Majority of MPs in all 3parties want to stay in EU. They’re your democratically elected leaders. Voting Brexit overrules your own MPs
John Humphrys had a fairly good interview with Gordon Brown this morning…though that wasn’t hard as Brown seemed determined to dig his own grave. It is beyond me why the Remain campaign have wheeled this old duffer out to front their latest push, in particular on the subject of immigration which he refuses to debate. Any Labour voter would have listened to Brown and immediately made the decision to vote the opposite of whatever Brown told them to do. He clearly has learned nothing, sounding arrogant, dodgy and evasive.
Whilst Humphrys did give Brown a hard time Justin Webb seemed beamed in from the Remain campaign as he interviewed Liam Fox and went down the road of straw-man point scoring insisting that ‘we need immigration’, making it seem that the Leave camp want to stop it altogether which is far, far from the truth. Webb also insisted that immigration benefits us all when the stats say at best the financials were only just on the immigrant’s side…the EU immigrants that is….but Migration Watch says that that is out of date and the latest immigrants from the EU cost us more than the first waves. Webb also ignores the fact that most are in low paid jobs the taxes from which in no way cover the benefits they receive from schooling their kids, the NHS, housing and all the other services they require and get from the State.
Brown isn’t the only Remain politician to display astounding arrogance, his own Party boss, Corbyn, refuses to talk of immigration and both Cameron and Osborne claimed they would be happy to take Britain out of the EU if the EU refused to reform…and then, when the EU totally stonewalled Cameron they furiously backpedalled on that and now campaign relentlessly to stay in the EU.
The BBC for some reason refuses to mention the very inconvenient, and relevant, fact that Osborne and Cameron said leaving the EU was an option but when James Dyson came out for the Leave campaign the BBC in every bulletin regaled us with tales of how he’d extolled the virtues of the Euro…way back in 2000….we only found out later that the BBC was channelling the Remain camp’s words, their propaganda, as the BBC’s own.
Cameron has of course been incredibly dismissive of the debate on immigration whilst posing as the man with the solutions…both UKIP and Trump have suffered his Flashmanesque arrogance but both have had the last laugh as he crawled to Trump later on and now dances to UKIP’s tune calling a referendum. Shame the BBC fails to challenge him on his attacks.
Immigration seems to be a subject that attracts the grandstanding pious moralisers who won’t make any meaningful comments that will be backed by concrete action, preferring instead to sound as if they are concerned and yet at the same time be pro-immigration and also condemn thse who want to control it as racists.
Image from

When you see the massive disdain and dismissive arrogance the Remain camp has for the voters you wonder how they can ever win…and yet with the BBC behind them pushing hard for the EU it is hard to see a definite win for Leave.
Today on Radio One (12:55) we had a blatant plug for Remain and an attempt to swing the youth vote as the BBC went to Berlin and we heard Berliners asking us to stay, young Brit expats saying how wonderful the EU is and BMW predicting doom and gloom on Brexit….no one was brought on to counter any of that pure propaganda.
The BBC has been pushing hard for the youth, ethnic minorites and expats to vote….in conjunction with the electoral commission and the government who gerrymandered the vote by extending the registration period by two days (after a mere two hour shutdown of the regsitration site) to allow up to 500,000 extra voters to sign up late…most, it is predicted, will vote to remain. Rigging the election? I think so. The BBC didn’t ask any difficult questions about this stitch up. Which is curious as they keep telling us this is the most historic electoral event in our recent history…you might think Cameron rigging the referendum might be worth noting.
All pretty much the truth about the ‘positive contribution’ made by immigrants and pushed incessantly by Leftoids, but why don’t Brexiteers challenge them? Even Migrationwatch stand on the sidelines instead of shouting nowadays, or is it just that mainstream media don’t listen? Migrationwatch even bigged up a recent NIESR (yes, Portes’ vehicle, he of 14k E Europeans pa) report which allocated benefit take up on educational level. According to them, immigrants are better qualified than Brits so less likely to take benefits, which ignores Migrationwatch’s own research which shows that the majority of EE immigrants are in minimum wage jobs. What practical use to us is a Polish economics graduate or whatever pulling coffees in a coffee shop and getting in work benefits?
As for our European ‘friends’ having to pay the healthcare costs of Brits in their countries, as Wee Krankie Turgid claimed in last week’s ‘debate’ with Boris, they don’t and she must or ought to know that but no one corrects her or others broadcasting the same lie.
I’m having trouble pasting the link to a Sky investigation which shows we pay our European friends 10 times for healthcare for our citizens abroad than they pay us for their more numerous citizen’s healthcare over here. If you Google ‘ who pays EHIC Sky’ you will get it. And 10 times is only for the costs which our doctors bother to record – most just gets forgotten.
Here is the link to the story about us paying for our citizens’ healthcare in the EU, and paying a lot more than we claim for the more numerous EU citizens here.
It could be, of course, that these young, fit E Europeans don’t get sick or have accidents and so the very many stories of them clogging up doctors’ surgeries or A & E are lies, or that the number of births to shamed Polish over girls here is exaggerated.
This from Migrationwatch shows the low level, pre benefits, of wages for EE immigrants.
