Nigel Farage has gone, laid down his arms, his fight over. For many his place in history is assured, for the BBC and its ilk he will not be allowed to rest in peace, like Thatcher he will be denounced and villified for decades to come. Perhaps he might like a little retirement job to keep his mind ticking over…..returning the BBC to the People and removing it from the clutches of the elite.
A lot of talk this morning about the patient who “lay dead” for up to four-and-a-half hours in the North Middlesex University Hospital A&E department.
Apparently, the emergency department is one of London’s “busiest” and there were “not enough doctors to meet demand”.
No discussion anywhere, as far as I can see, about why it is so busy. Clue: perhaps another way of describing a shortage of doctors is to say it has “too many patients”. But why would that be?
I’d also like to know why, apparently, it takes a doctor to identify a stiff. I would have thought that even a cleaner could hazard a reasonable guess. Lack of movement would be a good place to start.
Sounds to me like a department where nobody could organise a party in a brewery. In fact a brewery would probably be a safer place to be – for a multitude of reasons.
Disgraceful business, but it seems to keep happening. Where next?
BBC Website claims that yesterday’s falls in Asian stock markets are due to worries about Brexit. How do they know ? I suppose any fall in any stock market in the world is due to Brexit. Silly me !
Of course Grant, didn’t you know that every disaster on the planet will now be blamed on us 17 million who voted OUT ? wish that we had such power !
BBC headline today reads, ‘Shares slide as Brexit fears take hold’. However, the most cursory glance at the price chart for the last 12 months shows the FTSE 100 at a level higher than almost all of the last year. This would explain why the FTSE 250 is suddenly in vogue. That measure is now back where it was 18 months ago so provides the bullshit scaremongering the BBC craves so desperately at the moment. £4Bn a year for this risible school magazine level of reporting (with apologies to the better school magazines out there).
Here is a good article showing yet again the bias of our wonderful state broadcaster and its aggressive propaganda post Brexit.
And not forgetting Channel 4:
Jon Snow, the presenter of Channel 4 News, has been busy tweeting appeals “to get your MP to vote Brexit down.” Another tweet proposed a second referendum “to pull back from the brink”. Then he reported young people “in tears” saying to him: “What have these old people who voted LEAVE done to our lives?”
He could easily have answered that question with: ‘Protected your future by saving our democracy from total destruction’.
But as a member of the totalitarian Left, why should he….
BBC London tv news anti-Brexit head line for the day is a call from the Corporation of London that we have to stay in the ‘single market’
In fact it is a common misnomer to refer to EU economic policies – as EUphiliacs are wont to do – as being in any way ‘free’. The EU is and has always been a customs union. The precedent was the German Zollverein. (Historical Note : The foundation of the Zollverein was the first instance in history in which independent states had consummated a full economic union before the creation of a political federation or union. Inevitably that political union soon followed)
It must be a pleasant change for pretty girl Sonja Jessup to parrot the declarations and desires of the City when not so long ago her news outfit BBC London leant much weight to the protests of the Occupy movement, diametrically opposed to the evil bankers. How times change.
And change is not for the better apparently as the next head line is about muslims and ramadan – oh dear, it all went as pleasantly and peacefully as a rectory teaparty for about 10 seconds until a chap tells us unequivically that ‘Xenophobia’ has increased, donchaknow.
More hate crime drama here
‘The journalist, who is presenting a programme called the Muslim Pound about brands targeting Muslim consumers this Sunday, said: “It’s just another day post-Brexit.”’
How funny that she of all people should be shouted at.
Mind you, there’s an interesting detail in her story which tends to make me believe she is telling the truth about this incident….
‘Ms Francois said she briefly considered challenging her abusers – who she described as a diverse group of young men ‘
‘diverse’ – so they were not all nasty white men… hmmmm.
Apparently Switzerland has had 9 referenda already this year, but then that country is a democracy !
BBC selective reporting for best results. Black man shot by US cops. Very important so the BBC highlights it with a piece about Black Lives Matter.
But hold on, why not mention that 46 black people were shot this weekend in Chicago – Obama’s town
Don’t their black lives matter?
As always with the BBCTrots – news is only presented if it can further the cause.
As we know, for the BBC , black lives only matter if they are shot by white people. The BBC is institutionally racist.
BBc Breakfast take us to Birmingham to report on eid. Thanks for that BBc. Much talk of the charity work for the community. Thanks for that BBc
Eid for B and Georgie Best”…(or Francis lee for my Bluenose buddies of old!).
Practicing our footy chants…Nigel Farage is sung(to the tune of “Show us your nose”) whereas Boris is chanted.
Andrea Ledsome involves both song and handclaps…so I reckon there`s a Behemoth Rhapsody in Blue to be written yet.
Nigel Farages Desert Island discs.
1. Bannerman (Blue Mink)
2.Money For Nothing( Dire Straits)
3. The Lark Ascending( Vaugn Williams)
4. Ocean Drive( Lighthouse family)
5. Detonation Row( Me)
6. Cloudbusting(Kate Bush)
7. Let`s Not be beastly to the Germans( Noel Coward)
8.Beethovens Ode to Joy
Favourite luxury…a jet pack where he can go up in the air, and watch it all unfold as he says( no flying lessons needed)
Favourite Book…World Guide to Beers and Wines,with a 3D printer that lets him get them to taste.
Song he`d atke if the others were washed away
Noel Coward-so he`d always have the last laugh, as he`s done already!
The BBC tell me that the “womens cricket team HAMMERED the Pakistanis”.
1. Would they have done the same triumphalist tone had they been speaking of the men( need I say that our “sports reporter “was a girlie as per?).
