I think the BBC, together with various assorted politicos have done much to assist the leave campaign, not intentionally, but as a direct result of their elite liberal left wing beliefs.
“In most programs I watch it is the less articulate, less posh who have genuine issues housing, NHS, schools but their concerns are never addressed just sneeringly dismissed by some middleclass pol. And sneering at people you need to vote for your cause & dismissing their concerns never ends well.”
This has been noticed in part by others posting here, but not the consequences of the BBC & guests sneering at real peoples troubles & experiences.
They don’t seem to have realised that calling people names such as ‘bigot’, ‘racist’, or ‘xenophobic’ none of which actually carry the original meaning doesn’t work when the people who are being called aren’t as easily cowed as their more usual opponents.
RD, exactly so. The Yorkshire cops have just apologised for” their media handling” of the initial inquiry. That “media handling” involved a BBC reporter and pressure from the BBC to televise the raid on Richard’s house (as revealed by the Chief Constable during a parliamentary committee hearing many months ago) before he had even been interviewed by the police. The whole story is a scandal which no doubt Al Beeb will aim to bury pdq. Will they apologies to Cliff Richard ? Flying pigs seen in W1A.
Thanks for highlighting that Tabs. No doubt we are all on the edge of our seats waiting for the latest developments.
My “Couldn’t-Give-A-Shitometer” has just exploded.
Have a read of this article, because it foes a long way to explaining why we are likely to leave the EU.
Yet coming out of the EU is only a start, because this largely ignored stigmatised, and even demonised group have been ignored for decades by the Fascist left while they concentrated on their Ubermensch, the Muslim favourites.
How ironic would it be if Leave win, thanks to a big Brexit vote from the traditional working class.
The ultimate two-fingered response by a group consistently patronised, overlooked, ignored, and told what to the think by the Guardianistas, bBBC marxists and luvvies, and the champagne ‘socialists’ preaching diversity and multiculturalism at them for years and years.
And so brilliantly exposed by Emily Thornberry’s amazement and incredulity at White van men displaying the flag of St George.
Fingers crossed for next week.
London Evening Standard Poll this morning shows a massive swing to leave. The previous one was 18 point lead for remain, changed to 6 point lead to leave.
Yes, the BBC likes to think it has the measure of the ‘working class’ (a ridiculous phrase in the 20th, let alone 21st century but there we are) because it panders to them with its moronvision broadcasting. However, any acquaintance with the real people of this country soon shows that the opinions held by this most patronised group could hardly be further from those of the metrosexual ‘elite’ who run the BBC.
I agree. Even those with a tribal loyalty to “Labour” despite having some shiny faced ex special adviser parachuted in as their MP, will be able to vote Leave without feeling they are betraying the party which, in reality, despises them.
For this to be a deliberate fear campaign the threat of immigration would have to be groundless. This is clearly not the case so the poster cannot be labelled as scaremongering.
Please send me One trillion dollars in used notes by Thursday or we leave the EU, the sun will cease to shine, the sea will boil and Donald Trump will become US president.
This is truly terrible, and is an especially sickening act against woman with young children. Let us pray that she rapidly recovers from her reported critical condition to full health.
Now we can watch our world class broadcaster in action. If the attacker is white, and did shout “Britain first” they will milk it for all its worth. If a Muslim, I am sure restraint will be exercised.
Grant, It was a plausible assumption, given attacks on individuals in France and elsewhere.
On the other hand, if it is someone in any way connected to Brexit, however deranged, then we must ask cui bono?
Yes , a very subtle and clever point. ” Cui bono ” indeed ! Where are Brutus and Cicero when we need them ? Maybe forget Brutus and just stick with Cicero ! We have not reached the stage of severed heads. But the temptation is looming !
Remain MP Jo Cox shot and stabbed.
She was involved in the remain flotilla yesterday.
Attacker apparently shouted Britain first as he attacked her.
Leave campaign stopped immediately.
Another lamentable performance by Martha Kearney today. Clearly, even by the lukewarm dishwater standards of the BBC, our Martha is one of the most toothless interviewers in the business. Given the task of allowing Amber Rudd to lie to the nation on R4’s WATO today, she let la Rudd, not once but multiple times, repeat the Remainiac lie that ‘all the experts’ predict hell on earth in the event of Brexit. Over and over again Rudd banged the drum (actually, her sinister brother Roland’s drum) and Kearney allowed her to get away with this monstrous untruth unchallenged.
There are plenty of ‘experts’ who say Brexit will be good for the economy. And they are guessing, just like all the other ‘experts’, whatever serial liars and fantasists like Amber Rudd want us to believe.
Guardian not at all happy with Geldof and reporting his antics as akin to the ‘Ed Stone’
“Remember the Ed Stone? Of course you do. It’s the reason we don’t have a Labour government at the moment. The Ed Stone was a harrowing, ill-judged, two-tonne PR stunt forged in the fires of superhuman hubris. It was so brazenly awful that it effectively ended the election in a heartbeat.
This week’s Farage-fronted Brexit booze cruise deserved to be this referendum’s Ed Stone And then the remain campaign messed everything up by fielding its own embarrassing twerp, Bob Geldof. Bloody Bob Geldof and his stupid mates on their stupid boat with their stupid sound system and their stupid V-signs, dragging remain down to the moronic level of its stupid rival. Everything was so nicely lined up – the pro-EU camp was starting to look like the dignified side, the side that could rise above the fray by not getting drunk on a dinghy at 10.30 in the morning – and then bloody Bob Geldof cocked it all up for everyone by joining in.
First of all, thoughts and prayers along with the PM and Shadow Leader, etc to the victim and her family.
Looking at the thread to the linked twitter page, it seems the person in question has moved with surprising speed for the BBC in a direction they seem comfortable with, but is being cautioned by a poster on use of sources who may be less than reliable to base such connections upon at such a juncture (wise words to all).
But this is of course a Newsnight staffer, so views, and professional constraints, may be his own and/or not apply.
On Classic FM Global Propaganda, where I heard this first driving, there was an interview with a BF (of whom I have never heard) spokeswoman who dismissed any such thing. If the linked document is for real, she and they have questions to answer, along with a police and media estate who seem unusually behind the curve on such things. This press release appears undated. When was it issued, and then and how picked up? Reads more like an invitation for suicide by cop.
Given such questions appear currently unasked let alone answered, Mr. Cook may have a few coming his way as the national broadcaster engaging in incitement over reporting likely will not ease the fears of all sorts of communities now.
Lets face it, if this had been a Muslim instead of a white person there would have been a queue of lefties offering excuse after excuse and ‘insights’ into motivation which invariably would have been the fault of white people.
As it is the only thing this idiot can look forward to is condemnation.
If you believe in prayer please pray for Mrs Cox. If you are RC the patron saint of politicians is St Thomas More. I can’t really think of anything else to say, other than why doesn’t the BBC article say what happened to the perpetrator; was he apprehended or did he get away?
From a US source, the man arrested is a local called Tommy Mair, reharde as a ‘loner’.
Hopefully patriotic British people will react to this crime with a dignity not shown in the wake of the Orlando massacre. No one I can think of in the Leave camp, or on the conservative right, would applaud this evil attack.
There was police activity shortly after the attack at a semi-detached house on the Fieldhead estate in Birstall. Thomas Mair, 52, is the registered occupier of the address, according to the electoral roll, Vikram Dodd, Nazia Parveen and Rob Booth report.
A police cordon surrounded the house as a helicopter circled overheard and forensic officers in boiler suits appeared to be searching the neat front garden, as well as around garages at the back of the well-maintained property.
Neighbours on the Fieldhead estate said the man had lived here 40 years with a female relative, who died a number of years ago, leaving him alone.
Kathleen Cooke, 62, said she and her daughter, Emma John, 30, had seen Mair half an hour before the attack.
“I looked out of the window at about 12.30 and he walked past a carrying his bag, wearing a cap. He looked perfectly calm and normal,” said John.
“He was a quiet person, kept himself to himself. We knew him around here from when he used to do our gardens,” said Cooke.
One woman, who gave her name just as Karen, said Mair did her mother’s garden regularly until a few years ago. He didn’t seem to have a job, she said.
Local teenagers said he was a quiet man unless they congregated on the wall behind his house, which he didn’t like. “He’d shout at us,” said a 17-year-old.
“All this we are hearing now is totally at odds with the man we thought we knew,” said one neighbour. “We knew him as someone who helped out, who did volunteering.”
Makes you wonder what was said to him to engage that kind of reaction!
Hear, hear. To make political capital out of this would be the most disgusting of opportunism. I will be watching certain sections of the media very carefully in the next few days.
Utterly tragic. And for her children, the loss of a mother. I wonder what part drugs played in the life of the murderer? I have always been convinced of the need for the ultimate penalty for wicked and proven murder, and it would be justified in this case.
This man appears to be what might be described as a model citizen. The more you hear about him the more inexplicable his actions become. No one who knew him can believe it could be him who murdered Jo Cox.
He was quiet and unassuming, and he enjoyed gardening helping his neighbours with their. He volunteered at a local park – it’s all very difficult to understand a motivation.
There is as yet only one person who is claiming he heard the Britain First shout so it’s a little too early to tell.
The picture shows Mair (on the left) when he was volunteering at Oakwell Hall County Park in Birstall, West Yorkshire, in January 2011, South West News reports.
A local paper reported at the time that Mair said volunteering at the park had “done him more good than all the physiotherapy and medication in the world”.
addendum: News of the man’s mental instability came after my comment. I should have more carefully said ‘it would seem to be justified in this case’. But perhaps a secure mental hospital will prove to be the appropriate place.
Equally this murder MUST not be used as an excuse by the remain campaign who look like loosing to cancel the referendum.
As people are saying, if they allow this then every nutter shouting Britain First or Allah hu Akhbar will feel they can disrupt the democratic process by the murder of an opposition member.
The guy clearly had mental health problems and it does not seem to be politically motivated.More care in the community. The blame game from the media has to stop but I won’t hold my breath.Im thinking of her young family.
Really? Because if he did no one ever noticed them! all the reports from his neighbours have them in deep shock that he could have done such a thing.
The real point might be that the liberals & the Fascist Left constantly demonising the white working class is going to lead to a backlash, the head of MI6 has already warned about this. The Fascists never listen though and think they can carry on oblivious.
Boris Johnson should put them all into the House of Lords where they belong. And then declare the House of Lords an independent City State territory, free and isolated from Britain, but retaining Britain’s seat in Brussels.
The economy of the “House of Lords City State” could be supported financially by “Peers pence” contributions by Pro-Europeans, cash for Peerages, the sale of postage stamps, tourist mementos, photos of Lords in ceremonial dress, fees for admission to look around the Palace of Westminster and the sale of Pro-EU publications.
I fear that one way or another the Remain side will benefit from this tragedy. The left, the UAF, the Twitterati, are bringing up their charges of nationalism and racism.
Cameron’s friends in UAF
Unite Against Fascism
Andrew Webb Why isn’t this being seen as a terrorist attack when the shooter was heard shouting ‘britain first’??
