‘Remain’ seem to have forgotten that the referendum has actually taken place and that they can stop campaigning..and the BBC can stop pushing their case for a second referendum…..but they won’t…..the floor is yours once again….
‘Remain’ seem to have forgotten that the referendum has actually taken place and that they can stop campaigning..and the BBC can stop pushing their case for a second referendum…..but they won’t…..the floor is yours once again….
Interesting to see what coverage our Broadcaster of National Unity gives to the fact that Juncker has refused to meet Sturgeon, saying that ‘now was not the right time’. It’s called politics, Krankie, you might have to get used to it.
I can’t say I blame him. When would be the right time to meet something like that?
Certainly not after you’d just eaten, that’s for sure.
I disagree . Junker Drunker and Miss Caviar are perfect for for a honeymoon on sula skeir . They can join the rest of the Gannets . No insult to Gannets intended .
Funny if Steven Crabbe becomes PM. (Before anyone else says it – it all sounds a bit fishy).
I quite like Mr.Crabbe. Perhaps he’s one of my relatives ……
As a £3 paid up member of the Labour party, I’m going to be required to cast my vote again…Obviously for the incompetent Trot, as Communists never resign….(LOL)
This is hilarious..
Will they rerun last years ballot now we know that there has got to be a 60% vote on a 75% turnout?
And there`ll be plenty of turnouts from the PLP morons when their activist chums come to their sandboxes on Friday in the constituency meetings.
Hope the Momentum nutters have taken their meds before then…too many funerals for MPs who fell on their letter openers would only give the impression that Jo Cox died in vain.
And that would never do.
If they get their mitts on the ballot boxes there will be a 160% vote on a 75% turnout .
I will also be joining soon, me thinks. How can anyone not want to take part ? It’s like watching a huge car crash, in ultra slo-mo hi-def thingy. Horribly fascinating. Thankyou Jeremy for making me want to connect with politics again ! Who will he be up against ? Miss Eagle ? Just when I thought it couldn’t, wouldn’t get any better….
Eagle…..ain’t she just a minger!
And a button presser. two boxes ticked. unless She identifies herself as “I is Black innit”.
Agreed best £3 I have evern spent. You can’t even buy a box set DVD of Fawlty Towers from a car boot sale for £3 and have so much fun. And as the pound is now nearly worthless if you listen to the media I might stretch to £6 and vote for the piss-soaked tramp twice. I only pray lame-brain Lammy and Abbopottomus stand too then Ill stretch to £9 break out the popcorn and sit back and watch.
I must alert you all to the existence of a 360 Degree petition to demonstrate support for Jezza. I urge you all to sign it, you know how seriously the BBC takes these petitions, far more meaningful than a mere Referendum. So pile in and show your unstinting support for good old Jezza.
Owen Paterson calls Jo Coburn out on BBC bias. Her question to him is less a question and more a short peroration. Then as soon as Jo twigs that Owen has got her number she starts talking over the top of him.
I’m glad JoCo inadvertingly gave Owen Patterson the opportunity to blast the BBC over this obvious biased stance they have taken over the past few days, which is indesirable for country as a whole i.e. more project fear this time around could only lead to a negative situation, when the country needs to be united.
She was obviously miffed at Patterson’s retort and it was a joy to watch. When is Andrew Neal due back?
I`d forgotten about the fine stalwart that is Owen Patterson.
Cameron stabbed him in the back much as he did to Gove-just as Gove wound up the teaching blobs, so Owen made sport of the greenies…especially in the floods, when he was grand!
So he must be Minister for Energy and Climate Change-and once he`s razed that to Piers Corbyns seaweed shelf…he`ll get a REAL job for this grateful nation.
Sometimes you forget how much crap these people were cowed and reduced under Cameron…time to fly my Pritis!
I think it is a shame that despite the aspirations and indeed hard work during the campaign of so many young people who wanted to stay in Europe, we are leaving because of the questionable decisions made by a bunch of pensioners.
Still, that’s football for you.
Love it 🙂 Borrowed it hope you don’t mind
Joke Of The Day Alex!
Sense though there`ll be plenty scope for yet more corkers over the coming days!
EU Referendum: Did the polls all get it wrong again?
Or should that read “did the bbc and the polls get it wrong again”? The bbc were trying to influence the vote right until the end with their brazen bias. Who the hell cared that Remain had 55% on the 14th of June? Polls are a snapshot of peoples intentions at the time and have a short sell-by date.
They are also a snapshot of the people they ask, and not the population as a whole.
Polls. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
Grumpy looks for Mr. Kellner over the kedgeree from his lovely wife to be sure. Still more time to spend with each other, eh?
Not sure which is the more idiotic, polls or petitions, but both seem to be some bizarre kind of work in the community project for inept statisticians and news editors (no qualifier required to avoid tautology).
I believe there possibly was a late shift to Remain, partly because of the shameless use of the death of Jo Cox by Remain and the broadcast media.
Unfortunately for Remain there appears to have been a very large postal vote (assuming my interpretation of the voting register I saw here when I voted was repeated nationwide) and many votes were already in before that unfortunate event.
Dear BBC
I know you’re upset about the referendum result, but it’s time to move on and be a bit more positive. There’s no point endlessly rehashing the same old rhetoric about the benefits of the EU and snide comments about people who don’t share your worldview. Giving succour to those who want to overturn the democratic mandate is not a Charter responsibility.
You gave it your best shot. You really did. Maybe even too good. I’m sure it seemed a great idea letting Eddie Izzard speak to the citizenry; his views resonate with a lot of people. The problem is they all work for the BBC.
And I know you want your Labour party back, but it’s time to let go and let another group of isolated bigots have a play. After all, it was theirs to begin with, and you have had it for 20 years.
In a way it’s a shame; if you’d let them go with their ideological roots and back Leave, it would have been a landslide rather than 52/48, and the country would be calling for a change of government. Oh well, I’m sure you thought you were doing the right thing.
So chin up, wipe that tear from your eye, put the kettle on and get on with making some cracking new shows to entertain the troops. I think perhaps a Dad’s Army for the 21st century might be just the thing!
Yours sympathetically.
Takes an Italian to lay out the FACTS :-
what a great video from a un BBC reporter from italy.
Good video General. But do you conclude that all of the valid points made in the video were running through the ‘Low-Brow’ uneducated Brexit voter’s mind before they voted on the 23rd?
‘ ” Low-Brow” uneducated’ applies equally to both sides of the debate. We were NOT given the facts by either side and certainly not by the BBC. I have asked many people who were adamant about staying in to explain their reasons and they did not have clue apart from trotting out the usual sound bites.
Which one of the 35 MPs who nominated Jeremy Corbyn would YOU like to see a statue of in Trafalgar Square?
Got to be some paste medal with an AIDS wristband that doubles as ribbon we could award to all Thirty Five Heroes of the British Nation…but I`d like one of them to personify the greatness and self sacrifice in pouring salt all over the rancid slug of a “political party” they professed to love.
Thank you to the UKIP Thirty Five who didn`t know that they were…or did they?
