Well then, the BBC has excelled itself in the past 24 hours since the tragic murder of Labour MP Jo Cox. All decent people will have been shocked by her very public and very brutal killing. The alleged killer is a man with a history of mental illness, Thomas Mair. The exact circumstances seem unclear and we don’t know why he shot and stabbed her.
But the BBC is a different trajectory. It has been hellbent to establish the idea that Mair was a right wing extremist who shouted “Britain First” before he carried out his foul deed. The BBC has persisted with this despite the fact that two of the three eye witnesses who are alleged to have heard this have since made clear they did NOT and the third is a BNP supporter!
The intent is clear. Smear those MILLIONS of British people who are preparing to vote to LEAVE next Thursday. Emotionally blackmail them, embarrass them – make them either stay at home or change their mind.
The BBC has been sickening over this – as has it’s print arm, The Guardian. They are implying that the likes of UKIP are the “hate” that drove Mair to kill. This grotesque calumny is the only show in town today. Shameful.
One week before the EU referendum, with Vote Leave ahead and with clear momentum, and Cameron floundering – all of a sudden this. Campaigning has been suspended, I suspect some would like to see the actual vote suspended. And all the while the BBC is working feverishly to politicise a murder.
These are serious charges . If the BBC is doing as you say then it is a clear case of the subvertion of the political process in pursuit of it’s own agenda. I can hardly think of a more serious charge against our state media . The Guardian is a private concern and can do as it likes within the law but the BBC cannot act as you suggest.
When this furore has subsided then it will be necessary to ascertain the real facts apertaining to the conduct of the BBC.
This murder is a real black swan event and it’s repercusions unfathomable at the moment.
Maybe the government will use it to delay or cancel the vote maybe not.
It does threaten to further poison the democratic process in this country. Already fragile it is unsustainable in it’s current form.
We have a progressive ( their self description) liberal left that does not accept the right of contrary opinion to it’s own. This much is clear from the reaction of them over the last hours.
This left has never really accepted the right of disagreement. It cannot by it’s very nature. Marxism is a natural autocracy in it’s own vision. My concern is that the state apparatus always anxious to increase it’s power will use this to impose further restrictions on free speech and possibly assembly.
I must confess I had never heard of Mrs Cox and that I suspect is true of many of us. I would hope that her murder is not used to further weaken and poison debate in the country.
Dave S,
Great post. I still ask the question. Why has no-one been charged yet ? What the hell is going on ?
When this furore has subsided then it will be necessary to ascertain the real facts apertaining to the conduct of the BBC.
Dave – as we all know, the BBC will do whatever it damn well likes and no-one will stop them.
And here we go…
Louise Mensch is right on the money here:
Spot on hadda, spot on!
Reposting some of Louise Mensch’s article here:
Normally speaking a man who is arrested by police on suspicion of murder would enjoy both fair treatment from the press and a guarding of his rights by the BBC.
Not so the mentally ill killer of heroic Jo Cox MP.
Disgracefully, David Cameron and Jeremy Corbyn both imputed political motives to Thomas Mair, which could prejudice his trial.
They spoke of “hate”. Leading EU figures disgustingly appeared to connect mentally ill Thomas with the Brexit campaign.
And the BBC did the same, on Twitter, Newsnight and across it broadcasts.
West Yorkshire Police leaked highly prejudicial crap to the Guardian about far-right memorabilia
Finally the Speaker allowed Parliament to be recalled despite the fact a man is to be tried. When I was on the Select Committee we received stern advice from Speaker’s Counsel that we could do NOTHING and say NOTHING in our hacking enquiry that would prejudice the trial of Andy Coulson.
How then is this being allowed?
Let us get this absolutely straight. Thomas Mair was severely mentally ill – and he may well, therefore, have had racist tendencies, which could be delusional.
But NOTHING thus far reported suggests that these are the “reasons” he killed poor Jo Cox, still less that the matter has ANYTHING WHATEVER to do with Brexit.
This is a scandal.
There is a conclusion one can draw from this about the BBC. The BBC and Cameron Government are working for the same end. The BBC churning out biased reports, the Cameron Government snatching the opportunity to brand this killing as a Brexit job, and the fact that the police are leaking information which may be prejudicial to any trial, without a rap on the knuckles from the Home Secretary. BBC, Government and cops, together, and the first casualties are journalistic integrity and justice.
So one allegedly unstable lone wolf murderer can taint and define a whole movement? But a myriad of such killers are an abberation and do not in any way represent the cause they claim to? Strange thing this BBC logic.
The seemingly coordinated on message national/international media response is quite something too.
This, Oldspeaker. Very much this.
Paul Joseph Watson on Infowars.com has a good take on what is going on here. It’s a pity that he’ll never be invited onto the presstitute media because he tells the truth. This poor woman has been savagely butchered on our streets by a lunatic and 1. Her husband immediately takes to Twitter, 2. Remainiacs in our country immediately shower Sh1t on normal people who value their independence and 3. Various EU mouthpieces get involved in something that is clearly none of their business.
“Her husband immediately takes to Twitter”
In a strange way, I find that one of the most disturbing aspects of all this.
If I lost my other half in this way, it would not occur to me to go to Twitter, Facebook, or even come here. It just wouldn’t.
What is the matter with people?
Agreed, his actions are beyond belief. I wonder if he loved her?
His thoughts should have been centred solely upon her.
I wonder if he is seeking attention for himself, outwardly and in an insecure fashion, seeking sympathy. Maybe that’s his coping mechanism.
Strange behaviour though.
Very odd behaviour???
Maria Brewin,
As if he had the statement and links to the photos handed to him to sign. For I could not sit down and write a coherent political statement within an hour of my wife’s death
Maria et al.
