Ed Milliband is on. Apparently people are voting to get out of the EU because they are protesting against the Tory government. Ah so that’s the reason! Silly sod.
Emily Maitlis seems disinclined to interrupt or challenge him on his nonsense.
Of course he’s completely right. Politics is broken and what broke it was neoliberalism. Interesting how the run down North , destroyed by Thatcherism voted for out , whereas the South East voted in.
Dimbleby put on a gloomy face throughout the whole of the 10 hour programme. He never cracked a smile, either when commentating or interviewing. Disgraceful. He made it very clear that he hated the results. Jo Coburn was equally sour, but she usually is, so no change there.
Oh I disagree MartinW…he was positively bubbling with good humour and joviality, as he introduced his pollster expert with his analysis of the polls showing 52/48 in favour of remain.
He was happiness itself….until they got some news on the Newcastle result as expected to be marginal. He was hesitant at that point, and didnt really change much when the actual result was read out. The nail in the coffin emerged when Laura Kuengsberg tead out her hot tip that Sunderland was expected to be 61% leave…
The shit hit the fan good and proper….his composure went and he never recovered. I’m so please I stayed up to watch the bastard squirm until around 2 am….then off to dreamland with me.
I think what we have now is a chance not a victory = THANK GOD!
The unfortunate thing is that if the EU had stuck to its original mandate it might not have been such a bad thing and could well of worked. However human nature being what it is the greed of the political class, bankers and bureaucrats, that somewhat spoilt the show.
The EU was doomed to failure for these reasons. If my car was beyond economic repair I would bin it. However what the EU seemed to do in this situation is fit a new engine (because having that same car appears important) and fit it with square wheels as they are deemed safer ( and it is a useful exercise in bureaucracy and power). The EU would then set up a committee to wonder why it cant go anywhere.
Anyway to the future.
We must watch those who have lied to us over all of this especially Camoron and Osbourne . Who have primed the financial markets to attempt to ruin us if they did not get their way and also countries who have border issues with us. We must hold our nerve.
Now might also be an opportune time to look at Aunty again. Who has colluded with Remain on a scale that would not put the North Korea media to shame and would look at any opportunity to try and re-invigorate this stalinist organisation.
So there we have it good news – yes . But the real job is about to begin!
The ‘blame’ can be laid in four main places:
1. The EU itself – By taking away democratic control from the people, the people felt powerless. This referendum gave the people some power and they exercised it. Also when David Cameron asked for a few scraps from the table to allow him to present his EU renegotiation as a success, they couldn’t even allow that. So David Cameron had to pretend that he’d got a good deal but it was obvious that he hadn’t.
2. Tony Blair and the Labour Party – Tony Blair was an EU supporter and an ally of the EU fanatic Peter Mandelson. But Tony Blair’s culpability in this regard actually lies elsewhere. By opening the UK up to unprecedented immigration from both within and outside of the EU, Tony Blair and the Labour Party hoped to ‘rub the right’s noses in diversity’. Immigration into the UK increased to unprecedented levels and the people that were affected the most were those working class people, historically Labour voters, who saw their wages drop, their jobs disappear, their schools get more crowded, their roads fill up, their hospitals at breaking point and their ability to buy or rent a house recede as demand for housing and other public services outstripped supply.
3. The British media – The BBC dominate the British mediasphere and they have been very pro EU, pro unlimited immigration and frankly insulting of anyone who dared to hold a contrary view. A large proportion of the British people were tired of being called ‘racist’ when they pointed out that their hospitals, schools, roads etc were being adversely affected by immigration. If the BBC had allowed their voices to be heard, if the government had listened to their legitimate concerns, then maybe the people wouldn’t have become so angry. But the media and the establishment always know better, know what’s good for the people and left the people voiceless, until…
4. David Cameron – I really believe that David Cameron didn’t believe that he win the 2015 general election with a majority Conservative government. So a promise of an EU referendum was safe, he could say that the price of having another Conservative lead coalition with the Lib Dems was that there could be no EU referendum and he would probably have got away with that. Unfortunately for David Cameron the mood in the country was such that Labour voters fled the Labour Party for UKIP in sufficient numbers for the Conservatives to win a majority government. Now what was David Cameron to do? He went to the EU (actually see 1. for what happened)
Something that appears to have disturbed the Farce to its core.
A simple repeat of the post GE reality, when Ed didn’t work out as planned, and all BBC focus was on that rather than those who had prevailed with a majority.
I think Cameron got it wrong due to his politicking.
He wanted the referendum early to get it in before the expected increases in migrants over the summer.
The EU discussions and Ministers meetings covering the EU Army, acceleration and fiscal support of Turkish membership, directives on Ports, and transactional taxes on financial trading.
His “deal” was as shabby as an advert for broadband with many hidden “extras”
F double minus for competence.
Really poor news coverage from BBC. This is showing up some real incompetence in what should be a highly experienced – the most experienced in the world? – Newsroom. OK, they have probably been up all night (while I got a nights sleep) but for well staffed pro news team that’s a pretty feeble excuse.
For example: 6am News clear implication (unless I was still asleep) that NI had voted to Leave. “Only Scotland has voted to Remain in the EU.” About 6.36 they let me know that it is not the case and NI has voted Remain. 7am News. “£ has fallen to its lowest level for thirty years.” Yes it did, but it’s up in the last hour.
Can I apologise to my Welsh chums out there?
I might have given the impression that I hoped that both Wales and N.Ireland would lose when they met in the Euros soon.
It may APPEAR that I said this-and that perception would, in retrospect; seem to be correct.
But now that the Welsh voted fully to leave the EU, whereas the Irish seemed half hearted(with the usual honourable exceptions in the DUP)-can I take back what I said,,,hope the Welsh stuff them,and we meet them in the final maybe!
Love you Wales!…sincere air kissing of the badge a given here!
Well done Nigel.
And now Marine and Geert over there on that continent of theirs seem to have the wind in their sails.
Good times ahead…as an interested outsider and a constructive friend of France and Holland now-can I wish Geert and Marine all the best, and we`ll pass the rope over once we`ve hung the left tossers first.
bbc still peddling myths
Scotland has voted to remain in the EU (wrong)
Northern Ireland has voted to remain in the EU (wrong)
London has voted to remain in the EU (wrong)
Reality Check –
The United Kingdom has voted to leave the EU (correct)
Even in victory I cannot face tuning in to the bbbc……but Sky news is just as bad. They are all busy talking down the pound and the economy and still forecasting doom and gloom…………..almost treasonous
If Salmond and Krankie still want independence just ask the English they will soon get their marching orders.
