given the ‘Bishop of Baghdad’, Canon Andrew White, plenty of recent coverage and they did mention a couple of Welby’s trips to visit persecuted Christian refugees. (Have a notion that he did quite a bit of that, including some hostage negotiating in (west?) Africa before reaching his current appointment. I’ll leave you to research via BBC’s R4 Desert Island Discs archive before it goes behind a pay-wall.)
It was Welby’s predecessor who made the comments about Sharia Law, which in my view, brought the position of Archbishop of Canterbury into disrepute. The Beeb covered that. However, if Justin Welby made a statement about bringing Syrian (or Iraqi) Christians here, would the BBC give it much prominence? Too worried about Salford friends, perhaps?
How long is the BBC going to keep up its fawning admiration for Hilary Clinton? How long can it do so when there are stories like this being published ?
Yes, I’ve been checking her crookedness out, mostly by accessing Judge Jeanine on YouTube. She’s on a real vendetta against Clinton, and when you hear her evidence, you understand why.
The BBC is a leftist organisation, and therefore it cannot see any enemies on the left. If a Republican had done a tenth of what Hillary had done, the BBC would rightly castigate them for it. But Hillary is untouchable because she is on the left.
That is why the BBC is an untrustworthy organisation, and should be wound up. I assure you, the world would not stop spinning on its axis if the men, women and undecideds of W1A and Media City had to earn an honest living.
Although you dont have a shred of evidence that the BBC is leftwing. Clinton is certainly very right wing which just a slight glance at her financial backers would confirm.
It is my view that the BBC is politically on the right but I ,unlike you, don’t confuse thinking about something with political bias.
It really is quite simple, thoughtful. The BBC reflects American Main Stream Media (MSM) outlets – i.e. MSNBC, ABC, CBS et al, and completely ignores virtually anything coming from the likes of Fox News on cable TV.
I’ve just spent 6 weeks or so in the US, and regularly ploughed my way through American MSM trying to find a modicum of reality about the US election – completely without success, I should add.
I tend to agree with another poster on this thread, up2snuff, who states that he believes that Americans are stuffed for choice in this election. In my opinion, Mr Trump is a loose cannon, and provides ammunition for his enemies far too freely – if he would stick to a sensible script, without compromising on his beliefs, instead of ad-libbing himself into corners, he should really have not much problem being elected – but he won’t. US voters are ripe for a non-establishment president, but Mr Trump does himself some huge damage, unnecessarily.
On the other hand, Ms Clinton hasn’t actually allowed any questioning by reporters (at least no questions from anyone but sycophants) in more than 6 months, and gets a ‘ hall pass’ from US MSM, on almost every topic – they simply focus on what she’s saying about Donald Trump, and repeat it, debate it, de-construct it, and re-construct it endlessly, and unquestioningly. And she is no shining example of rectitude, and truly unworthy of the highest post in her land – she does, however, have MSM USA eating out of her hand.
The answer to the point you really pose, however, (‘How long can the BBC keep up its fawning ?’) is that as long as the US MSM keeps on ignoring any and all evidence that comes out about Hillary Clinton, her history, her faults, her lack of scrutiny, her lack of policies different to those of Mr Obama, then the BBC can bask in its hatred of Mr Trump and anything to the right of Bernie Sanders (another presidentiial hopeful for the Democratic Party (an outright Socialist, with Communist tendencies), which the democratic Party Establishment has done its best to bury – along with the US MSM, in order to promote Saint Hillary.
And MSM USA has no intention of diverting from its objective of ignoring any negative points which may get in the way of getting Ms Clinton elected. It is completely breathtaking what can be completely ignored by MSM USA. So the BBC feels no need to focus on anything but knocking Me Trump.
Sadly if you take Dirty Diggers outlet as your yardstick the rest of your commentary falls by the way side.i dont think anyone in the US has any doubt about Clinton but by the same token I dont recall the BBC covering Trumps dubious business practices either.
Oooooh – MOCO – you were obviously trying to find any of my posts last night to have a pop at them. As I said, I have just spent 6 weeks in the States and I’ve observed the issues I talked about first hand – and your recent wealth of experience of US mainstream media is…..?
Once again, your hard-of-thinking shines through. I was not taking Fox News as a yardstick – rather I was pointing out that the yardstick in of the mainstream media in the US is, almost without exception, to give Hillary Clinton a free pass on any subject, whilst allowing her free rein to attack her opponents. Never mind, as I’ve said elsewhere, you just might be able to catch up one of these days.
As for the BBC – I have no idea what they’ve been up to on this specific topic over the past few weeks…. but I’d bet they have not been examining and exposing Ms Clinton’s actions/failures/potential crimes with any great alacrity – their adulation in the past would point in that direction.
Remainers have hit a new low, now trying to scare old people. Sunday Telegraph reports Dave says old age pension cannot be guaranteed, neither can free bus passes nor TV licence. The Remainers really are scum. Victimising the elderly is about as low as you can get. Does anyone take the Remainers seriously anymore. They are deranged.
The PM did not do himself or his campaign any good today on the Marr show. He spouted the usual abstract scare stuff but I thought it was noticeable that he did it in a very quiet “calm down, dear” voice. This change of presentation on his part came across as patronising. I thought I heard DC say he had made a rule for himself not to do personal attacks in the next 10 days. But I did not find it convincing; and did I detect Marr say, words to the effect…”no, but you just send out Amber Rudd to do it instead!”
The scare story of the day is aimed at pensioners and the defence of our country! Outrageous!! Marr even said at one point… “ people’s eyes begin to glaze over when they hear these stories.”
Contrast the “new” Cameron with the dedicated passion of Nigel, albeit maintaining the calm presentation of the Brexiteers which showed through in the ITV debate. I thought Nigel did well. There is no doubt the Leave campaign has a very positive story to tell whereas the remainers do not.
I t is interesting that things seem to be becoming far more positive for Leave since Farage has had more recent exposure.
I am sure Aunty will try and put him back into his box asap but hopefully Leave may now realise that he is a true asset to their cause , despite the Aunty led, leftist mutterings about negativity blah, blah , blah.
Unfortunately the realities of uncontrolled Europe and uncontrolled immigration are pretty negative but it is obvious that all this can be managed without the Cameroons Armageddon .
I suggest we have a competition to name Dave as the Fifth Rider of the Apocalypse – I suggest he could be Dave the Deceiver – also known as the “pig Rider” to those in the know!
Cameron is quite right to point out that if the economy dips or even tanks , the desirablilty to manage current account expenditure means that cuts will have to be made. Since the Tories have relentlessly cut most other budgets to the bone it necessarily falls on the cosseted pensioners who take the majority of social welfare to take a hit. Why is it wrong to spell that out. Many of you on this site voted for this party.
As for Farage he still cant explain how hes going to cut the immigration numbers which slightly dents the whole brexit raison detre!
Agreed, Grant. It’s also bizarre in that Cameron (with Osborne’s help) seems to do everything he can to get everyone to vote for a Corbyn-led Labour Party. He did it with Miliband in charge of Labour. That’s even more bizarre!
Deranged? Don’t know for sure but I’m wondering again – think I’ve mentioned it before on the B-BBC web-site – that maybe we are seeing the effects in our political representatives (and people in other walks of life, too) of the use of alcohol and/or drugs in their teens and twenties. That stuff can do serious damage to parts of the brain that may not manifest itself until sometime later. Then there’s the effects of ageing, not so much in the case of Cameron & Osborne as they are relatively young, but certainly many other political leaders and there you get back to Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump. I can think of one or two prominent British politicians where I’ve wondered about the onset of early dementia.
(Clicked reply to Grant’s 8.59am post but it appears I’ve been relegated. Never mind. It’s the cricket season. 🙂 )
It is quite possible . When I watched Osborne’s bizarre performance when questioned by Brillo, the only explanation in my mind was Osborne’s possible drugs use . He mixes with Russian criminals who peddle drugs big time. That does not mean that Osborne does, but as we say in Scotland ” Ah hae ma doots ” !
Watching the Trooping the Colour yesterday, I wonder how many others at home and in the crowd had the same thought as me – do we really want this fine body of men and women, with traditions dating back to 1650, to become part of some fish-and-chip European ‘army’ whose main task will probably be helping migrants over border fences?
SamCam’s Remain piece in the Mail going down a storm I see , comments all negative. We all want to hear what a millionaire,aristocratic woman with a vested interest has to say don’t we? They are so thick this remain lot. Who is that old hag on Marr trying to link the violence in France at the football to Brexiters? (no shame these people)
Gawd we got her dopey husband on Marr now too . he is just shitting himself because he wouldn’t know what to do if he was real Prime Minister . He can only function receiving orders from the EU
Staying in the EU will help the UK fight climate change , Dave Dave give it up man if you could pick something we care less about than made up man made climate change that would be a good starting point.
Staying in the EU will help us sell electric cars too – great Dave nobody wants an electric car
I do. The thought of sticking it to the Chancellor, the Greens and the environmentalists quite appeals to me. I’ll have one of the Lotus based Tesla one’s if anyone’s buying. Ta!
BBC – EU referendum: Cameron issues Brexit pensions warning, David Cameron and George Osborne say they might not be able to protect spending on pensions, the NHS and defence if the UK votes to leave the EU.
BBC – We ve reached “critical mass” – Nobel prize winners warn leaving EU poses ‘risk’ to science
BBC – John Major: Leave, ‘Deceitful, and misleading campaign’
BBC – “Mr Osborne said Brexit would mean “a new dose of austerity, more years of public spending cuts”.
BBC – Blair/Major Brexit could split UK, (could? … that’s the Tory aim isn t it, short termism keep themselves in power, f-ck everything and everyone else … why any surprise?)
Where s the clanging “chimes of doom” intro?
Uh Oh! … more project fear, I suppose the next Camborne breath is “they ve lost the economic argument” …
You could not make it up.
it is literally astounding that this incompetent, clueless, dangerously deluded silver spoon Osborne is even still allowed
to mention economics, and the traitor, debate dodging Dave is not up for treason.
Even by the Tories own low and inept bar of economic competency, Gideon is an absolute disaster.
“never underestimate the power of lies and money” eh … should be your epitaph Cameron, and Gideon
… stick to the coke!
All a massive stitch up … good job they ve got the ex lord mayor and lord chancellor as men of the people
I despair
I think the Leavers should say that any future Government should levy a special tax on anyone who has income derived from the EU, salaries, pensions etc. I am sure that would be a vote winner.
Watching The Trooping of the Colour yesterday – which by the way if you have never been to see it is a great day out – I heard the commentator say words to the effect as The Guards marched down The Mall: ‘Makes you feel proud to be British doesn’t it?’. It certainly does make me very proud to be British. I don’t know who it was who said it but he plainly hasn’t been receiving the memos, and I expect his BBC career won’t be lasting very long!
It’s almost as bad as that “Don’t panic, I’m islamic” programme the BBC made, which turned out to have used a man who later took part in 7/7. It turns out that panic would have been an entirely appropriate reaction.
The more the left liberal intelligentsia (and I include Dave the Tosser and his hippy wife) try to convince us, the great unwashed, that muslims are friendly, helpful guys who just want to integrate and pay taxes, the more the muslims bite the hand that feeds them. They can’t help it, it’s like the frog and the scorpion, it’s in their nature. It’s what their religion tells them to do.
If you bought a dog and it kept biting you, you would get rid of it. The clock is ticking.
The BBC’s love for crooked, treacherous Hillary, who has enriched herself at the expense of the American people, reminded me of the BBC’s hatred for another American woman, Sarah Palin. She had hardly spent ten minutes as John McCain’s nominee for Vice-President when Newsnight went after her with a hatchet. Why? Because not only was she in the opposing camp to their beloved Obama, but she was a born-again, pro-life Christian and the combination was just too much for the BBC to take. And as it became clear that she was also confident and outspoken, the BBC’s hatred only intensified.
Sarah Palin would never spout PeeCee clichés like Clinton does to keep the masses happy and neither would she pretend to believe in all the ‘correct’ causes, as Clinton does. Here she is at the beginning of the San Diego Trump rally:
And at 1:40 minutes in, in the course of contrasting Trump with the treacherous Obama, she has this to say:
I want a president who says….hey, you mess with the innocent, you pick a fight with America, you steal our security, you spit on our freedom, we’ll put a boot in your ass – it’s the American way!
Dunno how long she spoke for because the clip begins after she’s started to speak, but there are five enthusiastic minutes of it – quite relevant to the EU referendum because she speaks of national pride and sovereignty.
I really like and appreciate Sarah Palin – perhaps even a touch more than I would if the BBC didn’t loathe her so much.
I wanted Sarah to run this time but realize that the media has enough power to defeat her. I see her as a future President and was concerned when she endorsed Trump because at the time I thought they would sink. I wrote asking her to back off but her daughter informed me that she had already decided. Perhaps in eight years, with the media taught a lesson by Trump – and after a period in Trump’s administration – she will run.
The BBC hate Sarah and distort everything about her, milking the remarks by Tina Fey – not Sarah – about seeing Russia from her home. And of course, accusing her of racism, as all Trot outfits do.
I don’t think people over here realize just how sharp Sarah is, and with a place in Trump’s administration – hopefully energy – the message will get across. She can be tough and unafraid; she put the FBI on the ‘Corrupt Bastards Club in Alaska when she became Governor and joked about them having to wear orange jump suits. Remember the private plane the previous governor had; she sold it on E Bay putting the money into the public domain.
On a personal note. Her cousin heads a good rock band consisting of veterans. I have used his music on some of my You Tube vids which he appreciates.
That’s interesting, G.W.F. Yes I remember hearing about the plane sale.
As a rule, l like pretty much anyone or anything the BBC loathes. Maybe Trump will nominate Sarah Palin as VP and together they’ll defeat the Obama/Clinton camp.
The BBC’s role in denigrating Sarah Palin was a disgrace and were it the sole evidence of the Corporation’s biased news reporting, it would still be a monumental one.
People I meet in the UK know absolutely nothing about this exceptional woman, other than the lies, distortions and smears they have heard from BBC chat show hosts and ‘comedians’ . If you start to probe or challenge their empty opinions, you can see in their eyes the growing panic of someone who realises his or her opinions are based on a complete lack of knowledge and are about to collapse.
I’m not a fan of Trump who is, in many respects, a squishy liberal and part of the ‘elite’ he affects to bring down, but if he serves to bring Mrs Palin back into frontline politics, then he will have done the USA and the world a great service.
And of course there was that BBC Bacon guy who enthusiastically directed his listeners to the disgusting abuse hurled at Palin by that degenerate ‘comedian’ – who slouched around the stage with a beer in one hand and a cigarette in the other and whose name I’ve forgotten since it’s not worth recalling.
Doug Stanhope was it?
Few comments about Palins grandchild as I recall-which is all that the Left can do these days,as we saw with Izzard and Eagle earlier this week.
AS Mrs T said-be happy when the personal abuse comes along-because your opponent not only has lost the argument, but no longer has an idea about what to do about it.
Hence the insouciance and Zen like calm of Boris, Michael and St Nigel.
When are out footy fans going to chant these patriots names at the games…THAT would madden the BBC!
Could be, but to check would be beyond the call of duty. He was making the most disgusting personal attacks on Palin re her sexuality and Downs Syndrome child.
At the time I was doing battle on a Scotland-based website with a few leftie BBC defenders and Obama supporters and when they finally agreed to watch the video clip, even they found it disgusting.
Sarah Palin was an effective Governor of Alaska, where she fought the vested interests. In the end, it did for her. Hillary Clinton has never met a vested interest she didn’t like, as long as she gets her quarter million dollar “speaking fee”, which you or I would call a thinly disguised bribe.
Hillary Clinton is a corrupt, machine politician, who is allowed to operate because she favours the causes of the left liberal intelligentsia. So long as you are in favour of abortion and gun control, you get a free pass for all crimes and corruption from the American media. And the BBC, of course.
During the Marr programme Dodgy Dave is constantly hyping up the single market. He and his Remainers are indeed positioning themselves for a Devo Max solution. This will be almost certainly be on the table should Leave win. This will almost certainly result another referendum.
I think if Leave win the referendum, the EU debate will continue until the Remainers get the result they want.
If Remain win that will be the end of the matter .
Listening to the accounts of football violence in France last night, I would determine that the level of outrage and concerned voice tones displayed by the anchor and the correspondent would indicate that they view these ‘terrible scenes’ as worse than the Bataclan or Charlie Hebdo attacks.
Phew the BBC has finally explained why the populist Marxist government is so unpopular in Venezuela. I thought people were rioting and demanding an election because of the way Chavez, with his family and friends, stole everything that could be grabbed, including farms and factories and then incompetently ran them into the ground. This has led to inept government, empty shops, little food, no medicine and a country on the brink of economic collapse.
But no, here is what the BBC says: “Venezuela is in a serious economic crisis, which the opposition blames on mistaken left-wing policies of Mr Maduro and his predecessor, the late Hugo Chavez.”
Ah, so it was only the ‘mistaken left-wing policies’ that were the problem. Phew, so that will be easily corrected with the correct ‘left-wing policies’. I can’t wait for the UK to experience the correct left-wing policies of Venezuela.
With these supporters the regime in Venezuela should flourish. It’s due to capitalist, or in Manon’s Spartese, neo liberal attempts to sabotage socialism.
