Labour MP Jo Cox has been murdered and just hours later the Guardian has passed judgement in its editorial which actually compares those who criticise Islamist extremism with the Islamist extremists of the Islamic State and of course blames the mild and sensible Nigel Farage for Jo Cox’s death…..
The rhetoric of western racism and Islamophobia is the mirror of the ideology with which Isis and al-Qaida secure their recruits and that persuades them to strap explosives to themselves, and die in order to kill. It might be especially powerful in Britain, at a time when divisive hate-mongering is seeping into the mainstream.
The slide from civilisation to barbarism is shorter than we might like to imagine. Every violent crime taints the ideal of an orderly society, but when that crime is committed against the people who are peacefully selected to write the rules, then the affront is that much more profound.
What nobler vision can there be than that of a society where people can be comfortable in their difference? And what more fundamental tenet of decency is there than to put first and to cherish all that makes us human, as opposed to what divides one group from another? These are ideals that are often maligned when they are described as multiculturalism, but they are precious nonetheless. They are the ideals which led Ms Cox to campaign tirelessly for the brutalised and displaced people of Syria, and – the most painful thought – ideals for which she may now have died.
This was no random event, and the police are investigating reports that the assailant yelled “Britain First” during the attack. This is not merely a chauvinist taunt, but the name of a far-right political party, whose candidate for City Hall turned his back in disgust on Sadiq Khan at the count, in sectarian rage at a great cosmopolitan city’s decision to make a Muslim mayor. The thuggish outfit denounced Ms Cox’s murder, as it was bound to do. But their brand of angry blame-mongering could very well serve to convince particular individuals – especially those who are already close to the edge, as it is reported Ms Cox’s murderer was – that some people are less than human, and thus fair game for attack.
The Guardian ends with this plea to honour Jo Cox’s memory as it uses every trick in the book to use her death to peddle its own political agenda……
The idealism of Ms Cox was the very antithesis of such brutal cynicism. Honour her memory. Because the values and the commitment that she embodied are all that we have to keep barbarism at bay.
Note that ‘This was no random event, and the police are investigating reports that the assailant yelled “Britain First” during the attack.’
Curious that the Guardian doesn’t take note of its own reporting…
Neighbours say suspect, named locally as Thomas Mair, did voluntary work but he may have suffered mental health issues.
n 2011, he was photographed by the local paper volunteering in nearby Oakwell Hall country park. The previous year he was quoted in the Huddersfield Daily Examiner, saying he had begun volunteering after attending Pathways Day Centre for adults with mental health problems.
“I can honestly say it has done me more good than all the psychotherapy and medication in the world,” he said. “Many people who suffer from mental illness are socially isolated and disconnected from society, feelings of worthlessness are also common, mainly caused by long-term unemployment.”
He added: “All these problems are alleviated by doing voluntary work. Getting out of the house and meeting new people is a good thing, but more important in my view is doing physically demanding and useful labour.
“When you have finished there is a feeling of achievement which is emotionally rewarding and psychologically fulfilling. For people for whom full-time, paid employment is not possible for a variety of reasons, voluntary work offers a socially positive and therapeutic alternative.”
Channel 5 news says this…
Scene in Birstall where eye witness quoted says did NOT hear anyone shouting “Britain First”
I’m sure we’ll find out the truth once the ‘police have investigated’…in the meantime the Guardian draws its own conclusions and blames Farage for the murder.
I think the wrong newspaper was closed down when the News of the World was shut for phone hacking….then again that was because of a Guardian lie as well. Perhaps it is time the Guardian, the terrorist supporting Guardian, shut its doors.
Can only imagine what the days news must have been like.
I left the radio as Today threatened me with Yvette Cooper…and came in to some crap about Jo Cox having vigils in places like Cardiff.
Shouldn`t every town over 50,000 people now be made to erect a permanent shrine site for all these public shows of emotings and grief festivals?
The nations elites seem to have all turned into blancmanges with Lady Di fringes…never seen such a bunch of blubbering wrecks snivelling over somebody none of them would have cared for before yesterday…for she was only a public sector charity shill, a Cambridge graduate with a houseboat on the Thames…hardly Nora Batty is it?
As I say above-this is no reflection of the sorrow genuinely felt for grieving kids , husband and real family…not the f***in Labour one, the Third Sector one, the Parliamentary one…for these are fake constructs for them all to practice “doing human”-to see a Kinnock snivelling into his ermine was truly shaming to all concerned.
Few point media grief thieves from Westminster and Media?
1. How come you all came up in separate cars….what a waste of petrol..can`t you sit in a shared car for a few hours?
2. How come your mental health “Care In The Community” types don`t get any attention or custody until they kill one of your types…the rest of us have to live with them, not enact “real library cuts” as we saw yesterday.
3. How come Channel 4 manage to show us that she`s a supporter of the EU-this was from her maiden speech last year, not pertinent today is it?…but, in THIS cause…well of course it is! Ask Polly.