Congrats Nigel Farage… Yet again England has lead the way
The tone on R4 Today is sooo muted and downbeat. They can’t believe it and don’t know how to react. I heard someone just after 7am saying that in areas where the electorate was well educated and had degrees, Remain had won. He was more or less saying “only stupid, white people have voted for this”. He wasn’t challenged by the presenter. Clueless
Never heard voices getting dragged along through the mud…sounds nothing like when they drag it through the sewers.
Or is it BBC shagpile at BH?…in any event those voices are all way down in their pixie boots arent they?
All those liberal voices that echo are due to their mumbling in borrowed kinky boots for that Sylvester /Children In Need tribute for charity.
Incidentally I think Tusk & Juncker should consider their positions if they were honourable men. It was their intransigence at the negotiation that really caused the loss of Britain to the EU.
Aren`t we living through the old Blair-Prescott double fall on the pork sword of 2007?
History cycles in only a few years these days, just last a speed cycle on the washing machine.
Joyous stuff…and what a pleasure to see Anne Soubrys career leak onto her Green Room seat, as she hears camerons resignation live on air.
Nasty piece of work is Anna-Norman Tebbit put her straight though.
Now then-where`s Amber bloody Rudd?
Come to think of it, Hezza and Ken Clarke surely due on to calm us all-ha fubbin ha!
Gove for Cahncellor-President Farage and PM Dominic Raab, with Cabinet roles for Lord Lawson and Tebbit.
Only red blooded Brexit types only now need apply…we`ll stuff the Tories if they do other.
I agree. His dark threat of a punitive budget (just stopping short of beheading babies as they are born) if we voted for Brexit disqualifies him from any possibility of ever serving his country again.
He should clear his desk and be escorted off the premises, as far as I am concerned.
In the words of Sir Winston Churchill on VE Day, 1945: ‘We may allow ourselves a brief period of rejoicing.’
BUT: the reaction to the vote in the media has shown that there are some very, very angry and hateful people trying to come to terms with this result not just in the UK but in the EU as well. The majority is very slim and there will, inevitably, be questions about its democratic viability – we are already seeing this with Scotland – I suspect the EU will now begin to make things very difficult for us.
I watched the last of Henry 6 part3 on Monday evening.
The victory speech of Henry VII was noted by me.
The EU, in my evaluation, has turned some people in the UK into very nasty people over forty-four years. A reason for voting to Leave, one of many, as far as I was concerned. Its influence on the UK does not appear to be benign and I agree that that may not end with yesterday’s vote.
I said last night, on this forum, that the trading floors around the World were going to make a killing on the Pound in a very short trading period. It was the right time to buy at 6.00 am. Pensions funds across the U.K. should have been selling stock at 10.00 pm last night and now buying or should have done an hour ago. A very nice profit for the pension funds, which protects those pensioners who have invested in them. The BBC’s so called “economic experts” do not even understand how the markets work, it is quite deplorable. The BBC really are a Micky Mouse organisation.
Yes, Beeboids do not understand markets. Their level of commentary on economics and all related topics is woeful. Like listening to a bunch of schoolkids.
Cranmer, the EU will not make life difficult for us, for them, the ship has now sailed. They WILL make it difficult for all the other countries in the EU who are now thinking of EXIT, which will test the resolve of the unelected running Europe. Expect some real fun and games now! Oh dear.
A period, TOB, of renegotiation though. Two years? Most thereof? Longer, perhaps? There’s some time, plenty of time, for mischief there if some wish to do it.
Could it be that this will be the shock the EU need to make them reform and do it substantially?
Not a hope of reform UP2. Platitudes aplenty, but no reform. If there was then the “Great Plan in the Sky” would come crashing down around their ears. Quite simply, a reform would change the E.U. from what it is supposed to become, hence Cameron’s failed effort, as little as it was, to get any reform and why on 28 E.U. votes, the U.K. was ignored. No, the arrogance of the left wing *uckwits in the EU parliament will create their own downfall, but just like the *uckwits on the BBC, they are so blinded by their belief in a failed ideology, they can’t see what is around the corner. Fine. We have, now let us deal with it.
The map of the breexit vote shows one of the main problems with the BBC. Time to take the BBC and spread it out it no longer reflects the people. And after the people spoke the BBC still gives most of the air time to doom sayers spreading the properganda. Hardly any air time for the winning party , ohh the look on there faces when there bubbles got burst during the night
The media are all over the place like toothless rabid poodles on the sniff for a titbit.
All in the hope that we forget what it is we`ve just done.
We`ve rejected the whole EU shebang…not that we`d know it now.
For the media squabble over “who will lead the Tories now”…”poor Sam and David”….and lets hope we`ll go at Corbyns speed to wreck the country…let`s try and tickle the Scots, the IRA and snivel about todays stock exchange.
You bastards-don`t you see what you`ve done-made us work and think again for ourselves.
Utter crap-media driven drivel…don`t fall for it.
We want no EU…restricted immigration…our country back and -again-NO to the bloody broken backed nodding dog that is the catastrophic EU.
So-focus only on what `we`ve done-and fuck the liberal media who want trouble, Trump and Boris dead and Nigel back on the run in an Edinburgh pub.
No-we`ve won…nail it whilst we can…the media are trying to shift the debate as they did last May.
As if Norman Smith and Gavin Esler will change their agenda after a few chavs say otherwise…no, stuff the media-who tried so hard to turn into Jo Cox` idiot cousins…and they got very close…
This is my first post, I’ve been reading this forum for two years ever since a google search asking ‘why is the BBC biased against Nigel Farage?’ took me here. You all feel like old friends! Thank you for keeping me sane over the last two years. I’ve learnt a lot but most importantly I have felt vindicated. What a relief it has been to find others who share my passion that the BBC is at times a despicably biased organisation. What utter pleasure it was to see their faces fall – even better than GE night.
My husband and I have never felt so invested in.any political decision ever – we stayed up until 6pm and I am so euphoric I just cannot sleep any longer.
Incidentally we are both graduates – intelligent and opinionated if a little worn around the edges. Being informed by Vine and Dimbleby that this would indicate our voting to Remain was hilarious.