Isn’t it curious how silent the BBC has been on the subject of the Venezuelan suppression of its media? Sometimes I wonder if cognitive dissonance isn’t every bit as powerful as compound interest.
So if we vote Leave (Brexit) other countries in the EU will follow and cause an European Union Break Up. (EUBU) and the inevitable death of the catastrophic Euro. Or at least so some of the frightened members of the EU are now saying.
What a turn around. They really are saying that they will not survive without the UK! But I am being told we cannot survive without them by Cameron’s Remain bogymen. So which is it, or is it both? The fact is we can all survive on our own, or at least trade and live by our own laws as we have done for hundreds of years.
And the consequences of that are?
The Greeks will revert to the Drachma, the French to the Franc and the Germans to the Deutschmark etc, etc.
So we will have to change our pounds to the currency of whatever country we are going to in Europe. But we have to change £’s to another currency anyway, the Euro. So only if visiting more than one country does that become a hassle.
Those countries that need to can revalue (Greece in particular) and then get on with rebuilding their economies and we can get on with trade with them and everyone else in the world without hindrance. We will once again get cheap holidays in the sun with friendly people who are not being starved to death by the IMF, led by the sinister Madame Lagarde, and Germany’s mad Merkel.
Will this lead to Cameron’s WW3? Why should it? Just because countries manage their own affairs and economies does not mean we will start to fight them. We don’t expect a war with Japan or India or China just because we are not in a trading union with them. Cameron is turning the truth inside out to save his job. The man is a charlatan of the worst kind and oh boy have we had some crazy charlatans in that job.
Then, once Obama has left the building we can stabilise relations with Russia too. As for the Middle East, once again, after the White House nightmare has gone and USA cash and weapons have stopped being supplied to ‘friendly rebels’ then there might be some hope of peace there. Though I doubt it if Clinton gets in. She is bought and paid for by big business. And the biggest business in the USA is weapons. Let’s hope Trump comes up trumps .
Basically Brexit and Obexit will save the planet.
Oh dear, I forgot to mention the BBC. Can we hope for BBCexit too? I’m sure that the £4/5 Billion spent by the elite darlings would be better spent on nurses and saving our children from the epidemic of nasty invaders.
I have found what I have heard at times – courtesy of (biased?!) BBC R4 – from the Leave campaign disappointing.
Years ago, when the Single Currency was first mooted, not long after the UK, Ireland & Denmark joined The Six, it was fairly obvious that there would be weak links in the economic chain. Back then, Italy was the prime candidate for that spot. The point is made by economists that national currencies provide elasticity for national economies. If you add the fudged, nay even fraudulent, convergence criteria compliance by some States joining the Euro when it was formed, it was and still is a recipe for failure.
This point has not been hammered home by the Leave campaign. It should be along with the tax requirements of the EU (the Leave camp have made a right mess of that) and Steve Hilton’s point about the difficulty of governance within the EU.
There’s still time. I’m hoping that after the past week of increasingly wild & nasty statements from pro-Remain that the Leave campaign will really raise their game to a higher level and nail them on foundational economic & governance issues.
Rather than get off their arses and try and do some real journalism and establish some facts they instead quote from Facebook/Twitter using their heavily promoted Apple iPads.
The BBC get £6bil a year and they have shown a screenshot of a totally pointless “emergency evacuation message” posted on Facebook (is this a new low for humanity where Facebook is now used to transmit life saving information!?!). I would have thought the BBC might have been better off trying to contact Florida Police for facts but that too much hard work for BBC News staff.
I missed this first time round so it may already be linked, http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-36507138
“Three Syrian men deny sex assault in Newcastle”
Any concern shown about the welfare and safety of 14 year old girls? Not a lot, on the other hand of course ” vulnerable Syrian refugees” are of great concern.
” John Sweeney says that although the case is at an early stage, police are concerned that the charges could raise tensions between locals and Syrian refugees in Newcastle.”
When are these idiots going to wake up?
BBC 5Live Nolan last night. He interviews a Northern Ireland football fan currently in Nice where there were groups of Poles and N.Irelanders drinking together with no apparent problems. That is until they were attacked by a 50 strong mob of local men clad entirely in black who were according to the fan chanting “Isis” and “Anti-White European” slogans. So not your usual football hooligans then. Credit to Nolan, he asked the fan to repeat what he had heard.
This morning on 5Live news headlines we hear the trouble in Nice had been between N.Ireland fans and local football fans. And in this news article today http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-36509843 we hear that
“There were also clashes in the city of Nice between police and fans from Northern Ireland and Poland, who are due to play their opening match later. Six people were reportedly injured, before order was restored.”
Come on BBC. Get your fact straights. Who was causing the trouble in Nice? Northern Irish, Poles or local fans? And can you tell us whether or not it had anything at all to do with Islam?
I heard that too. It seems the NI and Polish fans came under attack from the local muslims. This has now disappeared down the memory hole. Winston Smith is working overtime today.
I reckon they were all England fans in disguise………it all seems to be Englands fault , heaven forbid that one of their “reporters” having a wonderful time in the South of France should go out and do some work.
A lot of breaking headlines are doing the rounds regarding a shooting in a nightclub for gay clubbers in Orlando, apparently a man with a gun and wearing a bomb has locked himself in the club and is holding some of the clubbers hostage.
The KGBbc have at least held their biased opinion to themselves for the time being on their site, Sky news are not so circumspect, they’ve jumped straight in with the opinion that the rumour is the perp is a White supremacist? Their link…it’s coming after a loony white dude shot Christine Grimmie.
It could very well turn out to be true, as we know, there’s plenty of stories about gay people being thrown to their deaths from the Mickey Mouse statue in Florida The point is, would Sky have been so keen to put the blame for this hate crime on to the muslim community?
Follow on from Thoughtful 10th June.
Whether Britain Votes to stay or leave the European Union, the whole of Europe faces a far more serious and dangerous issue-there are reported to be 52+ Million Muslims now residing within Europe and increasing each week that passes. What is taking place in Europe and in the wider English-speaking world is a classic evolutionary struggle for the survival of those fittest to adapt to and overcome the new challenges presented by massive Third World and, above all, Muslim, immigration.
Clearly the Muslims directly threaten our continued existence as nations, democracies, politics, cultures, civilizations and practitioners of the Christian religion. Still going on in the 20th century is Muslim piracy that has been taking place off the coast of Somalia. As always, no defensive or offensive actions are taken by the pathetically feeble Western powers. Just like the Byzantine Empire, all our civilisation, culture and religion are due to vanish as though they had never been and all because not one single person has dared to take their head out of the sand and vigorously fight back. Our descendants, if any, will curse us.
But this is a harsh reality and we’d better wake up to it pretty smartly or we are finished. Our culture, civilisation and very existence will be annihilated for ever if we don’t now begin to fight the disease of the European body politic and democracy that is Islam.
How often do we see Muslim ‘honour’ (how’s that for newspeak?) killings, Muslim female genital mutilation, Muslim forced marriages, Muslim women forced, on pain of death, to cover their entire faces and bodies with black tent-like clothing, Muslim wife-beating, Muslims attacking and sometimes murdering homosexuals, Muslims passing white girls around to each other for sex, Muslims insulting our armed forces and even The Queen and proclaiming that they will soon have complete political power over us and our country and enforce Sharia law, how often are these well-known subjects, spoken about in the press, or aired on the media or in plays and films? Never:
Third World immigrants now man the passport desks in airports, closely scrutinise our passports and graciously permit us to re-enter our own countries. They present the news on the television and the radio, and, unbelievably, they run the immigration offices! Just as incredibly, Muslims are employed as luggage handlers in our airports! Minorities are much less likely to be reprimanded or arrested than the indigenous population because of the fear of being accused of being a racist or being guilty of religious hatred. In spite of this the prisons are awash with them.
What is the solution? You tell me.
Good point about ” Police Scotland “. I am law-abiding, but whenever I see the police here in Scotland where I am visiting, I feel a twinge of fear. Why is that ? They strut and drive around just like I would imagine the Stasi did. and why do the British Police dress like Gestapo ?
And why do ISIS followers wear black, or the Unite against fascism mob? UAF…morons dressed in black, covering their faces, crushing anyone who goes against the ideology, protected by the authorities, against free speech unless it suits their cause, use extreme violence to attack their enemies…oh the irony.
We have about 72 UK Members of the European Parliament . Do you know who your EU MP is ?
How many of them are going to be ‘Turkeys voting for Christmas’ and tell us the truth about the EU ?
We were told lies at the last referendum and we are being told lies now .
‘He said the attacker appeared to “have leanings towards” radical Islamist ideology but it was not yet clear whether this was a case of domestic or international terrorism…………………………’ http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/36510272
A new use of the word “leanings”.
I do know who mine is. But only because he happens to live in the next street. Labour trougher, obviously fond of the sweet trolly as well. And a Grade A pillock.
Our MEP has lost the plot. She posts endless cherry picked claims on social media then either refuses to answer questions or bans any who question them.
Her BFF is a Tory MP who has not declared, but runs ‘informational’ Q&A sessions where he only chooses his mates to ask the question and then tells any who would challenge to be quiet or ‘summarises’ what they meant to say.
He also chairs the DCMS committee that was worried Whittingdale had gone too far with the BBC.
Down in the overpopulated South-East UK, we have ten.
Which one’s mine?
Who do I go to for Care in the Community?
That’s the EU Community, by the way, just in case you were wondering. And speaking of ‘Care’ and also of the EU, the caring, sharing, peace, love & harmony side of one side in the EU Referendum debate has been notably lacking since even before the whole thing got going.
Why does ‘caring, sharing, peace, love & harmony’ have to be so plain nasty?
A sad but accurate prediction. But fully aware of the treatment of women bear in mind that women have been more welcoming to the Muslim migrants than men. Whilst anti Moslem movements like the EDL primarily consist of men, women appear in large numbers on pro migrant demonstrations, and strident feminists will cut your balls off if you criticize Moslems, and the standard feminist line of Rotherham rapes is that they are done by men, whilst media feminists assert the right of women to wear the Burka. Merkel and May are women who bend over backwards in favour of Muslim immigration and retaining Muslim criminals rather than deporting them.
The idea of a biological explanation for female support for the invaders is echoed in Paul Molyneux’s remark that ‘Women spread their legs for the invaders’. Western males have lost their spirit. Females give themselves to the strongest. Moslem males know how to deal with women, keep them in their place, and fill them with offspring.
Thanks GWF-I wish it was not such a sad prediction, neverthteless we in Europe have to heed the warnings, as indeed do the USA-this terrible incident of the shootings in Orlando at that Gay bar, surely more than emphasise much of what Donald Trump proposed aprapro the Muslim situation-one official interviewed said that it was necessary to tackle the ideology that a Muslim follows-incomprehensible, those that follow the teachings of Islam, must by reason follow the teachings of the Quarn-no deviation allowed. The simple aim of the ideology of Islam is to destroy the Christian West & the USA if they can. On and off for nigh on 1300yrs Islam has been trying to control much of Europe, but back in those times we could use weapons against them, now they need not even draw a sword, as their despotic ideolgy rips through the nations of Europe, and in no way is that an exaggeration. Just keep your women locked that means no more shopping for them!! Why are we humans wanting to destroy this beautiful world? Perhaps the Devil has always been amongst us.
While the bbc are in full flow with their cringing royal worship, i’m sure in an attempt to be british for once, it’s no surprise that this ‘off-message’ report didn’t find it’s way onto the news.
I would have thought that the BBC would have made a big thing of that to show how pathetic our military are and why we need to stay in the EU for the protection of an EU Army !
Grant – I’ve noticed that the BBC usually treats the armed forces with respect these days. I suspect there may have been orders issued on high by Blairites to this effect, so as not to undermine Blair’s efforts in Iraq/Afghanistan, and those wishes are still respected. We were, of course, shown an interview with a black NCO and told that the Queen’s troop RHA has the highest number of women soldiers in the househould division, so the PC end was kept up.
The post-match analysis of the England Russia game indicated the usual media gobshite/blowhole crap so beloved of tubsters and cocaine crackers who never kicked a ball at school-but presume to tell ex-pros what they need to know and to say.
So it was that ITVs cabbage who spouted about England being crap, naive or tired-blaming Milner one minute, Hodgson next and them Smalling…referred TWICE to England having a poor “game management plan” to see out the last few minutes?
Anybody else ever heard that phrase before?…
The cabbage said it twice-and Lee Dixon was named as “not being happy with my phrase”.
Good for Lee-he actually played the game to a “reasonable level” shall we say?…and is a no nonsense Man City fan( and we can forgive that!)
But our hack persisted and tried to convince Lee that he knew something about how an England team needs to play.
Good Old Lee-about time the media morons got public blastings for being thick, full of jargon and shit-and sport seems full of these “anal cysts” these days…as do the science, politics, business, economics fountains of fuckery who sail under the liberal medias commentaries.
“Game Management” re getting us to stay in the EU-now THAT could be a context in which the dopes plans for us go all wrong.
I blame Charles Hughes and 60 second BBC Bitesize psychobabble seminars at uni for this lot….
God preserve us from members of the public being interviewed, oh and their kids ! Why oh why do outside journo’s ask Joe Public anything ? in the main we are an inarticulate bunch and just reply with ‘yeah, lovely and dunno’, and don’t get me started when children have a mic stuck in front of them – I suddenly lose the will to live. Watching the Beeb doing just this on the Mall party and ‘other events’ around the country has made me switch to Pride & Prejudice for the 14th time. Simon McCoy even managed to grab a party goer in the Mall and compliment her on her outfit then asked which charity she was with – Priceless ! she was Polish, spoke in broken English and said she was there with her English boyfriend – nothing about the charity, huh ! so much for her Maj’s patriotic workers !!
REMINDER: #Trump has been in the public eye 30 yrs & only gets called racist now, when running against democrats pic.twitter.com/uEjNuGGDkG— Pamela Kealer (@PamelaKealer13) 11 June 2016
Do the BBC not know that most working class people want their country, jobs, houses, schools and hospitals back? …………….erm …………… Oh, no, of course not.
When was the last time a BBC producer met someone from the low paid classes of this country? BBC producers can now have their menial jobs performed by low price Poles, Romanians and others not born here. They don’t have to bother with the working classes.
I posted earlier that the scum at Sky news said it ‘was reported to be a white supremacist’ because Christine Grimmie was killed by a white loony close to this attack?
The KGBbc news simply reported the attack as a ‘domestic attack’? Can’t bring themselves to mention the word ‘terror’.
The FBI said the perp ‘had leanings towards islamic terrorism teachings’? Does that mean he was a terrorist then? Was he just practising at being a terrorist? Was it a ‘lone wolf’ attack?
The gays..just like the young white women of Europe..an acceptable form of collateral damage in the pursuit of opening our eyes to nazislam.
Just waiting on ‘nothing to do with islam’ for a full house
Just watched the news conference held in Orlando by the Mayor,FBI and..the local head of the local mosque came out with just that. I don’t think I was the only one appalled by allowing him to strut his stuff.. He’s in the row behind the mayor of Orlando during the 1415 briefing:
I was living in fear it may not happen, but over the afternoon tea as I digest this latest daring militant action, the HuffPo has delivered; both a logo and a hashtag already created and shared, along with thoughts and prayers of course.
Yes I noticed that too.
Imagine these guards of concern are now standard issue for all atrocities nowadays to stand behind the mayor with an onion in their hands.
So Islam is nothing to do with the atrocity then is it not?
Well if they`ve found a Muslim to stand alongside the Police chief behind the scouts?…well clearly Islam has nothing to do with any of it.
Very much Peggy Spencer formation dancing lines as required for the cameras around the world then.
Oh dear! Al Beebs ultimate perpetual victims have gone and carried out Muhammads instruction….again… But this time on Islams biggest enemy and Al Beebs no 2 in the victim scale!
Can’t wait to play Al Beebs “its nothing to do with lslam” bingo!
Guaranteed are..
“lone wolf”
“extremist views that have nothing to do with lslam”
“community in solidarity”
Also looking forward to..
– Articles that ‘try’ and talk about ‘facts’ and “what happened?” yet never tell it’s viewers the only detail that’s required which is Islam instructs the believer’s to kill homosexuals.
– Reports that are utterly created to propagate that this is nothing to do with lslam, yet, look for any (completely unrelated) link that a Muslim was the hero of the event ” Muslim hero Abdullah was across the street when it happened… He was helping the police, like all Muslims do because they are peaceful, with supplying drinks and is a hero saving lives..”
– LGBT groups will come out in solidarity with the death cult telling us “its society that has caused this… We are all responsible because we all hate gays”
All reports will yet again purposely not link the the endless Islamic acts, so that this is once again just a isolated event. So linking or reference to other Islamic acts will never be mentioned because Islam must be presented as the victim. Muslims are the real victims here and aren’t we going to hear all about it from the lying, islamophilic, British hating bastards at the Al Beed!
I predict Obama will trot out his usual diatribe about ‘gun control’ being the bane of the American existence, and how he has fought long and hard to protect Americans from the NRA right-wingers.
Surprised the BBC haven’t mentioned gun control on their own initiative – perhaps that script has slipped down the back of the sofa?
