Looks like time for another of these as the BBC pushes hard for another referendum….we can expect many a lurid tale of apocalypse in the following weeks as the BBC tries to paint a picture of utter disaster and chaos ‘due to Brexit’ and the need for an emergency rethink in the interests of ‘peace and stability’. The floor is yours.
As heating gets switched on over most of the U.K. tonight, anyone remember this:
Finally on the BBC: Young Leave voters abused online in days after European Union referendum vote
But of course they couldn’t wait to get the dig into Nigel about the £350m he supposedly pledged to the NHS and then supposedly backtracked on.
Thomas says he voted for the UK to leave the EU because of the £350m Leave campaigners promised to put into the NHS if they won. He describes Nigel Farage’s u-turn on that promise as a “disgrace”.
But of course, the “factually neutral” BBC doesn’t point out that Nigel never made such a claim, and never backtracked on it.
Just more anti-UKIP/anti-Leave propaganda.
The Independent claims to have found footage of Nigel making the promise, so I watched it, it was from the debate with Giddy Gizzard, remember that?
Video evidence emerges of Nigel Farage pledging EU millions for NHS weeks before Brexit vote
The best they could find was Nigel saying the best thing to do would be to talk about the net figure: £34m every single day, £10bn a year. They cut to him saying he’d like to spend it in communities in this country which have been neglected by this Conservative government – and then, while being shouted down by Gizzard and Benn – saying “what we need is schools, hospitals, GPs”.
Sorry, but that’s not a promise to spend an extra £10bn per year on the NHS.
Then the inevitable Good Morning Britain with Susanna Reid and we all know how that went.
(a) He never said £350m per week, that was the Vote Leave slogan, not his figure, and I think it we roll back the clip to just before where the Independent starts it, we’d see Nigel explaining that the £350m was a gross figure – so it’s been selectively cut to slander him.
(b) He never pledged the entire net EU contribution to the NHS.
Another utter load of bollox from the BBC and friends.
Mike, you have done the same homework as me. I too express on here exactly what you say. I have already put this information on various Facebook pages to those who flame Mr Farage for saying that he lied to the electorate. He did not. I cannot think of how else one can get this info out there, but then the remain camp will not listen anyway, for all they have are lies, lies and more lies. I’m doing what I can to point out the error of their ways, but as I say, they won’t listen, they never do or want to.
It’s maybe worth putting that £350m in context too – the NHS costs around £120bn a year and I don’t believe that counts certain other requirements such as PFI repayments (which will become very significant). That’s over £2bn a week already. I can almost guarantee in five years time or even less that we will be spending £350m a week more on the NHS.
Of course we could just disband the bbc and use the £4.5 billion saved on the NHS
What Boris actually said:
I cannot stress too much that Britain is part of Europe, and always will be. There will still be intense and intensifying European cooperation and partnership in a huge number of fields: the arts, the sciences, the universities, and on improving the environment. EU citizens living in this country will have their rights fully protected, and the same goes for British citizens living in the EU.
Yes, the Government will be able to take back democratic control of immigration policy, with a balanced and humane points-based system to suit the needs of business and industry. Yes, there will be a substantial sum of money which we will no longer send to Brussels, but which could be used on priorities such as the NHS. Yes, we will be able to do free trade deals with the growth economies of the world in a way that is currently forbidden.
Put through the BBC mangle, this comes out as:
Speaking outside his home on Monday morning, he said the status of EU nationals living in the UK and Britons abroad would be protected under what he called a “fair, impartial and humane” immigration system.
Come again?
(a) He never said that their rights would be protected under an immigration system (bizarre!)
(b) It ignores his promise to spend the EU contribution money on on the NHS
(c) It ignores the positive comments about trade with the rest of the world.
How bizarre! They are so busy bashing Nigel for “reneging” on the promise he didn’t make, that they can’t even find time to report when Boris pledges to keep the promise he actually *did* make!! It would be funny it if weren’t so sad.
It should be headline news: Boris vows to spend EU money on NHS.
Boris went on to say:
There is every cause for optimism; a Britain rebooted, reset, renewed and able to engage with the whole world. This was a seismic campaign whose lessons must be learnt by politicians at home and abroad. We heard the voices of millions of the forgotten people, who have seen no real increase in their incomes, while FTSE-100 chiefs now earn 150 times the average pay of their employees. We must pursue actively the one-nation policies that are among David Cameron’s fine legacy, such as his campaigns on the Living Wage and Life Chances. There is no doubt that many were speaking up for themselves.
But they were also speaking up for democracy, and the verdict of history will be that the British people got it right.
Two chances of any of that making it to the BBC website: none, and fuck all.
Another mammoth hatchet job by the Biased Brainwashing Corporation.
The bBBC is in its element, having found a ‘racist’ safety poster at swimming pools in the USA. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-36641442
I would have thought that it would be racist to ignore the facts, that five times more young black children drown in pools than white kids. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2014/05/15/in-pools-young-blacks-drown-at-far-higher-rates/9146213/
Still, better to be politically correct than to try to save black kids’ lives, eh?
This is an interesting article about Brexit.
It is, and he clarifies in the text, but I for one said no to the EU and the sweethearts who run it.
A telling extract:-
“Little of this social catastrophe is acknowledged in the bourgeois controlled media, notably the Oxbridge dominated BBC. During the referendum campaign, almost no insightful analysis was allowed to intrude upon the clichéd hysteria about “leaving Europe”, as if Britain was about to be towed in hostile currents somewhere north of Iceland.
On the morning after the vote, a BBC radio reporter welcomed politicians to his studio as old chums. “Well,” he said to “Lord” Peter Mandelson, the disgraced architect of Blairism, “why do these people want it so badly?” The “these people” are the majority of Britons.
The wealthy war criminal Tony Blair remains a hero of the Mandelson “European” class, though few will say so these days. The Guardian once described Blair as “mystical” and has been true to his “project” of rapacious war. The day after the vote, the columnist Martin Kettle offered a Brechtian solution to the misuse of democracy by the masses. “Now surely we can agree referendums are bad for Britain”, said the headline over his full-page piece. The “we” was unexplained but understood – just as “these people” is understood. “The referendum has conferred less legitimacy on politics, not more,” wrote Kettle. ” … the verdict on referendums should be a ruthless one. Never again.”
That part explains my vote far better than I could.
At least we now know what Kettling now is then?…in REALITY, not in letting Charlie Gimour and Otis Ferry do their worst from being a blue and white velvet rope as set up by Hulk Hogan Who at the Mott.
Ta Al Shubtil.
“The truth lies not in the middle but at both extremes”
Pilger reveals some big truths in , in amidst his sclerotic shafts at Israel and other lefty memes.
But much of this is very good-if nothing else, he`s a good writer who knows and cares enough to still say something about it all.
If we add a bit of Hopkins to this-we`ll have a decent article!
Al Shubtill,
Thanks, most interesting
A few classic examples of Pilger leftie ranting in there but also some surprisingly cogent points being made. That and the Julie Burchill article in The Spectator mentioned elsewhere in this thread gives me new hope we’re not alone in wishing to celebrate Brexit.
West Mids local BBC news……no change in the number reports of “hate” crime in recent days but just in case the local police commissioner is interviewed and warns that regardless of the referendum result the police won’t tolerate intolerance.
Final line by the BBC presenter…. “No matter how the vote went, Birmingham remains a city of hope, not hate”
But in a later item, a Zaid Hussein was in court in Birmingham for possession of explosives and detained under the mental health act. “Hope not hate” LOL!
It used to be “Hope not Despair” and “Love not Hate”. Now its “Hope not Hate” and “Love not Despair”.
On analysis of the origination of this puzzling terminology, I suppose the lefties come from families were they hoped that their parents would stop beating them up, rather than hating their parents for beating them up. Hence “Hope not Hate”
Translate that to left-wing mentality on Islam. They hope that Islam will stop killing their homosexual friends, rather than hating Islam for killing homosexuals.
But I like this conclusion about “Hope not Hate”. I and we hope that Islam exterminates decadent white left-wing loonies at the BBC, rather than hating Islam for killing them.
Could get a whole weeks work here to teach Richard out of this….that crossover in the wording to those phrase is “really saying something”
And what a great closing line….
