Owen Jones has stormed out of a Sky interview claiming that the Sky presenter, Mark Longhurst, wasn’t interested in the killings in Orlando as ‘homophobic hate crimes’ and that because Longhurst isn’t gay he can’t possibly understand what went on. Watch the interview and you’ll see that it is Jones who doesn’t understand what is being said…and ironically storms out as the Telegraph headline of an IS ‘war on gays’ is being discussed and Stonewall being quoted….Jones edits that truth out of his video clip in the Guardian where he tries to pillory Longhurst.
The point Longhurst was making was that this wasn’t an attack aimed solely at gay people…this was an attack on the West, the liberal, progressive West that has gone so far down the road to accepting ‘Gay’ as normal. This is just part of the whole IS campaign against the West and non-Muslims who want a secular, democratic society in which people are as free as possible to say, think and do what they like….it was not just an attack on gay people.
Sky got the narrative right, we should be asking what are the overall aims of the Islamic State and what is their motivation?
Owen Jones and the BBC look on this as purely an issue of hatred against gays…the BBC’s latest report also looks at it purely from this perspective and ignores the Islamic State, the Islam issue almost completely….only the last sentence gives the lie to what the BBC presented to us in the rest of the report…and makes the point Sky was making……
“Isis and extremist ideology hate all of us,” he says. “It’s really an attack on all of us. It’s an attack on the way we live – our openness.”
Jones is of course a Marxist in league with the very people who have the ideology that drives the Islamic State…he agreed to appear on the Islamist Mend organisation’s tour and talk alongside a man well known for making homophobic speeches…..the Left never learn….In Iran they joined up with the Islamists to overthrow the Shah and ended up as the useful idiots that opened the door for gays to be killed for the crime of being gay in Iran…maybe Jones should think more carefully about what ideology he teams up with.
From Harry’s Place…...Not only does this Muslim express his hatred of gays he explains why the West is so dissolute…..it allows gays to exist….Jones should wake up instead of sharing platforms with such people…..
In our own time – I remember as a kid in the 80s, which gives you an idea of how old I was – growing up in the 80s … I remember how homosexuals were looked down upon, and the names that were give to these people, and how disgusted the average masses were with that segment of society.
Now look! Now look at how we have regressed – not progressed. Where it is impossible, forget a Muslim, even a Christian or a Jew, can not stand up in public in front of a non-Muslim audience, and speak against homosexuality. He is a homophobe! He is an evil person! How dare he preaches hatred against this group of people!
Jones ends his Guardian self-justification with this…
Today, the “we only care about LGBT rights if Muslims are involved” brigade are out in force. As a gay man, I am proud to live in a city represented by a Muslim mayor who has faced death threats for supporting and voting for LGBT people to have the same rights as everybody else. The bigots must not be allowed to hijack this atrocity.
That’ll be Sadiq Khan who called moderate Muslims who wanted to cooperate with the government in the fight against terrorism ‘Uncle Toms’.
Jones, deluded as always.
To be fair, it was well past his bedtime.
Orlando murderer was homophobic, racist, anti-Semitic and misogynistic, says ex-colleague
“‘This guy was unhinged and unstable. He talked of killing people,’ said Gilroy”
Orlando nightclub gunman ‘scouted Walt Disney World as a potential target
Just saying.
I think Julia Hartley-Brewer and Mark Longhurst are having sexual relations.
As much as I hate Owen Jones, on this occasion he has a point.
Yes, I would agree he has a point and one should encourage an increase in his “correct” momentum.
I suspect though that he will refuse to join all the dots even when he sees this for what it is. Tis a painful thing to shift ones paradigm and I see no indication that he has the strength of character to do so publicly.
Not quite yet anyway.
We can all join the dots. Just depends in which order we join them.
If you join all the dots in the wrong order it looks a mess, if you only join a few you don’t get a complete picture. That’s what Jones was doing – he joined a few dots but, of course, still couldn’t see the whole picture.
Anything to back up what you think, as A. BBC Tealady might enquire?
ML seems to be buckling under pressure from the lobby, but JHB is so far holding firm.
The BBC has offered Owen hosting of ‘My Safe Space’ where he only talks about what he wants to talk about, with only Polly and Penny and guests selected from the QT audience as they leave the studio.
Plus Michael Moore as US UK politics correspondent in a a swap with Mark Mardell, if anyone notices..
Mind you, how this differs from anything between the Breakfast Show and Newsnight is open to question, being asked, I have learned.
Edward….absolute rubbish post….your speculation is childish and churlish, a pointer to your state of mind……Jones has no point….none at all.
It seems the new London Major is already imposing his views on the rest of society with the ban on certain images of women.
I would have thought this is already covered by Law and the Advertising Standards Agency, is it not?
No doubt OJ is fully behind him.
