Boris has written a piece for the Telegraph [but he needs to be out on the stump making loud noises demanding action] in which he lays out his vision for the future. The BBC’s interpretation of what he said manages to miss out a lot that is inconvenient and selectively quotes parts, in part, and tries to give us the message that Boris is backing away from Brexit and is really carrying on pretty much as normal with the EU…..the title itself is misleading in its emphasis…
Johnson vows EU cooperation after referendum result
Kind of misleading that, suggesting a hand-in-hand approach with the ‘EU’, business as normal, as what Boris actually says, and the BBC later admits is this…
I cannot stress too much that Britain is part of Europe, and always will be. There will still be intense and intensifying European cooperation and partnership in a huge number of fields: the arts, the sciences, the universities, and on improving the environment. EU citizens living in this country will have their rights fully protected, and the same goes for British citizens living in the EU.
He’s definitely not offering up open borders, political and economic union and subjugation to the ECJ and ECHR.
The BBC tells us he said this…
The leading pro-Leave campaigner said exit supporters must accept the 52-48 result was “not entirely overwhelming”.
That gives the idea that maybe we won’t really get Brexit but just an adjustment of the rules maybe to placate the Remainers…but again that’s not really what Boris meant…
There were more than 16 million who wanted to remain. They are our neighbours, brothers and sisters who did what they passionately believe was right. In a democracy majorities may decide but everyone is of equal value. We who are part of this narrow majority must do everything we can to reassure the Remainers. We must reach out, we must heal, we must build bridges – because it is clear that some have feelings of dismay, and of loss, and confusion.
Reassurance…that’s all Boris offers not an under-the-counter ‘EU-lite’ deal for the poor old [or is that ‘young’?] Remainers.
He also tells us that their feelings of loss and confusion are the result of being misled by the Remain campaign…
I believe that this climate of apprehension is understandable, given what people were told during the campaign, but based on a profound misunderstanding about what has really taken place.
…Not see that in the BBC report.
The BBC does tell us this….the only change will be…hmmm…very small…
“The only change – and it will not come in any great rush – is that the UK will extricate itself from the EU’s extraordinary and opaque system of legislation: the vast and growing corpus of law enacted by a European Court of Justice from which there can be no appeal.”
But Boris says a whole lot more…why does the BBC miss out the important bit about immigration and the repatriation of the money we send to the EU?……They were after all two of the major planks of the Leave campaign…..
It goes without saying that we [The UK] are much better together in forging a new and better relationship with the EU – based on free trade and partnership, rather than a federal system.
The only change – and it will not come in any great rush – is that the UK will extricate itself from the EU’s extraordinary and opaque system of legislation: the vast and growing corpus of law enacted by a European Court of Justice from which there can be no appeal. This will bring not threats, but golden opportunities for this country – to pass laws and set taxes according to the needs of the UK.
Yes, the Government will be able to take back democratic control of immigration policy, with a balanced and humane points-based system to suit the needs of business and industry. Yes, there will be a substantial sum of money which we will no longer send to Brussels, but which could be used on priorities such as the NHS. Yes, we will be able to do free trade deals with the growth economies of the world in a way that is currently forbidden.
There is every cause for optimism; a Britain rebooted, reset, renewed and able to engage with the whole world.
The BBC massages Boris’ article to give us the misleading perception that he is backing out of Brexit and any major changes, especially to immigration. The BBC mischieviously trying to sow dissent, confusion and anger in the Brexit ranks? No, never!
While I certainly do not trust the BBC on this, I dont trust Boris either. He is not a fully commited Brexiter, just wants to be PM, and he is certainly VERY pro immigration. For this reason he is not the right person to lead the Conservatives , Gove or Teresa May would be a better bet.
Agree with you there Aerfen.
I have nothing against class or people bettering themselves but I don’t think the people are ready for another Eton / Bullingdon spiv at the moment.
I don’t want any sort of spiv, including Fettes, grammar school, or bog standard comprehensive.
