Alan Johnson thinks the problem is that the voters are an ignorant bunch who just won’t listen to what the ‘elite’ tell them to do. Sounds as if he has been taking the BBC college of journalism course in political analysis.
Never mind, Aunty is here to make it better and improve our minds…in the shape of Mishal Husain. I saw that she has a programme on immigration tonight on BBC2 at 9pm that will give us the facts on immigration. If like me you laughed out loud on reading that and can’t bare to watch such a programme you will be delighted to know that Mishal has conveniently written up her project for our easy consumption on the website….all your ‘prejudices’ about such a programme, your very low expectations, will be confirmed absolutely.
Her opening statement is an exercise in self-delusion…
How can it be that one of the biggest concerns for British voters is something that British politicians often find difficult to talk about, let alone address?
That has traditionally been the case as far as immigration is concerned, but ahead of the referendum, immigration from the European Union has come to the fore.
Politicians find it difficult to talk about immigration because the BBC et al immediately vilify and denounce them as racists and link them to the Nazis if they dare to raise the issue. The BBC, instead of encouraging and facilitating debate, has crushed and suppressed it….just look what it did to the completely innocent UKIP councillor, Rozanne Duncan, whom the BBC publicly crucified as a racist as part of their campaign against UKIP in the run up to the election.
Husain has a Leaver and a Remainer on to tell us why they will vote as they will….the Remain voter is…a Polish immigrant who has now got British citizenship…so no real surprise which way she is voting….and which rather confirms the believe that part of Labour’s ploy to open the borders to EU citizens was in the knowledge that should a referendum on EU membership take place by the time it does happen many of the immigrants would have taken out citizenship and have the ability to vote…and the likelihood is that they would vote to stay in the EU. In other words Labour loaded the dice and rigged the referendum long ago. I have yet to hear the BBC raise such a possibility and that the flood of immigrants was deliberate rather than just a mistake.
Husain herself is an immigrant so are we likely to get a balanced and genuinely informative programme? Not judging by the web write up…and it is patently obvious that a Polish immigrant is not the right person to have on to talk about voting on immigration…she has an intense personal interest in a pro-immigration outcome, an affinity for ‘Europe’ and little attachment to ‘Britain’, its culture, history, self-image and place in the world.
In summary, Husain feeds us what is pure Remain propaganda as her conclusions….immigrants don’t really use the NHS, they fill the gaps in the jobs market as ‘aspirational’ young Brits move up the ladder, immigrants pay far more in tax than they take out in benefits, migrants are forced to live in damp squalor (because they are so low paid…er…how do they pay so much tax then?) and they have health problems as a result (er…so they use the NHS then?) …oh, but without migrant workers the health sector would collapse. The Polish voter also loves our diversity…it’s so healthy and of course it is the EU that has stopped all war…
And for them, the EU also represents an ideal. Grazyna’s own mother was deported by the Soviets from eastern Poland to Central Asia after World War Two, and she does not take life in a time of peace and stability for granted. On 23 June, she’ll be voting Remain.
‘Immigration provides great economic benefit?’
The House of Lords Economic Affairs Committee, reporting in April 2008, said that what mattered was GDP per head. They concluded that:
We have found no evidence for the argument, made by the government, business and many others, that net immigration generates significant economic benefits for the existing UK population.In January 2012 the Migration Advisory Committee went further. They said that even GDP per head exaggerated the benefit of immigration because:
It is the immigrants themselves rather than the extant residents who are the main gainers.
‘Immigrants are not a problem as they work hard and pay tax?’
Some of the limited research in this area had found that there might be a small positive fiscal impact to immigration. Nonetheless, according to the House of Lords Economic Committee “the fiscal impact (of immigration) is small compared to GDP and cannot be used to justify large-scale immigration”.
However, the presumption of even a small fiscal benefit has been comprehensively overturned by a UCL study published in 2014 which found the fiscal impact of migrants in the UK between 1995 and 2011 was in fact a net cost of between £115 and £160 billion that is between £19 and £26 million per day.
The same study claimed that East European migrants contributed £5 billion to the Exchequer between 2001 and 2011. However that calculation was based on the assumption that they paid, from the moment of their arrival, corporate and business taxes at the same rate as lifelong UK residents. Correcting for this brought the contribution close to zero.
‘Migrants are less likely to claim benefits?’
Figures from the DWP show that migrants to the UK are less likely to claim out-of-work benefits. But large amounts of the total benefits bill are paid to people in work, in particular tax credits and housing benefit. Research shows that some migrant groups are much more likely to be claiming these key benefits than the general population.
And obviously there are the invisible, non-cash benefits that migrants get…schools, the NHS, the use of State services…police, fire, ambulance etc and not least the pressure on the roads, and environment, from all the extra cars.
Husain does her best to separate out and hide the reality that mass immigration puts huge pressure on infrastructure and on society itself…the cultural friction and conflicts that arise are ignored by her….what for instance is the likely outcome of millions of Muslims entering Europe and being able to enter the UK as well…and that’s before Turkey is allowed to enter by the backdoor as special arrangements are made to speed up its entry?
And what of this?…This is the real question that the BBC should be asking…what happens if we vote to stay in? The EU economy is on the rocks, immigrants are flooding into Europe in massive numbers and will destabilise the continent, the EU itself is pushing for ever-closer union…will the UK be forced to join? You bet. But the BBC doesn’t want you to know that…or any of this…..