Thank you
I’m sure many of us on here will say welcome and welcome to your first post..always a nervy thing, the first post on a forum. But like you, I should think most of us came here for the same reason, simply, the rank bias of the publicly funded impartial BBC (sic). Look out for the Trolls though, they tend to be out at night when the student union bars close. They swear black is white and white is black. There is very little hope for them I’m afraid, a bit like the BBC. Welcome.
Like you, I have often felt isolated in my opinions on BBC and EU.
BiasedBBC has sometimes been a lifeline.
It’s reassuring to know there are many others who clearly think along similar lines.
I hope you celebrate well today, as I will, and give thanks to the will of the common people who have finally been given their say.
I think many feel this to be a great victory, able to stand alongside other great events in our nation’s history – and with equally long fortuitous results.
Welcome ! Was 6 pm past your normal bedtime ? I stayed up until 10 pm but couldn’t face spending the night with Dimblebore, although it would have been worth it to see his increasing depression. I am a stupid BSc who voted Leave. I really must get an education.
Oh Grant, you missed a wonderful experience….if you can get it on replay, dont miss the chance.
At 10 he introduced his pollster expert, who revealed that two polls yesterday showed a 52/48 split in favour of remain.
Old Dimblebore was cockahoop, poistively bubbling, his guests also delighted to be there.
They knew that Newcastle and Sunderland would post results early, and reliably informed us that Newcastle were expected to Remain ( significantly) and that Sunderland expected a Leave. Well…..Newcastle came in….and instead kf the expected 10% margin, it was truly marginal, the faces began to change slightly….then…came the bombshell….Keungsberg read a phone message which alluded to a 61% for leave in Sunderland, and announced it.
The faces turned to the sour ones that never left them all night.
The actual Sunderland announcement was the icing on the cake…..they KNEW it was game over, and oh, didnt it show…..
Pleasures like that one dont come along very often in life…..but I adored seeing that smug self satisfied know all twat gutted live on tv.
Thanks , I shall chase it up. The “Sunderland moment ” sounds a bit like the “Essex moment ” of one of Maggie’s victories. I watched about 10 minutes of the BBC news channel a couple of hours ago. Couldn’t bear it. Talk about sour grapes.
Isn’t Dimblebore a bit old to be staying up all night anyway ? In fact, shouldn’t he just be totally pensioned off ?
My Portillo Moment was Nigels speech at 4am…went to bed after that for an hour or so.
Dimbleby and the odious Justine Greening poured scorn and venom on his “populism” “arrogance” and presumptions”-even though Dum had said he`d won good as.
But no-it was the BBCs job to anoint and announce..it was Justines night shift to spit venom at Leave people like Boris and Nigel…Soubry, Rudd and now Greening…three witches.
But all spent and sour…and in Dimblebys basket of dead flowers and fruit.
Was glad I sw up for that-the nasty party and the nastier BBC in full evidence in the wee hours…Jo Cox long forgotten, this was existential evil in full flow.
Yet Nigel raved on, I went to bed-and the scum now hope to rush us into a crisis…sorry lads, it`ll be Italy next!
Welcome pinchmeplease.
You seem to have come along on a good day…good to hear from you.
I`ve never felt prouder to be British-not in that Clegg/Cox “Brit” way that sneers and insults us as we blag our meds on the Costa Del Sol…but in a way when Marine Le Pen puts a Union Jack on her Twitter Feed and the mighty Geert Wilders for once is following us, not leading us.
What a joy to be British today-and to watch the BBC and political scum desperately trying to hide the bottles or any evidence that we said NO to them all and all their works has been wonderful.
The liberal elite are now in quicksand, the more they struggle and wriggle out of all they`ve done…the deeper and more rapid their deaths.
Now let`s get a drink at a Wetherspoons, have a run round with the Dyson and remember all our friends like Gisela, Katie Hopkins, Suzanne Evans and Audrey Ledsom…let poor Warsi and Woollaston seek those new careers they`re going to need….for when we needed TRUE patriots and some courage-we get Theresa May.
Now lets look to AfD and Five Star…this is an international contagion that we need to spread…the ordinary people are NOT at Glastonbury, but hate the BBC and their lies and shroud waving.
You may sometimes see a reference to champagne bottles and corridors on here. As a newcomer you may like to check out Jane Garvey on Wikipedia. Her infamous gaffe about the 1997 election probably stopped her rise in its tracks.
Hearing her say it live was the “moment” for me on BBC bias.
I feel very proud to be English this morning and I have high regard for the Taffs who have played a blinder both at the Euros’ and in the referendum. The Scots and N Irish have other issues behind their remain votes than just membership of the EU.
But back to our main topic of the hated BBC. As pointed out above the BBC are relishing the short term economic shocks and I fully expect them to tell us all off for being naughty children who have defied the wishes of their elders and betters by voting leave.
I realise that all the politicians will have many issues on their hands over the next weeks and months but I make a plea to those who will shortly be in full charge of our country. You really must do something about the BBC. If they had not been so bias towards Remain the referendum result could easily of been an even more decisive vote for leave . They have tried for months , years , to propagandize for the EU . It is one of their favourite causes. They could have swayed the result to Remain if it wasn’t for the good sense of the English and Welsh people. The over mighty corporation does this country great harm. I have no doubt that the BBC will seek to undermine the leaving negotiations at every opportunity. You must cut them down to size and you now have the chance to do just that.
It was interesting to watch Brillo interviewing a leading civil servant a few minutes ago. He bore the now familiar ‘bulldog chewing a wasp’ face and admitted he would rather the hoi polloi had done what we were told.
When we have finished clearing out the BBC, the civil service should be next for the treatment. I wouldn’t trust that lot of rank incompetents negotiating the purchase of a toilet roll on my behalf, let alone a trade agreement.
If you need a good laugh please read dear old Polly Toynbee in the Guardian. She is trying to spin that we didn’t vote against the EU but against the London establishment. Of she is right that we did vote against the establishment , the LIberal Left establishment of the EU loving BBC , Guardian ,Independent, Labour party ( with a few honourable exceptions) , the pathetic Lib Dems. This lot have wrecked our country and we want to have a chance to rebuild it.
Shame the BBC news people don’t look at their own website. All I am hearing on their news is “turmoil in the markets”, “the pound plumetted”, “pound fell off a cliff”, doom, gloom, despondency, crisis!