There is something very suspicious about this whole incident. There is something not ringing true in my mind. Can’t quite put my finger on it.
Grant, I feel the same. It is too convenient, and the entire media coverage seems so well orchestrated
I smell a rat !
Indeed. The Left is simply devoid of basic humanity, and this sterile and almost calculated reaction to her death is a perfect illustration. On the other hand, their hatred of the right knows no bounds – witness the vile displays when Thatcher died.
My mind goes back to Pim Fortuyn and Boris Nemtsov.
Both of who were killed for being political leaders in Holland 2002, Russia 2015 respectively.
Big stakes-not some newbie MP who`d done nothing yet.
Wrong place, wrong time for the poor woman-but to see the liberal media haring up the M1 in some kind of emotional spasm for the TV cameras is sick…really is.
We may no longer have a fishing industry…but this lot do nothing else but trawl the depths to find ANYTHING to get us to stay in the EU.
Witness the tweet from some Greek EU Commmisioner who sends “Solidarity to her Beloved”.
If that`s not the coming EU Esperanto, then what is?
This piranha feast over a woman who`s probably not set for her husband, family to visit in the funeral parlour is truly evil…and, oh so typical of the Left.
Reminds me of Murdoch, Hacked Off, Bin Ladens death…liberal psychotherapy for their failings and nastiness, overt over compo for being truly nasty indulged and amoral pygmies.
No one in the pubs will care tonight…not in the way that we did over David Rathband and Ann Maguire.
Indeed not beating the Welsh by more will be of more moment-forgive the witholding of fake emotings but we`ve all lost people we cared about…but because the BBC elite couldn`t co-opt them into loving the EU or Islam, then they`d not have given a damn.
Fuck the liberal left-and any cause that lets them feast off the bones deserves to be binned.
Bloody national state funeral next…whereas the Brighton bomb, Airey Neave and ian Gow got nothing but smirks from the lefties-so fuck `em…when we get an apology for how they treated Mrs Thatcher, then we`ll look again at it all.
Vote Leave…one less ECHR judgment that keeps our mental health casualties out of the libraries, as well as the cockpits of budget airlines across Europe.
Did the sodding bbc give any airtime to the brutal and savage murder of Kris Donald by muslims? Where was the Labour party’s outrage when a gang of muslims tortured and mutilated this poor 15 year old white boy before setting him on fire? No, nothing from the collectivists because he was white and in their eyes probably deserved his brutal end. Jesus hated evil and like him I have a hatred of evil too; the bbc epitomises evil. The question they should consider is are they ready to repent? If not, eternity is a long time to be facing damnation. But of course, they are all post religion so eternal damnation is just a fantasy put forward by stupid God botherers.
Very good point.
I see that the Lawrence woman has piped up again.
Baroness, or BBC ‘own views’ tweeter?
David Vance Jun 16:
“Can I just say how repugnant I find all those seeking to politicise the tragic and brutal death of JoCox”
David Vance Jun 12:
“Omar Marteen – the Orlando Jihadist. A registered Democrat”
He was a registered Democrat. I am sorry for pointing out a fact. As far as I am aware, I was not seeking to subvert the US Presidential race.
David Vance,
“He was a registered Democrat. I am sorry for pointing out a fact”
So by pointing out he was a Democrat you weren’t trying politicise the murders? You just thought it was worth pointing out because it was completely irrelevant?
Your slip is showing David.
Pop quiz.
(a) Which US political party is in favour of continued Muslim immigration?
(b) Which US political party is proposing a temporary halt to Muslim immigration until the security of the nation can be assured?
(c) Is this any secret?
Why is it then a problem for David Vance to state that Omar Mateen was a registered Democrat? It’s not going to influence the election one way or the other.
Trying to equate this to the media circus surrounding Jo Cox and the bogus “Britain First” shout claims is ridiculous.
Indeed. The Left is simply devoid of basic humanity, and this sterile and almost calculated reaction to her death is a perfect illustration. On the other hand, their hatred of the right knows no bounds – witness the vile displays when Thatcher died.
David Vance Jun 16:
“Can I just say how repugnant I find all those seeking to politicise the tragic and brutal death of JoCox”
David Vance Jun 17:
“As far as I am aware, I was not seeking to subvert the US Presidential race”
David Vance Jun 12:
“For clarity: it’s NOT a gun control issue, it’s a militant Islam control issue. @realDonaldTrump at recognises the essence of the problem”
No politicising of tragic and brutal deaths by you David. No, none at all. That would be repugnant wouldn’t it…
Spot the difference:
1. Jo Cox / Thomas Mair
(a) Was the claim that Jo Cox’s killer repeatedly shouted “Britain First” eventually proved true, or false?
(b) Was this claim widely trumpeted across the UK media?
(c) Have the media retracted the claim prominently in light of growing evidence that it was fabricated?
(d) Have the media publicised the claims from locals that Thomas Mair’s mentally ill grudge was over a mental health closure rather than the Leave campaign or immigration?
(e) Has Jo Cox’s brutal and tragic killing been politicised in an undemocratic attempt to unfairly delegitimise the Leave campaign?
2. Omar Mateen / Orlando / Pulse
(a) Did Omar Mateen publicly pledge allegiance to Islamic State?
(b) Why was Omar Mateen so violently homophobic?
(c) Did Omar Mateen describe Western civilisation as “filth”?
(d) Where could he possibly have got such ideas from?
(e) Have similar Islamic terror attacks occurred in countries such as France and Belgium where there is already strict gun control?
(f) How could this be a “gun control issue”?