2, Will Anjem be pleased at this denegration of the “Islamic Republic of Pakistan”-that is its FULL title, and is uniquely called so by the UN.
You gonna tell Mama or should I?
Still though eh?
That the same two blokes had to come out of the pavilion nine times in some combination to pretend they they HAD eleven players is pretty clever…and to have to catch the slight of a tennis ball lobbed underarm at you whilst looking through a veiled slit would surely restrict your ability to hit it.
Would like to have seen them bowling though.
One advantage?…no goalpost or crossbars to hang the losing ladies from later!
Remember Ralph Milliband?
“The man who hated Britain”, according to the Daily Mail.
Well, it is time for two sequels, “The Britain hating class.” and “The Britain hating broadcaster.”
The class being those who write for the Guardian extolling the virtues of Remain and the EU, and those who comment to support the opinion pieces.
The broadcaster being the impartial, trusted, BBC, with its equally malevolent articles.
I have never read so much consistently virulent hatred, and consistent nonsense.
Other titles for the new Mail exposes, might be “The people who hate being white” or “The people who hate democracy”.
Everything I read confirms that the decision to leave the EU is correct.
The difficult part of Brexit is living with the Guardian/BBC types. In the fictional “1984” there were only three minute hates.
The real lefties can do it 24/7/365.
The Times is attacking Andrea Leadsom’s CV.
Her campaign manager retorts that she had a “stellar” banking career.
The Times backed Remain, didn’t they?
Wonder how much of a spotlight they’ll put on May’s “stellar” career at the Home Office? Not holding my breath…
Ta for the scan Mike…about time the paywall crap gets the occasional crack when it REALLY matters.
And-when you see this licensed, timed, slurry placed with the High Minded at the Top Table…by the low grade truffle hounds and lamp-post christeners like Clark and Heseltine-you just KNOW that they fear and hate…hate and fear.
And if Michael and Andrea upset them so much-whilst they can send their Little Youthful helpers over to Boris and his family next Friday-then you just KNOW that Andrea and Michael will be the Dream Ticket, with Boris to head up the BBC for us.
So-relax, enjoy those views Mike…don`t know if you`re the Plymouth or the Exeter end…but Radio Devon seems to be turning into Radio Free Europe…Steve Yabsley at Bristol?..Alex Dyke at Solent?do YOU have an independent Beeboid in local radio?… if so, let`s get them organsied for us!
Here are a couple of links from Raheem and Milo…we`ll be seeing a lot more of them very soon Inch Ali!
All together now…”Ebony and Ivory?”…” Born This Way”…”United Colours of Benetton”?
Me?…I prefer “Celebrate the Bullet” and “Handsworth Revolution” when I heave at the “sprinklings of the May Queens”
No worries – the scan was on the twitter feed – quite surprising! Mind you, you can’t read the who article, so bit of a tease…
I have a theory that the pro-Brexit MPs (ie the majority) have deliberately ensured that a poor candidate came second in the MPs vote (ie disarm Gove) so that the pro-Europe and weak negotiator Theresa May is appointed. Trouble is – who do I vote for Conservative leader when I get the opportunity?
Sorry Deborah but I’m missing the point here. Why would brexiteers want a weak negotiator? Surely they want a strong negotiator for Britain.
Nigel Farage 😉
Sorry again Deborah but the majority of Conservative MPs are in fact Remain:
Remain: 185
Leave: 138
May got 165 votes yesterday – not far off the total number of Remain MPs – so it seems to stack up with the theory that May is the Remain candidate who will delay/water down as much as possible.
Sorry – a blonde moment – I meant the pro-REMAIN MPs want a poor candidate against Theresa May so we vote for her.
Those Remain MPs need to be very careful about which they vote if Brexit is put to a vote in Parliament. Most of England outside our foreign capital voted leave and will not be happy if their local MP goes against their wishes. An electoral disaster awaits, and quite rightly so, any MP who disregards democracy at the next GE.
Steve Jones,
To reinforce your point. I believe the exit vote may have been higher and do not rule out remain skulduggery. Also, unless they can do a repeat martyrdom of St Jo I would expect any that were swung in favour of remain as a reaction to the media spin on the issue, will have swung back. These treacherous MPs had better take note.
Was that MI5 agents with erasers or a Psyops operation involving mind control?
Welcome back Marvin.
Yes welcome back Marvin , have you brought the rest of the chipmunks with you now that the fight to get us out of the EU is over ? Nothing to do with MI5 – More like your workmates at Al Beeb.
Dear Mr…………
Reference CAS-3874086-R22TT4
Thanks for contacting us regarding the BBC Two programme ‘Victoria Derbyshire’ broadcast on 13 June 2016.
I understand you believe the programme inappropriately focused on the availability of guns as being a motive of the attack in Orlando, rather than fundamental Islamic ideology.
Thanks for raising this with us. I’ve watched the programme and Victoria opens the programme by saying:
“The gunman had swore allegiance to Islamic State. The FBI interviewed him 3 times as a possible terror suspect but took no action.”
The report also showed a clip of the FBI responding to concerns about the outcome of their prior investigations into the gunman before he carried out the attacks.
As Victoria opens the report, she reports again that the FBI said that the man who carried out the shootings had been investigated 3 times for possible terrorism links. She added that the gunman phoned emergency services to pledge allegiance to the Islamic State group before killing 50 people in the gay nightclub. She further reported that the US President Obama called the attacks “an act of terror and hate.”