No, you’re right, they will be waiting for Obama and Clinton to bring it up. The attack will basically be blamed on Trump, he opposes more gun control, and has upset peaceful muslims after all. Bad, bad Mr Trump!
On Facebook, the FoBs are ignoring the tragic victims totally and gunning solely for the NRA. Mishap Husain moral equivalence at its finest, with a sprinkle to Tim Wilcox on top.
What will happen when the A380 of Beeboids booked to return from the Ali funeral divert to Orlando one dreads to imagine, especially as the Top Trumps cards have been sent back the the printers to have the names changed.
“Sorry jerrod,scott ,marvin……whats that you say? Sorry cant hear you……speak up now”
The gay community in Holland was the most pro Muslim group during the 80s, they no longer are. I wonder why? But the bBC is more than happy to inform me that Islam doesn’t have a problem with Gay people: Gay Pakistan: Where sex is available and relationships are difficult
Pakistan is not the kind of place that most people would associate with gay liberation. But some say the country is a great place to be gay – even describing the port city of Karachi as “a gay man’s paradise”.
For me , the puzzle is why many Gays support Islam . That is like the kiss of death !
Even in Gambia, homosexuality is illegal. But that is an edict of the President who is famously Gay. but , at the ground level, no-one cares much.
But if UK Gays love hard Islam so much, they should go to Iran. Maybe that would be their biggest orgasm ?
Yes ! This is the shared perversions . And I am not religious . Nor am I Islamophobic, my wife is muslim , nor am I homophobic . But there is a cult of perverse thinking which infects some people . Fine for them , but they want to drag the rest of us into their sewer . Why ?
Political gays claim to be oppressed, Mohamidans claim to be oppressed, the left tell them that their oppressors are capitalists whom they must unite against and fight. Scott, Jerrod and Manon would agree that it is neo liberalism they must unite against. However, I am sure that there are many Mohamidans willing to dip their wicks in lefty gays. What do you say Manon/aka Jerrod?
> On Facebook, the FoBs are ignoring the tragic victims totally
Unlike the compassionate people of Biased BBC, of course… oh, no.
Still, it wouldn’t be Biased BBC if the usual hypocritical culprits weren’t pretending that they had any claim to the moral high ground, even as they compete with each other to sink further into the gutter.
I don’t believe that any one on this site is pleased about it, in fact I would suggest that we are angered that nothing is done about preventing it. The media in general do not face up to the facts but merely try make excuses about it all the time . They are apologists. “Mateen’s father, born in Afghanistan, says his son was angered at seeing two men kissing.”
Note how we hear the term for the killer is now “shooter”.
Now its about gun control !
> It’s almost as if many of the posters on this site are really rather rather pleased about what has happened.
Well, it gives them a chance to fight each other over who can jerk their knee the most loudly. Because, after all, when that’s the only ability you possess, what else can you do?
I can’t say I’m “pleased with what has happened” Jerrod and Marvin.
But I do confess to a horrified fascination in watching liberals and leftists agonise over the mounting bloodshed…..the direct result of the unnecessary social experiment of trying to reconcile overt, in yer face homosexuality and the Islamic religion…..whilst keeping up the fiction that both somehow help to advance western civilisation….supported by zero historical precedents.
I’m not “pleased with what has happened” but I did see it coming as did many others.
We’re the people who, when we tried to warn of the danger, people like you called “bigots” and “islamophobes” and others wrote laws to try and silence.
Hope after sowing this whirlwind that you and other social liberals and lefties can sleep tonight.
As one with friends who still go to nightclubs, and kids likely to go one day soon, after Paris and now Orlando, I am not pleased either. In fact I share the horror, if no longer surprise, and revulsion of any sane person, and the desire of most to prevent repetitions by any means possible.
Heading to sites you don’t like to engage in ‘almost as if’ snipes really isn’t going to help much unless you have been to Ma Mishal’s school of moral relativism, or wallowing in the false safe spaces the BBC likes to inhabit.
So, Flokkers, here’s your next target location to swoop upon from that moral high ground you claim to inhabit. Knock yourselves out:
RIP the murdered, who sadly are no longer with us to know. Maybe those they leave behind would still welcome the comfort of friends, assuming some are not too busy elsewhere not being hypocritical.
I await with anticipation the response from the ‘Libtards’ in power the cliché “There are lessons to be learned”. Have they have forgotten 9/11 already ? – It will be all about ‘Gun Control’.
Gun control has already been referred to in Obamas comments.
I’m not an expert on US gun laws but I understand that various states have different rules and even that gun carrying law varies between premises, concealed versus unconcealed carrying of guns etc. etc.
Anyone know the position in Florida and whether it is true that no one was able to return fire until the police arrived and whether this had a bearing on the number of fatalities and injuries?
Can’t imagine this happening in an area where “concealed carrying” was legal.
‘Lessons to be learned’ is shorthand (at least regarding the UK public sector and its devotees…….Andy Burnham, anyone ?) for “well we’ve almost got away with this, so let’s try to appear as if we care, by using the ‘lessons learned’ mantra, and most of the stupid British public will just have to accept that no-one is going to be found responsible for anything, and they’ll just have to shut up about it, and then we can all go right ahead as if nothing happened”
Personal opinion…I’d be a bit unsure of the wisdom of combining guns and alcohol in bars but I wonder why door staff don’t hold guns to offer security against situations like this.
How many killings carried out in the name of Islam does there have to be before the pair of you have at least one day off from being complete bellends, and accept that Muhammad’s instruction is the ONLY reason/cause for the endless atrocities carried out by good Muslims?? I know that for you, the white man (your own people for Christ sake!!) is the cause of all of the worlds problems and you’re so fanatical about ensuring victim hood status to everyone that isn’t white male, but we on this website are not responsible for the never ending cycle of violence and death in the name of Islam!
It’s telling that the both of you still couldn’t say anything against Islam and your only thought was to attack your only enemy…us! Another 50 innocent lives taken. Another act where the evil ,sick bastard who carried it out says it’s for Islam, yet the lunatic left continue to blame them selves, the right, foreign policy….everything but the truth.
Once again the left are the only ones who know how to deal with this. Only they know the answers. We are wrong. Trumps wrong. The Muslims carrying out the atrocities are wrong. Muslims living in Islamic state are wrong. Al Qaeda, Boko Haram, Hamas, Al Shabbab….they’re all wrong. The thousands (possibly millions) of western Muslims who not only believe everything that Islamic state stand for but celebrate terrorist atrocities carried out in the name of Islam like it was a World Cup game are wrong…
The left are so self absorbed, so self righteous, so fucking delusional and detached from reality, that they are willing to appease/allow/encourage the islamification of their own country, because only those on the ‘right’ could ever pick out something bad about a different group of people! We must be doing something wrong, not Islam……
These killings will never stop. Muhammad has ensured that his instructions can never change, and his instruction created Islamic state. His instruction authorise the Miami nightclub murders. In that sick bastards mind and those in Islamic state he is in paradise for being a true Muslim warrior. Undertaking jihad for the good of Islam.
Islam will never accept you or your outlook on life and when that time comes the only people who will protect you are those you despise and have tried to fuck over you traitorous bastards!!
If you think that they will answer that in a hurry don’t hold your breath.
That one will be passed on for Al Beeb’s ‘Team Meeting’ tomorrow, where it will be discussed over ‘morning coffee’.
But you carry on believing that the twisted ball of hate that is your sorry little self, and your simplistic whinging, have got a grasp on all the complexities at play.
I mean, this is Biased BBC, which doesn’t do complexity, honesty, or anything that doesn’t involve a hypocritical little halfwit trying to compensate for his own sense of crushing inadequacy. So I don’t expect you to do anything different other than to be a judgemental, incoherently ignorant wanker. But please, at least attempt to be marginally less stupid than taffman, Biased BBC’s resident lobotomised village idiot.
I realise you’re not very bright, and are too busy telling yourself otherwise to bother engaging what laughably passes for a brain, but you do realise it’s not an either/or proposition?
Welcome ! I can promise you that you ain’t seen nothing yet ! I can sink more into the gutter than even you can imagine. Anyway, I would love your considered opinion. What is your prediction for the Referendum result ?
I am afraid only lefties have the right to be critical of people who kill gays. Everyone knows that if you have any slight right wing leaning – you are part of the problem and not part of the solution. So I guess we should all shut up!
I freely admit that I like nothing better on a Saturday night after a few beers and watching the footy to go out “queer bashing” I cant help it ever since I bought a copy of the Daily Express once.
Predictable, if distasteful, what inevitably teases you out.
On Facebook, as a personal global social network, I was sharing my sympathies with those hurt and families of those taken, along with many, other than those who had some places they did not wish to go and were simply seeking alternatives to vent.
You and you colleagues seem to have headed straight here to a BBC-related forum just to vent along with them, and have at least found each other to share in whatever it is you come here to share together. And not a peep still about the tragic victims.
From where you inhabit, even a gutter would be an ambitious climb.
If Big Ears is canny he should be able to squeeze out a nifty piece of anti Hate crime legislation before he pisses off. This is needed to control the expected “right wing backlash” I am sure Theresa would be willing to help!
ISIS are revolting subhumans. I Googled the story with BBC in the search bar but of course came up with nothing. That search showed that the Independent had the story and also the Mirror, which rightly referred to ISIS as ‘savages.’
It is interesting to contemplate, if the so-called prophet Mohammed was alive today, which of the Islamic State atrocities would he not approve of?
As far as I can see, everything the Islamic State does is modelled on the so-called prophet’s actions:
– Warfare and emphasis on conquering territory
– taking of slaves and using woman and girls as slaves for sex
– killing of enemies who refuse to convert to Islam
– particularly cruel punishments
– demands for Jizya from non-Muslims, sometimes called a tax, but more accurately it is a fee to buy limited safety, where the Muslims will not kill you if you pay it. I believe typically it is about 50% of income.
– beheadings of captives
As we know, actions of Mohammed are – by definition – actions of the Muslims perfect man and all Muslims are supposed to follow them. The so-called moderate Islam that many claim to follow is not really Islam of course, perhaps it should be called Islam-Lite?
Excellent points all. It raises the question in my mind as to how this evil cult can have hold of so many minds today. And I include the animals at the BBC. What is it ? Fear ? or worship of purported strength ? Or both ? I am at a loss to explain this collective insanity .
Grant, yes, I agree. It does make you wonder how anyone can entertain this as a belief system they feel they would like to follow.
I would think the main factor is that children of course are raised as Muslims, and the very nature of Islam makes it hard for people to examine their beliefs and think for themselves. The whole emphasis is on learning – and aping – the actions of their prophet, questioning of his actions, or anything in the Koran, is essentially forbidden. Learning the Koran by rote is highly regarded by other Muslims, in the original Arabic only. As most Muslims don’t speak Arabic this strikes me as a particularly pointless exercise – but it is harmless enough in itself. Learning long passages in a language you don’t speak must take a lot of mental energy in itself, leaving little capacity to question what it means, strikes me as being a rather infantile endevour.
As most people by now know, the penalty for someone who leaves Islam is death.
I suspect this is quite a strong motivating factor against people questioning too openly any doubts they might feel!
I think the attraction of Islam to the left, really demonstrates the child-like nature of their own belief system. They are attracted to the fact that Islam openly despises western civilisation, much as they do. Perhaps there is some admiration of what they see as ‘strength’ in the cult following rather like the cultish way they admire so many despots through history: Mao, Marx, Castro, Chavez etc.
The left are basically very confused. To an extent they are intensely jealous of capitalism – which has raised large numbers of people out of poverty and into an age of wealth and health – in a way that their ideology will never do. Of course, they cannot admit this jealousy, so instead redirect their admiration to Islam – which also despise the west and understandably seems intensely jealous of other, more advanced religions.
I cannot remember who said this but it is the antithesis of the liberal approach to militant Islam
“What matters is that we understand the enemy’s doctrines and not whether he is correct about them’
The old necessity of course. You cannot fight an enemy you do not understand as an enemy. This is as true now as it always has been.
Grant – I think some of the problem revolves around the way the MSM and especially the BBC and similar organisations pussyfoots around Islam and is willing to put itself into absolute paroxysms not to offend Islam.
This includes
disingenuous reporting
downright deceitful reporting
Over sympathetic reporting
vagueness with the facts if muslims are involved in a crime
always trying to show Muslims in a positive light against the indigenous population
general platforming of Islam and encouraging a sense of entitlement
portraying anyone who objects to the above as WAYCISTS!
I think this achieves two things it tacitly encourages followers of the “prophet “to believe they are particularly virtuous. And it also encourages a feeling of victimization. Any muslim who possesses any grandiose feelings of self importance and has suffered any slight in life could well be naturally attracted to any organisation which says it is defending Islam.
These evil shits feel they are demonstrating their strength by hitting back and defending Islam and it is by this process they can justify any evil / depraved action as it is all for Allah and the end obviously justifies the means.
I guess you will always find evil bastards in any society but I do believe the MSM bears particular responsibility as first step recruiting Sargent.
I have always thought you can never deal with situations such as this unless you have absolute clarity about what you are dealing with. Unfortunately whilst the pc brigade rules in the media we will never be able to have an honest debate.
Obviously the risk of offending a small percentage of the population is far more important the the lives of thousands of individuals.
And I am afraid our trolling friends are an inevitable symptom of this pc disease
I hate to reply to my own post, but of course I should have added to Mohammed’s deeds his marriage to a 6 year old infant female, and having sex with her when she was 9 years old.
Luckily, no modern day Muslim would consider having sex with a child to be a reasonable thing to do.
My 91-year old mum has just read Dave’s cowardly attack on old people in today’s “Sunday Telegraph “. Her comment just now was ” He should be ashamed of himself . How dare he lie to us ? Grant , I am definitely voting Leave now “.
One of the many areas where Dave is so ignorant is that he does not understand what my parents’ generation fought for . They fought for freedom , not for Dave and his fellow EU parasites to piss it away in the wind for money. Dave, you are a coward, a bully , a liar and a whore, and that is an insult to prostitutes.
This is absolutely outrageous. The BBC are showing scenes from along the Mall showing the Queen’s 90th birthday celebrations. There are cheering crowds all along by St James’s Park. At least 99.999% of these people are white. What on earth is going on? As we are always being told, Britain is a diverse, enriched, multicultural society. People have come from all over the country and all over the world.
Brixton, Peckham and Brick Lane are a short bus ride away.
Where the xxxx are they?
………….At least 99.999% of these people are white…………..
Crikey ! does this mean Sir Lenny H will be renouncing his knighthood in disgust !! or will he now realise that ethnics only come out to play when its the Notting Hill Carnival or Eid ! — and that they’re not really into royalty and the historic traditions of this country except when there’s a passport involved.
The bbc and the monarchy – they are indeed strange bedfellows. On the face of it the monarchy is elitist, rich, white, privileged, arguably a drain on the public purse – all these tributes would normally make them a target for the raving marxists at bbc house. But not so, are they just the antidote / alibi that the bbc need to disguise their left wing agenda and perpetuate the charade of being our good old British broadcaster?
‘The BBC understands the name of the suspect was Omar Mateen, aged 29.’
‘Police called the shooting an act of terrorism, but said they did not know if it was domestic or international.’
Yeah that’s a tough question right there – domestic or international hummmmm….. get back to us on that… sometime, never.
As predicted by a poster above the BBC in the shape of some on the spot US/BBC type holding the micrphone just under his lie hole said this would highlight ‘gun control’ and Saint Obama’s ‘frustration’ . Gosh, folks, ‘some American’s feel it’s their constitional right to carry guns’. Do a bit of research on that chum – think you’ll find you can bet your bottom dollar it is their constitutional right. This BBC guy wasn’t good, he was bad, and he was a tad ugly. Mind you, special pleading and indentity politics kicked in because this shooting is going to hit the ‘Latin American’ community hard – excuse me asking has the term ‘Hispanic’ suddenly become a curse word? How’s ‘Latino’? I can’t keep up. BBC online are headlining differently identity-wise – the internet BBC boys and girls want to take us to a gay bar….
What to Know About the Pulse Nightclub Shooting in Orlando
There is now a market for what the MSM does not want to know, and the internet is filling it, leaving the traditional politico-media establishment looking idiotic on most issues.
‘Police called the shooting an act of terrorism, but said they did not know if it was domestic or international.’
Yes, a peculiarly municipal distinction. I can imagine the terrorist asking the taxi driver to take him to somewhere to commit an attrocity, and being asked if he wants the domestic or international version.
How comforting it must be to the victims and their families; to know whether they died because of domestic or international terrorism.
I see there is little report on the BBC about the nature of the massacre at the pulse nightclub in Florida. It was a Gay nightclub and 20 people have been killed.
I could see from the outset of this report who the murderer was likely to be and yet even though his name is available in UK media, the BBC has made a decision to withhold this news from the public.
People need to need aware that during the ‘holy’ month of bombadan you are much more likely to find people being made holey, i.e. full of holes.
I wonder what the hard of thinking libtards carrying gays against islamophobia are thinking about this – if that’s not an oxymoron! I also wonder how many more votes they have just given Donald Trump to keep their like out of his country.
Just to re-tread a former posting of mine… the BBC tv news assured me ‘French authorities were preparing for the “Twin Threats” of terrorism and hooliganism’
Well judging by their handling of the latter, God help them if the former kicks off again.
