It’s almost like a line from a bad joke. So, a wife beating Muslim claiming loyalty to Islamic State walks into a gay bar… The BBC, along with Obama, have gone into full “This is about Gun Control” mode rather than face the obvious fact that this is about Radical Islam. Trump is condemned by the BBC for being “an opportunist” for bringing the Radical Islam aspect up, whereas Clinton is painted as a sage for refusing to mention the islamic elephant in the room. We are at the point where the BBC is essentially saying that Islam has nothing to do with Islam. They are a bunch of spineless dhimmis.
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Now his wife is playing the mentally ill card, just as I said yesterday, he was always going be mentally ill or a lone wolf !
All these ‘lone wolves’ are turning into quite a pack, aren’t they.
The massacre was in a “gun free zone”.
Article here…
….explains more.
Personal opinion…I’m unsure of the wisdom of combining guns and alcohol in bars but I wonder why door staff don’t hold guns to offer security against situations like this. As the demographics in the US change, I’m sorry to say they can expect more of these events.
This took place during Ramadan, a time of heightened religious sensitivity for Muslims, guess that’s irrelevant in the wonderful world of peaceful Islam.
The liberal experiment of unity in diversity unlimited by any consideration of numbers or cultural differences went critical some years ago.
It is amazing how liberals including the BBC cling to their denial like a comfort blanket as if by doing so it will make all the bad men go away of their own accord.
San Bernardino was a gun free zone too, having arguably the most militarised and heavily armed police force in the western world didn’t prevent this IS (inspired?) attack either, a few armed customers could have made all the difference. You are of course quite right to question the wisdom of an alcohol and gun combination.
The article linked above raises questions, not least being the medical credentials Sitora Yusufiy hold that qualifiy her to diagnose Omar Mateen as “mentally unstable and mentally ill”. He may well have been, but the BBC doesn’t know that for sure and neither do we, I would argue that anyone doing what he did must have something wrong with them, but thats not the same as a clinical diagnoses of mental illness which is the impression the article gives.
The BBC is not alone though, a large number of media outlets are shying away from telling this story as it happened, a little faux synpathy on offer for the victims, the US medias major concern appears to be in not reporting any truth that may inadvertently boost Trumps campaign. One particulary sick publisher dedicates its front page to gun control, the dead and wounded being relegated to second place with indecent haste.
Nothing to do with Islam, lone wolf, disturbed and sick individual, racists and islamophobes must be sat on, prevent a backlash.
Just one more predictable story to emerge. The cops, the FBI, the agencies for dealing with mental health, all had reports that he was dangerous but did nothing about it. Switch to criticism of the cops etc. and Islam walks again.
Poor Muslims. Always being blamed for what is in the Koran and Hadiths. Why should they have to take responsibility for what some desert paedo preached and practiced some 1400 years ago?
I would just like to say that the violence in Marseilles at the weekend was clearly due to the widespread availability of plastic chairs as well as metal bistro style tables. How many more of these senseless incidents must we endure before plastic furniture is completely banned in our society. With the easy availability of plastic bar furniture and metal tables it’s no wonder we witness so many of these sad events.
I can’t believe some sections of the right wing media are blaming “well organised gangs of para-military Russian thugs” as well as “drunken, loutish English yobs”. All this does is fan the flames of Football Fan Phobia and Russian Thug Phobia and Drunk English Phobia. Let’s not play into their hands, it’s exactly what they want us to do. We should understand that para-military Russian thugs are peaceful thugs who believe in peace.
Let us instead campaign for more EU regulations to restrict the sale of furniture.
“It may not entirely surprise you to learn that CleanSmoke requires the purchase of expensive-looking shiny capital goods, including a machine called a ‘closed-loop smoke generator’. The machines all happen to be manufactured in Germany.”
We are not alone!
Second that.
Question. Did the chairs have the CE logo on them?
Those clever Chinese can easily incorporate the CE logo on their output.
…and restrict concealed-carry of tables.
“I would just like to say that the violence in Marseilles at the weekend was clearly due to the widespread availability of plastic chairs as well as metal bistro style tables.”
Better not mention the prevalence of easily available shooting sticks at British country events then?
A disaster waiting to happen.
Absolutely spot on.
To add a line to TruthDoctor – Not all Russians are football thugs.
Nor are all English people of course. Therefore it would be wrong to blame either of them for what happened. If any sanctions are taken against either team, then it is the same thing as Trump saying put a hold on Muslim integration.
