It seems to me that if an “extreme Right-winger ” was going to kill a Leftie, he would choose someone more prominent. The Court case should be interesting, but that will be after the Referendum and the Left will milk this for all it is worth between now and then. Shameless.
I am in two minds. I hope Dover is right, but I fear that Roland has a point. There are some people just so stupid that they will be swayed by misplaced sentiment. Dover, yes, the killer has to be charged soon and that may close down some comment.
I advise those of you with any blood pressure issues to avoid Facebook. This is being shamelessly exploited there by the Remainiacs. They just can’t help themselves. Someone who I know is a BBC journalist is stirring it by linking to a speech made by Jo Cox saying Brexit isn’t the answer to fears about immigration.
Link to the comment making such a link? Even so, on FaceBook such efforts at least can be argued with, and without that special something BBC mods bring to HYS debates.
It is all very tragic. A husband & two children crying themselves to sleep should be in peoples’ thoughts & prayers but some are using it to slander & libel merely to gain a political advantage.
What to do? Falsely accused and remain silent? Challenge the main perpetrators, such as those published in the Guardian and on their web-site? As many as possible stand up and make a fuss in e-mails, letters, on web-sites or in personal protests? I don’t have an answer. Maybe the first option may be best. Don’t know.
What I do know is that a massive turn-out next Thursday would be a fitting tribute to Jo Cox, irrespective of the result. A demonstration that we value our Parliamentary democracy and will not let it or our representatives be taken away.
Staying home and not voting should not be an option considered by anyone.
I don’t do Facebook I’m afraid for this very reason. I was shown it by a friend who knows the person involved. The BBC is renowned for trying to manipulate opinion via social media showing them for the blatant propaganda merchants they truly are.
Great video, thanks for posting it. Those youngsters give cause for optimism. The idiot did not like facts thrown in his bigoted face by someone of his own colour; someone he obviously considers some kind of traitor. Let us hope that young black man runs for office in the future.
A very refreshing alternative to some of the UK ‘yoof’ arguments for voting IN, such as;
The EU gives us free travel! This despite the fact that air travel is far more expensive, they still have to use a passport, European Union of course, and every airport is full of armed to the teeth poodles. Not what I remember in my day of cheap travel on a 12 month passport to European countries that were incedibly cheap to eat and drink had their own individual cultures and currencies and were friendly, I never had to remove my shoes either? Just what do they think people did for holidays before the year 2000??
The foreign footballers will be sent home? Just unbelievable.
It’s my future because I’m young! Because nobody over the age of 20 has a future do they?
And the old favourite…IT’S WAYYYCCCISSSSSSSTTT to vote LEAVE?
“Calderdale gang jailed for grooming and abusing girls”
But don’t ruin the fun. Find it from the front page, and time yourself. I did it in 1 min 3 seconds.
Definitely hidden this one. 6 clicks to Leeds and West Yorkshire. Then under all the Jo Cox stuff, ironically.
It’s quite a list of enrichers. 15 in all.
Read it while you can.
Mark Easton slips in a bit of Remain campaigning under a heading concerning the need for respect, which the death of Jo Cox reminds up.
Hey tosser, respect has to be earned, and you mate, have no respect as a journalist who acts like a whore, using a death to damn the case for Brexit.
‘And with immigration the dominant theme of the referendum debate, there have been moments when the “respect for other cultures” the prime minister wishes to promote has been replaced by statements that sound more like inflammatory xenophobia.’ Says Easton.
Much more of this tagged on to Jo Cox’s death and I will refuse to watch the luvvie parade for her funeral on TV.
Any death of this nature highlights the need for a lot of things.
Short of creating a Stepford Population of clones based on the Owen Jones template, it runs into a variety of human realities, and failings. Many of the former make our evolution a wonderful journey; too many of the latter serve as unpleasant hurdles to overcome along the way.
The BBC lives in an idealistic bubble that bursts regularly, but thanks to the unique way the real world doesn’t need to matter to them, they are unaffected.
The worst part is they are matched, and often exceeded in this by almost all in the Houses of Parliament now.
Turns out that the only witness to the cry of ‘Britain First’ cry one Graeme Howard is a member of the BNP deadly haters of Britain First who split from them.
Makes you wonder what kind of a town can manage to have a deranged murderer and a BNP member in close proximity at lunchtime on a Thursday ?
