‘Remain’ seem to have forgotten that the referendum has actually taken place and that they can stop campaigning..and the BBC can stop pushing their case for a second referendum…..but they won’t…..the floor is yours once again….
‘Remain’ seem to have forgotten that the referendum has actually taken place and that they can stop campaigning..and the BBC can stop pushing their case for a second referendum…..but they won’t…..the floor is yours once again….
Hi taff,
What I am about to say is largely conjecture on my part but it is what I believe.
David Cameron (and others with necessary clearance) will have access to social data that which will be at “eyes only” level of use and highly encrypted when sent over electronic channels. This data I believe will be telling them that the country is a pressure cooker with social forces that WILL blow at some point in the not too distant future with catastrophic consequences which will not only affect the most vulnerable.
When it is all said and done I still continue to believe that Cameron retains a deep affection (“love” if you like) for Great Britain and can see that even if he is an unwilling agent of necessary change, change it will still have to be.
For my part, my opposition to the EU experiment has evolved from being a former card carrying member of the EUSSR to the position I now hold. This opposition has emerged pretty largely due to a the rank authoritarianism that is now woven into the very fabric of the EU administration and complete disdain for democratic norms.
With this in mind and ref my earlier comments I truly have a deep fear that the social explosion might now be too late to prevent and although I am a bit of a stuck record on this I have to stress that this is not in any way advocacy for the explosion but prophesy.
I am bemused now why the “remain” crowd can’t see it? But then again, to be perfectly fair, I myself would not have seen it 10-15 years ago and would have very comfortably aligned myself to the ideology that we here see all to easily by such organs of the state like the BBC. I have a sense that the elites running the BBC are actually perfectly aware of what I write here but as amoral hardened cynics who only seek a different power structure they just don’t care.
That’s just the way it is and they will have to be dealt with when times require it.
It would be too much to hope that the institutional structures who/that filter websites like these for keywords would allow comments (yes, like mine) to filter to the eyes of the likes of Cameron but in the final accounting they certainly won’t be able to claim ignorance of the forces I fear are at work currently.
Sorry for the “rant”.
Hi boohanna.
Call that a “rant”?
This is cogent stuff for 2am…OUR rants here( me among them, but we know our other patriots who blast to hell over what`s going on)(-are rarely as good as this.
Like you I seem to have seen things at pretty “high levels”…and though I don`t see the stuff I used to, I still pick up plenty at work and in “less formal settings”…if you DON`T know how to “march through the institutions” in your slippers by now,then CND, SWP, The Deep Greens, 38 degrees-all of who I seem to have had “some contact with” have taught me nothing.
And-like the rest of meerkats who sniff the wind( my God, it`s been bad these last few months eh?) here-the collective , the beehive seems to be getting teeth and growing into something seismic( mixed metaphors?…well, it`s not English I`m teaching today!).
But “Be of good cheer” as He says!
1. Labour, Football and the like are all wonderfully conflated and parallel parked by the liberal traitors as they try to break into them to commandeer them in turn…enjoy the laughs, and popcorn needs to be at the “Reddy”
2. My argument today for the remainiac nasties i`m going to meet who don`t know what I`m up to ?
IT“S GRAND THAT WE DIDN`T STAY…THE E.U DESERVES ONLY A ONE SPEED EUROPE WITH FULL FISCAL SOVERIGNTY-AND EVEN WHEN JEREMY TRIUMPHS(that`s your litmus test-if they want him out, you can blast them to hell for being anti-young, anti democratic fat fascists who Momentum and the Cybernauts will be wanting to know about!!! and my “young and pashunite” friends all over twitter and F/B etc will now be linked to you!)-JEREMY, JOHN AND SEAMUS(they`ll like that last one!) WOULD NOT YET WANT TO FULLY SIGN UP TO THE EU ANYWAY_not when Podemos and Syriza haven`t come through for us yet!
3. Meanwhile-watch Jeremy Cunt and Theresa May, Stephen Crabb and the other seersuckers of the Heseltine School…oh and if you see a crisis in England due to our having to play Slovakia in the qualifiers in September, remember these Wombles and Wobblies of the liberal nomenklatura have had no need to think or listen, observe or care for 44 years now(Heath impaled us in 1972)…so they are the blancmanges, sponges, Eton Messes, corked vinegar that thinks its wine, and trifling trifles like Matt Frei last night.
Our stalwart AISI saw what I saw on Channel 4 News last nigh too-worth a read above.
Costello`a Third LP was called “Armed Forces”-now I knew him a bit back in 81/2 when I was with his company(F-BEAT)-and its original title was meant to have been “Emotional Fascism”.
The track listing tells you all we need…before we “Get Happy”-there may well be some “Trust” to create, to test and to build…for “Strict Time” is coming and the C…s4Hunt.com mob are on the wrong LP….”Working For The Clampdown” is their choice, not ours.
“Passion Is No Ordinary Word”…and here`s Greenshirt by Mr C!
Both versions.
This is LIVE-my era. Take to to the Greek as Russell Brand urged!
This is the studio version….
Re all the above…anybody want to link up re “Olivers Army”
The RiddlerX
Will now reclaim the word c….for Jeremy Hunts types….well, niggas and queers came back didn`t they…and Hunt the C is far worse-besides-the BBc calls him so!
Mr H – for a teacher, you’re quite an education! I wish any of my lot had been exposed to someone of your ilk: they might not have had to spend quite so much of their adult lives recovering from school.
Ta Mr Beaker-Bunsen Honeydew here!
This is Distance Learning as well-and I`m proud to say most of my kinds ask ME what I`m on, re drugs?
Mere porridge and being high on life in these joyous times(albeit with traps and terrors to come….but that`s why it`s great to have The Wingman by my side with maps etc)
The kids know that “Islam is Coming”…and “Whatever the question?…the answers Jesus!”.
The I tell them why the rotor blades on a helicopter are attached to the body by the Jesus Nut!
My proudest moment in teaching?…stopping Chris Woodhead(OFSTED) from being allowed into the local Young Mothers Unit for a Labour…a NEW LABOUR…Council in 1999!
OFSTED and me are never allowed to meet-they inspect?…and I`m back to Jobclub!
Ta for the encouragement-may yet need you for a reference?
“Lesson today if I`m in the right classes?…”Would You Rather Be Liked…or Right”?
Trump, Coulter off the table for now-that`s done!
But Nigel and Marine Le Stylo from yesterday?…well, THERE`S a lesson that OFSTED and the Unions/SMT may want me to teach-I feel it in my fingers….
Reckon the Swedish Chef will need some new recipes now eh?
Gurdy Gurdy Beef Mort Mort Mort(GGBMMM) -but the kids call me Kenwood!…
I’m sorry boohanna, but I don’t share the rose tinted vision of Cameron which you paint.