Hey look it`s zero the LGBT booty warrior forcing himself on us yet again!!!!
Marteen himself politicised his killing.
Zero – I’m not sure what is the point you are making; could you please elucidate?
John ,
LOL ! Zero should give up the Waccy Baccy !
Na – Too much lemonade before bedtime and his mother forgot to take his “pad” away.
sealioning again zero eh???
Zero, you are back and have yet to answer my question: do you prefer sex in public toilets or at home?
Let’s stick to a subject on which you may have something interesting to say.
“Zero, you are back and have yet to answer my question: do you prefer sex in public toilets or at home?
You seem to have a strange obsession with my sex life. Do you want to watch or something? Is that what turns you on? I’ve got eight inches of uncut, silken, white meat that would leave your asshole winking like a cyclops in the rain. Meet me tomorrow in Camden public toilets at 3pm; I’ll be good and hard and waiting for you!!! Kiss, Kiss <3
Thanks. Your answer confirms research my colleague is doing supported by a large EU grant concerning the connections between internet trolls and their sexual habits. According to her findings trolls are a modern equivalent of people who write on toilet walls. And that seems to fit you perfectly.
There’s already a Parliamentary petition set up, calling for the referendum to be cancelled. Apparently it’s unnecessary as most MP’s want to stay in!
James O’Brien on LBC plumbed new shallows on his show today. Far uglier than the BBC and Qura’dian.
I’d like to know what qualifies these MP’s, journalists (and her husband) to define this as a ‘hate crime’ at this very early stage. Anyone who’s not qualified in mental health and worked extensively with the man on his issues, is in no place to comment on it.
I may sound harsh, and obviously wish it hadn’t have happened, but the more research I do, the harder I’m finding it to have a great deal of sympathy for her.
In the “Last ever picture” of her in the DM, she was in a classroom yesterday at a local school, doing a talk on immigration (presumably promoting open borders to impressionable kids)
She was a UAF supporter, as were Lee Rigby’s killers. A mob of hyped-up UAF thugs would certainly kill people they disagree with if they could get at them.
Her contempt for the struggling working-class was on display during Geldof’s flotilla on the Thames the day before.
Perhaps she should’ve put her energy in to campaigning for taxpayer’s money to be invested in mental health care for the existing British population, rather than importing Syrians.
Given that importing large numbers of Syrians seemed to be her main concern, I wonder if it’s a coincidence that her murder took place the week that it was revealed that several of the small number already here have been charged with rape.
It’s also noteworthy that this was the headline story on their local newspaper yesterday –
Why isn’t James O’Brien’s programme classed as hate crime? It seems that this ridiculous law is aimed only in one direction and it’s against normal white English citizens of our country and perpetrated by quislings like Mr O’Brien who do so with impunity.
He’s a piece of filth. He was effectively saying that all crimes committed by immigrants should get the Rotherham cover-up treatment.
Mice Height,
“I may sound harsh, and obviously wish it hadn’t have happened, but…”
How easily people on this site trot out excuses, justifications and mitigating circumstances when ever it suits.
“She was a UAF supporter, as were Lee Rigby’s killers”
Seriously, Mice Height? You typed out those words and decided they deserved a wider audience?
No excuses or justifications, there doesn’t need to be for what appears to be a senseless murder by a seriously mentally ill individual, simply observations that the victim’s policies and priorities appear to be exactly those which have alienated so many former Labour voters.
Damn right those words deserved a wider audience, as wide as possible. These extreme Leftist/Islamist groups need to be exposed at every opportunity.
UAF and similar groups are violent thugs, who cause riots and destruction wherever they go, yet are never scrutinised by the mainstream media. Strange how we didn’t get in depth reports on UAF after Lee Rigby’s murder.
They have support from M.P’s in all the major Parties, who must know that they’re little more than terrorist organisations.
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to post this again though –
And this –
Mice Height,
“No excuses or justifications…
Oh, apart from; “She was a UAF supporter, as were Lee Rigby’s killers”
Can I suggest you take a step back from viewing everything as some sort of left/right, white/black, muslim/christian point scoring contest. One more grieving mother or another orphaned child is not a match worth winning.
UAF are calling for the assassination of Donald Trump. I suppose that is OK with you Trots.
Unite Against Fascism
June 14 at 12:48pm ·
Stewart Selkirk I do not subscribe to violence or advocate it, but I will turn a blind eye if Someone uses a gun correctly and takes this MF out! If extreme ignorance is synonymous with evil, Trump is the devil’s right hand man. Sickening.
I’m sure even you can understand that that comment wasn’t an excuse or justification for her murder, but one of the reasons why I’m finding it difficult to get overly emotional about it.
UAF and such organisations are pure evil.
As for the second part of your rant, you most certainly can suggest that, but it’s irrelevant and meaningless to me.
I think you’ll find it’s you leftists that pigeon-hole everyone in to groups and sub-groups, then judge them purely based on where they currently sit on the ‘victim-status chart’.
You may, however, wish to suggest it to the media and politicians who’ve immediately used this to score political points, and who have assigned themselves judge, jury and executioner when only the flimsiest details of the crime are available. Which brings us back to the reason for the original post . . . .
zero and his favourite literary quote………….
It`s just like the biographer once said…… “It`s just like he once said”….
Go copu/paste somewhere else you morally corrupt ameoba… take your $hit elsewhere and don`t forget to flushbefore you leave…
Go spatter your $hit elsewhere you ignorant and arrogant anal cavity haven`t you got a public toilet to go to???
Take that other insect with you.. You know… the one who follows you and your sh1tposting landing on it and feeding on the mix of vomit and effluent liking the constant brown watery result of an ar$ehole suffering from dysentry emptying itself and unable to control its` bowels….
