A new week dawns and time for a new one of these. Anyone see Andrew Marr giving dodgy Dave an easy ride yesterday with no awkward questions about Turkey. Nudge Nudge, say no more. The floor is yours…
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Have the Remainers run out of scare stories ?
Possibly. Even the BBC were finding it hard not to laugh at Donald Tusk’s “end of political civilisation” warning.
They might come up with something this:
If we leave the EU the Beckhams will divorce each other
One more thought re. the BBC story that the Orlando terrorist was a “regular” at the gay nightclub: It’s highly likely that the gunman would have visited the club prior to the attack; not because he was gay, but precisely because he was terrorist.
“Frequently, those planning an attack will conduct detailed surveillance of potential targets to determine what security measures are in place around the target and to gauge whether they have the ability to successfully attack… After the target has been selected, a second round of surveillance is conducted. This round will be far more detailed and is intended to provide all the details necessary for planning the attack” source; https://www.stratfor.com/weekly/detection-points-terrorist-attack-cycle
The BBC is desperately and illogically spinning to suggest his real motive wasn’t islamic jihad, but an islamic jihadist would have visited the club before attacking it.
The problem is that spinning this as a ‘homophobic’ attack doesn’t really work. How many atrocities on a remotely similar scale against homosexuals have been carried out by non-Muslims in recent years? The only one that springs to mind is the Soho pub bomb and although terrible that was miniscule in comparison. If ‘homophobia’ (which we are told is everywhere) and ‘lack of gun control’ (which again, we are told is ever present in the USA) was the cause of the Orlando massacre, why haven’t similar massacres occurred? I suspect it’s because the main motivation of the attacker was not simply homophobia, but homophobia principally caused by fundamentalist Muslim beliefs.
Correct me if I am wrong but I did not hear a report on the BBC about the murder of a French police commander and his partner by a Muslim gunman late yesterday evening. This should have been a news story but it seems to have been ignored.
They covered it very briefly on R4 news bulletins, but played it down. He was armed with a knife BTW rather than a gun.
Yes…..so clear out your kitchen of sharp implements in adavance of the blame lying on the free availability of knives.
I didn’t even know this had happened, had a look and it is on the BBC site,
It’s a distressing read and a shocking crime, coming so soon after Orlando I think the press have had no choice but to play it down,spinning yet another lone wolf mentally unstable rop terrorist killer so soon after Florida would probably shatter what little credibility our media and politicians have left.
Given the current extent of French civil disorder and industrial strife causing disruption and riot on the streets – gensdarmes dispersing hostile crowds with teargas, broken heads and barricades – do you reckon UEFA is likely to threaten to ban France from holding football tournaments any time soon?
Meanwhile as Switzerland v Albania kicked off with 5 of the so-called Albanian team born in Switzerland and as Putin rushes through a Russian passport for a German player eurpean nations are rapidly becoming little more than franchises….
Particularly within the Schengen area there is – essentially – no longer any meaning to the term nationality in the sense we used to understand it. So what’s the point of all this european international’ football? Anachronism.
Please stop wringing your hands and stop pretending to cry over the death of a victim of the Orlando shooting..
You didn`t know him on a personal level, you didn`t even know he existed until he was named and identified as a fairground ride worker who worked on a Harry Potter themed ride at the Universal Theme Park…
“Oh look!!! ….. here`s a chance to combine promotion of my franchise with a ride associated with myself!! I can pretend to have a personal connection with the deaths of many innocent people who suffered in the massacre without leaving my Ivory fcuking tower, and also at the same time enjoy the Harry Potter theme park ride by jumping on the bandwagon of bullsh!t which is now leaving the station (First Class of course!!) … The silver lining in the cloud of depair currently surrounding my entire existence is that at least none of the unknown minimum waged peasants who serve me Lattes etc. were harmed, so I can still go to my local Costa to type out yet another crappy Harry Potter book… ” … Lets hope all those tears dont ruin your latest `manuscript` eh??
These people have no shame!!!