“we only care about LGBT rights if Muslims are involved”
Not true. Nobody wants to see LBGTXYZ people killed. But we don’t want to see Jews, soldiers, policemen or even white working class blokes killed either. The problem is that LBGTXYZ “rights” are actually “wants” much of the time, and when their wants are not satisfied, it is perceived as discrimination or hate.
I have nothing against LBGTXYZs, but I have nothing “for” them either. They seem to attract a disproportionate amount of attention. Before Orlando, 3000 people were murdered in New York and, subsequently, significant numbers in Madrid, London and Paris. Some must have been LBGTXYZ, but no special status for the rest. Considering the magnitude of 9/11. we hear relatively little about it. Probably more about Stephen Lawrence on the British media in fact. Identity politics again.
Arguing that Orlando is part of a wider problem is not hate or discrimination, it is just keeping a sense of proportion.
Well said, there do appear to be a few radical gay activists who are not satisfied with the pursuit of equality, rather they are pushing for elevated status, political point scoring off an atrocity before the bodies are cold seems to be an increasing trend too, and never becomes those trying to score the points.
> The problem is that LBGTXYZ “rights” are actually “wants” much of the time, and when their wants are not satisfied, it is perceived as discrimination or hate.
Yeah, like the “want” to not be treated as second class citizens by others. The very idea!
I’m sick of petty minded people deciding what subset of rights LGBT people should have just so that they themselves can feel that little bit more superior. And I’m especialy sick of people like you, who decide that you’re deserving of more rights than others, and then whine on and on and on about how you have “nothing against LGBT people”. You do. You put words in our mouths, pretend we said them and think yourself superior as a result.
If you say you’re not a homophobe, your very argument suggests you’re wrong. And with every utterance, you’re proving it all the more.
“And I’m especialy sick of people like you, who decide that you’re deserving of more rights than others”
Where did I say that? Another graduate of the Owen Jones school of reason.
Listen, clown, you get the same treatment from me as everyone else, but nothing more. If you want to wear a frock, go ahead, but don’t think it makes you special. You’re simply not that interesting. Got it?
And nobody forces you to hang around here like a bad smell.
> Listen, clown, you get the same treatment from me as everyone else, but nothing more
You listen, for once. Anybody who starts a sentence “I’m not a homophobe but,” or “I have nothing against gay people, but” and then starts to list a load of reasons why LGBT people should know their place, has no right to be as much of a patronising tosser as you are without challenge.
“I have nothing against LBGTXYZs, but I have nothing “for” them either.” Is exactly what you need to understand but unfortunately probably never will. As for accusing someone else of whining, well that really takes the biscuit.
You need to stop thinking that being gay etc is something to be especially proud about – it isn’t. If you could get over your obsession with yourself then maybe you would take the time to study Islam and realise that it is a great danger to all of us.
Well you definitely couldnt begin a sentence with any of these statements could you Jihadi Jerrod, you insufferable, shit stain…
– I’m not a complete bell-end..
– I love my country..
– Of course I don’t have a psychotic hatred towards white people..
– I think that terrorism is wrong..
– I would never try to make the vast majority of British people suffer for the guilt I feel for being a self righteous, privileged, gobshite
The list is endless, as is your hatred for the country that has allowed you to become such a delusional traitor!
Inshallah Jihad Jerrod!
Sorry to read this Jerrod. Did you hear the mayor of Seattle on Radio 4 this morning at about 08.15?
A man speaking eloquently describing how as a gay man and mayor of a major US city he and other gay people were aware that every day, even in tolerant Seattle, something could go wrong and it could end in violence and gay bashing.
Now I`m not gay but I can remember working in “tolerant” Birmingham and being warned by locals of areas to avoid due to various threats mainly to do with my ethnicity but also gender, indeed I had a guy try to rob me within 150 yards of my office door.
The point I`m trying to make is that threat, hostility, risk management is part of all our lives…it`s part of our common humanity, its a law and order issue and a cultural issue.
My and your safety is currently disproportionately threatened by one group and one group alone….Islamic fundamentalists inspired by sharia compliance.
Exactly. The problem is Islamic extremists and the Left Wing appeasers of muslims need to wake up and smell the coffee.
Owen Jones monumental hissy fit was a symptom of several facets of modern politics.
1. the personal is political. Personal feelings are political phenomena that must be vented and felt subjectively in order to be valid.
(Objective analysis gets in the way of this process and is therefore to be resisted)
2. Identity politics is based on collective minority groups having control of any analysis of issues pertaining to them, hence Owens disgraceful attempt to control the use of language of the female commentator. Identity politics also culivates a sense of victimhood and insecurity that is often over compensated by hostility or passive aggression and a belief in the superiority of the minority against its frequently imaginary oppressors.
