Middle of the week and the BBC excelling itself on pushing the “Remain is ahead in the Polls” and “Vote Remain for Jo Cox”. The floor is yours!

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543 Responses to MID WEEK OPEN THREAD

  1. Old Timer says:

    Job done.
    Well done the English and Welsh.
    Arise Sir Nigel of Witney.
    Prime Minister Boris by Monday
    Chancellor Gove by Tuesday.
    Pound stable by Wednesday.
    BBC licence scrapped Thursday.
    Four more EU referendums announced Friday.
    Can’t wait until November to see Trump win.


  2. Aerfen says:

    James OBrian on LBC irresponsibly trying to talk Britain down and spread his own gloom.
    Same old sneering at brexiters, patronising and strawmen lines used to smear.


  3. GCooper says:

    A disgusting comment from Kuensberg on the BBC, describing Boris as ‘calm and sober’, ‘a contrast with Farage earlier’ – the implication being that he was drunk and excitable.

    Now is the time for this morally bankrupt organisation to be put to the sword.


    • chrisH says:

      We went through all this last year.
      The people spoke and (god love `em) chose the useless conjob Cameron!
      But within 48 hours, the BBC were back to sneering at us all, and have done nothing else since.
      Payback-oh goody, the SNP want another referendum…yes please, join the Euro and be the Turkish sump that`s your destiny!
      Oh great-Donald Trump treads this green and pleasant land at the very same time that the mighty Nigel too trod the sod of Albion…a joy to live at such a time as this!


  4. Voice of the Mysterons says:

    I assume they’re all dressed in black at the BBC, because everyone sounds depressed.

    Not me though!!!!


    • Cranmer says:

      If there is a purge in the Conservative party, as is highly likely following Mr Cameron’s resignation, the BBC knows that a purge of its own ranks will probably be coming, ‘and that right soon’.


    • Dysgwr_Cymraeg says:

      No corridors strewn with empty champagne bottles then at al beeb?


  5. GCooper says:

    While we are, deservedly, lambasting this disgraceful performance from the BBC, we should pause to consider Sky, too, which has been, if anything, even more pro-Remain in its efforts and whose news page today reads like a cross between a funeral notice and a Japanese horror comic, complete with giant sea monsters.

    Sky operates under a licence. A new post-Brexit government needs to impose a requirement for impartiality, given its market share.


    • Aerfen says:

      And LBC.
      The point is almost the entire media is Globalist in outlook and consequently almost entirely pro EU.


  6. chrisH says:

    Just a thought. Why all this fuss about us leaving?
    Surely Turkey would like to take our place if we offered it to them.
    The BBC and the political elite seem awful put out about having to make rules, speak English and not keep scooting off to Brussels or Cancun.
    No wonder they`re so grumpy-fancy having to learn how to write a law again, to be available at Cheam Village Hall instead of hiding in Strasbourg etc.
    Good for the environment I`d have thought-but are we talking Jon Snow miles of virtue?
    Have told a few kids at Glastonbury that Donald Trump is attending in his helicopter later on, seeing Jeremy is otherwise engaged…hope it`ll catch on- his new single “Make America Great Again” is to be played live at the Peel Field( don`t bring your kids!)…hoping they`ll pass it on and collapse weeping into Camilla Batmanghedghlis capacious technicoloured yurt.
    PS-can we buy £3 membership of the Zombie Party so we can get Jeremy to stay…he`s got to be a UKIP mole, that lad!


  7. Thoughtful says:

    Some stupid Tory woman on TWATO telling us that we shouldn’t forget Cameron’s achievements, and just about the only thing she could come up with was ‘same sex marriage’!
    For most people that means absolutely nothing, even those who are Gay!

    It just shows they are just as out of touch as they ever were and have learned nothing from the referendum.


  8. taffman says:

    Time now to look at the conduct of Al Beeb during the referendum. I mean a judicial inquiry .


  9. Dave666 says:

    Just watching the mid day BBc news. Sturgeon is on wanting to re run the referendum “of a generation” at least the elite have accepted the result of our referendum. I wonder if the whole of the UK will be voting on the break up of this union and if Sturgeon gets the “wrong” result how long it will be until they have yet another go.


    • taffman says:

      Would the EU oligarchy allow Scotland to join it as an independent nation ?
      What currency would they use , pounds, Euros or haggis?


  10. chrisH says:

    Fancy Nigel becoming the hinge on which the gates of British history now swing…and he`s not even an MP, hated for over 25 years.
    Got to make his life as a film eh?…d`ya think the BBC will serialise it for us?
    We can be heroes as the song goes.
    Oh and the CBI top bird is on again….Fairbird….oh, isn`t it great to meet the scum supplicating before Andrew Neil once again…naked and with no excuses…the BBC scrape the bottoms of the elite who were meant to gull us…and the elite and the BBC are as befuddled as each other
    “They would not listen, they`re not listening still”
    “Perhaps they never will”…well that megaphone and bass drum seem to have got their attention.
    Enjoy it whilst they create the New Narrative, the New Consensus…safe to say it was NOT a verdict on the EU!
    And our first non-Jo Cox Day -finally…


    • Grant says:


      I just saw it. First time I have seen Anna Soubry. What a repulsive nasty piece of work.


