Rory Stewart MP was allowed to say twice on WatO (BBC R4 1pm) that he thinks we will vote to remain in.
No challenge from Martha. No question from Martha.
The tone in which he said it did not appear to me to be the usual ‘I thhiinnk’, in other words I’m guessing/hoping/optimistic but rather a more ‘I think’ I think.
Meanwhile, on the BBC web-site: democratic, free-speaking & informative debate is not being allowed either on Merkel’s desire to keep the UK in the EU, Osborne’s potential punitive summer Budget, the Leave Campaign’s budget proposals (starting to think they are a government, already), yesterday’s dubious inflation figures or the really good news today on jobs.
Can’t be sure, but I thiiiiink that Sir Bob just added a steaming big chocolate swirl to George’s well-poisoning earlier, and the BBC may struggle a bit to spin it all.
LOL ! Is it just me but I think, win or lose, we Brexiters will always have a sense of humour. The Remainers are humourless, no hoping, boring farts ! Yeah man !
Too true. Judging by what I have seen and heard, not only that but rather more on the Nasty side of the spectrum than Brexiteers. Black humour will give us all some cheer as we submit to the system, but there’s hope, still, with another week to go.
Glimmer of Hope #2
Osborne’s crazy statement today will get picked over until next Monday even if the Beeb try to suppress discussion. He can’t unwind that one now. Depending on what happens and may be more newsworthy, the Sunday papers will want to run with it, possibly on the front page. That’s half a week of momentum gone for the Remain camp. If a pro-Remain business also jumps ship on the basis of potential Budget vengeance that may cause further damage that the BBC, especially, will find hard to ignore or gloss over.
Wonder what Corbyn and his GE2020 (GE2016/17?) Team are gaming right now?
“How can we distance ourselves from Cameron & Osborne in the Remain camp to try to win back lost support?”
Grant, don’t know about that. Could it be exhaustion, perhaps, keeping up the constant threat level on the UK population to Red Plus Plus?
I’ve had a look – prompted elsewhere on B-BBC – and note that not only are the Remain camp humourless and nasty but they also seem to be extremely evasive. Just seen the Daily Politics on iP and the Seema Malhotra MP non-interview with Brillo. Amazing. He couldn’t get a straight answer from ex-Barrister Vaisey and ex-management consultant couldn’t manage a straight answer either.
After a LEAVE vote those parties , or parts of parties , which have campaigned for leave, DUP, UKIP , and 50% of the Tories , plus a lot more weak Tories who were cowed into submission by Cameron et al, must deal with the BBC. Of course those brave and very able Labour MPs who campaigned for Leave , cannot be expected to share a loathing for the pro Labour BBC.
Now is the time to cut the BBC down to size. If they don’t they will find that the BBC propagandises for any opposition to Brexit and causes as much trouble as possible during our EU exit negotiations. Additionally , in the longer term, the BBC will never give up its role as the key supporter of any and all ‘liberal’ causes. So even though the British people may have exercised their democratic rights in the referendum against the wishes of the over mighty corporation, the BBC will keep on trying to influence the Brits to share its liberal left world view in direct contradiction of its charter and eating away at our Britishness. If you don’t share that disastrous world view now is the time to strike a blow for democracy and kill off the hated BBC.
Rory ! LOL ! His father lives quite near here in Sunny Perthshire. Like father like son, both self-important wrong-headed wankers ! The last time I met the father , he accused me of not being a Scotsman because I was not wearing tartan trews ! As I say , wankers !
“Following my successful negotiations with the German Chancellor I have decided that the United Kingdom will become part of a political union stretching from the Atlantic to the Urals.
The German Chancellor, as a friend, has convinced me that the alternative would be five years of extreme austerity during which many of you could well lose your lives. Even then this would be followed by many more years of shortages, squalor and suffering.
Truly we will be more secure, safer and successful in a united Europe. Better together!”
(1) When Chamberlain goes, will he be replaced by Churchill or Halifax?
(2) When Cameron goes, will he be replaced by Johnson or Osborne?
Will we stand alone in the wider world with Australia and Canada for a year. Followed next year by a Trump card dealt out by the United States, giving the World a great victory for democracy and freedom of speech.
I am getting the impression that the BBC is using it’s usual techniques to support it’s friends.
Most statements from the Remain camp are reported as ” Remain Says” whereas many of Leave’s points are presented by the BBC as “Claims” .
BBC five live phone-ins follow a standard plan. Often contributors are intelligent and in possession of verbal diarrhea when on the BBC side of the fence and are allowed to spout uninterrupted. When the BBC picks a listener from the many callers waiting to offer a contrasting view, they deliberately select the one who can not put their thoughts into words and are then bullied while trying. Just another way of convincing the brainwashed listener to swallow the medicine and do as they are instructed.
Yes Denton I have noticed that. Of course ‘to show equal balance’ the BBC have to tolerate all viewpoints, but to negate those comments that do not fit into their lefty world-view & Beebspeak they have two very obvious tactics. Constant interruption is the most common, this is used against politicians who are too good at putting their view across (& the BBC doesn’t like that if it runs counter to their propaganda).
The second is on phone-ins with the general public. The callers selected to speak that have non-Beeb ideas are invariably incoherant, old & doddery & struggling to put words together, stupid sounding, or crazy ranters. Rarely do they have contrary commentators who are lucid & intelligent sounding, if so the interruption tactic is brought speedily into play.
This is as outrageous as the other old trick of skewing a studio audience & planting questioners.
The BBC is embarrassing itself with its silly scare stories about the financial markets’ supposed response to a possible Brexit. Every time the pound slips by 0.1% it is jitters to due fears over Brexit. Today the pound is up 0.5% but I can’t find a headline stating ‘Pound Rises on Brexit Fears’.
The BBC shamelessly insults everyone’s intelligence now as it obviously doesn’t think anyone will check historical data for context.
Sixth form politics at its best and only £4Bn a year.
Thames: Nigel Farage and Sir Bob Geldof fishing flotilla clash
hoot hoot, it’s captain Bob here just enjoying a day on the river to tell Mr Farage that he is a fraud. This couldn’t be the same Geldof (I won’t use his official title as that was a mistake and still needs to be rectified) that promised to take in Syrian refugees to his home and when the cannabis wore off lost interest? And you’re calling who a fraud?
Captain Bob? Pugwash more likely.
He is much derided in Africa by Africans who can recognise a wanker when they see one. Some years ago he and his entourage checked in to the most expensive hotel in Dakar. My Gambian and Senegalese friends were laughing at Bobby Boy. His one night room rate was about 5 times a cops annual salary. One joke was ” Bob Geldof and money . That is a lot of goats ! “
And , while I am on the subject of Geldof, Africans do not need to be patronised by a total hypocrite like him. He is a racist and should be exposed as such .
Who in their right mind thought….. “right, we need a someone to shout at Nigel Farage on the Thames. This person must be well known, respected and knowledgeable on all things EU…… what about Sir Bob?”
Not long to wait Tabs. Tomorrow night’s QT line-up includes Sor Bob, ready, willing and articulately able to share his unique grasp of worldpolitik with us all. And, icing on cake, Dave Babe and Muppet lookalike Nicky Morgan will also be there to neatly master and deflect his thrusts – if you’ll pardon the unfortunate turn of phrase.
Sorry for descending to ad hominem but Nicky Morgan has got to be the most useless waste of space ever to sit around the cabinet table. Looks like a startled owl.
Steve Jones,
the bbc know fu@k all about the market. they just follow like sheep and never get the real story. i have seen
“FTSE dives on commodity weakness”
“FTSE rises on strong mining results”
all on the same day.
They are as clueless with the market as they are with most things. It’s white man’s magic and they don’t understand it.
You have accurately summed up the BBC there. I do love it when they jump in as soon as the markets open and try to scare us with the results of the first few minutes trading. Anyone who has the slightest interest in the markets, and has actually bothered to watch live trading, knows that things take a little while to settle after opening as traders eye each other up. By the time the kid on the BBC finance desk has penned a headline that pleases his boss events have overtaken it. They never learn because they don’t want to learn.
Apart from their long-term agenda to control the flow of propaganda about, inter alia, the totally misnamed Religion of Peace, immigration, the benefits of Labour, the wicked Tories, Al Beeb are short-termist in the extreme.
Is it because they are completely delusional? Do they hate conservative white people so much that they would rather destroy everything that has made white people who they are, than admit Islam is the problem all along? Is there no level to the depths of complete insanity the traitors among our people will fall to, to ensure the ‘message’ is continued… That Islam is peaceful, tolerant and compatible with our way of life…
Absolutely shockingly article on Al Beeb webshite today. They ask;
“Reports that Orlando gunman Omar Mateen had been a regular at the gay nightclub he attacked and used gay dating apps have led to speculation that he was motivated by internalised homophobia. But what is it, and could it have anything to do with the worst shooting in recent US history?” – nothing like misdirection to shoehorn a narrative hey Al Beeb!!
“Investigators are still trying to establish what led a 29-year-old security guard from Florida to murder 49 people and injure dozens more as they partied in popular gay nightclub Pulse.” – no need for that Al Beeb, the Muslim Jihadi who carried out the attack has already told us.. What you are trying to do is ignore what he said because it doesn’t fit with your utterly wrong and utterly dangerous narrative!
Strangely enough nothing about the following…
– Homosexuals are beheaded, hanged and stoned in modern Saudi Arabia and Iran, where Muhammad’s laws are applied most strictly. Five other Muslim countries also have the death penalty on their books for homosexual behavior..
Since the resurrection of the caliphate in 2014 (the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria) dozens of homosexuals have been thrown from rooftops. Other have been stoned to death. Muslim identity groups, such as CAIR, did not bother to issue a single denunciation of these serial murders prior to the 2016 Islamist massacre at a gay night club in Orlando…
Oh and remember..
– Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) have opposed moves to advance LGBT rights at the United Nations, in the General Assembly and/or the UNHRC. In May 2016, a group of 51 Muslim states blocked 11 gay and transgender organizations from attending 2016 High Level Meeting on Ending AIDS.
The lunatic left and traitorous Al mujahideen Beeb have now had to even abandon their previous professional victim status ‘community’ to continue with the madness that is protecting the death cult. If the Al Beeb can abandon the LGBT community like this we are all truly fucked!!
Saudi doesn’t only murder people for being Gay, it also Murders those it suspects of being Gay and that obviously doesn’t require proof, just an accusation.
Just watching the pro Remain broadcast at 1755 on bBBC 1
Second up, after Sralan Sugar and before Shami Chipbutty and Steven Hawking, was…….Stephanie Flanders!!!!
You remember her, the one time economics editor of our favourite impartial state broadcaster.
Just think of all that impartiality we enjoyed in years gone by.
One of the Remain arguments is that we have ‘ the best of both worlds’.
Thus we are not in Schengen, or the Euro, and we still get Maggie’s rebate, and we have one or two opt-outs.
But if the EU is so wonderful, why are we not IN Schengen, and not IN the Euro, and would NOT need a rebate, and would not need any opt-outs.
So the EU is so wonderful because…..errrrrr………we are not signed up to its worse excesses !!!?????
Surely a total logic malfunctiom.
Why not just leave, and then we will not be signed up to ANY of its excesses.
We do NOT get Maggie’s rebate. We get Maggie’ rebate LESS the 40% of it Tony Blair gave away in 2005 for “reform of the CAP”. Which, i believe somehow failed to materialise.
Complaint sent ” The BBC reported on the 18:00 news about Farage and Geldoff “meeting” on the Thames. However the BBC appears to have forgotten to mention Geldoff making abusive gestures. Don’t worry though we don’t need to rely on you for the news these days as the story is on the internet.