Un-fcuking-believable and there was me thinking she was a one trick trick pony only able to write about harry potter, this work of fiction has however disproved assumptions, can we now expect a whole series of related works from her now she has discovered another fictional character (her character is non existent and therefore completely fictional )based storyline to persue?? Disgusting woman using a tragedy to promote herself and vitue signal to all her luvvie friends and the twats on twitter..
Perhaps if she feels so bad about about it, she can make a donation to the victims families instead of giving her money to the Labour Party.
Just opened up my referendum postal voting blurb.
On the back of the guide the words ‘ if you would like a copy of this document translated’ ……… Are in no fewer than 5 other languages. One looks Polish ( aby otrzymac kopie tego ……..) , one also uses the normal alphabet but no idea what language ( haddii aad jeclaan lahayd koobi nuqulkaan………) . I can’t quote the other three as they are in Arabian or Middle East type lettering.
What the hell are we doing as a society? Surely being able to understand English should be a prerequisite for being able to vote.
Maybe not strictly bBBC but I think we can guess where the newsroom student marxists would go with the above assertion.
This is nothing new. On receiving documentation and instructions on being picked for Jury Duty, I was astounded to see that one side of an A4 sheet was translated into 12 different languages. How can this be ??? My gripe being the same as yours Sluff, that if its necessary to translate for the benefit of potential ethnic jurors the due process of the law, then how in God’s name could they understand the working of a Court and pass judgement fairly. I would be appalled to find myself as a Defendant and see ethnics as my ‘peers’ in the jury box knowing they couldn’t understand a word – I’d rather see a line-up of Meerkats, they’d be more fun. I’ll say it again – nothing else matters as long as they have that all precious Passport to class themselves as ‘British’, so being arsed to learn the language is low on the list when we provide an easy ride for them.
Whilst the BBC and C4 continue to deny that Islam has a connection to the Orlando massacre, and demonize Trump for suggesting it, I might as well link Sarah Palin whose response co-exists with the facts.
So much common sense from a straight-thinking and clear-speaking young man. It would be inappropriate at this point to criticise the occasional bad language – enough to say that this is the sort of message that should be broadcast loud, and clear, and repeatedly on the media, especially the Bee Bee Cee.
Yes, He made a lot of sense didn’t he?
I’ve heard this chap before and liked what he said – I have now subscribed to his Youtube channel which is called ‘Some Black Guy’.
Musing over the biased BBC’s preferred minorities, think I’m pretty clear now of the top 5, cemented by recent events, more’s the pity. Queue Alan Freeman music.
5. Going down the charts, we have Ethnic Minorities
4. Also dropping we have ‘Wimmin’
3. Climbing recently to no 3, we have Gay and Lesbian
2. Big move up the charts this year, it’s Transgender
1. But remaining at no1 for the umpteenth week in a row , it’s Muslims and Islam. Or maybe it’s nothing to do with them.
Sluff, good point…not ‘arf! When, for example, did we last hear anything about Hindus on the BBC – Britain’s third largest religious group which now has more adherents than Judaism in our country.
BBC Online News:
“”Is Vladimir Putin betting on a Brexit””
There is no evidence that Putin is betting on a Brexit. And the BBC in the video admits this.
But the video slips into ‘scare mode’ by suggesting that a Brexit would suit Putin and make him a stronger influence in a ‘weaker’ Europe.
BBC Bias to meet their Remain narrative. No facts, so make it up.
Russia can take Europe any time it really wants to. But I very much doubt Putin is interested. And the military cost is just not worthwhile . Far better to wait until the EU falls apart whatever we vote and then move in.
That unfinished business with Germany is going to be finished one way or another this century.
What odds did he get . I got 6/4 at Betfred ?
But will free movement within cover the right to reside?
yet again the World at One interviewed Paul Johnson of the Institute of Fiscal Studies without mentioning that part of his enthusiasm for Brussels may lie in the fact the E.U. has paid his ‘independent’ institute a whopping 7.5 million euros.
For 7.5 million euros I will pretend I think the E.U. is an oasis of good governance, with zero corruption and is a paragon of political competence. Will Mr Junker or Mr Tusk please get in touch with me?