He’s described euphemistically as a ‘pragmatist’ but in real terms expediency is his stock in trade. A man who will blow with every populist opinion, whilst having no firm thoughts of his own.
He moved the Tory party to the centre left, hence the Labour party moving to the far left under Corbyn.
He has watched Blair & several US presidents abandon their countries interest to chase the petro dollars bribing Western politicians to promote Wahabist Islam. This is why you are seeing the pressure cooker.
Cameron has never demonstrated any particular love for this country – nor did Blair, Major did and the Fascists ridiculed him for it.
Your experience of the EU is largely similar to mine. I lived through the ERM and black Thursday, and clearly remember the promises made to us & the dire warnings, none of which came to pass. Now I think even the maddest Fib Dem would oppose membership of the Euro.
The credit ratings agency Moodys predicted the break up of the entire EU, largely as a consequence of Merkels intransigence over free movement and open borders migration.
The biggest threat to the EU that I see now, is not from outside, but from within, and it is Angela Merkel who is behaving as if she actually wants to destroy the European project.
I very largely agree Thoughtful and could even shift my view based on your own interpretation of Cameron. I hadn’t considered him from that angle before.
Yes, it is rather curious isn’t it that Merkel is behaving the way she is? Of course, most of us don’t really really know her motivations. However, although it would appear as if she is trying to destroy the EU it isn’t beyond credibility to see her actions as a forcing of events such that an intensifying of the control mechanisms will be required and so fulfil the power ambitions of the elites. This would be especially so if their highly confidential data tells them that the trajectory of social forces is heading for civil unrest in opposition to their plan (ref Jean Monet et al).
To go back to Cameron briefly (and with fear of appearing to be his supporter…it is only an appearance) I could shift my perspective slightly and state that he BELIEVES that he has great affection for Britain. After all, demagogues throughout history have stated they were always acting in the best interests of the nation. Some of them might have actually believed they were?
Cheers for the reply Thoughtful.
“When it is all said and done I still continue to believe that Cameron retains a deep affection (“love” if you like) for Great Britain and can see that even if he is an unwilling agent of necessary change, change it will still have to be.”
What about this promise that our PM made ?………………………………
Hi Taff,
Hmm…OK. Fair point. I yield and I’m born and bred in Snowdonia, even the Romans learned the hard way we don’t surrender easily…..
Did I hear right on the morning BBC news?
Cameron saying he was disappointed we left the EU. But if the UK wants to remain in the single market we will have to make some compromises. I wonder what compromises he is referring to
Sorry Dave – I was under the impression that we have just had a referendum and most people who voted for brexit probably considered leaving the EU far more important than the “single market”
Is Dave in some sort of parallel universe where no means yeah, but no, but yeah, but no, but maybe – or am I just going mad? Have just read an article in paper where it says the opposite – I am getting very confused!
Anyone seen my lithium? I thought I left it by my restraint jacket – or did I?
Ta Oaknash.
YES or NO was it not?
IN or OUT?
This has destroyed them…for there`s no Curtise, swingometers and “let`s look to Basildon, to Worcester or to Sunderland” fudges and games…we said NO!,,,we`re OUT.
As Jesus said “Let your yeah be yeah, and your no be no”
They`re not dicking around with the byts that Jesus said…it `s what we call a “red line” ,,,that may know how seriously we take them-because they clearly don`t. See Matthew 5.37
Not only that-but it`s one of the very few lines that is used after Jesus rose…Book of James 5.12.
So-er, it`s kinda , you know…cool and yeah?
“Speak softly to them, but do carry a big stick”
Anybody want to join the NEW Pioneers?….as opposed to the Nazi/Lefty ones who took that name?
Can live with New Seekers if we must!
Its interesting Chris For years they have incubated and fostered divisions in society and now they appear confused by the result – Should have been more careful with what they wished for! – W#####s!
“I thought I left it by my restraint jacket – or did I?”
You need Aricept, not lithium….
Quick bit of bias on Toady at around 0630.
Mischel Huseless started a sentence ‘ EU officials are expressing frustra………irritation’…..’
Hard to get those words muddled if reading from a script. If you do, not very professional, especially for a very highly paid ‘news reader’.
It just gave me that confirmation that they don’t actually report news, but only their biased opinion of it.
With labour currently totally ineffective at the moment – Aunty has promoted herself from being the Labour Party support network to HM Official Opposition.
I am afraid her newsreaders – sorry I mean Party spokesmen may however have to become a bit more professional.
Maybe they should be a bit more honest and change the title of the TV licence to The Metropolitan Socialist Broadcasting Corporation (associate membership).
Unfortunately you wont get any voting rights or who gets to sit on what “soviet” As they have lots of well qualified “commissars” – sorry I mean experts who will save you the trouble.
Think it’s bad on Today? You should try Good Morning Scotland where the interviewer of an SNP MSP managed to sound more pro-SNP than his interviewee.
The BBC did its best though by showing some Scottish Nationalist MEP giving an impassioned speech in the EU parliament about how Scotland loves them…he did everything except paint his face blue and shout ‘freedom’. They showed Farage also but of course focused on his rather ill-advised insult about none of them having done a proper job in their lives.
I don’t think that Nigel Farage was very far wrong, though.
Clearly touched a nerve though. Because of all the things that are going on now, that’s the one the BBC have chosen to “fact check”.
Just like BBC editorial integrity, what facts they check versus what left to run seems as selective as things the do or don’t have time or space for.
BBC editorial integrity. Not enough of it.
Odd. They usually like riots. Currently trying to start some here.
Maybe Mishal can offer her thoughts on why?
As the bbc’s own project fear turns to apocalypse now we are told that Vodafone is considering moving it’s HQ to Europe in order to benefit from free movement and the single market!
Nothing to do with tax avoidance then? Not so long ago the SJWs were up in arms at how little tax Vodafone paid in UK.
For example:
Noticed the terminology in last nights BBC reporting on the bomb attacks in Istanbul……”these type of attacks have previously been blamed on Kurdish separatists or ‘so called’ Islamic state”.
If they don’t like the term “Islamic State” use by Da’esh themselves, why not call them “Islamic separatists”….it’s accurate at least.
Is it still Ramadan? There was a reference to the “Turkish holiday season” this morning, but Ramadan went unmentioned. Must be because it’s nothing to do with Islam.
Sorry-car`s running but did you just hear that?
8.10 or so , Today show…and Mark Rutte clearly says that wer`e f…ed in every possible way-financially etc…
As they do.
He`s asked what remains?…
He says “The BBC”!
How true is that?-and if YOU were Nick, Katya or Mishal…wouldn`t YOU take heart from that Dutch Kapo, who masquerades as a friend of the likes of Hannan, Gove and Johnson?
