No Question Time this week, but instead, on the night of the most important vote of the past 50 years, we have an all night chat (for those with the stamina anyway). David Dimbleby anchors the coverage of the results, assisted by a predictably leftist menagerie of Remainiacs. If it all gets too sickening there will be the option to switch to ITV’s live coverage instead.
Kick off tomorrow (Thursday) at 9.55 pm
Getting really close now to the 50% mark… (How much longer will I have to stay up?!?)
Caroline Lucas misinterpreting vote as “proxy” for other concerns. So many missing the point.
Caroline lucas has just hit the nail on the head. No democracy in the UK
Every person in the UK is given a free vote in a referendum and that demonstrates there is no democracy in the UK. What a complete and utter public fool you have just made of yourself. The problem with people like you Clappedout is that you don’t like real democracy.
Sadly you dont understand what was said. Consider the current electoral system. We currently have a system where the current government has 24% support. Is that democracy? The role of local government has been diminished under the current ( and previous government) is that democracy? This is business as usual not the referendum.
I would actually question what the British people ( half of them) actually want.
Maybe you could could give me a list and how you will achieve them. Lets pretend you have a voice. Please tell me. So far the Brexit camp have said nothing except ‘stay calm’.
Over to you!
Are we to conclude Steve Jones doesnt have a clue.
Oh god. Dribbleby saying again (to Lucas this time) that Leave didn’t put a number on immigration, of course she agrees – but as Hilton said earlier, Leave aren’t a government and can’t set policy! They can, however, state with certainty that leaving the EU will give us the ability to take back control of our borders. Sheesh 🙄
Oh this is pathetic – Leave being attacked for not having a plan for “saving” the pound.
Cameron/Osborne/Carney should be the ones with the plan.
No mention of Remain’s down-talking of the economy on a Leave vote.
And Dimbleby lets her get away with this sh*t?!?
More “proxy” talk from Dimbleby. Must be the new BBC mantra.
But this is about the peoples voice. Now you say you want to chuck the responsibilty over the fence.
Absolutely incredible. What exactly do you want? Did you ever understand to begin with.
So far weve had take back control, whatever that means! We have to stay calm. We might hit bumbs in the road. You,I presume voted for this idiotic shit, so given the shit storm you have helped to start are you now saying you dont have any idea what to do now. Its not democracy that you display ,its irresposible,lack lustre stupidity.
Meanwhile Sky are trotting out Labour person after Labour person to get a dig in. Oh please let us end this.
Here’s the reframing……”the EU was a proxy for general discontent”
No. We wanted and want our country back. Get your fingers out of your ears.
Now the political class have to do some work………for us, for Britain…..or give way for those who will.
Thanks Nigel, thanks UKIP. None of this would have happened without you.
So what does taking our country back actually mean? Do you know?
Full and exclusive law making powers for the sovereign, directly elected UK Parliament.
Control of uk national borders and immigration policy by the sovereign, directly elected UK parliament.
I think that covers it manon.
You’re gonna find out Sonny Boy.
Thanks for the lovely company.
Oh and btw it was close inbirmingham….49.5-50.5% ?
Thanks – I was wondering what happened up in Brum 🙂 Good night (or rather, morning)… it’s been lovely company indeed.
Leave needs 523,610 votes to get over the winning line
Squirming is such sweet viewing!
We merry band of brothers – we DID it!
Yes but do you know what youve done. Please tell us.
What an amazing night! I didn’t think we’d do it; now we have and we can begin to put our country on the right track.
So whats the plan?
I’ve no idea what you’re going to be getting up to but I’m off to work: with a spring in my step.
Leave needs 373,522 votes to get over the winning line
308,519 to go…
Just listening to Andrew Neil talking more sense in 10 minutes than the rest of the all other al beeboids, over the rest of their coverage, combined.
Why on earth didn’t they have him to present this instead of Dimblebum?
192,765 to go…
37,665 to go…
0 votes to go… finish line crossed!!
Woo hoo!! What a momentous night… One I won’t forget as long as I live.
June 23, Independence Day.
