No Question Time this week, but instead, on the night of the most important vote of the past 50 years, we have an all night chat (for those with the stamina anyway). David Dimbleby anchors the coverage of the results, assisted by a predictably leftist menagerie of Remainiacs. If it all gets too sickening there will be the option to switch to ITV’s live coverage instead.
Kick off tomorrow (Thursday) at 9.55 pm
Low turnout in Scotland – probably will favour Leave. Ruth Davidson’s face is priceless – trying to put a brave face on the Sunderland result. Mind you, she’s had a lot of practice…
Lord Farage says:
“We are winning this war”
Hold up … BBC a bit nervy at this early stage. Time for a bit more anti Farage.
Sneer sneer now about that poster …
F**k me. £ down 6% in the last few minutes, since the Sunderland result.
“Almost vertically down”
DId the traders get it seriously wrong today?
No Mike, you have to understand how the markets work. The Pound has been over priced for sometime now. Tonight saw the last dregs of buying at a high price. The pound needs to collapse to make it affordable. When the bottom is reached investors will buy low then watch the value increase. That is how they make money. Farage would know, he used to do it but with commodities. Fear not, there are some traders going to make a fortune tonight, only the BBC are so thick they can’t see it. (But I could be wrong)
Old Bloke, not denying for one moment that there are underlying fundamentals, but what I meant was that the pound rose sharply today on the back of the opinion polls favouring Remain, and presumably on secret exit polls, but now that the results are coming in, the pound starts sinking like a stone.
Did wonder where all the Remain scum would be tonight.
The likes of Chukka can`t help themselves can they?…but at least we`d expect the Obama tribute act to gurn behind the likes of Peston.
But then I saw Will Straw and Shami Chukkabutty behind some BBC gasbag…all troughing at our expense of course.
Oh for one small cherry bomb to wipe out-well a whole generation of nothings…coming to think of it…will make no difference will it?
But it would be payback for years of liberal student traitors…maybe it`ll be our scorn and contempt that they fear more.
Enjoyable hearing the likes of Ashdown and MacDonnell hoofing and busking for all their worth…never seen words leave mouths in the shape of slugs before.
The lower the Pound against the Dollar and Euro, the better it is for our own manufacturing industry. I export all over the World and I want to see a low pound price. It means we will be busy busy busy and calling on our suppliers to supply more product. Win Win. But you won’t hear the BBC talk of such things.
The Old Bloke
You are right but get ready to sell when the Euro € starts crashing if we are ‘OUT’.
taffman, we sell all over the World with a shipment going out to the States today. Our clients are watching what is happening tonight.
Its moving fast ….
A historic moment. Captured for ever in the Battle of Britain film.
Herr EU Junker (didn’t they made dive bombers?) versus Lord Farage’s father in the Swiss Embassy 1940. An honest discussion regarding Britain’s future. “It’s two lumps you take, isn’t it?”
“Herr EU Junker (didn’t they made dive bombers?)”
Junkers Ju 87
Same trajectory as the Remain vote?
Mike Hunt
I hope so , I bloody hope so .
Mr Dimbleby, has there been a death in the family?
According to Al Beeb London may sway it ?
london and scotland vs england
London may become an independent state, apparently 🙄
And Wales
Watching the BBC squirm. Worth every penny of my licence fee (for now).
been watching the BBC coverage from the start. They started off confident that we were going to remain, oddly now, at 12.45, they have seen the voters views and are looking down in the mouth.
can I offer one bright spot to the BBC? Once we say bye to the unelected, incompetent, secretive and corrupt EU then the BBC won’t be able to have its hand out for any more EU bungs. Then they can report the truth about the EU.
Indeed two big money sources gone … The EU bribes and Top Gear revenue !!!
Millipede slapped ass face .
Oh ! He has always looked like that.
BBC. Political Establishment. Liberal Left. Bien Pensants. The Guardian. The Economist. Financial Markets. Frau Merkel. Donald Tusk. Herr Junckers.
Crisis? What Crisis?
The BBC coverage is an absolute HOOT-lots of sad faces in evidence.
At the start (after Newcastle result) they were on the verge of crowing and cracking open the bolly.
Some of us have waited a long time for this day.
Personally, I think they get hammered when it comes to the ENGLISH vote.
What a shame ….still , never mind.
Ha,ha,ha, ha.ha etc. etc.
Oh this is great!
Luke Walton on manoevres in Hangin Angus territory telling us all why Hartlepool so hate the Remain camp.
As if the visit of Michael Heseltine had nothing to do with it!
Heseltine is the very Roundup of “plant management”-the bloke is Agent Orange in all he says and does.
Let`s see more of Hezza….poison ivy in a bodybag.
Oh-who dug Ed Milpeed out of his plant pot?…a talking weed!
Hi all, Just got approved to comment so this is a bit out-of-synch with what’s happening but did you notice how Dimblebore made mention that there might have been some Remain votes that were lost by the weather conditions?
He specifically said “Remain” – surely the same thing applies to the “Leave” votes which were also “lost”.
They’re rattled and even if this ultimately ends in Remain, it’s going to be far too close to say the issue is over.
Message to the London Labour Party.
Nobody likes you.
Before the Sunderland result half an hour ago, you could have had 10-1 “Leave”…Now it’s 11/8…
Looking at their (BBC) online page, all I’m seeing is Labour this, Labour that. Not a thing from the conservatives. Biased or what?
Presenter to Milliband: a lot of people said they were “very much for Remain until they heard the bullying”. Funny, that’s the first I’ve heard of it on the BBC…
I placed a £20 bet with Ladbrokes that Leave would win.
I stand to gain £140 plus the satisfaction of knowing that the elite bastards have lost. Fingers crossed!
