The BBC want to attack Trump. Always. It’s just that they can’t always find anything of substance to use. So they make it up.
What’s so bad about being called a ‘bitch’?
Donald Trump fans have been condemned for calling her one, while some of her supporters have urged her to be more of one. So why is Hillary Clinton so often associated with the word “bitch” – and how offensive is it?
Supporters of Donald Trump have sparked outrage in US media with merchandise attacking Hillary Clinton that many people say uses lewd and demeaning language.
T-shirts saying “Trump that bitch” and badges with similar mottos were found on display at rallies.
The BBC adds…
The shirts are not authorised by Mr Trump’s campaign. But a simple online search reveals a whole range of unofficial items such as bumper stickers displaying the same word in reference to the first female presidential candidate for a major party in the US.
…but they carry on as if Trump personally endorsed and signed every t-shirt and in fact accuse him of…
“whipping up his fans in this kind of blood bath, in a specifically threatening and violent way”.
Allegedly ‘Bitch’ was never really an insult…
Meanwhile Tom Dalzell, a slang expert, believes the taboo around using it now is greater than ever before because there is more of an expectation that women will be treated fairly. Slurs that are specifically directed at certain groups of people are seen as unacceptable, he adds.
“It has come to show hatred in a way it didn’t 30 years ago.”
I guess the term ‘Son of a Bitch’ was not an insult wayback when then?
Bitch, literally meaning a female dog, is a slang pejorative for a person, commonly a woman, who is belligerent, unreasonable, malicious, a control freak, rudely intrusive or aggressive. When applied to a man, bitch is a derogatory term for a subordinate. Its original use as a vulgarism, documented to the fourteenth century.
BBC talks bollocks when it suits.
Odd the BBC doesn’t show a similar concern for the insults targeted at Trump, or indeed for the abuse and hatred aimed at Leave voters.
He has his own Facebook page…..
Fuck Donald Trump@fucdonaldtrump
He may have a Facebook page but he has no father…
Donald Trump is a Bastard.
And sweet little Hilary calls him a Nazi…
He’s of ‘German heritage’: Hillary baits fans into calling Trump a Nazi
Hillary Clinton lobbed the video equivalent of a Nazi buzz bomb at Donald Trump on Saturday by making his German heritage a campaign issue.
The 37-second clip decrying Trump’s attacks on federal Judge Gonzalo Curiel’s Mexican heritage was subtle — but fans and foes got the message: Clinton thinks Trump, like the Nazis, hates people based on their race.
“His heritage is German. Heil Trump!” tweeted Trump foe Michael Gilmor.
“We can all hear the ‘dog whistle’ — she’s calling ‘Drumpf’ a Nazi because he’s German,” posted James Sweitzer.
Funny the things that interest the BBC and the things that don’t.
You only have to look at the Al mujahideen Beeb webshite’s home page today! The Anti-British, anti-democatic, anti-Semitic, bigoted, ‘religion of hate’ loving b@stards, have swamped their propaganda vehicle with the now daily carpet bombing of anti Brexit/pro hatred articles!
The Al Beeb and their violent lunatic lefty friends utterly despise us and operation “fu(k you Britain, I will destroy your country if we don’t get what WE want!!!” is now in full swing!
The left survive by creating fear, anger and violence. They need to create the illusion of “any other way to run a society than our own creates hatred and divisions” because without that fear they have no reason to exist. It’s why the devious sh1t stains use Al Beeb to pump out their propaganda to create false hysteria and ‘stories’ to validate and add ‘facts’ to this narrative.
Enjoy it though…for the likes of Trump and Hopkins are loved by the kids in schools who know plenty-and loathe the PC World imposed on them.
The usual beneficiaries of the Class Wars in education WILL hate Trump and Katie just as we are told to hate Nigel and Littlejohn.
But The kids are alright!
A little shot of courage is all we lack.
Don`t forget the old trope “Kilroy Was Here”…that Pioneer is back in the Mail today…and politics is turning into what HE modelled as a career trajectory…even tried to head up UKIP in 96 or so!
Surely HE`S stll available to lead Labour again-certainly he was their MP…and he`d be a fun candidate for us all to crowd source/fund with our £3 plow shares…..Mr Plow versus the Mayfly in May 2020?
Showbiz is politics for Shiny Happy People eh?…or am I confused?
Am I right?…I`m not wrong!
Keith Hunt Xx…bloody genius was Partidge…and it`s all back to enjoy in real time!
I suspect it matters a great deal who is the target of the insult.
“In 1984 I returned to BBC Scotland after covering the Tory conference in Brighton. The IRA had come close to assassinating Margaret Thatcher with a bomb and the country was in shock. Apart, that is, from some of my BBC colleagues. “Pity they missed the bitch,” one confided to me.” Robin Aitken
Standard dog show schedule.
Best in Show followed by Best Puppy in Show will now be judged
16. Junior BITCH
17. Yearling BITCH
18. Maiden BITCH
19. Novice BITCH
20. Undergraduate BITCH
21. Post Graduate BITCH
Perhaps the last two should be awarded to leaders of the National Union of Students
As Obama’s Islam friendly regime passes away, we are getting revelations that will set the agenda if Trump becomes POTUS.
Ted Cruz grills Muslim Advocates president for blindfolding the FBI concerning Islamic terror
DHS Whistle blower, Phil Haney, testifies at Senate judiciary commission
There is no such thing s Lone wolf attacks. Mosques are central to Jihad.