A new week dawns and time for a new one of these. Anyone see Andrew Marr giving dodgy Dave an easy ride yesterday with no awkward questions about Turkey. Nudge Nudge, say no more. The floor is yours…
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BBC Online News:
“”Orlando shootings: Club attacker ‘disturbed’ says ex-wife””
Hmmm….the diversion by ‘Blame tactics’ begin by the BBC.
1. Blame on the availability of guns.
2. Blame on murderer’s mental state.
3. Blame on FBI for not stopping him.
Nothing to do with Islam, of course. Nothing here to link the global series of atrocities.
Can t bear anymore of the Biased Bullsh-t Concoctors today … shameful
turned over to the Jon Gaunt Show, only to find arch islamophile Mike Yardley waffling apologist bollox
the callers and e mails begged to differ
I ll paraphrase … “how much longer have we got to listen to this sh-t”
no link yet, think its well worth a listen.
BBC just drones on Orlando shootings: Club attacker had ‘grudge in his heart’
then bleats on about gun control … deflectionary garbage
Here s the link – https://t.co/Ln48XTNiqE
you d never hear points like this on the Al BBC
Another day another outrage, another desperate BBC news management exercise in denial and missing the point.
Tempting to just switch it off and ignore the endless chatter.
But I do confess to a horrified fascination in watching liberals and leftists agonise over the mounting bloodshed…..the direct result of the unnecessary social experiment of trying to reconcile overt, in yer face homosexuality and the Islamic religion…..whilst keeping up the fiction that both somehow help to advance western civilisation….supported by zero historical precedents.
The sadness is that I, like many others on here and elsewhere over the past half century or so saw this coming.
We’re the people who, when we tried to warn of the danger, people called “bigots” and “islamophobes” and others wrote laws to try and silence. Remember Ray Honeyford?
Liberals have sowed a whirlwind……no wonder they are in denial.
Trump is the latest in a long line to become hate figures for liberals because……”we told you so”.
If the liberal elite and the likes of the BBC were able to be honest, just for once, they would admit that everything Enoch Powell said was true.
If Enoch had told them that fire was hot, leftists would stick their hands in the flames to prove him wrong. Which, when you think about it, is exactly what they did.
With perfect timing – Social Justice Warrior on the McBBC re- Orlando?
Oh Yes! D Murray tells Sconny Bottleland a few home truths.
Just as an adage …
D Murray was to be on a Ch4 News Gay hate crime discussion, but Owen Jones refused to appear with him, so … in case the “enfant terrible” spat the dummy out again.
Ch4 went all right on … Owen Jones, appeared with queer/transgender activist muslim Noorulann Shahid, and Scottish National Party MP Mhairi Black. with Jon Snow fawning all over them.
Pass the sick bag !
I watched the programme: what a crock of shit. Owen and his pals having a good giggle. Keeping Islam out of it, even the Moslem queer avoided any discussion regarding the motivation of the shooter.
Note the camera work. First shot of the crowds focusing on a banner which said ‘People of all faith unite against LGBT Hate’. Then close up of a woman with a headscarf.
But more subtle and disgusting was the attempt to slip in gun control. Scene in Washington, Gay men singing the Star and Stripes, but the camera swings to the right side and focuses on a banner proclaiming that the ‘NRA kills our Children’.
So tell me C4. How many NRA members have been involved in shooting atrocities?
There we have it. No attempt to address the causes, an opportunity to highlight objective of Gay activists and smooth away any criticism of Islam.
Excellent, Nogginator. Thanks for the link.
IMHO Douglas Murry should stand as a Member of Parliament.
A message to the western world who have to a very great extent turned their backs on God
The instrument of your judgement is living among you…….and you opened the gates in spite of all the warnings
Manna from heaven for the bBBC ‘minorities’ marxists.
The Florida shooting gives reporters the chance to see just how many times in 60 seconds the letters LGBT can be mentioned. Believe me, its a challenge they are taking up with gusto.
And on the Toady running order, the ‘gay nightclub’ gets 4 explicit mentions.
But when it comes to the religious persuasions of the perpetrator of this evil, well…errrrr…….. an eery silence strangely descends. Funny, that.
Sweet irony this morning as with a straight face BBC tell us UEFA will chuck England out of europe because we won’t play nice….
Delicious cant from the acronym merchants whilst the likes of Platini, Blatter and their ilk are now utilising the contents of Putin’s brown envelopes to pay their lawyers – even as we are reassured the World Cup is positively absolutely come Hell or Highwater going to be played in Qatar and Russia.
Blimey, we shouldn’t be surprised, these supra-nationals are relentless on our behalf – even a plague of mosquitos followed by the curse of the shrunken heads of the first born can’t stop the Olympics going to Brasil
What a shame should UEFA chuck England out of europe – we’ll be reduced to playing football with the other home nations, Argentina, South Africa, Japan, Australia, China, India…
Never let it be said the BBC don’t put out a Christian message… following islamist attrocities we are always advised to turn the other cheek. Not that Obama will pension off his security detail just yet, or Cameron go on a walkabout in Dewsbury or indeed send his sprogs to Rotherham comprehensive.
Have to hand it to the BBC we did get some precise facts about an upcoming event this morning – we now know where and when to attend the spontaneous Soho peace vigil scheduled for this evening.
And well done corporate giant BT – they have sent a letter to all employees advising them to vote Remain… or probably their jobs will be lost – classy. Come on BBC… have the courage of your convictions and follow suit – or did your employees already get the memo, so to speak.
Hmm, would that be the BT that outsourced its call centres to India and buys most of its equipment from China’s Huawei? Maybe they are thinking of changing their name to ET (European Telecom), or better still, they should learn to ‘phone home’ with the jobs.
Another little snippet about BT – in the past they have given money to Operation Black Vote, which recently produced a viciously racist poster against white people extolling Indian grannies to vote in the referendum.
Was it here or on Guido that I read that a poll by BT of its subscribers had registered an 80% Brexit verdict, and that this poll had been removed, albeit like all internet history, still available?