The business page clearly shows the FTSE at 6060, up from 5800 at 8:00 this morning; it’s still down about 4.3% and is already beginning to stabilise. The pound was sold, dropped, and is now being bought back by the same institutions that sold it, making a substantial profit I hope for pension funds and the like. At the time of writing, it’s still at 1.25 to the euro.
They prove, time and time again, that they have the economic and financial comprehension of Kermit the Frog, even the very basics elude them.
Had they paid more attention to their own website on the rare occasions they allowed comments, they may have realised that anti-EU sentiment, including the feeling that the EU had let immigration get out of control, was widespread.
But they, along with most politicians dismissed that as the far right. And are still doing so, continuing to refer to parties in Europe with similar concerns as “far right”.
As I’ve said on another thread, what we really need now are new politicians.
Maybe some will be genuinely inspired, post-Jo Cox to stand. Having said that, I think what many did in her name with her tragic killing and especially its aftermath has tarnished that name. Although, I would have possibly, almost probably disagreed with (most of) her political views, I do cherish the notion that maybe someone will stand to represent others because Jo Cox stood for democracy.
I also cherish the notion that in leaving the EU, although all the work is now to be done, we are actually pulling down the fences that were being erected in the UK and Europe. Not the fences that were, maybe still are, going up because of the migration crisis. No.
These are the intangible fences that the EU and UK Government & Treasury spending policies put up over where money does and does not go. Social policies. Housing policies. Business location and initiatives. How much is wasted or siphoned off. Infrastructure, just the same, HS2 being a wonderful example of how to press on blindly with something that is not really wanted in the wrong place serving the wrong needs (and then of just the few) at the wrong time.
I hope that maybe, just maybe, the intangible fences will be pulled away – in the UK and in Europe – by hands that join in work and friendship rather than passing down diktat from a distance.
Up2, excellent post, you’ve identified some of the hidden barriers to growth, artificial constraints that block the flexibility that every government and business needs to get the right resources to the right places at the right time. Except for generalised references to imposed beauracracy, don’t recall this more subtle point getting much air-time in the debate.
Ugh! Timed out in rewriting this:
Kamal Ahmed to resign?
Seriously though, after the media lose interest in the aftermath of the Referendum what might catch some attention next? BBC Charter Review & Renewal?
It has obviously been noticed, judging by posts appearing on Blogs & HYSs, that the BBC has been seriously off-centre in the EU Referendum debate in favouring the Remain side. They were still trying – hours after the result – at the end of the extended TOADY programme. I think maybe some meek and contrite tippy-toeing around might be a good idea for the inhabitants of Broadcasting House, especially at Director & DG level.
Oh no!
The BBC correspondents around Europe seem a bit put out at the loss of all those Berlin nightclubs , those Viennese jodhpurs.
Poor Katya Hill in Berlin tells us that the EU will stick the boot in and prevent contagion by shafting us for all they`re worth-but with a sense of sadness as they blag the Russian coshes to club us over our empty heads.
See-a hooligan CAN weep as he applies the drill to your knee cap.
Great stuff-Dinsdale Piranha used to hate nailing your head to the table, but did it anyway.
So then-sadness and malice, spit in your face but with sad, cow eyes…
Methinks Katya wasn`t talking about the EU-she is only describing the BBC mindset.
Now then-do I wear my swivel eyes today,,,or confine myself to a nice slab of fruitcake as I say a Big Prayer to have lived at a time when Nigel came over all Moses for us….Nigel needs to lead the discussions for leaving, as Master of the Revels!
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Wait… Sunderland 64% for Leave???
What to expect
Sunderland reports. Expect Leave to have a lead of six points if the national vote is tied
Stop it, you’re getting my hopes up. Just like England in the World Cup.
A lead of six points is 53/47 so if it’s 64/36 then Leave would be way out in front…
Dover Sentry, let’s switch to the All Nighter thread – this is getting confusing!
Good point. I will.
Sunderland have narrowly voted to stay in.
If our PM and the BBC had supported BREXIT, the Sunderland result would have been different.
Cameron and BBC traitors.
The Sunderland result hasn’t come in yet, and the noises from the ground is that it’s a large “leave” result..
Well done Sunderland – Dda Iawn !
It’s all up for grabs!!!…..Go on Sunderland…
Interesting reading tweets for Sunderland – the vile abuse that they are getting from the left pretty much sums up their entire character.
” the vile abuse that they are getting from the left pretty much sums up their entire character”
Yeah, that would be the party of peace, love, tolerance, and the nice kind brits, wouldn’t it 🙄
Waits for Yvette Cooper say “this has got to stop” about this too…
What do you all say we switch to the “All Nighter” thread?
Ed Milliband is on. Apparently people are voting to get out of the EU because they are protesting against the Tory government. Ah so that’s the reason! Silly sod.
Emily Maitlis seems disinclined to interrupt or challenge him on his nonsense.
Wait for it ‘lessons to be learned ‘.
Of course he’s completely right. Politics is broken and what broke it was neoliberalism. Interesting how the run down North , destroyed by Thatcherism voted for out , whereas the South East voted in.
Bingo! It’s all Fatcher’s fault !
GBP/USD broken through the 1.45 barrier. Been relatively stable for an hour or so but looking more pro-Leave now,
1.43! Nearly a 5% drop from the 1.50 highs a couple of hours ago.
(Edit) 1.41. Pound in free fall!
Massive drop in the FTSE. They think its a certainty.Leave to win. Cannot see that much of a retracement.
Let’s have some Remain politicians deselected for being out of touch with their constituents, of whom the views, they are supposed to represent .
I’d be most interested in Jo Cox’s constituency vote.
Laura and Dimblebum and Kamal…….po faced….fearful…….what ever happened to hope and change?
They are out of a job….or should be. Failed on our terms…to provide unbiased news, failed on their own terms….to deliver a vote for the status quo.
Dimbleby put on a gloomy face throughout the whole of the 10 hour programme. He never cracked a smile, either when commentating or interviewing. Disgraceful. He made it very clear that he hated the results. Jo Coburn was equally sour, but she usually is, so no change there.
Oh I disagree MartinW…he was positively bubbling with good humour and joviality, as he introduced his pollster expert with his analysis of the polls showing 52/48 in favour of remain.
