Why does the BBC keep pushing the lies? This might give us a clue as to the thinking behind it…
People in MI5 tell me that denying the connection between Islamism and terrorism derives from the belief that if you accept it, there’s no hope for a multicultural society in Britain: we would just have to recognise that part of the population is permanently liable to become terrorists.
The Great Betrayal: How Liberals Appease Islam
I must face the fact that there is a vast woozy mass of liberal-leftists who will never change, and would not fight back even if a bomb exploded in their own back yard.
I will not let supposed liberals forget that, by their own cowardice and lack of conviction, they have brought this dismal moment on themselves.
This was pinned to the top of Owen Jones’ Twitter feed yesterday……
Pinned Tweet
On Sky News last night, I realised how far some will go to ignore homophobia
This is his latest Tweet at the time of writing….
@jonsnowC4 talks to@MhairiBlack,@OwenJones84 & activist Noorulann Shahid about hate crimes in the LGBT community
It’s all about Owen Jones.
Curiously, for someone who is so outraged by the killings in Orlando he has not said a word about the French police officer and his wife who were slaughtered in front of their 3 year old child, live on Facebook, targeted by a Muslim terrorist for being ‘police’ …..a ‘policephobic attack’ that has no connection to Islam perhaps?
French police officer and partner murdered in ‘odious terrorist attack’
The French government has denounced an “abject act of terrorism” after a man with a previous terrorist conviction carried out a gruesome knife murder of a police commander and his partner at their home outside Paris in the presence of their three-year-old son.
Larossi Abballa, a Frenchman previously convicted of taking part in a jihadi recruitment network and claiming allegiance to Islamic State, posted a video of the fatal attack on Facebook Live.
Perhaps if the police officer was bisexual Jones would be as animated about the murders as he is about Orlando….it looks as if only gay people being killed are of interest to Jones and he isn’t at all concerned about real reasons for the killings…the anti-Western, anti-Liberal Islamically inspired reasons….anti the society that created the conditions where gay people could live, love and express themsleves so freely. Odd that Jones doesn’t defend that society but instead defends the very people that attack it.
A policeman and his wife murdered in Paris. Human beings, but not gay human beings so who cares? Not Owen Jones. Ecce Homo.
Still no mention, no condemnation, no message of sympathy from Jones.
Just a quick one, but along the same lines. At the boys parents evening last night and his Respect teacher (and there is me thinking that parents should teach respect), one of the inspirational figures they are learning about is Malcolm X.
I initially thought, there must be two Malcolm X’s, but no history, is being rewritten before our very eyes.
He`s replaced Martin Luther King who was a bit too Christian for them.
Maybe if we tell them that both Mandela-and especially Robert Mugabe-were both trained by the missionary methodists, then the Christians may yet get a bot of rehab.
Until then-I`m afraid Its MalcolmX, Black Panthers, Mexico 1968 up on the podium-and, naturally , the rebel chic of Beyonce dancing to her “Fourmation” at the SuperBowl….it`s now cool to kill whites, and will be more mainstream very soon.
The Nation of Islam haven`t gone away, I`m sure.
One hears of Peak Oil, but I wonder if we are at Peak Gay?
By this I mean that in a few decades across the West, homosexuality has gone from being illegal, to being legal but barely tolerated, to becoming mainstream, with equal ages of consent, and now equal marriage, which would have seemed unbelievable just a few years back. Now we are reduced to arguing about toilets for transgenders, which seems to most like arguing over how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.
The thing about this last point, is that it was a theological question which intrigued Byzantine theologists, even as the Ottoman Turks massed around Constantinople. Something similar is happening today. The threat to gays, and indeed all of us, is not a law about public toilets in South Carolina. It is the rise of militant islam, and the islamification of our societies. Already the muslim emir of London has imposed sharia law on public adverts on London Transport. Immigration from islamic countries continues, and Frau Merkel has allowed a veritable invasion, which is tearing her country apart.
Yet while all this is going on, professional gays like Owen Jones see only “homophobia”, or, to be more on trend, “transphobia”. I have news for gays. This might be as good as it gets. If our society continues to be islamified, in 100 years any surviving gays will look back at this as the golden age of tolerance and acceptance. Ask any gays in Saudi Arabia or Iran, if you can find any who haven’t been beheaded or hanged.
As these adverts are perfectly aceptable and decent in our culture, doesn’t their painting over constitute extreme Christianophobia? Anybody found defacinmg them should be arrested for “hate crimes”.
I don’t know how this appeared on this thread. It was a reply to the story about the swimsuit adverts being defaced by islamists.
The “How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?” is an excellent analogy. As you say, that is what intrigued the Byzantine theologists, but I doubt it intrigued the ordinary people of Constantinople as they dreaded the arrival of the bloodthirsty hordes at the city gates. Likewise, it is not ‘we‘ who are reduced to arguing about toilets for transgenders, it is ‘they‘, the degenerate and corrupt politicians and media-types who constitute the secular equivalent to the theologists of Byzantine.
Maybe it is ‘Peak Gay’. I suspect there were many, lounging in the clubs and bars of Berlin in the Weimar Republic in the early 1930s, happy at their freedom and blissfully unaware of what lay just around the corner.
I notice that the name of the murdered man was Jean-Baptiste, an obviously Christian name. The lady was Jessica Schneider. Has anyone asked if she was the principal target?
It’s a queer old world.
In the good old days, when Nasa was a science organisation, it took president Kennedy eight years to put a man on the moon. The present incumbent took eight years to put a man in a woman’s toilet.
One a giant step for mankind, the other a giant step back for civilisation.