A B-BBC reader writes to me and observes;
“Breakfast at BBC spinning again. Reporting last nights debate on brexit the disgraceful tirades and endless interjections by Remain were reported as “Leave lacked passion” whilst the aggressive ibehavior of Remain was called “passion” Even today Remain is given the last word Boris 7.10 Cameron 7.40″
I agree. In fact what really irritated me was the shameful way Dan Hanaan was asked if he agreed with Nicola Sturgeon that the death of Jo Cox may well influence the Vote tomorrow. He was very diplomatic in his response but he felt it was ‘inappropriate” and so it was. Except the BBC are hell bent to use the tragic death of this MP to advance the REMAIN narrative.
I would just like to say I am dedicating my Leave vote tomorrow to Jo.
Me too
That’s beautiful maaan. I lit a candle with a teddy bear on it too.
the bollox tribute on tele now, the more i see the more i couldnt care less, shameless and shame on them.
Plain and simple, it is emotive bullying of the worse degree. That is how the cocksuckers of the left work:
Nasty party
Think of the children.
Yes the left who have gone out of their way in which to silence anything of rape gangs, FGM,Honour killings , have no problem extending their moral righteousness in getting their way. Think I’m kidding just look at the how anybody who votes out is deemed…..evil. Vote out, kick these wankers out and reclaim our country for the values of common sense. And if you see man on a bus around clapham, tell him he’s a twat, but then his boyfriend already thinks that.
I full agree with you vote out out out
Bang on the pound Pounce-irrespective of whether one likes or dislikes the late MP Jo Cox, this is certainly not the time or place to bring her tradgic death into this extremely & very serious Referendum we are all involved with. As many have commented- desperate & ill timed rantings from the Remain campaign. Disgraceful to link this woman’s death with the EU debate.
Further if the vote is to leave, let’s bloody well make certain we do leave & not hang around on the sidel lines.
I note with interest that Jo Cox was dedicated to multiculturalism diversity inclusion and Syrian refug…….migrants, but unfortunately had no time left to care a jot for the 1500 English girls abused and raped on her patch under her watch.
I will vote leave to tell her spouse his disgraceful partisan politicking had no effect on me, and I hope others do likewise.
Yes you’re so right and I’ve got no time for mp.s and all there cut backs bet they wished now that they did not cut back on mental health that’s come back on them good and proper???
Maybe Jo did not know of the thousands of rapes of vulnerable young girls by Muslims, that was happening on her patch.
But if she did know, may God have mercy on here soul.
I knew about it years ago so. Remember the BBC trying to get Nick Griffin imprisoned for exposing it?
Ms Cox new very well, but the white working class have been deserting Labour for decades now, so Labour have abandoned the working class in favour of immigrants, big business the banks and the elites, this referendum proves where their loyalties lie…anywhere but with the common indigenous population.
‘Remain’ will win a hollow victory whilst the EU scrapes by, but Labour has destroyed itself in the process.
Jerry Owen
I knew about it years ago as well – back some ten years or more. I thought however that it was MPs for Rotherham, Rochdale, and all Home secretaries, not lowly MPs like Jo Cox.
The scale of the betrayal is really a war crime, but with a difference. Not even the Nazis betrayed their young girls to be raped by the oncoming Red Army. In Britain, not even that excuse was present – there was no all conquering Islamic army rushing into Britain.
The figures are not in the thousands. The figure is likely to be in the tens of thousands. That is why it is being buried. A war crime like this has no precedence, anywhere, anytime.
But this will come out. Not now, but it will. And it is our generation, not the authorities, that will be held in contempt.
There is no such thing as an MP and a lowly MP as you seem to think. Ms Cox was promoted as a Yorkshire girl through and through, if that was the case she knew about the Muslim raping of white girls.
We aren’t talking about war crimes they are distinct, we are talking about traitors in Whitehall flowing down to the police and local authorities that connived to cover this evil situation up.
I hope I live to see the day where we can treat traitors in the age old manner they were once upon a time!
There is no such thing as an MP and a lowly MP as you seem to think.
Well there are MPs who are in the limelight, and there are others who are not. I for one hadnt heard of Jo Cox till her unfortunate murder.
We aren’t talking about war crimes they are distinct, we are talking about traitors in Whitehall flowing down to the police and local authorities that connived to cover this evil situation up.
Its a war crime as Islam is at war with all Infidels. Included in that war strategy is to rape the women and girls of the Kuffar. What makes it worse is that our own authorities helped it along by ignoring it.
J Owen : ‘Remain’ will win a hollow victory whilst the EU scrapes by, but Labour has destroyed itself in the process.
I believe we will be out of the EU in the next couple of years.