I do not know.It is a country which I avoid, but I wonder which country will be next for a Referendum ? It may be France. Or Holland, or maybe Denmark. But it is going to come, sure as day follows night !
Hollande is quite the most inept and clueless comedy cut of a President that France could have plumped for.
Looks like Peter Glaze-and probably funnier than even THAT scion of British culture.
Well remember his plane getting hit by lightning as he flew to Germany to wash Merkels smalls, which is what all second string nations have to do-allegedly.
This was Gods way of trying to dry the little runt out-for only a few hours before he`d been in an open top motorcade, as the heavens opened and the little drowned rat was unable to find the windscreen wipers for his specs!
God loves France-so much he`s using it to make Venezuela look good, as well as reminding the British what 1973 was like here before Maggie flushed socialism into historys bidet.
Corbyns merely the pubic hairs we couldn`t wash out….not yet.
I caught just one minute of the Big Question this morning on my way out. An Asian gentleman says that the answer to migration is bring the rest of the world to our standards by throwing (my) money at them. The theory is that when they are as well off as us they would have no need to come here! I left to the sound of great agreement from the “representative” collection I observed on the show. I’m not sure I could have listened to more without damaging my new 49incher so I’m glad I had to go. But I’m pretty sure that by taxing our UK society so that even more than the present £12 billion could be given to the third world wouldn’t really work until the corrupt politicians, service chiefs, tribal leaders and police had so much money each that sheer embarrassment forced them to share it with their countrymen. It’s a great world the BBC luvvies and their dinner companions think they live in, populated by selfless peoples of all hues willing to sacrifice everything to give our betters the rosy glow of righteousness while dancing around the groves of money trees in their Earthly paradise. Did anybody hear if this was challenged at all? I don’t want to sit through it on catch up, that tele cost me a lot!
He`s called Omar Mateen-which, we can all agree-is just the hoedown name of a typical country boy of the USA.
Apparently his doings were “likely to have been ideologically motivated”-which is ONE way of putting it eh, you Islam-avoiding squits in US public sector and media lockdown mode.
Oh-and this will no doubt bring up the gun control debate-Obama HAS tried to bang your heads together but you WILL insist on bearing your arms, won`t you?
So then-cue Sandy Hook….skip over San Bernardino-accuse Trump of racially causing all this-and let Islam pack its bags and quietly find its NEXT cave from which to kill American citizens…whilst wanting gun control for everybody but Obamas security and for Muslims.
Thank you BBC….what ELSE could you say?
I am here in Scotland with my mum 91-year old mum. She loves ” Songs of Praise” and I enjoy listening to it because I love the music. She is asking me now ” What time is it on ? “. I have to reply that I do not know.
Another reason to leave – as if we happy band of warriors needed one…
Found on Guido. Apologies if already mentioned.
The Sunday Times has a great scoop: leaked cables reveal UK diplomats have discussed visa liberalisation for Turks coming to Britain, despite David Cameron’s pledge that “we won’t be offering visa-free access to Turks”. And there’s more…
Guido has been passed the cache of diplomatic cables. The telegram below is marked “Official – sensitive” and was sent by British diplomats in Kosovo to the Foreign Office. It reveals the European Commission plotted to “slipstream” visa liberalisation for Kosovo “behind Turkey”, because “1.8 million Kosovars” are “a drop in that larger ocean” by comparison. A stunning admission of the huge scale of potential new immigration – and collusion to play down the impact…
The cable also admits the obvious, that “some will… abuse the system”. Privately British diplomats are talking about 1.8 million Kosovars as a “drop in the ocean” compared to potential Turkish immigration. Yet they are planning visa-free access for Turks – and Dave wants you to believe this isn’t an issue in the referendum…
You couldn’t make it up, could you? Utter deceit from DC and others.
The article specifically doesnt mention numbers, just “Turkish “special passport” holders, who are mainly civil servants”, which sounds like it cannot be very many, but the Sunday Times mentions 1m.
In the wake of reboots for Captain America, Iron Man et al, our own home-grown superhero looks set to be revived. White, blond, blue-eyed in the original incarnation. So guess what?
“Who is to say Captain Britain would have to be white? We could have Idris Elba as Captain Britain.”
So we now know the name and the religion of the Orlando loonie. Fifty people (plus) dead and God only knows how many more are going to be maimed and traumatised for the rest of their lives.
As soon as I heard that this was an attack on a gay nightclub I immediately thought the assailant was likely to be an Islamist fundamentalist….or to put it another way, a mental Muslim.
Tuning in to Sky news however, one of their presenters was burbling about “could this be an attack by the far right?” It seems this knee jerk compulsion to deflect any dreadful news event away from our Islamic friends is endemic in the liberal media. It just hadn’t occurred to me that this was a likely scenario. But for the likes of Sky and The Beeb…
BTW, has anyone heard from Donald?
Trump doesnt need to say anything yet, if he keeps quiet for a short time while the liberal media embarrass themselves the voters will come over to him in droves. Obama will be digging himself a big hole later today and voters are not as stupid as some politicians believe.
Trump has tweeted
Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump
Appreciate the congrats for being right on radical Islamic terrorism, I don’t want congrats, I want toughness & vigilance. We must be smart!
5:43 PM – 12 Jun 2016
6,507 6,507 Retweets 14,674 14,674 likes
You cannot say ‘mental Muslim’ the correct term is a person suffering mental health issues who just happens to be a Muslim !
And if that cannot be pinned on him then he’s a lone wolf !
Hell’s Angelas
I always liked the name Angela, but I’ve gone right off it with the current collection; Merkel, Eagle and Leadsam. There must be some decent ones in the public eye, even Angelina Jolie has some decidely dodgy views..
Just returned from a recording of the local BBC referendum debate for broadcast tonight.
Overall fairly introduced and moderated. Audience selected for 50% in and out.
Started quietly until we got on to a question from a fisherman. We had the Secretary of State for Agriculture Fisheries and Food on the panel.
Two questions from EU nationals out of 5. You can guess the topic.
Overall I would say the Leave side of the audience were much more engaged.
Interesting comment from the audience while we waited to see in any re-takes were required. “Why did Leave answer the question with no waffle while Remain wandered off and took a long while about it.
The report says that they were kissing and touching each other in public, and doing the same in a men’s bathroom (lavatory). Well, I too would have been pretty disgusted, especially that this was in free view of children, and might have thought that a bucket of water or the light application of a baseball bat might have been appropriate – though not of course a killing, which is appalling.
JohnCMar 6, 02:20 Midweek 5th March 2025 Europe ‘at turning point in history’, French president warns https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c3w14gw3wwlo ‘Europe was facing a “clear and present danger on a…
taffmanMar 6, 00:36 Midweek 5th March 2025 pugnazious The blame lays with the EU’s open borders.
pugnaziousMar 6, 00:31 Midweek 5th March 2025 Why is it possible to come on Campbell’s show and say the most outrageous anti-Trump or Musk things and Campbell…
pugnaziousMar 6, 00:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Woke up to Today pushing the Robinson interview with Sunak [Campbell ejaculated on his show…’What a scoop!’…lol…no] and getting very…
taffmanMar 6, 00:25 Midweek 5th March 2025 My often posted message to the BBC….. “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all…
pugnaziousMar 6, 00:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 BBC… ‘He [Trump] also appeared to threaten civilians: “Also, to the People of Gaza: A beautiful Future awaits, but not…
taffmanMar 5, 23:54 Midweek 5th March 2025 StewGreen “Cumbria Police say it is not a terror related incident”. We have heard this before . Could it be…
taffmanMar 5, 23:47 Midweek 5th March 2025 Who is our government or Border Force (Farce ) is letting in to our country? We are in need of…
StewGreenMar 5, 23:09 Midweek 5th March 2025 Patrick Christy’s report .. https://youtu.be/JgMA_uY6YRQ ..It’s ruined by shouty lefty Stella getting 80% of the speaking time She opts for…
tomoMar 5, 22:56 Midweek 5th March 2025 BMW had a problem with runaway cars a while back – I wonder if the i40 has any secrets?
Not al-Beeb or bias, just Telegraph and stupidity:
“‘Iranian nationals’ rescued in the English Channel believed to be attempting to enter Britain illegally”
Well of course they fucking are, otherwise they’d get on a ferry/train/plain with an appropriate visa, like normal legitimate visitors. Jeez… Send ’em back to France.
Our Car Moron told us that staying in the EU would prevent immigrants getting in here .
Well its not working.
My message to him is, its time to get out of this ‘manufactured Union State’ and get our armed forces to do the job they are paid for – to defend this nation form invasion .
What on earth is our Home Secretary doing about this ? Where is our Tory Cabinet ? Why aren’t the grass roots Tory voters pressing their MPs about this ?
“get our armed forces to do the job they are paid for – to defend this nation form invasion”
Hear! Hear! This is the primary duty of any government. If it fails to do so, the contract is broken
If Operation Sealion had been properly thought through… Thousands of little boats made to look like Trojan Dolphins, with military age German passport holders aboard who suddenly lose seafaring skills a mile off the British coastline. The BBC ready with a towel and microphone to greet them on the beaches….
This is what our Archbishop said earlier this year …………
And now we have this ………………..
Stick to religion ‘Bish’ , not politics. You may then increase your flocks which are fast dwindling.
To these reverend blue jeans types, politics IS their chosen religion!
Being a Lefty takes priority over any belief in God. let alone their nominal choice of the person of Jesus Christ…might as well have been Brian Cohen.
Which is why only state subsidy and the JCB that piles old bishops into the Lords keeps them in the BBC Green Room bubble…nobody out here gives a stuff what the Christian AIDS say or do any more….Trump knows more about the Bible than the Pope, and Welby might as well be Elton Welsby as far as we`re concerned.
The Anglicans will be buried along with Peter Mullen and Michael Nazir Ali…the last prophets.
Chris and Taffman – I am afraid the likes of Welby perfectly illustrates the the lefty stance of compassion without common sense.
I am afraid all these intellectually types would rather sell their country down the river in the long term for a five minute warm glow in their well fed tummies. Rather than deal with real issues in a practical way. However all that compassion rarely seems to extend to christian refugees, whose persecution is just not “sexy enough” to be mentioned.
I suspect that Welby has far more in common and feels more more home with the likes of Eddie Jizzard or Simon Smarma than he ever would with a normal member of his own congregation. Despite the fact that in all probability many lefties are generally hostile to The C of E.
Welby may well have now twigged that he may have ignored the “bleedin obvious” regarding many peoples view on immigration and like many politicians he is now trying to look both ways at once.
As I have said in previous posts it is educated idiots like Welby who have helped to make the C of E increasingly irrelevant to society. They say charity begins at home its a pity that they never taught this at theological college.
You may want to turn the other cheek but that does not mean you have to to turn your wife and daughter over too!
Chris/ Taffman – I am afraid that Welby is a perfect example of the lefty way of Compassion without Common Sense.
I am afraid all these intellectually types would rather sell their country down the river in the long term for a five minute warm glow in their well fed tummies. Rather than deal with real issues in a practical way. However all that compassion rarely seems to extend to Christian refugees, whose persecution is just not “sexy enough” to be mentioned.
I suspect that Welby has far more in common and feels more more home with the likes of Eddie Jizzard or Simon Smarma than he ever would with a normal member of his own congregation. Despite the fact that in all probability many lefties are generally hostile to The C of E.
Welby may well have now twigged that he may have ignored the “bleedin obvious” regarding many peoples view on immigration and like many politicians he is now trying to look both ways at once in a desperate attempt to still appear relevant.
As I have said in previous posts. It is educated idiots like Welby who have helped to make the C of E increasingly irrelevant to society. They say charity begins at home its a pity that they never taught this at theological college.
You may want to turn the other cheek but that does not mean you have to to turn your wife and daughter over too!
“Brexit could lead to EU break-up – Swedish FM Wallstrom”
Great Britain must surrender over a thousand years of her freedom and sovereignty to save the EU ………………………..
Perhaps the EU should change to save it self ?
“Brexit could lead to EU break-up – Swedish FM Wallstrom”
The thing they fear the most. Bring. It. On!
I would have thought that senior Swedish politicians would have far more pressing worries closer to home than the upcoming Brexit.
“Swedish politicians would have far more pressing worries”
The possible ABBA reunion being ‘disgustingly white’?
LOL ! Laugh of the day for me so far !!!!
Funny that EU ministers and their cohorts were adamant that they could concede nothing – and I do mean ‘nothing’, Mr Cameron – to the UK during negotiations just a few months ago, in order to save the EU from such devastation. After all, any EU Ministers and Senior Civil Servants, of any repute whatsoever, must have known then that this would be the result of any Brexit.
Alternatively, I wonder what has happened to leave the EU in such a parlous state in just a few short weeks….?
A reality check, perhaps ?
Oh dear Dave, the BBC will have to write you better scripts in favour of remaining. Today the morning scare is that pensions, NHS, and defence cannot be protected outside the Reich.
I cannot wait to hear what the religious commentators will say this Sunday
From your link G.W.F.,
“Mr Osborne said Brexit would mean “a new dose of austerity, more years of public spending cuts”.”
Is that a Gideon guarantee that should the UK remain in the EU there will be no further austerity measures or public spending cuts? and if so can we have it in writing. It’s looking increasingly likely that no matter what the result of the referendum we won’t be allowed to leave, too many snouts gorging out of too many troughs.
Ask the Greeks how well their pensions are doing inside the EU.
Answer….cut to the bone at the orders of the troika…..to preserve the euro, and despite a national referendum to refuse the troikas terms.
Vote Leave. Prepare to resist a government willing to refuse to enact a leave outcome.
David Cameron has just announced that if Britain leaves the EU planet Earth will spin out of orbit and plunge into the Sun within a couple of days.
Actually, I am telling a lie. He did not say that. But only because he hasn’t thought of it! Yet.
Still twelve days to go though.
GWF – listen out for some parson on ‘Thought for the Day’ saying ‘In a very real sense, our Lord would vote Remain’.
LOL ! I wouldn’t put it past them. And we Leavers will burn in hell.
Well, I’m going to disagree with folk here lambasting Justin Welby. As Archbishop he is entitled to express a view on matters of national importance such as this. It’s his job. No doubt, if he had said “I’m voting Leave.” you would all be cheering him to the rafters. (That’s the building rafters, not the ‘other’ sort . . . 😉 but then, again . . . . ? )
Not only that, our arch-enemy (if that is not too strong an expression to describe a section of the media) is the first to complain when the Archbish doesn’t pronounce on matters of social & political importance and completely ignores or partially misreports what he says when doing the main part of his day job: preaching the Gospel.
Seeing as all the world and his dog has expressed a view on the EU Referendum, whether entitled to or not, Welby may as well do so. At least, as the BBC has reported it, he is not telling the Anglican communion how to vote from the pulpit. Now that, in my view, would have been wrong.
Still, am disappointed that he’s not voting leave, but there you go.
As to Christian ‘lefties’, etc., etc., also rubbished often by our favourite broadcaster along with their counterparts elsewhere on the spectrum of Christian political thought & beliefs, they are the ones who often (always?) go around putting sticking plasters and a whole lot more on the wounded of society who our politicians, notably those led by Corbyn & Sturgeon and to an extent those led by Cameron, have been happy to neglect or abandon.
Up to ,
Welby’s job is to tend his flock. If he wants to go into politics , then he should stand for Parliament. Otherwise , he should not use his position to influence political matters. I would tell him to F off . Just my opinion .
Sorry, Grant, think you are technically wrong there. Archbishop – the Canterbury one – has state constitooootionally role that goes beyond the faith & ministry one. The knee joint or some claimed bit (Snuffy’s eyeballs rolled & raised heavenward) of a troublesome priest that has just been returned to Canterbury from Eastern Europe (Snuffy’s eyeballs rolled even more & raised to altitudes occupied by transcontinental passenger aircraft – good grief! they’ll be selling indulgences next!) is a recent reminder of the importance of the position.
Not only that, he doesn’t have to stand for Parliament. He’s there already, mate! Gratis, ex-officio an’ all that.
Snuff I agree that Welby is entitled to express his view and in fact I have no objection to him using his position to do so. He has the same rights as any other national figure.
However I still think the C of E should as well as expressing compassion for those in other countries should at least have some regard for our own culture and certainly christians being persecuted in other countries as well as muslims.
My reservations about Welby revolve around the fact that to me he seems more concerned with being generous with”Asylum seekers” – many who are plainly not! (see his new year message) than to the fact that many Christians in Syria etc have not had the opportunity to be asylum seekers as they are now simply dead.
I do at the very least think he has been a little naive and the very worst for his own reasons jumped onto the same lefty Compassion bandwagon as soon as he could in case he got left behind.
I certainly do not consider him an odious individual like Dave or Tony and I do acknowledge that he has mentioned the fact that Christians are being persecuted worldwide – however I would like to have seen him more supportive of those we share a common religion/culture with, as well as those from other religions many of whom are actively hostile towards us.
Good post, oaknash, and agree about the persecuted Christians. I am amazed that Britain did not quickly offer Syrian Christians refugee status here. We now know, statistics released just over a week ago, that Britain is de-Christianising at a fast rate.
