Looks like time for another of these as the BBC pushes hard for another referendum….we can expect many a lurid tale of apocalypse in the following weeks as the BBC tries to paint a picture of utter disaster and chaos ‘due to Brexit’ and the need for an emergency rethink in the interests of ‘peace and stability’. The floor is yours.
Ref the petition, the following was cut and pasted from another site.
“There were only two choices on the paper. There should have been three.
YES – leave
NO – stay
HMMMM – I’ll wait and see the final result and then I’ll decide”
That very succinctly sums up the ‘Leave could not possibly have won had Boris not lied through his teeth/voters realised all the scare stories were actually true/Corbyn done his job properly/old gits not voted coz they’re racist/old gits not voted coz it’s not their future’ position being promoted by the BBC.
I see the BBC is scaremongering about the FTSE again. The FTSE 100 is not providing sufficient doom, gloom and panic so they are switching to the FTSE 250. The 1 day graph does indeed show a drup but the 1 month graph shows a comparable dip in May 2016. Complete and utter dishonesty.
Joke O’Burn on Daily Politics showing that she does not understand the difference between being told she can spend 10 billion on A OR B OR C or 10 billion on A AND B AND C. Pathetic
Yes, and FT250 on BBC4 news just now. No mention of the FT100. Just not doing what the BBC want. I never remember the BBC using the 250 unti last friday !
‘This referendum is splitting the Conservative Party’
But not Labour?
Can someone please help me out. I’m feeling a little confused this morning about a BBC story
When I first looked at this story I’m sure the headline was ‘Many companies plan Brexit hiring freeze’.
I read the story and thought hang on. They are referring to a survey carried out by the Institute of Directors of 1000 of its members, of which 250 said they were planning to put a freeze on hiring. So the headline perhaps could have been ’75% of companies not planning Brexit hiring freeze’, especially as 75% has become an important number at the BBC in recent days (they promoted the prank petition after all).
Anyway I went to make some coffee and when I returned, the headline had changed to ‘some’ companies plan Brexit hiring freeze. Someone got rumbled.
So far, so BBC.
But that’s not really what I am confused about. Later in the same page I read this ‘On Friday, sources told the BBC that up to 2,000 jobs at the US investment bank Morgan Stanley could be moved from London to Dublin or Frankfurt.’ Hasn’t this story also been rumbled as a prank at best and a lie at worst? Didn’t Morgan Stanley themselves deny this? Or am I imagining this? I admit that things are changing fast and I’m not on top of everything, so apologies if I sound a bit thick.
If anyone here can tell me what’s happening in the real world with this story I would be very grateful.
Joel, someone on here I think posted a list of job movements by major banks across European capitals which showed that there was nothing unusual happening in London at the moment.
It’s a nasty case of “post hoc ergo propter hoc”.
I am first time commenter on this website. I have just recorded a telephone complaint to the BBC 03700100222 and will follow it up with a written complaint BBC Audience Services, PO Box 1922, DL3 0UR. I have emailed the Vote Leave, LeaveEU and relevant leaders of the Leave campaign to ask that they start a Judicial Inquiry into the BBC and their reporting post EU Leave vote. The BBC is no longer fit for purpose and certainly not following their impartial code, it is blatant propaganda and I think dangerously inciting divisions and chaos for their own agenda. They are not reporting the news, they are creating it. 5Live Talk extended by hours and on a Sunday, probably keep going with the phone in callers (those of course allowed to actually go on air) until we have riots in the streets, I hold them accountable. In particular their nasty manipulation that the youth were robbed of their future by the older generation. I knew personably young who voted Leave and those who voted Remain. Same with the older generation. The 5 Live said 75% young voted remain, first who are they quoting? Certainly no official poll, the EU Referendum was a secret ballot. There are no official statistics about the age group voting. Of course BBC does not say from this ‘poll’ how many of them actually voted. Can I draw attention to the BBC loving Guardian, April headline the Young will effect this EU vote. The paper goes on to state that their poll showed 18-34 age group 53% would vote Remain (not 100% or even 60%) but importantly the poll suggests that only 38% would actually vote in the EU Referendum. Just because its on twitter or facebook does not mean you voted! I hope many people complain and I would like to point out when I phoned the 5Live call in phone line and said the BBC inciting division it was the researcher who gave me the Complaints telephone number. So may be there have been many such calls, not being aired though of course. I think the BBC shows its true colours now, but more than that it becoming dangerous to our society and democracy.
Excellent post. I do hope that you become a regular contributor . I agree the BBC is deliberately fanning the flames of discontent by its usual mixture of gross distortions and suppression and outright lies. If this turns ugly then we all know who the culprit is. I do hope that the putative new government is taking note and that it will take appropriate action to deal with the BBC as soon as other priorities allow.
Again, welcome.
By reading comments on this site, you will realise that complaints to the BBC are in vain. But we use these pages to highlight the bias and make others aware of the BBC’s inability to be honest about anything. The BBBC’s arrogance is beyond belief. They will never acknowledge they are wrong about anything that is contra to their agenda. However reading here you will realise you are not the only one to see them for what they are.
Share, Welcome. All your points are excellent. Good luck with your complaint !
Welcome Share!
We all have the same story to tell regarding how we came across this magnificent website! Like the film ‘The Matrix”, once the illusion of what the Al Beeb pretend to be is broken, you are left witnessing an organisation hell bent on destroying our historical identity and way of life and replacing it with a warped ideology that is created in the delusional world of sheltered, privileged elites who have a psychotic hatred towards their own people and everything that has given them their privilege.
My reason for being here is traitorous Al Beebs dangerous agenda on Islam. I have studied Islam, it’s history and it’s purpose. I have spent significant time living and working in Islamic countries and taking to the people who live there.
I am friends with genuinely ‘moderate’ muslims who live in the Far East and who themselves are warning me about the dangers of their faith. They tell me that the ‘moderates’ have absolutely no power at all in their communities because the only instruction is Muhammads and following Muhammads instruction is what is leading to the violence and bloodshed. To criticise Jihad is blasphemous. The more religious a Muslim becomes the more ready they become to carry out Allahs instruction which is to “protect Islam and everything Islamic with your life. With Jihad. There is only Islam and Islam must be victorious. Complete and utter submission to Allahs will is the only way to salvation. To enter paradise you must submit to the word of Allah”.
I tried to mention these facts on any Al Beeb HYS I could. I was trying to open the debate to the facts of Islam and how the West being completely tolerant and uncritical of Islam actually encourages the darkest truths of Islam to take hold. Our tolerance is breeding a intolerance that is uncontrollable. I was blocked and sensored each time I tried to make people aware of the facts. I was prevented from trying to help my own people. I was trying to help my own people with the same message I was being given by fearful Muslims themselves.