Sod the ” What is the sound of one hand clapping?now THIS is Deep!
E17…another bunch of outers…good lads!
As Mike( no relation was he?) used to sing “Thinking Is the Best way to Travel”!
Welcome to the Moody Blues my friend!…
“Welcome to the Moody Blues my friend!…”
Often when yet another “celebrity” appeared to tell us we had to vote Remain I found myself humming “I’m just a singer in a rock and roll band”. Famous doesn’t always correlate to intelligent.
Thinking about music from a certain era I can recommend a song for all those upset at the result and throwing their toys about demanding a second referendum. If they can’t get over it I suggest the middle song of these 3 from Loudon Wainwright III. It’s not unknown to the BBC as this Youtube clip is from them.
Here is Jacob Rees Mogg and Neil ‘Welsh Winbag’ Kinnock being interviewed on the BBC on Democracy Day in 2015. Interesting to compare Huw Edwards championing democracy in theory and the BBC’s recent contempt for it in practice. You will need a strong stomach to watch the whole thing because, as this is the BBC, EU gravy-trainer Windbag hogs the mic. However, you will enjoy from 7:40 on. I won’t spoil it for you.
Anybody seen Neil-“Kneel you plebs” Kinnock..Lord Bedwetter as I recall?
Can`t believe he`s still around Wales after last Thursday…well remember his pint with the boyos back in Blaenau Gwent by way of a Newsnight”In`t the EU Grand?” piece.
Toe curling…clearly he`s not used to Brains anymore…seemed to be as hard to stomach as Eds bacon buttie last year.
Great stuff Steve!…so we will be getting both a Democracy Day as well as an Independence Day once we`ve sloughed off the Europeado Union?
Hope Kinnocks got access to BUPA!
Glad to see that The Welsh Windbag hasn’t lost his talent in talking complete waffle whilst trying to appear intelligent.
Just a thought. Does the Brexit vote mean that the Kinnock tribe, Mandelslime et al, now loose their EU pensions now that WE are no longer going to be paying for them?
I just lost the will to live !
Have a listen to David Piggins knocking Sarah Montgue into her dunces cap!
7.30 or so as I`m writing…brilliant!
Just told her that “NINE MINUS SEVEN is TWO”…and Saran was clearly checking with her socks off as he naysayed all her cliched ill-informed crap.
Ought to join THE BBC s Wall of Wonder…why the hell didn`t we do this before?
Still -apparently the English team today are “ICE LOLLIES” who played like “CODS WALLOP”!
Comedy Gold-and all the above is the BBC on stilts at the moment.
If they stopped sniffing Corbyns socks for aminute and stopped wondering about the pesto deficit-these wankers just might be listening to what is said, and
who knows?…maybe RESEARCH something-ANYTHING before they say things?
Who said that they saw Eddie Izzard at the England training camp last Friday?
Believe that this is now legal now we`re leaving the EU…John Cleese will take any queries from the trolls…funny how we`ve not heard from them of late…can you dissolve if you sit in the tears of the vanquished for too long?
“The Brexit divide wasn’t between young and old, but Ponces and Non-Ponces”.
I couldn’t agree more.
“During the course of this splendid campaign, every Ponce in Christendom seems to have stuck his patrician nose about the parapet, sniffed the Great Unwashed and called on the waddling geese of Strasbourg to stand between them and us ruffians. Luvvies and musicians (acting and music being two former escape routes for we chavs now colonised by public school spawn) of course, identity politics social justice warriors (writing the most currently disadvantaged people around – white working class males – out of history, one gripe at a time) naturally. And Eddie Izzard! There have never been a greater number of people I’ve loathed who have been made to cry all at once”.
Thank you Number 7, that’s a superb article! Only wish I could write so eloquently myself… I think it’s finally convinced to take out a subscription to The Spectator 🙂
Thanks for this No7!
Wanted to read all that the Blessed Katie has to say, but the Speccie are not alone in giving you only the first paragraph…
Off to school soon…and let me tell you that Katie only has Ann Coulter as oppostion for the most hated woman in Liberal Luvvie Land-that includes all school classrooms, tutor bases, libraries and -need I add-staffrooms and senior management suites along those corridors where the kids refuse their crap as best they can.
You can guess that the higher the ability range, the newer the car, the larger the number plate…the less inclined that they are to our Katie or Ann….because THOSE teachers and kids have more to lose by Ann and Katies terminal shaking of the Gleiwitz towers.And it`s easier to waste days looking into locker rooms and changing areas for the Van Der Lubbes.
So I have some NEW segmentations to look into.
1. Upspeakers…those inflecting morons who sat through too much Dawsons creek or Neighbours( as did their mums when pregnant)-are they ALL Remainiacs?..or Ponces as we can call them now via Katies Rule?
2. This new Generation…those who want a Reron of Thursday…shall we now change their name from the Snowflake Generation into the Resit Generation?…because clearly they thought that they could do the exam again as the teaches did their Friday cake run with Sergeant Bunn!
3. Why did Edward Heath sign his 1973 “Treaty of Rome” not in Rome-as clearly intended in 1957…but in Brussels?…and does this not mean that the whole thing was a traitors rtpa from the start-I mean -if you can`t een get THAT alignment right…then Heath was clearly lying through Goeffrey Rippons teeth!
Woke up to Farming Today-Norwich EU agri college(a Centre no less)-is peppered with doom and gloom from our BBC farmers market dipstick…her first line was that Brexit has now postponed some herbicide agreement…were they meeting today?…after 43 years does this ring true?…and what f*** ing evidence does she have to back that one green nasties assertion of her very first sentence…which also is the BBCs first “Thought For The Day”.
Their very first line is a Brexit lie…do I REALLY think I`ll hear anything else among the Nonces?
Katie describes what a Ponce is…we know the nonces are those who-like orrible Ives and Harris in “Porridge”-actually CAUSE the trouble on the wings.
The EU Cell Block Riot has started-don`t let a Hunt, a Truss or a Grayling come down to the wings with some meds and an agreement to listen to we the prisoners,
This is what happens to nonces-the BBC is Clinton Baptiste!…and the elites are still consulting this fakir we fund by force.
So then-off for my porridge, then it`s Welcome To the Jungle…the MASH up is underway and I`m La Di Dah Gunner Graham directing the spirits for OFSTED it appears!
Madame Zaza on Eastbourne Pier of Clinton here are sounder guides to what`s coming than the gypsy caravan of love that is the BBC and its polls, panels and ponces.
No-they`re nonces after all, the spirits told me!
Got to add PETER KAYE to my Outers….
Top Team of Outer Women.
1. Katie Hopkins
2. Ann Widdicombe
3. Claire Fox
4. Melanie Phillips
5. Julie Hartley Brewer
6.Liza Tarbuck…so I like to think!
7. Janet Daley
8. Allison Pearson
9. Nicola Roberts and all all those girl groups and silly groups like the Sugababes, Liberty X and Steps/S Club 7
10. Ruth Lea
11. Kath Gyngell…whose ideas are in the article above!
(rules restrict me to British gals…special international awards will go to Ann Coulter, Judge Jeanine and -but of course-the gorgeous pioneer that is Sarah Palin!)
Best get my breakie now…otherwise my mind will drift to fruity medleys instead….
chrisH, You may have no room for Elizabeth Hurley, but I do !
A late entry though grant…only on the 22nd?
But was that her intention?
Certainly more of a joyous surprise than paid-up luvvie Geri halliwell…but who knows? Motherhood and age can make you smarter?
Wonderful…she`s in…the Doughty Dozen it is then!
Wonder how Nick Cave would have fared in the Moody Blues?…or , indeed what songs of each the other would have covered…and can Bad Seeds be Blue?
Hope I get some music to teach today…
chrisH, Any kind of late entry with the lovely Liz is good enough for me.
Oo eer missus!
We can now get away with such fruity and oh-so English smut, now we`ve left the EU.
Benny Hill and Frankie Howerd, Les Dawson and Roy Chubby Brown-all Outers to a man!
Don’t forget Kenneth Williams !
I recently saw a clip of him – he was an Inner in 1975, whether he would have changed since then who knows. However, it wouldn’t surprise me if Babs Windsor was a Brexiteer.
Bernard Manning ?
Oo er missus.