I disagree about Theresa May.
So do I. Of those available I’d prefer Gove, but he seems to have ruled himself out entirely. Don’t know why.
Boris was a jolly super debater who beat Cameron, but can not be trusted on Brexit whatever he says. Teresa will fill the country up with bearded men who dine at Allan’s Snack Bar, and promise to get tough with the EU and immigration once a year at the party conference.
The next stage will have to be determined by pressure from the people. We are going to need a strong UKIP presence. They have managed to marginalise UKIP in the post referendum discussions but without them we will be effectively remaining forever.
There were some good other Brexiteers in both camps other than the usual suspects .
How about Priti Patel leading and Gisella Stuart heading the exit talks ?
I like the idea of Gisela arguing it out with Merkel in her own language.
That`s our Foreign Office there Nibor…be proud of both of them , one for the Commonwealth-and one for the most humane social benefits of European culture we can still rescue from the doomed EU disaster.
Inclined to agree with you on the Immigration issue, that is why he should not be Prime Minister-we need a strong passionate leader unafraid to tackle confrontation, whose background makes them compassionate of the problems we now face as a society, has had the experience of managing various ministerial positions, a person trusted by most as a sound supporter of Britain-for me that is David Davis-NO MP making a claim for the position of PM should be considered if they voted to Remain in the EU, that serves no good for the future &which would attract continued suspicion. BUT for goodness sake a desicion must be made BDQ. To hell with Scotland-wife is Scottish & is appauld with Nicola Sturgon’s traiterous remarks. Our Ancesters fought from Scotland, Wales, Ireland & England for the United Kingdom.
Whoever we end up with heading the Tory party they could still find themselves remaining in the EU.
Plans for renegotiation with the EU are a bit premature without the UK legislation in place that enables us to detach ourselves from the EU and subsequently trigger Article 50.
This still has to be voted on in a free vote in parliament.
It is going to be fascinating to see which MP’s defy their electorate and vote to block Brexit, as some undoubtedly will.
I hope all MPs will be clearly reminded by their local party chairs and agents of their respective parties de-selection procedures. It would be good if this were done by open letters so everyone knows where they stand.
Things could get very nasty if there is a concerted effort by MPs to defy the referendum results particularly in cases where the local leave vote in their constituency is even more decisive than the UK national result.
Democracy is predicated on the peoples will, as expressed through the ballot box, being enacted.
The campaign is over, the result is in. Now go to it MPs, represent the voters. LEAVE the EU.
Any who vote to block Brexit jazznick1 should be held up as traitors to the society they claim to represent. The vote was clear OUT-so live with it. Accoding to officials in Bussels they want Britain to get on with the exit, stop farting about, as they say this only creates further problems for us. Worried that Boris Johnson & Micheal Gove are a little too close into allowing immigration to continue albeit in smalle numbers of people-we should in fact close the borders for at least 2 years giving a chance for the authorities to asscertain who is legal who is not & whether they are European or not.
I just saw about 5 minutes of BBC breakfast about 15 minutes ago- the only question I saw asked was by the woman on the couch who asked a guest the critical question (well to her at least)… she said
“So if the UK does leave the EU, the questions is when?”
These people need to get their heads straight. Our relationship with the EU will never be the same again.
This article, which has been posted on Facebook is worth consideration
Raheem Kassam
20 hrs ·
Sorry I’ve been quiet recently. As you can imagine, I have been recovering and trying to figure out what happens next. I’m going to share my thoughts with you in the hope that we have a mini People’s Army on this page that will help make sure Brexit happens. I also hope you’ll rope your mates in.
I want your feedback on my thoughts below, please.