Thanks to everyone for the wonderful company 🙂
We have passed the required total. Utterly, utterly, brilliant ! Goodbyee Cameroon. And goodbyee Corbyn. All those lovely TV pundits totally confounded and they just don’t get it. And if the SNP are daft enough to think about breaking away with a massive fiscal black hole to fill, good luck.
Good morning all. Sorry, but I had to bail at 03.00 and get some sleep. I wake up to find we, the country, have voted to exit the E.U. Fantastic result for democracy. To those who chatted with me in the small hours, NOW would be a good time to buy pounds or shares but spread the risk and buy shares through fund managers.
I think those that voted Leave owe our friends in Wales a big thank you.
To those on here who did not vote for their country to remain sovereign, I hear property prices are tanking in France and that ferry prices are rather low, so, to them, goodbye, I insist that you relocate to your beloved Europe, and take the European Broadcasting Company with you.
Well done everybody who did vote to leave and send the pound lower in value, my business will be very very busy, which is great for the people in the supply chain.
I’ve just looked at the BBC online News page. Dear God. Talk about the BBC being manic depressives. Not a single word good about the Leave vote. Not a single word about our sovereignty, not a single word about how good it is for our home manufacturing industry that the Pound has had a price correction. What a depressing World the BBC are in. And the bias? From top to bottom.
Apparently “St Jo” would have remained optimistic. Unlike the BBC then! It didn’t take long did it for “St Jo” to be talking to us from her grave.
She might have been but even her own area backed brexit!
As I look at the reactions, the first from the BBC ‘breaking’ emails resonates:
BBC News
Breaking News
Pound drops to 31-year low
Pound’s value drops to its lowest level since 1985 ahead of result of UK’s EU referendum
This… is their first reaction to the result of a democratic vote on matters of self determination of a proud people?
And as others have noted, whilst the majority is victorious, the entire coverage so far has turned to the losers, who at best seem ungracious in defeat.
I am pleased at the result, but concerned at those still embedded to work with it.
The current government, the current civil service, the current state broadcaster, the current opposition and most minority parties such as the Greens.
These are all I have so far heard from and none seem interested in embracing the will of the people, but claiming disaster, making excuses and already working to ‘correct’ matters back to the way they want, and the hell with the will of the nation, the good of the country and the actual mandate offered by the result of a secret ballot.
For all the posturing, this was a simple proposition: Remain or Leave the EU.
The country has spoken. Now all public institutions need to recognise this and work to make it happen in good order for the sake of a nation they claim to hold dear.
I am pretty sure that the BBC, on past and current evidence will do anything but. As will others.
For this they need to be called out and held to proper account. No more minority dominance.
The problem was never heterosexual old white men; the ballot results give lie to that.
The problem has been and is the inept and venal presuming to rule rather than the competent and honest seeking to represent.
The establishment has failed to impose a compelled, bloated, expensive, ‘unique’ system of control on this nation. Again. Take note BBC.
… and they’re such snobs too…
on Radio 4 this morning, maybe about 6am, I think it was Robert Peston, but I can’t be sure, said that there are only a few places which have had a majority for remain, such as Oxford and Bristol – but these have a higher proportion of graduates!!
The snobby little implication from this self-regarding little snob is that cleverer people vote IN and stupid people vote OUT. Well of course this is complete nonsense anyway as there are graduates all over the country BBC, and not just in these two towns. (Apart from the fact there are plenty of people who are not graduates but who are actually perfectly clever – and a damn site cleverer than a BBC snob I would say!
And there I was thinking that turds just came out of my bottom.
Doncaster. Ed Millipede’s seat.
69% leave vote.
Some of that was probably caused by a load of Roma gypsies arriving in the area known as Hexthorpe, living 10 to a house, mattresses on the floor, and so much refuse left on the street that the council decided to make speical dustbin lorry journeys.
Not a problem of course for Hampstead mansion owners and middle class marxists in the bBBC newsroom.
Woke up at 5am and turned on the radio. James Naughtie was talking so mournfully that for a moment I thought the Queen had died. Then of course I realised that Leave were winning. I didnt need to wait for the actual result.
Total unaldulterated bias from the hateful bBBC.
Now Whittingdale can really get going – I hope !
Bloody Marvelous
Lets not dance too strongly on Cameron’s grave.