When will the BBC mention this bung, sorry, bribe, sorry, sorry back hander, sorry … what do you call it when a political organisation gives you an envelope of dosh and you suddenly find you gush about how wonderful they are?
Yes, wouldn’t it be nice if some investigative journalist followed the money trail and found out how much of our money the EU gives away to such organisations to say nice things about it. The CBI is another such beneficiary, how many other ‘independent bodies’ who have come out in favour of remain are similarly funded?
No chance of the BBC doing it of course, or they would lose their cut of EU cash.
scribbling scribe…and all the other organisations funded by the EU in the same way. Guido did a list of them a few weeks ago; try searching on there and it might still be there. Very very occasionally I hear someone refer to it but mostly it is brushed aside as one of those…nothing to see here, move on moments.
By the way, I would like Boris & Co to mention the comedy of errors that is the move of the EU parliament down to Strasbourg every month and the amount that costs! It’s outrageous – and all to please the French, for goodness sake!
7.5 million euros.
Thats almost as much as the EU payouts to BBC Media Action.
Which, obviously in the interests of impartiality, should be regularly mentioned by the biased BBC.
And next, we have pigs flying.
wow, Sluff, I didn’t know about that. Apparently the BBC Media Action have received £9.3 million from the E.U. to go with the £2 million the BBC has received in the last 3 years from the EU.
Where on earth does the EU get all this money to pay out in bribes? Oh, yes, me and you.
I cannot wait to get my cross down on that bloody ballot paper and stick my fingers up to the lot of them.
This is a very interesting graph from the ONS regarding immigration emigration and the net figures, plus the projection if we remain in Europe.
I think it speaks for itself:
The net migration of last month doesn’t vanish this month. The reality ‘on the street’ is that these totals are cumulative.
The ONS graph just tells us how many ferries and immigration officers we need.
Just over a week to go and I am waiting to see what the remain side and the BBC et al are going to pull out of their bag of dirty tricks.
I don’t believe for one moment that the polls will be taken lightly or the result itself will be accepted. Skullduggery is all over the child benefit result I have seen today in the European courts.
I will not be too hasty to celebrate whatever the outcome.
Rob..I understand Juncker – if he’s sober – is going to pronounce we shall all be struck deaf, dumb if not dead shortly! Another shady DC deal!
Brexiteers should warn folk about this so any waverers are not persuaded.
The remain camp has panicked but don’t worry. One way or another they will fix the result. Too much money at stake and what about Goldman Sachs and the rest?
On ther Daily Politics today Rachael Reeves , Labour , was interviewed by Ms Coburn . I expect that poor Ms Reeves expected a sisterhood interview from the lefty Coburn and so be able to spout pro Remain rubbish without challenge. Unfortunately for her the guest of the day was Digby Jones who favours leave and can tell when someone is speaking rubbish and usually says so. He destroyed every argument that Ms Reeves advanced. So annoyed did she get that she told him off for being a middled aged white man who kept interrupting her stream of nonsense!!! Even Ms Coburn frowned when she came out with that one.
One thing that this referendum has shown very starkly is the arrogance and stupidity of many of Labour female remainers. They seem to learn some points and then spout them non stop no matter how ridiculous they become as their adversary demolishes their argument. Rachael was a good example but even on this form she has a long way to go rival Harriet’s performance on the Sunday Politics a few weeks ago. Mind you just as many male Labopur MPs seem not to have been unduly blessed in the brain department.
I may be hung out to dry for saying this (but I will, cos I’m a woman), but after seeing the antics and vitriolic performances of various members of my own sex, in debates and interviews lately, I’m of the opinion that they need to up their dosage of HRT – as they are clearly in that age group that are in need of it !
Even worse when it is a full moon. WOW, hide them knives and blunt instruments.
Tomi tells it as it is. Stop hiding Islam. Tough talking presenter.
Left Unity states the left response to Orlando as clear as possible. Remember this. Two main enemies they say: Homophobia and Islamophobia.