Perhaps you might like to inform us why it was decided not to report on the anti social behavior of a high profile “celebrity”
Sit back and await templated reply.
Grant …..”It was wonderful to hear him (Philip Green) stick it to the bunch of pompous overpaid and over-promoted nonentities who purport to represent us . …….”
Hmmmm, I would have said the ‘pompous overpaid and over-promoted’ were terms more deserving to Philip Green and his ilk ! – (i.e Simon Cowell and Alan Sugar)
I started watching the EU special but I just can’t put up with the whining of the remain brigade. Same old same old arguments going round and and round.
The Emir of Londonistan who teamed up with Al bin to Eton Dave on the Remain side gives a talk to a segregated audience in Manchester in support of Remain.
When will Labour learn? Will the BBC pick this one up?.
Gove’s measured, informative delivery an exhibition of mature debate – contrasted by another scandalous and deeply flawed performance from Dimblebum. As a supposedly impartial ‘chair’ he is a disgrace – and what a pleasure to see him go so deeply pink as Gove revealed the Guardian’s gutter press behavior.
Would strongly recommend a watch. Skip over PMQs. Fantastic put down by Neil of Labour female who would not answer the question and excellent discussion after the PMQ segment. John Mann and even LK on the money.
Don’t you just love it? A scruffy, talentless, multimillionaire, tax dodging oik tells hard working British people how to vote. The Boomtown prat was as foul mouthed and embarrassing as ever, according to Michael Crick. He and his oikish cronies were effing and blinding and making V signs to the chaps on the Brexit boat. He’s a disgrace. These are men who have had their way of life severely damaged due to EU fishing regulations and gobby Geldof, who has never done a day’s graft in his drug riddled life, has the temerity to lecture them! Unbelievable. Even some of the Remainiacs said they wished he hadn’t been there due to his appalling conduct.
Nigel should have approached the flea bitten layabout with a bar of soap.
I understand it works a bit like garlic with vampires…
Just now on 5Live, commentator on France/Albania game (Alistair Bruce-Ball?):
“There’ll be a minute’s silence before kick-off, not sure what that’s for…”
No, of course not: if you inhabit the BBC bubble you wouldn’t have heard about the two French police officers stabbed to death by a Saracen in Paris a couple of days ago, would you?
I’ve watched a lot of Youtube vids of Farage in the EUssr politburo meetings, he has been a thorn in their side ever since he got in there, a true fox amongst the chickens..and how they hate him for exposing the disaster that is the EU.
Here in the UK he has been derided and scorned for years, the leftard zombie morons scream the same garbage…WAYYCCIISSSSTT, WAYYCCIISSSTTT!! Yet they can’t explain as to how that can be seeing as his wife is German? It doesn’t matter to the backward scum who despise this country so much that they would betray everything it is for the sake of the EU superstate. One day their time will come, I hope it’s sooner rather than later.
There was another UK patriot who did his utmost to expose the EU for what it was, he also tried to expose the muslim paedo scandals long before the mass abuse could no longer be hidden..his name was Nick Griffin and he was utterly destroyed by the establishment, the poodles in police uniforms, the leftard vermin and worst of all the scum at the bbc who set him up on THE worst episode of question time I have ever seen.
I applaud Nigel Farage for what he has done for years, I can only hope his work comes to fruition on June 23rd.
So, another BBC and Liberal party paedophile unmasked, in the lugubrious form of creepy Clement Freud.
As a fan of ‘Just a minute’, I’ll need to download the historical episodes pdq before he is erased as per Uncle Jimmy.
‘Clement, can you speak for 60 seconds without deviation?’ asked Nicholas.
Obviously he couldn’t.
God it was fun watching Andrew Neil b*tch slapping that rodent Ed Vaizey, who, like all Remainiacs refuse to answer question honestly.
The BBC has been a disgrace in the build up to the vote, and quite blatant in it’s pro EU bias, but that’s hardly surprising due to them getting bucket loads of cash from Brussels.
It speaks volumes for him that we still are not certain which way he leans. I to suspect he is a Brexiteer but I’m not sure. As to the rest of the BBC we all know what they want us to vote and have done for years.
I’d like to say you couldn’t make it up but unfortunately nothing surprises you with the bbc scum anymore, Kim Jong Un and the Soviets couldn’t be any more biased.
Geldof, that talentless moron who’s family is that f***ed that death is a better alternative than living with that piece of shit. Has he told anyone how many immigrants he put up in his mansion yet? I’m guessing the hypocrite housed none.
This is a culture war and this man is on the other side. Watching a petulant Dimbleby tonight with Mr Gove you can hear the disdain he and his like have for us the ordinary folk of England. Oh he masks it by faux concern but the disdain is there as it is in Cameron, Osborne and the rest of them.
Vaclav Havel decribed these elites of Europe as having declared war on the people. That is exactly what it is and if they think it is going to be over on the 23rd then they are dreaming.
Just look at those who want us to stay, Not a patriot amongst them and what an ill assorted bunch of banksters and chancers they are.
Discredited politiicians and cowardly self serving so called celebrities. Our forefathers would turn in their graves to witness such a miserable bunch pleading for their wealth and their power.
Time to get rid of all of them. Starting next week,.
Lets hope that after victory no one on Leave is magnanimous towards the BBC. For the long term health of British democracy we need to take full vengeance on the hateful corporation.
I see George Osbourne going to a factory and him telling us this is proof we need to be in the EU . he did it again last week .
Take one success story and conflate it with an entire system .
Easy .
The Soviets made the T34 . Therefore the whole Soviet system was a success . Forget the rest . Find one Good Thing and sanctify that governance .
Autobahns were good in Germany in the thirties , therefore ….
My Uncle was at the independence day ceremony in Germany on 5th May 1955, when Germany became independent from British rule.
But Germany did not need to remain under British rule for trade or travel. In fact I have never seen trade and travel being used as a left-wing defence of British Imperial rule, although I have read that the United States did suffer economically for a few decades after independence, due to severance from its main trading partner, due to war with that nation, which was Britain.
But independence for Canada, Australia and India, etc, was peaceful and organised, so these colonies had no serious resistance to self-government from traders or travellers.
I’m not a historian, but my understanding is that it was done in haste, partly under pressure from the US, and during a period of obvious turmoil at home.
Actors and actresses calling themselves “luvvies”, eh? Well I never. So… what was all that horse we heard a while back about the word “luvvies” being a derogatory term? Answers on a postcard, please. No, on second thoughts, don’t bother…
“The euro has proved to be exactly the job-destroying, recession-creating, undemocratic monster the doubters always warned it would be. This was not the received wisdom on the left at the time, when to suggest that the euro would be supercharged monetarism, Thatcherism with knobs on, was deemed unseemly. People who liked the euro were civilised, supported the arts, went to Tuscany or the Dordogne for their holidays. People who didn’t like the euro drove white vans decorated with the flag of St George.
Today, it is hard to find even the most fervent euro enthusiasts in the Liberal Democrat party arguing for UK membership of the single currency. Disillusionment with what was once called “the Project” is almost total in the face of grinding austerity, a double-dip recession that has already lasted 18 months and a jobless rate of 12.2% and rising.
Isn’t hindsight a wonderful thing, but we all knew what was going to happen.
So far the message I am getting from the Euriners is that Great Britain must surrender her sovereignty, freedom and democracy to save Europe from going down the proverbial plughole.
BBC introduced a bunch of Africans into Versailles tonight. Until now we’d only had the highly unlikely myth that the Queen had produced a baby with an African dwarf. Now we have a fabulously wealthy prince and his retinue.
Well apparently there was an African, Aniaba, who claimed to be a ‘prince’ who was presented at court. Whether he was fabulously wealthy and treated like quite the honoured guest the BBC chose to portray is another matter. Of course the BBC wouldnt mislead us, would they,
I’ve given up watching ‘historical’ dramas on any of the channels, as ethnic faces are being included just to satisfy diversity quotas, regardless whether its historically factually or not – mainly not ! as a consequence the viewing experience is ruined for me knowing that it couldn’t possibly be right. Casting directors clearly have an edict to adhere to, but to employ people of colour to satisfy numbers is insulting the viewers intelligence, and patronising to the actors/actresses themselves.
There is a simple answer to this, keeping any quota’s that exist, whilst retaining the accuracy of the storylines: the BBC presents “Rotherham” the most important drama of the 21st century. It’s really has the lot: corrupt (white) police officers, gangsters, scheming social workers, bent local government officials, corrupt look-the-other-way media workers and criminals of the worse order. All leading to social unrest, demonstrations and the politicisation of the masses.
It’s been pointed out here before, probably in relation to Othello, that the probability of sub Saharan Africans appearing with any frequency in prominent European positions is very low. The Maghreb countries being far more likely. But they, of course, are not treated as special needs to the same extent by the BBC. Ports have always been diverse places of course. That applies all over the world, but it would never be used to justify inserting a white man in a non white drama.
The BBC seems to be using the usual trick of scouring historical records for references to black people, sometimes extremely vague, and using it as “evidence” to support disproportionate casting on the grounds that the presence of black people was theoretically possible. People from the Indian subcontinent don’t get much of a look in.
In modern drama, the BBC and others seem to be adopting the American practice of having black judges, generals, chief constables and scientists. However, when their staff are hideously white, it tends to underline the low probability of the sole black employee reaching that level. It has become a standard joke in America.
I wouldn’t mind so much if we saw the occasional person of Chinese descent in these programmes but the BBC has no interest in them whatsoever. As for orthodox Jews, forget it. They’re just money lenders and jewellers, aren’t they?
Maria – orthodox Jews are likely to be pro-Israeli, so I think we can forget seeing any of them in BBC dramas! The last time I can recall a major character of Chinese origin on the BBC was in the rather good series ‘The Chinese Detective’ from the early 80s, starring David Yip. I suspect the Chinese are not popular with those looking for victim groups, as they tend to do rather well in business and academia and thus blow apart the racial theories of the PC brigade.
Excellent post Maria, and yes, we’ve seen an explosion of black actors in roles of high authority in dramas. I suppose its one way of ‘slipping them in’ without having too dominant a role and not much in the way of dialogue.
Agree the Chinese Detective was good viewing, and also enjoyable was Indian Summers on Ch 4 which has not been commissioned for further series.
The timing of Britain’s long-delayed vote on joining the single currency was thrown into fresh doubt yesterday by the government’s decision to hold a referendum on the proposed European constitution
Government opponents of a “big bang” solution to the government’s European headache said it was a high-risk strategy which could result in a double defeat fatally undermining the government’s credibility.
Dominic Cummings, director of the New Frontiers think tank and former head of Business for Sterling, said the current state of public opinion meant an early referendum on either issue looked doubtful.
Mr Cummings said hostility among the electorate towards the constitution was even higher than that towards the single currency. “It is extraordinarily risky. Everybody will be focused on this issue (the constitution) and Blair will be putting his authority at risk.”
Deja Vu anyone ?
A thought about Bob Geldof’s disgraceful gesturing earlier…
If roles had been reversed and Sir Bob was leading, say, boats of illegal immigrants up the Thames. And at the same time, Nigel Farage was shouting and gesturing from the sidelines (not that I think he would), you can bet your bottom dollar that it would be all over the mainstream media like a rash.
Yet because Sir Bob is untouchable and a remainer, the silence from our state broadcaster about his antics is deafening.
My thoughts exactly. In fact the Leave campaign has been admirably restrained and dignified in the face of disgusting tactics by its opposition (eg, intimidation and threats of violence by masked men in Northampton). Yet I have not seen any examples of bad behaviour from those supporting Leave. If there had been such behaviour you can bet the media would have made a meal of it.
