“We must be mad, literally mad, as a nation to be permitting the annual inflow of some 50,000 dependents… It is like watching a nation busily engaged in heaping up its own funeral pyre”.
He was punished by Edward Heath who sacked him from the cabinet saying, “I dismissed Mr Powell because I believed his speech was inflammatory”.
Heath tried to close down the debate. He didn’t believe immigration was inflammatory; but discussing it was.
Today, with net immigration at 330,000, the BBC and the liberal left are copying Heath’s 1968 policy. They hate anyone criticising immigration and blame those who do of stoking xenophobia, hate, racism and murder. But more and more people are fearful about immigration and the islamification of Britain. The problem hasn’t gone away, it’s getting worse. People must be allowed to discuss it frankly.
The BBC however is still trying to close down the debate. They don’t believe immigration is inflammatory, but discussing it is.
“Net” immigration is a meaningless figure. Immigration and emigration are two quite independent processes and the Net figure does not equal:
Immigrants arriving – immigrants leaving = NET immigration
The figure that counts is the first the GROSS immigration figure, estimated at around 600,000 a year. Nobody counts either, these are just crude estimates and almost certainly under counts as they are based on the ‘not fit for purpose’ International passenger Survey held only for a few weeks a year.
As has been mentioned a few times here, the figures also hide a worrying trend, emigration of the skilled and professionals. Since emigrants have to qualify to enter destinations such as US, Canada, & Australia, they are more likely to be higher tax contributors to the economy. Inbound we have a larger pool of unskilled low wage earners who even if they do put in more than they take out will be lower tax contributors. Industry will suffer as we reach capacity and skills shortages in key industries and tax revenues will be degraded.
Enoch Powell was so right in what he said England is finished now look at how many criminal’s here that we cannot deport and there’s the ones that are here illegally. We are only a small island and we are over run already. This should never of happened in the first place more crime and no more England
I recently watched Enoch being interviewed by Robin Day on the show following the result of the 1975 EEC Referendum. Powell was very relaxed confidently predicting that the British people will reject the EEC when they realise they have been deceived and that it is an instrument to govern them and not about free trade. Well that time is now upon us, I hope the British people rise to the occasion.
Cannot bear the thought of the Westminster “virtue signalling” extravaganza this afternoon.
Recalling Parliament? All about the erm … “feelings” you see, ah! 444 remainian s, who can grovel to emote the most?
… tears? well of course. … few spare seats at the shallow end no doubt.
Moved from Weekend thread because it was a Monday morning incident! Eek
“It’s what Jo would have wanted…”
I wondered how long it would be before a Bremainer said that!
Well it was the sound of Chukka “virtue signalling” by claiming he almost decided not to appear on LBC this morning ‘out of respect’ for her!
FFS Chukka you halo is made of plastic! Bin it!
Well that will keep the subject in the news another day.
The virtue signalling surrounding her untimely death has been immense. Anyone that is anyone is claiming to have been her friend to the point that one has to ask how she found time to do any work at all, let alone be as brilliant an MP and mum as everyone is saying.
I don’t wish to be harsh, I found her death and the manner of it chilling, but there has to be a stop to the use of it for other purposes and agendas.
I can confirm the fact that I had never heard of her existence before, even though I live in Yorkshire and watch Look North and Calendar. So had no idea that she was working class or was born in the constituency that she represented. Probably this was because she was more concerned about Syria than Yorkshire, just as Cameron is more concerned with Europe than Britain.
I suppose the reaction of the Political Class to this murder will be like the dying days of the French Aristocracy. More and more legislation against criticism of the policies of the elite, after more and more incidents.
Blaming one murder on free speech allowing millions of people to air their concerns about mass immigration would only mean that although the Polls would see a surge in remain support. I think this would only indicate that like past General Election results, political correctness would make a large percentage of people to say “I’m now voting remain” but fully intend to exploit the secret ballot by voting “Leave”.
Rather than resort to this site as a community similar to the one the BBC web-site used to provide, I am happy (!) to report what definitely looks like a couple of bits of BBC bias:
Bosses backing Remain, prominent on the Home Page – even at 11am – with four large to extra large photos of the New Mini Cooper. (I wonder what side the late John Cooper would have been on in the Referendum debate? He was a ‘small guy’ who went out and struggled to achieve on the European and then the World stage.) These are all down the left hand-side to be the first read in every line. Bias? No! Surely not? Think there were actually five repetitions of this item earlier in the day. Back to servbiasce as normal, then. 30:Love at least.
Then there’s Katty Kay speculating that a Brexit vote on Thursday could help Donald Trump into the White House. By logical extension, that means that Brexiteers should switch to Remain if they don’t like Trump (that’s me, but – barring Divine intervention – I will not switch to Remain) and that Brexiteers who go on to vote to leave the EU are 1. as ‘evil’ as Trump as portrayed by some/many/most at the BBC, and, 2. will be held responsible for all the woes that befall the whole world after Trump (I would say ‘if Trump’, but as I really do not like the thought of Hilary Clinton there as POTUS either, victory for either will be lamentable) is elected to office.
Skip to more servbiasce as normal at the BBC and it’s not just game but set and match as well. Hand over the Varsi as trophy to the Remain winners and, hey ho, on to Wimbledon.
Of course the Mini brand is owned by BMW who acquired it after British Aerospace dumped Rover group. Now part of the “British” motor industry we hear so much about at the moment of course some of the Minis are now built in Austria.
Not strictly BBC related, but as they are the principle Vote Remain messengers I thought this might be of interest since you will never see this reported on the BBC:
Separate to this, Jon Gaunt (I think it was) tweeted just prior to Jo Cox’s murder that it had been leaked that 80% of Labour’s Northern postal vote voter community have voted Leave, with 60% of the total received up to that point doing so.
Both these “results” have been silenced and it is a struggle to find evidence anywhere.
Over the weekend, we have been consistently told that the polls have narrowed, with Remain taking the lead in many on the back of “economic concerns”.
I smell a rat, and wonder whether the polls are being manipulated? I know this can happen, having seen it happen in other countries.
Millions of the overwhelmingly male migrants to Europe in the past two years are not refugees fleeing war zones. Douglas Murray discusses the failure of Germany and other countries to integrate them, and, what the consequences will be
It is now clear to me that the murder of Lee Rigby, the British soldier, mown down and beheaded on the streets of London , was caused by the European Union/Pro-Immigration Anti-British Fascist Criminal Gangs of Westminster and Brussels. Now called the REMAIN group, headed up by the spinning spiv Cameron.
All Muslim terrorists whilst declaring their allegiance and support for Islam are actually human weapons brought into the country ‘En Mass’ by these organisations (the European Union/Pro-Immigration Anti-British Fascist Criminal Gangs of Westminster and Brussels. Now called the REMAIN gang headed up by the spinning spiv Cameron) to foster discord, unrest and panic.
All other acts of terrorist atrocities committed by, so called, Islamists in London, Paris, Brussels, Madrid and even in the USA, where 50 people were murdered just last week, are caused directly by these same organisations. Nor must we forget the Islamist Obama administration is pumping billions of dollars into the Middle Eastern conflicts to create these millions of refugee/human weapons.
Their theory (the EU dictatorship) is that the more terrorist atrocities and aliens there are then the more laws that can be introduced to limit the liberty and free speech of Europe’s citizens. Also the more immigrants that are imported then the poorer the ordinary working people become, that is if they can actually get a job at all. So, the more compliant and submissive the population will become. The free movement of peoples within this conglomerate blob, the EU, may give an illusion of freedom but actually further reduces the national identities of the individual countries.
This policy is clearly necessary to ensure that the population is brought completely and absolutely to heel and unable to resist complete assimilation into the European Union’s Totalitarian State. No one in the UK would voluntarily join a dictatorship without coercion and a huge propaganda exercise from politicians, the BBC and their disciples at Sky, ITV and the rest of the PC media. That policy was of course working very well.
The policy of course backfired last week and an young mother MP working for their cause was killed in an altercation. That one of their own has died has meant the recall of Parliament and wall to wall accusations of hate and racism against anyone on the Brexit or OUT group side. This is just exploitation of the worst and most nasty type that I have ever seen in politics in all of my life. May God forgive them and beware the next phase of government crack downs on us the people.
I wonder if Lee Rigby will be mentioned today or the thousands of other people killed by their policies?
Hmmm, call me cynical, but there will be glee among the more callous in the Bremain camp (and lest face it most poltiicians are hard as nails). Her death has been a gift to them, and ruthlessly exploited to silence Brexit at a point where thhey were rising. The timing couldnt have been better if it were planned.
“The timing couldnt have been better if it were planned.”
I agree, reminds me of the suicide of Dr David Kelly (weapons of mass destruction era). The timing of his death also couldn’t have been better if it were planned.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-36590824. The deification of St Jo has begun. How dare they paint this as ‘us good, them evil.’ Astounded that her widower would do something in the wake of his wife’s appalling murder.
Cranmer ……”An observation: Why does the BBC downplay and even mock Christianity, but whenever there is some ‘outpouring of grief’ they always show services in the local church and rush to interview the local vicar?”
It was interesting to note though, that there were more empty pews than full ones, and the camera quickly focused on the vicar. Perhaps the Beeb were hoping for a Songs of Praise type of service – hence the cameras. (they’d probably have had more luck at the local mosque).
There’s been a cry for a statue to be erected at Westminster in JC’s memory. Can’t help wondering if this had happened to an insignificant MP who wasn’t an aid worker, or involved with refugees abroad, or been involved with the Kinnocks, yet had been in parliament for 10 years quietly working away, whether they would have had the same outpouring of grief; the cynic in me says not.
Brissles, I suspect the BBC likes to show church services because it creates the sense of emotion they wish to instill in their reports. I would imagine Beeboids, like most British people, only attend church for weddings and funerals, if at all, so a church service is for them is associated with a sense of heightened emotion, perhaps even repressed hysteria. The clergy are great for providing a bit of theatre when there’s a ‘candle and flower’ story to report, but heaven forbid they should appear at any other time!
Most vicars are not Christians; they are social workers with no interest in theology or spirituality, but do the job for free accommodation and perchance an opportunity to appear on TV to exhibit how diverse and multicultural vibrant communities can come together in moments of tragedy.
Brissles, I can’t help thinking that the media circus around Jo Cox will pack up and leave town, both in a literal and metaphorical sense, immediately a Remain vote is announced. Her purpose will have been served.
I experienced a wonderful example about what this referendum is all about..humour me
I exited the Waterloo and City line at Bank this morning to go to work and was faced with a choice…
Two travelators were available, the one on the left was moving and and the one on the right had stopped.
The herd (Remainiacs) the people who only knew safety first and were too lazy to walk, clogged up the left travelator.
Meanwhile, (Brexiters), the stivers, risk takers and dare I say it, ‘progressives’, walked up the right travelator unencumbered by the weight of people (bureaucracy and regulation) and got to the top first, as did I.
Stiffen the sinews, keep the faith and the courage of your convictions and vote to leave the European Union on the 23rd June!!
PS. Guess what the next big blockbuster film opening in the UK on the 23rd June is …….’Independence Day’
It must be written in the stars!
In the late 1970s and early eighties the Ukip leader was a pupil at Dulwich College in south London, one of Britain’s most prestigious schools. Channel 4 News has uncovered strong evidence that teachers at Dulwich thought Nigel Farage was “racist”, and “fascist” or “neo-fascist”.
We have a long letter (below) written in June 1981 by a young English teacher, Chloe Deakin, begging the master of the college (head teacher), David Emms, to reconsider his decision to appoint Farage as a prefect. Deakin did not know Farage personally but her letter includes an account of what was said by staff at their annual meeting, held a few days earlier, to discuss new prefects.
Chloe Deakin did not know Farage personally
Chloe Deakin did not know Farage personally
Chloe Deakin did not know Farage personally
Chloe Deakin’s account suggests Farage was expressing opinions well to the right of Powell.
The former master of Dulwich David Emms, the man who appointed Farage and received Chloe Deakin’s letter, says he has no memory of the meeting or the letter. But he agrees with his former deputy: “It was naughtiness, not racism,” Emms told me on Wednesday. “I didn’t probe too closely into that naughtiness, but the staff were fed up with his cheekiness and rudeness. They wanted me to expel him, but I saw his potential, made him a prefect, and I was proved right.”
The former master says he has no memory of the letter
The former master says he has no memory of the letter
The former master says he has no memory of the letter
We approached Chloe Deakin. She says she recalls discussing the matter, but has no memory of her letter.
We approached Chloe Deakin. She says she recalls discussing the matter, but has no memory of her letter.
We approached Chloe Deakin. She says she recalls discussing the matter, but has no memory of her letter.
It appears that in their hate & desperation channel 4 will broadcast anything derogatory no matter how tenuous the link, and without the support of the main protagonists in the matter.
In other news, C4 has revealed that Mr Farage may once have kicked a beggar’s crutch away, and tortured several kittens. There’s no evidence that it ever happened, but nonetheless, it remains true.
The Remainers get more desperate everyday and I see it as a good sign. I did not go to Dulwich School but we played football , cricket and athletics against them. And Nigel Farage ate my hamster !
Replying to myself, I see it’s amongst the most read and watched items. Looks like Remain dirty tricks to try to put it back in the public’s consciousness.
Although it’s a bizarre “news” site, where the most recent article on the home page is dated 16th June and the banner headline is an old story about Tory election fraud allegations which now apply to all parties (thus probably explaining why that story has gone quiet).
