Nigel Farage has gone, laid down his arms, his fight over. For many his place in history is assured, for the BBC and its ilk he will not be allowed to rest in peace, like Thatcher he will be denounced and villified for decades to come. Perhaps he might like a little retirement job to keep his mind ticking over…..returning the BBC to the People and removing it from the clutches of the elite.
That is an excellent suggestion, Alan. Who better to take them on?
Ask him. (After he has had his well earned holiday)
BBC: Identity fraud up by 57%
Obviously those darn Brexiteers at work.
What is it about 57% crime increases – coincidence?
Agree – on that note has anyone else clocked the rotten pork incident “suspect” at Finsbury Park Mosque?
“He is described by police as white, in his late 30s, around 5ft 9ins tall and of medium build.”
Are we looking at the same f…ing video? Looks suspiciously to me like he has exactly the same beard as the congregation… Surprised Al Beeb didn’t have this one plastered across the 6 o’clock news, what with it offending their sacred religion and all that.
He certainly looks like a muslim doesn’t he?
I feel similar doubts about the Manchester tram “hate crime”. The phone footage only starts when the chavs are shouting insults at the American, who is described as black, but is in fact only mildly dark skinned as far as I can see. What prompted it all we do not know, but the sort of person who is drinking beer on a tram at 7.40am is probably not particularly interested at the outcome of the Brexit referendum.
……He certainly looks like a muslim doesn’t he? …..
The trouble is, the fashion fad with blokes now (despite most looking ridiculous) is to wear a beard like the Muslim and Jewish faiths, plus a slicked back hairstyle, so you don’t know who’s who or what’s what anymore !
Good grief, is that what constitutes a hate crime ? Dropping an old packet of sausages over a fence in London, it’s hardly the precursor of the New Reich is it ? I can’t remember Berlin suffering a night of the long bangers ! Watch out everyone, the racists are lashing out, he’s got a Cumberland !
Not on the BBC: Alice Gross: Coroner demands checks on foreign suspects after finding teenager was ‘unlawfully killed’ by Latvian builder
Police are failing to carry out checks on foreign suspects, a coroner has warned after an inquest found that teenager Alice Gross was “unlawfully killed” in a sexually-motivated attack.
Arnis Zalkalns, who killed the 14-year-old in 2014, was allowed into Britain despite having previously served a prison sentence for murdering his wife in his native Latvia.
Her family last night said that the Government is ultimately to blame for gaps in Britain’s borders which allow “foreign murderers and dangerous criminals” to enter the UK.
Zalkalns was arrested in Britain in 2009 for an alleged sexual assault but police failed to ask Latvian authorities if he had a criminal record.
Mike Hunt
The father of Alice spoke at length on the news last night of their support of the EU and the freedom of movement it allowed. I am totally baffled by his comments as this belief resulted in the death of his daughter. My sympathy for the family waned somewhat.
Jerry Owen,
Dare I suggest that evil forces in the media have been working on him.
And thinking of deaths used as propaganda, have I missed the state funeral of St Jo?
Jerry, I’m not sure what your beef is.
Alice Gross’s killer – Arnis Zalkalns was working as a builder’s labourer at the time of the murder.
In the absence of free movement, would he have got a work permit to come and work and live in the UK?
Probably not, because:
(a) We don’t have a shortage of builder’s labourers, and
(b) He’d previously served a prison sentence abroad for a violent crime
So I think it’s fair to say that without freedom of movement, it’s highly likely that Alice would still be alive.
(Of course it’s all “what ifs” but I can understand where he’s coming from.)
PS. And none of this explains why it’s not front page news on the BBC website 🙄
Re Alice Gross and the media massaging?
My wife saw the original live feed , and the dad was lucid and angry at Judge Wilcox and her “directing the jury” in ensuring that the State( in the form of Labours Home Office, Border Agency and the Met/Thames Valley Police forces) was not criticised.
So she was surprised to see the new and improved Channel 4 edit…and the interview that followed.
Gone were any efforts to get the judges role and rationale under scrutiny…instead , we got yet more crap about “let`s not look too deep into the EUs role in enabling this creep-with a mere seven years for murdering his wife-to get here, stay here and kill for kicks”.
The media need dealing with-they have a habit of using dead kids,,,dead MPs…to further their own lily livered agendas…and they are now shameless grave diggers , who wheel in the grieving relatives hours afterwards to get the soundbites,
Abuse of the dead?…well, I`d say so…very Savile!
The BBC and Channel 4…which one is Burke, which one is Hare?
Not on the BBC: Swedish music festivals hit by reports of rapes by ‘migrants’
Police in Sweden are investigating five reported rapes and nearly forty instances of groping at two music festivals over the weekend.
“Foreign young men“ were blamed by police for the attacks at one of the festivals and at least two unaccompanied migrant youths were under arrest.
Police recorded five reports of rapes and 12 of sexual molestation at Bravalla, Sweden’s biggest music festival, and 35 reports of sexual molestation at Putte i Parken, a free festival in Karlstad, where the youngest victim was just twelve years old.
If Nigel Farage were to mention any of this, it would be held up as proof of Ukip’s racist agenda. It’s like the photograph of the so-called refugees: it’s fine for the Guardian or BBC to use it, but when Ukip uses the very same photograph, then and only then it becomes racist. The people of Britian voted against this sort of brain dead left wing garbage, but it seems our self-appointed betters have not got the message yet.
Is it my imagination or has there been little or no video coverage of migrant boats in the Mediterranean of late – especially just before and since the referendum. It seemed like there was 1 per day, now it’s none per day.
The bbc would like to think they are somehow part of the solution in highlighting the plight of the boat people. In view of the referendum loss, they might want to revise that role to part of the problem.
Al-Beeb has a new cause! Inciting civil unrest over the “racist” referendum. The blacks floating in the Med are no longer newsworthy.
The Rwandan (sorry, British) Broadcasting Corporation didn’t want to assist the Brexit proponents by mentioning anything connected with the so-called ‘immigrants’ to Europe. Didn’t want to remind the voters (or even vaguely suggest) that, with Free Movement, many of them will work their way to the UK eventually, legally or otherwise.
Email to my MP:
Dear Brown MP
It is with disdain that I contact you about our national broadcaster.
Over the last year I have noticed an incredible bias and that the BBC now has its own agenda to promote anti-democratic views.
Whatever the outcome of the European referendum and whether or not it went “our way”, it was a democratic process and more effort than ever before was made to engage all eligible voters. The BBC however continues to incite civil unrest and behave like a 2 year old having a tantrum when told “no”.
I should be grateful if you would raise in Parliament my concerns that the BBC is no longer fit for purpose as a national broadcaster and should no longer benefit from my Television licence fee.
I am so upset that the national broadcaster should present to the world an image of our country as petulant, disjointed and factious and I do hope that you will give my concerns the consideration they deserve.
I’m quite sure I don’t have to say this (but will anyway for others reading in) but you will not receive any reply of substance.
I am going to play devil’s advocate here with this but it is not beyond the realm of possibility that the likes of the BBC are truly unaware of their behaviour. Really, they might lack the insight and feel their perceptual lens is providing them with an accurate view on which to base their decisions.
It takes a rather robust character to truly hold the view that “If the facts change then so does my mind” and it normally takes a profound past shift in paradigm in such individuals for this stance to be held comfortably.
Very few indeed are comfortable with data that challenges a self-perception.
On the other hand the “handlers” at the BBC may simply be a bunch of cynical bastards who know exactly what they are doing and they just don’t give a shit.
I know what I think anyway. Happy (and comfortable) to be disabused.
Boohanna, the impression I get is that the BBC is a mixture. Most of the older and higher up people (ie, editor level and above) are likely to be aware of the leftist bias of the Corporation and actively seek to promote this in subtle ways. A lot of the foot soldiers, I suspect, simply have no concept that there are legitimate ideas outside their bien-pensant bubble.
Yes, I would agree.
Who is going to start the Statue of Farage in Parliament square petition!? I’ll sign it (1 million times)! I’m sure I can get a Tower Hamlets IP address.
Surely he should have a Peerage…..Lord Farage of Dover, for services to British democracy, and the European Parliament.
Then a cabinet post in the government of national unity formed to oversee the implementation of Brexit on terms favourable to the UK.
Lord Farage of the County of Kent and the Weald…as long as his title is longer that Mandelsons list of places that HE`S Lord of.
AND there should be a Farage Pass-where the Great Helmsman gets free booze and Wetherspoons value meals for life…Loyds Bars also.
Crowd sourced, sent gratis to Tim Martin so we`re backing our Brexit Businesses…won`t drink anywhere else now!
Ethical consumers are we !
And-a sense of well-being as I swig a fine cheap ale with a fiery dragon curry of a Wednesday(or is it?)
I’m sure there is a village in suffolk called Feckemal Then we can not only have Lord Nige of Feckemal but we can have a t shirt saying I voted out I rode the opposition i feckemal
Good idea in theory but, unfortunately, every self righteously insane lefty vandal from 100 miles around, and Scotland, would be queuing up to vandalise it. It certainly wouldn’t have its own CCTV camera like St Lawrence’s plaque in Eltham.
In any case, I think part of the reason he’s resigned is to stay out of the public eye for a while and let things cool down. And I’m not so sure he wants the establishment’s approval right now.
We could always have a copper statue and wire it to the mains 🙂
Now for the peerage – Lord Farage of Shepherd Neame.
Or is it Greene King?
You sound Bitter ……
Didn’t mean to, I like Farage, he’s a bit Stout, but definitely Lager than Life.
With the peerage should go a statue in an appropriate London spot. Petty France, perhaps?
Surely he’s a stout hearted man:
Ale bet he’s a remainer 😉
These puns are a bit mild.
I’ll get my coat…
I think I was told to get my coat!
So hop it!
There have been reports of increased death threats to him and his family since the Brexit result, – he’s clearly had to put up with this for years, – but apparently in the last few days Twitter abuse has been upping the ante with one even offering to pay for him to be assassinated, so who can blame him now for wanting out when his family is at serious risk.
I haven’t heard much – if anything – on the BBC about death threats to Mr Farage. I have however heard quite a lot about how worried the mother of Sandford ( the alleged would-be assassin of Donald Trump) is about her son.
Here are a few tipples that go well with Nigel (don’t know if he’s tried any). Broadside, Prizefighter, England’s gold, Dragon-slayer, St.Georges glory, Winners tipple, Champion, Trafalgar, And finally Liberation.
I will leave it for others to pick one ,I like Lord Dragon-slayer.
How could you forget Marston’s ‘Old Empire’, ‘Courage ale’, Shepherd and Neame’s ‘Spitfire’, or Mcewans ‘Champion’?
Just change the “19” on the flag for “EU” and this one springs to mind.
Lobster – LOL!!
Thanks for bringing the picture up Mike! I couldn’t work out how to do it – what’s the method, please?
The easiest way is to click the link just below the box where you’re typing your comment, the link says “You can add images to your comment by clicking here.” (Sounds obvious but it’s somewhat invisible; it’s hidden in plain sight by being ever-so-slightly too far away from the input box!)