He was happiness itself….until they got some news on the Newcastle result as expected to be marginal. He was hesitant at that point, and didnt really change much when the actual result was read out. The nail in the coffin emerged when Laura Kuengsberg tead out her hot tip that Sunderland was expected to be 61% leave…
The shit hit the fan good and proper….his composure went and he never recovered. I’m so please I stayed up to watch the bastard squirm until around 2 am….then off to dreamland with me.
“It’s a terrible, terrible day” Keith Vaz.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha! …….me.
Laura’s expression has changed from a smacked bottom to soor plooms.
Re-write the charter review please.
Boy oh boy at five A.M. in the morning, I’ve got such a feeling of well being that you wouldn’t believe….
Me too. I speculated on the currency markets and will make a fortune off this result. Hope to buy more property when folks start to default.
Aha! Revealing your true colours, Manon. A side benefit to the EU vote, perhaps?
Mad Pixie Caroline Lucas very unhappy. Good news.
Sun is out , sky is blue, theres no e.u. to spoil my view!!!!!
I think what we have now is a chance not a victory = THANK GOD!
The unfortunate thing is that if the EU had stuck to its original mandate it might not have been such a bad thing and could well of worked. However human nature being what it is the greed of the political class, bankers and bureaucrats, that somewhat spoilt the show.
The EU was doomed to failure for these reasons. If my car was beyond economic repair I would bin it. However what the EU seemed to do in this situation is fit a new engine (because having that same car appears important) and fit it with square wheels as they are deemed safer ( and it is a useful exercise in bureaucracy and power). The EU would then set up a committee to wonder why it cant go anywhere.
Anyway to the future.
We must watch those who have lied to us over all of this especially Camoron and Osbourne . Who have primed the financial markets to attempt to ruin us if they did not get their way and also countries who have border issues with us. We must hold our nerve.
Now might also be an opportune time to look at Aunty again. Who has colluded with Remain on a scale that would not put the North Korea media to shame and would look at any opportunity to try and re-invigorate this stalinist organisation.
So there we have it good news – yes . But the real job is about to begin!
Good example, Oaknash, and agree the rest. Give thanks to God and enjoin His help in reuniting and rebuilding Britain.
Brett – Love it !!
Abbot on telling us the vote was against Westminster & concerns over immigration was a proxy for other issues.
At least she is assured a constant, and commodious, berth on every BBC sofa to ‘explain’ how the result was the wrong one for all the wrong reasons.
Disappointed at turnout and result in Scotland. Am pleasantly surprised overall and don’t really know what to post.
Stunned into silence. Not often that happens.
I expect the “community” in London to react in typical Eastern European style tonight. I have the fire extinguishers ready.
But why did the Brexit campaign win?
The ‘blame’ can be laid in four main places:
1. The EU itself – By taking away democratic control from the people, the people felt powerless. This referendum gave the people some power and they exercised it. Also when David Cameron asked for a few scraps from the table to allow him to present his EU renegotiation as a success, they couldn’t even allow that. So David Cameron had to pretend that he’d got a good deal but it was obvious that he hadn’t.
2. Tony Blair and the Labour Party – Tony Blair was an EU supporter and an ally of the EU fanatic Peter Mandelson. But Tony Blair’s culpability in this regard actually lies elsewhere. By opening the UK up to unprecedented immigration from both within and outside of the EU, Tony Blair and the Labour Party hoped to ‘rub the right’s noses in diversity’. Immigration into the UK increased to unprecedented levels and the people that were affected the most were those working class people, historically Labour voters, who saw their wages drop, their jobs disappear, their schools get more crowded, their roads fill up, their hospitals at breaking point and their ability to buy or rent a house recede as demand for housing and other public services outstripped supply.
3. The British media – The BBC dominate the British mediasphere and they have been very pro EU, pro unlimited immigration and frankly insulting of anyone who dared to hold a contrary view. A large proportion of the British people were tired of being called ‘racist’ when they pointed out that their hospitals, schools, roads etc were being adversely affected by immigration. If the BBC had allowed their voices to be heard, if the government had listened to their legitimate concerns, then maybe the people wouldn’t have become so angry. But the media and the establishment always know better, know what’s good for the people and left the people voiceless, until…
4. David Cameron – I really believe that David Cameron didn’t believe that he win the 2015 general election with a majority Conservative government. So a promise of an EU referendum was safe, he could say that the price of having another Conservative lead coalition with the Lib Dems was that there could be no EU referendum and he would probably have got away with that. Unfortunately for David Cameron the mood in the country was such that Labour voters fled the Labour Party for UKIP in sufficient numbers for the Conservatives to win a majority government. Now what was David Cameron to do? He went to the EU (actually see 1. for what happened)
More here
That and getting the most votes.
Something that appears to have disturbed the Farce to its core.
A simple repeat of the post GE reality, when Ed didn’t work out as planned, and all BBC focus was on that rather than those who had prevailed with a majority.
The BBC does not speak for the nation.
I think Cameron got it wrong due to his politicking.
He wanted the referendum early to get it in before the expected increases in migrants over the summer.
The EU discussions and Ministers meetings covering the EU Army, acceleration and fiscal support of Turkish membership, directives on Ports, and transactional taxes on financial trading.
His “deal” was as shabby as an advert for broadband with many hidden “extras”
F double minus for competence.
OK. Not so stunned into silence.
Really poor news coverage from BBC. This is showing up some real incompetence in what should be a highly experienced – the most experienced in the world? – Newsroom. OK, they have probably been up all night (while I got a nights sleep) but for well staffed pro news team that’s a pretty feeble excuse.
For example: 6am News clear implication (unless I was still asleep) that NI had voted to Leave. “Only Scotland has voted to Remain in the EU.” About 6.36 they let me know that it is not the case and NI has voted Remain. 7am News. “£ has fallen to its lowest level for thirty years.” Yes it did, but it’s up in the last hour.
I have finally come to the conclusion that Al Beeb and Dimbldore hate Farage.
You don’t say taffman? Now whatever gave you that idea?!!
Still screaming “Nazi” at everyone. That may be one of the reasons the Leave vote was galvanised.
Cutting and pasting off the Guardian website perhaps?
Can I apologise to my Welsh chums out there?
I might have given the impression that I hoped that both Wales and N.Ireland would lose when they met in the Euros soon.
It may APPEAR that I said this-and that perception would, in retrospect; seem to be correct.
But now that the Welsh voted fully to leave the EU, whereas the Irish seemed half hearted(with the usual honourable exceptions in the DUP)-can I take back what I said,,,hope the Welsh stuff them,and we meet them in the final maybe!