0.o look here he is…..
And with that, Justin Casey, you just lost all credibility.
is it just me or did princess di get killed today? again
Sad though this is, this is an isolated incident that could have happened to either side of the debate. It does not deflect the arguments that the EU is profoundly anti-democratic and not at all ‘like’ the USA democracy. The EU is a protection zone for failing economies and preferential (global) lobby groups. And that includes the ‘Euro’ currency which is in terminal decline, used to prop up further failing economies at the fringe of Europe. If we LEAVE we can renegotiate but not whilst we remain. The UK is free to trade with the rest of world and seek better deals globally without swinging tariffs, taxes and anti-competitive EU legislation which push prices up and wages down. The additional burden of financing ‘Brussles’ luxury lifestyles whilst smaller countries have ‘soft’ loans they will never pay back and leads to inevitable austerity (Greece) and reliant on EU benefits. Other countries such as Italy, Spain and France are not far behind. Meanwhile uncontrolled immigration (into the UK) will make the UK a destination for Ghetto dwellers and benefit seekers. We need border control and an Australian style immigration policy to ensure a skilled and able workforce. At the moment we have nothing to protect us from what happens next, from whatever whim the EU (unelected) determines. It’s nothing to do with being ‘left’ or ‘right’ (media) politics. We – the people – want our country back! And that means leaving the EU promptly with our our own London Stock Exchange, banks, societies and legal system free from Napoleonic laws alien to this country. The EU will endanger all of Europe. We demand the right to be free. No taxation without representation!
Psychiatric crazies are always attracted to big issues that involve violence. The Islamic extremists revel in notoriety and that cannot be ignored in the wider context of the BBC news reporting that continually fails to bring to account notable mass murderers that have arguable leftist, marxist philosophies they seem to approve of. Its possible that pschos that listen to the BBC constantly can have their mind warped to public murder. We should not discount that the BBC may be slightly deranged in their reporting of such incidents and blame anyone who happens to disagree about the EU. That is not the issue here but a murder that could have happened to anyone campaigning of the Left or Right on any issue (not just the EU).
The BBC encourages violence and protests amongst its members, although death is not sought, I wonder if the BBC can be completely exonerated from blame by encouraging such nutters and extremists to ‘infamy’ in its subliminal broadcasting of ‘agitprop’ can lead to psychotic episodes such as this. But it does not change the EU argument at all.
Not that the BBC are interested in Health and Safety of ‘Vote leave’ MP’s. Maybe they (BBC and the liberal left) think are more expendable. I should hope not – but the BBC plays a dirty game of propaganda. Even worse when it colludes with the government of the day.
zero …………. the wrong answer to the question nobody bothered to ask ………..
Reposting: Shop window note: “Please note I did not tackle the gunman and no one! shouted Britain First at any time”
Breitbart did some *real* journalism today – how refreshing! They actually went up to Birstall and had a look around.
First of all, they found no record of the witness named in the Guardian – Graeme Howard – living in the area at all, this was the witness who the Guardian relied on for the “Britain First” quote in their Twitter feed yesterday.
Breitbart went to Bond St, where the Guardian said Mr Howard lived, and could find no trace of him. There are only two residential addresses on Bond St (it’s a short street and mostly shops) so it shouldn’t have been hard to track him down if he really lived there, should it?
Local dry cleaner Aamir Tahir was also quoted as hearing the “Britain First” shout, but Mr. Tahir later told other news outlets that he “wasn’t there [at the scene]” and simply heard the allegation as second-hand information. Another witness, Hicham Ben Abdallah, has said that he heard no such claim.
So now everyone has recanted apart from Graeme Howard who doesn’t seem to exist, so there are no eye witnesses left. There are however eyewitnesses saying they definitely did not hear the reported shout, and in fact it seems most likely that he shouted nothing at all.
(NB Now that Breitbart has flagged up the non-existent witness, watch out for phoney “Graeme Howard” appearances on the BBC a la Brett Martin, and they won’t show any of the counter-witnesses.)
Breitbart also found a sign in a shop window (presumably the cafe?) saying: “Please note I did not tackle the gunman and no one! shouted Britain First at any time“.
I went to the BBC website expecting to see a full retraction but they were too busy virtue-signalling Cameron/Corbyn and ignoring the Leave leaders.
Call me a pedant (Jerrod/zero or whatever) but I don’t seem to remember such claims of anti-democracy, far right to blame and general hand wringing – when Ian Gow was murdered by the IRA.
Comments on this from the BBC (Jerrod/zero et al) are welcome.
Number 7,
“I don’t seem to remember such claims of anti-democracy, far right to blame and general hand wringing – when Ian Gow was murdered by the IRA”
You don’t seem to remember news reports from 26 years ago? How strange…
Delingpole – a well qualified wordsmith (as opposed to myself – a “thick” scientist) weighs it up in a nutshell.
“One more question – tougher one for you to answer honestly, this, I suspect: do you genuinely, sincerely believe that Thomas Mair, the suspected gunman who killed Jo Cox is representative of the 50 percent or more of British people who believe that our country would be a better, freer, more prosperous, secure and democratically accountable place outside the EU?”
Reposting #2: Shop window note: “Please note I did not tackle the gunman and no one! shouted Britain First at any time”
Breitbart did some *real* journalism today – how refreshing! They actually went up to Birstall and had a look around.
First of all, they found no record of the witness named in the Guardian – Graeme Howard – living in the area at all, this was the witness who the Guardian relied on for the “Britain First” quote in their Twitter feed yesterday.
