Looks like time for another of these as the BBC pushes hard for another referendum….we can expect many a lurid tale of apocalypse in the following weeks as the BBC tries to paint a picture of utter disaster and chaos ‘due to Brexit’ and the need for an emergency rethink in the interests of ‘peace and stability’. The floor is yours.
Am I right in assuming that Clapham doesn’t have a bus service at the weekend.
I haven’t seen one for a couple of days ……..
I blame Thatcher !
Those bloody Neoliberal busses!
They aren’t a patch on the National Express ones!
Keep up Lobster,
He’s signed out and then back in again as Jerrod.
He’s emigrated to Europe in his bus.
Good shout,Lobster. Maybe his clapped out bus got caught in the middle of the student/UAF/HnH etc,etc, kick off the other night and took a bottle to the back of the head..maybe he’s realized that democracy is actually the best way forward after seeing the fascists in action attacking anyone just trying to get home.
Not enough taxis available so he’s been called to Labour HQ to help ferry all the shadow cabinet resignees back to their second homes.
Maybe the bus got sent to Glasto to find Tom Watson and bring the drunken oaf back to London.
Sorry if I have missed it but it would appear to be a Sky poll (not analysis of actual voting) that produced the 75% figure of 18 – 24 year olds voting Remain.
Unfortunately for the moaners the same poll indicated that only 36% of 18 – 24 year olds bothered to vote, so just over 1/4 of that eligible age group actually voted to Remain.
You do not know what you have got until it is gone. That is being able to vote out of power those who make the laws etc.
I would be no more inclined to be bothered that 75% of young voters (that is .75*36=24% of the young electorate) voted remain as I would to take lessons from them in English Language (spelling, pronunciation and grammar) or History. This is the most inexperienced part of the electorate and a majority of them seem far to absorbed by their smartphone screens to notice something like the EU Referendum.
Glad you did not mention maths. 75% of 36 is 27!
Hearing most of them speak when given their chance on the broadcast media during the campaign did not inspire great confidence.
Respec bruv innit.
…it would appear to be a Sky poll (not analysis of actual voting) that produced the 75% figure of 18 – 24 year olds voting Remain…
Given that the fastest way for an 18 – 24 year old to be drowned in vile Facebook/Twitter hate mail is to admit to voting Leave, the only thing which surprises me is that a mere 75% claimed to have voted Remain….
As the BBC scrabbles to find ways to undermine the democratic vote taken last week, we get “Could the Scottish Parliament stop the UK from leaving the EU” . This little masterpiece by our old friend Brian Taylor rather gives the game away: “To be clear, further, she did not float the issue of a “veto” on Friday in her formal response. It emerged today in reply to decidedly adept questioning from my estimable colleague, Gordon Brewer.”
A “decidedly adept” question from another estimable BBC hack, which of course had not been planted- Mr Brewer is doubtless a constitutional law expert or has access to the same, or the idea of UK subsidiarity to the Scottish Parliament just came to him in a flash of inspiration. Keep on digging BBC, we are all taking notes…
Gunner, I think this is another version of that well known classic ‘ The BBC has learned ……’
Time for a judicial inquiry into the conduct of Al Beeb before and after the EU referendum.
Don’t ya mean dem ones wid dat amazinliy funneee Dara o’Brian on de back ?
Mega Boos !
The BBc report on what we knew was going on with this and all the other petitions from the fascists of the left. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-eu-referendum-36634407
Having this afternoon watched a round-table on the BBC News Channel, could somebody please tell BBC editors and presenters – if they can get their heads out of their Guardian newspapers for long enough – that Thursday’s result was not a Tragedy where we need to look for a silver lining, it was a triumph where we have taken the first step to regaining the sovereignty of our ancient parliament. If they persist in stoking resentment in Scotland and Northern Ireland they may ultimately be rewarded in having their employer renamed the English Broadcasting Corporation.
Mr Duckworth!
Think you`ll find that it was INDEED a naqba for the BBC and all its pet pixies that get onto their airwaves after they`ve shaken down the magic money trees.
And-to be fair to the gutless gutbuckets and free electric gastric bands that infest the public space-turns out that nearly ALL their funding comes from the EU…via dying Greeks, milch cowed “Brits”, screwed down youth of Italy, Ireland, Portugal and Spain .
Listened to “Sunday” this moaning…the first few stories ( joint Irish visits to the Somme, Zimbabwean refugees of 1999 vintage)-well guess what?
BOTH these little puffball pieces of creepy Jesus tribute acts gone wrong…BOTH were EU funded apparently…and once we`d patted a few paddies on both sides of the Boyne-cleared the refugees out, so the Bishop could bray of “progress in diverity” or whatevez…the reporter managed to squeeze in a question about all thus great work being imperiled by the fat white trash of Rochester…enemies of the Thornberry.
Did those poor Irish lads really die so that an IRA kiddie and a Church of Ireland do-gooder could get a blue plaque grant to reflect on their deaths…far better to prevent the Ottomen coming to Enniskillen…and voting out helps with THAT.
All roads, all concerns will now lead to Kinnocks combover corner-which sadly will no longer have a family tree to tap the sap from. So no good whatsoever will be done from now on in the UK…ever.
So spaketh the church this morning on Radio 4…if only we could find a prelate who knew the Lords prayer well enough to pray for this land.
Or even better ‘ This service has been suspended indefinitely. For a refund of your BBC tax, please apply to………’
I happened to catch the news on the BBC TV Sunday morning I think, presented by a lad, obviously too young to have seen the beginning of the EU. He was interviewing in the “London Newsroom?” a rather large German. Still the old hatred there and not one question to challenge the lack of a brain. Pathetic. Nearly as bad as the 16 year old school girls interview in Saturdays Manchester Evening News. They hated the elderly for voting “out”, their vast experience???? telling them it was wrong. Naturally no one questioned their brainwashing at school.
Amazing the way the Fascist left have such a contempt for democratic outcomes when they don’t suit them.
First the refuse to accept the democratic will of the people, and then they refuse to accept their democratically elected leader !
If they are allowed to prevail then we can expect them to not accept a general election either.
Thoughtful, they can start a petition demanding another general election when they lose the next one. It’s currently the thing to do don’cha know.
Plenty of Antarcticans ready to sign up.
(Penguins voting for Christmas)
Thank you l’worth, I agree. At the moment I feel as though I’ve voted for a funeral instead of a wedding. All news channels are talking down what ‘we’ve’ done as though half the country should be hung, drawn and quartered. Its not our fault that the Government should have had a “just in case” back up scenario in place – but clearly haven’t. Agreed the result has taken everyone on the hop, but there was always that ‘slight possibility’ it would swing our way, yet its staggering the vitriol that has taken place since. Clearly had it been the Remain that everyone had envisaged then the bunting and much slapping of backs would be the order of the day in all the newsrooms, with us lot just shrugging our shoulders thinking at least we tried. I just hope that after a restful weekend, the Leave team will re-group and come back all guns blazing to raise our spirits a bit, as all the negativity is making me switch to the shopping channels !
Bimbledum with the smirk back on his face in Question Time tonight, ensuring that the panel and entire audience want to reject the politics of division which the far far right conducted during the campaign. And who are the far right? Ukip with their terrible poster. Immigrants good, let’s unite the country and move on. Lots of smirky yoof in the audience. Having taught yoofull students over the years I really have come to recognise the smirk of the student who is under prepared and thick; its a recognisable screen.
The members of the panel were a tour de force in BBC-style divisive non-constructive debate. Quite shameful, but who is there to change it?
UKIP far right?
Many Welsh, ex-Labour voters would strongly disagree with that statement .
Al Beeb and the ‘Remainers’ still don’t get the message, “We want our country back”, “We want our country back” .
We voted to get out because we wanted to get our democracy back and to control immigration.
I should have been clearer. Someone mentioned the disgraceful behaviour of the far right and Bimbledum asserted that it was UKIP. And that set Fat bot Diana up for the rest of the show,
Abbott was pontificating on QT even as half the Shadow Cabinet was resigning. No-one has been this deluded since Berlin in April 1945.
taffman, Wales , that hotbed of Right Wing Fascism . Shame on you. You can redeem yourselves by winning Euro 2016. !