We do not know what has been done behind the scenes though. Much diplomacy has to be quiet diplomacy. I heard retired Bishop Michael Nazr-Ali speak, on BBC Radio4, on the subject of persecuted Christians worldwide. Mind you, the global community as a whole appears to have a total blind spot concerning Syria as well as some very blinkered views. However, your post highlights the failure of the media in relation to Christianity especially. Think the last time they did any big work in that area was the mid-1990s and the Toronto Blessing thing.
To be fair to the Beeb, they have given the ‘Bishop of Baghdad’, Canon Andrew White, plenty of recent coverage and they did mention a couple of Welby’s trips to visit persecuted Christian refugees. (Have a notion that he did quite a bit of that, including some hostage negotiating in (west?) Africa before reaching his current appointment. I’ll leave you to research via BBC’s R4 Desert Island Discs archive before it goes behind a pay-wall.)
It was Welby’s predecessor who made the comments about Sharia Law, which in my view, brought the position of Archbishop of Canterbury into disrepute. The Beeb covered that. However, if Justin Welby made a statement about bringing Syrian (or Iraqi) Christians here, would the BBC give it much prominence? Too worried about Salford friends, perhaps?
How long is the BBC going to keep up its fawning admiration for Hilary Clinton? How long can it do so when there are stories like this being published ?
This story is why Americans cannot trust ‘crooked’ Hillary Clinton
The BBC itself is so crooked it has no problem at all supporting crooked Hillary since they are on the same side politically.
Yes, the BBC admire anyone who is as crooked and dishonest as themselves. Good article in the current Spectator detailing what a bitch Hilary is .
Yes, I’ve been checking her crookedness out, mostly by accessing Judge Jeanine on YouTube. She’s on a real vendetta against Clinton, and when you hear her evidence, you understand why.
The BBC is a leftist organisation, and therefore it cannot see any enemies on the left. If a Republican had done a tenth of what Hillary had done, the BBC would rightly castigate them for it. But Hillary is untouchable because she is on the left.
That is why the BBC is an untrustworthy organisation, and should be wound up. I assure you, the world would not stop spinning on its axis if the men, women and undecideds of W1A and Media City had to earn an honest living.
Not sure the BBC would know how to earn an honest living.
It would be a culture shock for a lot of them, that’s true.
Although you dont have a shred of evidence that the BBC is leftwing. Clinton is certainly very right wing which just a slight glance at her financial backers would confirm.
It is my view that the BBC is politically on the right but I ,unlike you, don’t confuse thinking about something with political bias.
The Americans have an awful choice in their Election. Am glad I’m not an American with a vote.
It really is quite simple, thoughtful. The BBC reflects American Main Stream Media (MSM) outlets – i.e. MSNBC, ABC, CBS et al, and completely ignores virtually anything coming from the likes of Fox News on cable TV.
I’ve just spent 6 weeks or so in the US, and regularly ploughed my way through American MSM trying to find a modicum of reality about the US election – completely without success, I should add.
I tend to agree with another poster on this thread, up2snuff, who states that he believes that Americans are stuffed for choice in this election. In my opinion, Mr Trump is a loose cannon, and provides ammunition for his enemies far too freely – if he would stick to a sensible script, without compromising on his beliefs, instead of ad-libbing himself into corners, he should really have not much problem being elected – but he won’t. US voters are ripe for a non-establishment president, but Mr Trump does himself some huge damage, unnecessarily.
On the other hand, Ms Clinton hasn’t actually allowed any questioning by reporters (at least no questions from anyone but sycophants) in more than 6 months, and gets a ‘ hall pass’ from US MSM, on almost every topic – they simply focus on what she’s saying about Donald Trump, and repeat it, debate it, de-construct it, and re-construct it endlessly, and unquestioningly. And she is no shining example of rectitude, and truly unworthy of the highest post in her land – she does, however, have MSM USA eating out of her hand.
The answer to the point you really pose, however, (‘How long can the BBC keep up its fawning ?’) is that as long as the US MSM keeps on ignoring any and all evidence that comes out about Hillary Clinton, her history, her faults, her lack of scrutiny, her lack of policies different to those of Mr Obama, then the BBC can bask in its hatred of Mr Trump and anything to the right of Bernie Sanders (another presidentiial hopeful for the Democratic Party (an outright Socialist, with Communist tendencies), which the democratic Party Establishment has done its best to bury – along with the US MSM, in order to promote Saint Hillary.
And MSM USA has no intention of diverting from its objective of ignoring any negative points which may get in the way of getting Ms Clinton elected. It is completely breathtaking what can be completely ignored by MSM USA. So the BBC feels no need to focus on anything but knocking Me Trump.
Sadly if you take Dirty Diggers outlet as your yardstick the rest of your commentary falls by the way side.i dont think anyone in the US has any doubt about Clinton but by the same token I dont recall the BBC covering Trumps dubious business practices either.
Oooooh – MOCO – you were obviously trying to find any of my posts last night to have a pop at them. As I said, I have just spent 6 weeks in the States and I’ve observed the issues I talked about first hand – and your recent wealth of experience of US mainstream media is…..?
Once again, your hard-of-thinking shines through. I was not taking Fox News as a yardstick – rather I was pointing out that the yardstick in of the mainstream media in the US is, almost without exception, to give Hillary Clinton a free pass on any subject, whilst allowing her free rein to attack her opponents. Never mind, as I’ve said elsewhere, you just might be able to catch up one of these days.
As for the BBC – I have no idea what they’ve been up to on this specific topic over the past few weeks…. but I’d bet they have not been examining and exposing Ms Clinton’s actions/failures/potential crimes with any great alacrity – their adulation in the past would point in that direction.
Remainers have hit a new low, now trying to scare old people. Sunday Telegraph reports Dave says old age pension cannot be guaranteed, neither can free bus passes nor TV licence. The Remainers really are scum. Victimising the elderly is about as low as you can get. Does anyone take the Remainers seriously anymore. They are deranged.
The PM did not do himself or his campaign any good today on the Marr show. He spouted the usual abstract scare stuff but I thought it was noticeable that he did it in a very quiet “calm down, dear” voice. This change of presentation on his part came across as patronising. I thought I heard DC say he had made a rule for himself not to do personal attacks in the next 10 days. But I did not find it convincing; and did I detect Marr say, words to the effect…”no, but you just send out Amber Rudd to do it instead!”
The scare story of the day is aimed at pensioners and the defence of our country! Outrageous!! Marr even said at one point… “ people’s eyes begin to glaze over when they hear these stories.”
Contrast the “new” Cameron with the dedicated passion of Nigel, albeit maintaining the calm presentation of the Brexiteers which showed through in the ITV debate. I thought Nigel did well. There is no doubt the Leave campaign has a very positive story to tell whereas the remainers do not.
Onwards and upwards…
Notice also, no Cameron ‘Face to Face’ with the man who knows the EU inside out namely – Farage.
Quite right. The Remainers campaign is purely negative based on fear and lies. In reality , the only people with real fear are them !
I t is interesting that things seem to be becoming far more positive for Leave since Farage has had more recent exposure.
I am sure Aunty will try and put him back into his box asap but hopefully Leave may now realise that he is a true asset to their cause , despite the Aunty led, leftist mutterings about negativity blah, blah , blah.
Unfortunately the realities of uncontrolled Europe and uncontrolled immigration are pretty negative but it is obvious that all this can be managed without the Cameroons Armageddon .
I suggest we have a competition to name Dave as the Fifth Rider of the Apocalypse – I suggest he could be Dave the Deceiver – also known as the “pig Rider” to those in the know!
Cameron is quite right to point out that if the economy dips or even tanks , the desirablilty to manage current account expenditure means that cuts will have to be made. Since the Tories have relentlessly cut most other budgets to the bone it necessarily falls on the cosseted pensioners who take the majority of social welfare to take a hit. Why is it wrong to spell that out. Many of you on this site voted for this party.
As for Farage he still cant explain how hes going to cut the immigration numbers which slightly dents the whole brexit raison detre!
Agreed, Grant. It’s also bizarre in that Cameron (with Osborne’s help) seems to do everything he can to get everyone to vote for a Corbyn-led Labour Party. He did it with Miliband in charge of Labour. That’s even more bizarre!
Deranged? Don’t know for sure but I’m wondering again – think I’ve mentioned it before on the B-BBC web-site – that maybe we are seeing the effects in our political representatives (and people in other walks of life, too) of the use of alcohol and/or drugs in their teens and twenties. That stuff can do serious damage to parts of the brain that may not manifest itself until sometime later. Then there’s the effects of ageing, not so much in the case of Cameron & Osborne as they are relatively young, but certainly many other political leaders and there you get back to Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump. I can think of one or two prominent British politicians where I’ve wondered about the onset of early dementia.
(Clicked reply to Grant’s 8.59am post but it appears I’ve been relegated. Never mind. It’s the cricket season. 🙂 )
It is quite possible . When I watched Osborne’s bizarre performance when questioned by Brillo, the only explanation in my mind was Osborne’s possible drugs use . He mixes with Russian criminals who peddle drugs big time. That does not mean that Osborne does, but as we say in Scotland ” Ah hae ma doots ” !
Aye, Bullingdon Club = vast amounts of alcohol consumed, if reports are to be believed.
Whats bizzare is your post. Maybe time to get checked out yourself!
Watching the Trooping the Colour yesterday, I wonder how many others at home and in the crowd had the same thought as me – do we really want this fine body of men and women, with traditions dating back to 1650, to become part of some fish-and-chip European ‘army’ whose main task will probably be helping migrants over border fences?
SamCam’s Remain piece in the Mail going down a storm I see , comments all negative. We all want to hear what a millionaire,aristocratic woman with a vested interest has to say don’t we? They are so thick this remain lot. Who is that old hag on Marr trying to link the violence in France at the football to Brexiters? (no shame these people)
What the hell has it got to do with Sam ? Is she an elected politician ? Who gives a toss what she thinks ! Remainers have no shame whatsoever.
Gawd we got her dopey husband on Marr now too . he is just shitting himself because he wouldn’t know what to do if he was real Prime Minister . He can only function receiving orders from the EU
Dave is living proof that you can have the best education money can buy and still be as thick as 2 short planks.
Staying in the EU will help the UK fight climate change , Dave Dave give it up man if you could pick something we care less about than made up man made climate change that would be a good starting point.
Staying in the EU will help us sell electric cars too – great Dave nobody wants an electric car
I do. The thought of sticking it to the Chancellor, the Greens and the environmentalists quite appeals to me. I’ll have one of the Lotus based Tesla one’s if anyone’s buying. Ta!
Grant – Exactly like Obummer.
The best ‘snake oil’ man since Barnum & Bailey’s Circus rolled into town .
Ah, but she has kids. Possibly still not in the pub.
Time for the BBC to wheel out Mrs. Katz again to tell us what smart mums are voting.
if only this site wasnt dedicated to sheep following vested interests.
Or capitals, or apostrophes…
As opposed to the BBC, which is not ‘followed’ by sheep seeking the dedicated comfort of shared interests and protection from reality. Apparently.
BBC – EU referendum: Cameron issues Brexit pensions warning, David Cameron and George Osborne say they might not be able to protect spending on pensions, the NHS and defence if the UK votes to leave the EU.
BBC – We ve reached “critical mass” – Nobel prize winners warn leaving EU poses ‘risk’ to science
BBC – John Major: Leave, ‘Deceitful, and misleading campaign’
BBC – “Mr Osborne said Brexit would mean “a new dose of austerity, more years of public spending cuts”.
BBC – Blair/Major Brexit could split UK, (could? … that’s the Tory aim isn t it, short termism keep themselves in power, f-ck everything and everyone else … why any surprise?)
Where s the clanging “chimes of doom” intro?
Uh Oh! … more project fear, I suppose the next Camborne breath is “they ve lost the economic argument” …
You could not make it up.
it is literally astounding that this incompetent, clueless, dangerously deluded silver spoon Osborne is even still allowed
to mention economics, and the traitor, debate dodging Dave is not up for treason.
Even by the Tories own low and inept bar of economic competency, Gideon is an absolute disaster.
“never underestimate the power of lies and money” eh … should be your epitaph Cameron, and Gideon
… stick to the coke!
All a massive stitch up … good job they ve got the ex lord mayor and lord chancellor as men of the people
I despair
I think the Leavers should say that any future Government should levy a special tax on anyone who has income derived from the EU, salaries, pensions etc. I am sure that would be a vote winner.
Especially if the tax was set at 100%. It would be tragic to see the likes of Mandelson and Kinnock reduced to penury wouldn’t it?
Be an incentive for them to work hard in a proper job and pay only 20% on that income.
Just a thought …
My heart would bleed for them !
Watching The Trooping of the Colour yesterday – which by the way if you have never been to see it is a great day out – I heard the commentator say words to the effect as The Guards marched down The Mall: ‘Makes you feel proud to be British doesn’t it?’. It certainly does make me very proud to be British. I don’t know who it was who said it but he plainly hasn’t been receiving the memos, and I expect his BBC career won’t be lasting very long!
Why is a headline, a devastating headline, like this, ONLY in a regional newspaper? This should be countrywide – especially in the female-loving Guardian and the Ministry of Truth!!!!!!!! (I know it’s from EDL but, facts are facts, irrespective of the source) https://www.facebook.com/EnglishDefenceLeagueOFFICIAL/photos/pcb.1203722602993787/1203720626327318/?type=3&theater
looks like it’s blocked already
How many other crimes have been committed and we haven’t been told ?
I can recommend http://www.breitbart.com/london/ to cover all the news the MSM and in particular the BBC ignores.
Gone in 60 seconds by the looks of it, what was the gist?
Facebook post is a screenshot from Today’s Mail on Sunday, read article here: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3637105/Why-did-police-quiet-sex-attack-Syrian-UK-refugees-Girl-14-assaulted-gang-kept-crime-list-covered-BBC-Newsnight-team.html
It’s almost as bad as that “Don’t panic, I’m islamic” programme the BBC made, which turned out to have used a man who later took part in 7/7. It turns out that panic would have been an entirely appropriate reaction.
The more the left liberal intelligentsia (and I include Dave the Tosser and his hippy wife) try to convince us, the great unwashed, that muslims are friendly, helpful guys who just want to integrate and pay taxes, the more the muslims bite the hand that feeds them. They can’t help it, it’s like the frog and the scorpion, it’s in their nature. It’s what their religion tells them to do.
If you bought a dog and it kept biting you, you would get rid of it. The clock is ticking.
The BBC’s love for crooked, treacherous Hillary, who has enriched herself at the expense of the American people, reminded me of the BBC’s hatred for another American woman, Sarah Palin. She had hardly spent ten minutes as John McCain’s nominee for Vice-President when Newsnight went after her with a hatchet. Why? Because not only was she in the opposing camp to their beloved Obama, but she was a born-again, pro-life Christian and the combination was just too much for the BBC to take. And as it became clear that she was also confident and outspoken, the BBC’s hatred only intensified.
Sarah Palin would never spout PeeCee clichés like Clinton does to keep the masses happy and neither would she pretend to believe in all the ‘correct’ causes, as Clinton does. Here she is at the beginning of the San Diego Trump rally:
And at 1:40 minutes in, in the course of contrasting Trump with the treacherous Obama, she has this to say:
I want a president who says….hey, you mess with the innocent, you pick a fight with America, you steal our security, you spit on our freedom, we’ll put a boot in your ass – it’s the American way!
Dunno how long she spoke for because the clip begins after she’s started to speak, but there are five enthusiastic minutes of it – quite relevant to the EU referendum because she speaks of national pride and sovereignty.
I really like and appreciate Sarah Palin – perhaps even a touch more than I would if the BBC didn’t loathe her so much.
We need a PM who fights for Britain instead of one who licks the EU ass.
I wanted Sarah to run this time but realize that the media has enough power to defeat her. I see her as a future President and was concerned when she endorsed Trump because at the time I thought they would sink. I wrote asking her to back off but her daughter informed me that she had already decided. Perhaps in eight years, with the media taught a lesson by Trump – and after a period in Trump’s administration – she will run.
The BBC hate Sarah and distort everything about her, milking the remarks by Tina Fey – not Sarah – about seeing Russia from her home. And of course, accusing her of racism, as all Trot outfits do.
I don’t think people over here realize just how sharp Sarah is, and with a place in Trump’s administration – hopefully energy – the message will get across. She can be tough and unafraid; she put the FBI on the ‘Corrupt Bastards Club in Alaska when she became Governor and joked about them having to wear orange jump suits. Remember the private plane the previous governor had; she sold it on E Bay putting the money into the public domain.
On a personal note. Her cousin heads a good rock band consisting of veterans. I have used his music on some of my You Tube vids which he appreciates.
That’s interesting, G.W.F. Yes I remember hearing about the plane sale.
As a rule, l like pretty much anyone or anything the BBC loathes. Maybe Trump will nominate Sarah Palin as VP and together they’ll defeat the Obama/Clinton camp.
Wouldn’t that be something!
Interesting thought, TT. That might give the ‘sisterhood’ a bit of mental & emotional conflict as well as the media.
The BBC’s role in denigrating Sarah Palin was a disgrace and were it the sole evidence of the Corporation’s biased news reporting, it would still be a monumental one.