After the exit we shall all stop using landlines and broadband. These businesses who tell employees which way to vote are stupid. Firstly, it is none of their business, next most employees have some grievances about their work and do not like being bullied. If I were undecided, I may vote the opposite way.
BT even with its present ownership is still a disaster, so to have the boss? tell his workers how to vote in the referendum is typical. I remember well the original BT, incompetent, short of telephones, shared lines and a 6 to 9 month waiting list. And they still ring me up to ask for my support…….not a chance!
Well said !
Just listened to Gordon Brown interviewed on Toady; quite amazing to think that this pile of ordure was once our PM.
A typical response from somebody within the highest echelons of the Labour Party: immigration from the EU should neither be stopped nor restricted. It is incredible how they seem unable to grasp that this is now THE issue of the referendum and indeed it always had been before then; the Remainiacs were determined to attempt to keep the debate on the economic argument, they are now unable to do so and immigration will be what decides the outcome (IMHO).
You beat me to it, Al Shubtil. The Gorgon Brown gave figures for Romanian/Bulgarian immigration for 2007/8, not the current ones, refused to answer, or did I miss the response, Humpty’s question about Blair/Brown’s ridiculous estimates of 14,000 EE immigrants a year in 2004 and said that the government needed to do more to help communities who have ‘welcomed’ large numbers of immigrants. WTF!
As I posted on another thread, it’s all the government’s fault for not throwing even more money at it, according to NuLabour’s dinosaurs. Brown will go down like a bucket of cold sick with Labour’s suffering supporters in t’North, not that I sympathise with them because their government led us to this.
(Fair crack to Humpty though, who I hate for his normal anti-Tory invective and Labour bias. He stuck it to Brown this time, which throws into even starker relief his/his colleague’s failure to question Brown and his ‘ministers’ on their lies about having ‘repaid’ debt in the years leading up to Brown’s crash.
If there is an empty seat on a bus and a ‘migrant’ takes up that seat and pays his £5 fare then the bus company gains £5 for no extra cost. Immigration is a good thing.
If there aren’t any empty seats on the bus and there is a ‘migrant’ left at the bus stop then the bus company is at fault for not spending £50,000 on a new bus. Is immigration a good thing?
Jim, you can take that a stage further. Bus company spends £50,000 on a new bus to run for one person. Hits profits from both buses. Bus Co. struggles, pays no tax.
More passengers are ‘created’ but have no work. The State gives them £5 to travel on the bus all day. Bus Co. still struggles but rather less. Profits still not enough to pay tax. Then they go home to the house they haven’t got. So that’s provided. Has to be paid for by taxes. Bus Co. isn’t paying them at present. Still writing off cost of extra bus & p.y. losses. So State creates extra taxes to be paid by everyone but hit lowest paid most.
Economy tanks. Bus Co. has less passengers so State pays direct subsidy from taxpayer, borrowing to do it. Bus Co goes into receivership, bought out with services stripped down to minimum – OK, no workers for travelling – no subsidy and fares trebled or quadrupled. Reduced to running a second-hand minibus. Now, lots of new workers are hanging round on street corners, half-starving given £1 day to do so.
How happy are they going to be? How happy are the Bus Co going to be? How happy are the people who need buses for social or shopping purposes going to be? How happy are the country going to be seeing no new shiny buses full of workers of any sort, reduced to expensive secondhand minibuses?
Grievance industry will try to do well out of it but some of their proponents caused the problems in the first place.
(Who says economists are useless? 🙂 )
I am sorry, you have got this all wrong.
The problem is austerity. Government needs to provide a bus, school, hospital and house for every immigrant. They all work you know, and their £7.20 an hour minimum wage jobs contribute far more to our economy that they take out.
Nichola Surgeon explained this to me, and I feel enriched.
LOL, Rob.
“Nichola Surgeon explained this to me, and I feel enriched.”
“Oooh! Matron!”
Peter, The Humph had Broon by the throat but let him escape. Editor wittering in his ear-piece perhaps?
Time for the Beeb to suggest extra gardening time for the old stager.
Which one?
Will do for both.
More seriously, it is the Government’s fault – very much Labour 1997-2010 – in that 1. it did not take sufficient in tax from high earners & the wealthy (while taking too much tax lower down the income scale) for good investment in infrastructure geared to handling the migration levels then being experienced, 2. they did not think to ask the EU for a greater rebate or even a contribution for our infrastructure needed to handle free movement of people going west, and 3. that meant we always had a backlog of needed investment.
The problem with Labour is that they are always in denial. They live in a constant state of it. An example: “We need more electricity generation capacity. A new nuclear power station.” “No. We cannot deal with the waste.” “OK. Gas then?” “No. That’s causing climate change.”Not coal, then?” “No. That’s worse! Although it would create much needed jobs for our Labour-voting miners. But then it was Maggie who closed all the pits in her vicious attack on the working man. Oops, sorry: can’t say working man, not gender inclusive.” “Why not re-open a pit with a new power station built nearby and work on clean coal technology?” “No Maggie closed all the pits, we can’t re-open them because they will not then be closed by Maggie and coal causes climate change anyway.” “Well, you’ll need to do something. More UK population requires more electricity. More electronic gadgets, especially IT ones, that Labour is encouraging everyone to buy require massive amounts of power.” “Well, we’ll dash for gas then.” “You do know our UK production of gas is coming to an end. We will have to import gas from other parts of the world. It will affect our balance of payments. It will weaken our energy security. It will make us extra vulnerable to market shocks.” “No, no, it will be perfectly all right. We are prudent. We are enjoying the longest sustained period of economic growth ever seen in the UK.”
Yeah, right. Denial. Denial. Denial.
Keep on blethering, Gordon. I hope the great British people are mentally sharp this week. After a week of being hit over the head by Gordon (‘That woman’s a ‘) Brown, I hope the Leave campaign’s ratings go up by at least 5 points.
(PS: I am aware that Blair was surrendering the UK’s EU rebate and also that Labour closed more pits pre-Thatcher than the Conservatives.)
