No Question Time this week, but instead, on the night of the most important vote of the past 50 years, we have an all night chat (for those with the stamina anyway). David Dimbleby anchors the coverage of the results, assisted by a predictably leftist menagerie of Remainiacs. If it all gets too sickening there will be the option to switch to ITV’s live coverage instead.
Kick off tomorrow (Thursday) at 9.55 pm
According to Clive Myrie, it’s “all about resentful working class Whites”. You utter, utter racist Clive Myrie.
A pattern is emerging among our media cretins: stupid white working classes aiming a kick at the establishment.
I bet our Car Moron gets a seat in the EU, win or loose .
The voting is close so far.
Londonistan with ten million voters dwarfes (Can I say that? Can I?) most of the UK who have been quite marginal so far.
The results will be interesting and perhaps predictable.
Look at the pain on Dimbleby’s face and in his tone – this is wonderful news. That fat tosser egomaniac Salmond is towing his own line as per usual, what a tosser. Wander how long till Salmond pulls his usual “heart tugging” scottish left wing slurs as per usual… I give it less than 5 mins
Where is our man on the clapped out bus?
Clapped out Busman , is at the BBC Command Bunker , awaiting instructions from Lord Hall .
His job is done – the voting is over. His last comment at 9.56pm. Coincidence?
Mike Hunt
Are you inferring that he works for the BBC? Surely not .
“Are you inferring that he works for the BBC? Surely not”
No – somewhere nearer Vauxhall, methinks…
Lots of small Scottish voting seats coming in early boosting the Remain vote.
Rufus McDufus
They are afraid that if its OUT, there will be another Scottish independence vote.
They don’t like leaving GB.
FTSE has now dropped 250 points since 10 pm.
Hedge fund analysts seem to be switching, swinging generally towards Leave. The markets are beginning to settle down a bit with spreads closing.Good signs.
At first glance, it would appear that the British “working class” have kicked the Labour Party in to touch. About time too.
Except Voters in Scotland . But they are SNP !
What a pity Scotland didn’t gain it’s independence last year.
Unfortunately, the followes of the Caliph of London won’t be so forthcoming.
Still no one mentioning sovereignty…
Yes, but I don’t understand the people in Scotland, after all who in their right mind would vote for the Scottish Nowhere Party?
It was only the Leave/Out campaign that mentioned sovereignty, so don’t expect to hear the word on the BBC as they are anti sovereignty.
The tickertape at bottom of BBC1 programme states Nigel Farage says “If Remain win it is because of the two million extra voters who were allowed to register late”. What a nasty, bitter man they are telling us….
On the BBC website he says “the 48 hour extension may tip the balance”. Not stating which way. A comment that nobody could disagree with.
Can’t they just tell us what he actually said ??
Come on Essexman. Come on Basildon.
The statistician on Sky, Michael Thrasher, sounds suicidal after the Basildon result.
Jeremy Vine squirming. North East storming for Leave he says….
Some great news from Wales, a huge vote for leave from the Valley’s. Now that one will worry the Remain camp.
They will tell us its about austerity – nothing to do with sovereignty.
The Merthyr ‘boyos’ are with us.
Come on the boyos. Yachi da!
Mike Hunt
That’s great but don’t forget Wales is only a small nation. Less people than in Londonstan. 😉
Yes, but they say the best things come in small packages 😉
Swansea 52% / 48% to Leave. Go Taffman.
On the BBC’s online page for this referendum they have an “expert” polling guy called Mr Curtice. Talk about back peddling as fast as possible for the BBC. The guy is all over the place with his expert “analysis”.
BBC Dimbelbore and Laura K can’t cope the way Leave are winning so far.
David Davis is rubbing it in. Oh, dear. How sad.
I am getting the impression that the BBC commentators are biased for remain in – surely that’s wrong and not in their constitution?
taffman, you should see the BBC’s referendum online page. It is nothing more than a Labour love fest.
Every Welsh declaration is for Out. Getting nervous.
Go go Wales! I’m half Welsh (Bangor).
🙂 !
… and I’m one quarter (Llanelli) – still shout for Wales in the rugby, sing along to Mae haen vern n haddai, bread of heaven and hymns and arias 🙂
Is that true Demon?
Old Bloke. So far. Was looking at the map on Sky and the only coloured bits were blue.
Dimblebore is beginning to sound a bit despondent
Guys lets sit back and enjoy this… the plight of the (not so) silent few 🙂
Leave – 53% so far.
Remain – 47% so far.
Deep joy!
taffman you are the most enlightened people in britain
fook me i might even cheer you on at weekend
The tone of this is now palpable. It’s almost constantly a morose tone that Remain isn’t doing so well rather than any excited celebration that Leave could well win.
Look at them squirming this is priceless! Fingers crossed Dave and George have no more tricks up their sleeve and they’re immediately out and Boris comes in their place, my prediction a UKIP Tory (as vile as it inherently sounds yet much needed) coalition at the next election.
I’m new to commenting here although have come here for years. It seems the English people are having their say. Everyone I’ve spoken to wants to leave. I’m so excited watching this. It’s way past my bedtime really. Vince Cable on now. Needs another hat to eat. What a twerp…..
