‘HE WAS GAY’ Orlando gunman’s ex-wife makes bombshell claim that ISIS fanatic used Grindr dating app and visited gay clubs
The BBC, and Owen Jones, have been pushing the line that the killing of 49 gay people in Orland has nothing to do with Islam and is purely a homophobic hate crime, the BBC leaping upon the suggestion that the killer saw two men kissing and it so enraged him he went on a murderous rampage, as you do.
From the Spectator….Owen Jones’ hypocrisy…..
I was due to be on Channel 4 News tonight, live from the Orlando vigil in Soho. But apparently Owen Jones won’t appear with me, so it’s off.
— Douglas Murray (@DouglasKMurray) June 13, 2016
But I can see why. After the mass murder of gays by an Islamist, why not no-platform a gay who has warned about Islamists?
— Douglas Murray (@DouglasKMurray) June 13, 2016
Sky news suggested that, yes Gays were targeted here, but that was no different to non-Muslims, Jews, cartoonists, tourists on the beach, people at a football match or at a music gig being targeted. Sky was saying that this was just one part of an overall war on the West and its society and culture and that we shouldn’t forget that and try to, as the BBC and Jones do, suppress the fact that this is an Islamically inspired attack and not a singular event defined by the killer’s supposed homophobia.
Today we hear news that not only raises questions about the BBC’s rush to judgement on that ‘two men kissing’ narrative but also their attempt to sideline the Islamic State angle.
The killer, it turns out, was allegedly gay himself. Or bisexual, please yourself.
Therefore….not homophobic by nature. Therefore driven by some other outside motivation or ideology.
About time the BBC, and Jones, faced the facts and started to tell the truth about why gays were targeted here…and of the preachers who attended the Orlando mosque preaching anti-gay rhetoric, and of the killer’s links to a radical imam who had links to our very own Cage…so beloved of the BBC.
Just why does the BBC give so much airtime to a bunch of Islamist apologists and activists?
KILLER’S EXTREMIST CONNECTIONS Orlando shooter’s links to Islamic hate cleric who preached in Birmingham
British extremism apologist group backed killer’s imam
THE fanatical Islamic preacher thought to have inspired Orlando massacre monster Omar Mateen is backed by a British group that defended Jihadi John.
Extremism apologists CAGE asked its supporters to fund the legal fees of gay-hating Marcus Robertson as he fought terror charges in the US last year.
‘Je ne suis pas Charlie’
Oh, and one final thought….all those Muslims, and their BBC apologists, who objected so loudly to ‘#Jesuischarlie’…will they also be objecting to all the outpourings of sympathy for the dead in Orlando? Surely they feel left out of the solidarity events, unable to take part and therefore once again we have Muslims marginalised…and potentially radicalised…stop these marches now!!!
‘Je ne suis pas Gay?’
(I posted something similar elsewhere so apologies for the repetition).
The BBC has been running this all day; “The man behind the worst mass shooting in recent US history was a visitor to the Orlando gay club where he carried out the massacre, witnesses say. Chris Callen, a performer at Pulse in Orlando, Florida, told the New York Daily News that Omar Mateen had visited the venue several times”.
Two observations;
1. If you go to the NYDN website you can see the interview with drag artist Chris Callen for yourself on video. He’s not very convincing, lots of what he says seems to be gossip and heresy. You can judge how plausible he is for yourself.
2. Even if Mateen DID visit the nightclub, that’s not evidence that he was not a jihadist terrorist. On the contrary a terrorist planning to do what he did would have visited the club to conduct detailed surveillance to check the security measures in place around the target and to plan exactly what he was going to do.
The fact he visited the club is consistent with him being an islamic terrorist, it’s certainly not proof that he was only motivated by a secular hatred of gays (as the BBC suggests).
OT, but pertinent:
Ch4 tonight: Orlando aftermath: questions continue
I’m in Orlando as officials try to find out more about the man who killed 49 people at the Pulse nightclub – still a barricaded crime scene, surrounded by wreaths and bouquets for the victims. Police say Omar Mateen appears to have been self-radicalised: customers of the LGBT club he targeted says he had visited the place several times and used gay dating apps. Our US correspondent, Kylie Morris, will be hearing from those who were inside the club when the massacre happened – and from relatives of those who died. She talks to Mateen’s father who says he’d never shared any anti-gay sentiments with his son. Plus the political fallout continues – as Donald Trump repeats his call for a ban on Muslims entering the country.
Self-Radicalisation. It’s now a thing. At least they can all fall back on Trump to avoid hanging around anything awkward.
“Orlando terrorist Omar Mateen’s father hosts an anti-American satellite television program aimed at Pashtun Afghans, usually while wearing military garb and speechifying about how he will someday become president of the country. Even after his son had just killed dozens of people, Mateen felt it necessary to expound on how Allah would “punish those involved in dressuphomosexuality”, [Orlando Terrorist’s Father After Shooting: God Will Punish Gays, by Carolina May, Breitbart, June 13, 2016] According to a report in People magazine, Omar Mateen’s second wife also knew he was planning an attack.”
James Kirkpatrick http://www.vdare.com
It is nothing to do with Islam !
It’s like trying to say that the Nazi’s murdering Gays was primarily a ‘hate’ crime and failing to see all the other groups.
This is the problem the left has created. It’s ideas have not evolved, nor organically grown, and when put to the test they simply don’t stand up.
Owen Jones is self obsessed, wrapped up in his single interest group, and is only interested in another when he is using it as a tool to bully others who point out the folly of his beliefs.
Muslim terrorists commit their ghastly crimes because they are obeying what the Koran and the Hadith tell them to do. Their behaviour can safely be ascribed, in its entirety, to their religion and the recommendations of their prophet. To many so-called ‘moderate’ Muslims these murderers cannot be condemned because they are actually being better Muslims than they are! As it is the duty of every Muslim on Earth to convert the ‘infidel’ and further the expansion of Islam until it dominates the entire world, by any and all means possible, including dissembling, lying, fraud, theft, treachery, swindling and murder, there can be no moderate Muslim, nor can any Muslim be trusted to tell the truth, or behave honestly. Sad but true, and we’d better wake up to it. Anyone who has taken the trouble to study Islam will know it is a little publicised fact that the Koran forbids Muslims to live in ‘Infidel’ countries unless they propose to conquer those countries, so do we think that we have over 53 million of them living in Europe, let alone the USA-It is definitely not up to us to adapt to their way of life, unless of course you work for BBC. Those that have allowed this to happen have condemmed the indigenous peoples of Europe to the darkest moment of mankind. Irrespective of whether Britain votes OUT or IN, this threat to our freedoms will remain.