1) A BREXIT GOVERNMENT – The Cameroons are already signing up members to the Conservative Party in order to make sure someone like Nicky Morgan, Stephen Crabb, or Theresa May is the next Prime Minister. This is NOT a Brexit government. In my opinion the only person that can be trusted inside the Conservative Party at this stage is Dr. Liam Fox. He has proved he can and will work with UKIP and Farage and that’s what is important. WE CANNOT TRUST BORIS/CARSWELL/HANNAN on this topic. They are already refusing to tackle migration if they get in. Talks, as I warned BEFORE the referendum, now include the phrase “Associate EU membership”. This is NOT what we voted for. My question to you is: would you be willing to join the Conservative Party in order to swing a leadership election in Fox’s favour? If so, you should do it now. We only have a small window.
2) CUTTING FARAGE OUT – We cannot allow this to happen. I know Carswell is gathering his team in Westminster tomorrow to try and force Nigel out of UKIP leadership. Carswell will likely take a cabinet position in a BORIS government. For the reasons above, this cannot happen. I’m told that Paul Nuttall, Neil Hamilton, and Suzanne Evans are now on Team Carswell.
3) A GENERAL ELECTION – This is becoming more of a likelihood for around November and we have to be ready for it. That means making sure Farage is still leader of UKIP, making sure it has cash on hand, and making sure they TARGET seats this time rather than trying to fight 650 different areas. If you want me to run against Carswell, I will definitely consider it if we can fundraise enough.
4) SECOND REFERENDUMS/PETITIONS – I think more or less people realise that petition is a fraud. Yes, the petitions committee will debate it, but we need a show of force on our side too. We have long been the silent majority in this country but we cannot afford to be silent anymore. I know most of you have REAL jobs, and kids, and committments, but please keep your options open in case we need to march on Parliament and make our demands heard.
5) THIS GOVT MUST BE DISMISSED – I know it is a big shout, but I think Her Majesty must intervene and dismiss the current government. Look at what Phillip Hammond said this morning about Gibraltar. Effectively, “come and take it, we don’t care”. These people are NOT defenders of Britain. They are defenders of their corporate mates. And now they’re out of sorts with them and they’re lashing out against the public and against Britain. Write to Buckingham Palace. This is what the Queen exists for. We are approaching major constitutional crisis.
Your thoughts, please…
” Nicky Morgan, Stephen Crabb, or Theresa May is the next Prime ”
I’m assuming that’s a typo?
Nicky Morgan for pm?
Cant be serious
She thinks she would make a marvellous Prime Minister. Delusional!
This is what Carswell has written today in the Guardian:
Sadly, no comments are available to point out to him that the EU’s inability to deal with this influx has everything to do with Britain’s borders once they’re in the EU and that the refugee status and country of origin of most was, to say the least, questionable. It appears there may be an attempted Tory takeover of UKIP underway.
Where does Carswell think the inhabitants of the Calais Jungle come from? Tosser.
I must admit I’ve never been able to fathom what Carswell’s affinity to UKIP actually is. He spends all his time twittering on about “tone” and “nuance”. He does not seem to realise that Merkel’s decision to ignore the Schengen borders, has unleashed hundreds and hundreds of arson attacks against “refugee” accomodation centres in Germany. The EU uses a couple of props like the Euro, a parliament, a EU border to pretend to be a state and thinks if it pretends to be a state for long enough, it will eventually become one. But it can’t control the EU border and has to farm out the job to Turkey. A parliament is of no use without a demos that speaks the same language and so on.
I’m clearly not the only person disappointed with Carswell. If he loses his seat he will re-defect to the Tories.
Carswell has done nothing.
A Tory with a personal following who chooses to sit on his not-inconsiderable brains , as opposed to using them.
File under Willetts…one airbag disappointment.
Spot on, although I am not sure Willets is as bright as he is said to be.
Absolutely agree that those Brexiters who support the contineance of immigration on the scale we have had should not hold office of Prime Minister-Liam Fox good contender as well as David Davis.. Again I agree whoever the new Prime Minister is, he or she must be a Vote to Leave campaigner-dam conciet these other MP’s who voted Remain to think that they should be considered for PM -No they are not defenders of Britain, & course this Government should be dissmissed as soon as is convenient to the rules.