It shocked me with how intolerant the Al Beeb is towards those who have a different view to theirs. Who have a different message. I saw how the Al Beeb misrepresent, mislead, connive, lie, deceive, the public with a unwavering and relentlessly pursued narrative. A message that is clearly designed to label the villains as conservative white people. That what is wrong with our world is caused by us and and what therefore must change is us. The underhand tactics used in everything the Al Beeb are involved in become more obvious with every passing day. The Al Beeb are not even trying to hide the fact they are a propaganda machine creating the news and agenda to suit it’s own ends
Thank God for this website and all you legends that post here
Too true lads above-and hi share!
This site turns out to be the alternative universe none of knew was possible until last week.
All of us-whether Melanie, Peter, Douglas who do their stuff in the dead tree press-or all here of good will and loads of fun and insight…who on earth amongst us would ever think that a Janet Daly or a As I see it, grant and all the gang(and all the rest of you) were speaking reality-and not forever to be seen as racist freaks who couldn`t possibly know our country and our friends-who turn out to be The People themselves.
To hear REAL People only confirming to us what we were right-and for them now to know that they are STILL right-now that`s revolution.
Well remember Shami using Desert Island Discs to mock we little people with one of her choices of music…”We are the Angry Mob”..and both Kirsty and Shami purred that this was safely sectioned on a Kaiser Chiefs CD.
Oh dear-turns out that WE are the Kaiser Chiefs…and THEY are the f…ing evil, lying and slithering angry mob!
Oh dead…I find myself going round the bands…the Clash, Kaiser Chiefs and Moody Blues…and we`ve got the soundtrack for all we`re going to do.
Sounds strange I know-but I hate the Gastric Band…and we all know where the Glitter band ended up…and that is all that the BBC and Political tarts weho`re ruled us turned out to be.
Me?…today I was Nick Cave, well..Bad Seed Number seventy four at work maybe…and I thank the likes of Nick, of Andy Kershaw funnily enough…good lads who I reckon would be Brexit..a.and have been crucified in public-and we want our family back!
Yes !!! And one of the Trolls called people on this site racist. The only racist I remember was an anti-semite who David Vance blocked. The losers just can’t accept that they got it wrong. John Kerry on BBC now backtracking ! Going on about the “special relationship “. Suddenly resurrected.
There is no special relationship with that reptile obama in the white house
Share – 36% of 18-25 year-olds voted, 73% of whom voted for Remain.
Reading this, on a completely different subject, I thought the technique and response used would be a fantastic way to respond to all the negative BBC articles and comments. The description about the reporter really does apply. Just change The Raw Story to BBC and Tom Boggioni to your favourite journo and voila!
“Howdy kids. How’s your weekend going? I’m going to take a wild guess and assume you’ve been pursuing the headlines over at The Raw Story. https://www.rawstory.com/…/tv-star-mike-rowe-trashes-ohio-…/ Am I right? I knew it!
Back in college, I had a professor named Dr. Vatz who taught a wonderful course called Rhetoric and Persuasion. I remember an exercise where we were instructed to take an article from the local paper, and without changing the underlying facts, rewrite it in such a way that left the reader with a completely different version of the truth. To this day, I think about that exercise whenever I come across an article whose sole purpose is to make people angry.
Happily for the writer in question – a guy named Tom Boggioni – The Raw Story does not appear to be terribly concerned with the facts. I suspect his future there is a bright one.”
Welcome Sharethedebate, and a very good post. We’ve all said that the Beeb are ‘creating’ news to their own agenda, and listening to Norman Smith, he’s clearly on another planet and wants to take the rest of us with him. This is why this site is called Bias BBC. In the days of no internet or social media, and this vote had taken place even 30 years ago before mobile phones, there would have been a calmer atmosphere and a more gentlemanly way of dealing with this crisis.
I must have missed it — as the Welsh also voted to leave the EU, how does the BBC refer to them? Surely not “Little Englanders” also?
Don’t worry, the BBC know what they’re doing. If the English don’t like being called ‘little Englanders’, how much do you think we enjoy it?!
Shwmae AaronD.
Chwarae teg.
‘Go back home’ – Bitter backlash post EU referendum
There goes the BBC again, stoking up division and attempting to show Leave voters in a bad light. Apparently every claim of racism on social media must be true, because all these tweets and posts are accepted at face value, though surprisingly no supporting evidence in the shape of arrests is put forward. You’d think there might be some. The nearest we get is a half-hearted suggestion that these things are simply highlighted more since the referendum, only for that possibility to be ignored for the rest of the article.
You’d suppose the job of the state broadcaster is to bring people together at a time like this but all I have heard is grievance stirring. Surely this is a breach of charter?
Meanwhile, not reported by the BBC:
BREXITPHOBIA: Leave Voters Suffer Widespread Abuse As Media Focuses on ‘Brexit Racism’
Enduring the BBCs one o clock news, I’m not sure that they’ve grasped that the run up to Brexit is actually over, as they’re still carrying on with Remains “project fear”.
Andrea Leadsom MP spoke very well on the BBC World at One today. She pointed out the bias of only quoting from a pro-Remain hedge fund manager who was known for gloomy predictions, and named two other managers who would have given an alternative view. Martha Kearney by contrast sounded rather panicky.
She does seem very cogent and is very aware of the “traps” the BBC try to lead her into.
Gisela Stuart was rational too., I hope I am not discovering my feminine side! Raab is OK, but the others seem a bit “constipated” a la Carswell.
It’s the beginning of Operation Accusation. They have started by accusing brexiteers of making racist attacks (probably mainly in their fantasy worlds) and next it will be any crime (unless commited by enrichers) or any job lost etc. Noah’s Flood was caused by Brexit donchaknow.
Demon, the Guardian was desperately looking for the ‘backlash’ and managed to find a nutcase who’d said something xenophobic in Tesco’s, and some grafitti on the wall of the Polish embassy. Not exactly the Kristallnacht they’d been hoping for I suspect.
Hi all,
In the light of all this 2nd referendum hysteria, thought it might be a good idea to hit back with a couple of my own. I’ll need 5 e-mail addresses to get each one started:
1 – Call for a 3rd EU referendum – (should take the sting out of the 2nd one)
2 – Following biased EU coverage BBC not fit for purpose.
If I get 5 e-mail addresses will kick these off.
BBC Website headline. ” Why did non-graduate voters opt for Brexit ? “. But the don’t ask ” Why did non-graduate voters opt for Remain ? “.
They don’t get it do they?
Today Jeremy Vine was suggesting new prime ministers. Top of the list: David Attenborough! Then a long list of has-been Europhiles with, best of all, Nicola Sturgeon!