G.W.F. & Grant
🙂 !
GWF I couldn’t bring myself to watch QT. I fear it will be something like the baying audience of the X Factor or BGT (neither of which I watch also). There is a classic sci-fi film called Logan’s Run where nobody is allowed to live past 30. I can see a future here where a sequel called Logan’s Limp will become a reality, where nobody past middle-age will survive.
You’ll have to take my word for it, Brissles, but I predicted a move toward voluntary and compulsory euthanasia in the mid-1980s.
Much as I am in favour of wearing a seat-belt always when driving or a passenger in a car, I protested in the mid-1980s that Parliament should not legislate for compulsory seat-belt use on the basis they were legislating to kill a number of people every year. Letters to my MP (and possibly also the Secretary of State for Transport) included my concern that if Parliament proceeded with a mandate to end a life while intending to ‘do good’ that in twenty-five years we would be discussing enshrining voluntary euthanasia in UK law and a further twenty-five years on, we will be discussing making it mandatory.
I was more than a little chilled when ‘mercy killing’ became a popular discussion subject, pretty much right on schedule, and Lord Falconer’s Bill came before Parliament recently.
Brissles, I found your ‘Logan’s Limp’ idea hilarious.
Another science fiction film comes to mind – ‘Soylent Green’ from about 1973. This was about a future world of over-population, starvation and pollution in which the old are disposed of to make the food soylent green. As far as I can remember, those about to die are allowed to choose restful films and music to ease their passing.
Bearing in mind recent vicious attacks on the baby boom generation (especially since the Brexit vote) I wonder what awaits us. Will we be kidnapped and lulled with a tape of ‘Hey, Jude’ and ‘Bridge over troubled water’ before being lethally injected and ending up as boomer-burgers?
Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Spain exit poll: Conservative PP gets most votes in general election, leftist Podemos gains
I’m not sure how controversial this is on this on here but why be on this website but if we are not going to be completely honest with our thoughts and opinions! We will be no better than the traitors and sheeple who are both complicate in destroying our country if we are not going to open the discussion up…
I am from a immigrant family and I can clearly remember abuse towards my parent’s when I was a young boy. I can remember the dignity and class my parents always displayed on each of those occasions. I can remember how hard both my parents had to work to get to where they are now (I know, don’t we all work hard)….and still are even though they are both past retirement age and could comfortably retire 4 times over. Both have always voted Liebour and always explained to the family that the Liebour party were the only reason the working man ever achieved equality in our society… That was of course until the self serving, socialist nazis infested the party…. For the first time both voted for Ukip over Liebour, because they felt that the party had completely abandoned the people they were created to represent…
….which brings me onto my point. Which is that I have listened to watched another interview with labour MP John Mann. In my humble opinion the man is an absolute legend and everything I could ever hope for in a representative of the people. He once again destroyed the Westminster elite and how detached they are from the rest of society. I would vote for that man (no pun intended) every single day of the week. He is a great man. A wonderful politician. A great British person, and he has the interest of all of us at his heart.
This is long past political tribalism and whether it Liebour or the back stabing Tory career merchants. We need to vote for true british heros like John Mann.
At least in U.K, national elections you can vote for a person rather than a party list.
I have never voted Labour but there have been some individuals in that Party who, if I lived in their constituency, I may well have.
Wow there’s quite a lot in your post to answer Tothepoint, but first let me say that your ethnic origin is unimportant, only your perspective on the world.
Back in the day the UK was as undemocratic as it is now, with the politicians doing as they pleased regardless of the will & wishes of the people.
Both parties indulged in immigration, and despite the people not wanting it they carried on regardless. Perhaps because they could not get at the politicians (for what ever reason) they alas took it out on those who were the tools of others.
The Labour party is split in two between its traditionalist wing, and the Fascists (or even as you say Nazis), with it’s leadership seemingly powerless – or unwilling to act.
John Mann might indeed be an admirable politician, but yet again we see a left wing Grammar school educated career politico “Before entering Parliament he previously worked for the Amalgamated Engineering and Electrical Union as Head of Research and Education and as the National Training Officer at the TUC National Education Centre in North London (now closed). Mann has also been a party employee and a trade union liaison officer”
He might be a traditionalist but I’m not sure he’s not just another elite which has been responsible for so much damage to this country.
Too true.
Mann has emerged as a great-his assault on Livingston opened up so much for us, and his Labour roots are required for the “Coalition of the Winning”.
Nigel, David Davis and Michael etc badly need to keep our Labour heroes-even Dennis Skinner now-fully involved in the new settlings.
No peace until we agree that both sides won-if they had been honest to us and to themselves.
John Mann passes this test.
“What matters now is not whether you`re circumcised or uncircumcised…what matters is the new creation required”
(Paraphrase of Galatians 6.15).
I completely agree ChrisH.
We need to do whatever is best for our country. Of course we are going to have differing views on how we get there, but the protection of the great British people and our way of life is mandatory in getting there.
John Mann has shown throughout the referendum campaign that he wants to protect us. He wants to protect the people he represents over the traitorous, spineless, hypocritical sh1te stains that are hell bent on destroying our country and who tried to collude in forcing party politics into a constitutional issue. He may be left leaning and have socialist views (though from his actions I believe that he just wants to the working class) but he completely dropped any of his own agenda to protect the people that put him into his position of privilege. He has shown an integrity and class far beyond the career junkies that infest all the political elite.
ALL politicians are where they are because they were voted in by the people… The gobshites desperate for remain have completely forgotten/ignored that fact and have treated their own people with complete contempt.
There are no excuses. No democratic reasoning behind wanting to stay in the EU. John Mann is a great British hero to go against party politics and stick up for the powerless. Stick up for those who do not have a voice. Be voice that defects away the fascist lefts deadliest weapon which is shutting down debate through calling everyone “far right racists”. We needed John Mann more than anyone because it showed the labour voters that it’s not wrong to want to protect your way of life.
Thank you John Mann for being a truly great Britain
I agree John Mann is a good guy. So are Gisela Stewart and Kate Hoey. But that’s not much to show for an entire political party is it?
Excellent post my friend. Your parents are a credit to you and I wish many of my own kind, Brits, had a similar work ethic but many have gotten used to the welfare life whilst others have been badly let down by ‘their’ party, liebour.
Tales such as yours are not ones that we’ll hear on the bbc.. nor many others like it. I have a friend who is a plumber, he works as a contractor for Manchester council on rented property upgrades, some of the stories he tells me are just incredible. He spoke to a girl of mixed race recently who had voted Brexit because of the migrant influx to her area which has created tension, the worst are the africans who behave terribly towards the local black population simply because they are ‘the wrong type of black’?? I was astonished.
Another is suing M/cr council for £1.5 million because his business failed and because he feels it was racism? Another wouldn’t have a black worker in his flat because he wasn’t black african..he had to comply!! My mate has found himself another company to work for as he’s at his wits end. But you won’t hear any of this from the bbc or the ‘crying lefties’.
On John Mann, I admired his stance during the referendum and I believe that the Brexit vote should signal a change for politics in the UK. People like Gisela Stuart and Kate Hoey, Daniel Hannan and Douglas Murray, Paul Nuttall and Stephen Woolfe have done good work as well, why should they miss out in a post Brexit UK, I think that a different kind of politics is needed rather than the old Lab/Con gvnmnts that are becoming more remote from their voters by the day. The UK needs a change for the better, instead the bbc tells us what tony Bliar, john McDonnell and emily thornberry think the UK should do? Keep voting against the idiots and one day they may get the message, but I doubt they will.
Thanks Glen.
The reason why my family came here was because of how special this country is, though the great British people and your forefathers made it that way. We are all taking advantage of the work and sacrifice they gave. We all owe your forefathers for the magical place in which we live. The political elite have no right to give that away. The people of this country have never given any political party the instruction to destroy our way of life or a mandate to give away our sovereignty or democracy.
