A new week dawns and time for a new one of these. Anyone see Andrew Marr giving dodgy Dave an easy ride yesterday with no awkward questions about Turkey. Nudge Nudge, say no more. The floor is yours…
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Lone wolf in Orlando eh?
Not to mention intriguing references to “accomplices” in the MSM, arrests “imminent”, apparently – plus eye witness reports of multiple shooters… Wolf pack more like…
The PM at PMQ s is spinning like mad just like the rest of the in MP’s.why wont a MP stand up and say,You want the country to be run by the EU so why are we here. Get rid of us and the HoC and save money that way.
Well said. I cannot even bear to watch PMQs these days. It makes me feel sick that these nonentities are meant to be representing the British people !
Oliver Cromwell had them bang to rights . Get you gone I believe were his words.
“It is high time for me to put an end to your sitting in this place,
which you have dishonored by your contempt of all virtue, and defiled by your practice of every vice.
Ye are a factious crew, and enemies to all good government.
Ye are a pack of mercenary wretches, and would like Esau sell your country for a mess of pottage, and like Judas betray your God for a few pieces of money.
Is there a single virtue now remaining amongst you? Is there one vice you do not possess?
Ye have no more religion than my horse. Gold is your God. Which of you have not bartered your conscience for bribes? Is there a man amongst you that has the least care for the good of the Commonwealth?
Ye sordid prostitutes have you not defiled this sacred place, and turned the Lord’s temple into a den of thieves, by your immoral principles and wicked practices?
Ye are grown intolerably odious to the whole nation. You were deputed here by the people to get grievances redressed, are yourselves become the greatest grievance.
Your country therefore calls upon me to cleanse this Augean stable, by putting a final period to your iniquitous proceedings in this House; and which by God’s help, and the strength he has given me, I am now come to do.
I command ye therefore, upon the peril of your lives, to depart immediately out of this place.
Go, get you out! Make haste! Ye venal slaves be gone! So! Take away that shining bauble there, and lock up the doors.
In the name of God, go!”
Oliver Cromwell, Dismissal of the Rump Parliament, 1653.
They’re no Winston Churchills are they . At the bleakest time he raged defiance and countenanced nothing but victory .
Cameron and Osbourne have a flying start to their lives ( born rich) and a booming economy but bleat on about doom and surrender .
Linked on Facebook, where comments (unfiltered by the BBC, along with guests, topics, chair and audience) could be going better…
No doubt the BBc will be all over Sir Phillip Green’s testimony this morning . The usual evil capitalist etc etc.
Now |I know little about him but there is a serious matter here. Pension funds. Specifically those not funded by the taxpayer.
No doubt Green has been unlucky. The BHS fund like all others has been almost destroyed by the combinbation of QE and the very low interest rates. Blaming his actions is an easy option.
Mad Gordon and useless Obama set out to save the zombie banks and the useless bankers ( Goldman Sachs and the rest of the parasites) at the expense of the middle and working class pension funds . Amongst other things.
Nearly all funds are losing money . First the trouble will hit the US and then here. No fund can survive if the income is exceeded by the outgoings and that is what these cynical governments and bankers have done.
The BBC will not really care. pensions guaranteed by the plebs. Likewise government workers and the rest of the state subsidised crew.
Sometimes the stupidity and the greed of our ruling class becomes beyond comprehension. Now I have no time for the left anarchists but they are being given much ammunition with which to cause mayhem.
Until the banking cartels and the hedge fund shysters etc are bought to heel we will face endless problems. A true conservative would relish the task. A neo liberal elite will not.
Yes, the BBC hate Green, I mean Philip. He has promised today, in evidence, at the select committee to sort out the BHS pension problem. Let’s take him at his word. Why do the BBC hate him so much ? Well , he is Jewish, that is a start. And he has a history of selling quality clothes at a reasonable price which we plebs can afford. Too cheap for BBC wankers !
Oddly, I cannot see this on the BBC news web site, not even the welsh news web site.
