What is Cameron’s gameplan?
He called a referendum knowing full well that he could lose it and when he did he ran for cover and is refusing to take responsibility for his actions allowing the country to fall into wild speculation, fear, bitterness and confusion.
He is allowing the extremists to make all the running from the Scottish National Socialists to the IRA’s mouthpiece, various Neo-Nazi groups and the opportunist anarchists of the Far Left.
For a man who protrayed himself as the head of ‘One Nation’ it seems that that is only true if ‘One Nation’ votes his way…otherwise the People can go hang.
Cameron betrayed the trust of the People in the way he ran his intemperate, bullying and abusive campaign and hijacked the government and its resources to back his private campaign, and he has compounded that by the cowardly way he has ducked the responsibility of guiding us through Brexit.
You may suspect that Cameron has chosen this path deliberately, a ploy, by refusing to invoke Article 50 and the Brexit process, to actually ensure chaos does happen in the ‘phoney Brexit’ period and that during the delay enough chaos and economic destruction can be wrought that an excuse can be made to delay Brexit and quietly shelf it. He probably expects his resignation will lead to a general election (Labour certainly does, hence Hilary Benn’s departure) and once that is over the new government will say ‘EU Referendum…nothing to do with us…its over’.
Call me suspicious, but that’s a very obvious scenario and one that is almost guaranteed to play out.
If Cameron won’t get a grip, and where is Osborne?, then Boris and Co better had, and fast, to reassure the people who voted for them, to reassure the immigrants already here that they are secure, and to settle nerves in the markets and businesses, and to shut down the wild and frantic voices who get more desperate everyday to destroy Brexit.
The BBC of course should , obliged as it is by its Charter, be promoting civil society and cohesion and to do that should be doing much of the reassuring of people itself by putting out the facts and not predicting economic and social apocalypse.
Instead it ferments rebellion and the break up of the UK and incites anger against the older generations. Instead it sees its job as to report the misery, chaos and confusion it will claim are created by Brexit. Over the next few weeks the BBC will be highlighting every single job loss, every fluctuation in the exchange rate, every share price tumble, every word of concern and every time an East European is abused for being here. It will build a case to ‘prove’ that Brexit is a never ending disaster and should be stopped.
Neither Cameron nor the BBC come out of this well and you might think it a paradox that for all the warnings about economic doom and disaster they seem intent on actually creating that in order to put the brakes on Brexit.
If Cameron won’t govern and lead the country then Boris had better just take over now and get the ball rolling…take ‘control’. Wasn’t that the idea? Ironically even the EU wants a fast Brexit…..they can see the chaos that Cameron’s plan will unleash and clearly think the end does not justify the means…especially as Spain, France and Italy are imploding and other countries want major reforms.
ID in the comments provides some evidence that the above may well be true….
Have just been listening to Sir Peter Torry, a former ambassador to Germany pushing the Lammy line on German media. I am beginning to think that some parliamentary attempt may be made to circumvent the Brexit result. The Mandarins and Sir Humphries obviously are as one in their loathing of Brexit.
German journalists are trying to say that the delay in starting the Brexit negotions is a loss of nerve and no one wants to declare it.
The consensus seems to be that Cameron did the ‘decent thing’ by resigning.
No he didn’t, simply because he aggressively nailed his colours to the Remain mast when he should have stayed neutral and let his MPs and other parties fight it out. Then, once the result was known, it was his job as CEO of Great Britain to carry out the wishes of its shareholders i.e. the electorate, which was to start planning for extricating the country from the EU. You could even argue that by not having a plan for Brexit – it having been a strong possibility from day 1 – he was guilty of an act of gross negligence and thus endangering the economic and political stability of the country.
He has ballsed up big time.
Yes and he should go now .
There has always been a comprehensive exit plan on the table (Flexcit) which Camoron deliberately refused to use. NIH (not invented here).
Cameron called the Referendum but failed to game the possible outcomes.
Sound familiar to anyone?
He wanted a negotiation with Herr Junker and failed to get one and came back with very little.
Corbyn and his Corby nyets meanwhile are attempting to forment intergenerational conflct to support the the rise of Communism in the UK.
32 Cabinet resignations to date.
Cameron wants his rewards from the banks and big business, jut as Blair did. He will not get that if he allows Brexit.
And where is Boris? Why isnt he speaking up and acting in the statesmanlike manner a future PM should? Does h actually WANT to be PM?
I feel like the brexiters have left a vacuum which is now being filled by outraged remainers who can’t let go of their ideology. Dangerous. Twitter, Facebook, bbc, trying to whip up more hope that this result can be overturned. Why have Hannan and farage appeared to contradict or at least change what they previously said…or have they? This has given the bbc and many others the chance to jump on them and brand them liars. Also dangerous. Good job corbyns woes are distracting the media.