Although one can’t normally class a whole group the same way, I make the exception for left wingers. All left-wingers are stupid, evil, bigoted, selfish, envious, greedy, vicious, hypocritical and violent and are totally lacking moral credibility, integrity and a sense of humour.
And usually very ugly as well.
Yes indeed. Let’s not blame anyone for their behaviour. No one has any responsibility for how they behave. Noone is responsible for the consequences of their actions. Except Trump, let’s blame him. And Israeli Zionists, it’s OK to blame them for stuff.
Come to think of it, let’s blame all the people we dislike. But don’t blame the people we do like. And don’t blame homicidal death cults like islam in case it causes phobias, or in case they stop selling us oil. But we can blame the unrestricted availability of plastic chairs which leads directly to violent hooliganism.
So to sum up; we should not hold people accountable for their behaviour unless we don’t like them. Then we can. I hope that’s clarified my position.
Exactly. I personally do believe that the Russians need to looked at as most of the violence seemed to start with some of their mindless followers. But the French authorities seem to have acted sluggishly too. And a lot of violence also started with local French and French Passport-holders, so if Russia and England are going to be kicked out then the hosts, France, should also.
TruthDoctor – “Let’s not blame anyone for their behaviour. No one has any responsibility for how they behave. Noone is responsible for the consequences of their actions”
Exactly, except this is where the hypocrisy of the left shines brightest. If it was a regular scumbag committing some heinous crime it wouldn’t be his fault, it would be because he came from a troubled family, had a tough up-bringing, or fell in with the wrong crowd, but underneath he was a good kid who can’t be held responsible. Yet when said scumbag ‘just happens’ to be a muslim, it’s all his fault and must take sole personal responsibility for his actions, nobody or nothing is to blame but the individual. Is there nothing the left will not be apologists for?
May we all agree to follow TruthDoctor in laughing at this brilliant post?
At least three campaigns here-and do I detect some prejudice against metal bistro style furniture, and some favouritism shown towards the plastic furniture community?
At last-we have a Doctor on call….great post sir!
The Russians might have tupped us in Marseille…but that`s because a lost generation of English thugs have become effete lager sippers…maybe we need some training camp for the few remaining lads who are up for a rumble, and not merely sending them over with a Flunch voucher and some flip flops.
Millwall, The ICF and the Chelsea Headhunters-now that WAS a golden generation!
John Cleese – Apart from this
What have Muslims done for us?
The real mentally ill people in this story are those lefty liberals who are on the one hand Islamophilic, in favour mass immigration, multiculturalism , moral equivalences etc etc. , but on the other hand are supporters of gay rights, women’s rights and many other modern Western values. The cognitive disonance must be bursting their brains , it must be making their lives hell. Surely they must be coming to the conclusion that they have been backing two completely incompatible, mutually destructive ideas here. Western liberal values are not shared by other cultures and trying to pretend that they are has led to outrage after outrage. The sooner these idiots admit their gross error the sooner we can on with addressing the century defining existentialist problem that they have created for western liberal democracies .
Like shouty Owen Jones, you mean?
Watching this last night, it all seemed like it was about him, and that somehow in his mind the targeting of gays made the crime worse than say what happened in Paris. Mark Longhurst and J H-B seemed to acknowledge the horror of the attack but wanted to keep the subject more general and began to focus more on the gun aspect in their analysis. Shouty Owen wanted to focus on the homophobic nature of the attack, couldn’t so he walked.
Amazingly, I find I have a smidgeon of sympathy for little Owen. That attack was homophobic, there is not doubt of that. It was not the result of lax “gun control”, as the attacker was a security guard, licensed to carry a gun. But what Owen probably won’t allow himself to admit is that this attack happened because muslims hate gays, and consider their murder a just act.
If you encourage muslim immigration, you encourage more people who hate gays and wish them dead. That is the logic of Trump’s position: he does not hate gays, he does not wish them dead, he does not wish to import people who do. The shock of finding that the only logical position for a gay man is to support Donald Trump probably set of the circuit breaker in Owen’s brain, and he had no choice but to get up and walk out.
Muslims probably believe that the Islamic Afghan was simple minded, and easily influence by mind bending rays from the Jewish/Zionist conspiracy of Goldman Sachs Rothschild
Obummer… very apt……has described the shooting as an act of terrot
What exactly is an act of terror?I always assumed it was screaming or shrieking in fear,and/or running away??
Whatever happened to ‘acts of TERRORISM’?
Or is that now a perjorative and therefore a lefty anathema term?