A novel to follow…my vote is for Margaret Beckett.
Not Jo Cox or Michael Meacher though….enough stiffs in there as it is!
Local BBC news East .
Hauliers fear increased costs and paperwork due to Brexit .
Now love or hate lorries , FairFuel UK did a survey where 75% wanted out , 15% wanted in , the rest undecided .
East Anglia has two main ports , Felixstowe , which trades with the whole world mainly in containers , and Harwich , which has ro ro and unaccompanied trailers .
Only ro ro will the hauliers/ drivers have to deal with customs paperwork if we revert to T forms or TIR carnets .
The vast majority , I reckon 96% , of Eastern England hauliers will not have to do any customs paperwork , unless we REGAIN our international market .
So the Beeb interviews one haulier EM Rogers of Northampton , who show a little concern .
When the majority can’t pay their television tax , then I’ll believe there’s a crisis .
Saw this nibor, the very same em rogers that had one of their drivers found guilty of smuggling immigrants last year and he was facing a £10,000 fine? I think. Still, em rogers have a pro e.u. female managing director, so its all good in bbbc land.
The BBC will be covering Jo Cox again next, no shame. (Or is she now filed in the ‘used’ folder).
Saint Jo’s Tell Mama (how to suck up to RoPers) Report is imminent.
She died for this, don’t you know.
Muslim women suffer from hate crimes.
Sshh . This does not apply to little girls raped by RoPer gangs – that would be divisive.
Benny’s Dick3 was touted as the Beeb’s GoT killer, and that was a stretch.
But this has promise, and I speak as one as a teen who relied on Glenda Jackson for his t&a action.
Clearly the sisterhood are entirely on board with the non-exploitative empowerment to it all. And some of the women.
And the Beeb’s PR Dept. will be going into overdrive selling the show’s… er… plot.
So long as the director handles it with sensitivity, and the role demands it, any young nubile unfortunate enough to stumble across a BBC caster not down the rainbow lounge may have to take one for the team.
I am an out and out Brexiteer, however I would like to uncover a few thoughts that have been of irritation.
Great, we are leaving the EU, we have control of our destiny, but what next?
Financially UK Ltd imports considerably more than it exports so we rely more on foreign investment to keep us afloat. If we have been the gateway of foreign investment to the Single Market. Will our trading position be lessened with our withdrawal from the EU?
Will foreign investment decline over a period of time if we cannot be a part of the Single Union? Will we be forced to accept the free movement of people from the EU as a condition of participation in the Single Market like Norway had to?
They- the EU -seem to have us by the ‘proverbials’ and there doesn’t seem much we can do about it.
One hope is that the EU disintegrates. How do we overcome this economic deficit?
I would be interested in other peoples comments on this matter, I think it hits the crux of the debate between Remain/Leave. Democracy or economic benefit. I chose Democracy. Whichever one is deemed as most important to people is how they must have voted in the referendum.
On a related point it seems to me, that Blair’s policies were interwoven with those of Cameron’s (Blair Lite). Economic benefits supposedly accruing from mass immigration. Both policies seemed planned yet neither party reflected this in their manifesto’s, intentionally I believe
I personally think their immigration policies were short sighted and short term in the benefits they provide to the country.
We don’t live on foreign investment. Investment means converting (money) capital into something tangible (buildings, machinery) with the hope that it will produce a profit that is returned to the investor (i.e. back to the foreigner).
A Japanese car maker might invest £1b in a factory in the UK but if £800M of that is Japanese robotics and German machine tools and £100M is German bricks and steel where is the gain for the UK?
Often these ‘investments’ include aid from the host government, who pat themselves on the back for providing work for ‘skilled’ employees. The foreign electronics industry was very good at that; new process, new factory, who will give us the biggest subsidy? Lots of local farm girls learn to wear white coats and press buttons. Newer process, closed factory, lots of local girls who know how to wear white coats and nothing else now on benefit. That’s the Scottish electronics industry described for you.
Wot about the remittances sent from the UK from immigrants? In a ‘normal’ economic situation, say an English worker, earns money in his/her country and is almost certainly likely to spend it in in the UK whether that be on a new car, washing machine, holiday or whatever. That scenario has a positive ‘cascade’ effect for UK businesses in general. The massive influx of immigrants from the third world, whether they like to call themselves ‘UK Citizens’ or not, send vast sums of money to their homelands, Nigeria being 3.88 Billion Dollars in 2011, Pakistan at 1.34 Billion Dollars, Poland 1.26 Billion Dollars. You get the picture. In 2011 (the last full figures available) 23.164 Billion Dollars was ‘exported’ from the UK in total. I have always doubted the unproven assertion (for me) that, ‘Immigrants on balance pay for themselves through the taxes they pay’. If the remittances are taken into account and that loss to UK businesses, I doubt very much whether the assertion would survive scrutiny. Never mind that HALF the population of Wandsworth Prison are foreigners – supported by the taxpayer.
Very well put G, couldn’t have done better myself-and how mnay of those foreign prisoners are followers of Islam? That’s where the next real problem to this nation and to Europe will come from.
Tarien, if they were not adherents to Islam when they went in, they surely will be on the way out. I wouldn’t mind if they were shipped out to their home country immediately on release but they’re not, they are released in the UK to go about their evil work.
There are a lot of questions that don’t yet have answers. It will depend on the terms negotiated as part of our exit. For example, it has always been assumed that access to the single market will have an absolute requirement to accept free movement of people. However, it has now been discovered that Lichtenstein has full access without free movement. They have an obligation to accept 72 EU nationals each year.
No doubt the EU negotiating position will be that access requires free movement, but that doesn’t mean we have to accept – if they want to continue exporting more to us than we export to them we could insist on different terms. Or we could roll over, play dead (supine or prone depending on who is the chief negotiator) and end up worse off than we are now.
With UKIP still in being we have a good chance of keeping the negotiations honest, or there will be 17+ million voters looking for a Brexit Party to vote for.
72? Lol that’s more like it!
I can put up with useful migrants (temporary or looking to stay long term) as long they pay their way – ie no benefits for at least 5 years. Useful migrants being – fluent in English, able to assimilate, non-Muslim.
It does not mean Romanian beggars, Somalis with their brood of kids (always mysteriously shopping away like crazy despite the fact 90 odd % are and always will be on welfare) Nigerian shysters, Albanian thugs or stupid left-wing anarchist Euro kids from Spain or Italy. We can get our own lazy bastards to serve us a Costa coffee thank you very much
I would prefer the democratic and societal benefit of being out of the EU to the (imagined) economic benefits of staying in it.
If the UK wishes to maintain any sort of peaceful civilized society and welfare state, it should restrict the numbers of immigrants coming in, particularly from Muslim countries and the Third World, and concentrate on the poor and disadvantaged already here. If Merkel’s condition for access to the single EU market is free movement of people, then the UK must refuse, otherwise the door is open to mass immigration from both true ethnic Europeans and anyone else who has come legally or illegally and gets hold of an EU passport. 333,000 of net immigration (the official figure) each year, cannot be sustained for ever and it’s worth paying a lot of money to stop it and save in the long run.
