Censored! Bikini advert blacked out with spray paint by ‘Muslim extremists who object to women in swimsuits’
No more need for the ‘Muslim Patrols’….we have ‘London’s first Muslim mayor’ as the presumably ‘racist’ BBC keeps telling us. Perhaps the BBC should tell us exactly what that means as Sadiq Khan tries to ban adverts showing ‘skin’….using the excuse of not promoting bad body images…one might suggest this has more to do with him imposing his religion upon Londoners than about health.
London’s Muslim Mayor To Ban Sexualised Images Of Women
London’s first ever Muslim Mayor is set to ban images of ‘unrealistic’ scantily clad women from ads on public transport, which could see the city adopt some of the most censorious policies in the Western world.
Sadiq Khan argued for the move by appropriating the language of feminism, claiming that alluring images of beautiful women could make them “ashamed of their bodies”.
Ironically, the policy is likely to please both the misogynistic Islamist and prudish, third wave feminist, whose ends appear increasingly similar.
The announcement comes five years after suspected Islamists began painting over images of bikini clad women in Tower Hamlets in East London, and last year after feminists began similarly defacing images of women in bikinis on London transport.
Well those living in London voted for him and did so in the full knowledge that he was a Muslim. So the least that they can expect is that he will follow at least a mildly Islamic agenda. Of course many of his voters will want him to go much further down the road of turning London into an Islamic city. One of the tensions he will have to navigate is that between his LGBT supporters ( I recently learnt that acronym but can’t think what the B is for ) and his Muslims supporters. There will be plenty of other tensions, but he can be sure of the steadfast support of the BBC running their usual service for the left of distort, suppress and lie. It will interesting to watch how he progresses . Good luck London.
Doublethinker, you raise a good point. Mr Khan has to tread a very careful line between Islamists on one hand and the progressive left on the other. I can see London being the testing ground for an ideological fusion between the two, which the left has no choice but to achieve if it continues with mass immigration from Islamic countries.
The progressive left will adore Islam right up until the last one of them is thrown off the roof of 10 Downing Street.
The left is bankrupt of ideas as to where to go next, it is in a vacuum, it is at the end of a cul de sac. This why they thrash around with violence and hate because the white British never ever supported them. They are just like the EU.. in their death throes with glaring chasms and craters in their warped ideology coming home to roost for all to see……God I love it!
Well LG make televisions and stuff and BT are into phones . Perhaps he’s a technophobe , although some people think homophobes hate those companies too . I hate foreigners so I must be a xylophone .
….but can’t think what the B is for
And there’s me thinking it stood for Bongobongolanders .
“….but can’t think what the B is for
Is that someone who owns a camel and a goat?
LGBT is a kind of sandwich, I think – the B is for Bacon.
Don’t mention it.
Could they, should they now have a ‘U’ in there somewhere for the ‘Undecideds’ ?
LGBTQI is the most complete version I`ve seen….I is for “inquiring” LOL.
i thought it was a tie up between Britain’s Got Talent and that quiz Show with twatty Stephen Fry
I once heard somebody ask for an “LGBT” sandwich in an Indian airport cafe. I thought, “Jesus, what an idiot!” It turned out that they really were labelled like that.
Of course Doublethinker, with over half of London’s residence followers of Islam, it was almost a forgone conclusion that S.Khan would become Mayor-a very dark day for Britain. The aim of the Muslim is to destroy Western Society & its culture, and with over 53 million living in Europe they are well on their way.
Sadik Khan has approved the new photo for the “Are you beach body ready?” adverts….
I don’t fancy yours much, mine is much better looking …….
No, no, no. When preparing bodies for the beach, they should wear orange:
There’s a serious side to this though. What happens if one of these bathing beauties gets into trouble?
Brave white man that dares to intervene – hands off and all that. I’m sure there’s something in the Koran about extreme circumstances but, seriously, with the short fuse we see so often, how many would risk it?
And mouth to mouth resuscitation? Really?
“And mouth to mouth resuscitation? Really?”
Not if they look like this underneath!
I would let them drown. They want separate identities, they hate our morality, and have sufficient friends among the political gays and the left to rescue them.
It is time to shun in return. Keep away from them, avoid their shops, choose a normally clothed human being to serve you in a check out, and walk on the other side of the road. Do not make eye contact or you might be done for a racist stare. In our shopping area the cops have posted stickers warning that they have a zero tolerance policy towards racism, meaning do not upset the RoPers. I take that seriously.
We have one big advantage in France or not as the case may be ,their faces are uncovered and as they go around in packs they stand out in the warmer weather. The French hate them ,it’s amusing to watch a group of French women tear apart verbally a group of RoPers, my French is not top notch but even I understand the French sneer and put down. The last altercation I saw basically ended with the French woman saying that the muslim woman was a pig (she was enormous) and a peasant and to go back to Africa. The muslim stomped off amid laughter from the crowd. I imagine in the UK the thought police would be around to arrest whoever spoke like that to a muslim, here nothing .