Gun crime is currently a big talking point in the US with many sharing different views. In relation to this case, many have raised questions and concerns about gun ownership and in this context, that they were bought legally, then this formed as part of this report. It also looked into his emotional state which was described as unstable by the gunman’s wife. There were plenty of areas to cover and the programme aimed to present these to the viewer in a comprehensive and informative manner. The programme further reported on the response by Muslims who condoned the attack, in the wake of the claims about the motivations of the shooter.
It was further stated by Laura Bicker, reporting from Orlando, that the gunman pledged allegiance to Islamic State, after Victoria directly asked her what was known about the man’s links to Islamic State. Laura went on to explain that Islamic State claimed that one of their fighters carried out the atrocity and that he was investigated for terror links.
The report focused on different areas and spoke to many different contributors to share their views however there was a large focus on the attacks being terror related through influences of Islamic State.
That being said, we do value your feedback about this in that you may continue to hold a different view. All complaints are sent to senior management and programme teams every morning and I included your points in this overnight report.
These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback in the BBC and ensures that your complaint has been seen by the right people quickly. This helps inform their decisions about current and future programmes.
Once again, thank you for contacting us.
Kind regards
Philip Young
BBC Complaints Team
Full Complaint:
Such a shame and immensely confusing Victoria programme this morning not properly addressing such serious terrorism, inasmuch as not letting us know clearly what the motive was for such an atrocity and why the BBC feels it needs to obfuscate that reason.
Your programme confusingly indicated it was more about availability of guns rather than what most of us suspect the cause was more about fundamental Islam. How can we tackle such horrendous atrocities if we are not understanding the reasons they are conducted and we will never understand if you are authoritatively obfuscating the real reason due to what can only be your corporations political ethos it seems. Why else are you not facing up to the reality.
I am an ex-soldier of 25 years who has been on the front-line of results and consequences of erroneous political decisions and fully realise what one must do to save lives and that is tackle the base problem. It is absolutely amazing that your programme steered away from facing up to the basic reason for the atrocity which most other news like RT, SKY and the US networks, blogs I frequent are all reporting. The main reason is not about availability of guns, albeit that helped facilitate, but about fundamental Islamic ideology inspired deliberate murder. So disappointing we are being led, sleep walking, into further disasters if we are not given authoritative Government broadcasting facts to enable the powers that be to be backed up by us to face up to the problems in an open democratic way. Most disappointed viewer
It’s the usual BBC waffle… “you said x, but we covered that, ergo we were right all along”.
Presumably the programme didn’t mention the seminar given by the Imam in his local mosque saying that gays should be executed, nor Islamism, radicalisation, nor the pattern of Islamist terrorism etc etc.
PS. Please also see my comment in reply to Cranmer in which I mention your well-worded complaint and the usual BBC brush-off.
bbc breakfast today had a not insignificant piece on the end of ramadan in Birmingham with the clueless white reporter shouting ‘eid mubarak’ from the rafters. Does the bbc not ‘get it’ with the 95% of the UK that are not muslim?
We are sick of questioning the uncontrolled islamification of the UK and being called islamophobic.
We are sick of questioning uncontrolled immigration and being called racist.
We are sick of wanting our democracy back and being call xenophobic.
We are fed up with our so-called national broadcaster being biased, anti-English and pro-muslim.
That’s why we voted to get our country back you raving marxist clowns.
Wake up and smell the coffee.
Ridiculous. I don’t remember them ever going into a synagogue and shouting “happy holidays” in hebrew live on the BBC. Nor similar shouts from a Hindu temple, nor a Sikh gurudwara. So what is it that makes muslims so “special”???
I remember Clive ‘sure’ Myrie on his stint covering the refugee crisis in the Med, shaking the hand of an African and saying “well done, you made it “, I couldn’t believe what I was hearing; – no one ever wants to see anyone die, but hells bells I was surprised that the Beeb hadn’t organised their own bloody rescue mission from the coastline of Africa. Its as though Al Beeb stands shoulder to shoulder with Merkel.
“So what is it that makes muslims so “special”??? ”
They kill people.
Leftists and the BBC are obsessed with violence and sex, so Islam is their creed .
“So what is it that makes muslims so “special”??? ”
They kill people.
Comment of the century, Rob. In a nutshell.
Makes me think of the four natural human responses to threat:
1. Fight
2. Flight
3. Freeze
4. Appease (Fawn)
Leftists tend to be in #4, but even so it goes to show they are tacitly agreeing their is a threat. Otherwise, there would be no need to appease.
Rapes at a Swedish music festival were committed by men, according to the BBC. Nothing to do with migrants eh.
They happen everywhere – even in Glastonbury.
However, Swedish police are investigating migrant men.
Got to love BBC safe subbing space.
It seemed a toss up whether Mumford and Son were boycotting because Mumford was worried about not being able to molest, or worried about Sons being molested, until I got to the body copy.
Worth a watch if you can get past the American culture !
Thanks Thoughtful, nice to see a positive view from across the pond. Just checked out some of their other vid’s including #79 Islamophobia. Wow, these boys have some cahones – I hope they have started to check underneath their cars every time they get in them.
Had enough after six minutes.
I have been proved to be a prophet (pbum) – although I didn’t have to try hard. I knew that Clinton would get away scot-free with her crimes. I said so the other day. I’m sure I’m not the only person on here who guessed this, although others seem convinced that she was going to prison. The judiciaries and other branches of government., both sides of the water, are owned by the left and particularly by sleazeballs like the Clintons and Blairs. Blair also got away with it, as we already knew. Ironically they were in adjacent spots on the front page of the DT today. They make Berlusconi look almost honest and decent by comparison.
