Thanks to Pounce for the video which shows a Muslim cleric stating that the sentence for homosexuality is death….he says it is the compassionate thing to do…to ‘get rid of them’. Will the BBC be exploring the issue of how homosexuality is treated under Islam? Christianity doesn’t approve of homosexuality but it doesn’t say ‘kill them’….whereas Islam does…the only question is, according to a well respected, moderate Muslim cleric and ‘friend’ of Ken Livingstone…do you throw homosexuals off a mountain or stone them to death?
Gays Abandoned by Left’s Appeasement
The growth of Islam in Europe has consequences for gay men. But you wouldn’t know it from a cursory perusal of the issues which preoccupy at any one time what is known as the “gay community”. Civil partnerships, gay adoption or problems with Christian bed-and-breakfast owners and the allegedly latent homophobia of the Conservatives are all up there on the list. But, with a few honorable exceptions, such as the consistently principled activist Peter Tatchell, few voices are raised about the possible future problems for gay men in a rapidly changing demographic landscape.
A mass killing in Orlando. The killer? A Muslim with possible “leanings towards Islamic terrorism”. But who is really to blame? Trump? The irresponsible Media that keeps recklessly highlighting things such as rapes and er, mass murder by Muslims? Islamophobia? Government anti-terrorism measures? [Must stop those…stop anti-terror measures and we stop terrorism…it’s so obvious] This was an angry young man driven to kill by the discrimination and marginalisation that American society imposes upon Muslims. He is the real victim here. And. As the Orlando killer’s father said…this has nothing to do with Islam.
Oh…and the victims were gay…so presumably the BBC will be telling us they deserved it as they so offended Muslim sensibilities….just as Jews shopping in a Paris supermarket can be gunned down legitimately because Israelis are Jewish and women across Europe have to dress defensively, go about in groups or not go out at all due to certain dangers arising in the new reality of multicultural Europe.
I await the BBC’s list of excuses for the killer as they delve into his life and background….probably not so bothered about the genuine victims.
Interesting to note that the BBC are already trying to downplay what is being reported as an act of terrorism and conflate it with other mass shootings that had no political or ideological motivations…Just as Mark Mardell tried to claim the 13 soldiers killed in Fort Hood were a ‘senseless tragedy’, just as they did with San Bernardino pronouncing it “Just Another Day in the United States of America”….No, no it wasn’t…that, just like Orlando, was mass murder in the name of Islam…there was rhyme and reason to it… terrorise Americans in order to further the interests of the Islamic religion by Muslim fundamentalists……not just another day at all….
The BBC in its report on Orlando continues this attempt to downplay the reasons for the killings listing domestic, non-ideological mass shootings with the Islamic ones…
Worst US mass shootings in last 25 years
At least 50 dead, 2016 – Omar Mateen opens fire on revellers at gay club in Orlando, Florida
32 dead, 2007 – Student Seung-Hui Cho massacres students at Virginia Tech university before killing himself
27 dead, 2012 – Adam Lanza kills 20 six- and seven-year-old children and six adults before killing himself at Sandy Hook, Connecticut
23 dead, 1991 – George Hennard drives through the wall of a cafe in Killeen, Texas, before opening fire and committing suicide
14 dead, 2015 – Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik open fire at a staff gathering in San Bernardino
13 dead, 2009 – Maj Nidal Malik Hasan opens fire at army base in Fort Hood, Texas
13 dead, 2009 – Jiverly Wong shoots people at New York immigrant centre before killing himself
13 dead, 1999 – Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold kill fellow students and a teacher at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado
Would this be the same BBC that covered up Syrian ‘refugees’ who sexually assaulted young girls in Newcastle.
Apparently they were running a fluff pice on Syrians coming to Britain. Here’s a bit from the Mail.
“The case was covered by the BBC for the first time on Friday as part of a Newsnight series tracking the progress of two Syrian families who had been resettled in Britain.