Suppose that the result was in favour of “Remain”. The split was 55-45 in favour of “Remain”. Come the next election, the “Out” camp of 45% will be so outraged, they will vote UKIP. The 55% will split between Con and Lab. Result, a huge majority in parliament for UKIP. UKIP will treat it as a mandate to quit the EU.
Regardless of the outcome of this referendum, I see the UK out of the EU. There really is no other option. The political climate in the UK, is now Radiation Toxic.
I think within 5 years the EU may well have collapsed anyway so everybody will be out whether they like it or not.
The EU is incapable of managing even the simplest task without balsing it up. Therefore the more strain the system suffers through economic mismanagement, corruption and uncontrolled migration the faster will be its demise as any sort of coherent entity.
Things when they start to go wrong can quickly escalate and the EU is certainly not an organisation known for its quicksilver reactions.
The main problem will be – what is left to salvage of our society and culture.
If we leave now (pessimistic but hopeful at the same time) we have a good chance of keeping things together. However if we remain and end up sinking with the rest, things may get a little messy.
If this happens maybe Saint Jo the perfect may be able to intercede on our behalf. Failing that maybe Saint Brendan (the not so perfect) may be able to lead us all down the Thames to a new land filled with love and understanding for all.
The EU is doomed to failure but I was rather hoping we would be out of it when the proverbial brown stuff hits the fan as it were! Five years is about the time scale I also give it.
I predict a remain win and I predict UKIP in 2020 to be a major force as the only anti establishment party to vote for, Nigel Farage ain’t done yet!
Again Jerry Owen you have spoken the words many feel-I just hope that the money raised in this Jo Cox appeal will be spent in her own constituency & not wasted on people in far off lands that are surrounded by the very richest of their co-religionists in the world, such Saudi Arabia who could do so much to aid those fleeing from their own country. Such releif however it may be sent, only encourages further numbers to come to Europe & with Britain foremost in their minds. If the vote is to leave then for goodness sake let the door close on any one single immigrant no matter where from.
I suspect her husband will decide were the money goes, expect the local ( or maybe foreign ) boatyards to be busy with orders soon!
Jo who? Nobody knew about Jo Cox before she was killed, certainly no one in Paris or Washington or Brussels, she was a new, jobbing MP…..the world events in her name seem staged to coincide with the referendum vote. She was, with all due respect, nothing special in the world….a full time charity worker who specialised in immigrants …….and then she went into politics. All very lovely and worthy but getting worldwide commemorations as if she was Ghandi or Nelson Mandela is beyond bizarre.
The BBC says:
‘The international enormity of the death of Jo Cox was made clear within hours of her death.’
What? I guess I must be wrong, only in politics a year and already a towering international figure….just nobody knew it before her murder.
And her murderer is still not getting the BBC whitewash treatment that they reserve for Muslim mass murderers and people who want to kill people the BBC don’t agree with, such as Trump. The BBC still make no mention that Mair was mentally ill…
‘Thomas Mair, 52, from Birstall, has been charged with murder, grievous bodily harm, possession of a firearm with intent to commit an indictable offence and possession of an offensive weapon.’
And note to Cameron….Cox in no way agreed with your refugee policy and your failure to tackle Assad and to contain the war.
Never a truer word said couldn’t put it better myself???
Like to think that I saw some genesis of this “worldwide” issue.
Well remember Jon Snow asking Justin Forsyth last Friday about whether Washington/New York were aware of this atroctity here in Birstall…and off goes Justin to twitter this to all the liberal media outlets.
Then back it comes amplified…can we put Hillary and a Bernie for one tear or two..one emoji or a small set of wristbands…would you like that there Stateside?
In other words a pinged confection of froth and emotis from Snow to Cox`s hubbys old boss-off to the UN and Hillary-and then amplified in howling trilled feedback…media to media…and not a real human in the chain.
So by Monday…Krishnan can get out there, as Snojob wankers the whole pile of shite from London…so we`ve got”worldwide outrage”.
Er…not In Teheran or Riyadh matey…
A case study for the ages in cynical body popping that oozes into a suitable fey body bag for the news headlines…and it truly stinks…but we know how it`s done-so go tell the world what they`re up to at Channel 4 and the BBC.
“On Thursday evening, the day that Jo Cox was murdered, reporting restrictions were lifted on the fact that a 13-man strong Muslim paedophile ring in Halifax, ( only 11 miles from her own constituency), was being sentenced to a total of more than 150 years at Leeds Crown Court. It was a good day for burying bad news.
The day before that, Jo and her husband Brendan and their two children were part of multi-millionaire Bob Geldof’s floating gin palace-led flotilla, on the Thames, from which, on behalf of Stronger In Europe, Geldof led a load of drunken oiks in haranguing and verbally abusing our out-of-work fishermen.