Boy do the BBC lover her, British yet anti-British, the BBC in a nuttershell. While the woman does a good talk it is all from the same record, and she gets to play it without interruption.
How about Junker or Martin Shultz or even Rumpelstiltskin? They know the EU quite well!
“the BBC in a nuttershell” Ha ha perfect. That deserves to be re-used often.
JimS – I heard Jezza Swine propose David Attenborough to negotiate Britain’s exit from the EU; I couldn’t quite believe that was what he’d said.
If you ever needed confirmation of quite how intellectually stunted he is then his programme today was it; he just gets worse and worse, as does the organization he works for.
I caught a bit of Jeremy Vines “BBC’s favourite Prime Ministers for a Brexit Government” Number one was David Attenborough, and Vine insisted that he was serious. Tony Blair, John Major and Teresa May came up as suggestions. The only glimmer of sanity was when he mentioned the fact that Boris was popular in the country, but was deemed unsuitable by the establishment elite and the BBC, so the BBC thinks Teresa May will win because she is the Remain supporter that most Leave supporters think supports Brexit. The BBC lovey even suggest that the mass resignations in the Labour party will mean there will be a General Election. No suggestion that the Tories have an Election mandate which now includes a Referendum mandate for a Brexit Government. No mention of possible successors who support Brexit such as Frank Field or Michael Gove, or Hilary Benn who now in honour to his father will live with Brexit.
If a government offers a yes/no choice then surely it should have a Plan A and a Plan B ready?
This referendum wasn’t a general election, whatever the outcome the government would be expected to be the same. It was never up to the ‘leave’ campaign, a grouping of all parties and none, to come up with a plan, that should have been down to the government of the day.
Having taken up the plan selected by the people the way that plan is executed and its details should then be subject to account at the next general election.
And, as an aside, perhaps the ‘old’ now where ‘young’ in 1975 and like the ‘youth’ now got it wrong then – which is why we are in the mess now!
I confess that I voted for the Common market in 75. But we were never told that it’s central aim was to become a United States of Europe even though Heath and Wilson knew well that that was the long term goal. But even if I had been told, being young I wasn’t really thinking about concepts like democracy, let alone sovereignty. I didn’t value them just like the young people of today, although I was never as rude and dismissive of others at this lot are. The BBC was mad keen to support the CM and even sacked Jack DeManio, a famous presenter of the TWATO, because he didn’t tow the pro CM line. I wonder how many other folks were sacked from the BBC until the group think cloning process banished all forms of ‘ diversity of thought ‘ from the corporation. Funny isn’t it how the BBC supports all forms diversity except diversity of thought and yet for a national state funded broadcaster that is surely the most important form of all.
Double, To my shame, my story is the same. It was the first time I had voted since I got the vote. Naturally, like todays youngsters , I thought I knew everything. But, unlike some of today’s youngsters, we did not hate old people.
By the way , has the BBC reported the abuse of the elderly by some Remainers ? I would have thought it would be a big news story. And no-one could accuse the BBC of being ageist, could they ? After all, the still employ Dimblebore.
I read somewhere that after the Jews where to be exterminated, the Nazis where planning to exterminate everyone over 30 who refused to join the Nazi party. As with the Pro-EU establishment, the Nazi party was far more popular with young people than those over 30. So its not the first time that the young have been fanatically Pro-Establishment. But the brainwashing seemed to disappear quite quickly after 1945. These youngsters even reported parents to the authorities for any politically incorrect Anti-Nazi statements. Yet I do not think there was any pro-Nazi terrorism against British troops during the 1945-1955 occupation of Germany. Ironically they would have reached 30 years old by 1955.
I was 27 in 1975 with a few elections under my belt, but voted to stay OUT. There was a big push at the time to publicise that all workers could be employed freely around the continent. I remember thinking that my schoolgirl French wouldn’t get me far, and unless any of us here spoke a language fluently then this wasn’t going to happen. It didn’t take much to realise that the 2nd language across the channel was English so it made sense that “that lot over there” would take advantage of the new amendments and would be able to gain employment here. 40 years later and nothing has changed, – oh yes there are a few thousand ex-pats who live on the costas, but even they only speak a smattering of Spanish (hardly worth learning the language as the Spanish speak English !!!!!). So there we are !
Doublethinker …. I didn’t value them just like the young people of today, although I was never as rude and dismissive of others at this lot are. ….
Just shows what a different upbringing we all had. Shouting in the street was considered ‘common’, please, thank you and sorry were words that are almost extinct now, and maturity began when you got the key of the door at 21 !! At least this ‘oldie’ can claim to being backstage with the Stones, and the Kinks when they were first starting out; – funny how I get ‘respect’ when telling tales to the youngsters of my ‘escapades’ of times back then !
Interestingly, in other parts of the world, the ‘old’ are revered and respected – and even in most of Europe ! but certainly not here.
Interesting that Merkel, Holland and Renzi are holding the talks about the collapse of the EU in Berlin, the de facto capital of the EU, not Brussels or Strasbourg, the pretend capitals. I’m sure the Finns are noting how valued their input is.
Has anyone asked EU ” leaders” for their reaction if the was a second referendum and we voted to remain ?
A superb piece by James Delingpole on Breitbart “Dave has salted the Land”, pointing many obvious things about Cameron and his unpreparedness for Brexit (actually several of points hadn’t occurred to me). The one thing the new government must to is to have an Inquiry into Heywood’s stewardship of Civil Service, and how it continued to be politicised by him.
I came on to draw people’s attention to that piece, but you’ve beaten me to it. Dave’s sabotage would be something really newsworthy for the BBC to look at instead of its agenda of setting young against old, graduate against non-graduate and race hustling.
I’m astounded to find I dislike Cameron more this week than I did last. I didn’t think that possible.
It was mentioned in passing in an article in yesterday’s Telegraph that Downing Street had instructed the civil service not to prepare for a Brexit vote. That wasn’t incompetence, it was sabotage.
This liberal meltdown only exposes the devils backbone of all that they actually are-or used to be.
Reflexology is not an option-we need to break the sixth and seventh vertebrae before this all gets out of hand.
hang the buggers…and this we do by
1. Corbyn staying in charge of his useless foreskins called “The Labour Party”…I`ll join the party myself to ensure he stays…weren`t Today and Newsnight ECSTATIC at all those exciting new members and their energies only last summer?
Don`t let Sarah and the rest of them forget that this was democracy…no-one has the right to jettison Jezza, he`s doing as grand job where he is
2. Boris as PM with Gove as Chancellor..give Osborne Justice so we can see what his “punishments” consist of?…Us..or the criminals?-seems a bit of a sadist, so we can work with that
3. Nigel Farage to the Lords within a week or so as the third man in the Trinity for Brexit…and we ought to trust these three to go nuclear on Article 50 in THEIR timings-not Camerons or any fucking liberal stitch up.