Johnnie Hales I look forward to the targeted drone strikes against Britain First.
Nadeem Tarantino And restrictions on churches and Christian profiling
Note that the ‘Britain First’ cry has been questioned. Have the media – Mirror, Mail , Telegraph, jumped too soon?
I noticed that the egregious Angela Eagle MP instantly twittered out the allegation that he shouted ‘Britain First’ – then removed it once she discovered (doubtless to her chagrin) that it was false. The Left gleefully take advantage of very opportunity, whatever the pretext. Utterly monstrous of her in this case.
Maria Eagle deletes her tweet saying the assailant shouted Britain First. Witnesses deny hearing it. The media have dirty hands already. False information – deliberate?
Harry Gration on Look North, live in Birstall this evening, brought up the “Britain First” shout at the beginning of the programme; then again when discussing it with the crime correspondent John Cundy who read out a quote statement from Britain First about it.
I thought it was completely wrong of BBC Look North to do this; especially since it was never mentioned on the national news at 6pm just before it. Gration interviewed a witness who never mentioned it so we don’t know who fed them that information or whether it has been corroborated in any way.
Here is the episode Al, …
BBC eh! … I thought they should report news … not fabricate it in anyway
Where is the evidence for such an assertion? because apparently there were “reports” ie plural
of this. (1min 23 seconds)
“Britain First shout”? … oh come on BBC! we ALL remember you and your puffing up “you ain t no muslim bruv” and how about your overt over the top #I ll ride with you. reaction
“you ain t no muslim bruv” yep … Jon revealed that he was not Muslim either and indeed feared an ISIS revenge attack.
#I ll ride with you was a fabrication, just a Islamic victim seeking hoax.
You have form BBC … and rush to point a finger today, how unusual
how convenient (and shameful) for the establishment to push this angle
RIP JO COX, MP sincere condolences to all close to her.
BBC News – Her husband Brendan Cox said she would want people “to unite to fight against the hatred that killed her”?
unite against the hatred? … what sort? … from where? – could I inquire where is this going? … bbc?
On the Al BBC A guy from a local takeaway, was at the scene but just thought it was a man his wife, so took little notice of the screams, he heard her screaming again but just thought it was domestic
BBC – Jo Cox death – Is an ‘attack against democracy
The brutal murder of Jo Cox MP is a sickening attack which we condemn in the strongest terms. This attack against an MP is an attack against democracy and all of us in the United Kingdom … Mohammed Shafiq – Chief Executive of the Ramadhan Foundation
BBC – ‘Hate doesn’t have a creed, race or religion … it is poisonous’ – Brendan Cox …
Hmmm … is he involved in politics too? … I really hope this utter tragedy is not going to be used in any way politically.
Senseless stupid killing – And yes I feel particularly sorry for her family robbed of a mother, wife and child…….
But yes I think her death may well be used in a subtle BBC way to further the Remain cause. We know that there are pretty much, no depths this organisation will not sink to – if it sees an opportunity to further its own ends. I suspect this would involve much righteous anger and insinuation.
I do not think even remain would be stupid enough to cancel the election on this. After all she was a parliamentarian and parliament is meant to be all about democracy – or was.
I do think that if her death is exploited (and especially if there are no proven political motives) . All associated with Leave should retain a dignified silence and certainly not engage into what would inevitably turn into a squalid bout of name calling that does no-one any good.
The Lady was one of us and though we differed with her politically, I understand she tried to take people with her rather than engaging in direct conflict.
Let us hope she is afforded some dignity in death.
“But yes I think her death may well be used in a subtle BBC way to further the Remain cause.” I share that fear but shame on them if they do and I hope that it backfires. Not that it would provide the result that Jo Cox would have wanted, but to rather to stand as a tribute to her, that those in the opposite Leave camp for next week value their Parliamentary tradition and hold great respect for it and those who stand to serve there.
PM played her Maiden Speech in the House and I suspect that she was one of those MPs fully committed to serving their constituency above all else, even if it might mean in future missing out on promotion or having to stand up to Party & leadership wishes.
Another tribute would be two (or more) people standing up, like she did to serve, to fill seats in Parliament.
As you asked in your post Nog, what “hatred” are we talking about exactly? On the face of it, from the limited information we have so far, it looks like a disturbed man with no political leanings and with a long history of mental-health issues, simply snapped. Yet long before any firm facts are known, the BBC are already laying the foundations to sell it as a “hate crime”. All you need to know about the BBCU can be summed up by looking at one of the first people they turn to for comment – Billy ****ing Bragg. I mean, why? Why is Bragg’s view any more valid than any other individual? Not only that, he had to get the term “internationalist” into his comment.
Another children’s charity was rocked last night after a senior executive at Save The Children resigned over allegations of ‘inappropriate behaviour’.
Chief strategist Brendan Cox denied allegations against him but left in September
The arrival of ambitious Mr Forsyth and Mr Cox, both fervent Labour supporters, at Save The Children after Mr Brown lost the 2010 Election led to a major change in the charity.
Certainly IS relevant, Thoughtful.
Just seen Justin Forsyth(as mentioned in your article) speaking about Jo Cox and the networking where government meets quangos and do-gooders in general.
He is now Deputy Director for kiddies at UNICEF in New York-so this would be one of the “exciting irons that he`d have had in the fire” at the time of his vast pay-off last year.
So to hear HIM spouting off to Jon Snow-another link in the liberal bucket brigade of privilege and emotings-was particularly galling…and very timely Thoughtful.
So thanks.
Basically a feather bedded bunch of do-gooding quangocrats who`ve never had to work in their lives have lost one of their number…clearly a personal tragedy for the kids and hubby, as well as the family-but she`s hardly Ian Gow or Sharon Beshenevsky is she?
But in liberal land her loss exceeds David Rathband…and it will be magnified to suit the Left and the BBC, if there is ANY chance to do a Breivik.
Less so if it`s doing an Adebolajo though….sounds like a mental health nutter, so they`ll be kind about that, except for a need for “more services and less NHS cuts”.
Tragic news about Jo Cox. Sincere condolences, I believe, from everyone on this site to her husband, children and family members. I also echo many thoughts expressed on here that I sincerely hope neither side in the current referendum makes use of this politically.
Naturally the news reporters want to glean every ounce of information from neighbours, friends, bystanders, shopkeepers etc when a tragedy or event occurs. Sadly (and infuriatingly) its always the least articulate and those who haven’t mastered the English language who always get picked on to give an account, – its the same when an ‘eye-witness’ is discovered to give an account over the phone. Painful to listen to, and watch.
At the end of all of this, the MP might well not have been targeted after all. Here’s what a BBC eye witness said:
Mr Abdallah, 56, was in a cafe next door to the library shortly after 13:00 BST when he heard screaming and went outside.
‘Handmade weapon’
“There was a guy who was being very brave and another guy with a white baseball cap who he was trying to control and the man in the baseball cap suddenly pulled a gun from his bag”.
After a brief scuffle, he said the man stepped back and the MP became involved.
Mr Abdallah said the weapon had “looked handmade” and a man who had been wrestling with the gunman continued even after seeing the gun.
He said: “The man stepped back with the gun and fired it and then he fired a second shot, as he was firing he was looking down at the ground.”
So, it might well be the case that Mair was involved in a fight with another man, and Jo Cox decided to intervene and became the victim, which would put a whole different spin on the events.
RIP Jo Cox. Although the name means nothing to me, and I probably disagreed with her every view, I feel it is important to say that we all must stand together against this and other violent crimes.
Faisal Islam on Sky called her a superstar. I don’t like this hyperbole, despite the terrible murder she was only a back-bench MP with a potential future. My condolences go out to her young family, and hope that over time they can come to terms with losing their mother in such a senseless way.
Considering the amount of hate and violence that has been brought into our politics nowadays, I’m almost surprised that this isn’t an even more common occurrence. Why are they mentioning creed and race in their official statement? What do we know about the murderer? He appears to have an English name.
BBc North West run an item on “immigration” I counted at least three times when it was mentioned Immigrants pay in more than they take out. Of course lets not forget the left wing fascists have been hurling “waycism” at this issue many will be unwilling to talk on camera with what they really think . Arsefan shari goes out to a local estate where one person says there are to many Poles his mate interjects telling him that “you can’t say that”. He repeats what he said. Arsefan brings out the “they pay in more card” followed by “they do jobs the English are unwilling or unable to do ” card. Over to a hotel in the Lake district who amongst others has a member of staff from Moldova (next to Romania)He tells us there is no unemployment in the Lake district? He therefore gets virtually no applications. He also tells us employing English staff would make no difference to his wage bill, as the wage is set by the Government It’s at this point the rat is out of the bag the Moldavian staff member tells us this is still much more than if she was in her home country. Several employers including ones I’ve had the misfortune to work for seem to think minimum wage is also the maximum wage. Again this echoes exactly what migrant workers where telling me a decade ago, crap wages here are still enough for them to gain a large amount of capital when they return. Wages are depressed because they can afford to take them. Those of us resident here can not afford to take the crap wages living in high price Britain.I’m a bit old these days to go “hot bedding”Another smoke and mirrors effort by North West I wonder how selective their interviews were. I still do not believe one single word of the they pay in mantra that was being constantly repeated Assuming they were working 35 hours a week x £6.70ph only works out at £12,194pa with the current personal allowance being what £11,000 you ain’t paying a whole lot of tax. Also bear in mind a lot of employers will limit the hours to what seems to be a favorite of 16 hours per week , incidentally what the job centre consider to be full time work , comes out at £108pw which of course is also conveniently below the NI threshold and employers avoid the employers national insurance contribution element. So like me you can work for a year or so for one of these companies and have zero paid toward your pension or other contributory benefits.
Many ’employees’/job seekers also want to limit their working hours to 16 per week to secure their right to maximum benefits. MigrationWatch have, as always, got a handle on the lie of minimum wage immigrants ‘contributing’, when all they do is pay in a small proportion of the amount they take out –
And that is before meeting the near £2k pa per capita cost of the (I)NHS…oh, sorry, EE immigrants never use it or unwed Polish girls have children here so we can’t impute a charge to them.
As you say Dave its normal smoke and mirrors – its what Aunty likes best. Particularly when shes personally blowing the smoke up the publics arse.
It seems to me the left really do think in a mysterious way
More gimmigrants mean lower wages and less housing which becomes more expensive. Higher demand for schools, housing and health.
The majority of these incomers generally do not earn high salaries so the amount tax coming into the exchequer is low .
Yet the lefty default position is always to demand even more immigrants with its attendant costs. So we are trapped in a spiral of higher costs on services and housing, lower wages and more immigrants which creates a situation where services can never catch up . You really could not make this shit up.
Sometimes I wonder whether in their more lucid moments they ever sense that this may be just a little unwise – But I suspect that in their world of ” Compassion for all ” (except the indigenous population) . That little flutter of doubt is soon washed away with a nice glass of muscadet.
What is heartening however is that people who used to be shut up by the waycist accusation are now are starting to question what is really going on. And the left now they have lost much of the power of their main weapon are having to start justifying their madcap economics which is more than a little difficult.