There are other stories circulating locally that he blamed Jo unfairly because he was being treated for mental health problems and the NHS had discharged him because of cuts.
If this does turn out to be true then there going to be an awful lot of lefties with egg on their faces.
“If this does turn out to be true then there going to be an awful lot of lefties with egg on their faces.”
No. The lefties will draw a line under it and the BBC will never mention their lies again. At least not until enough time has passed that we’ve forgotten that they were lies – then they’ll become the truth on a BBC archive programme of what happened in 2016.
The Independent – Jo Cox death: Suspect linked to far-right political group that campaigned against the EU – Link between Thomas Mair and the Springbok Club
“The man arrested over the killing of Labour MP Jo Cox is believed to have had long-term links with a hard-right group based in London which had been ( … wait for it!) campaigning for many years for Britain to leave the European Union.
( hmmm campaigning to leave … ah get it, leave campaign far right shooting, stabbing, mentally unstable racists, no wonder Cameron wants erm “a break” from the campaigning)
You can get the latest updates on Jo Cox’s death via our liveblog … ( I bet)
Thomas Mair was named as a supporter in an online publication of the Springbok Club, an organisation which has defended the white supremacist apartheid regime in South Africa.”
Oddly, the bbc web site for news is no longer mentioning cries of Britain First.
However, they are lecturing the world on not being beastly to others. No doubt hey have the personal attacks on Boris and Gove in mind along with the gut wrenching bulling by Geldof and his wealthy chums against the poorly paid fishermen in the Thames.
Which you’d have to say is surprising as the BBC have led the personal assaults on anyone who doesn’t agree with a specific left wing frame of mind.
Freedom day approaches. Practice drawing your crosses now.
The witness is Clarke Rothwell who is also a BNP member is it just co-incidence that two of them just happened to be in the same place at the same time?
The shameless, agenda driven, campaigning continues:
There are no depths the vermin at the BBC will not plumb in exploiting the horrific death of a young mother.
Anybody unfortunate enough to catch the One o’clock news on R4 would have been treated to some shocking input from Glenys Kinnock. She was obviously upset by the death of Jo Cox but then went on to spout the most outrageous bullshit about politicians.
It seems that enough is enough and it is now time for the public to pay respect to politicians. The notion that politicians are only in it to ‘feather their nest’ is completely untrue. Ths would be stupid coming from most people but she and her husband are the ultimate troughers. I am actually impressed that such dismal, mediocre failures have been able to build up such a fortune by milking the public purse but her comments were truely appalling and fully supported by the BBC clone.
The soap dodger himself Geldof believes he was putting Britain first on the Thames.
The traitorous Tory cabal believe so too (after themselves of course).
Mr Farage who has worked so tirelessly for so long, believes so too.
Putting Britain first is embedded in my heart, I was there first time round to see the Tories
shamelessly swindle and lie to the public, and see Thatcher in 75 go all out to swing the vote again.
If it wasn t for J Delors, she wouldn t have done her U turn, the Tories once again are doubling up on the “lie a day”.
Pushing to once again stage manage the whole thing, peddling the nations wealth to manipulate the public,
Positioning the ex Mayor of London, and Lord Chancellor as erm “men of the people” … spit in your face and tell you its raining eh?.
A very calm and precise reply to some downright libellous accusations from the leftard media. Not that it will make any difference the the self flagellating left, they have got their martyr, their Evita, I’m fully expecting Lloyd Webber’s Coxita to hit Broadway soon, and they will milk it for all it’s worth.
Even the poodle force are as bad, just look at the two thick morons from the local constabulary who are at pains to reinforce that the attack was ‘right wing’, would they have dared to say any attack by a muslim was a muslim/islamic crime? Every outlet is reporting that Mair said..Britain First’ or, as a piss poor alternative because it doesn’t fit their narrative, ‘put Britain first’.
Now, with Cox’s background and her involvement with Syria, Kashmir, Gaza and The West Bank I’m guessing that, like many people, Mair was possibly of the opinion that Cox should have been concentrating a bit more on doing what she was voted in to do…representing British voters and interests rather than using parliament to further the rights of Syrian refugees?
Or it could be, as has been mentioned, that he has been badly let down with the treatment of his mental health issues by a system and political class that no longer gives a shit about the Mair’s of this country, he is at the back of the queue behind a myriad of different nationalities who are entitled to the same treatment as Mair despite putting nothing into the NHS.