It will take many bodies before a new generation sweeps these deranged leftists away.
What has caused the government to bring this idea out ? Why were we not told about the shortage of blood ?
“On World Blood Donor Day, the government says it’s going to review a law which means that gay men can’t donate for 12 months after having sex.”
In East Anglia the Blood Service is reducing their capacity because of falling demand. Apparently more and more use is being made of synthetic blood. At my last session the number of available appointments had been halved.
If there is no shortage of blood this change is just political posturing and left wing virtue signalling – although a more than adequate supply from traditional donors means that any they collect from gay men can be destroyed without endangering patients..
You’ll not be seeing Keira Knightley anytime on the BBC soon….
Apparently this is a piss take for Brexiteers. Can someone explain the reasoning?
its been taken down. Does this mean its back fired, that the remainers can’t even get satire right?
Ho ho !
We have Labour are making the same promise as Car Moron about Immigration – you really ‘could not make it up’.
” Deputy Labour leader Tom Watson has said EU immigration rules may have to be revisited, saying “woe betide” the party if it ignores public concerns.”
Al Beeb news @ 6pm telling us all about the ‘Millions’ that Cornwall gets from the EU .
Well its not from the EU, it comes from the UK .
The EU get it from us and stick a stupid blue flag with stars on it , and give us half back .
Time to get out .
Now Al Beeb is telling us that Wales gets 300 Million from the EU .
We also have this ……..
Well – its not from the EU, it comes from the UK .
We are not being told the truth
Have a go a this brexit quiz…..
I got 100%….
I did too!
Me too.
I broke it! Q18 did not have a ‘None of the Above’ option.
I think Gove or Davis, preferably the latter should have also been on the list. Be my choice at present before candidates set out their agendas.
Am just listening to Osborne on the TODAY programme. (R4 16 June) Think David Davis would be absolutely the right person to wheel on to ask about Osborne’s latest statements.
Sorry. Fat finger or thin brain in the above post. Probably the latter. Today’s TODAY with GO was BBC R4 15 June.
Another day, another Remainiac myth scotched!
“Since the Single Market adds 2% to GDP and leaving it would allow us to pursue trade deals worth more than 1% of GDP and perhaps much more, how can the Treasury seriously expect anyone to believe leaving the Single Market will cost 6% of GDP?”
And all we hear from remain is GDP, i.e. what is important for big business. Terry Leahy of Tesco comes out and supports remain. Of course he does, he employs a lot of cheap labour and the cheaper he can get it (from Eastern Europe) the bigger HIS profit margins. What about per capita income, that’s the only thing that ordinary people (like us) should be bothered about!
Gdp per capita has changed little in the last 10 years. The gdp growth which is sometimes highlighted by the governments of all colours is almost entirely due to the rising population. Thus the benefit to existing residents of mass immigration is zippo. There is no incremental gdp per capita growth due to immigration.
Might try and find the source for this, which amazingly used to be provided by the Guardian
Police were looking for a Somali man wearing khaki pants,
Sounds like another one looking for Alan’s Snack Bar !
But, going by Owen Jones’ perverted ‘logic, none of us is allowed to comment on this as we’re not members of the Walmart-shoppers-BQVZYX ‘community’.
Wal Mart’s khaki pants Somalian RoPer shot, leaving Arab letters in his car
Work place violence nothing to do with Allan’s Snack Bar, move on.
Message to little boy Owen – stay in the studio, not an attack on gays.
BBC s indepth programme on the sudden massive wave Islamic immigration into Europe good or bad
BBC – Britain/Europe – Immigration Question
Uh Oh! … Mishal Husain 😀 investigates the impact of migration within the European Union – the impact of immigration on the UK as well as the advantages for Brits etc etc
We re getting older, so we need immigrants (who don t age then? … presumably),
To do jobs feckless Brits won t do?, ( as the pay is sh-t, and we don t wish to live six to a room because of cost of living disparity).
or the old favourite the NHS, that desperately needs immigrants, (because of short termism, and cuts to our own essential medical training)
oh and because of the continuing massive influx of … er immigrants
You ll probably hear the questions, I doubt very much, whether you ll hear these facts about them.