What motivates the lefties seems to be a naive attraction to the exotic and freaks, but what they selfishly and patronisingly call compassion. Its what used to attract people to freak shows when Britain was hideously white, or young people joining the armed services to explore the world. Now we have Multiculturalism, which is just an inverted form of western cultural imperialism. Britain was seen as full up, so people left the country to colonise the world, as we see especially with North America and Australia.
But now we are left with hypocrites with a genetic anomaly who want to stay at home and live next door to white middle-class people they call racists, and then bring the World to an even more densely populated Britain, so as to rub the white working-class nose in diversity. (In science, celebrating diversity is seen as discrimination against identical twins) But despite the lefties saying they want multiculturalism, they insist on imposing their cultural imperialist ideas on issues such as homosexuality, onto other more decent normal cultures.
I have seen this argument aired a few times, and I have to say that to reach that conclusion credulity has to be stretched way past breaking point.
As well as the workers wage deductions for NI & PAYE, they also include employers NI they include a proportion of VAT charged by the employer on the goods produced (on a per capita basis, not wage adjusted), then corporation tax and any other payments to the government made by the employer.
As such it basically lying as those figures should never be taken as employees contributions at all. They also do not include the cost of paying benefit to a UK worker on benefits.
In addition they selectively choose single people, as opposed to those with families and entitled to claim benefits.
The real break even average figure is somewhere around £35000 and very few migrant workers earn that much !
I was watching from when it first started unfolding, and every single witness, when asked about what they saw, not one of them mentioned this “Britian First” comment supposedly made by the suspect. SIX HOURS later, and only on BBC, this was broadcast to the nation. Very strange indeed !
The BBC “eye witness” was Hicham Ben Abdallah, who at first lied about the “Britain First” words being shouted and then retracted. The left on Twitter, the Guardian and the BBC took the lying Muslim at face value, but as the left never retract a lie, the BBC and the Guardian are still rolling with this disgusting untruth, and it’s unlikely that they’ll ever waver from it..
Amateur video of the arrest here, and a video of an interview with Hicham Ben Abdullah.
1. No shouting of any kind during arrest (at least, the bit we can see of it)
2. Gun has now transmogrified into a sawn-off shotgun, according to HBA
3. No “pinning down” of assailant on video (as described by Graeme Howard)
I don’t believe either Hicham Ben Abdullah or Graeme Howard is telling the truth.
Top of the pops re runs. Ok I know a lot of people don’t care however this is the one BBc program I actually make any effort at all to watch. Following on my “rant” about the program shown after midnight being 10 minutes longer. I tune in tonight and its Christmas 1981! So where did the six months between June and December go. Most of these I’ve not seen as I was in the Army in those days and frequently missed it also pre video recorder well affordable ones. It’s always for me an event to see one of the bands I’d seen appear on the pops or see what the band who’s record I’d mail ordered actually looked like. German record shops never seemed to be very big on singles sales. So because of the unique way the BBc is funded they can not be bothered to edit out undesirable presenter. It can’t be that difficult.
The BBC have probably thought about future compensation claims from audience members being groped by the undesirable presenter. Destroy those tainted recordings and then they eliminate video proof that the claimant was ever there.
…and this is where it gets dangerous for Brexit. The EU and the lefties, and their new found Abbot and Costello dream team, Dave and George, start noises that the referendum must be cancelled for civic and political order. The “loony” right have hijacked the campaign so we are steppping in to save you from yourselves!!!
It’s worse than that, maria eagle tweeted that the attacker shouted ‘Britain First’ during the attack…her source? Sky news and the M/cr evening rag, the same rag owned by the guardian. Utterly shameless the lot of them.
The London evening standard has printed an edition with the headline ‘REMAIN MP GUNNED DOWN IN THE STREET’ they have all but stated that it wus Brexit wot did it! It’s disgusting, the levels the leftards will sink to are levels that no rat will ever dare to go to.
A local paper reported at the time that Mair said volunteering at the park had “done him more good than all the physiotherapy and medication in the world”.
I do hope that the medication being referred to here isn’t anti psychotics and that it wasn’t ‘the voices’ which were telling him to do it.
If it is, a lot of nasty left wing Fascists should have a lot of apologies to make – but probably won’t because they’re too hard faced & nasty.
Predictable, I suppose. Hopes dashed as evidence of Brexit connection fades.
Mental illness not very spinnable, except perhaps as a consequence of Tory cuts. The killer appears to be little more than a sad loser. The motive might be something as unsexy (to the BBC) as mental illness, combined with simple envy of a successful young woman with a family. Curious where the gun came from though.
Vile article in The Spectator, which is a shadow of what it used to be:
From the hashtag #JeSuisJoCox
Horrified. This makes me very sad and angry at the same time. Jo Cox was a progressive cosmopolitan who fought for her ideals. Fanatic (right-wing) nationalists like her murderer are indirect allies with jihadists. They both use gun violence and they both hate the idea of a tolerant cosmopolitan society. #jesuisJoCox
I agree I’m surprised at Rod Liddle too; he’s reached the completely wrong conclusion (IMHO) as to what the correct response should be to this crime.
He writes of banana republics but isn’t cancelling elections and referenda in response to violence, or threats of violence, precisely the sort of thing which happen in banana republics and not in Western democracies?
When Gabrielle Giffords was shot in the head, every US publication reported her attacker as an Anarchist. Not so the BBC. Mark Mardell stood smirking at the camera that Sunday night, and told the viewers it was a right-wing extremist
On “Outside Source” on BBC 24 hour News at around 9:10 pm this evening the eyewitness who heard (or claims to have heard) “Britain – or Britons – First” was interviewed. No need for the BBC or the rest of the MSM (or, indeed, the Remain campaign) to do or say anything more except re-show or just refer to the interview. Whether or not the alleged perp is a lone nutter – or just a nutter – or whatever he is, Brexit has, I’m afraid, been lost.
I don’t think it’s a matter of stupidity. It’s just the way people are. They will be tremendously sympathetic to Jo Cox and her immediate family (who wouldn’t be?) and this sympathy will just simply translate into either voting support for the causes that she espoused or a reluctance to vote against her side in the referendum. Had this happened a month ago, I think the sympathy effect (although not the sympathy) would have dissipated but with a week to go I think Leave is going to have an uphill struggle. OTOH I wouldn’t put it past the incompetents at Remain to do something really stupid before next Thursday so not all bets are necessarily off.
Well, it will certainly get out the Labour vote, that’s for sure. And the effect on the polls will be interesting to see over the next couple of days.
If the polls don’t swing sufficiently towards “Remain”, I think we can expect more fireworks. I have to say I expected dirty tricks, but my jaw is on the ground with this one.
Either that, or it’s a highly convenient “coincidence” for Cameron & Co, including the sketchy eyewitness who heard “Britain First” but then retracted his statement (where did that article go – and was it Guido or Breitbart?).
The first eye witness was apparently not present at the incident (“Aamir Tahir’s account of the event changed dramatically when he admitted he “wasn’t there [at the scene], I was stuck in traffic at the time.”. )The BBc is now directly lying and saying the alleged killer said “Britain First” The eyewitness who has now appeared in the news bulletin earlier said the alleged attacker said either “Britain first or Put Britain first” a slight difference between those two phrases. I had read earlier that witnesses had said they heard no shouting.
I have been waiting for something big to blow up in the Brexit face.
I have been predicting something really nasty, a security scare, the powers in the EU needed a major issue to destroy Brexit. They have immediately linked the killing to Brexit. Its over.
This murder, the speed at which the entire media seized on the Britain First falsehood will have an impact even when it is exposed as a lie.
God help the UK. Look forward to Eurabia. Here is Paul Watson and Stefan Molyneux.
Regarding the killers political views, just because a couple of neighbours ‘thought’ he didn’t hold any or was not a member of any political party isn’t conclusive proof of anything, it’s a dead end line of enquiry, the killer may well have held very politicised views and simply never told anyone. The international interest in this tragedy is off the scale compared to http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-36524094
The avarice and speed with which both national and international interests have siezed upon this womans murder, to politicise it and make political gain is distasteful and disconcerting. Once again the victim looks like being relegated to a bit part while politicains jostle for position, truly sickening.
Deutsche Bank: “In the case of a Leave vote we expect UK equities to outperform the European market [by as much as 5%]” – did anyone pick this up yesterday?
Oh and while we are at it, was the murder weapon either a WWI antique or one that “looked home-made” (whatever that means). Or something that looked like both? Credulity stretching here.
Watching Newsnight but can’t stand it anymore. The link has been made Britex=toxic=murder.
Evan Davis is such a worm making the link but then providing ‘balance’ by saying the motive is not yet known.
Unbelievable BBC crap.
A BBC spokesman said: “As we’ve explained many times, the BBC protects its impartiality by not permitting any external funding for news programming, which includes European Union grants.”
seismicboy, you don’t have to worry about Geldof’s title; it’s only honorary as he is not a citizen of the commonwealth. Those who call him “Sir Bob” are wrong, and it irritates me when I hear people use it.
A few years ago, Clement Freud was the guest speaker at a company event attended by Mrs S. She reported at the time that he was a. Very funny and b. Chasing anything in a skirt. One of Mrs S’s work friends was pestered quite a lot, and the event has had a periodic mention at home down the years. Freud of course was given gainful employment by the bBBC and his proclivities must have been an open secret, if they are deducable from a prosaic company function.
I dont personally think he was a paedo per se, i suspect he just fancied women irrespective of age. But anyway.
Meanwhile, South Yorkshire Police have found Cliff Richard has no case to answer after 2 years ‘investigating’ and have apologised. This is of course the same Cliff Richard whose police raid on his home was gleefully filmed from the air by the bBBC.
I am not aware of any apology from them.
Can anyone spot a slight difference of approach to these two people from our esteemed impartial stste broadcaster?
In my workshop we listen to Radio 2 (because of the music mainly) but that means suffering serial sycophant and left-wing appeaser Jeremy Vile at lunchtime. What’s the betting that today’s program has a very deliberate narrative along the lines of “it was the right that did it”? In the past 16 hours or so, the BBC have run with the suggestion that Jo Cox’s killer was a “far-right” Brexit supporter. Eyewitness accounts are conflicting, so basically there’s no firm evidence one way or another. When this man comes to trial we will (hopefully) find out the truth, but of course that’s after next Thursday. So, for the next 6 days the BBC and the disgusting guardian are happy to propagate the association between Brexit and murderous violence.
Isn’t it odd that last week we had a lone wolf, who *just happened* to be a muslim kill 50 homosexuals, and it had absolutely nothing to do with islam, but yesterday we had a lone wolf murder a single individual for reasons as yet unknown, who by all accounts had a long history of mental health issues (but no confirmed connection to the “far-right”), and all of a sudden the anti-EU anti-immigration lobby have blood on their hands. Do the general public actually swallow this bullshit, or do the BBC just think we do?
The most fitting tribute to Jo Cox (and democracy) would be to go out next Thursday and don’t let this senseless murder influence the way you vote. After all, if Cox’s murder swings the vote then violence has won, surely? I bet we won’t find that sentiment going viral on Twitter though, will we….