… alternatively you can paste the image’s address between two img tags in square brackets like this:
[img] [/img]
PS. And, no problem – it gave me a good chuckle 🙂
Thanks Mike – I’ll try that.
Oh, by the way, that beer is very nice – it’s made by a small brewery in Worcestershire. Morrisons used to sell it, but I’m not sure if they still do.
I’ll be sure to look out for it – it will forever remind me now.
Sure its not old ginger nut flashing his willy again ???
And don’t forget the prize-winning Skullsplitter from Orkney!
At 7.4%, well named
Think we`ve created the first cyber bar here my boys!
If anyone`s got a 3D printer that can send pints(not poxy 330mls mimsy Europop) along to me-I`d like that.
Otherwise I`m offering to pour a few Doom Bars down the side of this keyboard.
PS-when I say Europop…I do NOT mean the Czechs, Belgians or-go on, then!-the Germans).
Free Trade beer fests with the Czechs and Belgians ESSENTIAL before we bum the rest of them out!
Not on the BBC: Obviously Boris’s endorsement of Andrea Leadsome isn’t newsworthy enough to make the front page. But May’s pronouncement on an early Trident vote is 🙄
Wonder who they’re supporting?
The Daily Mail’s enthusiastic endorsement of the serial failure, Theresa May, is surprising. If anyone using this blog still buys the Daily Mail, I suggest it is time to stop buying it!
Serious point here. May has clearly failed to control the migration which we CAN control.
But…. Let’s go back to the early 2000s. Beverley Hughes resigns over dodgy visa handouts at the British Embassy in Romania. Mcnulty tells us to expect only 13000 Poles on their EU accession. And a civil servant appears on the Today programme espousing open door immigration.
What connects them all is the Home Office.
I believe the Home Office for years and years has run a pro open door immigration policy, irrespective of and undermining the government of the day.
But I still cannot figure out why.
May has been a disaster for the UK. I cannot believe that she could become Prime Minister. Why is she getting so much support ? Is there something I am missing ? Is she a genius in disguise ? How can a Remainer negotiate the Exit ? I do not belive what I am seeing. This is crazy.
Ankles, dear Boy, ankles.*
She is probably a shoe in for Party Leader.
* am paraphrasing …
Post-imperial guilt – the same delusion that drives the BBC and so much of the other far Left media.
Sluff, ….Bilderberg?
I didn’t used to even consider conspiracy theories but one does have to wonder how so many elections are being rigged in “progressive” countries and al-beeb’s constant diatribe promoting anything other than heterosexual relationships whether there is some truth behind the New World Order.
Common Purpose.
Like all fair-minded people, I loathed the way the BBC treated UKIP and especially Nigel Farage. It was outrageous and in their unfair and unbalanced treatment of him and the party, undoubtedly violated the terms of the Charter. Yet again is demonstrated the urgent need to rein in the BBC. The Charter is being renewed, and I hope the next minister in charge will revisit the terms of the Charter, i.e. ditch the poor Whittingdale effort, and start again. This should be possible under a Leadsom premiership but, of course, it will not be if (horrible prospect) T. May becomes PM. Returning to Farage, I did get the impression yesterday on BBC news programmes (including Newsnight) that there was an amelioration in tone, presumably arising from the BBC’s relief that he was leaving the stage. Noticeable, however, was the total lack of any reference to the huge number of death-threats made by Left-wing activists on social media – so the BBC news managers haven’t changed much.
MartinW, excellent post. Death threats are only newsworthy when they’re made against the left wing, didn’t you get the memo?
Yes, and death threats are nothing at all compared to the imagined insults invented by an ethnic grievance monger and lapped up by the BBC.
The barely concealed anti UKIP bias of the BBC is even more nauseating when it is remembered that they topped the poll in the last Euro elections.
And here’s a thought. We may still be members, if on the way out, at the next Euro elections. What fun they will be. If UKIP stand, they might just ‘do an SNP’ and get an outright majority of 52%!
Asad Ahmad for BBC London tv news once again includes in his headlines an anti-Brexit story – some supposed survey about a loss of business confidence in the last week.
Mind you, I note that our Asad was oblidged by someone to appendix to his story a short qualifiying line : “…Brexit supporters say business will do just fine”.
I bet that little editorial addendum hurt the feelings of the BBC London boys and girls. It goes to show the importance of calling the BBC out on its bias. We have to keep up the pressure here and elsewhere.
American boss of GEC says Brexit will not harm investment in the UK. It will still be a good country to do business. Should be headline news on the BBC.
Yup – and if property companies share prices are falling (pulling the FTSE250 with them), that’s probably because investors are expecting a slowdown in demand, given less expected pressure from EU migrants. This will result in less pressure to build houses. Who knows, it might even make it more affordable for first-time buyers to get on the housing ladder. Now there’s a thing. And it would be particularly good for our youth, too. I wonder which way the BBC will spin it?
Similarly, if the pound goes down, that’s bad for holidays but good for exports, and therefore jobs. And we’ve already seen how the BBC spins that one…
And UK bank shares have previously fallen (again, taking the FTSE250 down with them) on the expectation that they’ll lose their EU banking “passports” making it harder for them to offer services in the EU – but we still await a detailed deal, which may reassure investors and the prices will recover. In any case, a fall in share price doesn’t usually affect the business itself unless it’s a severe tumble, and the underlying financials of our banks haven’t changed.
It seems like more of a case of “any stick will do to beat the dog” rather than informing and educating.
Big FTSE250 lie that BBC failed to correct earlier : people assume that it is the top 250 companies in the index. Actually, no, it is a special index of of SMALL companies selected cos they are British based and mainly trade in Britain.
Only 10-15% of UK pension fund is invested in them, so the 7% fall in them turns out NOTto be a huge change for your pension fund.
– Strange that the BBC never told us that before. I only found out on Today today when Stephanie Flanders*managed to interject that fact despite the interviewer.
* (ex BBC now with JP Morgan and with new posh voice bio)
earlier Guido explained she talks against Morgan’s own policy
The fall in the pound is at least half due to Mark Carney talking it down by promising interest rate cuts if there is inflation. That sets the direction. Had he mentioned interest rate rises that would have talked the pound up.
xx days to go before the next Greek crisis and collapse of the Euro.
Good post Stew – shame for the BBC that Stephanie Flanders messed it up for them, ha ha!
One small point, from what I read the FTSE250 is the 250 biggest companies after the top 100 (which make up the FTSE100). Together, these make up the FTSE350. Did you read differently?
Yes that does seem to slightly contradict what she said without contradicting her main point that it is only 10-15% of your pension.
“The FTSE 250 Index is a capitalisation-weighted index consisting of the 101st to the 350th largest companies listed on the London Stock Exchange.”
My bit about them being specially selected is wrong ..I guess what she meant was that
#1 It excludes the top 100 companies
#2 Therefore it is mostly smaller British based corps that mainly trade in Britain, cos the multinationals tend to be in the top 100
..As I said the BBC let you think it is the top 250 companies not the 101-350 that it actually is.
BTW I see She is proof that you can’t trust Ed Milliband. Cos when she dated him In 2004 “Then I found out he was secretly going out with the woman who had invited us for dinner. I was furious.” Telegraph
At another time also whilst working for the BBC she dated Ed balls. (No problem as long as she notified BBC of the conflict)
(Ah Steph McGovern is the BBC biz reporter with the Teeside accent)
“Yes that does seem to slightly contradict what she said without contradicting her main point that it is only 10-15% of your pension.”
Agreed – the BBC trying to make a mountain out of a molehill 🙄
Don’t often post on here, but thanks for making this clear and showing up the BBC’s twisting of data. I assumed the FTSE was a wider spread of companies (the top 250) with more presence in the UK market so this index was “more important”. I guess if the 100 had gone down and 250 up we would have been told the opposite. So taking both indices together I checked the FTSE 350 and it appears to be tapping along quite nicely. It;s off it 2015 highs but the referendum seems to have perked it up a bit if anything
In your dreams!!
“Clegg: Hold a General Election Before We Brexit to Allow the British People To Change Their Minds”
What money this will make the BBC front page?
And if it does with absolutely no mention that Nick Clegg is a bought and paid for Europhile.
Nobody gives a shit what that idiot thinks.
Fair point! It hasn’t made it yet, but this has: “Brexit leaders ‘leaving the boat’ – EU Commission boss Juncker”
What a nonsense statement. What about Andrea Leadsome? And Boris hasn’t resigned from parliament? It’s basically only Nigel who has resigned as party leader, and he wouldn’t have been involved in negotiations anyway.
Tit for tat, if you ask me. But why the BBC gives this twaddle such prominence, god only knows.
PS. Good thing we’re leaving the EU boat…
According to the Dutch PM, the UK ” has now collapsed ” !
The rest of Europe will never forgive us for not collapsing in 1940. Our national survival against the odds makes them all look bad. If it hadn’t been for Britain, there would have been a European Union 17 years before the Treaty of Rome.
Yes, that would have been the “Europäische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft”.–EU.html
Yes Grant. As the Dutch would say “Wat een idioot”.
“Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte told MEPs that the Brexit vote was “extremely unfortunate”, especially for the UK. “That country now has collapsed – politically, economically, monetarily and constitutionally, and you will have years ahead of you to get out of this mess.”
I’m sorry Mr.Rutte but I think you have just described the EU. We will sort our mess out. I don’t think sorting your mess out will be so easy.
And staying with the EU as a boat theme (h/t to –
this one is better

And this one from the government referendum leaflet explains why they can’t backtrack.
2nd referendum ..ha ha ha !
LOL! Excellent cartoon – and good find from the referendum leaflet. I think I must have used mine for toilet paper…
Too shiny, I sent mine back to Dave the Quitter.
That 9 million turns out to have been well spent…i`ve got mine, and Mushka Del Rey will have fun defending THAT statement as issued by HMG.
THE GOVERNMENT WILL IMPLEMENT WHAT YOU DECIDE…er, let`s see you wriggle on each word you soapsuckers at Temple Bar
Mind you, they didn’t say when…
Talking of which, petition to invoke Article 50 immediately is now over 66,000.
Great cartoons above Stew, G and Mr H….would love to see an EU-painted duck house, with Juncker, Blair and the other fat ducks in the sights of Nigels gun…and the bodies the the likes of Jenkins and Monnet already bagged up.
Need to find my College artists don`t I?
Comedy Central this place-and saves a lot of writing for kids who`ve not been taught to read yet after 13 years.
and i would suggest his party should be sued for the blatant lie inherent in their party name
“Liberal Democrats” indeed
It really is frighting how many MP’s and so called Statesmen believe in a totalitarian state and refuse to accept the will of the people.
Clegg’s views from his the 4th place UK party 7.9%
probably count less than that of the 3rd place party UKIP 12.7% of the 2015 vote
Is this Nick Clegg who’s calling for a snap election barely a year after a valid one in which at least the winning party implemented its promise to hold a referendum, the same Nick Clegg who’s Lib Dems demanded fixed term parliaments as part of the coalition agreement?
Evan Davis was at it again on Newsnight last night, but he didn’t prevail against Eric Pickles, who very nicely told him to let him reply. About time. Davis’s snide ‘look-at-me’ attitude is, I fear, typical of BBC tv (except perhaps Laura K).
