Just watching the very first episode of To The Manor Born, great humour from the days when the Beeb were at their best.
Here’s a priceless line that Audrey fforbes-Hamilton comes out with………..
“I’m sorry you are seeing me crying. Its only since we joined the ghastly Common Market that I’ve picked up these habits”
There are lots of these fabricated anecdotes, especially on sites such as MSN and AOL/Huffington Post, although the BBC have started to repeat/copy some of them. They have a distinctive style, usually characterised by words and phrases such as ‘perfect’, ‘brilliant response to’, ‘amazing letter’ and so on. They tend to be racist and sexist, lampooning white men. With a bit of time and patience, you can track down the poster on the internet and – surprise, surprise – they are the usual suspects, associated with the usual causes (note: a lot of them no longer show up in Google UK searches as they have had themselves removed via the EU Privacy laws, but there are technical ways around this).
What is interesting is that this particular poster – maybe he’s not very bright – cannot think through the logic of his story. He thinks that it is ‘perfect’ for someone in Wales to be speaking Welsh, and indeed it is, or at least appropriate (mind you, having lived in Newport I can’t say I ever heard much Welsh…). But by the same token, does it not also follow that it is equally ‘perfect’ for someone in England to be speaking English…?
If the story were true, which I am sure its not, then the Welsh speaking woman would be a Welsh convert to Islam, also delightful and exciting to the Globalist tendency!
There isnt a cat in hell’s chance the woman is Asian.
The other possibility is that the man who attacked the complaining nationalist was a Globalist tendency liar, who entrapped the nationalist taking a gamble on the possibility that he would not speak Welsh himself or be able to distinguish between Welsh and Urdu/Sylheti.
Err..yes that post appeared on my facebook feed yesterday, having been shared by those who wish it to be true
I have explained that it’s only an old fake story that has been shared many times before….and to find anyone speaking welsh in that area would be extremely rare.
Replies came there none.
The Coalition of Evil…
The senior figures campaigning for Remain have been described as a ‘Coalition of Evil’ and now the Dark Prince himself has shown his hand. Leading globalist George Soros has an article in The Guardian, for which the BBC are currently running an advert on their ‘news’ website (see http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-36582026). In it, he ‘warns’ that leaving the EU will cause Sterling to lose 15% of its value (naturally the BBC declines to mention that this would make British exports somewhat cheaper, which may actually result in swings-and-roundabouts benefits to the country).
The BBC reverentially describe Soros as a ‘legendary investor’. Normally that is a term of abuse for the hard left, but Mr Soros is one of their own. When he’s not manipulating currencies to make billions – ERM and Black Wednesday, anyone? – he’s pumping money into just about every despicable cause imaginable. His Open Society Foundations gives around $800 million a year to what many readers here would describe as dubious causes. The usual suspects: organisations that campaign for more immigration; drug reform; human ‘rights’; prisoner voting; abortion; black supremacism; Palestinian ’cause’ and so on. According to the OSF website, during 1993-2014 it spent “$2.9 billion to defend human rights, especially the rights of women, ethnic, racial, and religious minorities, drug users, sex workers, and LGBTQ communities”. The term ‘Open Society’ might sound fuzzy and warm – what it really means is Open for Exploitation. It is the classic Marxist technique – disrupt, create uncertainty, take advantage. Last year, OSF was banned in Russia – they know full well what he is up and have not forgotten his role in financing trouble in the Ukraine.
But to give Soros his due, he is open in one respect. In the article he states “there are speculative forces in the markets much bigger and more powerful. And they will be eager to exploit any miscalculations by the British government or British voters”. You bet there are.
Strange bedfellows have been chosen for the EU Referendum.
How long after Friday morning will the amity remain? Will those bankers be instantly evil again in the eyes of Corbyn and the Labour Lefties? Will the Guardian still be cosying up to Estate Agents who wish to Remain in the EU for their ever higher commission levels? Will the Feminist Sisters rush to comfort Dave when he comes tearfully back from Brussels to announce that the Tampon Tax has to stay in place?
Those who have studied Marx properly know that Capitalism must peak and dominate globally before the Communist revolution can truly begin and sweep it aside in the great march of history. Hence, true believers have no problem in reconciling their views with support for international big business (and hey, they may even make some money for themselves in the process).
Indeed, Ian, capitalism has been peaking and dominating globally for a long time now. Phew! Can’t wait much longer. Have to start typing soon while sitting with my legs crossed! Is there a new peak just beyond the grassy knoll of a slight down-slope on which we are currently perched or is there a bit of a cliff or a sheer drop beyond all those tall pines? Or is it onward and upward with those progressive humanists to yet another peak.
Ah! Peak oil. Used to be very fashionable to talk about that in 1995 and 1999 and again in 2001 and 2004 and 2008 and 2009 and 2010 and 2011. Haven’t heard much about that recently. Are we nearly there yet?
Speaking of which, we on this site have highlighted and or dismissed some of the wild claims by the Remain Campaign but I heard a remarkable one yesterday from someone on the side of Vote Leave. They stated (cannot remember who it was but am certain it was either on BBC R4 or it was Paulo Barnard in Italy in that clip that someone posted higher on this Thread) that the UK had the biggest oil reserves – specifically Brent Crude – in Europe.
Now, if they exclude the Caspian area, I thought the existing Norwegian supplies were way larger than the known reserves of UK Brent oil which I have always understood to be following our offshore gas in steep decline. As I understand it, the Caspian reserves are so vast they have know real knowledge of what they are sitting on top of. There are known gas fields and it was assumed that those plus the undiscovered gas fields were smaller in total than the undiscovered oil.
There are some contributors on here with good knowledge of such matters. Can anyone help on this? Are the UK’s oil reserves robust when compared to Norway’s let alone the countries deemed to be in Europe (by Bernie Ecclestone!) on the west of the Caspian?
If you have 35000 dollars you can get the publication which tells you where all the reserves are. As to peak oil, its peaked. As you will know the idea of peak oil is no just a supply condideration but also takes into account population growth. Ultimately all fossil fuels will be capped for global warming reasons.
U2s ” As I understand it, the Caspian reserves are so vast they have know real knowledge of what they are sitting on top of. There are known gas fields and it was assumed that those plus the undiscovered gas fields were smaller in total than the undiscovered oil.”
Manon, sorry, forgot to ask you about this, quoting you “As you will know the idea of peak oil is no just a supply condideration (sic) but also takes into account population growth.”
People were making claims that Peak Oil had been reached in these years: “Peak oil. Used to be very fashionable to talk about that in 1995 and 1999 and again in 2001 and 2004 and 2008 and 2009 and 2010 and 2011.”
What do you think was happening to the global population in that time span, the best part of twenty years?
The ultimate bound of peak oil is CO2. Quite apart from that fossil fuel hasnt grown at the same rate as global population. Its Malthus pure and simple.
Do you think your opinions matter? Should you have a mechanism where you can put a cross on a piece of paper, and if enough people agree with you can change things?
If so, are you going to vote to return that control fully to you or be a turkey voting for Christmas and head for the fold with all the other 500m EU sheeple?
If you get it wrong with this vote you will have about as much effect in voting in the future as those behind the Berlin Wall used to have!
Manon “The ultimate bound (sic – boundary?) of peak oil is CO2.”
Silly me, I thought Peak Oil meant peak oil to most people, especially those of a scientific inclination? CO2’s components come from far and wide including mosquitoes’ farts and Snuffy getting all ‘Tour de Frenchy’ on his push-bike.
I wonder what Karl would have made of your post? He had doctor friends, you know. They have a tendency to come over all scientific from time to time.
Who would want to try and understand that razor dodging German cretin? If only they had had jobs teaching sociology in second rate polys back in the 19th Century, he might have found himself a niche where he wouldn’t cause too much trouble.
I hope someone is closely scrutinising exactly what positions market-manipulating Soros and his cohorts have been taking vis-a-vis sterling in the markets in the run-up to this referendum, and if it is the case that he has been allowed (by the BBC in particular) to broadcast a ‘so-called’ market catastrophe warning which is intended to change the market in his favour after the referendum, then those at the BBC who have failed to question his motives for such ‘warnings’ must be held to account – given that they are clearly aware of his ‘form’ in these situations – and no matter what the result of the referendum is.
Probably not is the answer. The Banksters want us in and that should worry us. No bankster has ever given a toss about the people of any country whatsoever. The sad fact is that the banksters have hijacked the capitalist way for their own ends. QE is a case in point. It was for them not for the majority. Quite why the liberal elite is so dazzled by them is a puzzle. Bought and paid for is the answer in my view.
George Sorus, will be best remembered as betting against the UK in the last major Sterling crash ‘Black Wednesday’ . ‘In Britain, Black Wednesday (September 16, 1992) is known as the day that speculators broke the pound. They didn’t actually break it, but they forced the British government to pull it from the European Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM). Joining the ERM was part of Britain’s effort to help along the unification of the European economies. However, in the imperialistic style of old, she had tried to stack the deck. ‘
But he’s not always right either as no one can predict the EU devaluation of the Euro which is only propped up by UK Pound Sterling and Germany in the main. But he is a globalist gambler and cares less about the UK than the EU does. A drop of 15% in Sterling value is better (as it aids our exports) than total surrender to the Euro and we loose all financials services, interest rates and real world markets. Plus the rather obvious fact that we will not have a an indigenous distinctive country any more. No pound, no democracy, no decisions, no MP’s (eventually) and no parliament either. What is the point of ‘remain’ when we will have no country to protect and prosper. Our identity lost and all hope abandoned. No thanks!
But in the wider markets. Sorus will see how much money he can make out of the EU trying to prop its teetering internal market up. In that way the EURO is very similar to how Britain was then. if we pull out the EURO is almost worthless. The danger then is that the UK will shoot up and be over valued.
If freedom costs 15% drop in Sterling, (as it will be temporary), then that’s a price worth paying for our UK independence and ability to trade with the rest of world without EU taxes saying we can’t. Globalists like Sorus and Goldman Sachs are part of the problem, they like to make money out of a crisis.
Why will it be temporary? How temporary is temporary? A year? How do you know?
What is ‘our identity’ exactly?
If we have democracy then when do we get to vote on stopping investors going elswhere. When do we get to vote on the exchange rate?
Master class in BBC bias this morning. The 7am radio 4 news briefly headlines a report that Steve Hilton knew Cameron was told by officials 4 years ago that net migration could not be reduced below 100,000 when we were in the EU. No interview with Hilton to elaborate on this. 7.10 am, Nick Clegg is wheeled on to rubbish the Leave side but in a misleading way.Leave claim that gross immigration can be controlled or reduced,not net immigration. Clegg puts it the other way round so distorting the Leave case. He rabbits on about not being able to control emigration. He also picks up on the shameless Remain admission that has emerged recently , that nothing can be done to control migration. We should just put up with it. Cameron is now saying much the same thing. They have obviously concluded that they can win over undecideds this way. I find this so arrogant. I hope they reap the whirlwind.
Oh and towards the end of his interview Clegg finally stopped answering his own questions and finally admitted that he was not present at the meeting recalled by Steve Hilton. So why was Clegg interviewed at all?
First, Clegg allowed to speak with no real, forensic questioning, including the key question of exactly what level of net immigration would he find acceptable. Does he regard 300,000 per annum indefinitely perfectly alright? Oh no, the BBC won’t ask that question. In contrast, after 8 am., Nick Robinson’s interview with Michael Gove, in which he constantly interrupts, with questions (or mini-speeches for the Remain side masquerading as questions) spoken in a somewhat hectoring or arrogant tone, rarely allowing Gove chance to develop his argument – and where is does give a little time, invariably interrupts just before Gove finishes, thereby killing the point. A disgraceful display by Robinson. Anyone would think the BBC supports the Remain side.
I am always uneasy when I hear Nick Clegg. He’s quite an enigmatic politician; he can sometimes appear sort of intelligent and all very serious; (not often, mind you) but at other times he’s an associate member of the harpies club, all shrill and accusatory. In fact, he was really wound up this morning as you could actually hear him banging his finger in the table as he made his stupid points.
On balance whatever he says is non-stuff and has no substance. This morning he made his points from a party point of view which is wrong; this whole referendum is NOTHING to do with political parties.
Newsnight last night featured a lead story examining what happens after a Brexit vote and demonstrated different strands of EU reactions likely…..from punitive negotiations dragged out to discourage other countries from leaving to pragmatic trade based negotiations recognising UK economic power and the rationality of continued trade in both directions.
Then Michael Howard explained how the European Court of Justice was being used to strike down the policy decisions of elected governments. He was very strong on this and Evan Davies looked very uncomfortable especially when his attempted challenges were batted away by Howard with ease.
Its on the i player from 9:40 into the programme after the lead story.
Worth a view for wavering leave voters and undecideds alike. Reminding us all of the anti democratic nature of the EU and its organs.
The European court of Justice isnt ‘used’ at all. It exercises Laws that everyone has signed up to.if youve ever read any of the rare judgements relating to the UK then you will see how fair the conclusions are.
Maybe you dont like justice. Perhaps this is more of ‘we dont need experts’ is it?
We were never given a vote to decide whether we “signed up” to Maastricht or Lisbon. The measures that changed the EEC into the EU.
We were given obfuscation though.
I well remember the suprise I experienced when Kenneth Clark, asked to explain part of the Maastricht treaty in a BBC interview at the time, was allowed to get away with stating, jocularly…words to the effect that he hadn`t actually read the whole treaty and doubted that anyone had read it all so he couldn`t answer the question put.
The Scottish case was an attempt to bring forward unit pricing for alcohol, a public health measure to try to reduce alcohol consumption and thereby reduce liver disease. It was struck down to protect the interests of the players in the pan EU alcohol trade.
Public health versus EU business interests. or if you prefer, judicial activism versus Democracy.
And no, we don`t need “experts” who have vested interests in perpetuating the baleful and anti democratic EU s influence on the governance of our country.
We don’t trust the pollsters to get it right but they are all we have to go on until after the polling stations close. As far as I can see the most recent polls are showing that the affect of Jo Cox’s murder, so ruthlessly and disgracefully exploited by Remain, has impacted Leave by a couple of points. But Leave are still neck and neck with Remain. I have always thought that if the polls are showing Leave within a couple of points of Remain on polling day then, because Leave voters are much more determined than Remainers, Leave will win. Its all to play for and I think that Leave will win.
So despite all the dirty tricks , all the BBC bias, all the sickening attempts to politicise Jo Cox’s death , all the attempts to portray Leavers as hard hearted morons, Remain loses. Cameron and Osborne out by the weekend, Labour blown away by the dessertion of the white working class to a party that will represent them, and the BBC cringing to see what Boris and Nigel have in mind for it. I hope all this is not a dream!
Doublethinker. It’s best to remember that the country as a whole is almost entirely eursceptic and this interactive map (link below) gives a clear indication of how eurosceptic we all are by region. The BBC is basically that small bit in London and then there is a larger bit up in Scotland and a part of Wales. I don’t think many UK voters care a hoot about Ms Cox or what the BBC say or think. We have by now switched ‘off’ the media control knob. The BBC media like to confuse but there are very few ‘don’t knows’.
I’m wondering whether the result of Project Grief is that some Leave voters prefer not to tell the pollsters that they’ll be voting Leave. Rather like the shy Conservatives at the General Election.
Local paper has polled Norfolk and Suffolk steadily over the weeks using consistent, but probably not statistically perfect method of stopping people in the street.
Most recent published yesterday was a strong out.
Democratic control seems to be playing well.
Over to you Manon to tell us all about the democratic legitimacy of the EU!
You seem to have all the answers today, so may have missed my invitation to tell me all about the democratic legitimacy of the EU.
Or is that a bridge too far even for you to try to defend?
Will you be voting to take back control, as you seem to strongly believe your opinions matter, or a turkey voting for Christmas and heading for the fold with all the other EU sheeple?
Not sure if this is strictly biased but it is pretty damning on their ‘investigative’ journalists.
On Toady R4 this morning we learn that fewer,more intense bursts of radiotherapy are equally effective for treating prostate cancer, and more efficient for the NHS and better for patients. A good story indeed.
Now, with more journalists than the whole of Fleet Street put together, you might think the bBBC could investigate these things properly.
So imagine my surprise when I put my total resources to the task.( one person on the ipad for 5 minutes over breakfast coffee).
The Society of Radiographers reported this on a web page dated 2011, and the institutions and lead researcher were the same.
What has happened in the last 5 years?
Is it:
[a] a BBC employee has a male relative or friend who has been diagnosed with prostate cancer and so taken a particular interest? or
[b] the partner of a BBC employee has started working for a charity concerned with prostate cancer? or
[c] there is a forthcoming story in which we will be told that ‘some communities’ are ‘under represented’ in treatment for the disease?
But dangerous ground, BBC. What if word gets out that more men die of prostate cancer than women die of breast cancer, yet it only receives a fraction of the funding? Or people ask awkward questions, such as why do we spend £13 billion a year on foreign ‘aid’ whilst charity research at home depends substantally on charitable donations?