People I meet in the UK know absolutely nothing about this exceptional woman, other than the lies, distortions and smears they have heard from BBC chat show hosts and ‘comedians’ . If you start to probe or challenge their empty opinions, you can see in their eyes the growing panic of someone who realises his or her opinions are based on a complete lack of knowledge and are about to collapse.
I’m not a fan of Trump who is, in many respects, a squishy liberal and part of the ‘elite’ he affects to bring down, but if he serves to bring Mrs Palin back into frontline politics, then he will have done the USA and the world a great service.
And of course there was that BBC Bacon guy who enthusiastically directed his listeners to the disgusting abuse hurled at Palin by that degenerate ‘comedian’ – who slouched around the stage with a beer in one hand and a cigarette in the other and whose name I’ve forgotten since it’s not worth recalling.
Doug Stanhope was it?
Few comments about Palins grandchild as I recall-which is all that the Left can do these days,as we saw with Izzard and Eagle earlier this week.
AS Mrs T said-be happy when the personal abuse comes along-because your opponent not only has lost the argument, but no longer has an idea about what to do about it.
Hence the insouciance and Zen like calm of Boris, Michael and St Nigel.
When are out footy fans going to chant these patriots names at the games…THAT would madden the BBC!
Doug Stanhope was it?
Could be, but to check would be beyond the call of duty. He was making the most disgusting personal attacks on Palin re her sexuality and Downs Syndrome child.
At the time I was doing battle on a Scotland-based website with a few leftie BBC defenders and Obama supporters and when they finally agreed to watch the video clip, even they found it disgusting.
Sarah Palin was an effective Governor of Alaska, where she fought the vested interests. In the end, it did for her. Hillary Clinton has never met a vested interest she didn’t like, as long as she gets her quarter million dollar “speaking fee”, which you or I would call a thinly disguised bribe.
Hillary Clinton is a corrupt, machine politician, who is allowed to operate because she favours the causes of the left liberal intelligentsia. So long as you are in favour of abortion and gun control, you get a free pass for all crimes and corruption from the American media. And the BBC, of course.
Hillary Clinton has never met a vested interest she didn’t like.
Absolutely. Judge Jeanine has a number of clips on YouTube going into the sleaze of both Clintons but specifically Hillary in great detail.
Amazing how so many Americans support her with such enthusiasm. I guess they don’t know or care how crooked she is.
During the Marr programme Dodgy Dave is constantly hyping up the single market. He and his Remainers are indeed positioning themselves for a Devo Max solution. This will be almost certainly be on the table should Leave win. This will almost certainly result another referendum.
I think if Leave win the referendum, the EU debate will continue until the Remainers get the result they want.
If Remain win that will be the end of the matter .
Listening to the accounts of football violence in France last night, I would determine that the level of outrage and concerned voice tones displayed by the anchor and the correspondent would indicate that they view these ‘terrible scenes’ as worse than the Bataclan or Charlie Hebdo attacks.
Phew the BBC has finally explained why the populist Marxist government is so unpopular in Venezuela. I thought people were rioting and demanding an election because of the way Chavez, with his family and friends, stole everything that could be grabbed, including farms and factories and then incompetently ran them into the ground. This has led to inept government, empty shops, little food, no medicine and a country on the brink of economic collapse.
But no, here is what the BBC says: “Venezuela is in a serious economic crisis, which the opposition blames on mistaken left-wing policies of Mr Maduro and his predecessor, the late Hugo Chavez.”
Ah, so it was only the ‘mistaken left-wing policies’ that were the problem. Phew, so that will be easily corrected with the correct ‘left-wing policies’. I can’t wait for the UK to experience the correct left-wing policies of Venezuela.
With these supporters the regime in Venezuela should flourish. It’s due to capitalist, or in Manon’s Spartese, neo liberal attempts to sabotage socialism.
Isn’t it curious how silent the BBC has been on the subject of the Venezuelan suppression of its media? Sometimes I wonder if cognitive dissonance isn’t every bit as powerful as compound interest.
Thanks for the chuckle, scribblingscribe.
So if we vote Leave (Brexit) other countries in the EU will follow and cause an European Union Break Up. (EUBU) and the inevitable death of the catastrophic Euro. Or at least so some of the frightened members of the EU are now saying.
What a turn around. They really are saying that they will not survive without the UK! But I am being told we cannot survive without them by Cameron’s Remain bogymen. So which is it, or is it both? The fact is we can all survive on our own, or at least trade and live by our own laws as we have done for hundreds of years.
And the consequences of that are?
The Greeks will revert to the Drachma, the French to the Franc and the Germans to the Deutschmark etc, etc.
So we will have to change our pounds to the currency of whatever country we are going to in Europe. But we have to change £’s to another currency anyway, the Euro. So only if visiting more than one country does that become a hassle.
Those countries that need to can revalue (Greece in particular) and then get on with rebuilding their economies and we can get on with trade with them and everyone else in the world without hindrance. We will once again get cheap holidays in the sun with friendly people who are not being starved to death by the IMF, led by the sinister Madame Lagarde, and Germany’s mad Merkel.
Will this lead to Cameron’s WW3? Why should it? Just because countries manage their own affairs and economies does not mean we will start to fight them. We don’t expect a war with Japan or India or China just because we are not in a trading union with them. Cameron is turning the truth inside out to save his job. The man is a charlatan of the worst kind and oh boy have we had some crazy charlatans in that job.
Then, once Obama has left the building we can stabilise relations with Russia too. As for the Middle East, once again, after the White House nightmare has gone and USA cash and weapons have stopped being supplied to ‘friendly rebels’ then there might be some hope of peace there. Though I doubt it if Clinton gets in. She is bought and paid for by big business. And the biggest business in the USA is weapons. Let’s hope Trump comes up trumps .
Basically Brexit and Obexit will save the planet.
Oh dear, I forgot to mention the BBC. Can we hope for BBCexit too? I’m sure that the £4/5 Billion spent by the elite darlings would be better spent on nurses and saving our children from the epidemic of nasty invaders.
Enjoy the party today Your Majesty.
Good post
Yes agree with Lock, good post OT.
I have found what I have heard at times – courtesy of (biased?!) BBC R4 – from the Leave campaign disappointing.
Years ago, when the Single Currency was first mooted, not long after the UK, Ireland & Denmark joined The Six, it was fairly obvious that there would be weak links in the economic chain. Back then, Italy was the prime candidate for that spot. The point is made by economists that national currencies provide elasticity for national economies. If you add the fudged, nay even fraudulent, convergence criteria compliance by some States joining the Euro when it was formed, it was and still is a recipe for failure.
This point has not been hammered home by the Leave campaign. It should be along with the tax requirements of the EU (the Leave camp have made a right mess of that) and Steve Hilton’s point about the difficulty of governance within the EU.
There’s still time. I’m hoping that after the past week of increasingly wild & nasty statements from pro-Remain that the Leave campaign will really raise their game to a higher level and nail them on foundational economic & governance issues.
BBC and their obsession with social media…
Florida Pulse gay club attacked in Orlando – multiple injuries
Rather than get off their arses and try and do some real journalism and establish some facts they instead quote from Facebook/Twitter using their heavily promoted Apple iPads.
The BBC get £6bil a year and they have shown a screenshot of a totally pointless “emergency evacuation message” posted on Facebook (is this a new low for humanity where Facebook is now used to transmit life saving information!?!). I would have thought the BBC might have been better off trying to contact Florida Police for facts but that too much hard work for BBC News staff.
I missed this first time round so it may already be linked,
“Three Syrian men deny sex assault in Newcastle”
Any concern shown about the welfare and safety of 14 year old girls? Not a lot, on the other hand of course ” vulnerable Syrian refugees” are of great concern.
” John Sweeney says that although the case is at an early stage, police are concerned that the charges could raise tensions between locals and Syrian refugees in Newcastle.”
When are these idiots going to wake up?
“When are these idiots going to wake up? ”
When the knife is about half way through their spinal column.
BBC 5Live Nolan last night. He interviews a Northern Ireland football fan currently in Nice where there were groups of Poles and N.Irelanders drinking together with no apparent problems. That is until they were attacked by a 50 strong mob of local men clad entirely in black who were according to the fan chanting “Isis” and “Anti-White European” slogans. So not your usual football hooligans then. Credit to Nolan, he asked the fan to repeat what he had heard.
This morning on 5Live news headlines we hear the trouble in Nice had been between N.Ireland fans and local football fans. And in this news article today http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-36509843 we hear that
“There were also clashes in the city of Nice between police and fans from Northern Ireland and Poland, who are due to play their opening match later. Six people were reportedly injured, before order was restored.”
Come on BBC. Get your fact straights. Who was causing the trouble in Nice? Northern Irish, Poles or local fans? And can you tell us whether or not it had anything at all to do with Islam?
I heard that too. It seems the NI and Polish fans came under attack from the local muslims. This has now disappeared down the memory hole. Winston Smith is working overtime today.
As soon as I heard the term ‘local men’ my suspicions were raised.
I reckon they were all England fans in disguise………it all seems to be Englands fault , heaven forbid that one of their “reporters” having a wonderful time in the South of France should go out and do some work.
Did I dream that MP Dennis Skinner “the Beast of Bolsover” was for Brexit or has it been kept buried under the Pro-‘EU’ Al Beeb carpet?
A lot of breaking headlines are doing the rounds regarding a shooting in a nightclub for gay clubbers in Orlando, apparently a man with a gun and wearing a bomb has locked himself in the club and is holding some of the clubbers hostage.
The KGBbc have at least held their biased opinion to themselves for the time being on their site, Sky news are not so circumspect, they’ve jumped straight in with the opinion that the rumour is the perp is a White supremacist? Their link…it’s coming after a loony white dude shot Christine Grimmie.
It could very well turn out to be true, as we know, there’s plenty of stories about gay people being thrown to their deaths from the Mickey Mouse statue in Florida The point is, would Sky have been so keen to put the blame for this hate crime on to the muslim community?
Follow on from Thoughtful 10th June.
Whether Britain Votes to stay or leave the European Union, the whole of Europe faces a far more serious and dangerous issue-there are reported to be 52+ Million Muslims now residing within Europe and increasing each week that passes. What is taking place in Europe and in the wider English-speaking world is a classic evolutionary struggle for the survival of those fittest to adapt to and overcome the new challenges presented by massive Third World and, above all, Muslim, immigration.
Clearly the Muslims directly threaten our continued existence as nations, democracies, politics, cultures, civilizations and practitioners of the Christian religion. Still going on in the 20th century is Muslim piracy that has been taking place off the coast of Somalia. As always, no defensive or offensive actions are taken by the pathetically feeble Western powers. Just like the Byzantine Empire, all our civilisation, culture and religion are due to vanish as though they had never been and all because not one single person has dared to take their head out of the sand and vigorously fight back. Our descendants, if any, will curse us.
But this is a harsh reality and we’d better wake up to it pretty smartly or we are finished. Our culture, civilisation and very existence will be annihilated for ever if we don’t now begin to fight the disease of the European body politic and democracy that is Islam.
How often do we see Muslim ‘honour’ (how’s that for newspeak?) killings, Muslim female genital mutilation, Muslim forced marriages, Muslim women forced, on pain of death, to cover their entire faces and bodies with black tent-like clothing, Muslim wife-beating, Muslims attacking and sometimes murdering homosexuals, Muslims passing white girls around to each other for sex, Muslims insulting our armed forces and even The Queen and proclaiming that they will soon have complete political power over us and our country and enforce Sharia law, how often are these well-known subjects, spoken about in the press, or aired on the media or in plays and films? Never:
Third World immigrants now man the passport desks in airports, closely scrutinise our passports and graciously permit us to re-enter our own countries. They present the news on the television and the radio, and, unbelievably, they run the immigration offices! Just as incredibly, Muslims are employed as luggage handlers in our airports! Minorities are much less likely to be reprimanded or arrested than the indigenous population because of the fear of being accused of being a racist or being guilty of religious hatred. In spite of this the prisons are awash with them.
What is the solution? You tell me.
“What is the solution? You tell me. ”
I daren’t. Police Scotland might be reading. Or is it the Stasi? I can’t tell the difference.
Good point about ” Police Scotland “. I am law-abiding, but whenever I see the police here in Scotland where I am visiting, I feel a twinge of fear. Why is that ? They strut and drive around just like I would imagine the Stasi did. and why do the British Police dress like Gestapo ?
And why do ISIS followers wear black, or the Unite against fascism mob? UAF…morons dressed in black, covering their faces, crushing anyone who goes against the ideology, protected by the authorities, against free speech unless it suits their cause, use extreme violence to attack their enemies…oh the irony.
Yes. Blackness is the future they offer.
Yep, Grant.
All disguised in a fluffy coat of progressiveness and light!
Well said, Glen !
Ah, the police. Fine bunch.
Well, mostly. More at the sharp end. Though not all.
Wankers !
Couldn’t have summed it up better myself Grant
We have about 72 UK Members of the European Parliament . Do you know who your EU MP is ?
How many of them are going to be ‘Turkeys voting for Christmas’ and tell us the truth about the EU ?
We were told lies at the last referendum and we are being told lies now .
True, but I hope a lot of people have learnt now ” once bitten, twice shy “.
‘He said the attacker appeared to “have leanings towards” radical Islamist ideology but it was not yet clear whether this was a case of domestic or international terrorism…………………………’
A new use of the word “leanings”.
I do know who mine is. But only because he happens to live in the next street. Labour trougher, obviously fond of the sweet trolly as well. And a Grade A pillock.
Our MEP has lost the plot. She posts endless cherry picked claims on social media then either refuses to answer questions or bans any who question them.
Her BFF is a Tory MP who has not declared, but runs ‘informational’ Q&A sessions where he only chooses his mates to ask the question and then tells any who would challenge to be quiet or ‘summarises’ what they meant to say.
He also chairs the DCMS committee that was worried Whittingdale had gone too far with the BBC.
The red sofa awaits…
Down in the overpopulated South-East UK, we have ten.
Which one’s mine?
Who do I go to for Care in the Community?
That’s the EU Community, by the way, just in case you were wondering. And speaking of ‘Care’ and also of the EU, the caring, sharing, peace, love & harmony side of one side in the EU Referendum debate has been notably lacking since even before the whole thing got going.
Why does ‘caring, sharing, peace, love & harmony’ have to be so plain nasty?
A sad but accurate prediction. But fully aware of the treatment of women bear in mind that women have been more welcoming to the Muslim migrants than men. Whilst anti Moslem movements like the EDL primarily consist of men, women appear in large numbers on pro migrant demonstrations, and strident feminists will cut your balls off if you criticize Moslems, and the standard feminist line of Rotherham rapes is that they are done by men, whilst media feminists assert the right of women to wear the Burka. Merkel and May are women who bend over backwards in favour of Muslim immigration and retaining Muslim criminals rather than deporting them.
The idea of a biological explanation for female support for the invaders is echoed in Paul Molyneux’s remark that ‘Women spread their legs for the invaders’. Western males have lost their spirit. Females give themselves to the strongest. Moslem males know how to deal with women, keep them in their place, and fill them with offspring.
Thanks GWF-I wish it was not such a sad prediction, neverthteless we in Europe have to heed the warnings, as indeed do the USA-this terrible incident of the shootings in Orlando at that Gay bar, surely more than emphasise much of what Donald Trump proposed aprapro the Muslim situation-one official interviewed said that it was necessary to tackle the ideology that a Muslim follows-incomprehensible, those that follow the teachings of Islam, must by reason follow the teachings of the Quarn-no deviation allowed. The simple aim of the ideology of Islam is to destroy the Christian West & the USA if they can. On and off for nigh on 1300yrs Islam has been trying to control much of Europe, but back in those times we could use weapons against them, now they need not even draw a sword, as their despotic ideolgy rips through the nations of Europe, and in no way is that an exaggeration. Just keep your women locked that means no more shopping for them!! Why are we humans wanting to destroy this beautiful world? Perhaps the Devil has always been amongst us.
While the bbc are in full flow with their cringing royal worship, i’m sure in an attempt to be british for once, it’s no surprise that this ‘off-message’ report didn’t find it’s way onto the news.

I would have thought that the BBC would have made a big thing of that to show how pathetic our military are and why we need to stay in the EU for the protection of an EU Army !
Grant – I’ve noticed that the BBC usually treats the armed forces with respect these days. I suspect there may have been orders issued on high by Blairites to this effect, so as not to undermine Blair’s efforts in Iraq/Afghanistan, and those wishes are still respected. We were, of course, shown an interview with a black NCO and told that the Queen’s troop RHA has the highest number of women soldiers in the househould division, so the PC end was kept up.
You may well be right. Whenever the BBC changes tack , I wonder which way the wind is blowing and smell a rat !
The post-match analysis of the England Russia game indicated the usual media gobshite/blowhole crap so beloved of tubsters and cocaine crackers who never kicked a ball at school-but presume to tell ex-pros what they need to know and to say.
So it was that ITVs cabbage who spouted about England being crap, naive or tired-blaming Milner one minute, Hodgson next and them Smalling…referred TWICE to England having a poor “game management plan” to see out the last few minutes?
Anybody else ever heard that phrase before?…
The cabbage said it twice-and Lee Dixon was named as “not being happy with my phrase”.