Geldof is Irish isn“t he?
And a few wives and daughters are laid cold in the tomb having been attached to this serial depressive.
Like Brand and Izzard…he wears his mental state quite openly by way of some millionaires Care In the Community pact I`d imagine.
No-Geldof has dined out on Live Aid for long enough-and when I want a gobby past-it Dubliner to giver me advise on fishing quotas for the UK…I`ll ask Bono.
The BBC DID say though that the In Crowd were on a pleasure cruiser as they yelled over at fisherman.
One long pleasure cruise for that least they don`t risk seasickness as they cruise Hampstead Heath.
Will the Daily Mirror come out for Brexit? Unlikely I know, yet a poll on their website asking the question “Should Britain’s future be inside or outside the EU?” reveals that of 4000 votes so far it’s Out 56% and In 44%. You have to vote to see the result
I found myself on this Mirror page after searching for odds on Brexit. I’m not a betting man yet often the Bookies are more clued-up about outcomes, and currently best odds are 1 – 2 Remain and 13 – 8 Leave. However –
Ladbrokes’ head of political betting Matthew Shaddick said: “The political environment in the past couple of days has seen a huge shift of bets towards the Leave campaign.”
“The odds are now at their shortest since we opened the book and it is being driven by English and Welsh bettors.”
“…often the Bookies are more clued-up about outcomes…”
Bookies work out their odds according to market share of bets so if, say, most people bet on France to win Euro 16 the bookies can afford to increase the odds on all other teams. Bookies don’t lose – it’s a myth that if the favourite wins the Grand National and they have to pay out millions of pounds, they lose money. They don’t – they pay the winners the money that other people have lost and take their commission.
I placed a jinx bet on my Labour candidate in last year’s general election with odds of 1-3 (1.33 in decimal?) and Anna Soubry won at 3-1! I’m tempted to place another jinx bet on the UK to vote to stay in the EU, but the odds are poor.
Generally I am a firm believer in the bookies as a predicter of outcomes, so I’m praying they are wrong on this issue. How did they do on predicting the outcome of the GE?
As mentioned below the odds come from the amount of money you and I place, not what the bookies think. If the most money (not bets) was placed on a hung Parliament then that will be the shortest odds.
I used to like Clement Freud on BBC’s ‘Just-a-minute’ radio programme. Freud was one of the BBC liberals (he was a Liberal MP) that should have been questioned by the Police on the disappearance (in 2007) on the disappearance of Madeleine McCann. It now appears that Clement Freud was a well known (BBC) paedophile and closely linked to Jimmy Saville’s self confessed BBC paedophile ‘exploits’ on ‘TOTP’ and used BBC (NHS children-in-need fund-raising activities). Interestingly Freud was one of three BBC headline Liberal MP’s (out of 24) who all had a warped interest in Children. Jeremy Thorpe had to resign due to being implicated in a failed murder plot with his ‘gay lover’ and then Cyril Smith enjoyed the protection of the local Police in Manchester ‘as an untouchable’ and continued to abuse boys in Council ‘care homes’ with impunity. Now it is revealed that former BBC Liberal and BBC comedian MP Clement Freud was also a paedophile at the same time as Saville was doing the same on a much wider scale. The BBC are only happy to report this when the deed is done and the perpetrators are dead. I am sure that Jimmy Saville, Jeremy Thorpe, Cryril Smith and Clement Freud would all be LUVVIES signed up for the BBC perversion service of staying the EU is dying, but they have plenty more LUVVIES to take their place.
Where has she been until now ?
‘Theresa May wants ‘further EU free movement reform’
“Speaking exclusively to the BBC’s Laura Kuenssberg, she said she understood concerns over immigration but leaving the EU was not a “silver bullet”.
Well Theresa, it may not be a silver bullet but its certainly a good start.
One important fact emerged when Andrew Neil duffed up the incompetent, floundering Ed Vaizey, before taking his dinner money and leaving Vaizey with a wedgie. Apparently, in the event of Brexit, the treasury’s own forecast shows a slowing down of the economy of 0.4 % for one year.
Yep, the price of freedom from Brussels, on the worst case scenario, produced by those desperate to keep us in the EU, is a mere 0.4% slow down for one year.
Bring it on. I shall be beaming when I put my cross on that ballot paper.
@taffman @Demon You are in good company. Former chancellors Lord Lamont and Lord Lawson and ex-Tory leaders Iain Duncan Smith and Lord Howard said “startling dishonesty” had been displayed … They said the main risk for the UK was remaining “locked to a doomed eurozone”.
Yep, we`re just the saviour sibling for the EU these days.
Spare part cannibals of Brussels want our body for a punchbag or a shield for their evils…butb they`re not getting it.
Looking forward to the Danes, Dutch and French coming along with us, and we`ll build something grand with our friends in New Europe like Poland,the Czechs, Hungarians and Austrians.
Let Germany and southern Europe, the Scots and the Irish work it all out for themselves…good luck with THAT.
From the party of Churchill via the mighty Lawson, Thatcher and Tebbit…to Eurosquits and skidmarx like Rory Stewart, Ed Vaizey and Philip Hammond.
The Tories will split very soon no matter what the result…I know i`ll never vote again for a May, Letwin and all the other tired traitors who`d rather be an EU junketeer that a custodian of this countrys people and principles.
As for the likes of Rory and Ed…careers are in flames as they utter each quisling word-when it came to sovereignty and independence instead of being manacled to the Lusitania..they chose the pleasure deck as we were holed underneath.
It will never be forgiven or forgotten-every Remain Tory is Yesterdays Man, or a Euro Frau…
I watched Gove on the QT special this evening in which I thought he did very well; my estimation of him has risen tremendously as this referendum campaign has gone on. It was also the first time I heard reference in the Leave campaign to economic patriotism; which was wonderful albeit fleeting.
I thought al beebus was behaving itself regarding keeping its habitual, Progressive bias in check: but they just can’t help themselves can they?
A question was put by a Spanish woman in the audience talking of her Brexit fears and implying racism.
Why did al beebus include in the audience of a debate about Britain’s membership of the E.U. someone who is not a British subject and has no right to vote in the upcoming referendum? Why not give that seat to an eligible voter?
Then to compound that by wasting everyone’s time by allowing her to pose a question when someone else, who did have a vote and is a subject of this country, could have asked one instead.
I think you must have watched a different programme to the one which I did Edward.
I must also admit that I was more interested in the substance of his argument for Brexit and how he delivered it than in what his little finger was doing; but each to his own.
This Spanish woman not by chance included in the impartial BBC editorial integrity selection featured elsewhere on their broadcast network?
“All I’ve heard from you is manipulation and bravado” – BBC Question Time audience challenges Michael Gove to set out Vote Leave campaign’s plan. #bbcqt #EUref
Al Shubtill – the bit I saw with the Spanish woman ‘We are your friends, not your enemies!’ seemed to me a highly staged bit of emotional blackmail – a favourite tactic of the left. Nobody in Brexit has suggested the Spanish (or any other European nation) are not our friends. Indeed in my experience it is because most people want to retain a friendly relationship with other countries that they are voting to leave.
One word for our snakeoil senora.
Gibraltar-imagine she`s not “a Friend of Britain” on THAT one-and especially given the Spanish threats to try and poison the paella there in Britain DARES to vote contrary to Senor Euro.
Nah, we`re off…
The Spanish woman was also allowed to go on and on and on in her broken English, which seemed quite poor for someone who claimed to have been here for 14 years, working hard and paying her taxes yadda yadda.
Gove should have asked her why she wasn’t working and paying her taxes in Spain? Is it because the Euro has destroyed Spain’s economy by any chance?
I’m indebted to nogginator for linking to the eminent Douglas Murray’s demolition of the Islam-appeasing left on Radio Scotland on the last open thread re the Orlando massacre:
Dunno why Scotland is full to the brim of regressives pickled in lefty idiocy, but brimfull it certainly is. As always, Douglas was incisive and uncompromising as he admonished Kaye Adams, the hostess, (can we still use that word) and took Catherine, the shrill sociologist, apart.
However, for me the most interesting part of the whole thing was the fact that Adams, having tried at first to read Murray the riot act, ended up practically agreeing with his point of view.
She’ll have to be careful. That’s not a good career move at the BBC.
It does show though that Radio Scotland has not been polluted by the perverted beliefs of the London liberal Elites who cannot even see reality let alone allow anyone else to talk about it. Douglas Murray would simply never be allowed airtime and labelled as a ‘reactionary bigot’. (Notice how their favourite bully word has changed since Gordon Clown used it?).
What a fantastic interview, many thanks for the link. I’d heard the name, Douglas Murray, before but that’s all it was to me, a name. After a quick scan of his Wikki entry, it soon became clear why he took “Catherine, the shrill sociologist” apart so effortlessly and stunned Ms Adams into confused silence to boot. He’s good, very good and as much as I would love to see him in a debate with Owen Jones it would be akin to watching Rambo versus Graham Norton!
In the course of foraging around YouTube I came across Nigel Farage reading the riot act three years ago to some blinkered idiot (to put it politely) on BBC Radio Scotland:
Having had enough of the idiocy after a while, Farage terminated the ‘interview.’
Buried by the BBC: “Leave campaigners have challenged the government to confirm it will veto Turkish membership of the EU and block the extension of visa-free travel to Turkey”
If Cameron is so clear Turkey won’t join, why won’t he just come out and say that he will veto them joining? (And even if he did, it probably wouldn’t be up to him, and there’s no way he can commit a future government.)
In their own little way, I’m sure the BBC think this article is supposed to balance the “Grave threat to UK cities” scare story as this is also front-page news, but the headline reads “Tories attack anti-Brexit ‘scare stories'”, toning down the actual claims of “startling dishonesty”… and then they use it to bury the Turkey threat. Good going guys.
And four of the five bullet points under “Elsewhere in the EU referendum debate” are anti-Leave 🙄
Ooo… and finally some honesty from the politicians, good going Michael Howard:
They said the main risk for the UK was remaining “locked to a doomed eurozone”.
Lord Howard told BBC Breakfast there were “only three facts in this debate”.
“Number one, if we leave we won’t have to pay billions of pounds into the coffers of the EU. Number two, we’ll have control over our immigration again. And number three, our Parliament will not be subordinate to the European Court of Justice.”
The remainers are running the epitomy of a negative campaign aren’t they, apart from some vague waffling the main hub of their campaign revolves around doomsday end times guess work, so why aren’t they promoting the land of milk and honey positives of remaining? perhaps, because if you don’t have a 1st class ticket to board the EU gravy train, there aren’t any?
DAVID Cameron’s aristocrat father-in-law is raking in millions of pounds in taxpayer-funded EU farming subsidies, an investigation by can reveal.
Sir Reginald Adrian Berkeley Sheffield, 8th Baronet, receives eye-watering sums of money from Brussels to help fund the upkeep of his sprawling Lincolnshire estate.
The aristocrat, who is the father of Samantha Cameron, is just one of a number of wealthy landowners who get huge pots of cash paid out by the EU’s controversial Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).
I was driving down the A11 in Cambridgeshire yesterday. There was a “Remain” poster on a bridge. Above the hedge I could see a large wind turbine and a couple of fields further on the crop was a huge array of solar pannels.
A lot of Remaniacs want us to use OUR vote to maintain THEIR subsidies. The oligarchs think they have a patriotic duty to get even richer.