Julia Bradbury gave me too much information in the Mail the other day-varicose veins like Englisth Stilton she said.
So may need to have a jousting tournament over the lovely Liz.
Loser gets Divine Brown and a signed car mat portrait of Hugh Grant!
Now…Paul Walters(he of the “pop up on the couch” phrase on Wogans great show)…HE`D have said that to Julia to save her walking so much-may yet try it when next I meet her…
Paulie would have been an Outer…so hats off to him up there, he`ll be an angel through the Brexit Ballroom Blitzes in luvvieland.
Did I hear that LGA Union Boss…DAVE SPART…is wanting Corbun to go on the Toady News at 8am?
“You Couldn`t make it up” says our Little John…well Brave Sir Robin here says that Private Eye already DID…must get my ears waxed!
Poor old Roy eh?
From Guardian loving cosmopolitan multilinguist Euro dream weaver…to down the dustpipe as a bubbles blowing pipe dreamer and a Pied Piper….just been flanged and gunged by his ex mates at the BBC and the broadsheets.
And the future?…well who else to ask but Shearer and Hoddle?
Glen Hoddle suggested-but I myself reckon he`s our Paralympic manager!
Roys life story is running the same channels as is Jeremy Corbyn…and all they`ve got by way of a magic squeegee sponge merchant is yet another Jeremy…the NHS very own Jeremy Hunt…who is about to speak as I write now…boy, this synchronicity and the Magic Sponge Bob business is wearing!
Graham Le Saux said just now on Radio 4 that the England team “didn`t know who they are”…they “lacked a national identity”…I think that`s what he said anyway( do we care as we`re packing the car?)
Err-no read across to the Referendum then?…for that is SPORT…and is NOT to be taken outside that segment of news analysis into anything other than puff pieces for the back page and the Hornby book groups.
Oh dear-God is SCREAMING at `em…Leicester?…Iceland?…Vote Leave?…any lessons to be drawn by the Ponce and Nonce Waddling Geese of Strasbourg?( ta Katie!)
Course not…for they`re geese, pigs and low-eyed bulls of Bashan, Flanders Mares indeed!
Off to Jollity Farm after a bit of sapper jungle warfare…
As Morriseet might have said if my mates hadn`t beaten him up at St Marys, Great Stone Road
“Sport is a language…can`t you read?”
Hoping Farming Toady call by our GM- nuclear Farm of Fun and Frolix that is Jollity Farm!
Remind me again-are the BBC halal or haram?…houries in the harem?
For those interested in Scotland’s issues, I’d like to draw to your attention the contribution made by Durham Dan in the comments below (sort by “Best”, near the top). Summarises the position extremely well, I think. Better than the Spectator article itself, IMO.
Is Brexit the beginning of the End of Britain?
That’s an extremely good summary by DD there. I’m going to print it out and keep it, because I’m going to be needing something like that soon I think.
A frost on Dartmoor last night.
Chatting to my professional gardening girlfriend yesterday about how nice her roses were looking and just how many blooms the plants had this year as it was the best display I had seen since she moved into her property 7 years ago. A lot of loving care I was told but also this year has, so far, been colder than normal. Not being a gardener, I ask of what relevance to the roses was the fact that it has been colder than normal this summer. Well, it appears that if it is hot, then most roses bloom and lose their petals in pretty much one day. If it is cold, then the blooms continue for days. So as more and more blooms open and remain to the plant so you get a stunning festival of blooms. There we have it. natures own way of informing us about Global Warming down here in Devon. It ain’t happening.
From the comments about that football match in which one side full of national pride gave it their all.
“I demand a replay, it’s not the result I wanted.
Is there an on-line petition I can support?”
FT100 hitting the road running. Up 1.5% already.
FTSE100 has been barely affected. We’re higher than it was in February and well above the mini-crash of last winter. The weaker pound is partly the cause though due to better export potential. The pound has been lower than this against the euro and dollar quite a few times in recent years though, I’m finally surprised and delighted how stable things seem to be (so far).
Quite agree. I was looking at some research by Schroders of the biggest 20 1-day falls in the last 10 years. 10 days later all were still down but up from the lowest point. 1 year later , only 2 were still negative. I would expect the geniuses at the BBC to be giving the public this sort of information so as not to spread panic !
FTSE 100 up 123 points (2%) after 50 minutes of trading.
The impression I am getting from Al Beeb’s news this morning is that they are talking down the economy. Its almost as if they want our economy to crash?
I am shocked, I tell you, shocked.
Maybe the Bbc read the charts upside down?
But what about the FTSE 250?
Thatcher, That has suddenly become the BBC’s favourite , but today it is up about the same as the 100. If it outperforms the 100 today, the BBC will either revert to the 100 or not refer to stock markets at all.
Up early this morning for that BBC world news channel thingy around about 6am… gosh but the narrative went a bit wobbly when Dolly No-Mark and her house eunuch in a spectacular joint effort tripped up and corpsed over their Remainiac lines:
“HSBC has already said they will move jobs out of London because of Brexit!”
“Ah, actually, HSBC have said they didn’t say that – but the BBC has learned they are thinking it”
“Well, er… their staff who trade in euros will… probably…”
Perhaps it was HSCBeebies they were thinking of?
By the way I hear the BBC wanted to launch a porn channel – CeBoobies
Amusing but I suspect it’s just another BBC tree that falls in the forest and which no one is there to witness – ie another load of Immanuel Kant
Let’s be happy during this brief interlude before the Jerremy Vines of this world depress us with their New Dawn Fades
A quick rendition of our own is order “Our MEPs are coming home, they’re coming home… 40 years of hurt, Jacques Delors still dreaming….”
The Return of the Comedy Gold Standard AISI.
We here that comprise the shadowing of the Snake ERM mechanism for comedy and liberal scorn from 1992 salute this.
Need alive feed here-to hear Sarah Montague ask the Good Doctor….ex spiteful Nazi, NHS scorching Jeremy Hunt about how to heal and pacify the nation as well turn to this Cycling Sponge for “advice” on how to snuff out the Demos like it was an old lady in mid-Staffs?…oh a joy!
Bet he can`t believe that no-one spaat in his latte at the beeb today….they are DESPERATE.
Must be a consumer monkey index here…Roy off the chart, Corbyn at risk of crashing out of the BBC luvvin scharts-and a meteoric crash and oozy puddle of warm piss in the form of Jeremy Hunt and his bedside manor.
Comedy gold-endless loops of loons stalling, handbrakes, and skidpans for free!
Mark Knopfler-reckon he`d be an outer, Charlie Watts and Keef too I`d say!
Otherwise its Timmy Mallet all day on the ghetto blaster!
The Atmosphere at this Atrocity Exhibition only shows what True Faith is not…avoid Temptation and …”this is the way…step inside…love!”
Cilla…an outer I`m sure!
Lots of lovely Blue Mondays to come like yesterdays…we like Blue, don`t we boys and girls?
So did John Birt….but that was sky….we here talk only of royal and navy!
!Love from Mr Blue Sky!
AsISeeit, did they really say: “Ah, actually, HSBC have said they didn’t say that – but the BBC has learned they are thinking it”. If that is true, that is one of funniest and most wildly feeble bits of sophistry and back-pedalling I have ever heard!
Our Jezza Corbyn in Parliament Square yesterday up on – was that a fire truck? (hope the campaign expenses and all ad hoc borrowings and time off from the public purse are properly declared – Channel 4 will look into that for sure – or I swear our Jon Snow is just a Game of Thrones character now).
That’ll settle the money markets, Corbyn adressing the meeting of the on-line supporters and friends of the Ffestiniog Steam Railway method of doing economics. Up the Shirkers!
I’m afraid I couldn’t see much beyond the bizarre touch of the now apparently de rigur (for all right on speeches) the camp sign language fellow who shares the stage. Mandela’s funeral fiasco confirmed for me a long held suspicion that this is all stuff and nonesense.
Careful what you watch on BBC – the screen is likely to diminish and a signer pop up in the bottom right corner. Pay too much attention and you’ll notice no two of these performers has the same technique. Do speak up if you happen to be deaf and dumb and this thing is for real – I will apolgise half-heartedly – but I call bullshit.