You’re absolutely correct, Channel 4 seems to employ nearly as many unpleasant sneering left wing bigots as the dear old Beeb. Who gives a flying fig what Nigel thought, said or did as a schoolboy?
Just for the record I went to the pretty appalling comprehensive situated right next door to Dulwich College at roughly the same time as our Nige’. For a long time I blamed the teachers for my lack of academic success; I had a chip on my shoulder the size of Gibralter, but on reflection it wasn’t their fault; it was mine. I was a smug, narrow minded, bigoted lefty who wanted to abolish the monarchy and the House of Lords and joined the Young Socialists. What a tosser. Like a lot of youngsters I thought I knew it all, but actually I knew almost nothing.
I don’t think it is at all reasonable to judge a man in his fifties by anything he said, did or thought as a typical pain in the arse teenager.
Fortunately we change; we grow up, we develop and see the world differently as we mature. Well most of us do.
Of course if you happen to be Billy Bragg, Jeremy Corbyn or Bob Geldof…
Nudge nudge, hint hint, reasons why St Jo of Islam was martyred. She was preparing a report on the far right. Obviously worried about attacks on her constituents whom she felt so protective towards.
From the equally unbiased ITV .
‘The report by Tell Mama, an organisation that monitors Islamophobia, shows an 80% increase in anti-Muslim attacks and warned Yorkshire was a “hotbed of far-right activity”.
In the video, Mrs Cox discusses the problem that in her constituency saying “many of our young women don’t feel safe when they’re out on the street”.
Concerns are said to have been so great that the local council asked Tell Mama to create an initiative to help them tackle the issue’.
Note the reference to “our women”. Our women? I’m guessing that category does not include young, white, working class women and girls – the sort being preyed on by colonists with a predilection for paedophilia.
Fiyaz Mughal the proven liar involved again, and instead of questioning the veracity of his evidence junior Fascist Cox is right in there fighting the corner for the brown eyed boys. Such a shame she saw her white constituents as her enemy though.
Ahhh that’ll be the make it up for Mamma, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/journalists/andrew-gilligan/10108098/Muslim-hate-monitor-to-lose-backing.html
Of course I imagine 99.9% of the public have zero idea who or what this organisation. Last time I saw them was on breakfast when the BBc were reporting a supposed incident where a muslim actress supposedly didn’t like something supposedly said to her and couldn’t leave her house because of her fear…Well apart from going to the TV studios that is.
Another one of my complaints to the BBc where of course I was wrong and they were right.
Whatever the result on Thursday I think that two key points have emerged during this campaign. Firstly, I think that the growing awareness of white working class voters that Labour does not represent them has grown enormously. We saw this in the GE when a lot of ex Labour voters turned to UKIP to represent them. In this campaign I think that this trend has been massively accentuated. Corbyn’s honest, but hapless, admission that there can be no cap on immigration on the Marr show indicates that Labour high command simply doesn’t understand that its traditional voters are more concerned about immigration than anything else. Its middle class and ethnic voters in London may not share this concern but millions of people who have only ever voted Labour do. A high turn out on Thursday of those voters for Leave seems likely and will put Labour in its weakest position since before the war. And there is no easy back for Labour because it has for years courted the votes of immigrants and has been responsible for mass immigration and in London this has won it many seats. But at last its traditional voters have woken up to the fact that ‘their party’ has been pursuing policies, without the consent of the British people, which go directly against their best interests. But now that they have been rumbled the Labour party has to choose , immigration or white working class voters. The cover has ripped off its dirty deceitful game, no longer can it have mass immigration and the votes of the white working class, it has to choose one or the other. The white working class has simply stopped believing that mass immigration is good for them! They realise that Labour has lied to them for decades. Whatever way Labour chooses and with Corbyn et al in charge it will be mass immigration, Labour will loose a lot of votes and played correctly UKIP will gain most of them.
My second point , more of a hope really, is that people wake up to how they are manipulated by the media, particularly of course the BBC. In the event of a Leave vote I hope that full vengeance is taken on the BBC and that millions more people see that the BBC has been campaigning for years for policies which are directly against the best interests of themselves and of the country as a whole.
Doublethinker, excellent analogy.
As an ex labour supporter and member of the indigenous working class I can identify with this.
Regarding the above comments on the attempted character assasinations against Nigel Farage I would say that it won’t have much impact on people like me and many others who are voting Brexit.
In my view the more right wing Farage is presented as, then the more support he will receive from people like me.
At a time such as now we need strong partisan policies in order to protect us from the EU abyss, in the same way that Churchill was the apt choice to lead the goverment in world war 2.
Atttacks on Nigel Farrage will of course not affect Brexiters but remember that this referendum is close and its the fence sitters who will decide the result.
I don’t think you have any understanding of the left at all from that post Doublethinker, but then why should you need to?
Until you can understand what the ‘liberal Fascists’ are up to, you will not be able to offer any meaningful resistance to their politics.
That of course is the point! They don’t want you to know, it’s not made clear & easy to understand, and it’s like a huge amorphous blob which keeps changing its shape to confuse.
The core of it though remains static and can be understood.
” Horowitz argues that “left-wing fascism” in the United States, as in Europe, is capable of combining very different ideological strains into a political formula that has the potential for mass appeal. He argues that it operates through mystified language, attributes faults “everywhere and always in an imperial conspiracy of wealth, power or status”, and uses anti-Semitism as a pseudo-populist tool.”
I’m sure that what you say is true of all those lefties who are actively engaged in an attempt to seize power by undermining liberal democracies , and of course of their fellow travellers and useful idiots. We have plenty of these latter ones. But I believe that the majority of traditional Labour voters only voted Labour because they thought , mistakenly , that Labour had their best interests at heart. Increasingly they see that this is not the case, indeed that what Labour is committed to is bad for them, and so will transfer their votes to a party which truly represents them.
Are the socialists still claiming that Remain campaign is irresponsible and should be suppressed, sorry, “toned down”?
Am I alone in being reminded of a certain National Socialist party which also decided it needed to suppress the opposition – all in the “national good”, of course.
The EU internet police are poised and ready to suppress free speech if it does not meet their criteria, criteria over which there is has been no democratic debate or scrutiny.
And the National Socialists had an institutional Antisemitism problem, claiming that Jews had too much power.
Am I alone in thinking that the UK Socialist sorry Labour party (and perhaps its mouthpiece the BBC?) are sounding more and more like the true ideological heirs of the Nationalsozialismus Partei?
Calling anti-Immigration campaigners “Nazis” and “extreme right wing” is a breathtaking volte-face of the true situation, but we have been so conditioned to it that we hardly notice.
If you draw up a list of all the people you dislike and despise, pretty much all of them are in the Remain camp. Even if people are unsure of the issues doing this exercise makes the voting decision very simple, assuming of course that you are not a Marxist PC liberal progressive.
BBC1 News at One – bad journalism, blatant Remain propaganda, wrong on every level. (Can’t normally stomach it but heard the headlines and decided to see what the BBC version of events was.)
Headline: Farage accuses Cameron, Osborne, Remain of linking Jo Cox death to “Inflammatory” poster; Warsi quits Leave because she says it is inciting hatred, conflating poster and murder. No mention in headline that Warsi seems to have been Remain all along, to judge by her actions and twitterings, nor that the idea of “hatred” was introduced by Jo Cox’s grieving husband and friends in the hours after her tragic death.
Follows a ding-dong with Farage being asked to state his case, and reporter rudely interjecting, “When? When did the Prime Minister or the Chancellor link Jo Cox’s murder [to the EU debate, poster,can’t remember exact words]? When, what did they say?” Farage keeps calm, tries to answer.
Then a half-baked refutation of Warsi’s supposed status in the Leave campaign. Strange no one knew she was in it. End of story. BBC “journalism” on a par a with the Times, who have made the one-time paper of record simply look foolish and as if they didn’t check the facts behind their headline story. Don’t the BBC bods check, either? Was Warsi ever a Leaver or not?
A bit of further to-ing and fro-ing, including a few words from the excellent Gisela Stuart for Leave. I thought, OK, for the BBC that wasn’t as unbalanced as it could have been. At least we saw a few Leave posters. BUT, BUT, BUT – then we go back to the studio, and it’s Ministry of Truth time with Norman Smith.
Smith tells us – with complete free rein, no interruptions, supposed to be an overview of the situation – that Farage was “inflammatory”…”incendiary”…”corrosive”…he was making it “divisive” and full of “hatred”, “accusing” the PM and Osborne – Smith couldn’t find enough bile to spit out. All pretence of even-handedness was over. In comparison, Farage came across as calm and reasonable. Memo to Norman Smith: suggest you check the activities of the Remain camp, including those who started twittering about “hatred and division” instead of offering sincere personal condolences after the murder.
It was a disgraceful display, even by the Orwellian standards of the BBC.
PS. This segment was followed by one of the BBC’s own money “experts” (no interview with a bona fide expert) who informed us that the pound was rising and had gained back all the losses of the past two weeks.
Implication: the tide has turned against Leave. He reckoned the City reckoned (spin, spin) that it would be 70/30 for the Remain cause. 70/30? Surely this is desperate stuff?
Message: make sure the pound stays high, get on the winning side. (No mention of the bankers being up to their ears in EU manipulations, or any wider implications.)
Much as I will be voting as early and often as I can on Thursday, I cannot help feeling that Thomas Mair will go down in history as the man that not only murdered the far left politician Jo Cox, but also murdered British sovereignty.
Remain and the BBC/Guardian have played a blinder with the murder. They needed a gift from heaven and clearly feel that they have got it. Only a week ago they were driving the Leave vote with every muddled utterance. How we prayed for more of that hilarious bluster from Cameron, or prayed for more humourless Izzard on the BBC (remember Eddie Izzard? What happened to him?!).
Now though, they are succeeding. They are succeeding with the extension of their worn-out insults of ‘racist’ by a simple substitution of the word ‘hatred’. They know that hijacking Cox’s death to paint Leave as ‘racist’ has only so much mileage. Hence their new meme ‘fight against hatred’. “Jo so loved the world that she did everything to make it a better place, and that included welcoming refugees and fighting to remain in the EU.” You who may be thinking of Brexit by contrast are so full of hate. But don’t be, give up your hate and join Remain, it’s not too late.
I’m afraid to say that I think the polls are showing that the British public are falling for this emotional blackmail.
Just watched Corbyn and Cameron remembering St Jo in Parliament – fighting Islamophobia, promoting diversity, and calling for a better world by remaining in the EU. At least Teresa May kept her tits covered up.
More to unite us than to divide us.
By the rude bridge that arched the flood
Their flag to April’s breeze unfurled
Here once the embattled farmers stood
And fired the shot heard round the world.
Applying logic has certainly gone out the window, but pondering motivations still makes me wonder why some pertinent questions are being avoided as paper thin allusions get hyped to truth.
Murderous idealogues are primarily playing to their core audience.
Hence Islamic terrorists are rather proud of what they get up to as they are only interested in nihilism and one upping their dead mates in the last batch. Hence, loud, proud and an email to the BBC to mull over explaining away. Plus a video to Facebook. live.
Political assassination is different. The perps do not want anyone to know what they did, or ordered done. Because it backfires epically. So conspiracy theories about right wingers getting this done are barking. They want to be in power. Things like this, clearly, and thanks to the efforts of the BBC and the sea cucumber brains in Westminster, sees their aims are thwarted.
And finally there is the actual lone wolf loon. What goes on in their heads is a deadly mystery. Those that presume to have insights most don’t maybe should seek help. Those who seek to profit from it appear to be seeking office.
I hope still to see such people prevented from getting into positions of power.
KafirHarbi, yes I am seething with fury that that idiot Thomas Mair has possibly won it for Remain which means that for what years left of my life I am going to see us shackled to the EU dictatorship & watch Britain become as insignificant as….er,…Guernsey, let’s say! The destruction of a great nation by one deranged idiot!! It makes one weep.
They know that hijacking Cox’s death to paint Leave as ‘racist’ has only so much mileage. Hence their new meme ‘fight against hatred’. “Jo so loved the world that she did everything to make it a better place, and that included welcoming refugees and fighting to remain in the EU.” You who may be thinking of Brexit by contrast are so full of hate. But don’t be, give up your hate and join Remain, it’s not too late.
Brilliant summing up.
Just heard Iain Dale bleating about all her amazing “love” for the world – she even loved Yorkshire, apparently!
Seems this woman isnt just a Saint, she is a reincarnation of Christ himself, sacrificed to save us all…
The kind that adheres when Mum & Dad think the best kind of family outing for the young ones is to jump on an inflatable and barrel up a river to harangue peaceful protesters in a PR disaster.
Maybe he can get the McCanns round to swap parenting notes?
Hes also taken his two tots to listen to bleating MPs in he HofC today!
Unbelievable when they have just lost their mother. The people I feel truly sorry for are Jo’s parents, now watching their grandchildren raised by their ghastly son in law.
Perhaps people need to be reminded that Nazis and self proclaimed Nazis were and are, by definition, against a Britain independent of German domination, and that they had substantial support from muslims in Bosnia and Palestine for their attempt to exterminate the Jewish people by propaganda, boycott and murder.
On the forum I usually post on (video game forum, almost entirely leftist – with added bile) it’s already been declared a victory for Remain. These cocksure morons are full of outright hatred for anyone daring to venture a vote for Leave (I’ve been called every possible name under the sun – and then some – and labelled a xenophobe and racist because I take issue with the EU’s attitude to immigration, etc).
