Why is it that left-wingers think it’s ok to call for the ban of all England football fans due to the mindless actions of a few, but if Donald Trump does the equivalent with muslims he’s called a right-wing, racist?
Trump and what he really did say and what was left out in the reporting…………. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-35035190
“……………..until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on.”
What did our Car Moron call him ?
Predictable concern over a backlash in Florida.
Expect concern here as people are expressing anger on the social media.
Look out Tommy Robinson, the cops will be after you
Lest we forget while the very sad news breaks in the USA, that we the British suffered nearly as many casualties less than four months ago …… http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-33300776
The Sunday Times is reporting – “Transgender criminals will be able to serve their sentences in either male or female prisons under official guidance drawn up by ministers.
The new policy follows the apparent suicides last year of two transgender inmates who were sent to male prisons.
Prison staff will be told to ensure that transgender inmates can obtain beauty products and other items that they require to live as their chosen gender. The move follows complaints that hair dye and make-up were not available in a male jail.”
The Sunday Times on its front page today reports that a “charity” called “educate and celebrate” is in receipt of £200,000 of grants from the Dept of Education (that’s 200K of taxpayers money) to advise on “best practice” regarding “gender neutral” school uniforms and other “transgender” ishoooos.
I understand that many people voted Conservative to stop new Labour practices like this….what happened?
BBC – thinking allowed … YOU COULDN T MAKE IT UP!
talks to Steffen Hertog, Associate Professor of Comparative Politics at the London School of Economics, (ah … London School of Extremists), about a new study which finds that Islamist and right-wing extremism have more in common than, either does with (wait for it) left-wing extremism, in which engineers are absent while social scientists and humanities students are prominent.
Is there a mindset susceptible to certain types of extremism? … YES! BBC THE ISLAMIC MINDSET!
They’re joined by Raffaello Pantucci, Director of International Security Studies at the Royal United Services Institute. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b07dm2pj
Ramadan Bombathon only 7 days in
Islamic terror attacks 64 Dead 428
Other Religions 0
Islamaphobes 0
… think on that BBC!
PS think we can sadly add yet another 50 with those poor souls in Orlando – RIP
“This massacre is a further reminder of how easy it is for someone to get their hands on a weapon that lets them shoot people in a school, or in a house of worship, or in a movie theatre, or in a nightclub”
“We have to decide if that is the kind of country we want to be”
….and if deprived of any legal routes to weapons, it’ll just be impossible for those who want to, to to find other weapons sources (like the ones used in gang battles every week around most major city centres in the US), or ‘suicide’ vests (in which this young man apparently had a known interest).
…..because his reasons for killing were just purely spur-of-the-moment and incidental, given where he happened to find himself early one normal Sunday morning, and not at all part of any fundamental belief system he might have.
Officials in Florida bring a Moslem Imam to the press conference to spout about gun control and fear of a backlash.
But why not bring a Christian Pastor or Jewish Rabbi – who just might say something to the families of the innocent victims?
This kind of stuff is going to cause people to snap – I have read some pretty lurid stuff today.
Obama, of course, uses the moment to restrict guns. Well he would, as he cannot blame his fellow Moslems. And it is about time we confronted this: his words and deeds indicate that he is a Moslem
Eh – what on earth is that clip all about ? The imam (stood in front of the Police) says it’s OK, you can all go about your business the city is safe. Yeah I feel better now the Ropers are in charge of security.
The Independent, which operates in the same desolate, political landscape as the BBC and Guardian, has its writers get down to the truth behind the murder of fifty gay people in Orlando.
3 headlines the paper that might surprise you, but may be on the BBC sooner than you can say Muslims are always victims and never responsible for their own actions.
1. So there you have it. How could we blame Islam for an Islamist doing what Islamists do all over the world in every Islamic country, as directed by the Quran and its Imams?
2. Wow, he worked for G4S, that explains why he murdered innocent people in a club and why the left despise G4S
3. Donald Trump eh? What can you say. Has he an alibi for where he might have been during the shooting?
And the responsibility of Muslims, Islam and Imams for the hatred towards gay people? Perhaps it will be in tomorrow’s edition.