Craig William Bennet, a traveller who owned a caravan site for his fellow community spirited pals was given £3.1 million by the generous Welsh assembly. The money was ear marked to build three toilet blocks, a community hall and a school, because you know how important community halls and schools are to travellers.
Having made some improvements Bennet sharply outwitted the slow witted local council by leasing the plots to them, who in turn rented them back to the travellers. So the council pays Bennet and then hoped that the travellers would pay their rent. Hmmm. You can see where that is going.
However, much of the 3.1 million grant money was used to produce cannabis. Very entrepreneurial you may say. By the time Plod arrived they had converted 12 of the 24 caravan plots to drugs producing areas.
Now, should everyone working in the local council and the Assembly be given a good slap or just those who poured buckets of tax payers money into the pockets of the travellers?
Oh by the way, Bennet hasn’t bothered turning up for his trial, so further costs for tax payers.
I’m off to apply for 3.1 million, damn I am not a traveller!
Would there have been any EU rebate in that £3.1m, I wonder?
The EU likes giving (our) money to Wales.
On the 1pm news. A Supreme Court case is underway about a wheelchair user taking a case after a woman with a pram refused to give away her space to him on a First bus.
Needless to say, the reporting implies some random wheelchair user who has been discriminated against.
But the wheelchair user was not random at all. Doug Paulley has raised over 1300 FOI requests, and has fought about 40 discrimination cases since his one year in employment in the mid 90s. He now lives in a care home. In other words a serial ‘victim’ professiional and one wonders where he gets his funding from, for all these actions.
Now whether he has a good case or not, in the interests of good reporting, don’t you think we ought to be made aware by our impartial broadcaster about the history and background of the man?
I would like to inform BBBC that I have scrapped my TV and cancelled my direct debit to the TV Gestapo. I can stiill watch on my mum’s TV and she does not have to pay the TV tax, that is until Brexit when old people will have to pay £1 million a year to the BBC.
How do I feel ? A sense of freedom that I am no longer financing an evil organisation ! Bring on Brexit !!!
Well done, Sir! (I have been turning off the radio today when any reference is made to Clement Freud. It’s all too awful.)
I wonder if anyone in middle and senior management and the executives at the BBC will be able to join up the dots on this one? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-36528256
In the world of business, when market conditions for your ‘product’ change, you either have to cut costs and cut your price charged to keep customer volumes or you can let your ‘product’ be squeezed into a premium niche for a much smaller market of people willing to make sacrifices to acquire your product or just those who are high earners and the wealthy.
Over to you, DG.
Thanks . I do not want to pre-judge Freud, but looks like his wife has confirmed. He was a BBC favourite. Coincidence ?
Seems Sir Bob has chipped in as only he can. Defo secured a place on the next QT, surely? Or failing that he and Viv can sing a duet on the joys of voting to an adoring youth audience who really, like, are against rich f***ing banksters, man. He knows the lyrics at least already.
Did Dave choreograph this PR triumph too, using his skills? Wicked.
When was the last time wanker Bob wrote a half-decent song. And how many refugees has he taken in so far ? He should be remorelessly questioned about his self-serving, lying , dirty hypocrisy. Scum .
This is a BBC-related thread; I estimate I can just find the time to answer so no need to pull an exemption bunny out the hat.
1) When I was a lad (a while)
2) As many as Yvette Cooper, last I heard
3) Maybe on Question Time?
That’s quite a thread to track.
Admire his BBC-mocking twitter ‘disclaimer’: Biass ‘so called’ juornalist, Daily Telegraph
I have no brief for Sir Philip Green and do not understand the complexities of the BHS case, but I listened to a clip on R4 today of him being questioned by a select committee. It was wonderful to hear him stick it to the bunch of pompous overpaid and overpromoted nonentities who purport to represent us .
Grant, the short clip may have left that impression, but some of the questions really put Green on the spot , as he deserves to be. One line of questioning by a Tory MP, surname Graham, was forensic and had Green desperately calling for a break in proceedings .