  11. chrisH says:

    Wonder if Nigel would care to stand in Batley and Spen as the founder member of the Brexit Party?
    Will run this one by my UKIP plans tonight at Tim Martins Wetherspoons Pub…and will drink at no other from now on!


  12. gb123 says:

    Just switched on to ITV. Michael Heseltine due on. What are the odds on a big talk down on the economy and the country plus trying to say I told you so.
    BTW the market was lower in January than today” worst drop. It going to be yoyo for some time I think.


    • ID says:

      Can’t the beeboids read a graph? FTSE is 6051 now and looks to be gradually climbing


      • Grant says:


        Yes, opening high 6338, Low so far 5788, now 6017. Big fluctuations as would be expected but not the disaster some hoped for. Should settle down next week. We have been here so many times before in terms of movements. But you wouldn’t know that by listening to the BBC !


        • WiganCookie says:


          Totally agree, this time next week everything will be back to “normal” and the people who play at the stock exchange will find something else to panic about.

          I cannot wait to see the BBC News this evening


          • Grant says:


            I just had a report from a respected , well-known investment adviser saying much the same thing. He was around at the time of the 1987 crash which was a ” much bigger panic” but seems like “little more than a blip ” now.
            Of course, people like him should be spreading confidence, but why does the BBC always spread doom and gloom ? I think we all know the answer.


    • Grant says:


      When the list of traitors is published , Heseltine’s name will be near the top.


  13. taffman says:

    Scotland has voted in favour of the UK staying in the EU by 62% to 38%
    So if the Scots do go for independence that’s nearly 40% who may want to remain part of GB ?


    • Roland Deschain says:

      I’ve said it elsewhere. Virtually no elected politician up here represents me and that 38%.

      Except David Coburn and I’d really like to think there must be better out there.


  14. G.W.F. says:

    Can we get something right? Londoners did not vote for Remain; they voted for Leave. People who live in London voted for Remain


    • GCooper says:

      Now that is one of the truest things said all morning.


    • Aerfen says:

      Very true. As they pointed out last night the areas of London least likely to vote Bremain were the outer East suburbs I.e. Albert Square territory the bit where some indigenous Londoners still live.

      Others living in London are either immigrant descent or post graduate middle class blow ins who mostly take a hike to the Home Counties or even further afield when their kids reach school age.


  15. chrisH says:

    Oh grand-got my programme for Tolpuddle!

    Anyone fancy meeting up there July 17th?…ought to be fun.


  16. wronged says:

    Farage is the new Wat Tyler.

    We peasants have revolted.

    The elite will hit back, watch your back’s Brexiteers.


  17. seismicboy says:

    watching the bbc lunchtime news, there is a lot of soul-searching and finger pointing relating to who is to blame for brexit. The left, far-left and biased media organisations must shoulder some of the blame. The people of the UK had genuine concerns about immigration but instead of engaging in discussion the left just called them racist, xenophobic haters as that’s the easy way to deal with contrary views.

    Also, you would have thought that the bbc/guardian would have learned their lesson with polls after the GE. So what did the Guardian have as a headline yesterday on their website? ‘Remainers get boost from poll’ or some such nonsense. They were so keen to have it in the bag they convinced remain voters it was a done deal when it clearly wasn’t.


  18. WiganCookie says:

    i was awake early (04:00) and started to watch the unfolding result. As a supporter of LEAVE as was a bit surprised with the result and perhaps a bit apprehensive with what the future holds.

    Then I saw Keith Vaz on the BBC and the sun came out, if you get a chance please watch it.


    • nogginator says:

      The sun came out … and what a bright sun eh!
      Give this a listen at 5m 40secs … I heard this as I was driving back, just had to find it out … 😀 It is classic

      “(sigh) crouching here in the shade, on the other side of our gazebo, but, (sigh) however the sun is shining,
      its streaming in … its very hot (sigh)” BBC s Panto Nikki
      That s just the start 😀 – where are the clanging chimes of doom


      Don t like it up em! Capn Mannering” ?


  19. Maria Brewin says:

    Sudden outbreak of pragmatism:

    Angela Merkel urges EU leaders to maintain CLOSE relations with UK in wake of Brexit

    President Obama says US and UK will STILL have ‘special relationship’ in spite of Brexit

    I take talk of the special relationship with a pinch of salt except in specific areas like intelligence. However, it doesn’t look like Barry is going to dismantle the half completed new embassy any time soon, and I think that spares for my Golf should be available a little while longer. They’re overpriced in any case.