Love you Wales!…sincere air kissing of the badge a given here!
I’ll even forgive them for Kinnock.
Just …
Well done Nigel.
And now Marine and Geert over there on that continent of theirs seem to have the wind in their sails.
Good times ahead…as an interested outsider and a constructive friend of France and Holland now-can I wish Geert and Marine all the best, and we`ll pass the rope over once we`ve hung the left tossers first.
bbc still peddling myths
Scotland has voted to remain in the EU (wrong)
Northern Ireland has voted to remain in the EU (wrong)
London has voted to remain in the EU (wrong)
Reality Check –
The United Kingdom has voted to leave the EU (correct)
Even in victory I cannot face tuning in to the bbbc……but Sky news is just as bad. They are all busy talking down the pound and the economy and still forecasting doom and gloom…………..almost treasonous
If Salmond and Krankie still want independence just ask the English they will soon get their marching orders.
Congrats Nigel Farage… Yet again England has lead the way
“If Salmond and Krankie still want independence just ask the English they will soon get their marching orders.”
They won’t take it. Oil at $50/barrel, dysfunctional moribund EU, PIGS, where are they going to go?
They can make “hello” sound like a death threat but they’re all talk at the end of the day.
Which reminds me, let’s not forget Wales in all this. Generally speaking far more mature than Scotland politically, IMO.
It pains me to admit it, but yes, it would appear you are correct.
The tone on R4 Today is sooo muted and downbeat. They can’t believe it and don’t know how to react. I heard someone just after 7am saying that in areas where the electorate was well educated and had degrees, Remain had won. He was more or less saying “only stupid, white people have voted for this”. He wasn’t challenged by the presenter. Clueless
Never heard voices getting dragged along through the mud…sounds nothing like when they drag it through the sewers.
Or is it BBC shagpile at BH?…in any event those voices are all way down in their pixie boots arent they?
All those liberal voices that echo are due to their mumbling in borrowed kinky boots for that Sylvester /Children In Need tribute for charity.
Laura of the BBC and Faisal of Sky each looks although have a mouthful of wasps.
Such a perfect day ! Cameron has announced his resignation and the BBC sounds like it’s covering a funeral !
Oh Boy! , am I going to get pissed tonight !!!!
100% Cameron is a political maggot as far as I am concerned!
Don’t know where you are but watch out for BBC cameras. They’ll be on the prowl for “far right” triumphalist bad behaviour.
Hooray! Cameron gone as PM by September!
I hope Osborne goes before then.
Incidentally I think Tusk & Juncker should consider their positions if they were honourable men. It was their intransigence at the negotiation that really caused the loss of Britain to the EU.
Aren`t we living through the old Blair-Prescott double fall on the pork sword of 2007?
History cycles in only a few years these days, just last a speed cycle on the washing machine.
Joyous stuff…and what a pleasure to see Anne Soubrys career leak onto her Green Room seat, as she hears camerons resignation live on air.
Nasty piece of work is Anna-Norman Tebbit put her straight though.
Now then-where`s Amber bloody Rudd?
Come to think of it, Hezza and Ken Clarke surely due on to calm us all-ha fubbin ha!
Gove for Cahncellor-President Farage and PM Dominic Raab, with Cabinet roles for Lord Lawson and Tebbit.
Only red blooded Brexit types only now need apply…we`ll stuff the Tories if they do other.
Nige for PM!!!!!!!!!
You beauty
Listening to TOADY with a Kiwi BBC staffer and an American contributor (or so it sounded) talking down the economic prospects of the UK.
Don’t you just love the BBC?
Osborne’s place in the government is now untenable. I will expect a note of his resignation by the end of the day.
I agree. His dark threat of a punitive budget (just stopping short of beheading babies as they are born) if we voted for Brexit disqualifies him from any possibility of ever serving his country again.
He should clear his desk and be escorted off the premises, as far as I am concerned.
the FTSE 100 has already rebounded and recovered half its losses since 8am.
Now back over 6000.
I suspect markets and sterling will move back to pre-referendum levels over the next weeks and months once it is clear that the world has not ended.
I wonder how many of the Remainers’ threats will come to pass. And that includes bus passes for the elderly.
And how about big businesses relocating overseas or not investing in the UK ? It should be interesting !
sterling is now also climbing from its low at 4am.
In the words of Sir Winston Churchill on VE Day, 1945: ‘We may allow ourselves a brief period of rejoicing.’
BUT: the reaction to the vote in the media has shown that there are some very, very angry and hateful people trying to come to terms with this result not just in the UK but in the EU as well. The majority is very slim and there will, inevitably, be questions about its democratic viability – we are already seeing this with Scotland – I suspect the EU will now begin to make things very difficult for us.
Good post, Cranmer.
I watched the last of Henry 6 part3 on Monday evening.
The victory speech of Henry VII was noted by me.
The EU, in my evaluation, has turned some people in the UK into very nasty people over forty-four years. A reason for voting to Leave, one of many, as far as I was concerned. Its influence on the UK does not appear to be benign and I agree that that may not end with yesterday’s vote.
Time to trust in God, unite and do right.
I said last night, on this forum, that the trading floors around the World were going to make a killing on the Pound in a very short trading period. It was the right time to buy at 6.00 am. Pensions funds across the U.K. should have been selling stock at 10.00 pm last night and now buying or should have done an hour ago. A very nice profit for the pension funds, which protects those pensioners who have invested in them. The BBC’s so called “economic experts” do not even understand how the markets work, it is quite deplorable. The BBC really are a Micky Mouse organisation.
Old Bloke,
Yes, Beeboids do not understand markets. Their level of commentary on economics and all related topics is woeful. Like listening to a bunch of schoolkids.
Cranmer, the EU will not make life difficult for us, for them, the ship has now sailed. They WILL make it difficult for all the other countries in the EU who are now thinking of EXIT, which will test the resolve of the unelected running Europe. Expect some real fun and games now! Oh dear.
A period, TOB, of renegotiation though. Two years? Most thereof? Longer, perhaps? There’s some time, plenty of time, for mischief there if some wish to do it.
Could it be that this will be the shock the EU need to make them reform and do it substantially?
