Once we leave the EU, Britain can impose a 200 mile fishing limit. The Royal Navy can police the 200 mile limit with much better warships than Iceland did when it won the Cod War. This would be very good for the conservation and recovery of fish stocks, because the British fishing industry would need to recover before it threatened stocks in Home waters. Also, because Iceland is a Western European nation not a member of the EU, it has not just got control of its 200 mile limit, but also has a per capita GDP ranking 13.1 percent higher than Britain, has a free trade agreement with China and sorted out its naughty bankers.
And no Mr Clapham Omnibus Man, I do not believe the Labour voters of Hull are superior in intelligence to me because they vote Labour. That fact proves that Clapham Omnibus Man must be less intelligent than almost all immigrants in Britain. According to IQ studies, only Jewish, Korean and Japanese immigrants are superior in intelligence to European Immigrants who have a similar average IQ to British people. So I suggest that we introduce an Australian based points system for transportation to the remaining territories of the European Union, after Brexit, for Remain supporters like the inferior man from Clapham. This would lower the population, while increase the quality of life for all peoples, especially for people in Clapham.
Also, if you are a scientist, you can use a proxy calculation using pen and paper. I have used neighbouring Countries not in the EU for the proxy. I calculate that Brexit will bring at least a 12 percent boost to the British economy. The reason for this can also be inferred by the proxy, to less regulation, taxation and government control of the economy in these nations, as has been learnt by Communist China, as regards the lessons learnt from the highly libertarian economy of Hong Kong.
In that case we need to elect stronger ones, and to stop being so squeamish about upsetting people. Most of the offence is bogus in any case.
Brexit will not in itself solve our problems. It will give us the tool we need – democracy – to put things right, but people need to wake up, and to stop voting along traditional lines.
What the kind of democracy that allows a Party to tear Britains infrastructure apart on 24% of the vote, a second unelected chamber, the quashing, or hiding or delaying of reports significant to the conduct of elected officials,the suppression ,manipulation or outright corruption of Police evidence, widespread snooping on a par with China. That democracy! Got you. Apart from all the above you seem to have completely missed the main actor in our society and that is the role of the economy and specifically the City of London, who elects officials on the basis of how many they employ and whose activities are not covered by the freedom of infomation act.
Manon, have you measured the growth of the ‘City of London’ from, say 1990 to date and set against it the UK’s manufacturing sector as a whole, over the same period?
The author is suggesting that betting could be being manipulated by wealthy remainiacs placing huge bets to skew the odds, making it look like remain is a dead cert. In fact, a couple of days ago I was tempted to hedge a few bob (quite a few bob actually) on remain because it looked so certain. At least if remain won I would get a bit of a sweetener even at 1/3. However, the more I thought about it, the more I got uneasy about the whole thing. Now, bookies are in it for the money, so if they think a Brexit is on the cards, it’s in their interest to get the money piling on remain. So, given the herd mentality, if the odds for remain are so short (1/4 at the last look) people will ‘risk’ a punt given the perceived near certainty of winning. The whole thing then self-perpetuates. However, the odds aren’t telling the whole story because the individual bets are massively in favour of Brexit to the tune of about 3/1, but each individual bet is of lower value, considerably lower in fact.
So, what’s going on? Are the remainiacs trying to make it look like the Brexit cause is tanking, or is it just the bookies up to their tricks?
Incidentally, I posted this on the last thread, but my local paper today conducted a straw poll of 1300 people in the town centre, and Brexit had it 64/36, similar in fact to the proportions of bets mentioned above. Let’s hope this is reflected across the country tomorrow, but being a natural pessimist I fear remain will have it 55/45 when the undecided vote for what the mistakenly believe to be the status quo.
I predict that the Innards will get between 51 and 52% once the postal votes have been counted (or weighed in some constituencies). It will be like the recent Austrian election all over again.
I have not believed the polling for sometime. I would have expected on average to meet at least 2 people for Remain out of every 5 people I ask which way they would decide to vote. My unscientific straw poll of all the people I have asked over the past month would equate to about 65% for out, and the balance were either remain or undecided.
Someone else I know did a similar straw poll, but with a much larger contingent, and he reckoned about +70% of those he met he met were for out.
Indeed. Daughter working in London says EVERYBODY in her office is Bremain and bigoted,sneering at Brexiters as narrow minded xenophobes. She was a fence sitter but so pissed off with them she has decided on Brexit, but she says unless there are ‘shy Brexiters’ its almost entirely Bremain among people she knows..
I heard indirectly from a hospital doctor that all the Portuguese nurses in his hospital were supporting Brexit. They only came to the UK because of the state of the Portuguese economy in the euro, and they all wanted to put one over on the EU.
These aren’t necessarily Remainiacs, just hedge funds or arbitrageurs playing two different markets. If Remain wins then they make money off the bookies. I suspect that the other trade to hedge that is shorting sterling against the euro so that they would make money if Brexit wins. I suspect that the prices in the two markets do not correspond and there is money to be made from the arbitrage by people with deep pockets/
I have £95 on Brexit for a profit of £925. I also hedged with £120 on Remain at ‘7/4 on’ for a £70 ‘profit’ from Remain. I was hoping the odds on Remain might improve a bit, but I was a bit tiddly after the football and should probably have put £166 on to be fully hedged.
Anyway, I’m clearly hoping for Brexit and an £800 total profit. If Remain win, I think we’ll all have bigger problems than a £25 loss.
That Michael Crick on C4 is as odious as any al-beeb shit-stirrer reporter. With Allegra Stratton and Peston transferred to the private sector, there must be an opening for this cnut at the BBC.
Kuenssberg states “His [Cameron’s] team insist they had no choice, that it wasn’t sustainable to carry on without offering a referendum. It was though, a political choice, not a response to overwhelming demand from the general public.”
Actually you lying bitch, there was a massive demand for a referendum – about 50% of the population as it turns out, but your f***ing lot didn’t want to listen! We’ve been demanding a referendum for 40 years!
She goes on “To be honest I’ve heard plenty of voters still asking and wondering out loud why we are even having the vote in the first place. Some people are angry about that”
Of course they’re f***ing angry you stupid cow, they are the remainiacs who don’t do democracy unless it’s in their favour. If we’d had a referendum on whether to hold a referendum, the result would have been absolutely identical to the actual referendum. Every remainiac, to a man, would cancel tomorrow’s vote given half a chance. Them and the EU make perfect bedfellows, they deserve what they get.
They may want an un democratic EU now because the control of the EU is in ‘liberal’ hands but what happens if it became a right wing fascist EU , and it could happen?
Try getting rid of that lot then . They have not thought about that .
taffman, I’m more concerned about radical Islam eyeing the EU with keen interest. After all, the dictatorial structures are firmly in place for the imposition of a Europe-wide caliphate and the enormous trough is there for the guzzlers. Should the UK vote Remain, the likes of the present mayor of London would naturally gravitate to one of the top dog posts in such a caliphate.
But I’m convinced that Brexit will win handsomely and that the caliphate will just have to do without the UK once the country has extricated itself from the tentacles of Brussels.
Actually Cameron thought he would never get a majority which is why he promised the right wing the vote.
The fact that any fuckwit thinks that this is democracy in action is a complete joke. It has about as much plausibility and intellectual content as an England away match. This leave vote is driven principally by race hatred. Its on the posters for christ sake. What is really frightening is that Boris is one of the biggest supporters of neoliberalism. You people are being seriously played. Come 24th you will still be ruled by a government voted in by 24% of the electorate. Instead you will vote for a man who firstly has no strategy,secondly is just a bog standard MP,thirdly is going to hide illegal immigrants in the stats and forthly going to close EU economic migration in favour of Africans and Indians. Great thats just what we need.
Man on the clapped out bus, its not about ‘race’ but ‘space’. You talk a lot of Bol..ks
Still waiting for you comments on Al Beeb’s bias ?
You are a ‘Man of Straw’
No ,in this competition between Eton v Eton its about who ultimately rules the Conservative nation with a bunch of quasi religious ignorami cheering on the surrogate match of England v Johnny Foreigner.
Perhaps you havent considered whose interest it is to bring in cheap labour. The ‘lefties’ whoever they are, or the businesses who profit. After the referendum are you seriously expecting business to change course? Are they that patriotic not to have transfered work opportunities away from the British worker to the cheap labour of Asia?
Current politics entirely depends on the stupidity of the electorate and personaly people that vote for slogans are plain stupid. It must have been fun at Nuremberg
Agree there, Manon. Dave is a flip-flopper, anything to grab and hold power. Have you seen how many photos of him show him with that determined look and clenched fist gesture?
“This leave vote is driven principally by race hatred.” Here you are resorting to pure bunkum and trouble-making. The EU is not about race or nationality any more. Since WW2, Europeans have been criss-crossing the continent more than ever before and that was before the EEC! Pay attention lad!
“Its on the posters” If you are referring to that clumsy PR ‘Farage poster’ are you aware that it may* have been a news agency photograph already published in ALL of the UK’s main newspapers?
“Come 24th you will still be ruled by a government voted in by 24% of the electorate.” There was a wonderful, beautiful sentence at the end of one episode of the West Wing which coincided by one of our General Elections won by Labour. It was possible that that Labour Government was a minority in terms of the total electorate eligible to vote at the time.
Anyway, President Bartlett is campaigning and talking to a hall full of people and, referring to Polling Day, he says, “Democracy is for those who show up.”
*I do not have firm information on this so if anyone does, please post.
I stuck this in the last huge Open Thread, and although I’m preaching to the converted (or dense in the case of our resident Beboids) I’m putting it back here as it gives my reasons for my vote.
I have postal-voted already. I am proud to tell everyone of my choice:
I voted for Hope over the certainty that things will get worse
I voted for the Future rather than the failed past
I voted for Freedom over tyranny
I voted for Democracy over dictatorship
I voted for Prosperity over poverty
I voted for England over those who are always trying to destroy it
I voted for the United Kingdom against the various National Socialist groupings that despise it
I voted for the British People over international corporations and big business
I voted for full Independence over none
I voted for World Influence over none at all
I voted for access to World Markets rather than the inward-looking little EU
I voted for Pluralism over socialism
I voted for Peace over terrorism
Ultimately, I voted for Choice over obedience:
I voted Out.
Vote Out, you know it makes sense.
Vote out for your children and your grandchildren’s sakes.
Vote out as it’s the last chance for prosperity.
Vote out for freedom, democracy and happiness.
Vote out so we can all laugh at the extremists and haters who despise the working man (and woman) so much, as well as the fat-cat corporations, socialists, fascists etc. who want to see us destroyed.
Thanks Demon, here’s my post from the Start the Week Open Thread,
Here’s what the EU is hiding until after the referendum – coming to an EU country near you soon:
1. A Euro Tax ID For Everyone
2. Fresh Plans for an EU Army
3. Scheme to Hand Out 1 million UK Visas to Turks
4. Compulsory European Programming on Netflix
5. Ruling on Muzzling British Anti-Terror Police
6. Demands for Even More Cash
7. Banning High Power Kettles and Hairdryers
8. Hiking VAT on Food, Medicine and Kids’ Clothes
9. Kicking UK Off International Organizations
10. Suffocating London’s Art Market
11. Compulsory EU ID for Internet users (Thanks GCooper)
12. Turkey membership talks restart June 30th (Guido)
And here’s what we already know the EU gives Britain:
1. Open borders, unlimited, uncontrolled immigration
2. Time-limited cap on benefits tourism
3. Brussels override on national sovereignty
4. 60% of laws made by unelected eurocrats
5. Stifling red tape for businesses
6. Protectionism and tariffs to fastest growing markets
7. Subsidy of inefficient French and Italian farmers
8. Doomed Euro
9. Stifling low growth in EU
10. Mass youth unemployment in EU periphery
11. EU thought police shutting down free speech
12. Fishing policy which has decimated the UK industry
13. Millions of £££ to Brussels
14. Anti-democratic EU Commission
On the Remain side, they think we are more secure in the EU which according to them has given us peace since WW2 (actually it’s NATO, and the EU army will destabilise the status quo) and they guess that Brexit will harm the economy but I wouldn’t trust the Treasury to predict that a horse will win the Grand National.
Mike, yes that’s frightening, and only bus-bound imbeciles can’t get their few brain cells to work out that the EU is saving up all these nasties for after the referendum. We certainly are going to a worse place, as is the rest of the EU and possibly the world, if freedom loses the vote to the Innards. Vote out for a chance to see those sun-lit uplands, as Churchill mentioned, rather than the new dark age that the EU is concocting.
I hope that all is ok with Nigel’s family. In a way it is probably a good thing for Nigel not to appear tonight as I would dislike the haters in Remain turning the last chance to sway the undecided voters into a hate Nigel fest and cloud the real reasons why people should vote to Leave.
Hopefully it is nothing serious. Regardless, I am sure the left/Remain will offer Mr Farage the same compassion and sympathy as it did to the family of Jo Cox.
Nigel has made his contribution to our society, and need never work again.
Single handedly he got us this Referendun, for which I have nothing but eternal thanks.
Reckon we`ll win,,,but even if we lose…well , we`re going to have a long hot summer of migration in the next few months…we`ll have our EU Army and bile thrown at us from the Eurocrats sine die.
AND-when some Remain Twat moans about NHS waiting lists, kids not getting on the housing ladder, Cologne, 7/7(pt 2) and kids not being able to get to a school where FGM and a hijab isn`t due soon….remind them they`re Remainiax…so suck it up and fuck off!
Know for sure 1`ve lost a few friends….if they`re putting a quiet life and a nice slide to retirement before Cologne or Bataclan, then I don`t want to know `em anymore…leave them to it , but don`t listen to their squauks.
Let You and Yours provide their cold shouider for the fuckwitz!
Man on a clapped out bus you need to catch up.
More people coming in to the country = more houses , more hospitals, more doctors , more schools , more infrastructure , more police, more carbon footprint etc etc .
you are a ‘Man of Straw’.
He should change his name to Mancan’tgetaseatontheomnibusnow, or Manstandingontheclaptrapbus, or Manleftwaitingatbusstopasallomnibusesarefullofenrichers.
Plaid Cymru have been campaigning many years for independence and yet when the people of Wales want freedom from the EU she is taken aback ? Just like the SNP they want independence, yet are happy to jump in to an undemocratic oligarchy – Amazing !
On a positive note, most of the Welshmen in my area want out of the EU.
Leanne ‘Coed’ , V. Good ! 🙂 I am surprised she hasn’t changed it to that .
All the other bu….rs are ‘Welshifying’ their names to appear ‘Welsh’. Half of them are English or of half English parenthood.
Btw, its our money not EU money .
Dad Welsh lineage back to the Ice Age with English-born Mam but Irish lineage there (back to the Ice Age too). There’s a lot of that model of mixed-race variety I suspect.
In considering the future of the EU, who is to say that this vision is not correct? http://peterjnorth.blogspot.co.uk/2016/06/a-turning-point-for-europe.html
Unfortunately, it seems all too plausible. All the more essential that we get out, and forge trade and other links with the outside, non-EU, world, and to do it speedily. Were we to remain, I fear for my country.
Very true but if we can get a change of government close on the heels of a victory then we can start cleaning the broadcasting stables, too. This, of course, is something they are very aware of.
I can just picture Huw Edwards dressed in black, announcing a ‘Leave’ result in the same tones as used by Patrick Allen in that pre-recorded announcement of nuclear war that was used in the song ‘Two Tribes.’ ‘The UK has left the EU. You and your family must take cover…’
Demon – yes – but what will be more interesting will be to see how the BBC covers stories to do with increased EU migration, increased laws etc (which in all likelihood are coming).
Manwaitingforabus has shown how that will be argued (no doubt after tactical meetings). All problems caused by the lack of infrastructure to cope with excessive immigration will be labelled at “Tory cuts”. That is despite the fact that both the coalition and conservative governments have ploughed more and more money (in real terms) into education, health, housing etc.
It’s an easy, lazy cop-out for the left. Keep telling lies about Tory “cuts” and the left-wing wet-dream of replacing the electorate with one that hates the UK, and England in particular, will be realised. All aided and abetted by the left-wing BBC.
Throughout the Obama V Rooney 2012 election and the Scottish Referendum UK bookies odds remained long odds on a Obama win & Scottish No Vote.This was despite the persistent talk that the Obama/Rooney contest was too close to call and the Media/Cameron panic over 1 opinion poll in the Scottish referendum.
Bookies have kept Remain long odds on because either their odds compilers believes strongly in a Remain win or because the serious punters do.As a regular punter on politics I myself had few doubts that Obama would win in 2012 or that Scotland would vote no and I have little doubt that Remain will win tomorrow.
I got a leaflet today in my post box from the local Labour party recommending people vote to Remain because of the economic damage Leaving risks doing and this will be the decisive factor for those floating voters tomorrow
The only thing we can hope for is that the bookies are as right as they were about Leicester winning the league, but I share your prediction, especially when the postal votes get weighed.
Over the last few days I have been asking those who say they will vote Remain some basic questions about the EU. Questions such as:
Who is the EU Finance Minister and when do they set the year’s budget?
Give a basic description of how laws are passed in the EU and which body ratifies them?
None of them, and I mean none of them, know the answers. They can’t even spot the trick questions. So what the fuck are you voting for I then ask.
To be fair Steve, that’s no different to any other election. Few voters actually know what they’re voting for, but that’s the beauty of our democracy, we all have one vote and it’s down to individual judgement. Fred the binman’s vote carries exactly the same weight as the local headteacher. Of course, the political class sneer at the idea that uneducated or uninformed people get to vote, which is why we’ve had such a fear based campaign. They know the only way to make their case is to present a wall of ‘experts’ with some complicated numbers predicting doom and gloom, and that’s enough to make them take the ‘safe’ option and vote for the status quo. Sadly, the status quo is certainly not what is going to happen, but Brexit hasn’t been allowed to make its points when faced with the full might of the establishment propaganda machine.
I agree with you to a certain extent. However, most people in this country understand that the candidate getting most votes wins and the first party past the post forms the government. The workings of the EU is complex and convoluted; not by accident I believe.
Richard Pinder ………” According to IQ studies, only Jewish, Korean and Japanese immigrants are superior in intelligence to European Immigrants who have a similar average IQ to British people”
Well, whoever worked THAT statistic out clearly hadn’t taken into account the mental capability of David Beckham ! He has ‘disclosed’ that his maternal grandfather was Jewish, so considers himself of the faith, and ‘was part of it’ when he attended synagogue. Who’d have thought ? He’s having a rare old time of ‘outing’ himself this week, first on the Remain side, and now as being Jewish.
Just to say, I’ve been on Pollstation just to find out what other polls are saying and they’ve got Leave on 81% and remain on 16% with 3% unknown. Wouldn’t it be marvellous if that was the result on Friday? Fingers crossed…
Come on guys , you are all getting defeatist ! The polls are unreliable . We simply don’t know who will win. We know the metropolitan left liberals , the Celtic fringe nationalists , all Irish citizens in the U.K. and immigrants will tend to vote remain. But what of England outside the London region ? If enough traditional labour voters opt for out then Leave has it .
Mr Juncker, British people don’t usually like threats . Remember this famous statement,
Winston Churchill some 70 years ago: ‘Some chicken! Some neck!’
What was truely weird was Boris’ take on it. No logical sense whatsoever. Same as Farage telling his supporters to vote with their soul and with their hearts. Er Ive never flown an airplane like that let alone run a company. These people think they are running a born again Christian outfit.