…and if Nigel is NOT ennobled for what he`s done..then let him stand in Batley and Spen against Corbyns next Chancellor…who will take up the role when she`s finished her exams.
And-should the Good Lord Nigel of The Weald think this beneath his dignity…wel Tommy Robinson would surely do it,before making HIM Head of the Home Office and Counter Terrorism.
With-of course Nigel Lawson for that “Two Nigels” dream team option.
Tebbit, Lamont and EVERY Lefty nightmare and old joke to be brought home to be the elders required… ANn Widdicomb for Education as well.
With thanks to Leo McKistry for much of this…amazing how good our favourite columnists know isn`t it?
If the Left howl, and the BBC scream-then THIS is the only test of how effective our actions are.
And-I reckon XTC were outers, as was Steve Harley and Nick Cave, Adele and Johnny Rotten…MY test to discern whose songs I`ll pay for as opposed to get someone to download for me.
The idea that the EU is our only option is embedded in the EU psyche. I lived in Singapore for a while and saw this comment from it’s founding PM.

There were other views and these words from 2012 show the other view from an Asian view.
Lee Kwan Yew was a wise old bird wasn’t he?
Like the picture gb123.
Like Charlies Drakes dad, had HE been a martial arts master.
From now on I am “grasshopper”, and shall walk on rice paper to spit on the Guardian and the Radio Times.
I know it didn`t end too well for David Carradine…so Lee Juan Kew may well be our new sensei.
Which makes sites like these our Kew Gardens I suppose.
The Beeb are still stirring it on the ‘Young’ v. ‘Old’ Referendum split.
Wonder if they have stopped to think for a minute? The ‘Old’ over 75 do not need to pay the Licence Fee. 18-24 year olds are probably more likely to have the LF paid for them. 25-35 year olds may pay it or a share thereof. But in total that 18-35 age group are more likely to be mobile media users and less interested in TV watching. As we know now, they are less likely to vote. So, if a political party decides the BBC costs us too much or needs to slim down, they may find their stock of defenders or advocates in the 18-35 group is a bit thin, while in the 36-55 and 56-74 groups there are now more who are BBC revolutionaries.
If the BBC really upset the 36-55 and 56-74 year olds too much, they may also find those who used to pay the Licence Fee are, in future, finding other things to do in their evenings.
I am selling my flat in Edinburgh and scrapped my TV and cancelled my direct debit. A letter from TV Licensing followed within 10 days. It asked me to complete a form on their website. I then received an email saying that they would be writing to me . Watch this space !
I agree with your points about the demographics. How many young people watch or listen to the BBC ?
Dear BBC, how old was Nelson Mandela when he became President of South Africa? The nerve of the man, eh, when he wasn’t going to have to deal with the consequences?
If it is war with the old, then perhaps Bimbledum might set an example and bugger off to Dignitas, which is an outfit promoted by the BBC.
Islamic AlBeeb still peddling the second referendum idea, joined naturally by the newspaper they support and an increasing proportion of the cry babies in the Labour Party.
We need to tell Cameron we want out NOW, it is costing millions every day he sits on his fat bum and does SFA.
We need an action plan to force their hand.
I suggest every leave voter who is in business contact their MP and advise them that under no circumstances will they be paying income tax, the income tax of their employees, National Insurance contributions or VAT until the UK leaves the EU.
I suggest we also start blocking roads into cities, especially the ones that voted to remain. Most of the leave boards I saw were in fields doubtless permitted by some farmer on our side. Amazing what a few tractors and trailers can do to the traffic.
Any other suggestions?
Listening to Camerloon’s swan song. His parting release of gas before he disappears into deep obscurity.
The underwhelming support of MPs for the will of people is highly obvious and depressing. I can see they are going to do everything possible to obstruct Brexit. The only hope is a general election giving voters a chance to remove some of this dross.
Some pompous twat is now talking about Brexit letting the “(racist) genie out of the bottle”.
It makes you wonder if the modern lamp post is capable of bearing the weight of such corpulent individuals
This is stupid. Surely, we are likely to become more racist if we stay in ?
The offending message to the young Polish boy was shown on German TV. It was something about “Polish vermin” as far as I could see. But it was written in English and Polish. Even racists are thinking multiculturally now. How good Polish it was I don’t know, but I thought Brexiteers could barely read and write in English, never mind Polish.
ID, and I have never heard of anti-polish racism in the UK. If it was here I guess it was a Remainer trying to stir up trouble.
It’s awfully fishy, that the breaker of these news stories long before anyone else about hatred for Poles, was Comrade Nick Lowles of Hate not Hope..
It makes no sense. They were our comrades in WW2, especially the Battle of Britain and don’t seem to cause much trouble in the UK. As you say, very suspicious.
No i’m very sceptical too. The “wrocic do domu” part even seems to have the correct accents!!!? I can’t imagine a classic Little Englander taking so much trouble. Perhaps there is an approved racists’ phrasebook with idiomatic renderings of “Be off you barbarous Bulgarian
bugger!” and such like.
And I think all Poles in UK speak english anyway ?
And i think the white european polish are the same race too
Perhaps it’s a joke from the Monty Python Phrasebook? The Left has no sense of humour.
Although “Please fondle my bum” is probably relatively safe in Polish, with Cologne in mind it might be considered a little reckless in certain other languages, even in jest.
In any case, I don’t believe a word of it. The timing is far too convenient.
It’s an obvious psyop, no doubt concocted by some leftist individual or organisation to smear the British people, as per usual. The technical term for this is “black propaganda”, which is not racist either. The idea is to make propaganda which appears to have come from your opponent. That is clearly the case here. Racists taking the trouble to insult Poles in their own language? As if!
Needless to say, the BBC eunuchs take it all extremely seriously. They have no journalistic sense, they are merely political hacks of the worst sort.
Will Cameron be joining Corbyn’s shadow cabinet, or is he too left wing?
Seems to me that both of them are running out of options, and job opportunities in Brussels might be limited from now on.
Maria, Maybe Dave will be next Leader of the Labour Party ?
Some new code words from the BBC today
‘Mehdi Midani jailed for Clapham and Brixton sex attacks’
BBC: ‘Algerian national Mehdi Midani, of no fixed address… The court heard the UK Border Agency had no record of Midani entering Britain…’
We turn to the centre left-leaning Evening Standard for a quick common English translation of the BBC’s hyper-PC obfiscation:
‘The court heard that Midani attacked the women in cocaine- and alcohol-fuelled attacks shortly after he arrived in Britain illegally from Algeria.’
Of course being good right-on journos as they are the BBC wanted at all costs to avoid the phrase ‘illegal immigrant’ – I think the Standard albeit still rather lefty dealt with the problem more elegantly in this instance.