Brendan Cox had to resign from his £100,00 salaried job at the charity Save the Children fund in November 2015 over allegations of behaving inappropriately with female members of staff. He denied the allegations, but left anyway.”
It wouldn’t surprise me if we hear more about this saintly couple in the weeks to come.
As I understand it, there is still a question mark over the identity of the woman on Brendan Cox’s boat.
The fund raising web page he set up a few hours after her death:
which is up to £1.3m now is collecting for 3 “good causes”.
One of those is White Helmets a supposed “search and rescue charity in Syria”. Google ‘White Helmets’ for lots about the propaganda they are famous for
Strange that the fundraising would be used for propaganda because the death of the ‘Peoples MP’ wasn’t used for propaganda at all – oh wait….
Strange, I would have expected his children to be his first priority in those circumstances.
Very similar to a certain mother and father who’s daughter went missing in Portugal. Spent more time self promoting themselves on TV and hiring PR teams than looking after their other kids.
Society is becoming more narcissistic.
Ah yes, but one was a beautiful innocent, pure in thought and deed, cruelly taken from this world before she could realise her full potential, sadly missed by millions. And the other was Joanne Cox.
Served the Government and US Admin well in promoting the White Helmets and their anti Assad activities, And finally, one last service for the Government. Or am I too cynical?
The Jo Cox story has been overblown to vast and ridiculous proportions.
Even my ‘other half’, a dedicated Labour voter who is still undecided on how to vote in today’s referendum, is unsettled by the over-the-top nature of constant tributes paid towards Jo. Yes, it was a tragic loss of a good woman, but the circumstances do not justify the nature of the exaggerated sense of injustice.
Thomas Mair was always going to end up killing someone. He just needed a reason to do it. If it wasn’t Jo Cox it would have been someone else.
And let’s not ignore the scandal of Michael Sandford, the man who tried to take a police officer’s gun to kill Donald Trump! That should have been the moment of political parity. But it wasn’t.
I lacked faith in the people of Britain to do the right thing in last year’s general election. I was wrong to do so! If the polls were wrong then, they will be even MORE wrong come today’s voting.
Despite the attempt by the usual suspects to associate Jo Cox’s death with the EU Leave campaign, I have faith in the people of Britain to see through it and vote accordingly – OUT!
If we vote to stay, we are going to be in for a VERY uncertain future – a future we will have no control of! The financial markets will be happy, because the bankrupt status quo will still be in place. Interest payments on EU debts will continue rather than loans be settled. The Greeks will suffer for at least a generation, and they won’t be alone.
The only way we can liberate the poorest people in the EU is to VOTE LEAVE!
I watched Paxo’s EU debate on C4 last night. It was INFITITELY better chaired than the puffed up, self-important Dumbledore version on bBBC the night before. Dimbo just cannot resist interrupting and speechifying with his LeftLiberal viewpoints. If he can’t contain himself from platforming on Question Time , he should join the panels instead. Paxo restricted himself to short, pithy retorts or questions.
I thought the Remainers on both nights overdid the “passion” (under instructions to be more passionate?) and came across as angry, frothing bigots who couldn’t listen. As for the Jo Cox spinning…… makes me sick.
Jo Cox, the smiling face of hard left politics. Parachuted into a safe Labour seat on an all women short list.
46 million are entitled to vote in the UK – so she was complicit in discriminating against 23 MILLION people (all male)
Not even Nigel Farage can upset that many people in one go.
On the way to the polling station I thought about the struggling African farmers who are priced out of European markets by EU import duties. Without the income that these farmers could earn from exports to the EU that are priced competitively with European produce, their communities suffer and many young people are forced to emigrate, many dying on the way or living in migrant camps in Europe.
So I voted leave. I like to think it was what Jo would have wanted.
From Wiki
Cox worked for the aid groups Oxfam and Oxfam International between 2001 and 2009, first in Brussels as the leader of the group’s trade-reform campaign, as head of policy and advocacy at Oxfam GB in 2005
She would have the voted to leabe the EU, then campaign for its demise.
An abridged version of Alex M’s post has appeared on the Grauniad discussion page. Talk about “light blue touch paper and retire”
Link please if you have one.
Why send Jo Cox a birthday card?
Hardly going to get one back are we?…really hope the EDL or somebody stands there in Batley and Spen, if only to pop the blister of lefty entitlement to claim her cadaver as a source of lefty holy relics from now until doomsday-or when the EU collapses which will be very soon, no matter how we vote today…but I just want to see the BBC hating us for a few days, whilst pretending that it doesn`t.