Yes, it was wholly predictable. No-one would have had the nerve to do it. It probably works in Trump’s favour, though, because he’s facing damaged goods and will undoubtedly bring the subject up time and again. Had she been prosecuted she’d have had to stand down and he’d have been up against someone without all that baggage.
This is the least of Clinton’s worries. Where has her money come from? What about the death of the Benghazi Americans? There is so much against her that Trump will have no problems
Following further details of Mrs. May’s fireside chats with Richard Branson, on the possibility of a referendum re-run, I wonder if those accidental Ken Clarke/Malcolm Rifkind revelations actually included:
‘Well of course Malcolm, we both know Juncker’s a dead duck, Hollande’s on the way out and Teresa will get us back in within a couple of years so we can put all this unpleasantness behind us. Shame about the lower classes but we did try to warn them, eh? I take it your investments are quite sound? Good, good, that’s the style. Um? Oh yes, mine are very healthy, very healthy indeed, thanks for asking.’
But for some reason Sky’s recording seemed to have missed this.
Obscure BBC historic reference: does anyone else think that when Teresa May attempts to ‘act tough’ she comes across as about as tough as Wendy Craig telling off Nicolas Lyndhurst in ‘Butterflies’?
Go Wales!! Holding thumbs for you tonight.
Let’s see Ronaldo the narcissist display some genuine anguish for the camera.
Come on Wales ! Go for it ! Is there a Welsh national drink ?
several contenders….Brains Beers, Felinfoel beers and Penderyn spirits…whisky, gin and vodka.
my favourite…. Penderyn Welsh whisky matured in Madeira casks….perfect alcoholic metaphor of Wales v.Portugal!
Still though eh guys n gals( Savile yodel optional!).
Wales on telly later, a decent Farage Cocktail of Spitfire, Bombadier and a hint of Doom Bar-all in the same glass and mixed to taste.
Will walk to pick up the wife afterwards.
AND -even better-no need WHATSOEVER to care about tonights news…a Leveson Interlude as I call it.
You just KNOW the shit they`ll be spouting…and all busily redacting their “Greatest Ever Speech” crap that they slathered Blair in before he took the nations kids to war, but blown along by the BBC and the whole political layer…
WGAF-only the poor relatives have a stake now, hope they get peace and as much vengeance as they`re due(but won`t see).
I`ve read both Mick Hume in Spiked…and John Bolton in the Telegraph…their truths meet nicely at the top and in the middle -so fuck off BBC.
Roots go back to Sunni/Shia and Bush Seniors tease of 91…Blair only does and did what Cameron, Gove etc would have done.
But if Eagle, Burnham etc get eaten alive by Momentum again-ah so!
On Breitbart today there is a report that Lord Puttnam and Justine Webb of the BBC , and much loved on this site, are calling for Ofcom to modify the impartiality laws on broadcasters during political campaigns. The justification for this is that they believe that the BBC had to place equal weight on the myriad of lies told by the Leave side to the facts told by Remain. They claim that this left the public deeply ignorant of the issues and some of these ignorant fools voted for the wrong side.
I noted this campaign being raised on last week’s Media Show on Radio 4. It is a very serious threat to democracy and shows the lengths these embittered Remainers will go to to get their way on this and many other issues. Of course anyone who voted Remain must place a very low price on democracy and so we ought not to be surprised when they attempt to overthrow it with such contempt.
Remainers hate the fact that the subservient poor , who have been quiet during the long domination of the Liberal Left establishment since BLIAR was first elected in 97, have begun to question if Blairism , caring conservatism as practised by Cameron, the BBC , luvvies and the rest, really did have their best interests at heart. Of course they didn’t and don’t. The average Labour MP for working class areas cares much more about so called refugees, Muslims and all sorts of other ‘ oppressed minorities’, than they do for the white working class Brits who actually elect them.
One thing is clear , if the BBC is freed from its obligation to impartiality , admittedly more observed in the breach than the practise, then it must surely lose its right to state funding. I would fully support such a move and once it is self funding the BBC can say and do whatever it likes. I for one will not be subscribing to its anti British muck.
I agree that the BBC should not be impartial, on condition that it is funded in the same way as all other broadcasters and the state enforced “TV licence” is brought to an end.
Then we can pay our money and take our choice.
As it is the BBC is the soppy, liberal establishments broadcaster in all but name, and is trusted accordingly.
It is not the lack of impartiality that is the problem; it is the pretense of impartiality.
For that reason it must be severed from the licence fee.
Is there a chance that any of the Tory contestants for leadership would sack Whittingwhip and replace him with someone with a genuine interest in broadcasting?
A spokesman for Andrea Leadsom said: “It is both surprising and disappointing that The Times based a significant part of a Leading Article on a single, uncorroborated, letter without giving Mrs Leadsom the opportunity to respond to the allegations made in that letter. Her CV, which we will be publishing later this morning, comprehensively disproves the letter’s assertions.”
As I suspected earlier, it was a hit piece by The Times – no doubt intending to do in her chances with the Conservative Party membership, in an attempt to make the unpalatable Gove seem more attractive to MPs in the next round of voting. Clearly they don’t want May to have to face Leadsom. A nasty piece of work by The Times, not giving her the right of reply – and I for one won’t forget that in a hurry.
Mike, the Left, in and out of the Tory party, will do everything they can to stop Andrea. Expect every dirty trick in the book.
I just hope that the Tory membership will vote her in . As we would say in Scotland ” that will put the Lefties’ gas at a peep ” !