Can someone draw the attention of a few Tory MPs to this? I swear they believe that Aunty is perfect.
I can’t remember who first posted the link but a reminder in case some have yet to sign:
Invoke Article 50 of The Lisbon Treaty immediately.
58,473 at the moment.
Up to 61,280 just a moment ago.
What a ridiculous petition !
Who in their right mind would want to start a ticking clock when we don’t even have a leader at the moment, and also don’t have sufficient high level negotiators!
You’d have to have a screw loose to sign such a petition, either that or be so peeved at the referendum result that you wanted to get the worst result possible just so you could say ‘told you so’!
I think I’ll start a petition that the UK should give away all its assets to Bongo Bongo land – it makes about as much sense !
Screw loose or not, we have to put as much pressure on these people as possible before they wriggle out of their obligations ! There is no time to lose. If we wait for perfect conditions it could be 5, 10 years or never.
If come October or shortly after there is no sign of action then I agree we should have a petition, there is a plan in place to give our country the best possible negotiating position, why would anyone want to risk compromising that?
No one is talking about ‘perfect’ condition, but even you must accept that the inveterate idler Cameron, made absolutely no plans for Brexit, and has said it’s too much like hard work!
Your approach is to charge in like a bull at a gate and to rob our negotiators of 6 – 7 months preparation time .
Please explain how your impatience will benefit the country?
All you will accomplish is a worse outcome from negotiations. I prefer a little pause, some thinking time, and the best possible team with the best possible preparation.
How do you know it will take 6-7 months ? Any delay could be worse than getting on with it.
Absolutely Grant. The more delay, the more wriggle room for the Innards. The anti-democratic monkeys believe they can kick this particular can down the road for long enough until it will be too late. They don’t care for the democratic will of the people, they only care for the huge handouts, back-handers and pensions that their greed will get them.
We need to call for section 50 now or it may be never. We also need to stand up to the EU bullies, we can as we have all the best cards, particularly our export/import balances and the London Financial centre. That’s why May is the wrong person for the job.
No delay, no May, no way.
A useless Home Sec
Her ambition is too great
Choose our Andrea
I agree and I hope the Tory membership will vote for Andrea.
So far as negotiations are concerned , I think HMG should draft in some top business people , maybe some retired.
They have experience of negotiations. It should not be left in the hands of Civil Servants, who are probably mostly Remainers.
Cancel a few summer holidays and get on with it. We don’t need to wait for a new PM.
Whilst I agree with all the worries about delay being used indefinitely, I can’t agree with the conclusions.
We do need time.
No matter how good and successful a negotiator we have in place, if they don’t know what they are negotiating for or understand the legal terms around treaties, we will either get a very bad deal (my worst fear) or we will just end up delaying whilst in negotiations and having almost no agreement at all. You can’t just ‘negotiate’ until you really know your stuff!
All it takes is for our ‘fantastic business-honed’ negotiator to say they want “X”, for the opposing team to say instantly “well that contradicts WTO agreement 14.7 subsection C (ii)” and we will be back to the drawing board!
Our negotiators need to have our position decided before starting. Otherwise it will be a farce or we will just be agreeing things for the sake of getting them ‘under the belt’.
Regretably, I feel we should wait before invoking article 50, if we invoke it tomorrow how long is it realistically going to be before we have anyone in any position to negotiate about anything?
I can’t help saying again that I think we should all support the EEA as an interim measure before later leaving that on fully understood and advantageous terms. I can see just that taking two years to make work – or realistically this could be speeded up a bit and we could be out in maybe 18 months?
This is the biggest change in our nation since the second world war. Please, let’s take some care with our beloved country?
Are you happy to leave it to the politians and civil servants and to trust them ? They have a proven record of failure and ignorance. Not the people to do a serious job.
In my experience these people are slow , lazy and cowardly. Serious people could do this in 3 months. Maybe we should also involve the Military.
No I don’t trust them at all. However, I can’t help feeling that asking incompetent idiots to do something quickly is putting the emphasis in all the wrong places. I would really rather they did it well.
It reminds me of the old maxim “You can have high quality, have it quickly or have it cheap …. pick any two”.
To be honest, if the civil servants are given clear instructions then I would have some sort of trust in them to deliver. It is the quality of the instructions that is crucial – not the amount of time they take to start talking. There is no one to give clear instructions yet as there is no agreement about what we even want. It might be sad but it’s true!
Oh what?!?
Study: Majority of EU Citizens Fear Muslim Migration
According to an EU-wide study, 70 per cent of Europeans believe Muslim migration poses a serious threat to the continent, while 86 per cent fear that terrorist attacks in their country are likely.
The survey, conducted by Hungarian think-tank the Szazadveg Foundation, polled 1,000 people in each of the European Union’s (EU) member nations. While the study was carried out in April, the publication of the results was delayed until after Britain’s referendum.
The report found that Europeans are deeply unhappy about migration and the EU’s response to the migrant crisis. It states that the majority of EU citizens believe “the immigration wave increases the risk of terrorism, the number of criminal activities, and imposes risk on the cultural integrity of the countries that are impacted by it.”
84 per cent of respondents reported concern over the level of illegal immigration to Europe and 63 per cent feared an influx of immigration would change the cultures of their countries. Asked whether “the rapid population growth of Muslims” is a threat to Europe, 70 per cent agreed. A sizable majority in each of the 28 countries felt Islam posed a threat to their country but in much of Eastern Europe this sentiment was shared by more than 80 per cent of the population.
What a bunch of racists we must be.
No chance of this appearing on the BBC, then.
PS. The full report is here, in case anyone is interested.
Click to access Project28.pdf
And the BBC down here tells me that Southampton is not celebrating the end of Ramadan for fear of post-brexit eggy looks?
Oh dear-suspect that the peroxide has all gone to Belgium for Fellainis mop…and doesn`t store so well in the July lock up garages of Luton.
That old passive aggressive crap for the medias consumption makes me heave…thank God WE`LL have a feast day of our own(St Nigels Day)…next June 23rd!
Hell-we can even give him his Birthday(April 3rd) as a national holiday…only man to compete with the Queen re two birthdays eh?
Beers, pearly king suits, smiling tan..and his Desert Island Discs on Ipod playlists all day.
Nigel -we need that Kirsty Young programme now!…why haven`t the BBC asked him for his top tunes…think I`ve guessed them, want to be proved right?
86% fear that terrorist attacks in their country are likely, the remaining 14% are Muslim and BBC types who genuinely believe Muslims wouldn’t actually do such a thing!
They’re not altogether independent nor wholly credible either !
BBC gives free pass to left-wing violence: Capital City Rocked by Nightly Riots From Left-Wing Extremists
Left extremists have taken to the streets of Berlin nightly, causing mass havoc in protest of being kicked out of a building they had been squatting in.
I have just heard that if Article 50 is not invoked by March next year, we need agreement of 14 other EU nations to agree after this date, otherwise we are locked in.
Get your friends to sign the petition asap
Nothing I can find on the internet about proposals to change Article 50, and it contains no time limit at the moment, so I would say no truth in the rumour.
Mike Hunt
See my response to Rob!
Article 15 section 5, google it and it will confirm you are correct.
can’t find any credible sources i’m afraid Jerry. If you have one could you please post it.
I can see nothing in the Lisbon Treaty article 15 that says any such thing
This is section 5:
5. The European Council shall elect its President, by a qualified majority, for a term of two and a half years, renewable once. In the event of an impediment or serious misconduct, the European Council can end the President’s term of office in accordance with the same procedure.
Article 50 itself contains no such mention :
Reminds me of Rimmer on Red Dwarf citing his rules and Kryton then quoting the actual rule which is always utterly different & irrelevant
This is an entry in the website. I thought the EU is like our gov, they do not have any money only taxpayers money. Leeds has taken EU money, who gave the EU the money in the first place?
Never before in the lives of Her Majesty’s subjects did Her Majesty’s Parliament devote such effort and resources to enable the voice of all Her subjects to be heard.
Referendum voting registration was extended.
Very high profile advertising campaigns were made.
Posting to every household was made.
And still the fecking 18-24 year old couldn’t be arsed to vote and cry about the decision.
Stop bleating and buy a bloody alarm clock.
To be fair Aborigine Londoner, I suspect it may be true that a lot couldn’t be bothered, but from the ones I’ve spoken to who didn’t vote (anecdotal I know) it seems that they either genuinely didn’t know which way would be better, or simply couldn’t be arsed (ie brassed off with politics altogether). But both these attitudes are indications of intention, and not a dereliction of duty, so their voices were “heard” in effect. A bit rich of the losers then to assume that all of the young people who didn’t vote would have voted Remain.
And yes – deadline extended, gvmt money spent on that ridiculous leaflet, etc etc – totally skewed the result. Not to mention Jo Cox…
Did any of your “cohort” of 18-24 yr olds protest?
No… and my “cohort” is only two!! Hardly representative, I’ll grant you. Also, I’m not in London – it’s more relaxed down here in the South West. I’ll ask around more youngsters when I get back into the office, if I’m not lynched first, that is…
South West too Mike?…Radio Solent or Angel Radio maybe?…
Radio Devon 🙂
I was in Gloucester and Bristol working recently. I noticed how Bristol was being enriched!
There are five mosques in Gloucester (four plus one at a community centre) and even two in Cheltenham of all places!
I might be joining them at this rate. I have vowed never to vote Conservative as it is they who have repeatedly betrayed us to the EU (and look like doing it again with Theresa the appeaser). I’d rather stick pins in my eyes than vote Labour or Lib Dumb and now Nigel Farage has resigned from UKIP, who can say in which direction that party will go?
Looks like I may be repeating my protest vote in the early 2000s’ London Mayoral elections, when the Tories ran the repellent Steve Norris against Leninspart.
Sometimes ‘none of the above’ is the only option.
“I have vowed never to vote Conservative”
So have I – almost. I’ve vowed never to vote Conservative so long as the party retains its current set of objectionable priorities. It probably amounts to the same thing in practice.
I’d vote tactically for almost any party to disrupt the status quo – and that includes some pretty obnoxious ones provided they stood no chance of forming a government but were capable of giving the current lot a good kicking.
Much is made of the North voting for Brexit, and quite rightly so, but let’s not forget that the North also kept Labour going for decades, and still might, depending on what happens next.
Excessive, misplaced loyalty to long established parties has made the biggest contribution to the present mess, IMO.
Maria wrote,
‘Much is made of the North voting for Brexit, and quite rightly so, but let’s not forget that the North also kept Labour going for decades, and still might, depending on what happens next.
Excessive, misplaced loyalty to long established parties has made the biggest contribution to the present mess, IMO. ‘
You have hit the nail on the head, spot on.
It is the BBC I blame for brainwashing the people into this misplaced loyalty. Labour have done little for working people except keep them poor and dependent on benefits. Promising more benefits if they get their vote. It’s like a heroin addict unablle to break out of his/her dependent life destroying habit.