Bath house Barry, the closet Moslem, typifies the culturally relativist stance on gays and Islam.
Comments from Paul Watson to fill in the gap of BBC reporting.
Any words of wisdom from Ian McKellen yet?
Beat me to it by minutes! I expect a deafening silence from the Luvvies as most of them will be pacing up and down the room considering their heavily limited options. They’ll probably jump on the gun control bandwagon. If they don’t, they’ll simply explode dahling!
Come on Cumberpatch, tell us what to think.
Some of them may be cutting down on clubbing !
Nothing to do with Islam. Boy Owen sees it as homophobic and walks of the set
Oh dear,
Jonesey is really struggling to cogitate the dissonance here.
Slowly slowly the worm turns.
I have been of the opinion for quite some time now that there WILL be a real backlash at some point but the relentless tightening down of the genuine debate pressure-cooker is going to make it positively biblical when it does happen. This is not in any way advocacy (for the Paxmen out there) but prophesy.
If anyone thinks that we are past our savagery because of online shopping and X-Factor then they are going to have a little surprise.
It’s going to take a few more Beslans I am so horribly sorry to say to trigger the software but they are going to happen.
Oh and the real traitors will not be forgotten.
In its article, the Daily Express says “Owen Jones … the writer, 31,was discussing the shooting …”. Surely it should be “Owen Jones … the writer, 13, was discussing the shooting …”?
And the Guardian has a word for Queer Muslims. The media are going in heavy to protect the RoP.
I think someone should tell the queer muslims: “You ain’t no muslim bruv.”
When they throw you from buildings, crush you under walls, stone you, hang you, behead you, shoot you, it’s not because islam welcomes gays.
When can we expect a joint fatwa against violence to homosexuals and rescinding sharia law as set by the Quran on the subject…issued by the Grand Mufti of Mecca and the council of Ayatollahs in Qom?
Does the Guardians “queer muslim” answer this question, even consider the possibility….no of course not.
But she does try to equate Islam with evangelical Christianity seemingly forgetting the commandment to Christians “Thou shalt not kill”.
“Ears they have but still they do not hear”.
One continuing theme of the media is that it was the action of a single actor who, despite having declared his allegiance to IS, has not been identified as being a member of that or any other organisation. As if that somehow makes it alright, then. This is disinformation, but also ignores a basic tenet of Islam. Becoming a Muslim is very simple – all you have to do is make a declaration, called the Shahada. You simply say “La ilaha illallah, Muhammadun rasulullah” (I testify that there is no other god but Allah, and Muhammad is God’s messenger/prophet) and, provided you’re sincere, you’re in. It’s similar with supporting IS – if you say you are supporting IS and you’re sincere in that statement then you are supporting IS. It is not necessary to hold some sort of membership card, pay subscription dues, be or appear to be religious, attend a terrorist training camp, spend time in Syria or anything else. The declaration or belief, followed by action, is what determines it.
Mr Rushlow- good point. The leftist media is desperately clinging to the ‘no true Scotsman’ fallacy (which should now be renamed the ‘no true Muslim’ fallacy). Exemplified by Mr Cameron repeating the phrase ‘You ain’t no muslim bruv’ in Parliament when discussing the Leyton tube station attacker.
On the topic of BBC ‘nothing to do with’ editorial integrity…
The permit community lives in fear of an interrupted itinerary.
Let’s get something right about that little shit, Owen Jones. He is having tantrums because people will not accept his view that Orlando was a homophobic attack and consequently nothing to do with Islam. It is shits like Jones who combine support for gay rights with a stringent campaign of no platforming those who criticize Islam, he is a supporter and regular speaker at UAF meetings among supporters of jihadists;- he even has his picture on their FB page, and is fully aware that among his UAF and left friends are fellow travelers of violent Islamic groups. He has an influential position as a speaker, Guardian writer, with regular TV appearances where he denounces Islamophobia, uses witch hunt tactics to brand critics of Islam as racists and Islamophobes, and is an enemy of open free speech. Just the kind of shit that allows jihadists to flourish, surrounded by fellow travelers like himself. Remember this Owen Jones: there is blood on your hands for your role in stamping out criticism of Islam with your left fascist Trot comrades. You may be at the gay tribute at Orlando street tonight, maybe with some of the gays who will be flaunting themselves with Moslems who stick cocks up their bums, and you will no doubt denounce as racist those who warn gays that Islam is universally hostile to them and that it is not lone nut cases and individual homophobes that are executing your fellow gays in numerous Islamic countries. Jones: piss off to live in some Islamic country, and we will await a few of your appearances on their TV shows demonstrating the comparability of real peaceful Islam with the gay community.