If legislation would bring back captial punishment Blair should be the first to hang-presume you have read what he said about another referendum!!! Lastly I agree with your thought of an approaching a constitutional crisis. In any event Britain needs very strong statesmanlike leadership.
It should be one from the Brexit camp such as David Davies, Duncan Smith, or Doctor Fox or several other cable articulate and committed politicians. David Davies used to be deputy PM some years back after nearly beating Cameron in a leadership contest. In hindsight he would have been a better choice, he was born in a council house, worked his way up the ladder, actually done a real jobs and is a good debater, with principles.
The Bbc is really to be pitied – as well as derided and mocked for its mismanagement of the whole reporting of the campaign and its aftermath. Alternatively it could make a name for itself and the country by backing what the PEOPLE have said – but it won’t, of course which is disgraceful. Who the hell do they think they are?
On the topic of a new government, I have three thoughts to throw into the mix.
Firstly, I liked Andrea Leadsom. I thought she performed extremely well in all the debates and whenever she was interviewed. I think she would be a calming influence in charge – and a woman to boot, not that that bothers me either way. We need the best person for the job, whatever their sex.
I wonder if it would be the right time to have an interim leader as the Conservatives did when Michael Howard was appointed unopposed for a short period.
And thirdly, because this is a defining moment for our country and calm heads are needed while trying to bring everyone else together, would it be worth considering a National Government until 2020? That could include people from other parties and allow Nigel Farage a place and sensible Labour folk – like Gisela Stuart and perhaps Hilary Benn? Casting a wide net could throw up an interesting mix of dedicated people whatever their politics, and all for the good of the country and the people.
Simply. If the Conservatives want to attract UKIP voters back to their fold they will need to select a brexiteer who was prominent during the campaign. That would include Boris who also attracts a following from the dark side. note how he won two out of two mayoral elections in Labour-dominated London. Other names, Angela Leadsom, Michael Gove, Liam Fox, Priti Patel, Ian Duncan Smith. If it’s someone like May we may be doomed to have a neo-Marxist Labour dictatorship with Corbyn and his brain-dead cronies.
Seeing the above, I missed David Davis.
Agree Demon-Angela Leadsom was excellent, but someone not mentioned who could be just right for Britian right now is David Davis-lots of government ministerial experience, from the same type of background as Gove, but not so heavy on continuing the present degrees of immigration and steely to guide us through this difficult time. Any MP minister or not that voted with the Remain camp should definitely not be considered for such a post as Prime Minister. Conceit at its greatest.
I agree Tarien. I realised I had forgotten Davis when I quickly put together my list. He would be high on my list. I hoped he was going to beat Cameron when they both went for the leadership. Cameron bullshitted his way into winning the vote. We see he has become an expert at lying.
Al ja beeba this morning, sent their sofa sleuths out… foment revolution among the pverty stricken yoof who can somehow afford Glasto….
The star turn was a young lad unable to vote due to his age, demanding votes for 14 to 17 yr olds….because;
” my nan just voted and she’ll be dead in a couple of years”
What a complete wanker…I wouldnt be surprised if ‘nan’ was funding his f…in lifestyel….ungrateful bastard.
Saw that
No representation without taxation
If you cant pay tax you cant vote
Sorry sonny
What an evil lot of shits these lefties are. Brainwashing the young to hate their parents/grandparents and for them to hope their grandparents die soon! Division is the standard leftist tactic. Originally it was the poor vs. the supposed rich (including those not much better off than the poor themselves). Then it was Scotland and Wales against England. Then the North of England against the South. City dwellers against countrysiders. Now it’s young against old. There are no words to describe the disgust I feel for the ugly depravity that is the BBC.
I saw that too, and I hope his poor old nan did. That’s you written out of the will, dickhead.
Attacking the old and manipulating the young is a classic totalitarian tactic.