Either way the fact that a British national felt so disenfranchised in his own town and country that he felt compelled to commit such a violent act should set alarm bell ringing with the liberal political classes but it won’t because what has happened will serve their purposes perfectly..they get to exploit the loss of ‘one of their own’ and Mair is typical of the ‘little Englander’ that they want to get rid of, or exterminate if they could. It’s just another step to obtaining the utopian multi culti diversified world they crave.
No one does self pity like the left and the bbc, don’t they love a good death? But, in a week that has seen a little child dragged to his death by an alligator in front of his despairing parents, a French policeman and his partner murdered in front of their child and 50 innocent night clubbers murdered in cold blood I’m all out of tears, yes, I feel for the family of Cox but as Stephen Twigg found out many years ago, and hopefully tony Bliar will find out soon, if you are going to stick your nose into other countries’ business then you are going to create animisity and resentment. It’s no coincidence that it’s the idiots from labour who have been attacked yet they still see nothing wrong with their beliefs.
Dead right. Had our assassin shouted “Allah Akbar”…and not the supposed “Britain First”…do we REALLY think that the liberal media and BBC would be looking into his mosques, his “Islam for Dummies” or his internet searches to Inspire and Memri?
I`d be very careful if I were the Left and lazy…pretty clear they do a pigpile when its safe(White pondlife on the right)…but do a synchronised swim and tableau around any incident where Muslims are concerned-we all know it.
Agreed absolutely. It’s amazing, the logical inconsistency, isn’t it?.
With Jo Cox, the left say the killer was obviously inspired by ideas put forward by eg Farage, therefore UKIP/Leave are to blame. And NOT that he was enraged by mass unbridled Muslim immigration causing services to collapse and vast integration problems.
But with Orlando, the left say the killer was NOT inspired by Islam, but by gays kissing in public, which enraged him. Go figure! In their view, clearly Muslims are good and therefore blameless, and right-wingers are bad and therefore guilty. It is totally illogical. (Now expecting tirade of abuse from some crazed left-winger who cannot argue logically against this.)
And the answer is clearly gun-control, so when are we going to start having the “gun control” conversation in the UK? Uh… oh wait, we already have gun control… And so does France, and Belgium, and everywhere else in Europe where “Ramadan sacrifices” are happening almost daily now.
Good to see you back Zero. Using the same italicized quotes interspersed with banal accusations that you and Jerrod practice together when not fondling each other.
As I understand it, once someone is charged the media can’t discuss the event. I fully expect them to string it out for a while yet and milk it for all it’s worth.
I am of the belief that this murder (completely unrelated to the referendum) will have little or no effect on the vote next Thursday; I also think that this is another occasion when the Progressives should be given enough media rope with which to hang themselves.
They WILL overplay their hand with this and using a senseless murder as part of their campaign against Brexit, to which it is completely unconnected, WILL blow up in their faces (IMHO).
It is quite possible that it could actually harm their cause if they do try and smear the Leave campaign with this woman’s blood.
The information contained in the Britain First film (posted above) will appear in the MSM over the next few days, her coming out to the street and intervening in an altercation prior to being killed etc, and all those who have attempted to spin lies off this awful crime won’t be viewed by the public with much admiration or kindness.
Even so the public, what they’ll remember the initial narrative that’s what the Tory cabal remain campaign is relying on basically its the project fear and drip drip drip propaganda, the BBC, the LBC, the newspapers people as they’re going home from work, reading the free crap – brexit supporter brutally murdered a vote remain MP
It s the Google buzzwords that count today, that’s what people are going to remember even (as has been said before) if the gutter press have to print retractions later, by then guess what … it will be all over.
The BBC will be trumpeting Shillary Clinton, and the Southern Preposterous Lies Centre, Uncle Tom Cobley and all on loop
… but hey that’s not campaigning … wink wink
Breitbart did some *real* journalism today – how refreshing! They actually went up to Birstall and had a look around.
First of all, they found no record of the witness named in the Guardian – Graeme Howard – living in the area at all, this was the witness who the Guardian relied on for the “Britain First” quote in their Twitter feed yesterday.