> Let’s get something right about that little shit, Owen Jones.
Charming. Nice to see Biased BBC’s reputation for civil discourse is as mythical as ever.
> He is having tantrums because people will not accept his view that Orlando was a homophobic attack and consequently nothing to do with Islam.
Absolutely wrong – he said it was both. Which was his point. But typically, you decided what his point should be and decided to rant against that, because hey, what’s one more lying hypocrite on a site that values dishonesty and double standards above anything else?
> It is shits like Jones who combine… [ratings of a deluded halfwit snipped for brevity]
He’s a far more cogent and coherent speaker than you. And he knows what he’s talking about – something else that separates the two of you.
I realise that you think calling him a shit makes you better than him. On the evidence of your own little rants, you’re quite clearly wrong.
Owen Jones “knows what he’s talking about “. I just almost wet myself laughing!
And before you accuse me of being “homophobic”, I would point out that I am gay and I still consider him to be a 24 carat, weapons-grade twat!
> I still consider him to be a 24 carat, weapons-grade twat!
Does’t make his point any less valid.
He does tend to testiculate a lot though.
that’s waving his hands about whilst talking bollocks.
Rob – Quality! I’m going to steal that one if you don’t mind!
“Owen Jones “knows what he’s talking about “”
Might be true, might not. The problem is that nobody else knows what he is talking about. A slight disadvantage for someone in his line of
workactivity.Either way, his attitude could use some improvement. Doubt if he’s feeling very pleased with himself today.
> Either way, his attitude could use some improvement.
Getting lectures from Biased BBC regulars on attitude? Riiight.
Next up: Bears instruct other animals not to shit in woods.
The essential difference, Jerrod, is that I don’t claim to be a professional journalist/TV personality/whatever he calls himself. This is a blog, nothing more. You are clearly unable to tell the difference.
My line of work was entirely different and I wouldn’t have conducted myself like a spoiled, petulant adolescent.
Seriously folks
Stop feeding the child’s ego…….
“Stop feeding the child’s ego……. ”
Stunted growth – makes no difference.
Jerrod, I am not here to prove myself better or worse than anyone else. Virtue signalling or striving for a morally superior position may be your interest, but that is not mine and it is not the way to attack me. I called Owen a shit because in this respect he is a shit. If he were a bus driver I would call him a bus driver; it is a factual statement not a moral judgement. Calling someone a shit is correct if they lie and deceive about the relationship between Islam and gays, because that can be dangerous to any who believes what he says. If someone is a shit it is insulting to them not to describe them correctly.
He maintained that the murders had nothing to do with Islam. On that you are wrong; he produced the mantra known as the no true Scotsman fallacy, insisting that it was a false or distorted version of Islam the killer held, not the real Islam which as he repeatedly says in his writings, is peaceful.
Jones is a shit who works alongside UAF shits who use violence to disrupt meetings and actually devalue words like ‘fascist’, ‘racist’ and nazi’, which they apply so widely, thus effectively robbing them of their critical power.
You say he is a more cogent speaker than I. At least you have attended my lectures. Thank you for that. In which case you will be aware that unlike Jones, I do not shout down, talk over people and attempt to verbally intimidate women who are trying to enter a conversation.
Now Jerrod, fuck off to your left safe space. People have been killed by a monster committed to Islam and people like Jones, and presumably yourself, cannot admit that despite the many Moslems that are not engaged in terrorism, Islam has a problem with violence, which your BBC will not discuss.
> I called Owen a shit because in this respect he is a shit… it is a factual statement not a moral judgement.
No, it’s exactly a moral judgement. One being applied by someone who uses phrases like “virtua signalling” to denigrate other who make value judgements too.
Your’e a sleazy little hypocrite who’s pretending that your own thoughts and opinions are moral absolutes. They’re not. And just because you type them up on the internet doesn’t improve them.
But carrying on lying to yourself and everyone else if it makes you feel the slightest bit better about your inability to comprehend other people’s thoughts or beliefs. God knows it appears you need something to compensate for all that bile, vitriol and lies that are bubbling inside you.
Arguments conducted on the basis of this post are futile. They add nothing to anything.
