Looks like time for another of these as the BBC pushes hard for another referendum….we can expect many a lurid tale of apocalypse in the following weeks as the BBC tries to paint a picture of utter disaster and chaos ‘due to Brexit’ and the need for an emergency rethink in the interests of ‘peace and stability’. The floor is yours.
I find it amusing that the MSM are reporting Farage’s hostile reception in Brussels as if he’s been chastised in some way.
He obviously enjoyed every minute of it, he wouldn’t have gone otherwise. He has the hide of a rhinoceros.
Yes – all they’re concerned with is the fact that he received a few “boos”, rather than dwell on the quality of his brilliant speech – that doesn’t suit them, at all. They forget that WE know better. Marine le Pen did rather well, too.
Maria, I saw some of it now. He is right to enjoy it . When bad useless failures are baying for your blood , you know that you must be in the right ! Why should Nigel care, we have won and they have lost.
It’s a moot point that 5.30am on Friday will mark the centenary of the Somme. As the MEPs snigger and catcall, many might remember that the river valley is fertilized by the blood and bones of tens of thousands of British men, and that a prime reason for losing their lives was to take pressure off the French at Verdun who were on the point of collapse. Ironically they did just that, with mutiny thrown in for good measure, only the next year – while we were busy fertilizing Passchendale. Was the sacrifice worth it? Evidently not.
At least now the Irish are recognising the sacrifices of the Irish regiments. When I was growing up it was not done to pay respect to those who gave up their lives in WW1. I come from a Republican family and two of my grandparents were jailed for their part in the struggle for Irish freedom. A visit to the graveyards of Northern France changed my attitude. It’s strange that the bBBC seems to play down the sacrifices. I was honoured during a period in England to drink with some of the veterans. On Friday I will raise a glass in their memory. One old chap I use to drink with was blinded by the gas. He still used to beat me in shove ha’penny. It’s daft that after all the years of fighting for Irish freedom that it was turned over to the EU. Good for the Brits for voting Brexit!
Maria Brewin
Wonderful contrast – Camerloon told to leave the room like a naughty schoolboy and Farage regaining his form to put the EU lickspittles in their place. Obersturmbahnführer Schulz looked highly peeved. O joy! O rapture!
Ritual Nazi slurs from the Belgium nobodies who run the EU. Masterclass in anilinctus from a Scottish MEP.
Sky seem to give only edited versions of Farage’s speech, while the Scottish Foghorn is given the opportunity to drone on for hours – or so it seemed. Why are her outpourings of interest to English viewers or am I being jockophobic?
And we here see yet again why and how we voted for Nigel to take the EU apart, stone by f***in stone!
To the Beeb , this would be mortifying…he`ll be the first politico they`ve ever met who doesn`t give a damn about them…and every boo is another garland and sounds sweet as a nut to the REAL English people.
Nigel only requires love from the common people…and boy does he get that these days as he needs it.
Hope he raids all their booze cabinets before he goes and trashes his offices…England expects Nigel.
The back to some Bombadier Ale in Kent, Shepherds Neave maybe?
THEN his Smileys People will await his advice…
Meanwhile all the BBC loafers only get the twiglets tonight…and they`ll be booing Nigel too, if not mortifying him with some eggy body language.
Let`s hope Nigel turns his Spitfire around and lets the BBC use it as a gay disco shall we?
Be brave Nigel-the Oxbridge loafers, ponces and nonces are “wheely kwoss” with you!
A spectacular national jobbie in the wine lake?…oh Nigel…how could you!
PM on Radio 4 portrays Verhofstadt as a razor-sharp wit with his remark that Farage “was the biggest waste in the EU budget for 17 years”. Considering Farage has actually achieved something with his life and Verhofstadt is a fifth rate Belgium politician who has achieved nothing except enriching himself at British taxpayers’ expense, a moment’s thought reveals how ridiculous his remark was.
An increasing number of Lord/Sir Clipped-Tone-Resonant-Patrician-Voices high up in the Civil Service are also appearing on the BBC complaining that it will take decades to deal with EU legislation. I thought we were supposed to be almost unaffected by EU legislation.