The problem we, the People, have as voters is that there is little if any difference twixt Broon and camerloon, both having the IQ of a plant, sorry veggies. And now we have the camerloon new statement that he , himself all on his own will divorce us from the single market……lunacy on viagra. He must/should know that other Countries are in the single market whilst being outside the EU. But of course he has not reads “Flexcit”, how to get out whilst staying in the single market at a stroke, problem solved. What he also forgets is that we are voting whether to remain or go…….nothing to do with the single Market. Reallity seems a strange thing to him!
Gordon seemed exceptionally hyper, incoherent and babbly this morning.
Illegal immigrants??!! What is the Cunnus Cunnorum talking about?
I think we can safely assume the chances of Brexit are increasing by the day.
Gordon thinks he single-handedly won the Scottish referendum with his timely interventions.
In the modest manner of the political class, he has no doubt convinced himself and anyone stupid enough to listen to him, that he alone can save the day and prevent the ultimate collapse of the EU. Hence his futile grandstanding on the Today programme.
The Labour in-position is contradictory nonsense. They say the UK parliament is independent and sovreign and yet EU legislation can stop an elected Tory government from changing workers’ rights even if it has a mandate to do so.
Brown seemed very keen to point out that immigration from Romania and Bulgaria in 2007/8 was “only” 32,000, the size of a small town. Until the 1990s, that was the level of immigration we could expect in a year from the entire world!
Strange though that the McMentalist did not have the figures for Romanian/Bulgarian immigration for 2015 to hand. Can anyone imagine why that may be? Does anyone think the number will be less than 32,000, or are you all bigots who think it will be more than 32,000?
Citizen Khan creator Adil Ray ‘honoured’ by OBE
Proof if any were needed that the bar needed to receive an honour is set far lower for ethnic minorities than it is for white British people.
Remind me again just how long it took Bruce Forsythe to receive an honour, and only then after a public outcry !
Browsing in HMV the other day, I was astonished to see a DVD of ‘Citizen Khan Series 4’. Yes, there have been more series of it than there are actual viewers. Truly a first that deserves an OBE.
I do hope that it was remaindered!
Vera Lynn had to wait until 1969 to receive an OBE, but then again all she did was travel to Egypt, India and Burma during the war to entertain the troops. That’s nothing compared to producing a PC unfunny sitcom.
Leslie Phillips has still not received a knighthood, and the late Ronnie Corbett died before he knew he had got one. Just think of all the smiles and laughs those two have given to people across the world in the last 60 years.
Ding dong!
Slight correction needed Rob in Cheshire…….’ I say…Ding Dong ‘. ITHANGYOU.
You’re not wrong!
Contrasting treatment of Gordon Brown and Liam Fox on Today at 8.35. Brown emerges from the darkness to promote immigration and is given uninterrupted time to give us the benefit of his views. Next it’s Liam Fox who is interrupted by Justin Webb twice in the first 20 seconds of his interview. Further interruptions by Webb to extolled the virtues of migration . Blatant bias.
Damn, I was making breakfast, I will have to pick that bit up on iPlayer.
Brown did employ the normal Labour tactic of speaking over the interviewer so as to block more detailed questioning and allow greater airtime for his propaganda.
Allowing Brown to have his daft say might backfire on the Remainiacs. He was clearly still in favour of uncontrolled economic immigration to the UK and poured scorn on Migrationwatch’s projections, saying, iirc, you can’t believe projections out to 2065?
Migrationwatch have been consistently accurate, if a little understated, in their predictions.
Mind you, Brown has no difficulty in believing Climate Change or Treasury Forecasts for the year 2065, especially if they support his agenda.
And people havent forgotten Brown called an English working class Labour supporter a ‘bigoted woman’.
Ironically he was right, though not for the reason he supposed, she turned out to be a dyed in the wool Labour loyalist even after being scorned.
Labour voters in Wales are beginning to wake up to her call, they are joining UKIP.
Will England’s ‘real’ working class do the same. Are they with us ?
Last week on Question time a woman with a not Welsh accent shouted out that she was Welsh and voting to stay in. Carole’s Family will be voting out over in Wrexham & we’ll be voting out here in England.
You would be surprised how many people in Wales claim to be Welsh are not Welsh .
Some are born in Wales to foreign parents .
Because a dog is born in a stable it does not make it a horse .
Fox (I think) still got the message across despite Webb’s best efforts; but I find one of his faults to be that he is far too “polite” when faced with a hostile interviewer, David Davis is much better.
I think that Humphreys allowing (or being forced to allow) Brown to spew his lies and obfuscations will have done more harm to Brown and the Remainiscum than to the Leave campaign.
I think that now the debate has switched to immigration; the lacunae in the Remain argument are becoming ever more evident: as members of the EU we CANNOT control immigration from other member states including those Second World countries of Eastern Europe.
There is no getting avoiding or denying that point; it is immigration that is the issue which, I believe, will result in a Brexit win less than a fortnight from today.
When the BBC starts to employ well spoken Polish journalists on the Today programme, I will start to take Justin Webb’s views on “migration” seriously.
LOL ! The BBC can’t seem to find a black , muslim, gay, Pole !
Does Alan Yentob, long-term favourite of all on this site (coughs, splutters, near-cardiac arrests, I hear), have a new job?
Labour has got to do something to promote the Remain side of the argument. I mean, the labour Party relies on the immigrant vote to maintain control of London and the large cities in England (look at the election of the Lord Mayor of London). The Labour Party doesn’t want the flood of immigrants stemmed, that would deprive them of their future votes.
I will never forget how Gordon Brown addressed Labour supporter Gillian Duffy’s concerns about uncontrolled immigration and it’s affects on her home town. He described her as a ‘bigot’. The Labour Party is losing the support of it’s traditional power base and increasingly relies on the current and future immigrant vote to have any chance of power at the local or national level and the BBC is only too happy to provide assistance any way it can.