Breitbart went to Bond St, where the Guardian said Mr Howard lived, and could find no trace of him. There are only two residential addresses on Bond St (it’s a short street and mostly shops) so it shouldn’t have been hard to track him down if he really lived there, should it?
Local dry cleaner Aamir Tahir was also quoted as hearing the “Britain First” shout, but Mr. Tahir later told other news outlets that he “wasn’t there [at the scene]” and simply heard the allegation as second-hand information. Another witness, Hicham Ben Abdallah, has said that he heard no such claim.
So now everyone has recanted apart from Graeme Howard who doesn’t seem to exist, so there are no eye witnesses left. There are however eyewitnesses saying they definitely did not hear the reported shout, and in fact it seems most likely that he shouted nothing at all.
(NB Now that Breitbart has flagged up the non-existent witness, watch out for phoney “Graeme Howard” appearances on the BBC a la Brett Martin, and they won’t show any of the counter-witnesses.)
Breitbart also found a sign in a shop window (presumably the cafe?) saying: “Please note I did not tackle the gunman and no one! shouted Britain First at any time“.
I went to the BBC website expecting to see a full retraction but they were too busy virtue-signalling Cameron/Corbyn and ignoring the Leave leaders.
The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) published the itemised invoice yesterday for one Mr Thomas Mair, including the “Improvised Munitions Handbook”, among other items of extremist literature.
They also have a photocopy of the page showing how to make the improvised gun.
24 hours after? It was within 6 hours they claimed this, but then obtaining a list of subscribers isn’t that difficult. They have no evidence that he ever constructed the weapon nor that it was used to kill Jo Cox.
@Thoughtful But it wasn’t a list of subscribers. It was an itemised invoice addressed personally to Mr Thomas Mair. And I did say “less than 24 hours”, it took me a while to get to their site. Only six hours? Way too quick if you ask me. Eyewitness(es) said the weapon looked “home made”, not retracted as far as I can see.
Fedup2Mar 19, 20:17 Midweek 19th March 2025 Im guessing the swords abd hatchet party the took place in Forest Gate after school yesterday – one serious -…
Fedup2Mar 19, 20:15 Midweek 19th March 2025 Richard – I think many ‘followers ‘ of Farage glossed over the fact that he wasn’t invited to the inauguration…
JeffMar 19, 20:14 Midweek 19th March 2025 I’ve just seen the piece about the latest TV drama that has every left-wing luvvie in Blighty creaming their ill…
Fedup2Mar 19, 20:11 Midweek 19th March 2025 Nice touch of criminal incitement there – one for the -er – Feds …
Fedup2Mar 19, 20:09 Midweek 19th March 2025 Telegraph be ing woke – reporting on a mr Pankaj Lamba who the cps alleges murdered his his – stuck…
Richard PinderMar 19, 20:09 Midweek 19th March 2025 This below is why Trump did not invite Farage to his inauguration. Farage ‘All Members of Parliament will be allowed…
Terminal MoraineMar 19, 19:24 Midweek 19th March 2025 By contrast — “‘It proved the US’s biggest gangsta rapper could be vulnerable’: How Tupac wrote the ultimate anthem for…
SluffMar 19, 19:23 Midweek 19th March 2025 The alternate Universe that is the BBCWorld has been dealt a blow. From their webshite front page………….where else? ‘Hungary bans…
Lucy PevenseyMar 19, 19:23 Midweek 19th March 2025 [img][/img]
Terminal MoraineMar 19, 19:07 Midweek 19th March 2025 The BBC, like everyone else it seems, is enraptured by the new Netflix show Adolescence, in which a schoolboy is…
It seems to me that if an “extreme Right-winger ” was going to kill a Leftie, he would choose someone more prominent. The Court case should be interesting, but that will be after the Referendum and the Left will milk this for all it is worth between now and then. Shameless.
The killer will be charged soon. No comment will then be allowed on the case for risk of contempt of court proceedings.
I can’t see this murder changing voters’ decisions.
You are very optimistic. I wish I shared it.
Remain will continue to spout about “hate” and tie that to Brexit.
I am in two minds. I hope Dover is right, but I fear that Roland has a point. There are some people just so stupid that they will be swayed by misplaced sentiment. Dover, yes, the killer has to be charged soon and that may close down some comment.