4. Who`s ponying up for Bercows expenses…is it US again?…who asked THAT little squit to get a freebie oop north to be filmed alongside the MPs Chaplain…Rose Hudson Wilkins is it?
A few names for the elite here
Phillip Lawrence…Sharon Beshenivsky… David Rathband(good as)… Fiona Bone and Nicola Hughes…Lee Rigby…and-only a few miles away from where this identikit Labour clone died-Ann Maguire…all of THESE died in “the cause of public service”.
ALL of these had contributed more and cost us less…yet I don`t recall any media circuses calling on us for them, certainly not at the speed and status of the liberal motorcades chasing a wreath the way our daughters might once have sought the thrown bouquet.
5. Apparently our Right Wing nutter is an epileptic as well as a “mental health survivor”-aren`t we due some excuses now from Marjorie Wallace or suchlike?…or is only when the MP and media elite lose a “Remain” voter from their supper club, when we don`t “wait for the facts”…”avoid a backlash from the Parliamentary conmmunity”…or say that”this is an isolated case which has no base in anything to do with Nazism, Fascism”etc.
God Bless and keep her and her family-but the Parliamentary elite and the chattering ringworm at the BBC and the Guardian/Channel 4 really need to NOT use her body as a sandbag or a surfboard…we`re sick of them and their grave robbing.
Had years of it-and we`re voting out .
Reading about the attack on her is truly chilling, she must have been terrified and that makes me sad.
I dispise everything she stood for but hate that this has happened.
However the likes of Polly Toynbee should hang their heads in shame, but as they have no shame they will gleefully milk this along with journalists up an down the country.
A sad day for decency.
This may sound harsh but I’m sick of the coverage of this murder .
Lots of other people get murdered and life goes on for all but the immediate bereaved . If I was murdered I would expect the loads to be delivered , the others to earn their pay cheque and television to screen what it is scheduled to screen .
The BBC on WATO were on about the dangers of being an MP . Apparently 4 out of 5 have received threatening gestures of some sort or another . I reckon that’s the same for the general public . Some MPs have been attacked , so have members of the public . I bet landlords of pubs have put up with more than MPs .
Now the meme is don’t be beastly to MPs , stop being cynical about them . Adore and love them it seems .
NO . The sheer fact that these powers that be are not just commiserating with one of their own , but going into baying at the public to show compassion for someone they don’t know , and changing everything to eulogise one of their own sickens me . A certain decorum yes , indulgence at bereavement no .
The nutter who killed Jo Cox may not have been prevented , but there are scores of other murder victims who could have been prevented from being killed because the powers that be , via the parole board , have let out murderers from prison . They’re the ones I’m grieving for .
Part of me considers this to be a reality check for those in political office. Part of me is just very sad for what has happened.
For the past 15 years or so I have been involved in a job where I have known a number of people who have either died or have been crippled because of what we do.
None of us seek this as an ending to our careers – but it is parr for the course.
Yes – there is a buzz to our job but neither do we seek injury, Sorry Mr Stephen Kinnock and Mr Lammy you are not the only ones who may come to a sticky end in your employment. But most of us are not nearly has handsomely payed as you are.
You are not the only ones to recieve threats. If you work n the public eye ,there is always a chance of this sort of thing happening., Ever heard the expression that there is no such thing as a free lunch – talk to Nigel Farage and he might tell youall about it – Sorry I forgot you cant because hes a waycist and he might violate your safe space!
It is a choice many normal people have to make have to make on a daily basis. But if we dont do our jobs the wheels wont keep turning. Nothing justifies the murder of an innocent person – but if you were to go back 60 years premature death was a daily risk for many people. They just got on with it.
I dont remember even half the fuss given over Lee Rigsby – but I suppose he just was not as important
“I dont remember even half the fuss given over Lee Rigsby – but I suppose he just was not as important ”
I still find it staggering, almost beyond comprehension, that Lee Rigby’s tragic death was met with such complacence. It is a terrible indictment of our media class (interchangeable with our political class, of course) that they have lulled the population of this country into such a sleep.
I feel Sorry for her Family. Let the remainians do what they do best. We’ve had fear threats and now grief to guide us. I still have faith in the British People. It’s the people against the Establishment and it becomes more clear by the day.
High blood pressure warning! Bbcs pet project:
The secret life of a transgender airman
Leftoids think themselves the sole bearers of compassion, particularly gobby asshole Leftoids like Billy Braggart. It is said that the alleged killer of Jo Cox has a history of mental illness. Note the second word – illness – a word which is used by Leftoids to elicit sympathy and ever more money from a people and a state who can never produce enough of the latter to satisfy the ravenous, grasping Leftoid mob. It is said that the alleged killer has far-right sympathies. Leftoids, in their infinite wisdom, appear to suggest that his mental illness is likely caused by his far-right leanings. They are either very aware of both his clinical history and whether or not it pre-dates his alleged far-right sympathies or are clairvoyant. As for the ‘mental illness’ aspect, well it seems it is fine to empathise with anyone struggling to cope with it – an illness, as long as they don’t have right-wing sympathies.
That’s Leftoids for you.