In the first programme of the series, broadcast on November 17, Newsnight reporter Katie Razzall met a family in a refugee camp in Jordan as they prepared to move to Glasgow.
Then in a follow-up on November 26, it showed Badreddin’s family for the first time.
In a video clip since deleted from the BBC iPlayer and YouTube, Newsnight said it would be ‘introducing you to the second family from Syria who we’ll be following.
They’ve just arrived in Newcastle’.
Nothing more was heard until Friday night when presenter Evan Davis told viewers: ‘We have to report things have taken a disturbing turn. The teenage son was in court today charged with sexually assaulting a 14-year-old girl.’
A police source claimed the BBC had known for several weeks, adding: ‘When police arrested one of the individuals involved they were aware he was part of this [resettlement] programme so they thought it only right they contact Newsnight and make them aware.’
But a spokesman for the programme insisted: ‘The programme was not aware of the allegations against Omar Badreddin at the time of his first court appearance in May so could not have covered it then.’
Yes of course BBC you woudn’t be lying would you. I mean you’re a national treasure.
Actually I read somewhere today that the Police and the bBC (which was filming a documentary on one of the families of these Syrians) kept this story which happened last year off the front page
If you want to know more than what the bBC isn’t reporting here are a few more informative articles:
Ramadan Death count: USA (June 12, 2016) – Muslim gunman kills 50 at gay nightclub in Orlando
Orlando Gunmans father speaks to Media
Orlando Shootings: Visiting Bigot who gave speech in March at Sanford Florida Islamic centre has stated that Gays must be killed.
Orlando shooting suspect’s father hosted a political TV show and even tried to run for the Afghan presidency
National Security
Ex-wife of suspected Orlando shooter: ‘He beat me’
I just thank god there is an internet which allows people to find out what the bBC isn’t telling you.
Surprised no BBC execs were in the club at the time !
LOL !!
The BBC is doing all it can to avoid reporting the fact that the gunman was an Islamist lunatic who, in keeping with his religion’s tenets, hates gay people and so kills them. Just wait for all the spineless snowflakes to come out and decry that ‘this has nothing to do with Islam’ etc.
Was he a democrat then?…if so maybe we should ban all THEM from bearing guns and give them all a mental health check.
All that passive drug smoke eh?…
BBC – thinking allowed … YOU COULDN T MAKE IT UP!
talks to Steffen Hertog, Associate Professor of Comparative Politics at the London School of Economics, (ah … London School of Extremists), about a new study which finds that Islamist and right-wing extremism have more in common than, either does with (wait for it) left-wing extremism, in which engineers are absent while social scientists and humanities students are prominent.
Is there a mindset susceptible to certain types of extremism? … YES! BBC THE ISLAMIC MINDSET!
They’re joined by Raffaello Pantucci, Director of International Security Studies at the Royal United Services Institute.
Ramadan Bombathon 7 days in
Islamic terror attacks 64 Dead 428
Other Religions 0
Islamaphobes 0
… think on that BBC!
And bears and woods ?
Ramadan Bombathon 7 days in
Islamic terror attacks 64 Dead 428
Other Religions 0
Islamaphobes 0
… think on that BBC!
Nogginator, I have kept a ramadan death count since 2009 and currently I am just under 2000 for the past 6 days.
I am watching “Fawlty Towers , The Germans “. This is so Un-PC ! No way it could be on the BBC today !
John Cleese has come out, as an Outta. No not Basil Fawlty , who would vote out anyway , but J.C. himself.
Hey Ho ! Essexman where have you been ?
Regards .
Been on vacation , & busy in Essex , taffman , my sources say their will be a big vote for OUT in Essex. Ironically , the only “Remain” poster I have seen, is in my village , but many farmers fields ,have “Leave” , posters dotted around them.
Strangely enough, the view is the same in rural Wales.
And, slightly to my surprise, here in rural Perthshire !
Saw plenty red white and blue, union flags etc at local events to celebrate the Queens 90th.
Surely THIS lot would want us to leave, don`t really see how you can be a royalist when the EU want her gone as soon as possible.