Only the perverted minds of the Left could blame us for this tragedy. They really are scum. The same scum who won’t blame Islam for Islamic terrorism. They are mentally ill.
I don’t work for the Guardian so I hesitate to speculate without any facts, but as that seems to be the standard policy of the media and especially the BBC, I’ll throw in a comment on the Jo Cox murder.
Last Monday Parliament considered the petition to reduce the amount spent on foreign aid. There was one reference to mental health, by Ian Austin, but it was to the mental health of Palestinians:
“For example, can the Minister consider funding the Cherish Project and the One to One Children’s Fund, which tackle the mental health problems suffered by children affected on both sides of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?”
If I was a user of mental health services in the UK and was concerned at their chronic underfunding I might have gone to my MP’s next surgery to make the point that some of the aid money would be better spent on British patients. If I was seriously unwell at the time I would have wanted to make my point very strongly (and I’d be without the normal inhibitions that restrain us from unsocial behaviour), and if my MP gave me an unsympathetic response I might then have become violent. If I became violent I might at the same time be shouting something about putting British services first.
There are lots of “if”s in that paragraph, but to me it makes at least as much sense as the MSM reports.
The pressure on the BBC from online sources grows, as people sick of the BBC’s routine deceit do their own broadcasting. In the past the Corporation was the only voice available. My, how the tide has turned….
Anna Lindh was a Swedish MP who died in the early morning of 11 September 2003 after a knife attack in Stockholm on the afternoon of 10 September. Just after 4 pm, she was attacked while shopping in the ladies’ section of the Nordiska Kompaniet department store in central Stockholm. During the final weeks of her life she was involved in the pro-euro campaign preceding the Swedish referendum on the euro, held on 14 September 2003 (three days after her death). As a popular pro-euro politician, she was a spokesperson for the campaign. Lindh was an outspoken campaigner for Sweden to join the Eurozone in the referendum held on 14 September 2003. After the attack, all euro-campaign events were immediately cancelled. But the referendum went ahead with no campaigning.Despite speculation that sympathy for Lindh could influence the voting, the euro was rejected in the referendum.
It could just be co-incidence, and probably is but the similarities are alarming. Both were young, female MPs from whose deaths much sympathy is due, but is being milked to the levels we’re witnessing. Both were avid pro-EU campaigners and were killed by men with psychiatric problems right before important EU referendums. Both referendums were going the way of freedom, not EU. In both cases the deaths were expolited by the left to get sympathy for their undemocratic cause. Tin foil hat off now as it is probably just a ghastly co-incidence, but it is still possible that these men with mental health problems could have been wound up to commit these acts by an unscrupulous lefty-type (aren’t they all?) as they believe violence is good for their evil cause and don’t mind any number of casualties for the “greater good”.
Wearing my tin foil hat dare I suggest that the very powerful drugs he was on may have made it possible to programme or influence his behaviour.
‘Mair, 52, who was arrested by armed officers shortly after the attack, had spoken about receiving “psychotherapy and medication”, and was described by his younger brother as having “a history of mental illness”.’
I think that needs taking with some caution. The piece about Mair that appeared in a local newspaper some while ago referred to his having found gardening therapy more useful than medication – the implication being that he was not taking anti-psychotics or other medications at that time.
This opens up a great number of possibilities – not least because we have absolutely no knowledge of what medications he had been prescribed, nor any real information about his actual condition.
My feeling is that the more we are told about this curious incident, the less we actually know.
Even if not taking medication any more his fragile state might indicate a weak mind that is easily persuaded. The other killer also has seen inside of psychiatric institutions. Look, It quite probably is just a co-incidence, or even a very unlikely set of co-incidences but the left are so evil I would probably not be surprised if it turns out there was more to it. Although we would probably never hear the truth if that is the case.
That really my point. It’s a little too easy to dismiss this incident as the actions of ‘a nutter off his meds’ (not that I’m saying G.W.F. is suggesting this). Until we find out what has really gone on here (assuming we ever do) making easy assumptions could conceal a darker truth.
It is reported in some quarters that Cameron has recalled Parliament. What does he hope to profit from this? Surely not even he could attempt to use the recent murder of Jo Cox to delay the referendum! I have just watched the DP and there was no hint of anyone trying to make capital out of the recent murder of the MP. But with AN in the chair I didn’t expect that there would be. However, I am concerned that the ongoing attempts of the Remainers to do so may bear fruit. What a sickening way to try to subvert the will of the British people.
Its clear that exploiting this murder for Bremain is BY NO MEANS limited to the BBC but the vast bulk of the establishment media.
I suspect they justify on on the grounds that its ‘what Jo would have wanted’ . Her husband Brendan cox is certainly a left wing pro Bremain fanatic as Jo herself was. View his Twitter page. Tweets by MrBrendanCox
Europe migrant crisis: Charity rejects EU funds over migrant policy
Left wing political lobby group Medecins Sans Frontieres has decided that politicing is much more important than actually doing anything to help people, so it has decided to refuse EU money as a protest that the EU won’t have an open borders policy on immigration !
Next time the MSF chuggers stop me in the high street I will tell them they are not allowed to accept my money as I am a fervent closed borders person!
FTSE, Pound and oil all up today. When they fell the other day it was Brexit fear driving the markets. No explanation in the BBC Business section about what is causing the rise. How strange.
I have posted before that the BBC always report falls, but not rises. And , in their language, a 1 % fall is a “crash”, “slump” or whatever dramatic language. Just part of the bias !
If someone is murdered next week and the BBC can find a so-called witness to claim they were shouting “down with the Olympics”, will there be calls to cancel the games in Rio?
Well, they don’t seem to be too bothered about a dangerous health threat to a significant proportion of the global population posed by the Rio games, so I doubt this scenario would have a vast impact.
Don’t know the relevance of this image. Jo Cox, the poor murdered lady, giving a surely impartial talk to children on the EU referendum. But isn’t that the BBC referendum logo on the table?
The question on the board. What are migrants and immigrants? What’s the difference?
I’m sure they heard an alternative view from another speaker at some point
TBF its the school not the MP should be blamed here.
The MP’s job is to promote her politics, its what she was voted in to do. The headteachers role is to ensure that the children are educated, not indoctrinated.
The scene is a very worrying one though. Cox was quite an extremist after all, making it her business to promote Syrian migrant interests.
Her answer to her own question would be very interesting.
Good heavens. Back in the 1970s when I was in school, nobody would have dreamt of allowing a sitting MP of any persuasion into a classroom other than to hand out prizes.
Of all people Cyril Smith appeared in my comprehensive in Hants in I think 1976ish and gave a speech. I have no recollection of what he said all I remember is he was even fatter in real life and we were not allowed to ask questions. Apparently he was a friend of the headmaster.
tomoMar 19, 18:08 Midweek 19th March 2025 https://twitter.com/Mick_O_Keeffe/status/1902071832259199271 [img]https://i.ibb.co/zTy0kdwH/now.jpg[/img]
tomoMar 19, 17:53 Midweek 19th March 2025 [img]https://i.ibb.co/B205sdbw/Migrants-Organise-Ltd.jpg[/img] https://twitter.com/CharlotteCGill/status/1902411822600212800
moggiemooMar 19, 17:52 Midweek 19th March 2025 Since when has Westminster equalled democracy?
MarkyMarkMar 19, 16:50 Midweek 19th March 2025 [img]https://oregoncatalyst.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/meme-rygnsdfeb25.jpg[/img]
Lucy PevenseyMar 19, 16:41 Midweek 19th March 2025 globalsecurity.org. I’m sure the take of a globalist “humanitarian” charity is totally unbiased and fair Especially one that cites: •…
Eddy BoothMar 19, 16:37 Midweek 19th March 2025 [img]https://i.postimg.cc/c1924gnv/1741936292738838.jpg[/img]
Fedup2Mar 19, 16:18 Midweek 19th March 2025 Name of van remains ‘unknown ‘ 36 hours after the non islamic non terrorist killing ..
No doubt then where this senior BBC producer stands:
Sky reporter described the vile actions of the remainers as ‘fun on the Thames’.
Tell it to the angry fishermen.
I think the BBC, together with various assorted politicos have done much to assist the leave campaign, not intentionally, but as a direct result of their elite liberal left wing beliefs.
“In most programs I watch it is the less articulate, less posh who have genuine issues housing, NHS, schools but their concerns are never addressed just sneeringly dismissed by some middleclass pol. And sneering at people you need to vote for your cause & dismissing their concerns never ends well.”
This has been noticed in part by others posting here, but not the consequences of the BBC & guests sneering at real peoples troubles & experiences.
They don’t seem to have realised that calling people names such as ‘bigot’, ‘racist’, or ‘xenophobic’ none of which actually carry the original meaning doesn’t work when the people who are being called aren’t as easily cowed as their more usual opponents.
RD, exactly so. The Yorkshire cops have just apologised for” their media handling” of the initial inquiry. That “media handling” involved a BBC reporter and pressure from the BBC to televise the raid on Richard’s house (as revealed by the Chief Constable during a parliamentary committee hearing many months ago) before he had even been interviewed by the police. The whole story is a scandal which no doubt Al Beeb will aim to bury pdq. Will they apologies to Cliff Richard ? Flying pigs seen in W1A.
BREAKING NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Calvin Harris unfollows Taylor Swift
Due to the unique way the BBC is funded they can produce quality journalism like this.
Thanks for highlighting that Tabs. No doubt we are all on the edge of our seats waiting for the latest developments.
My “Couldn’t-Give-A-Shitometer” has just exploded.
You should also bear in mind that this is aimed at kids, and this is (for good or ill) what kids are interested in !
probably produced BY kids as well…..
Have a read of this article, because it foes a long way to explaining why we are likely to leave the EU.
Yet coming out of the EU is only a start, because this largely ignored stigmatised, and even demonised group have been ignored for decades by the Fascist left while they concentrated on their Ubermensch, the Muslim favourites.
Now they can reap the whirlwind – or begin to !
How ironic would it be if Leave win, thanks to a big Brexit vote from the traditional working class.
The ultimate two-fingered response by a group consistently patronised, overlooked, ignored, and told what to the think by the Guardianistas, bBBC marxists and luvvies, and the champagne ‘socialists’ preaching diversity and multiculturalism at them for years and years.
And so brilliantly exposed by Emily Thornberry’s amazement and incredulity at White van men displaying the flag of St George.
Fingers crossed for next week.
London Evening Standard Poll this morning shows a massive swing to leave. The previous one was 18 point lead for remain, changed to 6 point lead to leave.
If that poll is in London, it’s looking good !!
Remember who will be counting the votes in London though. They answer to the emir.
Yes, the BBC likes to think it has the measure of the ‘working class’ (a ridiculous phrase in the 20th, let alone 21st century but there we are) because it panders to them with its moronvision broadcasting. However, any acquaintance with the real people of this country soon shows that the opinions held by this most patronised group could hardly be further from those of the metrosexual ‘elite’ who run the BBC.