Probably is-and I`d be very wary of this lot unless Nigel clears it all.
Raw herring anybody?…Geert is coming!
As for this “sad empty chair there today” as bewailed by Nick and Cameron in the following Q and A?
isn`t Nicola Sturgeon over there?-and couldn`t she try it out for size. Booster seats available….BBC haemorrhoid rings also an option for the useless Fiery Jak ringpieces on trial there.
Tusk…Fleetwood Mac?…playing as I head back to the car….Ring Of Fire on staandby!
Britains got talent-so why isn`t Nicola being allowed to audition for the Sorcerers Apprentice today?
Call the Nats!…Nazis?…one and same.
Envy of the world. Serious.
BBC News Live on Facebook
How could #Brexit affect a business… in Pakistan? A Punjabi bagpipe and tartan manufacturer has had to cut down production since the value of the pound has dropped. What would you like to ask? Post your questions in the comments below. #FacebookLive
The poor sod being interviewed is being totally ignored by the ‘reporter’ as she holds the mic and wrangles her smartphone to filter what are likely some questions that need not be aired.
Now that… is comedy worth the licence fee. Almost.
Now that England is being hit by the greatest economic, constitutional, political and social crisis in its history,, with UKIP death-squads roaming the streets and xenophobic mobs baying for blood, will the BBC be presenting graphs showing the biggest drop in mass immigration since 1929?
Subtle and not so subtle bias on the News at Ten last night.
1. Fiona Bruce said there had been a ‘respite’ in the stock markets. Since she does not know whether the markets will go up or down, how can it be a ‘respite’? This implies things are going to go back to being as bad as they were before, like when a terminally ill person gets ‘respite care.’ She should just have said ‘markets showed an improvement’ and left it at that. This of course would not fit with the story the BBC wants to push, that we’re all going to hell in a handbasket because of Brexit.
2. Item about supposed racial abuse of people following Brexit. The BBC are not letting go of this one. Lots of hand-wringing about attacks on women in veils etc. But then the report concluded by saying ‘reports of attacks on ALL religions have risen.’ Really? If that’s so, then why ONLY interview and show muslims? Has there been a trend of one particular group attacking another group? Have Christians been attacked, and if so by whom? Why aren’t these questions being asked?
Number 2 was based on a “Tell Mama” report. I seem to recall their reports being called into question before as lacking a certain amount of objectivity.
Got to make a noise to keep those lovely grants coming in.
Has Tell Mama been redeemed or something? If so Newnight could get Evan and his ex BBC BJ mates (they clearly have removed the ‘i’ and put the ‘ate’ in to investigate) a room to themselves with a taxi driver or two.
As to the grants, do the BBC still get paid despite dubious results, like the Flokkers? Seems more on an-attrition-based volume metric.
The BBC have reported the latest Istanbul murders as:-
1) Three men
2) Suicide bombers
3) A gun and bomb attack
4) Kurdish Separatists
Thank goodness it’s not Islamic terrorists.
to be fair, they interviewed a Turkish academic this morning on Today.
He made it clear his suspicion that it was an Islamic State attack due to the way it was carried out.
There was a pause….. and then Nick Robisnson continued with the “So called I.S.” line.
I just did a quick scan of some Turkish newspapers and they are all suspecting IS. It is not a PKK -type attack. “Sabah” has a headline (maybe an old one ) saying ” British Government says Turkey is safe for tourists “. Well, it is probably as safe as anywhere these days !
Well, it is either old or ‘Sabah’ knows of new means into the country for British tourists other than by air.
Relatively speaking, hitching back on poor wee Al’s leaky li-lo may be safer.
Nicky Morgan interviewed on Today…”we need to level with the British people”, “we need to explain the benefits of immigration”……she`s going to stand for leadership of the Conservative party LOL.
Here`s a plan Nicky, and all the rest of you candidates for the job of British Prime Minister in a post Brexit decision landscape in which we levelled with you, our employees.
Following the precedent set by putting a Canadian in charge of the Bank of England,
let`s see if we can recruit a team of experienced Australian civil servants who understand how to set up a points based immigration system that will serve Britains interests in allowing talent in and keeping control of illegal migration streams and some Royal Australian Navy officers who understand securing coastal nations against illegal migration.
Remain : Immigrants work hard from 9 – 5 and are cheap to employ.
Leave : But we have to look after their needs on a 24/7/365 basis.
Don’t forget the needs’ needs.
For any politician in Westminster, or their media remoras, to talk about levelling would take a very special measure. Meanwhile, the Sturge is on it…
100% chance of rain at Wimbledon today. I wonder if the bbc will ask Sir Cliff along to sing to the crowds?
or …
(A newspaper had a front page pic of him, yesterday.)
Funding cuts mean drones and no more helicopters, so maybe.
But enough about the BBC reporting team.
For the attention of Steve Jones and any other eminent colleagues on this fine site who might want a good-quality record of the BBC’s EU referendum coverage from 10 pm on the Thursday till 1 pm on Friday, I found it just by luck while looking for something else:
It’s great that there are enterprising people around like Scott Arthur – who uploaded the clips. This really is a momentous event for Britain and one to be recorded for posterity.
Thank you for the videos. I just had to watch the Sunderland result again.
Dimbleby’s face is a picture when the result comes in!
Wonderful stuff! I still can’t understand what the BBC can’t understand about the answer given by ‘each one of us’ to Dimbleby’s question, at the close of that ‘momentous day’?
‘Good evening and welcome at the end of this momentous day when each one of us has had the chance to say what kind of country we want to live in.
‘At ten o’clock the polling stations close after weeks, months, years of argument and we’ll have the answer to the question that’s haunted British politics for so long: ‘Do we want to be in or out of the EU?’
Thanks for the links as well. It is funny what you notice a second time around. All the subtle subliminal stuff in the graphics for example. When Vine in video 1 started to explain his graphic along Downing Street he was a pains to point out the blue and yellow lines would be 50/50 for demonstration purposes. Strange how the Remain wording stays up and Leave disappears.

Closer to the viewer as well. Nice and warm and cuddly
Thanks for all your feedback re the BBC referendum videos, guys.
Can only think of a few days when I could go for a walk this summer without a jacket. We had the fire on last night and a double duvet on the bed. Checked the calendar and, yes, it is June.
Can I please ask the BBC and Guardian to tell me it’s the hottest day ever so I can feel warm again?
Sky seems to be wasting airtime on Crabb. “To those of you who know little about me” Does anyone know anything about him? Apparently he is reaching out to the “left behind” and is beginning to sound like Corbyn.
That’s a left buttock in plain language. He does not look the sort though, the beard would tickle.