Anyone else notice the odd mirror image that has arisen today between western authorities expressing fear of some supposed backlash against moslems following attrocities carried out by adherents of that middle eastern creed and UEFA’s apparent threat to ban England from competition should Russian fans continue to attack them?
Oh fuck off Stephen Nolan. Just when I was thinking you were subtly aware of the islam / lgbt dissonance, you go and interview an iman from an islamic centre in Orlando and spoon feed him opportunities to repeat the NTDWI trope.
Check it out own iplayer later. Nolan tells the iman “You will want to distance yourself” from the actions of this individual.
Yes, I understand he is deeply distraught over an appalling crime that angers us all. But what it demonstrates is how the left feel they should have full control over what society feels and how it ought express those feelings. No one else is permitted an expression or view that falls outside those defined lines.
Like the infantile female sex organ he is, jones tried to control the situation by trying to be louder than everybody else, when that didn’t work, he did what all children do when they don’t get their way. He played the victim and when that didn’t work he stormed off. Typical of all left wing political agitators who hide behind the aegis of victim hood in which to prevent others from questioning them on the veracity of their stance.
Talks over/attempts to shout down a woman, passive aggressive when she fights back, storms out like a teenager denied his ‘safe space’ when he stops being the centre of attention. More ‘petulant child’ than ‘poster child’.
Tony Benn (whatever one might think of his politics) would despair at the quality of today’s left.
It’s worth watching this fuller YouTube version, rather than the brief storming-off bit that most news sites are showing. IMO, Owen Jones is the most obnoxious, arrogant creature in the British media today, and he has a lot of competition.
It’s not so much his arguments, which are entirely predictable, as his manner. I’m not sure I’d want Julia Hartley-Brewer as a neighbour, in fact I wouldn’t, but she handles him well – which is presumably why he stormed off like the child he is. I particularly like her response: “I’ll choose the words I want to use, you choose the words you want to use”.
Typical Lefty – he can’t cope in a civil way with being in the presence of people who disagree with him. Don’t think he’s done himself any good.
Saw this ‘live’ and I’m only glad that Anna Botting wasn’t in her usual hosting seat, as I’m sure Jones would have shouted her down, whereas at least (don’t know his name) the bloke in charge retaliated vehemently and wasn’t going to be kowtowed. Hopefully other booking editors will give this ‘child’ – oh sorry, self styled ‘gay man’ a very wide berth, – his views are totally irrelevant anyway. I would have preferred someone other than Julia Hartley-Brewer as a sparring partner, as she was truly wet and hesitant in getting her point over.
One of two things will happen. 1. Jones will not be invited back onto Sky for a very long time. Or 2. Sky will apologise to him “So sorry Owen, we know you were upset so we should have done evereything the way you wanted. Please, please come back. We won’t have that awful Julia on and we won’t ask you difficult questions. Pretty please.” All accompanied by hand-wrenching and grovelling. I’m sure the latter will be more likely, but he’ll still be a Beeb regular so he couldn’t care less.
Awaiting she who demands het beauty sleep to awake to view this, but it seems Owen in future may demand the company of the genial Michael Moore in ‘debate’, otherwise feet will be stamped, toys will be ejected from prams and phobia accusations will be hurled willy and, in all likelihood, nilly.
Meanwhile every BBC Producer in the land is booking him and Eddie to go head to head on the big issues of the day. Education and information all rolled into one.
Feedback plays the two-bite bias game again. Last week we had Norman Smith justifying the referendum reporting and how unbiased they are as they just report what each campaign says. He then agrees with ‘some’ listeners that the BBC could be making its own statements such that the ‘leave’ lot are fibbing when they say that we can’t stop Turkey joining the EU.
Now, of course if he was unbiased he could have given an equivalent example from the ‘remain’ campaign, but doesn’t – i.e. the implication is that any reporting bias has been towards giving the ‘leave’ side an easy ride, because really they are wrong but he doesn’t say so, but he just has!
This week ‘some’ listeners write in to agree with Norman Smith, so we get to here the example made yet again. This was a trick played regarding the ‘infamous’ What’s The Point Of The Met Office programme where ‘some’ (activist) listeners took over several editions with their complaints.
