No Question Time this week, but instead, on the night of the most important vote of the past 50 years, we have an all night chat (for those with the stamina anyway). David Dimbleby anchors the coverage of the results, assisted by a predictably leftist menagerie of Remainiacs. If it all gets too sickening there will be the option to switch to ITV’s live coverage instead.
Kick off tomorrow (Thursday) at 9.55 pm
Ohhhh I wish they wouldn’t tempt fate tho, I’m still very scared!
Bold words from Nigel about hoping this result will bring down the whole EU “failed project”!
June 23 – Independence Day
Politicians are going to have to do some work for a change. Not sure I trust pro-Remainers handling the Brexit negotiations . According to EU rules it doesn’t look like the leaving country actually has any say in the negotiations anyway so it’s going to be tough for a couple of years. Just hope we don’t choose to join EFTA as that’s the least good option, but also the easiest. The EU are going to offer all sorts of inducements for us to stay as well. Perhaps another referendum in a year? Hope PM Boris stands by his promise that this was it.
Only 51% will….
Vine is squirming…. yess
Morning all, just got up. I have just watched Nigel Farage declaring victory on sky…I hope this isn’t premature.
But I’m watching the BBC explaining that the bellwether areas are going leave.
They don’t like it do they? “There’s no way of ESCAPING that leave are winning”…..LOL!
Expect the “close result” line to be used to avoid action…….all to play for…..amazed.
“They don’t like it do they? “There’s no way of ESCAPING that leave are winning”‘
Good morning embolden, and well spotted – LOL indeed! 🙂
Loving that Freudian slip by Dimblebum – Steve Hilton, the former Prime Minister’s adviser 🙂
Glad the Evil BBC, is getting a Kick Up. The Eighties. ( old TV programme),Not just the BBC, but it’s Socialist employees! Maggie will have the last laugh, not that fucking Jo Who? Women.
Latest Thrasher prediction 52-48 in favour of Leave.
70-80% confidence of Leave victory.
What a thicko Chukka is. He hasn’t grasped what the referendum was about.
People who vote for the likes of Chukka would vote for Taylor Swift if they could!
I’m double happy.
1. Leave have won.
2. I beat Ladbrokes and made £140 on a Brexit win.
Deep joy!
I only made £83 🙁
Finally, someone talking about sovereignty. Someone should hire Steve Hilton as their adviser.
“We live in a fragmented society” says Chukka…..fragmented ? I thought that it was “united in diversity”!
“The people didn’t know what labours position was”… We did. That’s why you keep losing you clown.
“We did. That’s why you keep losing you clown.”
Laughing so hard I almost bust a gut trying not to wake the missus 🙂
Cheeky cow to even suggest another referendum if they lose!
Who TF was that? My coverage cut out just now.
Indeed embolden, I’m enjoying the sunrise whilst Dimble and Chukka discuss Labour values…..yawn…
Yeah that fragmented society is cos we are male, female, gay , straight, young old etc etc!!!!
300 more thousand and wer are at a mill in front…. Whey hey
Never heard so many “racists” on the BBC – everyone talking about immigration as if it was the most natural thing in the world. Have they no shame??? Sheesh 🙄
Oh, the EU aid card, re Cornwall – please please please BBC don’t remind viewers that it’s OUR money to start with, will you? No answer re fishing.
They reckon brim is gonna be out but I’m scared cos they’ve got loads …. Mmmmm 700000!!!
“People will have to accept this, will have to move on”
Brum even!
Nasty jibe at Nigel by Dimblebum – leading question to Steven Hilton
Nearly a 1,000,000 leave majority!
Just had a breath of fresh air in the garden.
The world has changed today for the better. So much better.
All the bullshit Political correct world of the BBC/ EU/Labour is now under deep, deep threat.
Deep and significant joy!
When will the political elite get it? Second year in a row the people have completely FUCKED the polls and the political complacency!
Fuck ’em all!!!
Wish Birmingham would hurry up I’m crappin….
If the result stays Leave 52 Remain 48, this would fit well with my poll of polls from Jun 21.
It would make the polls published on referendum day – showing strong Remain leads, with large sample sizes – highly suspect.
Oh the utter unbridled joy at seeing so many left wing pc pricks being humbled in one fell swoop
Paddy Ashdown needs choking by someone forcing 10 hats down the quisling gits throat
It doesnt get much better than this
Long live the uk
YEEEEEEEEEEYYYYY!!!!!! It’s official! It’s effin INDEPENDENCE DAY!!!!! ???????
Oh YES !!! Well done outers. Hard luck BBC.
BBC now wittering about the falling value of the pound to get their own back.
I don’t care!!!
No one on BBC mentioning that the £££ might just be falling because of the doom and gloom predictions of the Treasury, BoE, IMF, etc etc . Short memory? Or just biased?
He he can’t wait for the comments from Brussels
Eurocrats must be eurocrapping themselves…
Keith Vaz suggests arrangements for illegal immigrants at Calais will be affected – outright lie
Vaz in weepy mode. What a wonderful night it’s been
Well butter my butt and call me a bisquit… Good morning dear fellow Brits. A very, very good morn to you. UP YOURS B-BBC ;¬) BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
Chukka is determined to blame this on the Tories.
As someone who voted to leave I couldn’t give a shit about who is to blame for my “misguided” vote. I voted for ME! Not Germany – not Farage – Not the Queen.
I voted AGAINST Cameron. Chukka was holding hands with him!!!
I am celebrating.
Good night all,
I’ve been awake all night following these brilliant events!
Thanks all for your Band of Brother support. We made it!
Time to sleep.
Good night – it’s been an amazing night – thanks right back at you – and to everyone else – for the wonderful support.
Edit: I’ve been awake “most” of the night – dozed off once or twice – aiming to stay awake until we get over the line
Just watched Keith Vaz on BBC, he looked close to tears! Fan-bloody-tastic!!
05:50am ‘Capital finds itself irrelevant’ in EU referendum story
… and in every other story, if you live outside of London.
A hard one for Londoners to grasp.
Funny how Chukka Umuna’s comments are given such pre-eminence, isn’t it? He’s merely an ex shadow minister, right?
No mention of Steve Hilton at all!!
Thats presumably because the Brexiters have nothing to say but leave. Thats it!
Why don’t you fuck off you mindless cunt?
Oh, so NOW they tell us Greenland left the EU?!?
I thought no one had ever done it before.
Oh wait, here’s an article from 2013 all about it.
Apparently they think they benefited greatly from it.
Greenland didnt leave the EU. BTW whoever you think THEY are theres plenty of info around for you to find stuff out for yourself. Brave new world now my friends. Its the fuckwits versus the informed now in our great wonderful democracy full of milk and honey.
Yeah, but your Land of Milk & Honey is over, Clapped Out Bus! It’s us that pay your BBC wages. The Gravy train is over for you.! So go back to your Latte Lovers & get a proper job!
Over 1000000 in front! I n
Know it doesn’t matter now but just wanted that figure ?
Laura K: Will Osborne now bring in his punitive austerity budget?
Ha ha ha ha ha
Very possibly ha ha ha ha.
Yeah crack on!
Mr ‘Hand in the Till’ Hamilton is telling us to protect steel now. Shame the Government blocked the previous attempts of the EU to do this prior to TATA.
Now Andrea is on , she of the tax haven, telling us how wonderful its all gonna be. More tax havens maybe.
My poll of polls from Jun 21 was: Remain 48.6% Leave 51.4%.
Wonder how close the final result will be?
Looks like the polls of Jun 22 showing solid leave leads, some with large sample sizes, were highly suspect.
Caroline Lucas on BBC now. Hypocrite of the highest order!