Events last week – and the way the BBC in particular has furiously virtue signalled ever since – seem to have sewn it up for Remain. It’s a done deal, isn’t it? These wretched progressives know they have it in the bag and now it’s just about crowing and hurling a few last moment insults and smears in Leave’s direction to make doubly sure everyone knows what a bunch of fascist murderers they are.
To be honest, after so much abuse, such a relentless tide of leftist propaganda and disinformation, I’m getting tired of the whole wretched affair. When will this be over?
Who knows? Certainly the polls are a hoot, with the kind of Alzheimers on their performance last time that matches a BBC executive at an inquiry.
Around here there are few posters up, and those that are are mainly for Remain.
They are likely the homes of the less than impressive councillors who dominate proceedings and set their family members on anyone daring to voice a counter opinion as ‘concerned’ letter writers to the local rag.
They are passionate, committed, humourless and utterly deranged.
I wouldn’t let them locate my home for love nor money.
Please dont call them ‘progressives’, they are Globalists, wanting world domination, one world government, no free speech, no democracy, a watered down form of Islam as a way to control the plebs, a tiny ruling elite and everyone else forced to live in penury to conserve the environment for the elite.
Platos Republic. Fascist state.
Come on Al he is just defending the family business. If all your family worked for the EU and made millions wouldn’t you lie through your teeth to persuade people to keep the money rolling in?
“many of our young women don’t feel safe when they’re out on the street”.
Quite so. Ask Flip Flop Warsi – who had to have a police escort around the streets of Luton for not being ” the right kind of Muslim”
Have those behind the George Cross petition asked the ex-miner (how good can it get?) if he is voting for Brexit? Perhaps he’s doing a Warsi and leaving that bombshell to the last minute.
MPs from the BBC Con/Lab Party make speaches about St Jo and a few mild funnies are repeated to warm applause. Jo would have liked that.
Note that the BBC choose to highlight their report with two of the speeches; one is from Kinnochio, looking rather like a Treen (from Dan Dare comics) which establishes the Remain argument that it was a political murder derived from bad nationalism.
I would have thought they might have used comments from the PM and Leader of the Opposition.
I haven’t posted here for a while, although I check in several times a day to catch up on the recent outrages. I have reached the point where I can only take the BBC for maybe an hour or two a day, so I don’t hear enough to get issues to post about. I don’t watch BBC TV but still give a chance to Radio 4, 5Live and the World Service. I started listening to the BBC in the fifties, mainly the Home Service and used to listen to the World Service as well. Even twenty years ago we used to get decent classical music programmes on the World Service, but now it would probably have to a group of disabled trans-sexuals forming an orchestra in a refugee camp to play Beethoven’s Fifth appealing to the UK to vote Eurine to get a hearing. In case any of the trolls who plague us here want to attack me for homophobia, let me say that I didn’t know that there was such a thing as a homosexual until I heard Julian and Sandy on “Round the Horne”. In those days, the BBC was educating us about sub-cultures we didn’t know about, but in a genuinely humourous way, not like the modern self-righteous, ranting, so-called comedians. BBC documentaries used to be informative. Now they are just propaganda efforts for the latest “issues”. Like some others on this site, I chose to leave the UK years back so I no longer fund the BBC. I am grateful to those of you who still do. Although I find it hard to listen to it these days, I still have a real soft-spot for the BBC. I honestly pray that it, and the UK, will return to former glories. Brexit on Thursday please!
Dead right Kennedy.
The BBC needs to come with a health warning that more than 30 mins of “news, analysis and comment” either gives you diabetes or brain damage.
Witness “Trump and the Republican Christian” idea as masticated by Ernie Rae on “Beyond Belief” a couple of hours ago.
“Does what it says on the tin”?…don`t make me laugh!
Basically it was a half hour trashing of both Christians and Trump by exiled democrats, zen-lying liberals in “American Chad Eigenvectors” at Bath Poly…oh, and a good ten minutes of so given over to telling a Trump supporting Muslim why she`s a traitor, in effect-certainly incomprehensible.
Utter slewed and skewed crap…but Rae is meant to know his Bible as a minister and really ought to know why Trump is a necessary corrective now to what Clinton and Omaba did…and what Clinton and Sharpton are going to do if the Americans don`t derail the bandwagon to hell in November.
In other words-whatever the title, the pretext-mark it down to liberal lies in the servicing of Islam.
S`pose Ernie won`t know what share of the electorate in the States are Muslim-they`re crucial apparently…er, less that the Hispanics who were the LAST victims of Islamophobia.
Crap, crap crap-and I BET they`ll mark this one down to “Religious Programming-Christian segment”
When in reality it was Godless secular and Pro-Muslim BS..Broadcasting Service and Bullshit at one and the same time.
Happy days! My favourites were those spoof folk songs by Kenneth Williams as Rambling Sid Rumpo, laden with innuendo (‘Green grown my nadgers, oh’). I’ve actually found a CD compilation of those.
They were on Sunday afternoons, weren’t they? I recall having a Sunday roast lunch before my family all sat around the Radio to listen to Ken.
Thanks for the comments in support. I meant Beethoven’s Ninth – Ode to Joy – the Euro anthem, in case the BBC trolls want to be pedantic. I am just so fed up with the BBC that my emotions took over and I went into a rant. Anyway, didn’t the BBC used to play the intro to Beethoven’s Fifth to announce messages for the French Resistance? The da da da dah was dot dot dot dash in Morse and meant V for Victory or am I fantasising? Just because we are against the EU doesn’t mean that we are against European culture. We are Europeans but we are democrats, not bureacratic centralists.
Cannot remember whether it was one of the Deborahs or Maria B. who was suggesting music to be enjoyed with a bottle of Nyetimber sparkling to celebrate a Leave vote. Admirable suggestions although I’ll settle for a good cup of tea for a toast. Various English or British composers were listed and they all get a supporting vote from me. But I immediately also thought of Sibelius’ ‘Finlandia’ and Smetana’s ‘Ma Vlast’. Why?
Both European but intensely patriotic pieces without any nasty undertones. The first, longing for liberation from a controlling outsider, the second, celebrating the love of the composer for the beauty of a country that I have yet to visit but appreciate from afar. We can enjoy and appreciate, love even, things European without being in the EU. Pitch in Dvorak’s ‘From the New World’ and you have a trio to not just support & celebrate a Leave vote but acknowledge an international & globe-spanning dimension.
On the subject of Music, the EU reminds me of Wagner’s Ring – the powerful and the weak, egos, machinations and treachery.
The EU will disintegrate as Farage is stabbed in the back by Cameron, Merkel immolates herself, the Rhine overflows and the whole wretched edifice collapses on itself.
I hope, Maria, that your glass or two of Nyetimber will not be diluted with tears and you will have the celebration you want after the Referendum result. After listening to WatO, I’m plunged into gloom again.
Wagnerian Opera as simile for the EU? Indeed. It ain’t over till da fat lady sings.
Well, I hope we will have a four part finale with accents from Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales and England blending in perfect harmony as the four leads Leave the Wagnerian stage.
Good post Kennedy. I’m in total agreement with you on the Sandy & Julian comment, but sadly the age group and orientation of those who are always griping about their ‘rights’ wouldn’t know who you’re talking about (or care !). As for you wishing the Beeb will return to its former glories, then, I fear the days of the ‘good old Beeb’ whom we could rely on for in-depth information without a hint of bias, have gone for good. Those long gone halcyon times (aside from Saville) had people like my late Dad in charge – a different generation, who gave air time to new writers for drama and comedy. Now we have a breed of ex graduates who have been nurtured on a left wing idealogy at university, with the Guardian as their bible, who are calling the shots; they care little for quality so cater for a ‘Sun reader’ audience with the attention span of a gnat – hence the amount of ‘reality’ shows churned out, and why we see the same old same old faces on our screens. I don’t watch the soaps, but apparently the actors are on some sort of loop system doing a stint on each of the dramas. I think it was Joan Bakewell, that said, the BBC is now run by children. So true.
The way the BBC has relentlessly promoted the Jo Cox grief circus suggests to me there was a BBC editorial meeting where they said ‘For God’s sake, this is it – push this for all it’s worth, we’ve turned it around!’ It’s like that bit at the end of Zulu where Stanley Baker realises the Zulus are not taunting them, but saluting them.
My mother-in-law had a chap come to do some work at her property today and they got talking about the referendum (my m-i-l is a life long Labour supporter: voting Leave) he said that 90% of the households he works at are voting Leave; as he himself intends to.
I understand from my own customers and other people I know: the majority of them are voting for Brexit and that is from a very broad slice of folk from widely different “socio-economic strata”.
I don’t believe all hope is lost (far from it) and none of us will really know until Friday: keep the faith.
I just hope, come the 24th, al beebus; the Progressives and all the rest of the pro-EU traitors get the shock of their f*****g lives!
Anybody wavering should watch Channel 5 right now. Migrants and benefits, Lazer family from Rumania, one came over and then the whole family followed later in a minibus, which enables the family to collect £20,000 a year in benefits. And that’s just ONE family. A Polish woman IN Warsaw is collecting £220 per month for her son, and is now setting up her own business. It makes you sick to the stomach, so how anyone can vote anything other than leave is beyond me.
Worldwide event for St Jo planned for Wednesday. Big do in Trafalgar Square.
Perhaps the unions who transport UAF and Left Unity thugs to smash protests against Moslem rape gangs will provide transport for the child victims of the Yorkshire gangs to come and show their apreciation for all that Labour has done for them including the former MP they are comparing to Martin Luther King.
They could release The Walking Dead again – Major, Blair, Brown, Heseltine etc. If they really want to scare the next generation, how about Margaret Nosferatu Beckett?
Jabba the Hutt is another possibility. Corbyn, however, is beyond revival.
Slugger O’Toole has a great thread on songs for the Referendum. People are posting links to their favourite songs that might have political implications. So far it seems to be pretty split between Leave and Remain, but some great songs are being posted.
My recommended songs for those of us who favour Brexit:
Making plans for Nigel
I want to break free (Queen)
They’ll none of them be missed (Gilbert and Sullivan)
Let’s call the whole thing off
There’ll always be an England
If Brexit fails:
Bad times just around the corner (Noel Coward)
We’ll all go together when we go (Tom Lehrer)
After decades where all mainstream political parties were in favour of the EU, where much large business, the media and ruling class, the civil service, not to mention our beloved impartial state broadcaster, had force fed the public ad infinitum on the benefits of the EU, and where the ‘advantages’ of EU membership are so clear, why is the popular vote in the opinion polls not running at Remain 80%, Leave 20%?
Now there’s a question that the vile biased BBC will not be asking any time soon.
Just watched fat slug Jess Phillips Labour on Channel 4 mouthing off about Brexit I think she must hve said Racist at least 5 times in the space of less than 5 minutes. What a goby woman she is.
When I was out earlier, I saw some BSE slugs with T-shirts saying “Don`t vote for Boris and his barking loonies”
Aren`t there rules about mental health such scum are supposed to observe.
I mean-when Andreas Lubitz crashed his Germanwings plane into the French alps and killed hundreds of schoolkids and fellow passengers last March?…I well remember the likes of Marjorie Walllace and Alistair Campbell warning us all off using such prejudicial and offensive language in describing the mentally ill.
But -since it`s Boris and there`s the Referendum to win-well, sod those niceties and revert to the base, nasty evil little abuses that you do in private anyway..I mean it`s not as if 150 plane passengers matter as much as one barb against Boris and those like him who want to leave the EU is it?
This is the Left my friends-but, you`ll know….when Jo Cox and family, Millie Dowler etc can be casually press ganged into The Greater Good of the Common Purpose.
Real evil is NOT coming the way you`d expect-it`s already here and mostly in the media and the massage of science and politics.
The racist bBBC is castigated for its championing of Mary Seacole in a letter in today’s Times by supporters of Florence Nightingale: Sir, Fourteen members of the Nightingale Society have joined in raising concern about the promotion of the Mary Seacole statue at St Thomas’ Hospital in London, to be unveiled on June 30. False achievements have been attributed to Mrs Seacole, including the claim that she was “mentioned in dispatches”, a military honour for gallantry in battle. Mrs Seacole’s battlefield excursions (three only) took place post-battle, after selling wine and sandwiches to spectators. Mrs Seacole was a kind and generous businesswoman, but was not a frequenter of the battlefield “under fire” or a pioneer of nursing.
British institutions were taken in by the Seacole campaign: the BBC (it was forced to retract claims made in its Horrible Histories programme); the National Portrait Gallery (which advertises her as a medal-winner); the Department of Health (which gives her credit for Nightingale’s achievements as a healthcare pioneer). The chancellor even found £240,000 for the statue.
We would gladly support a Seacole statue, to honour her for her own work, but not at Nightingale’s hospital.
And the statue for Sir Keith Park who saved London and the South East thereby leading to the dominance of the sky during WW2 was paid for not by the chancellor but was raised by public funding.
Old Bloke – Even truer now than it was then. More than prophetic.
Makes me even more speechless with frustration and pessimistic though.
Forty years on we have the evidence of own eyes and of history – we can see what this bloated, corrupt behemoth has done to our society, our industries and our self confidence as a nation.
Yet it is quite likely that the population at large would rather agree with the twisted advocacy promoted by “Wormtonge” Cameron than with evident truths with much factual evidence to back it up.
They know in their hearts he is a liar. Yet it seems to me that on the basis of the overspun death of one unfortunate individual, this country is willing to throw away all the hard won democratic reforms for a goblet of falsehoods.
“EU referendum: Baroness Warsi switches from Leave to Remain”
Do we really believe that a poster would influence a person’s conviction to leave the totalitarian, un democratic EU State ?