While some immigration may bring benefits, the potential cost of too much is massive: general loss of social cohesion and trust, breakdown of the NHS, overcrowded classrooms, pressure on rented and purchased accommodation, dangerous roads; increased expense on prisons, police, security services, insurance claims, translation and interpreting costs, social work budget, etc. The EU and Merkel must not be allowed to dictate to the UK that it must follow their suicidal path towards Balkanization and chaos.
I agree with you wronged that the OUT team should now get a grip and elect the new Prime Minister from amongst their number NOT from the Remain camp, god what signal would that give to the EU? The leave lot must ASAP lay out their plans for immideiate future, delay causes desention in the ranks-they must also recognise that the Money War Lords are watching carefully to ensure that their goal of Global Financial Control continues, and in their sights is to encourage more immigrants especially from Muslim countries as they know they will create instability as they have no allegiance to Britain or to any Christian country only to Islam. From my information from some wjo work closely in the financial sector advise some caution but still are of the opinion that business is business no matter who is in charge, but even then the financial markets do not want complacentcy they want to feel that there is a plan to move forward even a plan that may alter with time, this will settle matters. Britain must get OUT of the EU and ASAP.
And the award to the person who did most to achieve the Brexit vote is.
Cue music to drag it out Strictly Come Dancing style.
Anthony Charles Lynton Blair.
Why you may ask?
Well giving away 40% of Margaret Thatcher’s rebate would have reduced fairly substantially the nett figure of £10bn annually we pay to the EU, and that he did not prevent the East Europeans, when 9 countries joined in 2004, to access our jobs market immediately on accession like Germany and many others did.
Perhaps he needs to receive a signed testimonial thanking him for his efforts.
I think he should have his testimonials removed. With a blunt knife.
From the Leader of the Labour Party? (whoever that will be………….)
Of course, like all sane Brexiters, I completely condemn any unpleasant remarks made to foreigners and minorities, the gormless graffiti on the walls of a Polish club and any other moronic form of abuse that has happened in the last few days. Nothing whatsoever excuses it; such behaviour is totally wrong.
However, let’s try to get things into perspective, shall we? I would like to ask where were all these outraged MP”s and Leftie media types when working class white girls were being groomed, abused and gang raped? I don’t recall seeing a tear stained Harriet Harman haranguing us about those horrific crimes. Indeed the police, social services and the media all turned a blind eye to the whole sinful escapade and it took the BBC a bloody decade to acknowledge the damned thing was going on at all; and then very reluctantly.
What a small idiotic minority have said to a few people is deeply unpleasant and very rude indeed.
But, far as I know, nobody has been groomed and gang raped. No young girl has been threatened with being covered in petrol and set fire to.
Where were you then Harriet?
I myself would hold fire until I knew where UAF/Hope Not Hate/Tell Mama…and even “disaffected” Combat 18/SWP types-were throughout all incidents. Don`t trust the media not to whip this one up so that we can rerun a Nuremburg Trial for the Leftys guilty men like Boris, Nigel and all…
They`ve form on this…the Nazis started their Polish invasion with such a tactic at Gleiwitz.
My sentiments too.
Agree Jeff and then London puts a Muslim Mayor in place! Incomprehensible in respect to what has been done in the name of Islam-but with over 1.5 million Muslims living in London it was almost a forgone conclusion. In my estimation it will send all the wrong signals to the EU if the British MP’s vote in a Remain Camp Prime Minitser- that would frankly make me feel that my vote for OUT was of no importance-The EU cannot continue in its present state as a dictatorship which in trying to control 530 odd million people it has become-it would be of no surprise to see othe nations in the EU go for a Referendum and I am sure that some will have majority for OUT. Of course this is why all the haste-nevertheless the OUT camp Policticians must get their act together and provide a future plan to calm the markets and show a strong hand-yes we need a strong leader with political experience across various ministerial posts such as David Davis certainly not as yet Boris Johnson and certainly not Mrs May.
Forgive me if i`m wrong but didn`t Cameron promise an EU Referendum BEFORE the Scottish one took place in Sept 2014?
So why the hell didn`t the SNP wait until the 2015 election result before sprinting from the traps-only to run into the parked cars of the Tories , and get their faces flattened?
Far as I`m concerned, they gambled and lost-and they need to give us their clear plan on how to drop sterling and take up the Euro…when can we expect that Sturgeon you toxic blowhard?
So until then-only if the SNP agree to buy the BBC in bottles of Irn Bru and Tannock cakes( they don`t have much money of their own, poor sods?) will we give the SNP any leeway-am sick of hearing about them, and her.
“The people of Scotland will be heard “eh Nicola?
All I`ve heard thus far is YOU and your Pyongyang goonies
‘… they need to give us their clear plan on how to drop sterling and take up the Euro…when can we expect that Sturgeon you toxic blowhard?’
Excellent point, Chris. Whilst the BBC mocks the Brexit camp for having no plan, they blithely give Crankie all the credibility she craves by failing to challenge her spin that Scotland could simply up sticks and join Europe as an independent country.
Has Jo Cox’s funeral taken place yet?
No, they’ve stuffed her in a freezer in case there’s a second referendum.
Brilliant, Maria B! Oh, I’ve just discovered its true….
“No, they’ve stuffed her in a freezer in case there’s a second referendum.”
Have to admit I’m a bit shocked/taken aback by this… I read in the Grauniad that the body was released to the family four days ago… Not sure what the usual notice period is to gather extended family etc, arrange things with the police, Labour Bigwigs et al, but wouldn’t the grieving family want to give her a proper send-off and start to move on with their grief as soon as practically possible?
As if we didn’t need any further grounds for being suspicious…
You might expect the Labour leader and shadow cabinet would attend the funeral, but that might be a bit hard to arrange at present.
Would not surprise me if the funeral were next Wednesday – Chilcot Day!
Jo who?
it’s a “kinder politics” generated by the venerable Comrade Corbyn after he usurped power via the SWP and as we can see presently, has no intention of giving it up.
Anyone who carries a poster worded like that in the presence of young children is truly despicable.
There was me thinking that remainers were all gentle, soft lovable people… Oh hang on…
I’ve saved that image. I’m going to keep it as a reminder.
How low must they stoop-43 yrs of the EU and its dictates and subjugation tactits across every nation leaves us with a mindless load of individuals that are of absolutely of no use to this society.
Tarien, someone on this site I think put it much better than I ever could – ‘The EU is their “safe space”‘.
The EU stands for everything that a certain type of over-privileged, under-informed British person loves: statism, groupthink, conformity (under the guise of diversity), mediocrity, risk aversion, protectionism, all sugared with a sort of wooly, vague ‘niceness’, a syrupy coating to hide the rancid taste of things like the Greek crisis, the migrant crisis, the Jungle, the Cologne attacks, and on and on and on.