3. Exclusively gay men frequently have psychological blocks in dealing with women and heterosexual men (that’s the core of their sexual preference)…these have been refashioned into political and, usually imaginary power disputes.
4. Owen appears to have internalised all the above to the extent that he could say in his genuine distress “you’re not gay you don’t understand” thus dehumanising the people who don’t share his political and sexual “identity”.
His walkout was a virtue signal to people who feel like he does. A look at some of the comments under his Guardian piece show how his “identity community” received and affirmed this signal.
This flawed thinking is at the heart of behaviour like this. Owen is clearly wrong on item 4 as any of the parents of the victims of this hate crime would attest, indeed as any compassionate human being would attest.
People were murdered for offending the law of sharia. That’s the story right there.
presumably homosexuals are now ‘shariaphobes’
Thanks, very nice analysis.
The problem was that Owen was very distressed, which was wholly understandable for once.
There is a quality about terrorist attacks that tear out your soul and mangle your senses. A nutter going on a spree with a Kalashnikov, because he has lost his job or found his woman is sleeping with his best mate’s dog, just don’t grab the same senses.
I’ve watched the interview and I don’t see anyone denying they were homophobic attacks, which they were, but they were also Islamist assaults on our western values. This was what Owen, and I suspect many Guardian/BBC folk will seek to avoid. After all, both news outlets have assured us for years that the only reason Islamists carry out these savage outrages is because of faults in the West, they are nothing to do with Islam.
I thought Owen would, after a night’s reflection, see this and correct his view in his newspaper column, but alas his delusion is too deep. In his imagination these are still merely homophobic assaults when, as Mark Longhurst and co-guest Julia Hartley-Brewer pointed out, they are assaults on our Western values.
I guess in his imagination old duffers like me can’t understand the suffering of those youngsters being machine gunned and having hand grenades lobbed at them in Bataclan because in his logic …
“Look, you just don’t understand this, right, you don’t get it, ‘cos you’re not young. Right? This is an ‘ageist’ attack. Its not an Islamic attack. God, will you listen to yourselves? I don’t see why I should have to put up with people disagreeing with me. I’m off to the BBC news channel.’
Personally, if I was his mother I’d have given him an ear full about being so ill-mannered and showing himself up on tv. There was no need for the histrionics, and could have discussed his displeasure once the cameras had stopped rolling, but no, he’s held himself up to ridicule now.
Of course, if he’s an only child, then this behaviour showed signs of a spoiled and indulged brat who was never said NO to – either way he’s not a very pleasant person. He is one of those group of people who always look ‘angry’ and rarely smiles – ie Shami Chakrabarti, and others who are regulars on the Big Question.
As an only child myself, I take exception to your lazy assumption that we are “spoiled “. Boring cliche. Actually we have to shoulder the burdens which people with siblings can spread. Check the academic research. Only children tend to be higher achievers ! Me being the exception.
You only give the impression of being high achievers because you inherit more, you lazy b*****s.
I have three siblings, damn it. Three!
I blame Trump.
Brissles….Both his parents are Marxists….says it all….
Well, this sort of blows little Owen’s arguments out of the water. If this report is to be believed it seems the attack on the Pulse nightclub was one of convenience rather than specifically targetting the gay community. In other words the motivation was religious rather than specifically homophobic but we can’t be saying that now, can we?
“Disney World was scouted by Orlando gunman Omar Mateen as possible terror target ”
The entire governing class will go to any lengths to avoid facing up to the threat of militant Islam. In their eyes the Islamists are wrong and need reducating in progressive ways. The German ruling class reacted like this after Cologne. Our ruling class reacts like this every time any Islamist matter is discussed . Rotherham is a classic example of unreality taking over.
The reality is that the Islamist is acting out of conviction . The Koran is his guide and sharia is his manual of living. Owen Jones will not face this head on because as many of you have said it threatens to destroy his world view.
Now is it fear that drive the West or something else? Guilt perhaps? But if the latter then this is selective and seems to apply only to a narrow over educated liberal elite. The ordinary Western citizen is immune.
If it is fear then that applies to us all but our reactions will be very different. A prudent man will modify his behaviour as the threat of terrorrism spreads. No lighting candles or pretty lights for him. That the prudent man is not a liberal
is self evident.
Along with caution will go a determination to protect his family and his culture. How this will play out is still unclear but I doubt if things will be very different from any past age facing such a threat.
The entire liberal governing and media class is on borrowed time. This is the way of the world and nothing is going to change it.
The alternative is the destruction of our way of life and of us . No people has ever gone willingly down this path..
Thie EU vote is important for this reason. it is but a first step to the changes that must be made for us to survive as a nation. If it goes against us then so be it . it will not be the end of matters by a long way.