The murders by a terrorrist in Orlando are exactly that . The fact that the victims were mostly gay is a fact of it but not the main issue. In addition the US gun laws are not the main factor .If the terrorrist was ,as he appears to be an Isis adherent then he carried out his actions in accordance with Isis doctrine which is to destroy our way of life. and spread their Islamic world view
The next attack, if it happens, may well target another of our ciivlisation’s groups. .
We just do not know.
Isis have declared war on us. That we do know and their motivation is in accordance with strict Islamic doctrine. That is to spread Islam throughout the world until the Dar al Islam replaces all other world views and beliefs.
However the capacity for self deception by most of us is limitless and rather than take a determind enemy at his word we pretend that we know better than he his motivation.
In the end Jerrod you and us are bound together by our culture and beliefs however much we debate these. The common enemy of us is the terrorrist and that is all we need to know.
So if a synagogue had been attacked it wouldn’t have been an act of antisemitism?
Marvin, it was a homophobic act. But it was a lot worse than homophobia – it was an attack on the Western way of life and Western democratic values. Worse than that it was disgusting mass murder. But the point is that it an Islamic act, in accordance with Islamic doctrine where gays are to be murdered. In a nutshell: it was a homophobic act in accordance with Islam.
Don’t be obtuse. Militant Islam is at war with the world and modernity. It takes many forms but the one constant is the use of terror against us all.
Jerrod, now you are being silly. You miss my point that some factual assertions cover moral judgments, such as ‘Cameron is a liar’ and ‘Corbyn is a loser’ and for the reasons I gave ‘Jones is a shit’, which are factual whatever I may pretend about my thoughts and opinions. You haven’t much grasp of logic or moral argument have you? You see Jerrod, you really do think that all opinions and factual statements are subjective and argument is only about feeling better. Bless, as Scotty says.
As for ‘lying to myself’, I like that. I often tell porkies to myself and miss trains and appointments. Why I might lie to myself that Islam adores gays and demand a gay wedding in Iran.
> and for the reasons I gave ‘Jones is a shit’, which are factual
No, they’re your opinions, dressed up as fact because you like to believe that whatever sewer bilge spews out of your mouth must be the truth. But I do appreciate that you’re not quite the full shilling, and might actualy believe that you’re actually the fount of all knowledge, and not just a sad, decrepit little man who acts all big and self-important online in order to compensate for his own crushing sense of impotence.
Why do you visit this site if it so upsets you ? Are you attention seeking ?
Please note that I do not use abusive or offensive language in my message to you and expect none in return.
You would be better served visiting a pro Al Beeb website.
Great post G.W.F
Most people would usually take an intellectual blow on the chin…..not Jerrod though.
Like all liberals/fantasists, he’ll continue to make excuses for the most vile people on Earth (because…..tolerance and equality)
Jerrod, as the bodies pile up, your support of Islam crumbles.
I know a fair few people who, for whatever reason, have always defended the ROP.
Seems to me that they’re finally waking from a liberal induced coma.
Perhaps it’s time you did the same?
I ask out of genuine curiosity and not because I’m preparing a “good comeback” but please may I know how old you are?
I’m 53.
While you throw your toys out of the pram about others ‘ranting’, here’s one of your own from yesterday.
“I mean, this is Biased BBC, which doesn’t do complexity, honesty, or anything that doesn’t involve a hypocritical little halfwit trying to compensate for his own sense of crushing inadequacy. So I don’t expect you to do anything different other than to be a judgemental, incoherently ignorant wanker. But please, at least attempt to be marginally less stupid than taffman, Biased BBC’s resident lobotomised village idiot.”
You often accuse people but you are behaving like that little spoiled child on TV last night . If it upsets you so much, why on earth do you visit this site ? Are you seeking attention ?
Owen Jones – dunno but he seems to have that kind of face that was created specifically for slapping.
Dame Margaret Hodge has just delivered a triple whammy of reality denial on the Daily Politics.
It’s nothing to do with Islam, it’s nothing to do with the EU, it’s nothing to do with immigration.
Words fail me.
I don’t suppose JoCo asked her about organised paedophile gangs operating in children’s homes in Islington when she was leader of the council? Apparently that was nothing to do with her either. She does miss an awful lot that’s going on, doesn’t she?
MP for Barking. How serendipitous…
You just reminded me of an RN standard comment. He/she’s Dagenham – one stop short of barking.
Rhif Saith , “He’s Harpic” ?
A term for…………. He’s ‘Clean round the Bend ‘ .
Imagine if there was a news organization as big as the BBC whose highly paid journalists checked out a few leads on angles related to events like the Orlando shooting. Maybe checked out the shooter’s family. His father appears to be a rather busy man.