This phenomenon pre-dates the EU – George Orwell wrote about it in his essay ‘Inside the Whale’ in the 1940s.
Is that a child holding that placard? Quite disgraceful parents of today!
Maybe they are doing it for Jo?
That photo looks photoshopped to me !
Theres definately a crisis out there Nobor – but is with our state broadcaster – The British Betrayal Corporation, not with the economy. The BBC are no longer acting like a broadcaster but are acting more like a political party relentlessly pushing the message that we are definitely going into a major recession and we are all racists.
What I cannot understand is why they are acting this way now the referendum has been done and dusted it all I can think is
1 They are softening us up for some major Euro fudge and the economy will be the justification – something like ” we need the single market for our economy but to do so we will have to keep our borders open”.
2 Preparing us for some more ” anti hate ” legislation or maybe encouraging parliament to ignore the result as voting to restrict immigration has released “dark forces” into society. So to restrict the “right wing backlash” we must stay in the EU as this proves that we still like foreigners.
3. A new referendum to get the “right” result
They are currently turning themselves inside out trying to talk us into recession. A self fulfilling phrophesy if ever I heard one. It is also interesting that Boris and Jeremy dont call me a Hunt appear to be backpeddling on the immigration and article 50. In particular with Hunt the ex Charterhouse School Head Boy now talking about a second “democratic endorsement”
I think this all shows how much contempt these arseholes value the democratic process. They consider that democracy is a game they can fiddle with to get the result they want.
Interesting scenario
We have an ex public schoolboy PM giving us a referendum about the EU.
We then have him and his mate both lying and exaggerating to scare us into voting the way they want
When we give them the wrong result – Instead of immediately starting the withdrawal procedure they play for time.
We have BBC busily talking down the economy and harranging us about making the wrong decision even though the vote was less than a week ago.
Another public schoolboy wants to lead the Tory party but no longer seems as interested in controlling migration.
And yet another public schoolboy thinks we should have another referendum as he didnt like the first result.
What scum. Looks like the ruling classes have a plan. Why am I not surprised.
On the brighter side I am very hopefull about Andrea Leavsom heard her on the wimmins hectoring hour today, very impressive despite being outnumbered, haranged, spoken over and cut off in mid flow. She certainly appears to be a woman of integrity. Lets hope she throws her hat into the ring for the Tory leadership because integrity seems to be in very short supply at the moment.
As a parting thought I am wandering maybe Lord Hall or BBC political editor Norman Smith should put in for the Labour leadership. At least they would no longer have to pretend that they are unbiased.
Oh I think you’ve identified the Remains plan very accurately. I also think this plan has been in place for awhile in case they lost the Referendum. Think of all the lies and cheating during the Referendum. Does anyone think they will just stop now????
The ruling elite has suffered a setback not a defeat. In their terms it is nothing that cannot be put right. If that means a new vote then this is what will happen. There was never any intention of allowing us to leave. We leave the EU collapses. It is obvious.
Somehow or other we will be bamboozled into thinking a second vote is truly democratic and necessary.
I admit surprise that we won and feared that things would soon be reversed. Boris is not to be trusted. Never was and never will be. As for Hunt he is just what he was always going to be.
The BBc/guardianistas do not like us the indigenous working and lower middle class. They actually think we are rubbish and worthless . Everything we like they don’t and listening to them pretending to like football is about as pathetic as it gets.
They killed our grammar schools to keep us down and when one of our bright children shows promise they soon induct him into their ways. They run everything always have and for nearly a thousand years they have shat on us. Killed us in vast numbers in their stupid wars and grabbed as much loot and wealth off us as they could. Just look at those who supported remain. Fat greedy bastards in profusion.
I said to one wavering if Goldman Sachs are in favour then no civilised person should be.
Tom Paine would have been on our side and so would Cobbett and G.K.Chesterton and Kipling. They knew what sort of people we really are and how cruelly treated and badly led we have been.
Very soon is the 100th anniversary of the Somme.
My family has names on war memorials in this land as do so many of us. It is necessary to keep faith and to make sure that this time we actually get to win and to decide the future of England ourselves. Whatever the cost to us as a people and individually.
Great post DS.
I could not agree more with your point about the great malignance which is Goldman Sachs; anything which it favours: should be opposed.
It’s amazing the range of folk who have been employed by or involved with it over the years: Mark Carney; Peter Sutherland etc etc; even Ted Cruz’s wife FFS!
The Hon. Malcolm Turnbull, PM of Australia, who forced Tony Abbott out, is another one to add to the list.
Really Al Shubtill, I am deeply shocked to learn this.
Yes agree Dave S-the EU is already well down the road into collapse mode-having worked and lived in Europe and from the many friends made, most now appear to see no future in the EU as it now stands. You cannot as they and I agree, control over 500 million people in 28 very differing nations without becoming a dictatorship, and that is the reason it will fail. Western civilisation has worked hard for a 1000 yrs to bring about a reasonable democratic European Society, and the wiff of subjugation and enslavement does not sit well with any of us, so it is quite possible that other nations will follow Britain/Brexit. Only thing now is that Britain has a future Prime Minister chosen from the OUT campaign only-one from the Remain camp would sent a message to the EU we don’t want, which as you say would be a delight to them to charge us with a second vote or some such dam nonsence.
Dave S,
I am not sure they can hold back the tide now. I think everything will crash around their ears. At least I hope so. The thought of being told what to do by these incompetent , dishonest scumbags appalls me. Maybe I am being naive.
You sound little different from the whiners who claim that everything is “Whitey’s fault”.
Try Dignitas.
If the BBC’s plan to stoke up a recession comes to fruition I hope new PM makes some savage cuts as we could no longer afford to subsidise a Communist organization. Being such an organization, “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs” they wont mind all their properties being taken and used to house the homeless and unemployed caused by their actions.
Love it- The British Betrayal Corporation. Says it all, thank you.
I’ll go for 1 & 3 Oaknash with a preference for 1. Despite Dave, “No if’s no but’s” Cameron’s previous claim that, in the light of a ‘Leave’ vote it would require an immediate application under Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty, here we are, not sure when or will be (or ever) submitted.
Definitely No1 G. The Moron and Aunty still banging on about the European Single Market, as if we have all agreed that we must stay in it.
I am afraid that I and many others (when we voted for brexit) were all under the misapprehension that access to the single market was likely to be lost anyway. However most of us were willing to sacrifice this for the chance of regaining our sovereignty and controlling immigration and economy.
Having failed in the referendum what these politicos are trying to do is get the result (ie remain) by subterfuge by trying to convince people that we all think it is essential we stay in the single market.
For once in my life I find myself agreeing with the Euro crook Junker.
Out means out!
I’m Sorry I Haven’t A Clue is a programme where the old masters of comedy and satire go to die. It occurred to me the other day that Mornington Crescent is a brilliant parody of modern political dialogue.
The contestants can make any point that they like as long as it is constrained within the tube map of politics. The winner is the one who calls out ‘Mornington Crescent’, (think ‘racist’, ‘bigot’, ‘xenophobe’ etc.), at which point the ‘dialogue’ stops.