Pure propaganda. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-eu-referendum-36572894
Al Beeb has been telling us that the £ is falling, its because we are going to leave the EU.
Hey presto ! Today we are told the £ is rising ! Its because we are going to stay in the EU .
Definitely a game of ‘heads and tails’ – ‘heads’ Uriners win, and ‘tails’, Brexit loses.
If Cameron was an honourable man, he would have made a public statement immediately on last week’s events that the murder had nothing to do with the Brexit camp and nothing should be inferred from the killing.
I think that had the boot been on the other foot (eg Carswell murdered by lunatic screaming ‘EU for ever’) the Brexit camp would have immediately done this.
Cameron is a not only dishonourable, but also a fool.
Such an action would have have done much for his side, and possibly safeguarded his position after the referendum.
Anything he might say now is too late and clearly opportunistic.
I am really developing an intense scorn for this man.
even if the vote goes 60/40 to remain on the back of saint jo’s martyrdom, remains antics are going to leave 40% of the population totally disillusioned and pissed off with the mainstream parties, and another 10% will very soon learn the folly of their foolishness.
I suspect the next election will bite all of them in the ass.
i would be surprised if camaron and osbourne even manage to avoid de-selection, surely they are now a liability for the conservative party.
It wont be sixty forty though…This is going to be a photo finish, where-by postal votes may very well tip Camerons “remain” side over the line…..Then even more of the public will be pissed off by this sham of a “democracy”..
The two of them have effectively destroyed the party . If it were not for Corbyn’s uselessness a labour victory at the next election is a certainty. Even with him it is possible that labour will win so great is the disllike of Cameron and Osborne in the party.
I overheard some young retailers talking about the referendum on the train. One was concerned that one of their product lines was imported via France and that it might cost more in future. I wondered why they couldn’t import it direct if that was the case. Another thought that all the intelligent people were on the ‘remain’ side, (who?), but James Dyson was offered as a counter. They thought that ‘leave’ would win, which was a pity, but they weren’t bothered.
Then they went on to talk about their business in general. One of them was upset because his ‘WEE’ bags were being nicked and they cost him £700 per roll. Here was an excellent example of the cunning of the EU, this muppet is tying up £700 of his working capital on plastic bags in which to dispose of his electrical waste, yet it doesn’t occur to him that this is a cost imposed on his business by the EU.
The EU is very good at putting its flag on our money spent on Welsh colleges, not so good at putting it on taxes like VAT, energy certificates and waste disposal charges.
Here’s a quick bit of BBCBias
10pm bBBC1 news. Simon Jack talking about trade with EU stated that our exports to the EU were matched by our imports from them. A balance.
That rung strange as I thought we operated a deficit.
Sure enough, even the Guardian (10 May) reported a record trade deficit with the EU of around £24bn for the first 3 months. Not exactly a balance, is it?
So. Not so much bias, more bare faced lying from our esteemed impartial stste broadcaster.
WHAT a speech! Incredible.Thank you so much for posting that cH. and The Old Bloke above.
What’s changed? The same lies; the same problems with our membership of the E.E.C. / E.U. and the same traitorous, self-interested scum having got us in; then wanting to keep us in and now wanting to ensure that we NEVER get out.
Q. What’s the difference between being governed by the U.K. parliament and the E.U. parliament?
A. It’s the difference between a jacket and a strait-jacket.
Actually, he had mental health issues, and the day before he killed her, he went to a centre in Birstall to try and get help and treatment for his depression, but like always he was brushed off just like everyone and not cared about. People really need to read into things and stop believing everything you hear. No one even knows what happened yet so why don’t you wait and see?
There are three polls due tomorrow, but the figures are potentially highly misleading.
ORB for the Telegraph Remain 53%(+5), Leave 46%(-3) but this is only based on those who say that they are certain to vote and contains no weighting.
If they were weighted the figure would be REMAIN 49%, LEAVE 47% a much closer figure.
YouGov for the Times Remain 42%, LEAVE 44%, Don’t know or Won’t vote 13%
Leave still ahead
NatCen poll an odd one this – Remain 53%, Leave 47% but 2/3rds of the work was done before 26th May so it’s nearly a month old and probably doesn’t accurately reflect the current state of voting intentions.
The left & remain might well have been counting their chickens prematurely it’s still all up for grabs, and the polls could still be wrong !
Do not despair, all is not lost, in fact the ball is very much still in play and it looks like it’s going to go to penalties !
Thoughtful. Whenever it goes to penalties the Germans win, the English lose. Let’s hope there’s a 93rd minute winner removing any need for a repeat of those Batty, Pearce, Southgate, Waddle moments.
Brexit to take it 52% / 48%. Now that would be something.
I will still be voting and saying my bit whenever I can.
However if it does come to penalties I am afraid that Remain will have been helped by the “Hand of God” Very difficult to play against if you abide by the rules.
I’m not one for conspiracy theories in general but it is all too convenient that Jo Cox who nobody appeared to have heard of just happened to have her birthday the day before the referendum and just happened to have an amazing worldwide circle of friends who can arrange events all over the world in under a week and presumably gain official permission to use the public areas.
Conspiracy – Tin foil hat time or worth pursuing as an indication of dirty deeds?
Anna Lindt 2003 campaigning for Sweden to join the Euro- stabbed to death. Campaign suspended.
Henrietta Rekel – Open borders campaigning for mayor of Cologne – A “loner” from the “rightwing” scene attacked Reker in a Cologne street with a knife when she was on the campaign trail. The story generated a wave of media propaganda against anyone who favoured closing Germany’s borders.
So, in a similar attack in Cologne against pro-Immigration politician Henrietta Reker, the attack caused a massive swing away from the anti-Immigration parties.
And the attacker’s DWP file was later discovered to be classified, and the German SIS refused to answer a parliamentary question in the Bundestag as to whether or not they had any connections to him, nor whether they knew of his involvement in any previous crimes.
Hmmmmm… As you say, Aborigine Londoner, “all too convenient”.
Couple this with Anna Lindh and Pavlos Fyssas and it’s starting to become a collection of four highly similar “coincidences”. (Not sure I’d group Lady Di into this pattern but it has been mentioned.)
Henrietta Reker, by the way, recovered quickly from her attack to famously tell women after the Cologne sex attacks they were to blame.
Most useful was her advice to keep migrants at “arm’s length.” 🙄
For fans of anagrams, Tom Mair yields two Italian words:
Ammorti – We wrote off
Tirammo – We shot
It also yields “Mia Mort”, whose Wikipedia page reads:
Mia Mort is a recording artist and designer. She was graduated from University of the Arts London. She started collaborating with You Love Her Coz She’s Dead in June 2014 and was featured on the track Crystal Deth.
Though I don’t believe our betters have practiced Blood Sacrifice to enforce their will, that’s certainly what they have turned this womans death into.
Firstly do these polls reflect the voting intentions of your family , friends and colleagues because they certainly don’t mine !! Perhaps it is the circles I mix in (Yorkshire , work in engineering) but at a rough estimate 70% or higher of the people I know are voting leave. My parents (retired more on them later) don’t know anyone who is voting remain !
Secondly and on this note I learned something interesting from my Mother at the weekend. Via various methods she has registered with multiple polling companies and proudly told me last week she earned £100 for answering various questions relating to the coming vote. My suspicion is that accidentally between them the polling companies are actually speaking to a very small group of people possibly just pensioners and students hence the almost 50/50 split. So be very wary of the results they give.
Interesting – and in the case of YouGov (with which I have been registered for several years) they are just not asking people with views like mine. I have not had a single request during this entire referendum campaign.
> they are just not asking people with views like mine. I have not had a single request during this entire referendum campaign.
Aren’t you in danger of confusing “views like mine” with “mine” there? If they haven’t asked everybody who has registered with them, it doesn’t mean they’re not sampling a broad spectrum. There’s no need to be so narcissistic as to believe that your exclusion from any sample would render it invalid.
If anything, asking all their registered participants all the time would be more likely to skew the votes in one direction or another, depending on the demographic & political skew of registrants compared to the national average.
@Thoughtful – Thanks, this might help explain why ORB polls are so out of whack compared to other surveys? I have also noticed that their small size surveys (800 respondents) seem to heavily favour remain, for some reason.
My personal poll of polls* including today’s polls is now follows (comparative figures from Jun 16 in brackets):
This would indicate that the whole trumped up media circus and ballyhoo about the tragic death of Jo Cox has cost Leave about 3% of its lead – but it still has its nose in front.
I think it is also worth noting that according to Survation around 7% refuse to say how they are going to vote. How are these people going to vote? Of course we have no idea from the survey, but I would say that they are more likely to be older votes, brought up in the tradition that it is a secret ballot for a reason. I suspect – cautiously – that there might be a secret reserve of Leave voters here.
* My method takes the polls listed on the FT Brexit Poll Tracker at https://ig.ft.com/sites/brexit-polling/, ignores polls with sample sizes less than 1500, looks at the 7 most recent surveys, eliminates the best and worst results, and then takes a weighted average of the remaining 5 surveys, with the most recent weighted as 5, the next 4, and so on.
Mike Hunt : Yes I also suspect a fair number of the undecided are like the famed “shy tories” at the last election. The wildcard here is the 2 million newly registered voters !! My initial instinct on hearing this number was to be suspicious but I’m not so sure. A lot of people I have spoken to who previously took no interest in politics are interested in this referendum. How many of them will vote is the question. I do fear there will be a last minute rush causing the polling stations to be held open by the powers that be.
Incidentally the MSM initial narrative for this vote was that no one but the weird fanatics was really interested. They stuck with that story until the establishment panic last week. However I have never seen such interest in any poll in my 40 odd years and I reckon we are going to see a high turnout.
Most of the archers came from the West Country and Wales (along with one or two miners in that campaign) as evidenced by the names The Butts, Butt Lane etc. in numerous West Country villages.
Does the Welsh word “butty” (comrade?) have similar connections? Butt as in “owd butt” has the same meaning in Gloucestershire.
The person who shared the butts with you – ‘Butts’ a place or strip of land where archery was practised.
‘Some say ‘ Buts, targets for archery practise , i.e. Barrels use for target practise ? Who knows ?
I know some Al Beeb presenters who should be used for target practise.
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In 1968 Enoch Powell said,
“We must be mad, literally mad, as a nation to be permitting the annual inflow of some 50,000 dependents… It is like watching a nation busily engaged in heaping up its own funeral pyre”.
He was punished by Edward Heath who sacked him from the cabinet saying, “I dismissed Mr Powell because I believed his speech was inflammatory”.
Heath tried to close down the debate. He didn’t believe immigration was inflammatory; but discussing it was.
Today, with net immigration at 330,000, the BBC and the liberal left are copying Heath’s 1968 policy. They hate anyone criticising immigration and blame those who do of stoking xenophobia, hate, racism and murder. But more and more people are fearful about immigration and the islamification of Britain. The problem hasn’t gone away, it’s getting worse. People must be allowed to discuss it frankly.
The BBC however is still trying to close down the debate. They don’t believe immigration is inflammatory, but discussing it is.
It’s like having a pressure cooker, de-activating the safety valve and turning the heat up.
Sooner or later something’s got to blow.
“Net” immigration is a meaningless figure. Immigration and emigration are two quite independent processes and the Net figure does not equal:
Immigrants arriving – immigrants leaving = NET immigration
The figure that counts is the first the GROSS immigration figure, estimated at around 600,000 a year. Nobody counts either, these are just crude estimates and almost certainly under counts as they are based on the ‘not fit for purpose’ International passenger Survey held only for a few weeks a year.
As has been mentioned a few times here, the figures also hide a worrying trend, emigration of the skilled and professionals. Since emigrants have to qualify to enter destinations such as US, Canada, & Australia, they are more likely to be higher tax contributors to the economy. Inbound we have a larger pool of unskilled low wage earners who even if they do put in more than they take out will be lower tax contributors. Industry will suffer as we reach capacity and skills shortages in key industries and tax revenues will be degraded.
Enoch Powell was so right in what he said England is finished now look at how many criminal’s here that we cannot deport and there’s the ones that are here illegally. We are only a small island and we are over run already. This should never of happened in the first place more crime and no more England
I recently watched Enoch being interviewed by Robin Day on the show following the result of the 1975 EEC Referendum. Powell was very relaxed confidently predicting that the British people will reject the EEC when they realise they have been deceived and that it is an instrument to govern them and not about free trade. Well that time is now upon us, I hope the British people rise to the occasion.
Sadly, ED, thanks to the Left’s incursionary tactics, the ‘British people’ have changed dramatically since 1968 both racially and politically.
Cannot bear the thought of the Westminster “virtue signalling” extravaganza this afternoon.
Recalling Parliament? All about the erm … “feelings” you see, ah! 444 remainian s, who can grovel to emote the most?
… tears? well of course. … few spare seats at the shallow end no doubt.
What a change from this … Enoch Powell
Moved from Weekend thread because it was a Monday morning incident! Eek
“It’s what Jo would have wanted…”
I wondered how long it would be before a Bremainer said that!
Well it was the sound of Chukka “virtue signalling” by claiming he almost decided not to appear on LBC this morning ‘out of respect’ for her!
FFS Chukka you halo is made of plastic! Bin it!
Well that will keep the subject in the news another day.
The virtue signalling surrounding her untimely death has been immense. Anyone that is anyone is claiming to have been her friend to the point that one has to ask how she found time to do any work at all, let alone be as brilliant an MP and mum as everyone is saying.
I don’t wish to be harsh, I found her death and the manner of it chilling, but there has to be a stop to the use of it for other purposes and agendas.
