I imagine there was quite a bit of disappointed cheering in the corridors of the BBC and Guardian as news came out that someone had tried but failed to kill Donald Trump.
Note the utterly different tone of the reporting from that which engulfed us after the death of Jo Cox…and we can be pretty sure that the tone would have been just as different had Trump been killed.
Where are the outraged cries that this is an attack on democracy, where are the cries of anguish about politicians being demonised and not recognised for all the wonderful work they do, where are the alarming claims that this is a sign of our slide from civilisation to barbarism…a violent crime that taints the ideal of an orderly society and which when that crime is committed against the people who are peacefully selected to write the rules, then the affront is that much more profound? As the Guardian might say.
The BBC hints that it is all Trump’s own fault…
The US presidential election campaign of 2016 has been fringed with violence. Almost everywhere Donald Trump goes he attracts protests.
The tycoon often mocks the demonstrators and there have been clashes with his supporters, both inside and outside of his packed, emotionally charged rallies.
Where are those introspective angry blasts against those who whip up hate and division with their rhetoric against politicians? Oh that would be the BBC and the Guardian, and indeed our own PM, who have all relentlessly hounded Trump and demonised him, misreported him and deliberately twisted everything he says…creating the hate that incites people to try and kill him. Let’s close the BBC and Guardian down in the interests of democracy.
And note the difference between how the BBC reported Jo Cox’s killer, Thomas Mair, and how they define Sandford, the Brit who tried to kill Trump.
Mair had an established mental health issue and the night before the murder he tried to get help and was told to come back the next day. The BBC makes no mention of this…not a word on its radio reports. What did they make sure we did know? That he was alleged to have shouted ‘Britain first’ or some such. This was added to every bulletin.
Not a mention in this web report on the 18th and even today when Mair appears at the Old Bailey the BBC fails to mention his mental health.
Contrast that with Sandford…immediately the BBC are reporting that Sandford was mentally ill and that he had tried suicide….so says his defence lawyer…whereas Mair’s issues were proven fact.
After Orlando the BBC reported continuously that the killer’s wife said he was mentally unstable.
Spot the difference? A Muslim terrorist and another ‘terrorist’ aiming to kill the BBC’s bogeyman….the BBC always has the excuses ready for that sort. Why does the BBC not mention Mair’s mental health condition? Is it because they are determined to exploit the death of Jo Cox to promote the Remain campaign and smear by association the Brexit campaign with a Far Right killer?….Mentioning Mair’s illness might undermine that narrative.
The BBC once again taking sides against the Leave camp.
You can trust the BBC, just ask Cliff Richard.
Aren’t the Jo Cox luvvies asking for the George Medal for the would be Trump assassin?
Kelly Pearce (36) murdered in Canvey Island last November .A mother .
What no three days of mourning ? No constant eulogies ? A stop to any campaigning , Changes to anything any where ?
Well admittedly she was a druggie , and in the liberal lefts world some people are more equal than others but I thought they liked The Vulnerable . Or is it the Expendable ?
The real tragedy is that the murderer (Aires) is already a convicted murderer , let out to murder again .
Nobody has mentioned the charity Jo Cox and her husband set up where I understand he takes out 100K salary before any money is given to charity. Nice little earner. The BBC won’t print that because it would be considered negative publicity.
That prompted me to do a bit of Googling:
Charity Scandal as chief of Save the Children resigns
So it was him. I hadn’t made the connection before now.
The truth about the late Jo Cox MP and her husband, Brendan
“The truth about..” Good find thanks. Not being familiarwith this particular ‘White Helmets’ my first thought was
Great find.
It seems the sainted Joe Cox did not see what was going all around her, and in her own home Just as PMs and Home secretaries did not see a major war crime taking place in the open. I’m certain they all knew. It just didnt fit the narrative.
Good stuff Maria!
To find Soros, Cox and Batmanghedghli and charity scanals over sexual harassment of women-and ALL on the same page…well how many birds with one stone can you get today?
Ah….Camilla eh?
Wonder if Donald Trumps would-be assailant would care to borrow my whale harpoon (unused since the Cod Wars of 1973) should that be needed?