The BBC have failed to educate the people on axiomatic, self evident truths. If it did its job probably we wouldn’t have so many ex servicemen sleeping rough on the streets. We wouldn’t be giving away billions of pounds in foreign aid to lost causes,we wouldn’t have given billions away to the corrupt EU. In short we would be making incompetent politicians more accountable for their actions.
The BBC have failed to inform, and they have failed intentionally. Their purpose is to propagandasise their doctrines, not those based on truth and for the common good.
If only we had a broadcaster that wasn’t so anti British and pro left wing in its outlook? If only we had stronger politicians instead of cowards like Cameron and fantasists like Corbyn to sort the BBC out?
Interesting article by Justin Webb in the BBC’s favourite journal exposing all too clearly the cynical BBC attitudes towards impartiality. He, other Beeboids and like-minded left-wing media operators are clearly annoyed that the BBC were restrained from full-on pro-EU propaganda during the Referendum campaign.
Absolutely disgusting. How can such views be tolerated when they are so contrary to the BBC’s Charter? If it was a private company he’d at least be disciplined, if not fired on the spot. Why are we made to pay for this rubbish?
“clearly annoyed that the BBC were restrained from full-on pro-EU propaganda during the Referendum campaign.”
I don’t remember the BBC showing any restraint. What I remember was 24/7 Remain campaign messages from the Ministry of Truth.
“What I remember was 24/7 Remain campaign messages from the Ministry of Truth”
Pretty much. One can only imagine what it would have been like if they hadn’t had any guidelines.
Webb, one of the BBC Radio 4 Today team, spoke out after Oscar-winning film producer Lord Puttnam criticised the BBC’s coverage of the European debate as constipated and effectively hamstrung by its own strict rules on impartiality.
Ha ha ha ha ha.
Oh please, no more… aching sides….ha ha ha haaaaa…oh my goodness…
Lord Puttnam had to be restrained in the middle of the media show direct audio as he was frothing “This week is tragic .. We are leaving the EU .. The fact that Boris has a real chance of being PM is DANGEROUS, actually dangerous !!”
Steve Hewitt cut him short “We’ll have to stop it there we’ve gone right off the script. You can’t say that when he’s not here to defend himself”
In any normal journalistic organisation, Mr Webb’s article would have been a straightforward act of professional suicide. And yet.. He’s Alive! He’s Alive!
A very interesting documentary running on RT at the moment about wealth and debt. Who has the money and who has the debt..We the small people are becoming more and more indebted with public bodies being sold off and we having to go into debt to fund them as in higher Education. The sort of investigative journalism the BBC should be doing.But they are part of the problem. There are no lobbyists in Washington for the workers or pensioners .Its all for big corporations. I assume its the same here.
I know RT has its own agenda but much of the documentary laid out what many of us have suspected for years. And it’s getting worse.
This is what troubles me so much with the BBC slant on the referendum. I equate the EU and free movement with modern day slavery. Where I live I call the tube the mobile B&Q. You can’t get on a train in rush hour because it is full of Eastern Europeans working for less than the minimum wage, cash in hand, and living 10 to a 2 bed flat.
Rents have risen. I saw an “affordable” studio flat in Bow for £1,600 a month last week.
Wages are going down. I am self employed and my hourly rate has dropped to below £10 per hour on average. I pay my taxes and woe betide me if my tax return is late!
I see the genuine homeless evicted from their pitch at 6am every morning by the pretend beggars.
With the housing benefit cap I see more and more British homeless. This is happening at a rate that can’t be solved by Norman Tebbitt’s on yer bike attitude.
Quite simply the Landlords are extorting people because they know the Eastern Europeans will just add another person if the rent goes up. Unscrupulous employers are still able to pay cash in hand and avoid minimum wage.
I’ve said this a thousand times but one way to stop this is to tax the Money Shops at 100%. If you want to send £500 out of our country it will cost you £1,000.
Then there will be jobs at proper rates for the British and only those who wish to contribute to our society and not build a mansion at our expense in their home country will remain.
Deborahs post above is of apiece with yours Alex.
I too saw the RT thing just now-hence my wish for the BBC to be sent to Russia to learn how to do a decent documentary once again.
The sights from Spain were pitiful…massive queues like I saw in Slovakia and Portugal re the dole and no jobs…unfinished “public sector and housing projects” stopped stone dead in Ireland, Greece and (yes) Spain again.
Berlin refusing to give yet MORE allotments to its Turks, Swedes getting assaulted by migrants at pop festivals again, swimming pool assaults by “Those Men Again” in Germany, maybe Austria.
Stagnation In Grenoble, banlieus ready to blow, gangs of pickpockets on the Amsterdam_Brussels trains, attempted scamming of the ATMs near Gare Du Nord.
The Eu is falling apart and into chaos, anarchy and ungovernable-unaccountable-madness.
All this?..yet what do we hear from the BBC?
Need I say?
The BBC play a very dangerous game here-their role as Caroline Lucas Stormtroopers in kinky boots is NOT going well.
When RT and Al Jaz are more reliable sources of truth that your own State Organ…then the State itself becomes suspect and open to confrontation.
And those of us with kids in London rage at their inability to get going as we did on the housing ladder, the rip off agencies and the crowding…AGAIN EU related, as well as our own shit Government.
They think it`s all over—-it fucking well is NOT.
It`s Leadsom with her 4 million Ukippers in her bag-or its Theresa Corbyn, before Steve Woolfe as the next PM…their choice…we`re told that the Tories are pragmatic and non-ideological…well anybody but Serious Brexit will show us that they TOO want to die as an entity, like Labour does.
Chris, you probably know this but you will find more like minded people on Breitbart (London)
They post the news that the bbc keeps hidden or delays (Koeln).
I can’t remember seeing any post in your unique style on Breitbart and I reckon you should share your thoughts there as well as here.
Most kind Mr Goldstein.
This site has always been good at linking to other sites…half the Green stuff came from “Watts Up With That” for example.
Imagine we`ve all got our favourites- Breitbart is certainly one, Conservative Woman, Jihadwatch,Political Islam, Gallia Watch and Spiked, Cranmer as well.
A lot of good thinking out there..which makes the BBCs tunnel vision all the more galling.
Never really sure if the BBC get them as clones at selection…or do they adopt the clone position by osmosis,career development or knowing that lefty treachery is what is implicit and expeected of them.
Mr H, your list is a good one – also recommend Going Postal.
As to the current crisis in journalism (not limited to the BBC by any means), I have only hear-say experience of that trade, as my sole source for this is someone who has just finished a degree in it, at a minor provincial ‘university’.
From the way she was describing it to me, it seems that, because it is now a degree subject, there has been much scraping-together of content to justify the level of qualification. Inevitably, in order to look ‘sound’, the courses all end up being excessively technical (there is after all much technical ‘toolery’ that can be dwelt on, tested and graded), at the expense of an almost complete lack of content exploring the ethics and motivation of journalism, indeed ethics in a general philosophical sense.
The result of this seems fairly obvious (especially as a similar thing has happened in the nursing profession) – a generation of journalists whose motives for being in the trade are either an irrelevant but sadly all-too-evident orientation to effects and presentational/persuasive gimcrackery, or a dubious and unexamined commitment to juvenile politics pursued by covert means.
Hi folks, it’s been a while. Have been busy with business so have not had the time to visit so much.
Anyway, found this pathetic tripe in the Guardian. Not even worth printing but that doesn’t stop that useless rag.
So, Webb discusses that the media needs to ‘rethink’ their coverage of such political processes. Whatever could he mean? That the BBC is not biased enough in Remain’s favour?
Funny how those in Remain flagrantly flaunt their contentment to override and manipulate democratic processes in any way, shape or form so as to get the results they want.
The fact that we have a sizeable proportion of the population who are happy to protest against our country and wave a foreign flag, often carrying anti-British/pro-EU placards should be extremely worrying for those who are patriotic and love this country. The enemy is now within the gate in the shape of a brainwashed youth pampered by their middle class parents and an education system saturated by left-wing cultural Marxists; the far-Left have created a spoiled brat monster which cannot accept any view but its own and will resort to thuggery if challenged. Civil war looms this century me reckons.
Welcome back Alex, good article to put up.
Shallow Hal speaks unto Shallow Halitosis…and the Guardian know alls can now be made even spongier in the brain department if they absorb The Message as evinced by Peter Woods sperm duck and the (well who else?)…the Luvvie Laudenum Putty…Stanley Unwin would LOVE the new media for his genius.
But I digest.
I will hear this one in the school staffrooms and sports fields in the coming days…oh won`t SOMEONE listen to Alan Parker or Dennis Potter…they scream through the trees my dears!
Note that some sheep stealing rascal up before the Wessex Beak today was called Justin Webb(21)…but THIS July Criminal in W1 needs a kicking…the BBC needs defanging and give a straw to suck on, before we pack it to Moscow for a bit of Putinology…at least THEIR bias is clear and honest..and their honest stuff(when you find it) is pretty good.
And not £145.50 worth of rhubarb ruminations for Che, Uncle Joe, Mao or Anjem.
Digression, not about the BBC, from another site, thought you might like it.
What is the difference between Bill and Hillary Clinton?
Bill was impeached while he was president. Hillary was impeached before she could become president.
I thought there was going to be a cigar joke!
They are both psychopaths with narcissistic personality disorders, they both like to sleep with women, neither likes to sleep with their own spouse, they both love money and power, and people who cross them or know too much tend to die with a convenient regularity. They really are very well matched indeed.
More BBC sympathy for left-wing violence: “Trump ‘gunman’ mum calls for UK return”
Loving the quotation marks there, BBC.
This was a politically motivated assassination attempt, on a high-ranking politician.
Where is the BBC’s outrage, a la Jo Cox?!?
His mother says ” he is a very calm , gentle person ” !
… and Tommy Mair kept himself to himself, and never talked to anyone about politics.
What’s happened to him, by the way?
According to the BBC and the rest of the media Mair’s actions were linked to the climate of nationalism and hate generated by the Brexit movement.
On a similar level we might say this assassination attempt must be understood in the context of the BBC’s hate campaign against Trump, his waaycism and sexism, which filtered down to the UAF – supported – by Cameron – who posted a comment endorsing the possible killing of Trump by a rifle. I copied and posted it here a couple of weeks back
Given the BBC’s interests in gender identity, I wonder about the sexual preferences available to the would be Trump assassin, when Bubba and his mates meet up with him in jail.
Promising footballer or aspiring doctor?
Petition: Invoke Article 50 of The Lisbon Treaty immediately.
Just broken 60,000 signatures…
Anyone think Teresa May having ‘clandestine’ talks with the somewhat flakey Sir R. Branson on the subject of a referendum re-run will give her leadership hopes a boost?
Is there any truth to that? It would blow her leadership campaign out of the water.
Probably on a par with the ‘accidental’ recording of Clarke and Rifkind puffing Teresa’s chances Rob. Odd how these coincidences keep cropping up!
Agree totally! I heard the Radio 4 bulletin at 16:00 and it all seemed very convenient, mentioning Mrs May first, with negative and positive comments, then proceeding to attack Gove (and Boris Johnson en passant) and Mrs Leadsom. Perhaps Ken Clarke should just come clean with the British people and join the LibDems, where he belongs.