The BBC do not do serious journalism. Their job is propanganda.
The US administration ought to be ashamed of themselves. Anyway, I want to complain about the BBCs biased inaccurate reporting:
Firstly, I had no sound on that video clip of the father speaking to Afghanistan (!), describing his feelings about his son’s actions. Secondly, the BBC quote him as saying ‘the fate of gay people was “not in the hands of humans” as it was, he said, only God who could judge’. As if that statement isn’t bad enough, it was otherwise reported on the 1pm Radio 2 news, as him saying God would decide the ‘punishment’ for gays!!!! Please correct me if I misheard that – did anyone else? Just wondered if they’ve taken the sound of the clip so you can’t hear him say it……
Just checked Sky who have that clip of the father’s statement, with a translation (!), and I think they’ve cut off the bit at the end where he says God will decide the ….BBC say ‘fate’, I thought I heard them translate ‘punishment’….do I need my hearing checking!
Sorry to bang on about this but I was so outraged that this message could be given to the world – and who is outraged with me?? Where are all the SJWs now….I’m waiting! Here it is – I knew I’d heard it –
“God himself will punish those involved in homosexuality,” Seddique Mateen said in the statement, which was posted on Facebook and uncovered by the Washington Post
And the gays, like Jones and Jerrod, are saying the murders were nothing to do with Islam. Words fail me.
Gay like Jones and Jerrod are a serious problem for other gays. The gay movement, which did fight honourably against persecution, was gradually taken over by leftists, entrist trots, like those who captured some of the unions and the Labour Party, the NUS, and any group which encounter a glimmer of unfairness.
But these entrists, like Jones’ comrades, the Trots of the SWP, and others, are not there to advance gay issues; they have a political/socialist objective. By themselves these groups, unions, protesters of various sorts, and gays, are lacking in political consciousness which only the party possesses. And in their superior wisdom the party understand that to overthrow capitalism (neo liberalism) alliances will have to be made with other enemies of capitalism, such as the Jihadists. Hence the alliance between the left and Islam. Gays are therefore told by the politicized gays, like Jones etc. that they have an affinity with Islam. You can spot the Trots in the coming responses by the gay community to criticism of Islam. Gays who follow their politicized leaders will insist that Orlando was homophobic with nothing to do with Islam. You cannot allow the masses to be divided, can you?
My big question to Jones and Jerrod is “How many gays have to die before you accept that Homosexuality and Islam do not mix?”
A rider to that is “why do you demonise Israel when they have a massive gay pride festival, allow same sex marriages and had that dreadful Dana International who won the Eurovision Song Contest some years back?” Israel, the only country in the region that doesn’t persecute gays.
> why do you demonise Israel
I have never done any such thing, you addled halfwit.
Does having to lie in order to make yourself feel superior not give you any sense of shame, or are you too stupid to realise that you’re incapable of behaving like an adult?
Jerrod – your miniscule-brained lot always demonise Israel. The liar is you. As always.
> Jerrod – your miniscule-brained lot always demonise Israel.
Ah, I see. Your sole justification is “because I said so”.
> The liar is you. As always.
You accused me of demonising Israel. I have never done.
I’m not the liar here, Demon. As is so often the case, you are.
> Gay like Jones and Jerrod are a serious problem for other gays.
So glad we have GWF telling people what they think, and then getting angry about it! Must be so much more convenient than engaging a brain and actually listening to other people. Far better to be a stupid little liar, eh, GWF? That way you won’t feel out of place amongst all the other halfwits, hypocrites and lunatics on this site.
GWF: God, What a Fuckwit.
Jerrod, Do better,you are employing vague accusations about not using a brain and ‘lunatics’ on this site, then playing with my initials, rather than confronting arguments. I understand that your comrades in the SWP are making fun of your ramblings on this site. My post outlined the standard trot entrist strategy and you avoided a rebuttal. Bless, as Scotty says..
> I understand that your comrades in the SWP are making fun of your ramblings on this site.
“I understand” = “I’m making stuff up because I so desperately want to be a bully, but am just as bad at that as I am at everything else in life”.
I have no comrades in the SWP. Indeed, if anybody I know in any walk of life is a member of the SWP, they’ve kept it from me.
I think those “comrades” you’re listening to are just a few more of those voices in your head, aren’t they? You pathetic little twerp.
