Apparently the use of the term #Alllives matter is a racial slur. So if you’re not black your life doesn’t matter…so says #Blacklivesmatter.
Thanks to Highland Rebel for this video:
It will be interesting to see how the BBC and the Left respond to these police murders as it is clearly the vitriolic anti-White, anti-police rhetoric of the left, and of the BBC, that has led to these deaths…..the BBC spends a great deal of time trying to link the official Brexit campaign to racist attacks despite Boris and Co never once suggesting in the slightest that people go out and do such things…however…as you see in the film above #BlackLivesmatter is deeply involved in encouraging the murder of police officers and anti-white racism…and the BBC is there alongside with an empathetic eye.
It was hard not to be drawn to the black men and women who turned up in military fatigues, talking about being under attack, and urging the black folk of Charleston to arm themselves….Which has led me here to Dallas, and the Gun Club.
The BBC of course is on call to report the British #Blacklivesmatter [Run by a Muslim] protest that exploited the deaths of two black men in the US….
Hundreds join Black Lives Matter march through London
Hundreds of people have marched on Westminster in protest at the shooting of two black men by police in America. The Black Lives Matter march went through central London to the Houses of Parliament at about 20:00 BST.
The marchers were heard to shout “Hands up, don’t shoot” as they carried banners through the capital. The march is in response to the fatal shootings of Philando Castile in Minnesota and Alton Sterling in Louisiana.
The Black Lives Matter London Movement was founded by 18-year-old sixth form student Marayam Ali.
She told The Voice:”By these people coming here to stand and unite, they are showing that they are against police brutality and that’s the most important thing.”
The problem for Blacks in the UK is ‘police brutality’? Not the fact that so many black lives are lost due to other black people killing blacks? When police moved to try and stop this they were accused of racism. Guess black lives only matter when they can be exploited as pawns in a political game by black/Muslim activists….and the BBC of course.
Oh yes…remember Ruth Smeeth, the Jewish Labour MP abused by a black Momentum activist who was so matey with Corbyn? That activist, Marc Wadsworth, is a black power agitator. Small world.
This was Corbyn’s very friendly reaction to Wadsworth at the end of the meeting about anti-Semitism where the Jewish Smeeth was abused:
This shows you what Wadsworth’s politics are…black power, Malcolm X, militancy….no cooperation, no surrender to the white oppressors…..
If the terrorists of Hamas and Hezbollah and this guy are Corbyn’s ‘friends’ just why does the BBC’s Nick Robinson think his fellow journalists shouldn’t criticise Corbyn?
Another of Wadsworth’s friends?…Need we say who?…
According to statistics collected by the FBI, 96 law enforcement officers were killed in line-of-duty incidents in 2014. Of these, 51 law enforcement officers died as a result of felonious acts, and 45 officers died in accidents. In addition, 48,315 officers were victims of line-of-duty assaults.
Preliminary statistics released by the FBI show that 41 law enforcement officers were feloniously killed in the line of duty in 2015. Statistics on those merely assaulted apparently have yet to be released.
Those figures suggest an officer who erred on the side of caution i.e. shot. when perhaps they shouldn’t, is not being irrational. The moral? Avoiding assault on police officers may save lives — including your own.
5 Statistics You Need To Know About Cops Killing Blacks
1. Cops killed nearly twice as many whites as blacks in 2015
2. More whites and Hispanics die from police homicides than blacks
3. Unarmed black men are more likely to die by the gun of a cop than an unarmed white man …but this includes those who died while assaulting officers and collateral damage
4. Black and Hispanic police officers are more likely to fire a gun at blacks than white officers
5. Blacks are more likely to kill cops than be killed by cops.
The BBC is little more than a sinecure for middle class Leftists; a tax on the poor in which public school arts graduates with no discernible talent justify getting fat on the public teat by telling us how much they hate the Tories. Drinking champagne because the Labour Party has got into power is about their moral level. They (of course entirely coincidentally) uncritically churn out arguments 24/7 that justify a redistribution of power and wealth to Guardian readers such as themselves. Like every institution run by the Left it is as self-serving (indeed actively hostile to its customers) as it is lazy. The best thing you can say about it is that its desperate attempts to propagandize are treated with ridicule and contempt by the population it seeks to direct.
We have opted out of the EU, we should (if we are free society) be given the choice of whether or not we should be forced to pay for the BBC.
“We have opted out of the EU”. Yes and that is the final answer of the British people. However, the so-called “British” Broadcasting Corporation is still pushing the opposite side to the British People’s demand. The BBC are supposed to be politically neutral between Labour and Conservative (which they haven’t been for decades) but this – the settled will of the People – should be something they now should be pushing. The BBC are the servants of the British People, they should not try to behave as if they are our masters. The People have spoken BBC, time for you to start listening for once.
‘it is clearly the vitriolic anti-White, anti-police rhetoric of the left, and of the BBC, that has led to these deaths…..’
This must have been while those Americans were on holiday in the UK then?
Would be nice if some evidence for these accusations was provided. No, I know, nevermind eh.