This could be their revenge.
I agree. Even those with a tribal loyalty to “Labour” despite having some shiny faced ex special adviser parachuted in as their MP, will be able to vote Leave without feeling they are betraying the party which, in reality, despises them.
Not a website I am familiar with but found this:
(Tried to copy poster but it wouldn’t paste – sorry. Maybe someone more technical than I am could do so.)
For this to be a deliberate fear campaign the threat of immigration would have to be groundless. This is clearly not the case so the poster cannot be labelled as scaremongering.
Dear World Bank,
Please send me One trillion dollars in used notes by Thursday or we leave the EU, the sun will cease to shine, the sea will boil and Donald Trump will become US president.
You know it’s worth it,
George Osborne
MP injured amid shooting reports
“An MP has been injured following reports of shooting and stabbing in Birstall, West Yorkshire.”
Isn’t Birstall one of those areas enriched by immigration?
This is truly terrible, and is an especially sickening act against woman with young children. Let us pray that she rapidly recovers from her reported critical condition to full health.
Jesus Christ ! When are we British going to get a grip of this muslim crap ?
Fortunately we are not like the US and have laws banning guns
Yes , Right ! BBC now reporting the attack, nothing about the ” M ” word ! BBC Scum !
Do we know it’s Muslim, Grant? According to Guido, the attacker shouted “Britain First” and pictures of his arrest suggest he’s white.
Now we can watch our world class broadcaster in action. If the attacker is white, and did shout “Britain first” they will milk it for all its worth. If a Muslim, I am sure restraint will be exercised.
Roland, well , maybe . I do not know. And we will never know. I made an obvious assumption, may be wrong
Grant, It was a plausible assumption, given attacks on individuals in France and elsewhere.
On the other hand, if it is someone in any way connected to Brexit, however deranged, then we must ask cui bono?
Yes , a very subtle and clever point. ” Cui bono ” indeed ! Where are Brutus and Cicero when we need them ? Maybe forget Brutus and just stick with Cicero ! We have not reached the stage of severed heads. But the temptation is looming !
“Isn’t Birstall one of those areas enriched by immigration?”
No, not by Leeds/Bradford standards.
I’d strongly advise against making assumptions in this instance.
For entertainment, guess where/which sort of country this article might be about:
Retail therapy
In which unlikely spot is a new shopping mall thriving?
16 June 2016
From the section Magazine
And then ask why is this important to us.
Remain MP Jo Cox shot and stabbed.
She was involved in the remain flotilla yesterday.
Attacker apparently shouted Britain first as he attacked her.
Leave campaign stopped immediately.
Hoping you she pulls through, she has a young family. No one should have this happen to them.
Another lamentable performance by Martha Kearney today. Clearly, even by the lukewarm dishwater standards of the BBC, our Martha is one of the most toothless interviewers in the business. Given the task of allowing Amber Rudd to lie to the nation on R4’s WATO today, she let la Rudd, not once but multiple times, repeat the Remainiac lie that ‘all the experts’ predict hell on earth in the event of Brexit. Over and over again Rudd banged the drum (actually, her sinister brother Roland’s drum) and Kearney allowed her to get away with this monstrous untruth unchallenged.
There are plenty of ‘experts’ who say Brexit will be good for the economy. And they are guessing, just like all the other ‘experts’, whatever serial liars and fantasists like Amber Rudd want us to believe.
They are all forexed up now ! The fun will be to see how they cling to the wreakage !
Guardian not at all happy with Geldof and reporting his antics as akin to the ‘Ed Stone’
“Remember the Ed Stone? Of course you do. It’s the reason we don’t have a Labour government at the moment. The Ed Stone was a harrowing, ill-judged, two-tonne PR stunt forged in the fires of superhuman hubris. It was so brazenly awful that it effectively ended the election in a heartbeat.
This week’s Farage-fronted Brexit booze cruise deserved to be this referendum’s Ed Stone And then the remain campaign messed everything up by fielding its own embarrassing twerp, Bob Geldof. Bloody Bob Geldof and his stupid mates on their stupid boat with their stupid sound system and their stupid V-signs, dragging remain down to the moronic level of its stupid rival. Everything was so nicely lined up – the pro-EU camp was starting to look like the dignified side, the side that could rise above the fray by not getting drunk on a dinghy at 10.30 in the morning – and then bloody Bob Geldof cocked it all up for everyone by joining in.
Get the idea ?
‘the pro-EU camp was starting to look like the dignified side”
This would be the dignified Graun side that called Mr. Gove’s dad prior to his son’s BBC interview?
What a F*****ing idiot !
First of all, thoughts and prayers along with the PM and Shadow Leader, etc to the victim and her family.
Looking at the thread to the linked twitter page, it seems the person in question has moved with surprising speed for the BBC in a direction they seem comfortable with, but is being cautioned by a poster on use of sources who may be less than reliable to base such connections upon at such a juncture (wise words to all).
But this is of course a Newsnight staffer, so views, and professional constraints, may be his own and/or not apply.
On Classic FM Global Propaganda, where I heard this first driving, there was an interview with a BF (of whom I have never heard) spokeswoman who dismissed any such thing. If the linked document is for real, she and they have questions to answer, along with a police and media estate who seem unusually behind the curve on such things. This press release appears undated. When was it issued, and then and how picked up? Reads more like an invitation for suicide by cop.
Given such questions appear currently unasked let alone answered, Mr. Cook may have a few coming his way as the national broadcaster engaging in incitement over reporting likely will not ease the fears of all sorts of communities now.
Lets face it, if this had been a Muslim instead of a white person there would have been a queue of lefties offering excuse after excuse and ‘insights’ into motivation which invariably would have been the fault of white people.
As it is the only thing this idiot can look forward to is condemnation.
If you believe in prayer please pray for Mrs Cox. If you are RC the patron saint of politicians is St Thomas More. I can’t really think of anything else to say, other than why doesn’t the BBC article say what happened to the perpetrator; was he apprehended or did he get away?
Plenty of sites showing him being arrested. Apparently he ran into a cemetery and hid before being found.
What he shouted out is a source of contention as some say he shouted ‘Britain First’ other say Britons First which has a different connotation.
Classic FM ‘News’ has just updated its story, and no mention of the BF aspect at all. Gone.
Once actual facts have been established, some people may have some explaining to do.
The desire to ‘scoop’ may need review.
This the BBC Breaking email link:
You can share your experiences by emailing
As to whether the BBC checks them or not…
Please God, let this MP pull through. I believe that all the people that view and comment on these pages will be praying for her.
Will the man arrested be a lone wolf, LGBTXYZ or mentally ill?
Come on BBC, get OJ to comment
From a US source, the man arrested is a local called Tommy Mair, reharde as a ‘loner’.
Hopefully patriotic British people will react to this crime with a dignity not shown in the wake of the Orlando massacre. No one I can think of in the Leave camp, or on the conservative right, would applaud this evil attack.
Sadly she has died.
There was police activity shortly after the attack at a semi-detached house on the Fieldhead estate in Birstall. Thomas Mair, 52, is the registered occupier of the address, according to the electoral roll, Vikram Dodd, Nazia Parveen and Rob Booth report.
A police cordon surrounded the house as a helicopter circled overheard and forensic officers in boiler suits appeared to be searching the neat front garden, as well as around garages at the back of the well-maintained property.
Neighbours on the Fieldhead estate said the man had lived here 40 years with a female relative, who died a number of years ago, leaving him alone.
Kathleen Cooke, 62, said she and her daughter, Emma John, 30, had seen Mair half an hour before the attack.
“I looked out of the window at about 12.30 and he walked past a carrying his bag, wearing a cap. He looked perfectly calm and normal,” said John.
“He was a quiet person, kept himself to himself. We knew him around here from when he used to do our gardens,” said Cooke.
One woman, who gave her name just as Karen, said Mair did her mother’s garden regularly until a few years ago. He didn’t seem to have a job, she said.
Local teenagers said he was a quiet man unless they congregated on the wall behind his house, which he didn’t like. “He’d shout at us,” said a 17-year-old.
“All this we are hearing now is totally at odds with the man we thought we knew,” said one neighbour. “We knew him as someone who helped out, who did volunteering.”
Makes you wonder what was said to him to engage that kind of reaction!
“Makes you wonder what was said to him to engage that kind of reaction!”
If he had a weapon with him, whether gun/zip-gun/knife/whatever, he must have been prepared for something.
That’s “if”. We know virtually nothing at the moment.
I hope nobody on either side of the Brexit debate tries to take advantage of this.
Hear, hear. To make political capital out of this would be the most disgusting of opportunism. I will be watching certain sections of the media very carefully in the next few days.
I can tell you that it hasn’t taken the Left long to start:
Alexis Tsipras
Τhe murder of @UKLabour MP @Jo_Cox1 is shocking. Hatred and nationalism are common enemies of our people. #JoCox
….and there are no depths to which socialists won’t stoop
Maria Eagle MP has already tried.
My sympathies to Jo Cox’s family, especially her children, who will be heart broken and bewildered by all this.
Sadly Jo Cox has passed away from injuries sustained in the attack
Utterly tragic. And for her children, the loss of a mother. I wonder what part drugs played in the life of the murderer? I have always been convinced of the need for the ultimate penalty for wicked and proven murder, and it would be justified in this case.
This man appears to be what might be described as a model citizen. The more you hear about him the more inexplicable his actions become. No one who knew him can believe it could be him who murdered Jo Cox.
He was quiet and unassuming, and he enjoyed gardening helping his neighbours with their. He volunteered at a local park – it’s all very difficult to understand a motivation.
There is as yet only one person who is claiming he heard the Britain First shout so it’s a little too early to tell.
The picture shows Mair (on the left) when he was volunteering at Oakwell Hall County Park in Birstall, West Yorkshire, in January 2011, South West News reports.
A local paper reported at the time that Mair said volunteering at the park had “done him more good than all the physiotherapy and medication in the world”.
addendum: News of the man’s mental instability came after my comment. I should have more carefully said ‘it would seem to be justified in this case’. But perhaps a secure mental hospital will prove to be the appropriate place.
Equally this murder MUST not be used as an excuse by the remain campaign who look like loosing to cancel the referendum.
As people are saying, if they allow this then every nutter shouting Britain First or Allah hu Akhbar will feel they can disrupt the democratic process by the murder of an opposition member.
I didn’t want to say it, but that is my fear. and an extrapolation of that is even scarier.
The guy clearly had mental health problems and it does not seem to be politically motivated.More care in the community. The blame game from the media has to stop but I won’t hold my breath.Im thinking of her young family.
“The guy clearly had mental health problems”
Really? Because if he did no one ever noticed them! all the reports from his neighbours have them in deep shock that he could have done such a thing.
The real point might be that the liberals & the Fascist Left constantly demonising the white working class is going to lead to a backlash, the head of MI6 has already warned about this. The Fascists never listen though and think they can carry on oblivious.
People snap eventually.
If he’s just an individual who snapped, this could well be a genuine lone wolf attack.
I wonder if it will be described as such?
