Janet Daley in the Telegraph explains what is happening [2014]….
[The attacks on Farage] have permanently installed the idea that the political class are a united vindictive force which regards the anxieties and concerns of a large proportion of voters with contempt.
The people will not forget this lesson. Even when they return to the fold of the mainstream parties – as I have no doubt they will – in the general election, they will recall this vendetta, and it will leave a bitter suspicion about how seriously their opinions are taken by the governing elite.
Nigel Farage has hung up his spurs for a well deserved rest after having almost single handedly defeated what seemed like the unstoppable forces of the Establishment arrayed against him over the course of nearly three decades.
Much like Thatcher he is destined now to be forever mocked, sneered at and demonised by the likes of the BBC and the Guardian, all the more so for having been their ultimate nemesis, one man up against the torrent of pro-Europe, pro-immigration, pro-open borders propaganda that issued forth from the state broadcaster.
Adrian Chiles, who clearly adheres to the BBC othrodoxy about UKIP, repeatedly today claimed that Farage had ‘stoked the fears about immigration’.
Farage did no such thing. This is the usual BBC attempt to shape people’s perceptions and create the myth that there is not, and never has been, a problem with immigration…it’s just an imaginary fear created by the likes of Nigel Farage. Farage stoked nothing. What he did do was represent those who found themselves without a voice, their opinions shouted down, demonised as racists and silenced by the BBC which failed to report the truth about immigration and the effects it was having on society, the effects the people could see but weren’t allowed to talk about. Farage gave them a voice, he didn’t create or ‘stoke’ the fears. They were real and genuine.
Farage should be saluted and celebrated for the work he put in in the face of the enormous pressure and vitriol aimed at him, the tremendous amount of abuse, both verbal and physical, that he withstood, the mocking from the so-called BBC comedians and the interviews that were more like kangaroo courts than informed debate.
All we need to know about the BBC and its attitude towards Nigel Farage, and the people whose views he fronted, is that when LBC’s James O’Brien attempted a public lynching of Farage using lies, smears and innuendo in an aggressively hostile and prejudiced interview that had only one aim, to portray Farage as some sort of Nazi with a dubious morality, the BBC decided that O’Brien was just the man they needed to help present one of their flagship political programmes, Newsnight.
You don’t really have to know a single other thing about the BBC other than to recognise what the recruiting of O’Brien says about its thought processes, its values and the methods it is prepared to use to silence its political opponents…and of course just how biased it genuinely is.
Apart from the very obvious fact of the referendum substantiating Farage’s beliefs there are a couple of other points that should be made.
Remember that poster that the Left got so upset about?
It’s the same photo that the BBC used to propagate its own narrative…..
And today a caller on the Nicky Campbell show justified Farage’s use of the poster saying that the problem was that they may be refugees now but when Merkel gives them all passports and citizenship they can go where they like and many will head to Britain. Campbell stated the he ‘understood that.’ So Farage was right and the BBC understands that…and yet still launched all out attacks on him for his poster….and the EU seems to have just a loose attitude towards the free movement of asylum seekers and imigrants as to that of EU workers…
POLICIES ON BORDER CHECKS,ASYLUM AND IMMIGRATIONArticle 771. The Union shall develop a policy with a view to:(a) ensuring the absence of any controls on persons,whatever their nationality, when crossing internal borders
Remember when Farage was attacked for suggesting HIV positive migrants shouldn’t come here? The EU agrees…it says a country can limit the freedom of movement for reasons of public health….
There are limitations based on considerations of public security, public policy, public health grounds
Nigel Farage has been right all along and the BBC’s contempt for him shows which side of the argument they are on….they are in no shape or form impartial or balanced when it comes to immigration or EU membership and blatantly tries to gag those who would criticise either.
how do we get this man a knighthood
A few weeks ago, a labour MP was murdered on the streets of England. The left went overboard in shedding tears, MPs demanded extra protection and yet Nigel Farage who has had to endure actual physical abuse, demonaisation and pure hatred ( and his family) for years the left have laughted . Strange how the people who scream the loudest over abuse, actually approve of abuse when the target is their opposite number when it comes to politics.
Worse even than that Pounce, they don’t just laugh and approve of this action they actively encourage it. There is no more violent and hate-filled political grouping than those on the left (and it starts at the soft left and gets worse the more extreme it gets). It’s not surprising that they ally themselves to the most violent and hate-filled religious bigots.
Well said Demon; the Left and Islam make excellent bedfellows. It’s easy to forget violent left-wing groups such as the Red Army Faction and the Revolutionary Cells in Germany, the latter infamously taking part in the Entebbe hijacking, hand in hand with the cold-blooded murderers of the PFLP.