This is a matter of great interest to me. It is undeniably true that if we screened all men over 50 then the cost to the NHS would spiral ( more positives more treatment) . Simple mathematics. That lives would be saved is also undeniably true. AS long as this insane approach to aid is in place then the NHS just cannot afford it.
Can anyone advise on the relative costs of prostate versus breast cancer screening, and then treatment costs, and survival rates?
Perhaps the EHRC should investigate?
No point asking the biased BBC, as the sisterhood would scream blue murder.
I saw some stats on cancer reserach uk i think, whcih showed that on current trends, prostate cancer deaths will overtake breast cancer deaths in about 15 or so years time.
Prostate cancer deaths are only about 10-15% behind breast cancer deaths as it is, and without denigrating our womenfolk, I do sense that the PC brigade have had a hand here. Note the ‘Race for Life’ campaign does not mention Breast Cancer yet look at the pictures of the runners and try and spot the male runners. The women are not running for Prostate Cancer, you can be sure.
Time the menfolk got a little more effective at being angry.
I think youll find that it isnt just researchers that drive medical progress. Medical practice is rarely science driven anyway, its mainly peer led. If someone comes up with a novel finding ,this is usually then subject to RCT and cohort studies which are sufficiently powered to sustantiate the original finding. If the benifit then out weighs the costs , including those associated with introducing the service then it will be considered. If they are using larger doses of radio nuclide then supply could be a problem. Normally these things take ages.
“If they are using larger doses of radionuclide then supply could be a problem”.
1. I suspect the idea is to give people a dose for a longer time. That way the set up and prep time is saved.
2. And also, since radionuclides decay, it is far more efficient to use the given source as much as possible rather than increase the size of the source, as it will still decay whether used or not.
Usual BBC Bias… no mention of ‘hate crime’ or ‘attack on democracy’ unlike the BBC reporting of Jo Cox. Ironic that BBC reporting itself is full of hate and attacks on democracy.
The poor soul must have had his mind turned by political vitriol – that’s how these things work, no? Look forward to his browser history being well publicised and the police turning up connections to ‘hate groups’ perhaps?
We await with baited breath the BBC giving platform to calls for political commentators here to ‘cool it’ in their criticism of Trump – less ‘hate’, less ‘divisiveness’ and more ‘unity’- eh?
I wonder if he has links to the far left UAF who, as I have posted here, have allowed their FB page to advocate shooting Trump. I am sure Mr Cameron will urge an investigation
Unite Against Fascism
June 14 at 12:48pm ·
Stewart Selkirk I do not subscribe to violence or advocate it, but I will turn a blind eye if Someone uses a gun correctly and takes this MF out! If extreme ignorance is synonymous with evil, Trump is the devil’s right hand man. Sickening.
I’ve been thinking lately that there will be quite a few Guardianistas sitting round dinner tables in Islington having earnest debates about whether it will be morally right to kill Trump if/when he is elected, especially if one is a pacifist or vegetarian. If this case is anything to go by I don’t think Mr Trump need worry too much. Trying to steal a policeman’s revolver in a country where guns can be bought quite easily is quite possibly the lamest attempt at assassination I’ve ever heard of.
Telegraph, Express et al report on violent riots in Calais. BBC (hidden on the Kent page) – Delays to Channel Tunnel traffic! Bit close to Thursday is it Beeb?
Not BBC bias except she has been fairly prominent on the BBC airwaves. It seems to me that the media are focusing on Rachel Reeves quite a lot. Now that Hilary Benn has been neutered by Cameron and Andy Burnham fancies himself as Mayor of Manchester, is she being lined up as a challenger to Chuka Umunna for Corbyn’s job, post-referendum?
Gobsmacked anyone thinks Rachel Reeves capable of anything. She is the ultimate cliche-filled parrot fashion charmless political apparatchik. I have no sense she actually believes anything she says.
Corbyn may be barking, but one does sense he actually believes in the things he says.
The Today team seem to have rewritten the history of the ERM crisis.
The pound fell after we left the ERM only because interest rates had to be driven up to extraorinary levels to maintain the exchange rate with the deutschmark. The pound was ridiculously overvalued. There was nothing “black” about Black Wednesday, it showed the complete and utter folly of weak currencies pegging themselves to the deutschmark. If this lesson had been learnt, there would have been no euro and no euro crisis.
It was George Soros and other currency speculators who caused Black Wednesday:
In politics and economics, Black Wednesday is 16 September 1992, when the British Conservative government was forced to withdraw the pound sterling from the European Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM) after it was unable to keep the pound above its agreed lower limit in the ERM. George Soros, the most high-profile of the currency market speculators, made over £1 billion in profit by short selling sterling
As I say, the “currency snake” and the ERM were all “dry runs” for EMU. The only way the British government could keep the pound within this band was to keep increasing interest rates. I remember it well because when the whole currency peggingv thing started I was living in Germany and getting 16% tax-free by converting DM to £s. By 1992 I was back in England exporting services to Germany. The high interest rates were causing a recession and the artificially high pound was damaging exporters. Lamont was not the only one singing in his bath when the pound was forced out. If a fundamental error like the ERM is made it is nor surprising that Soros and others can exploit it.
The EU strategists had been planning for EMU decades before it actually happened. In the 1970s, I was working for a Bank in Frankfurt dealing with Eurobond clearing houses There was lots of interest in currency baskets, supposedly “currencies of account” weighted in various ways to take the different hardnesses of the DM, £, Franc, etc. into account. You would come across various attempts to issue Eurobonds denominated in the Eurco or Ecu, forerunners of the Euro, odd because the petrodollar was the main currency of interest. All these ploys prefigure the ERM and the Euro. Of course, at the time I didn’t see and hardly anyone else saw the significance of the developments.
This is why I laugh when I hear Camerloon talking about vetoing Turkey’s entry into the EU. If it is EU strategy no matter how long it takes, a Britain in the EU will be “nudged” whenever the opportunity arises towards the ultimate goal. If we don’t leave now our fate is sealed.
The lesson the European elites learned from White Wednesday was that next time there had to be no exit, hence the Euro, which is a form of monetary roach motel: you can enter, but you can’t leave.
Good comments but not quite right imo. The £ was overvalued at the time. Leaving the erm resulted in devaluation, but also interest rate reductions and as a result the economy grew and the £ went back up. In fact dare i say it, Ken Clark seems to me to have been quite good as Chancellor
I thought that was what I was saying. The interest rates were put up to encourage investors/speculators to buy pounds. The value of the pound had to be pushed up artificially so that it stayed in the band. No doubt the Treasury was buying pounds too for the same purpose. If you increase the price of money artificially you create an artificial recession by reducing investment. Once we left, monetary policy could be formulated to deal with real economic problems.
Thank you once again, Thoughtful – very helpful information in that link.
As the article says, one of the the big problems with surveys is that when you start breaking the responses down into their constituent parts, such as how many voted Conservative or Labour at the last election, the error margins start becoming increasingly high.
So for example if you have a survey of 1000 people the raw error margin is 3.1%.
If you now want to look at the fraction who voted Conservative at the last election, so you can correct for any random imbalance in your sample, you might be looking at eg 300 people. But the error margin on a sample of just 300 people is almost 6%!
If you take if further and have, say 48 people who voted UKIP at the last election (as happened in a Survation survey), which is roughly too little by half, then the error margin is a whopping 14.1%.
By “error margin” I mean a 95% confidence level, so if the survey says the result if 50/50 with 14% error margin, it could be 64/36 or 36/64 or anywhere in between!
Further, if regions are broken down into the traditional 7+1 and then corrected for random sample bias, along with who voted for which party at the last general election, this is too broad a brush to be accurate. For example – a gross generalisation I admit – inner cities traditionally vote more Labour and countryside vote more Conservative, but in any case there can be widespread differences between neighbouring constituencies which I think undermines the whole methodology.
Could this be why the surveys managed to get it so wrong at the last election?
Also they are being economical with the truth about the number of voters who won’t disclose how they’re going to vote, and these are just discounted from the final result.
When this fraction is as high as 7% and the result is close your survey starts to lose all meaning.
“Even in the event that only a small majority of the British voters reject a withdrawal, we would have to see it as a wakeup call and a warning not to continue with business as usual. Either way, we have to take a serious look at reducing bureaucracy in Europe. And in some areas, we also need to find our way back to the member states assuming more autonomy, as the British are demanding.”
It`s not “autonomy” that is at stake (the State of Rhode Island and other United States have “autonomy” under Federal Government in Washington, the former Soviet Socialist Republics all had “autonomy” under the dominance of the Federal Government in Moscow, Yugoslav states had “autonomy” under the Federal Government in Belgrade, German Lander have “autonomy” under the Federal Government in Berlin).
What we want is national sovereignty for the United Kingdom through Parliament, without a Federal Govenment or Court in Berlin, Brussels, Strasbourg or anywhere else.
Steve Hilton
Steve Hilton is a former director of strategy for David Cameron, Prime Minister and leader of the Conservative Party in the United Kingdom.
Civil servants told David Cameron in 2012 that it was “impossible” for the government to meet its flagship immigration pledge, the PM’s former director of strategy has claimed.
Steve Hilton said Mr Cameron was told “explicitly and directly” that EU free movement rules meant net migration could not be reduced below 100,000.
This is proof positive that David Cameron, knowingly and deliberately lied to the British people in the Conservative manifesto.
BREAKING NEWS !! (yes really) Beckham has spoken ! furthering his quest for a knighthood, he has made a statement coming out in favour of Remain. Perhaps he should be given the title for stringing more than 5 words together – more likely the man who runs his bath , Simon Fuller prepared it for him. Do people actually hang on his every word anymore ?
An own goal…as dim as bringing Major back on to the pitch for the last few minutes.
Just a collection of boo-boys…well remember Paddy Roche and Mick Martin at Old Trafford getting sent out to deflect from the crap that Busby and Docherty were putting out for us back then.
But even when Beckham WAS a name in the UK….he was always regarded as thick as mince.
So if you too want to end up in a halal horse burger or an Aldi ready meal in Bratislava…you too vote in…yeah?
Remain don’t see how wheeling out all these millionaires and billionaires (many of them ex-pat) is actually alienating people, not endearing them to their campaign. If anything it shows how out of touch they are in this campaign and why they shouldn’t be in charge of the tiller of State!
You put me in mind of a Paul Simon song “millionaires and billionaires”. Yes, chrisH, most Remainers are as think as Beckham. And trotting out dodgy, dishonest, tax exiles like Branson is great for our cause
Been reading Biased BBC for a while but never bothered joining this site until now.
Wronged, you’ve just summed up my view on the EU referendum exactly.
As far as I’m concerned Democracy is the ONLY issue, everything else is pretty much meaningless.
If we leave, regardless of any short term consequences, we can control our future and our leaders become accountable to us once again and we break free from an ever increasing dictatorship. It really is that simple.
Totally wrong Im afraid. You assume there will be short term measures. You neither say what these are or indeed how long these may continue for. I would suggest that the ramifications of leaving could decouple the UK from long term investment and cause long term capital flight. The UK economy is currently struggling with a historic 7% balance of payments deficit ,a 4% current account deficit , low investment and low productivity. Wonder for a moment if investors sold sterling in bucket loads,if big producers requiring muliple European supply chains decided a medium term strategy of moving abroad. Wonder also how speculators will pick over UK bones in the forthcoming weeks. The real possibility is that the Government will have to initialise stabilty measures such as lowering public expenditure further ,school,NHS,pensions etc; there will be inflationary pressures also on basics. I suspect the UK will end up like Greece. Furthermore our only jewel in the crown , that of City swindling, will be usurped by the likes of Frankfurt.
These issues cannot just be derided as ‘bumps in the road’ they are significant and disastrous possibilities. As for your notions of democracy and soveriegnty perhaps you can review the above and tell me exactly where you get to vote on all that may just about to go down.
You may be successful on Thursday but waiving the flag or changing the UK anthem to ‘Vindaloo’ wont have any effect on those that control the monopoly board.
Singapore springs to mind, among many others. China has not applied to join the EU, to my knowledge. It reminds of that lying buffoon, Heath, who was a Man of Kent ( check spelling ) and said that , as a boy , he would look across the channel and think ” one day I want to be part of that “.
As my late father commented ” If he had been born in Hong Kong , would he have wanted to be part of China ? “. Funnily, I was born in HK !
The Europhiliacs are intellectually bankcorrupt, liars and cowards.
Manon – “The UK economy is currently struggling with a historic 7% balance of payments deficit ,a 4% current account deficit , low investment and low productivity.”
All that because we’re in the EU. While we are in the EU we can do virtually nothing to rectify these problems and we get no help from our fellow failed states from within as most are worse than us. If we came out we could make our own decisions on how to rectify them, and if what we do doesn’t work as well as it should we would be able to tinker until it came right.
We’ve been in the EEC/EU for 43 years and all our economies are tanking – our only hope is to come out so we can make our own decisions to suit our own economy..
You can understand why Eastern European governments and others are so keen on remain. We must be saving them billions in unemployment and other social security payments and boosting their economies with millions that flow back from the various diasporas. All this and the “EU funded” projects funneling British taxpayers money into Polish backwaters to build arts centers. I am always puzzled by the claim that immigrants are a financial plus. Assuming generously that a low skilled immigrant is paying £5000 net tax per year this would pay for £100,000 worth of social housing in 20 years.. Am I overlooking somethong obvious here?
Someone put the points below on the Yougov site. I have taken a few examples from it and this backs up what you are saying in a big way. I wonder why this is not being highlighted more in the press.
“Cadbury moved factory to Poland 2011 with EU grant.
Ford Transit moved to Turkey 2013 with EU grant.
Jaguar Land Rover has recently agreed to build a new plant in Slovakia with EU grant, owned by Tata, the same company who have trashed our steel works and emptied the workers pension funds.
Peugeot closed its Ryton (was Rootes Group) plant and moved production to Slovakia with EU grant.
British Army’s new Ajax fighting vehicles to be built in SPAIN using SWEDISH steel at the request of the EU to support jobs in Spain with EU grant, rather than Wales.
Dyson gone to Malaysia, with an EU loan.
Crown Closures, Bournemouth (Was METAL BOX), gone to Poland with EU grant, once employed 1,200.
M&S manufacturing gone to far east with EU loan.
Hornby models gone. In fact all toys and models now gone from UK along with the patents all with with EU grants.
Gillette gone to eastern Europe with EU grant.
Texas Instruments Greenock gone to Germany with EU grant.
Indesit at Bodelwyddan Wales gone with EU grant.
Sekisui Alveo said production at its Merthyr Tydfil Industrial Park foam plant will relocate production to Roermond in the Netherlands, with EU funding.
Hoover Merthyr factory moved out of UK to Czech Republic and the Far East by Italian company Candy with EU backing.
ICI integration into Holland’s AkzoNobel with EU bank loan and within days of the merger, several factories in the UK, were closed, eliminating 3,500 jobs
Boots sold to Italians Stefano Pessina who have based their HQ in Switzerland to avoid tax to the tune of £80 million a year, using an EU loan for the purchase”
I don’t see many industries being relocated here with EU funding but we get some great arts funding, which we could do ourselves, which the BBC benefits from. I also don’t see much help given to our steel industry where it is really needed. But I do see sponsored destruction such as with the Common Fisheries and Agricultural policies. Does anyone remember the apple orchards that were torn down so we could benefit from French apples, for example?
Astonishing. I had no idea. Typically sneaky, underhand EU ploy to find the transfer payments they know will be necessary to create the Eurostate from a noneuro country.. After paying billions and billions in transfer payments for the flawed DM/Ostmark “currency union” I’m sure the (west) German taxpayer won’t want to bail out Greece, etc. and deal with the Eastern Europeans as well.
“Wonder for a moment if investors sold sterling in bucket loads,”
We have been through the benefits of this before Manon.
The pound fell from Eu 1.55 to Eu 1.05 under the amazing oversight of Gordon Brown. What did that devaluation cause to happen? The U. K. economy out performing all others in the EU.
It makes our exports cheap and imports expensive encouraging home production. It may well introduce some inflation into the economy, but then the Bank of England has miserably failed to achieve their 2% target for years now.
Did the great seer Manon predict any of the following.
The 2008 crash. Saudi Arabia pumping oil to try to kill the U.S fracking industry causing oil prices to fall dramatically. The joyous Arab Spring resulting in the Syrian debacle. The Syrian debacle leading to Mrs Merkel inviting anyone in who could afford to pay the ferryman. Russia invading the Crimea. Leicester winning the Championship. That joining the Euro would wreck the economies of several nations etc. etc.
If you did not call all those major events correctly what faith can we put in you now.
It is you who is totally wrong I’m afraid. At any other time the future of the British econmy I agree would be a hugely important issue, but this referendum strikes at the very core of our society. It is an issue so fundamental that everything else is insignificant IN COMPARISON.
If we leave then we regain democracy. if we remain we become more locked into a fundamentally undemocratic state. We’re starting to see the loss of free speech under the guise of “Hate speech” and it will only get worse as more and more legitmate concerns are labelled as such.
I simply cannot imagine any situation whereby giving up a large part of our democracy and the erosion of our right to free speech is somehow in our best interest, and any argument to contrary is, in my opinion, quite frankly insanity.