FT 100 up 2.6 % today and sterling up. Bad news for the BBC.
With the news that five eastern European nations have jointly called for a radical overhaul of the EU state system, together with the resignation of Juncker and others, perhaps – well, better say just maybe – the BBC and the leftist press might begin to acknowledge the fact that the UK has made a massive and positive political move, and very probably only the first of a series.
Hoping not to sound too much like an EDL pamphlet, but Brexit will be seen historically as yet another example of this tiny island having a dramatic impact on the world stage. Despite the neutering and soul-destroying aspects of our benefit dependent society, our unique Britishness has not been lost or diminished – Heseltine, Kinnock, Marr, Sturgeon et al notwithstanding.
Yes, the genie is out of the bottle !
As you know from the BBC reporting of Brexit, the stock markets are crashing, do you hear me, CRASHING, and it all the fault of stupid old people who don’t have degrees like, James Dyson and are on the right of politics, like Denis Skinner, and we must all run around screaming and shouting hate at anyone who disagrees with the BBC’s remain line, and why don’t people get it, we are all doomed, a generation is lost, we must flood social media and squares around parliament and show posters telling people how wonderful and insightful we are and how stupid everyone else is, and the world is coming to an end, and, and, and …
Erm …
Here is the stock market progress over the last 12 months taken from the BBC business and finance site.
Funny, I was just looking at the graphs. So we had 2 days of turbulence then everything settled down. 6300 and back in feb. it was down to 5400 . Looks like investors are not much bothered by Brexit. BBC headline will be ” Markets rally on hope of second referendum ” !!!
Grant, I know you’re joking, but I suspect you’ve just caused Zero (or whichever BBC Duty Troll Officer is listening in) to run like a scrambled spitfire pilot to the BBC newsroom with your idea for the next headline!
just on the subject of bad smells,where is manhadacraponabus?
cat got his tongue?
Unique funding issues.
Number 6
“where is manhadacraponabus?”
He Brexited.
I’ll endorse that: Careless Talk Costs Lives.
Was it Monday when James Landale was sent to Canvey Island to
hold up to ridiculefind some neanderthals who were misled into voting Leave? I haven’t been viewing/listening to much of the BBC “news” offering over the last month or so but I caught this one. I was interested that Landale managed to find a genuine loony who voted (or at least supported) Leave. The guy Landale discovered (I suspect after much searching by BBC staff) and interviewed had a swastika tattoo and was, manifestly, on the borders of clinical lunacy. Landale’s report suggested that the nutter was typical of the rest of us Leavers. We, apparently, have our SS dress uniforms hanging in our wardrobes pressed and ready for a UK Kristallnacht when we creep out and arrest (or worse) all those doughty souls who dared to vote Remain despite the persecution organised by Boris and Nigel.Frankly, the whining of the Remainers, given credence by the BBC, the rest of the telly media and most of the paper MSM, is beyond sanity let alone common sense. This has a personal dimension too. For instance, here in leafy Muswell Hill in North London Mrs U and I appear to be the only (confessing) Leavers in our road. Neighbours we have known, socialised with, counted as friends for the last 3 decades and more cut us dead in the street. Moreover, we have been inundated by anguished emails and texts from friends, acquaintances and (in Mrs U’s case) work colleagues demanding that we sign the egregious ersatz “petition” to get a second referendum.
The whole thing as just appalling. Had Remain won I don’t believe there would have been a single call for a second referendum let alone any abuse dumped on the winners for damaging the life chances of those who didn’t bother to vote. Certainly, the BBC would have welcomed the result and now would have been concentrating on matters of real importance like the future – or lack of it – of Roy Hodgson and the lack of connection between Islam and the atrocity at Istanbul Airport.
Agreed. Of course, it seems likely that had Osborne acted as a responsible Chancellor, had taken a neutral position on the UK economy and not issued a barrage of threats and apocalyptic warnings, many people would not have voted Remain through fear. My guess is that the natural Leave vote is more than 60%. The number of leave regretters is minuscule.
Umbongo – if Remain had won by just one vote they wouldn’t have given us a second referendum (or a second thought) never mind if they’d won by 1.5 million.
These folk bleat about all the dreadful “racism” and “resentment” the referendum has stirred up; can they even begin to imagine quite how much trouble would be ignited, if there were to be a second referendum which they won?
Al beebus and the rest of the EU energumen need to realize: you don’t solely respect democratic decisions when they conclude the way you want them.
And yet unbongo!
Listening now to the Media Show Post Mortem…Allegra, Kevin, Faisal and Gary etc all musing over the death of all they ever dreamed of, all they ever valued.
Blame Cameron is the verdict…and can`t we PLEASE learn to stop buses with numbers on them, to stop Gove scotching experts.
Great stuff-yet those 17.4 millions who backed us seemed unable to attend or to care.
Let Eddie Mair fuss-and let the rest of us Tombstone Undertakers ensure that we use the imperial side of the measuring tape.
One hell of a lot of body bags to fill with worthless Beeb offal we have , perhaps, endured too long.
Another Referendum would see the number of Leave votes rise.
The doom and gloom scenario has not come to pass.
Still not to prepared to even contemplate such a thing, as that drags uncertainty on ad infinitum.
This is not one of Obama’s red lines in the sand.
The BBC have already taken the Istanbul story off of their front page. Nowhere to be seen.
Maybe Glasgow Arrivals rules apply?
Hmm indeed, I haven’t seen any facebook “friends” changing their avatars to the Turkish flag yet either…Still too busy virtue signalling their disgust at the knuckle dragging leavers to bother.
Maybe they are ensuring what happened according to the BBC did happen?
Trusted, transparent… and envy of the world.
To you, £145.50 a year, compelled. E&OE
Is Carswell on his way back to the Tories? Looking for a place in a post Brexit – unite the country behind us all – Government?
Daily Politics, PMQ
Cameron stated “for heaven’s sake man, just go”.
What a nasty gratuitous bitch of a thing to say. Wholly unnecessary.
None of your business Dave, glad to see a Flashman type bitch like you go.
Type of man who will kick you when you’re down.
One could say the same to Cameron…
wronged and Old Goat,
I agree. It is none of Cameron’s business and he has been a to total failure and just lost the Referendum. He shows the worst aspect of bitchiness. Reminds me of the song in “Sound of Music “, ” I am 16 going on 17 … ” . He is a child and a W… In deference to wronged , I won’t spell it out, but he is a waster.
And Dodgy Dave is no Oliver Cromwell !
‘He is a child and a W… In deference to wronged’
Thank you Grant. He is indeed a waster, wassock, wally,windbag…..