We are all guardians or guests in this magical country. Anyone that says that what makes us British is up for grabs is a traitor. We all need to do whatever we can to honour the sacrifice and commitment given in its history. We can never let those who despise that greatness to take that away from us. This little island on the edge of Europe is the greatest country that has ever existed because of the people that have lived here. Never forget that. Never let the traitorous Al Beeb or lunatic lefties tell you otherwise
John Mann is one of the very few British politicians of principle and honour. And his work over the years against anti-semitism has to be admired. In the Labour Party, he put this above any personal advancement . I hope that the Labour Party will purge themselves of the anti-semites. But is has to start with getting rid of the chief anti-semite, Corbyn .
Great points above lads!
May well send a round robin email to Mr Mann, Ms Stuart, Hoey, Skinner etc…basically ANYBODY who risked it all on the left to help us out…and then I`ll send a good one to a nearby Tory who`s not famous-but he chose the right side.
My own MP is a decent bloke-but when you get it as wrong as this, you`re going….but to be fair, he`s not been shafting anybody-just unwilling to set an example.
UKIP gain next election then.
Thank you for that post, Tothepoint. Am sorry for what your parents had to endure and appreciate your honesty. I would also echo your appreciation of John Mann. I have been impressed by him as well during the Referendum Campaign.
(This was a reply to the 8.05pm post.)
Thank you for the kind words Up2snuff.
Me and my family will never be able to repay this country for what it has done for us. We all can never repay this magical country. I am English, married to an English girl and have a beautiful English boy. What happened to my parents when I was growing up is a part of human nature. It’s tribalism. The trait honed in evolution to assist our survival. It happens in every country, everywhere around the world. What is different though is how tolerant, kind, and generous the British have been to all outsiders… and it is being shoved back in your face! This tolerance is being taken advantage of. The silent majority have been ignored and disregarded for far too long. You are being vilified and ridiculed for wanting to protect your way of life and the country you love, by those who benefit from its destruction. You are being forced to change everything, without you consent, to allow a social engineering project that will destroy everything that makes us British.
The intolerant and hate filled Islam is forcing the tolerant, kind, peace loving British into a corner. The intolerant, hate filled left are forcing us into a corner. The intolerant and hate filled establishment are forcing us into a corner. We had to leave the EU. We have to stop this mass immigration experiment. If we fail to do so the very fabric of our society will break and hatred and violence will devour everything in its path. We can not let that happen. The people in the sheltered elite will up sticks and leave us to the hell they have created when it does… We can never let them do that to us. For the sake of the people we love and the country that has given us everything we are, we have to take it back
I live in the Western parts of the mystical island of Great Britain which may be considered by many of the ‘metrocentrics’ as being out ‘in the sticks ‘ and backwards . But I am a descendant of a long line of people known as the ancient ‘Brits , I have lived abroad and worked abroad in many far eastern and western places, I am well travelled.
Your words are a resounding shout that like me, you love our country, unlike Al Beeb and many of our politicians. Well said .
Ttp – great post.
contributing immigrants who dont undercut those already here we have no problem with tothepoint, we never ever have, we object to the import of cheap labour and scroungers for political means
This is a great speech and Q & A by David Owen about Brexit (filmed prior to the referendum, which includes Chris Ship getting well and truly slapped down!).
I believe he would be a tremendous asset in our negotiations with the EU and I hope that they take advantage of someone with such vast experience of government and diplomacy.
Watch it from 31:45 to hear Chris Ship being put back in his box.
Dead right Al Shubtil.
Everytime he came onto the the telly, he made mincemeat of the hacks set up to throw him off.
Stellar performances from the Good Doctor.
We either find him a seat( he can keep his Lord bit for fun)-or we beg him to head up the Foreign Office or Defence.
Probably the last man standing who knows how to deal with Brussels and who can still write a law or negotiate something meaningful.
Lawson, Tebbit and Lamont need to come to the aid of their country once again too in ANY capacity they choose.A Dads Army that will be no joke, no pushover, these lads.
Thanks for reminding us—enjoying old articles by the likes of Roger Bootle, Digby Jones , Lord Guthrie and other buffers who got this one so right…”Bring Em All In” as The Waterboys sang.
It`ll take time to dust them all off and check the hearing aids…but Raab and Davis are going to need some experience to draw from-not everybody can be a Nigel or a Michael!
I don’t think I’d trust Owen an inch with negotiating his way out of a paper bag after the mess he made of the Bosnian negotiations !
Self-justification comes naturally to Lord Owen: he has, one might say, a lot to justify himself about. Most commentators would agree that his entire mission in ex-Yugoslavia has been a failure, and that his attempt to bully the US government in public was cack-handed; many regard his famous Vance-Owen Peace Plan (the ‘VOPP’) as having encouraged the vicious Croat- Muslim conflict in 1993; some have criticized the methods he used to put pressure on the Bosnian Government; and a great many observers think he should have resigned or been dismissed after his VOPP was finally rejected by the Serbs. But Lord Owen sets about his self-justification with surprising zest. His first defence against the general charge of failure is a novel one. He tells us that, secretly, he always favoured a completely different solution anyway, a solution which nobody was prepared to consider: redrawing the borders of Bosnia, Croatia and Serbia.
Owen and Ashdown buggered up big time down there. Naive wankers .
Well yes, you`ll be right.
Bosnia was way beyond me though-and the Balkans IS going to kick off again within a couple of years.
So keep him clear of that-but if you listen to him, he`s vain but principled when it comes to dealing with the EU…he could have been a bigwig there, but his internal insights are invaluable.
I myself would not want to debate him-just the cold,vain and self-assured bloke who`ll make the squits like Juncker and Maitlis wet themselves.
S`pose I`d prefer to blame Ashdown for it all…just spite and ignorance on my part-but he(and the BBC) deserve it today.
Yes, Owen is solid on the EU. I was talking about what could loosely be termed the Balkans. As for Pantsdown ? Comedian .
BBC QT Special just now. And what an odd QT it was. Raab, Nuttall, Fraser v Soubry, Salmond and Abbott. Of course Farage and UKIP got a good kicking from both sides, Fraser on Nuttall was frantic virtue-signalling by the vicar who kept going on about the far right. Soubry compared today’s tone to that of the 1970s in its xenophobia. People were now feeling fear again. And it was all the fault of Nigel.
Salmond stated that he was “not part of the political establishment” (WTF!!) and therefore could have extra virtue points as could Nicola Sturgeon. Salmond pontificated like only Salmond can until a Brummie lady in the audience put him in his place by telling him that just as the UK had voted Brexit, and so needed us all to pull together for the common good, then now certainly wasn’t the time for Sturgeon and Salmond to be talking about splitting up the UK. Splitter Salmond had no answer for that one.
An erratic performance by Abbott to say the least. A non EU (Asian) immigrant was swatted away by Abbott for having the temerity to say that he and others had been discriminated upon by EU rules. A migrant on migrant clash. From shouting about racists and racism (still in Remain mode then) she on the mention of Jeremy’s name softened as she waxed lyrical about what a great leader he is as she shut her eyes and smiled while still talking. I tell you, I was nealy ill watching that.
Anyway, Dimbleby skewered Abbott by revealing that while on air yet another Labour shadow cabinet member had deserted The Great Leader.
That QT was a little like when you stay over at a house party, wake up on the sofa before any one else, and go hunting for half-consumed cans of Lager to find the one you swill from isn’t Lager.
And still, even after the wheels have well and truly come off, they don’t get it – Soubry says that they have all failed and now ‘we’ must make the positive case for immigration. They smear us all as Nazi sympathisers, but if they still refuse to listen then it’s only a matter of time before another Hitler pops up somewhere in Europe. How many more times do these people need to be told – we don’t want any more immigrants. Obviously 17.4 million voices shouting from the rooftops has once again fallen on completely deaf ears!
Now there’s a referendum to hold .
Do we want more immigrants – Yes or No .
How does Anna Soubry get a berth as a “player” in the political discourse?
Isn`t Michael Crick onto her for expenses fiddling in the last election…so maybe we`ll need to see how much Remain burned up in lying , losing as they did.
9 Million in March-and God knows how much since?
No-Soubry, Rudd, Morgan, May, Woollaston, Warsi…none of these speak for anybody but Cameron and Geldof.