Breitbart went to Bond St, where the Guardian said Mr Howard lived, and could find no trace of him. There are only two residential addresses on Bond St (it’s a short street and mostly shops) so it shouldn’t have been hard to track him down if he really lived there, should it?
Local dry cleaner Aamir Tahir was also quoted as hearing the “Britain First” shout, but Mr. Tahir later told other news outlets that he “wasn’t there [at the scene]” and simply heard the allegation as second-hand information. Another witness, Hicham Ben Abdallah, has said that he heard no such claim.
So now everyone has recanted apart from Graeme Howard who doesn’t seem to exist, so there are no eye witnesses left. There are however eyewitnesses saying they definitely did not hear the reported shout, and in fact it seems most likely that he shouted nothing at all.
(NB Now that Breitbart has flagged up the non-existent witness, watch out for phoney “Graeme Howard” appearances on the BBC a la Brett Martin, and they won’t show any of the counter-witnesses.)
Breitbart also found a sign in a shop window (presumably the cafe?) saying: “Please note I did not tackle the gunman and no one! shouted Britain First at any time“.
I went to the BBC website expecting to see a full retraction but they were too busy virtue-signalling Cameron/Corbyn and ignoring the Leave leaders.
Jo Cook, the apotheosis.
So, here on BBBC, why is this site, which should be the last place on the planet to be swallowing this nonsense, following the enemy line?
So, here on BBBC, have you have forgotten Heath, Major, Blair, Brown, Cameron, lying to the electorate?
So, here on BBBC, have you have forgotten the duplication/triplication/28 ‘ocation of the lies elsewhere, everywhere in Europe?
So, here on BBBC, have you have forgotten about all the duplicated/triplicated/28 ‘ocated referenda elsewhere?
So, here on BBBC, have you forgotten all the goalposts being moved, resized, reshaped?
So, here on BBBC, have you forgotten the referenda when we ignorant plebs voted the “wrong way”?
So, here on BBBC, have you forgotten about the dodgy treaties, signed, by our “Leaders” to negate our referenda rejections?
So, here on BBBC, have you forgotten about our noses being rubbed in diversity, by the same party to which Cox belonged?
So, here on BBBC, have you forgotten how Labour imported four million Muzzies to vote for them?
So, here on BBBC, have you forgotten that by conventional Western ethical standards Islam is, by several orders of magnitude, the nastiest/bloodiest organisation in recorded history?
So, here on BBBC, have you forgotten that Islam also is, by even more orders of magnitude, the longest lasting nasty organisation in recorded history?
So, here on BBBC, have you forgotten that Islam also is, also by orders of magnitude, the most puerile nasty organisation in recorded history; created by an uneducated crackpot who heard voices and whose pronouncements should not have convinced a ten year old?
So, here on BBBC, have you forgotten that 1400ish years later no discernible change has occurred, as a quick trip to the Religion of Peace website will show?
So, here on BBBC, why do you not understand why the BBC is in love with Islam?
So, here on BBBC, why do you not understand this is because they are also crackpot believers in the second nastiest organisation in recorded history – Marxism?
So, here on BBBC, why do you not understand that what these two nasties have in common is compulsion and hatred, a hatred of anything different, anything they cannot control, anything which has even a sniff of freedom about it?
So, here on BBBC, why do you not realise that this is accompanied by a “the end justifies the means” immoral stance which permits, or even encourages or demands, oceans of blood to be released?
So, here on BBBC, why do you not understand that the BBC staff could convert to Islam today, all they need to do is give up the vodka, the mindset required they already have?
So, here on BBBC, why have you forgotten how our ancestors, Europe wide, fought and died in their hundreds of thousands to prevent this disgusting “religion” infecting and contaminating our land.
So, here on BBBC, why are you not drawing the appropriate conclusions?
So, here on BBBC, why are you not demanding, that, after the referendum, the liars and traitors suffer their justified fate which Cook has escaped?
So, here on BBBC, why are you not, at maximum decibels, denouncing the greatest treason in history, and demanding the ultimate penalties, Europe wide?
“So, here on BBBC, why are you not, at maximum decibels, denouncing the greatest treason in history, and demanding the ultimate penalties, Europe wide?
Just two days after Jo Cox was murdered and you’re crying “treason” and demanding “the ultimate penalties”?
TruthSeeker. It looks like we have all let you down!
I think you had better not waste your time with us.
A trip overseas might be a good idea.
You may find some people in some beer cellar in Munich who you can relate to.
Repost #3: Shop window note: “Please note I did not tackle the gunman and no one! shouted Britain First at any time”
Breitbart did some *real* journalism today – how refreshing! They actually went up to Birstall and had a look around.
First of all, they found no record of the witness named in the Guardian – Graeme Howard – living in the area at all, this was the witness who the Guardian relied on for the “Britain First” quote in their Twitter feed yesterday.
Breitbart went to Bond St, where the Guardian said Mr Howard lived, and could find no trace of him. There are only two residential addresses on Bond St (it’s a short street and mostly shops) so it shouldn’t have been hard to track him down if he really lived there, should it?
Local dry cleaner Aamir Tahir was also quoted as hearing the “Britain First” shout, but Mr. Tahir later told other news outlets that he “wasn’t there [at the scene]” and simply heard the allegation as second-hand information. Another witness, Hicham Ben Abdallah, has said that he heard no such claim.
So now everyone has recanted apart from Graeme Howard who doesn’t seem to exist, so there are no eye witnesses left. There are however eyewitnesses saying they definitely did not hear the reported shout, and in fact it seems most likely that he shouted nothing at all.
(NB Now that Breitbart has flagged up the non-existent witness, watch out for phoney “Graeme Howard” appearances on the BBC a la Brett Martin, and they won’t show any of the counter-witnesses.)