Need to remind ourselves that they`re no political party-no responsibility as a group, just personal culpability for what they say and do.
An alliance-so it`s fliud, no promises.
Their intention was to get the Referendum and let us speak…job done brilliantly.
Now it`s OUR turn to speak and to act…Johnson or Corbyns prospects are immaterial.
Of course those who called it right will get first options, but -without Nigel etc central to it all, you`ll get Geoffrey Rippon when you now need Enoch Powell, David Ennals and not Peter Shore.
The genie is out-and 17 million people voted for it to escape-and it`s now free to go where it will.
Loobyloo – I agree. The company I work for, hitherto neutral, is now having discussions (albeit at low level) about lobbying Parliament to prevent Brexit. It puts me in a rather difficult position (I suspect I am the only Leaver at board level, but not sure – most are very vocal Remainers). If this is happening in a supposedly non-political organisation, imagine what is happening in politicised charities, NGOs, etc.
I heard Farage and he did contradict himself. He said ‘we probably shouldnt have said that’. Why? It really was quite bizarre. H e could have done a politicians wriggle and not an open self correction. This was very odd behaviour as its not as if he couldnt have anticipated that question coming up and prepared a good answer.
This isnt the only slightly odd behaviour from Nigel too. On Thursday night he was conceding defeat based only on the small exit polls there has been before a single result came in. It was almost as if by the end he’d run out of steam and the will to win. Any private issues perhaps? Health probblems?
Yes of course it could just be that, or strains at home, he has teenagers and they could wll be getting a hard time from our brainwashed yoofs at school, given their dads posiition.
I think he’s still in pain from that plane crash. I imagine that he is mentally and physically exhausted.
“I heard Farage and he did contradict himself. He said ‘we probably shouldnt have said that’. Why? ”
Not sure what you mean by contradicting himself?
What I heard was “they probably shouldn’t have said that”. He had just pointed out that it was a Vote Leave slogan, not one of his, and that he’d been excluded from Vote Leave despite offering to join forces (so why ask him, hint hint).
I think he genuinely felt the slogan shouldn’t have been used, probably because it was so easy to attack for inaccuracy (it’s a gross figure, not a net one), and it tarred the entire Leave campaign as being full of the same lies as Remain, which I don’t think is true in general.
MH, you are correct, Nigel was being questioned by the “ever so nice” Susanna Reid at the time, her face was a picture, The Exorcist comes to mind… Monster, monster, monster.
Thanks for your comments. I think Nigel is too clever and think his responses are a bit more calculated, but not sure what effect he is trying to have. I think a problem is that voters equate him with the Leave campaign, not some of the others who are very quiet at the moment. What about Hannan’s apparent relaxation on immigration? Free movement of labour?
Or actually that he had a ‘Senior moment’ and believed what the BBC were saying?
As for Boris he wants to be PM but does he actually want to Brexit? I cannot but wonder if this for him was just a way to push Cameron. He really cannot be trusted to deliver. Life for him would be easier if he doesnt have to bother, much much easier.
Excellent analysis Alan.
I too found it hard to stomach all that “Brits don`t Quit” BS that he spouted early last week with his throwing his toys out of the pram on Friday morning.
Of course he had to go…but the lazy, louche playboy had had plenty time to contemplate the fact that maybe-just maybe- he might LOSE.
After all it was a pretty binary choice…and not open to fudge or nuances in negotiation…and the EU had said as much too.
Indeed it was a key part of the EUs strategy-and that of the podgy, lazy self-absorbed Cameron-to ensure that there`d be no fire escapes, no safety harnesses, no plans whatsoever. He didn`t want to know of all that negativity and mess…for Cameron was a WINNER who was merely seeing all this as an Eton Wall Game against a Boris or whoever.
Eton Mess?…why should we swallow THAT?
As for the rest of us?…well, mere weights and sandbags to endure in his personal fitness regime.
Vainglorious, florid spoilt brat who`s let the cupboards bare, left our flank open to the Euro nasties…and he did this out of laziness, spite and self- pity.
Of course we`ll right it all-but he`s now lower than Heath, who -at least TRIED to be competent as well as deceitful and dishonest with the Protocols that he signed.
Paxman compares him to Eden in Suez-Cameron has put the nation itself at risk of serious harm…Eden risked our soldiers and kow-towed before the USA. But Cameron knew there was 43 years of drug-addled, flaccid and floppy dependency on the EU “life support” that is more like a “lethal injection” gurney.
We largely saw this-and voted out…and it`s not negotiable.