Well this will have Owen spinning
As to Owen himself, I have no interest in his writings and have found most of what he writes to be in LaLaland I’m that interested in him that I had no idea he was gay and quite frankly I couldn’t care less about that ,he’s still a grade A idiot .
That would make it even worse for l’il Owen – killed by friendly fire .
Pink on pink?
My interpretation of Owen Jones’ hissy-fit is that, as a homosexual, he expects to have special status as a victim. His childish behaviour showed the real truth, that he, like most militant LGBTQRSVPXZs, wants to be given an elevated position as a member of a special ‘community’. He couldn’t stand hearing gays being treated just like normal people, westerners that Muslims want to kill.
Watching that idiot storm off just proves to me that the LGBT community want their cake and then they want other people’s cake too.
One minute the LGBT group will happily march on London saying they want to be accepted as part of normal society then after the Orlando attack someone like Owen wants the LGBT group to have a special place on a high pedestal. Now they are ‘not part of western society’ but instead they want to be a select group different from the rest of society.
As for his tone of language calling others “disgusting”, “knuckle dragging” and at the same time complaining that some people find gays “disgusting” – I guess LGBT can insult who they like but they cannot accept that you cannot force the worlds population to agree with their own beliefs.
This whole debate has descended into something from ‘Little Britain’ – See ……………………………
“Little Britain – Daffyd Thomas first episode ” Please see on youtube .
i wonder if at any of their wonderful parades,the gayers will now be carrying posters about mohammad?
remember the one in belfast? “Jesus is a fag” the rotten piece of trash carried about on a placard….cos she knew she would get away with it.
I would suggest if ‘Mohammad was a paedo” was produced on a placard for a parade,then things would get very colourful very quickly
but that wont happen….not out of any “respect for islam”,but out of blind fear…..now there’s a REAL phobia for ya
just rather target christian B&B’s and bakeries cos they know their heads will remain in contact with their bodies
Number 6
Very difficult for Gays to ” square the circle “, so to speak. They may find the ” macho” side of Islam sexually exciting, a bit like some ” sistas” do , but , on the other hand, they must know that they are doomed. Two death cults joined together, I think.
and of course the odd one or two find islamic terrorists “quite hot”
Number 6
They are dicing with death.
Grant, I suspect some gays could ‘square the circle’ quite easily if they are willing to give up western identity politics. As I understand it, in most arabic countries, homoerotic behaviour between men is widely accepted and is actually far more common than it is in the west. What they don’t like is people openly identifying themselves as gay instead of marrying and having children. It’s the whole idea of gay ‘rights’ etc that seems to annoy them. In that sense their society is similar to how ours was until about a century ago. Remember even Oscar Wilde had a wife and children.
why was the muslim reluctant to leave home?
he couldnt bear to leave his brother’s behind 😉
You’re not talking about people like me. MWAAAAAAAA.
People like me were killed. MWAAAAAA
You’re not interested in people like me, it’s not fair. MWAAAAAAA
Why are you not listening to me. MWAAAAAAAA
I’m going home, you’re being mean. MWAAAAAAAA
LOL !!!! Laugh of the day for me so far !!!
I have no time for Owen Jones and just find him amusing on QT etc., a dangerous idiot I suppose, however I did not realise he was Gay, having watched that video it is clear that he wasn’t happy from the start, he has had a lot of fellow gays murdered, but this is a big clash with his Lefty tendencies to always defend minorities, no matter what, Islam can do no wrong, so his head was ina state, so he flounced off for a cry.
Yes Bill,
I think your analysis is in the right direction. He is enduring a major paradigm shift at this point and is struggling with where this is taking him. He may now be entertaining thoughts that just perhaps this ideology is inherently prejudicial towards entire swathes of humanity. Naturally, this mode of thinking is a veritable can of worms and Jones will realise this. So what can he do acutely but be consumed by an inchoate rage?.
Despite the platform that he has occupied of late any change as above is only to be welcomed and I will support him in it.
I myself went through a similarly painful transition from the narrative and now have trouble believing that I was as gullible as I was.
I forgive myself though.
Just over a week to go and I am waiting to see what the remain side and the BBC et al are going to pull out of their bag of dirty tricks.
I don’t believe for one moment that the polls will be taken lightly or the result itself will be accepted. Skullduggery is all over the child benefit result I have seen today in the European courts.
I will not be too hasty to celebrate whatever the outcome.
sorry wrong thread. I’ll repost.
He has the most punchable face on tv, he really is a little Funt
Seems that he was shocked…. shocked he tells you when it transpired that renowned impartial broadcaster Channel Four’s editors of integrity bent over backwards to meet his demands to ensure he was brought back to the screens again with a debating partner more in the Michael Moore mould.
Meanwhile sauces close to the BBC have learned that Tom Watson only wants to appear with Dave and George on any BBC ‘debates’. To avoid it being about them. Apparently.