That’s Newsbeat, of the BBC. I wonder what the first ‘B’ stands for?
Britain’s now a bit like having a slightly dodgy mate. Here’s what all that AAA credit rating talk actually means….
Get ’em while they are young…
But being a diamond geezer is as English as it gets.
George Cole IS and was England…and Nigels rakish look and charms are EXACTLY what we in England require!
As for dodgy mates?…Kinnock?…Mandelson?…Blair?….Huhne?…Blunkett?
Cheeky buggers-when the EU signs off on only ONE YEARS worth of accounts…there`ll be nineteen more to do,
S`pose the BBC say nothing about Thompson, Birt or their OWN raft of money spongies do they?
Ace Prime Ministerial advisor Andy Coulson, writing in yesterday’s Telegraph, made much of a rousing slogan coined by Boris which, he asserts, could have swung voters to go for Leave. He wrote: ” ‘Let’s make Thursday our Independence Day’ had it all, a touch of Hollywood that was truly memorable, a fact spotted by Ukip leader Nigel Farage, who shamelessly tried to claim it for himself in a victory speech”.
Mr Coulson is evidently unaware of what the I in UKIP stands for, illustrating perhaps that he had a better grasp of Rebekka’s knockers than modern politics.
Coulson?…isn`t he the Jeffrey Archer and Jonathan Aitken for this shower of Tory slimes time?
Yet the ex jailbird claims to give us some truths?
Chris Hunne and Vicky Pryce, Constance Briscoe?
Boy what a load of dung to muck out very soon…
What items exist from Entebbe hostage rescue? Perhaps the question is what doesn’t? Like who were the kidnappers and why did they do it?
Israel and Turkey end rift over Gaza flotilla killings
Now Turkey can send
armsaid to Gaza as they always could after inspection by the Israeli or Egyptian authorities. Actually more the Israelis. Egypt hasn’t let anything cross from its side for at least a year. Not that the BBC noticed.deegee,
Even an idiot like Erdogan must see that , if he wants to have stability in Turkey, he needs to get real with Israel. It has come through events in Turkey in the last 2 years ago. The problem with Erdogan is not just that he is Islamist, but he is uneducated and small-minded. And , when he is dealing with israelis, he feels inferior.
As educated Turks would say about him ” Ha ! He was born in Rize ! “. Well , I love that town ,but I know what they mean . Erdogan is typical of the Laz people , but he should never claim to be Turkish, whatever that means !
I could go on …..
PS, I noticed that Erdogan has apologised to Putin about the shooting down of the plane. Erdogan is a coward , just like all bullies . I would never want to tar all Laz people by him. He is not typical.
See, the EU has snagged its first lucrative scalp to save the planet.
Mind you, only after several decades and the Yanks did it for them.
How VW workers and shareholders may feel…
I see that the FTSE250 (the one that the BBC has suddenly become interested in) is currently up 546 points (3.65%)
They must be gutted.
And FT 100 2.64 %
So the BBC will highlight the 100 today or just keep their mouths shut !
Labour MPs pass Corbyn no-confidence motion is just about the most bland headline that the bBBC could find to report a 172-40 landslide. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-36647458
And fat racist Winnie Flabbott sounds like she has been sniffing coke again: “I think it is really sad that colleagues have chosen to stage this three-ring circus because they don’t want to have a leadership election because they are not certain of winning a leadership election. The way to resolve this is to have a leadership election.”
Was she talking out of her mouth or her arse? Difficult to tell the difference, I admit.
Lobbie, If you are interested to know, please contact Jeremy Corbyn, but don’t copy to me
Jeremy must stay-and I will join the Labour Party to ensure he does just that.
The useless Steptoe maybe voted to Leave you see-Tony Benns ghost may well have visited him in the care home.
But-like the Romans were said to make murderers carry their victims corpse around, being strapped to their backs?…so Labour and the BBC MUST take ownership of poor Jeremy!
He`s a real asset to us..and where else would the likes of Sarah Montague dare to thwart the dreams of all those young and passionate activists who sought a father figure , by trashing their very own Santa Claus.