“what are we going to do with the Remainers”
Boris Johnson should put them all into the House of Lords where they belong. And then declare the House of Lords an independent City State territory, free and isolated from Britain, but retaining Britain’s seat in Brussels.
The economy of the “House of Lords City State” could be supported financially by “Peers pence” contributions by Pro-Europeans, cash for Peerages, the sale of postage stamps, tourist mementos, photos of Lords in ceremonial dress, fees for admission to look around the Palace of Westminster and the sale of Pro-EU publications.
I fear that one way or another the Remain side will benefit from this tragedy. The left, the UAF, the Twitterati, are bringing up their charges of nationalism and racism.
Cameron’s friends in UAF
Unite Against Fascism
Andrew Webb Why isn’t this being seen as a terrorist attack when the shooter was heard shouting ‘britain first’??
Johnnie Hales I look forward to the targeted drone strikes against Britain First.
Nadeem Tarantino And restrictions on churches and Christian profiling
Note that the ‘Britain First’ cry has been questioned. Have the media – Mirror, Mail , Telegraph, jumped too soon?
I noticed that the egregious Angela Eagle MP instantly twittered out the allegation that he shouted ‘Britain First’ – then removed it once she discovered (doubtless to her chagrin) that it was false. The Left gleefully take advantage of very opportunity, whatever the pretext. Utterly monstrous of her in this case.
Maria Eagle deletes her tweet saying the assailant shouted Britain First. Witnesses deny hearing it. The media have dirty hands already. False information – deliberate?
Harry Gration on Look North, live in Birstall this evening, brought up the “Britain First” shout at the beginning of the programme; then again when discussing it with the crime correspondent John Cundy who read out a quote statement from Britain First about it.
I thought it was completely wrong of BBC Look North to do this; especially since it was never mentioned on the national news at 6pm just before it. Gration interviewed a witness who never mentioned it so we don’t know who fed them that information or whether it has been corroborated in any way.
Here is the episode Al, …
BBC eh! … I thought they should report news … not fabricate it in anyway
Where is the evidence for such an assertion? because apparently there were “reports” ie plural
of this. (1min 23 seconds)
“Britain First shout”? … oh come on BBC! we ALL remember you and your puffing up “you ain t no muslim bruv” and how about your overt over the top #I ll ride with you. reaction
“you ain t no muslim bruv” yep … Jon revealed that he was not Muslim either and indeed feared an ISIS revenge attack.
#I ll ride with you was a fabrication, just a Islamic victim seeking hoax.
You have form BBC … and rush to point a finger today, how unusual
how convenient (and shameful) for the establishment to push this angle
RIP JO COX, MP sincere condolences to all close to her.
BBC News – Her husband Brendan Cox said she would want people “to unite to fight against the hatred that killed her”?
unite against the hatred? … what sort? … from where? – could I inquire where is this going? … bbc?
On the Al BBC A guy from a local takeaway, was at the scene but just thought it was a man his wife, so took little notice of the screams, he heard her screaming again but just thought it was domestic
BBC – Jo Cox death – Is an ‘attack against democracy
The brutal murder of Jo Cox MP is a sickening attack which we condemn in the strongest terms. This attack against an MP is an attack against democracy and all of us in the United Kingdom … Mohammed Shafiq – Chief Executive of the Ramadhan Foundation
BBC – ‘Hate doesn’t have a creed, race or religion … it is poisonous’ – Brendan Cox …
Hmmm … is he involved in politics too? … I really hope this utter tragedy is not going to be used in any way politically.
Senseless stupid killing – And yes I feel particularly sorry for her family robbed of a mother, wife and child…….
But yes I think her death may well be used in a subtle BBC way to further the Remain cause. We know that there are pretty much, no depths this organisation will not sink to – if it sees an opportunity to further its own ends. I suspect this would involve much righteous anger and insinuation.
I do not think even remain would be stupid enough to cancel the election on this. After all she was a parliamentarian and parliament is meant to be all about democracy – or was.
I do think that if her death is exploited (and especially if there are no proven political motives) . All associated with Leave should retain a dignified silence and certainly not engage into what would inevitably turn into a squalid bout of name calling that does no-one any good.
The Lady was one of us and though we differed with her politically, I understand she tried to take people with her rather than engaging in direct conflict.
Let us hope she is afforded some dignity in death.
Oaknash, good post.
“But yes I think her death may well be used in a subtle BBC way to further the Remain cause.” I share that fear but shame on them if they do and I hope that it backfires. Not that it would provide the result that Jo Cox would have wanted, but to rather to stand as a tribute to her, that those in the opposite Leave camp for next week value their Parliamentary tradition and hold great respect for it and those who stand to serve there.
PM played her Maiden Speech in the House and I suspect that she was one of those MPs fully committed to serving their constituency above all else, even if it might mean in future missing out on promotion or having to stand up to Party & leadership wishes.
Another tribute would be two (or more) people standing up, like she did to serve, to fill seats in Parliament.
It already is being used politically: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-leeds-36553308
As you asked in your post Nog, what “hatred” are we talking about exactly? On the face of it, from the limited information we have so far, it looks like a disturbed man with no political leanings and with a long history of mental-health issues, simply snapped. Yet long before any firm facts are known, the BBC are already laying the foundations to sell it as a “hate crime”. All you need to know about the BBCU can be summed up by looking at one of the first people they turn to for comment – Billy ****ing Bragg. I mean, why? Why is Bragg’s view any more valid than any other individual? Not only that, he had to get the term “internationalist” into his comment.
Normally I wouldn’t post something like this at a time like this but it is relevant:
Another children’s charity was rocked last night after a senior executive at Save The Children resigned over allegations of ‘inappropriate behaviour’.
Chief strategist Brendan Cox denied allegations against him but left in September
The arrival of ambitious Mr Forsyth and Mr Cox, both fervent Labour supporters, at Save The Children after Mr Brown lost the 2010 Election led to a major change in the charity.
Certainly IS relevant, Thoughtful.
Just seen Justin Forsyth(as mentioned in your article) speaking about Jo Cox and the networking where government meets quangos and do-gooders in general.
He is now Deputy Director for kiddies at UNICEF in New York-so this would be one of the “exciting irons that he`d have had in the fire” at the time of his vast pay-off last year.
So to hear HIM spouting off to Jon Snow-another link in the liberal bucket brigade of privilege and emotings-was particularly galling…and very timely Thoughtful.
So thanks.
Basically a feather bedded bunch of do-gooding quangocrats who`ve never had to work in their lives have lost one of their number…clearly a personal tragedy for the kids and hubby, as well as the family-but she`s hardly Ian Gow or Sharon Beshenevsky is she?
But in liberal land her loss exceeds David Rathband…and it will be magnified to suit the Left and the BBC, if there is ANY chance to do a Breivik.
Less so if it`s doing an Adebolajo though….sounds like a mental health nutter, so they`ll be kind about that, except for a need for “more services and less NHS cuts”.
Tragic news about Jo Cox. Sincere condolences, I believe, from everyone on this site to her husband, children and family members. I also echo many thoughts expressed on here that I sincerely hope neither side in the current referendum makes use of this politically.
Naturally the news reporters want to glean every ounce of information from neighbours, friends, bystanders, shopkeepers etc when a tragedy or event occurs. Sadly (and infuriatingly) its always the least articulate and those who haven’t mastered the English language who always get picked on to give an account, – its the same when an ‘eye-witness’ is discovered to give an account over the phone. Painful to listen to, and watch.
At the end of all of this, the MP might well not have been targeted after all. Here’s what a BBC eye witness said:
Mr Abdallah, 56, was in a cafe next door to the library shortly after 13:00 BST when he heard screaming and went outside.
‘Handmade weapon’
“There was a guy who was being very brave and another guy with a white baseball cap who he was trying to control and the man in the baseball cap suddenly pulled a gun from his bag”.
After a brief scuffle, he said the man stepped back and the MP became involved.
Mr Abdallah said the weapon had “looked handmade” and a man who had been wrestling with the gunman continued even after seeing the gun.
He said: “The man stepped back with the gun and fired it and then he fired a second shot, as he was firing he was looking down at the ground.”
So, it might well be the case that Mair was involved in a fight with another man, and Jo Cox decided to intervene and became the victim, which would put a whole different spin on the events.
RIP Jo Cox. Although the name means nothing to me, and I probably disagreed with her every view, I feel it is important to say that we all must stand together against this and other violent crimes.
Faisal Islam on Sky called her a superstar. I don’t like this hyperbole, despite the terrible murder she was only a back-bench MP with a potential future. My condolences go out to her young family, and hope that over time they can come to terms with losing their mother in such a senseless way.
Considering the amount of hate and violence that has been brought into our politics nowadays, I’m almost surprised that this isn’t an even more common occurrence. Why are they mentioning creed and race in their official statement? What do we know about the murderer? He appears to have an English name.
BBc North West run an item on “immigration” I counted at least three times when it was mentioned Immigrants pay in more than they take out. Of course lets not forget the left wing fascists have been hurling “waycism” at this issue many will be unwilling to talk on camera with what they really think . Arsefan shari goes out to a local estate where one person says there are to many Poles his mate interjects telling him that “you can’t say that”. He repeats what he said. Arsefan brings out the “they pay in more card” followed by “they do jobs the English are unwilling or unable to do ” card. Over to a hotel in the Lake district who amongst others has a member of staff from Moldova (next to Romania)He tells us there is no unemployment in the Lake district? He therefore gets virtually no applications. He also tells us employing English staff would make no difference to his wage bill, as the wage is set by the Government It’s at this point the rat is out of the bag the Moldavian staff member tells us this is still much more than if she was in her home country. Several employers including ones I’ve had the misfortune to work for seem to think minimum wage is also the maximum wage. Again this echoes exactly what migrant workers where telling me a decade ago, crap wages here are still enough for them to gain a large amount of capital when they return. Wages are depressed because they can afford to take them. Those of us resident here can not afford to take the crap wages living in high price Britain.I’m a bit old these days to go “hot bedding”Another smoke and mirrors effort by North West I wonder how selective their interviews were. I still do not believe one single word of the they pay in mantra that was being constantly repeated Assuming they were working 35 hours a week x £6.70ph only works out at £12,194pa with the current personal allowance being what £11,000 you ain’t paying a whole lot of tax. Also bear in mind a lot of employers will limit the hours to what seems to be a favorite of 16 hours per week , incidentally what the job centre consider to be full time work , comes out at £108pw which of course is also conveniently below the NI threshold and employers avoid the employers national insurance contribution element. So like me you can work for a year or so for one of these companies and have zero paid toward your pension or other contributory benefits.
Many ’employees’/job seekers also want to limit their working hours to 16 per week to secure their right to maximum benefits. MigrationWatch have, as always, got a handle on the lie of minimum wage immigrants ‘contributing’, when all they do is pay in a small proportion of the amount they take out –
And that is before meeting the near £2k pa per capita cost of the (I)NHS…oh, sorry, EE immigrants never use it or unwed Polish girls have children here so we can’t impute a charge to them.