Not a hope of reform UP2. Platitudes aplenty, but no reform. If there was then the “Great Plan in the Sky” would come crashing down around their ears. Quite simply, a reform would change the E.U. from what it is supposed to become, hence Cameron’s failed effort, as little as it was, to get any reform and why on 28 E.U. votes, the U.K. was ignored. No, the arrogance of the left wing *uckwits in the EU parliament will create their own downfall, but just like the *uckwits on the BBC, they are so blinded by their belief in a failed ideology, they can’t see what is around the corner. Fine. We have, now let us deal with it.
Well Hitler ain’t happy:
The map of the breexit vote shows one of the main problems with the BBC. Time to take the BBC and spread it out it no longer reflects the people. And after the people spoke the BBC still gives most of the air time to doom sayers spreading the properganda. Hardly any air time for the winning party , ohh the look on there faces when there bubbles got burst during the night
The media are all over the place like toothless rabid poodles on the sniff for a titbit.
All in the hope that we forget what it is we`ve just done.
We`ve rejected the whole EU shebang…not that we`d know it now.
For the media squabble over “who will lead the Tories now”…”poor Sam and David”….and lets hope we`ll go at Corbyns speed to wreck the country…let`s try and tickle the Scots, the IRA and snivel about todays stock exchange.
You bastards-don`t you see what you`ve done-made us work and think again for ourselves.
Utter crap-media driven drivel…don`t fall for it.
We want no EU…restricted immigration…our country back and -again-NO to the bloody broken backed nodding dog that is the catastrophic EU.
So-focus only on what `we`ve done-and fuck the liberal media who want trouble, Trump and Boris dead and Nigel back on the run in an Edinburgh pub.
No-we`ve won…nail it whilst we can…the media are trying to shift the debate as they did last May.
As if Norman Smith and Gavin Esler will change their agenda after a few chavs say otherwise…no, stuff the media-who tried so hard to turn into Jo Cox` idiot cousins…and they got very close…
This is my first post, I’ve been reading this forum for two years ever since a google search asking ‘why is the BBC biased against Nigel Farage?’ took me here. You all feel like old friends! Thank you for keeping me sane over the last two years. I’ve learnt a lot but most importantly I have felt vindicated. What a relief it has been to find others who share my passion that the BBC is at times a despicably biased organisation. What utter pleasure it was to see their faces fall – even better than GE night.
My husband and I have never felt so invested in.any political decision ever – we stayed up until 6pm and I am so euphoric I just cannot sleep any longer.
Incidentally we are both graduates – intelligent and opinionated if a little worn around the edges. Being informed by Vine and Dimbleby that this would indicate our voting to Remain was hilarious.
Thank you
I’m sure many of us on here will say welcome and welcome to your first post..always a nervy thing, the first post on a forum. But like you, I should think most of us came here for the same reason, simply, the rank bias of the publicly funded impartial BBC (sic). Look out for the Trolls though, they tend to be out at night when the student union bars close. They swear black is white and white is black. There is very little hope for them I’m afraid, a bit like the BBC. Welcome.
Like you, I have often felt isolated in my opinions on BBC and EU.
BiasedBBC has sometimes been a lifeline.
It’s reassuring to know there are many others who clearly think along similar lines.
I hope you celebrate well today, as I will, and give thanks to the will of the common people who have finally been given their say.
I think many feel this to be a great victory, able to stand alongside other great events in our nation’s history – and with equally long fortuitous results.
Hear! Hear!
Welcome ! Was 6 pm past your normal bedtime ? I stayed up until 10 pm but couldn’t face spending the night with Dimblebore, although it would have been worth it to see his increasing depression. I am a stupid BSc who voted Leave. I really must get an education.
Oh Grant, you missed a wonderful experience….if you can get it on replay, dont miss the chance.
At 10 he introduced his pollster expert, who revealed that two polls yesterday showed a 52/48 split in favour of remain.
Old Dimblebore was cockahoop, poistively bubbling, his guests also delighted to be there.
They knew that Newcastle and Sunderland would post results early, and reliably informed us that Newcastle were expected to Remain ( significantly) and that Sunderland expected a Leave. Well…..Newcastle came in….and instead kf the expected 10% margin, it was truly marginal, the faces began to change slightly….then…came the bombshell….Keungsberg read a phone message which alluded to a 61% for leave in Sunderland, and announced it.
The faces turned to the sour ones that never left them all night.
The actual Sunderland announcement was the icing on the cake…..they KNEW it was game over, and oh, didnt it show…..
Pleasures like that one dont come along very often in life…..but I adored seeing that smug self satisfied know all twat gutted live on tv.
Thanks , I shall chase it up. The “Sunderland moment ” sounds a bit like the “Essex moment ” of one of Maggie’s victories. I watched about 10 minutes of the BBC news channel a couple of hours ago. Couldn’t bear it. Talk about sour grapes.
Isn’t Dimblebore a bit old to be staying up all night anyway ? In fact, shouldn’t he just be totally pensioned off ?
My Portillo Moment was Nigels speech at 4am…went to bed after that for an hour or so.
Dimbleby and the odious Justine Greening poured scorn and venom on his “populism” “arrogance” and presumptions”-even though Dum had said he`d won good as.
But no-it was the BBCs job to anoint and announce..it was Justines night shift to spit venom at Leave people like Boris and Nigel…Soubry, Rudd and now Greening…three witches.
But all spent and sour…and in Dimblebys basket of dead flowers and fruit.
Was glad I sw up for that-the nasty party and the nastier BBC in full evidence in the wee hours…Jo Cox long forgotten, this was existential evil in full flow.
Yet Nigel raved on, I went to bed-and the scum now hope to rush us into a crisis…sorry lads, it`ll be Italy next!
Welcome pinchmeplease.
You seem to have come along on a good day…good to hear from you.
I`ve never felt prouder to be British-not in that Clegg/Cox “Brit” way that sneers and insults us as we blag our meds on the Costa Del Sol…but in a way when Marine Le Pen puts a Union Jack on her Twitter Feed and the mighty Geert Wilders for once is following us, not leading us.
What a joy to be British today-and to watch the BBC and political scum desperately trying to hide the bottles or any evidence that we said NO to them all and all their works has been wonderful.
The liberal elite are now in quicksand, the more they struggle and wriggle out of all they`ve done…the deeper and more rapid their deaths.
Now let`s get a drink at a Wetherspoons, have a run round with the Dyson and remember all our friends like Gisela, Katie Hopkins, Suzanne Evans and Audrey Ledsom…let poor Warsi and Woollaston seek those new careers they`re going to need….for when we needed TRUE patriots and some courage-we get Theresa May.