I`ll know we`re winning when they`re off our screens…utter scum.
Is it just me; but wouldn’t Anna Soubry be more comfortable with Tin-Tin and the rest of the LibDumbs?
Every time she opens her mouth I can’t believe she’s a minister in a Conservative government; she once was SDP and my goodness how it shows!
I hope that whoever is the next PM; they kick her onto the back benches.
“she on the mention of Jeremy’s name softened as she waxed lyrical about what a great leader he is as she shut her eyes and smiled while still talking”
Probably thinking about happy times in East Germany in the 1970s.
Abbott and Corbyn must each have an MI5 file a foot thick. There is no chance a communist stooge such as Corbyn can ever be let within a hundred miles of true power.
Who knew it was so bad?
Was about to throw out last weeks radio reviews when I noted what Jane Garvey had doled up for the wimmin last Friday morning.
The lucky gals were to get a tampon Tryptich-Annabel Crofts new “period pants” were to get an airing(whoops!), Jenny Eclairs jamrag jokebook was to be dangled from Jon Snows fop pocket…and Proctor and Gambles post-minstrel drybed was to give us the history of tampax telly(they couldn`t get them advertised on Take Hart apparently, restricted to Bloody Sunday documentaries with helium balloons to speak through).
Most of what I say is truish…but we`ll never know now.
For this feminine feast of fallopian fol-de-rollery( Leonard Sachs eh?)-Womans Hour had lined the cage, and we were to have 45 mins of this…but, oh dear-some Referendum unpleasantness cropped up.
So find a sanitary sack for THAT…and let`s phone the niece in Holland Park to emote about “not knowing my country” anymore-and get her Norland Nannies interns to echo Polly Toybinz post-menstrual miseries.
So Jenni gave us THAT instead.
Still-if we get a petition with a few million Arabs on it…maybe Jane will revisit the thrush in the bush…Vote Labia…douche votes!
‘let`s phone the niece in Holland Park to emote about “not knowing my country” anymore-and get her Norland Nannies interns to echo Polly Toybinz post-menstrual miseries’….
‘Still-if we get a petition with a few million Arabs on it…maybe Jane will revisit the thrush in the bush…Vote Labia…douche votes!’
ChrisH, glorious prose, please don’t stop, I love it!
By the way, look at the flotsam and jetsam left in the shadow cabinet, what a shower!
Um, too much information ChrisH, just about to have my tea !!
Sorry Brissels-see it as my mission to open up a conversation and break down taboos about the Wise Wound.
But at least i`ll not rub anybodys faces in it…hope its not tinned tomatoes tonight for tea, my friend!
See how I got my own portaloo in the Wimminz Area at Glastonbury now?
L ‘ ‘ ER . ..LLOL … ERL … whooops!
chris goes from Larf’a’minute to barf’a’minute.
Could be a new hit game for BBC R4 at 6.30pm on a Monday.?
I should imagine that Harriet would have a cardiac arrest if she had watched that!
Let’s hope she does then. Anyone got her email address?
‘We have met the enemy and he is us.’ I’ve been wondering for a while where all these ‘far right’ people are that the BBC and the bien-pensants have been cacking themselves about. I’ve been expecting hordes of skinheads and bovver boys to rampage through the streets waving union flags and beating up ‘pakis’ like it was 1977. But now I’ve suddenly realised – it’s US they’re talking about. Basically anybody who supports parliamentary democracy over direct rule from Brussels. WE are the ‘far right’ they are talking about. To quote the late Derek Jameson – ‘do they mean us? They surely do!’
Top gear tonight, chris evans roller numberplate is brx–t. Big fuss like jeremys argy plate?
A long, long time ago. In a galaxy far, far away….Just come across this little gem of a video – it’s the day of local elections 2013, before UKIP had any seats and there was no inkling of a referendum. Listen to David Starkey give the QT panel a little hint of why we hate them so much…
Thanks for reminding us of this!
How lovely to see Shirley Williams and the rest of them.
Shirley pats his back-lovely!
And Starkey lashes them…what a man! And wasn`t he proved right?
Hope Coren feels that she made a few errors-but certainly nowhere near as many as the woeful Hattie and Shirl.
obc, Thanks for that one. The priviledged Lefties on the panel , including Dimblebore, really do not understand what Sharkey is saying. Coren is a particular pain in the ass, but she can’t help her voice !
Dimbleby really didn’t like that did he! You could tell that remark cut him quite badly.
A bit like when Jacob Rees-Mogg skewered him over his remark about Eton.
Lobster – thanks for mentioning that! Just watched the clip on Youtube. Rees-Mogg does it so gracefully as well without a hint of bitterness!
Jacob’s a class act.
It was the fact that he timed his delivery to perfection that made it so devastating; waiting until the laughter from Dimblebeeb’s remark died away before making his own.
Don`t know about you but I was shocked to hear of the mass resignation of Labours top talent in a culling of the greatest brains of our-or indeed any-generation.
Did Jo Cox die in vain?
If I were them,,,I`d wake up and down by the Maudsley Hospital in the hope that somebody-ANY body-might know who the hell they are-and then they could die a martyrs death…be far more use in death than anything they ever did in their sad, fatuous and fragrant life.
I predict a major reshuffle which makes Jess Phillips Shadow windsock for Defence, Obestity, health and archives, for Womans Areas and Transport…until we can elevate Lords Owen Jones, Russell Brand and Lady Penny, Toynbee …with Ladylords Izzard, Perry and Manning.
But what role for Jo Cox?…she`s not buried or cremated yet is she-for surely we`d have heard with a State Funeral would we not?
‘Ladylords Izzard, Perry and Manning’…now that is funny.
Hello Hello what’s going on here then ?………………………………………..
Delighted to see that the gorgeous Sarah Palin has noticed that we`ve left the EU-and she is pleased with us!
Oh, how we did so much-and she noticed!
Now then-I shall now see if Rachel Stevens, Julia Bradbury, Myleene Klass will also be pleased with me.
It`s what I`ve got to do…and my wife sees it as valid research and polling.
Who would you prefer to be happy with us?
Sarah or The Eagle Brothers?
Oh-and do I see that Judge Jeanine is happy too?…and we`ve inspired such lovely feisty ladies over in the USA?
Think I`ll sadly have to go over there whilst they`ll admire my pluck!
“Who would you prefer to be happy with us?”
I’d just settle for the BBC, occasionally.
The BBC’s ‘Who’s Staying and Who’s Going’ page can’t keep up with the rate of Labour shadow cabinet resignations. Chris Bryant has now gone but the page shows him in. Come on BBC, keep up.
That is 12 of 30 gone. For any remainians out there who seem to find percentages a bit confusing, that is 40%.
And how typical of the BBC to equate the loss of half your sandbags who are called a “Shadow Cabinet” ….Labours debacle-with the Tories being unsure who they want to lead them.
Apparently “both parties are in a spin”…Mishal Husain suggests they`re equally damaged on her Ten O Clock Crock…and Laura K concurs.
So there you are-both parties in trouble,
Oh if only we could get Lord Patten to form a Unity Government…Blackshirts in the Cabinet, Brownshirts in the audiences and ensuring no “divisive elements” …maybe Max Mosley to manage the car fleet?
Did Hitler make the Germans pay for Goebbels “media co-ordinations”, by way of a tax or license?
Have just been listening to Sir Peter Torry, a former ambassador to Germany pushing the Lammy line on German media. I am beginning to think that some parliamentary attempt may be made to circumvent the Brexit result. The Mandarins and Sir Humphries obviously are as one in their loathing of Brexit.
German journalists are trying to say that the delay in starting the Brexit negotions is a loss of nerve and no one wants to declare it.
I am getting extremely weary of the Scottish foghorn hogging the English media. Why is anything she says of relevance in England?
ID “I am getting extremely weary of the Scottish foghorn hogging the English media. Why is anything she says of relevance in England?”
There are some wonderful User Names on the BBC web-site, one of which is ‘NoThanksNicolaTheAnswerIsStillNo’. (Hope I’ve remembered that correctly.) Sends a message with everyone of his or her posts!