Oh that would be the BBC and the Guardian, and indeed our own PM, who have all relentlessly hounded Trump and demonised him, misreported him and deliberately twisted everything he says…creating the hate that incites people to try and kill him. Let’s close the BBC and Guardian down in the interests of democracy.
If Trump becomes POTUS and Cameron is still in no:10, Cameron will have lot of crawling to do in DC.
“What did they make sure we did know? That he was alleged to have shouted ‘Britain first’ or some such. This was added to every bulletin”
And yet strangely, the allegation wasn’t in either of the links you provided.
“Why does the BBC not mention Mair’s mental health condition?
“Jo Cox death: What we know about the suspect”
“There are reports that he had a history of mental health issues”
“His brother Scott, 50, told reporters on Thursday that his brother had a history of mental illness”
“Thomas Mair spoke to a local newspaper six years ago about how volunteering at a park in Birstall had helped him with his mental health issues.”
“Known to them as Tom, neighbours said they did not know him as someone who had long-term mental health issues, although he may have been treated for depression a long time ago.”
“’He may have had some depression but he’s lived alone most of his life,”
“Marjorie Wallace, from the mental health charity Sane, said living alone and feeling disconnected from society was fertile soil for extreme ideas, beliefs and hatred.”
Stupid, desperate and pointless post Alan.
Oh come now, zero. You can’t expect Alan to be honest, can you? Surely history would be against you on that one.
Funny, Jerrod, zero…….I’ve listened to the coverage of the BBC interview with the grieving husband whose analysis “She died for her political views” went unchallenged, indeed was amplified.
Murdered by a sad, mentally ill man who’d sought help the night before is less newsworthy and a less……useful…..narrative at this critical time in our nations history
Alan is a pioneer of ‘post-truth’ politics. Facts are unimportant, reality is unimportant.
‘Facts are unimportant, reality is unimportant’
Here you go. Seems a perfect fit.
BBC News is live now.
The UK #EURef vote is tomorrow. What last minute questions do you still have? Our Reality Check team have been investigating the facts behind the claims. Ask them questions in the comments section below. #FacebookLive
Do bear in mind the BBC does have a filtering system and modding policy to ensure questions, and answers, fit the… ‘facts’ of a BBC ‘reality’.
Perhaps either of you would care to explain why Mair’s mental health condition has been dropped by the BBC in reports of his court appearances, even though it is clearly relevant as was mentioned by the magistrate in the first hearing, who asked for psychiatric reports? Which of course weren’t mentioned by good old truthful auntie beeb.
The widely reported comments of what the gunman is supposed to have shouted at the scene of the alleged crime have since been retracted, so it’s hard to find them now, but as everyone knows they were all over the media at the time.
The rumours were so widespread that the cafe owner felt the need to put up a sign denying the allegations.
Mike Hunt,
“Perhaps either of you would care to explain why Mair’s mental health condition has been dropped by the BBC in reports of his court appearance…”
Because it’s Sub Judice once he’s been charged. You might have noticed that claims about what he might have said during the attack have also been dropped. Various ‘witnesses’ (not just your own personal favourite) gave different reports; it’s up to the court to decide.
What’s not in question is that he described himself as; “Death to traitors, freedom for Britain”.
Which ought to, possibly, give you pause for thought.
“Because it’s Sub Judice once he’s been charged”
Not true, sub judice applies once he’s been arrested:
Matters are considered to be sub judice (Latin for ‘under judgment’) once legal proceedings become active. Criminal proceedings are deemed active once a person is arrested…
Not that this stopped the BBC and everyone else from publishing it all anyway.
“not just your own personal favourite”
Nice try, but we’ve been over this before: they have all recanted except I think the BNP member, do you want to take his word over the witnesses (plural) who say that nothing at all was said?
And why did the police leak what he said on arrest to the media, and why did the media publish it – isn’t that sub judice too?
“What’s not in question is that he described himself as; ‘Death to traitors, freedom for Britain’.”
Yes, but that’s not the name of a political group in the UK, is it? The phrase “Britain First” was carefully used to slander a non-violent political group and shamefully slur the Leave campaign by wrongful association.
Mike Hunt,
“Not true, sub judice applies once he’s been arrested”
Silly me. But you’ve answered you own question; well done!