A high point in sign language wathcing was the BBC news report of the Orlando ‘gay bar’ shootings I swear the chap flapped a limp wrist, motioned a machine gun and put on sad face…
Do the BBC still employ comedians and satirists? Check that out – it’s a gift. Too soon?
Nick Robinson-top central defender when his mum didn`t send in a sick note-and it wasn`t drizzling so the windscreen wipers on his specs weren`t needed-and the ball stayed on the ground so he`d not splice his nose on the cheesewire glasses frames as he headed the ball….asks some FA blazer about”Is the FA capable of reform?”
Isn`t that exactly what Sepp Blatter and Faria Alam and Nancy Diagio were trying to do.
Seems that now Roys Rovers turn out to have been a travelling community without the balls to fight as dale farms best did in 2011…and now we need a new pillock for the pillory.
Gareth Southgate mooted!
Blatter is Juncker…the FA is the EU…and the BBC seem to think that they have a role as the Persian Rug we`ll all gather upon with and folded and eyes shut!
Fuck off Auntie Savile…no pervs here to tell us what we voted for… and we will send the wagman Hunt to the back of the line…todays letter?…the letter Q!
I myself would include David Batty, Chris Waddle and all pizza delivery boys everywhere…if that is NOT the new face of Brexit Britian, then my names not Don Revie.
Let`s gather around my urn and try to speak to the living….Stuart Pearce would have been an outer…so I`m not calling HIM out…we need him to stand against Anna Soubry!
John Mann for Top Man for the North Notts/S.Yorks region…he`d make a great bloke to sort out Rotherham!
True re the sign language-but Jeremy Hunt might want to look at all those RSI cases now on the third floor at the BBCs mobile rolling camp, field and dykes hospital…MASH on shagpile…or Dianne Abbott as we call her.!
See-it`s Grrreat without the EU to spook us all!
Watched bits of sign language in the coverage last week-poor Corbyn doesn`t translate very well does he?
Hence the RSI of all those wrists….but didn`t we tell them all last year that WANK=Labour BBC…and a WANKER-is, well where do you start?
Big difference apparently-must get the tone right in these worrying times.
Tea tree oil massages all round the ulnas/lower portions there….heel and ossify as UB40 warbled to us all!
Jizz must stay to finish the job…”Brits don`t quit” remember…so are the BBC aware of Camerons Construct here?
Here`s Johnny!
I tend to hear MP myself-how much time can you actually borrow, I wonder?
I am told that the EU Parliament is live on Al Beeb now – Should be worth a watch as Nigel Farage will be there.
It’s live on Sky too. I know which I prefer to watch.
Bet they don’t let Nigel speak.
Ta taffman, might bet a kid or two in my MFL cover whether Nigel gets to speak!
Certainly think you`ll agree this is where French/German meets Living History and …well citizenship as Tony and Gordon ordained?
THIS is schooling….money for (near-on nothing) and cheques for free.
Think we`re all Welsh today after last Thursday-and believed that we joined together to deal with Ivan in Lens.
Have as many laughs as you like—-we` love you!
taffman – here’s one for you.
The bbc have issued a weather warning in Wales – flooding is forecast after half the country p!ssed themselves laughing after watching the England vs Iceland match.
Well , England could have done better 🙂
We don’t have to accept this result. It was very close – just one goal in it, not clear cut at all. We should demand a replay as the outcome affects the whole of the Euros. Online petition anyone? I’ve organised some block voters in the Vatican and North Korea to help swell the numbers and ISIS are going to do their bit, too.
I wonder if it would be worth reporting all this abuse of the elderly as a hate crime ? It seems you only have to look the wrong way at a Pole or a Muslim at the moment and its recorded as hate criminality.
BBC had a distressed Polish family on last night, including 10 year old Mattaus, who was very sad by what was going on. There really is no level to which the beeb will not stoop.
Along with the the media Cameron and the BBC are calling attention to post Brexit hate crimes.
I guess this means that throwing a pork sausage at a mosque is a hate crime, but since June 24 it is a more serious post Brexit hate crime.
This additional category of hate crime might not be on the statute book, but given that we do not have an effective separation of powers between executive and judiciary, the courts will clamp heavier on the Post Brexit hate crimes as required by government.
One hate crime the BBC will not report is the ones against old people. The BBC hate the elderly unless it is Sir David or Dimblebore. Hypocrites.
The Clash are on the iPod!
All from Give Em Enough Rope….all seems apt to me as I watch the Reichstag in Brussels live doing their best Freisler impressions in their original tongue too.
Poor Nigel-microphones turned off…he`d better get his chance to speak.
We can now see the EU Parliament in all its bastardy -no WONDER we`ve never been invited to it is live.
Truly evil…article 50 by Tomorrow night….WE WILL ROCK YOU, before we f you!
The Clash?….you bet…but no hippy drip Coma Girl tributes from Uncle Bruce by the John Peel campfires.
You want war?…you`ll get it.
Manfred Weber?…thank God Gisela Stuart is the only Bavarian that we need to bother ourselves with.
Boy-all those jobs over there and all those perks thanks to Nigel playing with matches…tomorrow belongs to them, so they assume…wankers…necrophiles seeking Jo Cox and not Kriss Donald…but WE know who died for us-and who was bloated up to be seen to be die for THEM!
Blowtorch the barnacles…Portland Bill here to light the way, Captain Pugwash marooned after our mutiny!
This unleashed ‘ism meme is beyond a joke.
A BBC ‘Asian’ moppet gets a comment (sources close to her say) and it is wall to wall as far as the Daily Outrage.
Ang Mohs and gweilos and farangs experience every day low level ‘ism all round ‘Asia’, and life goes on. Canute must be spinning in his coracle.
I saw on the news that, apparently, a note was given to a Polish girl in Huntingdon telling them to go home in Polish with the English version on the reverse. What’s that smell? Oh yes, it’s a big rat. Although I don’t actually know any “right-wing” skinheads, going by the way they are depicted on TV they wouldn’t have the intelligence to write a message in Polish, nor the wit to even think of so-doing. Clearly a false flag – it was either written by a Pole or a lefty Innard who can speak Polish or got help from a Pole.
Somebody else wrote nasty things on a Polish building somewhere. That could, conceivably, be a skinhead, but sounds more like a lefty false-flag as they are the experts with the spray-paint.
Polish Department of the BBC’s World Service?
The big push for a second referendum appears to be gathering momentum! The anti-democratic fifth columnists are at work amongst us, slyly introducing plausible alternatives in an attempt to coerce people back into the EU box. Don’t get duped folks. Remain strong and demand that the result stands true. No to a second referendum. No to any pro-EU skulduggery.
All supported by the BBC version of ‘reality’, passed through their ‘purposes of’ secret filter:
No. Thanks for not asking me.
The propaganda war is now dialled up to eleven. Paid by the people it is seeking to overwhelm.
You Bet BMB.
Harper Lees book “Go Set a Watchman” is coming up in schools and bookclubs…will now give it a read!
Juncker just said ” Britains need to leave the United Kingdom is clear!”
Someone needs to check that…or was it our EU/BBC translator on call?
AND-is what he`s saying any less forked and f…ed as what Jean Claude Gauleitier is saying….F..IM!!!!
Need checking..this was at 9,40 or so…but that shocked me….wew ENGLISH and WELSH…and HALF OF ULSTER…VOTED TO LEAVE THE EUROPEAN UNION…HOW MUCH EASIER DOES IT HAVE TO BE?
I hear you loud ‘n’ clear. I fear the “renegotiations” with the EU elites will amount to nothing more than a pig in a poke once the final grubby handshakes and vigorous backslapping is done with… Buyer beware!
David Lammy MP – the New Guido Fawkes?
This BBC Stock Exchange report may more sense that the current ones (courtesy of Monty Python ). The end where water is thrown over the reporter is what is need in the media now.