I see Leadsom, without any experience, the one that MPs want against May. I do have a vote, if it is Gove he will have it. I saw some of Leadsom on the Andrew Marr Show and how easily she was ambushed into agreeing to publish her tax returns. This was not someone who I thought would be able to ‘handbag’ EU leaders re Brexit. Could leave me with May; and I really really do not want May. May can often seem flustered when being BBC interviewed, she is pro Sharia law and she wants free movement of people to be acceptable once we leave. Where should my vote go?
What a dilemma Deborah.
I guess the answer lies in whether you believe the Conservative party in its current form will act on the referendum result…in which case vote for who you think will best be able to lead the party to the goal of Brexit and national sovereignty…..without trying to water it down with kowtowing to Brussels, Berlin and Strasbourg generated laws.
Or alternatively, if you believe that the Conservative and Labour parties are actually finished, and need replacing with a new party, committed to Brexit, drawn from all parties and none. In which case vote for the candidate who will do most harm to the Conservative party.
Bearing in mind that as people realise that the politicians are trying to “politic” their way out of invoking article 50 and voters begin to vote in general elections accordingly….or worst option..the lid begins to blow….any politician getting in the way of the will of the people on national sovereignty is unlikely to retain their seat.
Andrea Leadsom
1. The membership will not vote for Gove against May.
2. Leadsom has a better appeal and untarnished support.
3. We must have a new face – and better, stronger and decisive thinking at the top.
4. She will grow in office – as Maggie did.
5. May must not be allowed to win. She ducked the issue of the referendum and would give away the winning Leave vote
‘(S)He led his regiment from behind, (s)he found it less exciting.’
6. Would you go on an expedition (into the jungle) with May as leader?
I`m no Tory, but Leadsom would bring in a lot of our UKIP vote down south, and leave UKIP up north to wipe out Labour once and for all.
Gove as Chancellor, bring Boris in as Foreign Secretary or DCMS if he just wants to be the bloke who removed the license fee?…and ensure that those who campaigned to leave like Gisela and Kate, John and Priti get their key roles to extricate us from the EU.
Would like to see that “new kind of collegiate politics”-this would drain the labour swamp and keep them fighting the nasty parties like the Greens, LibDems and SNP until they curl up and die.
All who helped us out of the EU need remembering and backing…WGAF about your old tribal politics.
Were you on the right side of the biggest decision yet in the 21st C?…or were you an EU spongiform who tried to frighten us all into letting you stay swilling at the trough?..wanker!
Wetherspoons, Daily Express and a certain Dyson come the day…Buddhist economics, give your money to the angels who braved the establishment to Vote Leave!
The Times and the Mail are back to the old shit…
Talk of May supporters voting for Gove in the next round just to keep Leadsom out as they know full well that she is popular among the members. The Conservatives need to be very careful here, Labour party voters are generally very loyal (unlike Conservative voters if they have been crossed). Labour voters might have gone against the party line in the Referendum but the voting slip just said Remain or Leave, not Labour.
May will sell us out. It may not look like a sell out but that is what it will be. The vote was just the start and that much should be obvious to us.
I never thought that we could leave the EU just like that. It is going to be rough and the EU and the banksters/liberal elites will do anything to protect their project serfdom. If we leave the EU fails. It was always that simple. May is the start of their fightback against us scum who voted in such an impertinent way that our betters thought impossible. I see the Chilcot report has been published and I assume it has found Blair totally innocent of everything.
It is an irrelevancy . Just the elite looking after it’s own.
Never underestimate the loathing this elite has for us.
The Chilcot inquiry has finally been released and the BBC has gone into a full protect Tony BLiar mode, by broadcasting his press conference in large chunks and without interruptions.
Analysis light, Bliar was allowed to speak uninterrupted by BBC staff commenting and dissecting on what he said, that was left to other voices. I don’t think I have ever heard anything so biased even from the BBC in a long time.
Apparently President Bush went to war in Iraq because he wanted to demonstrate to the world that America was the world number 1 Superpower, but even America couldn’t manage to fight two small regional wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Also the Iraq war led to a massive fall in respect for politicians in Britain and directly led to the Brexit vote.
Well that’s according to the BBC Radio 4 this evening.
Sorry just wrote something similar below. Didn’t see the end of your comment.
John Simpson has just said on Radio 4 that people’s mistrust of politicians following Tony Blair’s decision to invade Iraq may have led to the Brexit vote. Aaaarrrgh! When will the BBC accept that we voted to leave the EU because… Wait for it… Because of the EU?
Al Beeb are in denial.
We voted ‘out’ because of…………….
A. Democracy. (We want to rule our selves as we always have done and fought for, for hundreds of years.)
B. We don’t want freedom of movement. (We don’t want uncontrolled immigration – we are full. )
We want our country back !
Forgive me if I’m wrong but the BBC seem to be particularly quiet about this shocking story and the possible reasons behind such a spike in revolting sex crimes across Europe:
Apparently authorities across Europe are covering up such crimes but the Left, as usual, just cry racist and bigot to all those who are concerned by such appalling crimes.
The BBC have reported it But they left out a few important details (as you would expect). They are also suggesting that it’s not unusual at music festivals, pointing to an isolated incident at Glastonbury in 2015. Welcome to the the new normal.
Although it’s been some time since my festival days mass sex attacks were never a feature in my days. Being hit by a container of urine intended for a band and going off trajectory was probably the biggest danger.
Remember back in the cut and thrust of referendum campaigning. Remember St. Geldoff being obnoxious on the Thames? Remember I complained to the BBc that unlike the internet they somehow managed to not report on his behaviour? It seems a long time ago now. but I have what you could call a reply. Nice to see the BBc complaints section revert to it’s template reply I already have a collection of this particular resonse template.
Reference CAS-3877848-NWTJJ5
Thank you for contacting us regarding BBC News at Six, as broadcast on 15 June.