I advise those of you with any blood pressure issues to avoid Facebook. This is being shamelessly exploited there by the Remainiacs. They just can’t help themselves. Someone who I know is a BBC journalist is stirring it by linking to a speech made by Jo Cox saying Brexit isn’t the answer to fears about immigration.
Link to the comment making such a link? Even so, on FaceBook such efforts at least can be argued with, and without that special something BBC mods bring to HYS debates.
It is all very tragic. A husband & two children crying themselves to sleep should be in peoples’ thoughts & prayers but some are using it to slander & libel merely to gain a political advantage.
What to do? Falsely accused and remain silent? Challenge the main perpetrators, such as those published in the Guardian and on their web-site? As many as possible stand up and make a fuss in e-mails, letters, on web-sites or in personal protests? I don’t have an answer. Maybe the first option may be best. Don’t know.
What I do know is that a massive turn-out next Thursday would be a fitting tribute to Jo Cox, irrespective of the result. A demonstration that we value our Parliamentary democracy and will not let it or our representatives be taken away.
Staying home and not voting should not be an option considered by anyone.
I don’t do Facebook I’m afraid for this very reason. I was shown it by a friend who knows the person involved. The BBC is renowned for trying to manipulate opinion via social media showing them for the blatant propaganda merchants they truly are.
Great video, thanks for posting it. Those youngsters give cause for optimism. The idiot did not like facts thrown in his bigoted face by someone of his own colour; someone he obviously considers some kind of traitor. Let us hope that young black man runs for office in the future.
Jesus F Christ and I thought the level of debate in the UK was crap. Holy Mother !!!!!!!!!
Grant, do you really need to say it that way?
A very refreshing alternative to some of the UK ‘yoof’ arguments for voting IN, such as;
The EU gives us free travel! This despite the fact that air travel is far more expensive, they still have to use a passport, European Union of course, and every airport is full of armed to the teeth poodles. Not what I remember in my day of cheap travel on a 12 month passport to European countries that were incedibly cheap to eat and drink had their own individual cultures and currencies and were friendly, I never had to remove my shoes either? Just what do they think people did for holidays before the year 2000??
The foreign footballers will be sent home? Just unbelievable.
It’s my future because I’m young! Because nobody over the age of 20 has a future do they?
And the old favourite…IT’S WAYYYCCCISSSSSSSTTT to vote LEAVE?
I’d swap this kid for any of the above.
“Calderdale gang jailed for grooming and abusing girls”
But don’t ruin the fun. Find it from the front page, and time yourself. I did it in 1 min 3 seconds.
Definitely hidden this one. 6 clicks to Leeds and West Yorkshire. Then under all the Jo Cox stuff, ironically.
It’s quite a list of enrichers. 15 in all.
Read it while you can.
I think Thoughtful mentioned this earlier. There seem to be more details given here via Guido from Der Speigel.
Beware, though, those of you with dodgy blood pressure!!!
And people want to remain in this club of corruption? Once “things” get underway again, I hope our side bring this up.
Bad day with Guido today – doing quite bit of censoring, on a par with HYS moderation
Mark Easton slips in a bit of Remain campaigning under a heading concerning the need for respect, which the death of Jo Cox reminds up.
Hey tosser, respect has to be earned, and you mate, have no respect as a journalist who acts like a whore, using a death to damn the case for Brexit.
‘And with immigration the dominant theme of the referendum debate, there have been moments when the “respect for other cultures” the prime minister wishes to promote has been replaced by statements that sound more like inflammatory xenophobia.’ Says Easton.
Much more of this tagged on to Jo Cox’s death and I will refuse to watch the luvvie parade for her funeral on TV.
That’ll teach them.
Any death of this nature highlights the need for a lot of things.
Short of creating a Stepford Population of clones based on the Owen Jones template, it runs into a variety of human realities, and failings. Many of the former make our evolution a wonderful journey; too many of the latter serve as unpleasant hurdles to overcome along the way.
The BBC lives in an idealistic bubble that bursts regularly, but thanks to the unique way the real world doesn’t need to matter to them, they are unaffected.
The worst part is they are matched, and often exceeded in this by almost all in the Houses of Parliament now.
Well here’s a turn up!
Turns out that the only witness to the cry of ‘Britain First’ cry one Graeme Howard is a member of the BNP deadly haters of Britain First who split from them.,_reference
Makes you wonder what kind of a town can manage to have a deranged murderer and a BNP member in close proximity at lunchtime on a Thursday ?