Ahmen to all that Musta – After shafting Gove and Leadsome (the brexiters). I thought it was a nice natural little conversational touch stressing how ” bloody good” May was even though she was difficult. Gave it that lovely patrician air of authenticity.
Ken did really well and did not fluff his lines. Aunty now ecstatic and probably thinks she is now in with a chance of getting her EU double agent in as the next PM.
I still find it incredible that this unreliable, incompetent, and duplicitous woman could be the next PM. She has put nothing on the line except her colleagues reputation.
lets hope the tories wake up to what they may well be electing. I am fairly certain if she is elected then operation fudge will have succeeded.
Yes, the May comment was clever because after calling her bloody difficult they compared her to Margaret Thatcher who, despite 40 years of the BBC attacking her and her memory, is still extremely popular amongst true Conservatives.
I got the impression from Clarke’s appearance that the clip was filmed after lunch !
A great advert for a dissolute life of underachievement and brothel creeping under the stairwells of any place where fags can be sold, booze can be glugged, dirt can be dished and self-satisfaction can be equated with ability.
Clarkes dissolute jazz riffing was probably deliberate-sees himself as a Coltrane of politics…Kilometre Davis riffing on rape, and being a polo-necked black sweat stain .
Nigel Farage achieved far more in a few minutes-that Clarke and the other pigpen Tories achieved in whole lifetimes of paid , public sector draining irrelevance.
Clarke, Heseltine, Baker, May, Patten, Parris…the usual…and Nigel leapfrogs over all of them and into history-with only Maggies red hot poker to look forward too, as she sips splendid malts besides them.
Aged in the barrel.
He could decide Brexit by challenging Juncker to a shot contest.
Well, if they were not both on the same side.
True Grant, but then, it could also have been filmed before lunch. Aperitifs can so easily provide extended refreshment.
What the hell has it got to do with tax exile Richard Branson ? Who elected him ?
No one, but he does have an eco rocket that soars to the heavens on the wings of fairy farts.
“Irish relative? The Britons in search of dual nationality”
What about a Scottish relative, if/when they decide to leave and rejoin the EU?
And what about Scots themselves?!? Aren’t they Britons, suddenly?
Oh wait, no – the BBC’s against Scottish independence, silly me – so let’s not mention that.
Funny, that.
is this the same ireland that young people are leaving in droves because they cant get a job?
I’m an Irish citizen, born and bred, although I got my secondary education and first two degrees in England. I worked there for years before emigrating again, so please don’t accuse me of being a tax-dodger. My passport expires in a couple of weeks and the embassy tells me that I will have to wait months for a new one. It used to be six weeks, but they are fecked with trying to cope with the deluge of new applicants. My son and his wife, to my delight, voted out, as I had done in ’75. I’m delighted to be paying the consequences, although it means I will miss my niece’s wedding.
Well done you Brits! Is it possible that the Angles, Saxons, native Britons (Welsh/Picts) and the Danes/Normans voted out, but only the Celts and London voted in? I don’t see any analysis like that on the surveys which seem to examine age and education.
I too am an Irish citizen, whose passport is British again-but expired late last year.
Have alternated them overall..but will be proudly getting my British one renewed, after the vote.
And if I DO get an Irish one again…I`ll wait until the media are unable to cite my application as some kind of show of no-confidence in the UK.
May well be my age-but most of what`s coming out of Ireland in terms of culture is badly compromised by too much Eurocringe….and not enough independence from their busted state.
From the Dubliners to Westlife
From Eamonn Andrews to Ryan Tubridy
From Father Ted to Mrs Browns Boys
From Sean Lemass to Enda Kelly. Hillary to O` Higgins
From WB Yeats to Colm Toibin.
Guess i`m a snob-but I hardly recognise the place when I go back…the EU has destroyed much of its best.
Irish Ferries’ web site seems to say that you could use a driving licence/utility bill/birth certificate instead of a passport to travel between UK and Ireland.
I was going to listen to “The Human Zoo” this afternoon. However, the introductory clip was Brexit supporters refusing to listen to experts, so I switched off. I know that the BBC thinks we Leavers were all too stupid to know what we were doing and I didn’t need another programme to tell me so. In the time I’d saved I thought about the BBC’s contribution to the campaign, and especially the role of experts.
I think we Brexiteers owe the BBC a vote of thanks for its efforts over the past decade – for two reasons.
Firstly, about a decade ago the BBC signed up as the propagada lead for Anthropogenic Global Warming. We’ve had 10 years of experts telling us how all the arctic ice would melt by 2013, how all the polar bears would die, how Britain would have endless hot dry summers, etc, etc. None of this has happened, and our own personal experience has been of 10 years of British weather; a mix of good, bad and indifferent. These experts haven’t just been from NGOs, we’ve had the same story from academics (especially the UEA), the Met Office, government departments and Parliamentary committees. Almost every scientific report seems to have a compulsory paragraph on the evils of carbon dioxide. The BBC has presented us with incontrovertable evidence that experts lie in order to promote a cause, or get a grant. “Trust me I’m an expert” no longer works; we want to see the evidence.
Secondly, the BBC interviews experts (and pretend experts) on a wide range of topics. Those speaking for a cause the BBC supports get a gentle interview, but those on the “wrong” side of the argument get a much tougher time. A standard BBC ploy is for the interviewer to challenge the source of funding for any study they don’t like. If the the money came from a business, the research conclusions are immediately dismissed as biased; having being bought and paid for by the funding company. The BBC has endlessly repeated the message that expert opinion is for sale to the highest bidder.
When the Referendum campaign started the government’s entire strategy was based on Project Fear. Their experts told us that the economy would collapse, businesses would move overseas, pensions would be cut, wages would fall, we would all be poorer, the French would send all the illegal immigrant to Kent, etc, etc. There was a little bit of inconsistency, for example when Stuart Rose admitted that wages would have to go up if employers couldn’t import cheap labour; but then he was a businessman not an expert. The government completely ignored the lessons we had leaned from the repeated failures of government experts to get even close to the truth.
At the same time experts from the business world told us how all the big businesses would have to leave because they had to stay in the EU (carefully confusing the EU with the Single Market); but we knew from years of BBC interviews that experts from the business world will say whatever they are paid to say. We didn’t believe them.
Project Fear failed because we’d stopped listening to “experts” just because someone had told us that they were an expert. We looked at whether or not they were supporting a cause and who was paying them for their opinion. This scepticism was vital to the public (well 17.5 million of us) retaining our grip on reality, despite the relentless Remain propaganda. Our ability to discern the truth through the smokescreen of lies had been nurtured over the past decade or more by the BBC; even though the it had no idea what this is what it was achieving by its dedications to endlessly repeating lies..
Thank you BBC for your vital part in getting us out of the EU.
Good post RJ.
Like you-as soon as I see or hear the first signal of their bias…I hop channel or station and get a life for myself.
And the more ludicrous the venal the BBC, the more the decent solid people of England, Scotland and Ulster quietly get their revenge…coldly, but quietly.
That they are set against the majority of us has INDEED galvanised us.
As for learning ?…well, deeper into the swamp they go.
“the more the decent solid people of England, Scotland and Ulster quietly get their revenge…coldly, but quietly”………..And Wales. 🙂
Sorry taffman-briefy forgot what I`d said the other day.
Good Lord…worramuppet eh?
SURELY I confused Wales-my heroes of the hour-with Scotland(who with the exception of the Few are a shower of wasters for voting to stay in, and indulge the SNP).
Feel now I`ve got to go on pilgrimage to St Davids after a few good nights in Cardiff, a meander down the Gower to see the sunset at Rhossili and being offered lightly warmed Welsh cakes by Gladys Pugh en route.
Will ask the wife if that`s OK…imagine she`ll be delighted.
Sorry taffman…and will accept that this was not my finest hour…feel like a LibDem with pants down at the mo!
“Fear is nothing to be afraid of”-so said Chris Coleman yesterday…i`ll sneak out the door on that bombshell.
The BBC’s ‘best scientific experts’ always turn out to be less qualified than me and everyone I know in the scientific community. We complain, but the experts are environmental activists and unqualified useful idiots promoted to high positions of administrative authority, and these peoples careers are dependent on supporting a consensus on issues such as carbon dioxide induced Climate and Weather, and the European Union, even when they turn out to be false assumptions or a useless undemocratic bureaucratic gravy train for career politicians.
I just look at Australia. Its geographically isolated, as well as not being a member of the European Union. But its immigration policy means that GDP (PPP) per Capita income for Australians is 15 percent higher than the United Kingdom, which is about the same percentage for our neighbours in Europe not in the EU. No payments to the EU, less regulation and less taxation seem to be the obvious reasons for this, and you do not need to be an expert for that conclusion.
Brexit risks beginning to crystallise, says Mark Carney.
Not really surprising given Cameron’s craven cowardice, 3 days of deliberate uncertainty, and the dire doom-and-gloom warnings by all and sundry, including… Mark Carney himself!
Talk about self-fulfilling prophesy 🙄
FTSE100 back up higher than it was at the start of the day – a 3-month high – not mentioned at all.
Carney has been wrong all through this. I think we can safely ignore him.
The Governor of the Bank of England that Goldman Sachs would sell you.
He must be ignored given his background.
Carney, the BBC and the rest of the Common Purpose, open borders, Agenda 21, internationalist totalitarians are effectively campaigning in the Great Referendun Re-Run, which they obviously think has already started.
The next 5 years are shit or bust for democracy – and not just in this country.
Should the EU survive and political union be achieved, we will begin to see policies emerging that reflect the real eco-socialist aims of the UN/Club of Rome dictator-elite. My bet would be on a ‘carbon ration’ for each and every individual because by then, of course, the threat from ‘man-made climate change’ will be so acute only immediate and drastic action will give mankind any chance of survival (‘Oh look, here’s an EU citizen database, identity card and carbon usage logging system we prepared earlier’…) closely followed by ‘baby permits’ (‘We note here you once voted for UKIP – permisssion denied’….)
johnnythefish, a ‘carbon-ration’ for every individual is actually a great idea.
(jtf “My bet would be on a ‘carbon ration’ for each and every individual because by then, of course, the threat from ‘man-made climate change’ will be so acute only immediate and drastic action will give mankind any chance of survival”)
What we have seen so far with ‘AGW/CC’ measures is a transfer of income & wealth from those low and in the middle of the income/wealth ladder up to those at the top. A carbon ration, easily done with a credit card, would mean that the housebound little old lady who pays more & more for her goods & services (including home care arriving always at the point of a Fuel Duty & Escalator taxed vehicle?) will actually make some money by flogging her entitlement to a two week foreign holiday and a weekend in Paris or Prague plus 12,000 miles of M25 traffic jam to some keen, thrusting, upwardly mobile – pending air & road mile purchase – executive type.
This could and should have been done by Blair & Brown but instead they decided to help our economy and that of most of the rest of the northern hemisphere onward by larging it, so to speak, on a Completely Different Offering of tertiary paper.