“Man (Eric Idle): Trading was crisp at the start of the day with some brisk business on the floor. Rubber hardened and string remained confident. Little bits of tin consolidated although biscuits sank after an early gain and stools remained anonymous. Armpits rallied well after a poor start. Nipples rose dramatically during the morning but had declined by mid-afternoon, while teeth clenched and buttocks remained firm. Small dark furry things increased severely on the floor, whilst rude jellies wobbled up and down, and bounced against rising thighs which had spread to all parts of the country by mid-afternoon. After lunch naughty things dipped sharply forcing giblets upwards with the nicky nacky noo. Ting tang tong rankled dithely, little tipples pooped and poppy things went pong! Gibble gabble gobble went the rickety rackety roo and … (a bucketful of water descends on him) “
Look what popped up after the sketch you posted:
Looks like the BBC had us UKIP/Brexiteers sussed years ago! Contemporary BBC staff will think this is all factual stuff. Funniest thing I have seen in a long time (apart from last weeks result).
halcyon days.
Brilliant. Younger people today would not recognise it as satire and would have to seek a “safe space “.
Junker in rambling mode in the European Parliament, and at times incoherent (even a Beeb journo admitted that as well !) and had a go at Nige as to why he was there if the UK had voted Brexit !
Jeremy Hunt throwing his hat in the ring for Leader and would have a mandate of a second referendum to reinstate Britain to Europe. WTF ?? I’ve even heard of some regretting they voted Brexit ! what intelligence level are these people at ? there are times when I’m not proud to be British when I’m surrounded by morons and thickos they like I’ve seen in the past week.
Nigel is now on his feet in the European Parliament, and as expected is getting shouted down.
Was Junkman Drunkman ?
Nige is really giving it to ’em – what an orator ! Go Nige !!!!!
I just missed Nigel but Marine was next to speak so the BBC cut to Norman F Smith !
BBC Headline. Brexit: Holyrood To Hold Emergency Debate On EU.
I will check with my local parish council to see if they are planning anything similar. If so, I promise to keep you all informed.
Marie La Penn now on her feet and giving it some welly. Brilliant stuff !
Scottish MEP TRAITOR. BOOOOOOOOO. What a rotter.
Yes – easy and cheap popularism playing to the crowd – the SNP contributes zero value to either the Scots or the English.
Then Victoria Derbyshire interviews a mother and two teenage children from Leicester with the notional narrative that the referendum divided generations. Mum votes out, daughters vote in.
Apart from the fact that this is not a story (in journalist terms the question to ask is “so what?”) there was a subtext in play here. One of the daughters emotes about the leave “lie” referencing the £350m figure on the bus. Daughter then goes on to stridently complain that the very next day after the vote the leave campaign acknowledged that this was a “mistake”. No they didn’t. This is why children shouldn’t get to vote because their attention span means that they cannot interpret propaganda beyond a 140 character soundbite.
Derbyshire puts this to mother who dutifully agrees that “it was a mistake but…”. Then the fugly hag repeats the allegation in mock-shock that the decision was made on a mistake. End of interview.
So there we have it – the entire leave campaign was based on a lie. Move on from here, no challenge, no counter. Another propagandised nail in the subliminal coffin of a deceitful perception of the right.
Alyn Smith….the spit of Stephen Crabb, another marker to save the Referendum from taking effect.
Sorry you hipster scum-traitors who are scabbing on this nation.
Town called Milice?…don`t think so!!!
First time post for me: I run a small business in West Sussex, divorced father of two.
I used to notice odd incidences of what struck me as BBC bias, but it didn’t used to bother me too much. I was more irritated by being obliged to pay via the licence fee for programming readily available on commercial channels: talent contests, chat shows, game shows etc.
But what I’ve noticed recently is persistent systematic bias in BBC news reporting, particularly since the referendum.
Last night’s 10 o’clock news – presented by a funereal Huw Edwards – featured a report from James Landale on the supposed rise of post-Brexit xenophobia. Of 17.4 million pro-Brexit voters, Landale had managed to vox pop a small handful of racist Neanderthals and a cartoon Nazi to help him make his case. I don’t recall any countervailing view being put.
Towards the end of the bulletin we had extended commentaries on the political situation from Laura Kuenssberg, and on business / economics from Kamal Ahmed. Both almost totally negative, although Ahmed did at least admit that a lower pound would help exporters. Kuenssberg’s emphasis was all on Corbyn being out of sync with Labour MPs, as opposed to Labour MPs being out of sync with Labour Party members. Personally I would prefer more fact and much less comment on BBC news, but if we are going to have comment then it ought to be balanced comment.
In similar vein BBC regional TV news reported that local police were on heightened alert for hate crime in the aftermath of the referendum. No attempt to describe what (if anything at all) “heightened alert” might actually mean in practice; a cynic might think it merely alarmist. We also had a report that Brexit was good news for those who favour expansion of Gatwick Airport, but no explanation as to why a smaller post-Brexit economy would need bigger airport capacity.
On it went this morning: BBC breakfast business reporter Steph McGovern was in a duvet factory in Yorkshire. A Polish worker was concerned about the uncertainty. The MD was concerned about the uncertainty, and effect of a lower pound on cost of imported raw materials. But hats off to the rep from the local chamber of commerce who managed to shoe-horn in (unprompted by Steph) that there were significant positives to Brexit: low £ good for exporters, freedom for UK to negotiate own trade agreements and so on.
I’m now torn between not wanting to watch BBC news because of its effect on my blood pressure, and a morbid fascination to see what they will come up with next.
Finally for now, I find the “in their own tweets” section of this website very revealing, and posted a couple of choice ones from Gary Lineker and Dan Snow earlier today.
Welcome. You are treading the same well worn path as many of us here. Glad to see the BBC continues to be rumbled by growing numbers of their paymasters. As you say, the BBC now only holds the same morbid fascination as when passing a car crash.
Nice post – welcome Tom
Welcome Mr Kenny. I think most of us on here had suspicions about BBC bias but then a particular ‘road to Damascus’ moment. For me that was the coverage of the migrant crisis, which for me was not only biased but actually caused death and suffering to innocent people by failing to distinguish between migrants and genuine refugees. You will find that this site is an excellent resource for spotting bias with intelligence and in general good humour – the ‘in their own tweets’ article was an extremely good example.
Ah yes, the “morbid fascination to see what they come up with next” – absolutely. Welcome aboard the SS Scepticism.
I watched the first five minutes of BBC1 News at One just now, glass of pomegranate juice in hand for the blood pressure. They did feature Farage’s speech, but we were told it was to jeers and boos – yes, there were some, but equally there were cheers too, which were obviously not shown. The BBC also declined to broadcast his words about “the democrats of Europe” and what they were rejecting, and his prediction that we will not be the only country whose people vote to leave. Instead, we were shown a German MEP saying that Farage is a liar for claiming £350m a week will go to the NHS, with no comeback from Farage allowed. BBC relishing that one, clearly hoping it will play well to all the Remainers.
A standing ovation for the lovely Scottish MEP, sucking up to everyone, and then on to more doom, gloom, denial. One-sided economic predictions that show fundamental lack of knowledge of the markets. No mention of the ever-tightening “unification” that Merkel wants. No mention of the EU Army. Or impending bail-outs. No sense at all that the UK might have dodged a bullet – not even a whisper that the EU is in trouble all over the shop.
A no point does the BBC attempt to find any representative from another country to give a positive view of the outcome of the referendum, or whether the people of other countries are waking up to the imminent loss of their national democracy.
You get the impression that they won’t rest until they have talked down every positive. The BBC reflects only what its view is. And it’s such a strange one: it is anti-democracy, anti-individual will, anti-free speech and pro totalitarian rule by unelected bureaucracy, elitists and corporations. Is it brainwashing that prevents them from seeing this? The Bubble? The Twitterati echo-chamber? The “free” money they get from the masses? I have always been a trouble-free small ‘c’ conservative – and it has come to something that I feel I am having to add my voice to what is becoming a pro-democracy movement in this country.
Quite right ! Good post . On BBC Website , the BBC edited out the very start of Nigel’s speech when he was howled down and Shulz intervened. The only show Nigel’s restart. Bias, what bias ?
Yes, when you watch the whole version on Sky, the Beeb certainly did an editing hatchet job on Nige’s speech.
Beeb ? Hatched job ? I am shocked, truly shocked.
“A standing ovation for the lovely Scottish MEP
Yes, they seem quite taken by that chez BBC. It is in fact as significant to the voters as a round of applause for Kim Jong Un in the Supreme People’s Assembly.
Come again Tom.
Question: Do you think that with all these “Hate Crimes” blossoming across the country, should a long (maybe weeping?) – faced Cameron convene an urgent gathering of COBRA?