As you say Dave its normal smoke and mirrors – its what Aunty likes best. Particularly when shes personally blowing the smoke up the publics arse.
It seems to me the left really do think in a mysterious way
More gimmigrants mean lower wages and less housing which becomes more expensive. Higher demand for schools, housing and health.
The majority of these incomers generally do not earn high salaries so the amount tax coming into the exchequer is low .
Yet the lefty default position is always to demand even more immigrants with its attendant costs. So we are trapped in a spiral of higher costs on services and housing, lower wages and more immigrants which creates a situation where services can never catch up . You really could not make this shit up.
Sometimes I wonder whether in their more lucid moments they ever sense that this may be just a little unwise – But I suspect that in their world of ” Compassion for all ” (except the indigenous population) . That little flutter of doubt is soon washed away with a nice glass of muscadet.
What is heartening however is that people who used to be shut up by the waycist accusation are now are starting to question what is really going on. And the left now they have lost much of the power of their main weapon are having to start justifying their madcap economics which is more than a little difficult.
What motivates the lefties seems to be a naive attraction to the exotic and freaks, but what they selfishly and patronisingly call compassion. Its what used to attract people to freak shows when Britain was hideously white, or young people joining the armed services to explore the world. Now we have Multiculturalism, which is just an inverted form of western cultural imperialism. Britain was seen as full up, so people left the country to colonise the world, as we see especially with North America and Australia.
But now we are left with hypocrites with a genetic anomaly who want to stay at home and live next door to white middle-class people they call racists, and then bring the World to an even more densely populated Britain, so as to rub the white working-class nose in diversity. (In science, celebrating diversity is seen as discrimination against identical twins) But despite the lefties saying they want multiculturalism, they insist on imposing their cultural imperialist ideas on issues such as homosexuality, onto other more decent normal cultures.
I have seen this argument aired a few times, and I have to say that to reach that conclusion credulity has to be stretched way past breaking point.
As well as the workers wage deductions for NI & PAYE, they also include employers NI they include a proportion of VAT charged by the employer on the goods produced (on a per capita basis, not wage adjusted), then corporation tax and any other payments to the government made by the employer.
As such it basically lying as those figures should never be taken as employees contributions at all. They also do not include the cost of paying benefit to a UK worker on benefits.
In addition they selectively choose single people, as opposed to those with families and entitled to claim benefits.
The real break even average figure is somewhere around £35000 and very few migrant workers earn that much !
OK. Let’s get to REAL seriousness here, See this: http://gbrexit.com/brexit/jo-cox-death-brexit/ The LEAVE side being blamed for Jo Cox’s death.
Conversely, a conspiracy Theorist would say that the timing is coincidental when LEAVE is consistently in the lead in polls….
I was watching from when it first started unfolding, and every single witness, when asked about what they saw, not one of them mentioned this “Britian First” comment supposedly made by the suspect. SIX HOURS later, and only on BBC, this was broadcast to the nation. Very strange indeed !
“SIX HOURS later, and only on BBC”… yes, and who exactly was the “witness”?!?
And the BBC’s witness isn’t going to be talking to anyone else it would appear. All a bit suspicious?
The BBC “eye witness” was Hicham Ben Abdallah, who at first lied about the “Britain First” words being shouted and then retracted. The left on Twitter, the Guardian and the BBC took the lying Muslim at face value, but as the left never retract a lie, the BBC and the Guardian are still rolling with this disgusting untruth, and it’s unlikely that they’ll ever waver from it..
Who just happens to be a Labour Party activist.
Amateur video of the arrest here, and a video of an interview with Hicham Ben Abdullah.
1. No shouting of any kind during arrest (at least, the bit we can see of it)
2. Gun has now transmogrified into a sawn-off shotgun, according to HBA
3. No “pinning down” of assailant on video (as described by Graeme Howard)
I don’t believe either Hicham Ben Abdullah or Graeme Howard is telling the truth.
And what has happened to witness “Graeme Howard”, who claimed the attacker was pinned down?
Top of the pops re runs. Ok I know a lot of people don’t care however this is the one BBc program I actually make any effort at all to watch. Following on my “rant” about the program shown after midnight being 10 minutes longer. I tune in tonight and its Christmas 1981! So where did the six months between June and December go. Most of these I’ve not seen as I was in the Army in those days and frequently missed it also pre video recorder well affordable ones. It’s always for me an event to see one of the bands I’d seen appear on the pops or see what the band who’s record I’d mail ordered actually looked like. German record shops never seemed to be very big on singles sales. So because of the unique way the BBc is funded they can not be bothered to edit out undesirable presenter. It can’t be that difficult.
The BBC have probably thought about future compensation claims from audience members being groped by the undesirable presenter. Destroy those tainted recordings and then they eliminate video proof that the claimant was ever there.
Her body was barely cold, and already disgusting self serving E.U. bureaucrats are telling lies about the death of Jo Cox for their own vile ends..
…and this is where it gets dangerous for Brexit. The EU and the lefties, and their new found Abbot and Costello dream team, Dave and George, start noises that the referendum must be cancelled for civic and political order. The “loony” right have hijacked the campaign so we are steppping in to save you from yourselves!!!
He’s getting a right roasting for it…..this could be the biggest backfire yet…..
It’s worse than that, maria eagle tweeted that the attacker shouted ‘Britain First’ during the attack…her source? Sky news and the M/cr evening rag, the same rag owned by the guardian. Utterly shameless the lot of them.
The London evening standard has printed an edition with the headline ‘REMAIN MP GUNNED DOWN IN THE STREET’ they have all but stated that it wus Brexit wot did it! It’s disgusting, the levels the leftards will sink to are levels that no rat will ever dare to go to.
A local paper reported at the time that Mair said volunteering at the park had “done him more good than all the physiotherapy and medication in the world”.
I do hope that the medication being referred to here isn’t anti psychotics and that it wasn’t ‘the voices’ which were telling him to do it.
If it is, a lot of nasty left wing Fascists should have a lot of apologies to make – but probably won’t because they’re too hard faced & nasty.
The evidence is accumulating that the murderer was mentally ill.
Yet the BBC is speculating the political motive.
Trashy BBC.
As per
You expect nothing less from a pig but a grunt
Thomas Mair: Man arrested in connection with Jo Cox attack was a ‘loner’ with ‘history of mental health problems’
Predictable, I suppose. Hopes dashed as evidence of Brexit connection fades.
Mental illness not very spinnable, except perhaps as a consequence of Tory cuts. The killer appears to be little more than a sad loser. The motive might be something as unsexy (to the BBC) as mental illness, combined with simple envy of a successful young woman with a family. Curious where the gun came from though.
Vile article in The Spectator, which is a shadow of what it used to be:
RIP Jo Cox. Let’s call the referendum off as a mark of respect
Reads as if it was scribbled on the back of an envelope, at a bus stop, in the rain. Poor stuff. Expected a bit more of Liddle.
The left and Remainers are on the move
From the hashtag #JeSuisJoCox
Horrified. This makes me very sad and angry at the same time. Jo Cox was a progressive cosmopolitan who fought for her ideals. Fanatic (right-wing) nationalists like her murderer are indirect allies with jihadists. They both use gun violence and they both hate the idea of a tolerant cosmopolitan society. #jesuisJoCox
I agree I’m surprised at Rod Liddle too; he’s reached the completely wrong conclusion (IMHO) as to what the correct response should be to this crime.
He writes of banana republics but isn’t cancelling elections and referenda in response to violence, or threats of violence, precisely the sort of thing which happen in banana republics and not in Western democracies?
Pretty sure Rod was being ironic.
I’m not, and his intemperate responses in the comments section don’t seem to support that.
Nothing changes.
When Gabrielle Giffords was shot in the head, every US publication reported her attacker as an Anarchist. Not so the BBC. Mark Mardell stood smirking at the camera that Sunday night, and told the viewers it was a right-wing extremist
On “Outside Source” on BBC 24 hour News at around 9:10 pm this evening the eyewitness who heard (or claims to have heard) “Britain – or Britons – First” was interviewed. No need for the BBC or the rest of the MSM (or, indeed, the Remain campaign) to do or say anything more except re-show or just refer to the interview. Whether or not the alleged perp is a lone nutter – or just a nutter – or whatever he is, Brexit has, I’m afraid, been lost.
I wouldnt be so sure
This is going to blow up in their faces….people arent a stupid as the loons would like to believe
I don’t think it’s a matter of stupidity. It’s just the way people are. They will be tremendously sympathetic to Jo Cox and her immediate family (who wouldn’t be?) and this sympathy will just simply translate into either voting support for the causes that she espoused or a reluctance to vote against her side in the referendum. Had this happened a month ago, I think the sympathy effect (although not the sympathy) would have dissipated but with a week to go I think Leave is going to have an uphill struggle. OTOH I wouldn’t put it past the incompetents at Remain to do something really stupid before next Thursday so not all bets are necessarily off.
“Brexit has, I’m afraid, been lost”
Well, it will certainly get out the Labour vote, that’s for sure. And the effect on the polls will be interesting to see over the next couple of days.
If the polls don’t swing sufficiently towards “Remain”, I think we can expect more fireworks. I have to say I expected dirty tricks, but my jaw is on the ground with this one.
Either that, or it’s a highly convenient “coincidence” for Cameron & Co, including the sketchy eyewitness who heard “Britain First” but then retracted his statement (where did that article go – and was it Guido or Breitbart?).
I know which version I think is more likely.
Bbc still pushing the eyewitness ‘britain first ‘ on 10 oclock news
The first eye witness was apparently not present at the incident (“Aamir Tahir’s account of the event changed dramatically when he admitted he “wasn’t there [at the scene], I was stuck in traffic at the time.”. )The BBc is now directly lying and saying the alleged killer said “Britain First” The eyewitness who has now appeared in the news bulletin earlier said the alleged attacker said either “Britain first or Put Britain first” a slight difference between those two phrases. I had read earlier that witnesses had said they heard no shouting.
I have been waiting for something big to blow up in the Brexit face.
I have been predicting something really nasty, a security scare, the powers in the EU needed a major issue to destroy Brexit. They have immediately linked the killing to Brexit. Its over.
This murder, the speed at which the entire media seized on the Britain First falsehood will have an impact even when it is exposed as a lie.
God help the UK. Look forward to Eurabia. Here is Paul Watson and Stefan Molyneux.
Regarding the killers political views, just because a couple of neighbours ‘thought’ he didn’t hold any or was not a member of any political party isn’t conclusive proof of anything, it’s a dead end line of enquiry, the killer may well have held very politicised views and simply never told anyone. The international interest in this tragedy is off the scale compared to http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-36524094
The avarice and speed with which both national and international interests have siezed upon this womans murder, to politicise it and make political gain is distasteful and disconcerting. Once again the victim looks like being relegated to a bit part while politicains jostle for position, truly sickening.
Deutsche Bank: “In the case of a Leave vote we expect UK equities to outperform the European market [by as much as 5%]” – did anyone pick this up yesterday?
Oh and while we are at it, was the murder weapon either a WWI antique or one that “looked home-made” (whatever that means). Or something that looked like both? Credulity stretching here.