‘how she found time to do any work at all, let alone be as brilliant an MP and mum’
I believe she may also have been due to become a promising Junior Doctor.
Like the inspirational, multi-tasking and clearly not overworked Rosena Allin-Khan.
I can confirm the fact that I had never heard of her existence before, even though I live in Yorkshire and watch Look North and Calendar. So had no idea that she was working class or was born in the constituency that she represented. Probably this was because she was more concerned about Syria than Yorkshire, just as Cameron is more concerned with Europe than Britain.
I suppose the reaction of the Political Class to this murder will be like the dying days of the French Aristocracy. More and more legislation against criticism of the policies of the elite, after more and more incidents.
Blaming one murder on free speech allowing millions of people to air their concerns about mass immigration would only mean that although the Polls would see a surge in remain support. I think this would only indicate that like past General Election results, political correctness would make a large percentage of people to say “I’m now voting remain” but fully intend to exploit the secret ballot by voting “Leave”.
Rather than resort to this site as a community similar to the one the BBC web-site used to provide, I am happy (!) to report what definitely looks like a couple of bits of BBC bias:
Bosses backing Remain, prominent on the Home Page – even at 11am – with four large to extra large photos of the New Mini Cooper. (I wonder what side the late John Cooper would have been on in the Referendum debate? He was a ‘small guy’ who went out and struggled to achieve on the European and then the World stage.) These are all down the left hand-side to be the first read in every line. Bias? No! Surely not? Think there were actually five repetitions of this item earlier in the day. Back to servbiasce as normal, then. 30:Love at least.
Then there’s Katty Kay speculating that a Brexit vote on Thursday could help Donald Trump into the White House. By logical extension, that means that Brexiteers should switch to Remain if they don’t like Trump (that’s me, but – barring Divine intervention – I will not switch to Remain) and that Brexiteers who go on to vote to leave the EU are 1. as ‘evil’ as Trump as portrayed by some/many/most at the BBC, and, 2. will be held responsible for all the woes that befall the whole world after Trump (I would say ‘if Trump’, but as I really do not like the thought of Hilary Clinton there as POTUS either, victory for either will be lamentable) is elected to office.
Skip to more servbiasce as normal at the BBC and it’s not just game but set and match as well. Hand over the Varsi as trophy to the Remain winners and, hey ho, on to Wimbledon.
Oh, I say!
We already sold the Mini to the Germans so of course they want to remain.
Of course the Mini brand is owned by BMW who acquired it after British Aerospace dumped Rover group. Now part of the “British” motor industry we hear so much about at the moment of course some of the Minis are now built in Austria.
Not strictly BBC related, but as they are the principle Vote Remain messengers I thought this might be of interest since you will never see this reported on the BBC:
Separate to this, Jon Gaunt (I think it was) tweeted just prior to Jo Cox’s murder that it had been leaked that 80% of Labour’s Northern postal vote voter community have voted Leave, with 60% of the total received up to that point doing so.
Both these “results” have been silenced and it is a struggle to find evidence anywhere.
Over the weekend, we have been consistently told that the polls have narrowed, with Remain taking the lead in many on the back of “economic concerns”.
I smell a rat, and wonder whether the polls are being manipulated? I know this can happen, having seen it happen in other countries.
Encouraging though!!!!
My normal image host has disappeared. I will try to upload a pic of the 80%
Millions of the overwhelmingly male migrants to Europe in the past two years are not refugees fleeing war zones. Douglas Murray discusses the failure of Germany and other countries to integrate them, and, what the consequences will be
Lauren Southern Visits Calias Refugee Camp – Can’t Find Any Syrians…
Much closer to home than ‘other countries’ Nofan. Kent is still part of the UK I believe.
The late , and great , Bob Monkhouse came from Kent and used to say that ” I know , because I hear them muttering the word whenever I walk by ” .
Farage is being harassed and badgered by that piece of sh*t Norman Smith on BBC news.
I thought Michael Crick was the king of bargain basement reporting, but Norman is clearly after his title.
Also do the Remainiacs actually believe the people are stupid enough to fall for Warsi’s ‘change of heart’ trick?
The murder of Jo Cox was caused by Brexit?
However if that is the case!
It is now clear to me that the murder of Lee Rigby, the British soldier, mown down and beheaded on the streets of London , was caused by the European Union/Pro-Immigration Anti-British Fascist Criminal Gangs of Westminster and Brussels. Now called the REMAIN group, headed up by the spinning spiv Cameron.
All Muslim terrorists whilst declaring their allegiance and support for Islam are actually human weapons brought into the country ‘En Mass’ by these organisations (the European Union/Pro-Immigration Anti-British Fascist Criminal Gangs of Westminster and Brussels. Now called the REMAIN gang headed up by the spinning spiv Cameron) to foster discord, unrest and panic.
All other acts of terrorist atrocities committed by, so called, Islamists in London, Paris, Brussels, Madrid and even in the USA, where 50 people were murdered just last week, are caused directly by these same organisations. Nor must we forget the Islamist Obama administration is pumping billions of dollars into the Middle Eastern conflicts to create these millions of refugee/human weapons.
Their theory (the EU dictatorship) is that the more terrorist atrocities and aliens there are then the more laws that can be introduced to limit the liberty and free speech of Europe’s citizens. Also the more immigrants that are imported then the poorer the ordinary working people become, that is if they can actually get a job at all. So, the more compliant and submissive the population will become. The free movement of peoples within this conglomerate blob, the EU, may give an illusion of freedom but actually further reduces the national identities of the individual countries.
This policy is clearly necessary to ensure that the population is brought completely and absolutely to heel and unable to resist complete assimilation into the European Union’s Totalitarian State. No one in the UK would voluntarily join a dictatorship without coercion and a huge propaganda exercise from politicians, the BBC and their disciples at Sky, ITV and the rest of the PC media. That policy was of course working very well.
The policy of course backfired last week and an young mother MP working for their cause was killed in an altercation. That one of their own has died has meant the recall of Parliament and wall to wall accusations of hate and racism against anyone on the Brexit or OUT group side. This is just exploitation of the worst and most nasty type that I have ever seen in politics in all of my life. May God forgive them and beware the next phase of government crack downs on us the people.
I wonder if Lee Rigby will be mentioned today or the thousands of other people killed by their policies?
Not much pouring of grief from the fishermen for Jo Cox up here in the Hebrides, I wonder why?

“The policy of course backfired last week …”
Hmmm, call me cynical, but there will be glee among the more callous in the Bremain camp (and lest face it most poltiicians are hard as nails). Her death has been a gift to them, and ruthlessly exploited to silence Brexit at a point where thhey were rising. The timing couldnt have been better if it were planned.
“The timing couldnt have been better if it were planned.”
I agree, reminds me of the suicide of Dr David Kelly (weapons of mass destruction era). The timing of his death also couldn’t have been better if it were planned.
In other news, a stage version of The Manchurian Candidate is being performed by the AmDram Society of Batley and Spen.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-36590824. The deification of St Jo has begun. How dare they paint this as ‘us good, them evil.’ Astounded that her widower would do something in the wake of his wife’s appalling murder.
The BBC doing GoD’s work?
Really? Her widower is as much an extremist as she was.
Cranmer ……”An observation: Why does the BBC downplay and even mock Christianity, but whenever there is some ‘outpouring of grief’ they always show services in the local church and rush to interview the local vicar?”
It was interesting to note though, that there were more empty pews than full ones, and the camera quickly focused on the vicar. Perhaps the Beeb were hoping for a Songs of Praise type of service – hence the cameras. (they’d probably have had more luck at the local mosque).
There’s been a cry for a statue to be erected at Westminster in JC’s memory. Can’t help wondering if this had happened to an insignificant MP who wasn’t an aid worker, or involved with refugees abroad, or been involved with the Kinnocks, yet had been in parliament for 10 years quietly working away, whether they would have had the same outpouring of grief; the cynic in me says not.
Brissles, I suspect the BBC likes to show church services because it creates the sense of emotion they wish to instill in their reports. I would imagine Beeboids, like most British people, only attend church for weddings and funerals, if at all, so a church service is for them is associated with a sense of heightened emotion, perhaps even repressed hysteria. The clergy are great for providing a bit of theatre when there’s a ‘candle and flower’ story to report, but heaven forbid they should appear at any other time!
Most vicars are not Christians; they are social workers with no interest in theology or spirituality, but do the job for free accommodation and perchance an opportunity to appear on TV to exhibit how diverse and multicultural vibrant communities can come together in moments of tragedy.
Another bloody shrine to Tony Blair’s legacy!
As TB would say “This is not the time for sound bites but……………She was the people’s MP”
Brissles, I can’t help thinking that the media circus around Jo Cox will pack up and leave town, both in a literal and metaphorical sense, immediately a Remain vote is announced. Her purpose will have been served.
I experienced a wonderful example about what this referendum is all about..humour me
I exited the Waterloo and City line at Bank this morning to go to work and was faced with a choice…
Two travelators were available, the one on the left was moving and and the one on the right had stopped.
The herd (Remainiacs) the people who only knew safety first and were too lazy to walk, clogged up the left travelator.
Meanwhile, (Brexiters), the stivers, risk takers and dare I say it, ‘progressives’, walked up the right travelator unencumbered by the weight of people (bureaucracy and regulation) and got to the top first, as did I.
Stiffen the sinews, keep the faith and the courage of your convictions and vote to leave the European Union on the 23rd June!!
PS. Guess what the next big blockbuster film opening in the UK on the 23rd June is …….’Independence Day’
It must be written in the stars!
Appalling bias from Channel 4
In the late 1970s and early eighties the Ukip leader was a pupil at Dulwich College in south London, one of Britain’s most prestigious schools. Channel 4 News has uncovered strong evidence that teachers at Dulwich thought Nigel Farage was “racist”, and “fascist” or “neo-fascist”.
We have a long letter (below) written in June 1981 by a young English teacher, Chloe Deakin, begging the master of the college (head teacher), David Emms, to reconsider his decision to appoint Farage as a prefect. Deakin did not know Farage personally but her letter includes an account of what was said by staff at their annual meeting, held a few days earlier, to discuss new prefects.
Chloe Deakin did not know Farage personally
Chloe Deakin did not know Farage personally
Chloe Deakin did not know Farage personally
Chloe Deakin’s account suggests Farage was expressing opinions well to the right of Powell.
The former master of Dulwich David Emms, the man who appointed Farage and received Chloe Deakin’s letter, says he has no memory of the meeting or the letter. But he agrees with his former deputy: “It was naughtiness, not racism,” Emms told me on Wednesday. “I didn’t probe too closely into that naughtiness, but the staff were fed up with his cheekiness and rudeness. They wanted me to expel him, but I saw his potential, made him a prefect, and I was proved right.”
The former master says he has no memory of the letter
The former master says he has no memory of the letter
The former master says he has no memory of the letter
We approached Chloe Deakin. She says she recalls discussing the matter, but has no memory of her letter.
We approached Chloe Deakin. She says she recalls discussing the matter, but has no memory of her letter.
We approached Chloe Deakin. She says she recalls discussing the matter, but has no memory of her letter.
It appears that in their hate & desperation channel 4 will broadcast anything derogatory no matter how tenuous the link, and without the support of the main protagonists in the matter.
In other news, C4 has revealed that Mr Farage may once have kicked a beggar’s crutch away, and tortured several kittens. There’s no evidence that it ever happened, but nonetheless, it remains true.
The Remainers get more desperate everyday and I see it as a good sign. I did not go to Dulwich School but we played football , cricket and athletics against them. And Nigel Farage ate my hamster !
I was thinking this sounded familiar, and it is. It’s from 2013.
Have they dredged it up again?
Replying to myself, I see it’s amongst the most read and watched items. Looks like Remain dirty tricks to try to put it back in the public’s consciousness.
Although it’s a bizarre “news” site, where the most recent article on the home page is dated 16th June and the banner headline is an old story about Tory election fraud allegations which now apply to all parties (thus probably explaining why that story has gone quiet).
You’re absolutely correct, Channel 4 seems to employ nearly as many unpleasant sneering left wing bigots as the dear old Beeb. Who gives a flying fig what Nigel thought, said or did as a schoolboy?
Just for the record I went to the pretty appalling comprehensive situated right next door to Dulwich College at roughly the same time as our Nige’. For a long time I blamed the teachers for my lack of academic success; I had a chip on my shoulder the size of Gibralter, but on reflection it wasn’t their fault; it was mine. I was a smug, narrow minded, bigoted lefty who wanted to abolish the monarchy and the House of Lords and joined the Young Socialists. What a tosser. Like a lot of youngsters I thought I knew it all, but actually I knew almost nothing.
I don’t think it is at all reasonable to judge a man in his fifties by anything he said, did or thought as a typical pain in the arse teenager.
Fortunately we change; we grow up, we develop and see the world differently as we mature. Well most of us do.
Of course if you happen to be Billy Bragg, Jeremy Corbyn or Bob Geldof…
Nudge nudge, hint hint, reasons why St Jo of Islam was martyred. She was preparing a report on the far right. Obviously worried about attacks on her constituents whom she felt so protective towards.
From the equally unbiased ITV .
‘The report by Tell Mama, an organisation that monitors Islamophobia, shows an 80% increase in anti-Muslim attacks and warned Yorkshire was a “hotbed of far-right activity”.
In the video, Mrs Cox discusses the problem that in her constituency saying “many of our young women don’t feel safe when they’re out on the street”.
Concerns are said to have been so great that the local council asked Tell Mama to create an initiative to help them tackle the issue’.