Not on the BBC: Omar Mateen pledged allegiance to Islamic State, raged against ‘filthy ways of the west’
In the midst of his deadly shooting spree at Orlando’s Pulse nightclub early Sunday, Omar Mateen took to Facebook to pledge allegiance to the Islamic State terror group, promising that more attacks were to follow, according to a Senate committee letter released Wednesday.
Mateen, whose rampage left 49 people dead, apparently made a series of Facebook posts and searches before and during his attack on a gay nightclub, raging against the “filthy ways of the west” and blaming the US for the deaths of “innocent women and children.”
Omar Mateen was mistaken. He does not seem to realise he was actually an NRA supporting Trump voter, and probably a member of the Tea Party to boot. I suppose that’s the sort of silly mistake anyone can make when they are in the middle of slaughtering a night club full of gays.
We’ve splashed out on a bottle of the award winning Nyetimber English “champagne”. We’ll open it next week when Brexit wins, and drink it to Jerusalem at 130dB on the stereo, toasting Churchill, Nelson, Wellington, Elgar, Parry, Farage, and anyone else we can think of.
And there’ll be a big Foxtrot Oscar to the BBC, SKY, Merkel, Juncker, Cameron and Osborne.
(To be honest, we’ll probably open it anyway, but that’s not the point.)
Your list of the British greats, Churchill, Nelson, Wellington, Elgar, Parry, Farage will soon officially include Bake Off winner Nadiya Hussain and London Mayor Sadik Khan. It will be taught in schools (especially those in London, Bradford, Birmingham etc)
I’m hoping that if Brexit wins (I refuse to use “Leave”), people will be more confident about kicking back against the “blob”.
Successful resistance is possible, difficult admittedly, but possible. The Conservative party is severely damaged, at least I hope so. Maybe something approaching a real conservative party will emerge.
I’m not saying that a huge amount of damage hasn’t been inflicted already though.
…..will soon officially include Bake Off winner Nadiya Hussain and London Mayor Sadik Khan. It will be taught in schools (especially those in London, Bradford, Birmingham etc) …..
Awwwww don’t ruin things Tabs ! I was halfway down the champagne til I read your post !!!!
At the end of last century I spent a week picking grapes at Nyetimber vineyard! The ‘champagne’ was winning awards then. I’m sure Essexman if he is reading this would be interested to know that the hideously white grapes were used to make the champagne served to Nelson Mandela.
A total non-news article about some unknown lad tweeting that his Nan did a Google search of “Please translate these roman numerals mcmxcviii thank you.”
I barely got past the 3rd line thinking to myself ‘where is the bollox going? is there some BBC hidden message in this poor excuse of journalism?’. Yep, sure enough paragrah 6 says “I live with my boyfriend and we don’t have a dryer at our house, so I usually go over to my nan’s to do our washing,” he said.
Well done BBC not only have to created yet another bit of “news” from Twitter but you also crow-barred the lads gay sexuality into it promoting that ‘a lad….living with a boyfriend’ is so normal that it just had to be mentioned.
I find myself wondering if it’s actually an activation code to some group or other. Perhaps agreed in the event of Brexit looking likely. Because I’m pretty sure someone of his Nan’s vintage would know how to translate Roman numerals – it’s 1998.
His nan was probably watching yet another bloody repeat on the BBC and wondering when it was made. I think they use Roman numerals to try and hide the fact.
I’m wondering how many houses and residential buildings and offices and factories will have corridors littered with empty champagne bottles in Britain and elsewhere when Brexit wins.
I know my abode will be littered with an empty bottle of good red wine.
I intend to sit in my garden in France, drinking local wine and gazing down the valley where the allies drove the Germans back during the liberation of Europe. I will listen to the church bell ringing at 7pm, feeling content anticipating Frexit in a short time
I intend to sit in my garden in France, drinking local wine and gazing down the valley where the allies drove the Germans back during the libieration of Europe.
Having done a little research on the Orlando shootings and the lecture / Khutba which was given at the Mosque a week prior to it. It’s scary stuff!
The Imam who gave this talk was one Dr. Farrokh Sekaleshfar currently on a world tour.
Sekaleshfar was blunt in the 2013 speech, admitting that under Islamic law, the punishment for homosexuality was death.
“We see the physical killing as something brutal, and this is the point when human hatred toward the act has to be done out of love,” he said in the 2013 talk. “You have to be happy for that person … we believe in an afterlife, we believe in an eternal life … and with this sentence, you will be forgiven and you won’t be accountable in the hereafter.”
In that way, “It’s for his own betterment that he leaves,” Sekaleshfar said.
“We have to have that compassion for people. With homosexuals, it’s the same,” he said. “Out of compassion, let’s get rid of them now.”
According to him, the murder of Gay people is an act of love !
But by far the most frightening aspect of this is that Dr. Farrokh Sekaleshfar was born & raised in Manchester England ! He studied medicine at Imperial College London and then returned to Manchester to study Bioethics at the university there.
It was known that Sekaleshfar was a dangerous hate mongering Muslim and serious questions were raised about his talk which was titled:
“How to deal with the phenomenon of homosexuality” on the Islamic Center’s website, specifics were not given
A leader at the Islamic Center told Channel 9 that he believes they have the right to have anyone speak and that Tuesday’s talk was a private event.
Yet again we see an obviously intelligent individual who has spent a lifetime studying his religion coming to the same conclusion that thousands of similar Muslims have reached.
And despite the fact that Sekaleshfar was spreading his hateful religion just one week prior to the massacre the Fascist left refuse to see any link between the two.
It seems the world tour may have been shortened thanks to the Aussies:
“He was visiting Australia as a guest of Sydney’s Imam Husain Islamic Centre.
Media reports on Wednesday said Sheikh Sekaleshfar left the country after Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull ordered a review of his visa.
Australia’s immigration minister Peter Dutton said he had officially revoked Sheikh Sekaleshfar’s visa and that it would be “very difficult, if not impossible for him to return” to the country.”
The Iman distances himself from the misguided way in which Isis treats homosexuals:
“Sheikh Sekaleshfar said Mateen was a follower of the so-called Islamic State, which follows the Wahabi doctrine of Sunni Islam and had been “killing homosexuals in the most wrongful way for years now”, whereas he was a Shia scholar.”
So… as a Shia, Sheikh Sekaleshfar preaches that gays should be put to death after a proper trial, as in Iran, and he would no doubt consider that Mateen’s mistake was to kill them without a trial, and not that they didn’t deserve the death penalty. Thanks for properly informing us, BBC 🙄
OK Owen, that is their law. Off you go to one of your beloved Islamic countries and submit to a fair trial. Don’t be Islamophobic mate, respect their culture.
So, no further action to be taken with regards to the Cliff Richard sex abuse inquiry. There no needs to be an inquiry into the behaviour of the BBC when his house was searched.
It is still appalling that the police and the CPS can get away with the weasel words “insufficient evidence”. I hope Cliff Richard does take legal action, and forces his accuser into the open. And, by the way, the egregiously wicked ‘Nick’ who perpetrated lies against Brittan, Bramhall, et al. should also be exposed and brought to trial. If these sorts of disturbed or wicked people are still afforded anonymity, then false allegations will continue to be made.
Agree with all. The British Police need to be held to account in all cases. It would appear that they are complicit in Paedophilia. Look at Rotherham , look at all the cases . But who can hold them to account ?
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Rory Stewart MP was allowed to say twice on WatO (BBC R4 1pm) that he thinks we will vote to remain in.
No challenge from Martha. No question from Martha.
The tone in which he said it did not appear to me to be the usual ‘I thhiinnk’, in other words I’m guessing/hoping/optimistic but rather a more ‘I think’ I think.
Meanwhile, on the BBC web-site: democratic, free-speaking & informative debate is not being allowed either on Merkel’s desire to keep the UK in the EU, Osborne’s potential punitive summer Budget, the Leave Campaign’s budget proposals (starting to think they are a government, already), yesterday’s dubious inflation figures or the really good news today on jobs.
Can’t be sure, but I thiiiiink that Sir Bob just added a steaming big chocolate swirl to George’s well-poisoning earlier, and the BBC may struggle a bit to spin it all.
LOL !!!
Double LOL, GW!
(Am cheered after WatO glooming!)
PS: Is that what they call a crappuccino? If it has to be frothed an’ stirred an’ all?
Jus’ askin’.
[sad face] Well, in certain quarters.
Jasmine Lawrence likely just set the studio cat on fire.
LOL ! Is it just me but I think, win or lose, we Brexiters will always have a sense of humour. The Remainers are humourless, no hoping, boring farts ! Yeah man !
Too true. Judging by what I have seen and heard, not only that but rather more on the Nasty side of the spectrum than Brexiteers. Black humour will give us all some cheer as we submit to the system, but there’s hope, still, with another week to go.
Glimmer of Hope #2
Osborne’s crazy statement today will get picked over until next Monday even if the Beeb try to suppress discussion. He can’t unwind that one now. Depending on what happens and may be more newsworthy, the Sunday papers will want to run with it, possibly on the front page. That’s half a week of momentum gone for the Remain camp. If a pro-Remain business also jumps ship on the basis of potential Budget vengeance that may cause further damage that the BBC, especially, will find hard to ignore or gloss over.
Wonder what Corbyn and his GE2020 (GE2016/17?) Team are gaming right now?
“How can we distance ourselves from Cameron & Osborne in the Remain camp to try to win back lost support?”
Yes, so right . Me , I am in default mode . No more discussion. The Remainers are Wankers ! That is their prediliction. To the end of time !
I suspect that Osborne has drug issues. It certainly looked that way when he was interviewed by Brillo .
Grant, don’t know about that. Could it be exhaustion, perhaps, keeping up the constant threat level on the UK population to Red Plus Plus?
I’ve had a look – prompted elsewhere on B-BBC – and note that not only are the Remain camp humourless and nasty but they also seem to be extremely evasive. Just seen the Daily Politics on iP and the Seema Malhotra MP non-interview with Brillo. Amazing. He couldn’t get a straight answer from ex-Barrister Vaisey and ex-management consultant couldn’t manage a straight answer either.
Non dom Geldof should wind his neck in and pay his full whack of tax.
After a LEAVE vote those parties , or parts of parties , which have campaigned for leave, DUP, UKIP , and 50% of the Tories , plus a lot more weak Tories who were cowed into submission by Cameron et al, must deal with the BBC. Of course those brave and very able Labour MPs who campaigned for Leave , cannot be expected to share a loathing for the pro Labour BBC.
Now is the time to cut the BBC down to size. If they don’t they will find that the BBC propagandises for any opposition to Brexit and causes as much trouble as possible during our EU exit negotiations. Additionally , in the longer term, the BBC will never give up its role as the key supporter of any and all ‘liberal’ causes. So even though the British people may have exercised their democratic rights in the referendum against the wishes of the over mighty corporation, the BBC will keep on trying to influence the Brits to share its liberal left world view in direct contradiction of its charter and eating away at our Britishness. If you don’t share that disastrous world view now is the time to strike a blow for democracy and kill off the hated BBC.
Rory ! LOL ! His father lives quite near here in Sunny Perthshire. Like father like son, both self-important wrong-headed wankers ! The last time I met the father , he accused me of not being a Scotsman because I was not wearing tartan trews ! As I say , wankers !
September 1938 – Statement by the Prime Minister.
“Following my successful negotiations with the German Chancellor I have decided that the United Kingdom will become part of a political union stretching from the Atlantic to the Urals.
The German Chancellor, as a friend, has convinced me that the alternative would be five years of extreme austerity during which many of you could well lose your lives. Even then this would be followed by many more years of shortages, squalor and suffering.
Truly we will be more secure, safer and successful in a united Europe. Better together!”