“Nice try, but we’ve been over this before: they have all recanted except I think the BNP member, do you want to take his word over the witnesses (plural) who say that nothing at all was said?”
I wasn’t there Mike, and neither where you.
“And why did the police leak what he said on arrest to the media, and why did the media publish it – isn’t that sub judice too?
What? He said; “Death to traitors, freedom for Britain” when he appeared in court. You seem to have got things a little bit mixed up.
If he said “Death to traitors, freedom for Britain”. That means that he hates traitors because they do not want Britain to be free of the EU.
That means that if the “Remainers” win the referendum and bring in a “Jo Cox hatred law” outlawing the hatred of Pro-EU Traitors by mentally ill swivel eyed loons. That would provide legal proof that the “Remainers” are traitors who hate swivel eyed loons. But there are no hatred laws protecting the majority of Tory members from “swivel eyed loon hatred” by the Chairman of the Tory party or “hatred of Tories” by socialists.
So if we lose the referendum, we probably will go down this mad route of outlawing hatred of everything the lefties love. But if we win the referendum we could invert the left-wing hatred laws, and put all the lefties in prison for hating the British people, Free Speech and Democracy.
Look zero it’s really easy to understand.
If it was sub judice to report that the magistrate asked for psychiatric reports – as you try to claim – then the Guardian is in contempt of court:
The deputy chief magistrate Emma Arbuthnot ordered that Mair be remanded in custody until his next appearance, at the Old Bailey on Monday. He will be held at Belmarsh prison and Arbuthnot suggested that a psychiatric report be prepared, saying: “Bearing in mind the name he has just given, he ought to be seen by a psychiatrist.”
So why have the BBC dropped the mental health angle since he started appearing in court?
Your attempted explanation of “sub judice” clearly that doesn’t wash.
Would you like another try?
(Couldn’t possibly be institutional BBC bias, could it :roll:)
Yes, neither of us were there. But it was the initial spreading of rumours which did the damage – with the BBC right in the thick of it. Rumours which later proved to be on a far less firm foundation than initially indicated.
So much so that Maria Eagle deleted her original tweet.
Clearly the political movement “Britain First” is not implicated – and neither is the Leave campaign – except by false association.
Regarding what he said to police on arrest, “I’m a political activist”, I thought this had been leaked to the media ahead of the court hearing but I can’t find a link now.
Imagine THAT tag team above hopping in and out of the circus ring, trying to befuddle Alan, Mike etc.
Zero and Jerrod…Mc Manus and Logan…or Hinge and Bracket?
Bit of a chill when those two come into the room eh?
“Imagine THAT tag team above hopping in and out of the circus ring, trying to befuddle Alan, Mike etc.
Zero and Jerrod…”
Careful, chrisH; G.W.F.’s tumble dryer is overstretched enough as it is.
Don`t worry eh?
The lad who tried to kill Trump over in the USA was simply guilty of having some Aspergers type of psychosomatic diagnosis from his former tutor…maybe a note from his nurse at primary, maybe an educational psychologist?
As for the bloke who killed Cox-well, none of that looking round his old flat, asking his mates about his schooldays?
No sirree-only Belmarsh bells and whistles, Paddington Green and terrorist hoopla, a la Qatada.
Oh wait-not him- a la Gillian Duffy maybe or Katie Hopkins.
The liberal media surely should be done for incitement to murder…and poor Tommy Mairs mental health is NOT getting the treatment it deserves from the usual psychiatric apologists like SANE or Campbell is it?
Lefty liars on Lithium.
‘Note the utterly different tone of the reporting from that which engulfed us after the death of Jo Cox’
There’s a significant difference between the two cases that Alan seems to have missed. But then the man is an idiot.
British man tried to take officer’s gun to kill Donald Trump at rally, police say
And here is Steve Marlzberg on the above and other issues.
If the lad who tried to shoot Trump is convicted he can look forward to a very interesting sex life that would make Jerrod quite envious.
He could share his love with the entire prison ethnic community, and so purge the white guilt which probably drove him to attempt an assassination on the BBC’s favourite white racist.
Personally I hope Donald Trump wins. It will really make the BBC squirm.
In their twisted little minds , Beeboids might prefer Sarah Palin !