Born yesterday more like.
Missed a trick there didn`t we?
Having just heard Will Self accuse a black “Leave ” supporter as keeping racist company-if not actually being a racist herself(Self would have to investigate that further) on “Channel Four…er “News”-so they say?…we Leavers really should have infiltrated the likes of Channel 4 and the BBC to give us yet more “expert analysis” from such literary titans and leaders of the proletarian tribune like Will Self…Bonnie Greer…Caryl Churchill…that hideous asian one(Biddu?)…and assorted black gay guts like Ekowu etc.
And this could have been filmed from the Tate or from Hay…with opposing voices for the panel like those of John Prescott ,say and Chris Huhne…wives could do the tag team bit, wandering around the ring between rounds.
Now-all I needed was a name like Tarquin or Jacinta…given my name as related to Lord Longford or a Toynbee or a Straw…wore a linen suit and a Grayson Perry bonnet sculpture to the meeting…and this one show of liberal lefty fantasy would have ensured a collapse in any effort to vote remain.
This would in a real sense have had a fissiparous(ooh) vicissitudinous(ooh) and , nay-lugubrious( ooh arr!) plumpacious effect on the campaign…Will Self says so.
Poor sod needed to have had his cherry popped by Clems wfie..sense the bitterness drove him to swallow a Stanley Unwin B-side and made him think that he`s clever.
Worratwat-send him off to be chief EU pall bearer on Friday morning…he`s one hell of a loss to the dead druggie mortician trade isn`t he?
I had a Twitter off with bonnie ‘the bigot’ greer recently during an EU debate, she was just tweeting one lefty soundbite after another so I challenged her to prove one of her accusations, her reply was biting…”get back to your cave”!!
I nearly split my sides laughing, I calmy replied asking what she meant by the insult…no reply was forthcoming, I’m guessing she is friends with thornberry and abbott.
Now if you replied “get back to the States”, you would have been called a racist ! but its ok for her (as a black woman) to do the name calling. She ought to get back there and ‘do her stuff’ with Trump and see how far she gets.
Self was noticeably patronising and rude. It was very obvious. I assumed that he was the worse for wear maybe. I was surprised the lady did not hit him.
Well, it’s almost time, the X is due to go on my ballot paper…in pen and not pencil and I can’t wait to vote LEAVE! During the build up I, like many others, have spent the last few weeks perusing various media outlets, speaking with friends and work colleagues and debating the referendum on social media to gain an overall idea of what the outcome may be.
My findings in my locale have been overwhelmingly in the favour of LEAVE, friends have had enough, they are seeing their neighbourhoods changing before their eyes and they didn’t vote for it, they are seeing that many of these ‘poor’ immigrants are either not so poor or are simply people who don’t give a toss about the UK or its laws and they are seeing times getting harder and harder.
Workmates who are seeing contract work being introduced more and more are worried about where the future lies for their jobs, any new starter is on a significantly poorer package and we are hearing our employer wants us on that level, the union has done nothing to help its members but tell to tell us to vote remain. I am ending my membership and finding another union who will fight my corner when needed.
My contempt for remainiacs and the bbc during the debate has hit new highs. I’m afraid that I’ve found many remainiacs to be, well..thick! They are scared people, they are cowardly people, they are people who believe every lie that has been fed to them.
For example, on the bbc news today;
A 17 yr old kid screaming at Boris Johnson’s entourage as to ‘why would we take a leap in the dark, why won’t you tell me, is it because you think I’m illiterate and 17’?? Would that be the ‘dark world’ where lives 160+ countries who aren’t in the EU but are doing very well with their interaction with the rest of the world? It’s not that you are illiterate, son, it’s because you are a senseless twat, brainwashed by your education, clearly not worldly wise enough to make a balanced argument.
Then there was the YOUNG woman who worked behind a bar who said ‘my brother lives in Spain and I’m worried what might happen to him, plus I want the freedom to live in Italy If I want to’?? Good men and women died to give this utter moron the vote!! Because Spain are going to cut their throats by throwing out all of the Brits who have readily taken their money there, aren’t they!!
Then the YOUNG party goers sat at a table voting IN by 70/30..about the average on the beeb..who spouted the same zombie like mantras..open borders..racism..EU ‘funding’ for the UK, they simply refuse to accept that whether it be £3.50..£350.00 or £350 million IT’S OUR MONEY YOU MORONS.
All the remainiacs were ‘YOOF’, all the leavers were older people, the inference was disgusting..old people are finished, they have no future but you do and it’s been that way all along with the bbc, it’s sickening that the people who have worked hard to put this country in such a strong position are treated with such contempt.
My worry is that across the UK there resides many zombies who want the status quo and can’t see what dangers lie behind staying in the EU. I work for a telecomms provider, at the moment our New Site reps are unable to cope with the sheer amount of houses that are being built, and are in the planning for the near future, that require a fibre provision. I’m talking of thousands of homes across swathes of green belt in the North West of England…thousands!
By coincidence there was reports recently that the North of England is taking the largest amount of immigrants in the UK at the present time. Very few new roads being built, no new hospitals, no new schools, just the same old shite infrastructure, socialism is a race to the bottom, the UK will change beyond all recognition very quickly and it will be too late to stop it and that is my worry…is our leave vote just a token protest vote?
I fear it’s too late for the UK, I’ve long thought that the downfall of the EU won’t come from the UK, many in this country are simply too cowardly for that, but what I have seen on many social media sites is the uprise across the EU of people who have had enough of liberal socialism and it’s warped, morally repugnant and lawless ideology..as much as I’d like to think the UK will save Europe from itself once again I can’t help thinking we’ll have to wait a bit longer and fall a bit harder. Time will tell. Good luck for tomorrow.
The real issue is the zombie economy flush with made up money. Its what has made the rich uber rich and the poor mistakenly think that neoliberal cuts are the fault of the EU. Anyone thinking that on the 24 th they are going to wake up to a new dawn needs their head examined particularly since some see this as a way to keep black people out of the UK.
Ive never read so much crap in my life. You are voting out because of socialism are you. That I presume is the socialism of the current Government which has seen thousands of disabled and unemployed impoverished , a NHS service that is withering on the vine. An education service that cant accomodate reasonable class sizes because Gove spent all the primary sector money on vanity free schools. The socialist government presumably you refer to that has a historic balance of payments deficit of 7% ,lowest productivity in the oecd , falling manufacturing investment and falling wage levels. That would be the socialist government of David Cameron and George Osbourne would it? Both staunch followers of neoliberalism along with Grayling,Gove and Johnson amongst others. And where is the EU in all this. Absolutely nowhere to be found. Because we were free to chose our own government . Think its going to be different? Think again!
Yes, it could be a collective effort. After all, we know for a fact that the EU has employed paid trolls and who would put anything past pondlife like Cameron?
Well, I suppose desperate times call for desperate measures 😉
Nice to know we are worthy of such keen attention.
I’m just happy to have a chance to roll out old evidence which seems to have been forgotten, even the Remainiacs economic case is fatally flawed, and its their best argument.
That, and calling the rest of us racists for daring to say we like immigration, and foreigners – but we don’t like uncontrolled immigration of jobseekers or benefit tourists, and the inability to screen out the minority with criminal records who pose a danger to the public.
Is that a serious point? If you need to ask that you’ve got a problem.
If you believe any gvnmnt runs this country you’ve got a bigger problem.
You really see a difference between camoron and Bliar or osborne and peter hain (i’m sure you’ll remember remploy). Everything you described above sounds like a socialist utopia.
Interesting you blame everything on the tories, nothing on the liebour fuck up of a 13 years, naa, it’s all the neoliberal conspiracy bollocks. Tories into liebour, liebour into tories, the same shit every 4/5 years, except it’s getting worse by the day with the EU pulling their strings, why do think liebour want Corbyn out, he isn’t tory enough for them. The EUsers take our money, give a bit to the poor and keep the rest for themselves like any champagne socialist would.
Also interesting you attribute none of your shite stats to mass immigration, ‘ain’t no black fella’s, bruv’ What a cunt you are.
And here’s me thinking traitorous, white man hating, devious, mummy’s boy, guilt junky, self-righteous wankers like you wanted to do the thinking for the plebs!
……oh no hold on a moment…
– “Think again!”
Everything back to normal! Same old privileged lefty scumbag always knowing best!
And are you sure you are not a racist, nazi, far right, Islamaphobe for using ‘man’ in your name?! The lunatic lefty manual mandates ‘person’ as not to discriminate! You vile woman and transgender person hating bastard!…..
And more importantly there’s nothing manly about you, you weak, spineless, shit stain! Traitors like you are only able to exist because of the sacrifice of the real men of yesteryear…and look how you and your kind have honoured that sacrifice? Giving away everything they fought for because you are so detached from reality from your privileged, sheltered life! And that privilege has created some weird brain illness in gobshites like you where you utterly hate everything about your own people and you will happily destroy everything that makes us British
Excellent. We will probably be defeated. There are no lengths the power structure will not go to to make sure this happens. Maybe not in the vote itself but in the aftermath.
The shires hopefully will vote overwhelmingly to leave. This will finish the Tory party in it’s current form. Also the shires will start to feel their real strength and make the elites fearful at last. What London does is irrelevant now.
The EU will start to decay first in the old east and the refugee crisis will become unmanageable. The EU will only be able to survive if it becomes the tyrrany it always was going to be.
The best way to look at this vote tomorrow is to regard it as a first step into an unknown future as are all first stages of great change. Every single revolution has started this way. This one will be no different. Not just about politics but a long awaited counter revolution against the decadence and self absorbed worship of the unreal liberalism of the last 70 odd years. Reality will return to Europe . It could all go very badly wrong of course but that’s life and nothing can be guaranteed.
I have had the same experience Steve when asking people why they will vote Remain – On a number of occasions I have been given the answer (in a special whiney voice) “I just feel that Remain is the safer option”
Depressing moral of this story is that if you throw enough lies and exaggerations at a subject which plays on peoples fears. Many people will buy into this “feeling” rather than objectively looking at the facts.
Probably for the same reason. People may well buy into the “feeling” that the death of Saint Jo the Pure, was bought on by Nigel Farages poster. The poster portrayed a fact but we cant have facts influencing an election campaign. Its not the lefty way. Unfortunately bolstered by Aunties and the MSM wall to wall coverage. People probably see Leave as the negative side and quickly forget Camerons and the Leave sides, almost total inability to tell the truth.
Yes there are a lot of positives if we leave the EU. But surely the negatives such as uncontrolled immigration are all part and parcel of why we must leave. Since St Joes murder by the evil Nigel Farrage – Effective migration control has become the ” Voldemort” of policies. It must not be named. Even though without it our society will be irrevocably changed for the worst.
Maybe Leave has been wrong to tell it as it is. But I believe that if you believe in democracy – as we do you have no choice. As a nation we would not have got through WW2 without being pragmatic.
Interesting that the left have not been nearly as frank and do not seem to possess the same reluctance to spin and lie and fabricate. Just a pity that so much of the population these days appear to act like babies, only capable of “feelings” and almost seem incapable of independent thought when presented with cold, hard solid evidence. Remain sounds nice and cosy – and full of love unlike Leave which give us unpalatable facts.
Go away real life – baby wants mummy and bitty!
People have a natural reticence against change (I do in fact). What they dont realise is that if they Vote Remain one thing is for sure “Change is a comin” and I think they wont like it.
Maybe we are a lot closer to being like Sweden than we realise.
The problem is the leave side has proffered no evidence whatsoever. What effect will Brexit have? ‘Why! A few bumps in the road my boy!’ ‘Lets have faith in the British People’ etc etc absolutely no facts.
The real question is why pro euro Boris has sudenly become anti euro Boris. You dont have to be too bright to figure that one.
It must be close – trolls out in force tonight to try to put doubt in the minds of any undecided voters who may be reading here!! Nice to know we are valued, and that our output is meaningful 🙂
Evidence, evidence, where’s that damn evidence… ah yes, here it is:
Fears that Brexit would hit trade are ‘wide of the mark’
A British exit from the European Union would be good for the economy, according to one of the City of London’s top forecasters.
Extreme claims from political groups arguing that Brexit would be a disaster were “wide of the mark”, Capital Economics concludes in a detailed report.
This is a forecast saying that we’d be better off after Brexit by a respected, independent forecaster from the City of London, who would be out of a job if they got their forecasts wildly wrong.
The Treasury, on the other hand, seem to keep their jobs no matter how much “bollocks” they churn out. In this case their doom-and-gloom predictions were based on highly negative assumptions of trade deals with the EU post-exit, while other models were far more benign.
As we’ve seen from today’s announcement by the leader of the German CBI putting up tariffs post-Brexit would be madness and is extremely unlikely to happen as it would hurt the Fourth Reich worst of all.
So even on the economic front Remain have no case, and certainly no “evidence”.
It starts in School Oak. As soon as they are out of nappies, they are snatched by left/liberal ‘teachers’ whose daily indoctrination takes super-strength bleach to wash away.
I remember when I was in my later years at school, including 6th form, we had 1 hour per week of “General Studies”, which was basically an ad-hoc lesson covering a very broad range of subjects. I remember we had a particularly inspirational teacher who treated us as individuals, and with respect. I clearly remember one lesson where he came into the classroom as asked all the kids a very simple question – “What is money?”. I can also remember some of the answers, but sadly, most adults these days still give the same answers as a bunch of naïve 16 year olds. On that basis, what hope is there for the younger generation in particular to make an informed decision tomorrow. Project fear has raged on and on about money, but most people don’t even know what it is, where it comes from or how it works. It’s all done deliberately of course. If you educate the plebs about money, they might be able to make it work for themselves rather than it collecting in the hands of a few.
By the way, my 13 year old daughter has 2 hours of “Ethics” every week. Depressing!
Amazing isn`t it?
Oaknash rightly says that some people that staying in the EU will keep them safe…it`s the less risky option apparently.
It`s as if Qatada, Choudhury, 7/7, Bataclan, Brussels, Charlie Hebdo, Cologne, Malmo…need I go on?…never happened..and that the EUs serial incompetence, open borders and dereliction of duty somehow make for the “safe option”.
Srebrenica?…Kiev?…Tblisi?…my God, the EU is a walking time bomb of malicious stupidity-Catherine Ashton in yoke with John Kerry FFS?….Bob Ainsworth, Geoff Hoon and Douglas Hurd?…what the hell does any Remaining oaf think that Putin or al-Bagdhadi think of THAT sack of shit “defending us?
These people who are prepared to piss in the Magna Carta, chuck hundreds of years of case law and precedent into Junckers lap…these are freedoms that greater types than us died for…and we want our kids to be stuck on prozac until Islam takes hold, practice their self assessed FGM before leaving school?
Sorry you cretins who are prepared to stay with your baby teeth, in the hope you`ll be sucking at Brussels paps as you`ve done thus far…Islam is going to knock them out of your fetid mouths, and you` deserve all you get…traitors!
No-FAR more dangerous to your health to chain yourself to the rail by the engine room as the Titanic hits the iceberg-especially when the fat cats have hogged the lifeboats and their media creeps have welded the escape hatches, so we burn or freeze.
” Any people willing to give up permanent freedoms for temporary security deserve neither”-so said Benjamin Franklin…and all his successor can do is say what Cameron writes for him…desperate.
It is interesting that Channel 4 was offered a replacement UKIP member in place of Nigel Farage, but they refused. Surely this strongly suggests that they wanted Nigel Farage to be there principally to be ‘bait’ – to be the target for all the Remain spokesmen to smear and excoriate, and do all they can to damage him personally and diminish the ‘Leave’ message. Kudos to Farage for avoiding this.
Oaknash, this may be relevant. Its a newspaper clip I kept from last week. It is both a warning and praise from those nations seeking “OUT” of the EU clutches…
About the EU fear campaign. I kept this link from the Telegraph Letters page from 17th June (last Friday). It warns of the UK FEAR campaign being orchestrated and that has been used before on at least five other occasions when any country questions the running of the EU and decides to leave. When the EU has made such threats previously ‘in all cases none of the promised cataclysms failed to materialise’. It is a message of hope for other nations to succeed after we have decided to leave… Switzerland is doing very well outside the EU, and so is Denmark.
(This link will open in a new window, just click on picture to enlarge text to read).
Would this be the paper owned by the non tax paying non dom billionaire Barclay brothers. Yes they really do have a keen interest in the great British public. So I wonder why all the non doms have suddenly taken an interest in a country liable to change its employment laws.
As for Farage – Martin, he was always going to be the fall guy – boo hiss! murderer -dont the lefties just love it, its their very own Colosseum – thumbs down -die you bastard – Whos next!
Clapped out man – I dont normally bother with trolls as you are all too normally full of piss and wind and self importance !
But since it is the election eve I will just this once reply – Can I politely suggest you piss of back to mummy for bity and maybe a nice warm safe space. Maybe she can sing you a sleepy song – Whats it to be ?
I know “The In Crowd” !
Aside from all the insults thrown, I’m not an advocate of bringing parentage into the mix, but as the ‘mummy’ referred to above clearly was a hard worker during the War – as mentioned by her offspring in a previous post, I would suspect she may not be around now.
So a group of anti-EU campaigners from Denmark, Iceland, Norway, France and Switzerland are saying that they’s seen “Project Fear” before and its doom-and-gloom prophesies never come to pass.
Personally, i do not care if it costs me a few hundred quid a year for a few years to leave. In fact i would gladly pay to leave the “club”. Must say, i do think boris is a fraud though, and if we do escape there is a lot of dead wood that needs urgent clearing. Vote leave!
And yet… “Fears that Brexit would hit trade are ‘wide of the mark’”
A British exit from the European Union would be good for the economy, according to one of the City of London’s top forecasters.
Extreme claims from political groups arguing that Brexit would be a disaster were “wide of the mark”, Capital Economics concludes in a detailed report.
I thought he had been buggered off from this site to be honest, but i suppose these days you must have a troll ,”in the interests of balance” ,as they say.
GCooper, I suspect the BBC may have ‘duty officer’ web monitors – akin to bored 1950s National Servicemen in Berlin listening to Russian broadcasts for hours on end. Once in a while they had a bit of fun listening to jazz on American Forces Radio instead. Their modern BBC counterparts get their kicks from a bit of trolling!
To be fair, Sheila Hancock is a good actress and can make any old shit seem quite valid. Clearly, if we dare to leave the EU, the Luftwaffe will start to blitz London again on the 24th June. Vote remain or the East End gets it!
Why are so many actors, and media liberats pulled in to the EU debate ?
Its because the luvvies are actors ‘campers’ and posers who have never done a day’s work in their lives. They live off the working class people’s hard earned money. Money they pay to escape from the mundane workplace to be entertained by people who are at ‘play’ in the pretend world of people like Bob Geldorf ……….. http://www.kentonline.co.uk/sheerness/news/spend-a-week-fishing-with-97731/
The obvious question to ask Ferguson is -is the photograph genuine and does it portray the situation on the EU borders and given that would you say it showed that the EU was in total control of it.
Never asked of course but this is Evan Davies and the BBC.
Ferguson is not very impressive these days.
He probably still wants to get invited to the right sort of dinner parties, and therefore must be seen to distance himself from the populist scum of Ukip and its 4 million racist voters.
Yup, hopped over from Sheila Hancock myself-via Heseltine and bloody Niall Ferguson.