Al Beeb’s assistance includes doing anything which will help to widen the fissures in the Tory party which they hope will allow them to have another champagne celebration when the wicked Tories are removed and Labour are re-elected.
I don’t think labour will be re-elected if their leader thinks the EU debate is all about roaming charges, bees and beaches. What planet does that guy come from?
Never over-estimate the intelligence of the average voter let alone of the below-average Labour voter.
seismicboy, quite right but doesn’t it just show where the power lies in the Labour Party.
Corbyn is an ‘outer’ but is trying to keep the party together. The Blairites are therefore in control.
Let’s allow Turkey visa-free access to Schengen-EU (and by Dave’s lese-majeste to the UK).
It is sad that Gay Rights ( which I support up to a point ) were making good progress in Turkey up until Neanderthal Man became President.
Look on the bright side: being a homosexual in Turkey may become sufficient grounds to be granted refugee status in the UK…
Maybe, that would open up the floodgates. One problem for them is that many of their top musicians and actors are Gay and universally popular despite that. At the grassroots , Turks have always been tolerant of Gays. It is only Islamists like Erdogan who make a fuss about it .
When I wake up each morning, I now play a game with myself ( no comments, please ) to guess which outlandish scare story the Remainers will come up with that day. I can’t see anything today. Are they running out of ideas ?
Hae ye no heard, laddie? Gordon Broon is on tha way tae tak tae us!
Now that is scary
Scary enough for you?
In Brown’s heyday ( so to speak ), Craig on his website used to post a photo of Brown just to annoy me as he knew how much I loathe Brown. Don’t you start !!!!!! That is my day ruined !!
With all these ex-Prime Ministers and forgotten politicians who have come out of the woodwork during the referendum debate (mostly, I would add, for the Remain campaign) it’s certainly been getting scary. Like an episode of The Walking Dead.
I can top that.
Thats a photo you stick up on the fireplace to keep young children from going too close to the fire
Project it onto the cliffs at Dover, that’ll keep the gimmiegrants away!
Children, never accept sweeties from this man!
The only funny thing I recall coming out of Jeremy Hardy’s mouth (and I’m not entirely certain it was him) is (paraphrased):
“It’s the sort of smile you see on faces in The Wicker Man”
Describes it quite well, I think.
(He was probably referring to the 1973 version)
Talking of pensions, and the latest (?) REMAIN apocalyptic scare story, try this one:
David Cameron’s leading Donor to the party & pensions expert has removed all financial support to the conservative party, and has said he may quit the party because of the way the Prime Minister has scare mongered the British Public in the run up to the EU Referendum over pensions.
That is a big news story which I am sure the BBC will highlight .
Have we still got a conservative party left? Only wondering!!!!
Otish, but this appeared in my email in-box:
‘Extreme ‘brexit’ sites compete with traditional media influence’
Odd. I find those from Leave are mostly civil whereas Remain seem either to go full Owen or Jerrod.
I wonder how long before the PR-we-like as news that is the £4Bpa BBC-has-learned decide THIS tasty free morsel is what is truly vital news?
Sauces close to them suggest studies which say….
THREE cheers for the WI ! forget the politicians, academics, activists and political pundits, just leave it to the stalwart ladies of the W.I to stand up for this country. A sari clad lady refused to stand when Land of Hope & Glory was sung at a celebration of the Queen’s birthday – complete with staged replica of Brittania. The lady in question thought it unacceptable ‘in this day and age and suited more to the times of 50 years ago’ – our ladies of the WI were infuriated, and told her to leave if she didn’t like it, as this was a British tradition and done in a British way, read the rest………………….
I guess we should now regard this song as a racist and counter diverse and remove the award recently given to the singer.
Tell the second generation immigrant who has benefited from her British education she can always bugger off to a land free from British values.
I bet this British despising sari clad doctor has never heard of the ‘forces sweetheart’.
GWF….. sadly I’d lay money that most of those in the country under 40 have never heard of Vera Lynn either – let alone migrants, whether 1st, 2nd or 3rd generation ! As I’ve said in a previous post, migrants (whatever generation) want to be British – not for the culture, but for the Passport. There will never be assimilation whilst those coming here attempt to change OUR way of life, our traditions and cultures because it doesn’t suit and offends them. My hat’s off to those middle aged ladies in the WI, and its just a shame that our elected parliament don’t show similar balls when being challenged by others who find some aspects of our culture unacceptable to them.
Brissles – in my experience a lot of people, especially from commonwealth countries, have the greatest respect for British culture and traditions. I found this to be particularly true in India. The ones who are bolshie and anti-British are, I have found, usually the ones who have spent a lot of time in Britain, particularly in academia, and who have been exposed to cultural marxism with its attendant loathing of all things British.
I’m afraid that Land of Hope and Glory no longer passes the equality, diversity and sexism test and we propose the alternative version:
“Land of Hope and Glory.
Parent or legal guardian of any gender or no gender of the free,
How shall we extol zee
Who art born or gained citzenship or just got here on the back of a lorry, of zee.
Wider still yet wider shall Merkel’s bounds be set,
God, Allah, or whichever divine being or just nothing if a nihilist or atheist, who made Zee mighty,
Make zee mightier yet.”
Heard her in an Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund concert at the Royal Festival Hall with Roy Castle in the early 1970s.
Fantastic singer.
BBc scum do what the BBc does best (clue it’s not impartiality). They have a leave leaflet , not the official campaign they point out. That links terrorism & migration want an Orlando here vote out etc Some remainder has already come out to decry it. Yes you know the score we’ve seen this all before nothing to do with blah blah . Does anyone know the way? There’s got to be a way to Alan’s Snackbar.
Blatant piece of BBC pro EU bias in report by misleadingly named apparatchik Andy Verity on TV news. He parrots B T lies contained in its blackmail note to its employees. Apparently there will be an economic downturn lasting several years if we leave . No-one , to the best of my knowledge has forecast that . The biased Treasury report only suggested that growth would be lower than it would otherwise have been, in other words tne economy still grows . That is not a downturn . As for any negative effects lasting for several years , that’s highly questionable .