A delight to see arch-patriot George Soros (Davos, Bildenberg,Hades Central) telling us all to vote to stay on the Hood until he gets a better aim at the gargoyle shaped as John Major.
The opinions of the man who got Major , Heseltine and Clarke etc to raise our mortgage rates to 15% in one day, and cleared the Treasury out of generations of pensions in 1992?…and HIS opinion on whether we stay or go is cited by the BBC as a “expert opinion”?
At least Maxwell had the good grace to die after what HE did to his pension pot whilst Alistair Campbell covered for him.
And-not content with this-the BBC tells us that DAVID BECKHAM no less wants us to stay in if he ever deigns to come back for a day or so?
The BBC really must think we`re thick as mince.
Still though eh?…after Soros tells us to stay…turns out that the MILLENIUM BUG has ALSO opted to urge us all to Remain.
Apparently, the stuttering wind turbine by Arbroath Fine Fare in 1999…and the brief flicker of a seatbelt sign over Smolensk only thirty seconds later…well. they were just a dry run for the REAL apocalypse for what will happen if we all don`t be Buggers in Thursdays vote.
So-if it`s not Soros today-it`ll be The Millenium Bug back again to warn us tomorrow…and I believe that El Nino himself is flying by for Todays 8am interview on Thursday about his role in sending all his Mexicans here and not to the USA if we don`t do what the EU-and as Soros-and Beckham-and Clegg-and Savile-and Suarez say…are you thick clots not hearing that the BBC and the Guardians Beautiful People are trying oh so subtly to tell us.
Vote Out-give the Buggers something to talk about over the weekend-if we`re all still here that is?
Get to Hell BBC-it`s in Norway…but it`s Cologne, Brussels, Duisberg, Gare Du Nord and Dieppe…and it`ll be here too if we don`t sink the Buggers on Thursday-if only for the day and weekend anyhoo…
You clearly cant link things up can you. Soros fucked over the UK before. Dont you think he’ll do it again along with a lot of others? Because you dont believe in experts ( i presume you dont fly) you have nothing but wishfull thinking to guide your decisions. That doesnt usually lead to good outcomes. There is a real debate to be had in this referendum but you wont hear anything about it because the two sides of the Tory party believe in the same thing.
Soros will do exactly that. The question is what drives that old man? Does he hate this country that much? Does he hate Europe that much? Is he a front for much more dangerous men?
Simple really-just want to be able to vote the tossers out every five years or sooner.
Want the accounts signed off at the EU, not the accountants sacked and vilified.
Want the democratic right to have a sovereign nation like we used to have that could sift the Windrush from the tahharush…look it up MOCO!
As for your sneers about ” not joining things up-well from Cologne to Lesbos, Maalbeck to Syntagma…reckon we don`t need experts or cleverdix like you to tell me that THAT all means.
Stay on your night bus mate-we`re getting off…we`re WAY past politics…it`s about national survival for the kids…
Soros?…why not ask Nicholas Van Hoogstraten or Kenneth Noye what THEY`LL be doing to us all on Friday?
And whatever happened to Marta Andreassen ? The wicked , elite EU establishment tried to destroy here simply for telling the truth about the corruption. And the slimy , corrupt, Neil Kinnock did not lift a hand to help her. How can any decent person not vote to leave the EU ?
I am indebted to the enterprising soul who plonked the special Question Time programme with Cameron on YouTube:
He really is a slippery customer, avoiding direct answers to questions and just ahead with his misguided idea of a wonderful future in the EU.
Someone here has mentioned the following before: he had a really trying moment at 30:20 minutes in when he was accused of being like Chamberlain and coming back to the UK from the EU waving a piece of paper. One could tell he was stung by the insult by the vigour of his response and his absurd comparison, albeit indirect, of himself and his actions within the EU as on a par with Churchill fighting for Britain during WWII.
Of course, it is those who are leading the resistance against the EU dictatorship who can and should be compared to Churchill.
Just a belated thing.
having just read Littlejohn in the Mail-I see that Clement Freuds lad-Matthew…actually paid for the luxury pleasure boat that Geldof used last week to “Disparage the Farage”.
Same day in fact that Jeremy Vine was talking to the victims of Clememt Freuds sexual abuse on Radio 2.
AND-Jezza was giving us a live feed to the argy bargy on the Thames at one and the same time as his programme ran last Wednesday lunchtime.
So Dad Clement Freud abused kids whilst Matthew used his name to get money enough to hire Geldofs laugh raft…as if non-dom angry plastic paddy Sir Robin couldnt` have paid for it?
Matthew and Clement-Clement and |Matthew….link them forever and vote no.
At least Savile left us no kids….Matthew Fraud is basically likely to have built his PR Houase of Cards whilst wandering past teenage girls knickers on the Cote D`Azur.
Will the BBC check this for me?…hah!
The trial of Mair has not begun and his mental health has not been assessed, but MPs are clamouring for investigations into the far right. See, the killing was bound up with the far right and therefore supporters of Brexit.
The post referendum pattern is emerging.
Teresa May will be backing legislation to deal with the usual culprits, EDL etc.
Ssh, don’t mention the M word.
The current crop of MPs would struggle to investigate their navels to locate belly fluff.
This is mainly informed by recent ‘interviews’ with some truly unique brain donors, especially Jezza’s Jezebels and Cameron’s Cuties (with Ms. Cleavage ’56 as Queen of the ladies’ section of the ‘B Ark’). Plus the women stuffed out to implode on air. And various ‘inquiry’ chairs and panellists of late, too. Messrs Whittingdale and Norman spring to mind.
Just a belated thing.
having just read Littlejohn in the Mail-I see that Clement Freuds lad-Matthew…actually paid for the luxury pleasure boat that Geldof used last week to “Disparage the Farage”.
Same day in fact that Jeremy Vine was talking to the victims of Clement Freuds sexual abuse on Radio 2.
AND-Jezza was giving us a live feed to the argy bargy on the Thames at one and the same time as his programme ran last Wednesday lunchtime.
So Dad Clement Freud abused kids whilst Matthew used his name to get money enough to hire Geldofs laugh raft…as if non-dom angry plastic paddy Sir Robin couldnt` have paid for it?
Matthew and Clement-Clement and |Matthew….link them forever and vote no.
At least Savile left us no kids….Matthew Fraud is basically likely to have built his PR Houase of Cards whilst wandering past teenage girls knickers on the Cote D`Azur.
Will the BBC check this for me?…hah!
Sir Bob?…Sir Clement-which was the more successful husband and father then?…or do I just send my beer bottles to Michael Jackson instead next Fathers Day?
BBC 5Live Your Call this morning. Chris Bryant (Remain) puts the case forward for politicians now being beyond criticism in the light of recent events.
Campbell tells Robert Oxley (Leave) that he promises to come back to him for a comment:
” I promise, I promise, I promise. Not a politician’s promise, a real promise”.
Bryant has a hissy fit, interrupting Campbell:
” Can we stop with the snide remarks about politicians….”
Campell is momentarily non-plussed, while Bryant criticises his use of language. For God’s sake Bryant, get over yourself. Are these the new rules for political debate in a post-Cox landscape.
If Bryant thinks that most politicians are not useless, dishonest, self-serving parasites, he does not live in the real world. They are in the same gutter as most journalists. The lowest of the low.
To Mammon Clappometer up above.
The shark that jumps then basks in following the trawler in search of a mate-but ends up chewing sprats and Shipphams fish paste c/o the BBC.
My point?
Well, had Matthew Freud been beside his mum as she too was called upon to explain her sexual predating of underage boys, then he might not have had the time-or money to fuss over a few fishermen in need of some work again.
No-Freud-like all liberals in the current climate-really need to be watched… and their sexual shenanigans will doubtless get a much fairer hearing in Strasbourg that they`d have done when we used to have a legal system that wasn`t the creature(and therefore a suitable orifice to wick dip) of the EU.
Hope that clarifies it all for you…at least we can enjoy the Freud School of Psychoanalysis get new door plates and course titles now that Clem has fucked em over…and not just up the subconscious either.
No wonder poor Henry used to look so depressed next to Clement Fraud…
“Clem” ? Personal friend of yours ? Scum like Freud, father and son, fit perfectly into the BBC cloned mindset. Expect them to go easy on ” Clem”. As for Matt, just an idiot.
Is this the same Chris Bryant that flooded the best part of Somerset? and used (EU nationalised) NRA (National Rivers Authority) money to equip us all with printed ‘gay mugs’ costing £20,000? Surely not now throwing his toys out of the pram in disgust, screaming. Yes what a plonker indeed.
Lot of Comments about Stephen Kinnocks speech about Jo Cox in parliament. It appears while the other MPs of all sides were delivering non political eulogies, he has done the opposite and politicised it.
Lots of disapproving MPs in the chamber apparently.
Stephen Kinnock’s accountant declared he was bisexual to the Danish tax authorities, to explain why he was living apart from his wife (the Danish Prime Minister), in Switzerland of all places, which was highly convenient for tax planning if not cock’n’bum fun.
Now Kinnock is denying he is a bi-guy, so clearly someone was lying. Politician or accountant? I wonder which.
Although, to the best of my knowledge, the Kinnocks have not been associated with many suspicious deaths, in other respects they are the British Clintons, low class money grubbing scum, who have used public office to enrich themselves across the generations. Anyone who listens to a Kinnock needs urgent mental health treatment.
Worthless EU parasite, Stephen Kinnock, says that Jo Cox would be disgusted by Nigel’s poster. Just when you think the Remain side can’t stoop any lower, scum like Kinnock prove you wrong.
As I predicted yesterday. [Hence their new meme ‘fight against hatred’. “Jo so loved the world that she did everything to make it a better place, and that included welcoming refugees and fighting to remain in the EU.” You who may be thinking of Brexit by contrast are so full of hate. But don’t be, give up your hate and join Remain, it’s not too late.]
‘The Remain = love, Leave = hate – look what they did to Jo Cox’ meme is being played with fully and shamelessly:
“The Leave campaign’s anti-immigrant rhetoric has stoked the British public’s fears to the point that we now find ourselves in a country riven by hate. History tells us that scapegoating those we think are not like us always has terrible consequences. Jo Cox’s tragic murder is possibly only the start.”
I was also at a loss to understand Bendan Cox’s behaviour after his wife’s gruesome murder….taking his very young children to Parliament and making political statements….. until I read that he is a political activist for the Labour Party and had been Gordon Brown’s “special advisor.” Does that = Gordon’s spin doctor? He and Jo were both activists and he was apparently quite “active” as recently as last autumn at Save The Children where, according to the Guardian, he had been accuesed both verbally and in writing by several women of sexual harassment. They threatened to make a “huge fuss” because Save The Children did not act upon this. He denied the accusations but left after they threatened to go public. The Guardian stated that he was the husband of Jo Cox M.P. Perhaps he was a bit over-familiar or touchy-feely but makes his present pontificating a tad nauseating.
I really am at a loss as to why the tv news channels are all biased in favour of Remain. I find it hard to believe that everyone employed in these channels will vote in that direction on Thursday. Thankfully some of our daily press are evenly distributed in their opinions, but I’m finding it bloody depressing that every news item on the referendum is slagging off Nigel Farage or the Leave camp in general. Surely they realise that if this vote is thought to be so tight, then at least HALF of the population is in favour of Leaving, a factor that doesn’t resonate with news editors, and so in effect are criticising 50% of the population.
Two things could clinch it for Brexit.
1 A couple of question and answer sessions with Dave confronting real people.,
2.If the BBC brought out Russell Brant for his opinions on Remain. Better still if he and Dave did a joint discussion as with Milliband.
The GFK Media View poll has been like that for the past 3 weeks. I think every member has voted by now and al-Beeb (GFK’s paymaster for the site) have encouraged them to leave it up to show how impartial they are!
You won’t get a link because it’s a “Members” only media view survey site which allows al-Beeb to say how wonderfully open and transparent they are in asking the carefully selected members of the public about their views.
I see the ‘famously impartial’ voice of the establishment BBC is still maintaining its news blackout on the riots in Calais.
What with that and the splattering of tissue thin Remainiac stores on its ‘news’ website today, the case for closure if we do manage to win this week is looking cast iron.
Oh those poor migrants!
Must be DESPERATE to have their say on whether we stay or leave.
Tell you what-why doesn`t Jude Law or Posh Spice take a box of postal votes over and get a thumbprint…or maybe even a cut-off thumb?
That`ll be 5000 Remainian votes then for Arc Manche Kentish Regionaire then?
Imagine it`s how David Backham fills HIS ballot paper in when Posh Spice isn`t holding his hand for him.
Oh what a cirque du Salman…
It’s not in UK as it is! More like another flipping country! I wonder how many other capital cities you need Google Translate when you go shopping coz there’s nowt in the de facto language!
Only 80%? Chicken feed.
In the National Portrait Gallery yesterday, there was a primary school class of 30 with three white children. I make that 90%.
Personally I feel rather sorry for them, being so alienated in their own country.
Which is not to say any of the other children as individuals are anything less than delightful.
London an independent city state under Islam. Yes. I am all for it. M25 is the boundary, don’t allow the buggers to cross it. London creates the wealth. Ha ha. They grow their own food and manufacture their own energy. Free Britain might want to charge Londonistan for supplies and imports. See how they manage under Allah ackibar’s rule.
We’ve got some half price cracked ice and miles and miles of carpet tiles,
T.V.s, deep freeze and Arabic L.P.s,
Ball games, Korans, whatsnames, pictures frames and leather goods,
And Ayatollah Khomeni track suits from a mush in Shepherds Bush,
Bush, bush, bush, bush, bush, bush, bush …
No income tax, no V.A.T.,
No money back, no guarantee,
Black or Brown, rich or poor,
We’ll cut heads off at a stroke……
God bless Hookah Street,
Viva Hookah Street,
Long live Hookah Street,
C’est magnifique, Hookah Street,
Magnifique, Hookah Street,
Hookah Street (to fade)
Sorry, but I am reporting you to David Vance for a crime on this site. Lucky for you, he is on holiday and , by the time he gets back, i shall have forgotten.
Here IMO is one of the main reasons that the Tory cabinet wants to remain in Europe.
Without mass immigration they will not achieve their 2019 / 20 fiscal targets
“George Osborne is relying on rising immigration numbers to reach his fiscal target of a budget surplus by the end of the decade, according to a Guardian analysis of official data.
Without the UK’s current levels of net migration, the chancellor would be faced with the choice of missing his fiscal goal or achieving a surplus by adding more spending cuts and tax rises to his existing plans.”
And that in a nutshell is why Cameron & Osborne want us to stay in the EU.
Each Immigrant costs us (the indigenous UK taxpayer £30,000 each for local services amenities and benefits) and that was on Today’s ‘globals’ news on Classic FM. If we add the cost of ‘education’ and ‘urgent ‘housing provision (largely in two star Hotels). Add Cameron’s EU ‘vetting’ procedures and bomb delivery extras (cost of MI5) we can probably double or triple that cost.
That is rather more than the governments own estimation of £4,000 per head. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/immigration/10417222/Illegal-immigrants-cost-taxpayer-more-than-4000-a-head-each-year.html
And then the Taxpayers Alliance is worried about the cost as well. Only an idiot would not worry about the cost of illegal immigrants and crime rates which the BBC under reports (for fear of upsetting Muhummed or giving ‘Offence’ to sex offenders that we are unable to deport).
Migration Watch (from TPA) ‘ Migrationwatch estimates that, based on the average 25 year old immigrant – married with two children, working for minimum wage – that a two-child, two parent family would receive about £291,000 in total Housing Benefit and £19,000 in Council Tax Benefit over their lifetime if given legal status. In areas such as London, where there is a high concentration of immigrants, the cost of living is higher, and so the bill creeps over £1 million. Unemployment rates among immigrant groups tend to be higher than the UK averages too, and the risk of living entirely on taxpayer-funded benefits is much greater among immigrant populations.’
Dave made emotional much of ‘not being seen as a quitter’ during his evisceration the other evening – a process splendidly continued by Steve Hilton today – but there is another potential consequence to his stance. If, as seems more than likely, nationalist parties in France, Germany, Italy, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Poland and all stations east make significant gains, leading to power within the foreseeable future, his ‘non-quitter’ status will automatically re-define as ‘also ran’ as the EU collapses and we are left looking even sillier, weaker, less decisive and inept thanks to his best efforts along with Osborne, Kinnock, St. Jo, Corbyn, Moribund and all the rest, not forgetting Barrenness Warsi of course.
There are so many aspects of this campaign that continue to leave much to be desired, but not the least of them is the total silence on the actual state that France is in and the very real possibility that Europe is actually on the brink of anarchy.
Remain? More remains I’d suggest.
Another BBC masterclass in pro EU bias on the BBC news channel tnis afternoon . Following the awful Clegg interview this morning we now have a heart rending interview with an African woman, perhaps francophone, who runs an organisation bringing interns into London from tbe EU.