Read Orwells Animal Farm, or any volume on the rise of the third reich and we can see that this tactic was used to suppress the voice of experience and harness youthful enthusiasm to the cause of societal fracture for political ends. The same tactic lay behind the 60s “counter culture” in the developed west.
It`s as despicable and damaging a tactic now as it was then.
Don’t forget Mao’s Red Guards. Many up the BBC and EU ladder were once Maoids.
Red Guards (simplified Chinese: 红卫兵; traditional Chinese: 紅衛兵; pinyin: Hóng Wèibīng) were a fanaticised student mass paramilitary social movement mobilized by Mao Zedong in 1966 and 1967, during the Cultural Revolution.[1] According to a Red Guard leader, the movement’s aims were as follows:
Chairman Mao has defined our future as an armed revolutionary youth organization…So if Chairman Mao is our Red-Commander-in-Chief and we are his Red soldiers, who can stop us? First we will make China red from inside out and then we will help the working people of other countries make the world red…And then the whole universe.[2]
Quite correct. The red guards even destroyed the buildings and furniture of past generations in the belief that doing so would creat a new Chinese spirit. Turning generations against each other is very dangerous indeed. It is guaranteed to backfire on those who allow it.
It has never really happened here apart from the 1960s counter culture which was limited in it’s extent and philosophy. It did lead to the current liberal insanity though.
This is not much to do with socialist thinking at all ( so to call it leftwing is incorrect) but a desire to elevate the wants and needs of the individual however formulated or bizarre to be the governing principle of a society.
The metropolitan liberal left is now fearful. Where does it stop this new spirit of conservative (small c) rebellion by the old English/Welsh people?
All those vast salaries and perks. All that sense of ‘we are entitled to it’ is in peril. Change is coming and I welcome it if it means the reassertion of reality and fair government for us all.
Against us is primarily the power of the money elite behind globalisation. Portrayed as inevitable it is nothing of the sort any more that Marxism. This elite has been shaken by the vote.
The self regarding liberal left in the arts and media are it’s useful idiots.
This is the start of a real struggle for us.
Gert Wilders is correct. This is a patriotic spring coming to Europe and sides must be taken. The BBC is probably ( to be charitable ) confused .
Reading Raheems thoughts (above).
I wasn’t sure who I wanted to be the next Conservative party leader.
Being UKIP I suppose my input may not be as important as proper Tory party members but as this will be for the next pm then I do have a part in this.
If Raheem wants Fox then that’s good enough for me.
We need to get this sorted sooner rather than later and I disagree with the delay, maybe until the end of the year, of starting the process with article 50. Get it in within a month.
I cannot understand why Nigel is being so badly treated by the likes of Carswell and co. For me, it is Nigel who got us here against all the odds. He deserves so much more.
As an aside, has any of you had abuse on your social media from the remainers?
I have lost 2 ‘friends’ on Facebook because I support UKIP and have just been called a selfish old git prior to being unfriended.
Had we happy breed lost the referendum, I don’t think we would have started unfriending on Facebook, but we leavers are above that aren’t we.
Finally, on bbc radio Newcastle this morning, callers were invited to have their say and for the first half hour until I turned off, everyone was supporting Brexit and rubbish in the call for another referendum (as per the Antarctic/Vatican City petition).
They also made the bbc hosts feel uncomfortable for continuously giving out a doom and gloom message. In the end, the hosts said they were playing devils advocate but I’ve often listened to this call in program and they have been consistently, both subtly or overtly, remainers. I suppose they have to if they want to keep their jobs.
Mr Goldstein – I personally haven’t lost any ‘friends’ on Facebook but I keep my posts fairly neutral, as I use social media mainly to promote my own business. However, I have seen some very nasty posts – eg, a man and his wife (Remainers) who publicly disowned a Leaver they had been friends with for years – a senior academic posting pictures of Hitler and ranting about nazis etc – two other academics urging people to lobby Parliament for a second referendum – a teacher posting a rant full of hatred against anyone who voted Leave for ‘destroying the future’.
Emmanuel please.