We apologise for the delay in replying. We realise that our correspondents appreciate a quick response and we’re sorry that you had to wait on this occasion.
I appreciate that you feel the report on Bob Geldof and Nigel Farage meeting on boats on the Thames should have gone into greater detail about Bob Geldof’s behaviour.
I’ve reviewed the bulletin on your behalf and the report from the boats on the Thames was a relatively brief part of the programme. We did report that supporters of both the Remain and Leave campaigns, as well as Nigel Farage and Bob Geldof, took part in the event but I do appreciate that you feel the behaviour of Bob Geldof should have been mentioned in more detail.
We know that not everyone will agree with our choices on which stories to cover, and the prominence that we give to them. These are subjective decisions made by our news editors, and we accept that not everyone will think that we are correct on each occasion. These decisions are always judgement calls rather than an exact science though and I do appreciate that you feel this story deserved more coverage.
I understand the concerns you raised and I have recorded your complaint on our audience feedback report. This report is sent to the news editors as well as senior management at the BBC so please be assured, your complaint has been sent to the relevant people.
Thanks again for contacting us.
Kind regards
Dave666 I’ve taken the liberty of translating your letter from the BBC.
“Dear Dave
I’m only replying to your complaint because the law says I must. How dare you criticise Sir Bob. When was the last time you did a Live Aid? Eh? You bigot. Rest assured that your complaint will be sent to the relevant people. Oh yes. Expect a knock at the door soon. Now run along you horrid oik. Go and play with your England flag or whatever else you ghastly people do.”
Stunningly correct. Long term readers on the blog will know I “bumped” into the Boomtown rats in a Berlin nightclub in1979, where I formed the opinion Geldoff is a c**t. I never watched live aid I never gave any money to live aid, the Government gives away enough on my behalf. I’m sure the security services are well aware of my existence. Finally I’m now flying the White Dragon flag of the ethnic English on my flagpole since the morning of (I hope) victory (in Europe),
I never expected a serious response from the BBc I never do It’s strange it takes this long for them to type in the blanks on the template.
“Hollie” is protesting by holding up a placard belonging to the Socialist workers party in this here vid…..Perhaps somebody should have explained to her that the Socialist workers party voted “Leave” in the referendum that shes so ridiculously protesting about…..Flick around the SWP website, they called themselves “Lexit”…..
Ha ha, that’s so funny!
She’s the one whose number 1 favourite thing about the EU was… the NHS. FFS!!!
No 2 was… well, if we leave the EU, we’ll have to pay to get in to France.
No 3 was… that erm, well, everyone has the same opinion, like.
Mind you, I was also ignorant about the SWP’s position on Brexit, it seemed too incredible to believe but I just googled and found corroborating evidence:
“Others on the left will campaign to leave, including the Socialist Workers Party (SWP). ”
Thanks for enlightening me!
Please tell me that was a piss-take. – Please !!!
No I think this is for real.
That’s interesting I never realised the socalist (don’t)work er party were pro-exit. Holly has obviously just picked an old let all the migrants in demo placard.
If you go anywhere near an SWP protest, the comrades attempt to push one of their placards into your hand…..”Hollie” will have been an easy mark, it’s why reactionary groups like the SWP target the young and naive at colleges and universities..
Poor Hollie will have been in full-time compulsory education now for 13 years…she even looks like she might be at “Yoony” now…
Believe me-she is the norm in liberal education, she `s their daughter, their product.
Remember the time when the country used to mock Jade Goody for being thick?
Hollie is the usefully thick, the thick that the Guardian and the SWP love.
And, let`s be kind-she`s not a bad kid by any means-but the very epitome of liberal self-indulgent brain massage disguised as education.
And to her credit she obviously listened to what she was told at school.
Like a lot of her generation, she goes along with the herd mentality, – good for a craic mid-afternoon and end up at the pub afterwards, ‘liking’ it for all their worth. She probably doesn’t even know what the SWP is all about. Funny how the communistic beliefs, dreadlocks, and goth fashion disappears when family life beckons – too many sleepless nights and exhaustion soon knocks the protesting fervour out of ’em !!
BBC are going all out for a pro-muslim propaganda piece here
7 questions British Muslims are tired of hearing
I imagine the BBC is supporting Portugal after Wales voted for Brexit. Whatever, not much of a game so far, just a tight, defensive affair with both sides passing back more than forwards – or at least it seems that way – and very little flair or imagination .
Hopefully a goal in the second half will liven the game up otherwise it will continue to be a dull drag to watch with the awful penalty decider after extra time.
1.5% of the Welsh population is Muslim and only 0.1% of Portugal is Muslim – Therefore the BBC will be supporting Wales.
There is also Swansea, the gay capital of Wales, which would be like a second home to BBC London staff. Therefore Wales wins 2-0 in the BBC league.
“1.5% of the Welsh population is Muslim”.
In that case they must all be in Cardiff. Whilst being dragged round the SooperDooper shopping centre by the wife (before being told to “Go and have a beer” – result), I decided to check my phone, awaiting her indoors to reappear from yet another shop.
About this time I noticed some “gentlemen” dressed in white skirts and beards taking notice.
Phone back in pocket and a “Paddington Bear” stare seemed to solve it – the clue is in the pseudonym, ref. rugby.
Cardiff Shopping Mall – a flashy souk.
at least ITV manage to keep the coverage on the same channel. I know the bbc are not a shadow of their former self when it comes to sport (or anything else for that matter?) but continually swapping the same tennis feed across different channels seems a bit primitive, not to say annoying, especially when they are doing it for the benefit of the 6 o’clock news which anyone with half a brain knows is bullshit anyway.