Such internalised repression brings on the ulcers and -hopefully-metastasises into something terminal for all liberal agencies concerned-BBC and Channel 4/Guardian first…the empty head and stone traitorous heart of the whole EU project here in the UK.
The icing will be if D Trump becomes POTUS.
You know this worries me greatly.
There is a dangerous mood of wrapping up extreme Left movements in the cosy clothing of niceness. It’s everywhere now. The Anti Capitalists, the UAF, Momentum, Occupy, pro Islam, pro immigration, anti fracking, animal rights, trade unions, etc. etc. All these claim a moral high-ground & eagerly paint anyone opposing them as scum, or ironically those who hate.
This mass outflowing of grief for Jo Cox is just the same Leftish stuff in yet another form.it is hard to voice a contrary opinion because they think they are the kind caring folk.
Where has this tortured reversal of fact come from? Drip, drip over the past decades – I’d guess since the ‘liberal’ years of the 1960s the media & state education has successfully brainwashed us into believing this disguised Left is the moral stance to take to show one is a nice human being.
What really is the irony is that going out en masse to rallies that end up displaying total vitriol & hatred is the manifestation of the really nasty people, yet they themselves believe otherwise.
The MSM & various fools warn of the dire consequencies of the ‘Far Right’ gaining power, yet I struggle to identify a Far Right anywhere, or at least one that resembles Nazi Germany in the 1930s. All I see are folks worried about the future of their culture & status quo. Yes, some organisations seem a bit too thuggish for me, but usually their intellectual arguments are easily knocked over, they are no more dangerous than a bunch of football hooligans. The real danger comes from those who come out to take on these in the name of anti-fascism. In doing so the UAF displays far more similarity to fascists in demanding to stamp on adverse opinion.
The hatred flowing out of the Remain campaign directed to Brexiteers comes from those on the Left amongst the Remainers, they have used the death of an honest, yet unremarkable MP to stir up hatred of the likes of me, an ordinary Tory, disillusioned by the undemocratic EU, worried about the scale of numbers migrating to Britain, & just wanting self government for Britain (or England!). I resent the slur that I am a Far Right ignoramous filled with racial loathing,
I know where the true hate really lies.
Cranbrookphil, good post. There’s a reason why Orwell ended ‘1984’ with the words ‘He loved Big Brother’. The far left have very few rational arguments open to them and thus have to show themselves as being on the side of love, in order to instill all those warm, fuzzy, self-righteous thoughts that make them so attractive to people who can’t argue logically very well.
Thanks Cranmer. I have always admired Orwell, one of those visionaries we should have listened more to. Enoch Powell another one – and this has nothing to do with approving racism. Powell was no racist. I have always thought that a mixed cultural society is a society under pressure. It never will be a happy one. The events of the last decades have proven this.
Fraser Nelson puts it very well in todays Telegraph.
A confusion between “intentions” and “outcomes” as he puts it.
The intentions might be nice and well-meant aspirations…but nobody is voting for these unless they wilfully reject the current realities of Calais, Istanbul, Cologne and Malmo…and prefer to look and sound like a nice liberal and tolerant person,rather that examine the inevitable outcomes of years of EU muddle and meddle.
The outcomes start with the end of the fishing industry, go via Neil Herron and Steve Thorburn, the metric martyrs of Sunderland…and end with Nick Clegg, Ed Davey, Chris Huhne and Anna Soubry…Heseltine too.
For these are the very epitome of EU creatures-who dare to presume some authority to scotch Magna Carta, Lee Rigby and Cologne…all these outcomes could only come from replacing the EU with what we once used to have.
Only hope we the sensible British have voted for what we lived through and what we know the EU to be in reality…as opposed to getting cheaper roaming mobile coverage at some Ryanair hell hole miles outside the city it pretends to fly to.
Islamic fantasy with pink rosewater to wash away the blood in Chop Chop Square, Brussels?…as the BBC and the Guardian tell us it`s alright really?…or do we defend and reclaim what our grandparents fought and even died for?
As Fraser says -intentions or outcomes?
As I say-do you want to be right-or would you rather just be liked?
Big personal and social questions these…and the very chemistry of this country is being assayed today.
They didn’t bother with this for anyone else. We hear unite against hate, but the motive of the killer isn’t known to us even the most basic facts of the attack are hazy As I’ve said elsewhere I wonder if these events will happen next year or the year after.
Anna Raccoon has a good forensic article on Jo’s fund here.
“I always resent the implication that anyone opening a dialogue as to the numbers of people coming into the country only does so because of their colour or religion. Schools and Hospitals would still be bursting at the seams if the incomers were blued eyed Californians with ripped muscles, a degree in Christian theology, and a pedigree traced back to Alfred the Great – we would still be complaining.”