Jerrod, You tire me with your personal attacks By all means attack hard, but bind together the personal attack with a valid argument which defeats your opponent. Now I will reply in kind. You repeatedly attack me over my size – is that sizist? . Now please answer this: as a gay, come on man to man, do you prefer sex in the home or in public toilets? Many of my gay friends live quiet lives, work, have fun, and I absolutely adore their company and would go out and fight for them, but I assume they have sex in their homes. But some prefer public toilets and do it in public. What do you think about that? Is it homophobic to complain about it?
Sorry, a bit confused about this, there seem to be several conflicting threads. Could someone explain how an American of Afghan descent, with bi-polar issues but no connection with Islam, was able to do so much damage with a plastic chair?
Is this a Bernard Manning joke?
Love it Rob
No Rob, supposed to be an Owen Jones joke but he probably wouldn’t like the B. Manning association.
Eventually, when it happens to them personally, they finally wake up and smell the coffee….Never happen at the Socialist, Islam appeasing BBC though..
“In the wake of this latest Muslim attack, Trump also is repeating the fact that he called for ban on Muslim immigration.
It’s obvious that at least some Muslims who are in America now need to leave. The late Lawrence Auster thought that, ultimately, they all will have to leave.
But there may be a million Muslims in the US on Green Cards, H-1B visas, and of course R-1 Religious Visas for Imams, Mullahs, and similar preachers of Muslim doctrine.
Those could all be revoked by the Executive Branch with the stroke of a pen.
If it was Donald Trump‘s pen.” James Fulford
“My, oh my, oh my.
This will present the liberals with such a predicament.
Three of their pet groups, two of them “protected classes” involved, namely, muslims, gays, and hispanics (I saw a lot hispanic names of victims and family members during news coverage of this event).
How, oh how, will they blame this on Trump and NOWMOs (nasty, old, white male oppressors).
This should be interesting to watch as we are yet again told that Islam is a “religion of peace”, and how this should not be construed as an Islamic attack on gays or hispanics.
Of course, we can expect the usual attacks on gun rights.
The garbage that will be spewed out by the lying media over the next few days should be interesting and amusing.”
A. Nonymous
I’ve been following this story on the BBC, but I’m having a problem understanding the most important point.
1) The BBC has told me that a large number of people were killed in a gay nightclub.
2) They have given me some background facts about the man who killed them.
3) All the BBC commentators have been very clear that the outrage was that the man had a gun and was able to shoot his victims.
All that is clear to me, but no BBC commentator has yet told me how they would have prefered the man to have killed his victims. I presume that as the problem is that he shot them, then it would have been acceptable to have blown them up or burnt them alive, or whatever else the man’s book of instructions suggested; but no one on the BBC will tell us what method he should have used.
At the moment I think that killing people you don’t like is wrong, but if I am to think that in this case it is only wrong because he shot them I need to know how he should have killed all those unarmed civilians. By the way – do we still call them “soft targets”?
I also read that he held a handgun as part of his job (working as a security guard for G4S). So even if gun control had been in place, he still had a weapon, so could have set about mass killings anyway. (Though I accept the assault weapon might have helped him kill more)
Further indicating his vileness is nothing to do with ‘gun control’, and everything to do with our favourite religion.
Who would have thought it?
RJ. According to their holy book and past record, he should have beheaded them
It’s only a matter of days before the BBC, Guardian, Channel Snore et al blame white supremacists for stoking up hatred against ‘disenfranchised minorities’. The killer declared his loyalty to ISIS but left still in denial FFS!
“blame white supremacists”
No, no, no. It’s because of ‘Palestine’ and those nasty apartheid Jooz, silly.
I believe Obummer has already described it as “home grown terrorism”; move along now…nothing to see here…except for another of those damned “lone wolves” that is.
hadda, Wait for the accusation that the shooter in Orlando was a member of Mossad
“Wait for the accusation that the shooter in Orlando was a member of Mossad”
S`pose it`s only the dame as dedicating a goal to your new baby isn`t it?
Too much badge kissing on telly, too many pre-season tours…dedicating your dead corpses to IS is a first…I`m sure the empty emoters of sport-and the hearts and minds fops like Snow will understand.
Tumbleweed as an Islamist nutjob lays waste to over 50 assumed gays.
Yet before we are given their sexual orientation, the liberals will light their buildings up in rainbow lights, all manner of gender types will claim each body for the “homophobic, LGBT” cause…co-opted in their perpetual search for greater privilege, higher top trumps of grievances than anybody else.
Except Muslims-as they(and we) are finding today as per.