The BBC (to misquote Frank Carson) : It’s the way we don’t tell ’em!
Man jailed for sex attack in Clapham? Is that why the man on the bus hasn’t been on here for a day or two?
Possibly, but he could be trapped inside the neo liberal paradigm
It wouldn’t surprise me if there is a pub with that name in Clapham.
Grant – wine bar if you please!
LOL ! Silly me .
FT 100 closed 2.6% down on the day. So 7.1 % over 2 days.
Compared with Black Monday 1987 23% in 2 days and 2008 Global Financial Crisis 9% in one day.
BBC Website says today’s fall is 2.75% which is wrong. German Dax fell 3% today !
I month figures are interesting. FT down 4.3 % Dax down 10.7%
I SO want Mr Whittingdale to grow a pair and really get stuck into the disgusting biased BBC.
I so want him to resign and let someone in who can do the job he is failing to do
Andrew Bridgen has dealt with the BBC well before -as has Phillip Davies.
They may only have crossed our radar briefly…but it won`t be hard to find out the names of those MPs who haven`t sucked up to the BBC .
And then we`ll train them to HATE the BBC-after all, we`ve known for YEARS what they`re doing.
I see bbbc are doing there best to talk us all into a recession, talk down the pound, talk down everything they can possibly do so to destroy the Country….completely unabated
More Londoners voted for Brexit than for Sadiq Khan:
Sadiq Khan – 1,310,413
Leave the EU – 1,513,322
Not directly to do with bBBC bias, but worth remembering as background information.
Peter Hitchens in good form post referendum on al beebus.
Peter is our Prophet!
The end of the two party system has long been his forte…and even HE must be astonished at how prescient he was…and is!
Peter was the first columnist I came across in November 2004, who was only saying what I didn`t know I thought…I hadn`t dared to question my Guardian and Council/union stuff before him.
That he was a Lefty once became apparent-and I won`t miss a column by the bloke who showed me where the well was….lots more now, but he was my way into all this.
My local readio tells me that OLIVER LETWIN will play some part in our exit from Brussels.
But he`s a REMAINER-so sorry, this cannot stand.
Like and respect him hugely in many ways-but he`s got us all wrong so is no place to speak for any of us.
And will tell him so in an email very soon…for this is exactly what Farage was empowered to stop when we voted.
Why the provocations Cameron?…why the crowing BBC Berkshire?
Watching the ‘actors’ performing in parliament today on Al Beeb, I am of the opinion that they still don’t get the message.
The are not listening to the British public !
There is something very sinister about the continuing narrative, generously aided and abetted by the BBC, that those of a certain age who voted for Brexit have ruined the future of younger generations, or at least the 26% of them who could be bothered to get out and vote for Remain. But leaving that aside, and also ignoring for the time being that this older and wiser generation might actually be voting with their children’s and granchildren’s futures in mind i.e. protecting our precious and hard-won democracy for them, what is it these moaners and agitators are trying to tell us? Are they actually saying that those of a certain age should have been denied a vote? If so, at what age would you be disqualified and what then for future elections where older people can’t possibly have a horse in the race coz, y’ know, they only got a few years left on the planet innit?
Perhaps next time some spotty 16 year-old who wasn’t out of nappies when the Nice Treaty was signed, let alone born when we were denied a vote on Masstricht (I was only 42 then), spouts this authoritarian point of view on the BBC, our impartial interviewer could ask them – in the interests of the sacred principle of one man one vote – what exactly is it they are advocating for our electoral system?
Johny F – The truth I reckon is that they dont know what they really want themselves.
There are so many left leaning producers/journos within the Beeb it must be a bit like the tower of Babel. All of them talking rainbow coloured shite. All trying to outdo each other like a bunch of 11 year olds.
What they do know is that the Guardian and Polly reckon the kids were wobbed by waycists. Therefore it is their job to expose this national disgrace and injustice and use all their imps and familiars to create maximum mischief.
Maybe once the Guardian has put forward its policy for a “progressive” policy on Europe the BBC will become a bit more focused.
Or alternatively all these lefty journos may hope a policy will form itself “organically” so they will not have to leave their yogurt weaving for too long. Their default position being that they must continue to make mischief as it is the right thing to do.
I suppose its a bit like a six year old pulling legs off a daddy long legs. If no-one has told him it is wrong he will continue to do it and then progress to larger animals not seeing anything wrong in his actions.
Unfortunately for too long now we have had to put with politicians fawning over these bastards which has emboldened them. And I am afraid that Wittingdales pathetic and gutless performance at the review has made things worse.
I agree with another post that made the point that no reasonable progress will be made in our EU exit until these bastards are slapped down. Unfortunately Aunty considers herself above democracy and I think dealing with these Quislings will be a good judge of any new cabinets political will to actually achieve real progress on the brexit issue.
Others peoples jobs, and the economy are just playthings to these toerags. It is all just a big game really. I think the fishermans protest and St Bobs reaction to it said it all. To these sort of people = life is just one big game. If you have never really had to work hard for anything you have no appreciation of how hard other people may have to work to put bread on their table and yours.
Personally I would sack the lot and make them all clear fat plugs out of the London sewers. At least that way we would not have to listen to them. And they could talk shit all day .
“Personally I would sack the lot and make them all clear fat plugs out of the London sewers. ”
Have we lost Diane FattBott again?
That is truly chilling.
But it was never intended that the EU would be a democracy. He makes us sound like the mob in Ancient Rome. What an evil Bastard.
In all fairness to the BBC today, they broadcast an interview with Kim Howells, former Labour MP who explains very well the mess that the Labour Party is in and the general view on the public’s perspective of the recent fiasco – He is quite scathing of the Labour Party, immigration, Jeremy Corbyn and Carwyn Jones – one would think that Kim reads and posts on this site ?
Worth a listen from 1:44:00.
I suggest that everyone over 40 emigrates to somewhere warmer, and let all the bloody kids get on with it. They’ll soon be ringing up Mum to find out what to do ! I don’t know about a divide between the remainers and leavers, its clear there is a chasm between the young and old.
Can anyone find a more pro SNP article than this?
Anywhere? Even on the SNP’s own website?
You could try this.
Not Al Beeb , but despite nearly all of Wales calling for Brexit – Leanne Wood is another politician who is not listening – she is completely out of touch , she is Unbelievable , Unbelievable !
Poor Leanne-remember that hug as they thought their careers were in the Prada bag(invariably Prada if Dianne or Jenni hadn`t already eaten it)
Wood, Sturgeon and Bennett. So-glad to know Leanne is out of the nail bar, thought we`d lost her these last weeks!
Along with the Ed Stone-THE moment we all knew what to do.