Rt. Hon. Neville Chamberlain FRS, MP
(1) When Chamberlain goes, will he be replaced by Churchill or Halifax?
(2) When Cameron goes, will he be replaced by Johnson or Osborne?
Will we stand alone in the wider world with Australia and Canada for a year. Followed next year by a Trump card dealt out by the United States, giving the World a great victory for democracy and freedom of speech.
something tells me Chamberlain never actually said that !
Unless of course you can provide a link to show otherwise ?
I think the simple answer they are looking for is “yes”, but for some reason they don’t seem able to say it. Wonder why?
I am getting the impression that the BBC is using it’s usual techniques to support it’s friends.
Most statements from the Remain camp are reported as ” Remain Says” whereas many of Leave’s points are presented by the BBC as “Claims” .
BBC five live phone-ins follow a standard plan. Often contributors are intelligent and in possession of verbal diarrhea when on the BBC side of the fence and are allowed to spout uninterrupted. When the BBC picks a listener from the many callers waiting to offer a contrasting view, they deliberately select the one who can not put their thoughts into words and are then bullied while trying. Just another way of convincing the brainwashed listener to swallow the medicine and do as they are instructed.
Vote leave – “they don’t like it up em”.
Yes Denton I have noticed that. Of course ‘to show equal balance’ the BBC have to tolerate all viewpoints, but to negate those comments that do not fit into their lefty world-view & Beebspeak they have two very obvious tactics. Constant interruption is the most common, this is used against politicians who are too good at putting their view across (& the BBC doesn’t like that if it runs counter to their propaganda).
The second is on phone-ins with the general public. The callers selected to speak that have non-Beeb ideas are invariably incoherant, old & doddery & struggling to put words together, stupid sounding, or crazy ranters. Rarely do they have contrary commentators who are lucid & intelligent sounding, if so the interruption tactic is brought speedily into play.
This is as outrageous as the other old trick of skewing a studio audience & planting questioners.
Shhh, the BBC thinks it is so clever with its propaganda that nobody notices.
The BBC is embarrassing itself with its silly scare stories about the financial markets’ supposed response to a possible Brexit. Every time the pound slips by 0.1% it is jitters to due fears over Brexit. Today the pound is up 0.5% but I can’t find a headline stating ‘Pound Rises on Brexit Fears’.
The BBC shamelessly insults everyone’s intelligence now as it obviously doesn’t think anyone will check historical data for context.
Sixth form politics at its best and only £4Bn a year.
Have just noticed that the FTSE has rallied on fears of Brexit as well. These BBC economists, they know so much.
Thames: Nigel Farage and Sir Bob Geldof fishing flotilla clash
hoot hoot, it’s captain Bob here just enjoying a day on the river to tell Mr Farage that he is a fraud. This couldn’t be the same Geldof (I won’t use his official title as that was a mistake and still needs to be rectified) that promised to take in Syrian refugees to his home and when the cannabis wore off lost interest? And you’re calling who a fraud?
Captain Bob? Pugwash more likely.
Could somebody tell Geldof that we don’t need any more proof that he is a complete @rse.
He is much derided in Africa by Africans who can recognise a wanker when they see one. Some years ago he and his entourage checked in to the most expensive hotel in Dakar. My Gambian and Senegalese friends were laughing at Bobby Boy. His one night room rate was about 5 times a cops annual salary. One joke was ” Bob Geldof and money . That is a lot of goats ! “
And , while I am on the subject of Geldof, Africans do not need to be patronised by a total hypocrite like him. He is a racist and should be exposed as such .
Who in their right mind thought….. “right, we need a someone to shout at Nigel Farage on the Thames. This person must be well known, respected and knowledgeable on all things EU…… what about Sir Bob?”
Not long to wait Tabs. Tomorrow night’s QT line-up includes Sor Bob, ready, willing and articulately able to share his unique grasp of worldpolitik with us all. And, icing on cake, Dave Babe and Muppet lookalike Nicky Morgan will also be there to neatly master and deflect his thrusts – if you’ll pardon the unfortunate turn of phrase.
Sorry for descending to ad hominem but Nicky Morgan has got to be the most useless waste of space ever to sit around the cabinet table. Looks like a startled owl.
I always pegged her for a rabbit caught in the headlights
The last Captain Bob (Maxwell) wasn’t much of a sailor either. As big a fraud as Sir St Bob, of course.
Steve Jones,
the bbc know fu@k all about the market. they just follow like sheep and never get the real story. i have seen
“FTSE dives on commodity weakness”
“FTSE rises on strong mining results”
all on the same day.
They are as clueless with the market as they are with most things. It’s white man’s magic and they don’t understand it.
You have accurately summed up the BBC there. I do love it when they jump in as soon as the markets open and try to scare us with the results of the first few minutes trading. Anyone who has the slightest interest in the markets, and has actually bothered to watch live trading, knows that things take a little while to settle after opening as traders eye each other up. By the time the kid on the BBC finance desk has penned a headline that pleases his boss events have overtaken it. They never learn because they don’t want to learn.
Apart from their long-term agenda to control the flow of propaganda about, inter alia, the totally misnamed Religion of Peace, immigration, the benefits of Labour, the wicked Tories, Al Beeb are short-termist in the extreme.
Is it because they are completely delusional? Do they hate conservative white people so much that they would rather destroy everything that has made white people who they are, than admit Islam is the problem all along? Is there no level to the depths of complete insanity the traitors among our people will fall to, to ensure the ‘message’ is continued… That Islam is peaceful, tolerant and compatible with our way of life…
Absolutely shockingly article on Al Beeb webshite today. They ask;
“Did internalised homophobia spark Orlando nightclub attack?”
They then go on to say utter bollocks like ;
“Reports that Orlando gunman Omar Mateen had been a regular at the gay nightclub he attacked and used gay dating apps have led to speculation that he was motivated by internalised homophobia. But what is it, and could it have anything to do with the worst shooting in recent US history?” – nothing like misdirection to shoehorn a narrative hey Al Beeb!!
“Investigators are still trying to establish what led a 29-year-old security guard from Florida to murder 49 people and injure dozens more as they partied in popular gay nightclub Pulse.” – no need for that Al Beeb, the Muslim Jihadi who carried out the attack has already told us.. What you are trying to do is ignore what he said because it doesn’t fit with your utterly wrong and utterly dangerous narrative!
Strangely enough nothing about the following…
– Homosexuals are beheaded, hanged and stoned in modern Saudi Arabia and Iran, where Muhammad’s laws are applied most strictly. Five other Muslim countries also have the death penalty on their books for homosexual behavior..
Since the resurrection of the caliphate in 2014 (the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria) dozens of homosexuals have been thrown from rooftops. Other have been stoned to death. Muslim identity groups, such as CAIR, did not bother to issue a single denunciation of these serial murders prior to the 2016 Islamist massacre at a gay night club in Orlando…
Oh and remember..
– Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) have opposed moves to advance LGBT rights at the United Nations, in the General Assembly and/or the UNHRC. In May 2016, a group of 51 Muslim states blocked 11 gay and transgender organizations from attending 2016 High Level Meeting on Ending AIDS.
The lunatic left and traitorous Al mujahideen Beeb have now had to even abandon their previous professional victim status ‘community’ to continue with the madness that is protecting the death cult. If the Al Beeb can abandon the LGBT community like this we are all truly fucked!!
Saudi doesn’t only murder people for being Gay, it also Murders those it suspects of being Gay and that obviously doesn’t require proof, just an accusation.
Similar to Pakistans blasphemy laws perhaps?
Just watching the pro Remain broadcast at 1755 on bBBC 1
Second up, after Sralan Sugar and before Shami Chipbutty and Steven Hawking, was…….Stephanie Flanders!!!!
You remember her, the one time economics editor of our favourite impartial state broadcaster.
Just think of all that impartiality we enjoyed in years gone by.
I notice the Fear of Brexit has sent the FTSE 100 and the Pound versus the USD, Euro, and Yen………errrrr……..all up today.
BBC 18:00 news.
The BBC fails to mention Geldof’s abusive gestures. I’m complaining.
One of the Remain arguments is that we have ‘ the best of both worlds’.
Thus we are not in Schengen, or the Euro, and we still get Maggie’s rebate, and we have one or two opt-outs.
But if the EU is so wonderful, why are we not IN Schengen, and not IN the Euro, and would NOT need a rebate, and would not need any opt-outs.
So the EU is so wonderful because…..errrrrr………we are not signed up to its worse excesses !!!?????
Surely a total logic malfunctiom.
Why not just leave, and then we will not be signed up to ANY of its excesses.
We do NOT get Maggie’s rebate. We get Maggie’ rebate LESS the 40% of it Tony Blair gave away in 2005 for “reform of the CAP”. Which, i believe somehow failed to materialise.
If the EU is so great why is unemployment in Spain 20.4% Greece 24% Cyprus 12.6% Portugal 12.3% Italy 11.7% France 10.2% ?
Note all these are Euro Area Countries – the ruling countries of the EU – Germany 4.3% – Lowest in the whole of the EU no surprises there then.
Complaint sent ” The BBC reported on the 18:00 news about Farage and Geldoff “meeting” on the Thames. However the BBC appears to have forgotten to mention Geldoff making abusive gestures. Don’t worry though we don’t need to rely on you for the news these days as the story is on the internet.
Perhaps you might like to inform us why it was decided not to report on the anti social behavior of a high profile “celebrity”
Sit back and await templated reply.
This comment deserves much wider coverage.
The Sun headline should be “Boomtown Rat Joins Sinking Ship”.
Grant …..”It was wonderful to hear him (Philip Green) stick it to the bunch of pompous overpaid and over-promoted nonentities who purport to represent us . …….”
Hmmmm, I would have said the ‘pompous overpaid and over-promoted’ were terms more deserving to Philip Green and his ilk ! – (i.e Simon Cowell and Alan Sugar)
I started watching the EU special but I just can’t put up with the whining of the remain brigade. Same old same old arguments going round and and round.
The Emir of Londonistan who teamed up with Al bin to Eton Dave on the Remain side gives a talk to a segregated audience in Manchester in support of Remain.
When will Labour learn? Will the BBC pick this one up?.
Courtesy of Guido
I wouldn’t guarantee that everyone in this picture can speak English – despite DC’s pledge of funding for English lessons for Muslim women.
Another packed crowd.
Was this rally actually in Britain?
I don’t know why the women bothered to turn up, their husbands will fill in the postal votes for them, as their clan leaders have instructed them.
Gove’s measured, informative delivery an exhibition of mature debate – contrasted by another scandalous and deeply flawed performance from Dimblebum. As a supposedly impartial ‘chair’ he is a disgrace – and what a pleasure to see him go so deeply pink as Gove revealed the Guardian’s gutter press behavior.
Just watched Daily Politics on iPlayer.
Would strongly recommend a watch. Skip over PMQs. Fantastic put down by Neil of Labour female who would not answer the question and excellent discussion after the PMQ segment. John Mann and even LK on the money.
Yes, Mallard…AN was on fine form today, wasn’t he? He also made mincemeat of Ed Vaizey before he demolished Seema whatshername. Brilliant.
I only caught the last 5 minutes of Gove on QT but it seemed he got a huge round of applause at the end – which Dumbledore tried to quell but failed!
And I’ll just add in here…Speccie now a Brexiteer. Brilliant forward well worth reading.
An excellent read, it should be pinned upon the door of every polling station on the 23rd.
Great article Soapbox, thanks for linking it.