Mishail – not enough Jews killed -Hussein, the Moslem apologist for the BBC. No. I cannot take anything from this woman
Turkey moves a step closer to joining the EU
This report from Matthew Holehouse, my colleague in Brussels:
Turkey will move a step closer to joining the European Union within days of Britain’s referendum, it emerged today, despite British diplomats attempting to torpedo the move.
Leaders – including David Cameron – agreed back in March to open a chapter on membership talks before the end of the month as part of a migrant deal signed in March. The Financial Times last night reported EU diplomats had signed off the move, but Britain had attempted to halt it, before dropping their resistance after a few hours.
Turkey has so finished met just one of the 35 chapters it must fulfill to join the bloc.
Britain has a veto, but Cameron knows he’s never going to use it !
Once we are out it will become irrelevant !
Al beebus are in something of a quandary as a result of the massacre in Florida: a member of one of their pet protected groups has murdered a huge number of members of another of their pet protected groups.
They are now engaging in a damage limitation exercise by attempting to present a Jihad attack against a group, which Muslims (if they’re observant) are supposed to kill, as being an attack by a self-hating, homosexual, homophobe.
I listened to Jezza Whine at lunchtime; you seriously couldn’t make this s**t up.
There is a complete refusal amongst Progressives to even address, never mind acknowledge, the danger that Islam and its votaries holds for male homosexuals; as a consequence they will either invent or support whatever incredible theories arise as to why this attack occurred or the murderer’s justification for it – but never the obvious and correct one.
Jeremy Vine is a mindless wanker and seems a bit ” hyperactive” to me !
Donald Trump’s view on the Jihad attack in Florida and matters related.
A little fact check to remember when you are told the EU is a market of more than 500m people, and posting comments in reply on BBC HYS etc
Indeed it is, but the figure does include the 65, no 65.1, no 65.2, no 65.3m (you get the idea) population of the UK!
Appallingly biased programme on tne Referendum issues fronted by the most biased of BBC presenters ,our very own Mishal Hussain. A whole sequence of Leave arguments is posited by the presenter and then ‘demolished ‘ by the people she interviews . Only another week of this rubbish to go and then we can vote the biased BBC view of the EU into oblivion.
They are getting so desperate now. Sad losers !
Newsnight was just daft. A long pro remain show. Apparantly so broke is the BBC that it is now using a white truck as a studio.
They are really in a panic. The private polls must show something dramatic that really frightens them. Bit late to change things apart from printing lots of filled in postal votes. The working class ( the white English/Welsh one that is ) is being revolting if not revolted.
The apparatchniks of New labour were right. You can never trust the workers let alone talk to them honestly.
That Benn idiot was in full flow doing a very second rate imitation of his esteemed father. Apparantly Hitachi are only building the train factory up north because we are in the EU. Toerag . It is being built because Hitachi have a vast order from our network for the new trains ( remember when we used to build our own trains ) both diesel and electric and it pays them to build them here. I hope nobody is fooled by these lies.
The BBC has cocked it up. Trying to be evenhanded for a while as long as it looked as if the serfs were going to vote the right way. Now it is on a knife edge they are panicking.
What a shower they are . Incompetent and mendacious in equal measure.
Dave S, it’s brown trousers time at the BBC. If the polls are correct, and that’s a mighty big if, then the whole liberal left edifice will be in danger of collapsing.
Hope you havent seen it before
Says it all Scribe, pity that that little twerp Owen “bitty” Jones wont see the evident truth in this.
Looks like in the states the wheels may well be starting to come off the PC bandwagon as hopefully it is here .
They have a president who is obviously desperate to avoid much of the truth regarding the Orlando slaughter in order to protect the role that “Islamic teachings” played in as to why the evil bastard did what he did. If nothing else islam was definitely the oil in the machine but Obama would prefer not to talk about that.
Like all good propaganda there is some truth in what Obama has said. Yes I am sure the accessibility of weapons is an important factor in this.