And the beat goes on, so ta Leanne….
Dominic Lawson links Camerons Gay Marriage of 2013 with the promise to give us that Referendum last week-and the time lines match. So we can only thank the likes of Eagles and Laws for their part in getting us out of the EU and no party left to stay in.
Funny eh?….
As others have observed the bbc is in full on operation talk everything down mode. Of particular irritation is their idea that oldies have harmed the future of the young.
We have a son and a daughter both in their early twenties – both voted Brexit.
Our son is in the armed forces and this evening completely unprompted and out of the blue sent me a series of angry texts concerning the bbc. In summary he said that he didn’t know how the bbc got away with how they present things, the words they use and the’ manipulation of editing’, it was ‘apsolutely unbelievable’. He concluded that he was going to have to stop watching the bbc in future it was so biased.
And, of course, the BBC hate the Military !
Sick of this one.
Have heard many stories of upset grandparents getting yelled at and threatened with lack of contact with the grandkids…”you`re squandered our birthright” crap.
All you have to do is
a) define “birthright” poppet
b) what entitles YOU to speak to people who worked for this country,and got you through college into that cushy job from where you ring to abuse us
c) And had OUR parents not known what Fascism was-as we do poppet, even if you don`t-then we`d be speaking in German now, you dumbkopf!
Now f off-read a book, and remember your manners.
PS…and do thank them for putting you in touch with that “Tell Your Nan” campaign-and concoct stuff about the kids being convinced to vote OUT after it…they like that one!
If they are banned from voting , they should be banned from paying all taxes including VAT and Council Tax.
Have personal experience of this unfortunately the child involved (21+) is not mine and his mother was proud that he persuaded his grandfather to change his vote. At times like this I feel all the sacrifices involved in WW1 and WW2 were not worth it for these little shits. I apologise for my bad language. My personal family sacrificed a lot in both and now I wonder WHY????
Mrs Kitty, I know how you feel – it is the lack of patriotism displayed by the bbc and those who have conflated the leave arguments with racism and small mindedness that literally makes me feel sick to the stomach.
It’s approx’ 8.45 and halftime in the England versus Iceland game. At the moment we are losing 2 – 1.
I don’t know how they’re going to manage to spin it, but somehow this just has to be the fault of Brexit.
Well, Why not?
Everything else seems to be…
Yuk yuk!
Chin Chin Everybody!
Reasons to be cheerful…
By losing to the Icelanders-does that not open up that necessary friendship to make new trade agreements with them(they`re outside the EU aren`t they?…I don`t check anymore, now we`re off.
We`ll not piss off the French now , and chances of Brexit being blamed for fan trouble
Less chance of terrorism-we all know what The hotheads there think of us.
And given Roys quintessential civility, charm and sense of British fair play-even extending to being nice to the Iceland boss-AND his polyglot cross Europe experience and languages…he probably needs a job in diplomacy in the Foreign Office. Should be a safe place to be nice from, given the venom of the failed sporty fascists…maybe we Brexit types drew the sting from the misfits online?
So win win all round…well done Iceland, will shop with you tomorrow as per.
AND-maybe the lefty oafs who learned something about football from the Fast Show will chuck their toys and used needles at the English team…and leave their Brexit neighbours alone for a day or so.
Think i`ll be Welsh from now on…can you be trans national?…well I went to Rhyl as a kid…so that surely makes me Glen Dowager or whatever their hero is called…Owen Jones is it?
Not be long before this is headlining the Al mujahideen Beeb webshite…
Brexit at fault for Englands Euro exist
Englands exist from the Euros has been blamed on the xenophobic and completely undemocratic ‘decision’ to leave the wonderful and perfect EU. The anti Europe, anti humanity actions of bigoted, racist old people has led some football experts to angrily attack Brexit
Diane Abbott from London has led the scathing attack by stating “England looked odds on to win the euros before the evil racists forced their hatred onto the innocent people of Europe. Clearly Englands players felt emotional and ashamed of being forced to leave Europe and close it’s borders”
Typical voices in the brexit camp like Nick Griffin (who has stated “we want to kick all immigrants kicked out of UK”) and Hitler (pro brexit) seem to add weight to the argument
Diane Abbott will accuse Iceland as being racist as they have no black players!
As a member of a Shadow Cabinet consisting of two, or thereabouts, I think she probably has her hands full at the moment.
Full of pie, if nothing else.
To be fair – if we’d had her in goal Iceland would never have got one past her.
And fishermen risk their lives. When has that cnut St. Bob or any of the other shysters risked their lives for anything ? And the risk of an overdose doesn’t count in my book.
Bob has been more than willing to risk other peoples lives alright…I used to be fair in his role in deaths of family members…but, the Left need to know that WE can be personally nasty and refuse to hit above the belt.
He`s said his bit from his Kent mansions…he can enjoy his ill-gotten gains at Planet 24, and get on the blower to Cameron as he likes ,with an expensive red in a pigs head, assorted drugs,antidepressants,,,and can swap tax-efficient tips for the never ending retirement…but he`s had his say.
We-the ENGLISH in our New Settlement-won`t be kind, tolerant and civilised again if we`re pushed by his likes…that boat that he mocked Lord Farage from-I`d be checking that for substances and migrants before we send him across the Irish sea.
Remember Sir Robert…I said nothing in YOUR Referenda back home-so keep out of ours. We have spoken…and we know FAR more abusive and threatening words than you do .
Same goes for the traitor class that back you.
Wow! I thought I was just voting to leave the EU. But Cameron and most of his Cabinet humiliated? The Labour Party falling apart? My ‘Leave’ vote just keeps on giving. One can just hope the BBC soon starts to fall apart too.
Just watching tv from Japan (Sky 507) – far more interesting than our own. Hong Kong exchange shops have been open all weekend to cope with the rush of currency buyers scooping up Pounds stirling while its low – to fund private schooling for their kids. However, there is great worry amongst those investors with property portfolios in Gt Britain that property prices will plummet because of Brexit and low pound. (my heart bleeds), but on the plus side the orientals could offload their properties wholesale so there could be a glut of cheaper homes coming onto the market.
BBC reporter in a state of shock after being post Brexit racially abused.
The P word was said to her, which she has not heard since the 1980s. But after Brexit it is back along with waaayscism.
Shock, I tell you.
Note the waves of post Brexit hate speech which Dave has promised to deal with. Stamp it out.
As if coordinated The UAF are also drawing attention to hate speech, calling for post Brexit haters to be deported.
The Remaining left, Cameron, and BBC/media are working in unison.
This is not what Jo wanted.
Fortunately children are no longer being sexually abused by rape gangs with beards. Phew.
I suppose it is completely pointless asking if anyone cares that the most hated and abused people in the country at the moment seem to be white and over fifty?