Good for Lee-he actually played the game to a “reasonable level” shall we say?…and is a no nonsense Man City fan( and we can forgive that!)
But our hack persisted and tried to convince Lee that he knew something about how an England team needs to play.
Good Old Lee-about time the media morons got public blastings for being thick, full of jargon and shit-and sport seems full of these “anal cysts” these days…as do the science, politics, business, economics fountains of fuckery who sail under the liberal medias commentaries.
“Game Management” re getting us to stay in the EU-now THAT could be a context in which the dopes plans for us go all wrong.
I blame Charles Hughes and 60 second BBC Bitesize psychobabble seminars at uni for this lot….
God preserve us from members of the public being interviewed, oh and their kids ! Why oh why do outside journo’s ask Joe Public anything ? in the main we are an inarticulate bunch and just reply with ‘yeah, lovely and dunno’, and don’t get me started when children have a mic stuck in front of them – I suddenly lose the will to live. Watching the Beeb doing just this on the Mall party and ‘other events’ around the country has made me switch to Pride & Prejudice for the 14th time. Simon McCoy even managed to grab a party goer in the Mall and compliment her on her outfit then asked which charity she was with – Priceless ! she was Polish, spoke in broken English and said she was there with her English boyfriend – nothing about the charity, huh ! so much for her Maj’s patriotic workers !!
A couple of things which the bBC never seem to mention:
Only on the BBC.
On Pienaar’s politics today, Tom Watson, (think it was he), spoke of the ‘Tory Brexit.’ Oddly no one interrupted or corrected him.
So, do the BBC think that John Mann, Dennis Skinner, Tony Benn, et al, are or were Tories?
Do the BBC not know that more Tory MPs have declared for Remain?
Do the BBC not know that most working class people want their country, jobs, houses, schools and hospitals back? …………….erm …………… Oh, no, of course not.
When was the last time a BBC producer met someone from the low paid classes of this country? BBC producers can now have their menial jobs performed by low price Poles, Romanians and others not born here. They don’t have to bother with the working classes.
I see that the Express are now reporting the attack on the Florida nightclub as Islam related.
Now there’s a surprise, Lobster.
I posted earlier that the scum at Sky news said it ‘was reported to be a white supremacist’ because Christine Grimmie was killed by a white loony close to this attack?
The KGBbc news simply reported the attack as a ‘domestic attack’? Can’t bring themselves to mention the word ‘terror’.
The FBI said the perp ‘had leanings towards islamic terrorism teachings’? Does that mean he was a terrorist then? Was he just practising at being a terrorist? Was it a ‘lone wolf’ attack?
The gays..just like the young white women of Europe..an acceptable form of collateral damage in the pursuit of opening our eyes to nazislam.
I think that President Trump has probably just been elected.
Homosexuals shot by muslim
Zzzzttt zzzzttttppffffttttttt…….does not compute
Lefty virtue signaller in infinite conflict loop
Sky news are already playing non-muslim bingo……..’terrorist’ and ‘lone wolf’
Just waiting on ‘nothing to do with islam’ for a full house
Just waiting on ‘nothing to do with islam’ for a full house
Just watched the news conference held in Orlando by the Mayor,FBI and..the local head of the local mosque came out with just that. I don’t think I was the only one appalled by allowing him to strut his stuff.. He’s in the row behind the mayor of Orlando during the 1415 briefing:

I was living in fear it may not happen, but over the afternoon tea as I digest this latest daring militant action, the HuffPo has delivered; both a logo and a hashtag already created and shared, along with thoughts and prayers of course.
Ah but who are they praying to?
HuffPo again delivers, here in the UK:
Blood donors needed after #Orlando gay club shooting, but queer men are banned huff.to/1tqcHHV
Yes I noticed that too.
Imagine these guards of concern are now standard issue for all atrocities nowadays to stand behind the mayor with an onion in their hands.
So Islam is nothing to do with the atrocity then is it not?
Well if they`ve found a Muslim to stand alongside the Police chief behind the scouts?…well clearly Islam has nothing to do with any of it.
Very much Peggy Spencer formation dancing lines as required for the cameras around the world then.
At first sight , I read ” onion ” as ” omen ” !
Yes, it will be a lone wolf, nothing to do with islam, move along folks, nothing to see here…
Oh dear! Al Beebs ultimate perpetual victims have gone and carried out Muhammads instruction….again… But this time on Islams biggest enemy and Al Beebs no 2 in the victim scale!
Can’t wait to play Al Beebs “its nothing to do with lslam” bingo!
Guaranteed are..
“lone wolf”
“extremist views that have nothing to do with lslam”
“community in solidarity”
Also looking forward to..
– Articles that ‘try’ and talk about ‘facts’ and “what happened?” yet never tell it’s viewers the only detail that’s required which is Islam instructs the believer’s to kill homosexuals.
– Reports that are utterly created to propagate that this is nothing to do with lslam, yet, look for any (completely unrelated) link that a Muslim was the hero of the event ” Muslim hero Abdullah was across the street when it happened… He was helping the police, like all Muslims do because they are peaceful, with supplying drinks and is a hero saving lives..”
– LGBT groups will come out in solidarity with the death cult telling us “its society that has caused this… We are all responsible because we all hate gays”
All reports will yet again purposely not link the the endless Islamic acts, so that this is once again just a isolated event. So linking or reference to other Islamic acts will never be mentioned because Islam must be presented as the victim. Muslims are the real victims here and aren’t we going to hear all about it from the lying, islamophilic, British hating bastards at the Al Beed!
I predict Obama will trot out his usual diatribe about ‘gun control’ being the bane of the American existence, and how he has fought long and hard to protect Americans from the NRA right-wingers.
Surprised the BBC haven’t mentioned gun control on their own initiative – perhaps that script has slipped down the back of the sofa?
No, you’re right, they will be waiting for Obama and Clinton to bring it up. The attack will basically be blamed on Trump, he opposes more gun control, and has upset peaceful muslims after all. Bad, bad Mr Trump!
On Facebook, the FoBs are ignoring the tragic victims totally and gunning solely for the NRA. Mishap Husain moral equivalence at its finest, with a sprinkle to Tim Wilcox on top.
What will happen when the A380 of Beeboids booked to return from the Ali funeral divert to Orlando one dreads to imagine, especially as the Top Trumps cards have been sent back the the printers to have the names changed.
LGBT against Islamophobia
Sorry jerrod,scott ,marvin……whats that you say?
Sorry cant hear you……speak up now
Christmas comes early for the turkeys
“Sorry jerrod,scott ,marvin……whats that you say? Sorry cant hear you……speak up now”
The gay community in Holland was the most pro Muslim group during the 80s, they no longer are. I wonder why? But the bBC is more than happy to inform me that Islam doesn’t have a problem with Gay people:
Gay Pakistan: Where sex is available and relationships are difficult
Pakistan is not the kind of place that most people would associate with gay liberation. But some say the country is a great place to be gay – even describing the port city of Karachi as “a gay man’s paradise”.
For me , the puzzle is why many Gays support Islam . That is like the kiss of death !
Even in Gambia, homosexuality is illegal. But that is an edict of the President who is famously Gay. but , at the ground level, no-one cares much.
But if UK Gays love hard Islam so much, they should go to Iran. Maybe that would be their biggest orgasm ?
“But if UK Gays love hard Islam so much, they should go to Iran. Maybe that would be their biggest orgasm ?
Didn’t one of our homosexual trolls post that he found the idiot who tried to blow up Times square in 2010 hot.
Just goes to show his warped mindset with the ROP
Pounce ,
Yes ! This is the shared perversions . And I am not religious . Nor am I Islamophobic, my wife is muslim , nor am I homophobic . But there is a cult of perverse thinking which infects some people . Fine for them , but they want to drag the rest of us into their sewer . Why ?
It was Scott, aka Jerrod.
Political gays claim to be oppressed, Mohamidans claim to be oppressed, the left tell them that their oppressors are capitalists whom they must unite against and fight. Scott, Jerrod and Manon would agree that it is neo liberalism they must unite against. However, I am sure that there are many Mohamidans willing to dip their wicks in lefty gays. What do you say Manon/aka Jerrod?
> On Facebook, the FoBs are ignoring the tragic victims totally
Unlike the compassionate people of Biased BBC, of course… oh, no.
Still, it wouldn’t be Biased BBC if the usual hypocritical culprits weren’t pretending that they had any claim to the moral high ground, even as they compete with each other to sink further into the gutter.
It’s almost as if many of the posters on this site are really rather rather pleased about what has happened.
Look out Its the Chipmunks again .
Or the turkeys……
I don’t believe that any one on this site is pleased about it, in fact I would suggest that we are angered that nothing is done about preventing it. The media in general do not face up to the facts but merely try make excuses about it all the time . They are apologists. “Mateen’s father, born in Afghanistan, says his son was angered at seeing two men kissing.”
Note how we hear the term for the killer is now “shooter”.
Now its about gun control !
Marvin, Tell me what has happened ?
> It’s almost as if many of the posters on this site are really rather rather pleased about what has happened.
Well, it gives them a chance to fight each other over who can jerk their knee the most loudly. Because, after all, when that’s the only ability you possess, what else can you do?
So prey tell us what you can do ?
“He saw two men kissing each other in front of his wife and kid and he got very angry,” Mr Seddique said.
Seen the ‘elephant in the room’ yet?
They are on ” divert ! !
‘So prey [sic] tell us what you can do’
What point are you struggling to make?
10/10 for cynical beeboid opportunism
A bit lower down the scale for results and intelligence
Nice try girls….but it wont wash
Decide to pop on b-bbc for a bit of masochistic self flagellation?
Sad…….very sad
My point ? Seen the ‘elephant in the room’ yet?
Now the same question to you ….
Cat got your tongue ?
I can’t say I’m “pleased with what has happened” Jerrod and Marvin.
But I do confess to a horrified fascination in watching liberals and leftists agonise over the mounting bloodshed…..the direct result of the unnecessary social experiment of trying to reconcile overt, in yer face homosexuality and the Islamic religion…..whilst keeping up the fiction that both somehow help to advance western civilisation….supported by zero historical precedents.
I’m not “pleased with what has happened” but I did see it coming as did many others.
We’re the people who, when we tried to warn of the danger, people like you called “bigots” and “islamophobes” and others wrote laws to try and silence.
Hope after sowing this whirlwind that you and other social liberals and lefties can sleep tonight.
Peace. And RIP the murdered.
As one with friends who still go to nightclubs, and kids likely to go one day soon, after Paris and now Orlando, I am not pleased either. In fact I share the horror, if no longer surprise, and revulsion of any sane person, and the desire of most to prevent repetitions by any means possible.
Heading to sites you don’t like to engage in ‘almost as if’ snipes really isn’t going to help much unless you have been to Ma Mishal’s school of moral relativism, or wallowing in the false safe spaces the BBC likes to inhabit.
So, Flokkers, here’s your next target location to swoop upon from that moral high ground you claim to inhabit. Knock yourselves out:
RIP the murdered, who sadly are no longer with us to know. Maybe those they leave behind would still welcome the comfort of friends, assuming some are not too busy elsewhere not being hypocritical.
So what are the possible means of preventing this happening again would you say?
I await with anticipation the response from the ‘Libtards’ in power the cliché “There are lessons to be learned”. Have they have forgotten 9/11 already ? – It will be all about ‘Gun Control’.
Gun control has already been referred to in Obamas comments.
I’m not an expert on US gun laws but I understand that various states have different rules and even that gun carrying law varies between premises, concealed versus unconcealed carrying of guns etc. etc.
Anyone know the position in Florida and whether it is true that no one was able to return fire until the police arrived and whether this had a bearing on the number of fatalities and injuries?
Can’t imagine this happening in an area where “concealed carrying” was legal.
‘Lessons to be learned’ is shorthand (at least regarding the UK public sector and its devotees…….Andy Burnham, anyone ?) for “well we’ve almost got away with this, so let’s try to appear as if we care, by using the ‘lessons learned’ mantra, and most of the stupid British public will just have to accept that no-one is going to be found responsible for anything, and they’ll just have to shut up about it, and then we can all go right ahead as if nothing happened”
From my experience, it’s the same in the US.
Good post.
Cheers Up2snuff, the massacre was in a “gun free zone”.
Article here…
….explains more.
Personal opinion…I’d be a bit unsure of the wisdom of combining guns and alcohol in bars but I wonder why door staff don’t hold guns to offer security against situations like this.
How many killings carried out in the name of Islam does there have to be before the pair of you have at least one day off from being complete bellends, and accept that Muhammad’s instruction is the ONLY reason/cause for the endless atrocities carried out by good Muslims?? I know that for you, the white man (your own people for Christ sake!!) is the cause of all of the worlds problems and you’re so fanatical about ensuring victim hood status to everyone that isn’t white male, but we on this website are not responsible for the never ending cycle of violence and death in the name of Islam!
It’s telling that the both of you still couldn’t say anything against Islam and your only thought was to attack your only enemy…us! Another 50 innocent lives taken. Another act where the evil ,sick bastard who carried it out says it’s for Islam, yet the lunatic left continue to blame them selves, the right, foreign policy….everything but the truth.
Once again the left are the only ones who know how to deal with this. Only they know the answers. We are wrong. Trumps wrong. The Muslims carrying out the atrocities are wrong. Muslims living in Islamic state are wrong. Al Qaeda, Boko Haram, Hamas, Al Shabbab….they’re all wrong. The thousands (possibly millions) of western Muslims who not only believe everything that Islamic state stand for but celebrate terrorist atrocities carried out in the name of Islam like it was a World Cup game are wrong…
The left are so self absorbed, so self righteous, so fucking delusional and detached from reality, that they are willing to appease/allow/encourage the islamification of their own country, because only those on the ‘right’ could ever pick out something bad about a different group of people! We must be doing something wrong, not Islam……
These killings will never stop. Muhammad has ensured that his instructions can never change, and his instruction created Islamic state. His instruction authorise the Miami nightclub murders. In that sick bastards mind and those in Islamic state he is in paradise for being a true Muslim warrior. Undertaking jihad for the good of Islam.
Islam will never accept you or your outlook on life and when that time comes the only people who will protect you are those you despise and have tried to fuck over you traitorous bastards!!
If you think that they will answer that in a hurry don’t hold your breath.
That one will be passed on for Al Beeb’s ‘Team Meeting’ tomorrow, where it will be discussed over ‘morning coffee’.
> These killings will never stop.
It’s looking increasingly like the killer acquired his assault rifle completely legally, despite being known to the FBI.
And yet only a few months ago, the Republican party prevented passage of a bill that was designed to stop suspected terrorists from getting easy access to guns.
But you carry on believing that the twisted ball of hate that is your sorry little self, and your simplistic whinging, have got a grasp on all the complexities at play.
I mean, this is Biased BBC, which doesn’t do complexity, honesty, or anything that doesn’t involve a hypocritical little halfwit trying to compensate for his own sense of crushing inadequacy. So I don’t expect you to do anything different other than to be a judgemental, incoherently ignorant wanker. But please, at least attempt to be marginally less stupid than taffman, Biased BBC’s resident lobotomised village idiot.
The “twisted ball of hate ” is the muslim fanatic who murdered Gays in the name of Islam. Face it ! That is the reality !
I realise you’re not very bright, and are too busy telling yourself otherwise to bother engaging what laughably passes for a brain, but you do realise it’s not an either/or proposition?
Welcome ! I can promise you that you ain’t seen nothing yet ! I can sink more into the gutter than even you can imagine. Anyway, I would love your considered opinion. What is your prediction for the Referendum result ?
I am afraid only lefties have the right to be critical of people who kill gays. Everyone knows that if you have any slight right wing leaning – you are part of the problem and not part of the solution. So I guess we should all shut up!
I freely admit that I like nothing better on a Saturday night after a few beers and watching the footy to go out “queer bashing” I cant help it ever since I bought a copy of the Daily Express once.
Oaknash ,
Irony rules !
They voted you out mate. Sorry,but no one wants you here anymore. That was the result.
Predictable, if distasteful, what inevitably teases you out.
On Facebook, as a personal global social network, I was sharing my sympathies with those hurt and families of those taken, along with many, other than those who had some places they did not wish to go and were simply seeking alternatives to vent.
You and you colleagues seem to have headed straight here to a BBC-related forum just to vent along with them, and have at least found each other to share in whatever it is you come here to share together. And not a peep still about the tragic victims.
From where you inhabit, even a gutter would be an ambitious climb.
If Big Ears is canny he should be able to squeeze out a nifty piece of anti Hate crime legislation before he pisses off. This is needed to control the expected “right wing backlash” I am sure Theresa would be willing to help!
Oh, that Big Ears.
LOL !!!!
On the subject of everyone’s favourite religion, I’m surprised the BBC haven’t mentioned the story of 19 girls who were burned to death in cages in front of a crowd for refusing to have sex with their Islamic State captors: http://www.foxnews.com/world/2016/06/06/19-yazidi-girls-burned-alive-for-refusing-to-have-sex-with-their-isis-captors.html?intcmp=trending
Beyond disgust.
The perverts at the BBC probably approve of it .
I saw it on Fox news, and awaited the outrage from feminists
G.W.F. – I suspect that you’ll have a very long wait. Perhaps in the meantime you could read a book – Encyclopedia Britannica should do for starters.