If the political elite really try and ignore the will of the people, then the social contract is broken, and all bets are off. As Breaker Morant would put it, then it’s time for Rule .303.
Spot on Rob,
I’ve never understood why, when two parties sign up to an agreement and one reneges, the other feels honourbound to continue.
Breaker Morant – fine film. ‘Shoot straight you bastards’
How long did the BBC run with the “3 million signatures Petition” story? 4 hours, 6 hours, 12 hours? They gave it such a ridiculous amount of attention. Jeez, this is the time when the young people really vote, and vote, and vote, and vote, and vote ….
3M+ ‘Remain’ Petition Uses ‘Script’ To ‘Fake’ Signatures: 25,000 From North Korea, 2,800 From Uninhabitable Antarctic
lewis, no need for you today with Sri Lanka !
Good point lewis – and Heat St reveals the petition is as a 4chan prank! Don’t the BBC do any googling, FFS?
MY STRENGTH I just KNOW that there are fine people on this site will hound the BBC to their worthless deaths with this LATEST effort of theirs to foment a Good Rebellion from their chaise longues in Highgate.
This story of “The Petition” was a disgrace-I`d not be surprised if the NHS pick up the tab for this with ulcer palliatives…older people would have been disgusted and furious-and it did me no good here!
Got to follow this one up until More or Less, Hewlett or their double barreled IT “experts” that Gove won`t listen to like us give an account of this-oh, and can we look into that “computer crash” that gave the wankers two more days to avoid and to fiddle the nemesis.
Boaty McBoatFace was a wtershed…but here`s the mighty “Star Wars Spoof on The World service”
New releases is one thing for the fucking eejits and liars at the BBC…but to try and overturn a democratic vote to get August 2011 going again was both evil and incompetent( lazy , wilful and spitefully engineered too)
Godfrey Elfwick-demisexual gender queer, dreamweaving muslim atheist ” as he describes himself….this man is a genius!
The long march starts with a single step…Godfrey may well have stepped on something beautiful for us today!
“Writer , feminist, dreamweaver”….COME ON, THIS GUY IS A GOD OF GREATNESS .
Dreamweaver?…Dreamwaver I`d say….see all those dreams getting waved off at the Europa EXpress!
Not been at the cider grant and pals.
“MY STRENGTH” at the start not intended.
For all my strength comes from Jesus…without HIM, I can do nothing.
(Jn 15. 5).
Trust me not to waste a chance to “bang on” about all this-but Daniel speaks of the gold headed fake god with feet of iron…but the dummies chose to blend it with clay”
That`s the European Union that is( Dan 2,31-35).
I used to live on Great Stone Road in Manchester 16, you know-was meant to have gone to school there too!
As my old daft mate Terrry Christian used to say on his shit shows(Barbed Wireless excepted)…”Go Figure”..think he meant Gold Figure!
Did you know that Terry Christians puppet on Spitting Image used to make more money than he did before he turned into Mr Liberal?..The Word today is revenge with a tickling stick doubling as a proctologists spear!
Watching the experts analyzing the referendum, seeing them recognise that the British people gave the elite a thrashing, and how the working classes had not been listened to over issues like immigration.
Well, that is it then, move on to a discussion of whether Boris should replace Cameron.
But one thing is missing which several US commentators have recognized. Deep in the concerns over immigration is awareness of Germany’s open doors to Moslem immigration and the incompatibility with that culture, as seen in the streets of our cities, in the rape trials, and crime – even if the threat is exaggeration, which I don’t happen to believe.
It is a bad thing to be against immigration which the media and left describe as racism and xenophobia. But dig a little and the fears unleashed by Germany and the EU’s open doors policy for Moslems is there.
Of course to speak openly about it is Islamophobic, illegal, and contrary to the aspirations of all political parties, the media and the Christian Churches. And it is not being discussed as a factor in the referendum analysis.
I think Brexit may have exorcised that malignancy.
During the last general election, Channel 4 used to send Snow et al. out to do vox pops on immigration. The people he approached seemed to be cowed, realising if they said anything negative about mass immigration they would be pilloried as racists. Channel 4 sent some bint out to do the same after Brexit . She asked some fishmongers if Brexit would mean a reduction in migration. They said it would and were happy about it. “Isn’t that racist?” was her stock response. They basically told her to go and swivel on it. As Geert Wilders says ordinary people should “Be brave, speak up and say what they think”.
I’ve been thinking a bit about all this post-referendum bitterness. I’ve just seen that an acquaintance I respect quite a lot, a Russell Group academic no less, is calling on social media for the Second Referendum. At first I was worried about all this. But now I think…bring it on. Let’s see how far people, some of them our elected representatives, are prepared to go to ignore the will of the people and to delay, obfuscate and muddle in order to quash the Referendum. It won’t stop what has been started, which is one of those ‘shots heard around the world’ which only occur very, very rarely.
It doesn’t surprise me Cranmer; my niece who is a teacher was thoroughly disgusted at what she read on Facebook (not to her personally), from those she considered friends and who were also teachers. My young niece voted Leave, but was astounded and disappointed to be aware of ‘another side’ to her ex colleagues who made clear in such derogatory terms their thoughts on the decision to leave Europe.
If nothing else, the lesson learned is NEVER to assume anything – which most of the population appeared to have done.
Same with my daughter.
I too think that this is a beginning of something that could well be momentous for all of us.
Great change happens suddenly always and the initial stages are always unexpected. Followed by confusion and events that can only be seen to make sense in retrospect.
This could be one such time.
The media and our elite is in disarray. That much is obvious from reading and listening to them.
There are few constants in this world but to expect a people to give up their land and freedom to an outside power and to cede that land to another people is one such. it has never happened without turmoil.
I and other who have tried to point this out have been ignored.
My guess is that the voters particularly of England and Wales have responded to this innate part of what it is to be human. Tribal maybe but nevertheless a reality.
The liberalism of the last two generations depended on the embrace of the unreal and the suppression of natural human needs and emotions. Not just over the governance of a country but many other things.
The world always turns and now it is clear this is a turning time.
That there is a downside goes without saying .
Dave S
“I too think that this is a beginning of something that could well be momentous for all of us.”
You may be on ‘the nail’. Already as I understand, the Asian markets are starting to look at the UK as a place where there is an opportunity to ‘trade direct with us’ . The coming months will tell …
I can’t say i’ve experienced much division.
Most people seem quite hopeful in a way summed up by a song from another revolution
Ah! ça ira, ça ira, ça ira
Le peuple en ce jour sans cesse répète
,Ah ! ça ira, ça ira, ça ira
Malgré les mutins tout réussira.
Nos ennemis confus en restent là
Et nous allons chanter « Alléluia !
Ah ! ça ira, ça ira, ça ira
It’s strange but just by voting for freedom makes it feel feel that it’s a revolutionary act. Liberté, égalité, fraternité.
I feel the same relief post-referendum as I did post-ERM. If a sane person lets himself be locked away in a loony bin, he will eventually go insane too.
During the Radio 5 reporting of the referendum count Chuka Umunna made a comment along the lines of ‘the world is changing’, in the sense that mass immigration was inevitable.
But, in fact, ‘the world’ isn’t changing, just ‘the west’. Where are the ‘swarms’ trying to get into Saudi Arabia, Africa, China or India?
It might be natural for the mob to want to break into the Hermitage or Versailles to get some of the good life but it must be obvious that they will trash the palaces if they get in. For the rest of the world ‘the west’ are the palaces but in this analogy it is forbidden to suggest that the ‘palaces’ may be damaged in the slightest, indeed they will be ‘enriched’ and nothing negative will happen.
“During the Radio 5 reporting of the referendum count Chuka Umunna made a comment along the lines of ‘the world is changing’, in the sense that mass immigration was inevitable.”
Nobody should be swayed by that. For as long as I can remember, the Left has claimed to have progress and/or inevitability on its side.
He has nothing to say, never has.
“count Chuka Umunna made a comment”
He’s a count now?
And I thought Baroness Warsi was ridiculous. What next, Duke Lammy?
I don’t think Chuka is a count, just something that sounds very similar.