Joking apart I did hear Paul Mason, read what the likes of John Pilger says as well as heard a few rentagob lefties on the BBC in a Leeds protest and such.
They are crap and wrong-unelectable and unloveable-which suits me fine. But they are right about Corbyn in their own logic-little of which extends to real life but is absolutely correct in Lefty terms.
Corbyn was elected with those £3 payroll votes of theirs…a thumping majority of the sandbags and chippy weirdos wanted him..and an election is an election.
Won fair and square..in fact, the parallels with OUR Leave vote are striking.
They voted for Corbyn-but not really once the elect have translated if for us all.
Ditto our Leave Vote-we voted for it…but not really.
So-oddly enough-I`m with Corbyn…and if he honestly WOULD stick to Benns maxims…then he could stuff the Tories.
Wish I could set up a market for those £3 shares in LabourF…ed.plc.
If I could do a Soros, I`d buy them all back from those who want to sell those £3 memberships…and make Milibands, Hodges, Mandelsond, Kinnocks and Blairs pay £30 to get them back, so they could return the party to the happy days of Gordon Brown in 2007/8.Bet they miss all that now!
I’m sure plenty on this site will be saving up their £3 in order to support Jezza (again) in any leadership election.
The best £3 any of us can possibly spend.
Absolutely appalling biased interview with it has to be said a rather attractive Bulgarian female MEP politician on bbbc news channel at about 2030 hrs.
It consisted of some bbbc supposed interviewer lobbing easy balls to her, along the lines of the referendum was all about immigration, the campaigning was unethical etc. Disgusting bordering on traiterous anti British propaganda.
No one has said anything about discrimination against existing Eu citizens in the uk yet the disgusting bbbc is fomenting discord and trying to instill fear in them in order no doubt to paint brexiters as extremists. The plod should investigate them for incitement.
Wot about starting a Government Petition (sorry, another ‘Petition’) for an immediate investigation into the political aspirations of the BBC?
This is an interesting take on Brexit.
Just watching Jon Snows” Channel 4 News”.
Synthesised mass breakouts of racial hate after we dared to vote Leave…the bloke that Snow is counselling had Nigel Farage playing on a telly screen behind him…wow, forgotten that one from my Psychology module in “Manufactured Consent”-one of Chomskys as I recall.
Here comes a “spontaneous Remain” demonstration that just happens to “cascade” into the College Green area just behind Snows shoulder-and by the time Matt Frei takes over he says that it`s so loud that Snows microphone won`t work.
So that`s twenty minutes of public broadcasting on mainstream telly…we can expect massed ranks of kimono clad ladies now weeping in Pyongyang Square as the Dear Leader is under threat…that would have to be Juncker today, but it`ll possibly be Tim Farron or David Lammy tomorrow.
Utterly stunned at the naked North Korean idiot lantern tactics of Channel 4…guess these are desperate days, so we`re back to 1967 in terms of subtlety.
“Come to the Aid Of The Party”….as I write they`re chanting someting like “Ho Chi Minh” I`d say…Hitler Youth, Red Guards and Komonsol…come one, come all and Jon Snow will amplify your screeches so Schulz will smile down on you all.
Never seen anything like this in the UK-guess I`ll just have to get used to it….but why?
i think they`re trying to dig into their McLuhan,Packard and Bergers…but it`s naked and frightening that they feel that they can do this.
Are there ANY limits we can expect of Goebbels Gollums?…and do the people who voted last week know what may be coming down the track-Nigel said that we won the battle and not the war…but this war is capable of turning very nasty if the autosuggestions of the Nazi left are so forged and made visible.
Bet Eurovision are involving themselves at this stage….
I think it’s called mob rule, Chris, with the BBC as cheerleaders.
Democracy in this country is on life support. It’s touch and go….
Sorry if it’s already been mentioned but a clearly misleading headline
Jeremy Hunt suggests second EU referendum
He is referring to a referendum on terms of EU withdrawal, but we aren’t supposed to think that (I think!)
Yesterday the Czechs, today the Poles calling for EU resignations over Brexit. Unlike our noble BBC and the rest, they can apportion blame where it is due, not simply with the winners.
And that chancer Branson is now saying the 30,000 jobs he had lined up won’t happen because we voted the wrong way – as if!
Watched news and Newsnight. Several MEPs and PMs interviewed, sadly neither a Czech nor a Pole. Can’t think why.
Watched vituperative Dutch MEP make Nazi comparisons with Farage’s poster, voice over failed to mention level of dissatisfaction with EU within Holland, nor level of calls for referendum. Can’t think why.
Watched Austrian MEP dribble with rage at Brexit, without mentioning massive anti-immigration movement within Austria, nor rigged election to prevent Nationalist head of state. Can’t think why…..
PS Branson jobs 3,000 not 30,000 – probably because he thought 30k was stretching it a bit, 3k is believable. Sort of.
Sums it up brilliantly. Excellent stuff, Beltane.
BBC washing machine on full spin, belching suds. Then they take the Emperor’s newly-washed clothes out and peg out with Tweets saying that Brexiters have lied and repeatedly misrepresented the facts about the EU.
Over on his Virgin set up your own business he’s upbeat .
LOL Beltane that’s a good one! Why didn’t Branstons go the whole way and say ‘I was going to give all my employees a million pound bonus this Christmas but unfortunately I can’t now because of Brexit.’ ?
He might even have said he was planning to pay some tax in the UK, but that would have been completely unbelieveable.
Wot another 30,000 Polish, Romanians, Bulgarians (and whoever I may have missed out) The Dustbin of the World awaits you!
The Obama administration has urged the UK and EU to adopt a “sensible” approach to their forthcoming divorce proceedings, while calling on both sides to avoid seeking revenge in response to Britain’s vote to leave the EU.
“It is absolutely essential that we stay focused on how, in this transitional period, nobody looses their head, nobody goes off half-cocked, people don’t start ginning up scatterbrained or revengeful premises,” John Kerry, US secretary of state, said on a visit to Brussels.
Obviously the Americans think there’s a possibility of some in Europe doing something silly.
In the gun hating Obama administration is a politician allowed to use a phrase like “goes off half-cocked,”?
Or perhaps in the post Bill Clinton Democratic Party it now has a different meaning.
The fact that I’m agreeing with them makes me suspicious.
Just finished listening to “one day in Entebbe” on Radio 4 about the rescue of hostages from the Palestinian and German far left terrorists who had hijacked the aircraft they were passengers in.
Surely the BBC couldn’t F**k up the telling of this story in a special programme to commemorate the event near its 40th anniversary on July 4th.
First some moving accounts of hostages experiences, the role of Idi Amin, the selection of Jews and Israelis and release of the other hostages, then Benjamin Netanyahus account of the loss of his brother Yoni, who commanded the raid.
Then extraordinarily we went into an interview with Leila Khaled….now a terrorist granny with pictures of “people Israelis would call terrorists on her wall” relevance? The presenter Jonathan Freedland thought she could explain what was going on in the “militants minds”.