Never seen such a shower of monkey faeces getting thrown at Nigel, at Boris…and it`s so f***in predictable and relentless from all the mainstream media-can only assume that they think that we`re so stupid that all we`ll retain is what Amber Rudd says or fatty Soames/Heseltine have blustered.
And now-we`ve got Michael Cockerell-who knew that HE was alive with his Belsen impression?…and all aimed to smear Boris as I listen on Newsnight?
Desperate liars…thank God, very few listen to Newsnight…but News it `ain`t…just libel.
Come on Cliff-we need a class action against the BBC now.
Talking of Heseltine, I heard him say on the radio yesterday that everyone knew that joining the Common Market was accompanied by political union. I am old enough to remember that Heseltine and his cronies used to decry Enoch Powell for saying that joining the Common Market would mean a political union and therefore a loss of sovereignty.
How dare he not be labelled as a downright liar. How dare he even show his face. One of the biggest hypocrites ever to enter politics.
Never trust a word he says. A complete lowlife.
Of course there was going to be an EU army to replace NATO – everybody knew that. Of course the UK was going to lose its veto. Everybody was made aware that the UK was having to go into the Euro.
Michael Cockerel now reviewing the campaign, apparently highlighting all Boris’s gaffs and Cameron’s succeses. Thy even went back to school and university reminding us of Cameron’s first and Boris’s second.
Cameron is being presented as reliable, intelligent , sensible, Boris as a chancer, a showman, not to be trusted.
To discuss it, includes Isabel Hardman (remember the twenty something hack who made her name by complaining about a man complimenting her looks in the HofC a couple of months back , good move for her, eh?)
BBC says Remain is ahead in the polls? Utter rubbish. Poll of polls now Remain 43%, Leave 44%.
All to play for.
Opinium – the company which got it closest at the 2015 General Election – is saying Leave have a one point lead, but margin of error is greater than this (3%).
Looks like the outcome is going to be decided either by turnout or by the undecided voters (11%) – or by the 7% who don’t answer surveys about voting intentions (probably older generation).
The cynic in me says the reason the YouGov poll shows a 1% lead to Remain is to condition us to expect this result, but let’s wait and see.
For fun, see how many believe the vote will be rigged – and how many think Remain and Leave are lying.
Some of these may well be reading this site now to try and get more information – why not give them some of the stories they will have missed on the BBC and some reasons they may have missed to vote leave.
Taffman – thanks for posting. That is an amazing speech. It’s simply inconceivable that any contemporary politician, particularly a Labour one, could make such a speech. Compare that to today’s parliament, with MPs sniffling and sharing remiscences about Jo Cox as if Parliament was a funeral tea being held in a suburban taproom.
Didn’t, wouldn’t, couldn’t watch the Ch4 debate. I’m overdosed. Twice I watched Cameron make a fool of himself. Twice I watched Andrea, Gisela and Boris face down a barrage of abuse from the likes of Rudd, Eagle, Sturgeon, Khan, Davidson and O’Grady. Tonight I chose the football.
And I’m glad I did, because just as we are voting to Leave tomorrow so all our home nations bar one (sorry Scotland) plus Republic of Ireland have stormed through to the last 16 of the Euros to show just what we chaps on the British and Irish islands are made of.
Oh. And sweetest of ironies. ROI’s victory over Italy meant that Turkey were sent packing.
Newshite having one last session of ultra bias! Did Nicholas twatt really forget his summary of the leave campaigns main points, or was it a clever ruse to portray them as forgettable?? Unbelievable, laughable display of bias. Hope cliff takes them to the cleaners, unfortunately we’ll be footing the bill.
Lobster thank you so much for posting that; I am a great admirer of Jacob Rees-Mogg and his crystal clear analysis and discussion of the EU and how it affects the U.K.
That is one of the best speeches I have seen by him. Thanks again.
I watched the C4 “debate” earlier “chaired” by Paxman (WTF has happened to him lately?) it was absolutely appalling.
It was far, far worse than that BBC debate from Wembley Arena; which was poor but this was more like the Jeremy Kyle show. Farage was quite correct to avoid it, if indeed he did, simply a dreadful, half-@rsed waste of time.
I hope that we prevail tomorrow and begin the long process of turning our country around.
Have you noticed just how rude the remainers are? Constantly interrupting and talking over people. Simon Schama was his usual obnoxious self, to name just one.
Poor old Sandie Shaw was wearing shoes for once, but seemed utterly preoccupied with some minutiae about recording royalties. Obviously that trumps a thousand years of history then. Truly, a puppet on a string it would appear.
Still, it was good to see Alastair Campbell spouting his bile on the remain side. A man who personally wrote a tissue of lies to get us into a war. People were hanged at Nuremberg for less. Seeing people like him on the remain side is always helpful to remind any doubters which way to vote.
He is an intelligent patriotic gay man who can destroy anyone in an argument. There is no way the BBC would want him anywhere near a studio during the referendum campaign.
All the ‘innards’ tell us we must ‘remain in’ to effect a change in the EU.
Well , they have had over 40 bloody years to change the useless oligarchy and it has changed ‘diddley squat’ except loose Britain’s world trade and industrial base .
The Germans seem to have finally woken up to the reality of Brexit. The Maischberger talk show on ZDF was billed as “The Brexit bomb: Will Europe be blown apart?”. Overall it was strangely sympathetic to the Brexit position. There would be financial turbulence, perhaps a loss in growth of 2 to 3%, nothing much would happen immediately after a Brexit. There was also agreement that losing the British contribution wss significant and that they did not want to be “left alone with the French” as they were not free marketeers. Losing the foreign policy strength of Britain would also be a setback for Germany. The EU man Asselborn, Luxembourg foreign minister, got a surprising amount of stick for the EU’s inability or unwillingness to reform, its lack of democracy, its remoteness from the people, the euro crisis, its inability to control or even react the migrant crisis, its interfering, its arrogance. Britain would not be punished by German business as it was in everyone’s interest to trade freely. The EU might use its imagination and come up with something acceptable and novel for a brexited Britain. The EU was very unstable and Brexit would mean disintegration of the EU. Saint Jo was mentioned as having a negative impact on the leave campaign . Nevertheless, they all thought Britain would vote Remain. I hope British voters are not this timid and seize the opportunity to escape the EU prison when there is a chance to escape.
Regards the Jo Cox murder being a possible Psyops operation.
New information has come to light of how this could have been put into operation using a lone mental patient, identified a decade ago by his subscription to a magazine in the mid 1980‘s, and with an ideal target, a politically correct metropolitan remain supporter, but not a middle-class hypocrite born in a posh area. As I guessed correctly, it seems the murderer had a change in his medication in the last fortnight. He seems to have been taking a type of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor drug, which would suppress his desire to murder Jo Cox until the drug was withdrawn, or changed with dummy drugs by a mentor, such as an intelligence officer posing as a member of the BNP. Reports say he found plans on how to manufactured his own weapons in his shed, using plans found on an American website thirteen years ago, so the SSRI antidepressants have been suppressing a desire to kill until recently, possibly a remarkably coincidental timing?
Police would be held back from questioning him on certain issues until he seemed to commit suicide, but I guess that would only happen after the result of the referendum.
The fatal attack on Jo Cox seems to be a replay of the almost fatal knife attack on. Henriette Reker when she was campaigning to be mayor of Cologne in October 2015 just before actual voting took place.. She of course won the election. There were claims that man who attacked her shouted “something about immigration” The attacker was supposed to have been involved in the right radical politics and mentally unstable. The emotional incontinence after the attack never reached British levels of hysteria., but leading politicians waffled things like “our democracy is under attack” “social media are promoting hate speech” etc. The interior minister Maas put lots of pressure on the US-owned social media to restrict their lax ideas about freedom of expression which was putting dangerous thoughts in the lower orders’ heads. I must say Maas is one of the most sinister politicians I have ever encountered in his determination to shut down any criticism of “refugees” or the government’s response to “refugees”.
The Jo Cox martyrdom, however, seems to have provided a pretext for even the most insignificant of German local politicians to appesr on the media and whine about death threats and the extraordinary amount of invective their electorates are heaping on them. One virtue signaling Landsrat indicated his unquestioning support for Merkel’s “Wir schaffen das” policy in a local newspaper article entitled “The boat is NOT full”. He is puzzled why people snub him in the street and upset by the many anonymous threats of violence. “All these people can’t be Nazis, can they?” he asks looking perplexed.
I don’t really believe conspiracy theories but I have read somewhere that Reker’s attacker was a Bundesverfassungsschutz informant.
Reker blotted her copybook by suggestng after the Cologne attacks that young women not “refugees” should modify their behaviour.
Hi all, I have been observing this blog for a while and am so glad I have found it, please guys keep up the good work.
As the discourse seems to be concise and intelligent I shall try to adhere to the house rules. In a nutshell what got me here was seeing weeks and weeks and weeks of the BBC covering the migrant crisis showing only children and women, then seeing the first boat that landed in Greece (after the 1-1 deal had been agreed with Turkey….lol… they didn’t mention the cold hard cash turkey demanded as a sweetener) which showed not a single woman or child yet if you believed Al-beeb the whole of the migration crisis was photogenic Arabian women and children, not Sub Saharan Africans of my age (not exclusively, the same heart pulling Middle Easterns that used to beat me up and rob me as a young white Londoner on my way to college). I’m sure none of you are surprised but that was my awakening, as corny as it sounds.
Anyway my point, I am a young voter, 26, I live in London, have done my whole life. I’ve seen an anti London sentiment on the site and as a Londoner I absolutely don’t blame you, London is like America, but worse. Also as, and please forgive me if I’m wrong, I do believe most of you are of say my mum/dads generation I would just like to let you know that having done polling of my own, contrary to the MSMs version of patronising “the youth” ie my generation there is still a 50/50 split in regards to Brexit/Remain. Anyway there’s my introduction, I hope you will welcome me and we can have intelligent discussion about what the F*** is going on in the UK.
On a sad note and the reason that prompted me to post is the really sad and weird situation surrounding Jo Cox, I am not a conspiracy theorist yet last year, 14th February 2015 I lost a friend that was 21, she had mental health problems and took her own life. The reason I quote this is having watched Jo Cox’s husband speech (2nd vid in the article – http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/obscene-brexit-campaigners-spark-outrage-8258353) and as someone who lost someone in their life arguably far less influential than a wife I have no fucking idea how that man can stand there with literally no emotion in my opinion just 6 days after her horrible death. Perhaps he has dealt with mourning and thus I am being naive and young however I attended the funeral for my friend in the “audience” if you will and I cried throughout the whole service which was 1 month after her death. My point being that I was truly grieving for my friend, any thought of her would bring floods of tears that were completely uncontrollable. How on earth this man can speak about his wife with no shred of emotion is absolutely beyond me. Then again, I am proud to be a centre middle guy, I have a bachelors degree which thankfully has taught me to question both sides of any argument and provide references (or in this case experiences) before making an off the cuff comment. However this reference is a personal experience and as someone else on the site said I seriously smell a rat here. Also one other thing, why on earth bearing in mind the press were photographing the sweat box (prison custody van, I’ve been in one… don’t ask) as so called Thomas Mair came out of court are there no pictures of Thomas in the sweat box. As I say I’ve been in one and if memory serves me correct there are only 6, if not less, boxes to put people in so I am seriously questioning why the press have so far produced a picture of essentially you’re stereotypical BNP supporter. They could have modelled him directly on the Operation Black Vote poster.
Sorry for the rant guys but things just don’t stack up at the mo. I hope that, like what I have read thus far, you guys too smell something fishy. Anyway, I’m human and therefore fallible, I could be totally wrong and perhaps your first grievance is your worst and you are able to deal with it emotionally better every one thereafter, fingers crossed I won’t learn that analogy too well but if anyone can make sense of what I’m saying and provide feedback, if I am wrong I will be the first to accept. Hope this to be the first of many and it is truly an honour to stumble across a community that seems to think in sync with my, what I previously thought to be, warped mind.
I agree about Brendan Cox. If I had just lost someone dear to me I would be incoherent for at least a week. Certainly I would not be responding to questions from ‘journalists’ and using the death to score political points.
“I’ve seen an anti London sentiment on the site and as a Londoner I absolutely don’t blame you, London is like America, but worse.”
You won’t hear it from me though. I’m from the Bradford area, now living in the Yorkshire Dales. About as different from London as you can get. My children live in London and wouldn’t recognise your description. Depends where you are I suppose. I was brought up on “Londoners/Southerners eat babies”. It was smug nonsense then and it’s smug nonsense now, IMO.
You should try living in S/W Yorkshire for a while. No shortage of bad attitudes, but it’s very convenient being able to blame London for every failure. It’s a useful prop. Educational standards are still going down, and have been ever since the fine northern grammar schools were abolished, yet many people here don’t lament their passing. The fact that most of the towns and cities around here have kept socialism on life support for decades goes unnoticed. The dynamism of the industrial revolution was killed off years ago. Immigrant and non immigrant violence is far worse than reported, and so-called “metropolitan attitudes” are not difficult to find out here in the Dales. It’s a state of mind, not geography, and the contempt some urban escapees have for the less fortunate people still stuck in Dewsbury and Bradford would make Hampstead wince.
I seriously recommend you stop apologising and try living somewhere else for a while.
I’m with TheBrutalTruth on his comments about grief. My physically fit nephew died suddenly at the age of 21 from meningitis. Although”only” my nephew, I couldn’t have given a coherent press conference on the day of his death, or even a week after. If it had been my wife, whilst still in the prime of her life, shot down in cold blood I can’t even imagine how I would have reacted.
To be fair; everyone grieves differently and maybe twitter was his outlet to channel his grief, and going public his means of coping. If there was a left-wing conspiracy to commit this heinous act, I would doubt very much that the husband was involved. I’m not normally a conspiracy theorist, and beyond Bilderberg and Common Purpose find most theories laughable. However, the timing of this murder was so convenient to the left, and the other similar examples that people brought up does make me wonder on this one.
Well, Mr Cox had to leave his cushy Save the Children job after many allegations of “inappropriate” behaviour towards women, so his political marriage to Mrs Cox may have been more Bill & Hillary than Terry & June. The way he is using his two small children as props is most distasteful, they cannot know what is happening, the poor things.
It seems to me as if he is angling to take over her safe seat in an uncontested election. Let’s see what happens.
Totally agree with your feelings that the treatment of the whole Jo Cox murder is fishy.
1. It is being used politically to promote Remain
2. It was used politically to bury bad news about the Rotherham rapists’ sentencing
Her husband is a very politically active and, IMO, self serving man who is putting his politics before his children. He was a special advisor to Gordon Brown before joining Save The Children. Only 9 months ago he left STC after a kerfuffle over “inappropriate” behaviour towards other women, which he “strenuously denied.” When STC failed to investigate the complaints the women threatened an “almighty fuss.” He then left.
Welcome theBrutalTruth. It was the BBC’s reporting of the migrant crisis that brought me here also. As a former resident of Hungary I know that its people are in the main decent and hospitable and they would not turn away those genuinely in need. I realised something was very wrong in how the crisis was being portrayed. I agree with you about Jo Cox’ s husband – very strange – but if I turn things around and think how I would react if my wife had been killed by, say, a UAF supporter or a Muslim extremist – my first instinct might also be to salvage what I could from the situation.
Welcome BT.
” ……… idea how that man can stand there with literally no emotion in my opinion just 6 days after her horrible death.”
People grieve in varying ways. Remember how Kate McCann got absolutely slated in the media for her apparent ‘cold’ persona at the disappearance of her daughter Madeleine ? some weep and wail immediately to the point of making themselves ill, others are literally ‘numb’ with shock and envelope themselves with a protective shield with ‘delayed reaction’ kicking in later. There is no grieving template, we all react differently.
On a personal level, my husband at a young age, literally collapsed in front of me at home with a heart attack without warning and died (not a violent attack, but no less traumatic). Surprisingly I didn’t go white overnight, to others I was functioning normally, but it took 2 weeks and the funeral before realisation kicked in that I would never see him again, and then the buckets of tears fell. So I never condemn the reaction of the grieving, because unless you’ve experienced it first hand, no-one knows.
It has been my feeling for a long time that there will be no serious change in this country, even if the Brexit vote succeeds today, until the youth of this country rise up with one voice and demand it. As they did when they saw Mrs T’s unworkable Poll Tax as an injustice. They rebelled in the street and wouldn’t pay it. End of Poll Tax!
So it is very interesting and very good news to hear such a thoughtful comment from a 26 year old. When the young people of this country realise how they have been callously conned by the EU elite, who are working evermore towards a communist dictatorship along the lines of China, I believe then and only then will change happen.
The EU may see their control over every minute detail of our lives as benevolent but surely when what has happened in Greece and the other Mediterranean countries, where they have been throttled out of democracy, money and jobs is fully understood by the younger generation there will be big, big trouble. I am amazed it hasn’t happened already. Perhaps it has but you will not see it on the BBC (or Sky or ITV).
The students of this country are already being heartlessly penalised by having to pay such outrageous sums towards their education now and I would not be surprised if the EU were the one behind that policy. It was after all the Labour party started charging students and closing grammar schools by the way, Jo Cox was I believe a grammar school student, then they (Labour) slammed the opportunity gate behind them. The Conservatives just racked it up ten notches. They are all in cahoots and in that regard I suppose that our friend on the bus might ramble on a bit but I think even he has grasped that point.
Today we vote for Independence for Great Britain or to be ruled by the following:
1. Donald Tusk – President of the European Council of Ministers
2. Jean-Claude Juncker – President of the European Commission. There are 28 other Commissioners who’s word is Law as soon as they make a decision. Juncker is known for liking a tipple or two (or more) at our expense.
3. Martin Schulz – President of the European Parliament.
4. The President Council of the European Union (not the same as 1 above). It rotates every six months, currently it is between Netherlands, Slovakia and Malta.
5. Mario Draghi – The President of the European Central Bank.
6. Baron Koen Lenaerts – President of the European Court of Justice
7. Vítor Manuel da Silva Caldeira – President of European Court of Auditors.
Not many Brits were there? But we are told we have an influence if we are IN. More little porky pies from Project Fear and the silk lined pocket brigade.
Anyway, there may be even more than SEVEN but no more time now. I have to go and vote.
Welcome ! Great to have a “youngster ” here. I had to laugh at your comments about London. Yes it does get a bit of a bashing here but we Scots get similar treatment sometimes !
It’s the night before Brexit. Hopefully!
‘Over the top’ tomorrow lads, and you will be facing an enemy with much greater firepower than you. It will be the British spirit which will have to carry the day. Now to be honest I didn’t think there was enough of that left in the UK. When I left the UK in 1968 I was disillusioned with the direction the country was headed. I felt both the Conservative and Labour parties were out of touch and had simply given up on the place. And later the decision to enter the EU merely confirmed my feelings. Later Tony Blair’s campaign for separatism inside the UK and the importation of an alien replacement population was, I believed, the last straw.
However in recent years I have been back more often and I notice a growing pride in Britain’s history and nationhood that wasn’t there even 15 years ago. I am not imagining this, it it is growing. Simon Heffer in the Telegraph a few days ago wrote about an “upsurge about the value of being British, that we have not known since world war two”. So I think a close result which does not see immediate victory will still rent the smug oligarchy and signal its eventual demise.