Yes, I thought so…
Racist attacks up 56% up to 85.
Source SkyNews.
An “attack” being a rude comment on a T shirt?
The Brownshirts missed a trick there, didn’t they?
The poor flower was offended that a drunk in a pub used the word “Paki” in passing, and then apologised when she said it offended her. Clearly something on a par with the Holocaust then.
The only interesting thing in her piece was that when she was a little girl, she was the only ethnic in her class, now the town is 11% ethnic. Are the ordinary people meant to take this lying down? Such ethnic change in one generation is massive. Why should they have to face that? The referendum was a chance for the people to give the establishment a big message, and I am proud to say they did.
England football team exemplifies all that is wrong with the country.
No heart.
What a bunch of fucking wankers, , chuffed to f Iceland won.
That people is what years of leftwing ideology does.
I can’t wait for Islam to take control of this fair land. Hate ISIS as much as you want, but at least they believe in themselves.
Now look at our MPS, Cameroon, Corbyn, and the rest. Look at our failed Border service, who actually stop more people leaving than those entering. Look at our judicial service where criminals are treated better than their victims, now look at how those who lost the vote are demanding we have a new one.
Great Britain, bollocks, even little Britain isn’t good enough.
Not going to gloat. If it had been Scotland it would probably have been 3 -1 to Iceland. We are all Wales supporters now. Failing which, I’ll go for Poland .
Pounce: I can’t wait for Islam to take control of this fair land.
Will never happen. There’s enough true British grit to deny Islam snaking its way in and throttling the country.
Life under Islam would make life under Labour or Tories seem like heaven by comparison.
England football team exemplifies all that is wrong with the country.
No heart.
Brexit just proved the opposite.
Under EU rules it doesn’t matter. Let’s ask if we can play them again?
Be of good cheer Pounce.
Like Leicester this season…Iceland showed what a few people with the right direction and a bit of heart and planning can do.
WE learned this last week, with only a politlcal five a side stuffing the whole EU battalion and their arrogant entitlement to “Win”….a parable maybe, if not a fore runnner of tonight.
Our players could learn a lot, Roy is a good lad and we don`t take football as a religion anymore that we do with Eurovision.
saves British fans getting targetted or set up for “racist crap” for now being in a Brexit era too.
Bring `em home I say…it`ll be Germany and Italy again as ever.
Sadly this lot have and had no ideology at all…and we can`t blame them for 43 years of EU, soccer worship and self loathing incompetence projected onto sport,.
We won the biggest game of our lives on Friday last…pity our lads reduced to a postal vote at best that glorious evening.
And at least we`ve a few lads here we can work with…bloody Chris Martin and Coldplay deserve your ire more…Glastonbury reveals what we`ve become rather than the overpriced misfits who were taught nothng.
The lefty luvvies would all have been THERE-and would have sneered at a Wilshire or a Hart at school-so f `em.
Still-Bel Horizonte 1950 was mentioned-so maybe their New History can start there,,,Hungary 1953 next session?
Hi chrisH.
What a day! English Football’s overpaid, overrated ladyboys beaten by mighty Iceland……………….
AND the Liebore Party in complete meltdown…………………
There must be much wailing and gnashing of teeth in Beeboid Central.
In the words of S.M. Williams (censored from the BBC) “Oh Dear, How Sad, Never Mind”.
I gave up following football many years ago. If you are sick of England football team, try the cricket team. They are a bit unpredicatable, but they give it their all and have a great team spirit .
And I’d include rugby with cricket.
Premiership players should be excluded from the England team. And anyone under 30….
Dover, Yes .
English rugby is on the rise with an Australian coach….English cricket is pretty decent with an Australian coach…
Isn’t it bleeding obvious what the pampered footballers need?….A straight talking, no nonsense Australian coach..
Dover – The clue is in my pseudonym.
And our golfers, Grant.
Except for the team spirit.
Individualistic, I know.
But it is there.
Especially at Ryder Cup and other international competitions.
In fact probably everyone except the football team !
Grant, I’ve gone off Footie quite a lot, esp. recently. Bit like the EU: morally bankrupt? Once upon a time, Footie was the beautiful game. I’ve always felt that pressure to succeed was the thing that spoiled many England performances, post-1966.
Was interested to hear the Beeboid Sportoid report on the Today programme, that ‘pressure’ from the expectation no doubt of team, manager, fans and nation appeared to ‘freeze’ England.
What happens ‘Between the ears’ is important in footie. In golf, it is essential.
I was football crazy until about 30 years ago. Yes, as there is not pressure in other sports ! But I shall be watching my first match in over a decade. Come on Wales !
Yes No 7.
Imagine Gary Richardson, Laura Kuennsberg and Norman Smith getting very confused with names, sackings, calls for Ferdinand to join the Shadow subs bench and such. Excitable scamps slipping on their own piss in their enthusiasms.
All those crossed wires and scope for fun-bet the BBC editors are very tired and running on interns and dope cake.
Where do they go after everything is ramped up to eleven?…no wonder their chocolate fountains clog up, and they end up emptying their potties into the sump to pad out the hype.
“All those crossed wires and scope for fun”
If you get a crossed wire in your scope it’s no fun at all.
Now the (English) football has gone south the BBC has time to cover the NRA’s Imperial Meeting that starts tomorrow at Bisley. Lots of variety for everyone, and if Cameron was right about Brexit and World War 3 we need to get some practice in.
An interesting video on the EU plan to destroy the nation state.
Even if we leave the EU he suggests that our government will destroy us so that we will beg to re-join.
I don’t go along with some of the ideas for direct action at the end, (we have to heat and eat), but perhaps these are just illustrations. At any rate we ought to be informed and involved in the decisions that others, (supposedly), take on our behalf. I don’t think that is easy because some of our leaders might be the kapo but don’t know it themselves.
My own feeling is that some dissent is good, I worry when ‘everyone’ is thinking the same, even if that is the same as me!
Yurr Tizz
When did they make Jabba the Hutt an EU Commissioner?
With England losing 1-2 to Iceland (with a population of just 330,000 and no professional football clubs), it is pretty obvious that it is the wrong result as everyone knew England would win. An online petition has now been started to have the game played again, this time with a different Prime Minister. Sorry, that should be manager.
Old Bloke,
At least Hodgson did the decent thing and resigned immediately !
True, it was what Jo would have wanted.
Am now watching a rerun on the BBC highlights.
Am surprised that they even SHOWED the England goal.
Was expecting endless put and paste reruns of all the errors and enough showings of Harts error to imply that we lost 36 nil or such.