Bullshit broadcasting corp. 3 words that speak volumes.
Seismicboy, perhaps they’ve broken their red button? Why don’t they offer up the red button service during sporting/political events; allowing whichever bBC channel to show it’s ‘normal’ viewer-chasing nonsense? Or is it only good for Glasto when the poor dears can’t make it back to their yurt in time to see it live?
Not something you’ll see on the BBC, but you do need to read it !
View at
Ann Leslie used to refer the New Labour culture as being akin to Stalin the Aromatherapist.
These days I don`t even think they`d put Uncle Joe at the front-the Stalinists seem to know nothing of him or his deeds…but Labour`s had a trickle down from those days, and it acts as an atomiser or a deodorant to them.
Like an imprint of a homeopathic virus or such…sheer spiritual, scent-sensed…and really nasty in that it has to be smelt and seen before you know of it…there is no logic, no reason to it-jus labels of abuse if you`re not on the team and you dare to comment.
islam at its worst is the very same.
Blairs Third Way under a different flag…using old style mass movements of the young and gullible..and new media.
Roadblocked on the 23rd though…kettles brewing and we need to regulate it before it boils.
Very undemocratic of the Labour Party (plus ca change) but at that time they were being infiltrated by the likes of that trot who agreed with virtually no Labour Party policy of that time. It was a deliberate attempt to take over the party to get the otherwise unelectable trots elected by the simple voters who don’t understand politics but will always vote for Labour.because “they’re for the working class and me dad always voted for them”.
Although it was completely undemocratic, the Labour Party had to do something to save itself from oblivion, or worse a neo-stalinist government who would have ended democracy for all of us.
Yes, the Labour Party is undemocratic but we knew that anyway.
BBC Website trumpets that ” shares slide on fear of Brexit “. Yes, FT 100 is at 6463 ! The BBC are shameless cnuts but many people believe them !
If May is the next PM and the government capitulate on following through on the instruction they were issued with via the referendum result; I won’t be paying anymore tax, NI to them, nor collecting VAT for them and any speeding and parking fines I accumulate I won’t pay.
If I end up in court and prison I don’t care; I’m not supporting a government of this country which f***s its own people.
They need to realize if they go against the will of the Leavers: how do they think they’ll police a demonstration in London by 17.5 million people?
Article 50 needs to be activated NOW: the longer they leave it – the weaker we look.
May will betray us . She is the heir to Cameron, Chamberlain and all the spineless cowards . Her whole political history is one of lying and cowardice.
Remember Peter Simple as you say grant…the current dust of crocks who the media ask us to consider as “leaders”-sport, politics wherever-well we`re now seeing are mere heads to be rotated on polls. circling around the galleries and baggage carousels in the hope we`ll pick one of them for a minute or two.
Saw Jack Straw being ordered to look to camera by Gauleiter Jon Snow and say sorry for being Blairs lacemaker in 2003 last night.
May won`t even be allowed to plant a wedge heel into the sandpit of history…as we saw on the 23rd…the People took a long giant step…jon Snow think`s we`re playing “Mother May I?” taking fairy steps like his.
If we get may, the it all happens that bit quicker and angrier-if we don`t we can enjoy settling with the likes of Mishcon De Reya, Tim Farron and Sam Gyimah…non violent, but firm enough to cost them their seats and privileges hopefully.
They got out decision on the why the pretences?
PS-anybody seen Geoff Hoon?
Got to be Leadsom ,come hell or high water.
My Tory pals who have a vote think Gove a treacherous creep for what he did to “their Boris”-and they`ll not reward him for it, no matter how much a Rees-Mogg would urge it.
Sorry Jacob-great man you are-but only Leadsom has a chance in the country.
He`d be a great Chancellor anyway….
Me?…i`m over to join UKIP-dozy buggers but there`s a hell of a future there now, once we`ve rid it of the personality cult of the Mighty Nigel.
Momentum have shown us how to do it-but in our case we`ll not pull strings or massage…Raheem Kassam on Breitbart puts it best….
Purple Reign…Golden Showers(in the right sense!)…everythings coming up UKIP if we take “the Long View”
Totally OT but I cannot find any mention in the media of an event that happened 11 years ago today. The bombings that took place on the transport system of London on the 7th July 2005 were the start of muslim attacks in the UK when the eyes of many were opened to the evil that lived amongst us. My husband realised later that he had traveled on the same train as the bombers . Thoughts with all the families who were affected by the events of that day.
Radio 4 has it on Facebook, though framed as ‘How we reported events’.
I didn’t check to see if it was in the ‘people die as bus and train explodes’ style of analysis, followed eventually by coy mention of ‘men’ being involved.
Think it`ll be placed as ” Travel Disruption Incidents-significant inconvenience caused, maybe by insufficient guards on TfL”.
How about ‘Could Tory cuts and Brexit lead to a repeat of 7/7?’ for a headline?
“Failure of British Police and Intelligence leads to incident on London Transport. Nothing to do with Islam. “
Ta Mrs Kitty.
Typically shameful.
Well remember that day, rather scorned the media hoopla( and Ken Livingston) until I saw pen portraits of the 52 killed.
Basically a United Nations of youngsters and older low-grade workers who seemed to come from all those dormitory places like Leighton Buzzard and Tring etc…
End of a lot of my lazy preconceptions about how London worked nowadays, and the tragedy of kids and ordinary people from all over the world( first or second generation) being caught up in this evil from Sid and Tanweer etc shook me…and you learn, you learn,
Tony Harrison wrote a fine poem about how his Beeston area became the nest of vipers for 7/7…called Shrapnel..only wish I could find it for you…but it tries to give as Lefty a kindness to his rage at what`s happened to his old part of Leeds.