Breitbart also found a sign in a shop window (presumably the cafe?) saying: “Please note I did not tackle the gunman and no one! shouted Britain First at any time“.
I went to the BBC website expecting to see a full retraction but they were too busy virtue-signalling Cameron/Corbyn and ignoring the Leave leaders.
“15 members of Muslim paedophile gang jailed” would have been headline news all over the media yesterday if it weren’t for the erroneous linking of Jo Cox’s tragic murder to the Leave campaign. Remain would have been sunk. http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-leeds-36559092
… on the other hand, the BBC *does* have room on its front page for “Seven to be charged with Rio mass rape”. Not by Muslims, presumably. So that makes it all OK then?!?
Buried by the BBC: former Chief of Defence Staff switches sides to Leave over EU army.
The BBC’s front page article mentions it briefly but is otherwise almost entirely pro-Remain, leading on the predicted scaremongering from the IMF in the run-up to voting day.
So, if the case for Brexit is unassailable, which it is, what to do?
So, if the case for Remain is nonsense, which it is, what to do?
So, if Remainers are not trusted, because of their lies, double dealing and treachery going back decades, what to do?
Answer “scour and ransack the pages of History” (Churchill), especially the leftie version of history, for a useful example.
Abracadabra, the Kirov murder. The Kirov murder, when a popular politician, too popular for the liking of one Joseph Stalin, was mysteriously killed. The murder was used as a justification and pretext by Stalin to arrest the alleged perpetrators and begin the purges now known as “The Great Terror” when tens of millions of innocent people
died in the Gulag.
Stalin is suspected of arranging the Kirov murder.
It is my suspicion that the Cox murder was organised by the EU, was planned long ago as an extreme emergency measure, EU supporters certainly seemed to have their journalistic pencils sharpened and were up and running with their eulogies and blame in the twinkling of an eye.
No evidence, yet, but the above example shows the left have “form” for both sacrificing their own and capitalising on the sacrifice.
My justification for this speculation is that it balances the speculation whereby the responsibility for the Cox murder is laid at the Brexit doormat.
The important point is that the death of Jo Cox does not alter the arguments, LEAVE.
Tempting though it is to enjoy a good conspiracy, I think we have to consider the wisdom revealed in the wisest of O bumper stickers:
Sometimes – sh*t happens!
I’m under no illusion about the immorality of the left, but I can’t see this would be a planned by the EU. There are far simpler ways to achieve their aims anyway – they have a record of ignoring referendum results that are wrong – and it would be simpler for them to offer a few more paper reforms … So our Wizard PM Dave could wave a piece of paper in the air and loudly proclaim “See – we don’t need to leave now!”.
The simplest explanation seems the most likely to me, a mentally ill person murdered a politician, probably because of some personal grievance, and most likely nothing to do with the EU at all.
The left deserve nothing but contempt for the way they have swooped on this tragedy to promote their side and denigrate the leave campaign. That is what fascists have always done, and will always do.
It seems that like me (and no doubt some others) you are of the opinion that following a Brexit vote the EU might approach our goverment (by surreptitious invitation) and offer the option of renogotiation. This of course could be put to the Commons and would be carried by a majority. A watered down and comprimised version of Brexit would then result.
The freebie to commuters the Evening Standard splashed with a particularly egregious headline yesterday.
But after much virtue-signalling larded together with a great deal of stuff and nonsense there was a long write up by one Allegra Stratton ‘…introdued to Jo Cox by Stephen Kinnock….’
Read between the lines and one notes this new Westminster star already showed signs of the political malaise that dogs the Left.
She flip flopped on Corbyn. Initially in the Labour leadership race calling for ‘wider debate than Blairites and Brownites’
Then faced with the reality of Corbynism she instead called for ‘real leadership’
In another U-turn she co-operated with ‘wicked old Tory’ Andrew Mitchell to demand more action against Assad…
‘Eventually she abstained on intervention in Syria.’
The point that springs to my mind as being the basic problem for the Left is how do they square the circle of an unending commitment to those sexy global issues without turning their backs on their own constituents – despite all the good intentions – how does that work in reality?
I’ve just sent my complaint about the BBC”s political manipulation of Jo Cox’s murder to the hive workers at the Beeb. It will be as much use as “pissing in the wind” as we all know in the Beeb’s own eyes they are always perfect and never get anything wrong. I’ve never, ever heard them even say, “Well, you may have a point.” No, anyone who complains about ANYTHING is just plain WRONG.
In this complaint I’ve pointed out that they are using hearsay (since refuted) of what the man allegedly said, before his trial and what was allegedly found in his home – thereby compromising his trial – and using this hearsay to spiral off into an anti-Brexit conspiracy theory. Their news is always led, and dominated by, Remain statements.
The BBC is so blatantly manipulative in its news presentation that they consistently drive this “undecided voter” into the opposite camp to the one they are blatantly supporting. Do they realise they have this effect?
The way it is going…the guy will walk free after all this shit storm from the leftist media….the judge ruling that it prejudiced his trial…..they need to shut-up and give the Police time to frame….er find the facts.
To satisfy the demands of the new trial by media bloc, the legal system is to be revised to still try to ascertain the guilt of lawbreakers, but now with a second court where those who are really to blame have to prove their innocence.
David Cameron on the toady programme saying that there are two children and other family members in grief over Jo Cox’s murder .
Actually Cameron , ordinary members of the public who are murdered have family members in grief .
Why not have a recall of Parliament for every time an ordinary Joe is murdered ?
The guy has just given his name as ‘Death to traitors, freedom for Britain’ .