The BBC are good at amplifying their required results, and manipulating every damn still to show that we lost really badly-and doubtless there`ll be endless angry repercussions for Wayne Rooneys dodgy shot before half time….he MUST be held accountable for that miskick for ever and a day…
The BBC have lost all sense of proportion or purpose, no longer any reason to exist for them.
Still though-a second rerun of the game will be sought-and hope Iceland accept that they never won really.
Who can ever tell the BBC that you can replace Rob Green with Joe Hart-but the same methods create the same errors…and their shit and massage is NOT for debate…they have got to go.
The referee makes a sign of the cross at the end….good for him, surprised that the BBC left THAT in!
The rest of Europe will love this says our commentator…so THAT is the BBCs take on the game
I’m surprised the BBC haven’t condemned the victorious Iceland team for its lack of diversity, and non EU membership…..are the two connected?
……With England losing 1-2 to Iceland (with a population of just 330,000 and no professional football clubs), it is pretty obvious that it is the wrong result as everyone knew England would win. An online petition has now been started to have the game played again, this time with a different Prime Minister. Sorry, that should be manager…..
Can this post please be ‘twittered’ to all those that petitioned for a second referendum.
I haven’t got a “twitter” account..I put it on my Facebook though and “spread the word”. Feel free, no royalties incurred.
Brilliant, Brissles! 🙂 and The Old Bloke.
(That’ll teach me to read upwards from the latest post.)
There`s an awful lot to take in since what we the people did last week.
It was a real unique set of freakish circumstance that even gave us the chance…if you listen to Blunkett on Saturdays Today Show after 9a.m and his blind rage(sorry?) at Cameron even GIVING us this bloody referendum is all too clear.
Especially when people from his former Brightside constituency were interviewed-he himself had (of course)been abroad in the USA-but HE was Mr Brightside…not a ragtag of boozy councillors that walked the streets that his Ministerial car would have splashed with piss and blocked drains standing water as he drove past to fuck a nanny or fiddle on with an heiress at the Spectator…as the workers do(Prescott and his croquet lawns, fucking his civil servant minion beside the body of the Queen Mum-now THAT`S The Workers Party in 2002-7)
So now their rage in incoherent,mental breakdowns coming soon.
Couldn`t happen to nicer people-hence their determination to get that £350 million that Boris`s bus says will come home-even to the NHS if their locked wards request it.
That bus REALLY got to them-wonder why?…wasn`t diesel was it?
These are-and have been-tumultous times on a par with 2009, when the system was nearly taken apart…but we held back, and let it die on us.
Not this time…and as we`re right over the target and their heart of darkness-no surprise that the gunfire, the paintballs and the stale vol-au vonts get thrown up at us.
But the State and the BBC, EU and LOT of the public sector private cartels and their servicing machine in university and quango logo commissioners office…well, they are fucked…and they know it.
Their targetted eradication of Virus Nigel was meant to wipe the rancid death camp that masquerades as a hospital ,clean from their NHS…not ours by the way.
Oh dear-turns out that he mutated into 17 million DNA bits that will NOT be frightened off the Royal Mile by cybernauts, nor bullied out of pubs in their hometown again.
Look at that crowd response and hear them too-they`re with us for life!
“They haven`t gone away you know”!
Too right!
just for shits and giggles we should compile a list of the “less educated” who should never been allowed to vote, as it would appear that quantity far out-ways quality as far as the beeb are now concerned, and if you were/are privileged enough to go to university then you are now considered defacto more intelligent than all those who are/were less privileged than your right royal f***ing selves.
hence i will start the list of thickies
Abraham lincoln
george eastman
fred Henry Royce
henry ford
Ingvar Kamprad
Thomas Edison
James watt
Isambard Kingdom Brunel
Churchill did poorly at school and didn’t go to University. Another Thicko.
And-to revisit one of my bugbears-I would include Jade Goody.
That poor kid was so trashed and abused by the media that so used and mocked her that I`d be very surprised if her crevical cancer wasnt` linked to it.
Remember Gordon Brown in India?…News Quiz? and I well remember teachers gloating in her being thick-after eleven years of being sat in their classes being rubbished as an Essex thicko or whatever.
I still burn at how a nation could mock a kid who spent more time caring for a crap mum than learning her diversity times tables, her ECHR “Rights Of The Child”, lithographs of Obama shite.
Can`t begin to tell you how angry I get at how our kids have been reduced to all this…thick and uncivilised, so unlike Seamus Milne, Will Straw or Stephen Kinnock…and, naturally Henry Dimbleby and Charlie Gilmour , Tiger Lily Geldof.
No folks-the liberal definition of uneducated is not having had their brains marinaded in liberal lying slurry in a slopping out bucket from the BBC canteen…and last week opened the gates.
Hope someone begins to sue the BBC when they smear “thick or uneducated” people…after all, that would be an ism or a phobia in all other areas, but spouting Harper Lee or Steinbeck.
Tommy Robinson knows more about how things work than ANY liberal sniffpick…only difference is he`ll say it, and not cover it all up for the Tuscan awaygayday…
PS-and Jades lads go to the best schools thanks to her careful nursing of her earnings whilst alive…yet Womans Hour and the Feminazis despise her now as then…that victory last week was her her as well.
Nigel Farage didn’t go to university, but he ran rings around those who did.
As I see it, there are at least six problems with university in the UK:
1. Too many people go.
2. Too many of them are on courses which have been cobbled together out of nothing to provide employment for third rate lecturers, to push up the numbers of those who can say they’ve been to “Yoony” and feel good about themselves, and to make the country appear more educated than it is.
3. There are no courses in Common Sense, as far as I’m aware.
4. Courses that don’t matter drain resources from those that do.
5. Even those who have studied solid subjects have a tendency to think that their expertise extends to everything else (although I think that (2) are the worst offenders).
6. People forget that most university students are immature dipsticks just out of school. If they had gone straight into jobs at Sainsburys, nobody would be listening to them.
I can’t disagree with a word of that. You have to judge a system by what it produces – and the output from our education system, such as it is, could hardly be worse in terms of either ability or attitude.
The most uncommon thing is common sense, Maria.
Good analysis, Maria.
In defence of some of the upgraded Polys, they do have some good – outstanding, even – academic staff but they get swallowed up by the morass that passes for all things tertiary these days and probably spend most of their time gasping for breath. While filling in forms.
It is dangerous to live in the past and to want to go back to the past but it is patently obvious to me, even if I’m in a minority of one, that the post-WW2 Grammar & Secondary system worked OK. It could and should have been built on and improved, especially with extra funding AND very gifted, suitable teachers going to the Secondary & technical school sector. Blind political dogma scuppered it. That was from a Labour Party, too, who had directly seen the people most advantaged by it!
We need some British politicians who, in future, will do better by the UK as a whole, not just looking for dogmatic or narrow sector advantage. Perhaps a change is coming?