The BBc ,unpredictably, report on the shooting of a BLACK man by WHITE police officers in America. Here we go again. Yet again BBc breakfast fail to give any facts about the case only the headline.
“A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is ….” etc
I wonder why the BBC did not mention that 46 black people were shot by black people in Chicago over the weekend.
Yes, we know that ‘all lives matter’ is supposed to be racist, but what about all black lives?
BBC bias by omission.
Because, if it’s not on YouTube, it doesn’t happen.
I don’t have a clue what actually happened, very few do at this stage. Apparently, the cops were wearing cameras which fell off during the struggle. A bit useless then.
The Express says “Court records show Sterling had several criminal convictions since the mid-1990s, for battery, resisting arrest, burglary and other crimes. He was a registered sex offender after spending close to four years in prison for felony carnal knowledge of a juvenile.” Not very nice but it does not, of course, mean that he tried to shoot the cops. Similarly, the usual smiley photograph being bandied about does not mean that he was innocent.
As usual, hysteria is being whipped up and the facts, if and when they become known, will be ignored.
Just realised there have been TWO shootings – Philando Castile and Alton Sterling. Wouldn’t like to be a cop in the US right now.
With this sort of stupidity around, what hope is there:
What was he thinking? Plane passenger stopped at Stansted with iPhone case shaped like a gun
Student drank 30 shots of vodka before drowning in a river, inquest hears
Someone commented: “The Common Sense gene is recessive in SO many people,”
British man who has been arrested for trying to shoot Donald Trump appears in court.
BBC is very sympathetic.
The question to ask is who and what radicalised him?
Perhaps the court might ask how much exposure he has had to to BBC/Guardian attacks on Trump as a racist, sexist, Islamophobe? There has been no let up, with BBC hate preaching filtering down to the deranged psychotic hate of the far left.
Perhaps evidence of prolonged exposure to the likes of Dimbeltrotsy and the far left radical Islamophiles of Radio 4 might be relevant to the trial. Steps might be taken to prevent entry to the US from other vulnerable young men so influenced by these hate filled sources
The hysterical reaction to the Brexit vote will be like a ripple on a millpond compared to the full blown raging tempest which will be raised if Trump is elected. I wouldn’t be surprised if the World Wide Web simply collapses under the strain of all the online wailing and gnashing of teeth that will occur on that day…
I wonder how the BBC would have reported it if he had tried to shoot Hillary ?
Tricky one. Many factors as they all troop into Frankie Howerd for a narrative triage.
Was he:
a) A republican, if yes, go to b)
b) Was he black… uh…oh… maybe go to c)
c) Was he a follower of any religions not to do with anything. Whammo! Watertight oversight.
Of course, was he a ‘he’? Anguish and dilemma throughout W1A.
Guest, LOL !
How about a black, female, democrat muslim , without a history of mental illness ?
One of the regular claims of the UK left is how the Communists, Labour Party, TUC and assorted socialists rallied to support Jews in Cable Street against Moseley’s Blackshirts,
In recent years the left have been rather silent in the presence of anti Jewish hatred from Islamists. You never see the Antifa or Cameron’s UAF protesting against Hezbollah demonstrtions in the UK.
On Sunday supporters of terrorist Hezbollah marched in London to spew out their hatred, but had a surprise.
They were met by larger counter demo of Israeli supporters.
So shove that in the history books of the left, socialists and TUC.
Ta G.W.F
Reminds me of Tiananmen Square and the fearless student with the tank.
Keep `em coming…if the BBC aren`t telling us-then it`s GOT to matter.
God Bless Israel-and your good self for posting this “tonic for the troops”
Refreshing change GWF, as the great man said, “they don’t like it up em”. Re. your Mosley ref. Regardless of the wealthy Mosley being something of a political flibbertijibbet I like to keep reminding leftys about his labour career, he would have been right at home with our contemporary Israel bashing fascist left.
Why don`t the BBC f off?
To hear Ed Stourton doing his best Geoffrey Howe impression as he gums and slobbers aimlessly all over Andrea Leadsom turnups was typical BBC slurry.
Stourton is an unctuous creeping Jesus in his wifes cassock more often than not-a Patten Catholic, who`s rather keen on Pope Frankie and his Swiss Guardians.
You can say nearly anything to Posh Ed of Popetown.
But if you`re consistent and serious about baling out on the Vaticans Solidarity Fun…as Andrea is…then Ed will have been in the mind gym since 10am, pumping possum and having the researcher use her strongest possible highlighter pen to “Get Andrea Leadsom”.
So we get her tax affairs, her CV, gay marriage, no time for a novice-which , given Eds love for Sound Of Music crap is ironic.
How the HELL (oooh, scary, Ed…banned since 1999!) does he get off on hounding a woman who only wants to lead the Tories-and then us out of Europe as agreed?
And hopefullt, Andrea will remember to check all BBC hacks CVs, tax affairs and salaries-as well as closeness to Savile-when next she`s asked such crap from the Popes poltroons and pissoirs who work their worst at the BBC.
Still though-at least it wasn`t Feargal Bloody Keane and his best mournful, sad sad sad voices.
Whenever I hear him gargling next door-you know it`s going to be sad migrants in Brexit danger.
The BBC are cipher pythons…fangs for nothing-now f off!
Which brings us back to Doh!
I note with interests this story:-
Will the young woman be charged ,with wasting Police time or facilitating the resolution of subsequent sexual emergencies?