It is so good to see patriotism alive in Britain again. Please note I am not a hardline Nationalist or against internationalism in some areas, but if British people showed half as much patriotism as the Aussies and Kiwis do for their countries it would be a much better place. It would have more respect across the world. A people that is ashamed of itself, ashamed of its history and culture, so weak that it allows it’s population to be replaced by aliens deserves a sad fate. The shame should be on the class of degenerates that infest the Remain campaign. George Orwell warned about this in his essay ‘The Lion and the Unicorn’ which I strongly recommend. Sadly Orwell was soon to die and was not around to help us further.
Tomorrow, see it as the first charge against the castle gates. They may split, or may not but they will be severely damaged and be prepared for the next charge. There is a storm coming across Europe, probably in 2017.
So there is my ‘St Crispins Day’ encouragement. From along way away though (But returning soon, hopefully for good)
In the meantime all the best for the 23rd and thanks to those who have been campaigning against the odds for so long!
Everything British is fashionable worldwide at the moment. British goods are regarded not only as dependable and top quality, but an icon of aspiration and success.
China are lapping up everything British. They buy everyday goods from our auction houses and sell them for a huge profit at home.
And I’ve lost count of the amount of times I’ve seen the Union Jack and British branded goods and clothing on TV and film footage shot in other countries. It makes you wonder if leaving the EU would cast us a ‘weak’ or ‘strong’ group of people?
Put it down to over-emotional old age, providing enough years to remember how things used to be, Yasser, but those words brought tears to my eyes.
Thank you.
One encouraging factor for today’s referendum is that whilst FaceBook may have been responsible for encouraging the mostly Remain younger people to register to vote online, they still actually have to get out of their beds and vote in person or go to a post box for a postal vote.
I dread the day when people can actually vote on FaceBook!
“I’ve never seen so many Englishmen cheering for Ireland”
That’s new boy Dan Walker on the BBC sports room during last night’s Ireland Italy match. You see it’s a point of principle that the metropolitan media liberal must be seen to sublimate his own patriotism to that of the celtic fringe.
I want anybody but England to do well-pity that Wales and N.Ireland can`t both lose at one and the same time…and what kind of game is THAT?..always the dead rubber at the Home Internationals as we stuffed the Scots(er, depends on the era!).
And it`s NOT because I`m anti all three countries, got friends in all, have been to all and enjoyed myself in each.
It`s because of the smarmy patronising BBCs gloop that gets poured of the plucky little celts and rebels around the Isles…basically, they sneer and despise England, and big up its enemies-Sturgeon, McGuinness, Plaid or the IRA.
I myself pick and choose when I support England-and i`m at that point where the scorn poured on them from Bush Towers at the Beeb turns me into a raging patriot with my Bombadier beers and contempt for the self loathing BBC.
Wanted Portugal-not Iceland though, a better test of if we`re any good…but hope N.Ireland hopefully will beat the Welsh-and wonder what the BBC prefer on this one…can`t they both win…or join hands, make daisy chains in the centre circle and play one half each against the next rounds opponents?
No doubting-the BBC are utter arses(c/o Lord Morgan of Glossop…RIP-aha!)…but let them squirm on the Today show as they plump for one or the other-slyly as ever….
Well, chris, there’s 50m or so of ‘us’ but we may need to be rescued by some Gaelic & Celtic common-sense and courage if the majority of ‘us’ vote for ..
Oh! You’re talking about the football. Sorry, didn’t realise. Red face.
Crap-I`m Irish descent and wanted the boring nondescript sloppy sends from Motherwell etc binned.
Lucky and crap at one and the same time…and only the banners from Sligo and Mullingar prevented me from asking God to boot them out…great fans as we all know( the BBC tell me so).
France will stuff them I hope…serves them right for choosing the Euro…
And as I say, I`m proud of my Irish heritage-but not the caricatures of New York 94 and big Jack and Mrs Brown-no country I can support aafter their cultural abasement…Michael O Higgins and Colm Toibin finished me off!
With all love and respoct to my mum and dad.
I did my bit this morning, seemed fairly quiet at the polling station apart from two security guards talking in Hungarian!
There’s been debate on here about whether to use a pen or not – as I have been unable to get a satisfactory answer on this (and I certainly wasn’t going to ask the clerks) I settled for using the pencil, but scoring very heavily so that an indentation was left on the ballot. Anybody coming at it with a rubber will find that a bit tricky!
Ditto Cranmer, accompanied by feelings of paranoia on my concern for the ease with which a pencil mark can be altered. Tellers will simply look for a cross, not faint traces elsewhere. Dear God what has this referendum done to our nation?
With regards to postal votes, it actually said on them use a black ink pen , so we did over two weeks ago giving the French and UK postal service that long to get it across the water. We ordered our crusader outfits when the Beeb sneered at them and got them from the UK in four days. And we both voted OUT. Yes it could cause us serious problems here in France but people survived abroad before we joined the EEC and we’ll survive after we leave the EUSSR.
BBC Bias or an attempt to distort British democracy or both? You judge.
Like many people these days, I look at the BBC web-site for news first thing, including a look at the newspaper front pages, usually accessed via a clicky ‘The Papers’ half way down the main News Page. Today the usual photos of the front pages are missing. There is some slightly sinister text there today: ‘The EU Referendum is covered on most front pages. However, the BBC is reporting only factual accounts of the vote throughout polling day.
How can photographs of the newspaper front pages be anything other than a factual account of the vote throughout polling day, seeing as they are sold & bought on Polling Day and, in reality, are printed the day before? Is it the content of the front pages that the BBC hierarchy does not like?
This smacks, at best, of censorship. at worst, it is a deliberate attempt to distort the Referendum vote. On the face of it, a disgraceful thing to do.
Has anyone seen the front pages at the newsagents? Are there a majority of front pages urging a particular vote or am I being too paranoid about a clumsy decision by a junior web-manager at the BBC? I have notified them of the missing content. I wonder if it will appear before or after a formal complaint in an hour or so?
Whatever, it is not a very fine form of tribute to Jo Cox. I wonder if she would have approved?
It is censorship and quite rightly there to prevent al-Beeb from telling everyone to vote Remain. All broadcasters are basically prohibited from saying anything other than “there is an election”. Imagine if al-Beeb were allowed to show the front pages today. Do you think it would be even-handed?
On the way back (didn’t want them influencing my vote 😉 ) from the Polling Station, AL, I did a quick review of the front pages. I made it two neutral front pages, two for Remain and five for Leave. Is that assessment reasonable?
Had the BBC just shown photos of those front pages, without comment, that would have been, in my view, purely factual reporting of Referendum Day and could not be criticised in any way. The fact they appear to me to have been, at the very least, a little biased toward the Remain side throughout the campaign now makes the removal of those front page photos rather important.
I would be protesting and posting exactly the same had the BBC done the same with five newspapers calling for a Remain vote. That would have been the completely even-handed thing to do.
The newspapers do the ‘telling’ how to vote, AL. What is there to stop anyone walking into a newsagents and be ‘told’ how to vote there. By being non-factual, the BBC have created a distortion, an ‘influence’. Do you see the difference?
It’s a very ‘Cold War/Communist’ thing that the BBC have done. Growing up with all that going on in the news as a kid, as well as meeting Eastern Europeans during and afterward, has left an impression on me! What is not said, or what is not shown, was important behind the Iron Curtain then and – worryingly – it is now starting to show its face and become important over here.
For once the BBC are obeying the law. The relevant Acts of Parliament are: sections 319(2)(c) and 320 of the Communications Act 2003, and Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights. Broadcasters should also have regard to relevant sections of the Representation of the People Act 1983 (as amended) (“RPA”).
This is all covered in section 6 of the OFCOM regulations: Referendums and Elections.
Complain to your MP or OFCOM if you don’t like it but in this instance BBC are complying with the law.
Guess that they`re done with the party bags that were doled out in Trafalgar Square-who knew that it was so easy to co-opt public spaces to suit the BBC and their Referendum Campaign?(the one that Labour should have been fighting…but this is not the time for harsh words, unless you`re Nigel, Boris or Donald).
Party bags done-body bags next…a seamless shift conducted by the emoting fascists of the BBC and Guardian.
Hope to God they`ll crawl into their own body bags tomorrow when we`re done with them…please God, let`s see this in our lifetimes.
……….out in Trafalgar Square-who knew that it was so easy to co-opt public spaces ….
I thought that too ChrisH, – doesn’t it take weeks of planning with various ‘bodies’, like traffic control, insurance companies, hire companies, the police, local council ? etc etc yet all this red tape appears to have been demolished in a matter of days (2 of which was the weekend), no doubt ‘people on high’ made some very important phone calls to get it organised. I’m having an ‘O’ birthday shortly, any chance the Albert Hall and a few sarnies will be available for a few chums at short notice ???
Twas the night before Brexit and all through the land
People were quivering from toe to hand.
Where to put their confident cross?
Out or In: Gain or Loss?
They’d listened to Boris, and Gove and Dave.
Who was the wisest; who the most brave?
George was deluded and Juncker too;
What they said was just not true!
The papers said this but the media said that.
Could they believe it or was it old hat?
But lo, in the darkness there came a bright light,
There to guide them on Brexit night.
The Boris Bullet, the Gisela Gun
And brilliant Andrea – she’s just a mum!
They spoke in a language we all understood.
Now this is more like it; simple and good.
So stealthily, quietly, determined and brave,
Upright and steadfast from birth to grave
The Brexiteers spoke with their pen in their hand
To save their country, its people and land;
Uphold our values so magnificent and true
Escape from fat cats and bureaucrats too
Shiftily stuck in the b****y EU.
They placed their cross in the box on the paper
This was no joke, no jolly or caper.
This was our future, our life ahead.
They voted with heart and with a clear head.
This was their voice; they had their say,
They voted for Independence Day!
I’m off to vote!
My die is cast. Whatever the outcome, the old two party political paradigm will be dead and buried after today. A win for Cameroon et al will sound the death knell for the Tories for he will not have planted his tanks on Labour’s lawn but rather in the middle of La Manche. Corbyn meanwhile has also sold his core vote down the river, and although he did his best to hide in a cupboard for most of the campaign there will be no hiding place as the full extent of the coming Euro- crash reveals itself over the remaining period of this parliament.
If, however, the basic commonsense of ordinary folk triumphs over the fears, smears and downright dishonesty of the Remainiacs then both Messrs Cameroon and Corbyn will be toast anyway. So fear not comrades, however this drama plays out the winds of change are blowing….
Good point Gunner. There’s been gloom on here with people saying Brexit is our last hope, etc. I am more positive. A ‘Remain’ vote will not be the end of the matter. To quote the 16th century Protestant martyr Hugh Latimer, whatever happens, ‘we shall this day light such a candle, by God’s grace, in England, as I trust shall never be put out.’
It would be great if we win today, but if we don’t it’s just the beginning. The EU will crumble as other countries in Europe fall into anarchy from mad Merkel’s migrant gamble. France will go for Le Pen, others are sharply turning right..and in the UK no serious Conservative brexiter would ever vote Cameron/Osborne again. Even if that means a bonkers socialist government they’re likely to be eurosceptic and anyway they won’t last long.
Remainers winning today just means postponing the inevitable.So be of good cheer!
Agree Gunner. Labour is in dire trouble, its traditional white working class voters have finally realised that Labour , with the help of the Mirror and BBC ( they don’t bother with the silly Guardian) , has been selling them down the river for years, since 1997 at least. Provided that UKIP can step into the void left by Labour and represent these folks and earn their votes , Labour is going to lose 100’s of thousands , perhaps millions of votes. Of course we can expect the BBC to ride to Labour’s aid and try even harder to convince voters that mass immigration is good for us. Look forward to an all out BBC offensive on this front. But now the Genie is out of the bottle it will be a devil of job to put it back in.For the first time ever the Referendum has allowed the topic of immigration to be thoroughly aired and the wool has been removed from many voters eyes. But these folks are not highly politicised and UKIP must work hard to keep their awareness and anger at a high level. I am sure that UKIP can do this.
So even if there is a Remain vote I think the referendum has done this country a great service. It can also catalyse the collapse of the EU by promoting a tidal wave of people power against the EU from all over Europe. People across the EU are angry and want their voices to be heard. After all people in Italy , Greece, Portugal , Spain and even France have more reason want out of the EU than we do. This referendum has shown how the Struggle for Europe has become a battle of the EU Elite against the people and their democratic rights.
The BBC and other MSM will do all it can to suppress this stark narrative of Elites v People and to provide an upbeat alternative analysis , but I think that the Struggle for Europe is becoming the narrative of more and more people across the continent and my advice to the Elite is to cede power gracefully or it will ripped from your grasp.
How Remain are trying to get the yaang people out to vote.
Call your stupid old Nan, who knows fuck all about Europe and might vote to leave.
This is the argument that goes with the picture.
#CallYourNan Your Nan has always cared about you. Whether it was your birthday, school play, Chrimbo lunch or the odd visits in between, Nan was always excited to see you, taking great interest in your life and doing all she could to make sure you were happy.
But now, Nan could really muck it all up for you.
Your Nan, like a lot of Nans, will probably be voting to leave the EU. Unlike you, she hasn’t been able go and find herself for a year in Berlin, know a crazy Italian guy who throws great house parties, or know what a tariff-free single market is.
If your Nan understood what being in the EU meant for her grandkids, then maybe she might be willing to change her mind. It’s time for an intergenerational chit-chat.
Please like and share. #EUreferendum #VoteRemain
Tomorrow Belongs to Us eh?
If only Hitler and Goebbels had had the Internet and the texting and instagram facilities that todays groomers do at the BBC and Guardian.
I`m with Cranmer and others above-reckon we`ll win but troubles coming…we`ll need that Five year election law of theirs rescinded very soon anyway,because it`s all going to get rather ungovernable very soon.
Well done Cameron-the lazy oaf competes with his Eton chums and ends up splitting the country 50/50…those who want to live our won lives -and those who seek an Imam to surrender to , but currently are pinballed between the BBC. Guardian, public sector demands and a wish to be nice as their kids are led to Cologne or Malmo…
And, as I say-I`ve now lost half the bitchfest crap I`ve indulged too long-any cretin who votes to stay in can phone Winifred Robinson or Stephen Nolan from now on…they deserve all that`s about to frappe them!
They say wisdom comes with agr and experience That’s why people tend to move to the right as they get older, and that’s why it appears that older people are more likely to vote Out. Older people remember pre-EU and that Britain, for all its flaws, was happier, freer and more democratic. Outers also know that not being in the EU doesn’t mean you can’t travel to these places. I’ve been to Norway, Switzerland and many other non-EU countries and they’red not in the EU. All the arguments put up by the Innards are false and most are complete lies.
agr = age. non-EU countries are clearly not in the EU. (Der on my part). My excuse is that I was called away just as I finished typing it so didn’t check for errors.
I can’t see young folks in Greece, Spain , Italy etc voting to stay in the EU , can you? Bring on the Year of Revolution. After all those young folks having no job to lose unlike most of our silly youngsters.
Absolutely. A key part of the Remaniac betrayal is the way they have sought to manipulate young voters who are the ones who are the most affected by adverse changes to our labour market.
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tomoMar 9, 19:00 Weekend 8th March 2025 [img]https://i.ibb.co/GvF7X1Wv/chrome-s-ZDH9-BFCow.png[/img] The BBC have a team chaperoning him …. maybe
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Once we leave the EU, Britain can impose a 200 mile fishing limit. The Royal Navy can police the 200 mile limit with much better warships than Iceland did when it won the Cod War. This would be very good for the conservation and recovery of fish stocks, because the British fishing industry would need to recover before it threatened stocks in Home waters. Also, because Iceland is a Western European nation not a member of the EU, it has not just got control of its 200 mile limit, but also has a per capita GDP ranking 13.1 percent higher than Britain, has a free trade agreement with China and sorted out its naughty bankers.
And no Mr Clapham Omnibus Man, I do not believe the Labour voters of Hull are superior in intelligence to me because they vote Labour. That fact proves that Clapham Omnibus Man must be less intelligent than almost all immigrants in Britain. According to IQ studies, only Jewish, Korean and Japanese immigrants are superior in intelligence to European Immigrants who have a similar average IQ to British people. So I suggest that we introduce an Australian based points system for transportation to the remaining territories of the European Union, after Brexit, for Remain supporters like the inferior man from Clapham. This would lower the population, while increase the quality of life for all peoples, especially for people in Clapham.
Also, if you are a scientist, you can use a proxy calculation using pen and paper. I have used neighbouring Countries not in the EU for the proxy. I calculate that Brexit will bring at least a 12 percent boost to the British economy. The reason for this can also be inferred by the proxy, to less regulation, taxation and government control of the economy in these nations, as has been learnt by Communist China, as regards the lessons learnt from the highly libertarian economy of Hong Kong.
Of course all of this will depend on a purge of many still embedded still in place like ticks on Friday, elected and career public servants.
Still, baby steps.
One task at a time.
We could, but given our weak poltiicians it will be same old twelve mile limit and the Spanish and French stealing our fish!
In that case we need to elect stronger ones, and to stop being so squeamish about upsetting people. Most of the offence is bogus in any case.
Brexit will not in itself solve our problems. It will give us the tool we need – democracy – to put things right, but people need to wake up, and to stop voting along traditional lines.
What the kind of democracy that allows a Party to tear Britains infrastructure apart on 24% of the vote, a second unelected chamber, the quashing, or hiding or delaying of reports significant to the conduct of elected officials,the suppression ,manipulation or outright corruption of Police evidence, widespread snooping on a par with China. That democracy! Got you. Apart from all the above you seem to have completely missed the main actor in our society and that is the role of the economy and specifically the City of London, who elects officials on the basis of how many they employ and whose activities are not covered by the freedom of infomation act.
“Got you.”
You think?
Manon, have you measured the growth of the ‘City of London’ from, say 1990 to date and set against it the UK’s manufacturing sector as a whole, over the same period?
In other news…
‘The costs will be an FOI secret, held for the purposes of journalism’
Natürlich. Remember… tell it often enough.
Glad the tits versus arse balance was bang on, even if the BAME factor was 7.3 on the Lenny Scale.
Speaking of fallout…
Whatever the result there will be an accounting. Even the BBC may not be immune.
Not BBC related, but more manipulation going on, this time betting odds. I’ve Just read this:
The author is suggesting that betting could be being manipulated by wealthy remainiacs placing huge bets to skew the odds, making it look like remain is a dead cert. In fact, a couple of days ago I was tempted to hedge a few bob (quite a few bob actually) on remain because it looked so certain. At least if remain won I would get a bit of a sweetener even at 1/3. However, the more I thought about it, the more I got uneasy about the whole thing. Now, bookies are in it for the money, so if they think a Brexit is on the cards, it’s in their interest to get the money piling on remain. So, given the herd mentality, if the odds for remain are so short (1/4 at the last look) people will ‘risk’ a punt given the perceived near certainty of winning. The whole thing then self-perpetuates. However, the odds aren’t telling the whole story because the individual bets are massively in favour of Brexit to the tune of about 3/1, but each individual bet is of lower value, considerably lower in fact.
So, what’s going on? Are the remainiacs trying to make it look like the Brexit cause is tanking, or is it just the bookies up to their tricks?
Incidentally, I posted this on the last thread, but my local paper today conducted a straw poll of 1300 people in the town centre, and Brexit had it 64/36, similar in fact to the proportions of bets mentioned above. Let’s hope this is reflected across the country tomorrow, but being a natural pessimist I fear remain will have it 55/45 when the undecided vote for what the mistakenly believe to be the status quo.