What is especially bad about this is Smith’s example. Technically the UK could block the entry of Turkey into the EU, so to that extent ‘Leave’ and Smith are right. However what isn’t stated is that the Commission has effectively given Turkish citizens ‘free movement’, (the real concern of the UK voters, not ‘membership’ per se) and that the PM is on record as being in favour of Turkey joining.
It is rather like saying that an habitual wife-beater could choose not to beat his wife again, (technically true), but won’t, (a virtual certainty). Incidentally Moneybox used ‘uncertainty bias’ this weekend regarding annual rises to ex-pat pensioners. They could lose £50k if we leave the EU, (AND lose the uplift, an uncertainty). Canada and South Africa are places where pensioners don’t get the uplift, unlike the marvellous EU. Not mentioned is that the non-EU USA is a place where the uplift applies. This ‘certainty’ of the EU versus the ‘uncertainty’ of the real world has been a constant of ‘unbiased’ BBC ‘expert’ comment. Government by the EU is no more certain than government by ourselves, but at least we can vote for change in the later scenario.
Sauces close to the BBC have learned there are proposals to create a Goldilocks Department to oversee BBC Editorial Integrity for toosoonism justrighism and watertightoversightism.
Calls are going out to the Flokking Community to apply as preference will be given to those who, on hearing of an atrocity, ignore any empathy with the victims, are not interested in preventing repeats, but seek only to head off to places they profess not to like to tell other people how they need to respond.
An. Editor of Integrity is quoted as saying: “As professional news people, after shocking incidents, once we have composed ourselves and ensured nearest and dearest are safe and expressed suitable empathy, we clearly say or do nothing for a suitable period and then move on to understanding motivations and what selected persons of hue say things are nothing to do with. Plus Dads and community in fear of worse than a high calibre round ‘leaders’.
Our thoughts and prayers are with impartial journalism at this time”.
Nail, ball bearing, fertiliser, bottled gas and kitchen knife manufacturer spokesmen have invoked the BBC FOI amendment on the grounds that anything they can be asked they don’t want to say.
tomoMar 6, 09:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 The likelihood that similar is going on here is a slam dunk certainty…. https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1897534108982526275
MarkyMarkMar 6, 09:57 Midweek 5th March 2025 [img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSCCsDXCmgusoKmOKAV8J8hzqUthA2tS31S5g&s[/img]
tomoMar 6, 09:56 Midweek 5th March 2025 Free Buckfast Tonic Wine has to be next? [img]https://i.ibb.co/twQXv1rg/Free-Crack-pipes-NHS-jockland.jpg[/img]
Mrs KittyMar 6, 09:55 Midweek 5th March 2025 I’m thinking his parents were/are quite wealthy with connections, he committed offences in China and ended up in the U.K.…
Mrs KittyMar 6, 09:48 Midweek 5th March 2025 So good I keep rewatching it. Especially the sucked lemon lips.
MarkyMarkMar 6, 09:36 Midweek 5th March 2025 Doughboy – if Ukraine embraces diversity it can win? ……………… “About us The first duty of the government is to…
DoughboyMar 6, 09:25 Midweek 5th March 2025 https://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/2022857/Channel-migrants-Labour-asylum-smugglers-boats Don’t see this on the Bbbc, how on earth are we going to keep Russians out of Ukraine with…
Fedup2Mar 6, 09:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 I look at the front page of the Guardian every so often – today they’ve got a headline ‘Trump turning…
AlthepalerpMar 6, 09:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 The Gangs are having a busy March . . https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/migrants-detected-crossing-the-english-channel-in-small-boats/migrants-detected-crossing-the-english-channel-in-small-boats-last-7-days
Fedup2Mar 6, 09:16 Midweek 5th March 2025 Surprised the Muslim convert William wasn’t down the mosque with his dad – he seems to be a worshipper of…
Why is it that left-wingers think it’s ok to call for the ban of all England football fans due to the mindless actions of a few, but if Donald Trump does the equivalent with muslims he’s called a right-wing, racist?