“18. Figure 14 shows that migrants from Eastern Europe (A10) have an income distribution very much biased towards the lower end of the income distribution of the UK-born population. Some 70% of people from these countries have earnings less than the median earnings of the UK-born, and nearly 90% less than an annualised £26,000. Conversely, over 60% of those from Western European countries earn more than the UK-born median, with a markedly higher proportion at the very highest income levels. The distribution of those from other European countries closely follows that for the UK-born but again with a markedly higher proportion at the very highest income levels. The five largest members of this ‘Other Europe’ group are Turkey, Russia, Switzerland, Cyprus and Norway”
And here about their ‘contributing’ –
“The broad findings are that the overall fiscal effect in 2014/15 of the immigrant population in the UK was negative. This was so for post-2000 arrivals too using Dustmann and Frattini’s categorisation of sub-population groups, with negative contributions by immigrants from the EU A10 group of countries and countries outside the EEA outweighing a positive contribution by immigrants from the EU15/other EEA countries. This is the same result as obtained by Dustmann and Frattini in the final year of the period they observed.”
Reading the entire paper would obviously give a broader picture than my extract.
Unless they rig the vote, they’re gonna lose this, and as yet, they haven’t got their heads around that particular forthcoming realism….
I’m bored with it all now, I just want to vote “Leave” and hope my vote isn’t “mislaid” somewhere along the way..
This is the woman who informed us the new pension scheme was mis-sold.
Errr we were never “sold” it, it was imposed upon us. I have been looking into the subject as at 56 I’ve been trying to keep track of pensions. he whole system has been clouded in a lack of information. Whether this was deliberate or not I couldn’t say but I the end I had to resort getting some answers from Altman via my MP as I found it impossible to get the answers anywhere on the internet. I normally apply for a pension forecast every year but this year they have changed the system if you don’t have a passport to bloody difficult. In the age of white hot technology I am unable to do what I’ve done in previous years and applied for a forecast online. As I don’t have a passport I now have to phone up and hang on the line I gave up after a lengthy wait. Welcome to the 21st Century.
Ros Altman is on a piece of Remain literature posted to my wife this morning.
Ros Altman blocked me after a solitary comment on her Twitter feed…..Ah democracy….Ros Altman style..
The BBC arrogance and dismissive attitude to voters fears about the EU, mass immigration and the threat of Muslim terrorism continued on the Tuesday Today programme . Three back to back items on the prime slot after the 7 am news. Trevor Kavanagh of the Sun given a very unsunny interview by the house Muslim about the newspapers support for brexit . Hussains contempt for what Kavanagh had to say was palpable. Then a piece from an American mosque showing us how normal Muslims are, just like us. Then a scare piece on tne City gearing itself to the awful prospect of brexit .
And of course much excitement that the Orlando gunman may have been a closet gay.
Brown at heart is a tyrant who has no real connection with a traditional Labour voter, letting his guard down when slurring Gillian Duffy as “a bigot” revealed a snapshot of his true mindset, terrifyingly out of touch. The very refusal by him and his contemporaries to even discuss immigration seems to have turned the EU referendum into a de facto immigration referendum.
One thing that seems glaringly obvious from the voting intentions that the various polls are indicating ( of course the predictive history of polls isn’t brilliant) is that the ‘native born’ English are heavily in favour of LEAVE. If you stripped out ethnic minorities and Celts then the polls would be well above 55/45 , probably 60/40. No doubt Ms Thornberry et al will be really annoyed with our stupidly bigoted views. Perhaps Emily Thornberry should pause and think why the people she is supposed to represent have views on this critical issue which are so opposed to hers and those of her fellow Labour big wigs. Who has the ‘false political conscious’ them or her?
Thankfully there are indications that NI, Wales and even Scotland may be closer than commentators speculate with the vote in those parts of the UK being only slightly in favour of Remain. I hope so because I don’t want the UK riven internally when negotiating our exit from the EU and we can be sure that the BBC and SNP will do their best to stir up a row on the slightest pretext.
But a message to the Leave leaders if they win- if you want a successful exit you have to cut the BBC down to size, otherwise they will do everything they can to sabotage the will of the people.
Talk about arrogance-BT have, its been reported sent a letter to each of their employees stating their (BT’s) vote to stay in the EU-this referendum is for the individual to vote for or against not for a any company not matter how large, to influence the way one of their employees should vote. Disgraceful. With so much disingenuous Sh…..t being thrown around by the remain camp that for some who don’t really understand the main aim of those that run the European Union is to construct a one state, which if Britain stays inside that depotic arrangement, their aim will come true and all our present Freedoms will vanish. I know I am preaching to the converted. Good luck to you all.
Exactly. BT Directors can’t even run their own business properly so who the hell are they to tell anyone which way to vote ? BT, Bloody Terrible.
Well, on top of Alan Johnson’s awesome oratory…
The real heavyweights are being wheeled out, in classic style…
Sure this collection of ‘worker’s’ future concerns will really resonate with the majority of the UK. Viv in there to snag the young vote presumably, after the triumph of VD’s little collection of old white geriatrics in ‘debate’.
Webb also ignores the fact that most are in low paid jobs the taxes from which in no way cover the benefits they receive from schooling their kids, the NHS, housing and all the other services they require and get from the State.
surely to that list one must add :- tax credits, child benefit & housing benefit