So that was why the far right sent a hit man to take her out.
Cue Teresa the Collaborator to propose legislation to stamp out far right nationalists. Must be time to lock Tommy Robinson up again.
Note the reference to “our women”. Our women? I’m guessing that category does not include young, white, working class women and girls – the sort being preyed on by colonists with a predilection for paedophilia.
Fiyaz Mughal the proven liar involved again, and instead of questioning the veracity of his evidence junior Fascist Cox is right in there fighting the corner for the brown eyed boys. Such a shame she saw her white constituents as her enemy though.
Ahhh that’ll be the make it up for Mamma, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/journalists/andrew-gilligan/10108098/Muslim-hate-monitor-to-lose-backing.html
Of course I imagine 99.9% of the public have zero idea who or what this organisation. Last time I saw them was on breakfast when the BBc were reporting a supposed incident where a muslim actress supposedly didn’t like something supposedly said to her and couldn’t leave her house because of her fear…Well apart from going to the TV studios that is.
Another one of my complaints to the BBc where of course I was wrong and they were right.
Whatever the result on Thursday I think that two key points have emerged during this campaign. Firstly, I think that the growing awareness of white working class voters that Labour does not represent them has grown enormously. We saw this in the GE when a lot of ex Labour voters turned to UKIP to represent them. In this campaign I think that this trend has been massively accentuated. Corbyn’s honest, but hapless, admission that there can be no cap on immigration on the Marr show indicates that Labour high command simply doesn’t understand that its traditional voters are more concerned about immigration than anything else. Its middle class and ethnic voters in London may not share this concern but millions of people who have only ever voted Labour do. A high turn out on Thursday of those voters for Leave seems likely and will put Labour in its weakest position since before the war. And there is no easy back for Labour because it has for years courted the votes of immigrants and has been responsible for mass immigration and in London this has won it many seats. But at last its traditional voters have woken up to the fact that ‘their party’ has been pursuing policies, without the consent of the British people, which go directly against their best interests. But now that they have been rumbled the Labour party has to choose , immigration or white working class voters. The cover has ripped off its dirty deceitful game, no longer can it have mass immigration and the votes of the white working class, it has to choose one or the other. The white working class has simply stopped believing that mass immigration is good for them! They realise that Labour has lied to them for decades. Whatever way Labour chooses and with Corbyn et al in charge it will be mass immigration, Labour will loose a lot of votes and played correctly UKIP will gain most of them.
My second point , more of a hope really, is that people wake up to how they are manipulated by the media, particularly of course the BBC. In the event of a Leave vote I hope that full vengeance is taken on the BBC and that millions more people see that the BBC has been campaigning for years for policies which are directly against the best interests of themselves and of the country as a whole.
Doublethinker, excellent analogy.
As an ex labour supporter and member of the indigenous working class I can identify with this.
Regarding the above comments on the attempted character assasinations against Nigel Farage I would say that it won’t have much impact on people like me and many others who are voting Brexit.
In my view the more right wing Farage is presented as, then the more support he will receive from people like me.
At a time such as now we need strong partisan policies in order to protect us from the EU abyss, in the same way that Churchill was the apt choice to lead the goverment in world war 2.
Atttacks on Nigel Farrage will of course not affect Brexiters but remember that this referendum is close and its the fence sitters who will decide the result.
I don’t think you have any understanding of the left at all from that post Doublethinker, but then why should you need to?
Until you can understand what the ‘liberal Fascists’ are up to, you will not be able to offer any meaningful resistance to their politics.
That of course is the point! They don’t want you to know, it’s not made clear & easy to understand, and it’s like a huge amorphous blob which keeps changing its shape to confuse.
The core of it though remains static and can be understood.
” Horowitz argues that “left-wing fascism” in the United States, as in Europe, is capable of combining very different ideological strains into a political formula that has the potential for mass appeal. He argues that it operates through mystified language, attributes faults “everywhere and always in an imperial conspiracy of wealth, power or status”, and uses anti-Semitism as a pseudo-populist tool.”
I’m sure that what you say is true of all those lefties who are actively engaged in an attempt to seize power by undermining liberal democracies , and of course of their fellow travellers and useful idiots. We have plenty of these latter ones. But I believe that the majority of traditional Labour voters only voted Labour because they thought , mistakenly , that Labour had their best interests at heart. Increasingly they see that this is not the case, indeed that what Labour is committed to is bad for them, and so will transfer their votes to a party which truly represents them.
Are the socialists still claiming that Remain campaign is irresponsible and should be suppressed, sorry, “toned down”?
Am I alone in being reminded of a certain National Socialist party which also decided it needed to suppress the opposition – all in the “national good”, of course.
The EU internet police are poised and ready to suppress free speech if it does not meet their criteria, criteria over which there is has been no democratic debate or scrutiny.
And the National Socialists had an institutional Antisemitism problem, claiming that Jews had too much power.
Am I alone in thinking that the UK Socialist sorry Labour party (and perhaps its mouthpiece the BBC?) are sounding more and more like the true ideological heirs of the Nationalsozialismus Partei?
Calling anti-Immigration campaigners “Nazis” and “extreme right wing” is a breathtaking volte-face of the true situation, but we have been so conditioned to it that we hardly notice.
Until now.
We are on very dangerous ground.
Beeb decides its worth pursuing another Remain non story
Lady Warsi switches from Leave to Remain
If you draw up a list of all the people you dislike and despise, pretty much all of them are in the Remain camp. Even if people are unsure of the issues doing this exercise makes the voting decision very simple, assuming of course that you are not a Marxist PC liberal progressive.
Or, as James Delingpole refers to her, Baroness Token.
The BBC have been sold a pup
BBC1 News at One – bad journalism, blatant Remain propaganda, wrong on every level. (Can’t normally stomach it but heard the headlines and decided to see what the BBC version of events was.)
Headline: Farage accuses Cameron, Osborne, Remain of linking Jo Cox death to “Inflammatory” poster; Warsi quits Leave because she says it is inciting hatred, conflating poster and murder. No mention in headline that Warsi seems to have been Remain all along, to judge by her actions and twitterings, nor that the idea of “hatred” was introduced by Jo Cox’s grieving husband and friends in the hours after her tragic death.
Follows a ding-dong with Farage being asked to state his case, and reporter rudely interjecting, “When? When did the Prime Minister or the Chancellor link Jo Cox’s murder [to the EU debate, poster,can’t remember exact words]? When, what did they say?” Farage keeps calm, tries to answer.
Then a half-baked refutation of Warsi’s supposed status in the Leave campaign. Strange no one knew she was in it. End of story. BBC “journalism” on a par a with the Times, who have made the one-time paper of record simply look foolish and as if they didn’t check the facts behind their headline story. Don’t the BBC bods check, either? Was Warsi ever a Leaver or not?
A bit of further to-ing and fro-ing, including a few words from the excellent Gisela Stuart for Leave. I thought, OK, for the BBC that wasn’t as unbalanced as it could have been. At least we saw a few Leave posters. BUT, BUT, BUT – then we go back to the studio, and it’s Ministry of Truth time with Norman Smith.
Smith tells us – with complete free rein, no interruptions, supposed to be an overview of the situation – that Farage was “inflammatory”…”incendiary”…”corrosive”…he was making it “divisive” and full of “hatred”, “accusing” the PM and Osborne – Smith couldn’t find enough bile to spit out. All pretence of even-handedness was over. In comparison, Farage came across as calm and reasonable. Memo to Norman Smith: suggest you check the activities of the Remain camp, including those who started twittering about “hatred and division” instead of offering sincere personal condolences after the murder.
It was a disgraceful display, even by the Orwellian standards of the BBC.
PS. This segment was followed by one of the BBC’s own money “experts” (no interview with a bona fide expert) who informed us that the pound was rising and had gained back all the losses of the past two weeks.
Implication: the tide has turned against Leave. He reckoned the City reckoned (spin, spin) that it would be 70/30 for the Remain cause. 70/30? Surely this is desperate stuff?
Message: make sure the pound stays high, get on the winning side. (No mention of the bankers being up to their ears in EU manipulations, or any wider implications.)
Much as I will be voting as early and often as I can on Thursday, I cannot help feeling that Thomas Mair will go down in history as the man that not only murdered the far left politician Jo Cox, but also murdered British sovereignty.
Remain and the BBC/Guardian have played a blinder with the murder. They needed a gift from heaven and clearly feel that they have got it. Only a week ago they were driving the Leave vote with every muddled utterance. How we prayed for more of that hilarious bluster from Cameron, or prayed for more humourless Izzard on the BBC (remember Eddie Izzard? What happened to him?!).
Now though, they are succeeding. They are succeeding with the extension of their worn-out insults of ‘racist’ by a simple substitution of the word ‘hatred’. They know that hijacking Cox’s death to paint Leave as ‘racist’ has only so much mileage. Hence their new meme ‘fight against hatred’. “Jo so loved the world that she did everything to make it a better place, and that included welcoming refugees and fighting to remain in the EU.” You who may be thinking of Brexit by contrast are so full of hate. But don’t be, give up your hate and join Remain, it’s not too late.
I’m afraid to say that I think the polls are showing that the British public are falling for this emotional blackmail.
Just watched Corbyn and Cameron remembering St Jo in Parliament – fighting Islamophobia, promoting diversity, and calling for a better world by remaining in the EU. At least Teresa May kept her tits covered up.
More to unite us than to divide us.
They are wankers ! Pissing in the wind. And they are scared , very scared that they may lose everything. Corbyn and Cameron are twins .
Sadly a lot less scared now than they were last week. 🙁
By the rude bridge that arched the flood
Their flag to April’s breeze unfurled
Here once the embattled farmers stood
And fired the shot heard round the world.
R W Emerson.
We shall see.
Applying logic has certainly gone out the window, but pondering motivations still makes me wonder why some pertinent questions are being avoided as paper thin allusions get hyped to truth.
Murderous idealogues are primarily playing to their core audience.
Hence Islamic terrorists are rather proud of what they get up to as they are only interested in nihilism and one upping their dead mates in the last batch. Hence, loud, proud and an email to the BBC to mull over explaining away. Plus a video to Facebook. live.
Political assassination is different. The perps do not want anyone to know what they did, or ordered done. Because it backfires epically. So conspiracy theories about right wingers getting this done are barking. They want to be in power. Things like this, clearly, and thanks to the efforts of the BBC and the sea cucumber brains in Westminster, sees their aims are thwarted.
And finally there is the actual lone wolf loon. What goes on in their heads is a deadly mystery. Those that presume to have insights most don’t maybe should seek help. Those who seek to profit from it appear to be seeking office.
I hope still to see such people prevented from getting into positions of power.
KafirHarbi, yes I am seething with fury that that idiot Thomas Mair has possibly won it for Remain which means that for what years left of my life I am going to see us shackled to the EU dictatorship & watch Britain become as insignificant as….er,…Guernsey, let’s say! The destruction of a great nation by one deranged idiot!! It makes one weep.
A catalyst maybe.
But greater forces have been itching to act.
It’s a matter of Princip.
Worked out so well before.
My own feelings exactly CP.
Brilliant summing up.
Just heard Iain Dale bleating about all her amazing “love” for the world – she even loved Yorkshire, apparently!
Seems this woman isnt just a Saint, she is a reincarnation of Christ himself, sacrificed to save us all…
seems she defended everyone, except underage white yorkshire girls, or maybe she was just rendered speechless by that
Have heard a lot of people are calling for Saint Jo’s husband Brendon to run for her seat, somehow I don’t think that would be wise.
If innocent why quit or was it jump before being pushed.
Maybe he’s still bathing the kids with love?
The kind that adheres when Mum & Dad think the best kind of family outing for the young ones is to jump on an inflatable and barrel up a river to harangue peaceful protesters in a PR disaster.
Maybe he can get the McCanns round to swap parenting notes?
Hes also taken his two tots to listen to bleating MPs in he HofC today!
Unbelievable when they have just lost their mother. The people I feel truly sorry for are Jo’s parents, now watching their grandchildren raised by their ghastly son in law.
Perhaps people need to be reminded that Nazis and self proclaimed Nazis were and are, by definition, against a Britain independent of German domination, and that they had substantial support from muslims in Bosnia and Palestine for their attempt to exterminate the Jewish people by propaganda, boycott and murder.
shheeeesh! does no one know any history anymore?
On the forum I usually post on (video game forum, almost entirely leftist – with added bile) it’s already been declared a victory for Remain. These cocksure morons are full of outright hatred for anyone daring to venture a vote for Leave (I’ve been called every possible name under the sun – and then some – and labelled a xenophobe and racist because I take issue with the EU’s attitude to immigration, etc).
Events last week – and the way the BBC in particular has furiously virtue signalled ever since – seem to have sewn it up for Remain. It’s a done deal, isn’t it? These wretched progressives know they have it in the bag and now it’s just about crowing and hurling a few last moment insults and smears in Leave’s direction to make doubly sure everyone knows what a bunch of fascist murderers they are.
To be honest, after so much abuse, such a relentless tide of leftist propaganda and disinformation, I’m getting tired of the whole wretched affair. When will this be over?
Who knows? Certainly the polls are a hoot, with the kind of Alzheimers on their performance last time that matches a BBC executive at an inquiry.
Around here there are few posters up, and those that are are mainly for Remain.
They are likely the homes of the less than impressive councillors who dominate proceedings and set their family members on anyone daring to voice a counter opinion as ‘concerned’ letter writers to the local rag.
They are passionate, committed, humourless and utterly deranged.
I wouldn’t let them locate my home for love nor money.