Just had to turn the BBC off for fear of giving my TV the Keith Moon treatment. Pure pro-migrant propaganda. Some bespectacled, nerdy, hand-wringing, fair-trade-coffee-sipping, Ryvita-eating leftie hipster geek was lecturing us all on why it is disgraceful that we are not taking in more Calais ‘refugees’ and so on. But, surely any impartial broadcaster worth their salt would endeavour to inquire whether they are, indeed, refugees at all? Because, forgive my ignorance, as far as I can see they are economic migrants looking for handouts and a better life; if they were proper refugees they would have accepted help from the first safe country they entered. I am utterly sick to death with this left-wing media -driven agenda that is trying to brainwash us into accepting that every person trying to get here is a refugee. The middle-class left-wing student/charity/Labour types peddling this far-Left ideologically-charged propaganda have but one objective: undermining traditional British society. Brexit was a two-finger salute to such foul motives.
I imagine every poster on here agrees with you Alex.
After reading today about 12 – 18 year old girls being physically man-handled at a concert in Sweden by ‘young’ male asylum seekers who were housed in accommodation for ‘children’, I wanted to send it to Yvette Cooper and all those other bleeding hearts who wanted to take in every kid in Calais ! This is the reality of giving a home to those ingrates who’s culture is totally alien to ours. Contrary to left wing speak, different peoples do not mix ! who in their right mind would put cats and dogs in the same pen ? If there is a peaceful settlement, the cultures stay within their own communities with their own shops and places of worship, so if they want to do that, then why bother migrating to another country ? for the money that’s why. Cos it certainly ain’t the weather !
Put some cats in with my retired racing greyhound.
“Where’s the ketchup?”
In other words – gimmegrants..
But, surely any impartial broadcaster worth their salt would endeavour to inquire whether they are, indeed, refugees at all?
And the question the BBC never asks: ‘How did these people manage to get the thousands needed to pay their traffickers?’
Oh blimey, exactly how OLD is the Archbishop of Canterbury ? he’s just said in his speech in the Lords, that he cannot remember a time when hate crime is at its current levels – (inferring its all due to Brexit). Hmmmmm, er what about Tottenham, Toxteth, Brixton, and skirmishes in other major cities i.e. Luton.
If he wants to prattle on about ‘hate’ crimes, he should have been around when the Mods and Rockers were at it in Margate and Brighton ! great dust ups they were ! they kept the local A & E’s busy for days, and the manufacturers of deckchairs had their order books full for months !
Would that be his actual age or his mental age? I suspect there is a large disparity between the two.
Doesn`t the Great Helmsman live near Canterbury?
Maybe THAT`S the next job for Lord Nige…or, at the very least-the next DG of the BBC, committed to neutralising the threat of Pink Liberalism, peach communism…
Or the hate directed at his faithful parishioners who either are hated and boycotted by nasty kids , with the grandkids getting used as bargaining chips.
Just because they voted as they did.
Or-as ever-how his fellow anglicans suffer in Iraq or Nigeria, Pakistan or Sudan?
I don`t doubt that he has experience of, and a heart for, Africa and the rest of the world
But who`s he going to scare?…and his deafening silence on how Christians suffer worldwide when Islam lets rip…shows that he`s not fit to be Archbishop.
Another top vacancy coming soon I suspect
Welby is a heartless idiot.
Agree Grant. He is a nasty left-wing twit whose every utterance condemns the CofE to further irrelevance. If he really investigated his claim then he would find that he is totally wrong.
The question never asked by the finest “minds” at the BBC is – why would Brexiteers need to start a race-hate campaign when they won the referendum. I strongly believe that the supposed increase is due to fraudulent claims, exaggerated claims and false flag attacks such as the one in Huntingdon.
Agreed, Demon. Welby is a very stupid nasty piece of work. He should keep out of politics and try and save the Church from oblivion. Or stand for Parliament.
I am afraid the idiot has full associate membership of the ethical “latte” society. Obviously his true soul home. This man certainly has an eye full of planks but fortunately for the rest of us, he is still able to identify sawdust in the eyes of us lesser mortals.
I am afraid his application for membership to the real world was rejected on the grounds of incompetence. Once he has completed destruction of the C of E. Maybe he could start “Justins Foot Washing Service” He could employ Fergies old mate Johnny Brian for a more “speciality” personal touch.
Welby and his ilk are a lost cause, he will still be wringing his hands as the Ropers barricade Canterbury and burn it round his ears.
Grant ….
…He should keep out of politics and try and save the Church from oblivion. Or stand for Parliament. …
AMEN to that ! personally I think he should have stayed in the oily industry – he was well suited. Interesting to read the Wilkepedia comment………… “Welby was at first rejected for ordination by John Hughes, the Bishop of Kensington, who told him: “There is no place for you in the Church of England.”
Lordy ! I grew up in an atmosphere where the Archibishop of Canterbury was almost revered as much as the Pope; in those days the likes of Fisher, Ramsay and Coogan did what they were paid to do – remained theological and kept schtum; Runcie started to speak but no-one took much notice; Carey just smiled, a lot’ ; and then along came Rowan Williams and most of us wished he hadn’t, and the rot set in; now we’re lumbered with Welby the whinger who should stick to Sunday sermons.
Grant, I think he was in Parliament when he was speaking!
To all, I think he was right to speak out. But he could have been clearer where a lot of this nastiness is coming from: it is not from 17.4m Brexiters.
Do the vile posts on Facebook accusing anyone who voted Leave as being racist/xenophobic etc etc constitute hate crime? If so, then I agree it is at an all time high.
Another point – hasn’t hate crime only recently been defined in UK law? A record high in a short period of time is nothing to get excited about.
Hatred is perennial, of course, and as fundamental to the human condition as wickedness, love and virtue. In encapsulating it within a criminal code, it is simply being rendered countable for political purposes, and weaponised. It attaches a tariff to dissent, and brings it within the scope of civil control.
‘Hate crime’ is merely the return of ‘witchcraft’, a social container for spite, contempt and the pursuit of a moral crusade.
ChrisH, it’s my belief that there are a few non lefty clergy, but like non-lefty actors, they keep quiet because to voice their views would be professional suicide. One honourable exception is Canon Andrew White, the ‘Vicar of Baghdad’, who was brave enough not only to minister to Christians in Iraq but also to speak out against Islamic extremism.
True Cranmer-you`ll know your bible more than well enough to know of I Kings 19.18.
Peter Mullen comes to mind-he`s retired now but pooped up in the Daily Telegraph letters page recently with his lacerating scorn for the new regime.
Andrew White can reduce me to tears-and only God know why the heck he stays under the Anglican banner.
Do like Michael Nazir Ali too-best Archbishop that we SHOULD have had.
I love your posts. However, as an Irish Catholic I think that my racial memory might have loads of examples of “hate” speech. As a student of history, before PC, I can see that the English, loyal to the Crown, saw us as a bunch of traitors with loyalties to foreign powers. We were. I have great respect for the English Martyrs, Catholic and Protestant, and the state that executed them. I feel sad that Welby, a fellow Christian, doesn’t seem to know his own history. I thought that all the English people read Foxe’s English Martyrs. Us Irish know our history, but British leaders seem not to know theirs. It saddens me.
I think they only history they know, K, is the Official BBC Edited Version. I suspect it’s the only text used in our schools, too.
Cranmer, chris, Kennedy & jtf, I think we learnt with Carey & Williams that Archbishops (of Canterbury) have to toe a difficult political line at times. Welby’s bland language in the BBC clip may not have been all that he said but I suspect that overall it was just a plea to “let’s all get along now and don’t be beastly.”
Sure, he was woefully inadequate with the historical inaccuracy that you have rightly picked up on. (That, for me, was one of the interesting aspects of the whole EU Referendum debate and, especially, those in the Remain camp. They invariably were poor on British & European history, especially economic history and none too good on their knowledge of the EU & its workings, either.) What Welby, I think, was trying to say came across O.K. as far as JoePublic are concerned although it will be unlikely to halt thugs and determined racists (and unlikely to be the voting sort & thus Brexiters?) or false flag or other grudge attacks.
Thus, Archbishop Welby was ‘seen to be doing his establishment bit’ pretty much like any other Peer in that place.
Recall my dear old Mum, who hailed from Glasgow, sounding off about how in her day all was sweetness snd light.
Dad, a man of few words, simply offered: ‘Except the razor gangs’.
Must dig out Brighton Rock too.
The Islamoslime has won the first round ballot
I see the Guardian is following the BBC in filling up the cracks in Teresa May’s face in their photographs.
Soon she will be wearing the full Islamic veil – hopefully
Italy’s prime minister Matteo Renzi is considering “unilateral action” to bail out Italian banks with taxpayer money, in violation of EU rules. Action is needed because Italy’s already fragile banking system has a staggering $420 billion of bad loans on its books.
Italy’s bank crisis and confrontation with the EU has gotten so deep that some analysts say it threatens the European Union “worse than Brexit.”
The BBC version is that it our fault, the Brexiters have caused uncertainty etc.
Nothing to do with the corrupt, unreformeable, dictatorial, EU.
Nothing to do with the Euro gamble taken by the EU to create the EUSSR.
Nothing to do with the Eu decision to push Eurozone states into penury, to push their citizens into unemployment, to destroy their manufacturing, to “do whatever it takes” (Draghi) to preserve their precious Euro.
The ROP website reports 56 attacks since the referendum, these of course, are Brexit attacks, nothing to do with
Not just Italy. The banks everywhere are bust and are expecting that the taxpayers of the Western world are going to bail them out. This is what it is all about and even our leaving the EU will not solve the problem for us here. We have been the victims of the bankers greed and effectively they are looting from our children.The creation of hedge funds, derivatives and the rest has been criminal. It has enabled the banksters to loot and loot and loot. At the heart of it are those banks whose names deserves to be excoricated by all of us.
That is why the Brexit vote is so important. These dreadful leeches did not expect it and it has caused them problems. Those idiots who are whining about leaving the EU have no idea. It is not leaving that is the problem it is the very exsitence of a union that has as it’s aim the imposition of a new feudalism on free men and women.
Like I said our vote is a spark and who knows now where it will lead.
Nothing to do with Brexit. Brexit is a vote of peace.
There is an item on BBC news website giving great acclaim to the views of the appalling Mr Juncker (why?). Not only that, but we are solemnly told that the FTSE is down by n per cent ‘in dollar terms’. So what??
I think that is the first time I have heard the FT100 referred to ” in dollar terms “. The BBC must be getting desperate now. Why did they never refer to “dollar terms ” when sterling was strengthening ? Amazing !
Thanks – that’s exactly what I thought when I saw it.
Maybe they will move to Reichsmarks?
“Lies, Lies and damned statistics”
I believe it was Disraeli.
Having had some experience on “playing with” and presenting said stats it is not very difficult to choose your (pre-selected) answer and produce the perfect answer.
As evidenced above and classically demonstrated by “I don’t really understand Excel” Professor Jones of the University of East Anglia Climate Research Unit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BBC Website ” What will happen to Polish shops in the UK ? “.
“BBC Website ” What will happen to Polish shops in the UK ? “.
I’ll still buy shoe polish.
Well when Britain goes to hell in a handcart as the BBC predicts, and many of the Poles return to Euroland for sure nobody will miss them. They all present a hostile facade to any non Polish customers.