Why should the BBC report this so unquestioningly ? At one point Verity said that the choice was between economic downturn or less Immigration. It was hard to tell whether that was his own view or BTs.
Let’s all remember that BT is a useless near monopoly in
many areas, that has under performed and served the public poorly, milking us at every opportunity .
As for the Rake’s progress of its Chairman. He’s a typical
Corporate fat cat, not a true entrepreneur, ex kpmg , another rip off that fleeces the tax payer via extortionate contracts with the public sector.
He also chaired the CBI, enough said on its pro EU stance and useless forecasting powers.
The manipulation of search engines to favour someone or something:
Climate update:
The North Atlantic is cooling rapidly and to a deeper depth than for quite sometime. Upper atmospheric temperatures are also cooling with deepening gradients. This week, (with just 8 days to go before the longest day), it looks like it will be snowing in Norway, Finland, Austria, Switzerland, and Italy. Despite the ever increasing man made Co2 emissions, it would appear that nature isn’t playing ball and there is a cooling of our climate. This winter for the U.K. at least, it should be very interesting concerning ‘weather’ predictions.
It’s chuffin’ cold here in France…
But I heard Alex Deakin less than a week ago (I think) saying on Countryfile that May was warmer than average. His Mum lives in East Yorkshire. Surely she could advise him that fleeces have been necessary there all year apart from last weekend.
Beeb getting in a bit of a contradictory tangle on this one:
(Chris Evans type shout:) “How anthropogenic is that!”
TOB, It’s those pesky bits of ice from the poles! Maybe we should try towing them back and gluing them into place.
Seriously, though, some parts of the globe are or have been ‘enjoying’ heatwaves and/or droughts. Don’t forget central-western Canada and Fort McMurray. However, in the UK overall it does seem a lacklustre summer so far. What HAS happened to those Met Office seasonal averages, eh? I’m grateful for the south-east’s residual heat together with the heat from my PC tower & screen currently keeping the temperature in the office at just above 22 degrees otherwise I’d be reaching for another layer of clothing.
The environmentalists were certain we would be starting to fry from the start of the second decade of the twenty-first century. In 2016, a bit of summer would be nice.
Got this passed onto me at FB. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10154888179069348&set=gm.1157851307599173&type=3&theater Who’s the defector?
I’m lead to believe that DC is to be given a bit of a break from trying to stop the Remain boulder rolling back down the hill over him and that those two political colossi Jezza and Big Gord are going to be wheeled on to put their shoulders to the task instead.
What can the architect of the biggest economic balls up the country has suffered for decades and an EU hating marxist who now puts political expediency above honesty do?
Whatever it is they try to do I’m sure the BBC will be giving them the fullest coverage.
And when they do, if for different reasons, one is sure a grateful nation will applaud.
Got passed this, seemed apposite:
‘Brown at half price’
Yes, Cameron is to stop abusing his power as Prime Minister for a few days so that the Labour leader can – err, well, abuse his power and tell his members, in a referendum about democratic rights, how to vote.
Dave still struggling into long trousers. I do not think he will make it .
Top prize for today’s Remain scare.
Brexit will mark the end of civilization.
Well, actually he said ‘end of political civilization’, in which case I hope it does.
It is worse than that . On 24 June , or maybe 25 , when they have tried to rig the vote, a meteorite will destroy Planet Earth. Forget about Frogs and Locusts . That could be our our last meal .
The wankers on the Remain side cannot cope with our side being calm and just taking the piss out of them . Their problem is that they have no sense of humour ! They take the money they get from the EU very seriously !
You are right, there is no sense of humour on the Remain side, yet in their own way are producing the best laughs.
Grant & GWF…couldn’t agree more. I too read that on Bbc and on Guido and, really, it is absolutely ludicrous. You can’t help but laugh, can you? Why on earth do they say these stupid things? You couldn’t make it up – but THEY DO!
The British are not stupid and they all see through this stuff. I am looking forward to seeing faces on BbC on 23 Jun at 10.00pm when we get an exit poll? Do we get one this time? If so, it’s going to be even more delicious viewing than before.
Sounds like the plot of “Armagideon”
London mayor plans negative body image advert ban on Tube, buses and trains
Here we go… a Muslim mayor has started deciding how much flesh we can look at and forcing Sharia on us – support by the BBC as usual.
Really? Already? WTF!
Look on the bright side. Diane Abbott and Harriet Harman might be made to wear burquas.
Take some amount of cloth for that fat cow Abbott
“Diane Abbott ……… might be made to wear burquas.”
Not likely – it would involve covering her mouth.
Conjures up quite a mental image though. Like Darth Vader, only scary.
(Sorry Jerrod, I can be such a bitch sometimes.)
Lobster, a welcome improvement that would be, vector in YAB, Germladen Greer, Sham shakeitaboutme……and many…many more….
Is he still refusing to wear the “Christian” neck tie?
Censorship, yes, here we go. Let’s watch our wonderful politicians wave goodbye to our freedom of speech.
Well Londoners voted for him. Some, it’s true, more than once.
“Londoners” ?
Like the “Yorkshiremen” in Rotherham?
I couldn’t possibly comment. But yes.
One day last week I could scarely belive my ears.
A bBBC report clearly showed that the biggest group of gimmegrants from Africa were not doctors and engineers with young families after all but in fact……..young male Eritraians trying to avoid the draft.
But now after the NTDWI Orlando shootings, how long before everyone on those boats just simply claims to be gay and fleeing from Islamic persection. Anyone care to suggest how the authorities can possibly or even would want to prove otherwise?
Queue floodgates opening for millions. The Far Left in ecstasy. Genuine refugees indistinguishable from the bogus. The EHRC supporting them all. Leaving the taxpayer with an extremely large cheque to write, and many working class communities away from Hampstead and Islington struggling to cope.
Last night I watched the film Benghazi (worth a watch) and following it up reading about the true story behind it I have found the proof that the Obama administration through incompetence and ineptitude contributed to the deaths of their own ambassador.