Mrs Kitty
It may sound a bit rough, but that is how cultures assimilate, and it may take a few black eyes on either side. But enforced segregation by the thought police will not lead to assimilation. Just rigid and oppositional Diversity.
It is not racism to loath a Muslim, racism is a collective word for a persons skin colour which donates the area of where they have derived from. This racism crap has been perfect propoganda for the media & social authorities to latch onto as directed by those that what control over us to smother & distort the true meaning-its not the colour of the skin its the ideology/culture that we may not like, certainly so in the case of those that follow the teachings of Islam. Their ideology is completely alien to ours-they have been trying to take Europe by force for 1300 yrs, and now they can walk into Europe and destroy us without have drawn a sword.
“now they can walk into Europe and destroy us without have drawn a sword. ”
Not quite. A lot of the left-wing mono brain-cellers are enabling the take-over because they are frightened – as are many centrists like Cameron. The reason they are frightened is the very real threat of violence committed against the people by the extremists. The bomb, the gun, the knife and even the car have replaced the sword but it’s the same. They kill and our “leaders” (aka Quislings) have surrendered our culture and legacy.
Tabs.. Is that a land fill site?
I’m sure that ninja, second from the left is reaching in her pocket for a death star to throw at the cameraman.
I’m going to paint posters of Muslim women’s fashion black.
“I see a red door and I want it painted black.
No colours any more, I want them to turn black…….”
I thought LGBT was something to do with Britains got talent.
Anyway as a born and bred working class Londoner I’m getting a bit sick of hearing about the Mayor I never voted for but I”ll reserve judgement on this issue until I get proof that he’s not just picking on pics of scantily clad Women.
Surely there will be a ban on bare chested Male models as well, won’t there ?
funny old world. for years lefties and liberals engaged in a cultural struggle to overturn the influence of the Church and the po faced repressors of sexual licence like Mary Whitehouse…..they triumphed in the 60s and 70s, then the purveyors of liberation or, if you prefer smut, moved in and monetised the fleshly delights of womens liberation, gay liberation the liberation of letting it all hang out and overcoming the the last vestiges of Victorian repression…
merrie England was reborn…wine, women, gayness and song, you pays your money and takes your choice, teenage pregnancy, rising levels of sexually transmitted diseases, alcoholism…all a price worth paying to show the old fuddy-duddies that the British reserve and discretion of the past is dead and that the brave new world is one of never ending pleasure and flaunting disdain for dull old convention…….
Then a labour government liberalised immigration and the muslims arrived in numbers.
And they’ll keep on coming dragging their despotic ideology along with them. Even if OUT of the EU’s blood thirsty evilness how can we stop Muslims coming to Britain or rather how can we return them back to where they came from? Field Marshall Merkel of the to be EU Army may have the answer-putting them in the front line of fire!
And if you think it will stop at repressing images on swimwear advertising sites think again.
Repression of art galleries, sculpture, womens sport, any representation of the human figure…coming down the line.
Seen in Saudi Arabia…Dolls without faces for sale in toy shops……dolls with faces are “unislamic”.
Times newspaper photo of Wimbledon womens doubles final…..censored before sale….to become a tennis court, a net…..with 4 splodges of marker pen scribble to obliterate the players….uncensored image “unislamic”.
embolden, “England was reborn…wine, women, gayness and song, you pays your money and takes your choice, teenage pregnancy, rising levels of sexually transmitted diseases, alcoholism…all a price worth paying”
You omitted the, just as serious, increasing depression and suicides, especially among young people from that list of benefits after the word choice. Hardly a month goes by without me asking myself ‘What are we doing to our young people?’
Embolden, I suspect a lot of the sexual revolution in the 60s was led and encouraged by men who were looking to get their end away rather than to ‘liberate’ women. Feminism has always had a strong puritanical wing opposed to expressions of female sexuality (a lot of its early proponents were Quakers and other non-conformist churchwomen) and it was always a big voice in marxist circles (Orwell spotted this, hence the ‘Anti Sex League’ of ‘1984’). The two circles of radical Islam and radical feminism actually share a large Venn diagram area between them.
I misread that last paragraph as ‘suspected Islamists panting over images of bikini-clad women’. Probably true as well, though maybe not for the likes of Omar Mateen.
Khan approved stripper in a burka?
Adults only
Eurabia is well and truly on its way. We will see more and more mayoralties and local council leaderships captured by Muslims as the Muslim vote increases through immigration and a high muslim birth rate. The labour vote, other than traditional white working class people, and other useful idiots such as feminists and greens may aid and abet this process of creeping isamicisation in our lives. Eventually however they won’t be needed and true Islamist theocracy will show itself. We will need a very determined government over the next few years in order to counter this. In other words not Cameron and Osborne. Voting Leave is just a start. The real struggle then begins. It will be vicious as this unholy Muslim- left- progressive alliance fights any attempt to retain something recognisable as the Great Britain we were born into.
Yes England Expects, Voting Leave will only be the beginning, there is a strong liberal left position embraced by Tory,Labour, Leninists, Trots and feminists regarding subservience to Islam. We have seen how gays still remain loyal to Islam after Orlando