Cameron was derelict-his life needs now to be a living hell as he struts and postures before those he betrays by
a) Not calling his squalid “party Conference” for next week-so we can get Gove or Davis, Redwood or anybody else who didn`t trash Farage and UKIP to lead the Article 50 lark.
b) Not tearing up his futile, vainglorious “Five year Parliament Act”-that might have locked his class in with Cleggs quislings of necessity in 2010…but it`s got to be scrapped now. Our negotiators must have new mandates…and all we want is “were you FOR Brexit” or did you not only try to frighten us off it, but actively colluded to ensure you fiddles us out of our birthright to please Dave, Jeremy, Caroline, Tim, Krishnan or Jon, Kirsty or Evan?
No other policy needed-character and independence required, party badge supremely irrelevant…both main parties are zombie wakes for the necrophiles…both are DEAD, but the Conservatives can and will reform into what WE want-not what Osborne or Heseltine, Clarke or Soubry-Rudd reckon on giving us.
No need for the dead bird in a shoebox…we`ve seen it for 43 years as you insist on dragging it up until we`re sick.
This is way worse than the expenses scandals of 2009…if we have to force a Nigel Farage-Heather Brooke Coalition onto the political elite-throw the bones of Savile at them all, get Tommy Robinson to stand for Batley and Spen…we`ll ask them and pray they do it!
Ta Alan-you`ve hit a nerve here!
Still though-he gave us the Referendum, so he`ll be OK…but he can`t put his rancid party games above the nation at this febrile time.
ChrisH, could you be one of the ‘Low-Brows’ (as claimed by the BBC) to have formed the majority of those who voted ‘Leave’? If ‘yes’, you are terribly articulate. Love it.
Ur duh, yeah, cool…er wha`EVAs!…cheers!
Most kind G…there are some great people on this site…I`d go to no other Open University that here for my leads, my steers on science, economics and much of the real world.Maybe we need an awards ceremony , and yes- we`d STILL have to get Partridge to present…as I say HE is actually more real that the Leveson Loafer Coogan.
That said-he`s as much a hostage in Brighton as is Corbyn in Wally Worth Road….poor sod chose to move there though, so you reaps what you sows!
Call Me Dave opened his account with the British people by taking a dog sled to the Arctic Circle to demonstrate his commitment to green issues. Later, when Green taxes became unpopular, he ordered his advisers to “cut the green crap”.
The man believes in nothing, and stands for nothing. He has been in office, but not in power, for six years. He is an empty suit, and will soon be a footnote in history.
Block Brexit Comrades, the leftists at the B-BBC are attempting to undermine our democracy and sovereignty with their 24 hour pro-EU, anti-patriotic propaganda… Utter contempt for those of us who voted to leave. I’m gonna make sure I’m listening to my local B-BBC call-in program between 12-2 this afternoon, there’s a particularly obnoxious Europhile presenter on air at that time who’s full of venom towards Brexiteers. Down with the B-BBC.
When 4 million citizens voted for a political party they got 1 MP (compared to another region of the UK where 1 million citizens got 56 MPs). But when 17 million citizens vote for one party ? The Remainiac Tories and the Ultra-Left socialists are busily writing themselves out of history. They, like the Man of the Clapham Omnibus et al, want to take the ‘Demos” out of democracy because this doesn’t suit them any more. Well ,let them try- because they will always be on the wrong side of history….and Mr Whittingdale will not be around for much longer.
Let the Scots leave so they’re out of the way , Priti Patel or someone to take over and invoke Article 50 and prepare in parliament to revoke the European Treaties acts .
Have a civil service reforming bill , send anyone who believes in Britain rather than systems to the EU to extracite us , anyone it doesn’t have to be a traitorous civil servant .
Root out the Gramscis from wherever they infest , tell Common Purpose and any like organisation they will not get money or recognition and make our country great for us , not PTB .
For God’s sake, the people of this nation voted OUT, those that don’t like it, tough titty , get on with it- David Cameron must immediately set up article 50 so that Britain can get out of an awful dictatorship BDQ. Firstly only a vote Leave MP should be allowed to given the position of PM. Dam conciet of any other person. Personally I would not vote Boris Johnson as a candidate for Prime Minister-the Media & BBC would if that were the case, take every opportunity to discredit him in the eyes of the general public who unfortunately appear to belive everything the media/BBC announce. Britain needs a person who can affiliate with the poorest as well as the richest, whose own background makes them acceptible to all, whose political experience has led them across various ministerial responsibilities, such as David Davies, with a cabinet of Gove, Duncan-Smith, Grayling, Fox, Cash, Patel, Carswell maybe Lord Forsyth-But let’s get on with it.
You should all read this.
Why isn’t it headline news.
I put the link on Breitbart as well.
If any of you don’t know Breitbart, it’s a site telling things as they are and I’m sure you will enjoy it as much as on here my band of brothers.
Why would you want a no-hoper like Cameron anywhere near the negotiations for Brexit? If he had any negotiating skills he would have averted the referendum by getting the UK a better deal when he was in Brussels last year for talks.