This must make the no-borders, hate-the flag, hug-an-Islamist BBC choke on its own sanctimonious humbug…
We’ll have none of that at the BBC thankyou…we have several concerns about such rampant nationalism….we don’t want to upset those who hate the flag and England…ironically the same people we always tell you love Britain the most…more than the natives (if we can use that word)…….so…..
Is it wrong to dress as a crusader for an England match?
We think so here at the BBC. The not-so-British Broadcasting Corporation.
Viva the EU!
I see that the “History of the crusades” timeline starts at 1095. Not much happened before, apparently.
“Crusaders hoped to reconquer what they saw as Christian land.”
“what they saw as” ? How did it get to be Muslim land between 610 and 1095 then?
How did it get to be Muslim land between 610 and 1095 then?
Well apparently, it is prescribed in the Koran and Hadiths. Offer Christians the choice of converting to Islam, pay the Jizya, or get beheaded. Soon, Christians are a persecuted minority.
Since then it has been the same story. When Muslims are militarily stronger then Christians, they invade, and the land becomes dar al Islam. When Christians are stronger, as they have been 1700 or so, Muslims believe that Christians should respect the war conquests of Islam.
And so it its has been. Western Christian forces could easily have kicked out the Ottomans Turks from Byzantium, and Muslims from every part of Arabia. Unfortunately they didn’t. The only exception has been Jews taking control of their ancestral nation. This small territorial loss by Arabs is regarded as al Naqba.
Post Sykes – Picot it is time that Christians and Kurds also have a nation for their own. Christians in the ME, get a hard time from Muslims, even as refugees in the West. Worse in a Muslim nation. Surely they deserve a nation which they can call their own. I’m sure that tolerant and right thinking people,even in the ME, will see this as just and fair.
Turkey is another place that needs attention. Turkey was once a Christian country. Now barely 0.1% of the population is Christian. I dont see why it shouldn’t be once again. Constantinople is to the Orthodox church what Rome is to the Catholic church, or Mecca is to Islam. History is not fixed.
Turkey is full of Greek, Roman, and Christian sites, and is really part of the Classical Western world. That the Allies didnt throw the Turks out of Anatolia, after the defeat of the Ottoman empire, indicates a serious case of absent mindedness by Churchill. Most unusual.
The Koran claims to be Gods final and unalterable word, available in Arabic only to the Muslim.
The rest of us have no business in examining it, or citing its lack of credibilty, its lack of roots and proofs-no archaeology allowed, no academic rigour…just “bite and believe”.
Maybe that`s why Mars have given up on calling it a Mars Bar…Oh luvaduck-some BBC local telly station is telling me that the local schools won`t get any more Polish speakers if we choose to leave…but won`t be saying why exactly we NEED twenty three different languages from our dinner nannies in the first place.
Yet MORE biased slops and slurry even from the arse end of BBC output-boy they`re all going flat out aren`t they?
Vote Leave-let the Polish TAs actually DO some teaching back home….we in the UK can show any Poles how to roll a roach from a Gideons using the only remaining book on the library shelf at school-Robert Harbins Origami 3…”Big Fat Roach Crane-Base San”…
Fukkit BBC-lying lopers.
I actually had this conversation with a leftwing twat:
“So you think the Crusades was wrong”
“So would I be correct in saying you feel that Muslims are right to go to go to Afghanistan,Iraq in which to fight the Western Invader”
You do realise that the Crusades was a Christian reaction to the Islamic invasion of the Christian holyland?
No answer
And you want to know the most ironic thing about the Islamic victimhood about the crusades? They f-ing won.
The Crusades ended with a British victory.
The British General Allah Beh entered Jerusalem through the Jaffa gate on foot out of respect for the Holy City on 11 December 1917. Upon entering, he made the remark “only now have the crusades ended”. British rule of Jerusalem and the Holy Land continued for the next 30 years, ending on 14 May 1948 when Alan Cunningham gave it back to its original owners, the Jews, who owned it before the Christians and the even less justified owners, the Muslims.
“The Crusades ended with a British victory.”
We might have won a battle in 1917 but, looking around parts of Britain, I think we’re losing the war. It has shifted west.
The BBC loves the England flag when it means they can send it’s employees around the world for big sporting events!
In particular they like football because they know England will never win and it helps fuel their constant theme of the English were evil oppressors who are now useless with no culture or identity of their own and now can have not a shred of self respect.
Weve still got football hooligans ,what are you talking about! Sometimes they even win. I’m told they are also good on macroeconomics and international relations and are well versed on all subjects related to the current EU debate.
Well, I support Wales, anyway ( that’s pretty obvious, with a name like mine), but the use of the red cross to represent England has nothing to do with the Crusades. It was Henry V who chose that emblem.