Welcome Tom ! As Steve said , we’ve all been through the same phase as you. There are many great things about this site and some very bright , knowedgeable people post here. I have certainly learned more here than from the BBC. One thing I love here is the sense of humour. I laugh out loud so often.
Your penultimate paragraph sums up my position exactly . I can hardly bear to watch or listen to the BBC now. They have become a parody of themselves without realising it.
Keep on posting !
“This is the great betrayal” So begins the latest lying rant from Folly Fumblebee in the Guardian.
Great betrayal is correct except that Folly does not lay the blame for this betrayal where it belongs, on her own doorstep.
Ever hear of the Zulu wars, Folly? The Kaffir Wars? The Apache Wars? The Seminole wars? The Opium Wars? Most of the recorded wars in history going back to the Battle of Kadesh, the first recorded military event in history?
The one exception to all this normal behaviour of people attempting to defend themselves and their land is contemporay Europe.
The original experiment with Socialism having failed, despite it causing the deliberate deaths of over one hundred million people in the twentieth century, you and your disgusting, evil, ilk, would not stop. There were no depths to which you would not stoop.
But the indigenes would not vote for your murderous ideas. So a new, two pronged tactic was developed. Modify the system long term so that votes were disregarded. Short term import as many as possible aliens, ideally uneducated and poor who could be bribed to vote for your ideas with housing and benefits.
Your conspiratorial friends Folly, went so far as to import tens of millions of that sect which has the worst, and by far the longest, record of human rights abuses in recorded history, Muslims. ISIS is not a unique or new development, ISIS like behaviour, directed at Hindus has occurred for a thousand years with death tolls which dwarf the casualties of WW2.
When the Muslims in the UK started behaving like Muslims do, paedophiles mass gang raping white children, what did your comrades in Public Sector Rochdale do? Nothing. Looked the other way and hoped it would not become public knowledge. What did the comrades in Rochdale do when it became public knowledge? Did they say how awful we must investigate and prosecute? No, their first reaction was denial whilst establishing “which records need to be shredded”.
What was the Guardian reaction to the rape revelations? Firstly silence. Secondly blame the BNP who had reported these mass rapes years before. Thirdly blame the children who had been raped and their families. Fourthly, when the clamour from representative Guardian readers BTL was so condemnatory that the editor felt compelled to change tack, report the rapes omitting the Muslim connection.
What has the EU response to the Brexit vote been Folly? Firstly Support the democratic vote in public; whilst privately marshalling all the forces in Europe who have been suborned and bought for years with millions of OUR money, to ignore the vote; this includes you Folly. Secondly begin talks to fast track Turkey into the EU; this will naturally be followed by millions of Muslims moving to areas where their votes are needed. Absolutely disgusting Folly, yet you have the nerve to tell us the EU can be reformed from within.
Post Brexit the situation is different, the UK will leave the EU or there will be rivers of blood. I am quite prepared for this to be my blood, Folly, and keen for it to be your blood, which so richly deserves to be spilt.
Folly, you are disgusting. You and your kind are the worst traitors in recorded history, the UK would be better without you all.
If I could **like** this more than once I would
You are welcome.
This is the brief and moderate version.
If I had posted what I really think about Polly & Co I think I would have been banned from BBBC.
All true though.
The clue is in the name eh?….I`ve never seen such a shower of c..ts(only time I`ll ever use that word) as that braying bunch of lowlife bastards.
Tim Farron is over there-working the back channels in Brussels so I`m told by our BBC as I write in my dinner hour.
There was me thinking that the EU spent 43 years working HIS…and Paddys…and Jeremys…and Sir Davids…and Sir Cyrils…and Marks…and Chris/Vicky…and Sir Clements, Sir Simons , Sir Mings and ALL the Liberal twats.
Rings Of Fire eh?…here we go lubey loons!
The Liberal corpse needs a stake through its dead cold paedophilic corpse and we will ensure that Brussels is renamed Necropolis ….stiff shagging scum.
Don`t that KNOW what we know if happening to Nigel and Boris etc….and the true evil of the whole project now has its face live on our tellies…and if they think we`re angry…they really ought to see what we`ll be like if they DARE to send out scum like Hunt, Truss and Soubry out with Geoffrey Whos broken ping pong bat.
We play cricket…and I`d hate to mix with a Grey Nicholls myself, Herman!
TruthSeeker – one of the best posts I’ve read
I shall second that !
Nigel Farage has been waiting seventeen years to make this speech to the EU Parliament. And they HATE him!!
Watch the video a third of the way down the page.
Dover Sentry, I liked the speech. Farage tells it like it is…however…I think it was ill-advised to mention about none of them having real jobs. We know what he’s driving at, but an insult like that could come back on Farage in a nasty way. 50 hasn’t been triggered and there’s still a chance that Brexit will be scuppered, in which case any triumphalism will look like the worst hubris. That said, after all the abuse, vitriol and hatred that Farage has had to put up with for years, I don’t blame him for getting a little bit back at them!
Gods love cannot be understood without understanding His anger!
And God is RAGING at what ” Christendom” has become.
Rowan Williams?
Nigel is well within his right to turn over those temple tables and disconnect their cables too!
This is righteous anger…we`ll be seeing plenty more of it!
The BBC don`t like this…they prefer the smear, the knife between the blades by their mates in Edinburgh, Highgate and the nicer bits of Brussels.
But no. They`re dead-and we`ll hang them afterwards once we bring the death penalty back.
Saddam was far more a courageous patriot for his nation than anything we`ve seen thus far in the EU and chattering classes.
“And God is RAGING at what ” Christendom” has become.”
How do you lnow what your god is RAGING at? Have you been hearing voices again or was it revealed unto you in a dream?
“Nigel is well within his right to turn over those temple tables and disconnect their cables too!”
So Nigel is doing god’s work. Strange. As a former commodities broker he’s on the same side as the moneychangers.
“This is righteous anger…we`ll be seeing plenty more of it!”
Will frogs, locusts and boils feature?
“They`re dead-and we`ll hang them afterwards once we bring the death penalty back.”
It’s easy to spot the posts by Christians. The love, charity and forgiveness are a dead giveaway.
Mark 12:31
Fair point, Marvin. But from his tone, for a minute there I thought chrisH must have converted to Islam!
Rowan Williams? The one who declared that we needed more Sharia law in the UK? Yup, that’s the one. He would not oblige me by satisfying my request that he give me the postal address of the Arch Bishop of Riyadh………….
After a triumph a bit of triumphalism seems appropriate.
Junker looks a bit confused. Farage’s instincts have turned out to be correct again and again. Andrew Neil, for example, pooh-poohed his contentention that Labour voters were flocking to UKIP.
I’m looking forward to a Nexit at least. Czechs and Slovaks are not over-impressed with the EU and there have been calls for Juncker to resign. As in Germany and Austria the centre of politics no longer represents anything like the majority of the electorate. The AfD is supported by 1 in 10 Germans. The Freedom Party almost won the Austrian presidency recently. In the UK Labour is now finished and the Conservative party will be finished if it connives in the circumvention of Brexit.
ID, you may wish to see the latest news on AfD – Apparently no one knew that the State illegally, opened the boxes containing the votes the day before official counting began.
I’m glad Nigel reminded us that Brexit was a rejection of merchant banks and multinationals. Aren’t these the very things that all the remnant virtue signallers have pretended to despise for so long? The Occupy movement, fawned over by the BBC, even said as much. Now it’s come full circle and bitten them on their behinds.
Remainers have actually been given what they pretended to want.
To quote Paul Weller.
“What a catalyst you turned out to be…light up the guns then you run off home for your tea”.
The BBC and the proxy Good Rebellion they inflame is only for playtime…then back to the Cotsworlds or Glyndebourne.
Oh dear…there may be a bit less holiday this year.
Now was he an Outer?…that Cafe Bleu shit…but there again, he sang something spiky about things starting from the floorboards us lately.
We`ll call him an Outer-and Noerl Gallagher too, who does anything that Paul does. High Flying Birds eh?…and we buzzards are shitting all over them now!