Before we go any further just remember that these interns depress graduate salaries and may well deprive your children of an entry level job post university . But putting that to one side , we hear how awful leaving the EU would be to this woman’s business .Only at the very end is it pointed out that if we leave tbe EU these students could still apply for visas to come into the uk for intern jobs . Tbe woman admits this but says that some students only make last minute decisions . Well if it’s a degree requirement to work in London or you are planning a summer trip in advance why make the visa application last minute?
Why is our intelligence insulted with all thus pro Remain drivel?
I have just recieved this email from 38Degrees – which backs left causes and Remain.
I have an invitation for you. Would you like to join the EU referendum TV debate tonight at 8pm from the comfort of your living room?
38 Degrees has a new opinion tracking tool that lets us all have our say on the debate from our computer or mobile phone. It’ll give thousands of 38 Degrees members the power to vote in snap polls throughout the debate – on everything from the NHS to immigration – and get instant results.
It’s like a debate in the pub, without getting off your sofa. If you want to take part then click the button below to sign up:
Yes – I’ll give it a go
You’ll also be able to see instant fact-checks of some of the biggest claims of the night. It’ll mean that thousands of us will be able to separate the fact from the fiction on the spot, then head to the polls on Thursday more informed. [1]
Here’s what the opinion tracker looks like in action:
Hardly surprising, when in the main, London only accommodates migrants and second generation migrants; and I’d love to see a photo of any migrant walking out with a dog – not their culture don’t yer know – but hell whats the point, there’s no intention of them integrating anyway ! ( I live in the SE and two of the best dogs I ever owned were whippets !!!)
EU Referendum: Would Brexit prompt London to go it alone?
Interesting precedent to raise at the moment. Propping up less well off satellites being unpopular as a reason to seek separation.
Or… ‘Leave’.
In other news, the grieving widower of Saint Jo has recovered composure enough to hit all the headlines by going about as political as the likes of the BBC and Classic FM Global propaganda will let him, which is a struggle as they are already well ahead.
Sir Cliff Richard blames a new wave of management at the BBC. “The new generation have come in, in all fields now, and they seem to have that lack of respect of what’s happened before…… A whole new group of people. They don’t care what we’ve done in the past ”
Just about sums it up. Astounding that people across all spectrums have been outspoken on the bias of BBC and those at the top, but nothing is ever done about it.
Oddly enough the BBC text pages headlined ‘Sir Cliff may sue BBC’ for an hour or so, and then changed this to ‘BBC sorry that Sir Cliff suffered distress…’ Not quite so accusative, that way, looks better eh?
Current headline is ‘Brendan Cox says Jo died for political beliefs’, which continues the narrative. Why is it that I get the feeling Brendan has more than a soft spot for the bhoys, too?
My MEP is simply hitting ‘post to social media’ on every single Remain piece she is sent or finds, from the BBC upwards (and the gutter would be an aspiration they could only dream of).
Her grasp of said media is poor, because while she simply has her avatar above the propaganda piece and little else, in the comments below much better informed constituents are calmly eviscerating her proxy claims and her for not having a clue.
If Remain prevails, I doubt she will be the MEP for this region next election. Thick as plank. This is what is meant to hold the EU to account and change its naughty ways… if they let her.
Meanwhile a friend posted the StrongerIN video, with a very edited clip of Martin Lewis’ supposed endorsement.
I attached a link to the page on his site where he is furious at the edit and its misuse.
She apologised and claimed she ‘didn’t know’, and all went quiet for a few days. But now she again is spamming like a Monty Python song on a loop.
Like all good lefties she seems to think she can twist the truth because in her heart she knows she is right.
Putin, in his own words on the subject of the UK Referendum: “Who can predict it? No one can predict it. I have my own opinion on this matter – whether it is good or bad – but I will refrain from giving the forecast. I think it would be improper on my part to do that.” Many of us readers of this blog are doubtless well aware of his remarks, and noted how correct and statesman-like they were. Paul Goodman, in his most recent piece on Conservative Home has reminded his readers of them, but says that Putin’s remarks were “largely missed”. Well, you can bet your bottom dollar that they were not missed by the BBC, who doubtless decided not to broadcast or refer to them in any way, because they would inevitably cast Obama’s intolerable intervention in our domestic affairs in a very poor light. Putin is a bad man in many respects, but was certainly correct in declining to voice an opinion on our referendum.
Putin is a bad man in many respects. But he is not stupid. And he stands for Russian interests as he sees them. And he has courage. In contrast , Obama is a bad man and stupid and has no courage. And does not stand for the interests of the American people.
Putin, will be calculating what will happen when the EU collapses. Obama’s view extends from the end of his penis to his golf club. And that is on a good day !
Putin may be a bad man to some, but like many a bad man he’s also very clever, decisive and utterly ruthless – many of the attributes of history’s great leaders. Sit down Barack, that doesn’t include you.
Cameron urges voters to ‘think of children’ before EU choice, as reported by the BBC (see http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-eu-referendum-36587819).
We are. We are thinking of the children of Rotherham, Oldham, Bradford, Leeds and other places. Those children whose lives were ruined as a result of alien criminals, here as a result of the establishment’s insane immigration policies. And we would like to spare the future generations the same fate. Which is why sensible people will be voting to LEAVE the EU.
Yes, the Remain campaign has long been known to “think of the children”.
Whether it`s Jeremy Thorpe through to Clement Freud and all manner of types inbetween like Cyril Smith and Mark Oaten…safe to say that the Liberals seem intensely relaxed about all manner of deviants, including child abuse.
Imagine Jimmy Savile would have wanted to stay in.
Certainly Evan Davis was not above touting young Latvians around in the hope that they`d be able to stay in this country-not kiddie stuff, but certainly playing fast and loose with immigration rules as they stood at the time-no wonder the BBC types want no restrictions.
It`s not as if they know any white kids who`ll mule the drugs from Shepherds Bush up to Salford is it?
A bit like they don’t appear to have grasped many for Leave have the internet, they also appear to presume heterosexual old white men can’t have kids and grandkids.
Which may be why their more informed assessment is to have nothing more to do with the EU and its unelected Presidents’ and Commissioners’ ambitions from behind the lines.
Excellent stuff, there’s not been enough of this from LEAVE for me, Gove is a calm and very precise politician as is Jacob Rees-Mogg, whether the attacks on them registers with people is yet to be seen.
I think Boris has dealt well with the endless character assassinations by Camoron’s liberal chums and the SNP and how Farage has dealt with the disgusting abuse is beyond me, I’d have snapped a long time ago!
I think the time has come for more of this, the leftards are cowardly shithouses, they are like the muzzers, they only fight when they are in the majority and are backed by a large mob, as we saw during the Farage pub attack a while ago, we need to put them back in the gutter where the paedo loving scum belong.
More bad news on the Brexit front, I’m afraid. Another intellectual and political giant, David Beckham, has come out in favour of remaining in the EU. Apparently he proffered the opinion (squeakily), “I fink in times like wot we live in now we’re better off together. Know wot I mean?”
Rumour has it he’s going to have a Euro tattoo, if he can find an unblemished few inches of flesh. How lovely.
Joey Essex has yet to commit himself either way…
Had to laugh at this news. I think he had to ask Victoria what it was all about and she asked Brooklyn and they all tossed a coin! Beckham is an establishment whore, I don’t think his intellect will sway many people!
Joking aside, there was a stupid bitch on sneering nicky’s talk in this morning who actually confessed to asking her 12 year old child as to how she should vote? The kid said.. ‘it’s my future so I think you should vote remain’!! She was 51 and said..’I won’t be here for much longer so I agreed’…seriously, this is the calibre of absolute fucktards that will destroy this country.
I’d like to speak to her in ten years if there is a remain vote to see if she had a future and if her brainwashed little shit is bottom of the heap in the brave new UK.
I’m told his knob Is so big he’s had that famous welsh placename tattooed along it, with plenty of room to spare. You know the place…everyone has problems remembering or pronouncing it..yes of course you know….that’s right..Rhyl.
And we all know that agreeing ‘luvvies’ get Damehoods and Knighthoods. I shouldn’t wonder that ‘ole Dave has already written up his list of ‘gongs’ as his leaving gift for those that have come on-side. Its going to be vomit inducing I can assure you. I do wish this awful couple – (who have assured top jobs for their kids already, like shifty eyed Brooklyn has a photographic assignment with Burberry, and Romeo ? continues his portfolio of modelling jobs) would bugger off, along with Simon Fuller the one who pulls the strings, back to the U.S.
“The Brexit vote on Thursday is the first electoral test of the biggest political issue in our time: nationalism v. globalism.
Are we to go on living in nation-states, under laws and customs suited to our peoples and their histories, with secure borders and a sensible concern for demographic stability; or are we to become a uniform global peasantry herded and taxed by cosmopolitan elites?” John Derbyshire.
I think there are parallels with the Russian and French revolutions. The new European ‘aristocracy’ is desperate to hang on to their palaces, carriages and sheltered life-styles. The people are at the gates and they are not happy.
And on that same Guido page there is this quote from Gordon Browns favourite ‘club’ The Adams Institute: ‘The Adam Smith Institute’s Sam Bowman backs REMAIN; because the EU restricts democracy!‘ ( who needs democracy when we have such good (off shore funds) financial advisors to the elite rich Blair, Brown and Cameron. A suitable epitaph for them all. Except there is no democracy in the EU at all. There is no restriction – there just isn’t any!
“I like and respect many Leavers, but I’ve never shared their enthusiasm for democracy – I want liberty and prosperity, and I don’t want to trade that in just to give my stupid next-door neighbours more power over my life. To the extent that the EU does restrict democracy it is often for the best”’
Is it me or are the BBC HYS’s being closed down really quickly ? Every one I try to go on says closed for comments, even the one today regarding George Soros.
Decent people would allow the bereaved space to experience their grief in private but Laura Kuenssberg is straight in there on the 6 pm news telling us that Jo Cox’s husband is speaking out ‘for the first time’. (So who was the person talking about ‘fighting hate’ last week?)
This is all about politics not grief.
Jo Cox was opposed to the political opinions of the majority of people in this country, she was no democrat, rather one of the single narrative, ‘safe space’, ‘no platform’ variety of political professionals. It ought to be too soon to say these things in a decent world but we don’t have a decent world and in large part that is down to the nasty spiteful politics of ‘the left’, but they just can’t see it.
I would not like to speak ill of the dead, but everything I have learned about Mr Cox tells me that the man is an utter shit who is working hard to politicise the death of his wife. I find this behaviour beneath contempt.
BBC Bias or BBC Business Incompetence or BBC Bias and Business Incompetence?
Radio 4 6pm News at approx 6.15pm
There has been a run on the pound with people worried about the possible consequences of a Brexit vote buying currencies (and selling £) with the Post Office selling more Euros before 9am today than they normally sell in a whole day. I thought Post Offices were not open before 9 or even 9.30am but there you go. Anything is possible, I guess, for a quick buck
Radio 4 6pm News at approx 6.22pm
The pound is up by 1.75cents against the Euro.
Ahem! I am no currency trader although I like to think I’m reasonably savvy about such things. I would have thought that exchanging lots of £s for Euros would push up the value of the Euro relative to the £. That’s the way it used to work when I used to flip through the back pages of the FT many years ago.
Any FX traders on here who can comment?
I am aware the OTC physical sales (notes over a counter) can have a delay in their market effects but the incompetently biased Beeb had that one covered. Apparently the Post Office had anticipated this run on the £, er, I mean Euro, and ordered lots more Euros in advance.
I am not an FX trader but your right, the BBC are pushing both ways. If the pound goes up (it assumes your on a cheap holiday to Spain, you’ll get less Euros), so total disaster! and the same again if the pound goes down its because (somehow) the UK is less rich and you’ll get less Euros on holiday. That’s the agreed EU message cheap holidays and Mobile phone charges. Just sign here: ‘I agree to give all my money away to the EU and sign away my claim to be a freeman under the laws of the United Kingdom and give all my home, my country, my life and pension to a complete stranger who appears to want to kill me whilst listening to the BBC that he has a right to be here claiming equal rights and money, and my death.’ [ ] Buggery optional. [ ] Rape acceptable.
Name: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( I am of totally unsound mind and I can’t wait to receive my prize from the EU or BBC phone Vouchers)
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Not mentioned on bbc tv
007 Carmaker Says Brexit To Boost Exports
Just watching the very first episode of To The Manor Born, great humour from the days when the Beeb were at their best.
Here’s a priceless line that Audrey fforbes-Hamilton comes out with………..
“I’m sorry you are seeing me crying. Its only since we joined the ghastly Common Market that I’ve picked up these habits”
Now , what was that debate about last week …………………………
Really?….Is this the sort made-up story that they have been reduced to?
There are lots of these fabricated anecdotes, especially on sites such as MSN and AOL/Huffington Post, although the BBC have started to repeat/copy some of them. They have a distinctive style, usually characterised by words and phrases such as ‘perfect’, ‘brilliant response to’, ‘amazing letter’ and so on. They tend to be racist and sexist, lampooning white men. With a bit of time and patience, you can track down the poster on the internet and – surprise, surprise – they are the usual suspects, associated with the usual causes (note: a lot of them no longer show up in Google UK searches as they have had themselves removed via the EU Privacy laws, but there are technical ways around this).
What is interesting is that this particular poster – maybe he’s not very bright – cannot think through the logic of his story. He thinks that it is ‘perfect’ for someone in Wales to be speaking Welsh, and indeed it is, or at least appropriate (mind you, having lived in Newport I can’t say I ever heard much Welsh…). But by the same token, does it not also follow that it is equally ‘perfect’ for someone in England to be speaking English…?
Quick research. In Blaenau Gwent 92% say they cannot speak Welsh and 0.73% of the population describe themselves as Asian or Asian British.
Seems Mr Bradbury succeeded in finding the proverbial needle in the haystack.
If someone can locate him it might be interesting to quiz him on his abilities with the Welsh language!
If the story were true, which I am sure its not, then the Welsh speaking woman would be a Welsh convert to Islam, also delightful and exciting to the Globalist tendency!
There isnt a cat in hell’s chance the woman is Asian.
The other possibility is that the man who attacked the complaining nationalist was a Globalist tendency liar, who entrapped the nationalist taking a gamble on the possibility that he would not speak Welsh himself or be able to distinguish between Welsh and Urdu/Sylheti.
Err..yes that post appeared on my facebook feed yesterday, having been shared by those who wish it to be true
I have explained that it’s only an old fake story that has been shared many times before….and to find anyone speaking welsh in that area would be extremely rare.
Replies came there none.
completely made up
And if you believe that, I’ve got a bridge I want to sell you…
You don’t suppose Tom Bradbury likes to hope his readers think he’s Tom Bradby, do you? Just to add a bit of authority, you know the sort of thing.
The Coalition of Evil…
The senior figures campaigning for Remain have been described as a ‘Coalition of Evil’ and now the Dark Prince himself has shown his hand. Leading globalist George Soros has an article in The Guardian, for which the BBC are currently running an advert on their ‘news’ website (see http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-36582026). In it, he ‘warns’ that leaving the EU will cause Sterling to lose 15% of its value (naturally the BBC declines to mention that this would make British exports somewhat cheaper, which may actually result in swings-and-roundabouts benefits to the country).
The BBC reverentially describe Soros as a ‘legendary investor’. Normally that is a term of abuse for the hard left, but Mr Soros is one of their own. When he’s not manipulating currencies to make billions – ERM and Black Wednesday, anyone? – he’s pumping money into just about every despicable cause imaginable. His Open Society Foundations gives around $800 million a year to what many readers here would describe as dubious causes. The usual suspects: organisations that campaign for more immigration; drug reform; human ‘rights’; prisoner voting; abortion; black supremacism; Palestinian ’cause’ and so on. According to the OSF website, during 1993-2014 it spent “$2.9 billion to defend human rights, especially the rights of women, ethnic, racial, and religious minorities, drug users, sex workers, and LGBTQ communities”. The term ‘Open Society’ might sound fuzzy and warm – what it really means is Open for Exploitation. It is the classic Marxist technique – disrupt, create uncertainty, take advantage. Last year, OSF was banned in Russia – they know full well what he is up and have not forgotten his role in financing trouble in the Ukraine.
But to give Soros his due, he is open in one respect. In the article he states “there are speculative forces in the markets much bigger and more powerful. And they will be eager to exploit any miscalculations by the British government or British voters”. You bet there are.
Strange bedfellows have been chosen for the EU Referendum.
How long after Friday morning will the amity remain? Will those bankers be instantly evil again in the eyes of Corbyn and the Labour Lefties? Will the Guardian still be cosying up to Estate Agents who wish to Remain in the EU for their ever higher commission levels? Will the Feminist Sisters rush to comfort Dave when he comes tearfully back from Brussels to announce that the Tampon Tax has to stay in place?
Those who have studied Marx properly know that Capitalism must peak and dominate globally before the Communist revolution can truly begin and sweep it aside in the great march of history. Hence, true believers have no problem in reconciling their views with support for international big business (and hey, they may even make some money for themselves in the process).