There are other stories circulating locally that he blamed Jo unfairly because he was being treated for mental health problems and the NHS had discharged him because of cuts.
If this does turn out to be true then there going to be an awful lot of lefties with egg on their faces.
The Guardian is reporting that “Nazi regalia” has been found at his home. Whatever that means. I haven’t seen it reported elsewhere.
(That link crashes my browser)
Knowing the Guardian’s penchant for hyperbole, perhaps it was a Volkswagen badge on the front of a Beastie Boys album.
According to al-Beeb Nazi Regalia only qualifies as Right Wing! “Jo Cox MP death: Police probe right wing links to MP’s killing”
Far right being reserved for members of UKIP I presume.
Right Wing = Nazi = UKIP. Simple really !
“If this does turn out to be true then there going to be an awful lot of lefties with egg on their faces.”
No. The lefties will draw a line under it and the BBC will never mention their lies again. At least not until enough time has passed that we’ve forgotten that they were lies – then they’ll become the truth on a BBC archive programme of what happened in 2016.
The Independent – Jo Cox death: Suspect linked to far-right political group that campaigned against the EU – Link between Thomas Mair and the Springbok Club
“The man arrested over the killing of Labour MP Jo Cox is believed to have had long-term links with a hard-right group based in London which had been ( … wait for it!) campaigning for many years for Britain to leave the European Union.
( hmmm campaigning to leave … ah get it, leave campaign far right shooting, stabbing, mentally unstable racists, no wonder Cameron wants erm “a break” from the campaigning)
You can get the latest updates on Jo Cox’s death via our liveblog … ( I bet)
Thomas Mair was named as a supporter in an online publication of the Springbok Club, an organisation which has defended the white supremacist apartheid regime in South Africa.”
Oddly, the bbc web site for news is no longer mentioning cries of Britain First.
However, they are lecturing the world on not being beastly to others. No doubt hey have the personal attacks on Boris and Gove in mind along with the gut wrenching bulling by Geldof and his wealthy chums against the poorly paid fishermen in the Thames.
Which you’d have to say is surprising as the BBC have led the personal assaults on anyone who doesn’t agree with a specific left wing frame of mind.
Freedom day approaches. Practice drawing your crosses now.
Damn edit timed out!
The witness is Clarke Rothwell who is also a BNP member is it just co-incidence that two of them just happened to be in the same place at the same time?
The shameless, agenda driven, campaigning continues:
There are no depths the vermin at the BBC will not plumb in exploiting the horrific death of a young mother.
Anybody unfortunate enough to catch the One o’clock news on R4 would have been treated to some shocking input from Glenys Kinnock. She was obviously upset by the death of Jo Cox but then went on to spout the most outrageous bullshit about politicians.
It seems that enough is enough and it is now time for the public to pay respect to politicians. The notion that politicians are only in it to ‘feather their nest’ is completely untrue. Ths would be stupid coming from most people but she and her husband are the ultimate troughers. I am actually impressed that such dismal, mediocre failures have been able to build up such a fortune by milking the public purse but her comments were truely appalling and fully supported by the BBC clone.
One should always, listen to all sides
The soap dodger himself Geldof believes he was putting Britain first on the Thames.
The traitorous Tory cabal believe so too (after themselves of course).
Mr Farage who has worked so tirelessly for so long, believes so too.
Putting Britain first is embedded in my heart, I was there first time round to see the Tories
shamelessly swindle and lie to the public, and see Thatcher in 75 go all out to swing the vote again.
If it wasn t for J Delors, she wouldn t have done her U turn, the Tories once again are doubling up on the “lie a day”.
Pushing to once again stage manage the whole thing, peddling the nations wealth to manipulate the public,
Positioning the ex Mayor of London, and Lord Chancellor as erm “men of the people” … spit in your face and tell you its raining eh?.
A very calm and precise reply to some downright libellous accusations from the leftard media. Not that it will make any difference the the self flagellating left, they have got their martyr, their Evita, I’m fully expecting Lloyd Webber’s Coxita to hit Broadway soon, and they will milk it for all it’s worth.
Even the poodle force are as bad, just look at the two thick morons from the local constabulary who are at pains to reinforce that the attack was ‘right wing’, would they have dared to say any attack by a muslim was a muslim/islamic crime? Every outlet is reporting that Mair said..Britain First’ or, as a piss poor alternative because it doesn’t fit their narrative, ‘put Britain first’.