Watching Newsnight but can’t stand it anymore. The link has been made Britex=toxic=murder.
Evan Davis is such a worm making the link but then providing ‘balance’ by saying the motive is not yet known.
Unbelievable BBC crap.
BBC takes EU cash on the quiet
A BBC spokesman said: “As we’ve explained many times, the BBC protects its impartiality by not permitting any external funding for news programming, which includes European Union grants.”
Well, that’s all right then 🙄
seismicboy, you don’t have to worry about Geldof’s title; it’s only honorary as he is not a citizen of the commonwealth. Those who call him “Sir Bob” are wrong, and it irritates me when I hear people use it.
The green green grass of home?
BBC London News decide to go out to a bar or club somewhere in London where the England v Wales match is being screened.
No prizes for guessing that our BBC reporter pops up in a Welsh club with 90% red shirts in the audience.
Question: did BBC Wales return the compliment and send a reporter to a mainly England supporting location somewhere down there in the Valleys?
I feel your pain, but I’m not sure even BBC Wales’s finest would have been able to locate one of THEM.
A few years ago, Clement Freud was the guest speaker at a company event attended by Mrs S. She reported at the time that he was a. Very funny and b. Chasing anything in a skirt. One of Mrs S’s work friends was pestered quite a lot, and the event has had a periodic mention at home down the years. Freud of course was given gainful employment by the bBBC and his proclivities must have been an open secret, if they are deducable from a prosaic company function.
I dont personally think he was a paedo per se, i suspect he just fancied women irrespective of age. But anyway.
Meanwhile, South Yorkshire Police have found Cliff Richard has no case to answer after 2 years ‘investigating’ and have apologised. This is of course the same Cliff Richard whose police raid on his home was gleefully filmed from the air by the bBBC.
I am not aware of any apology from them.
Can anyone spot a slight difference of approach to these two people from our esteemed impartial stste broadcaster?
Cliff Richard is openly Christian, that might be the problem. A quick conversion to the RoP should sort things out for him.
Here’s a predictive post for later today….
In my workshop we listen to Radio 2 (because of the music mainly) but that means suffering serial sycophant and left-wing appeaser Jeremy Vile at lunchtime. What’s the betting that today’s program has a very deliberate narrative along the lines of “it was the right that did it”? In the past 16 hours or so, the BBC have run with the suggestion that Jo Cox’s killer was a “far-right” Brexit supporter. Eyewitness accounts are conflicting, so basically there’s no firm evidence one way or another. When this man comes to trial we will (hopefully) find out the truth, but of course that’s after next Thursday. So, for the next 6 days the BBC and the disgusting guardian are happy to propagate the association between Brexit and murderous violence.
Isn’t it odd that last week we had a lone wolf, who *just happened* to be a muslim kill 50 homosexuals, and it had absolutely nothing to do with islam, but yesterday we had a lone wolf murder a single individual for reasons as yet unknown, who by all accounts had a long history of mental health issues (but no confirmed connection to the “far-right”), and all of a sudden the anti-EU anti-immigration lobby have blood on their hands. Do the general public actually swallow this bullshit, or do the BBC just think we do?
The most fitting tribute to Jo Cox (and democracy) would be to go out next Thursday and don’t let this senseless murder influence the way you vote. After all, if Cox’s murder swings the vote then violence has won, surely? I bet we won’t find that sentiment going viral on Twitter though, will we….
Vote brexit
Vote early
Vote often
Well if tower hamlets can do it……
“Do the general public actually swallow this bullshit”
I’m afraid enough of them probably do.
James O Brian on LBC hits a new low this morning calling for restraints on free speech and blaming Brexiters for Jo Cox’s murder.
No respect for the break in campaigning whatsoever.
Only the perverted minds of the Left could blame us for this tragedy. They really are scum. The same scum who won’t blame Islam for Islamic terrorism. They are mentally ill.
I don’t work for the Guardian so I hesitate to speculate without any facts, but as that seems to be the standard policy of the media and especially the BBC, I’ll throw in a comment on the Jo Cox murder.
Last Monday Parliament considered the petition to reduce the amount spent on foreign aid. There was one reference to mental health, by Ian Austin, but it was to the mental health of Palestinians:
“For example, can the Minister consider funding the Cherish Project and the One to One Children’s Fund, which tackle the mental health problems suffered by children affected on both sides of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?”
If I was a user of mental health services in the UK and was concerned at their chronic underfunding I might have gone to my MP’s next surgery to make the point that some of the aid money would be better spent on British patients. If I was seriously unwell at the time I would have wanted to make my point very strongly (and I’d be without the normal inhibitions that restrain us from unsocial behaviour), and if my MP gave me an unsympathetic response I might then have become violent. If I became violent I might at the same time be shouting something about putting British services first.
There are lots of “if”s in that paragraph, but to me it makes at least as much sense as the MSM reports.
Yes, but that would be the fault of those of us who signed the petition, thus forcing Parliament to talk about it in the first place.
I stepped in a large pile of bird guano this morning. It had more decency and intelligence than James O’Brian.
The pressure on the BBC from online sources grows, as people sick of the BBC’s routine deceit do their own broadcasting. In the past the Corporation was the only voice available. My, how the tide has turned….
This from a link on the excellent Going Postal:
Remarkable coincidence
Anna Lindh was a Swedish MP who died in the early morning of 11 September 2003 after a knife attack in Stockholm on the afternoon of 10 September. Just after 4 pm, she was attacked while shopping in the ladies’ section of the Nordiska Kompaniet department store in central Stockholm. During the final weeks of her life she was involved in the pro-euro campaign preceding the Swedish referendum on the euro, held on 14 September 2003 (three days after her death). As a popular pro-euro politician, she was a spokesperson for the campaign. Lindh was an outspoken campaigner for Sweden to join the Eurozone in the referendum held on 14 September 2003. After the attack, all euro-campaign events were immediately cancelled. But the referendum went ahead with no campaigning.Despite speculation that sympathy for Lindh could influence the voting, the euro was rejected in the referendum.
It could just be co-incidence, and probably is but the similarities are alarming. Both were young, female MPs from whose deaths much sympathy is due, but is being milked to the levels we’re witnessing. Both were avid pro-EU campaigners and were killed by men with psychiatric problems right before important EU referendums. Both referendums were going the way of freedom, not EU. In both cases the deaths were expolited by the left to get sympathy for their undemocratic cause. Tin foil hat off now as it is probably just a ghastly co-incidence, but it is still possible that these men with mental health problems could have been wound up to commit these acts by an unscrupulous lefty-type (aren’t they all?) as they believe violence is good for their evil cause and don’t mind any number of casualties for the “greater good”.
Wearing my tin foil hat dare I suggest that the very powerful drugs he was on may have made it possible to programme or influence his behaviour.
Do we actually know he was taking any medication at all?
‘Mair, 52, who was arrested by armed officers shortly after the attack, had spoken about receiving “psychotherapy and medication”, and was described by his younger brother as having “a history of mental illness”.’
I think that needs taking with some caution. The piece about Mair that appeared in a local newspaper some while ago referred to his having found gardening therapy more useful than medication – the implication being that he was not taking anti-psychotics or other medications at that time.
This opens up a great number of possibilities – not least because we have absolutely no knowledge of what medications he had been prescribed, nor any real information about his actual condition.
My feeling is that the more we are told about this curious incident, the less we actually know.
Even if not taking medication any more his fragile state might indicate a weak mind that is easily persuaded. The other killer also has seen inside of psychiatric institutions. Look, It quite probably is just a co-incidence, or even a very unlikely set of co-incidences but the left are so evil I would probably not be surprised if it turns out there was more to it. Although we would probably never hear the truth if that is the case.
That really my point. It’s a little too easy to dismiss this incident as the actions of ‘a nutter off his meds’ (not that I’m saying G.W.F. is suggesting this). Until we find out what has really gone on here (assuming we ever do) making easy assumptions could conceal a darker truth.
It is reported in some quarters that Cameron has recalled Parliament. What does he hope to profit from this? Surely not even he could attempt to use the recent murder of Jo Cox to delay the referendum! I have just watched the DP and there was no hint of anyone trying to make capital out of the recent murder of the MP. But with AN in the chair I didn’t expect that there would be. However, I am concerned that the ongoing attempts of the Remainers to do so may bear fruit. What a sickening way to try to subvert the will of the British people.
Cameron will use any dirty trick in the book to deny us our freedom. He is a very wicked man.
Its clear that exploiting this murder for Bremain is BY NO MEANS limited to the BBC but the vast bulk of the establishment media.
I suspect they justify on on the grounds that its ‘what Jo would have wanted’ . Her husband Brendan cox is certainly a left wing pro Bremain fanatic as Jo herself was. View his Twitter page.
Tweets by MrBrendanCox
Europe migrant crisis: Charity rejects EU funds over migrant policy
Left wing political lobby group Medecins Sans Frontieres has decided that politicing is much more important than actually doing anything to help people, so it has decided to refuse EU money as a protest that the EU won’t have an open borders policy on immigration !
Next time the MSF chuggers stop me in the high street I will tell them they are not allowed to accept my money as I am a fervent closed borders person!
Yes the political goal is what matters not the individuals.
FTSE, Pound and oil all up today. When they fell the other day it was Brexit fear driving the markets. No explanation in the BBC Business section about what is causing the rise. How strange.
I have posted before that the BBC always report falls, but not rises. And , in their language, a 1 % fall is a “crash”, “slump” or whatever dramatic language. Just part of the bias !
“Tumble” is another favourite !
According to Yahoo the rise is due to the Brexit campaign being suspended for moment. I kid you not.
I wonder how much the EU paid some junior hack to write that drivel?
If someone is murdered next week and the BBC can find a so-called witness to claim they were shouting “down with the Olympics”, will there be calls to cancel the games in Rio?
I certainly hope so !
Well, they don’t seem to be too bothered about a dangerous health threat to a significant proportion of the global population posed by the Rio games, so I doubt this scenario would have a vast impact.
Don’t know the relevance of this image. Jo Cox, the poor murdered lady, giving a surely impartial talk to children on the EU referendum. But isn’t that the BBC referendum logo on the table?
The question on the board. What are migrants and immigrants? What’s the difference?
I’m sure they heard an alternative view from another speaker at some point
TBF its the school not the MP should be blamed here.
The MP’s job is to promote her politics, its what she was voted in to do. The headteachers role is to ensure that the children are educated, not indoctrinated.
The scene is a very worrying one though. Cox was quite an extremist after all, making it her business to promote Syrian migrant interests.
Her answer to her own question would be very interesting.
Good heavens. Back in the 1970s when I was in school, nobody would have dreamt of allowing a sitting MP of any persuasion into a classroom other than to hand out prizes.
But that was before education, education, education ……..
Or should that be indoctrination, indoctrination, indoctrination ……..
Of all people Cyril Smith appeared in my comprehensive in Hants in I think 1976ish and gave a speech. I have no recollection of what he said all I remember is he was even fatter in real life and we were not allowed to ask questions. Apparently he was a friend of the headmaster.