Indeed, Ian, capitalism has been peaking and dominating globally for a long time now. Phew! Can’t wait much longer. Have to start typing soon while sitting with my legs crossed! Is there a new peak just beyond the grassy knoll of a slight down-slope on which we are currently perched or is there a bit of a cliff or a sheer drop beyond all those tall pines? Or is it onward and upward with those progressive humanists to yet another peak.
Ah! Peak oil. Used to be very fashionable to talk about that in 1995 and 1999 and again in 2001 and 2004 and 2008 and 2009 and 2010 and 2011. Haven’t heard much about that recently. Are we nearly there yet?
Speaking of which, we on this site have highlighted and or dismissed some of the wild claims by the Remain Campaign but I heard a remarkable one yesterday from someone on the side of Vote Leave. They stated (cannot remember who it was but am certain it was either on BBC R4 or it was Paulo Barnard in Italy in that clip that someone posted higher on this Thread) that the UK had the biggest oil reserves – specifically Brent Crude – in Europe.
Now, if they exclude the Caspian area, I thought the existing Norwegian supplies were way larger than the known reserves of UK Brent oil which I have always understood to be following our offshore gas in steep decline. As I understand it, the Caspian reserves are so vast they have know real knowledge of what they are sitting on top of. There are known gas fields and it was assumed that those plus the undiscovered gas fields were smaller in total than the undiscovered oil.
There are some contributors on here with good knowledge of such matters. Can anyone help on this? Are the UK’s oil reserves robust when compared to Norway’s let alone the countries deemed to be in Europe (by Bernie Ecclestone!) on the west of the Caspian?
If you have 35000 dollars you can get the publication which tells you where all the reserves are. As to peak oil, its peaked. As you will know the idea of peak oil is no just a supply condideration but also takes into account population growth. Ultimately all fossil fuels will be capped for global warming reasons.
U2s ” As I understand it, the Caspian reserves are so vast they have know real knowledge of what they are sitting on top of. There are known gas fields and it was assumed that those plus the undiscovered gas fields were smaller in total than the undiscovered oil.”
Manon, sorry, forgot to ask you about this, quoting you “As you will know the idea of peak oil is no just a supply condideration (sic) but also takes into account population growth.”
People were making claims that Peak Oil had been reached in these years: “Peak oil. Used to be very fashionable to talk about that in 1995 and 1999 and again in 2001 and 2004 and 2008 and 2009 and 2010 and 2011.”
What do you think was happening to the global population in that time span, the best part of twenty years?
The ultimate bound of peak oil is CO2. Quite apart from that fossil fuel hasnt grown at the same rate as global population. Its Malthus pure and simple.
just to ask you again Manon.
Do you think your opinions matter? Should you have a mechanism where you can put a cross on a piece of paper, and if enough people agree with you can change things?
If so, are you going to vote to return that control fully to you or be a turkey voting for Christmas and head for the fold with all the other 500m EU sheeple?
If you get it wrong with this vote you will have about as much effect in voting in the future as those behind the Berlin Wall used to have!
Manon “The ultimate bound (sic – boundary?) of peak oil is CO2.”
Silly me, I thought Peak Oil meant peak oil to most people, especially those of a scientific inclination? CO2’s components come from far and wide including mosquitoes’ farts and Snuffy getting all ‘Tour de Frenchy’ on his push-bike.
I wonder what Karl would have made of your post? He had doctor friends, you know. They have a tendency to come over all scientific from time to time.
You clearly dont understand Marx .
Who would want to try and understand that razor dodging German cretin? If only they had had jobs teaching sociology in second rate polys back in the 19th Century, he might have found himself a niche where he wouldn’t cause too much trouble.
Well if you dont understand why comment.
I thought of 100 million corpses and decided not to bother.
He was in oil? Oi vey!
March 15, 2015 at 1:09 pm
I contribute here because I am highly critical of BBC news.”
A timely reminder to you form the past . So, why are you really on this site ‘Man on a clapped out bus’?
I hope someone is closely scrutinising exactly what positions market-manipulating Soros and his cohorts have been taking vis-a-vis sterling in the markets in the run-up to this referendum, and if it is the case that he has been allowed (by the BBC in particular) to broadcast a ‘so-called’ market catastrophe warning which is intended to change the market in his favour after the referendum, then those at the BBC who have failed to question his motives for such ‘warnings’ must be held to account – given that they are clearly aware of his ‘form’ in these situations – and no matter what the result of the referendum is.
Probably not is the answer. The Banksters want us in and that should worry us. No bankster has ever given a toss about the people of any country whatsoever. The sad fact is that the banksters have hijacked the capitalist way for their own ends. QE is a case in point. It was for them not for the majority. Quite why the liberal elite is so dazzled by them is a puzzle. Bought and paid for is the answer in my view.
I think youll find the BBC dont do motives. Luckily for the lacklustre liar Bunter Johnson.
George Sorus, will be best remembered as betting against the UK in the last major Sterling crash ‘Black Wednesday’ . ‘In Britain, Black Wednesday (September 16, 1992) is known as the day that speculators broke the pound. They didn’t actually break it, but they forced the British government to pull it from the European Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM). Joining the ERM was part of Britain’s effort to help along the unification of the European economies. However, in the imperialistic style of old, she had tried to stack the deck. ‘
But he’s not always right either as no one can predict the EU devaluation of the Euro which is only propped up by UK Pound Sterling and Germany in the main. But he is a globalist gambler and cares less about the UK than the EU does. A drop of 15% in Sterling value is better (as it aids our exports) than total surrender to the Euro and we loose all financials services, interest rates and real world markets. Plus the rather obvious fact that we will not have a an indigenous distinctive country any more. No pound, no democracy, no decisions, no MP’s (eventually) and no parliament either. What is the point of ‘remain’ when we will have no country to protect and prosper. Our identity lost and all hope abandoned. No thanks!
But in the wider markets. Sorus will see how much money he can make out of the EU trying to prop its teetering internal market up. In that way the EURO is very similar to how Britain was then. if we pull out the EURO is almost worthless. The danger then is that the UK will shoot up and be over valued.
If freedom costs 15% drop in Sterling, (as it will be temporary), then that’s a price worth paying for our UK independence and ability to trade with the rest of world without EU taxes saying we can’t. Globalists like Sorus and Goldman Sachs are part of the problem, they like to make money out of a crisis.
Why will it be temporary? How temporary is temporary? A year? How do you know?
What is ‘our identity’ exactly?
If we have democracy then when do we get to vote on stopping investors going elswhere. When do we get to vote on the exchange rate?
“Brussels Bomb alert as man arrested” – Breaking News
What are the odds the man will have been heard to shout “Britain First” rather than the more normal “Allah Akbah”?
I wouldn’t put it past them
Master class in BBC bias this morning. The 7am radio 4 news briefly headlines a report that Steve Hilton knew Cameron was told by officials 4 years ago that net migration could not be reduced below 100,000 when we were in the EU. No interview with Hilton to elaborate on this. 7.10 am, Nick Clegg is wheeled on to rubbish the Leave side but in a misleading way.Leave claim that gross immigration can be controlled or reduced,not net immigration. Clegg puts it the other way round so distorting the Leave case. He rabbits on about not being able to control emigration. He also picks up on the shameless Remain admission that has emerged recently , that nothing can be done to control migration. We should just put up with it. Cameron is now saying much the same thing. They have obviously concluded that they can win over undecideds this way. I find this so arrogant. I hope they reap the whirlwind.
Oh and towards the end of his interview Clegg finally stopped answering his own questions and finally admitted that he was not present at the meeting recalled by Steve Hilton. So why was Clegg interviewed at all?
First, Clegg allowed to speak with no real, forensic questioning, including the key question of exactly what level of net immigration would he find acceptable. Does he regard 300,000 per annum indefinitely perfectly alright? Oh no, the BBC won’t ask that question. In contrast, after 8 am., Nick Robinson’s interview with Michael Gove, in which he constantly interrupts, with questions (or mini-speeches for the Remain side masquerading as questions) spoken in a somewhat hectoring or arrogant tone, rarely allowing Gove chance to develop his argument – and where is does give a little time, invariably interrupts just before Gove finishes, thereby killing the point. A disgraceful display by Robinson. Anyone would think the BBC supports the Remain side.
I am always uneasy when I hear Nick Clegg. He’s quite an enigmatic politician; he can sometimes appear sort of intelligent and all very serious; (not often, mind you) but at other times he’s an associate member of the harpies club, all shrill and accusatory. In fact, he was really wound up this morning as you could actually hear him banging his finger in the table as he made his stupid points.
On balance whatever he says is non-stuff and has no substance. This morning he made his points from a party point of view which is wrong; this whole referendum is NOTHING to do with political parties.
Why do they always interview Clegg; when his party was almost politically annihilated at the last general election?
What credibility does he have?
Newsnight last night featured a lead story examining what happens after a Brexit vote and demonstrated different strands of EU reactions likely…..from punitive negotiations dragged out to discourage other countries from leaving to pragmatic trade based negotiations recognising UK economic power and the rationality of continued trade in both directions.
Then Michael Howard explained how the European Court of Justice was being used to strike down the policy decisions of elected governments. He was very strong on this and Evan Davies looked very uncomfortable especially when his attempted challenges were batted away by Howard with ease.
Its on the i player from 9:40 into the programme after the lead story.
Worth a view for wavering leave voters and undecideds alike. Reminding us all of the anti democratic nature of the EU and its organs.
The European court of Justice isnt ‘used’ at all. It exercises Laws that everyone has signed up to.if youve ever read any of the rare judgements relating to the UK then you will see how fair the conclusions are.
Maybe you dont like justice. Perhaps this is more of ‘we dont need experts’ is it?
We were never given a vote to decide whether we “signed up” to Maastricht or Lisbon. The measures that changed the EEC into the EU.
We were given obfuscation though.
I well remember the suprise I experienced when Kenneth Clark, asked to explain part of the Maastricht treaty in a BBC interview at the time, was allowed to get away with stating, jocularly…words to the effect that he hadn`t actually read the whole treaty and doubted that anyone had read it all so he couldn`t answer the question put.
The Scottish case was an attempt to bring forward unit pricing for alcohol, a public health measure to try to reduce alcohol consumption and thereby reduce liver disease. It was struck down to protect the interests of the players in the pan EU alcohol trade.
Public health versus EU business interests. or if you prefer, judicial activism versus Democracy.
And no, we don`t need “experts” who have vested interests in perpetuating the baleful and anti democratic EU s influence on the governance of our country.
Thanks for asking though.
We don’t trust the pollsters to get it right but they are all we have to go on until after the polling stations close. As far as I can see the most recent polls are showing that the affect of Jo Cox’s murder, so ruthlessly and disgracefully exploited by Remain, has impacted Leave by a couple of points. But Leave are still neck and neck with Remain. I have always thought that if the polls are showing Leave within a couple of points of Remain on polling day then, because Leave voters are much more determined than Remainers, Leave will win. Its all to play for and I think that Leave will win.
So despite all the dirty tricks , all the BBC bias, all the sickening attempts to politicise Jo Cox’s death , all the attempts to portray Leavers as hard hearted morons, Remain loses. Cameron and Osborne out by the weekend, Labour blown away by the dessertion of the white working class to a party that will represent them, and the BBC cringing to see what Boris and Nigel have in mind for it. I hope all this is not a dream!
Oh and I forgot to add the Kinnocks stuffed!!
Stuffed Kinnocks?
No thank you. I’ll have the Scottish salmon, please, with green beans and the leeks in sauce.
Doublethinker. It’s best to remember that the country as a whole is almost entirely eursceptic and this interactive map (link below) gives a clear indication of how eurosceptic we all are by region. The BBC is basically that small bit in London and then there is a larger bit up in Scotland and a part of Wales. I don’t think many UK voters care a hoot about Ms Cox or what the BBC say or think. We have by now switched ‘off’ the media control knob. The BBC media like to confuse but there are very few ‘don’t knows’.
> The UK region by region…
I think you are merely discriminating between the informed and the illinformed.
Which camp do you fall into?
LOL !!!
Certainly he seems to have done a lot of thinking today.
A pity it has resulted in so little.
I’m wondering whether the result of Project Grief is that some Leave voters prefer not to tell the pollsters that they’ll be voting Leave. Rather like the shy Conservatives at the General Election.
Good point. Not all people are open about their voting intentions for all sorts of reasons. I suspect the “secret vote ” will favour Leave !
“Project Grief “. LOL ! Follows ” Project Fear ” as night follows day. The Remainers really do think we are stupid. What nasty people they are !
Local paper has polled Norfolk and Suffolk steadily over the weeks using consistent, but probably not statistically perfect method of stopping people in the street.
Most recent published yesterday was a strong out.
Democratic control seems to be playing well.
Over to you Manon to tell us all about the democratic legitimacy of the EU!
FFS! Don’t encourage him; just ignore the c**t.
Come on Manon.
You seem to have all the answers today, so may have missed my invitation to tell me all about the democratic legitimacy of the EU.
Or is that a bridge too far even for you to try to defend?
Will you be voting to take back control, as you seem to strongly believe your opinions matter, or a turkey voting for Christmas and heading for the fold with all the other EU sheeple?
Not sure if this is strictly biased but it is pretty damning on their ‘investigative’ journalists.
On Toady R4 this morning we learn that fewer,more intense bursts of radiotherapy are equally effective for treating prostate cancer, and more efficient for the NHS and better for patients. A good story indeed.
Now, with more journalists than the whole of Fleet Street put together, you might think the bBBC could investigate these things properly.
So imagine my surprise when I put my total resources to the task.( one person on the ipad for 5 minutes over breakfast coffee).
The Society of Radiographers reported this on a web page dated 2011, and the institutions and lead researcher were the same.
What has happened in the last 5 years?
Is it:
[a] a BBC employee has a male relative or friend who has been diagnosed with prostate cancer and so taken a particular interest? or
[b] the partner of a BBC employee has started working for a charity concerned with prostate cancer? or
[c] there is a forthcoming story in which we will be told that ‘some communities’ are ‘under represented’ in treatment for the disease?
But dangerous ground, BBC. What if word gets out that more men die of prostate cancer than women die of breast cancer, yet it only receives a fraction of the funding? Or people ask awkward questions, such as why do we spend £13 billion a year on foreign ‘aid’ whilst charity research at home depends substantally on charitable donations?
This is a matter of great interest to me. It is undeniably true that if we screened all men over 50 then the cost to the NHS would spiral ( more positives more treatment) . Simple mathematics. That lives would be saved is also undeniably true. AS long as this insane approach to aid is in place then the NHS just cannot afford it.
Can anyone advise on the relative costs of prostate versus breast cancer screening, and then treatment costs, and survival rates?
Perhaps the EHRC should investigate?
No point asking the biased BBC, as the sisterhood would scream blue murder.
I saw some stats on cancer reserach uk i think, whcih showed that on current trends, prostate cancer deaths will overtake breast cancer deaths in about 15 or so years time.
Prostate cancer deaths are only about 10-15% behind breast cancer deaths as it is, and without denigrating our womenfolk, I do sense that the PC brigade have had a hand here. Note the ‘Race for Life’ campaign does not mention Breast Cancer yet look at the pictures of the runners and try and spot the male runners. The women are not running for Prostate Cancer, you can be sure.
Time the menfolk got a little more effective at being angry.
I think youll find that it isnt just researchers that drive medical progress. Medical practice is rarely science driven anyway, its mainly peer led. If someone comes up with a novel finding ,this is usually then subject to RCT and cohort studies which are sufficiently powered to sustantiate the original finding. If the benifit then out weighs the costs , including those associated with introducing the service then it will be considered. If they are using larger doses of radio nuclide then supply could be a problem. Normally these things take ages.
“If they are using larger doses of radionuclide then supply could be a problem”.
1. I suspect the idea is to give people a dose for a longer time. That way the set up and prep time is saved.
2. And also, since radionuclides decay, it is far more efficient to use the given source as much as possible rather than increase the size of the source, as it will still decay whether used or not.
Ergo, no or marginal impact on supply.
US election: Arrested Briton ‘wanted to shoot Donald Trump’
Usual BBC Bias… no mention of ‘hate crime’ or ‘attack on democracy’ unlike the BBC reporting of Jo Cox. Ironic that BBC reporting itself is full of hate and attacks on democracy.
‘Arrested Briton ‘wanted to shoot Donald Trump’ ‘
The poor soul must have had his mind turned by political vitriol – that’s how these things work, no? Look forward to his browser history being well publicised and the police turning up connections to ‘hate groups’ perhaps?
We await with baited breath the BBC giving platform to calls for political commentators here to ‘cool it’ in their criticism of Trump – less ‘hate’, less ‘divisiveness’ and more ‘unity’- eh?
If Trump = Boris, then this nutcase would surely be a Remainer? Why no politicising of this….?????
I wonder if he has links to the far left UAF who, as I have posted here, have allowed their FB page to advocate shooting Trump. I am sure Mr Cameron will urge an investigation
Unite Against Fascism
June 14 at 12:48pm ·
Stewart Selkirk I do not subscribe to violence or advocate it, but I will turn a blind eye if Someone uses a gun correctly and takes this MF out! If extreme ignorance is synonymous with evil, Trump is the devil’s right hand man. Sickening.