I for one would HATE to see a load of lemming kids throwing themselves off the bonsai trees in the nations botanical gardens and yuni campus gardens…
No -why crush the idealism of the young-especially at THIS turbulent time?
Corbyn and the PLP/BBC and Media…all one big love-in surely…they deserve each other.
Curiously, when I go to click on the comments at the bottom of that page, the like disappears
Is it the same for everyone else?
With U.K. financial markets now recovering their share prices and Sterling values across the World, a peep into the U.K. Bond market is very revealing. Something you will not hear about (or very little) on YOUR BBC.
Government Bonds or more commonly known as Gilts, gives an investor a chance to invest for fixed terms up to 15 years, where a “dividend” is paid out every six months and repayment of the bond value is fully repaid at maturity and guaranteed by the government. The Bonds issued and interest rates given are at the behest of the U.K. Government and the Bonds issues are to raise cash to service our National Debt, which is something like 42 Billion (give or take) this year. Foreign investors of our “debt” is about a third, and these investors also include other governments, some of those being in the E.U. Up until last week, the Bond market was pretty slack with our George Osborne printing money like it had gone out of fashion, called quantitative easing. Each pound printed, effectively an I.O.U. Such as his economic plan is, he currently can’t print enough of these I.O.U.’s and the National Debt continues to increase, with George having no good idea of how to stop it. That was until the referendum. Now, I see that the trading volume of the Gilts is running very well indeed on long term 15 year Bonds. This means that investors are very keen to invest which shows that they have a great deal of confidence in that the U.K. standing alone is a very good and safe bet for 15 years.
Go GBR! F*uck Off BBC.
My post might be a bit misleading at £42 Billion as this is just for ONE YEAR. Our overall position is £1.4 TRILLION and rising…fast.
The BBC has never been able to tell the difference between the annual deficit and the national debt. They mix and match depending on whether the agenda is to attack the Tories management of the ecomony or to demand increased spending on today’s favoured cause.
In regard of Nigel Farage in the Rentokil and fumigation business today.
Just look at the Masters face as he sits down…is that a smirk and a shrug?…shall we call it smug!
reminded me of my dear departed father-in-law as he left us all arguing at the dinner table while he popped off to the shed.
Daily Mail and polo mints in hand should the grandkids call by at the bottom of his garden.
Oh what a joy to do the same in his name last Thursday…and so pleasing to see so many people quietly doing the same in their quiet but steely way!
Here`s the poem that Tony Benn used every year at Tolpuddle-the only Christian reference-but if he and Enoch aren`t laughing their heads off up there over endless teas and Werthers Originals-with Barbara, Peter and the other NO pioneers of the Left-then I`ll be very surprised.
It`s an old hymn I`m sure he said, and his mum told it to him regularly as he grew up.
Today-we saw the New Dan Dare in the lions den-well actually a bunch of neutered tom cats and puff adders who Nigel, Marine and Geert etc will be taking the brix to…good luck with finding their balls though , ny European Chums!
Nigel-a ball down but STILL twice the man that any of them could ever be!
Lions den?…just a mudslapping bitch fest by the sunlamps after jean Claude missed his cereal bowl with the schnapps.
Nigel has been tested for this fight…and Tony Benn and Enoch rain down the popcorn!
Interesting editing on the European Parliament. I watched it ‘live’, and Junker during his speech asked why Nigel was there as the UK had exited the EU. The news channels are now making it look like he says this AFTER Nigel’s speech, when in fact Nige had yet to get up and speak !!! Shades of the Queen stonking out of a photo shoot, when in fact she was just arriving ! God, these people twist this stuff for their own agenda, its beyond disgusting.
Whilst the BBC moves into Project Hysteria, Barry warns against hysteria.
I think Obama is aware of what our politicians are up to. The referendum result cannot be implemented and must be regarded as a temporary set back for the EU project.
Obama says a ‘pause button has been pressed on the project of European integration’.
So the “European Project” was just moving too fast, not that it was heading in a completely wrong direction.
See how the BBC handles this.
Can I just say how much I have enjoyed not bothering to watch Obama.
Yes – I share your joy Steve 🙂 Who cares what that moron ‘thinks’?