    • Grant says:

      In the case of the EU, they need us more than we need them. As for Barry, he is a dead duck and , if Trump, becomes President……. Luckily Cameron will be gone by then ( Why isn’t he going now ? He is a failure ) so won’t have to explain to Trump why he made such stupid comments about him.


  20. Wild says:

    Paddy Ashdown ‏@paddyashdown Jun 17
    In the pause to mourn Jo Cox’s murder we should also think how we can return the politics of kindliness & respect not shouting & harsh words

    Paddy Ashdown ‏@paddyashdown 9h9 hours ago
    Please stay PM, said the pirates who took over the ship as they lead him down to the hold in chains.

    Paddy Ashdown ‏@paddyashdown 59m59 minutes ago
    These bl**dy fools have persuaded the British people to vote for an action which will now lead to the dissolution of their own country!

    Peter johnston ‏@Vengencemonkey 10h10 hours ago
    @paddyashdown no. Let it rot. Give Scotland and London independence and let the morons elsewhere wallow in their filth


  21. chrisH says:

    Was proud to be but one in the March of the Munchkins yesterday.
    Yes folks, we little people did our bit, left a bit of chewing gum on our political masters pixie boots…and now, it`s time to go and leave the room so the grown ups can figure out what it was we did…and why.
    No need to ask us of course-that`s what the experts are for.
    So it is that Campbell talks to Huw on College Green…chicken bones out, runes read and tea leaves set for study.
    Clearly when we said we didn`t want the EU-we did-but Labour failed to point that out to us well enough. More marketing and more analysis…both media and politicos in a dance of death, but presuming that we too will wish to join their parade.
    Utter wankers-failed nobodies with David Kellys blood on hands, dead soldiers scattered and the like…but we couldn`t have known what inconvenience we`ve now caused to the Peoples Leaders , Movers and Shakers,
    What impertinence…arrogance…and Polly Toynbee breezes in, and would like Jo Cox to be the next woman leader of the Tories…oh, sorry-the dead and equally moribund Anna Soubry…well of COURSE-THAT is what the Brexit party requires!
    Polly says so-so shall we indulge her?
    Utter deluded tosspots who`ve cleared us from the room, opened the windows and now think we`ll stamp our hooves in the barn while they create anew.
    Sorry-you`re finished…and the more the liberal elite tried to snuff us and over in the mud in a death rattle and roll…the more we loath them and will create anew.
    With Nigel and Michael, Gisela and Andrea….and still the suckers seek a Hodge or a Davison…will we settle for that?
    Fuck off-remember how they neutered us over the MPs expenses and the Tory victory lat year?…THIS is VERY different!
    No Remainders will EVER get our interest again-they are DEAD!…and don`t ever forget to remind them of the stench they pass off as “charisma”.
    Nigel plus….no further comments required from the BBC and the political deadheads.
    Only THEY give a damn about Labours future-they`ve not got one.


    • Grant says:

      Excellent Chris. They really don’t get it do they ? They are in denial as if it was a nightmare and they will wake up tomorrow and find that they won anyway. Plonkers. We will all remember who the Remainers were and they are finished now.


  22. Grant says:

    Has Osborne resigned yet ?


  23. Lock13 says:

    Well I pulled the all nighter at work . Walked in at 12.00 a.m. the GBP/USD was 1.4980 Gibraltar had voted in by a landslide ,Newcastle followed. Nige decided to capitulate and all around me the screens blinked and everyone was in euphoric mood. I resigned myself to a nice 55/45 in with a shrug and an at least I tried mentality. And then ……
    One after one they kept coming leave after leave after leave. The Scousers voted remain (what happened to them lost all respect). The lily livered Scots followed ,led by the that fierce warlord wee Jimmie Krankie.
    Leave after leave the pound took a hammering down to 1.3280 . The markets crossed on Paddy Power I saw 1/50 for leave I knew the game was up.
    I could not believe what was happening what a fantastic night.
    The pound has now retraced to 1.3800 ish armageddon is having a fag and chicken little is still looking up to the sky.
    The Sun shone and I rejoiced
    Mr. Farage this is all down to you matey what a man


  24. Grant says:

    FT100 only down 2% on the day now and still climbing. If reported by the BBC , the formula will be ” Massive, disaster slump on early trading, some losses recovered later in the day “.


  25. tarien says:

    40 years of the EU has Finished our Ship Building, Finished our Coal mining, Finished our steel production/almost, Destroyed our Fishing, Railways sold off, Electricity sold off, Gas sold off, Royal Mail sold, and Water sold, now NHS is biing prepared for sale. Monsterous-what did we do to stop it? nothing -Now that Britain has voted OUT let’s re-instate these industries, close our borders-we have enough people to carry out all work/services as necessary & those that don’t want to work but are capable of doing so, stop their benefits. We shall have a tough ride ahead but the real Brits are a stoical lot as 2 world wars have shown.


  26. An English Gentleman says:

    Where is George Osbourne?
    Wasn’t he well enough to go to school, today?