The cognitive dissonance is simply too much for the left, as personnified by Owen Jones.
It is these identity hustlers who have decided that some deaths(gays) matter more and are deserving of attention than others.
No wonder then that Owen Jones walks off-he can hardly come out and blame a Muslim now can he?
So it`ll be the Christian Right and gun ownership-and of course Donald Trumps fault.
Funny that-the liberal left clutch a gay corpse to its bosom, and that is solidarity and empathising.
But if Trump tells the truth, gives the history and others accept that he`s correct?…well that`s “disgusting” and leaching off the dead.
As if Obama and Clinton have done anything but since Fort Hood.
Oh splendid!
You`d think that a couple of minutes silence with solidarity with the 49 gays(and one straight bloke called Luis Vielma, who worked on Harry Potters ride at Disney nearby) wouldn`t be too much for Jon Snow and his execrable mincing showpony of a show called Channel 4 News.But no-as the Dean St gays stood silently by at 7pm-well tough, because Snow had a show to emote on,Krishnan was just unpacking his rainbow suitcase from Premier Class in Florida( a nice break, silver lining eh Krish?).
So Snow spouted off like a chocolate fountain, gloop, solidarity and -well hearts and solidarity really!
But no Islam. no Muslims-and no prospect of Islam having anything to do with any unpleasantness-just no.
Well done Snow-of course Crick would sound off all over UKIP or Leave rallies at the back of the hall…but that was OK…and didn`t insult dead gays like Snow did.
No inquiry though-and bloody Trump causes it all anyway.
And our murderer?…he was American….as if that prevents him from being a jihadist Muslim…which is what Channel 4 and the BBC seem hell-bent on perping…hence more deaths to come-and more nice places for Krishnan to get out to.
Oh WHY?…well it`s because of Islam.
I am appalled at the lack of diversity and inclusion at the Soho vigil remembering those murdered in Orlando.
The under-representation of ethnic minorities among the mourners is clearly a matter for the EHRC.
Imagine what a massive headache there would have been in the Far Left Al Beeb newsroom if the Orlando lone wolf with mental health issues had stoned and beheaded his victims instead of shooting them!
You have to agree that when all of this is considered it has nothing to do with Islam?
A man goes into gay bar, and opens fire with a gun. A Gun ? where is one of those mentioned in the Qur’an? No! If he’d been a proper Muslim he would have marched them all up onto the roof of a tall building and forced them to jump, and then stoned any survivors !
Of course just like Rotherham, here was a man who went to his local mosque and spoke openly about his intentions to the people, who apparently lapped it up, and just like Rotherham not one of them reported anything untoward to the authorities.
What may help now is for Henriette Reker to pop over to Orlando to share her wisdom on how things can be calmed down Cologne style. So to assist easily agitated younger generation nationals still assimilating, maybe it would be best to advise folk to ease up on public shows of affection, for instance.
This will surely cause nary a ripple in the corridors of the BBC, as it failed to do the last time. Unless somehow now it would be different.
I don’t know why there is so much surprise that homosexuals are happy to deny Islam bears any blame for this mass murder. Many white homosexuals fancy brown men and consequently are pro mass immigration. they dont want to say anything that nourishes anti immigration sentiment. We also know that most homosexuals are willing to bear risk for the sake of more thrilling sex.
The risk of being murdered by a Muslkim remains small so the more brown men the better as far as they are concerned.
No surprise either that Margaret Hodges, a wealthy Jewess, is also happy to deny Islamic involvement. She isnt after sex, but she certainly doenst want to inflame anti immigration sentiments. There are undoubtedly Jews who are anti immigration but they are rarities and Hodges certainly isnt one of them.
Self righteous bigot Bev turner on LBC has also been in full on ‘no connection with Islam’ mode today. She even suggested that since the murderers ex-wife said he is mentally ill, that must be an accurate diagnosis.
12:31am – Police think gunman Mateen may have had an accomplice
Seddique Mateen, the father of the Islamic terrorist who murdered 49 innocent people in Florida, has spoken.
He tells us that (paraphrasing) it is not up to the individual to deal with gays. Allah has the responsibility for their punishment.
Oh, that makes it all right then, thanks for clearing that up.
It would appear that it’s not just his son who has mental health problems, it’s all of Islam.
The left, gays, and Islam are the problem
More than one shooter in Orlando, eye witnesses report. “Shooter called someone else and mentioned he was the fourth shooter.”
(Linked from:
Also this, eye-witness report of two shooters on the loose. So much for “lone-woolfery”.