Yes I am sure he may have had mental health issues. But haven’t they all
I am sure a dislike of homosexuality was also a factor .
But the evident truth is that the majority of terrorist incidents of late have one common factor =ISLAM. This an ideology which hardly teaches tolerance. Yet The PC President chooses to ignore this. This is the same president who offered “Clockboy” a place at MIT as a reward for being a disruptive little shit. Obviously the US has become the same wibbly wobbly PC world we are here.
I understand he was regular at his local mosque – What were their teachings – I suppose it was love one another and embrace other cultures and especially those of differing sexual preferences.
Fortunately for Obama there are enough “other factors” swirling around for him to play the smoke and mirrors approach our own media use here.
I suppose the next phase will be the Owen Jones approach that he was a suppressed homosexual and it was all our fault for discriminating against gays!
I think finally the PC pretenders are running out of excuses as to why these things happen in the world. People are starting to see their devious and Machiavellian bleating s for what they truly are. And the one common factor is standing head and shoulders above all else.
And if Trump does get elected – they only have themselves to blame.
Excellent! Four pictures are worth 4,000 words.
Brilliant scribble
Now just for pure argument’s sake……I wonder what would happen if Israel were to announce that they wanted the uk to stay in the EU
i would pay money to see the bbc deal with that one
Just not the tv tax though you understand…. 😉
That’s an interesting question Number 6. What is the Israeli position on Brexit? True Too can you enlighten us, because I’ve heard nothing over here.
So if Labour tells the EU to overturn one of its basic tenets, the free movement of people, it shall be done. That would appear to be the position from the BBC’s report on Tom Watson’s Damascene conversion. No mention in the report of the obstacles to achieving that stated aim. No word from anyone who regards the proposal as total bollocks
Labour’s Tom Watson: EU free movement rules must change
So why didn’t our Car Moron get the EU free movement rules changed?
Beheadings in the Philippines?
The BBC doesn’t seem to report the details. They call them killings. And they don’t report the Canadian heads being delivered to cathedrals and police stations. This is pretty blatant whitewashing of a story. I suppose they don’t want to “sensationalize” it.
Just like the iman in Orlando who didn’t want the media “sensationalizing” the murder of 49 people in a gay club.
They reported it yesterday ..long article with background.
..People get kidnapped cos some nations pay ransoms ..thickos
Black Power tonight on BBc. The BBc continues it’s anti American police campaign.
Nice work if you can get it.
extrordinary if true..The Sun gives no proper source
Training for presenting skills? God knows where the money went then. I have seen trees that were less wooden.
In 1940 Great Britain was about to be invaded by the Germans . What happened to the £ and the economy then ?
Did Churchill surrender ?
The economy rises and falls, it all depends on the stock market . The traders will be gambling on this fall and buying stock at low prices ready to make a killing when the market rises .
We are about to be invaded now, do we stand or surrender ?
We gave our cash to those kind Americans taffman, and they gave us some underpowered, undergunned, rusty and obsolete destroyers and similarly useless Curtis fighter planes, which kept us going until they worked out that it was financially to their advantage to come in on our side. And then they didn’t actually do anything significant until almost two years after Pearl Harbour. Mind you, there’s always been the Special Relationship to rely on. That worked in WW1 too, as they became fully operational in May 1918 by which time the British Army, virtually unaided, had broken German hearts.
Do you think if I posted the following sketch to Newsjack it would be used and I receive a cheque for authoship from the BBC
Telephone rings.
DC. Hello.
Telephonist. Hello Prime Minister I have EU Obergruppenfuhrer Merkel on the line for you.
DC. Put her through.
Telephonist. You are through now.
AM. David liebling, you must be very worried with the way the polls are trending.
DC. Yea Angela it is worrying. What I really need is something like I did at the last minute with the Scots to buy them off.
AM. That is why I am ringing. I have had a marvelous thought. What if I pop over, we pretend to have some very intense discussions while actually having a relaxed lunch and then call a press conference where I can slip in that I have decided that the EU will give you a three or four year opt out from freedom of movement also meaning freedom to take work.