Not only that, but a real and present new Islamic terrorist group was wilfully dismissed as being nothing more than a completely understandable reaction against the “innocence of Muslims” film in a scandalous attempt to deflect the blame from Muslims & the Democrats, onto ordinary white non Muslims, much the same as is going on now.
And the person is charge of all this? One Hilary Rodham Clinton, who later admitted full responsibility for all that went wrong – although you’d be hard pressed to even know this from BBC reporting!
militia leader Ahmed Abu Khattala
Khattala has been described by Libyan and U.S. officials as the Benghazi leader of Ansar al-Sharia, which was listed in January 2014 by the U.S. Department of State as a terror organization.
June 14, 2014, U.S. Army special operations forces, in coordination with the FBI, captured Khattala in Libya.[
Initially, top U.S. officials and the media reported that the Benghazi attack was a spontaneous protest triggered by an anti-Muslim video, Innocence of Muslims. Subsequent investigations determined that there was no such protest and that the attacks were premeditated.
So, there’s the proof. The top US officials, before they even know the cause seemingly have a policy of denying or rationalising murderous Jihad, and it would appear that this is also the same policy being practiced by the UK government.
‘Leave’ takes six-point lead in Brexit poll: The Guardian
BBC Bias and Pound Sterling, today.
The pound fell to 1.4116 dollars this morning, the BBC announced on the 12 noon Radio 2 news that the pound had fallen, with the added opinion of the newsreader, that this was due to opinion polls showing a predicted Brexit win, the pound had risen to 1.4175 dollars at this point. In the middle of the afternoon the pound then suddenly rose sharply to 1.4306 dollars, falling to 1.4214 dollars as at present. So hardly any change for the day.
But if you Google “Brexit”, the search engine headlines with BBC News, the BBC propaganda story has changed from a “Falling Pound” to a “Volatile Pound” with the headline “Sterling suffers volatile trading amid Brexit uncertainty”
I’m not sure why you see this as bias when everyone is reporting the same thing:
FTSE 100 sheds £67bn in three days and pound plunges on Brexit fears
Coming soon to somewhere near you…
(Extracts from these links; click and read more.)
Non-white invaders pretending to be asylum seekers have started suing the German state for “delays” in processing their applications—while another 55,259 have arrived in Germany in the first five months of 2016.
According to a report in the Thüringer Allgemeine newspaper, more and more “asylum seekers” are suing the German Federal Office for Migration and Refugees for “inactivity” in dealing with their demands to be given residency in Germany.
The flood of non-white invaders, pretending to be refugees in Germany, commit an astonishing 770 serious crimes every day, the Federal German police have admitted.
The crime wave consists of every sort of offense imaginable, including murders, thefts, counterfeiting, robbery, and assaults, an official Bundeskriminalamt (BKA) report said.
And on the same page…
Another recent trend which has emerged is that the current wave of non-white invaders are deliberately disposing of any identity documents before arriving in Germany.
According to a report in the Bild newspaper, over 80 percent of the invaders who have arrived in Germany from January to April in 2016 arrived without any papers at all.
This is obviously a ploy to try and increase their chances of being able to parasite off the Europeans for even longer, as it has become known that certain nationalities have no chance of getting “asylum.”
According to the report, this involved some 91,000 invaders. In addition, 1,306 fake identity documents were seized.
BBC Online News:
“US election: 50 Trump supporters explain why they love Trump”
I suspect the BBC now realise that Trump is unstoppable.
For ‘Trump’ in the article, you could substitute ‘Farage’ and have the same comments..
I notice the picture behind the caption has only white faces. Not the usual BBC “diversity”.
Thta’s chosen to make out he has no supporters from the ethnic minorities.
Just finished watching ‘Eye in the sky’ and there’s no doubt that it’s a fine film, however I would suggest that it couls induce rising blood pressure in people who are not liberals!
The writer Guy Hibbert is a Labour Party member and lives in West Hampstead with his actress wife. No surprise to learn that he is a BBC favourite then!
But I wonder if he hasn’t been too close & fawning over his beloved Labour party he wasn’t just a bit too close and unable to see what he took for compassion as a complete inability to make difficult decisions when needed.
The worst character who appears to me to be some Claire Short type thought it better for her conscience if she (and the government) did not authorise a strike which resulted in the injury, or risk of death of a single child, but was quite happy to live with inaction leading to the deaths of hundreds so long as it was someone else who did it.
God forbid we should ever elect people like these to high office, although having met one or two I can tell you that they are completely incapable of making a decision without some one to advise them, and therefore share the blame.
Only the BBC and the liberal oafs at the State Department/FBI(all captured by Obamas Big Project) would be pleased that the Orlando slaughter was done by a lone wolf, someone not apparently attached to IS, and not part of a radical network.
Oh joy-hug yourselves-the slaughter would have been, er much worse had he been part of a wider network.
This gets them off thinking about Islam as a force in the USA…and confines the issue to “gun control”, “failure to detain”-as opposed to blaming Muslims and their Holy Book.
I`m sure all the relatives of the dead will find consolation that the Islamist nutjob isn`t a member of a gun club…
This is utter outright bias against against Trump by the BBC.
Look at the photo of Trump. Says it all. He does have normal expressions just like Clinton, but the BBC don’t publish them.
“”Will Orlando shooting swing election for Trump?””
14 hours after my post this morning and nothing has changed. On the 10 pm news we get an overdose of gay propoganda in the form of the Human Interest’ stories from survivors of the tragedy. You can almost feel the gloating of the bBBc newsroom with the perfect excuse to stuff the gay scene down our throats, to coin a phrase.
Only after 10 minutes do we get anything on the murderer – and it is HIS FATHER who mentions the word terrorist FFS, not the denying marxists in the biased bbc newsroom talking about the murderers ‘twisted outlook on life’. Then its over to the USA gun control angle. Then the lone wolf homophobe angle.
How about going for the Islamic gay hating terrorist angle, and the ISIS supporting phone call angle??
its staring the Far Left bBBC marxists in the face and yet their total denial continues, abject, pathetic, appalling non-reporting.