Then an interview of Tom Segev an Israeli post modern historian who spent the 1970s as a newspaper journalist in west Germany describing how Benjamin Netanyahu had “used” his brothers death to develop a reputation as “an expert in terrorism by exploiting his brothers death”.
For the record, Benjamin Netanyahu, the current Prime Minister of Israel, spent his 1960s and 70s serving with distinction in counter terrorist and conventional operations whilst he was serving in the IDF, including a hostage rescue on Sabena flight 571.
A journalist or an ex counter terrorist soldier from an elite commando unit….who’d be the expert in counter terrorism?
The BBC is just a joke, it never fails to let its various biases show. A national disgrace.
Sickening. They go to such extremes to find “balance” they end up falling over. Now why can’t they go to some extremes to understand why so many voted Leave?!?
Sorry, Mike, but they’re not trying to find ‘balance’ at all, just looking for any opportunity to twist and distort history to promote their far left agenda.
Thanks Johnny – and couldn’t agree more. My tongue was firmly in my cheek.
Cheers Mike – I did wonder!
Did they mention Dora Bloch? She was a 75 year old hostage who had been taken ill and was transferred from the airport to a hospital, and so wasn’t rescued. She was then murdered on Amin’s orders.
No RJ the BBC did not mention the murder of Dora Bloch.
Why would they? She was British after all.
To correct the above, she was British-Israeli, two national groups of people the BBC has biases against.
BBC editorial integrity again. Not room for everything, especially a small detail like that.
Maybe she muttered something provocative that only a BBC moppet could hear?
Possibly timings too. They had responsibility, in the interests of “balance” to fit in Segevs egregious attempt at character assassination of Benjamin Netanyahu (by omission of facts), the terrorist hijacker Leila Khaleds sympathetic handling and Max Hastings and the presenter Freedman wringing their hands about how their views on the Israeli military had changed over 40 years.
All that’s far more important than the murder in cold blood of an old British Jewish lady, on the orders of an African Muslim convert acting in sympathy with a joint Palestininan- far left terrorist group.
African Muslims, Palestinians and the far left are the BBC s chosen ones, aren’t they?
Just took the dog out for a walk on a summer evening it is the 28th day of June and half way round wished I’d put on a scarf and gloves. The heating has come on all by itself , can the BBC wheel out Harribin to tell us about Global Warming. Noticed today the BBC weather maps now shade fiery orange for burning hot at 20 degrees.Oh dear BBC another load of bollocks you have force fed us for years is wrong . What exactly are you right about?
Its down 11 Deg C according to my weather station . While Al Beeb now tells us that ‘there is no sign of a heat wave’.
But don’t you love the theatrics of the weather broadcaster? I’m sure the BBC shove all of them through one of the actor’s training colleges as a prerequisite to appearing on the ‘small screen’. Wot, more “Organised rain”: ‘Organised’? who organises it? Maybe the BBC has subtly disclosed their religious inclinations. When I had thought it was Islam.
I note that Turkey has imposed a news blackout at this current juncture….
May I be first to state, that it will have nothing to do with Islam, no matter what has gone on..
Ah twenty five dead so far….Nothing to do with Islam..
Brexit campaigners attack istanbul airport
Well,you know…..bbc…..bullshit…..they wish
More violence incited by Donald Trump and Nigel Farage.
Bit of shameless self-indulgence on my part but also posted in honour of the great Roger Daltrey. Wait for the film at about 5:30 and enjoy.
I suspect most of today’s yoof won’t have the attention span required to listen to a song this long.
Let’s petition the government to honour their referendum pledge and implement Brexit without delay.
I need five signatures to get it started – after that, how about we go for say 4m (real) signatures?
Click this link to sign the petition – and please spread it far and wide.
My petition:
Start Brexit and invoke Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty without delay
“If the British people vote to leave there is only one way to bring that about – and
that is to trigger Article 50 of the Treaties and begin the process of exit. And the
British people would rightly expect that to start straight away.”
David Cameron, Feb 22, 2016.
You seem to be assuming that Cameron use of “straight away” bears some relationship to that used in the English language. “Straight” especially will cause considerable difficulty.
“You seem to be assuming that Cameron use of “straight away” bears some relationship to that used in the English language. “Straight” especially will cause considerable difficulty.”
LOL. I have to admit that any faith in Cameron’s promises would be somewhat touching, to say the least. As bent as a nine bob note, as people used to say. All strictly in my humble opinion, of course.
It’s Osborne, but it might as well be Cameron…
It says they are checking out your petition , try again in a few days .
Yes – thanks Nibor – bit annoying that 🙁
(It would be helpful if they’d warn you in advance on the website, wouldn’t it?!? Beyond the wit of government, apparently…)
Please hang fire before trying to sign or sharing the link – I’ll repost when I get the all clear from the petition checkers.
Could somebody give me a legitimate reason which suggests that Boris Johnson is a ‘liar’?
Boris has been a staunch Eurosceptic since the 1980s, and has written plenty of articles for the Telegraph which proves this. Go ahead and look at his reaction to Obama’s “Back of the queue” intervention. If you people cannot get behind Boris, the victorious leave campaigner, then I am afraid you will be stuck with Theresa May; she will not run the country in the interests of the majority that voted to leave the EU last Thursday. Boris is also an Atlanticist, and has written books heavily praising Churchillian characteristics which proposes the reinforcing of the relations between the Anglosphere countries like Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United States. He has repeatedly stated that the European bloc always created chaos and economic decline when centralisation closes up the rigidity of its political structure. Boris Johnson must be elected PM; he is the only chance we have of greater unification of the nation under a pro-Brexit cabinet.
I’m just trying to be optimistic, I really am struggling to believe this conspiracy theory that he is a careerist ‘Etonian’ – who cares about his education? He was in a club when he was in University, so what? That doesn’t change where he is right now, and I certainly don’t think he anticipated becoming Prime Minister just so he could anally rape a post-Brexit country up the Euro tunnel.
I’m not so sure May is the only alternative to Boris. She seems to be popular on Conservative Home but that’s it as far as I can see. Is our wonderful media feeding this as a straight Boris v Theresa fight?
If it’s a choice between Boris and Theresa the choice has to be Boris. But, many of his comments while London Mayor suggest that he’s not serious about reducing immigration and he was very close to the large banks who funded Remain. I’m not clear on his minimum terms for the negotiations. There is a suspicion that he will settle for some form of associate status where the ECJ and ECHR still have powers over us.
Well there’s Priti Patell , Owen Patterson and numerous others .
If a million Brits had gone to work in Poland and displaced Polish citizens from work by accepting lower wages, what would the Polish reaction have been?
And the BBC is having an orgy of indignation as regards several incidents of ‘racism against Poles’ with no injury or loss of life.
The Brits are too accommodating, some people say. There are as yet unconfirmed reports that the Brits are the most tolerant people in the world. It is a fact that Britain is the most diverse country in Europe and perhaps the world.
Note to BBC. Do back off, please.