ISIS are revolting subhumans. I Googled the story with BBC in the search bar but of course came up with nothing. That search showed that the Independent had the story and also the Mirror, which rightly referred to ISIS as ‘savages.’
The BBC prefers to minimise or hide Islamic savagery.
It is interesting to contemplate, if the so-called prophet Mohammed was alive today, which of the Islamic State atrocities would he not approve of?
As far as I can see, everything the Islamic State does is modelled on the so-called prophet’s actions:
– Warfare and emphasis on conquering territory
– taking of slaves and using woman and girls as slaves for sex
– killing of enemies who refuse to convert to Islam
– particularly cruel punishments
– demands for Jizya from non-Muslims, sometimes called a tax, but more accurately it is a fee to buy limited safety, where the Muslims will not kill you if you pay it. I believe typically it is about 50% of income.
– beheadings of captives
As we know, actions of Mohammed are – by definition – actions of the Muslims perfect man and all Muslims are supposed to follow them. The so-called moderate Islam that many claim to follow is not really Islam of course, perhaps it should be called Islam-Lite?
Good points.
Excellent points all. It raises the question in my mind as to how this evil cult can have hold of so many minds today. And I include the animals at the BBC. What is it ? Fear ? or worship of purported strength ? Or both ? I am at a loss to explain this collective insanity .
Grant, yes, I agree. It does make you wonder how anyone can entertain this as a belief system they feel they would like to follow.
I would think the main factor is that children of course are raised as Muslims, and the very nature of Islam makes it hard for people to examine their beliefs and think for themselves. The whole emphasis is on learning – and aping – the actions of their prophet, questioning of his actions, or anything in the Koran, is essentially forbidden. Learning the Koran by rote is highly regarded by other Muslims, in the original Arabic only. As most Muslims don’t speak Arabic this strikes me as a particularly pointless exercise – but it is harmless enough in itself. Learning long passages in a language you don’t speak must take a lot of mental energy in itself, leaving little capacity to question what it means, strikes me as being a rather infantile endevour.
As most people by now know, the penalty for someone who leaves Islam is death.
I suspect this is quite a strong motivating factor against people questioning too openly any doubts they might feel!
I think the attraction of Islam to the left, really demonstrates the child-like nature of their own belief system. They are attracted to the fact that Islam openly despises western civilisation, much as they do. Perhaps there is some admiration of what they see as ‘strength’ in the cult following rather like the cultish way they admire so many despots through history: Mao, Marx, Castro, Chavez etc.
The left are basically very confused. To an extent they are intensely jealous of capitalism – which has raised large numbers of people out of poverty and into an age of wealth and health – in a way that their ideology will never do. Of course, they cannot admit this jealousy, so instead redirect their admiration to Islam – which also despise the west and understandably seems intensely jealous of other, more advanced religions.
I cannot remember who said this but it is the antithesis of the liberal approach to militant Islam
“What matters is that we understand the enemy’s doctrines and not whether he is correct about them’
The old necessity of course. You cannot fight an enemy you do not understand as an enemy. This is as true now as it always has been.
Grant – I think some of the problem revolves around the way the MSM and especially the BBC and similar organisations pussyfoots around Islam and is willing to put itself into absolute paroxysms not to offend Islam.
This includes
disingenuous reporting
downright deceitful reporting
Over sympathetic reporting
vagueness with the facts if muslims are involved in a crime
always trying to show Muslims in a positive light against the indigenous population
general platforming of Islam and encouraging a sense of entitlement
portraying anyone who objects to the above as WAYCISTS!
I think this achieves two things it tacitly encourages followers of the “prophet “to believe they are particularly virtuous. And it also encourages a feeling of victimization. Any muslim who possesses any grandiose feelings of self importance and has suffered any slight in life could well be naturally attracted to any organisation which says it is defending Islam.
These evil shits feel they are demonstrating their strength by hitting back and defending Islam and it is by this process they can justify any evil / depraved action as it is all for Allah and the end obviously justifies the means.
I guess you will always find evil bastards in any society but I do believe the MSM bears particular responsibility as first step recruiting Sargent.
I have always thought you can never deal with situations such as this unless you have absolute clarity about what you are dealing with. Unfortunately whilst the pc brigade rules in the media we will never be able to have an honest debate.
Obviously the risk of offending a small percentage of the population is far more important the the lives of thousands of individuals.
And I am afraid our trolling friends are an inevitable symptom of this pc disease
I hate to reply to my own post, but of course I should have added to Mohammed’s deeds his marriage to a 6 year old infant female, and having sex with her when she was 9 years old.
Luckily, no modern day Muslim would consider having sex with a child to be a reasonable thing to do.
My 91-year old mum has just read Dave’s cowardly attack on old people in today’s “Sunday Telegraph “. Her comment just now was ” He should be ashamed of himself . How dare he lie to us ? Grant , I am definitely voting Leave now “.
One of the many areas where Dave is so ignorant is that he does not understand what my parents’ generation fought for . They fought for freedom , not for Dave and his fellow EU parasites to piss it away in the wind for money. Dave, you are a coward, a bully , a liar and a whore, and that is an insult to prostitutes.
This is absolutely outrageous. The BBC are showing scenes from along the Mall showing the Queen’s 90th birthday celebrations. There are cheering crowds all along by St James’s Park. At least 99.999% of these people are white. What on earth is going on? As we are always being told, Britain is a diverse, enriched, multicultural society. People have come from all over the country and all over the world.
Brixton, Peckham and Brick Lane are a short bus ride away.
Where the xxxx are they?
………….At least 99.999% of these people are white…………..
Crikey ! does this mean Sir Lenny H will be renouncing his knighthood in disgust !! or will he now realise that ethnics only come out to play when its the Notting Hill Carnival or Eid ! — and that they’re not really into royalty and the historic traditions of this country except when there’s a passport involved.
I wonder when the bBC will get round to naming the idiot who went out of his way to murder 20 people in a gay night club in Orlando.
US: Orlando nightclub shooting,mass casualties,gunman Omar Mateen killed
Pounce ,
LOL ! The clue is in the name, at least that would be the BBC excuse. Just imagine if he was a Buddhist . All BBC hell would break loose !
Just imagine if he was a Buddhist
Or Jewish – the BBC would be shouting the story from the rooftops and demanding retribution.
Or any religion apart from the Religion of Peace !
The bbc and the monarchy – they are indeed strange bedfellows. On the face of it the monarchy is elitist, rich, white, privileged, arguably a drain on the public purse – all these tributes would normally make them a target for the raving marxists at bbc house. But not so, are they just the antidote / alibi that the bbc need to disguise their left wing agenda and perpetuate the charade of being our good old British broadcaster?
The hypocrisy of the Left may include half an eye on an Honours List !
The BBC will have a friend in Charlie – pro Islam, Defender of Faiths, Climate doom monger.
I had not thought about that angle. FFS King Charles, Jesus Christ !
‘The BBC understands the name of the suspect was Omar Mateen, aged 29.’
‘Police called the shooting an act of terrorism, but said they did not know if it was domestic or international.’
Yeah that’s a tough question right there – domestic or international hummmmm….. get back to us on that… sometime, never.
As predicted by a poster above the BBC in the shape of some on the spot US/BBC type holding the micrphone just under his lie hole said this would highlight ‘gun control’ and Saint Obama’s ‘frustration’ . Gosh, folks, ‘some American’s feel it’s their constitional right to carry guns’. Do a bit of research on that chum – think you’ll find you can bet your bottom dollar it is their constitutional right. This BBC guy wasn’t good, he was bad, and he was a tad ugly. Mind you, special pleading and indentity politics kicked in because this shooting is going to hit the ‘Latin American’ community hard – excuse me asking has the term ‘Hispanic’ suddenly become a curse word? How’s ‘Latino’? I can’t keep up. BBC online are headlining differently identity-wise – the internet BBC boys and girls want to take us to a gay bar….
OT, but does go to the state of MSM reporting that the ‘all we think you need to know’ envy of the world has pioneered…
What to Know About the Pulse Nightclub Shooting in Orlando
There is now a market for what the MSM does not want to know, and the internet is filling it, leaving the traditional politico-media establishment looking idiotic on most issues.
Yes, a peculiarly municipal distinction. I can imagine the terrorist asking the taxi driver to take him to somewhere to commit an attrocity, and being asked if he wants the domestic or international version.
How comforting it must be to the victims and their families; to know whether they died because of domestic or international terrorism.
I see there is little report on the BBC about the nature of the massacre at the pulse nightclub in Florida. It was a Gay nightclub and 20 people have been killed.
I could see from the outset of this report who the murderer was likely to be and yet even though his name is available in UK media, the BBC has made a decision to withhold this news from the public.
Authorities have identified the shooter as Omar Mateen, 27, a US citizen from Port St. Lucie, Florida.
People need to need aware that during the ‘holy’ month of bombadan you are much more likely to find people being made holey, i.e. full of holes.
I wonder what the hard of thinking libtards carrying gays against islamophobia are thinking about this – if that’s not an oxymoron! I also wonder how many more votes they have just given Donald Trump to keep their like out of his country.
Just to re-tread a former posting of mine… the BBC tv news assured me ‘French authorities were preparing for the “Twin Threats” of terrorism and hooliganism’
Well judging by their handling of the latter, God help them if the former kicks off again.
Just me or is France a shambles?
I do not know.It is a country which I avoid, but I wonder which country will be next for a Referendum ? It may be France. Or Holland, or maybe Denmark. But it is going to come, sure as day follows night !
Hollande is quite the most inept and clueless comedy cut of a President that France could have plumped for.
Looks like Peter Glaze-and probably funnier than even THAT scion of British culture.
Well remember his plane getting hit by lightning as he flew to Germany to wash Merkels smalls, which is what all second string nations have to do-allegedly.
This was Gods way of trying to dry the little runt out-for only a few hours before he`d been in an open top motorcade, as the heavens opened and the little drowned rat was unable to find the windscreen wipers for his specs!
God loves France-so much he`s using it to make Venezuela look good, as well as reminding the British what 1973 was like here before Maggie flushed socialism into historys bidet.
Corbyns merely the pubic hairs we couldn`t wash out….not yet.
France IS a shambles.
Do your stuff on the 23rd, pray that Trump will win in the USA, then, hopefully, Frexit for us next year.
Old Goat ,
Long time ! I think the sheer bloody-mindedness of the Frogs will prevail ! That is one thing I love about the French !
I caught just one minute of the Big Question this morning on my way out. An Asian gentleman says that the answer to migration is bring the rest of the world to our standards by throwing (my) money at them. The theory is that when they are as well off as us they would have no need to come here! I left to the sound of great agreement from the “representative” collection I observed on the show. I’m not sure I could have listened to more without damaging my new 49incher so I’m glad I had to go. But I’m pretty sure that by taxing our UK society so that even more than the present £12 billion could be given to the third world wouldn’t really work until the corrupt politicians, service chiefs, tribal leaders and police had so much money each that sheer embarrassment forced them to share it with their countrymen. It’s a great world the BBC luvvies and their dinner companions think they live in, populated by selfless peoples of all hues willing to sacrifice everything to give our betters the rosy glow of righteousness while dancing around the groves of money trees in their Earthly paradise. Did anybody hear if this was challenged at all? I don’t want to sit through it on catch up, that tele cost me a lot!
The gunman is a registered DEMOCRAT supporter – imagine if he had been a republican.
You mean like this Republican:

He`s called Omar Mateen-which, we can all agree-is just the hoedown name of a typical country boy of the USA.
Apparently his doings were “likely to have been ideologically motivated”-which is ONE way of putting it eh, you Islam-avoiding squits in US public sector and media lockdown mode.
Oh-and this will no doubt bring up the gun control debate-Obama HAS tried to bang your heads together but you WILL insist on bearing your arms, won`t you?
So then-cue Sandy Hook….skip over San Bernardino-accuse Trump of racially causing all this-and let Islam pack its bags and quietly find its NEXT cave from which to kill American citizens…whilst wanting gun control for everybody but Obamas security and for Muslims.
Thank you BBC….what ELSE could you say?
Death total in Florida is now 50 and expected to rise. I wonder what this terrible Muslim attack has done for Trumps poll ratings.
I am here in Scotland with my mum 91-year old mum. She loves ” Songs of Praise” and I enjoy listening to it because I love the music. She is asking me now ” What time is it on ? “. I have to reply that I do not know.
Another reason to leave – as if we happy band of warriors needed one…
Found on Guido. Apologies if already mentioned.
The Sunday Times has a great scoop: leaked cables reveal UK diplomats have discussed visa liberalisation for Turks coming to Britain, despite David Cameron’s pledge that “we won’t be offering visa-free access to Turks”. And there’s more…
Guido has been passed the cache of diplomatic cables. The telegram below is marked “Official – sensitive” and was sent by British diplomats in Kosovo to the Foreign Office. It reveals the European Commission plotted to “slipstream” visa liberalisation for Kosovo “behind Turkey”, because “1.8 million Kosovars” are “a drop in that larger ocean” by comparison. A stunning admission of the huge scale of potential new immigration – and collusion to play down the impact…
The cable also admits the obvious, that “some will… abuse the system”. Privately British diplomats are talking about 1.8 million Kosovars as a “drop in the ocean” compared to potential Turkish immigration. Yet they are planning visa-free access for Turks – and Dave wants you to believe this isn’t an issue in the referendum…
You couldn’t make it up, could you? Utter deceit from DC and others.
Amazing how times have changed; the position of Giscard d’Estaing’s was that were Turkey to join the E.E.C. (as was) it would be the end of it.
The Beeb have the story on there website, with the very insipid headline
UK diplomat suggested Turkey visa move
The article specifically doesnt mention numbers, just “Turkish “special passport” holders, who are mainly civil servants”, which sounds like it cannot be very many, but the Sunday Times mentions 1m.
The Reinvention of Captain Britain
In the wake of reboots for Captain America, Iron Man et al, our own home-grown superhero looks set to be revived. White, blond, blue-eyed in the original incarnation. So guess what?
“Who is to say Captain Britain would have to be white? We could have Idris Elba as Captain Britain.”
Forgot the link. Here it is.
So we now know the name and the religion of the Orlando loonie. Fifty people (plus) dead and God only knows how many more are going to be maimed and traumatised for the rest of their lives.
As soon as I heard that this was an attack on a gay nightclub I immediately thought the assailant was likely to be an Islamist fundamentalist….or to put it another way, a mental Muslim.
Tuning in to Sky news however, one of their presenters was burbling about “could this be an attack by the far right?” It seems this knee jerk compulsion to deflect any dreadful news event away from our Islamic friends is endemic in the liberal media. It just hadn’t occurred to me that this was a likely scenario. But for the likes of Sky and The Beeb…
BTW, has anyone heard from Donald?
Trump doesnt need to say anything yet, if he keeps quiet for a short time while the liberal media embarrass themselves the voters will come over to him in droves. Obama will be digging himself a big hole later today and voters are not as stupid as some politicians believe.
Trump has tweeted
Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump
Appreciate the congrats for being right on radical Islamic terrorism, I don’t want congrats, I want toughness & vigilance. We must be smart!
5:43 PM – 12 Jun 2016
6,507 6,507 Retweets 14,674 14,674 likes
Look! You just don’t understand !
You cannot say ‘mental Muslim’ the correct term is a person suffering mental health issues who just happens to be a Muslim !
And if that cannot be pinned on him then he’s a lone wolf !
Simples !
Donald said something like, “I don’t want to say I told you so, but we have to be sharper.”
Hell’s Angelas
I always liked the name Angela, but I’ve gone right off it with the current collection; Merkel, Eagle and Leadsam. There must be some decent ones in the public eye, even Angelina Jolie has some decidely dodgy views..
Demon ,
LOL ! Gisela is a nice name !
Just returned from a recording of the local BBC referendum debate for broadcast tonight.
Overall fairly introduced and moderated. Audience selected for 50% in and out.
Started quietly until we got on to a question from a fisherman. We had the Secretary of State for Agriculture Fisheries and Food on the panel.
Two questions from EU nationals out of 5. You can guess the topic.
Overall I would say the Leave side of the audience were much more engaged.
Interesting comment from the audience while we waited to see in any re-takes were required. “Why did Leave answer the question with no waffle while Remain wandered off and took a long while about it.
Will be interesting to see how they edit it down.
Has anyone noticed that the Remainers have no sense of humour ? I think that is sad !
You mean their comments are actually intended to be taken seriously?
OMG, I had no idea!
Fawlty Towers star John Cleese backs Brexit – and suggested HANGING Jean-Claude Juncker
Now that’s more like it !
Forget the hanging , just give him a “damned good thrashing”!
Ah , the famous British restraint and tolerance and the sense of humour . Sieg Heil !
Don’t mention the war !
How the multi-billion pound bBC can’t find this out regards the shooting of Gays in Orlando:
Visiting Bigot gave speech in March at Sanford Florida Islamic centre where he stated that Gays must be killed.
The report says that they were kissing and touching each other in public, and doing the same in a men’s bathroom (lavatory). Well, I too would have been pretty disgusted, especially that this was in free view of children, and might have thought that a bucket of water or the light application of a baseball bat might have been appropriate – though not of course a killing, which is appalling.