When Sarah Wollaston jumped ship and declared for ‘Remain’ in a very suspicious manner the BBC handed the airwaves over to her to explain her motivation and to trumpet loudly and repeatedly her disdain for the Leave campaign.
No such accomodation for Tory donor, Edi Truell, who slams Cameron’s alarmism and lies….and the fact that Cameron has hijacked the government for what should be a non-governmental campaign……
Conservative donor withdraws support over David Cameron’s ‘irresponsible’ EU campaign
One of David Cameron’s biggest donors has withdrawn his financial support for the Conservatives and is considering quitting the party over the way the Prime Minister has handled the referendum, the Telegraph can reveal.
Edi Truell, a pensions expert who has donated over £270,000 since 2010, said he will only hand over money if Boris Johnson or Michael Gove take over from Mr Cameron after a Brexit vote.
Mr Truell, a leave supporter, said the Prime Minister’s warning about the damage a leave vote could do to pensions was the final straw in a pattern of “unfair” and “irresponsible” claims.
Speaking to The Telegraph Mr Truell said he has already written to party chairman Lord Feldman to explain that he will no longer donate to Mr Cameron and warned “the machinery of Government is being abused” by the remain campaign.
The comments by Cameron that triggered Truell’s reaction are reported by the BBC…and yet they make no mention of Truell’s withdrawal of support and his significant comments slamming Cameron.
The BBC in fact gives Cameron a long write up after his interview with Marr. Marr failed entirely to tackle Cameron and hold his feet to the fire…Marr seemed solely concerned with suggesting that Cameron had got the tone wrong, too alarmist and that this had turned off voters. Nothing to actually criticise the content of his wild, alarmist claims…in fact when Cameron said we would have a smaller economy and a DIY recession and a lost decade Marr stated that ‘All of this is true’. Is it?
Marr moved on to Turkey and Cameron insisted that there was not a chance in hell of Turkey getting accession and entry into the EU…..Marr astonishingly didn’t mention the leaked document that shows the UK government is working to allow Turks visa free travel the UK. The point about people’s concern about Turkey is that on entry it might result in a flood of migrants into Europe, amongst other concerns about an aggressively Islamist state, and regardless of its official status, visa free travel would result in a surge of migrants who would claim asylum or just set up home in the UK and refuse to go back to Turkey. Cameron is being entirely dishonest and Marr didn’t challenge him on that.
Also nice to see Newsnight give EU commissioner, Lord Hill, a free run to peddle EU ‘Remain’ propaganda.
I am getting a feeling that the people of Britain are going to give the lying, condescending, patronising, left liberal establishment (yes, Call me Dave, this means you and your hippy wife and her wind farm millionaire dad) the biggest kicking they have ever had.
I think Project Fear is the final straw. They are lying to us. We know it. They know we know. Yet such is their contempt for the little people that they still think we will cave in and do as they say. I don’t think we will. I think we will vote for freedom, and I think the process will not end with freedom from the EU. It will be the beginning of the end for the snide, left wing ruling establishment.
One can but hope!
Be of good cheer. Even if a Remain vote goes through, the cover of the Establishment has been blown. Whatever happens, the ordinary people of the United Kingdom have, I believe, started to wake up. To quote the protestant martyr, Hugh Latimer, I hope that on 23 June ‘We shall this day light such a candle, by God’s grace, in England, as I trust shall never be put out.’