The hypocrisy of the Left is breathtaking !!!
Judging by the amount of hypocrisy from the left, it’s a wonder we don’t all die of asphyxiation then.
I’ve been thinking lately that there will be quite a few Guardianistas sitting round dinner tables in Islington having earnest debates about whether it will be morally right to kill Trump if/when he is elected, especially if one is a pacifist or vegetarian. If this case is anything to go by I don’t think Mr Trump need worry too much. Trying to steal a policeman’s revolver in a country where guns can be bought quite easily is quite possibly the lamest attempt at assassination I’ve ever heard of.
Telegraph, Express et al report on violent riots in Calais. BBC (hidden on the Kent page) – Delays to Channel Tunnel traffic! Bit close to Thursday is it Beeb?
#editorialinegrity no time, or space.
Not BBC bias except she has been fairly prominent on the BBC airwaves. It seems to me that the media are focusing on Rachel Reeves quite a lot. Now that Hilary Benn has been neutered by Cameron and Andy Burnham fancies himself as Mayor of Manchester, is she being lined up as a challenger to Chuka Umunna for Corbyn’s job, post-referendum?
Gobsmacked anyone thinks Rachel Reeves capable of anything. She is the ultimate cliche-filled parrot fashion charmless political apparatchik. I have no sense she actually believes anything she says.
Corbyn may be barking, but one does sense he actually believes in the things he says.
The Today team seem to have rewritten the history of the ERM crisis.
The pound fell after we left the ERM only because interest rates had to be driven up to extraorinary levels to maintain the exchange rate with the deutschmark. The pound was ridiculously overvalued. There was nothing “black” about Black Wednesday, it showed the complete and utter folly of weak currencies pegging themselves to the deutschmark. If this lesson had been learnt, there would have been no euro and no euro crisis.
The Greek crisis…and the ongoing social disaster in other parts of Southern Europe….is the direct result of the EU refusing to learn this lesson.
This isn’t as I remember it!
It was George Soros and other currency speculators who caused Black Wednesday:
In politics and economics, Black Wednesday is 16 September 1992, when the British Conservative government was forced to withdraw the pound sterling from the European Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM) after it was unable to keep the pound above its agreed lower limit in the ERM. George Soros, the most high-profile of the currency market speculators, made over £1 billion in profit by short selling sterling
As I say, the “currency snake” and the ERM were all “dry runs” for EMU. The only way the British government could keep the pound within this band was to keep increasing interest rates. I remember it well because when the whole currency peggingv thing started I was living in Germany and getting 16% tax-free by converting DM to £s. By 1992 I was back in England exporting services to Germany. The high interest rates were causing a recession and the artificially high pound was damaging exporters. Lamont was not the only one singing in his bath when the pound was forced out. If a fundamental error like the ERM is made it is nor surprising that Soros and others can exploit it.
The EU strategists had been planning for EMU decades before it actually happened. In the 1970s, I was working for a Bank in Frankfurt dealing with Eurobond clearing houses There was lots of interest in currency baskets, supposedly “currencies of account” weighted in various ways to take the different hardnesses of the DM, £, Franc, etc. into account. You would come across various attempts to issue Eurobonds denominated in the Eurco or Ecu, forerunners of the Euro, odd because the petrodollar was the main currency of interest. All these ploys prefigure the ERM and the Euro. Of course, at the time I didn’t see and hardly anyone else saw the significance of the developments.
This is why I laugh when I hear Camerloon talking about vetoing Turkey’s entry into the EU. If it is EU strategy no matter how long it takes, a Britain in the EU will be “nudged” whenever the opportunity arises towards the ultimate goal. If we don’t leave now our fate is sealed.
The lesson the European elites learned from White Wednesday was that next time there had to be no exit, hence the Euro, which is a form of monetary roach motel: you can enter, but you can’t leave.
Good comments but not quite right imo. The £ was overvalued at the time. Leaving the erm resulted in devaluation, but also interest rate reductions and as a result the economy grew and the £ went back up. In fact dare i say it, Ken Clark seems to me to have been quite good as Chancellor
I thought that was what I was saying. The interest rates were put up to encourage investors/speculators to buy pounds. The value of the pound had to be pushed up artificially so that it stayed in the band. No doubt the Treasury was buying pounds too for the same purpose. If you increase the price of money artificially you create an artificial recession by reducing investment. Once we left, monetary policy could be formulated to deal with real economic problems.
For those people wondering about the mechanics of the vote (and there do seem to be a few) This article might be helpful in explaining it:
Thank you once again, Thoughtful – very helpful information in that link.
As the article says, one of the the big problems with surveys is that when you start breaking the responses down into their constituent parts, such as how many voted Conservative or Labour at the last election, the error margins start becoming increasingly high.
So for example if you have a survey of 1000 people the raw error margin is 3.1%.
If you now want to look at the fraction who voted Conservative at the last election, so you can correct for any random imbalance in your sample, you might be looking at eg 300 people. But the error margin on a sample of just 300 people is almost 6%!
If you take if further and have, say 48 people who voted UKIP at the last election (as happened in a Survation survey), which is roughly too little by half, then the error margin is a whopping 14.1%.
By “error margin” I mean a 95% confidence level, so if the survey says the result if 50/50 with 14% error margin, it could be 64/36 or 36/64 or anywhere in between!
Further, if regions are broken down into the traditional 7+1 and then corrected for random sample bias, along with who voted for which party at the last general election, this is too broad a brush to be accurate. For example – a gross generalisation I admit – inner cities traditionally vote more Labour and countryside vote more Conservative, but in any case there can be widespread differences between neighbouring constituencies which I think undermines the whole methodology.
Could this be why the surveys managed to get it so wrong at the last election?
Also they are being economical with the truth about the number of voters who won’t disclose how they’re going to vote, and these are just discounted from the final result.
When this fraction is as high as 7% and the result is close your survey starts to lose all meaning.
Wolfgang Schauble in Der Spiegel:
“Even in the event that only a small majority of the British voters reject a withdrawal, we would have to see it as a wakeup call and a warning not to continue with business as usual. Either way, we have to take a serious look at reducing bureaucracy in Europe. And in some areas, we also need to find our way back to the member states assuming more autonomy, as the British are demanding.”
Nein, Wolfgang. Epic missing of the point.
It`s not “autonomy” that is at stake (the State of Rhode Island and other United States have “autonomy” under Federal Government in Washington, the former Soviet Socialist Republics all had “autonomy” under the dominance of the Federal Government in Moscow, Yugoslav states had “autonomy” under the Federal Government in Belgrade, German Lander have “autonomy” under the Federal Government in Berlin).
What we want is national sovereignty for the United Kingdom through Parliament, without a Federal Govenment or Court in Berlin, Brussels, Strasbourg or anywhere else.
Vote Leave.
Bravo !!
Steve Hilton
Steve Hilton is a former director of strategy for David Cameron, Prime Minister and leader of the Conservative Party in the United Kingdom.
Civil servants told David Cameron in 2012 that it was “impossible” for the government to meet its flagship immigration pledge, the PM’s former director of strategy has claimed.
Steve Hilton said Mr Cameron was told “explicitly and directly” that EU free movement rules meant net migration could not be reduced below 100,000.
This is proof positive that David Cameron, knowingly and deliberately lied to the British people in the Conservative manifesto.
Two days to go & immigration is back on the top of the agenda !
BREAKING NEWS !! (yes really) Beckham has spoken ! furthering his quest for a knighthood, he has made a statement coming out in favour of Remain. Perhaps he should be given the title for stringing more than 5 words together – more likely the man who runs his bath , Simon Fuller prepared it for him. Do people actually hang on his every word anymore ?
An own goal…as dim as bringing Major back on to the pitch for the last few minutes.
Just a collection of boo-boys…well remember Paddy Roche and Mick Martin at Old Trafford getting sent out to deflect from the crap that Busby and Docherty were putting out for us back then.
But even when Beckham WAS a name in the UK….he was always regarded as thick as mince.
So if you too want to end up in a halal horse burger or an Aldi ready meal in Bratislava…you too vote in…yeah?
Remain don’t see how wheeling out all these millionaires and billionaires (many of them ex-pat) is actually alienating people, not endearing them to their campaign. If anything it shows how out of touch they are in this campaign and why they shouldn’t be in charge of the tiller of State!
You put me in mind of a Paul Simon song “millionaires and billionaires”. Yes, chrisH, most Remainers are as think as Beckham. And trotting out dodgy, dishonest, tax exiles like Branson is great for our cause
I thought Beckham lived in the USA these days. Someone should ask him if he knows the price of a pint of milk.
And ask the prat if he is a tax exile !!!
I doubt he’d be able to answer that.
LOL !!! The word ” Tax ” is a long one for Becky Boy !
Immigration,trade,travel,TTIP, defence,security all of these are secondary issues.
There is but one primary issue which supercedes everything.
Democracy. the right to elect one’s leaders and then throw them out if we are not happy with them. The people of a country to decide its own future.
The alternative to this is Communism or Fascism.
Simple choice really. I cannot believe the electorate are struggling with it.
Been reading Biased BBC for a while but never bothered joining this site until now.
Wronged, you’ve just summed up my view on the EU referendum exactly.
As far as I’m concerned Democracy is the ONLY issue, everything else is pretty much meaningless.
If we leave, regardless of any short term consequences, we can control our future and our leaders become accountable to us once again and we break free from an ever increasing dictatorship. It really is that simple.
Totally wrong Im afraid. You assume there will be short term measures. You neither say what these are or indeed how long these may continue for. I would suggest that the ramifications of leaving could decouple the UK from long term investment and cause long term capital flight. The UK economy is currently struggling with a historic 7% balance of payments deficit ,a 4% current account deficit , low investment and low productivity. Wonder for a moment if investors sold sterling in bucket loads,if big producers requiring muliple European supply chains decided a medium term strategy of moving abroad. Wonder also how speculators will pick over UK bones in the forthcoming weeks. The real possibility is that the Government will have to initialise stabilty measures such as lowering public expenditure further ,school,NHS,pensions etc; there will be inflationary pressures also on basics. I suspect the UK will end up like Greece. Furthermore our only jewel in the crown , that of City swindling, will be usurped by the likes of Frankfurt.
These issues cannot just be derided as ‘bumps in the road’ they are significant and disastrous possibilities. As for your notions of democracy and soveriegnty perhaps you can review the above and tell me exactly where you get to vote on all that may just about to go down.
You may be successful on Thursday but waiving the flag or changing the UK anthem to ‘Vindaloo’ wont have any effect on those that control the monopoly board.
You seem to be saying that the UK can no longer function as an independent country, despite all the other ones that do just that.
Singapore springs to mind, among many others. China has not applied to join the EU, to my knowledge. It reminds of that lying buffoon, Heath, who was a Man of Kent ( check spelling ) and said that , as a boy , he would look across the channel and think ” one day I want to be part of that “.
As my late father commented ” If he had been born in Hong Kong , would he have wanted to be part of China ? “. Funnily, I was born in HK !
The Europhiliacs are intellectually bankcorrupt, liars and cowards.
Manon – “The UK economy is currently struggling with a historic 7% balance of payments deficit ,a 4% current account deficit , low investment and low productivity.”
All that because we’re in the EU. While we are in the EU we can do virtually nothing to rectify these problems and we get no help from our fellow failed states from within as most are worse than us. If we came out we could make our own decisions on how to rectify them, and if what we do doesn’t work as well as it should we would be able to tinker until it came right.
We’ve been in the EEC/EU for 43 years and all our economies are tanking – our only hope is to come out so we can make our own decisions to suit our own economy..
It seems like common sense to me !
I think Manon is confusing various economic indicators and not looking at the full picture. Bar Room economist, I suspect !
You can understand why Eastern European governments and others are so keen on remain. We must be saving them billions in unemployment and other social security payments and boosting their economies with millions that flow back from the various diasporas. All this and the “EU funded” projects funneling British taxpayers money into Polish backwaters to build arts centers. I am always puzzled by the claim that immigrants are a financial plus. Assuming generously that a low skilled immigrant is paying £5000 net tax per year this would pay for £100,000 worth of social housing in 20 years.. Am I overlooking somethong obvious here?
Someone put the points below on the Yougov site. I have taken a few examples from it and this backs up what you are saying in a big way. I wonder why this is not being highlighted more in the press.
“Cadbury moved factory to Poland 2011 with EU grant.
Ford Transit moved to Turkey 2013 with EU grant.
Jaguar Land Rover has recently agreed to build a new plant in Slovakia with EU grant, owned by Tata, the same company who have trashed our steel works and emptied the workers pension funds.
Peugeot closed its Ryton (was Rootes Group) plant and moved production to Slovakia with EU grant.
British Army’s new Ajax fighting vehicles to be built in SPAIN using SWEDISH steel at the request of the EU to support jobs in Spain with EU grant, rather than Wales.
Dyson gone to Malaysia, with an EU loan.
Crown Closures, Bournemouth (Was METAL BOX), gone to Poland with EU grant, once employed 1,200.
M&S manufacturing gone to far east with EU loan.
Hornby models gone. In fact all toys and models now gone from UK along with the patents all with with EU grants.
Gillette gone to eastern Europe with EU grant.
Texas Instruments Greenock gone to Germany with EU grant.
Indesit at Bodelwyddan Wales gone with EU grant.
Sekisui Alveo said production at its Merthyr Tydfil Industrial Park foam plant will relocate production to Roermond in the Netherlands, with EU funding.
Hoover Merthyr factory moved out of UK to Czech Republic and the Far East by Italian company Candy with EU backing.
ICI integration into Holland’s AkzoNobel with EU bank loan and within days of the merger, several factories in the UK, were closed, eliminating 3,500 jobs
Boots sold to Italians Stefano Pessina who have based their HQ in Switzerland to avoid tax to the tune of £80 million a year, using an EU loan for the purchase”
I don’t see many industries being relocated here with EU funding but we get some great arts funding, which we could do ourselves, which the BBC benefits from. I also don’t see much help given to our steel industry where it is really needed. But I do see sponsored destruction such as with the Common Fisheries and Agricultural policies. Does anyone remember the apple orchards that were torn down so we could benefit from French apples, for example?
Astonishing. I had no idea. Typically sneaky, underhand EU ploy to find the transfer payments they know will be necessary to create the Eurostate from a noneuro country.. After paying billions and billions in transfer payments for the flawed DM/Ostmark “currency union” I’m sure the (west) German taxpayer won’t want to bail out Greece, etc. and deal with the Eastern Europeans as well.
“Wonder for a moment if investors sold sterling in bucket loads,”
We have been through the benefits of this before Manon.
The pound fell from Eu 1.55 to Eu 1.05 under the amazing oversight of Gordon Brown. What did that devaluation cause to happen? The U. K. economy out performing all others in the EU.
It makes our exports cheap and imports expensive encouraging home production. It may well introduce some inflation into the economy, but then the Bank of England has miserably failed to achieve their 2% target for years now.
Did the great seer Manon predict any of the following.
The 2008 crash. Saudi Arabia pumping oil to try to kill the U.S fracking industry causing oil prices to fall dramatically. The joyous Arab Spring resulting in the Syrian debacle. The Syrian debacle leading to Mrs Merkel inviting anyone in who could afford to pay the ferryman. Russia invading the Crimea. Leicester winning the Championship. That joining the Euro would wreck the economies of several nations etc. etc.
If you did not call all those major events correctly what faith can we put in you now.
It is you who is totally wrong I’m afraid. At any other time the future of the British econmy I agree would be a hugely important issue, but this referendum strikes at the very core of our society. It is an issue so fundamental that everything else is insignificant IN COMPARISON.
If we leave then we regain democracy. if we remain we become more locked into a fundamentally undemocratic state. We’re starting to see the loss of free speech under the guise of “Hate speech” and it will only get worse as more and more legitmate concerns are labelled as such.
I simply cannot imagine any situation whereby giving up a large part of our democracy and the erosion of our right to free speech is somehow in our best interest, and any argument to contrary is, in my opinion, quite frankly insanity.
It really is that simple.
Quite right. Even my own daughter has to struggle to grasp this. The simple things for the young seem to be the most difficult.
They have no concept of the long-term. They just want to know if they can roam on their telephones NOW.
Darwin Award contestants luckily comprising many not seeing the need to pause when crossing streets.
A delight to see arch-patriot George Soros (Davos, Bildenberg,Hades Central) telling us all to vote to stay on the Hood until he gets a better aim at the gargoyle shaped as John Major.
The opinions of the man who got Major , Heseltine and Clarke etc to raise our mortgage rates to 15% in one day, and cleared the Treasury out of generations of pensions in 1992?…and HIS opinion on whether we stay or go is cited by the BBC as a “expert opinion”?
At least Maxwell had the good grace to die after what HE did to his pension pot whilst Alistair Campbell covered for him.
And-not content with this-the BBC tells us that DAVID BECKHAM no less wants us to stay in if he ever deigns to come back for a day or so?
The BBC really must think we`re thick as mince.
Still though eh?…after Soros tells us to stay…turns out that the MILLENIUM BUG has ALSO opted to urge us all to Remain.