I too watched PMQs and the stupidity of the questions from our elected MP’s was astonishing. “Can the PM reassure”…… “can the PM guarantee”……… “can the PM ensure” …….. everything from keeping the yoof students who voted Remain actually stay in the EU (Tim Farron), … to the farmers keeping their EU subsidy. I know most of our parliamentarians are void of any common sense, but Jesus Christ, now that we are no longer a member of the club, how could ANYONE guarantee anything at the moment ? Cameron just re-iterated the blindingly obvious, it would be the new PM to work for the interests of the UK in any negotiations. But on and on they went, and big fatty Angus Robertson (blimey he’s only 47 !!!) demands action on every bloody thing for Scotland, and if they really hate England so much, then they should stay north of the border, I’m sure we would miss them in the Mother of Parliament like a bad case of herpes.
If the majority of Scottish MP’s in the British Parliament are Scottish nationalists, then why aren’t they declaring Scotland independent. Surly the Scots already have a democratic mandate to declare independence? Or is it because young people in Scotland would cause a violent revolution once they realised that Scotland was no longer ruled by bureaucrats in Brussels?
FT100, 250 and sterling still up today
As someone who was born and bred in the Black Country, I thought you may be interested in this view of Brexit from a Black Country perspective. Such Insight!
“That’s enough about the Lion King, lets talk about the lyin’ b@st@rds.” Great stuff.
I know Al – I almost wet myself the first time I watched it. Puts the BBC “comedians” well and truly to shame.
Awesome. Now that was funny….
Lobster, This woman is hilarious, and spot on!
‘as Today presenter Nick Robinson claimed on Tuesday – that the referendum itself was ‘unnecessary’.
Did he arrive at this only then? Don’t recall such reservations before.
Hello Bloggers,
Fun from the Welsh Assembly……….
After the Friday’s “Great political kicking”, Leanne Wood got the wrong message from the people of Wales. She mistook Independence from Europe to be Independence for Wales and now calls for it .
Today we have this ……………..
“The fox in charge of the chickens”
If they carry on there will be a call to get rid of the Welsh Assembly – I have heard some rumbling already
Oh joy…forgotten about good old Mark heroically watching over Offas Dyke in dignified silence.
Carswell is a gonk…wrong one lost…but, that said, Carswell got a booing from the MPs today…so I`m strangle warmed by him now!
Anybody so hated by the Dunghill Parliament that we now have(with the Outer exceptions) MUST be kept in place!
Wood needs to get back to her “Hairdressing Salon”.
Along with the rest of the talking shop in the “Cardiff Turtle”.
Nick Robinson squeezes a few tears from Margaret Beckett
Happy Days for the Game Dame!
Things can only get better?
Time for the Reunion of Labours Boy Band…which one was YOUR Favourite?
John, Tony, Gordon, Derry or Peter! Nah…well then elect Blunketts Dog!
Now let`s be fair to the BBC here!
Andrew Marr screwed Sajiv Javid over fatally on Sunday…and Mishal Husain did the same to him today.
Great radio..to hear him squirm over past crap from Osborne he said, to try and explain why Crabb will be different from Johnson-when he`s not a clue why.
Sajiv and Crabb are the Dick and Dom of politics…and have only been sent out as picadors for a stabbing.
To think we used to get Peter Glaze/Leslie Crowther…Don MacLean, Trevor ansd Simon…and now THESE two squits who seem to think that being an Asian or a council house lad is enough.
Preposterous fakes these two-why settle for Dick and Dom when Priti and David Davis cover both bases of these serial nobodies?
THOSE two risked something these last few months, whereas Crabb and Javid hid in Osbornes laundry hamper, finding shoe shapers for Theresa May…utterly despicable…as were ALL who went AWOL when the Brexit Billets flew.
No houseroom for such squits. Deserters , white feathers and a dawn march to Fray Bentos.
Didn’t think you were old enough to remember Peter Glaze/Leslie Crowther, ChrisH !
Like to think it`s vague and black and white Brissles…punk killed Peter Glazes career in those Crackerjack sketches at the end of the show…yet full marks to him for hoofing up “Ca plein pour moi” by Plastic Bertrand-and pity the writer who had to out THAT into some kind of cheap boy scout narrative inside half a day!
Might do the same with four or five Joy Division songs!…
Nothing on troublemaking BBC website yet,my mate has just emailed me stating Krankie got the brush off today.
Can’t stay in:
The Spanish prime minister, Mariano Rajoy, was predictably even stronger in his dismissal of Scottish hopes of avoiding being forced out in a Brexit.
“I want to be very clear: Scotland does not have the competence to negotiate with the European Union. Spain opposes any negotiation by anyone other than the government of United Kingdom,” he told a news conference following a summit of European leaders in Brussels.
“I am extremely against it, the treaties are extremely against it and I believe everyone is extremely against it. If the United Kingdom leaves … Scotland leaves,” he added. Madrid is understood to view the possibility through the prism of its own troubled relationship with the separatist inclinations of Catalonia. ”
And will go into queue for membership if they do vote for Independence
‘Several EU diplomats have said the only way for Scotland to be part of the EU would be to become an independent country and reapply for membership, a process estimated to take around five to seven years.’
Will take a few years post vote for independence process to complete
And Spain will veto anyway because of Catalonia
Catalonia and the Basque country. Spain doesn’t want all its Basques in one Exit.
Quite big news still yet to be displayed on the BBC website.
‘All its Basques in one Exit’.
Brilliant, just brilliant!!!
Joke of the Day Sir Arthur!
How much do you want to offer before we make you a Lord?
Very good, Sir Arthur. Have you ever thought about a career in comedy? Not on the BBC, obviously, as they don’t like their comedians to be funny.
Those of us in Scotland who hate the SNP and Krankie are laughing so much today. She is so deranged that she thinks Scotland is the centre of the Universe. Of course , we can all agree with Churchill about the contribution the Scots have made in history, but we must remember that most of it is after the Union with England.
Krankie is not aware that, even within Europe, Scotland is not very important. And most people in the world have never heard of Scotland.
Doesn’t stop them watching TV, using telephones , driving on tarmac and drinking whisky, of course !
Most Scots are sensible enough to know that the SNP are idealistic and bordering on the stupid.
I’ve always been of the view that politicians should take a psychological test. I’m convinced Tessa Jowell is nuts along with many other MP’s. I have a similar view of Sturgeon.
Can anyone convince me that Diane Abbott and David Lammy are sane? Not a hope.
Thank goodness someone has finally told Ms Krankie where to get off. I’m frightened to watch any news programme at present for fear of seeing her smirking face as she presses another opportunistic grievance button in her mission to make the rest of the UK tell us to sod off.
You English think it’s bad? I have to see her on the main news and again on the regional news.
Scotland doing an ‘Obama’ – “…..going to the end of the queue”?