DC. That would be absolutely wonderful of you. Shall we say tomorrow?
AM. Yes.
DC. I’ll get it announced you are flying in for urgent talks. Love you. Bye.
Often many a true word said in jest?
Spot on, I think Mallard.
It is a puzzle. If Germany is so keen to keep the UK in the EU, why were they not going round the EU with Dave to try to get some real reforms in place – needed by the EU whether the UK is there or not – well before the end of last year? Yes, I realise brinkmanship is not only a political tactic but a natural characteristic of the EU, but if the prospect of a Brexit is so severe you would have thought it would have concentrated minds somewhat.
Another puzzle today with Osborne’s latest claim. As nothing changes for two years following a Brexit vote & notice to the EU, is he really saying he has totally messed up his last few Budgets and the UK economy is tanking irrespective of the UK’s membership of the EU?
For all of us waiting for the next “dirty trick” here it is as BBc drones report on it this morning. Oh I’ve suddenly realised if we leave the EU there will be a £30bn black hole I’ll have to slash spending, even more, and increased tax a week before the vote http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-eu-referendum-36534192
More doom & scare from remain.
As ever Guido are quick on the ball reporting that the Government will be brought down if Osborne tries this stunt.
Why do our BBC expert analysts not point out this nothing more than posturing and will not happen.
Osborne is completely finished now whatever the result.
To my mind, a Chancellor’s primary duty to the nation is calm any fears over externals that might (might!) effect its financial stability. The Bank of England, supposedly independent but seemingly in the Chanellor’s pocket, has the same duty but has not exercised it. Both have been reckless in driving fear, and therefore helping (in a rather big way) to destabilise the economy, driving down sterling and the markets. Everyone knows that markets and sterling rates can fluctuate, sometimes greatly, but adjust themselves, and I believe that once Brexit is achieved and it is shown that it has little effect on trade, markets will bounce back, and the speculators creep back in their burrows (Soros et al). Osborne has failed in his primary duty. He will not be forgiven. Such is the anger of many MPs, that it seems inevitable that any revenge budget will be blocked. We are in for interesting times.
Good point, Martin. Agreed.
In Osborne’s place, I think I would have tried for a totally neutral position, setting out the ‘what mights’ for both positions, while briefly expressing a preference. Because he’s backed Dave so completely, his career is toast, win or lose.
One of the problems with our inadequate (BBC) journalists & presenters are they not asking the two key questions, such as ‘What are the benefits we receive from the EU?’ and ‘What are the downsides to EU membership?’ to each and every spokesperson coming before their microphones.
It would be interesting to hear Osborne’s reply.
An honesty test?
Exactly right MW, this is not outlining possible dangers it is deliberately trashing the economy that you are supposedly in charge of. It is treason!
What will happen after Brexit is that the great and the good including Osborne, Dave, Carney, Junkers etc, will come out and try to calm markets and say something along the lines of no need to panic and everything will be ok. Then it will be business as usual as the exit is negotiated.
Yes, ED. But I think he was probably finished as soon as he backed Remain. That tied him even more closely to David Cameron. All that after another Budget shambles, too. Once he was up against Johnson AND Gove, that was obviously going to dilute his (Osborne’s) likely vote support.
If Remain did win the Referendum, Osborne is still finished. Any slight downturn in the next two years, having promised more EU golden, sunny uplands if we Remain, will weaken his position further.
Since Osborne’s been talking to the TODAY programme, the Sterling board in the BBC Market Data has gone completely green and only now, after 9am, is showing just one loss against the NZ$. Looks like the markets do not believe him.
Yep Dave ..It sounds pretty desperate ..so you’re right with the “suddenly realised £30bn black hole”
just a low desperate stunt that BBC should have jumped on.
..suppose it will be up to a £60bn black hole by the weekend as they get ever more desperate
Charlie Stayt interviewing Neil Young hoping for some anti Trump rhetoric,asked him what he thought about it looking like Trump or Clinton for president,and who did he prefer…..