Now lets look to AfD and Five Star…this is an international contagion that we need to spread…the ordinary people are NOT at Glastonbury, but hate the BBC and their lies and shroud waving.
pinchmeplease – and any other recent recruits.
You may sometimes see a reference to champagne bottles and corridors on here. As a newcomer you may like to check out Jane Garvey on Wikipedia. Her infamous gaffe about the 1997 election probably stopped her rise in its tracks.
Hearing her say it live was the “moment” for me on BBC bias.
I feel very proud to be English this morning and I have high regard for the Taffs who have played a blinder both at the Euros’ and in the referendum. The Scots and N Irish have other issues behind their remain votes than just membership of the EU.
But back to our main topic of the hated BBC. As pointed out above the BBC are relishing the short term economic shocks and I fully expect them to tell us all off for being naughty children who have defied the wishes of their elders and betters by voting leave.
I realise that all the politicians will have many issues on their hands over the next weeks and months but I make a plea to those who will shortly be in full charge of our country. You really must do something about the BBC. If they had not been so bias towards Remain the referendum result could easily of been an even more decisive vote for leave . They have tried for months , years , to propagandize for the EU . It is one of their favourite causes. They could have swayed the result to Remain if it wasn’t for the good sense of the English and Welsh people. The over mighty corporation does this country great harm. I have no doubt that the BBC will seek to undermine the leaving negotiations at every opportunity. You must cut them down to size and you now have the chance to do just that.
It was interesting to watch Brillo interviewing a leading civil servant a few minutes ago. He bore the now familiar ‘bulldog chewing a wasp’ face and admitted he would rather the hoi polloi had done what we were told.
When we have finished clearing out the BBC, the civil service should be next for the treatment. I wouldn’t trust that lot of rank incompetents negotiating the purchase of a toilet roll on my behalf, let alone a trade agreement.
If you need a good laugh please read dear old Polly Toynbee in the Guardian. She is trying to spin that we didn’t vote against the EU but against the London establishment. Of she is right that we did vote against the establishment , the LIberal Left establishment of the EU loving BBC , Guardian ,Independent, Labour party ( with a few honourable exceptions) , the pathetic Lib Dems. This lot have wrecked our country and we want to have a chance to rebuild it.
Any Remainers saying that they think the vote was rigged ? LOL ! Thought not !
Shame the BBC news people don’t look at their own website. All I am hearing on their news is “turmoil in the markets”, “the pound plumetted”, “pound fell off a cliff”, doom, gloom, despondency, crisis!
The business page clearly shows the FTSE at 6060, up from 5800 at 8:00 this morning; it’s still down about 4.3% and is already beginning to stabilise. The pound was sold, dropped, and is now being bought back by the same institutions that sold it, making a substantial profit I hope for pension funds and the like. At the time of writing, it’s still at 1.25 to the euro.
They prove, time and time again, that they have the economic and financial comprehension of Kermit the Frog, even the very basics elude them.
Kamal Ahmed to resign?
Had they paid more attention to their own website on the rare occasions they allowed comments, they may have realised that anti-EU sentiment, including the feeling that the EU had let immigration get out of control, was widespread.
But they, along with most politicians dismissed that as the far right. And are still doing so, continuing to refer to parties in Europe with similar concerns as “far right”.
As I’ve said on another thread, what we really need now are new politicians.
Agree, Roland.
Maybe some will be genuinely inspired, post-Jo Cox to stand. Having said that, I think what many did in her name with her tragic killing and especially its aftermath has tarnished that name. Although, I would have possibly, almost probably disagreed with (most of) her political views, I do cherish the notion that maybe someone will stand to represent others because Jo Cox stood for democracy.
I also cherish the notion that in leaving the EU, although all the work is now to be done, we are actually pulling down the fences that were being erected in the UK and Europe. Not the fences that were, maybe still are, going up because of the migration crisis. No.
These are the intangible fences that the EU and UK Government & Treasury spending policies put up over where money does and does not go. Social policies. Housing policies. Business location and initiatives. How much is wasted or siphoned off. Infrastructure, just the same, HS2 being a wonderful example of how to press on blindly with something that is not really wanted in the wrong place serving the wrong needs (and then of just the few) at the wrong time.
I hope that maybe, just maybe, the intangible fences will be pulled away – in the UK and in Europe – by hands that join in work and friendship rather than passing down diktat from a distance.
Up2, excellent post, you’ve identified some of the hidden barriers to growth, artificial constraints that block the flexibility that every government and business needs to get the right resources to the right places at the right time. Except for generalised references to imposed beauracracy, don’t recall this more subtle point getting much air-time in the debate.
Ugh! Timed out in rewriting this:
Kamal Ahmed to resign?
Seriously though, after the media lose interest in the aftermath of the Referendum what might catch some attention next? BBC Charter Review & Renewal?
It has obviously been noticed, judging by posts appearing on Blogs & HYSs, that the BBC has been seriously off-centre in the EU Referendum debate in favouring the Remain side. They were still trying – hours after the result – at the end of the extended TOADY programme. I think maybe some meek and contrite tippy-toeing around might be a good idea for the inhabitants of Broadcasting House, especially at Director & DG level.
Oh no!
The BBC correspondents around Europe seem a bit put out at the loss of all those Berlin nightclubs , those Viennese jodhpurs.
Poor Katya Hill in Berlin tells us that the EU will stick the boot in and prevent contagion by shafting us for all they`re worth-but with a sense of sadness as they blag the Russian coshes to club us over our empty heads.
See-a hooligan CAN weep as he applies the drill to your knee cap.
Great stuff-Dinsdale Piranha used to hate nailing your head to the table, but did it anyway.
So then-sadness and malice, spit in your face but with sad, cow eyes…
Methinks Katya wasn`t talking about the EU-she is only describing the BBC mindset.
Now then-do I wear my swivel eyes today,,,or confine myself to a nice slab of fruitcake as I say a Big Prayer to have lived at a time when Nigel came over all Moses for us….Nigel needs to lead the discussions for leaving, as Master of the Revels!
chris “the EU will stick the boot in and prevent contagion by shafting us for all they`re worth”
Oh! Good! Maybe we will get some of our money back.
(yeah, I know, it’s ‘typo’ but for a smile it was worth it.)