And the Red Army Faction is still active: “… in January 2016, German police identified three RAF members as being the perpetrators of an assault on an armored truck transporting €1 million, thus fueling suspicion that RAF might be active again.”
According to the lefty BBC they are “radicals” (how romantic) – not terrorists.
Meanwhile on the news today the British man who tried to kill Trump is treated sympathetically by the BBC.
Take away hate from the Left and nothing remains. The best thing you can say about the Left is that they are hypocrites.
Good to see he likes Greene King IPA 🙂
Indeed it is! (I’m a shareholder 😉 )
The problem with Farage was that he spoke – truthfully, eloquently and fearlessly. And for the left this would always make him NO1 target. I think we are very lucky to have had someone of such immense personality to tell it as it is. The first person over the parapet would always attract most fire and Nigel was certainly that.
Despite the attacks he made truth and honest debate acceptable again, and he will always be in our debt for that.
Lets hope those who follow in his footsteps possess “balls” in equal measure – They will need it, as they now know what will be coming their way.
I believe Raheem Kassam of Breitbart may throw his hat in for leadership of UKIP he has worked along side Nigel and I believe he would be ideal… how do the left accuse Raheem of being an Islamophobe or racist as he is brown himself, and according to leftwing orthodoxy non whites can’t be racist.
Woolfe and Nuttall are northerners and have the background and ability to wipe labour out up there.
So hope Woolfe wins with Nuttall as deputy.
But there is a wealth of talent with UKIP-heard the London Mayoral candidate on Newsnight and he was impressive.
And I do like Suzanne Evans, they`ll have to find a decent role for her too.
Good times ahead for UKIP.
I think that UKIP was a Panzerfaust; now the primary objective has been achieved and its irreplaceable leader has done a Faragexit, it’s likely to fade away (IMHO).
The fears that the ordinary Joe has is often downgraded to “concerns” by the Powers That Be unless they can dismiss the fears as silly overwrought phobias .
Take the liberal/lefts mantra that the Fear of Crime is higher than crime itself . How do they come to that conclusion ?
There are figures and statistics for crime ( often fiddled by the state ) . But figures and statistics for fear ? What would they be called ? Fearonmics , fearology , fearistics ? There are no figures and statistics because you cannot measure fear in a reliable and scientific way . But the BBC and TPTB spout such nonsense as if it were gospel .
The best they can do if ever tasked about it is say that people often think there are more burglaries , muggings ,etc in a particular area than are recordings of the crimes . But that negates what they dismiss ; fear . There may be less attacks in an unlit waste ground than supposed , but that’s because people won’t go to an unlit waste ground because of fear . The unlit waste ground isn’t safe . People are safe because they don’t go there .
The same is a gated security conscious apartment building is safe because fear has made it safe . If no murders or burglaries happen to it , you can’t say that without the security measures there would be no murders or burglaries .
The BBC and the liberal/left and TPTB think that people want to fear things . As though someone gets up in the morning and thinks ” you know what , I’ll think I’ll fear crime/ immigration today to give me a buzz ” . People would rather the problem wasn’t there , rather than adapt their lives to it . They would rather there was less crime so they wouldn’t have to be security conscious , they would rather have less or no immigration for the good reason that the problems immigration brings. .
Watch though how the establishment circles the wagons after the mere whiff of danger to themselves .
Very good points. Tony Blair hasn’t been assassinated, so clearly, by the logic of the intelligentsia, the large police protection team we pay for is unnecessary. Those cops should go back to protecting the general public, Tony Blair has nothing to fear but fear itself.
Meanwhile, the BBC is quite happy to take at face value – and then promote – fears of the supposed upturn in racism and xenophobia after the Referendum! Isn’t it strange? When people’s own experience tells them that some types of crime have increased, Mark Easton patronizingly reassures them that the trend is actually downwards, trusting the massaged official figures because it suits his agenda. On the other hand, when it suits the bash-Whitey agenda of claiming a surge in ‘hate crime’ (whatever that is!) the notion of exaggerated fears is never aired. In my view, xenophobic incidents are actually rather less likely now that the Referendum has taken place and Brexit won by a small but clear margin of 3.8% or > 1 million votes: steam has been let off which would have built up without a nationwide vote.
Personal attacks, invasion of homes, has become a standard method of the left who have departed from any requirement for rational argument or respect for democracy.
The Loony tunes of Class War and others plan a march on Boris Johnson’s home where they will stand and shout obscenities.
Their poster has apparently been modified.
If that deranged bitch Polly Toynbee actually turns up to lead a rabble outside Boris’s home, I hope she is arrested. Even the mafia don’t attack a man in his own home. The left are despicable.
Do the Lefty idiots like Toynbee and UAF/Hope Not Hate types REALLY think that they`ll be able to get away with this for much longer.