Pity the Spanish got booted out of the Euros now.
Wonder if the Italians are as scornful?…if so, we`ll hope for a Wales-Italy Final.
And the Scots would have to go to subscription to watch it…let them keep watching Stenhousemuir and Alloa.
(With apologies to grant and the Great Scots on this site…we KNOW it`s not you!)
And what’s wrong with Stenhousemuir?
LOL ! Centre of the Universe. I would never miss a monday night there in winter . Last night I was listening to a Corries live version version of ” Killiekrankie ” , darkly thinking of a possibility !!!
Nothing whatsoever-just don`t know my footy teams up there…I`m supporting Sunderland next season…we owe them big and will kiss the bandstand at Thornhill Park if it`s still there by way of showing my gratitude for last Thursday.
Din any other town or city bring the BBC elite so low, so early?
S`pose I`ve a residual bitterness against all those football teams who had brains enough to play that Football Quiz Game back in the early 70s…seemed to be over-represented up there, better education system back then maybe?
All we had was John Osborne!
Is it just me or am I right in thinking Angela Eagle sounds like Orville the duck. The one Keith Harris had his hand up.
Wronged, you are not alone. She was interviewed by Martha Kearney on the BBC news and you could hear that she (Eagle) was quite upset and close to tears as she talked about leaving the cabinet. Kearney was in consoling mood and you could almost hear the box of tissues being passed across. It did sound rather like Keith Harris trying to console Orville. I know I’m sounding cruel, but seriously, someone in politics has to have a bit more fortitude than that!
Kearney should have asked Eagle exactly what she was tearful about. Referendum result? Meltdown in the PLP? Feeling sorry for Corbyn? Resigning her shadow portfolio?
The public should not be expected to take seriously a candidate to lead the country – including in time of war – who cannot hold it together during a mere TV interview without a very good reason. If Eagle had been feeling fragile beforehand then she could have opted out of the interview.
No wonder all these ladies of a certain age are reducing themselves into puddles-mostly tears, maybe other leaky stuff that ladies of an age are said to exhibit.
Poor Eagle and Beckett-no wonder they`re so keen on the NHS and uncosted social care-how else will they get their meds and weeping ward on reserve?
Are nervous beakdowns and meltdowns contagious?…like mass ectoplasmic seances, they`re basket cases…too many years in Labour and thinking that means that you`re nice…and certainly worth listening to because you`ve got some bogus power we didn`t know you`d got.
And then we saw you-and heard you.
Old Ma Beckett is priceless-she actually was one of the Fatal Thirty Five that signed Jezzas nomination papers…if I were a moron…(wife away!)…then I`d get a new diagnosis and claim some money back from her…Labours Dirty Protest and efforts to sculpt a turd out diarrhoea is well worth the admission fee of £3.
The Brown Bounce just keeps on giving to a nation in need of cheer these days.
Even better for ex-forces £1. The gift that keeps on giving.
off you go,wee jimmy krankie
The Scots Nats have caught up . Now where is Leanne Wood …………..
‘Umpa lumpa dumperty do, we’re leaving the EU & so are you!
And Krankie is angry ! Even her normal speech is like a machine gun , God knows what it will be like now ! She is a disgrace to my country. In the footsteps of Robert, William and Mary ? ” Pog mo thoin ” !
( Trans. Kiss my arse )
Which one is Nicola ?
Never in the same room at the same time
“In the footsteps of Robert, William and Mary ? ” Pog mo thoin ” ! ( Trans. Kiss my arse )”
So Cameron has been talking through his thoin all these years, and Corbyn used to pog Diane Abbott?
OK, I think I’m getting the hang of this.
He did nae pog her…
He just stretched her out naked legs apart to see if pink cushions would look ok on his new brown sofa.
Maria !
How very dare you ???
I have to defend Diane’s honour. I offer you a choice. Pistols at dawn or breakfast at dawn ?
Spain has Catalans & ETA which they need to put a lid on. After seeing the twitter link from taffman I had forgotten about Belgium , with the Vlamms Blok. Then there is France with Corsica (Corsica Libera) and many more. If they accepted Scotland without application as a separate state there could be pandemonium.
Now will someone living in Scotland report her to the Auditor General? She hasn’t got delegated foreign policy powers so she is misusing public funds. Scotland only has a legal identity within the UK and the UK government could shove the border all the way up to Caithness if it chooses, ditto it could suspend the assembly, as has been done in Northern Ireland.
The ever balanced Jeremy Vine gave the floor to Alex Salmond today on this issue. Where was the counter argument, (Scotland voted to keep in the UK, the UK voted to leave the EU). Vine suggested that the Scottish referendum was run on the basis of the UK being in the EU but there was no mention that part of the Scottish ‘remain’ vote was based on avoiding stirring up the SNP snake.
Meanwhile we can all hope that we will be:
“the UK government could shove the border all the way up to Caithness”
Oh please, no!
The world has turned upside down!
Marr and Husain are doing our work in sifting and shafting the clueless Tories.
And-I enjoyed bloody Libby Purves more that I` had any right to ?
Know why?…because her politics are soft left, even Out…and there was so little politics.
Let`s enjoy this post-political era…whether Hammond or Miliband dig their own graves, whether Martha or Eddie fall into them…well who gives a fuck.
Nigel says what?…and NOTHING else will do us.
Bit late in the day but Nick Robinson’s “question” to the PM in Brussels on Today this morning was a short speech listing the supposed disadvantages of Brexit, followed by asking the PM how he felt about UK leaving EU.
Why not simply ask the PM how he felt about UK leaving EU?
Or even list some supposed advantages of Brexit and ask the PM how he felt about those?!
And Nick went on to talk of the “empty chair” of “the first informal breakfast that he couldn`t attend in 27 years”…”of his sadly flying home alone having been -and I quoute “excluded” from the EUs Top Table.
To quote Bruce from Family Guy…”Ohhh…Noo”
They really have lost it haven`t they?
Pitiul and funny at one and the same time.
If they REALLY cared, could they not have let Nicola have a buttered Loch Fyne kipper and a high( and mighty)chair?
Pat Glass has resigned from Corbyns park bench after two days?
Glass is EXACTLY what politics has turned to…bet she`ll get a good pension though!
But no-alone again naturally!
Aren`t we bastards?
Oh, and was there ANYONE in Britain who gave a flying fuck about
a) Ed Milibands views on leadership, stepping into the plate glass ass he did when he tried
b) Philip Hammonds view on ANYTHING, let alone his puff piece for the May Queen across the Windrush
c) Question Time as ritually served up as cold sick, whilst Martha and experts describe a diced carrot consomme.
But ALL of this was available on Martha Muff of a programme-can you GET a pet bee that could be trained to target her?