Apparently, the stuttering wind turbine by Arbroath Fine Fare in 1999…and the brief flicker of a seatbelt sign over Smolensk only thirty seconds later…well. they were just a dry run for the REAL apocalypse for what will happen if we all don`t be Buggers in Thursdays vote.
So-if it`s not Soros today-it`ll be The Millenium Bug back again to warn us tomorrow…and I believe that El Nino himself is flying by for Todays 8am interview on Thursday about his role in sending all his Mexicans here and not to the USA if we don`t do what the EU-and as Soros-and Beckham-and Clegg-and Savile-and Suarez say…are you thick clots not hearing that the BBC and the Guardians Beautiful People are trying oh so subtly to tell us.
Vote Out-give the Buggers something to talk about over the weekend-if we`re all still here that is?
Get to Hell BBC-it`s in Norway…but it`s Cologne, Brussels, Duisberg, Gare Du Nord and Dieppe…and it`ll be here too if we don`t sink the Buggers on Thursday-if only for the day and weekend anyhoo…
You clearly cant link things up can you. Soros fucked over the UK before. Dont you think he’ll do it again along with a lot of others? Because you dont believe in experts ( i presume you dont fly) you have nothing but wishfull thinking to guide your decisions. That doesnt usually lead to good outcomes. There is a real debate to be had in this referendum but you wont hear anything about it because the two sides of the Tory party believe in the same thing.
Soros will do exactly that. The question is what drives that old man? Does he hate this country that much? Does he hate Europe that much? Is he a front for much more dangerous men?
A strange creature, a Marxist Capitalist. Yes, unpleasant and dangerous .
Simple really-just want to be able to vote the tossers out every five years or sooner.
Want the accounts signed off at the EU, not the accountants sacked and vilified.
Want the democratic right to have a sovereign nation like we used to have that could sift the Windrush from the tahharush…look it up MOCO!
As for your sneers about ” not joining things up-well from Cologne to Lesbos, Maalbeck to Syntagma…reckon we don`t need experts or cleverdix like you to tell me that THAT all means.
Stay on your night bus mate-we`re getting off…we`re WAY past politics…it`s about national survival for the kids…
Soros?…why not ask Nicholas Van Hoogstraten or Kenneth Noye what THEY`LL be doing to us all on Friday?
And whatever happened to Marta Andreassen ? The wicked , elite EU establishment tried to destroy here simply for telling the truth about the corruption. And the slimy , corrupt, Neil Kinnock did not lift a hand to help her. How can any decent person not vote to leave the EU ?
“Soros fucked over the UK before. Don’t you think he’ll do it again along with a lot of others?”
Keep going, Manon, you might get there. So why do you think he’s warning us of the risks of Brexit? Out of the goodness of his heart?
I am indebted to the enterprising soul who plonked the special Question Time programme with Cameron on YouTube:
He really is a slippery customer, avoiding direct answers to questions and just ahead with his misguided idea of a wonderful future in the EU.
Someone here has mentioned the following before: he had a really trying moment at 30:20 minutes in when he was accused of being like Chamberlain and coming back to the UK from the EU waving a piece of paper. One could tell he was stung by the insult by the vigour of his response and his absurd comparison, albeit indirect, of himself and his actions within the EU as on a par with Churchill fighting for Britain during WWII.
Of course, it is those who are leading the resistance against the EU dictatorship who can and should be compared to Churchill.
A totally worthless loathsome creature.
A disgusting traitor to his country.
Just a belated thing.
having just read Littlejohn in the Mail-I see that Clement Freuds lad-Matthew…actually paid for the luxury pleasure boat that Geldof used last week to “Disparage the Farage”.
Same day in fact that Jeremy Vine was talking to the victims of Clememt Freuds sexual abuse on Radio 2.
AND-Jezza was giving us a live feed to the argy bargy on the Thames at one and the same time as his programme ran last Wednesday lunchtime.
So Dad Clement Freud abused kids whilst Matthew used his name to get money enough to hire Geldofs laugh raft…as if non-dom angry plastic paddy Sir Robin couldnt` have paid for it?
Matthew and Clement-Clement and |Matthew….link them forever and vote no.
At least Savile left us no kids….Matthew Fraud is basically likely to have built his PR Houase of Cards whilst wandering past teenage girls knickers on the Cote D`Azur.
Will the BBC check this for me?…hah!
The trial of Mair has not begun and his mental health has not been assessed, but MPs are clamouring for investigations into the far right. See, the killing was bound up with the far right and therefore supporters of Brexit.
The post referendum pattern is emerging.
Teresa May will be backing legislation to deal with the usual culprits, EDL etc.
Ssh, don’t mention the M word.
I look forward to MPs investigating Islam, given the relative murder rate.
The current crop of MPs would struggle to investigate their navels to locate belly fluff.
This is mainly informed by recent ‘interviews’ with some truly unique brain donors, especially Jezza’s Jezebels and Cameron’s Cuties (with Ms. Cleavage ’56 as Queen of the ladies’ section of the ‘B Ark’). Plus the women stuffed out to implode on air. And various ‘inquiry’ chairs and panellists of late, too. Messrs Whittingdale and Norman spring to mind.
Just a belated thing.
having just read Littlejohn in the Mail-I see that Clement Freuds lad-Matthew…actually paid for the luxury pleasure boat that Geldof used last week to “Disparage the Farage”.
Same day in fact that Jeremy Vine was talking to the victims of Clement Freuds sexual abuse on Radio 2.
AND-Jezza was giving us a live feed to the argy bargy on the Thames at one and the same time as his programme ran last Wednesday lunchtime.
So Dad Clement Freud abused kids whilst Matthew used his name to get money enough to hire Geldofs laugh raft…as if non-dom angry plastic paddy Sir Robin couldnt` have paid for it?
Matthew and Clement-Clement and |Matthew….link them forever and vote no.
At least Savile left us no kids….Matthew Fraud is basically likely to have built his PR Houase of Cards whilst wandering past teenage girls knickers on the Cote D`Azur.
Will the BBC check this for me?…hah!
Sir Bob?…Sir Clement-which was the more successful husband and father then?…or do I just send my beer bottles to Michael Jackson instead next Fathers Day?
Im surprised you didnt extend your argument to include everybody on the boat, the guy that built it and the guy that supplied the materials.
BBC 5Live Your Call this morning. Chris Bryant (Remain) puts the case forward for politicians now being beyond criticism in the light of recent events.
Campbell tells Robert Oxley (Leave) that he promises to come back to him for a comment:
” I promise, I promise, I promise. Not a politician’s promise, a real promise”.
Bryant has a hissy fit, interrupting Campbell:
” Can we stop with the snide remarks about politicians….”
Campell is momentarily non-plussed, while Bryant criticises his use of language. For God’s sake Bryant, get over yourself. Are these the new rules for political debate in a post-Cox landscape.
Listen from 13:20 – 14:00 mins as Chris Bryant throws his toys out of the pram http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b07gmk94#play
What a plonker.
If Bryant thinks that most politicians are not useless, dishonest, self-serving parasites, he does not live in the real world. They are in the same gutter as most journalists. The lowest of the low.
How would you know?
To Mammon Clappometer up above.
The shark that jumps then basks in following the trawler in search of a mate-but ends up chewing sprats and Shipphams fish paste c/o the BBC.
My point?
Well, had Matthew Freud been beside his mum as she too was called upon to explain her sexual predating of underage boys, then he might not have had the time-or money to fuss over a few fishermen in need of some work again.
No-Freud-like all liberals in the current climate-really need to be watched… and their sexual shenanigans will doubtless get a much fairer hearing in Strasbourg that they`d have done when we used to have a legal system that wasn`t the creature(and therefore a suitable orifice to wick dip) of the EU.
Hope that clarifies it all for you…at least we can enjoy the Freud School of Psychoanalysis get new door plates and course titles now that Clem has fucked em over…and not just up the subconscious either.
No wonder poor Henry used to look so depressed next to Clement Fraud…
“Clem” ? Personal friend of yours ? Scum like Freud, father and son, fit perfectly into the BBC cloned mindset. Expect them to go easy on ” Clem”. As for Matt, just an idiot.
Clement Freud was known as ‘Clay’ to some friends, ironically appropriate if as in ‘feet of clay’.
Is this the same Chris Bryant that flooded the best part of Somerset? and used (EU nationalised) NRA (National Rivers Authority) money to equip us all with printed ‘gay mugs’ costing £20,000? Surely not now throwing his toys out of the pram in disgust, screaming. Yes what a plonker indeed.
Yes, I think it is the same wanker.
Yes Philip_2 it is indeed the self-same Captain Underpants.
BBC Website reports that a Briton has been arrested in the USA for planning to shoot Trump. Will this be a “Jo Cox” moment ?
I think not somehow !
Lot of Comments about Stephen Kinnocks speech about Jo Cox in parliament. It appears while the other MPs of all sides were delivering non political eulogies, he has done the opposite and politicised it.
Lots of disapproving MPs in the chamber apparently.
Stephen Kinnock’s accountant declared he was bisexual to the Danish tax authorities, to explain why he was living apart from his wife (the Danish Prime Minister), in Switzerland of all places, which was highly convenient for tax planning if not cock’n’bum fun.
Now Kinnock is denying he is a bi-guy, so clearly someone was lying. Politician or accountant? I wonder which.
Although, to the best of my knowledge, the Kinnocks have not been associated with many suspicious deaths, in other respects they are the British Clintons, low class money grubbing scum, who have used public office to enrich themselves across the generations. Anyone who listens to a Kinnock needs urgent mental health treatment.
Worthless EU parasite, Stephen Kinnock, says that Jo Cox would be disgusted by Nigel’s poster. Just when you think the Remain side can’t stoop any lower, scum like Kinnock prove you wrong.
Oops, I forgot, it is his parents who are EU parasites. He is a UK parasite.
As I predicted yesterday. [Hence their new meme ‘fight against hatred’. “Jo so loved the world that she did everything to make it a better place, and that included welcoming refugees and fighting to remain in the EU.” You who may be thinking of Brexit by contrast are so full of hate. But don’t be, give up your hate and join Remain, it’s not too late.]
‘The Remain = love, Leave = hate – look what they did to Jo Cox’ meme is being played with fully and shamelessly:
“The Leave campaign’s anti-immigrant rhetoric has stoked the British public’s fears to the point that we now find ourselves in a country riven by hate. History tells us that scapegoating those we think are not like us always has terrible consequences. Jo Cox’s tragic murder is possibly only the start.”
I was also at a loss to understand Bendan Cox’s behaviour after his wife’s gruesome murder….taking his very young children to Parliament and making political statements….. until I read that he is a political activist for the Labour Party and had been Gordon Brown’s “special advisor.” Does that = Gordon’s spin doctor? He and Jo were both activists and he was apparently quite “active” as recently as last autumn at Save The Children where, according to the Guardian, he had been accuesed both verbally and in writing by several women of sexual harassment. They threatened to make a “huge fuss” because Save The Children did not act upon this. He denied the accusations but left after they threatened to go public. The Guardian stated that he was the husband of Jo Cox M.P. Perhaps he was a bit over-familiar or touchy-feely but makes his present pontificating a tad nauseating.
It was probably a ” loose marriage ” !
I really am at a loss as to why the tv news channels are all biased in favour of Remain. I find it hard to believe that everyone employed in these channels will vote in that direction on Thursday. Thankfully some of our daily press are evenly distributed in their opinions, but I’m finding it bloody depressing that every news item on the referendum is slagging off Nigel Farage or the Leave camp in general. Surely they realise that if this vote is thought to be so tight, then at least HALF of the population is in favour of Leaving, a factor that doesn’t resonate with news editors, and so in effect are criticising 50% of the population.
GfK Media View instant EU referendum poll of takers of GfK’s daily TV/radio surveys:
Undecided 14%
Uninterested 2%
[Sample: 10,674 as at ~ 11:15 on Tuesday 21/6/2016]
Two things could clinch it for Brexit.
1 A couple of question and answer sessions with Dave confronting real people.,
2.If the BBC brought out Russell Brant for his opinions on Remain. Better still if he and Dave did a joint discussion as with Milliband.
Maybe Russ could do a phone-out with old white men?
Always a winner.
The GFK Media View poll has been like that for the past 3 weeks. I think every member has voted by now and al-Beeb (GFK’s paymaster for the site) have encouraged them to leave it up to show how impartial they are!
SO where’s the link to it ?
You won’t get a link because it’s a “Members” only media view survey site which allows al-Beeb to say how wonderfully open and transparent they are in asking the carefully selected members of the public about their views.
I see the ‘famously impartial’ voice of the establishment BBC is still maintaining its news blackout on the riots in Calais.
What with that and the splattering of tissue thin Remainiac stores on its ‘news’ website today, the case for closure if we do manage to win this week is looking cast iron.
And apparently migrants chanting ” Fuck the UK “. I would have thought that should be big news on the BBC.
Editorial integrity… “Oo look, Becks!!!!”
And Lily, And Keira. And Lily. And Viv.
What happened to that tasteful outing by the sports/thespian brain cell collection?
Has Gary ‘views my own’ Lineker chipped in yet?
Oh those poor migrants!
Must be DESPERATE to have their say on whether we stay or leave.
Tell you what-why doesn`t Jude Law or Posh Spice take a box of postal votes over and get a thumbprint…or maybe even a cut-off thumb?
That`ll be 5000 Remainian votes then for Arc Manche Kentish Regionaire then?
Imagine it`s how David Backham fills HIS ballot paper in when Posh Spice isn`t holding his hand for him.
Oh what a cirque du Salman…
BBC News:
“”EU Referendum: Would Brexit prompt London to go it alone?””
A caliphate under Mayor Khan, perhaps?
It’s not in UK as it is! More like another flipping country! I wonder how many other capital cities you need Google Translate when you go shopping coz there’s nowt in the de facto language!
I am sure that all True Brits outside London would want to get rid of London ! Bring it on !
I lived in north London until about five years ago. I had a few German friends over and I took them to see Tourist London.
They were amazed at the 80% proportion of non-white passengers in the tube trains. And then they heard the white segments speak Polish!
Only 80%? Chicken feed.
In the National Portrait Gallery yesterday, there was a primary school class of 30 with three white children. I make that 90%.
Personally I feel rather sorry for them, being so alienated in their own country.
Which is not to say any of the other children as individuals are anything less than delightful.
London an independent city state under Islam. Yes. I am all for it. M25 is the boundary, don’t allow the buggers to cross it. London creates the wealth. Ha ha. They grow their own food and manufacture their own energy. Free Britain might want to charge Londonistan for supplies and imports. See how they manage under Allah ackibar’s rule.
They all smuggle their food in as it is!
We’ve got some half price cracked ice and miles and miles of carpet tiles,
T.V.s, deep freeze and Arabic L.P.s,
Ball games, Korans, whatsnames, pictures frames and leather goods,
And Ayatollah Khomeni track suits from a mush in Shepherds Bush,
Bush, bush, bush, bush, bush, bush, bush …
No income tax, no V.A.T.,
No money back, no guarantee,
Black or Brown, rich or poor,
We’ll cut heads off at a stroke……
God bless Hookah Street,
Viva Hookah Street,
Long live Hookah Street,
C’est magnifique, Hookah Street,
Magnifique, Hookah Street,
Hookah Street (to fade)
It would certainly become a Mecca for the ropers, hoho !
Suspect who sparked terror alert at shopping centre in Brussels was ‘wearing a fake suicide belt filled with BISCUITS and salt’
Sounds like familiarisation or a dry run at least.
The Belgian PM describes the incident as ” very suspicious”. FFS. ” Plucky little Belgium”. ( check spelling ).
“Biscuits”? He sounds a bit crackers to me!
Boom, boom!
Sorry, but I am reporting you to David Vance for a crime on this site. Lucky for you, he is on holiday and , by the time he gets back, i shall have forgotten.
Oh, crumbs!
Not the sort of man to Hob-Nob with and although crackers as you say he is probably not a ginger-nut
Was he anywhere near the Ritz?
Lobbie and Demon,
May I just ask you, in the best possible taste, to ” Fox Off ” !
Lobster Biscuit , indeed !
His excuse for being there was wafer thin.
Anyway, you need to be rich …. tea at the Ritz is very expensive.
My skim read was “warferin” ! Rich Tea ?? I thought you had more “raison d’etre ” than that !
Not to be confused with warfarin, needed to combat serious rat infestations at 10 and 11 Downing Street.
Like the Bourbon, they have learned nothing and forgotten nothing. Hope they go the same way.
Yes Lobster, he’s not very Nice.
Or a nice media witch hunt ‘suicide by cop’ to make them pause when doing it for real.
Here IMO is one of the main reasons that the Tory cabinet wants to remain in Europe.
Without mass immigration they will not achieve their 2019 / 20 fiscal targets
“George Osborne is relying on rising immigration numbers to reach his fiscal target of a budget surplus by the end of the decade, according to a Guardian analysis of official data.
Without the UK’s current levels of net migration, the chancellor would be faced with the choice of missing his fiscal goal or achieving a surplus by adding more spending cuts and tax rises to his existing plans.”
And that in a nutshell is why Cameron & Osborne want us to stay in the EU.