Bit out off topic currently but a BBC favourite has resurfaced.
What a fat, greedy, dishonest, multi-cultural lump of lard she is.
If the liberal elite want to know why us plebs have had enough they just need to look at her.
Sorry if this has been posted already -Louise Mensch posts about 4chan members confessing that the votes on the 2nd referendum petition are faked, and that the BBC has fallen for it hook, line and sinker. Looks quite convincing to me.
In the kind of words script kiddies would use (OK about ten years ago, I’m a bit out of date on this stuff) – BBC have been pwned. Lulz.
If I remember rightly wasn’t the mantra of the Remain campaign (after Jo Cox’s death) along the lines of ‘take the hate out of politics’ ?? Well, the mouthy and ‘young’ b……..ds verbally shouting abuse in the street at both Corbyn and Boris, clearly didn’t get the memo !! We show our disgust at lager louts sullying the name of the UK on stag nights in the capitals of Europe or the Spanish Costas, but these gobby gits screaming like fish wives are no better. I may be referred to as ‘old’ but its far and away preferable to being called ‘ignorant’.
Interesting isn’t it that a mere 17 million people can create such havoc around the world – we’re even being talked about in S Korea !
Al Beeb and MSM are telling us that the referendum was divisive. All ballots, elections and referendums are divisive. There are always ‘winners’ and ‘losers’, get over it . The spoilt younger element who are always used to getting their way just don’t get this word ‘democracy’ . The media and ‘losers’ are exploiting this turmoil and are talking down our economy in the hope of proving themselves right.
The weekend isn’t over yet and they want results and ‘they want it now’. Well, I say watch the rest of Europe as they start calling for democracy in the coming months .
All ballots are divisive especially when the state broadcaster doesnt get the the result it wanted.
Next phase will be some latte quaffing left wing journalist tosser from North London telling us referendums are “anti democratic”
Jo would have wanted us to know that!
Not so far away as people may think!
At school they are taught everyone is a winner. It would harm their psychological makeup if they didn’t win. So everyone gets a prize for participating. Any wonder then that in the real World they cannot understand the concept of being a gracious loser.
They don’t even understand the concept of winners, either – which is going to be very troublesome in the future.
In my professional capacity I have to deal with quite a lot of young people looking to move into ‘real life’ after graduating. Now and again I’m able to reach out a hand and offer one of them a chance to do something that, according to their CVs, they are begging for a chance to do. The number of times they don’t even respond to the offer, or back away when they realise they are going to have to work very hard, is truly worrying.
What you read about the ‘snowflakes’ is true. They want it now and they want it without effort. I blame the education system, the miserable level of parenting and, ultimately, a culture dominated by the soft Left.
Yes, the Chinese really are going to eat our lunch. As I happen to like the Chinese, that doesn’t bother me at all. We deserve all we are about to receive.
I had a lot of Chinese students at University. Their capacity for hard work far exceeded most of the homegrown ones. And they were doing it all in a foreign language ! I meant Chinese from China but the same applied to the British Chinese.
That has been my experience too, Grant. We are going to bitterly regret our laxity in coming years, I feel sure.
Aunty made a flying start to the day
Headline item was with Stephen Bushell (of the well read magazine -New Statesman).
We had five minutes of negative reporting on current Britain hearing about –
election won on immigrant rhetoric
economy being hammered
objectionable notes being left for immigrants
Country has no road map etc etc etc…….
All of which Alan Kasuja lapped up.
In a sense it wasnt what was said -it was how it was said – which of course is difficult to challenge.
Impression given by Aunty s interviewee is that we are turning into 1970s Chile.
Thanks Aunty you really are a world class broadcaster and your fine regard for your country is so evident .
Traitors !
Sajid Javid backtracks on prediction that a Brexit would trigger a recession and a loss of over half a million jobs
Project Fear unravelling.
Not that you’d notice on the BBC.
Good spot, Mike. We need Contradiction Alerts. George Osborne was similarly contradictory in his 7am statement today. I wonder if he now regrets threatening the nation with a post-Brexit vote punitive Budget?
Meanwhile, on the TOADY programme, Alistair Darling is being surprisingly nasty about the voice of the people.
Strange, isn’t it? Politicians want the people to speak at Election time but they do not like it much when we express dissatisfaction at other times with what they are doing, ostensibly ‘for’, but more usually ‘to’, us.
Alistair Darling given an easy ride (as usual) on the Today programme, followed immediately by a semi-monstering by the egregious ‘Nick’ Robinson. Noted his sarcastic question “when is the £350 million going to be given to the NHS?”.
I thought Chris Grayling handled Nick Robinson with the necessary insouciance.
To paraphrase the main points he made….there`s work already in progress in the civil service, there are certain red lines…one of which is reduced immigration…..the job of government now is to deliver the referendum result.. there`ll be some informal discussion before article 50 is invoked which will open up a two year negotiating period…. we will do it but to do it well will take some time. “probably by the time of the 2020 election.”
Which was an interesting comment..hopefully they won`t try to turn that election into a “referendum mark 2” between declared Brexit candidates and Pro EU candidates to try to re run the referendum.
Though my understanding is that once article 50 is invoked there`s no going back.
Incidentally there is a line the BBC keep trying to use “if you broke it you fix it” implying that it was Brexiteers that called the referendum and according to their twisted narrative, “created the uncertainty”.
Wrong , it was the still current (though now lame duck) Prime Minister of the UK, David Cameron who called the referendum…in response to popular pressure expressed through the ballot box.
Darling sounded a bit upset. I can’t be bothered to listen to Labour outpourings these days.
They are finished in Scotland. Finished in the North where UKIP will take over and probably finished in Wales. London will remain a stronghold as will areas in England where “community leaders” are bribed with tax payers’ money. Strange how Labour voters in the North become educationally subnormal when the vote against the received opinion.
If they admit they got things so badly wrong, they should resign. Why should we believe a word any of them say ? Same goes for Cameron. They should all go now .
Indeed, its the honourable thing to do. But if you have fought a dishonourable Referendum campaign …
….. you get rewarded with a Shadow Cabinet job from Jeremy Corbyn.
How did Churchill describe politics?
“Politics is foul!”
To be fair to Alistair Darling and those of his ilk…it must be rough seeing all those commissioner jobs and pension pots (dangled before them in return for EU loyalty) disappearing in a puff of sulphurous smoke because of the votes of the “swivel eyed loons”, “the left behind” and “people who think we aren`t listening to in our labour communities” in a referendum that the remainers thought they couldn`t lose.
I have listened to his real concerns and I feel his pain.
Right that`s enough being fair and “reaching out”…..bwah hah hah hah!
One thing seems to be certain post-Referendum: the Labour Party has a far too large Shadow Cabinet. Reminds me a bit of another well-known, much talked about, political construct.
I wonder.
Not much of a shadow today is there?
Funny that-after 43 years, we can see clearly now!
Such a lovely sunny day too…and not midday overheads either!
No-I see no shadows at all that won`t soon be getting dealt with.
The Ra God of the BBC packs its Toni Basil puffball skirts, and is about to leave the temples.
Nice one, chris!
Great song by, I think, Johnny Nash ! ” I can see clearly now “.
I was impressed by the Tetchy Teuton on the Today programme smugly chiding us about our “mistake” and invoking the mighty Juncker and Schulz as our nemesis.
All this talk about punishment reminded me of the phrase “Gott strafe England”. Apparently, Germans were so cheesed off about Britain’s entry into WWI that instead of saying “Guten Tag” as a greeting, they substituted “Gott strafe England”. The reply was “Er strafe es”. The ” Hasslied gegen England” was also very popular, but I can’t find the words. I suppose we should get worried when they start singing “Wir fahren gegen England” again.
BBC News:
“Biz News” half hour. Fronted by a male and female who’ve obviously never been involved in business. Marxists can’t do business.
Both they and their supporters obviously disappointed that there’s been no ‘I told you so’ financial armageddon.
Osborne states that the UK is well positioned financially to weather anything that can be thrown at it. Was it his twin brother who said the opposite last week regarding BREXIT? Was it? I’m confused…
Osborne is a disgrace.