Bernie Sanders lol and not a word about Trump
Oh how disappointing Charles
Should a trans-gendered Muslim child in a buggy have priority over a black refugee in a wheelchair?
Common sense under threat from common-purpose ‘equality’? (And is there a pecking order within wheelchair and buggy user groups? Sigh.)
Next we will be having a Birkenhead drill for getting on buses!
“MY rights are bigger than your rights, there`s no room on the bus”….”no, MY rights are bigger than your rights, get off and let ME on the bus”
If bus drivers are to be placed in the position of arbitrating human rights cases on bus routes, presumably they will need to be paid at Q.C. rates…plus a bit more for their driving skills.
#EUreferendum Your Call on R5 now…Some old codger is banging on about how “Young People should have been given the vote..so he’s going to vote IN” ..so there is no way Mr Gameshow is going to cut him off..letting him go on and on eating away time.
– Then only 15 seconds for the OUT guy to give a good reposte, before Mr Gameshow cuts him off ..sorry I’ll stop you there we’ll go to the news.
Looks like Judge Dredd is voting
BBC Online News:
“”The secret life of a transgender airman””
I don’t care! I’m not anti. I just don’t care!
1,000’s of words wasted. Why can’t the BBC ask the following in just a few words?
‘What are the benefits of staying in the EU?’ And then list them with reasoning.
Beyond parody.
The following comment has been on the UAF Face Book site for a couple of days. They want to protest at Trump who they identify as a Nazi.
Imagine the outcry from the BBC if someone in UKIP made a similar suggestion about Clinton.
Ah, but Prime Minister Dave is a founder member of UAF, so its OK.
Unite Against Fascism
21 hrs ·
Donald Trump pushes GOP towards far right with anti Islam speech, #standuptoracism @uaf
Stewart Selkirk
I do not subscribe to violence or advocate it, but I will turn a blind eye if Someone uses a gun correctly and takes this MF out! If extreme ignorance is synonymous with evil, Trump is the devil’s right hand man. Sickening.
Anti fascists support assassination , who’d have thunk it?
It just shows them up in their true colours.
Does anyone else understand Cameron & Osborne’s stupidity in siding on Remain?
No election until 2020 – all they had to do was keep a neutral calm steady stance and declare that they respect the will of the people.
I can’t see how either can survive now.
Thatcher Rev.
Retirement in a luxury home in Dubai with a fat pension from their Arab paymasters and a highly paid job in the EU.
Interesting: Even MSN polls are tracking in one direction:
According to the MSN poll the French and Germans want us out, the Poles want us in and the Italians have no idea!
The Italians will probably surrender!
Absolutely, they are just trying to work out to which country. France, Germany or to wait for Albania to be a full member.
FT 100 and Sterling all up so far today. Yes, markets fluctuate !
RE Predictions :
“When you have a perfect free market, it’s difficult to predict the future. But when you have a market that is disturbed by government manipulations and money-printing, it’s impossible to make any predictions.” Marc Faber
“If you learn one thing from having lived through decades of changing views, it is that all predictions are necessarily false.” M. H. Abrams
George Osbourne’s Political and Economic Playbook:
“Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies.” Groucho Marx
I especially love the Groucho comment !
Good quotes, gb. Re the last one, problem is that Osborne has been bullish twice about the UK’s economic prospects in the last eighteen months. He has been gloomy, again twice, in the last two and a half years. He seems to be saying to the UK voting population today “You vote out and I will take punitive measures against the UK economy.”
Now, is that an early warning that he will deliberately sabotage the UK economy during the two year Brexit negotiation process when nothing changes, so that at the last minute the EU & Cameron offers everyone a chance for a re-vote? A chance for wavering Brexiteers who have taken fright to be allowed to stay after all? Or is he trying to leave a UK economy in ruins for what had been looking like a resurgent Labour Party that might just have had a, prior to the (and their) EU campaign an outside chance of winning power in 2020?
So far as Osborne is concerned “Hell hath no fury ………. ” ! A repulsive, odious , worthless creature and I am being polite !