The Al BBC tries to turn the Orlando Islamic mass murder discussion to a gun control discussion.
and … while puffing up (sorry 😀 ) the gay rights angle all day … in its inbred sister Al Jazeera
a reporter nonchalantly calls Orlando victims “deviants”
… ow queer!
‘Ostriches’ and ‘Heads’ anyone ?
I have only one thing to say to the BBC, Democrats and ‘It’s all about gun control’ lobby. That is like saying 9/11 was all about air traffic control.
IPlayer still free and legal for now, so I watched Musketeers. Lots of money and not shabby production values, so thin plots easy to cope with if ladled with a bit of swash and buckle.
This one was notable in barely kicking off before it turns out dastardly deeds were being pinned on noble refugees.
Luckily love found a way.
The Sun newspaper has come out in favour of “Leave”. There is an editorial in their online version of the paper found here:
Click link to “Home Page”. Editorial is there.
I wonder how the BBC will cover this? Should be interesting tomorrow morning don’t you think? (Teehee)
Just taken the trouble to read through what The Sun.says.
if that does not put a tingle down your spine and stiffen your resolve nothing will.
A major “momentum” moment I believe for Leave.
And it puts Sovereignty at number 1, as it should be. That little question that no Remainer can satisfactorily answer
This is a big deal, though the Beeb so far are ignoring it. The Sun has seen the writing on the wall and wants to express the view of the vast majority of its readers. This will more than offset Labour’s efforts to wheel out the vote, particularly if the best they can do is Gordon Brown, whose name is forever linked with the word “bigot”.
It appears the BBC has got in a lather on Facebook about a poster by one of several EU Ref advocacy groups.
Seems ‘critics are saying…’. Oh, and Pres. Karzai says it’s nothing to do with Afghanistan.
And Trump is beastly.
So, SNAFU on the impartiality again, Aunty.
Thanks to those of you who put up the Radio Scotland/Douglas Murray link as well as Jon Gaunts radio programme.
Utterly astonished that all our ex lecturers and “Christian counsellors in multifaith army settings” are so deliberately duped and happy to blame Christians and Jews for being equally culpable for all this in Orlando.
How low-how bad-how endangered do they…do things…have to be before we can scrape the scale off the element…scrape the limpets off the boat?
These people are utterly captured in Muhammads cave, and hoping it`s in Stockholm…can`t believe what i`m hearing.
What will it take before some competing grievance group will decide that it`s needs are at least as valid as the Muslims…or would they rather be beheaded and thrown off minarets instead?
Funny too that the dad of the murderer though that his son merely is guilty of forcing Gods hand…punishing gays when that will be Gods job at the gates of hell on death?
No mention though.
Totally mad.
Well,. flicked over the tv last night to see weepy gay candle vigils, someone singing “rainbows” …
some pop has been in Orlando s rendition of “true colours”
……. hmmm what if its the black flag of Islam though?
The US traitor in chief was on CNN, to carefully cite some “homegrown extremism” problem, (better than “workplace violence” I suppose), and another bleat on gun control.
……. what about kitchen bomb control?, how about carving knife control? nail gun control perhaps.
Concerted Islam control would be much easier, and actually work.
I watched “Brexit: The Movie” with Mrs S this evening; it is a great documentary (though infuriating) and I would like to thank those posters on here who flagged it up and brought it to everyone’s attention at BBBC.
I think that it is a shame that 5 minute sections couldn’t have been edited from it and broadcast every day for the month leading up to polling day; it is an excellent piece of work with some very good folk contributing: Delingpole; Heffer; Daley; Farage (of course); Hannan etc etc.
BTW I thought the U.K. comparison with Switzerland was astonishing and a glimpse of something akin to what we might achieve once free of the EU quagmire.
Sssshhh, Al! Don’t mention the Switzerland. (As far as Brexit: The Movie is concerned) There were some notable howlers around the Switzerland sequence. For example, Zurich is not as wonderful as painted.
I think the strength of that film is in what it shows in pictures. Yes, I know pictures can be misread, misunderstood as much as words. That sequence filmed in and around the EU buildings in Brussels were worth thousands of words and statistics and they were pretty plain about the direction of the EU.
Centralised, self-aggrandisement of ‘The Project’.
Out in the extremes of the EU, the good citizens don’t get quite the same benefits in return for their VAT. It’s time to bow, say ‘Thank you’ and Leave as quietly and quickly as possible.
Everyone is covering the murder of a policeman and his wife in Paris last night. Except the BBC. I wonder why?
Nothing to do with the fact that the killer was shouting Allahu Akhbar at the time I suppose.
I have often posted this before that this website is quite good at picking up ‘breaking news, well ‘ before the duty ‘researchers’ at Al Beeb have searched the internet for news.
This may help them …………….
Good to hear Trevor Kavanagh not taking any of the affirmative action Muslima’s bulls**t on Toady this morning re The Sun putting its shoulder behind Brexit.
Spot on Al.
Our Trev has brains and quietly, pithily, and crisply showed Mischel Hussein up for the amateur yet protected PC placeperson she is.
The moments of stunned silence and pregnant pauses as her attempts to take positions against the Sun’s Leave decision were instantly demolished, leaving her with nowhere to go, were a joy to behold.
But in Al Beeb land, her performance probably warrants a promotion.
BBC News Online: (10th item)
“French police chief’s killer ‘claimed allegiance to IS””
“”Witnesses quoted by AFP said that the knife-wielding man may have shouted “Allahu akbar” (God is greater) when he attacked the 42-year-old policeman””‘
So….according to the BBC he MAY have shouted “”Allahu akbar””
Perhaps just a neighbour dispute that got out of hand?
(As an aside, the father of the Orlando mass-killer, is now saying that weak security at the club was responsible for the atrocity).
Another story on Toady is that that the Muslim murderer wasn’t inspired by Islam to kill his victims it was because he was a repressed homosexual because he visited the club on several occasions. A follow up story revealed that he had also scouted Walt Disney World on a number of occasions. Does that mean he was still annoyed at missing out on a leading part in Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, or was he just jealous of Mickey’s ears?