Oh that’s easy – that’d be ethnic cleansing.
Not BBC, I know, but the MSN news service that you get when you log out of Outlook / Hotmail, is featuring complaints of racism by a certain Jamelia, a Manchester Evening News report of a racist incident on a tram plus various anti-Farage and anti-Brexit stories. MSN is almost as bad as the BBC, except it is free.
Thank you to all who signed, so quickly too!
Now it’s got the required 5 signatures there’s a pause – they just sent me an email:
5 people have supported your petition so far. We’re checking your petition to make
sure it meets the petition standards. If it does, we’ll publish it. This usually
takes a week or less.
Please hold fire before sending out the link (and sorry if you already did!)
I’ll post again when it’s good to go.
Hi Mike.
Know I`m one of your five.
And-being a blind supporter of this website and its “guests”….I can`t honestly remember what it was about.
Now THAT`S the kind of loyalty to the “leader” and “solidarity” that you can expect in anything you do.
Looking at Five Star in Italy, reading back on Pim Fortuyns List in the light of the likes of Jeremy Hunt and Theresa May being the “nice peoples” pantomine horse….remember Sir Anthony Meyer?…well , dupe though he was he was acuaally a stalk and not a straw…all candidates except the one who Nigel has top of his Rolodex can gather at his feet in the Lords…or Batley and Spen which I hope has a castle or somthing posh nearby!
Or they can fuck off-Crabb, Javid, Osborne, May,,,and all the rest -ESPECIALLY Jeremy Cunt…Naughties but nice!
So Tom( In Reggie Perrin mode here!_…let us know what you want when the balloon goes up!
Letwin is talking behind the scenes-who wants his secretarys email…she `s one of us!
Join the labour party now
Make sure Corbyn stays ‘leader’
Hilarious stuff
PS. I just checked the link and the petition is still live, but I suspect it may go inactive at some point while they check it… I think I remember a different petition which got posted here which people tried to sign but it got into that limbo state where it couldn’t be signed, so I think it’s probably wise to wait until I get the confirmation. Does anyone have any experience of this from starting their own petition? If so I’d be grateful for some input.
BBC Online News:
“”Brexit ‘most important moment since Berlin Wall’ – Marine Le Pen
Posted at 17:36″”
“”France’s National Front leader Marine Le Pen has called the UK’s Brexit vote “the most important moment since the fall of the Berlin Wall”.
“”Speaking to BBC Newsnight, the far-right leader said her party has been given a boost by the result””.
“”Ms Le Pen – one of the contenders for the French presidency in 2017 – said she would call a referendum if elected.””
“”A number of other far-right leaders in Europe say they would like to hold their own referendums on EU membership.””
So, by BBC Political Logic, only the far-Right sought BREXIT.
The Left BBC exposing without fear their own Left prejudice against BREXIT.
Great news for Remainians as a huge helium gas field is found in Tanzania.
Now they will be able fill their lungs with it and take their whining to an even higher pitch.
Final post on this for now, confirm the petition is “on hold” pending checking – will repost when active.
“We’re checking this petition
5 people have already supported David Landy’s petition.
We need to check it meets the petition standards before we publish it.
Please try again in a few days.”
10pm news and three Muslim women and the terrible time they are having being Muslim in this country. How long will I wait for the BBC to have three Jewish women being interviewed about the terrible time they having living in a Muslim area such as Wembley.
A young man, new to the capital, has been alarmed by questioning by Muslims around Charing Cross, demanding to know if he is ex-army. Story for the BBC? Somehow I don’t think so.
Oh wait, I just flicked over to the DM and discovered that Jeremy Corbyn has been ousted as Labour leader. What?!? How could I possibly have missed this moment
umous event? Oh yes, that’s right, I was trying to get my news from the front page of the BBC, obviously this wasn’t something they wanted to publicise, was it: “Labour in turmoil” is how they sum it up. Turmoil?!? Talk about understatement. How about “Corbyn deposed” or words to that effect? Not as if they liked him, or had any pro-Corbyn agenda now, was it?Not BBC related (except in its targets), a good piece by Julie Birchall in the Spectator. Not sure what side she was on though…
That’s a great article obc; thanks for linking it.
Excellent article – thanks for the link!
“The pathetic petulance which has come from the Remnants in the face of this victory stems from the fact that many of those who prided themselves on being progressive were, actually, differently-styled parts of the Establishment all along. We have finally called them out on this – as well as on being cowards, and conservatives – and, of course, as right royal ponces.”
Methinks Owen Jones as a fine example!
Out of mild curiosity to know what the out and out so-called liberals (as opposed to the closet BBC liberals) are thinking one oftentimes turns to Channel 4 News
First thought is poor old cycling Jon Snow (as opposed to his younger better looking but equaly fantatistical Game of Thrones namesake) he is getting a bit long in the tooth for this student politics malarkey
Euro-journo and battle ready pro-Euro warrior Arbeit Matt Frei is busy in Brussels attempting to batter down our brave Sir Nigel Farage with the morning euro-star double-spiked weapon of choice: incidents of hate attacks and Nigel’s alleged rudeness to the serried mass ranks of the flower of euro MEP chisel-ry (who by the way barracked Farage with boos and hisses before he had so much as opened his mouth for mutiple simultaneous translation).
Frei isn’t too bright. His interview technique is to ask each question three time having ignored his interviewee’s replies. You see this isn’t about Nigel’s answers to questions, it’s all about Frei broadcasting loud repeated accusations.
Former BBC man Paraic O’Brien is also here so as to berate we English for our nastiness to foreigners and immigrants. I was left a little unclear whether Nigel Farage was directly to blame, or whether this was inherent and UKIP had stirred it up or whether the Brexit vote had justified all these horrible racialist acts, or, or, or…. anyway I certainly got the message that Jon, Matt and Paraic plus anyone Scottish or those who love the EU (that’s all Scots apparently) must be far and away much better people than I could ever aspire to be. Must be some of that great Jo Cox magic saintliness has rubbed off on all Remainers.
I thought Channel 4 News had a special mandate to represent those not otherwise represented? Oh, I just realised what we did wrong – we showed ourselves to be in the majority and not a minority.
I still can’t get over the liberal leftists sudden concern for markets and bank shares and the level of the Pound – something tells me there won’t be a lot of free trade sentiment in the next Labour manifesto. See if they all worry about the markets then.
Come now. Paralytic O’Brien has to be a racial stereotype, not a real person.
Britain is so damned racist that he got a job here. Were there no vacancies at RTE?
Experiment time: Please click the link below to a story entitled “Market pressure eases after Brexit rout”. Let’s see if we can move it onto the “most popular” list and get more people to read it.
Is there a word for trying to influence media in this way? It’s a bit like spamming a search engine… avoiding clicking stories you hate, and clicking on ones you want people to read. If enough of us do it, it might have some effect.
And the powers that be in the beeb will eventually take note of which stories get the most attention… which what they feed off, after all…
They are very aware of which stories are trending and which are at the top of the lists. It’s been noted before how they used to switch the default top story lists between ‘Most Shared’ and ‘Most Read’ depending what stories were top of which list.