Don’t you just love it? A scruffy, talentless, multimillionaire, tax dodging oik tells hard working British people how to vote. The Boomtown prat was as foul mouthed and embarrassing as ever, according to Michael Crick. He and his oikish cronies were effing and blinding and making V signs to the chaps on the Brexit boat. He’s a disgrace. These are men who have had their way of life severely damaged due to EU fishing regulations and gobby Geldof, who has never done a day’s graft in his drug riddled life, has the temerity to lecture them! Unbelievable. Even some of the Remainiacs said they wished he hadn’t been there due to his appalling conduct.
Nigel should have approached the flea bitten layabout with a bar of soap.
I understand it works a bit like garlic with vampires…
Oirishman Bob urges the UK to leave the EU…
His knighthood should be withdrawn immediately for behaviour like that. He’s an utter disgrace.
Just now on 5Live, commentator on France/Albania game (Alistair Bruce-Ball?):
“There’ll be a minute’s silence before kick-off, not sure what that’s for…”
No, of course not: if you inhabit the BBC bubble you wouldn’t have heard about the two French police officers stabbed to death by a Saracen in Paris a couple of days ago, would you?
Nigel Farage, His words are coming true!
I’ve watched a lot of Youtube vids of Farage in the EUssr politburo meetings, he has been a thorn in their side ever since he got in there, a true fox amongst the chickens..and how they hate him for exposing the disaster that is the EU.
Here in the UK he has been derided and scorned for years, the leftard zombie morons scream the same garbage…WAYYCCIISSSSTT, WAYYCCIISSSTTT!! Yet they can’t explain as to how that can be seeing as his wife is German? It doesn’t matter to the backward scum who despise this country so much that they would betray everything it is for the sake of the EU superstate. One day their time will come, I hope it’s sooner rather than later.
There was another UK patriot who did his utmost to expose the EU for what it was, he also tried to expose the muslim paedo scandals long before the mass abuse could no longer be hidden..his name was Nick Griffin and he was utterly destroyed by the establishment, the poodles in police uniforms, the leftard vermin and worst of all the scum at the bbc who set him up on THE worst episode of question time I have ever seen.
I applaud Nigel Farage for what he has done for years, I can only hope his work comes to fruition on June 23rd.
Nige for PM.
So, another BBC and Liberal party paedophile unmasked, in the lugubrious form of creepy Clement Freud.
As a fan of ‘Just a minute’, I’ll need to download the historical episodes pdq before he is erased as per Uncle Jimmy.
‘Clement, can you speak for 60 seconds without deviation?’ asked Nicholas.
Obviously he couldn’t.
God it was fun watching Andrew Neil b*tch slapping that rodent Ed Vaizey, who, like all Remainiacs refuse to answer question honestly.
The BBC has been a disgrace in the build up to the vote, and quite blatant in it’s pro EU bias, but that’s hardly surprising due to them getting bucket loads of cash from Brussels.
I’m convined Andrew Neill is a brexiteer
No6 – I’ve thought that since watching his interview with Farage last Friday.
It speaks volumes for him that we still are not certain which way he leans. I to suspect he is a Brexiteer but I’m not sure. As to the rest of the BBC we all know what they want us to vote and have done for years.
Whoops !
I’d like to say you couldn’t make it up but unfortunately nothing surprises you with the bbc scum anymore, Kim Jong Un and the Soviets couldn’t be any more biased.
Geldof, that talentless moron who’s family is that f***ed that death is a better alternative than living with that piece of shit. Has he told anyone how many immigrants he put up in his mansion yet? I’m guessing the hypocrite housed none.
David Kew worked on Judge John Deed. A programme steeped in bias.
Quel surprise.
This is a culture war and this man is on the other side. Watching a petulant Dimbleby tonight with Mr Gove you can hear the disdain he and his like have for us the ordinary folk of England. Oh he masks it by faux concern but the disdain is there as it is in Cameron, Osborne and the rest of them.
Vaclav Havel decribed these elites of Europe as having declared war on the people. That is exactly what it is and if they think it is going to be over on the 23rd then they are dreaming.
Just look at those who want us to stay, Not a patriot amongst them and what an ill assorted bunch of banksters and chancers they are.
Discredited politiicians and cowardly self serving so called celebrities. Our forefathers would turn in their graves to witness such a miserable bunch pleading for their wealth and their power.
Time to get rid of all of them. Starting next week,.
Lets hope that after victory no one on Leave is magnanimous towards the BBC. For the long term health of British democracy we need to take full vengeance on the hateful corporation.
French Jihadist Police Killer ‘Took Orders From Islamic State’
Transgender Person Stabbed By Alleged ‘Islamic State’ Supporters In Belgium
Looks like Europe needs to improve knife control 🙄
Up to now I feel the BBC has been surprisingly unbiased in its treatment of the referendum.
That defo looks like it changed today with the treatment of the punishment budget – the only news organisation not to ignor it
I see George Osbourne going to a factory and him telling us this is proof we need to be in the EU . he did it again last week .
Take one success story and conflate it with an entire system .
Easy .
The Soviets made the T34 . Therefore the whole Soviet system was a success . Forget the rest . Find one Good Thing and sanctify that governance .
Autobahns were good in Germany in the thirties , therefore ….
Today, I booked a flight to Germany for the 20th July.
All the booking systems with the airline worked fine, just as they have done in the past
Despite Osborne’s predictions, life will go on as normal after the Brexit win.
But Britain will be richer and prouder.
Has the BBC noted this?
My Uncle was at the independence day ceremony in Germany on 5th May 1955, when Germany became independent from British rule.
But Germany did not need to remain under British rule for trade or travel. In fact I have never seen trade and travel being used as a left-wing defence of British Imperial rule, although I have read that the United States did suffer economically for a few decades after independence, due to severance from its main trading partner, due to war with that nation, which was Britain.
But independence for Canada, Australia and India, etc, was peaceful and organised, so these colonies had no serious resistance to self-government from traders or travellers.
“But independence for …………… India ………. was peaceful and organised”
I know what you are saying but I think you need to qualify that a little.
How many millions died ?
I think some estimates say 14m.
I’m not a historian, but my understanding is that it was done in haste, partly under pressure from the US, and during a period of obvious turmoil at home.
Happy to be corrected by any experts out there.
Luvvies for Leave: Keira Knightley is calling on young fans to take back control and “stop others f*cking with your future.”
Tweets by LeaveLuvvies
Actors and actresses calling themselves “luvvies”, eh? Well I never. So… what was all that horse we heard a while back about the word “luvvies” being a derogatory term? Answers on a postcard, please. No, on second thoughts, don’t bother…
The Guido video isn’t true….It’s a spoof….Keira Knightley was commandeered by Cameron to speak to the youth..
Guardian 2003 about the Euro.
“The euro has proved to be exactly the job-destroying, recession-creating, undemocratic monster the doubters always warned it would be. This was not the received wisdom on the left at the time, when to suggest that the euro would be supercharged monetarism, Thatcherism with knobs on, was deemed unseemly. People who liked the euro were civilised, supported the arts, went to Tuscany or the Dordogne for their holidays. People who didn’t like the euro drove white vans decorated with the flag of St George.
Today, it is hard to find even the most fervent euro enthusiasts in the Liberal Democrat party arguing for UK membership of the single currency. Disillusionment with what was once called “the Project” is almost total in the face of grinding austerity, a double-dip recession that has already lasted 18 months and a jobless rate of 12.2% and rising.
Isn’t hindsight a wonderful thing, but we all knew what was going to happen.
So far the message I am getting from the Euriners is that Great Britain must surrender her sovereignty, freedom and democracy to save Europe from going down the proverbial plughole.
“‘Tis a far, far better thing… “, advocated the BBC. “Er, you first”
BBC introduced a bunch of Africans into Versailles tonight. Until now we’d only had the highly unlikely myth that the Queen had produced a baby with an African dwarf. Now we have a fabulously wealthy prince and his retinue.
Well apparently there was an African, Aniaba, who claimed to be a ‘prince’ who was presented at court. Whether he was fabulously wealthy and treated like quite the honoured guest the BBC chose to portray is another matter. Of course the BBC wouldnt mislead us, would they,
I’ve given up watching ‘historical’ dramas on any of the channels, as ethnic faces are being included just to satisfy diversity quotas, regardless whether its historically factually or not – mainly not ! as a consequence the viewing experience is ruined for me knowing that it couldn’t possibly be right. Casting directors clearly have an edict to adhere to, but to employ people of colour to satisfy numbers is insulting the viewers intelligence, and patronising to the actors/actresses themselves.
“ethnic faces are being included just to satisfy diversity quotas, regardless whether its historically factually or not – mainly not !”
We’ve Got To Lie’ – BBC Dr. Who Producer Wants To Insert Black People At Points In History
And not just to include them but also portray them in dominant roles.
No suggestion from the known facts that the African was that.
“… to employ people of colour to satisfy numbers is insulting the viewers intelligence, and patronising to the actors/actresses themselves”
Given the total lack of acting skill of the individuals involved then positive discrimination is their only hope!
There is a simple answer to this, keeping any quota’s that exist, whilst retaining the accuracy of the storylines: the BBC presents “Rotherham” the most important drama of the 21st century. It’s really has the lot: corrupt (white) police officers, gangsters, scheming social workers, bent local government officials, corrupt look-the-other-way media workers and criminals of the worse order. All leading to social unrest, demonstrations and the politicisation of the masses.
Don’t hold your breath.
It’s been pointed out here before, probably in relation to Othello, that the probability of sub Saharan Africans appearing with any frequency in prominent European positions is very low. The Maghreb countries being far more likely. But they, of course, are not treated as special needs to the same extent by the BBC. Ports have always been diverse places of course. That applies all over the world, but it would never be used to justify inserting a white man in a non white drama.
The BBC seems to be using the usual trick of scouring historical records for references to black people, sometimes extremely vague, and using it as “evidence” to support disproportionate casting on the grounds that the presence of black people was theoretically possible. People from the Indian subcontinent don’t get much of a look in.
In modern drama, the BBC and others seem to be adopting the American practice of having black judges, generals, chief constables and scientists. However, when their staff are hideously white, it tends to underline the low probability of the sole black employee reaching that level. It has become a standard joke in America.
I wouldn’t mind so much if we saw the occasional person of Chinese descent in these programmes but the BBC has no interest in them whatsoever. As for orthodox Jews, forget it. They’re just money lenders and jewellers, aren’t they?
Maria – orthodox Jews are likely to be pro-Israeli, so I think we can forget seeing any of them in BBC dramas! The last time I can recall a major character of Chinese origin on the BBC was in the rather good series ‘The Chinese Detective’ from the early 80s, starring David Yip. I suspect the Chinese are not popular with those looking for victim groups, as they tend to do rather well in business and academia and thus blow apart the racial theories of the PC brigade.
I find that the Chinese are a lot like the Hindus and Sikhs in that respect. Most unlike certain other “Asians”.
Excellent post Maria, and yes, we’ve seen an explosion of black actors in roles of high authority in dramas. I suppose its one way of ‘slipping them in’ without having too dominant a role and not much in the way of dialogue.
Agree the Chinese Detective was good viewing, and also enjoyable was Indian Summers on Ch 4 which has not been commissioned for further series.
Benny Cumberbatch as a person of no colour in the lead of the forthcoming ‘Roots’ remake is a tour de force. Apparently.
And David Cameron will be meeting Nigel Farage for a pub crawl next Friday evening.
The timing of Britain’s long-delayed vote on joining the single currency was thrown into fresh doubt yesterday by the government’s decision to hold a referendum on the proposed European constitution
Government opponents of a “big bang” solution to the government’s European headache said it was a high-risk strategy which could result in a double defeat fatally undermining the government’s credibility.