I predict that the Innards will get between 51 and 52% once the postal votes have been counted (or weighed in some constituencies). It will be like the recent Austrian election all over again.
Sadly that is my prediction too, close , close enough tthat a little tampering can swing it.
Where is his evidence?
“Where is his evidence?”
Of what?
I have not believed the polling for sometime. I would have expected on average to meet at least 2 people for Remain out of every 5 people I ask which way they would decide to vote. My unscientific straw poll of all the people I have asked over the past month would equate to about 65% for out, and the balance were either remain or undecided.
Someone else I know did a similar straw poll, but with a much larger contingent, and he reckoned about +70% of those he met he met were for out.
I suspect the inner city results (and probably those from greater London) would be heavily pro-remain. Where were you asking?
Indeed. Daughter working in London says EVERYBODY in her office is Bremain and bigoted,sneering at Brexiters as narrow minded xenophobes. She was a fence sitter but so pissed off with them she has decided on Brexit, but she says unless there are ‘shy Brexiters’ its almost entirely Bremain among people she knows..
I suspect Taxi drivers are all for Brexit!
I heard indirectly from a hospital doctor that all the Portuguese nurses in his hospital were supporting Brexit. They only came to the UK because of the state of the Portuguese economy in the euro, and they all wanted to put one over on the EU.
These aren’t necessarily Remainiacs, just hedge funds or arbitrageurs playing two different markets. If Remain wins then they make money off the bookies. I suspect that the other trade to hedge that is shorting sterling against the euro so that they would make money if Brexit wins. I suspect that the prices in the two markets do not correspond and there is money to be made from the arbitrage by people with deep pockets/
I have £95 on Brexit for a profit of £925. I also hedged with £120 on Remain at ‘7/4 on’ for a £70 ‘profit’ from Remain. I was hoping the odds on Remain might improve a bit, but I was a bit tiddly after the football and should probably have put £166 on to be fully hedged.
Anyway, I’m clearly hoping for Brexit and an £800 total profit. If Remain win, I think we’ll all have bigger problems than a £25 loss.
That Michael Crick on C4 is as odious as any al-beeb shit-stirrer reporter. With Allegra Stratton and Peston transferred to the private sector, there must be an opening for this cnut at the BBC.
Kuenssberg states “His [Cameron’s] team insist they had no choice, that it wasn’t sustainable to carry on without offering a referendum. It was though, a political choice, not a response to overwhelming demand from the general public.”
Actually you lying bitch, there was a massive demand for a referendum – about 50% of the population as it turns out, but your f***ing lot didn’t want to listen! We’ve been demanding a referendum for 40 years!
She goes on “To be honest I’ve heard plenty of voters still asking and wondering out loud why we are even having the vote in the first place. Some people are angry about that”
Of course they’re f***ing angry you stupid cow, they are the remainiacs who don’t do democracy unless it’s in their favour. If we’d had a referendum on whether to hold a referendum, the result would have been absolutely identical to the actual referendum. Every remainiac, to a man, would cancel tomorrow’s vote given half a chance. Them and the EU make perfect bedfellows, they deserve what they get.
Very good points neil. Kuenssberg is not the brightest turd in the cess-pool.
Demon, you can’t polish a turd. And the BBC is unpolishible.
They may want an un democratic EU now because the control of the EU is in ‘liberal’ hands but what happens if it became a right wing fascist EU , and it could happen?
Try getting rid of that lot then . They have not thought about that .
taffman, I’m more concerned about radical Islam eyeing the EU with keen interest. After all, the dictatorial structures are firmly in place for the imposition of a Europe-wide caliphate and the enormous trough is there for the guzzlers. Should the UK vote Remain, the likes of the present mayor of London would naturally gravitate to one of the top dog posts in such a caliphate.
But I’m convinced that Brexit will win handsomely and that the caliphate will just have to do without the UK once the country has extricated itself from the tentacles of Brussels.
Actually Cameron thought he would never get a majority which is why he promised the right wing the vote.
The fact that any fuckwit thinks that this is democracy in action is a complete joke. It has about as much plausibility and intellectual content as an England away match. This leave vote is driven principally by race hatred. Its on the posters for christ sake. What is really frightening is that Boris is one of the biggest supporters of neoliberalism. You people are being seriously played. Come 24th you will still be ruled by a government voted in by 24% of the electorate. Instead you will vote for a man who firstly has no strategy,secondly is just a bog standard MP,thirdly is going to hide illegal immigrants in the stats and forthly going to close EU economic migration in favour of Africans and Indians. Great thats just what we need.
Man on the clapped out bus, its not about ‘race’ but ‘space’. You talk a lot of Bol..ks
Still waiting for you comments on Al Beeb’s bias ?
You are a ‘Man of Straw’
No ,in this competition between Eton v Eton its about who ultimately rules the Conservative nation with a bunch of quasi religious ignorami cheering on the surrogate match of England v Johnny Foreigner.
Perhaps you havent considered whose interest it is to bring in cheap labour. The ‘lefties’ whoever they are, or the businesses who profit. After the referendum are you seriously expecting business to change course? Are they that patriotic not to have transfered work opportunities away from the British worker to the cheap labour of Asia?
Current politics entirely depends on the stupidity of the electorate and personaly people that vote for slogans are plain stupid. It must have been fun at Nuremberg
Agree there, Manon. Dave is a flip-flopper, anything to grab and hold power. Have you seen how many photos of him show him with that determined look and clenched fist gesture?
“This leave vote is driven principally by race hatred.” Here you are resorting to pure bunkum and trouble-making. The EU is not about race or nationality any more. Since WW2, Europeans have been criss-crossing the continent more than ever before and that was before the EEC! Pay attention lad!
“Its on the posters” If you are referring to that clumsy PR ‘Farage poster’ are you aware that it may* have been a news agency photograph already published in ALL of the UK’s main newspapers?
“Come 24th you will still be ruled by a government voted in by 24% of the electorate.” There was a wonderful, beautiful sentence at the end of one episode of the West Wing which coincided by one of our General Elections won by Labour. It was possible that that Labour Government was a minority in terms of the total electorate eligible to vote at the time.
Anyway, President Bartlett is campaigning and talking to a hall full of people and, referring to Polling Day, he says, “Democracy is for those who show up.”
*I do not have firm information on this so if anyone does, please post.
Don’t hold back, neilw. Tell everyone how you really feel!
I stuck this in the last huge Open Thread, and although I’m preaching to the converted (or dense in the case of our resident Beboids) I’m putting it back here as it gives my reasons for my vote.
I have postal-voted already. I am proud to tell everyone of my choice:
I voted for Hope over the certainty that things will get worse
I voted for the Future rather than the failed past
I voted for Freedom over tyranny
I voted for Democracy over dictatorship
I voted for Prosperity over poverty
I voted for England over those who are always trying to destroy it
I voted for the United Kingdom against the various National Socialist groupings that despise it
I voted for the British People over international corporations and big business
I voted for full Independence over none
I voted for World Influence over none at all
I voted for access to World Markets rather than the inward-looking little EU
I voted for Pluralism over socialism
I voted for Peace over terrorism
Ultimately, I voted for Choice over obedience:
I voted Out.
Vote Out, you know it makes sense.
Vote out for your children and your grandchildren’s sakes.
Vote out as it’s the last chance for prosperity.
Vote out for freedom, democracy and happiness.
Vote out so we can all laugh at the extremists and haters who despise the working man (and woman) so much, as well as the fat-cat corporations, socialists, fascists etc. who want to see us destroyed.
So heres a man that thinks the fat cat corporations will disappear on the 24th. Where do they come from I wonder! Ever heard of Globalisation?
Thanks Demon, here’s my post from the Start the Week Open Thread,
Here’s what the EU is hiding until after the referendum – coming to an EU country near you soon:
1. A Euro Tax ID For Everyone
2. Fresh Plans for an EU Army
3. Scheme to Hand Out 1 million UK Visas to Turks
4. Compulsory European Programming on Netflix
5. Ruling on Muzzling British Anti-Terror Police
6. Demands for Even More Cash
7. Banning High Power Kettles and Hairdryers
8. Hiking VAT on Food, Medicine and Kids’ Clothes
9. Kicking UK Off International Organizations
10. Suffocating London’s Art Market
11. Compulsory EU ID for Internet users (Thanks GCooper)
12. Turkey membership talks restart June 30th (Guido)
And here’s what we already know the EU gives Britain:
1. Open borders, unlimited, uncontrolled immigration
2. Time-limited cap on benefits tourism
3. Brussels override on national sovereignty
4. 60% of laws made by unelected eurocrats
5. Stifling red tape for businesses
6. Protectionism and tariffs to fastest growing markets
7. Subsidy of inefficient French and Italian farmers
8. Doomed Euro
9. Stifling low growth in EU
10. Mass youth unemployment in EU periphery
11. EU thought police shutting down free speech
12. Fishing policy which has decimated the UK industry
13. Millions of £££ to Brussels
14. Anti-democratic EU Commission
On the Remain side, they think we are more secure in the EU which according to them has given us peace since WW2 (actually it’s NATO, and the EU army will destabilise the status quo) and they guess that Brexit will harm the economy but I wouldn’t trust the Treasury to predict that a horse will win the Grand National.
I know which side my money’s on!
Mike, yes that’s frightening, and only bus-bound imbeciles can’t get their few brain cells to work out that the EU is saving up all these nasties for after the referendum. We certainly are going to a worse place, as is the rest of the EU and possibly the world, if freedom loses the vote to the Innards. Vote out for a chance to see those sun-lit uplands, as Churchill mentioned, rather than the new dark age that the EU is concocting.
Rumour has it Nigel Farage has pulled out of tonights Channel 4 debate citing ‘family reasons’.
I hope that all is ok with Nigel’s family. In a way it is probably a good thing for Nigel not to appear tonight as I would dislike the haters in Remain turning the last chance to sway the undecided voters into a hate Nigel fest and cloud the real reasons why people should vote to Leave.
Hopefully it is nothing serious. Regardless, I am sure the left/Remain will offer Mr Farage the same compassion and sympathy as it did to the family of Jo Cox.
Nigel has made his contribution to our society, and need never work again.
Single handedly he got us this Referendun, for which I have nothing but eternal thanks.
Reckon we`ll win,,,but even if we lose…well , we`re going to have a long hot summer of migration in the next few months…we`ll have our EU Army and bile thrown at us from the Eurocrats sine die.
AND-when some Remain Twat moans about NHS waiting lists, kids not getting on the housing ladder, Cologne, 7/7(pt 2) and kids not being able to get to a school where FGM and a hijab isn`t due soon….remind them they`re Remainiax…so suck it up and fuck off!
Know for sure 1`ve lost a few friends….if they`re putting a quiet life and a nice slide to retirement before Cologne or Bataclan, then I don`t want to know `em anymore…leave them to it , but don`t listen to their squauks.
Let You and Yours provide their cold shouider for the fuckwitz!
Except it was the Conservative party that has imposed cuts on the services you mention not the EU. You really need to keep up.
Man on a clapped out bus you need to catch up.
More people coming in to the country = more houses , more hospitals, more doctors , more schools , more infrastructure , more police, more carbon footprint etc etc .
you are a ‘Man of Straw’.
He should change his name to Mancan’tgetaseatontheomnibusnow, or Manstandingontheclaptrapbus, or Manleftwaitingatbusstopasallomnibusesarefullofenrichers.
Or just call himself ‘Scott’.
or LSD
Lonely Sad Dinlo
Man with the clap on a bus.
Nigel need never work again? He adopted that policy shortly after being elected as an MEP.
Dear God are you that angry for not being selected by Remain for Thomas Mair’s role?
Seems to me he knew exactly what he was doing:
WATCH: Jeremy Paxman left incredulous as Sandie Shaw argues EU’s benefits to music career
I didn’t watch it, and didn’t miss much apparently.
“The leader of Plaid Cymru has said she has been taken aback by the strength of the campaign in Wales to leave the EU.”
Plaid Cymru have been campaigning many years for independence and yet when the people of Wales want freedom from the EU she is taken aback ? Just like the SNP they want independence, yet are happy to jump in to an undemocratic oligarchy – Amazing !
On a positive note, most of the Welshmen in my area want out of the EU.
And mine.
And that is even more remarkable when you consider that Wales unlike England has been a substantial, beneficiary of EU largess.
Perhaps this is why that Leanne Coed is surprised her countrymen have not been bought off?
Leanne ‘Coed’ , V. Good ! 🙂 I am surprised she hasn’t changed it to that .
All the other bu….rs are ‘Welshifying’ their names to appear ‘Welsh’. Half of them are English or of half English parenthood.
Btw, its our money not EU money .
Leanne Pren would translate properly, as coed means trees.
But I like the idea……
Dad Welsh lineage back to the Ice Age with English-born Mam but Irish lineage there (back to the Ice Age too). There’s a lot of that model of mixed-race variety I suspect.
Would still make me a Celt I suppose.
I reckon the Pope (he who kisses immigrant’s feet while they sneer at him) could be easily persuaded to beatify Cox. Any supporters for a petition?
She may not have been a Catholic, but I am sure they can find a way around that.
Blair found a way around it for the sake of his kids private schools.
As the patron saint of communists.
In considering the future of the EU, who is to say that this vision is not correct?
Unfortunately, it seems all too plausible. All the more essential that we get out, and forge trade and other links with the outside, non-EU, world, and to do it speedily. Were we to remain, I fear for my country.
An excellent article, delivered with thought not rhetoric.
Superb article; thanks for posting it.
If you think the BBC is bad now, see how they behave if Leave wins.
Very true but if we can get a change of government close on the heels of a victory then we can start cleaning the broadcasting stables, too. This, of course, is something they are very aware of.
I can just picture Huw Edwards dressed in black, announcing a ‘Leave’ result in the same tones as used by Patrick Allen in that pre-recorded announcement of nuclear war that was used in the song ‘Two Tribes.’ ‘The UK has left the EU. You and your family must take cover…’
Wait to see how they’ll gloat for the next 6 months if Innards win.
Demon – yes – but what will be more interesting will be to see how the BBC covers stories to do with increased EU migration, increased laws etc (which in all likelihood are coming).
Manwaitingforabus has shown how that will be argued (no doubt after tactical meetings). All problems caused by the lack of infrastructure to cope with excessive immigration will be labelled at “Tory cuts”. That is despite the fact that both the coalition and conservative governments have ploughed more and more money (in real terms) into education, health, housing etc.
It’s an easy, lazy cop-out for the left. Keep telling lies about Tory “cuts” and the left-wing wet-dream of replacing the electorate with one that hates the UK, and England in particular, will be realised. All aided and abetted by the left-wing BBC.
Throughout the Obama V Rooney 2012 election and the Scottish Referendum UK bookies odds remained long odds on a Obama win & Scottish No Vote.This was despite the persistent talk that the Obama/Rooney contest was too close to call and the Media/Cameron panic over 1 opinion poll in the Scottish referendum.
Bookies have kept Remain long odds on because either their odds compilers believes strongly in a Remain win or because the serious punters do.As a regular punter on politics I myself had few doubts that Obama would win in 2012 or that Scotland would vote no and I have little doubt that Remain will win tomorrow.
I got a leaflet today in my post box from the local Labour party recommending people vote to Remain because of the economic damage Leaving risks doing and this will be the decisive factor for those floating voters tomorrow
The only thing we can hope for is that the bookies are as right as they were about Leicester winning the league, but I share your prediction, especially when the postal votes get weighed.
Just a minor point 7Clubs, it was Romney not Rooney. The idea of Coleen as First Lady doesn’t bear thinking about!
She’s got more class than Michelle Obama at any rate.
Over the last few days I have been asking those who say they will vote Remain some basic questions about the EU. Questions such as:
Who is the EU Finance Minister and when do they set the year’s budget?
Give a basic description of how laws are passed in the EU and which body ratifies them?
None of them, and I mean none of them, know the answers. They can’t even spot the trick questions. So what the fuck are you voting for I then ask.
To be fair Steve, that’s no different to any other election. Few voters actually know what they’re voting for, but that’s the beauty of our democracy, we all have one vote and it’s down to individual judgement. Fred the binman’s vote carries exactly the same weight as the local headteacher. Of course, the political class sneer at the idea that uneducated or uninformed people get to vote, which is why we’ve had such a fear based campaign. They know the only way to make their case is to present a wall of ‘experts’ with some complicated numbers predicting doom and gloom, and that’s enough to make them take the ‘safe’ option and vote for the status quo. Sadly, the status quo is certainly not what is going to happen, but Brexit hasn’t been allowed to make its points when faced with the full might of the establishment propaganda machine.
I agree with you to a certain extent. However, most people in this country understand that the candidate getting most votes wins and the first party past the post forms the government. The workings of the EU is complex and convoluted; not by accident I believe.
Richard Pinder ………” According to IQ studies, only Jewish, Korean and Japanese immigrants are superior in intelligence to European Immigrants who have a similar average IQ to British people”
Well, whoever worked THAT statistic out clearly hadn’t taken into account the mental capability of David Beckham ! He has ‘disclosed’ that his maternal grandfather was Jewish, so considers himself of the faith, and ‘was part of it’ when he attended synagogue. Who’d have thought ? He’s having a rare old time of ‘outing’ himself this week, first on the Remain side, and now as being Jewish.
Blimey, was he circumcised? I always considered him to be a complete prick.
Lobster , you need boiling 😉
After the arrival of his first child wasn’t it David Beckham that said they wanted to get him Christened but hadn’t decided into which religion.
Hahahahahahahah……………….. One hopes he worked it out, inshallah.
Just to say, I’ve been on Pollstation just to find out what other polls are saying and they’ve got Leave on 81% and remain on 16% with 3% unknown. Wouldn’t it be marvellous if that was the result on Friday? Fingers crossed…
Come on guys , you are all getting defeatist ! The polls are unreliable . We simply don’t know who will win. We know the metropolitan left liberals , the Celtic fringe nationalists , all Irish citizens in the U.K. and immigrants will tend to vote remain. But what of England outside the London region ? If enough traditional labour voters opt for out then Leave has it .
“EU referendum: Juncker in ‘out is out’ warning to UK”
The other day we were told the the whole of the EU would be at risk if we left . Well Mr Juncker , ‘your call’ .
Mr Juncker, British people don’t usually like threats . Remember this famous statement,
Winston Churchill some 70 years ago: ‘Some chicken! Some neck!’
Funny the BBC felt Juncker’s warning is headline news. We’ve heard it all before. Yawn.
What was truely weird was Boris’ take on it. No logical sense whatsoever. Same as Farage telling his supporters to vote with their soul and with their hearts. Er Ive never flown an airplane like that let alone run a company. These people think they are running a born again Christian outfit.
Born yesterday more like.
Man on a clapped out, ‘What was truely weird’ is you posting on this site with no comment on Al Beeb’s bias .
Even funnier that a genuine threat (the riots in Calais) somehow slipped down the biased BBC’s memory hole.
If you didn’t know better you might have thought they might have been biased against Leave 🙄
Oops, hit report instead of like. Damn smartphone, not designed for big thumbs.
Missed a trick there didn`t we?
Having just heard Will Self accuse a black “Leave ” supporter as keeping racist company-if not actually being a racist herself(Self would have to investigate that further) on “Channel Four…er “News”-so they say?…we Leavers really should have infiltrated the likes of Channel 4 and the BBC to give us yet more “expert analysis” from such literary titans and leaders of the proletarian tribune like Will Self…Bonnie Greer…Caryl Churchill…that hideous asian one(Biddu?)…and assorted black gay guts like Ekowu etc.