Proof, as if proof were needed, that the Left are mentally ill:
The Guardian declares war on street parties: ‘a front for a middle-class nationalism that celebrates austerity’
It would be funny if it were not so sinister. These are the real haters.
Oh, the irony. What could be more middle-class than Guardianistas ?
This is not meant to be nasty.
Whenever we have major incidents such as Orlando there is a similar pattern to the reaction. Politicians and interest groups with media complicity push their agendas, be it gun control, 2nd amendment rights, gay right, black lives etc.
This is followed by social media outpourings of “solidarity” which consist of twitter hashtags changing Facebook images to add flags or tags such as “I am” whatever. Then loads of buildings around the world are lit up in the required colours and people go to vigils with candles and to bar areas to dink a salute.
The end result is usually a lot of people feeling good about themselves such as Michelle Obama’s “Bring back our girls” campaign. The victims become a side-line in a media frenzy that lasts a few news cycles and then what? In the most recent episode the BBC is more concerned about gun control, eulogising Clinton, demonising Trump and criticising the US.
Maybe they should all do something practical like those giving blood to help the victims like offering funds the support the wounded and bereaved families. Only a few will do this. When the news cycle ends and some festival or sporting event takes precedence.
R4 Today news is leading on the story that the Orlando terrorist was actually gay and therefore, by implication, motivated by repressed sexuality and not islam. The BBC says the story comes from “reports from the United States”. John Sopel’s BBC report says “it’s emerged he was a regular” at the gay nightclub.
Strangely the BBC doesn’t give any details of where these reports emerged from.
Well the story comes from the New York Daily News. The NYDN is a left wing tabloid with a track record of controversy and shoddy journalism. Earlier this year the NYDN ran a front page story calling anyone who supports Trump a “mindless zombie”. The NYDN also campaigns for migrant rights and gun control. The website Breitbart News calls the NYDN “dreadful, desperate, paranoid and left wing”.
So should we believe the NYDN’s story?
Well if you read it, it’s based on the testimony of a drag dancer who worked at the club. That’s it. One person (a drag dancer) claims to have seen the gunman at the club. You can read the article here; http://nydn.us/28Abiy7
There’s a video of the interview; it’s not very convincing evidence. Judge for yourself.
Is this credible? Is this really enough evidence for the BBC to lead R4’s bulletins? A single person quoted in a very dodgy, tabloid newspaper?
The NYDN has a reputation for shoddy journalism. In April this year the paper sacked an editor for “a series of egregious and inexplicable errors”. The paper loses a reported $20-30 million a year. Owner Mort Zuckerman attempted to sell the paper last year, but took it off the market after failing to get a serious bid. Cablevision chief James Dolan offered $1.
The media response to the Orlando killings has been an absolute sick joke, and the BBC one of the sickest. It makes me wonder if there is some government control being exercised over them regarding mentioning Islam or the word Muslim.
People aren’t stupid and they can see what has happened, and that yet again the elites are working hard to their detriment. The attack in Paris, although it is an assassination brings it much closer to our door, and I am convinced that this will affect the voting intentions in the referendum.
People who might have been swayed by fears over economic consequence are much more likely to be swayed by terrorism, however unlikely that might be.
“…terrorism, however unlikely that might be. ”
Unlikely at the moment, yes, but further down the line if left unchallenged?
I don’t want to live under Muslim censorship or oppression. It doesn’t belong here, I didn’t ask for it and I don’t want to have anything to do with it. If I did, I’d have moved to some Muslim shit hole years ago.
Solid post, MB.
With concerns being raised that there will be a huge increase in migrants to this country claiming asylum and sanctuary due to being gay, I do hope the authorities make it very clear:-
Attacking someone and anally raping them does not count.
Our Steph McGovern is a pleasant enough presenter of light-weight non-in-deph issues. The Geordie lass is not everyone’s cup of tea – but it would be rude to point out that she stomps about like the Bride of Frankenstein (or should that be a Tyne and Wear-wolf?)
But I say: Wey aye, pet-man!
This morning our Steph tackles an interesting economic statistic “Half of european self-storage capacity is in the UK”
Remember this item is coming from BBC news and must pass through the BBC filter so as to fit the given agenda and narrative.
So we can’t draw the obvious conclusion that the UK is overcrowded and people here suffer a lack of their own storage space in their homes. No, that would bust the agenda dear to the BBC heart that no amount of immigration can ever be bad for us and that if we only just all budge up a bit we could fit in any number of new comers.
So our Steph introduces a “De-Clutter expert” – which tends to blame us lot for having too much stuff.
“Howay man-pet, divven ya gan off narrative, mind, see ya dee as ya telt”
She aint no Geordie Bruv!
Do your homework.
She was born in North Tyneside, so is that not a Geordie ? I’m prepared to be corrected as I know various regions have their own nicknames (I’m a cherry-picker, work that one out !) – but if she isn’t a Geordie, I’d be interested to know where being one starts and finishes.
Tut tut Brissles, she was born and raised in Middlesbrough which some consider to be in Teesside but I still think of it as being in Yorkshire.
My hand is considered slapped !
‘She aint no Geordie Bruv! Do your homework.’
Gosh, I do apologise, ‘fraid Idon’t have 8000 journos to do my research. Any comment on the issue referred to? What do you reckon is causing the boom in self-storage here in the UK and why do you reckon the BBC is so quick to blame our clutter culture?
No need to apologise. Just putting the record straight. You can be hung drawn and quartered for calling a smoggie a Geordie and vice versa. Try calling a Manc a scouser and you’re half way there.
Before jokes became illegal, most of the Scouser jokes I heard were from Mancs.
Interestingly, they didn’t always go down well. A case of dishing it out but not being able to take it. Hate to admit it but I think Yorkshire folk are equally guilty.
LB%XT# folk are even worse.
I just never knew all those boat people and doctors and engineers from Syria could carry so much stuff.