Dominic Cummings, director of the New Frontiers think tank and former head of Business for Sterling, said the current state of public opinion meant an early referendum on either issue looked doubtful.
Mr Cummings said hostility among the electorate towards the constitution was even higher than that towards the single currency. “It is extraordinarily risky. Everybody will be focused on this issue (the constitution) and Blair will be putting his authority at risk.”
Deja Vu anyone ?
A thought about Bob Geldof’s disgraceful gesturing earlier…
If roles had been reversed and Sir Bob was leading, say, boats of illegal immigrants up the Thames. And at the same time, Nigel Farage was shouting and gesturing from the sidelines (not that I think he would), you can bet your bottom dollar that it would be all over the mainstream media like a rash.
Yet because Sir Bob is untouchable and a remainer, the silence from our state broadcaster about his antics is deafening.
My thoughts exactly. In fact the Leave campaign has been admirably restrained and dignified in the face of disgusting tactics by its opposition (eg, intimidation and threats of violence by masked men in Northampton). Yet I have not seen any examples of bad behaviour from those supporting Leave. If there had been such behaviour you can bet the media would have made a meal of it.
Geldof is Irish isn“t he?
And a few wives and daughters are laid cold in the tomb having been attached to this serial depressive.
Like Brand and Izzard…he wears his mental state quite openly by way of some millionaires Care In the Community pact I`d imagine.
No-Geldof has dined out on Live Aid for long enough-and when I want a gobby past-it Dubliner to giver me advise on fishing quotas for the UK…I`ll ask Bono.
The BBC DID say though that the In Crowd were on a pleasure cruiser as they yelled over at fisherman.
One long pleasure cruise for that least they don`t risk seasickness as they cruise Hampstead Heath.
I think that Geldof is a natural for the Remain campaign.
He is most famous for the phrase “Just give us the fcuking money” and that perfectly encapsulates the EU’s attitude to the UK.
Will the Daily Mirror come out for Brexit? Unlikely I know, yet a poll on their website asking the question “Should Britain’s future be inside or outside the EU?” reveals that of 4000 votes so far it’s Out 56% and In 44%. You have to vote to see the result
I found myself on this Mirror page after searching for odds on Brexit. I’m not a betting man yet often the Bookies are more clued-up about outcomes, and currently best odds are 1 – 2 Remain and 13 – 8 Leave. However –
Ladbrokes’ head of political betting Matthew Shaddick said: “The political environment in the past couple of days has seen a huge shift of bets towards the Leave campaign.”
“The odds are now at their shortest since we opened the book and it is being driven by English and Welsh bettors.”
“…often the Bookies are more clued-up about outcomes…”
Bookies work out their odds according to market share of bets so if, say, most people bet on France to win Euro 16 the bookies can afford to increase the odds on all other teams. Bookies don’t lose – it’s a myth that if the favourite wins the Grand National and they have to pay out millions of pounds, they lose money. They don’t – they pay the winners the money that other people have lost and take their commission.
I placed a jinx bet on my Labour candidate in last year’s general election with odds of 1-3 (1.33 in decimal?) and Anna Soubry won at 3-1! I’m tempted to place another jinx bet on the UK to vote to stay in the EU, but the odds are poor.
Actually, the odds have improved for the IN vote to 1.55
Generally I am a firm believer in the bookies as a predicter of outcomes, so I’m praying they are wrong on this issue. How did they do on predicting the outcome of the GE?
They were VERY wrong on last year’s general election – that was my point!
Their odds were based on the opinion polls.
As mentioned below the odds come from the amount of money you and I place, not what the bookies think. If the most money (not bets) was placed on a hung Parliament then that will be the shortest odds.
The odds that the bookies are quoting are based not on the number of bets but the total amount of cash wagered for that bet.
As I understand it there were some very large bets placed on Remain at the start. With the short odds then, putting a tenner on was pointless.
Presumably those staking their money thought it was a one way bet.
I suspect there are quite a few who did that may be chewing their finger nails now!
I used to like Clement Freud on BBC’s ‘Just-a-minute’ radio programme. Freud was one of the BBC liberals (he was a Liberal MP) that should have been questioned by the Police on the disappearance (in 2007) on the disappearance of Madeleine McCann. It now appears that Clement Freud was a well known (BBC) paedophile and closely linked to Jimmy Saville’s self confessed BBC paedophile ‘exploits’ on ‘TOTP’ and used BBC (NHS children-in-need fund-raising activities). Interestingly Freud was one of three BBC headline Liberal MP’s (out of 24) who all had a warped interest in Children. Jeremy Thorpe had to resign due to being implicated in a failed murder plot with his ‘gay lover’ and then Cyril Smith enjoyed the protection of the local Police in Manchester ‘as an untouchable’ and continued to abuse boys in Council ‘care homes’ with impunity. Now it is revealed that former BBC Liberal and BBC comedian MP Clement Freud was also a paedophile at the same time as Saville was doing the same on a much wider scale. The BBC are only happy to report this when the deed is done and the perpetrators are dead. I am sure that Jimmy Saville, Jeremy Thorpe, Cryril Smith and Clement Freud would all be LUVVIES signed up for the BBC perversion service of staying the EU is dying, but they have plenty more LUVVIES to take their place.
Where has she been until now ?
‘Theresa May wants ‘further EU free movement reform’
“Speaking exclusively to the BBC’s Laura Kuenssberg, she said she understood concerns over immigration but leaving the EU was not a “silver bullet”.
Well Theresa, it may not be a silver bullet but its certainly a good start.
Also………..perhaps she, ‘May’ be thinking of jumping ship and joining Brexit . We cannot control our borders. Watch this space .
One important fact emerged when Andrew Neil duffed up the incompetent, floundering Ed Vaizey, before taking his dinner money and leaving Vaizey with a wedgie. Apparently, in the event of Brexit, the treasury’s own forecast shows a slowing down of the economy of 0.4 % for one year.
Yep, the price of freedom from Brussels, on the worst case scenario, produced by those desperate to keep us in the EU, is a mere 0.4% slow down for one year.
Bring it on. I shall be beaming when I put my cross on that ballot paper.
I am not an ‘economist’ but here is a prediction from me . If we stay in the EU its economy and ours will sink down the plug hole.
taffman. I believe that as well and the EU economies are already slowing down and will bring ours down with them.
@taffman @Demon You are in good company. Former chancellors Lord Lamont and Lord Lawson and ex-Tory leaders Iain Duncan Smith and Lord Howard said “startling dishonesty” had been displayed … They said the main risk for the UK was remaining “locked to a doomed eurozone”.
Yep, we`re just the saviour sibling for the EU these days.
Spare part cannibals of Brussels want our body for a punchbag or a shield for their evils…butb they`re not getting it.
Looking forward to the Danes, Dutch and French coming along with us, and we`ll build something grand with our friends in New Europe like Poland,the Czechs, Hungarians and Austrians.
Let Germany and southern Europe, the Scots and the Irish work it all out for themselves…good luck with THAT.
From the party of Churchill via the mighty Lawson, Thatcher and Tebbit…to Eurosquits and skidmarx like Rory Stewart, Ed Vaizey and Philip Hammond.
The Tories will split very soon no matter what the result…I know i`ll never vote again for a May, Letwin and all the other tired traitors who`d rather be an EU junketeer that a custodian of this countrys people and principles.
As for the likes of Rory and Ed…careers are in flames as they utter each quisling word-when it came to sovereignty and independence instead of being manacled to the Lusitania..they chose the pleasure deck as we were holed underneath.
It will never be forgiven or forgotten-every Remain Tory is Yesterdays Man, or a Euro Frau…
I watched Gove on the QT special this evening in which I thought he did very well; my estimation of him has risen tremendously as this referendum campaign has gone on. It was also the first time I heard reference in the Leave campaign to economic patriotism; which was wonderful albeit fleeting.
I thought al beebus was behaving itself regarding keeping its habitual, Progressive bias in check: but they just can’t help themselves can they?
A question was put by a Spanish woman in the audience talking of her Brexit fears and implying racism.
Why did al beebus include in the audience of a debate about Britain’s membership of the E.U. someone who is not a British subject and has no right to vote in the upcoming referendum? Why not give that seat to an eligible voter?
Then to compound that by wasting everyone’s time by allowing her to pose a question when someone else, who did have a vote and is a subject of this country, could have asked one instead.
I think Gove did an AWFUL job on this QT special. He was patronising and his little finger was irritating like a posh lady taking a sip from a teacup.
Keep Gove off the airwaves please! Leave it to Boris and Nigel.
I think you must have watched a different programme to the one which I did Edward.
I must also admit that I was more interested in the substance of his argument for Brexit and how he delivered it than in what his little finger was doing; but each to his own.
This Spanish woman not by chance included in the impartial BBC editorial integrity selection featured elsewhere on their broadcast network?
“All I’ve heard from you is manipulation and bravado” – BBC Question Time audience challenges Michael Gove to set out Vote Leave campaign’s plan. #bbcqt #EUref
Al Shubtill – the bit I saw with the Spanish woman ‘We are your friends, not your enemies!’ seemed to me a highly staged bit of emotional blackmail – a favourite tactic of the left. Nobody in Brexit has suggested the Spanish (or any other European nation) are not our friends. Indeed in my experience it is because most people want to retain a friendly relationship with other countries that they are voting to leave.
One word for our snakeoil senora.
Gibraltar-imagine she`s not “a Friend of Britain” on THAT one-and especially given the Spanish threats to try and poison the paella there in Britain DARES to vote contrary to Senor Euro.
Nah, we`re off…
The Spanish woman was also allowed to go on and on and on in her broken English, which seemed quite poor for someone who claimed to have been here for 14 years, working hard and paying her taxes yadda yadda.
Gove should have asked her why she wasn’t working and paying her taxes in Spain? Is it because the Euro has destroyed Spain’s economy by any chance?
A picture paints a thousand votes…
I’m indebted to nogginator for linking to the eminent Douglas Murray’s demolition of the Islam-appeasing left on Radio Scotland on the last open thread re the Orlando massacre:
Dunno why Scotland is full to the brim of regressives pickled in lefty idiocy, but brimfull it certainly is. As always, Douglas was incisive and uncompromising as he admonished Kaye Adams, the hostess, (can we still use that word) and took Catherine, the shrill sociologist, apart.
However, for me the most interesting part of the whole thing was the fact that Adams, having tried at first to read Murray the riot act, ended up practically agreeing with his point of view.
She’ll have to be careful. That’s not a good career move at the BBC.
It does show though that Radio Scotland has not been polluted by the perverted beliefs of the London liberal Elites who cannot even see reality let alone allow anyone else to talk about it. Douglas Murray would simply never be allowed airtime and labelled as a ‘reactionary bigot’. (Notice how their favourite bully word has changed since Gordon Clown used it?).
Dunno, Murray has been all over the BC. Possibly his gayness makes the BBC feel obliged to host him, whatever his beliefs.
What a fantastic interview, many thanks for the link. I’d heard the name, Douglas Murray, before but that’s all it was to me, a name. After a quick scan of his Wikki entry, it soon became clear why he took “Catherine, the shrill sociologist” apart so effortlessly and stunned Ms Adams into confused silence to boot. He’s good, very good and as much as I would love to see him in a debate with Owen Jones it would be akin to watching Rambo versus Graham Norton!
“I would love to see him in a debate with Owen Jones”
They were due to appear together on Channer 4 News the other evening, but Crybaby Jones decided to ‘no platform’ Murray and pulled out.
NoLiveTVinMyHouse, Glad you liked Douglas Murray doing battle with the apologists for radical Islam. He is a fearless fighter for truth.