And this could have been filmed from the Tate or from Hay…with opposing voices for the panel like those of John Prescott ,say and Chris Huhne…wives could do the tag team bit, wandering around the ring between rounds.
Now-all I needed was a name like Tarquin or Jacinta…given my name as related to Lord Longford or a Toynbee or a Straw…wore a linen suit and a Grayson Perry bonnet sculpture to the meeting…and this one show of liberal lefty fantasy would have ensured a collapse in any effort to vote remain.
This would in a real sense have had a fissiparous(ooh) vicissitudinous(ooh) and , nay-lugubrious( ooh arr!) plumpacious effect on the campaign…Will Self says so.
Poor sod needed to have had his cherry popped by Clems wfie..sense the bitterness drove him to swallow a Stanley Unwin B-side and made him think that he`s clever.
Worratwat-send him off to be chief EU pall bearer on Friday morning…he`s one hell of a loss to the dead druggie mortician trade isn`t he?
I had a Twitter off with bonnie ‘the bigot’ greer recently during an EU debate, she was just tweeting one lefty soundbite after another so I challenged her to prove one of her accusations, her reply was biting…”get back to your cave”!!
I nearly split my sides laughing, I calmy replied asking what she meant by the insult…no reply was forthcoming, I’m guessing she is friends with thornberry and abbott.
Now if you replied “get back to the States”, you would have been called a racist ! but its ok for her (as a black woman) to do the name calling. She ought to get back there and ‘do her stuff’ with Trump and see how far she gets.
Self was noticeably patronising and rude. It was very obvious. I assumed that he was the worse for wear maybe. I was surprised the lady did not hit him.
He does have a track record of ‘substance abuse’ (self-confessed, in case m’learned friend is up late and looking for a brief).
Well, it’s almost time, the X is due to go on my ballot paper…in pen and not pencil and I can’t wait to vote LEAVE! During the build up I, like many others, have spent the last few weeks perusing various media outlets, speaking with friends and work colleagues and debating the referendum on social media to gain an overall idea of what the outcome may be.
My findings in my locale have been overwhelmingly in the favour of LEAVE, friends have had enough, they are seeing their neighbourhoods changing before their eyes and they didn’t vote for it, they are seeing that many of these ‘poor’ immigrants are either not so poor or are simply people who don’t give a toss about the UK or its laws and they are seeing times getting harder and harder.
Workmates who are seeing contract work being introduced more and more are worried about where the future lies for their jobs, any new starter is on a significantly poorer package and we are hearing our employer wants us on that level, the union has done nothing to help its members but tell to tell us to vote remain. I am ending my membership and finding another union who will fight my corner when needed.
My contempt for remainiacs and the bbc during the debate has hit new highs. I’m afraid that I’ve found many remainiacs to be, well..thick! They are scared people, they are cowardly people, they are people who believe every lie that has been fed to them.
For example, on the bbc news today;
A 17 yr old kid screaming at Boris Johnson’s entourage as to ‘why would we take a leap in the dark, why won’t you tell me, is it because you think I’m illiterate and 17’?? Would that be the ‘dark world’ where lives 160+ countries who aren’t in the EU but are doing very well with their interaction with the rest of the world? It’s not that you are illiterate, son, it’s because you are a senseless twat, brainwashed by your education, clearly not worldly wise enough to make a balanced argument.
Then there was the YOUNG woman who worked behind a bar who said ‘my brother lives in Spain and I’m worried what might happen to him, plus I want the freedom to live in Italy If I want to’?? Good men and women died to give this utter moron the vote!! Because Spain are going to cut their throats by throwing out all of the Brits who have readily taken their money there, aren’t they!!
Then the YOUNG party goers sat at a table voting IN by 70/30..about the average on the beeb..who spouted the same zombie like mantras..open borders..racism..EU ‘funding’ for the UK, they simply refuse to accept that whether it be £3.50..£350.00 or £350 million IT’S OUR MONEY YOU MORONS.
All the remainiacs were ‘YOOF’, all the leavers were older people, the inference was disgusting..old people are finished, they have no future but you do and it’s been that way all along with the bbc, it’s sickening that the people who have worked hard to put this country in such a strong position are treated with such contempt.
My worry is that across the UK there resides many zombies who want the status quo and can’t see what dangers lie behind staying in the EU. I work for a telecomms provider, at the moment our New Site reps are unable to cope with the sheer amount of houses that are being built, and are in the planning for the near future, that require a fibre provision. I’m talking of thousands of homes across swathes of green belt in the North West of England…thousands!
By coincidence there was reports recently that the North of England is taking the largest amount of immigrants in the UK at the present time. Very few new roads being built, no new hospitals, no new schools, just the same old shite infrastructure, socialism is a race to the bottom, the UK will change beyond all recognition very quickly and it will be too late to stop it and that is my worry…is our leave vote just a token protest vote?
I fear it’s too late for the UK, I’ve long thought that the downfall of the EU won’t come from the UK, many in this country are simply too cowardly for that, but what I have seen on many social media sites is the uprise across the EU of people who have had enough of liberal socialism and it’s warped, morally repugnant and lawless ideology..as much as I’d like to think the UK will save Europe from itself once again I can’t help thinking we’ll have to wait a bit longer and fall a bit harder. Time will tell. Good luck for tomorrow.
Top post, Glen.
The real issue is the zombie economy flush with made up money. Its what has made the rich uber rich and the poor mistakenly think that neoliberal cuts are the fault of the EU. Anyone thinking that on the 24 th they are going to wake up to a new dawn needs their head examined particularly since some see this as a way to keep black people out of the UK.
Ive never read so much crap in my life. You are voting out because of socialism are you. That I presume is the socialism of the current Government which has seen thousands of disabled and unemployed impoverished , a NHS service that is withering on the vine. An education service that cant accomodate reasonable class sizes because Gove spent all the primary sector money on vanity free schools. The socialist government presumably you refer to that has a historic balance of payments deficit of 7% ,lowest productivity in the oecd , falling manufacturing investment and falling wage levels. That would be the socialist government of David Cameron and George Osbourne would it? Both staunch followers of neoliberalism along with Grayling,Gove and Johnson amongst others. And where is the EU in all this. Absolutely nowhere to be found. Because we were free to chose our own government . Think its going to be different? Think again!
The sheer volume of output is perversely impressive, but the new potty mouth style is unfamiliar.
Has the user name been gifted to one with more stamina but even less acuity?
Yes, it could be a collective effort. After all, we know for a fact that the EU has employed paid trolls and who would put anything past pondlife like Cameron?
Well, I suppose desperate times call for desperate measures 😉
Nice to know we are worthy of such keen attention.
I’m just happy to have a chance to roll out old evidence which seems to have been forgotten, even the Remainiacs economic case is fatally flawed, and its their best argument.
That, and calling the rest of us racists for daring to say we like immigration, and foreigners – but we don’t like uncontrolled immigration of jobseekers or benefit tourists, and the inability to screen out the minority with criminal records who pose a danger to the public.
“Where is the EU in all this”
Is that a serious point? If you need to ask that you’ve got a problem.
If you believe any gvnmnt runs this country you’ve got a bigger problem.
You really see a difference between camoron and Bliar or osborne and peter hain (i’m sure you’ll remember remploy). Everything you described above sounds like a socialist utopia.
Interesting you blame everything on the tories, nothing on the liebour fuck up of a 13 years, naa, it’s all the neoliberal conspiracy bollocks. Tories into liebour, liebour into tories, the same shit every 4/5 years, except it’s getting worse by the day with the EU pulling their strings, why do think liebour want Corbyn out, he isn’t tory enough for them. The EUsers take our money, give a bit to the poor and keep the rest for themselves like any champagne socialist would.
Also interesting you attribute none of your shite stats to mass immigration, ‘ain’t no black fella’s, bruv’ What a cunt you are.
– “Think its going to be different?”
And here’s me thinking traitorous, white man hating, devious, mummy’s boy, guilt junky, self-righteous wankers like you wanted to do the thinking for the plebs!
……oh no hold on a moment…
– “Think again!”
Everything back to normal! Same old privileged lefty scumbag always knowing best!
And are you sure you are not a racist, nazi, far right, Islamaphobe for using ‘man’ in your name?! The lunatic lefty manual mandates ‘person’ as not to discriminate! You vile woman and transgender person hating bastard!…..
And more importantly there’s nothing manly about you, you weak, spineless, shit stain! Traitors like you are only able to exist because of the sacrifice of the real men of yesteryear…and look how you and your kind have honoured that sacrifice? Giving away everything they fought for because you are so detached from reality from your privileged, sheltered life! And that privilege has created some weird brain illness in gobshites like you where you utterly hate everything about your own people and you will happily destroy everything that makes us British
Excellent. We will probably be defeated. There are no lengths the power structure will not go to to make sure this happens. Maybe not in the vote itself but in the aftermath.
The shires hopefully will vote overwhelmingly to leave. This will finish the Tory party in it’s current form. Also the shires will start to feel their real strength and make the elites fearful at last. What London does is irrelevant now.
The EU will start to decay first in the old east and the refugee crisis will become unmanageable. The EU will only be able to survive if it becomes the tyrrany it always was going to be.
The best way to look at this vote tomorrow is to regard it as a first step into an unknown future as are all first stages of great change. Every single revolution has started this way. This one will be no different. Not just about politics but a long awaited counter revolution against the decadence and self absorbed worship of the unreal liberalism of the last 70 odd years. Reality will return to Europe . It could all go very badly wrong of course but that’s life and nothing can be guaranteed.
Solid post DS.
I’m wondering if the likes of Gove, Boris, Hoey etc. would set up a new centrist anti-EU party after all this?
I have had the same experience Steve when asking people why they will vote Remain – On a number of occasions I have been given the answer (in a special whiney voice) “I just feel that Remain is the safer option”
Depressing moral of this story is that if you throw enough lies and exaggerations at a subject which plays on peoples fears. Many people will buy into this “feeling” rather than objectively looking at the facts.
Probably for the same reason. People may well buy into the “feeling” that the death of Saint Jo the Pure, was bought on by Nigel Farages poster. The poster portrayed a fact but we cant have facts influencing an election campaign. Its not the lefty way. Unfortunately bolstered by Aunties and the MSM wall to wall coverage. People probably see Leave as the negative side and quickly forget Camerons and the Leave sides, almost total inability to tell the truth.
Yes there are a lot of positives if we leave the EU. But surely the negatives such as uncontrolled immigration are all part and parcel of why we must leave. Since St Joes murder by the evil Nigel Farrage – Effective migration control has become the ” Voldemort” of policies. It must not be named. Even though without it our society will be irrevocably changed for the worst.
Maybe Leave has been wrong to tell it as it is. But I believe that if you believe in democracy – as we do you have no choice. As a nation we would not have got through WW2 without being pragmatic.
Interesting that the left have not been nearly as frank and do not seem to possess the same reluctance to spin and lie and fabricate. Just a pity that so much of the population these days appear to act like babies, only capable of “feelings” and almost seem incapable of independent thought when presented with cold, hard solid evidence. Remain sounds nice and cosy – and full of love unlike Leave which give us unpalatable facts.
Go away real life – baby wants mummy and bitty!
People have a natural reticence against change (I do in fact). What they dont realise is that if they Vote Remain one thing is for sure “Change is a comin” and I think they wont like it.
Maybe we are a lot closer to being like Sweden than we realise.
The problem is the leave side has proffered no evidence whatsoever. What effect will Brexit have? ‘Why! A few bumps in the road my boy!’ ‘Lets have faith in the British People’ etc etc absolutely no facts.
The real question is why pro euro Boris has sudenly become anti euro Boris. You dont have to be too bright to figure that one.
Are you still here troll?
It must be close – trolls out in force tonight to try to put doubt in the minds of any undecided voters who may be reading here!! Nice to know we are valued, and that our output is meaningful 🙂
Evidence, evidence, where’s that damn evidence… ah yes, here it is:
Fears that Brexit would hit trade are ‘wide of the mark’
A British exit from the European Union would be good for the economy, according to one of the City of London’s top forecasters.
Extreme claims from political groups arguing that Brexit would be a disaster were “wide of the mark”, Capital Economics concludes in a detailed report.
This is a forecast saying that we’d be better off after Brexit by a respected, independent forecaster from the City of London, who would be out of a job if they got their forecasts wildly wrong.
The Treasury, on the other hand, seem to keep their jobs no matter how much “bollocks” they churn out. In this case their doom-and-gloom predictions were based on highly negative assumptions of trade deals with the EU post-exit, while other models were far more benign.
As we’ve seen from today’s announcement by the leader of the German CBI putting up tariffs post-Brexit would be madness and is extremely unlikely to happen as it would hurt the Fourth Reich worst of all.
So even on the economic front Remain have no case, and certainly no “evidence”.
As one Tory MP said, it’s “bollocks”.
It starts in School Oak. As soon as they are out of nappies, they are snatched by left/liberal ‘teachers’ whose daily indoctrination takes super-strength bleach to wash away.
I remember when I was in my later years at school, including 6th form, we had 1 hour per week of “General Studies”, which was basically an ad-hoc lesson covering a very broad range of subjects. I remember we had a particularly inspirational teacher who treated us as individuals, and with respect. I clearly remember one lesson where he came into the classroom as asked all the kids a very simple question – “What is money?”. I can also remember some of the answers, but sadly, most adults these days still give the same answers as a bunch of naïve 16 year olds. On that basis, what hope is there for the younger generation in particular to make an informed decision tomorrow. Project fear has raged on and on about money, but most people don’t even know what it is, where it comes from or how it works. It’s all done deliberately of course. If you educate the plebs about money, they might be able to make it work for themselves rather than it collecting in the hands of a few.
By the way, my 13 year old daughter has 2 hours of “Ethics” every week. Depressing!
Neil whos ethics – I wonder? …..
So what do you think money is then? It is regarded simply as debt now but you may have a different idea.
Doesn’t Suthics complain about that, or do they get two hours as well, neil?
Amazing isn`t it?
Oaknash rightly says that some people that staying in the EU will keep them safe…it`s the less risky option apparently.
It`s as if Qatada, Choudhury, 7/7, Bataclan, Brussels, Charlie Hebdo, Cologne, Malmo…need I go on?…never happened..and that the EUs serial incompetence, open borders and dereliction of duty somehow make for the “safe option”.
Srebrenica?…Kiev?…Tblisi?…my God, the EU is a walking time bomb of malicious stupidity-Catherine Ashton in yoke with John Kerry FFS?….Bob Ainsworth, Geoff Hoon and Douglas Hurd?…what the hell does any Remaining oaf think that Putin or al-Bagdhadi think of THAT sack of shit “defending us?
These people who are prepared to piss in the Magna Carta, chuck hundreds of years of case law and precedent into Junckers lap…these are freedoms that greater types than us died for…and we want our kids to be stuck on prozac until Islam takes hold, practice their self assessed FGM before leaving school?
Sorry you cretins who are prepared to stay with your baby teeth, in the hope you`ll be sucking at Brussels paps as you`ve done thus far…Islam is going to knock them out of your fetid mouths, and you` deserve all you get…traitors!
No-FAR more dangerous to your health to chain yourself to the rail by the engine room as the Titanic hits the iceberg-especially when the fat cats have hogged the lifeboats and their media creeps have welded the escape hatches, so we burn or freeze.
” Any people willing to give up permanent freedoms for temporary security deserve neither”-so said Benjamin Franklin…and all his successor can do is say what Cameron writes for him…desperate.
It is interesting that Channel 4 was offered a replacement UKIP member in place of Nigel Farage, but they refused. Surely this strongly suggests that they wanted Nigel Farage to be there principally to be ‘bait’ – to be the target for all the Remain spokesmen to smear and excoriate, and do all they can to damage him personally and diminish the ‘Leave’ message. Kudos to Farage for avoiding this.
Oaknash, this may be relevant. Its a newspaper clip I kept from last week. It is both a warning and praise from those nations seeking “OUT” of the EU clutches…
About the EU fear campaign. I kept this link from the Telegraph Letters page from 17th June (last Friday). It warns of the UK FEAR campaign being orchestrated and that has been used before on at least five other occasions when any country questions the running of the EU and decides to leave. When the EU has made such threats previously ‘in all cases none of the promised cataclysms failed to materialise’. It is a message of hope for other nations to succeed after we have decided to leave… Switzerland is doing very well outside the EU, and so is Denmark.
(This link will open in a new window, just click on picture to enlarge text to read).
Would this be the paper owned by the non tax paying non dom billionaire Barclay brothers. Yes they really do have a keen interest in the great British public. So I wonder why all the non doms have suddenly taken an interest in a country liable to change its employment laws.
what employment laws dickhead , 33 years service threatened with compulsory redundancy , fuck all to protect me , these things simply dont exist
Says it all Phiilip really spot on!
As for Farage – Martin, he was always going to be the fall guy – boo hiss! murderer -dont the lefties just love it, its their very own Colosseum – thumbs down -die you bastard – Whos next!
Clapped out man – I dont normally bother with trolls as you are all too normally full of piss and wind and self importance !
But since it is the election eve I will just this once reply – Can I politely suggest you piss of back to mummy for bity and maybe a nice warm safe space. Maybe she can sing you a sleepy song – Whats it to be ?
I know “The In Crowd” !
Aside from all the insults thrown, I’m not an advocate of bringing parentage into the mix, but as the ‘mummy’ referred to above clearly was a hard worker during the War – as mentioned by her offspring in a previous post, I would suspect she may not be around now.
Excellent post Phillip!
So a group of anti-EU campaigners from Denmark, Iceland, Norway, France and Switzerland are saying that they’s seen “Project Fear” before and its doom-and-gloom prophesies never come to pass.
Let’s see if embedding the image works…
Personally, i do not care if it costs me a few hundred quid a year for a few years to leave. In fact i would gladly pay to leave the “club”. Must say, i do think boris is a fraud though, and if we do escape there is a lot of dead wood that needs urgent clearing. Vote leave!
Whatever any of that meant.
And yet… “Fears that Brexit would hit trade are ‘wide of the mark’”
A British exit from the European Union would be good for the economy, according to one of the City of London’s top forecasters.
Extreme claims from political groups arguing that Brexit would be a disaster were “wide of the mark”, Capital Economics concludes in a detailed report.
Almost everyone predicts a brighter post-Brexit future than HM Treasury, wonder why that might be, hmmm?
He’s probably having trouble understanding the English language.
I thought he had been buggered off from this site to be honest, but i suppose these days you must have a troll ,”in the interests of balance” ,as they say.
They probably let him use the hospital’s computer during the referendum campaign.
GCooper, I suspect the BBC may have ‘duty officer’ web monitors – akin to bored 1950s National Servicemen in Berlin listening to Russian broadcasts for hours on end. Once in a while they had a bit of fun listening to jazz on American Forces Radio instead. Their modern BBC counterparts get their kicks from a bit of trolling!
Oh Christ now we’ve got Heseltine almost crying with emotion over the aged actress Hancocks pre prepped monologue!
People falling for this shite… 🙁
To be fair, Sheila Hancock is a good actress and can make any old shit seem quite valid. Clearly, if we dare to leave the EU, the Luftwaffe will start to blitz London again on the 24th June. Vote remain or the East End gets it!