From the BBC, this will keep the Remain campaign alive this weekend. Their dream smear come true.
Death to traitors Freedom for Britain.
This has every chance of becoming Bremain’s Hurricane Sandy.
I don’t understand why Thomas Mair is being tried in a Westminster court when the incident took place in Yorkshire involving people from Yorkshire?
Can anyone answer this please?
“Westminster Magistrates’ Court is a magistrates’ court at 181 Marylebone Road, London. The Chief Magistrate of England and Wales, who is the Senior District Judge of England and Wales, sits at the court, and all extradition and terrorism-related cases pass through it. The court opened on 22 September 2011 as a replacement for the City of Westminster Magistrates’ Court.”
What is the connection between this case and “extradition and terrorism” whilst mass rape directed by a specific group against young white girls is not regarded as terrorism?
Rape is frequently acknowledged as a crime of terror in other contexts. The Balkans in the 1990s for example.
Presumably he was arrested under the Terrorism act. I should have thought any policeman would assume it was an act of terror to assassinate an MP.
He’s appeared in court now, giving the name “death to traitors, freedom for Britain” and describing himself as a “political activist” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-36567005
The charges are not terrorist charges but the case is described in the Telegraph as “special in nature” hence the transfer to London.
Somehow I don’t foresee this psychiatric service user being described by the media as a “so called” or “self defined” political activist.
Here’s the telegraph link http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/06/18/jo-cox-mp-shot-thomas-mair-arrives-at-court-following-murder-cha/
I presume the quote attributed to Mair “I am a apolitical activist” is a typo?
Thanks Aborigine Londoner.
Thanks for clearing that thought in my head, it was puzzling me although I seem to remember that the murderers of Lee Rigby were not tried in the Westminster Magistrates Court. They were tried at the Old Bailey!
It has been referred to the Old Bailey and he will appear there on Monday. It’s always Magistrates first then Crown Court if deemed serious enough.
“Lee Rigby murder accused appears at Westminster Magistrates’ Court”
Saw either a Spitfire or a Hurrican flying overhead today. Only thing missing from it was a big VOTE LEAVE banner. I will be votigng LEAVE still on THursday. I was going to go with a big cigar and give the V for victory sign.
This , Jo Cox , who I had never heard of until the other day , is turning into a circus ,of “St. Stephen Lawrence ” fame . Will she be turned Into St.Jo Cox , now St Barry of O`Barma ,has spoken to her husband on the phone ?The BBC & their Evil henchmen , are all salivating over this . Thank Fuck , Tim Peake , returning to earth has , diverted them all slightly . Also luckily this man had made his own weapon , as we would have all the gun owners of Essex & elsewhere , ( me included , having our shotguns confiscated.) I am sure Comrade Corbyn , will soon make this Labour party policy.
It’s no disrespect to the vilely murdered Jo Cox, MP, to say that I had never heard of her before she was attacked. The fact that she was a “remain” campaigner is neither here nor there. Since her killer seems already to have been identified as seriously unstable, his political views, such as they may happen to be at any given moment, are irrelevant, too.
A couple of weeks before the referendum on Welsh devolution, Princess Diana died in a car crash. The government had already been splurging taxpayers’ money, both before and after the opening of the official campaign, to achieve a “Yes” vote, but was facing the distinct possibility of a “No”, as the polling numbers converged. The moment he heard of Diana’s death, Tony Blair instantly declared that the pro-devolution campaign would cease operations for a week, to pay respect to “the People’s Princess”, who (let’s be honest) couldn’t have found Swansea on a map of Abertawe.
So, again, we have a referendum campaign, massively biased in the government’s favour, which has been heading relentlessly south, suddenly rescued by a sudden death, remorselessly exploited. The Welsh referendum was rigged, eventually.
I’m sure lightning can’t strike twice, though.
Owen Morgan,
Lightening strikes several times. See below. There is a Greek journalist making a similar point about the murder of a Greek pro EU politician which he says cost the election for his party. Meanwhile, similarity with the Swedish referendum on the Euro.
Tin foil hat time?
Anna Lindh was a Swedish MP who died in the early morning of 11 September 2003 after a knife attack in Stockholm on the afternoon of 10 September. Just after 4 pm, she was attacked while shopping in the ladies’ section of the Nordiska Kompaniet department store in central Stockholm. During the final weeks of her life she was involved in the pro-euro campaign preceding the Swedish referendum on the euro, held on 14 September 2003 (three days after her death). As a popular pro-euro politician, she was a spokesperson for the campaign. Lindh was an outspoken campaigner for Sweden to join the Eurozone in the referendum held on 14 September 2003. After the attack, all euro-campaign events were immediately cancelled. But the referendum went ahead with no campaigning.Despite speculation that sympathy for Lindh could influence the voting, the euro was rejected in the referendum.
“There is a Greek journalist making a similar point about the murder of a Greek pro EU politician which he says cost the election for his party. Meanwhile, similarity with the Swedish referendum on the Euro.
Tin foil hat time?”
Do you have a link to the Greek politician?
I have the link here. I dismissed this as a wild conspiracy theory after the initial remarks about the Palace and secret services being responsible. However, reading through the entire thing might be worthwhile as he does see similarities with the Greek election.
I was puzzled by this Tweet by Michael Crick yesterday:
“Political sources”? Seemed odd, and why should the case be heard at the Old Bailey rather than say, in Leeds?
“Political source” – a really, really good spot.