I REALLY hate this insouciant “business as usual stuff” from the political class as they compare air buffets! Hammond is a dead fish flapping, so why ask HIM if the new PM can be a Remainiac?
The Tories can do what they like-we want an election, and there is NO reason for the Remainain traitors to cling to the wreakage.
When I want the chandeliers of the Titanic cleaned-I`ll ask these grey flatulent irrelevances…Nigel is the only game in town across European cities now..and the BBC can go to Hell.
It`s in Norway-and it stinks like the BBCs incontince pads!
hey guys… the FTSE 100 is now very, very close to being back to where it was before the referendum. It’s currently only 14 points off.
Economic meltdown my arse!
FTSE 100 has gone through the roof but it’s business as usual at the BBC. They’ve just updated their Home page. FTSE 100 story has less prominence than Wimbledon…
We need to do what Farage says here NOW:
I am delighted that Nigel has been reading my posts here and agrees with me !
Grant-lead and we shall follow!
Well, not to Gambia if that`s OK.
Time to “Rise To the Occasion”-Ed Miliband has urged us all to do this….and there speaks a man who speaks from a tablet/stone of greatness!
Maybe they could ask him to take command of The Party we love!
I’ve got to say I disagree. Triggering Article 50 now gives control back to the EU, as they can then enforce the two-year timetable and kick us out with nothing. Leaving it hanging over them until we’ve figured out what our negotiating position is makes for far better tactics, though I agree it’s worrying for those who believe our politicians will never go through with it. It forces them to negotiate properly. Why do you think the EU have been so keen for us to get on with it?
The country is in a difficult place. On the one hand, we need to make the most of our strong negotiating position with the EU, which may mean delaying 50 a little and letting the EU sweat (as it obviously is already). However, this requires good negotiating skills, which seem to be sorely lacking in our government. The last leader to take any kind of firm stand against the EU was Thatcher, nearly 30 years ago.
On the other hand, we don’t want to delay 50 too long as it gives time for the Remain camp, the BBC etc to spread alarm and despond and lobby for the status quo to be preserved.
Any suggestions for what we can do? Monitoring and calling out BBC bias during this time through formal complaint would seem to be at least one thing.
Problem is Roland – I suspect that if they can kick us out with nothing they will anyway. You must remember that we are not dealing with reasonable people but an organisation who has spent years manipulating and lying to preserve its influence.
Waiting allows too much opportunity for some sort of Euro fudge and encourages homespun Quislings such as the BBC who think that there is some freedom for movement on this issue to keep on applying pressure and manipulating the agenda.
Sorry, but I believe that we are either in or out. I dont believe waiting helps anyone. It just allows more time for Aunty and the MSM to work on everyones resolve.
This is the only opportunity we will get to sort things out for our country.
We should grasp the nettle before it disintegrates.
The menu last night?
Thanks for this Al Shubtil-we hang on Nigels every word-and so I too will be wanting Article 50…why think anymore?
Thanks to all those who post these updates…things move fast.
At 2.35 he says this…and do I detect the BBC bloke being fair to him?…POM TURNOVER now added to the menu above?
Political customs union as opposed to a “single market”.
And what a joy to hear Nigels piecrust promises of last week now being a reality!
Still have to pinch myself…and what a great black bloke that seals it all at 5.50…a future star if we can get him to say more!
No sorry Roland-I understand nothing about it really-but Nigel sure as hell does, and the malice of the Cartel IN Brussels and the likes of Javid and Cunt could well stick a stick in the spokes to save Juncker and the BBC License.
No-we`ll be OK and we will fuck Europes big wheels and cheeses over if they DARE to get in the way between us and the Patriots that gave us the Referendum victory.
This is now a fight to the death-and this croc wants the death roll of those bastards…toot sweet!
A report on the future of Public Service Broadcasting was released today:
It “seeks to highlight the conditions that may allow for the production and circulation of high quality, creative and relevant public service content in these increasingly complex circumstances”.
I’ve read only the Exec Summary, but it doesn’t strike me as a call for the radical reform which is surely needed : – (
BBC news on TV.
Still made any reference to Krankies failure in EU.
France and Spain tell her that the country is not competent enough to join.
Close your ears everyone.
She is a ” Glaikit Coo ” !
( Trans. Stupid cow )
Great to hear Wronged. Have you a link? Id love to read the details
Try this
or this
I’m still waiting Beeb!! Nothing reported on 24 hour news.
Doesn’t fit with their anti British agenda. Maybe it will make the news at midnight when we’re all asleep.
wronged, I am going to watch BBC Scotland 6.30 News tonight and report back !
Drumroll….. at 4.30 the FTSE100 climbed above it’s pre referendum level. The economic Brexit crisis meltdown thing is officailly over. The markets are cool about Brexit.
The FTSE is currently still climbing; it’s now 6360 compared to 6334 before the vote.
Applause and cheering sound effects. Cut to shot of BBC newsroom. Miserable, resentful media lovies weepling into their skinny soya frappuccinos.
Jacob Rees-Mogg is on very good form here interviewed by French TV.
2:40 J R-M: “One should always be calm. There’s no advantage in running around like a headless chicken.”
He then effortlessly swats the interviewer’s full tosses on FTSE, exchange rate and subsidies for farmers out of the ground.
The media has previously made out ‘the Mogg’ to be some sort of weird fogey with a penchant for Victorianisms and an unhealthy knowledge of parliamentary procedure. Recent events have shown him to have leading statesman capabilities. Cometh the hour, cometh the man.
He would have my vote .
All those dead donkeys, limpdicks and free riders being offered as Tory Leaders?
I will listen out for Jacobs view…for he`s had a good war!
Take your time Jacob…when you and the Glorious Few deign to tell us which fleas in the circus might wish to jump around to the whip in Nigels Flying Squadron, we shall help you get it-that party of yours isn`t worthy of you.
Bravo Jacob Rees-Mogg !
I, and one or two more from Wales think he should be the PM.
Did you notice the behaviour of the France24 journalist here? He asked a question and let J R-M answer it. He didn’t – a la Humphrys, Mishal, Robinson and the rest of the BBC’s finest – talk over the answer even if he didn’t like it. In fact I have no idea whether the journalist liked the response (or Brexit) at all: he was genuinely AFAIAA trying to get info from a Brexit supporter concerning Brexit. This was an object lesson to the world’s finest – or best financed, anyway – broadcaster on in how to do journalism.
BBC reports that one David Cameron has suggested that Corbyn resigns as Labour Party leader now, as it is not in the interests of the UK that he remains Labour leader.
Two questions Dave :-
#1 Is is the first time you have had interest in the well-being of the UK?
#2 Is there any chance of you taking your own advice?