She herself is an outer surely-and if I were Corbyn I`d declare myself the same-he`d piss on Cameron in any election just for saying that.
But he won`t-lucky for Gove and Boris then.
Is JC the first Luvvie to declare or are there others ?
I was watching a documentary about a German blitzkreig and them wiping out European civilisation starring Angela Merkel.
Al-Beeb. bless ’em, never lets you down.
R4 news and of course it’s American gun control laws to blame. That’s odd since Florida is one of the States that already has gun control laws enacted but it seems nobody told certain peaceful members of the community about them.
Only loony left progressives could come away with cr@p like that. It’s like saying if the killer had mowed them down in an SUV then the SUV is to blame and all motor vehicles should be banned.
Then there was the ubiquitous words of wisdom from the local Imam telling us that ALL religions are responsible for this…but thankfully I made it to the ‘off’ switch before any more of this garbage spewed out.
Oh dear-THAT old trope again!
Can we be clear here-Jesus said not a dicky bird about homosexuality.
Therefore there IS no Christian position on it.
End of.
Yes-Paul cites it in letters to Rome and (without checking) likely as not Corinth and such.
But if you follow that -then your not a follower of Jesus, but a disciple of Paul…and, therefore a Churchian.
But NOT A Christian, in that you`re not following jesus-who(as I say) said ZIP about homosexuality-and little about sexuality at all, except maybe a preference for celibacy in preference to marriage.
An unusual take for a rabbi, but then again he`d not been trained by rabbinical schools-got it all from His dad..and as a follower of Jesus, that`ll be good enough for me.
And even Pauls view on homosexuality are predicated on general disgust with an amoral society where temple prostitutes and Grecian amorality and perversions were commonplace…not specifically a lifestyle choice, more a phase before getting married as far as the Greeks were concerned.
Didnt` say it was easy…but no more of this Christains don`t like homosexuality-we have no position on it, unless you want the Church or Pauls selective and specific contexts to consider.
But it`s easier to stick with what Jesus says.
Do you know what position the faeries at the bottom of my garden take in respect of the LBGT community and will affect my vegetables?
Imagine you`d have to ask them!
But don`t wear a kameez though, or indeed any stripey nightshirt given what our Muslim murderer seemed to think of faeries , as a general principle.
There may well be a backlash from your faerie community against this outrage, so you`d only be risking your health…if I were you i`d wait a while anyway.
Ooohh Chris
Have to seriously differ
1.who was Jesus?He was and is and always will be God the eternal and indivisible lord of all
God said plenty about homosexuals…..he had instructed the Hebrews through Moses centuries before
2.Matthew 19 v 4 and 5
4 “Haven’t you read,” he replied, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’[a] 5 and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’[b]? 6 So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.”
When Jesus said ‘havent you read?’ He was holding people responsible for reading and knowing the Scriptures.
Congrats to Alan for standing up for gays.
I wish we could go back in time, to when public homosexuality was illegal. They did it largely in private, and of necessity generally kept quiet about it, we weren’t interested anyway, and we didn’t suffer the indignity of having it rubbed in our faces, 24/7, 365 days a year.
There’s certain to be global condemnation by the Muslim community over this.
Or maybe not…
Will the BBC ask why not? Will they?
We’ll wait to hear what the Muslim Mayor of London has to say. I hear he’s a moderate, whatever that may mean.
Has Islamic scholar David bin Q’ameron been to his local mosque yet to remind us that Islamic terrorism has nothing to do with Islam?
Homosexuality – bad
Shagging sheep and goats – good
Rape – good
Paedophilia – good
And so said the ‘perfect one’
Shagging goats is definitely NOT good…
It’s what you get in a nanny state – no kid-ding
According to a fatwa issued by Ayatollah Khomeini, no less, a man is allowed to have sex with a goat (female I presume), but then has to kill the poor goat, and it is forbidden to eat its flesh.
Can anyone argue that islam is not a system of organised mentalism?