Now the legal impartiality the BBC was under during the run up to the election have been removed, the BBC is back to its normal liberal Left wing bias with a vengeance!
Nearly all the reporting is doom & gloom re EU, and all the guests are from the remain camp, or regretful voters who voted Brexit.
They did mention earlier that there were 7% leave voters, who regretted their vote, and 4% the other way. They also said that this would not have affected the outcome, but still there’s that impression left that the referendum might not have produced an accurate reflection of peoples views.
It seems that until we actually leave the BBC is going to carry on where project fear left off.
I just had a text from one of my best Gambian friends in Gambia. It was atually him who built our house. He worked in the US for 10 years as a builder there and is very interested in international affairs. ” Well done UK for getting out of the EU mess ” !
“Questions over trust in the newspapers”
Look at your own headline, luv. Newspapers are private. The BBC is public, and exempts itself from questions, whilst the BBC and ‘trust’ is now a standing joke.
Shock reports are coming in… of a huge gravy train having been derailed
operators and first class passengers are being rushed to BBC studios in concerted efforts to get their gravy train back on the tracks
BBC reports suggest there may have been many people ‘hurt’ in this incident
Casualty interviewed at approx 8.23am approx. on the BBC R4 TODAY programme. Very interesting counterpoint provided by the other contributor. Catch it on iPlayer if you did not hear it. May be an insight into the BBC as well as the nation.
Excellent As I see it saab!
Thought you`d like to see this!
Better ones actually have Thomas in his blue and yellow starred ,EU flagged livery around his far smug face-but joel or suchlike can do this sorta t`ing!
Lot of very fat controllers out there today-and who on earth can read the junction box “manuals” around here anymore?…let alone follow a circuit diagram.
Hornby was too difficult FFS…ah well back to clockwork!
Oh dear-Bob`s aware and connected so he says!
Good one.
How about a charity gig for them all?
“Feed Bob Geldof and Friends 2016”
“Appeals for Harriet, George etc to get in touch-we`re worried and the Labout Family are missing them all”
Roger Daltrey and Cliff Richard to co-host the event.
God Bless you Mr Daltrey-one of the few stars with balls…now there`s one less star on their fuckin` flag of inconvenience.
“But no-one had the guts to leave the Temple “eh?
Roger did-Sir Ian and Joan, Michael and a few others-ta lads and ladies!
FT100 pretty steady today so far. Same for sterling.
But as BBC ‘BIZ News’ said this morning, being steady could change at any time! They hope!
BBC are using the old tricks to emphasize dips – cutting off the graph axes at unfavourable points
ID, Yes and failing to report rises. They are despicable ! Last week they referred to the 250 which they hardly ever mention , because it had a bigger fall than the 100 and the graph was incorrect anyway. Amateurs !
I posted this on another thread and copy it here for interest.
The Bbc is really to be pitied – as well as derided and mocked for its mismanagement of the whole reporting of the campaign and its aftermath. Alternatively it could make a name for itself and the country by backing what the PEOPLE have said – but it won’t, of course which is disgraceful. Who the hell do they think they are?
On the topic of a new government, I have three thoughts to throw into the mix.
Firstly, I liked Andrea Leadsom. I thought she performed extremely well in all the debates and whenever she was interviewed. I think she would be a calming influence in charge – and a woman to boot, not that that bothers me either way. We need the best person for the job, whatever their sex.
I wonder if it would be the right time to have an interim leader as the Conservatives did when Michael Howard was appointed unopposed for a short period.
And thirdly, because this is a defining moment for our country and calm heads are needed while trying to bring everyone else together, would it be worth considering a National Government until 2020? That could include people from other parties and allow Nigel Farage a place and sensible Labour folk – like Gisela Stuart and perhaps Hilary Benn? Casting a wide net could throw up an interesting mix of dedicated people whatever their politics, and all for the good of the country and the people.
Good point there Soapbox. The only worldwide cliche that it hides behind is its “speaking for the British people”
You know?…London Calling and all that?
Last few weeks?…oh dear-they don`t seem know us at all!
Why would they have had a need to though?…open a vein, give us their moral AIDS…and charge us all £145,50 for the privilege of funding their interns, their luvvies and their pet projects of Benetton.
Oh dear-they don`t know me at all…Evan, John and Sarah have had their drive bys in Yorkshire too-but chose to ask David Blunkett(who literally sees nothing) about all things Sheffield-like…and not anybody remotely likely to tell labour to fuck off, and be brave enough to vote UKIP.
Saturday 9am on Today sealed my contempt for the BBC and Labour…why ask UKIP councillors why they won, when neither Monty or Kerplunkett even discusssed what the folk of Sheffield had told her in their pub the night before.
The BBC and their politicos don`t listen-they lost-so why pay for them?
Still-they`ve gor to explain to CNN, RTE etc how they`re so fuppin disconnected-and a few of their gambling city toyes will be witholding the canapes for the next few days.
Al Jazz ans RT knew us better than our own “Auntie”.
No knickers-legs open….Auntie says its keep the flies from her Guadeloupe melon…
Bad time for the BBC…send for Hewlett and his pickup truck, Greenslade and Patten!
A word of advice , you cannot afford to have any room in heart for pity for the BBC. They are part of an axis of evil and must be crushed, broken , burnt, exterminated etc etc. Otherwise your piece is excellent.
Doublethinker… Believe you me, I do NOT pity them one little bit. I revile them as much as anyone on here. They have brought this on themselves – much as the EU has brought Brexit upon themselves. Both institutions bury their heads in the sand. But it is sad to think that what was once, decades ago, the envy of the world has now stooped so low in all it does.
I agree about Andrea Leadsom, she was rather unkown before, but was very impressive in debate, and also seemed like a nice person, unlike, say, Anna Soubry, who could sour a pint of milk just by looking at it.
The poor white working class ( wwc please forgive the shorthand but this phrase will crop a lot from now on and I don’t mean to patronise anyone) voted leave. This is a problem for the BBC because they, in common with most of the left, justify their actions and beliefs as being in support of that same wwc. The fact that they live high on the hog whilst their supposed clients get poorer is not something they dwell on. So how do the BBC and left react to one of their cherished ideals being voted down by the people they are supposed to be the saviour of ?
Firstly , they will make out that the wwc was lied to by Leave . This attack will be centred around Boris et al but also the demonic ‘right wing press’ eg the Daily Mail who have been busy sowing false stories about migrants and Brussels for decades. Of course their own even bigger lies about migrants and Brussels from a directly opposite persepective are ignored. Much will be made of the facts that our EU payments will go on until we leave in some years time and that we may well still get EU immigrants coming to our shores. They will of course ignore the fact that we will be getting those migrants we want and not those we don’t. ‘Where is the money for the NHS’ they will bleat for years ahead.
Secondly, they will claim that this wasn’t a vote against the EU but against something else, austerity or the Conservatives and Cameron or any other thing they can think of.
Thirdly they will claim that the wwc has been left behind by globalisation only because the governments, and particularly Lady T , adopted a policy of neglect to the old industrial areas. The irony is , they will claim, that only the EU has actually done anything to help these deprived areas but the wwc ( they daren’t say thick but that is what they mean ) can’t see it. Had we been more socialist then this wouldn’t have happened.
Fourthly , they will keep up the pressure on the self guilt of the middle class by saying Leave is a vote for selfishness over generosity and love . This will need to be much more carefully pitched than in the past because they now realise that the wwc think that this is the pile of **** that it always was and want generosity extended to themselves first and not some scrounger from Africa.
Finally , they will do everything possible to scupper our negotiation with the EU and to exaggerate the impact of the referendum decision on the wwc.
And that dear reader is the role of the British Broadcasting Corporation for the next couple of years. And to think that we pay for that. Personally, I would have much preferred a yes vote to get rid of the BBC than one to leave the EU . Getting our country back first requires us to get rid of the BBC.
Good post Doublethinker. Any belief I had about the impartiality of the BBC was scuppered by their headline announcing ‘Britain votes to leave the EU: pound drops to lowest level since 1985’. Can you imagine such a thing being announced by the BBC after the outbreak of war in 1939?