In the course of foraging around YouTube I came across Nigel Farage reading the riot act three years ago to some blinkered idiot (to put it politely) on BBC Radio Scotland:
Having had enough of the idiocy after a while, Farage terminated the ‘interview.’
The BBC website thinks this Remain piece of propoganda is worthy of front page news status
Brexit “a grave threat” to UK cities
The article is how UK cities will be wrecked because they wont get any EU (our) money if we leave!
Are REMAIN truly stupid or do they just think the public is even more stupid than they are?
Buried by the BBC: “Leave campaigners have challenged the government to confirm it will veto Turkish membership of the EU and block the extension of visa-free travel to Turkey”
If Cameron is so clear Turkey won’t join, why won’t he just come out and say that he will veto them joining? (And even if he did, it probably wouldn’t be up to him, and there’s no way he can commit a future government.)
In their own little way, I’m sure the BBC think this article is supposed to balance the “Grave threat to UK cities” scare story as this is also front-page news, but the headline reads “Tories attack anti-Brexit ‘scare stories'”, toning down the actual claims of “startling dishonesty”… and then they use it to bury the Turkey threat. Good going guys.
And four of the five bullet points under “Elsewhere in the EU referendum debate” are anti-Leave 🙄
Ooo… and finally some honesty from the politicians, good going Michael Howard:
They said the main risk for the UK was remaining “locked to a doomed eurozone”.
Lord Howard told BBC Breakfast there were “only three facts in this debate”.
“Number one, if we leave we won’t have to pay billions of pounds into the coffers of the EU. Number two, we’ll have control over our immigration again. And number three, our Parliament will not be subordinate to the European Court of Justice.”
He said, “Everything else is guesswork.”
Now why isn’t that the headline?!?
The remainers are running the epitomy of a negative campaign aren’t they, apart from some vague waffling the main hub of their campaign revolves around doomsday end times guess work, so why aren’t they promoting the land of milk and honey positives of remaining? perhaps, because if you don’t have a 1st class ticket to board the EU gravy train, there aren’t any?
Well well well
DAVID Cameron’s aristocrat father-in-law is raking in millions of pounds in taxpayer-funded EU farming subsidies, an investigation by can reveal.
Sir Reginald Adrian Berkeley Sheffield, 8th Baronet, receives eye-watering sums of money from Brussels to help fund the upkeep of his sprawling Lincolnshire estate.
The aristocrat, who is the father of Samantha Cameron, is just one of a number of wealthy landowners who get huge pots of cash paid out by the EU’s controversial Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).
I was driving down the A11 in Cambridgeshire yesterday. There was a “Remain” poster on a bridge. Above the hedge I could see a large wind turbine and a couple of fields further on the crop was a huge array of solar pannels.
A lot of Remaniacs want us to use OUR vote to maintain THEIR subsidies. The oligarchs think they have a patriotic duty to get even richer.
Not on the BBC: Omar Mateen pledged allegiance to Islamic State, raged against ‘filthy ways of the west’
In the midst of his deadly shooting spree at Orlando’s Pulse nightclub early Sunday, Omar Mateen took to Facebook to pledge allegiance to the Islamic State terror group, promising that more attacks were to follow, according to a Senate committee letter released Wednesday.
Mateen, whose rampage left 49 people dead, apparently made a series of Facebook posts and searches before and during his attack on a gay nightclub, raging against the “filthy ways of the west” and blaming the US for the deaths of “innocent women and children.”
Lefty BBC strangely quiet about this, isn’t it?
Omar Mateen was mistaken. He does not seem to realise he was actually an NRA supporting Trump voter, and probably a member of the Tea Party to boot. I suppose that’s the sort of silly mistake anyone can make when they are in the middle of slaughtering a night club full of gays.
We’ve splashed out on a bottle of the award winning Nyetimber English “champagne”. We’ll open it next week when Brexit wins, and drink it to Jerusalem at 130dB on the stereo, toasting Churchill, Nelson, Wellington, Elgar, Parry, Farage, and anyone else we can think of.
And there’ll be a big Foxtrot Oscar to the BBC, SKY, Merkel, Juncker, Cameron and Osborne.
(To be honest, we’ll probably open it anyway, but that’s not the point.)
Maria Brewin, Inspiring. I will do something similar.
Your list of the British greats, Churchill, Nelson, Wellington, Elgar, Parry, Farage will soon officially include Bake Off winner Nadiya Hussain and London Mayor Sadik Khan. It will be taught in schools (especially those in London, Bradford, Birmingham etc)
Not in our house it won’t.
I’m hoping that if Brexit wins (I refuse to use “Leave”), people will be more confident about kicking back against the “blob”.
Successful resistance is possible, difficult admittedly, but possible. The Conservative party is severely damaged, at least I hope so. Maybe something approaching a real conservative party will emerge.
I’m not saying that a huge amount of damage hasn’t been inflicted already though.
…..will soon officially include Bake Off winner Nadiya Hussain and London Mayor Sadik Khan. It will be taught in schools (especially those in London, Bradford, Birmingham etc) …..
Awwwww don’t ruin things Tabs ! I was halfway down the champagne til I read your post !!!!
Maria, “toasting Churchill, Nelson, Wellington, Elgar, Parry, Farage” – don’t forget Maggie Thatcher and Norwegian football commentators!
PS. Maybe the rest of Norway and all of Switzerland as well!
Interesting comments coming out of the Netherlands as well.
Strange people. Daft and sensible at the same time.
At the end of last century I spent a week picking grapes at Nyetimber vineyard! The ‘champagne’ was winning awards then. I’m sure Essexman if he is reading this would be interested to know that the hideously white grapes were used to make the champagne served to Nelson Mandela.
So people in Essex have heard of Champagne?
An example of an essexist comment. And I know it has some nice bits.
Not only have we heard of Champagne, we know the difference between a Clique and a load of old Bollingers :p
I’ll add a bottle of Chateau Shoeburyness to my shopping list.
I’ve exactly the same shopping list, Maria!
Grandson shares nan’s polite Google search
A total non-news article about some unknown lad tweeting that his Nan did a Google search of “Please translate these roman numerals mcmxcviii thank you.”
I barely got past the 3rd line thinking to myself ‘where is the bollox going? is there some BBC hidden message in this poor excuse of journalism?’. Yep, sure enough paragrah 6 says “I live with my boyfriend and we don’t have a dryer at our house, so I usually go over to my nan’s to do our washing,” he said.
Well done BBC not only have to created yet another bit of “news” from Twitter but you also crow-barred the lads gay sexuality into it promoting that ‘a lad….living with a boyfriend’ is so normal that it just had to be mentioned.
What’s the news value in that?
I find myself wondering if it’s actually an activation code to some group or other. Perhaps agreed in the event of Brexit looking likely. Because I’m pretty sure someone of his Nan’s vintage would know how to translate Roman numerals – it’s 1998.
His nan was probably watching yet another bloody repeat on the BBC and wondering when it was made. I think they use Roman numerals to try and hide the fact.
I’m wondering how many houses and residential buildings and offices and factories will have corridors littered with empty champagne bottles in Britain and elsewhere when Brexit wins.
I know my abode will be littered with an empty bottle of good red wine.
I intend to sit in my garden in France, drinking local wine and gazing down the valley where the allies drove the Germans back during the liberation of Europe. I will listen to the church bell ringing at 7pm, feeling content anticipating Frexit in a short time
Vive la France ! They’ll thank us for it eventually.
(Actually, they probably won’t, but never mind, eh?)
Next week could turn out to be very memorable indeed. Not sure if one bottle of bubbly will be enough.
I think, so far as the Frogs are concerned, there never will be a next time !
I intend to sit in my garden in France, drinking local wine and gazing down the valley where the allies drove the Germans back during the libieration of Europe.
Sounds idyllic.
Having done a little research on the Orlando shootings and the lecture / Khutba which was given at the Mosque a week prior to it. It’s scary stuff!
The Imam who gave this talk was one Dr. Farrokh Sekaleshfar currently on a world tour.
Sekaleshfar was blunt in the 2013 speech, admitting that under Islamic law, the punishment for homosexuality was death.
“We see the physical killing as something brutal, and this is the point when human hatred toward the act has to be done out of love,” he said in the 2013 talk. “You have to be happy for that person … we believe in an afterlife, we believe in an eternal life … and with this sentence, you will be forgiven and you won’t be accountable in the hereafter.”
In that way, “It’s for his own betterment that he leaves,” Sekaleshfar said.
“We have to have that compassion for people. With homosexuals, it’s the same,” he said. “Out of compassion, let’s get rid of them now.”
According to him, the murder of Gay people is an act of love !
But by far the most frightening aspect of this is that Dr. Farrokh Sekaleshfar was born & raised in Manchester England ! He studied medicine at Imperial College London and then returned to Manchester to study Bioethics at the university there.
It was known that Sekaleshfar was a dangerous hate mongering Muslim and serious questions were raised about his talk which was titled:
“How to deal with the phenomenon of homosexuality” on the Islamic Center’s website, specifics were not given
A leader at the Islamic Center told Channel 9 that he believes they have the right to have anyone speak and that Tuesday’s talk was a private event.
Yet again we see an obviously intelligent individual who has spent a lifetime studying his religion coming to the same conclusion that thousands of similar Muslims have reached.
And despite the fact that Sekaleshfar was spreading his hateful religion just one week prior to the massacre the Fascist left refuse to see any link between the two.
It seems the world tour may have been shortened thanks to the Aussies:
“He was visiting Australia as a guest of Sydney’s Imam Husain Islamic Centre.
Media reports on Wednesday said Sheikh Sekaleshfar left the country after Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull ordered a review of his visa.
Australia’s immigration minister Peter Dutton said he had officially revoked Sheikh Sekaleshfar’s visa and that it would be “very difficult, if not impossible for him to return” to the country.”
The Iman distances himself from the misguided way in which Isis treats homosexuals:
“Sheikh Sekaleshfar said Mateen was a follower of the so-called Islamic State, which follows the Wahabi doctrine of Sunni Islam and had been “killing homosexuals in the most wrongful way for years now”, whereas he was a Shia scholar.”
So… as a Shia, Sheikh Sekaleshfar preaches that gays should be put to death after a proper trial, as in Iran, and he would no doubt consider that Mateen’s mistake was to kill them without a trial, and not that they didn’t deserve the death penalty. Thanks for properly informing us, BBC 🙄
OK Owen, that is their law. Off you go to one of your beloved Islamic countries and submit to a fair trial. Don’t be Islamophobic mate, respect their culture.
So this appalling creature Sekaleshfar studied bioethics? Unbelievable! It just shows how corrosive Islam can be.
So, no further action to be taken with regards to the Cliff Richard sex abuse inquiry. There no needs to be an inquiry into the behaviour of the BBC when his house was searched.
Just got the BBC Beaking email:
BBC Having difficulty reading this email? View it online
BBC News
Breaking News
CPS ends Sir Cliff sex abuse inquiry
Singer Sir Cliff Richard will face no further action over allegations of historical sexual abuse, prosecutors say
For more details, see the BBC News website
Maybe they sent a helicopter?
It is still appalling that the police and the CPS can get away with the weasel words “insufficient evidence”. I hope Cliff Richard does take legal action, and forces his accuser into the open. And, by the way, the egregiously wicked ‘Nick’ who perpetrated lies against Brittan, Bramhall, et al. should also be exposed and brought to trial. If these sorts of disturbed or wicked people are still afforded anonymity, then false allegations will continue to be made.
Agree with all. The British Police need to be held to account in all cases. It would appear that they are complicit in Paedophilia. Look at Rotherham , look at all the cases . But who can hold them to account ?