Now, with Cox’s background and her involvement with Syria, Kashmir, Gaza and The West Bank I’m guessing that, like many people, Mair was possibly of the opinion that Cox should have been concentrating a bit more on doing what she was voted in to do…representing British voters and interests rather than using parliament to further the rights of Syrian refugees?
Or it could be, as has been mentioned, that he has been badly let down with the treatment of his mental health issues by a system and political class that no longer gives a shit about the Mair’s of this country, he is at the back of the queue behind a myriad of different nationalities who are entitled to the same treatment as Mair despite putting nothing into the NHS.
Either way the fact that a British national felt so disenfranchised in his own town and country that he felt compelled to commit such a violent act should set alarm bell ringing with the liberal political classes but it won’t because what has happened will serve their purposes perfectly..they get to exploit the loss of ‘one of their own’ and Mair is typical of the ‘little Englander’ that they want to get rid of, or exterminate if they could. It’s just another step to obtaining the utopian multi culti diversified world they crave.
No one does self pity like the left and the bbc, don’t they love a good death? But, in a week that has seen a little child dragged to his death by an alligator in front of his despairing parents, a French policeman and his partner murdered in front of their child and 50 innocent night clubbers murdered in cold blood I’m all out of tears, yes, I feel for the family of Cox but as Stephen Twigg found out many years ago, and hopefully tony Bliar will find out soon, if you are going to stick your nose into other countries’ business then you are going to create animisity and resentment. It’s no coincidence that it’s the idiots from labour who have been attacked yet they still see nothing wrong with their beliefs.
Solid post
Dead right. Had our assassin shouted “Allah Akbar”…and not the supposed “Britain First”…do we REALLY think that the liberal media and BBC would be looking into his mosques, his “Islam for Dummies” or his internet searches to Inspire and Memri?
I`d be very careful if I were the Left and lazy…pretty clear they do a pigpile when its safe(White pondlife on the right)…but do a synchronised swim and tableau around any incident where Muslims are concerned-we all know it.
Agreed absolutely. It’s amazing, the logical inconsistency, isn’t it?.
With Jo Cox, the left say the killer was obviously inspired by ideas put forward by eg Farage, therefore UKIP/Leave are to blame. And NOT that he was enraged by mass unbridled Muslim immigration causing services to collapse and vast integration problems.
But with Orlando, the left say the killer was NOT inspired by Islam, but by gays kissing in public, which enraged him. Go figure! In their view, clearly Muslims are good and therefore blameless, and right-wingers are bad and therefore guilty. It is totally illogical. (Now expecting tirade of abuse from some crazed left-winger who cannot argue logically against this.)
And the answer is clearly gun-control, so when are we going to start having the “gun control” conversation in the UK? Uh… oh wait, we already have gun control… And so does France, and Belgium, and everywhere else in Europe where “Ramadan sacrifices” are happening almost daily now.
It’s a good job that the people on the centre right understand decency and respect at a time like this, because the rabid left certainly don’t!
Here’s one of Jeremy Corbyns ‘annecdotes’ in a Labour Briefings magazine after the Brighton bomb
“what do you call four dead Tories?”
“a start”.
If someone on the centre right said something akin to that, can you imagine the fury and violence?
“It’s a good job that the people on the centre right understand decency and respect at a time like this, because the rabid left certainly don’t!”
Does that include your attempts to blame the victim?
“The real point might be that the liberals & the Fascist Left constantly demonising the white working class is going to lead to a backlash”
Or trying to dig up smears on her husband?
“Chief strategist Brendan Cox denied allegations against him but left in September”
Or just telling outright lies?
“Here’s one of Jeremy Corbyns ‘annecdotes’…”
“Decency and respect”; two more to add to the list of words you don’t understand.
Good to see you back Zero. Using the same italicized quotes interspersed with banal accusations that you and Jerrod practice together when not fondling each other.
Has anyone been charged with this murder yet ?
As I understand it, once someone is charged the media can’t discuss the event. I fully expect them to string it out for a while yet and milk it for all it’s worth.
I am of the belief that this murder (completely unrelated to the referendum) will have little or no effect on the vote next Thursday; I also think that this is another occasion when the Progressives should be given enough media rope with which to hang themselves.