We’re all friends here.
Emmanuel, Well, almost all of us !
I totally Agree.
I am really getting concerned with slippage and the loss of momentum. I think that Cameron should resign immediately and a new leader be elected. The top 4 posts should go to Brexiters. I would suggest :
PM Liam Fox
Chancellor Michael Gove
Home Secretary David Davis
Foreign Secretary Boris
Of course there are many other able candidates.
After a short break, all concerned should work through the summer to prepare for exit. Some holidays may have to be cancelled but so what. They have to move as hard and fast as possible.
I cannot relax until an agreement has been reached and we have stopped making contributions to the EU. We have them on the run and must keep it that way. What do others think ?
Finally, Teresa May ? Is that a joke ?
Agree Grant- Cameron must act dam pronto as indeed those in Brussels want, delay will not help any of us.
Strange things happening in the skies over London just now.
Puppet strings are ascending from Tory HQ to the offices of the mega corporations, banks and global elites.
A good team. We must watch out for May. Obviously the favoured candidate of the elite and the money. She will be sold as a reasonable but patriotic voice. Nothing of the sort. She will sell us out.
DaveS, To say that May has been promoted above her ability is the understatement of the century. I have never seen the point of her.
Theresa May?
Theresa f…ing May?
Knew her way back when she was a Shadow Education nobody as Blunkett destroyed education all over this land.
Yes, she attended meetings and was personally inoffensive and listened to appeals to “do something”.#
Not that she wasn`t willing-but she not only couldn`t do anything-but she had no ideas on what might be done.
In short-useless, harmless and a bed blocker…do NOT let this woman near anything, except for an enquiry into how the toffs refused to let us call one of their boats Boaty McBoatface.
This was the start of overriding the popular will.
Speaking of which-I saw a Green Eco Peace boat in our local harbor called “The Sir David Attenborough”? Is that like forging copies of number plates? Is this allowed? Did Sir David sanction this? And if it sinks, is he liable for the insurance?
So many questions…set the BBC scum off on THAT looking glass non-story and let us get out off the EU pronto..then take the secatuers to the liberal bollocks, if we can find them.
> “Finally, Teresa May ? Is that a joke ?”
I certainly hope so. Teresa “Tough talking (but only at the party conference)” May will be Tonyblairing migrants in by the jungle load.
My fantasy cabinet:
Liam Fox: PM
Daniel Hannan: Chancellor
David Davis: Department for Business, Innovation & Skills
Ian Duncan Smith: Department for Work & Penguins (but with a ban on fist pumps & quiet man speeches)
Stephen Woolfe: Foreign Secretary
Nigel Farage: Home Secretary
Gisela Stuart: International Development
That is pretty good . Boris will not be happy, what a shame ! How about Michael Gove ? Maybe back to education ?
Grant – I just checked and so my surprise, apparently, I don’t have sufficient authority (or any) to select the next PM so Boris can breathe again. And perhaps I was being disingenuous leaving him out of the cabinet altogether. Andrea Leadsom and Priti Patel are also in my fantasy cabinet by the way. And I’m finding space for Digby Jones. There might be some consultancy roles for Lawson and Tebbit too.
With Boris I was thinking it might be safer to have him inside the tent than outside !
Yes, you’re right. Come on in Boris and take the weight off. But don’t interfere though – 37.5% of the people want the next government to control immigration so we don’t need any last minute dissenters.
I see Jeremy Hunt has an interesting formula too – a special kind of exit where we carry on paying in and we accept free movement of people. That’s a winner.
Boris Johnson. England manager.
Commented deleted.
In addition to selectivity, BBC ‘evolving the story’ can offer further hints as to their partiality and editorial integrity.
Today i have had two BBC ‘breaking news’ emails about 30′ apart:
Labour’s Watson tells Corbyn to quit
Deputy Labour leader Tom Watson tells Jeremy Corbyn to resign, after spate of UK shadow cabinet resignations
For more details, see the BBC News website
Watson tells Corbyn to expect challenge
Update: Labour’s deputy leader Tom Watson tells Jeremy Corbyn he has “no authority” and faces leadership challenge
For more details, see the BBC News website
That website with the ‘details’, is the same one.