They must be closed down, immediately, and permanently, racist shops.
If someone opened a British shop AlBeeb would have it on the front page describing it as the worst crime since the Muslim Timur killed 150,000 Hindus on the same day, Delhi 1398. Nothing to do with Islam, naturally.
Ha ! The BBC seem to have suddenly an obsession with Poles. Maybe worried they are going to lose their nannies and plumbers !
It won’t be anything to do with flags and St George, Jacks or Dragons.
The Union Jack looks quite good without the saltire – how about adding some green and a Dragon.
Good luck against Portugal boys.
Steady on………some of us Scots whose families fought under the Union Jack still love the flag but with dark Navy blue and not that rainbow insipid lighter blue that the Scottish Nazi Party use.
It should be remembered that Poles are after freedom, too. OK, back home they are determined to milk the EU for all it is worth. But having talked about history further up this Thread it should be remembered how fiercely & bravely the Poles fought for all our freedom during one of this country’s darkest hours. Many stayed on in the UK afterwards and integrated completely and totally to the benefit of all.
A lesson for any other later-comers.
Funny, I thought about a new flag recently with the same idea of a bit of green and a griffin or dragon. I couldn’t find a program to draw it. My thought was that the flag has the lion on the left, the dragon on the right separated by the red hand. The main part would be the St George and St Patrick crosses with the green replacing the blue on the two lower segments on the right. It’s probably too messy but without the means to commit it to a drawing I can only visualise it mentally. Sorry Grant and the others but the nazi party in your beautiful country are very persistent and I foresee the breakup quite soon, I’m afraid.
Check out the Tudor ‘Coat of Arms’ – Lion on the Left and Dragon on the Right. vice versa
That’s good, of course the Tudors were a Welsh house. The symbols would be better as a coat of arms, but a new one which incorporates the Red Hand of Ulster as well, and even a barbary ape to represent Gibraltar (to piss off the Spaniards). The Flag could be simpler than my first weird thought, with the two red crosses with just a white background on the top half and Welsh green to replace the Scottish blue in the bottom half.
“Sorry Grant and the others but the nazi party in your beautiful country are very persistent and I foresee the breakup quite soon, I’m afraid.”
Should be interesting, shouldn’t it? I never thought I’d live through such interesting times (yes, I know it was originally supposed to be a Chinese curse).
IMO, Scotland will not go its own way when it comes to the crunchy Mars bar. I’m not confident enough to bet on it, but I don’t think it will happen. The EU has too many other problems to deal with, without trying to satisfy the Fish Wife’s self-centred demands.
I’m not convinced that the EU will immediately jump to colonise Scotland once it gets its independence, although they might do just to take revenge on England. Or maybe they will think one new accession to the EU could be used to pretend that it isn’t really falling apart. However, Sturgeon will lie like always and tell the Scottish people that accession is assured once they finally leave the partnership with England. Many Scottish voters believe her lies – despite her Mussolini-like strutting and head-wobbling – and she will eventually get her wish to destroy the most successful political partnership in history.
Not just ” Mussolini -like ” but she even speaks like a machine gun ! A vile and nasty piece of work. I must say that most people I know who do not support the SNP totally detest them.
The only argument the SNP have is based on hatred. Hatred of the English. I have no idea why they are not called a hateful racist party.
I find it astonishing that SNP call UKIP a racist party!!! Pot -Kettle- Black. Panelists on TV programmes need to start telling the truth about the SNP. I don’t buy into this ‘ruled by Westminster’ nonsense, especially since they have gained powers through devolution to rule (which they seem reluctant to use). Further they receive additional payments (which they shouldn’t IMO), via the Barnett formula.
If they (Scotland) split with the UK they would immediately have a 15 billion black hole to fill. An unwanted border. No EU membership due to potential conflicts aroused in France and Spain. A new currency introduced with no credible history or alternatively a pegging to sterling or a failing euro where they would have no control as to its rate.
Lunacy beyond measure and the SNP need to be called out and exposed as such.
Which the BBC does not expose because the SNP are both partners in being anti British.
My view is that Scotland is its own worst enemy. The SNP complain of a lack of investment in Scotland. What country in their right mind would invest money into another country if it was always trying to destroy its union and separate?
Answer. Stupidly, the Tories did when they gave a massive naval shipping contract to the Clyde instead of to historically naval proud Portsmouth. Although I accept there were political reasons for this at the time.
The funny side of it is that many english who have moved to Scotland support the SNP without seeing the irony. Maybe they think that they will escape being deported !
In the early 1990s a north Manchester local convenience store, run by Asians, renamed itself ‘The Paki shop’. This was as it was known by the local clientele on the council estate and no-one, including the shop owners, thought anything of it. But there were acute use of language sensitivities amongst other, more liberal and ‘easily offended on behalf of victims types’ as well as public sector organisations. As a middle ranking police officer at the time I often chuckled as I passed the shop with its huge name sign. What if the shop were to be robbed? Dial 999, ask for the police, and the radio operator would say to police patrols “please attend the, the, the, the – oh my god I can’t say it – the local shop at 27, oh my god, Guidepost Square. Officer responding – “What’s the name of the shop?” Radio operator “It’s you know the, the, the one on the corner”.
And since then the country has gone, exponentially, more racist dafter.
Who cares? They’ll be able to buy all the vodka and cabbages they need down the CoOp.
The only one I can see is My Shop: Polish deli owner on her fears after the referendum
which is the normal BBC trickery
cos it is a Polish shop cos it sells Polish stuff
but the NOT the chain owner pictured cos she is Ukrainian and got a work visa to come it says at the bottom of the article. So for her Brexit makes no visa difference.
Just an observation. Some of those junior doctors I see protesting out in the streets seem very similar in appearance – sandals and woolley jumpers etc. – to those protesting teachers and Remain voters. Dare I venture that some be from the same ideological bunch of leftie agitators? Just a suggestion.
It is unlikely that one of these junior doctors will be the MP for Tooting, as juggling the demands of medical practice plus that of new parliamentary representative may adversely impact the safety of her patients an/or constituents.
Possibly. But at least the money’s good.
They all carry SWP banners – that is how you recognise junior doctors, striking teachers, anti frackers and the yoof full remainers
‘Victory to the junior Doctors!’
‘Victory to the teachers!’
‘Ban fracking!’
‘Victory to (name your public sector cash drain here)!’
‘Ban (anything to do with capitalism or right-wing politics)!’
Why don’t they rationalise their slogans and save on printing costs? Something like ‘Bring Britain to its knees!’ summarises them all quite nicely.
As far as I can see, “Victory” in this case is all about how much extra they can screw from us for working Saturdays. It’s all about the ackers, and it has been ever since Nye Bevan had to “fill their mouths with gold” when he needed the doctors to support the formation of the NHS.
jtf “Why don’t they rationalise their slogans and save on printing costs? Something like ‘Bring Britain to its knees!’ summarises them all quite nicely.”
LOL! Brilliant, jtf. And they complain endlessly that Brexiters were ‘little Englanders’ and wanting to return to the days of empire, yet in being strike & demo crazy, they are in fact actually moving back to the past.
Scrubs and stethoscopes courtesy of Bermans & Nathans?
Is Nigel Farage staying on as a MEP while Britain disentangles itself from the EU tentacles? I know he said he wanted to help other countries achieve their own exits, but will he do that from within the EU or not?
Perhaps he’ll stay on just to make Juncker and Schulz and the rest of the rotten crew insane with rage at having to listen to him gloat over Brexit.
BBC news at lunchtime, full of left-wing subversives, aka striking ‘teachers’, were given generous publicity for their cause – sorry, I mean they were ‘interviewed’.
Class sizes are too big, apparently.
Government funding is not enough to educate ‘our children’, apparently (er, you sure about the ‘our’, luv?).
I wonder if these are the same left-wing agitators who protest in support of the mass immigration which might, just might, have something to do with class overcrowding? And how come these immigrants who are ‘net contributors’ to our economy, or so the Left/BBC keep telling us (casting it in stone on the strength of one dodgy dossier), are not funding more school places (as well as all the rest of their service/infrastructure needs)?
And I wonder when the BBC are going to ask any of these well-paid, generously-pensioned, cossetted, out-of-touch-with-the-real-world child-adults the simple question ‘The country is still borrowing at the rate of £80 billion a year, so you would need to cut something else to pay for what you want – do you have any suggestions?’
It’s the National Union of Trotskyites who having had their wishes fulfilled re mass immigration are pissed at its consequences and have thrown a hissy fit that the government won’t bale out their latest stupidity.
They just can’t seem to grasp that allowing in 8 million people without any infrastructure growth is going to lead to problems. In the Disneyfied wold in which they live immigration is a free lunch, where all the migrants are decent happy people whose only wish is to enrich our lives. I wonder when they might wake up and see the world in all its horrendous reality.
‘The country is still borrowing at the rate of £80 billion a year, so you would need to cut something else to pay for what you want – do you have any suggestions?’
Their answer would be Trident followed by defence spending in general. The lefts answer to all questions on spending cuts. Don’t ask them.
“First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. And then you win.”
Nigel Farage.
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers at Biased BBC must take inspiration from Nigel Farage.
Uh oh…..BBC making repeated reference to “euro sceptics” whilst discussing the Tory leadership vote.
We are beyond “sceptical”. We are Brexiteers, we have spoken through the ballot box, haven’t we?
The BBC just don’t get it at all. A Eurosceptic now is someone who voted Remain , but is sceptical about the EU. The BBC still in denial and living in the past, just like the EU itself.
BBC Online News:
“”More than 40 sex assaults reported at two Swedish festivals””
Hmmm….other sources describe the attackers as young male migrants of arab appearance. Why have the BBC ignored this vital fact?
In BBC world, muslim migrants can commit no crime. And to suggest so, would involve a right wing backlash that has never happened and never will happen.
Keep the lid on….nothing to see here. Concentrate media efforts on a pork sausage waved at a mosque. And those racist thicko Brexit voters who were never educated….
Yes the Beeb is way behind (nothing unusual there) with this story and their article seems nothing more than a cut n paste, but leaving out the salient points. The Beeb must think we are all morons if we will conclude that these attacks were the handy work of Sven and Erik.
Why does the BBC even bother to report on that story? It’s utter pap in that form. I am a journalist myself, of sorts, and one of the things I was taught about news reporting was ‘who what why when where’. Who carried out the attacks and why, would be my first question! The article also implies, via a quote, that it’s just ‘men in general’ who are to blame. But as far as I know, this has not been a problem at festivals until relatively recently.
Yup – spot on Cranmer.
One of the girls who was molested said she was sorry to have to say it, but it was immigrants wot dun it yer honour. The victims bear no malice towards their assailants because of their race, in fact quite the contrary – but that doesn’t change the facts. And without the facts it’s meaningless, and worse, leading us sleepwalking to disaster, as Charlatans wrote in his well-worded complaint to the BBC.
A complaint which got the usual brush-off, sad to say. One can only imagine the frustration of ex-servicemen who may have watched their friends get killed in action, only to see the politicians fuck things up which means their sacrifice would have been in vain. It’s too tragic for words.