That reminds me of the Occupy protests in London. I spent a lot of time there, on the steps of St Paul’s (just for laughs and morbid curiosity you understand). I got into lots of interesting conversations with the protestors. One, with Starbucks cup in one hand, and iphone in the other, used said phone and the internet to point me to some articles proving that ‘science is wrong’.
Listen to Sonik Kicks – best solo album he’s ever done
To quote Paul Weller.
“What a catalyst you turned out to be…light up the guns then you run off home for your tea”.
The BBC and the proxy Good Rebellion they inflame is only for playtime…then back to the Cotsworlds or Glyndebourne.
Oh dear…there
Back to work-translation of Marine Le Pens speech for this afternoon maybe?
if it`s not pizza day to be all sad at the Iceland game…this is education these days!
Thanks Dover – and don’t they just!!
The link seems to have gone from the Sky news page now, they probably felt they were giving him too much free publicity, har har.
Not to worry though, Bloomberg have stuck 6 mins of it on youtube:
If you Google FTSE 100 you get a graph showing how the markets are picking up nicely… and underneath you get gloomy, negative headlines from the Guardian and the BBC and one more truthful one from the Telegraph.
The dishonesty is breathtaking. Sky, BBC cite a one-off instantaneous minimum, the lowest value since some date, and keep on citing it, the FTSE has reached it lowest value since some date, when the value has already started to climb upwards for hours. How is the FTSE250 or 1000?. Low pound vs euro? Looks like a good time to repatriate some euros.
Yes. It is pathetic. What moves markets is big money and the people making these decisions are not doing it on the basis of BBC and other media crap. All the media dishonesty does is scare the “little people “. It is a kind of bullying.
The stock and financial markets are simply the herd behaviour of tens of thousands of investors. Anyone who thinks the financial markets are a barometer for anything are in for storms. They experience booms and busts for no apparent reason. Let’s not forget that Black Friday was probably ignited by the unexpected consequences of too many investors using the same financial investment software.
ID, did the FTSE Index start in 1066 as a junior interviewed suggested? This, one of those children that thought they could contribute to the Referendum if they had been permitted to vote.
No, the FTSE Index started after Florence of Arabia defeated the Nazis at Stamford Bridge (pre-Mourinho and only on away goals, but Beckham did play) gave a V-sign and called for the EU to be set up to guaranty “peace in our time”.
OMG James OBrian is REPLAYING the hysterical German woman!
What BAD TASTE assuming this call is genuine.
The woman sounds mad, like she’s havigna nervous breakdown.
There seem to be a number of misconceptions about the Referendum. There was a vote on whether the UK should remain or Leave the European Union. This was not a General Election. There is already an elected government and they are in power. It is puerile to suggest that the’ Brexit’ group who successfully campaigned to Leave should have a plan of action, post the vote. The Leave campaigners are not ‘in power’. They delivered an ‘out’ vote to the Government, with a majority well in excess of a million votes.
It is not incumbent on the Leave campaigners to have a plan. That is for the government of the day to arrange. Perhaps it is remiss of the Government not to have had a plan, even as a contingency since they have the entire Civil Service at their disposal . There is likewise no obligation on the part of the Government to include the views of UKIP, Labour, LibDems or Sottish and N. Irish interests, in any future arrangements , although this would certainly be advisable.
I’m sorry, but I couldn’t disagree with this more. Of course, ‘leave’ was not going to be a Government, all that is accepted.
However, we won – but by a whisker. It could so easily have gone the other way. Had it, we would all be sitting here knowing that further integration into the EU was going ahead, and there would be nothing we could do about it.
Had the Leave campaign had a sensible plan, how many more people would have voted Leave? Of course, we don’t know, but surely it must be obvious that more people would vote for the same thing if it is accompanied by a sensible plan that outlines what could happen if we win? Maybe you didn’t know anyone who said to you “I don’t really know so I’m going to vote Remain” – I knew plenty of these. Had there been someone – anyone – in the Leave campaign putting a realistic and cogent case and proposal to leave, these people could have been persuaded.
We won despite the leave campaign, not because of them. It turns out the people who voted Leave were going to vote Leave anyway. However, of course, nobody knew that at the time.
I consider it very lucky we won. Had we put a sensible plan to the country, far more people would have voted to Leave, we could be looking at a 60% or maybe 70% majority if we had persuaded any of those undecideds! That would be a mandate instead of split 50:50 we have now.
There are a lot of people speaking for the nation, as they presume to do.
For myself, I voted to leave the EU.
Not for an entity called ‘Leave’.
I’ve just been speaking to a Hungarian acquaintance of mine with whom I practice my Hungarian. She works for a British employer and said she was quite happy about the referendum result because it meant that ‘a csürhe mehet haza’, which translates roughly as ‘the rabble will go home.’ She was referring to Romanians, apparently! Another sentiment you won’t hear on the BBC!
“It is puerile to suggest that the’ Brexit’ group who successfully campaigned to Leave should have a plan of action, post the vote. The Leave campaigners are not ‘in power’. They delivered an ‘out’ vote to the Government, with a majority well in excess of a million votes.”
Spot on.
I missed Nigel’s speech. Does anyone have a link to the full speech ?
It’s embedded here:
I’m sure it will appear on YouTube in due course.
Maria, thanks. It has to be on Youtube one day. Part of our history !
“Part of our history !”
Exactly, I’ve been waiting for this. That’s why I copied it using Debut Video Capture Software (free version), but it’s fiddly.
If you haven’t already come across it, YouTubeDownloader, which only works on YouTube as far as I know, is much easier.
I like to keep certain things in case they mysteriously disappear.
Maria, I am not very ” Techie ” but checked this out. I had never heard of it . Looks good and free !
I shall try it or delegate it to my new PA, George Osborn. On second thoughts , better if I do it myself.
Think Dover Sentrys Sky link above has it all on….and I`d love to capture that smile and smirk from Farage on a T shirt…as he sat down to a chorus of boos.
Boy he got them riled.
But given the dogs abuse he`d had all morning-he was gracious to them all…not that the BBC would tell you that, only edit out the way he`d been spoken to-and about.
Nigel will know that he`s hit the funny bone of the EU-and can hit it at will as he likes now….their pain is a jot to behold.
And Marine Le Pens performance was a masterclass-they are said not to get along, but that person stuff is for Blair and Gadhaffi, Sting and Assad. She`s a great ally, as will Wilders be…and for Nigel to have their breathless admiration is unbelievably good.
Part of our leaving will entail sending the rope ladder over to Marine and Geert…Le Pan proved to be our strongest ally there-and we`ll see her right for that.
Good performance from John Redwood on the BBC too-cerebral, clearly no fan of Farage, but cold and dispassionate about the way forward.
He`s been at the forefront of policy and implementation…a good sapper to have re blowing up the EU supply lines
Did Vulcan’s ‘beam anyone up’?
By chance I met Nigel Farage in front of the European Parliament building a few years back when I was collecting younger son from a translation course, part of his Uni course, and had parked my car just up the road. I greeted him by saying ‘I hope you give them shit in there today’. I don’t know if he misheard me but he asked me to repeat myself and we then had an interesting five minutes. He responded by saying that they gave us shit all the time, so he would certainly reciprocate.
I am a lifelong Tory and will be until our next PM, whoever he (Boris) is fails to stop uncontrolled immigration, but there would have been no referendum without Farage.
BBC Unreality Check: Does the UK have to trigger Article 50?
Strangely, this BBC “Reality Check” completely neglects to mention that the Prime Minister promised back in February to implement Article 50 straight away. Funny that.
Here’s him promising a swift exit in his statement to the House on Feb 22:
I want to spell out this point very carefully. If the British people vote to leave there is only one way to bring that about – and that is to trigger Article 50 of the Treaties and begin the process of exit. And the British people would rightly expect that to start straight away.
And here’s the promise repeated by his spokeswoman on Feb 26:
She said: “The idea that the British people could decide to leave and that the Government would just not act on that is for the birds,” she said. “It’s something that’s not going to happen. The Government would act on that decision straight away.”
The Blatantly Biased Corporation at its Finest™
BBC ‘Reality Check’? The lunatics running the asylum.
BBc North West trying to stir things up. The Polish community get together on Merseyside amongst reports of rising hate crimes. OK Liverpool were the ones who voted to stay. There were only about 10 of them at the meeting. Finally the reporter then announces there have been no reports of any hate crimes in the area, but leaves that to the end.