When I talked to UJIP earlier today they have all but conceded defeat I’m afraid.
Please dont call them ‘progressives’, they are Globalists, wanting world domination, one world government, no free speech, no democracy, a watered down form of Islam as a way to control the plebs, a tiny ruling elite and everyone else forced to live in penury to conserve the environment for the elite.
Platos Republic. Fascist state.
Good God! What a simply awful; awful; awful b@stard Stephen Kinnock is!
Come on Al he is just defending the family business. If all your family worked for the EU and made millions wouldn’t you lie through your teeth to persuade people to keep the money rolling in?
The BBC will be pleased to hear it gets a mention. Or, maybe not.
He makes a brilliant case. Thanks.
I take it that wasn’t the BBC World Service …….
Great, and we get Andrew Marr…..
Bump for super video
Mair appears in court under the terrorism protocol.
What have they got in mind?
Has he got a lawyer?
“many of our young women don’t feel safe when they’re out on the street”.
Quite so. Ask Flip Flop Warsi – who had to have a police escort around the streets of Luton for not being ” the right kind of Muslim”
Have those behind the George Cross petition asked the ex-miner (how good can it get?) if he is voting for Brexit? Perhaps he’s doing a Warsi and leaving that bombshell to the last minute.
The swan singing… or diving ‘Trust’ still at peak GIAR one sees…
Holding power to account, with ‘truthiness’.
It’s in their DNA.
MPs from the BBC Con/Lab Party make speaches about St Jo and a few mild funnies are repeated to warm applause. Jo would have liked that.
Note that the BBC choose to highlight their report with two of the speeches; one is from Kinnochio, looking rather like a Treen (from Dan Dare comics) which establishes the Remain argument that it was a political murder derived from bad nationalism.
I would have thought they might have used comments from the PM and Leader of the Opposition.
I haven’t posted here for a while, although I check in several times a day to catch up on the recent outrages. I have reached the point where I can only take the BBC for maybe an hour or two a day, so I don’t hear enough to get issues to post about. I don’t watch BBC TV but still give a chance to Radio 4, 5Live and the World Service. I started listening to the BBC in the fifties, mainly the Home Service and used to listen to the World Service as well. Even twenty years ago we used to get decent classical music programmes on the World Service, but now it would probably have to a group of disabled trans-sexuals forming an orchestra in a refugee camp to play Beethoven’s Fifth appealing to the UK to vote Eurine to get a hearing. In case any of the trolls who plague us here want to attack me for homophobia, let me say that I didn’t know that there was such a thing as a homosexual until I heard Julian and Sandy on “Round the Horne”. In those days, the BBC was educating us about sub-cultures we didn’t know about, but in a genuinely humourous way, not like the modern self-righteous, ranting, so-called comedians. BBC documentaries used to be informative. Now they are just propaganda efforts for the latest “issues”. Like some others on this site, I chose to leave the UK years back so I no longer fund the BBC. I am grateful to those of you who still do. Although I find it hard to listen to it these days, I still have a real soft-spot for the BBC. I honestly pray that it, and the UK, will return to former glories. Brexit on Thursday please!
Dead right Kennedy.
The BBC needs to come with a health warning that more than 30 mins of “news, analysis and comment” either gives you diabetes or brain damage.
Witness “Trump and the Republican Christian” idea as masticated by Ernie Rae on “Beyond Belief” a couple of hours ago.
“Does what it says on the tin”?…don`t make me laugh!
Basically it was a half hour trashing of both Christians and Trump by exiled democrats, zen-lying liberals in “American Chad Eigenvectors” at Bath Poly…oh, and a good ten minutes of so given over to telling a Trump supporting Muslim why she`s a traitor, in effect-certainly incomprehensible.
Utter slewed and skewed crap…but Rae is meant to know his Bible as a minister and really ought to know why Trump is a necessary corrective now to what Clinton and Omaba did…and what Clinton and Sharpton are going to do if the Americans don`t derail the bandwagon to hell in November.
In other words-whatever the title, the pretext-mark it down to liberal lies in the servicing of Islam.
S`pose Ernie won`t know what share of the electorate in the States are Muslim-they`re crucial apparently…er, less that the Hispanics who were the LAST victims of Islamophobia.
Crap, crap crap-and I BET they`ll mark this one down to “Religious Programming-Christian segment”
When in reality it was Godless secular and Pro-Muslim BS..Broadcasting Service and Bullshit at one and the same time.
Ah! “Round The Horne” – those were the days. Nearly fifty years on, and it’s still as screamingly funny now as it was then. Simply “bona” !
Funny you should mention that radio show as I was just thinking about it a few days ago.
Perhaps if it was still around one of the Intros would go something like this…’Ooh hello, I’m Jerrod and this is my friend Kikuchiyo’.
“Oooh, it’s Mr Basset . Bona to varda your dolly old eek!”
Happy days! My favourites were those spoof folk songs by Kenneth Williams as Rambling Sid Rumpo, laden with innuendo (‘Green grown my nadgers, oh’). I’ve actually found a CD compilation of those.
They were on Sunday afternoons, weren’t they? I recall having a Sunday roast lunch before my family all sat around the Radio to listen to Ken.
Thanks for the comments in support. I meant Beethoven’s Ninth – Ode to Joy – the Euro anthem, in case the BBC trolls want to be pedantic. I am just so fed up with the BBC that my emotions took over and I went into a rant. Anyway, didn’t the BBC used to play the intro to Beethoven’s Fifth to announce messages for the French Resistance? The da da da dah was dot dot dot dash in Morse and meant V for Victory or am I fantasising? Just because we are against the EU doesn’t mean that we are against European culture. We are Europeans but we are democrats, not bureacratic centralists.
Cannot remember whether it was one of the Deborahs or Maria B. who was suggesting music to be enjoyed with a bottle of Nyetimber sparkling to celebrate a Leave vote. Admirable suggestions although I’ll settle for a good cup of tea for a toast. Various English or British composers were listed and they all get a supporting vote from me. But I immediately also thought of Sibelius’ ‘Finlandia’ and Smetana’s ‘Ma Vlast’. Why?
Both European but intensely patriotic pieces without any nasty undertones. The first, longing for liberation from a controlling outsider, the second, celebrating the love of the composer for the beauty of a country that I have yet to visit but appreciate from afar. We can enjoy and appreciate, love even, things European without being in the EU. Pitch in Dvorak’s ‘From the New World’ and you have a trio to not just support & celebrate a Leave vote but acknowledge an international & globe-spanning dimension.
It was me, the bottle arrived on Monday.
On the subject of Music, the EU reminds me of Wagner’s Ring – the powerful and the weak, egos, machinations and treachery.
The EU will disintegrate as Farage is stabbed in the back by Cameron, Merkel immolates herself, the Rhine overflows and the whole wretched edifice collapses on itself.
I hope, Maria, that your glass or two of Nyetimber will not be diluted with tears and you will have the celebration you want after the Referendum result. After listening to WatO, I’m plunged into gloom again.
Wagnerian Opera as simile for the EU? Indeed. It ain’t over till da fat lady sings.
Well, I hope we will have a four part finale with accents from Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales and England blending in perfect harmony as the four leads Leave the Wagnerian stage.
And in other news…
The BBC has enforcers? There’s a thing.
‘what happened in these 366 days to turn a spit-roasting into a Mary Berry tea party? How was Whittingdale turned?’
What happens in camper vans in BBC car parks, stays in camper vans in BBC car parks.
Good post Kennedy. I’m in total agreement with you on the Sandy & Julian comment, but sadly the age group and orientation of those who are always griping about their ‘rights’ wouldn’t know who you’re talking about (or care !). As for you wishing the Beeb will return to its former glories, then, I fear the days of the ‘good old Beeb’ whom we could rely on for in-depth information without a hint of bias, have gone for good. Those long gone halcyon times (aside from Saville) had people like my late Dad in charge – a different generation, who gave air time to new writers for drama and comedy. Now we have a breed of ex graduates who have been nurtured on a left wing idealogy at university, with the Guardian as their bible, who are calling the shots; they care little for quality so cater for a ‘Sun reader’ audience with the attention span of a gnat – hence the amount of ‘reality’ shows churned out, and why we see the same old same old faces on our screens. I don’t watch the soaps, but apparently the actors are on some sort of loop system doing a stint on each of the dramas. I think it was Joan Bakewell, that said, the BBC is now run by children. So true.
I just watched John Oliver. He came out for Remain, as I expected, but this bit was great:
The way the BBC has relentlessly promoted the Jo Cox grief circus suggests to me there was a BBC editorial meeting where they said ‘For God’s sake, this is it – push this for all it’s worth, we’ve turned it around!’ It’s like that bit at the end of Zulu where Stanley Baker realises the Zulus are not taunting them, but saluting them.
“Why us Sergeant?”
“Because we’re ‘ere lad.”
Now we need the: “short chamber Boxer Henry .45 calibre miracle”.
My mother-in-law had a chap come to do some work at her property today and they got talking about the referendum (my m-i-l is a life long Labour supporter: voting Leave) he said that 90% of the households he works at are voting Leave; as he himself intends to.
I understand from my own customers and other people I know: the majority of them are voting for Brexit and that is from a very broad slice of folk from widely different “socio-economic strata”.
I don’t believe all hope is lost (far from it) and none of us will really know until Friday: keep the faith.
I just hope, come the 24th, al beebus; the Progressives and all the rest of the pro-EU traitors get the shock of their f*****g lives!
Anybody wavering should watch Channel 5 right now. Migrants and benefits, Lazer family from Rumania, one came over and then the whole family followed later in a minibus, which enables the family to collect £20,000 a year in benefits. And that’s just ONE family. A Polish woman IN Warsaw is collecting £220 per month for her son, and is now setting up her own business. It makes you sick to the stomach, so how anyone can vote anything other than leave is beyond me.
Worldwide event for St Jo planned for Wednesday. Big do in Trafalgar Square.
Perhaps the unions who transport UAF and Left Unity thugs to smash protests against Moslem rape gangs will provide transport for the child victims of the Yorkshire gangs to come and show their apreciation for all that Labour has done for them including the former MP they are comparing to Martin Luther King.
Wednesday, eh? How frightfully convenient! Couldn’t have been Friday, could it?
Maybe they can arrange a seance and get Princess Di to say Vote Remain for Jo’s sake!
These leftists have no shame
They could release The Walking Dead again – Major, Blair, Brown, Heseltine etc. If they really want to scare the next generation, how about Margaret Nosferatu Beckett?
Jabba the Hutt is another possibility. Corbyn, however, is beyond revival.
Slugger O’Toole has a great thread on songs for the Referendum. People are posting links to their favourite songs that might have political implications. So far it seems to be pretty split between Leave and Remain, but some great songs are being posted.
I’m sure that readers here can suggest more.
I’ve had the Manics ‘If you tolerate this’ buzzing in my head at times. Think for the sake of children & grandchildren we have to leave the EU.
The Who – Won’t get fooled again.
“Meet the new Boss – same as the old Boss.”
My recommended songs for those of us who favour Brexit:
Making plans for Nigel
I want to break free (Queen)
They’ll none of them be missed (Gilbert and Sullivan)
Let’s call the whole thing off
There’ll always be an England
If Brexit fails:
Bad times just around the corner (Noel Coward)
We’ll all go together when we go (Tom Lehrer)
That ‘Bad Times Round the corner’ is so fitting LOL!
After decades where all mainstream political parties were in favour of the EU, where much large business, the media and ruling class, the civil service, not to mention our beloved impartial state broadcaster, had force fed the public ad infinitum on the benefits of the EU, and where the ‘advantages’ of EU membership are so clear, why is the popular vote in the opinion polls not running at Remain 80%, Leave 20%?
Now there’s a question that the vile biased BBC will not be asking any time soon.
Just watched fat slug Jess Phillips Labour on Channel 4 mouthing off about Brexit I think she must hve said Racist at least 5 times in the space of less than 5 minutes. What a goby woman she is.
She does have something piscatorial about her – goby. She reminds me of a monkfish – fat with a big mouth!
I forgot to mention her appearance!
When I was out earlier, I saw some BSE slugs with T-shirts saying “Don`t vote for Boris and his barking loonies”
Aren`t there rules about mental health such scum are supposed to observe.
I mean-when Andreas Lubitz crashed his Germanwings plane into the French alps and killed hundreds of schoolkids and fellow passengers last March?…I well remember the likes of Marjorie Walllace and Alistair Campbell warning us all off using such prejudicial and offensive language in describing the mentally ill.
But -since it`s Boris and there`s the Referendum to win-well, sod those niceties and revert to the base, nasty evil little abuses that you do in private anyway..I mean it`s not as if 150 plane passengers matter as much as one barb against Boris and those like him who want to leave the EU is it?
This is the Left my friends-but, you`ll know….when Jo Cox and family, Millie Dowler etc can be casually press ganged into The Greater Good of the Common Purpose.
Real evil is NOT coming the way you`d expect-it`s already here and mostly in the media and the massage of science and politics.
Good post, chrisH. A useful reminder.
The racist bBBC is castigated for its championing of Mary Seacole in a letter in today’s Times by supporters of Florence Nightingale:
Sir, Fourteen members of the Nightingale Society have joined in raising concern about the promotion of the Mary Seacole statue at St Thomas’ Hospital in London, to be unveiled on June 30. False achievements have been attributed to Mrs Seacole, including the claim that she was “mentioned in dispatches”, a military honour for gallantry in battle. Mrs Seacole’s battlefield excursions (three only) took place post-battle, after selling wine and sandwiches to spectators. Mrs Seacole was a kind and generous businesswoman, but was not a frequenter of the battlefield “under fire” or a pioneer of nursing.