Never mind the tragedy of the girls who got molested and/or raped, and the countless others which will no doubt follow.
If we are to help genuine refugees (and I think we should) let it be first and foremost Christians and Yazidis from Iraq who are under genuine threat of genocide.
Most of the so-called “refugees” arriving in the EU are mostly economic migrants from Africa, and even the minority from Syria have a choice of 26 other Muslim countries they could go to.
“even the minority from Syria have a choice of 26 other Muslim countries they could go to.”
Actually, they don’t. Apart from Jordan, none of the Arab muslim states will take any refugees. Not one. There must be a reason for that surely? If there is, it is not something the BBC would want to look into. Apparently, this is all Europe’s problem, and we have to take the lot.
You clearly don’t appreciate how morally superior the lefties are to you and I Rob 🙂
They are so *ing decent, that they even decide for us what we should do. And if we don’t agree with their idea of what we should think, we are the most horrible racist scum!
I feel positively humble in the presence of such moral greatness.
Maybe the male migrants are from the defeated armies Obama and Cameron with the Europeans equipped to overthrow Assad. Now these slimy politicians are trying to bring them back here because no one else wants them. It figures, BBC is supporting the Government’s failed policy.
BBC Online News:
“”Letter from Africa: Should the UK join the African Union?””
“”In our series of letters from African journalists, media trainer Joseph Warungu casts a satirical eye on the aftermath of the EU referendum and suggests the UK could now qualify to join the African Union (AU)”” (What’s a media trainer?).
“”Africans are often accused of tribal politics, so the UK would be quite at home in the African Union””
“”Hate and racism have also come out from the shadows to torment the UK, and Africa knows all too well the dangers of hate speech and hate crime””
“”Since supporters of the Leave campaign won the referendum, there has been an increase in reports of hate crimes in the UK, with the police looking into incidents””
“”Although violence was not used, some voters felt compelled to vote one way or the other without proven facts to support the fear””
“”We know of a number of leaders in Africa who have won elections through threats and intimidation””
“”The referendum result itself is not legally binding in UK law and it alone does not trigger the UK’s departure from the EU – parliament may still debate and be asked to approve the process of leaving Europe”” (Is this a BBC factoid?).
“”The majority of young people wanted the UK to remain in Europe, but they did not vote in large numbers. The older generation voted to leave””
“”In Africa, the youth are the majority but their voice and presence in power is in the minority. I grew up being told that the youth are the leaders of the future””
So, there you have it. A naive and crass BBC attempt to destroy the Brexit result by drawing parallels with African politics.
BBC. So damn obvious in their partisan reporting.
Apologies if this has already been reported.
BBC Presenter, Labour Peer: Scrap Impartiality Laws Because We Lost The Referendum
“The Labour peer boasted that he had successfully campaigned for the BBC to change how it covers climate-change, and called for a similar overhaul on its coverage of issues like the EU.”
“BBC presenter Justin Webb echoed the peer’s thoughts and called for a “discussion about impartiality in the modern era”. He said that during the referendum campaign, audiences were “hungry for real knowledge”. Mr. Webb slammed broadcasters for presenting both sides of an argument, saying they should only show “what [is] true”.”
Where’s Goebbels when you need him BBC ?
Slammed for presenting both sides, I hardly watch any BBC but made an effort during the referendum coverage, I must have blinked when they ‘presented both sides’ because that’s not how I remember it. Even now they just don’t get it, they threw absolutely everything behind remain and still lost, think what the outcome would have been if a level playing field had been made available. The few savvy politicians we have recognise this, the country is crying out for political change, like Scotland, England needs it’s own national party. Then our MPs will have to listen, or be replaced.
I think you might find that Wales outvoted England WRT out.
Nationalism on an island does not smell good. I just use Scotland as an example.
Be fair number 7, England was handicapped from the start by London, and yes you are right, nationalism is tainted, but why should that be? Why should being proud of ones country and sharing common bonds with compatriots that reach back into history be denigrated? I was thinking more along the lines of a real credible political alternative at the ballot box to the con/labour mafia, rather than a flag waving march fest. Something to make our existing MPs sit up and take notice, ‘national ‘ doesn’t have to mean rabid foaming at the mouth xenophobe, as the left would have us believe.
English votes for English laws, that’ll do for me. Amazed that no politician has come up with it before now.
Oh, hang on…..
So Lord Puttnam is claiming responsibility for the BBC’s Orwellian censorship policy for climate science, scientists and scientific debate. Ignorance of Atmospheric Physics and the EU can only be reduced by debate, which educates people who are curious enough to ask questions such as how democratic is the European Union. And as for eliminating ignorance of the European Union: I recommend reading the book “The Great Deception” Can the European Union survive? By Christopher Booker and Richard North. I don’t think any of the BBC’s regular morons would have read this book or any factual books about anything to do with the EU. I did hear a young BBC comedian proudly say he did not known anything, so was going to vote ”Remain”, so was admitting to the viewer that he was voting for the safe option out of ignorance.
But as for “Project Fear” this seems to have been more successful with influencing young people who read fiction and talk about fictional films and fictional TV soaps. If young people had more knowledge then they would have voted for Brexit, but then ignorance can only get less over time, and by the time people reach 40 years of age, most people at that age and over voted Brexit. “Project Fear” was the only strategy of the Remainers because from experience, reducing ignorance of the EU, only helped UKIP gain supporters.
The Media cannot produce ignorance, it can only reduce ignorance. I suggest that the very grand Lord Puttnam is just another one of the many ignorant over promoted Liberal fascist elitists, who sound as though the Brexit vote has worsened the Mental Illness, caused by a confusion of facts with assumptions, so dominant amongst those still employed by the BBC.
What could be less biased than coverage of the Hampton Court Flower Show on bBBC2?
One minute from the start, we receive a trailer from………..a wheelchair-bound garden designer!
What are the chances of that?
Still, box ticked.
And the junior doctors dispute?
Who else to ask but two Asian ladies in their late 20s…Muslim or other?
See-without unfettered immigration, whitey?…your obesity wouldn`t have a label…so that the Muslim lady dox.
D`y a think that racial profiling might help us to see if Islam is marching through the institutions via the endless Bolshie Ballots?
Were I a Muslim…I for one would CERTAINLY be doing it…but if it`s a tactic, then we need to know.
Teachers on strike yesterday-24% turnout to post their votes in the staffroom cake tin…might have to waddle over from the hi def tennis on the computer…nah, too hard maan!
The BBC seemed to approve-and all those parent selected seemed to agree, or at least tell Morgan to throw them teachers some more money…solves everything you know.
Funny that- I heard otherwise, NUT cowering in the pubs as kids mocked them in towns…but the “voice of youth” is not required here for the Beeb,,,only question the Progress Chartists at County Hall-and we do NOT want THAT!
Usual Massage Boy/Lazyboy coverage of the fetid left by the fetid BBC.
So then-all we need do now it take our kids out of school for those cheap holidays…because it reduces the class size foe a fortnight, help the teacher cope with less stress.
AND -if you can fine a parent for doing so-then a Class Action(arf) by parents ought to be suing a few NUT teachers for forcing kids out of classes, when it`s ALL they`ve got in life by way of a chance to get on and colour join the dots that make a picture of Harriet Harmans van.
No-one shot at life-and the NUT have screwed it all up for you Tazer, my lad.
Word for today kiddies…”SEQUESTRATION”…and Defenestration once we`ve covered the first word.
I myself have an NAS T-shirt and an NUT mug…temds to confuse them..and you can gom on hloiday as and when if you`ve got one or t`other!
Might sell them all online-get out of class cheap cards..especially for the teaching “procession”…no possession …er, no Profession…..wankaz!
Back to class now.
‘Who else to ask but two Asian ladies in their late 20s’
One was not, by chance, Rosena Allin-Khan, adding a third string to her stretched but still totally safe bow?
Roshana Meridien was my guess of one of them…she popped up both as a vox-pox on Channel $…and blow me if she wasn`t in the BBC studios an hour or so later.
Splendid creative recycling of The Big Troofs!…lefty liberal stylee.
Goodness Gracious me as Peter Sellars once sang-are we allowed to hear that again?
Course we are-we told Europe to piss off…
Is anyone watching the utter garbage being shown on the BBC now?…..The United states of Hate, Muslims under attack, where the Beeboid presenter is droning on remorselessly, sounding like an Socialist workers party lackey?
Must be presidential elections coming up is there?……..Wonder why the BBC are attempting such puerile indoctrination now…
It’s called panic.
Or (c. Blaster Bates) “Sh**ting a Stick”.
Oh it’s a repeat. Surprised the BBC have the audacity to re-run this misleading, ill-researced and lazy propaganda. What I found the most pathetic was how the sycophantic reporter equates the ‘silent majority’ of America with a few cars beeping support when passing by a protest by a handful of people concerned about Islamic extremism. Wouldn’t even pass an A level research project. It’s pure garbage.
You mean it was down to the normal low BBC standard ?
This a very good article by Pat Buchanan; about the issues surrounding Brexit and Trump’s popularity.
Remember reading Pats “Death Of the West” …as well as Ann Coulters “Treason” both available from out local county library.
Would be well worth while checking on the groupthink of todays librarians and their choice of stock…seems to me there`s a corporate groupthink which is happy to order loads of Obama crap, but very little Powell or early Benn.
(as opposed to the letters to my grandkids shite),
Very Chomsky…and very dangerous.
Beeboid Socialist hero talking to Beeboid Socialist hero about the evil Brexiteers..
‘Musicians are scared to speak out’.
What an irony-free world these people inhabit.
Little Owen listens to his Mum’s tales about socialism . She wants politics to be spoken in a simple language.
Offers hope for young people.
Quite right too.
We don`t see enough of Paloma, Owen, Bob, Chris, Benedict, Martin, Jude, David, Annie…or indeed ANY of the luvved up club who go from studio to studio practicing their soliloquys in song.
Prancing perverts all-and the only time we DON`T hear the unmerited upspeak of tattood youth is when their teachers are on strike…adults only then I note!
If we don`t get the Mighty Andrea…then top muppet is the Grover!
Or else it`ll be fun…
Yeah, this kind of fun…
Peter Simple, thou shouldst be living at this hour! He might have invented these people.
Michael Wharton predicted all this crap about 50 years ago . May he rest in peace .
Just looked him up grant…a guide to how to lacerate them all, but not getting tribal or precious.
The Right has a monopoly on REAL(as opposed to BBC) comedy
It being steeped in Judeao-Christian philosophy and pragmatism, it is able to see its own failings and flaws before getting into the faces of those who don`t and won`t.
Charles Moore asks us to always think “Who`s In The Dock” with any news story by the BBC.
Could easily add-who is being licensed to make the jokes, and who are the targets-because those who are NOT the targets…well they`re the ones who issue the licenses, and who are not allowed to be criticised.
Citizen Khan?…Boy Meets Girl?…no populace regards THOSE as comedies..but the powerful will give us all endless series and with no dissent.
Imagine the Nazis had their compulsory gang shows to enforce their world view on the plebs below…
The two comedy-free zones I cite attempt to do the same.