Given the present climate I am of the opinion that Trump has it ‘in the Bag’.
I really hope so taff.
I’d party like it was 1999 if he won.
I’d party like it was on ‘VE Day’ if we get out of the EU. Even more so if Al Beeb was privatised.
Trump and what he really did say and what was left out in the reporting………….
“……………..until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on.”
What did our Car Moron call him ?
Predictable concern over a backlash in Florida.
Expect concern here as people are expressing anger on the social media.
Look out Tommy Robinson, the cops will be after you
Lest we forget while the very sad news breaks in the USA, that we the British suffered nearly as many casualties less than four months ago ……
No, the Sousse massacre was in June 2015.
It’s good to remember them, but the source you have quoted hasn’t made clear the actual date of the attack.
It’s a source I’m wary of quoting.
Thanks for that correction . ‘Tempus fugit’
Wish we had more time to make amendments to our posts.
The Sunday Times is reporting – “Transgender criminals will be able to serve their sentences in either male or female prisons under official guidance drawn up by ministers.
The new policy follows the apparent suicides last year of two transgender inmates who were sent to male prisons.
Prison staff will be told to ensure that transgender inmates can obtain beauty products and other items that they require to live as their chosen gender. The move follows complaints that hair dye and make-up were not available in a male jail.”
Normally on a Sunday night I wouldn’t drink, but I don’t see any other alternative.
The Sunday Times on its front page today reports that a “charity” called “educate and celebrate” is in receipt of £200,000 of grants from the Dept of Education (that’s 200K of taxpayers money) to advise on “best practice” regarding “gender neutral” school uniforms and other “transgender” ishoooos.
I understand that many people voted Conservative to stop new Labour practices like this….what happened?
Cameron happened.
They all share a common purpose these days, no matter what rosette they wear.
BBC – thinking allowed … YOU COULDN T MAKE IT UP!
talks to Steffen Hertog, Associate Professor of Comparative Politics at the London School of Economics, (ah … London School of Extremists), about a new study which finds that Islamist and right-wing extremism have more in common than, either does with (wait for it) left-wing extremism, in which engineers are absent while social scientists and humanities students are prominent.
Is there a mindset susceptible to certain types of extremism? … YES! BBC THE ISLAMIC MINDSET!
They’re joined by Raffaello Pantucci, Director of International Security Studies at the Royal United Services Institute.
Ramadan Bombathon only 7 days in
Islamic terror attacks 64 Dead 428
Other Religions 0
Islamaphobes 0
… think on that BBC!
PS think we can sadly add yet another 50 with those poor souls in Orlando – RIP
Holy Month? … Holy Qurap!
Why Ramadan is full of Jihad terror
Islamapobes 0………………
So far. We’re talking about the USA – not the surrender monkeys in the UK.
Comments by Obama:
“This massacre is a further reminder of how easy it is for someone to get their hands on a weapon that lets them shoot people in a school, or in a house of worship, or in a movie theatre, or in a nightclub”
“We have to decide if that is the kind of country we want to be”
Hmmm….obviously the fault of gun manufacturers.
Divert blame, divert blame.
….and if deprived of any legal routes to weapons, it’ll just be impossible for those who want to, to to find other weapons sources (like the ones used in gang battles every week around most major city centres in the US), or ‘suicide’ vests (in which this young man apparently had a known interest).
…..because his reasons for killing were just purely spur-of-the-moment and incidental, given where he happened to find himself early one normal Sunday morning, and not at all part of any fundamental belief system he might have.
Yup – that’ll work, Mr Obama.
Officials in Florida bring a Moslem Imam to the press conference to spout about gun control and fear of a backlash.
But why not bring a Christian Pastor or Jewish Rabbi – who just might say something to the families of the innocent victims?
This kind of stuff is going to cause people to snap – I have read some pretty lurid stuff today.
Obama, of course, uses the moment to restrict guns. Well he would, as he cannot blame his fellow Moslems. And it is about time we confronted this: his words and deeds indicate that he is a Moslem
Eh – what on earth is that clip all about ? The imam (stood in front of the Police) says it’s OK, you can all go about your business the city is safe. Yeah I feel better now the Ropers are in charge of security.