And Watson’s demands seem arse backwards logically.
Did a higher up realise that Tom ‘Makesumnoiz’ Watson making demands, at least at this juncture, looked a bit, well… Merkelesque?
And the BBC crisis management team for Labour has moved in again.
I think that Michael Gove is not standing in the leadership contest but is supporting Boris. The plan would be for Boris as Prime Minister to appoint Gove in charge of Brexit, and to use the Bill Cash Plan for Brexit, which would not use Article 50 to leave the European Union.
Article 50 binds us hand and foot with rules on how a member state should leave, the second thing is the fact it requires the consent of the European Parliament. It operates by qualified majority voting, and actually it puts Britain at a very significant disadvantage. The Bill Cash plan has been around for months and involves legislation combined with parallel negotiations and a timetable that would end with the repeal of the European Communities Act (1972) with a date for independence given in the repeal legislation. You wont find those facts on the BBC until the end of the year.
Apparently the Czechs have called for the resignation of Juncker citing his intransigence as a prime reason for UK’s exit. It’s all too easy to view the EU as Germany and France with a handful of lucky North European disciples – and it’s certainly that mindset which proved a major Brexit catalyst – but not only are there the unlucky disciples we know of, there’s a powerful eastern bloc who, once invited in, seem to have been told what to do and think ever since. They may well not like this very much – but it’s unlikely that this fact will gain much space on Newsnight.
After their experience of the Soviet Union, no wonder they are unhappy !
Juncker knew that many Remain campaigners were saying that we should stay in the EU and improve it from the inside. So last Wednesday, the day before the referendum vote, Juncker insisted that the EU would not change and that Cameron’s ‘renegotiation’ deal was the best that Britain was ever going to get.
It was almost as if Juncker was deliberately trying to provoke Brexit.
Yet the Czechs, the Poles and the Hungarians all have great presidents, precedents and are very much our allies.
As Rumsfeld said-they are NEW Europe…and he will soon proved to be right-they will be the first countries(as well as all the other ex-Communits basket cases) we will do our new trade deals with.
Trump is right-the EU won`t be THERE when Scotland hopes to get its referendum.
Seems God is a good old boy Republican these days….a REAL American patriot.
With the massive Sterling cash remittances from their nationals in the UK what can you expect? Thats money not spent by Brits in the UK for the UK economy – what price the ‘benefits to the exchequer from the immigrants in tax?] tally up all the rest of the nationalities as a result of Free Movement and what do you get?
Beltane, I hope and pray that the Visegrad Treaty states can form an alliance and tell the EU to get stuffed.
I see that Lily Allen is getting grief for NOT bleating about the Brexit vote she didn`t want.
She`s basically going to keep on singing,bringing up kids and being a good sort…
Can now add “Smile” to the ipod of Good Eggs I`ve compiled…bit too much Wurzels and The Rubettes, but it`ll get better when I know!
She`s also got good ones called “LDN”, “The Fear”and” It`s Not Fair”…all worth a listen, and apt lyrics for out times.
“You messed up my mental health, I was quite unwell”
“At first,when I see you cry-well it makes me smile”
Couldn`t put it better myself Lily…and welcome to the future- f the dismal gothic johnnies who pester ya!
The BBC News has just shown me a tearful Eagle( which is which?) as her party is falling apart.
“This is obviously hurting you”…says John Pienarr.
And Penis previously refers to problems inside the “Labour Family”.
Could anyone imagine the Tories being referred to as such by a BBC reporter?…or any BBC correspondent fearing that some political issue might “hurt” the UKIP politician he`s interviewing?