Funny story – I used to work for an large Internet retailer which sold books (not difficult to guess who) and early in they used to feature the top ten best selling books on the front page of the site with special prominence for the bestselling. For a very brief time, possibly because someone was playing a practical joke by promoting it, the bestselling book was ‘A Hand In The Bush’ (for reasons of politeness I won’t supply the rest of the title). The policy was dropped fairly rapidly afterwards.
Rufus, just looked it up. LOL! Thanks for a good chuckle, hard to come by these days…
I won’t fly Virgin again.
Branson has confirmed himself as a rich two-faced hippy. Richard ol’ chap, 1968 has been and gone. It’s sooo last century!
I doubt if my brother will either. Just returned from California on a Virgin flight, and lost one of his bags !!!
I wonder how badly they’ve been affected by excessive EU migration from eastern Europe on Necker Island?
Excellent comment!
Multi-billionaire who owns private island and his own spaceship complains about losing some of his fortune because of a democratic decision by the British people. Oh Sir Richard, how my heart bleeds for you!
I can take/or leave Corbyn, but the Labour party still don’t get it ! It wouldn’t have made an ounce of difference who the leader was at the time of this referendum or what they said to get their supporters to vote Remain. So to vilify Corbyn and blame him (in part) for the decision to Leave is so short sighted. Just because the PLP wanted to stay in, why do they think that all their supporters should follow suit ? The leader of any political party is not God, and Joe Public do not hang on their every word or obey them, so it beggars belief and an arrogance on their part that they expected their voters to do as they say, and were in disbelief that any Labour voter would vote for Leave. People voted as a result of their daily experience – housing estates springing up without any added infrastructure, 14 days to see their GP, schools where too many languages are spoken, – and yes these issues are as a result of directives from the EU. So even if Corbyn had been more passionate about his commitment to Remain and beat his drum from Day 1, I think the result would have been the same.
If only he’d had the courage of his convictions and been passionate about Leave. He’d be on the winning side and be seen as the voice of the angry, white working class. He’d be unassailable and the Blairites would be neutered.
If only.
The only problem with that argument RJ is that Corbyn’s reasons for voting Leave are not the same as those of the core white; working class Labour voter. He has an anti-capitalist view of the European Union and that is the reason he wishes to get out of it.
It was Corbs who appeared on the Marr Show and shared his view that there should be no limit on immigration to the U.K.
I’m not sure that many in Sunderland or Barnsley agreed with him on that; as Farage correctly (yet again) predicted: immigration would be what decided the result of the referendum.
I’m not sure; but we could be witnessing the End of Days in terms of Labour as a serious contender for government.
Both good posts RJ and Al S.
(pssssst I DO wish that Corbyn would get that overhanging bush cut from outside his house – its annoying the hell out of me, and he’s actually having to duck to get past it now !)
Perhaps the overhanging bush reminds him of Diane Abbott. Happy memories, eh?
Brissles, he can’t cut it back. Its raining now so I am sure one of the Parliamentary ex Front Bench would have warned him not to use any electrical trimmer in the rain………………….
Newsshite “expert” Evans seems desspondent now that the FTSE100 is improving. No mention of FTSE250. Slightly devalued pound may be “a good thing”. Now currency, stocks and shares are “not the real economy”. Some other source of armaggedon must be flailed around for. Now it’s companies leaving the “sinking ship” for the Promised Euroland, Tomorrow, to put the wind up pensioners, it will be negative annuity rates. The day after the alignment of the planets has been disrupted by Brexit, only a second referendum can restore the harmony of the Universe.
‘Patrician’ Lord Heseltine’s hair seems to owe much to the Ena Sharples school of coiffure. But at least, it was his hair that was noticeable. What he said was simply venomous, spiteful and utterly illogical bullshit.
He is no patrician even in inverted commas. A discredited and arrogant failed politican whose very existence makes the entire politcal class contemptible.
The Tory party is full of these. Just start a list and put his name at the top.
Yes Dave, it’s another thing to hold against the EU, those wretched Italians keeping the bastard alive when properly divine intervention should have ensured he pegged it in Venice – just after he’d got his first major stab at Maggie’s back if I remember correctly. Probably still plotting while wired up to all those heart monitors. Bastard.
Beltane – Yes, illogical seems to be the operative word (if I heard him right) He was suggesting that Boris should immediately start dicussing Brexit terms with the EU before anyone is installed as the new PM and before article 50 is triggered. This then could be either put to the Commons to debate and vote on or to another referendum.
It seems he has’nt been listening to Jon Claude Junker and Co. who have quite plainly stated that there will be no negotiations until article 50 is triggered.
Or does he know something that we don’t?
Cameron now gets the message . Nowt on Al Beeb as far as I can see …………………
Hi taff,
What I am about to say is largely conjecture on my part but it is what I believe.
David Cameron (and others with necessary clearance) will have access to social data that which will be at “eyes only” level of use and highly encrypted when sent over electronic channels. This data I believe will be telling them that the country is a pressure cooker with social forces that WILL blow at some point in the not too distant future with catastrophic consequences which will not only affect the most vulnerable.
When it is all said and done I still continue to believe that Cameron retains a deep affection (“love” if you like) for Great Britain and can see that even if he is an unwilling agent of necessary change, change it will still have to be.
For my part, my opposition to the EU experiment has evolved from being a former card carrying member of the EUSSR to the position I now hold. This opposition has emerged pretty largely due to a the rank authoritarianism that is now woven into the very fabric of the EU administration and complete disdain for democratic norms.
With this in mind and ref my earlier comments I truly have a deep fear that the social explosion might now be too late to prevent and although I am a bit of a stuck record on this I have to stress that this is not in any way advocacy for the explosion but prophesy.
I am bemused now why the “remain” crowd can’t see it? But then again, to be perfectly fair, I myself would not have seen it 10-15 years ago and would have very comfortably aligned myself to the ideology that we here see all to easily by such organs of the state like the BBC. I have a sense that the elites running the BBC are actually perfectly aware of what I write here but as amoral hardened cynics who only seek a different power structure they just don’t care.
That’s just the way it is and they will have to be dealt with when times require it.
It would be too much to hope that the institutional structures who/that filter websites like these for keywords would allow comments (yes, like mine) to filter to the eyes of the likes of Cameron but in the final accounting they certainly won’t be able to claim ignorance of the forces I fear are at work currently.
Sorry for the “rant”.
Al Beeb and Liebour still haven’t got the message. They are blaming Corbyn’s feeble attempt to keep the UK in Europe, when he probably knew full well that many, many Liebour voters were not happy with the status quo and its stance on immigration. They had moved over to UKIP.
Liebour are still not listening and like the Limpdems, condemning themselves into oblivion.
The remain mob were too confident that they were gonna win… Got news for all you deluded remainiacs… We won. We won. We won. What part of the democratic Vote to Leave the European Union don’t you twisted turds understand eh? STFU already. It’s finished.