Each Immigrant costs us (the indigenous UK taxpayer £30,000 each for local services amenities and benefits) and that was on Today’s ‘globals’ news on Classic FM. If we add the cost of ‘education’ and ‘urgent ‘housing provision (largely in two star Hotels). Add Cameron’s EU ‘vetting’ procedures and bomb delivery extras (cost of MI5) we can probably double or triple that cost.
That is rather more than the governments own estimation of £4,000 per head.
And then the Taxpayers Alliance is worried about the cost as well. Only an idiot would not worry about the cost of illegal immigrants and crime rates which the BBC under reports (for fear of upsetting Muhummed or giving ‘Offence’ to sex offenders that we are unable to deport).
Migration Watch (from TPA)
‘ Migrationwatch estimates that, based on the average 25 year old immigrant – married with two children, working for minimum wage – that a two-child, two parent family would receive about £291,000 in total Housing Benefit and £19,000 in Council Tax Benefit over their lifetime if given legal status. In areas such as London, where there is a high concentration of immigrants, the cost of living is higher, and so the bill creeps over £1 million. Unemployment rates among immigrant groups tend to be higher than the UK averages too, and the risk of living entirely on taxpayer-funded benefits is much greater among immigrant populations.’
Dave made emotional much of ‘not being seen as a quitter’ during his evisceration the other evening – a process splendidly continued by Steve Hilton today – but there is another potential consequence to his stance. If, as seems more than likely, nationalist parties in France, Germany, Italy, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Poland and all stations east make significant gains, leading to power within the foreseeable future, his ‘non-quitter’ status will automatically re-define as ‘also ran’ as the EU collapses and we are left looking even sillier, weaker, less decisive and inept thanks to his best efforts along with Osborne, Kinnock, St. Jo, Corbyn, Moribund and all the rest, not forgetting Barrenness Warsi of course.
There are so many aspects of this campaign that continue to leave much to be desired, but not the least of them is the total silence on the actual state that France is in and the very real possibility that Europe is actually on the brink of anarchy.
Remain? More remains I’d suggest.
My definition of “Quitter” is anyone who believes in staying in the EU. Dave is a quitter, and a coward and has no balls .
The European Union May Be on the Verge of Collapse France is following Greece and Spain. Who wants to be ‘innit’ when it collapses!
Another BBC masterclass in pro EU bias on the BBC news channel tnis afternoon . Following the awful Clegg interview this morning we now have a heart rending interview with an African woman, perhaps francophone, who runs an organisation bringing interns into London from tbe EU.
Before we go any further just remember that these interns depress graduate salaries and may well deprive your children of an entry level job post university . But putting that to one side , we hear how awful leaving the EU would be to this woman’s business .Only at the very end is it pointed out that if we leave tbe EU these students could still apply for visas to come into the uk for intern jobs . Tbe woman admits this but says that some students only make last minute decisions . Well if it’s a degree requirement to work in London or you are planning a summer trip in advance why make the visa application last minute?
Why is our intelligence insulted with all thus pro Remain drivel?
I have just recieved this email from 38Degrees – which backs left causes and Remain.
I have an invitation for you. Would you like to join the EU referendum TV debate tonight at 8pm from the comfort of your living room?
38 Degrees has a new opinion tracking tool that lets us all have our say on the debate from our computer or mobile phone. It’ll give thousands of 38 Degrees members the power to vote in snap polls throughout the debate – on everything from the NHS to immigration – and get instant results.
It’s like a debate in the pub, without getting off your sofa. If you want to take part then click the button below to sign up:
Yes – I’ll give it a go
You’ll also be able to see instant fact-checks of some of the biggest claims of the night. It’ll mean that thousands of us will be able to separate the fact from the fiction on the spot, then head to the polls on Thursday more informed. [1]
Here’s what the opinion tracker looks like in action:
Are they trying to influence the opinion tracker?
38 Degrees seems the new Fahrenheit 451.
oi all you northern cloth cap wearing, whippet breeding ingrates, do what your told, or else londonistan wont pay your benefits anymore
Hardly surprising, when in the main, London only accommodates migrants and second generation migrants; and I’d love to see a photo of any migrant walking out with a dog – not their culture don’t yer know – but hell whats the point, there’s no intention of them integrating anyway ! ( I live in the SE and two of the best dogs I ever owned were whippets !!!)
EU Referendum: Would Brexit prompt London to go it alone?
Interesting precedent to raise at the moment. Propping up less well off satellites being unpopular as a reason to seek separation.
Or… ‘Leave’.
In other news, the grieving widower of Saint Jo has recovered composure enough to hit all the headlines by going about as political as the likes of the BBC and Classic FM Global propaganda will let him, which is a struggle as they are already well ahead.
Sir Cliff Richard blames a new wave of management at the BBC. “The new generation have come in, in all fields now, and they seem to have that lack of respect of what’s happened before…… A whole new group of people. They don’t care what we’ve done in the past ”
Just about sums it up. Astounding that people across all spectrums have been outspoken on the bias of BBC and those at the top, but nothing is ever done about it.
Oddly enough the BBC text pages headlined ‘Sir Cliff may sue BBC’ for an hour or so, and then changed this to ‘BBC sorry that Sir Cliff suffered distress…’ Not quite so accusative, that way, looks better eh?
Current headline is ‘Brendan Cox says Jo died for political beliefs’, which continues the narrative. Why is it that I get the feeling Brendan has more than a soft spot for the bhoys, too?
Two distant relatives of mine are spamming myself and everyone in their address book with ‘Remain’ propaganda.
One’s a journalist and the other is a perpetual student.
All the other relatives as far as I know want to Leave.
I hope you’re repaying the compliment.
Yes. Brexit the movie has now had two extra viewings 😉
My MEP is simply hitting ‘post to social media’ on every single Remain piece she is sent or finds, from the BBC upwards (and the gutter would be an aspiration they could only dream of).
Her grasp of said media is poor, because while she simply has her avatar above the propaganda piece and little else, in the comments below much better informed constituents are calmly eviscerating her proxy claims and her for not having a clue.
If Remain prevails, I doubt she will be the MEP for this region next election. Thick as plank. This is what is meant to hold the EU to account and change its naughty ways… if they let her.
Meanwhile a friend posted the StrongerIN video, with a very edited clip of Martin Lewis’ supposed endorsement.
I attached a link to the page on his site where he is furious at the edit and its misuse.
She apologised and claimed she ‘didn’t know’, and all went quiet for a few days. But now she again is spamming like a Monty Python song on a loop.
Like all good lefties she seems to think she can twist the truth because in her heart she knows she is right.
Much coverage today of murderer Ben Butler. Quite right of course.
Pity the Calderdale 15 didn’t warrant the same attention.
Putin, in his own words on the subject of the UK Referendum: “Who can predict it? No one can predict it. I have my own opinion on this matter – whether it is good or bad – but I will refrain from giving the forecast. I think it would be improper on my part to do that.” Many of us readers of this blog are doubtless well aware of his remarks, and noted how correct and statesman-like they were. Paul Goodman, in his most recent piece on Conservative Home has reminded his readers of them, but says that Putin’s remarks were “largely missed”. Well, you can bet your bottom dollar that they were not missed by the BBC, who doubtless decided not to broadcast or refer to them in any way, because they would inevitably cast Obama’s intolerable intervention in our domestic affairs in a very poor light. Putin is a bad man in many respects, but was certainly correct in declining to voice an opinion on our referendum.
Putin is a bad man in many respects. But he is not stupid. And he stands for Russian interests as he sees them. And he has courage. In contrast , Obama is a bad man and stupid and has no courage. And does not stand for the interests of the American people.
Putin, will be calculating what will happen when the EU collapses. Obama’s view extends from the end of his penis to his golf club. And that is on a good day !
Maybe you`ve got a new unit of measurement there grant.
S`pose it depends on where in the swing cycle we`re measuring from.
Putin may be a bad man to some, but like many a bad man he’s also very clever, decisive and utterly ruthless – many of the attributes of history’s great leaders. Sit down Barack, that doesn’t include you.
Cameron urges voters to ‘think of children’ before EU choice, as reported by the BBC (see http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-eu-referendum-36587819).
We are. We are thinking of the children of Rotherham, Oldham, Bradford, Leeds and other places. Those children whose lives were ruined as a result of alien criminals, here as a result of the establishment’s insane immigration policies. And we would like to spare the future generations the same fate. Which is why sensible people will be voting to LEAVE the EU.
Yes. Lefties are happy to sacrifice kids on the alter of their perverted ” ideology “. They are sub-human.
Yes, the Remain campaign has long been known to “think of the children”.
Whether it`s Jeremy Thorpe through to Clement Freud and all manner of types inbetween like Cyril Smith and Mark Oaten…safe to say that the Liberals seem intensely relaxed about all manner of deviants, including child abuse.
Imagine Jimmy Savile would have wanted to stay in.
Certainly Evan Davis was not above touting young Latvians around in the hope that they`d be able to stay in this country-not kiddie stuff, but certainly playing fast and loose with immigration rules as they stood at the time-no wonder the BBC types want no restrictions.
It`s not as if they know any white kids who`ll mule the drugs from Shepherds Bush up to Salford is it?
A bit like they don’t appear to have grasped many for Leave have the internet, they also appear to presume heterosexual old white men can’t have kids and grandkids.
Which may be why their more informed assessment is to have nothing more to do with the EU and its unelected Presidents’ and Commissioners’ ambitions from behind the lines.
As usual , you put it so well !
Cameron seems under a lot of strain. Hope he checks the pub for any family members when he leaves if he swings by for a swift half on the way home.
Excellent stuff, there’s not been enough of this from LEAVE for me, Gove is a calm and very precise politician as is Jacob Rees-Mogg, whether the attacks on them registers with people is yet to be seen.
I think Boris has dealt well with the endless character assassinations by Camoron’s liberal chums and the SNP and how Farage has dealt with the disgusting abuse is beyond me, I’d have snapped a long time ago!
I think the time has come for more of this, the leftards are cowardly shithouses, they are like the muzzers, they only fight when they are in the majority and are backed by a large mob, as we saw during the Farage pub attack a while ago, we need to put them back in the gutter where the paedo loving scum belong.
More bad news on the Brexit front, I’m afraid. Another intellectual and political giant, David Beckham, has come out in favour of remaining in the EU. Apparently he proffered the opinion (squeakily), “I fink in times like wot we live in now we’re better off together. Know wot I mean?”
Rumour has it he’s going to have a Euro tattoo, if he can find an unblemished few inches of flesh. How lovely.
Joey Essex has yet to commit himself either way…
Had to laugh at this news. I think he had to ask Victoria what it was all about and she asked Brooklyn and they all tossed a coin! Beckham is an establishment whore, I don’t think his intellect will sway many people!
Joking aside, there was a stupid bitch on sneering nicky’s talk in this morning who actually confessed to asking her 12 year old child as to how she should vote? The kid said.. ‘it’s my future so I think you should vote remain’!! She was 51 and said..’I won’t be here for much longer so I agreed’…seriously, this is the calibre of absolute fucktards that will destroy this country.
I’d like to speak to her in ten years if there is a remain vote to see if she had a future and if her brainwashed little shit is bottom of the heap in the brave new UK.
Another example: 73 year old bloke voting Remain, having been persuaded by his grandson, aged 17.
Maybe the 17 year old will be choosing his care home in due course?
Come on Mr Downey, vote leave. And change your will.
Given the skin acreage he has left for new messages, unsure that REMA IN across his butt cheeks is the smartest play.
I’m told his knob Is so big he’s had that famous welsh placename tattooed along it, with plenty of room to spare. You know the place…everyone has problems remembering or pronouncing it..yes of course you know….that’s right..Rhyl.
His pouty dull wife has said she’s supporting her David.
Funny that, because a few years ago she was very anti-EU. Must be a luvvie thing.
And we all know that agreeing ‘luvvies’ get Damehoods and Knighthoods. I shouldn’t wonder that ‘ole Dave has already written up his list of ‘gongs’ as his leaving gift for those that have come on-side. Its going to be vomit inducing I can assure you. I do wish this awful couple – (who have assured top jobs for their kids already, like shifty eyed Brooklyn has a photographic assignment with Burberry, and Romeo ? continues his portfolio of modelling jobs) would bugger off, along with Simon Fuller the one who pulls the strings, back to the U.S.
Your only bitter Brissles cos you missed out on getting a degree in David Beckham Studies !
I am afraid this pair of gormless cretins truly are at the top of their game when it comes to being an embarrassment to this country.
However their personas are perfect for much of our media, where image trumps substance on a daily basis.
“The Brexit vote on Thursday is the first electoral test of the biggest political issue in our time: nationalism v. globalism.
Are we to go on living in nation-states, under laws and customs suited to our peoples and their histories, with secure borders and a sensible concern for demographic stability; or are we to become a uniform global peasantry herded and taxed by cosmopolitan elites?” John Derbyshire.
I think there are parallels with the Russian and French revolutions. The new European ‘aristocracy’ is desperate to hang on to their palaces, carriages and sheltered life-styles. The people are at the gates and they are not happy.
Just seen this on Guido.
Well, well….who’d a’ thought it???
Another good reason to get OUT!
And on that same Guido page there is this quote from Gordon Browns favourite ‘club’ The Adams Institute: ‘The Adam Smith Institute’s Sam Bowman backs REMAIN; because the EU restricts democracy!‘ ( who needs democracy when we have such good (off shore funds) financial advisors to the elite rich Blair, Brown and Cameron. A suitable epitaph for them all. Except there is no democracy in the EU at all. There is no restriction – there just isn’t any!
“I like and respect many Leavers, but I’ve never shared their enthusiasm for democracy – I want liberty and prosperity, and I don’t want to trade that in just to give my stupid next-door neighbours more power over my life. To the extent that the EU does restrict democracy it is often for the best”’
Is it me or are the BBC HYS’s being closed down really quickly ? Every one I try to go on says closed for comments, even the one today regarding George Soros.
They seem more now in ‘broadcast only’ mode. It’s probably safer that way.
This BBC ‘Breaking Bad’ email I just got may have prompted a few comments in open forum:
Jo Cox ‘died for her political views’
UK MP Jo Cox was killed because of her strong political views, her widower Brendan tells BBC
Non-politically of course, and they have ‘reported’ this as impartially as they have far and wide, breathlessly.
I bet they were his first port of call for his grief-stricken musings at this difficult time.
Decent people would allow the bereaved space to experience their grief in private but Laura Kuenssberg is straight in there on the 6 pm news telling us that Jo Cox’s husband is speaking out ‘for the first time’. (So who was the person talking about ‘fighting hate’ last week?)
This is all about politics not grief.
Jo Cox was opposed to the political opinions of the majority of people in this country, she was no democrat, rather one of the single narrative, ‘safe space’, ‘no platform’ variety of political professionals. It ought to be too soon to say these things in a decent world but we don’t have a decent world and in large part that is down to the nasty spiteful politics of ‘the left’, but they just can’t see it.
I would not like to speak ill of the dead, but everything I have learned about Mr Cox tells me that the man is an utter shit who is working hard to politicise the death of his wife. I find this behaviour beneath contempt.
his political star is just about to rise
anyone ever see lee rigbys family making such public statements
Well, it seems in this case “The end justifies the means”, sad to say.
BBC Bias or BBC Business Incompetence or BBC Bias and Business Incompetence?
Radio 4 6pm News at approx 6.15pm
There has been a run on the pound with people worried about the possible consequences of a Brexit vote buying currencies (and selling £) with the Post Office selling more Euros before 9am today than they normally sell in a whole day. I thought Post Offices were not open before 9 or even 9.30am but there you go. Anything is possible, I guess, for a quick buck
Radio 4 6pm News at approx 6.22pm
The pound is up by 1.75cents against the Euro.
Ahem! I am no currency trader although I like to think I’m reasonably savvy about such things. I would have thought that exchanging lots of £s for Euros would push up the value of the Euro relative to the £. That’s the way it used to work when I used to flip through the back pages of the FT many years ago.
Any FX traders on here who can comment?
I am aware the OTC physical sales (notes over a counter) can have a delay in their market effects but the incompetently biased Beeb had that one covered. Apparently the Post Office had anticipated this run on the £, er, I mean Euro, and ordered lots more Euros in advance.
I am not an FX trader but your right, the BBC are pushing both ways. If the pound goes up (it assumes your on a cheap holiday to Spain, you’ll get less Euros), so total disaster! and the same again if the pound goes down its because (somehow) the UK is less rich and you’ll get less Euros on holiday. That’s the agreed EU message cheap holidays and Mobile phone charges. Just sign here: ‘I agree to give all my money away to the EU and sign away my claim to be a freeman under the laws of the United Kingdom and give all my home, my country, my life and pension to a complete stranger who appears to want to kill me whilst listening to the BBC that he has a right to be here claiming equal rights and money, and my death.’ [ ] Buggery optional. [ ] Rape acceptable.
Name: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
( I am of totally unsound mind and I can’t wait to receive my prize from the EU or BBC phone Vouchers)
Philip_2, ta. Gave me a much needed chuckle.