Why are so many actors, and media liberats pulled in to the EU debate ?
Its because the luvvies are actors ‘campers’ and posers who have never done a day’s work in their lives. They live off the working class people’s hard earned money. Money they pay to escape from the mundane workplace to be entertained by people who are at ‘play’ in the pretend world of people like Bob Geldorf ………..
S’all right for you, you’re in Cheshire!
Evan Davies flagging up the Farrage picture with poster and Niall Ferguson banging on about how wicked it was and encouraging ‘hate’.
The obvious question to ask Ferguson is -is the photograph genuine and does it portray the situation on the EU borders and given that would you say it showed that the EU was in total control of it.
Never asked of course but this is Evan Davies and the BBC.
Ferguson is not very impressive these days.
He probably still wants to get invited to the right sort of dinner parties, and therefore must be seen to distance himself from the populist scum of Ukip and its 4 million racist voters.
Ferguson has never impressed me anyway and he had to move to the Left to get a job at Harvard. Not a reliable person.
Yup, hopped over from Sheila Hancock myself-via Heseltine and bloody Niall Ferguson.
Never seen such a shower of monkey faeces getting thrown at Nigel, at Boris…and it`s so f***in predictable and relentless from all the mainstream media-can only assume that they think that we`re so stupid that all we`ll retain is what Amber Rudd says or fatty Soames/Heseltine have blustered.
And now-we`ve got Michael Cockerell-who knew that HE was alive with his Belsen impression?…and all aimed to smear Boris as I listen on Newsnight?
Desperate liars…thank God, very few listen to Newsnight…but News it `ain`t…just libel.
Come on Cliff-we need a class action against the BBC now.
Chris,h, serious question, what do you think of boris, given that it took him so long to pick sides?
Talking of Heseltine, I heard him say on the radio yesterday that everyone knew that joining the Common Market was accompanied by political union. I am old enough to remember that Heseltine and his cronies used to decry Enoch Powell for saying that joining the Common Market would mean a political union and therefore a loss of sovereignty.
How dare he not be labelled as a downright liar. How dare he even show his face. One of the biggest hypocrites ever to enter politics.
Never trust a word he says. A complete lowlife.
Absolutely right. Heseltine, not for the first time. was lying his head off.
In a few short years they will be saying “Of course we told you Turkey would be joining the EU, whatever gave you the impression they would not?”
Of course there was going to be an EU army to replace NATO – everybody knew that. Of course the UK was going to lose its veto. Everybody was made aware that the UK was having to go into the Euro.
Michael Cockerel now reviewing the campaign, apparently highlighting all Boris’s gaffs and Cameron’s succeses. Thy even went back to school and university reminding us of Cameron’s first and Boris’s second.
Cameron is being presented as reliable, intelligent , sensible, Boris as a chancer, a showman, not to be trusted.
To discuss it, includes Isabel Hardman (remember the twenty something hack who made her name by complaining about a man complimenting her looks in the HofC a couple of months back , good move for her, eh?)
It’s quite “tidy” though Aerfen – until it opens its mouth.
Now there’s a good South Wales word mun !
After BRexit we will have PMexit and Osbornexit, champagne and fruitcake all round.
You forgot the nut(case)s.
The insults are getting more frenetic.
Methinks the enemy are panicking – “Hold your fire until you see the whites of their eyes”
On a less controversial point – make sure you mark your ballot paper with an indelible pen as opposed an easily altered soft pencil as supplied.
BBC says Remain is ahead in the polls? Utter rubbish. Poll of polls now Remain 43%, Leave 44%.
All to play for.
Opinium – the company which got it closest at the 2015 General Election – is saying Leave have a one point lead, but margin of error is greater than this (3%).
Looks like the outcome is going to be decided either by turnout or by the undecided voters (11%) – or by the 7% who don’t answer surveys about voting intentions (probably older generation).
The cynic in me says the reason the YouGov poll shows a 1% lead to Remain is to condition us to expect this result, but let’s wait and see.
For fun, see how many believe the vote will be rigged – and how many think Remain and Leave are lying.
Click to access LBCResults_160616_EUReferendum.pdf
Here’s why Remain are sh*tting themselves:
Of the people who said they will vote Remain, 5% say they will “probably vote this way but there’s a good chance they will change their mind”.
Similar figure for Leave is just 3%.
Click to access euref_final_vi.pdf
Some of these may well be reading this site now to try and get more information – why not give them some of the stories they will have missed on the BBC and some reasons they may have missed to vote leave.
A bit late now but see what Peter Shore said in 1975, take note Mr Corbyn.
Really worth a watch and listen ……………………
Taffman – thanks for posting. That is an amazing speech. It’s simply inconceivable that any contemporary politician, particularly a Labour one, could make such a speech. Compare that to today’s parliament, with MPs sniffling and sharing remiscences about Jo Cox as if Parliament was a funeral tea being held in a suburban taproom.
Didn’t, wouldn’t, couldn’t watch the Ch4 debate. I’m overdosed. Twice I watched Cameron make a fool of himself. Twice I watched Andrea, Gisela and Boris face down a barrage of abuse from the likes of Rudd, Eagle, Sturgeon, Khan, Davidson and O’Grady. Tonight I chose the football.
And I’m glad I did, because just as we are voting to Leave tomorrow so all our home nations bar one (sorry Scotland) plus Republic of Ireland have stormed through to the last 16 of the Euros to show just what we chaps on the British and Irish islands are made of.
Oh. And sweetest of ironies. ROI’s victory over Italy meant that Turkey were sent packing.
Come on the British and Irish!
Man on a clapped out bus – do you think Al Beeb is biased ?
That’s an easy one for you .
Newshite having one last session of ultra bias! Did Nicholas twatt really forget his summary of the leave campaigns main points, or was it a clever ruse to portray them as forgettable?? Unbelievable, laughable display of bias. Hope cliff takes them to the cleaners, unfortunately we’ll be footing the bill.
What a pathetic trick – nothing is beneath them. Utterly contemptible.
A bit late in the day I admit, but this is well worth a look.
Lobster thank you so much for posting that; I am a great admirer of Jacob Rees-Mogg and his crystal clear analysis and discussion of the EU and how it affects the U.K.
That is one of the best speeches I have seen by him. Thanks again.
I watched the C4 “debate” earlier “chaired” by Paxman (WTF has happened to him lately?) it was absolutely appalling.
It was far, far worse than that BBC debate from Wembley Arena; which was poor but this was more like the Jeremy Kyle show. Farage was quite correct to avoid it, if indeed he did, simply a dreadful, half-@rsed waste of time.
I hope that we prevail tomorrow and begin the long process of turning our country around.
Have you noticed just how rude the remainers are? Constantly interrupting and talking over people. Simon Schama was his usual obnoxious self, to name just one.
Poor old Sandie Shaw was wearing shoes for once, but seemed utterly preoccupied with some minutiae about recording royalties. Obviously that trumps a thousand years of history then. Truly, a puppet on a string it would appear.
Still, it was good to see Alastair Campbell spouting his bile on the remain side. A man who personally wrote a tissue of lies to get us into a war. People were hanged at Nuremberg for less. Seeing people like him on the remain side is always helpful to remind any doubters which way to vote.
The Remainers are like a pack of dogs. And they know that they are losers !
RiC: Schama was exactly the same when he appeared in that debate in Canada against Mark Steyn and Farage. A compete tw@t!
I should have very much like to have seen him up against David Starkey on this issue; where has he been in this campaign? Is he ill or something?
He is an intelligent patriotic gay man who can destroy anyone in an argument. There is no way the BBC would want him anywhere near a studio during the referendum campaign.
All the ‘innards’ tell us we must ‘remain in’ to effect a change in the EU.
Well , they have had over 40 bloody years to change the useless oligarchy and it has changed ‘diddley squat’ except loose Britain’s world trade and industrial base .
I cannot believe just how thick people in this country are!
Question: Who would you like to be governed by?
Britain; whose government you can get rid of if they’re no good
Brussels; who you cannot remove if they’re no good.
Honestly, I beginning to think that some people in this country are brain dead.
The Germans seem to have finally woken up to the reality of Brexit. The Maischberger talk show on ZDF was billed as “The Brexit bomb: Will Europe be blown apart?”. Overall it was strangely sympathetic to the Brexit position. There would be financial turbulence, perhaps a loss in growth of 2 to 3%, nothing much would happen immediately after a Brexit. There was also agreement that losing the British contribution wss significant and that they did not want to be “left alone with the French” as they were not free marketeers. Losing the foreign policy strength of Britain would also be a setback for Germany. The EU man Asselborn, Luxembourg foreign minister, got a surprising amount of stick for the EU’s inability or unwillingness to reform, its lack of democracy, its remoteness from the people, the euro crisis, its inability to control or even react the migrant crisis, its interfering, its arrogance. Britain would not be punished by German business as it was in everyone’s interest to trade freely. The EU might use its imagination and come up with something acceptable and novel for a brexited Britain. The EU was very unstable and Brexit would mean disintegration of the EU. Saint Jo was mentioned as having a negative impact on the leave campaign . Nevertheless, they all thought Britain would vote Remain. I hope British voters are not this timid and seize the opportunity to escape the EU prison when there is a chance to escape.
Regards the Jo Cox murder being a possible Psyops operation.
New information has come to light of how this could have been put into operation using a lone mental patient, identified a decade ago by his subscription to a magazine in the mid 1980‘s, and with an ideal target, a politically correct metropolitan remain supporter, but not a middle-class hypocrite born in a posh area. As I guessed correctly, it seems the murderer had a change in his medication in the last fortnight. He seems to have been taking a type of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor drug, which would suppress his desire to murder Jo Cox until the drug was withdrawn, or changed with dummy drugs by a mentor, such as an intelligence officer posing as a member of the BNP. Reports say he found plans on how to manufactured his own weapons in his shed, using plans found on an American website thirteen years ago, so the SSRI antidepressants have been suppressing a desire to kill until recently, possibly a remarkably coincidental timing?
Police would be held back from questioning him on certain issues until he seemed to commit suicide, but I guess that would only happen after the result of the referendum.
The fatal attack on Jo Cox seems to be a replay of the almost fatal knife attack on. Henriette Reker when she was campaigning to be mayor of Cologne in October 2015 just before actual voting took place.. She of course won the election. There were claims that man who attacked her shouted “something about immigration” The attacker was supposed to have been involved in the right radical politics and mentally unstable. The emotional incontinence after the attack never reached British levels of hysteria., but leading politicians waffled things like “our democracy is under attack” “social media are promoting hate speech” etc. The interior minister Maas put lots of pressure on the US-owned social media to restrict their lax ideas about freedom of expression which was putting dangerous thoughts in the lower orders’ heads. I must say Maas is one of the most sinister politicians I have ever encountered in his determination to shut down any criticism of “refugees” or the government’s response to “refugees”.
The Jo Cox martyrdom, however, seems to have provided a pretext for even the most insignificant of German local politicians to appesr on the media and whine about death threats and the extraordinary amount of invective their electorates are heaping on them. One virtue signaling Landsrat indicated his unquestioning support for Merkel’s “Wir schaffen das” policy in a local newspaper article entitled “The boat is NOT full”. He is puzzled why people snub him in the street and upset by the many anonymous threats of violence. “All these people can’t be Nazis, can they?” he asks looking perplexed.
I don’t really believe conspiracy theories but I have read somewhere that Reker’s attacker was a Bundesverfassungsschutz informant.
Reker blotted her copybook by suggestng after the Cologne attacks that young women not “refugees” should modify their behaviour.
Hi all, I have been observing this blog for a while and am so glad I have found it, please guys keep up the good work.
As the discourse seems to be concise and intelligent I shall try to adhere to the house rules. In a nutshell what got me here was seeing weeks and weeks and weeks of the BBC covering the migrant crisis showing only children and women, then seeing the first boat that landed in Greece (after the 1-1 deal had been agreed with Turkey….lol… they didn’t mention the cold hard cash turkey demanded as a sweetener) which showed not a single woman or child yet if you believed Al-beeb the whole of the migration crisis was photogenic Arabian women and children, not Sub Saharan Africans of my age (not exclusively, the same heart pulling Middle Easterns that used to beat me up and rob me as a young white Londoner on my way to college). I’m sure none of you are surprised but that was my awakening, as corny as it sounds.
Anyway my point, I am a young voter, 26, I live in London, have done my whole life. I’ve seen an anti London sentiment on the site and as a Londoner I absolutely don’t blame you, London is like America, but worse. Also as, and please forgive me if I’m wrong, I do believe most of you are of say my mum/dads generation I would just like to let you know that having done polling of my own, contrary to the MSMs version of patronising “the youth” ie my generation there is still a 50/50 split in regards to Brexit/Remain. Anyway there’s my introduction, I hope you will welcome me and we can have intelligent discussion about what the F*** is going on in the UK.
On a sad note and the reason that prompted me to post is the really sad and weird situation surrounding Jo Cox, I am not a conspiracy theorist yet last year, 14th February 2015 I lost a friend that was 21, she had mental health problems and took her own life. The reason I quote this is having watched Jo Cox’s husband speech (2nd vid in the article – http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/obscene-brexit-campaigners-spark-outrage-8258353) and as someone who lost someone in their life arguably far less influential than a wife I have no fucking idea how that man can stand there with literally no emotion in my opinion just 6 days after her horrible death. Perhaps he has dealt with mourning and thus I am being naive and young however I attended the funeral for my friend in the “audience” if you will and I cried throughout the whole service which was 1 month after her death. My point being that I was truly grieving for my friend, any thought of her would bring floods of tears that were completely uncontrollable. How on earth this man can speak about his wife with no shred of emotion is absolutely beyond me. Then again, I am proud to be a centre middle guy, I have a bachelors degree which thankfully has taught me to question both sides of any argument and provide references (or in this case experiences) before making an off the cuff comment. However this reference is a personal experience and as someone else on the site said I seriously smell a rat here. Also one other thing, why on earth bearing in mind the press were photographing the sweat box (prison custody van, I’ve been in one… don’t ask) as so called Thomas Mair came out of court are there no pictures of Thomas in the sweat box. As I say I’ve been in one and if memory serves me correct there are only 6, if not less, boxes to put people in so I am seriously questioning why the press have so far produced a picture of essentially you’re stereotypical BNP supporter. They could have modelled him directly on the Operation Black Vote poster.
Sorry for the rant guys but things just don’t stack up at the mo. I hope that, like what I have read thus far, you guys too smell something fishy. Anyway, I’m human and therefore fallible, I could be totally wrong and perhaps your first grievance is your worst and you are able to deal with it emotionally better every one thereafter, fingers crossed I won’t learn that analogy too well but if anyone can make sense of what I’m saying and provide feedback, if I am wrong I will be the first to accept. Hope this to be the first of many and it is truly an honour to stumble across a community that seems to think in sync with my, what I previously thought to be, warped mind.
Welcome BT – You may find us a tad cynical but as you go along with us you will understand why!
I agree about Brendan Cox. If I had just lost someone dear to me I would be incoherent for at least a week. Certainly I would not be responding to questions from ‘journalists’ and using the death to score political points.
Brutal, that was an excellent post! The first of many I hope.
Welcome to the site!
Nice to have a new contributor to our band of brothers – the more the merrier. Welcome
“I’ve seen an anti London sentiment on the site and as a Londoner I absolutely don’t blame you, London is like America, but worse.”
You won’t hear it from me though. I’m from the Bradford area, now living in the Yorkshire Dales. About as different from London as you can get. My children live in London and wouldn’t recognise your description. Depends where you are I suppose. I was brought up on “Londoners/Southerners eat babies”. It was smug nonsense then and it’s smug nonsense now, IMO.
You should try living in S/W Yorkshire for a while. No shortage of bad attitudes, but it’s very convenient being able to blame London for every failure. It’s a useful prop. Educational standards are still going down, and have been ever since the fine northern grammar schools were abolished, yet many people here don’t lament their passing. The fact that most of the towns and cities around here have kept socialism on life support for decades goes unnoticed. The dynamism of the industrial revolution was killed off years ago. Immigrant and non immigrant violence is far worse than reported, and so-called “metropolitan attitudes” are not difficult to find out here in the Dales. It’s a state of mind, not geography, and the contempt some urban escapees have for the less fortunate people still stuck in Dewsbury and Bradford would make Hampstead wince.
I seriously recommend you stop apologising and try living somewhere else for a while.
I’m with TheBrutalTruth on his comments about grief. My physically fit nephew died suddenly at the age of 21 from meningitis. Although”only” my nephew, I couldn’t have given a coherent press conference on the day of his death, or even a week after. If it had been my wife, whilst still in the prime of her life, shot down in cold blood I can’t even imagine how I would have reacted.
To be fair; everyone grieves differently and maybe twitter was his outlet to channel his grief, and going public his means of coping. If there was a left-wing conspiracy to commit this heinous act, I would doubt very much that the husband was involved. I’m not normally a conspiracy theorist, and beyond Bilderberg and Common Purpose find most theories laughable. However, the timing of this murder was so convenient to the left, and the other similar examples that people brought up does make me wonder on this one.
Well, Mr Cox had to leave his cushy Save the Children job after many allegations of “inappropriate” behaviour towards women, so his political marriage to Mrs Cox may have been more Bill & Hillary than Terry & June. The way he is using his two small children as props is most distasteful, they cannot know what is happening, the poor things.
It seems to me as if he is angling to take over her safe seat in an uncontested election. Let’s see what happens.
Totally agree with your feelings that the treatment of the whole Jo Cox murder is fishy.
1. It is being used politically to promote Remain
2. It was used politically to bury bad news about the Rotherham rapists’ sentencing
Her husband is a very politically active and, IMO, self serving man who is putting his politics before his children. He was a special advisor to Gordon Brown before joining Save The Children. Only 9 months ago he left STC after a kerfuffle over “inappropriate” behaviour towards other women, which he “strenuously denied.” When STC failed to investigate the complaints the women threatened an “almighty fuss.” He then left.
Welcome theBrutalTruth. It was the BBC’s reporting of the migrant crisis that brought me here also. As a former resident of Hungary I know that its people are in the main decent and hospitable and they would not turn away those genuinely in need. I realised something was very wrong in how the crisis was being portrayed. I agree with you about Jo Cox’ s husband – very strange – but if I turn things around and think how I would react if my wife had been killed by, say, a UAF supporter or a Muslim extremist – my first instinct might also be to salvage what I could from the situation.
Welcome BT.
” ……… idea how that man can stand there with literally no emotion in my opinion just 6 days after her horrible death.”
People grieve in varying ways. Remember how Kate McCann got absolutely slated in the media for her apparent ‘cold’ persona at the disappearance of her daughter Madeleine ? some weep and wail immediately to the point of making themselves ill, others are literally ‘numb’ with shock and envelope themselves with a protective shield with ‘delayed reaction’ kicking in later. There is no grieving template, we all react differently.
On a personal level, my husband at a young age, literally collapsed in front of me at home with a heart attack without warning and died (not a violent attack, but no less traumatic). Surprisingly I didn’t go white overnight, to others I was functioning normally, but it took 2 weeks and the funeral before realisation kicked in that I would never see him again, and then the buckets of tears fell. So I never condemn the reaction of the grieving, because unless you’ve experienced it first hand, no-one knows.