The Independent, which operates in the same desolate, political landscape as the BBC and Guardian, has its writers get down to the truth behind the murder of fifty gay people in Orlando.
3 headlines the paper that might surprise you, but may be on the BBC sooner than you can say Muslims are always victims and never responsible for their own actions.
1. So there you have it. How could we blame Islam for an Islamist doing what Islamists do all over the world in every Islamic country, as directed by the Quran and its Imams?
2. Wow, he worked for G4S, that explains why he murdered innocent people in a club and why the left despise G4S
3. Donald Trump eh? What can you say. Has he an alibi for where he might have been during the shooting?
And the responsibility of Muslims, Islam and Imams for the hatred towards gay people? Perhaps it will be in tomorrow’s edition.
Perhaps, or perhaps not. ” Desolate landscape ” sums it up. They just can’t face the reality.
Anyone else notice the odd mirror image that has arisen today between western authorities expressing fear of some supposed backlash against moslems following attrocities carried out by adherents of that middle eastern creed and UEFA’s apparent threat to ban England from competition should Russian fans continue to attack them?
Oh fuck off Stephen Nolan. Just when I was thinking you were subtly aware of the islam / lgbt dissonance, you go and interview an iman from an islamic centre in Orlando and spoon feed him opportunities to repeat the NTDWI trope.
Check it out own iplayer later. Nolan tells the iman “You will want to distance yourself” from the actions of this individual.
Quick turn on sky news
Owen Jones in full homo wanker mode….lol
Hes just stormed off the set like a spoilt brat because it wasnt going his way
I noticed the embedded YouTube clip rather late and decided to move my post down, and didn’t have enough time left to type anything clearer.
I certainly wasn’t “moved” by Boy Wonder’s tantrum, just so you know.
There’s certain to be global condemnation by the Muslim community over this.
Or maybe not…
Will the BBC ask why not? Will they?
We’ll wait to hear what the Muslim Mayor of London has to say. I hear he’s a moderate, whatever that may mean.
A moderate Muslim is one that doesn’t actually DO the killing.
Owen Jones has to be seen to be believed.
Yes, I understand he is deeply distraught over an appalling crime that angers us all. But what it demonstrates is how the left feel they should have full control over what society feels and how it ought express those feelings. No one else is permitted an expression or view that falls outside those defined lines.
What a nice flounce.
What a pr@.
Like the infantile female sex organ he is, jones tried to control the situation by trying to be louder than everybody else, when that didn’t work, he did what all children do when they don’t get their way. He played the victim and when that didn’t work he stormed off. Typical of all left wing political agitators who hide behind the aegis of victim hood in which to prevent others from questioning them on the veracity of their stance.
Talks over/attempts to shout down a woman, passive aggressive when she fights back, storms out like a teenager denied his ‘safe space’ when he stops being the centre of attention. More ‘petulant child’ than ‘poster child’.
Tony Benn (whatever one might think of his politics) would despair at the quality of today’s left.
Just switched on Sky News – The paper review “replay!” has been re-shot to exclude the not so fragrant OJ.
I hope they ‘exclude’ his fee as well.
It’s worth watching this fuller YouTube version, rather than the brief storming-off bit that most news sites are showing. IMO, Owen Jones is the most obnoxious, arrogant creature in the British media today, and he has a lot of competition.
It’s not so much his arguments, which are entirely predictable, as his manner. I’m not sure I’d want Julia Hartley-Brewer as a neighbour, in fact I wouldn’t, but she handles him well – which is presumably why he stormed off like the child he is. I particularly like her response: “I’ll choose the words I want to use, you choose the words you want to use”.
Typical Lefty – he can’t cope in a civil way with being in the presence of people who disagree with him. Don’t think he’s done himself any good.
Saw this ‘live’ and I’m only glad that Anna Botting wasn’t in her usual hosting seat, as I’m sure Jones would have shouted her down, whereas at least (don’t know his name) the bloke in charge retaliated vehemently and wasn’t going to be kowtowed. Hopefully other booking editors will give this ‘child’ – oh sorry, self styled ‘gay man’ a very wide berth, – his views are totally irrelevant anyway. I would have preferred someone other than Julia Hartley-Brewer as a sparring partner, as she was truly wet and hesitant in getting her point over.