Coming from the “deprived” West Midlands, it strikes me that a large portion of the money that the EU is supposedly pumping into the area is wasted on monstrosities which are laughingly called works of “art” rather than building something useful.
Good and true double!
But-this is comedy showtime of a kind I`ve not seen before-so let`s enjoy the parades and howls of pain from `em all!
Witness this mornings Today-only hit upon some random crap at 8.30…but really funny!
Sarah Montague was like the fat black cleaner on the stool shouting down at “Cat” Smiff…no, me neither. Tom and Jerry.
She`s been…er “promoted”(says Sarah) to Minister for Voter Registration and Youth Affairs”.
Eh?…if THAT`S a Ministry…a job spec still on the Amstrad from 5am today…then Lord alone knows what job she was doing yesterday-if indeed the BBC regard that as a “promotion”.
Poor kid sounded like a trainee barista…clueless, very sweet and well meaning!
Anyway-Sarah was spitting feathers…our Cat could only say that their Brownshirts from last years mandate still want Corbyn-Sarah and the Good People in Parliament may not-but, hey watcha gonna do?
It`s THAT chilled out dopehead and patchouli rebellion that`s got Sarahs Tenas in a spin…
Oh-poor Cat was promoted..from Shadow Park Bench as “Minister for WOMEN”.
Oh dear-Labour seem to have problems with women don`t they.
Luscious Caroline Flint says so…and Jezza also has, seeing as nearly all his laydeez have jumped the shark via the bouncy castle.
So Cat`s still in the bag…as was Jezza when he was riding pillock with the Black and Lovely Dianne round Karl Marx Stadt in happier times.
So let me think-poor Jezza on his park bench in need of a Foyer Shave-but Emily, Dianne choose to come along from their increasingly broad(some would say obese, but there you go) church to soothe his confused brows.
Dianne, Emily-come on, Jess Phillips please MUST come to the park…as long as Emily and Dianne don`t actually sit on it they can share the Red Bullshit they`ve been pissing into and brewing up in their billy cans.
Best to leave them all to it for a while-but Sarah was NOT happy.
Labour is a Broad Church eh?-with all those fat broads on his case, on his bench and in his panniers too- it`s hard not to feel sorry for him…when he had Charlotte as his church,at least he could say he was able to come into a church were he around to do so…Jezza must stay-what price do you put on comedy where news used to be?
Billy the Bass…maestro please…Montys dawn patrol of liberal idiots don`t seem pleased with where Labour`s going with all this.
Popcorn maestro please!
For confirmation of my guess at how the left would react read the Guardian editorial this morning. You definitely got much more sense from the much missed Dandy and Beano than from the Guardian.
memo for all BBC commentators, presenters, all staff in public facing roles.
Remember the “consultations” on the same sex marriage (rubbing the rights nose in diversity) bill?
Remember how we enjoyed using the quote,”It`s not about WHETHER we will enact it, it is about HOW we will enact it”.
That`s where we are with Brexit……it`s not about WHETHER, its about HOW we enact it.
The question now should be how we will repeal it, and return marriage to what it should be, i.e. the union of one man and one woman. The law of bigamy should also be enforced as a priority of the new government..
Many are expressing sentiments along the line: “The country must overcome its divisions”.
Well, this concerns the BBC.
The country must overcome those who publicise obvious fraudulent crap such as “3 million sign Petition”. We must aspire to a government which says, hey BBC, if you don’t stop stirring this crap, we will cut-off your funding by scrapping the BBC License Fee in emergency legislation when Parliament reconvenes in the Autumn. Like Rufus at Wimbledon, we will not tolerate any (further) droppings (on our democracy. You have been warned.
A neighbour and close friend who always believed the BBC about everything and that thought it must always speak the truth, just because it was the BBC, has changed her mind.
I was amazed, we have had many discussions on this as I tried to convince her of BBC bias and to check out other sources of news. She also thought that Nigel was a racist – despite no evidence. However, she voted to Leave the EU telling me that, “it was just the right thing to do” and “the economy will soon sort itself out”.
As for Nigel, it is clear he is clearly vindicated by the huge vote for Leave and without even being an MP he now has a lot of clout. Like him or not HE is the man that did it.
Many people have the same view it seems, the BBC stranglehold is now broken and it will never return. It only takes one crack and the whole Anti-British media will have to change and become a little more realistic and fair.
My last thought, as things always go in threes.
1. Leave won.
2. Cameron is toast.
3. The days of the BBC tax are doomed
“Of course, as required by the EU Referendum Act 2015, the Government is committed to producing clear information, ahead of the referendum, on the outcome of renegotiation, the rights and obligations in EU law, an assessment of alternatives to membership and publishing the process for leaving.”
Does anyone believe that the government complied with this?
Could the failure to do so form the basis of a legal challenge to the result ?
Never, in any political process I have witnessed, has the collective might of the state media sought to tell the majority of the people that they were wrong following a vote. That is until until the 24th of June in the UK. Yes, the British people exercised their democratic right to vote against the European Union, a right which had been denied them by successive Prime Ministers since John Major. But the reporting of this momentous event, which should have been a celebration of democracy, has been nothing but appalling virtue signalling.
For the last couple of days I’ve actually found it almost physically impossible to turn on the radio for fear of hearing the grindingly, distressingly, relentlessly negative BBC coverage of the referendum and what, to this ear at least, sounded like unsubtle attempts to stir up civil and financial unrest and to create social division. Appalling. Silence really is golden in this house now.
Just wait until a dozen or more UKIP MPs are elected despite the BBC campaigning for their opponents.
The BBC will go bananas, and HIGNIFY will have to import jokes.
Absolutely AaronD
And LBC ar ejust as bad!
This mornign on james OBrian, an apparently hysterically distressed older GERMAN woman, living ina middle class area, whose deceased husband had been a DOCTOR rang in complainign that her neighbours were hostile, telling her to go home, and she’d had shit thrown at her window!
This story is SOOO unbelievable, the ghastly James OBrian has even said people have been ringing in saying it was ‘staged’ , and I can understand why! If it was a Polish woman ona rough council estate I could believe it, but this stroy seems BONKERS!. And why on earth did LBC put such an hysterically upset woman ON AIR, if she was as frightened to go out as she claimed, then she needed help and advice, not to provide entertainment and grist to the OBrian disruption mill.
All this is being done to DIVIDE Brexiters and make moderate sensible people shy awya from being associated with these alleged nasty racists supposedly lying among us!
Aerfen, I’ve long suspected that ‘racism’ now holds the same morbid fascination for modern leftist Britons as prostitution and vice did to middle class Victorians in the nineteenth century. They claim to be opposed to it, but actually get their rocks off by being shocked and titillated by its salaciousness. Just as Victorians saw sex everywhere where it wasn’t, modern Britons see ‘racism’ everywhere where it isn’t.
The EU does not get it do they?
We shall leave when we want and on our terms and not when they want and on their terms.
This is the link to them trying to force us into starting article 50
Song for Tim Peake-a little light relief!
Enjoy watching the live version…all those hippies think he`s serious.
One Starman dies..and a few more like us take his place!
Star Wars, Tim Peake and the BBC-a song for them and their Bricks It types…
Time to get into that spaceship eh?…believe I`m wanted in Blyth for a teaching job, so off I fly…
The bBBC is reaching new depths post the referendum. While on the one hand, like for many here this fuels my fear that they will have a huge undue influence on opinion, I also have a strong feeling that ‘ordinary’ people (unlike us paranoid bBBC lot) are increasingly rumbling the BBC as the bias reaches new extremes. Having dared just once to engage in a workplace conversation on the referendum before the vote, the remainer I was talking to started the conversation with the phrase: “I can’t believe how biased the BBC are” – and no he didn’t mean on behalf of Brexit. You could have knocked me down with a feather. The harder they try, the more ridiculous they look. There is hope.
Hope you are right KH but I fear the dual pronged attack of ‘project fear’ coupled with tteh ‘nasty racists’ urban myths promoted by the media could be weakening the resolve of the large numbers of doubters who voted Brexit. I am really frightened they will call a second referendum – it happened in Ireland!