British institutions were taken in by the Seacole campaign: the BBC (it was forced to retract claims made in its Horrible Histories programme); the National Portrait Gallery (which advertises her as a medal-winner); the Department of Health (which gives her credit for Nightingale’s achievements as a healthcare pioneer). The chancellor even found £240,000 for the statue.
We would gladly support a Seacole statue, to honour her for her own work, but not at Nightingale’s hospital.
“The chancellor even found £240,000 for the statue.”
Another reason to despise this regime.
As far as I know, the only statue of Rosalind Franklin is in Chicago. WHY?
And the statue for Sir Keith Park who saved London and the South East thereby leading to the dominance of the sky during WW2 was paid for not by the chancellor but was raised by public funding.
Good point.
Turn the clock back. Hey Mr Corbyn and the BBC. Remember this? Well you should do:
Remember what a Labour politician, Mr Shore, said about joining the Political Union all those years ago?
The Old Bloke
Excellent !
I hope that Al Beeb show that ?
As if .
Old Bloke – Even truer now than it was then. More than prophetic.
Makes me even more speechless with frustration and pessimistic though.
Forty years on we have the evidence of own eyes and of history – we can see what this bloated, corrupt behemoth has done to our society, our industries and our self confidence as a nation.
Yet it is quite likely that the population at large would rather agree with the twisted advocacy promoted by “Wormtonge” Cameron than with evident truths with much factual evidence to back it up.
They know in their hearts he is a liar. Yet it seems to me that on the basis of the overspun death of one unfortunate individual, this country is willing to throw away all the hard won democratic reforms for a goblet of falsehoods.
Al I can say is God help us.
“EU referendum: Baroness Warsi switches from Leave to Remain”
Do we really believe that a poster would influence a person’s conviction to leave the totalitarian, un democratic EU State ?
Pure propaganda.
Al Beeb has been telling us that the £ is falling, its because we are going to leave the EU.
Hey presto ! Today we are told the £ is rising ! Its because we are going to stay in the EU .
Definitely a game of ‘heads and tails’ – ‘heads’ Uriners win, and ‘tails’, Brexit loses.
If Cameron was an honourable man, he would have made a public statement immediately on last week’s events that the murder had nothing to do with the Brexit camp and nothing should be inferred from the killing.
I think that had the boot been on the other foot (eg Carswell murdered by lunatic screaming ‘EU for ever’) the Brexit camp would have immediately done this.
Cameron is a not only dishonourable, but also a fool.
Such an action would have have done much for his side, and possibly safeguarded his position after the referendum.
Anything he might say now is too late and clearly opportunistic.
I am really developing an intense scorn for this man.
even if the vote goes 60/40 to remain on the back of saint jo’s martyrdom, remains antics are going to leave 40% of the population totally disillusioned and pissed off with the mainstream parties, and another 10% will very soon learn the folly of their foolishness.
I suspect the next election will bite all of them in the ass.
i would be surprised if camaron and osbourne even manage to avoid de-selection, surely they are now a liability for the conservative party.
It wont be sixty forty though…This is going to be a photo finish, where-by postal votes may very well tip Camerons “remain” side over the line…..Then even more of the public will be pissed off by this sham of a “democracy”..
The two of them have effectively destroyed the party . If it were not for Corbyn’s uselessness a labour victory at the next election is a certainty. Even with him it is possible that labour will win so great is the disllike of Cameron and Osborne in the party.
Tom Jones
Well I hope that the rest of the ‘Tory’ MPs and voters are of the same opinion as you .
I overheard some young retailers talking about the referendum on the train. One was concerned that one of their product lines was imported via France and that it might cost more in future. I wondered why they couldn’t import it direct if that was the case. Another thought that all the intelligent people were on the ‘remain’ side, (who?), but James Dyson was offered as a counter. They thought that ‘leave’ would win, which was a pity, but they weren’t bothered.
Then they went on to talk about their business in general. One of them was upset because his ‘WEE’ bags were being nicked and they cost him £700 per roll. Here was an excellent example of the cunning of the EU, this muppet is tying up £700 of his working capital on plastic bags in which to dispose of his electrical waste, yet it doesn’t occur to him that this is a cost imposed on his business by the EU.
The EU is very good at putting its flag on our money spent on Welsh colleges, not so good at putting it on taxes like VAT, energy certificates and waste disposal charges.
Here’s a quick bit of BBCBias
10pm bBBC1 news. Simon Jack talking about trade with EU stated that our exports to the EU were matched by our imports from them. A balance.
That rung strange as I thought we operated a deficit.
Sure enough, even the Guardian (10 May) reported a record trade deficit with the EU of around £24bn for the first 3 months. Not exactly a balance, is it?
So. Not so much bias, more bare faced lying from our esteemed impartial stste broadcaster.
Camoron, you aint no tory bruv!
Peter Shore on fire here-and look at that face behind him of traitor Heath.
WHAT a speech! Incredible.Thank you so much for posting that cH. and The Old Bloke above.
What’s changed? The same lies; the same problems with our membership of the E.E.C. / E.U. and the same traitorous, self-interested scum having got us in; then wanting to keep us in and now wanting to ensure that we NEVER get out.
Q. What’s the difference between being governed by the U.K. parliament and the E.U. parliament?
A. It’s the difference between a jacket and a strait-jacket.
Yurr Tizz.
Project Fear simply described – 40 years ago.
Superb thank you for that.
Corbyn should hang his head in shame.
What is it with these bbc employees! Nicholas Watt (detestable) has just called her Jo Fox! (Newsnight)
Re Mair, the murderer:
Interesting comment about the murderers state of health from Batley Facebook page
If this is correct seems the man is more in need of help than demonising.
Was this why he was so angry with his MP?
This charade today I believe is our Reichstag fire moment.
There are three polls due tomorrow, but the figures are potentially highly misleading.
ORB for the Telegraph Remain 53%(+5), Leave 46%(-3) but this is only based on those who say that they are certain to vote and contains no weighting.
If they were weighted the figure would be REMAIN 49%, LEAVE 47% a much closer figure.
YouGov for the Times Remain 42%, LEAVE 44%, Don’t know or Won’t vote 13%
Leave still ahead
NatCen poll an odd one this – Remain 53%, Leave 47% but 2/3rds of the work was done before 26th May so it’s nearly a month old and probably doesn’t accurately reflect the current state of voting intentions.
The left & remain might well have been counting their chickens prematurely it’s still all up for grabs, and the polls could still be wrong !
Do not despair, all is not lost, in fact the ball is very much still in play and it looks like it’s going to go to penalties !
Thoughtful. Whenever it goes to penalties the Germans win, the English lose. Let’s hope there’s a 93rd minute winner removing any need for a repeat of those Batty, Pearce, Southgate, Waddle moments.
Brexit to take it 52% / 48%. Now that would be something.
I will still be voting and saying my bit whenever I can.
However if it does come to penalties I am afraid that Remain will have been helped by the “Hand of God” Very difficult to play against if you abide by the rules.
Hand of God or Hand of Man?
I’m not one for conspiracy theories in general but it is all too convenient that Jo Cox who nobody appeared to have heard of just happened to have her birthday the day before the referendum and just happened to have an amazing worldwide circle of friends who can arrange events all over the world in under a week and presumably gain official permission to use the public areas.
Conspiracy – Tin foil hat time or worth pursuing as an indication of dirty deeds?
Anna Lindt 2003 campaigning for Sweden to join the Euro- stabbed to death. Campaign suspended.
Henrietta Rekel – Open borders campaigning for mayor of Cologne – A “loner” from the “rightwing” scene attacked Reker in a Cologne street with a knife when she was on the campaign trail. The story generated a wave of media propaganda against anyone who favoured closing Germany’s borders.
Thanks for the link, GWF.
So, in a similar attack in Cologne against pro-Immigration politician Henrietta Reker, the attack caused a massive swing away from the anti-Immigration parties.
And the attacker’s DWP file was later discovered to be classified, and the German SIS refused to answer a parliamentary question in the Bundestag as to whether or not they had any connections to him, nor whether they knew of his involvement in any previous crimes.
Hmmmmm… As you say, Aborigine Londoner, “all too convenient”.
Couple this with Anna Lindh and Pavlos Fyssas and it’s starting to become a collection of four highly similar “coincidences”. (Not sure I’d group Lady Di into this pattern but it has been mentioned.)
Henrietta Reker, by the way, recovered quickly from her attack to famously tell women after the Cologne sex attacks they were to blame.
Most useful was her advice to keep migrants at “arm’s length.” 🙄
For fans of anagrams, Tom Mair yields two Italian words:
Ammorti – We wrote off
Tirammo – We shot
It also yields “Mia Mort”, whose Wikipedia page reads:
Mia Mort is a recording artist and designer. She was graduated from University of the Arts London. She started collaborating with You Love Her Coz She’s Dead in June 2014 and was featured on the track Crystal Deth.
All a bit spooky, if you ask me.
With a Labour Mayor you seriously think that they weren’t going to get permission?
Though I don’t believe our betters have practiced Blood Sacrifice to enforce their will, that’s certainly what they have turned this womans death into.
Just a couple of thoughts ..
Firstly do these polls reflect the voting intentions of your family , friends and colleagues because they certainly don’t mine !! Perhaps it is the circles I mix in (Yorkshire , work in engineering) but at a rough estimate 70% or higher of the people I know are voting leave. My parents (retired more on them later) don’t know anyone who is voting remain !
Secondly and on this note I learned something interesting from my Mother at the weekend. Via various methods she has registered with multiple polling companies and proudly told me last week she earned £100 for answering various questions relating to the coming vote. My suspicion is that accidentally between them the polling companies are actually speaking to a very small group of people possibly just pensioners and students hence the almost 50/50 split. So be very wary of the results they give.
Interesting – and in the case of YouGov (with which I have been registered for several years) they are just not asking people with views like mine. I have not had a single request during this entire referendum campaign.
> they are just not asking people with views like mine. I have not had a single request during this entire referendum campaign.
Aren’t you in danger of confusing “views like mine” with “mine” there? If they haven’t asked everybody who has registered with them, it doesn’t mean they’re not sampling a broad spectrum. There’s no need to be so narcissistic as to believe that your exclusion from any sample would render it invalid.
If anything, asking all their registered participants all the time would be more likely to skew the votes in one direction or another, depending on the demographic & political skew of registrants compared to the national average.
@Thoughtful – Thanks, this might help explain why ORB polls are so out of whack compared to other surveys? I have also noticed that their small size surveys (800 respondents) seem to heavily favour remain, for some reason.
My personal poll of polls* including today’s polls is now follows (comparative figures from Jun 16 in brackets):
Remain: 42.4 (41.0)
Leave: 44.7 (46.3)
Undecided: 12.4 (11.1)
Leave Lead: 2.3 (5.3)
This would indicate that the whole trumped up media circus and ballyhoo about the tragic death of Jo Cox has cost Leave about 3% of its lead – but it still has its nose in front.
I think it is also worth noting that according to Survation around 7% refuse to say how they are going to vote. How are these people going to vote? Of course we have no idea from the survey, but I would say that they are more likely to be older votes, brought up in the tradition that it is a secret ballot for a reason. I suspect – cautiously – that there might be a secret reserve of Leave voters here.
* My method takes the polls listed on the FT Brexit Poll Tracker at https://ig.ft.com/sites/brexit-polling/, ignores polls with sample sizes less than 1500, looks at the 7 most recent surveys, eliminates the best and worst results, and then takes a weighted average of the remaining 5 surveys, with the most recent weighted as 5, the next 4, and so on.
Mike Hunt : Yes I also suspect a fair number of the undecided are like the famed “shy tories” at the last election. The wildcard here is the 2 million newly registered voters !! My initial instinct on hearing this number was to be suspicious but I’m not so sure. A lot of people I have spoken to who previously took no interest in politics are interested in this referendum. How many of them will vote is the question. I do fear there will be a last minute rush causing the polling stations to be held open by the powers that be.
Incidentally the MSM initial narrative for this vote was that no one but the weird fanatics was really interested. They stuck with that story until the establishment panic last week. However I have never seen such interest in any poll in my 40 odd years and I reckon we are going to see a high turnout.
Go out and vote on Thursday. This time, every vote counts.
Give the smug, self satisfied elite a savage shock.
They know it’s on way.
Make it count.
Cry God for Harry! England and Saint George!
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers!
And a with a little help from some Welsh boys – ‘look you’……………………….
Dyn Cwmraeg.
Most of the archers came from the West Country and Wales (along with one or two miners in that campaign) as evidenced by the names The Butts, Butt Lane etc. in numerous West Country villages.
Does the Welsh word “butty” (comrade?) have similar connections? Butt as in “owd butt” has the same meaning in Gloucestershire.
The person who shared the butts with you – ‘Butts’ a place or strip of land where archery was practised.
‘Some say ‘ Buts, targets for archery practise , i.e. Barrels use for target practise ? Who knows ?
I know some Al Beeb presenters who should be used for target practise.
Can I use a .762 or, better still, a gimpy.
No !
I think the EU’s elf and safety rules would apply .
Now , where have all the trolls gone ……………………………….
Number 7:
How about a 7.62 instead? Damn that metric system!
Aberrant decimal point – as opposed an aberrant apostrophe.
Mind you, a 19.35mm could cause a bit of damage.
Damn the metric system?
NO – Damn the EU dictatorship.
Dont forget when you vote USE A PEN