Dave666, I do not understand the sudden BBC obsession with the Poles. If there are going to be hate crimes in UK , the Poles would be the last to suffer. And no hate crimes against Chinese ? The BBC clearly have an agenda here but I can’t work it out .
Seems TellCharlieChan didn’t get the same level of funding as others.
But at least it looks like TellBabushka may now be in for a windfall, and a full BBC Newsnight crew for a year.
Interesting how this is playing elsewhere, especially now the old pancetta on the knob (o0-er missus, as they say in Frankie Howard’s back passage) tried and trusty is not working its magic as it used to.
A few forums overseas I subscribe to are… ‘interesting’ in the Chinese sense.
This one started in fine fettle:
Racially abused on bus, finds support from everywhere, except on bus itself
‘Something horrible happened to [our source who says]. She was verbally assaulted by a man on a bus for ‘being black’.
Here is her experience on the bus.
After paying my fare I proceded towards the back of the bus where I took a seat which was on the left of the aisle. A man seated on the right of the aisle then proceded to shout at me, and I quote, “You are Black, go sit infront!” At first I was taken aback, but I looked at him and said “I have paid my fare just like everyone else and I can choose to sit anywhere I like. What does this have to do with my skin colour?” To which he replied, “You are Black and I am not. I am Brown, so you go sit infront!”
I again refused and remained at the same seat. This man is in his late 30s or early 40s and is balding with a missing front tooth and has a tan complexion. My refusal agitated him and he then went on to point at me with aggressive gestures and retorted “I am from ISRAEL; is this how you speak to an ISRAELI?!” Not wanting to further aggravate the situation I looked him dead-straight in eyes and said “So what if you’re an Israeli? I’m a {local] but just because you are an Israeli does that automatically give you the right to be a racist?” To this he further went on to repeat his first statement many, many times, which was of me being a darker complexion and therefore should not sit near him throughout the bus journey to the Interchange.
There were quite a few people seated around us, amongst which none an Indian, and they watched him belittle and threaten me without any intervention. As the bus entered the interchange, I went to speak with the Bus Captain as I wanted to make a complain. He did not even bother to hear me out nor stop the bus at anytime when this man was screaming at me in public but he just told me to go to the service counter. I thanked him and found the service counter.
She later recounted how she broke down while making the report at the service counter.
But it was probably the earlier part of her post, describing the racial abuse, that elicited the most anger, here are some of the reactions on her Facebook post, which has now garnered over 2,000 shares.
[Hold this thought]*
*what wasn’t included, possibly for reasons of editorial integrity ((c) BBC Editorial):
“So this is how Israeli Zionists conduct themselves, playing the victim card whenever they provoke Muslims or non Jews, and get all self entitled and racist when the world isn’t looking. Don’t bring your “goyim” gentile mentality outside of your rogue Zionist state, not especially onto our soil which is founded based on cultural cohesion and not apartheid racism or territorial expansion. Now don’t bother playing the anti-semite card because it won’t work here.
What’s more disturbing is that nobody stood up for her, not even the bus captain.”
There are aspects of the ‘report’ that seem unlikely, and remain, sadly, unchecked before passing on to inspire the Facebook posting fraternity epitomised by this example.
Suffice to say I would not want to be an israeli here either.
Which may be what was intended?
Be interesting if the BBC Trending team pick it up, as they did with the petition they liked until it turned out badly for the narrative.
Dave666. Building barricades and nailing pieces of broken-up pallets in a cris-cross fashion against the windows of their Community Centre to protect themselves no doubt. Rationing the sausage inside; filling as many water containers as possible – Just in case. All looks grim. Many thanks to the BBC for keeping us informed of this developing story. “Over now to the Sports Desk for a full report on the results of today’s COBRA meeting at No. 10”.
Multi-millionaire, left-wing luvvie, Jamie Oliver has decided he may quit the UK
“But I beg you one thing Great Britain. Give me Boris f****** Johnson as our Prime Minister and I’m done”
Since when did the fat-tongued joker think we give a toss about his opinion?
third, big party when that wanker Oliver leaves. But , have any of the Luvvies who promised to leave gone yet ?
Not yet Grant,
They’re all still too busy earning as much money from “little England” as they possibly can.
What is so pathetic about the Luvvies is that they think most of us give a damn !
Dear Jamie, The door’s over there. Please don’t bang it on the way out as you will disturb our safe places. And leave your moped parked properly.
Please please please, can I be the first one to shove La Familie Beckham out of the door ?
Brissles, Wot, the door of Beckinham Palace?
El Sturgeon is in full flow again. Does that woman ever do any work ???? she clearly loves the sound of her own voice (we don’t, it grates) and must spend most of her day compiling speeches which go on and on and on and on – especially when the cameras are there.
The wobbly headed Garden Gnome
I expect that most visitors to this site already know that if London , which isn’t an English heartland anymore, id excluded from the poll then across England and Wales the vote was not a mere 51,9% for leave but a more substantial 55.2%. Worth using in discussion with rabid remainers.Mind you if Blair and Brown’s mass immigration policy had run for another few years before the Referendum took place then we could have expected a Remain vote. Lucky we had it in time thanks to Nigel.
Again there’s no link to support this, so therefore it must be made up !
Jamie Oliver’s decided he MAY quit Britain. What an attention seeker! A decision to may do something.
He won’t leave. His bread is buttered here.
But he MAY decide to take in some Syrian migrants, perhaps?
Which reminds me. How’s that Sir Bob Geldof getting on with the Syrian migrants in his house?
We need to set up Virtue Signallers Anonynous to offer help and counsel to those poor souls whose lives have been blighted by the remain vote. Head office in the BBC I suppose with branches in all major universities and arts offices.
In these difficult times we must extend our sympathy and help to those like Jamie Oliver. Like buying him a one way ticket to anywhere but here.
PWE as my old dad to used to call them . —— with ears if you have not heard it before.
Don’t luvvies realise that if, like them, you are part of the international super rich (socialist division), threatening to leave the country is meaningless because most of them have houses in different parts of the world anyway and aren’t tied to one place for work. It’s like me saying ‘if we leave the EU I shall move my desk from the sitting room into the back bedroom!’
And you can bet they are the biggest tax avoiders !
I have to convey my heartfelt sympathy for those Liebour MPs who have been intimidated by the Momentum left wing thugs of Jeremy Corbyn, and reported with much hand wringing by the BBC.
Strange that they don’t show the same sympathy when those same thugs decide to intimidate something the BBC lefties also don’t agree with!
Do they think these thugs just melt away into the air after intimidating Blairites? It certainly seems that way because never ever do they bother to report their antics when they’re facing the common enemy !
Shiver my timbers ! It would seem that Jeremy Hunt ( check spelling ) is considering standing for the Tory leadership. And thinks there should be a second referendum after exit terms have been agreed . Yes , Jeremy , clever boy, pat on the head. So if , after an agreement, the British vote to stay in, the EU will welcome us with open arms ?
Is Jeremy a :-
1. Wanker
2. Wanker
3. Wanker
And another option
4. Wanker
You decide !
Grant, you often make some excellent contributions. However, I got your point at Number 1. Not so sure that you needed to continue with the word afterwards. This site is better than that.
I do agree with your sentiments about Jeremy Hunt.
I accept your point. It is a fair one. And I do not usually resort to that level of abuse. I just felt that an eloquent critique if Jeremy Hunt would be a waste of time.
LOL ! I should have put it that way ! Or weigh !
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Hos Geldiniz , effendi ! I think you are the first Turkish poster on this site ! But, pray tell us what you think of BBC bias , lutfen ?
George Osborne rules himself out of leading the Tories.
Oh good-I feared that it was a real possibility , you BBC straws .
Believe that Herod has ruled himself out of becoming Director of Childrens Services -hop straight to the strapline to tell us so.
And Steve Mc Laren is said NOT- I repeat NOT-to be intereted in taking the England job as well.
Good old BBC eh?…believe anything but that 17.4 Million people wanted to leave Eurovision…quelle horreur!
After this terrible news about Georgie Porgie, I have lost the will to live !
My day gets better and better.
He’s been a part time Chancellor because he devoted so much time to his scheming to become PM, and now he gets his reward. Toast.