Their tactics come from the the Anti-Vivisection mobs, Plane Stupid and the like…deep green nazis who seem to think that they`ve still got the miners and dockers to mind their backs.
No-all they`ve got are metrosexual Guardian puff pastries on steroids , noses in Twitterdfeeds.
Loudhailers, face painting and poor personal hygiene that blends with bad tattoos is one thing-to hear the BBC and Channel 4 report it as youthful high spirits and a call to Brussels for an occupying army is quite another.
In short-these “photo opportunities” may need curtailing, and the likes of Snow and Davis might wish to “reflect on how distorting the popular will can lead to unforeseen consequences”.
Farage, Johnson etc have the right to walk their land unimpeded…we voted for that.
The likes of Toynbee need to watch the glass houses/stones maxims…democracy is a two-way street as of June 23rd,
A few days ago someone paid me a huge compliment.
It was a virtue signaller on face book.
His post was made public as opposed to sending a private message. (So that all his other ‘friends’ could see how nice he was). After a day when all his friends had seen how PC he was, he then ‘unfriended’ me, although the barrage of replies to the post, from leavers and remainers, all supportive of me (and democracy) maybe made him remove the post quicker than he expected.
In his post, accompanied by the usual superimposed flag of the week, depending on where the latest atrocity was, he called me a selfish old git. That is quite normal for remainers.
The part I was pleased with was that he said I was just like ‘that tw@t Farage’ (my @, he used the a)
It made my day being compared to someone who is a giant amongst politicians. I rank him with Churchill and Maggie.
Thanks for everything Nigel. I wish you well.
Well said Mr G.
Churchill -Thatcher -Farage has the right ring…who`d have thought that last year-and who`d have dared to dream of him winning even only a fortnight ago.
Heather Brooke was a true hero of ours in 2009 and the MPs expense scandal-which is the only thing in recent times, where you felt the whiff of revolution in the air.
I`ve not forgotten her, nor the damage it all did to her…no surprise that she now has a quieter life…but we owe her for where we now are today.
But Nigel has learned I`m sure…and he too will thank Sir James Goldsmith, the McWhirters, Cash, Redwood, Bone and many others who laid the groundwork.
But , in the end,Nigel did it…he made his luck, and was lucky in getting Cameron as an arrogant and insulting, lazy short-term clown by way of opponent…but the credit and glory are his nonetheless.I`d put Farage ahead of Thatcher by way of influence and ramifications to come…but like Churchill-he can say that had he not won-we may well have ended up having to speak German in the near future,
And-the BBC/Guardian etc may yet topple…imagine THAT!
Only hoping that we can buy Nigel masks for when we travel to Slovakia for the football in September-should go well with the special edition Crusader costumes!
Worth watching
A concise history of the EU, and Britain’s fate under it
My first historical knowledge of politics was probably the likes of Benn, Heath and Cyril Smith.
Between those types in the early 70s through to the rising-without-trace types like Stephen Crabb, I could name an awful lot of politicians. nearly all whose lives ended in failure, frustration and depression.
A pig pile of bitching nonentities, who fiddle expenses.
Only Thatcher changed our lives materially, and will live on…but Powell and Benn still have principles and influence that can be seen today,
But not one of these had to do what had to be done without a party, without finance , patronage and media friends…indeed he was loathed, and stymied at every and any turn.
Just an MEP since 99, a failed political candidate who would rather win Kent than hop over to Essex where he`d have got a seat had he wanted that “Seat In Westminster”.
The political gossips mocked, naive and rejected( but I still want to see those Tory expenses used to thwart him)
So then-no Cabinet, no column, no cabal of gossips who`ll get him into the Sunday broadsheets.
And he did something -alone-that nobody I name above could have done.
Yes, Thatcher will have an era-but Nigel is righting her catastrophic SEA of 1988…so he exceeds her as a contemporary “Man Of Destiny”.
We`re still too close to it…but the next few years will record that Farage was the first brick through the EU…and the others will come thick and fast from Eastern/New Europe and the likes of Le Pen and Wilders in the west.
He needs to know this-there is NO-ONE in politics in the last fifty years who will be seen to be as important to saving Europes hide than the flawed, the odd, the George Cole of political acting that is Nigel Farage.
He`ll be seen as Vaclav Havel or Lech Walesa are seen in Czech Rep/Poland respectively-and we`ll admire him as we did Gorbachev(but unlike him, his native land will adore him, not blame him for the mess he caused).
Buy the Express these days, drink at `spoons…and that`s in honour of the Great Man.
To see Merkel threatening to junk Juncker is joyful-the rest of Europe will soon come to thank him too!
I smile and sing “Antmusic” to myself when I see what he`s done…
A one man Leicester!