Hi Brutal Truth,
It has been my feeling for a long time that there will be no serious change in this country, even if the Brexit vote succeeds today, until the youth of this country rise up with one voice and demand it. As they did when they saw Mrs T’s unworkable Poll Tax as an injustice. They rebelled in the street and wouldn’t pay it. End of Poll Tax!
So it is very interesting and very good news to hear such a thoughtful comment from a 26 year old. When the young people of this country realise how they have been callously conned by the EU elite, who are working evermore towards a communist dictatorship along the lines of China, I believe then and only then will change happen.
The EU may see their control over every minute detail of our lives as benevolent but surely when what has happened in Greece and the other Mediterranean countries, where they have been throttled out of democracy, money and jobs is fully understood by the younger generation there will be big, big trouble. I am amazed it hasn’t happened already. Perhaps it has but you will not see it on the BBC (or Sky or ITV).
The students of this country are already being heartlessly penalised by having to pay such outrageous sums towards their education now and I would not be surprised if the EU were the one behind that policy. It was after all the Labour party started charging students and closing grammar schools by the way, Jo Cox was I believe a grammar school student, then they (Labour) slammed the opportunity gate behind them. The Conservatives just racked it up ten notches. They are all in cahoots and in that regard I suppose that our friend on the bus might ramble on a bit but I think even he has grasped that point.
Today we vote for Independence for Great Britain or to be ruled by the following:
1. Donald Tusk – President of the European Council of Ministers
2. Jean-Claude Juncker – President of the European Commission. There are 28 other Commissioners who’s word is Law as soon as they make a decision. Juncker is known for liking a tipple or two (or more) at our expense.
3. Martin Schulz – President of the European Parliament.
4. The President Council of the European Union (not the same as 1 above). It rotates every six months, currently it is between Netherlands, Slovakia and Malta.
5. Mario Draghi – The President of the European Central Bank.
6. Baron Koen Lenaerts – President of the European Court of Justice
7. Vítor Manuel da Silva Caldeira – President of European Court of Auditors.
Not many Brits were there? But we are told we have an influence if we are IN. More little porky pies from Project Fear and the silk lined pocket brigade.
Anyway, there may be even more than SEVEN but no more time now. I have to go and vote.
Welcome ! Great to have a “youngster ” here. I had to laugh at your comments about London. Yes it does get a bit of a bashing here but we Scots get similar treatment sometimes !
It’s the night before Brexit. Hopefully!
‘Over the top’ tomorrow lads, and you will be facing an enemy with much greater firepower than you. It will be the British spirit which will have to carry the day. Now to be honest I didn’t think there was enough of that left in the UK. When I left the UK in 1968 I was disillusioned with the direction the country was headed. I felt both the Conservative and Labour parties were out of touch and had simply given up on the place. And later the decision to enter the EU merely confirmed my feelings. Later Tony Blair’s campaign for separatism inside the UK and the importation of an alien replacement population was, I believed, the last straw.
However in recent years I have been back more often and I notice a growing pride in Britain’s history and nationhood that wasn’t there even 15 years ago. I am not imagining this, it it is growing. Simon Heffer in the Telegraph a few days ago wrote about an “upsurge about the value of being British, that we have not known since world war two”. So I think a close result which does not see immediate victory will still rent the smug oligarchy and signal its eventual demise.
It is so good to see patriotism alive in Britain again. Please note I am not a hardline Nationalist or against internationalism in some areas, but if British people showed half as much patriotism as the Aussies and Kiwis do for their countries it would be a much better place. It would have more respect across the world. A people that is ashamed of itself, ashamed of its history and culture, so weak that it allows it’s population to be replaced by aliens deserves a sad fate. The shame should be on the class of degenerates that infest the Remain campaign. George Orwell warned about this in his essay ‘The Lion and the Unicorn’ which I strongly recommend. Sadly Orwell was soon to die and was not around to help us further.
Tomorrow, see it as the first charge against the castle gates. They may split, or may not but they will be severely damaged and be prepared for the next charge. There is a storm coming across Europe, probably in 2017.
So there is my ‘St Crispins Day’ encouragement. From along way away though (But returning soon, hopefully for good)
In the meantime all the best for the 23rd and thanks to those who have been campaigning against the odds for so long!
Good post!
Everything British is fashionable worldwide at the moment. British goods are regarded not only as dependable and top quality, but an icon of aspiration and success.
China are lapping up everything British. They buy everyday goods from our auction houses and sell them for a huge profit at home.
And I’ve lost count of the amount of times I’ve seen the Union Jack and British branded goods and clothing on TV and film footage shot in other countries. It makes you wonder if leaving the EU would cast us a ‘weak’ or ‘strong’ group of people?
No contest!
Put it down to over-emotional old age, providing enough years to remember how things used to be, Yasser, but those words brought tears to my eyes.
Thank you.
One encouraging factor for today’s referendum is that whilst FaceBook may have been responsible for encouraging the mostly Remain younger people to register to vote online, they still actually have to get out of their beds and vote in person or go to a post box for a postal vote.
I dread the day when people can actually vote on FaceBook!
Looking forward to hearing the news… She purrrred down the line! Vote Leave X
“I’ve never seen so many Englishmen cheering for Ireland”
That’s new boy Dan Walker on the BBC sports room during last night’s Ireland Italy match. You see it’s a point of principle that the metropolitan media liberal must be seen to sublimate his own patriotism to that of the celtic fringe.
Could this be a sign of a new enthusiasm for the united Four Nations? I have to confess that I have been mourning Scotland ‘s inability to qualify.
Am hoping for good performances 😉 , today, including from Scotland.
I want anybody but England to do well-pity that Wales and N.Ireland can`t both lose at one and the same time…and what kind of game is THAT?..always the dead rubber at the Home Internationals as we stuffed the Scots(er, depends on the era!).
And it`s NOT because I`m anti all three countries, got friends in all, have been to all and enjoyed myself in each.
It`s because of the smarmy patronising BBCs gloop that gets poured of the plucky little celts and rebels around the Isles…basically, they sneer and despise England, and big up its enemies-Sturgeon, McGuinness, Plaid or the IRA.
I myself pick and choose when I support England-and i`m at that point where the scorn poured on them from Bush Towers at the Beeb turns me into a raging patriot with my Bombadier beers and contempt for the self loathing BBC.
Wanted Portugal-not Iceland though, a better test of if we`re any good…but hope N.Ireland hopefully will beat the Welsh-and wonder what the BBC prefer on this one…can`t they both win…or join hands, make daisy chains in the centre circle and play one half each against the next rounds opponents?
No doubting-the BBC are utter arses(c/o Lord Morgan of Glossop…RIP-aha!)…but let them squirm on the Today show as they plump for one or the other-slyly as ever….
Well, chris, there’s 50m or so of ‘us’ but we may need to be rescued by some Gaelic & Celtic common-sense and courage if the majority of ‘us’ vote for ..
Oh! You’re talking about the football. Sorry, didn’t realise. Red face.
Crap-I`m Irish descent and wanted the boring nondescript sloppy sends from Motherwell etc binned.
Lucky and crap at one and the same time…and only the banners from Sligo and Mullingar prevented me from asking God to boot them out…great fans as we all know( the BBC tell me so).
France will stuff them I hope…serves them right for choosing the Euro…
And as I say, I`m proud of my Irish heritage-but not the caricatures of New York 94 and big Jack and Mrs Brown-no country I can support aafter their cultural abasement…Michael O Higgins and Colm Toibin finished me off!
With all love and respoct to my mum and dad.
Just in case any Londoners are undecided:
In a few years it will be St Paul’s, not Hagia Sofia in the picture.
Renamed Hagia Paul no doubt.
I’ve just been to cast my vote and the polling station seemed busier than I expected for 8.30 am. Make of that what you will.
Fingers crossed!!
Well done, Lobster. On my way soon!
Here’s to a good turnout, come what may.
I did my bit this morning, seemed fairly quiet at the polling station apart from two security guards talking in Hungarian!
There’s been debate on here about whether to use a pen or not – as I have been unable to get a satisfactory answer on this (and I certainly wasn’t going to ask the clerks) I settled for using the pencil, but scoring very heavily so that an indentation was left on the ballot. Anybody coming at it with a rubber will find that a bit tricky!
People can assured that both pencil and pen are acceptable and legal, as also is the use of one’s own pen (Ref: Electoral Commission, 2016).
Ditto Cranmer, accompanied by feelings of paranoia on my concern for the ease with which a pencil mark can be altered. Tellers will simply look for a cross, not faint traces elsewhere. Dear God what has this referendum done to our nation?
With regards to postal votes, it actually said on them use a black ink pen , so we did over two weeks ago giving the French and UK postal service that long to get it across the water. We ordered our crusader outfits when the Beeb sneered at them and got them from the UK in four days. And we both voted OUT. Yes it could cause us serious problems here in France but people survived abroad before we joined the EEC and we’ll survive after we leave the EUSSR.
BBC Bias or an attempt to distort British democracy or both? You judge.
Like many people these days, I look at the BBC web-site for news first thing, including a look at the newspaper front pages, usually accessed via a clicky ‘The Papers’ half way down the main News Page. Today the usual photos of the front pages are missing. There is some slightly sinister text there today: ‘The EU Referendum is covered on most front pages. However, the BBC is reporting only factual accounts of the vote throughout polling day.
How can photographs of the newspaper front pages be anything other than a factual account of the vote throughout polling day, seeing as they are sold & bought on Polling Day and, in reality, are printed the day before? Is it the content of the front pages that the BBC hierarchy does not like?
This smacks, at best, of censorship. at worst, it is a deliberate attempt to distort the Referendum vote. On the face of it, a disgraceful thing to do.
Has anyone seen the front pages at the newsagents? Are there a majority of front pages urging a particular vote or am I being too paranoid about a clumsy decision by a junior web-manager at the BBC? I have notified them of the missing content. I wonder if it will appear before or after a formal complaint in an hour or so?
Whatever, it is not a very fine form of tribute to Jo Cox. I wonder if she would have approved?
It is censorship and quite rightly there to prevent al-Beeb from telling everyone to vote Remain. All broadcasters are basically prohibited from saying anything other than “there is an election”. Imagine if al-Beeb were allowed to show the front pages today. Do you think it would be even-handed?
On the way back (didn’t want them influencing my vote 😉 ) from the Polling Station, AL, I did a quick review of the front pages. I made it two neutral front pages, two for Remain and five for Leave. Is that assessment reasonable?
Had the BBC just shown photos of those front pages, without comment, that would have been, in my view, purely factual reporting of Referendum Day and could not be criticised in any way. The fact they appear to me to have been, at the very least, a little biased toward the Remain side throughout the campaign now makes the removal of those front page photos rather important.
I would be protesting and posting exactly the same had the BBC done the same with five newspapers calling for a Remain vote. That would have been the completely even-handed thing to do.
The newspapers do the ‘telling’ how to vote, AL. What is there to stop anyone walking into a newsagents and be ‘told’ how to vote there. By being non-factual, the BBC have created a distortion, an ‘influence’. Do you see the difference?
It’s a very ‘Cold War/Communist’ thing that the BBC have done. Growing up with all that going on in the news as a kid, as well as meeting Eastern Europeans during and afterward, has left an impression on me! What is not said, or what is not shown, was important behind the Iron Curtain then and – worryingly – it is now starting to show its face and become important over here.
For once the BBC are obeying the law. The relevant Acts of Parliament are: sections 319(2)(c) and 320 of the Communications Act 2003, and Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights. Broadcasters should also have regard to relevant sections of the Representation of the People Act 1983 (as amended) (“RPA”).
This is all covered in section 6 of the OFCOM regulations: Referendums and Elections.
Complain to your MP or OFCOM if you don’t like it but in this instance BBC are complying with the law.
Has anyone noticed that the BBC website contains nothing on Jo Cox today. The first day.
No political capital to be made on voting day I suppose.
Guess that they`re done with the party bags that were doled out in Trafalgar Square-who knew that it was so easy to co-opt public spaces to suit the BBC and their Referendum Campaign?(the one that Labour should have been fighting…but this is not the time for harsh words, unless you`re Nigel, Boris or Donald).
Party bags done-body bags next…a seamless shift conducted by the emoting fascists of the BBC and Guardian.
Hope to God they`ll crawl into their own body bags tomorrow when we`re done with them…please God, let`s see this in our lifetimes.
……….out in Trafalgar Square-who knew that it was so easy to co-opt public spaces ….
I thought that too ChrisH, – doesn’t it take weeks of planning with various ‘bodies’, like traffic control, insurance companies, hire companies, the police, local council ? etc etc yet all this red tape appears to have been demolished in a matter of days (2 of which was the weekend), no doubt ‘people on high’ made some very important phone calls to get it organised. I’m having an ‘O’ birthday shortly, any chance the Albert Hall and a few sarnies will be available for a few chums at short notice ???
Twas the night before Brexit and all through the land
People were quivering from toe to hand.
Where to put their confident cross?
Out or In: Gain or Loss?
They’d listened to Boris, and Gove and Dave.
Who was the wisest; who the most brave?
George was deluded and Juncker too;
What they said was just not true!
The papers said this but the media said that.
Could they believe it or was it old hat?
But lo, in the darkness there came a bright light,
There to guide them on Brexit night.
The Boris Bullet, the Gisela Gun
And brilliant Andrea – she’s just a mum!
They spoke in a language we all understood.
Now this is more like it; simple and good.
So stealthily, quietly, determined and brave,
Upright and steadfast from birth to grave
The Brexiteers spoke with their pen in their hand
To save their country, its people and land;
Uphold our values so magnificent and true
Escape from fat cats and bureaucrats too
Shiftily stuck in the b****y EU.
They placed their cross in the box on the paper
This was no joke, no jolly or caper.
This was our future, our life ahead.
They voted with heart and with a clear head.
This was their voice; they had their say,
They voted for Independence Day!
I’m off to vote!
Worth a tune this one, mr Box!
Out comes the guitar, either a folk dirge or a Chic-like joyous celebration-will decide tomorrow!
My die is cast. Whatever the outcome, the old two party political paradigm will be dead and buried after today. A win for Cameroon et al will sound the death knell for the Tories for he will not have planted his tanks on Labour’s lawn but rather in the middle of La Manche. Corbyn meanwhile has also sold his core vote down the river, and although he did his best to hide in a cupboard for most of the campaign there will be no hiding place as the full extent of the coming Euro- crash reveals itself over the remaining period of this parliament.
If, however, the basic commonsense of ordinary folk triumphs over the fears, smears and downright dishonesty of the Remainiacs then both Messrs Cameroon and Corbyn will be toast anyway. So fear not comrades, however this drama plays out the winds of change are blowing….
Good point Gunner. There’s been gloom on here with people saying Brexit is our last hope, etc. I am more positive. A ‘Remain’ vote will not be the end of the matter. To quote the 16th century Protestant martyr Hugh Latimer, whatever happens, ‘we shall this day light such a candle, by God’s grace, in England, as I trust shall never be put out.’
Heartening words Cranmer! 🙂
It would be great if we win today, but if we don’t it’s just the beginning. The EU will crumble as other countries in Europe fall into anarchy from mad Merkel’s migrant gamble. France will go for Le Pen, others are sharply turning right..and in the UK no serious Conservative brexiter would ever vote Cameron/Osborne again. Even if that means a bonkers socialist government they’re likely to be eurosceptic and anyway they won’t last long.
Remainers winning today just means postponing the inevitable.So be of good cheer!
Agree Gunner. Labour is in dire trouble, its traditional white working class voters have finally realised that Labour , with the help of the Mirror and BBC ( they don’t bother with the silly Guardian) , has been selling them down the river for years, since 1997 at least. Provided that UKIP can step into the void left by Labour and represent these folks and earn their votes , Labour is going to lose 100’s of thousands , perhaps millions of votes. Of course we can expect the BBC to ride to Labour’s aid and try even harder to convince voters that mass immigration is good for us. Look forward to an all out BBC offensive on this front. But now the Genie is out of the bottle it will be a devil of job to put it back in.For the first time ever the Referendum has allowed the topic of immigration to be thoroughly aired and the wool has been removed from many voters eyes. But these folks are not highly politicised and UKIP must work hard to keep their awareness and anger at a high level. I am sure that UKIP can do this.
So even if there is a Remain vote I think the referendum has done this country a great service. It can also catalyse the collapse of the EU by promoting a tidal wave of people power against the EU from all over Europe. People across the EU are angry and want their voices to be heard. After all people in Italy , Greece, Portugal , Spain and even France have more reason want out of the EU than we do. This referendum has shown how the Struggle for Europe has become a battle of the EU Elite against the people and their democratic rights.
The BBC and other MSM will do all it can to suppress this stark narrative of Elites v People and to provide an upbeat alternative analysis , but I think that the Struggle for Europe is becoming the narrative of more and more people across the continent and my advice to the Elite is to cede power gracefully or it will ripped from your grasp.
How Remain are trying to get the yaang people out to vote.
Call your stupid old Nan, who knows fuck all about Europe and might vote to leave.
This is the argument that goes with the picture.
#CallYourNan Your Nan has always cared about you. Whether it was your birthday, school play, Chrimbo lunch or the odd visits in between, Nan was always excited to see you, taking great interest in your life and doing all she could to make sure you were happy.
But now, Nan could really muck it all up for you.
Your Nan, like a lot of Nans, will probably be voting to leave the EU. Unlike you, she hasn’t been able go and find herself for a year in Berlin, know a crazy Italian guy who throws great house parties, or know what a tariff-free single market is.
If your Nan understood what being in the EU meant for her grandkids, then maybe she might be willing to change her mind. It’s time for an intergenerational chit-chat.
Please like and share. #EUreferendum #VoteRemain
Tomorrow Belongs to Us eh?
If only Hitler and Goebbels had had the Internet and the texting and instagram facilities that todays groomers do at the BBC and Guardian.
I`m with Cranmer and others above-reckon we`ll win but troubles coming…we`ll need that Five year election law of theirs rescinded very soon anyway,because it`s all going to get rather ungovernable very soon.
Well done Cameron-the lazy oaf competes with his Eton chums and ends up splitting the country 50/50…those who want to live our won lives -and those who seek an Imam to surrender to , but currently are pinballed between the BBC. Guardian, public sector demands and a wish to be nice as their kids are led to Cologne or Malmo…
And, as I say-I`ve now lost half the bitchfest crap I`ve indulged too long-any cretin who votes to stay in can phone Winifred Robinson or Stephen Nolan from now on…they deserve all that`s about to frappe them!
They say wisdom comes with agr and experience That’s why people tend to move to the right as they get older, and that’s why it appears that older people are more likely to vote Out. Older people remember pre-EU and that Britain, for all its flaws, was happier, freer and more democratic. Outers also know that not being in the EU doesn’t mean you can’t travel to these places. I’ve been to Norway, Switzerland and many other non-EU countries and they’red not in the EU. All the arguments put up by the Innards are false and most are complete lies.
agr = age. non-EU countries are clearly not in the EU. (Der on my part). My excuse is that I was called away just as I finished typing it so didn’t check for errors.
I can’t see young folks in Greece, Spain , Italy etc voting to stay in the EU , can you? Bring on the Year of Revolution. After all those young folks having no job to lose unlike most of our silly youngsters.
Absolutely. A key part of the Remaniac betrayal is the way they have sought to manipulate young voters who are the ones who are the most affected by adverse changes to our labour market.
Hmmm, those young folks can come to Britain. If they wrent in the EU it would be less easy.
There are no depths to which the Remainers will not sink. They disgust me.