The reality is probably that Green, using advisers, didn’t break pension law but in effect shafted the pensioners using legal loopholes. The pensions regulator was also slow to act and very ineffective .
Greens offer to put in £80m even though he has sold the company is probably an attempt to save his knighthood . I hope he fails . He’ll still have £3.2 billion and 3 yachts though .
Is it because they are completely delusional? Do they hate conservative white people so much that they would rather destroy everything that has made white people who they are, than admit Islam is the problem all along? Is there no level to the depths of complete insanity the traitors among our people will fall to, to ensure the ‘message’ is continued… That Islam is peaceful, tolerant and compatible with our way of life…
Absolutely shockingly article on Al Beeb webshite today. They ask;
“Did internalised homophobia spark Orlando nightclub attack?”
They then go on to say utter bollocks like ;
“Reports that Orlando gunman Omar Mateen had been a regular at the gay nightclub he attacked and used gay dating apps have led to speculation that he was motivated by internalised homophobia. But what is it, and could it have anything to do with the worst shooting in recent US history?” – nothing like misdirection to shoehorn a narrative hey Al Beeb!!
“Investigators are still trying to establish what led a 29-year-old security guard from Florida to murder 49 people and injure dozens more as they partied in popular gay nightclub Pulse.” – no need for that Al Beeb, the Muslim Jihadi who carried out the attack has already told us.. What you are trying to do is ignore what he said because it doesn’t fit with your utterly wrong and utterly dangerous narrative!
Strangely enough nothing about the following…
– Homosexuals are beheaded, hanged and stoned in modern Saudi Arabia and Iran, where Muhammad’s laws are applied most strictly. Five other Muslim countries also have the death penalty on their books for homosexual behavior..
– Since the resurrection of the caliphate in 2014 (the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria) dozens of homosexuals have been thrown from rooftops. Other have been stoned to death. Muslim identity groups, such as CAIR, did not bother to issue a single denunciation of these serial murders prior to the 2016 Islamist massacre at a gay night club in Orlando…
Oh and remember..
– Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) have opposed moves to advance LGBT rights at the United Nations, in the General Assembly and/or the UNHRC. In May 2016, a group of 51 Muslim states blocked 11 gay and transgender organizations from attending 2016 High Level Meeting on Ending AIDS.
The lunatic left and traitorous Al mujahideen Beeb have now had to even abandon their previous professional victim status ‘community’ to continue with the madness that is protecting the death cult. If the Al Beeb can abandon the LGBT community like this we are all truly fucked!!
Oh dear! The soft hearted luvvies are being badly affected by having to witness bogus asylum seekers on the way to the promised land of the EU.
One even says that she was so touched at the sight of an Afghan boy with a plastic dinosaur that she shed a tear, but that ALL of them were fleeing conflict ! What conflict in Pakistan & Afghanistan?
The International News Safety Institute is launching a survey into the psychological impact on journalists covering the migrant crisis, following anecdotal evidence that some journalists are finding it is taking a high emotional toll on them. INSI Director Hannah Storm discusses the challenges of reporting the crisis, and Steve Hewlett is also joined by Channel 4 News International Editor Lindsey Hilsum, who has spent decades reporting around the world on conflicts and who, more recently,has been reporting first-hand on the refugee crisis.
Personally I blame the BBC for being so biased to the left that they would never send an objective reporter attempting to find facts and taking a dispassionate view. The fact that they so desire the views of the tender hearted credulous liberal left means that their mental health -already in a fragile state before they set off, is bound to suffer!
I could have told them this before they went. If they’d sent people like us, I doubt they’d have seen a single issue like this!
I listened to Osborne on Toady this morning with growing incredulity; does he even believe the ever more extreme cr@p he’s coming out with, seemingly, every day now?
On this day, 20 years ago, the IRA detonated in Manchester, the biggest bomb seen in this country since the 2nd World War. 220 people were injured. Just sayin’, just in case the BBC missed it.
Actually, I caught it tucked away in the regional news. Apparently they are discussing who should apologise first