They WILL overplay their hand with this and using a senseless murder as part of their campaign against Brexit, to which it is completely unconnected, WILL blow up in their faces (IMHO).
It is quite possible that it could actually harm their cause if they do try and smear the Leave campaign with this woman’s blood.
The information contained in the Britain First film (posted above) will appear in the MSM over the next few days, her coming out to the street and intervening in an altercation prior to being killed etc, and all those who have attempted to spin lies off this awful crime won’t be viewed by the public with much admiration or kindness.
Even so the public, what they’ll remember the initial narrative that’s what the Tory cabal remain campaign is relying on basically its the project fear and drip drip drip propaganda, the BBC, the LBC, the newspapers people as they’re going home from work, reading the free crap – brexit supporter brutally murdered a vote remain MP
It s the Google buzzwords that count today, that’s what people are going to remember even (as has been said before) if the gutter press have to print retractions later, by then guess what … it will be all over.
The BBC will be trumpeting Shillary Clinton, and the Southern Preposterous Lies Centre, Uncle Tom Cobley and all on loop
… but hey that’s not campaigning … wink wink
Rumour is reaching me that the funeral of Jo Cox is planned for the day of the referendum. Tell me that isn’t deliberate.
A luvvie parade, all calling us to vote remain in remembrance of Jo.
Just take a look at the father of Jo Cox’s assistant, who presumably will only allow his daughter to talk to women
“Just take a look at the father of Jo Cox’s assistant…”
Why? In what possible way do you think that is at all relevant?
“who presumably…”
If you want a definition of racism, ‘Thoughtful’; there it is, right in front of you.
Maybe the Guardian could give him a bell?
@Zero “Rule: It is Makruh [disapproved of] for women to speak to men if it is not necessary.”
Doesn’t the inherent racism and sexism in Islam bother you at all?
Or are you only bothered when people point it out?
Shop window note: “Please note I did not tackle the gunman and no one! shouted Britain First at any time”
Breitbart did some *real* journalism today – how refreshing! They actually went up to Birstall and had a look around.
First of all, they found no record of the witness named in the Guardian – Graeme Howard – living in the area at all, this was the witness who the Guardian relied on for the “Britain First” quote in their Twitter feed yesterday.
Breitbart went to Bond St, where the Guardian said Mr Howard lived, and could find no trace of him. There are only two residential addresses on Bond St (it’s a short street and mostly shops) so it shouldn’t have been hard to track him down if he really lived there, should it?
Local dry cleaner Aamir Tahir was also quoted as hearing the “Britain First” shout, but Mr. Tahir later told other news outlets that he “wasn’t there [at the scene]” and simply heard the allegation as second-hand information. Another witness, Hicham Ben Abdallah, has said that he heard no such claim.
So now everyone has recanted apart from Graeme Howard who doesn’t seem to exist, so there are no eye witnesses left. There are however eyewitnesses saying they definitely did not hear the reported shout, and in fact it seems most likely that he shouted nothing at all.
(NB Now that Breitbart has flagged up the non-existent witness, watch out for phoney “Graeme Howard” appearances on the BBC a la Brett Martin, and they won’t show any of the counter-witnesses.)
Breitbart also found a sign in a shop window (presumably the cafe?) saying: “Please note I did not tackle the gunman and no one! shouted Britain First at any time“.
I went to the BBC website expecting to see a full retraction but they were too busy virtue-signalling Cameron/Corbyn and ignoring the Leave leaders.
One thing that puzzles me.
The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) published the itemised invoice yesterday for one Mr Thomas Mair, including the “Improvised Munitions Handbook”, among other items of extremist literature.
They also have a photocopy of the page showing how to make the improvised gun.
What troubles me is, how on earth did they manage to get this less than 24 hours after the murder?
24 hours after? It was within 6 hours they claimed this, but then obtaining a list of subscribers isn’t that difficult. They have no evidence that he ever constructed the weapon nor that it was used to kill Jo Cox.
@Thoughtful But it wasn’t a list of subscribers. It was an itemised invoice addressed personally to Mr Thomas Mair. And I did say “less than 24 hours”, it took me a while to get to their site. Only six hours? Way too quick if you ask me. Eyewitness(es) said the weapon looked “home made”, not retracted as far as I can see.