And a few Welsh .
“What a twerp…..” yes exactly – he’s another one blaming “frustration” for the N East, no mention of the EU destroying their fishing industry 🙄 Why are politicians so out of touch? (And VC is arguably one of the better ones.)
How satisfying it is to watch this shower of metropolitan cr@p trying to wrap their heads around what is happening before their eyes, truly wonderful to behold.
Sir Vince Cable can hardly believe what is happening.
And to be honest neither can I.
Did he just say that we should never have had a referendum ?
yes the fucker did
I really should go to bed but this is the best BBC TV I’ve seen all year. Those glum faces are priceless!
Just so you all know I voted leave so if we do leave I helped!!
Anyone else noticed how Nigel and the vote leave champion that plowed in £6M to vote leave literally got cut off mid sentence? Anyway roll on 16 million votes!
BBC Laura K is asking how the Remain could cope with a defeat? Sad. I’m not sad myself….
BBC. Vince Cable says that Cameron will last 10 seconds if the vote is Leave.
Do you think at some point, when they’ve interviewed evey other bugger, al Beebus might get a comment from Nigel Farage? The leader of the party which is the very reason we may be on the cusp of breaking free of the quagmire in which we have been floundering for the past 40 years.
Arron Banks (founder of Leave.EU) is on now, Al Beeb say it’s because NF was due to appear but disappeared. Right… Funny how AB’s volume is so low you can hardly hear him, Diblebum says “where’s your mike” ha ha. Condesention in Dimblebum’s tone is breathtaking, asking him “why?” when he said he donated £6m of his own money, then cutting him off to switch to a result announcement (N Warwickshire, hardly earth shattering) – how rude! No agenda there, then. Sheesh.
Have the BBC interviewed anyone form the conservative party or UKIP party yet. They haven’t on their online page for something like 2 hours now! It is all Labour this and Labour that and remain this and remain that!
The Old Bloke
I think they just did but as per usual ‘sound’ problems .
Al S, you were thinking and typing at the same time as me.
Still a long way to go though, but I still can’t get over the Welsh vote and I have to admit, I was born in England but all my family are Welsh.
One of my old friends said he was sure he could hear the old Anglo Saxon warriors banging on their shields tonight. I hope we can be worthy of those men of old.
Dave S
And a few of my Welsh archer ancestors.
Just now, Dimbelbore addressed a UKIP supporter. Dim said that Farage was just about to join us then vanished. Vanished? Technical problem? Would the husband of Jo Cox have been accused of ‘vanishing’ in the same circumstances? I think not.
And all of a sudden the sound has failed on the UKIP chap.
In fact the sound is terrible.
The benefactor has admitted donating £6m. Dimbore said why? Would he have asked why of a Labour donor?
Dimblebum shouting down the N Ireland Secretary as she’s answering his question – disgusting! Bias is so palpable it’s sickening.
Microphone broken now Leave.EU bloke on. Dimbleby aghast that he would donate money to the leave cause. This is now my all time favourite programme. So many sad faces. It’s better than The Walking Dead.
Brilliant. Cable now joining Campbell saying that they shouldn’t have let the Public have a referendum. Democracy in action. Don’t believe my ears Cable has just said the EU shouldn’t allow Britain to get away with this. Traitorous rat !!!!
As for Salmond let Scotland have a second referendum. My only concern last time was that they wanted to continue to use the pound and have the Bank of England act as the lender of last resort … which meant that England would be on the hook for their ‘anti-austerity fueled debt. Let them leave and add their subsidized public sector economy debt to the rest or the bankrupt EU.
Labour man says its about ‘Austerity’. They are still not listening to the people .
I hope tomorrow, they say that there will be lessons to be learned .
Lambeth in London almost 70% remain. No surprise there.
According to the Marxist shadow chancellor it’s all about disaffection. Kamel Ahmed looks like he’s lost a lot of money tonight.
The Swansea ‘Jacks’ are with us !
Exeter, the only red dot on a totally blue map of the South West during the G.E. has voted to remain. This is the seat of Ben Bradshaw, Labour and one of the most radical universities in England. Now, let see what happens to the rest of the South West in which I’m just off Exeter.
Its all going to be on London . Where all the foreign people live (mobile people ?) .
So all hangs on the rest of England’s people to get us out of the EU.
Londonistan and Scotlanistan are going to save Cameron (Possibly!). I will stay awake.
Apparently Lambeth is a bigger-than-expected result for Remain. Isn’t this Lutfur Rahman territory?
“Caerphilly, in particular, is likely to be finely balanced between Leave and Remain.”
Caerphilly came out pro-Leave, did anyone catch the actual result?
57.6 against 42.4 if that helps…
Thanks John – encouraging signs. Let’s just hope London isn’t as bad as early results indicate.
Barking & Dagenham have voted leave. Boffin with wayward hair speaks of the far-right doing well.
Far right my ar*e, democrats more like.
but seriously, a few London-ish ‘Leave’ votes may be just what we need.