Well done, wish I’d had the balls to do something similar!
“What to expect:
The first big wave of results, with 22 councils expected to declare at or around this time. Worth keeping an eye on Wrexham, one of the more Eurosceptic parts of Wales, which would be close if the national result is close.”
Hubris at the BBC? Surely not. Within three hours they’ve gone from smug certainty to doubt and confusion, almost denial. This is priceless.
Broxbourne !
Well done where ever you are ?
I gasped when I saw this ! Broxbourne is on the outskirts of London in Hertfordshire on the A10/M25 so a real surprise at the Leave result, so they cant rely on the London area doing it for Remain.
Broxbourne from my experience is one of several Rorkes Drift outposts of Londonistan.
Dover Sentry
Broxbourne = ’11 VCs before breakfast’
I must be quite near there and I’ve no idea where it is!
Think Hertford and head south towards Enfield. Broxbourne & Hoddesdon.
I think Laura Kuentesbergen wants to go for a wee. She us fidgeting and looks close to an accident
I love you Swindon! Two great car-making areas now gone heavily Out.
Al Beeb “the voters wanted to kick the establishment”
Not wanting to kick the EU ? What the hell are they on about ?
Great how Nick Robinson at the BBC manages to tell us all that the working class muffly types of chap oop north want to “give the establishment a good kicking”.
Talk about displacement-as if the BBC are not exactly the same establishment…and the BBC seem not to “own this one”.
But-who`s checking his carbon footprint?…who said we needed him to drive aimlessly from Edinburgh to London.
Oh dear-poor Alastair Campbells off his lithium….nurse!
How wonderful to watch Dimblebores xpression turn from happiness to utter panic….he’s shitting bricks..
London don’t like rain – low turnout ?
Isn’t he just !
Where did my post go???????
DV, you’re robbing some long-term contributors of their Moment of Glory?!!!
@Conan Which post? This one?
The BBC coverage is an absolute HOOT-lots of sad faces in evidence.
At the start (after Newcastle result) they were on the verge of crowing and cracking open the bolly.
Some of us have waited a long time for this day.
Personally, I think they get hammered when it comes to the ENGLISH vote.
What a shame ….still , never mind.
Ha,ha,ha, ha.ha etc. etc.
Cameron is asking for a EU referendum rerun if Leave win because today it rained in London and students couldn’t be bothered to get out of bed
Lol and he’s going to extend the deadline by 18 years to allow the future generation to vote !!
Vile weather may affect London turnout… good news for Leave
Expert (who?) saying that the Leave vote is “harder” than Remain and the turnout of Leave voters is higher and might explain the swing towards Leave
Priceless: Laura K: “when you look at the referendum, every single leader has been on the Remain side”. Guests: Utter silence!!
Go Kettering!
BBC being unbelievably patronising now, towns which are ‘left behind’ voting leave, uneducated ‘angry’ people looking for people to kick!
These people are obviously too stupid to have made a logical decision, and yet silly self righteous young ‘uns who couldnt even register on time but who would vote Bremain were to be encouraged to vote!
‘Towns left behind’ – i.e the big manufacturing towns such as Swindon or Sunderland. The BBC has just stuck two fingers up to our big manufacturers.
Forgive me for getting carried away. But I have to quote Churchill :
“Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.”
Londonistan will be a voting problem for Leave. Millions of votes on the table. Who knows?
Kettering have stuck their fingers up at Cameron.
Wonderful to see Tim Montgomerie giving that prize barsteward A. Campbell a hard time.
AC and Angela Eagle blaming Austerity…..absolute B******s.
All this and looks like Basildon will give Remain a good kicking….Oh Deep Joy.
Do hope Ac loses it and reveals the true nasty piece of work he is.
Lol Dimbledumb trying to blame the results so far on the weather. Nick Robinson saying they may have been a bigger disconnect between what the public want. and what the establishment thought. than they realised. Cretin Campbell stating they shouldn’t have allowed the referendum – so much for democracy. Labour Remainers blaming it all on the austerity measures. still not recognising that they have lost hundreds of thousands of their voters. #Vacuous useless Angela Eagle ! Never seen them in such a panic. Early days yet but ……
did eagle almost say thatcher s fault a defo Margaret slipped in there
Agreed, Tower Hamlets.
Ed Miliband says ‘many people are reluctant Remainers’. If you had doubts then why didn’t you vote Leave? A Remain vote was a wasted vote because the EU would bend over backwards to give us reforms if we vote Leave. Are these people thick? Remainers are the same people who leave their money in low-interest savings accounts bizarrely hoping it’ll get better.
3 quick questions:
1. Has anyone told the politicos that voting ended over 3 hours ago? They are still arguing the toss about the same shit.
2. has anyone mentioned democracy & sovereignty yet? I haven’t heard a single word about it. Are they being told to keep quiet for the benefit of our friends across the channel I wonder?
3. Is it just me, or does everyone else think Eagle is one of the biggest leftards to crawl the planet?
I know what you mean about Eagle. Her voice reminds me of Orville the duck with Keith Harris.
Ha ha ha Orville 🙂
Quite hard to find Leave voters in the BBC pub in Worcester, apparently.
Gosh, what a shock 🙄
“Quite hard to find Leave voters in the BBC pub in Worcester, apparently.”
Even harder to find sober or articulate voters among the students there.
“Cameron red-faced after German official says Brussels WILL trade with Britain after Brexit”
Its all about Londonistan
A Labour councillor in trouble at Oxford!
Essex is one of the most Eurosceptic Counties of England. 75% Out , I am hearing .
Hello my old friend , I hope you are right, oh I hope that you are so right .
Leanne Wood – its all about austerity ?