Exactly Truthseeker
BBC reports France and Spain piss on the Sturgeon parade. Quelle surprise.
It’s odd.
Listening as I do to ClassicFM, and not getting to the dial in time before Global tat came on, I got the impression she was striding the global stage like a colossus, and soon to be seen in a deckchair at Potsdam between whoever is left leading Europe in a year’s time.
But it seems that, outside the genteel indulgence of the UK MSM, sh has not be greeted as the giant of stateswomanhood she has come to believe she is.
Guest who, your line ‘in a deckchair at Potsdam’ made me laugh out loud! She’s in a deckchair alright, but rather than Churchill’s, it’s Antonio Salazar’s…
I think she needs to get back in the kitchen and do something useful. Theres lots of dishes to wash after last nights euro bunfight!
They had to report it at some point. But on the website they’ve made sure it’s at the bottom of the page, well ‘below the fold’.
Bbc news at 5
Nothing about jimmy getting told to bog off
And ‘its clear labour are in some difficulty’
Masters of understatement
Oh wait….jimmy lying at a news conference live now
Krankie or Clitheroe for she seems to remind me of both?
When I was a boy , the ” Clitheroe Kid ” was my hero. Please do not insult him ! What happened to him anyway ? Had a sex change ? And….. ?
I believe he committed suicide after his mother died.
Speaking of old entertainers, Brian Rix came into my mind yesterday for no apparent reason. (Actually, it was probably the current Whitehall farce that did it.)
I remember his TV performances quite clearly, although I cannot honestly say I enjoyed them at the time. I googled his name and he’s still very much around.
No offence I assure you!
Was aware of him,Thora and Freddie as I recall….and I agree that ANY sentence with the SNPs face in it will give offence.
That said…her pat on the head by the EU who`d LOVE to have her in it…but then her country is incompetent in their opinion, was great .
Who dare the BBC support?…well, er, …
And the SNP regularly show up as the Third Party voice-hence no Sarah Teathers, Jo Swinsons , Ming Campbells and no Lynne Featherstones on ANY reputable forun.
Not even as Shirley Williams Willy Warmer as they used to be….those vain deviants and preening nonces can`t even get onto hospital radio…oh, the vanity thwarted by the Hateful Eight.
Wipeout next…has the bodybag been made to hold both their creepy carcass as well as labours?
The BBC has opened a new front in the get Boris and Brexit war. On the media Show this afternoon they had an item on how the various broadcasters felt constrained by impartiality rules. Needless to say contributors from ITV , Sky and I think BBC but could have been Ch4 all felt they were prevented by the rules from giving people the information they needed to make a sensible judgement. The claim was that only 22% of people felt they understood the issues when they went to vote. So you see the referendum isn’t valid because folks didn’t understand what they were voting about.
Then they gave examples of how they couldn’t call a lie a lie because of impartiality rules. Needless to say the examples were all anti Leave and mainly anti Boris.
To sum up the 10 minute piece, You Leavers didn’t understand what you voted on and you were lied to by Boris.
The BBC are going all out to undermine the democratic will of the people and to torpedo Boris. Its all exactly as predicted by numerous contributors to this site.
Oh and i forgot to add that Lord Putnam was appalled by the result and thought that all the broadcasters were far to easy going with the Leave side. These buggers just whine and whine don’t they. Stuff Luvvies I say.
I forgot the most important and very sinister point. Because of the alleged constraint imposed by impartiality rules preventing the public from being ‘educated’ on the issues, there was agreement that these rules should be relaxed. The implications of this relaxation are very disturbing, it would allow our left leaning media to distort and mislead the public during the run up to elections even more outrageously than they do now. It seems very clear that the liberal left establishment wants to give the British public even higher doses of leftist propaganda than it does now. Our democracy, which had a brief renaissance last week , is really under threat from this suggestion. Of course right of centre organisations simply won’t get a license to broadcast so the equal and opposite effect will never be felt. Getting rid of the BBC is ever more pressing if we want to live in a democracy.
Just saw a puff piece on ITV where the reporter went to a village in Leicestershire. All those who voted leave interviewed said they knew exactly what they were doing and were tired of politicians trying to run down their vote. Tired of being called racist (he was married to a Chinese person). One said if it meant being a little poorer to get back control from the bureaucracy of Brussels then so be it.
The London bubble of luvvies and the Politburo still don’t understand a very clear message from the voters they are dismissing as dimwits.
Pray for Turkey.
BBC combes the social media for statements which maintain that the Istanbul attack had – altogether -‘Nothing to do with Islam’, er, not the real Islam. Blame Trump
This morning, a large chunk of the chatterati ‘noted’ the PM at PMQs failed to issue the demanded template, so just to stay the understaffed Flokking community, first a sincere thoughts and payers must go out.
Now, in addition to a hashtag that would make FLOTUS weep, with envy, the BBC also have rushed out a spiffy logo. Not to sure how the candle, son & lumiere shows will pan out as yet.
Welcome to the Istambul edition of the BBC gameshow Pointless – given that this latest terror attack will have had nothing to do with Islam, please give us your best Pointless answers as to the reason for it ? And remember, the most Pointless answer will be the winner! You may confer.
As I see it,
Pointless answer to Istanbul.
The US Second Amendment which prohibits gun control
FTSE 100 closes above pre-Brexit level
It’s alright though because further down the report we are told that “the FTSE 250 – which contains more UK-focused companies – closed 3.2% higher on Wednesday, but still remains more than 7% below its pre-Brexit level.” Phew! Project Hysteria still lives – just!
And then there’s Kamal Ahmed covering his backside. Frankly, any decent business journalist could – in fact should – have written Kamal’s contribution last Friday (as a prediction about what was to happen) not leave it until today and state the obvious. This is not to say that Ahmed was alone. Most of the crap claiming to be “informed” financial commentators in the TV and paper press were (and are) just as guilty of supporting Project Hysteria as Ahmed and the rest of the W1A crew.
Slightly OT, but talking of emotional world leaderettes, sources close to me have passed me this which had me welling up like the Labour All-Girls Front Bench:
“Keep going!”
That’s what you all told us, and that’s what we want to do—but we can’t.
The referendum result means we’re now at the start, not the end, of a long public debate over how we leave the EU. We’re going to be needed now more than ever and we won’t be able to deliver. Only 80 donors support us with a regular donation, and although we are forever grateful to them, it’s not enough for us to keep up in these extraordinary circumstances.
To ensure that we can work at full capacity all year round, we need 1,000 people to give £145.50 a year. Are you one of them? This will allow us to reach more people and make sure the facts hit home, fast.
The facts, see? Checking. Holding power to account ‘n all.
ps: I may have changed one small bit that could just have lead to associations being made that are not totally accurate as to the authors. Can you tell what it is yet?