Everything the EU Is Hiding Until After the Referendum
This makes me laugh-here we have a Muslim woman in Mishal Husain no matter whether educated in the UK or not, she is still an immigrant hosting a programme about immigration ! Deplorable low level propaganda, sadly now to be expected from BBC. Certainly one thing to do if it is Brexit, strip away every new presenter, journalist, and most of the Directors and try and bring back this British Broadcasting Corporation that has moved away with those that would love to ensalve us all to be fed on journalistic tripe. My family would have been considered immigrants as they setlled about 1500 yrs ago, but since then have endeavoured to make the United Kingdom a peacefull and FREE country. Don’t let us cast aside all those achievements gained.
Little things , as in lots of little things , can make a big thing . As in the whole is worth more than the sum of all its parts .
A factory in the southeast has a new lot of immigrant labour (where are the Brits) and there is a resentment from the displaced POLES . The new lot have a different take on the environment , recycling and rubbish . They throw their cans and sandwich packaging straight onto the grass .
Yesterday I saw the rubbish had been collected and bagged ready for collection .
Who pays for that ?
Having had the misfortune watch the odious Mishal Husain’s propaganda piece in favour of immigrants , I can confirm all that Alan states above. How does the BBC have the gall to film a Polish immigrant who now has British citizenship telling me that I must be mad to vote Leave.I was born in this country as were countless generations of my forbears. No Pole is going to tell me what to do .
I turned on saw Husain and switched over.
The Polish immigrant is a self serving nationalist.
Poland is a gainer from the EU. Once they start being flooded with Turks, Moroccans and Syrians she will change he r tune.
sorry Alan but a friend of mine works in housing benefit and 98% of claims are from gimmiegrants. Fraud is widespread but nothing is done except being swept under the carpet.
The worm is turning and the MSM and the BBC dont like it and cant see that their emperor new clothes bubble is about to burst.
Apologies if this is in the wrong thread but I had to pick up on this one!
I went to the BBC home page to see an article titled “Which EU countries have the most citizens living in the UK?”
[Evidence here:
I clicked through to the article [] to find this – “Reality Check: Which EU countries contribute most to UK population?”
[Evidence here:
Contribute? CONTRIBUTE???
I think the BBC have fucked up here BIG time! The reason I took screen shots was because I’m sure they will change the wording when they realise the error of their ways.
HTML balls-up!
They will now as they will have read your post . Who do you think our trolls are ?
Comment on the actual programme;
39:35 HR:MINS
Lanzarote is NOT a good example of the EU benefitting British ex-pats because the Canary Islands are subject to different tax rules. The Canary Islands are classed as “Special Territory” just like Guernsey and Jersey and are subject to VAT in return for duty-free status.
This means that anyone living in Lanzarote are ALREADY at a disadvantage EU-wise. The idea that Canary Island ex-pats will be worse off in the event of a Brexit is bullshit!!!
And I’m presuming that Mishal Husain gets nose bleeds if she ventures any further north than Clacton because the footage in Lincolnshire was devoid of her presence and obviously filmed whilst Mishal was drinking lattes in Clapham. It’s only natural that she should go to the most southerly place on the planet that is in the EU.
…and she’s walking along the cliffs of Dover and not Sneinton Boulevard in Nottingham. Mishal obviously hasn’t got the balls to throw herself into the fire of immigration unrest. When do we EVER see the unrest that our society faces on a daily basis from our broadcasters?
This has got to stop!
Cogent comments Edward on another piece of BBC navel gazing, conceived and created at our expense. And how clever and skilled the lighting and editing, especially to give IDS a sweaty sheen of guilt as bold, incisive, multi-cultured Mishal plunges the Rapier of Remaining to the heart of his flimsy argument.
Even though Alan Johnson did look as though he’d needed one or two bevvies to maintain his bold front, we must all take comfort from one inalienable fact. Despite the contrived cleverness and cool appraisals, the common-sense and beneficial aspects laid before her audience, the vast, the overwhelming majority – those from Nottingham and Bolton and Bristol and Peterborough and all points – those who ARE affected by the destruction of their communities and who ARE forced to live with the consequences of New Labour’s deliberate follies, will have been watching the football anyway. They don’t watch BBC2, they might, if asked, think Ms Hussein related to a cricketer, or perhaps the Jordanian royal family, but they will still vote leave, whatever dhimmi delights the BBC choses to try to place before them
So Little Georgie Osborne and the Remainiacs are threatening immediate increases in taxes and cuts to spending if we vote Brexit! The threats just get greater and greater and ever more scaremongering, although I fear many will take heed.
As a life-long Tory voter, and often a defender of Osborne and Boy Dave, I am appalled. I was never a member but am finished with the Tory party and I am going to join UKIP today.
I suspect that our beloved government is moulding problems it (and we) already know about, into handy ‘Blame’ shaped hand grenades, ready to pull the pin and lob them at the silly masses if Leave win.
I’m for out but it isn’t going to be an easy first year. This will be compounded by Sulky Dave and George throwing their lollipops on the floor and folding their arms in defiance. The only silver lining of a remain win will be watching them flounder under the weight of the BS that they’ve had to create to carry them through.
‘Cos we’ve never had any market crashes whilst in the EU, have we George…..