One of two things will happen. 1. Jones will not be invited back onto Sky for a very long time. Or 2. Sky will apologise to him “So sorry Owen, we know you were upset so we should have done evereything the way you wanted. Please, please come back. We won’t have that awful Julia on and we won’t ask you difficult questions. Pretty please.” All accompanied by hand-wrenching and grovelling. I’m sure the latter will be more likely, but he’ll still be a Beeb regular so he couldn’t care less.
Awaiting she who demands het beauty sleep to awake to view this, but it seems Owen in future may demand the company of the genial Michael Moore in ‘debate’, otherwise feet will be stamped, toys will be ejected from prams and phobia accusations will be hurled willy and, in all likelihood, nilly.
Meanwhile every BBC Producer in the land is booking him and Eddie to go head to head on the big issues of the day. Education and information all rolled into one.
“Owen in future may demand the company of the genial Michael Moore in ‘debate’”
Need to find a studio close to Greggs then.
Feedback plays the two-bite bias game again. Last week we had Norman Smith justifying the referendum reporting and how unbiased they are as they just report what each campaign says. He then agrees with ‘some’ listeners that the BBC could be making its own statements such that the ‘leave’ lot are fibbing when they say that we can’t stop Turkey joining the EU.
Now, of course if he was unbiased he could have given an equivalent example from the ‘remain’ campaign, but doesn’t – i.e. the implication is that any reporting bias has been towards giving the ‘leave’ side an easy ride, because really they are wrong but he doesn’t say so, but he just has!
This week ‘some’ listeners write in to agree with Norman Smith, so we get to here the example made yet again. This was a trick played regarding the ‘infamous’ What’s The Point Of The Met Office programme where ‘some’ (activist) listeners took over several editions with their complaints.
What is especially bad about this is Smith’s example. Technically the UK could block the entry of Turkey into the EU, so to that extent ‘Leave’ and Smith are right. However what isn’t stated is that the Commission has effectively given Turkish citizens ‘free movement’, (the real concern of the UK voters, not ‘membership’ per se) and that the PM is on record as being in favour of Turkey joining.
It is rather like saying that an habitual wife-beater could choose not to beat his wife again, (technically true), but won’t, (a virtual certainty). Incidentally Moneybox used ‘uncertainty bias’ this weekend regarding annual rises to ex-pat pensioners. They could lose £50k if we leave the EU, (AND lose the uplift, an uncertainty). Canada and South Africa are places where pensioners don’t get the uplift, unlike the marvellous EU. Not mentioned is that the non-EU USA is a place where the uplift applies. This ‘certainty’ of the EU versus the ‘uncertainty’ of the real world has been a constant of ‘unbiased’ BBC ‘expert’ comment. Government by the EU is no more certain than government by ourselves, but at least we can vote for change in the later scenario.
Seems Alan Johnson sees Norm as a useful tool.
Sauces close to the BBC have learned there are proposals to create a Goldilocks Department to oversee BBC Editorial Integrity for toosoonism justrighism and watertightoversightism.
Calls are going out to the Flokking Community to apply as preference will be given to those who, on hearing of an atrocity, ignore any empathy with the victims, are not interested in preventing repeats, but seek only to head off to places they profess not to like to tell other people how they need to respond.
An. Editor of Integrity is quoted as saying: “As professional news people, after shocking incidents, once we have composed ourselves and ensured nearest and dearest are safe and expressed suitable empathy, we clearly say or do nothing for a suitable period and then move on to understanding motivations and what selected persons of hue say things are nothing to do with. Plus Dads and community in fear of worse than a high calibre round ‘leaders’.
Our thoughts and prayers are with impartial journalism at this time”.
Nail, ball bearing, fertiliser, bottled gas and kitchen knife manufacturer spokesmen have invoked the BBC FOI amendment on the grounds that anything they can be asked they don’t want to say.