As for “Why London?”, that goes together with the “terrorism” thing. If it’s a “terrorism” case, the perpetually cash-strapped Met will miraculously find about a hundred spare officers to line the route to court, will make sure they all have sub-machine guns prominently on display (although they probably won’t be loaded and, given the standard of firearms training in the British police, bystanders should be thankful for that) and will supply a security entourage that would make Robert Mugabe envious. It suits the Met to pretend to be useful, while in the public eye, when it is, in reality, an utter shambles.
The Beebyanka will be lapping it all up, too. Their people would far rather be filming in London than outside some rain-swept, granite slab in Yorkshire. The real point, though, is that this is entirely a political decision. Somebody high up has decreed that the murder of Jo Cox must be defined as “terrorism”. Don’t be surprised, if there are momentous “further developments” in the case on Wednesday.
The government and the media have, all too obviously, been taking their cues from the Democrats in the US: accusing the other side of committing a crime to which it had no connection; associating “terrorism” with opponents; generally traducing their opponents and trying to silence them, by making accusations obviously based in “political correctness”, the kind against which, in the leftist meeja, even to attempt a retort is an admission of guilt.
Stalin, thou shouldst be living at this hour…
The far left and the Mainstream media unite over the accusation that Brexit and Farage et al were the causes of St Jo’s death.
Here is the Financial Times concluding with the wisdom of Weyman Bennet of the UAF a man (with convictions for violence) who claims that the EU referendum debate has given some on the far right a bridge into mainstream politics. Note this man is from the far Trot left, who supports violence to break up meetings. Nothing in the article to suggest that the FT source is a member of a notorious political party (SWP) who seeks a violent socialist revolution.
There is too much cooperation between the various remain forces for us not to consider a bit of Horst Wessel activity here.
UAF= Unite Against Freedom.
Perhaps it is appropriate to post a photo of Weyman Bennet who is cited as an authority on extremism by the Financial Times. Here he is getting himself arrested on a demonstration with the far left.
1. If this man Mair is deranged, why are his words being allowed to influence the most important referendum in recent history?
2. If Mair is in some way not deranged, why would he do the ONLY thing in his power to derail significant recent progress made by the side in the campaign which he purportedly supports?
3. Why are the ONLY reported quotes made by Mair (once on being cautioned and twice – EXACTLY repeated – on his initial court appearance) bizarre responses designed to implicate without ambiguity the political right wing in the murder of Jo Cox?
Is there any evidence that the late Jo Cox was concerned about the sexual grooming of White children by Muslim males in the north of England? Her constituency (Batley & Spen) is in the broad region where there have been many accusations and convictions, most notably in Rotherham. Posters on this site have noted Dickens’ observation about ‘telescopic philanthropy’: the excessive concern of supposedly liberal / Leftish people with problems far away, while ignoring those closer to home that are easier to resolve. Jo Cox seems to have travelled overseas extensively and concerned herself with Syrian and other refugee issues. What I have not read is what she thought about Muslim child sex abuse. The Labour Party does seem to have a problem admitting that Muslim males are a menace in this respect, e.g. D MacShane MP and his successor Sarah Champion MP in Rotherham.
It is bigotry. The Left do not expect muslims to come up to the civilsed standards of the rest of most of us. So they patronise them and excuse their behaviour. For the Left, muslims are sub-human.
MS al-B; this is an article about the late M.P. which covers, among others, the matters you highlight in your post. I repost it here from the main weekend thread.
Thanks for that link, Al.
Another thing that strikes me now is that the main rivals of the Labour Party have decided not to contest the Batley and Spen parliamentary constituency when an election is to be held for a new MP. This contrasts with the situation in Eastbourne in 1990 following the IRA murder of Ian Gow, when the Liberal Democrats contested and won the (previously Tory) seat; some argued that this played into the hands of the IRA.
I know there are unofficial conventions regarding the election of Mr or Madam Speaker as an MP, where campaigning against the incumbent is not full-blooded, although other candidates do stand. However, I do wonder whether, in the light of the announcement that the Tories, Lib-Dems and others won’t be contesting the seat, we are not getting into the area of what Tony Benn might have called ‘the technical disenfranchisement of the electorate of Batley and Spen’. What follows will simply be a coronation of the Labour candidate; this is not democracy in my view.
All the national mourning of someone they never met is getting pretty pathetic now. Won’t be long before she will be nominated for beatification to sainthood and I’m expecting a campaign to award her the George Medal.
There is a Jo Cox charity giving page:
“In case you would also like a chance to honour her in person, we wanted to let you all know that there will be a series of global events on Wednesday, which would have been Jo’s 42nd birthday. ”
Global events?!? WTF? Even Lady Diana didn’t have global events!
A comment from a person donating to worthy cause such as “HOPE not hate, who seek to challenge and defeat the politics of hate and extremism within local communities across Britain.” – might as flush your money down the toilet with that charity.
Jan Campbell-hague 2727 1 day ago, said “I’ll vote for remain Jo. I wasn’t sure until this dreadful act of hatred showed me the way . RIP”
So much Bulls**t about the love she had for everyone. Her husband’s Twitter site has plenty of hate especially if you don’t agree with his views. His retweet of Nigel Farage (june 15th) being compared to a scene in the Titanic movie, saying ‘he hasnt aged well’, is pretty offensive and unnecessary for a political campaigner.
Tweets by MrBrendanCox
I’m pretty sure if I tweeted, as a Brexiter supporter, a picture of a decomposed body with a caption saying ‘Jo Cox hasn’t aged well’ I would have the Police around my door like a shot. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Thought Police will knock on my door for just making this hypothetical point – I read that Nigel Farage has been reported to the Police for using a picture of a long queue of migrants in a campaign poster as it “is inciting racial hatred” – very sad times when you cannot even post a real life image if it is used to support a cause not supported by the Establishment.