He won the 2015 election when the alternative was a Millipede/Sturgeon carve up.
Whether he wanted it or not, the referendum was in the manifesto.
It has been honoured. What’s not to like?
Ironically what has done for him is not Eurosceptic tories but the total disregard of the Labour hierarchy year after year for the traditional working class, in favour of multiculturalism. Well, those working class folk have finally got their chance and boy have they taken it.
Lots of bBBC coverage for the remain vote in Scotland.
Perhaps the bBBC will relocate to Edinburgh – with any luck!
That’s an excellent idea! The Scots can take the BBC with them when they go. Call it a farewell gift.
“Perhaps the bBBC will relocate to Edinburgh – with any luck!”
They are just as despised north of the border for their bias during the independence referendum!!
After the leave vote, the middle class bBBC people will just have to do their house cleaning themselves.
The BBC are currently bigging up the Hate Not Soap renatmob booing outside Boris’s house this morning, trying to pretend it represents anything other than a petulant fit by a tiny, permanently disgruntled rabble.
GC, And don’t accept a democratic vote !
Well, they’re not democrats, are they? In fact, as we have often said, they are just nasty little fascists. – latter-day brown shirts. And neither are the so-called ‘progressive’ Left, the new establishment who run the BBC, the legal system, the fake charities, education and so much else that is wrong in this country.
Now, in my opinion, is not the time for magnanimity in victory,. Now is the time for sharp knives and some serious, deep pruning.
You mean the Hope not Soap mob who are going to gt a large cut from the Jo Cox fund. The mob that are getting £200,000 this year from Unbound Philanthropy – an open door immigration supporting charity.
Nice work if you can get it.
Rent a mob – these guys are well financed.
Cant believe the BBC sitting back and giving air time to left wing champagne socialists suggesting those who voted to leave are just angry and just because they dont have a degree they cant understand what they are voting for.
So why did they vote to leave?
The people have voted to be free from a huge bunch of parasites in Brussels.
And now they might be emboldened to vote against the Westminster parasites and their BBC.
Oh Dear. This is not what Jo wanted
Actually the Commision is the same size as birmingham city council. So not huge.
As to Westminster I presume you want get rid of that too or is it just the experts you dont like.
I did say ‘vote against’ not get rid of.
That is the British way, which took years to establish – unlike the socialist regimes and others venerated by the BBC.
As for experts, there are well educated experts, like what I am being scientifically trained, and experts as described by the BBC who are actually activisits with little or no expertese
Yes it so snobbish, insulting, and patronising. God help these poor people !
I get the impression the mood in the country is rather similar to how it was after the Tory victory of 1979. As I understand it, there was a feeling of disbelief amongst the left, because they held key posts (mostly unelected) in nearly every institution except HM government. If Trump wins in the US, we may be entering a period similar to the Thatcher-Reagan years. I don’t say that politicians of that calibre will ever be with us again – what I mean is the left will be in for a long wilderness period where they will become even more embittered. Expect BBC comedy scripts from the 90s to be recycled with the word ‘Bush’ crossed out and ‘Trump’ inserted in every punchline!
I can confirm that.
I have plenty of reservations about Trump, but the cousins need a clean broom, as do we, and Trump seems to be the one to hand.
It would be refreshing if the BBC realised that the majority of its viewers will not be in mourning today – they will be celebrating. A little reflection of that happiness would be appreciated.
GC, Are you saying that the BBC are not representative of the British people ? Heaven forbid . Shame on you !
FT 100 today, so far. Immediate fall from 6200 to 5800. Now back up at 6000. Maybe the “experts” at the BBC would like to comment ?
Just been watching the German news. Various leading politicians saying “out means out”. They still think the EU is a paradise on earth. Wetting themselves that there will be a “domino effect” AfD joy. They too are tired of being denigrated as racists by a smug elite.
What a fantastic result. I thought the vote was lost as soon as the polls closed thanks to Farage’s early pessimism but thankfully he was wrong. Out of the clutches of the sinister, unaccountable, incompetent euro-elites. Still many of that ilk in Westminster though. Thanks for those who joined me in the chat, at least until I wussed out and went to bed.