Hope someone`s checking on all this-how DARE the BBC refer to the Labour family…unless they`re thinking Dutroux, Fritz or Fred and Rose…at least Clements kids aren`t such captives to evil as Labours Parliamentary party and the BBC who feed them.
Just been speaking to a civil servant……apparently some of the banks which had been threatening to move to Frankfurt have just discovered that bank salaries are around 65% of what they are in the uk
Think it might force a reconsideration
In these times, how about a story of hope.
This is a story to inspire you to reach for your dreams.
Many years ago I came a close 2nd in the Miss Brazil 1949 competition. Later that year I emigrated and was beset by a long period of bad luck.
I suffered years of drug and alcohol abuse and a series of eating disorders. I lost a leg and needed facial reconstruction surgery after a road traffic accident. Later, I suffered 90% burns in an unprovoked acid attack. Several of my teeth were knocked out and an eye gouged in a bitch fight outside a Chicken Cottage. The stress caused severe hair loss and facial warts. But I never stopped believing.
And then finally last week I was crowned Miss newcastle 2013
Guy Verhofstadt?
Anybody here notice that he`s never been seen at the same time as David Mellor?
As the lowlife new Guy for the Bonfire Of the Vanities rants on like Der Sturmer at the only Jew in the room-lets remember Mellors efforts to derail the Referendum.And Sir Jaes only GOT 1500 votes….imagine if he`d got 17 million?
Well he did Dimbly…he died so that WE might live-and YOU are still around you liberal dangleberry
Oh-Peter Snow….how the hell did JON Snow manage to get the reins…ah well, global warming up seems to be a reality!
Global Warning-London Calling…f OFF our Referendum result!
You`ll need to look in at 8 mins-David Evans?…forgotten about him! Good lad!
Certainly got Clarke and Heseltine figured even back then in 1997!
But let this run over into Pt 21…where David Mellor tells us that we`ve heard the end of the Referendum Party!
But we`ll not have heard the end of David Mellor…who can only be Guy Verhofstadt,,,but isn`t it funny that scum like Mellor get gigs on Classic FM and Radio 3? Telegraphs even?
Very revealing-Sir James railroading the Euro Currency at inception saved us all.
God bless you again Sir James.
Time to listen to Nigel now-when I left I`d never seen such evil abuse unlicensed-but what a load of suckups from Scotland and the so-called “Socialist around Europe”.
Nigel is the Firestarter and we are the Prodigy!…none of that Billy Joel bedwetting…thank GOD that Nigel always kept his matches and fags in his mac….17 Million are behind you Nigel-and you speak for our country!
But as for Guy, Jean Claude and the other Hermans ?…they HATE us unless we`re Airstrip One before their two hour hates!
Oh dear-they confused OUR airstrips with THEIR vajazzles and Brazilian waxes…need I say they`re a load of silly bunts?
Look at this!
David Mellor lookalike Guy Verhofstadt is accusing our Nigel of being a Nazi!
Yet who`s got the stiff arm that could never take the place of his limp dick!
Can you buy Hitler moustaches in the EU Lobby or is that only for Max Mosleys dressing up parties there?
Snap back wallop what a picture!
Bit early for Bucks Fizz-who surely would have been distraught to lose their Eurovision potential earnings by us leaving-but “Our Cameras Never Lie”.
Think it`s the BBCs/Guardians motto in Latin somewhere-maybe a logo for David Mellors Green Shirt in which he continues to shag the nation when he`s not Flemmed all over it….Clintons Cockrott I think is its medical term for it?
Verhofstadt is clearly, and has been for some time, certifiable.
Nige missed a trick though when VH (VD?) went on about Europe being the cradle of civilisation. Nige should have reminded him that Greece’s early start on democracy was much enhanced by England (not even the UK at the time) and that the EU diktatoriat has taken away even the last vestiges of Greece’s democracy.
As for ‘plucky little Belgium’, and G VD…fuck off! In paraphrasing the words of the fat Pole MEP(?) a few days ago, ‘don’t expect British pilots and Tommies to come to your aid again’!