Hello from New York, USA.
“This must have been while those Americans were on holiday in the UK then?”
In this day of internet and cable, the BBC is a widely-read/viewed news source here.
Kikuchiyo Where you bin ?
Not much on Al Beeb about this yet ?
You signed it ?
> So if you’re not black your life doesn’t matter…so says #Blacklivesmatter.
Who says that? Where? As usual, Alan doesn’t bother to corroborate his words with anything approaching anything that so much as resembles a fact. Because such supposed facts do not exist.
Alan has decided that saying “Black lives matter” has an implicit “only” in front of it. Seemingly because that reading of it fuels his own sense of indignant racism, and his pretence that blurting out every half-formed excuse for a thought to be read by a ragtag collection of prejudiced gnomes somehow makes it okay to be a rancid little liar.
“a prejudiced gnome…….and rancid little liar”
Talking about Angela Eagle, what do reckon her chances of being Prime Minister are?
Very low, but still higher than the usual Biased BBC commenters’ chances of behaving like adults instead of intellectually stunted adolescents.
How about you then , have you signed this yet ?
Not much on Al Beeb about it is there ?
Do you think Alan should admit that he lies, taffman?
Or should he be allowed to get away with it a) because he’s very very busy, the poor love; b) he’s not paid, and he needs to receive an income to stop being dishonest; c) you want to hear whatever will perpetuate your own idiotic bigotry, and you don’t care that you’re fed a pack of lies to do it.
I appreciate you don’t like facing up to hard questions, which is why all you do is attempt to disrupt events like a pathetic little puppy who wees the floor because the adults in the room aren’t giving him enough attention. For all our sake, but especially yours, demonstrate that you have an IQ larger than your expanding waistband and attempt to act like an adult for once in your miserable life.
Its up to him really , if he actually lied ? Now my question to you ,
We have had plenty from them about this petition which ‘bit the dust?’…………………
but not much about this one ? …………………………………….
(83,548 signatures)
Do you notice any Bias Jerrod ? Also notice that there is no insult from me .
So I’ll take it that’s a “no” to engaging with the topic at hand and behaving like an adult, then. No change there.
Take what you like, I gave you an answer – ‘Its up to him really’. Now what about my post about the above bias ? Any answer ?
In an earlier post you described people here with their ‘heads up each others arses’.
Do sexual metaphors guide your politics?
The things they get up to in Camden Public Toilets
You do seem very obsessed with my sex life, GWF, as you seem to use every available opportunity to ask about it. Why is that? Have the batteries run out on your usual partner?
I sometimes assist in a zoo where animals are mated, and regard your level of discussion, with sexual metaphors, on a par with the animal world. You really don’t rise to a higher level of consciousness, as Lenin would say.
> I sometimes assist in a zoo where animals are mated
I’m guessing that’s about as honest as your “I have a friend who’s a researcher” line that you’ve also trotted out in justification for your prurient interest in the sex lives of others.
Have you ever considered going out and getting a boyfriend of your own instead of sitting at home trying to concoct so many wank fantasies?
Actually my knowledge and experience of animal behaviour is more true than my jokes about my researcher friend. I have been involved in animal welfare legislation. But why discuss this with you. Basically, you are not up to serious disussion. Shame really, as person involve in politics I do need serious opposition
How about low?
I think you will find that from the standpoint of Black lives matter, it is considered racist to say all lives matter. Here is a link which explains some of the reasons, but there are many more.
Pop down to the BLM people in Brixton today and they will explain it to you. The women in the picture is trying her best to mediate but she is out of line with BLM
You will also discover that claims to be colour blind are also racist and even to strive for this standpoint is considered racist. Which mean that Martin Luther King was a racist for seeking a society where character rather than colour mattered most. Guidelines for UK police in the Macpherson report regarding Stephen Laurence’s death makes the same point. It is institutionally racist for UK cops to apply the law from a standpoint of colour blindness.
In fact, any on with white skin is considered racist by virtue of the associations with white superiority etc.
And while I am at it, trees are racist and so are Greens and tree huggers because trees, so say th BLM, because black slaves were hung from them and they trigger Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome flashbacks.
And don’t forget it is also racist to criticise or object to any Islamic teachings. Supporters of BLM and the antifascists along with them will tell you that.
(PS, if you respond to this post you will refer to some irrelevant side issue, so shall we return to Camden Publi Toilets for your pleasures?)
That’s talking about denying the “Black lives matter” cause by saying “all lives matter” in response. Which is, yes, racist. And it’s exactly the same method used by Alan and the soundalike homunculi who don’t think before they engage what portion of matter they substitute for a brain.
That doesn’t mean that people supporting the black lives matter are denying that other people’s lives matter too. It just means they’re campaigning against the disproportionality that’s present in the world, and that means highlighting the problem even as Alan and other people like him are keen to ignore their message.
I realise that, what with your peabrain being preoccupied with asking gay people you don’t know about their sex lives in the vain hope of getting your penis working again after four decades of inaction, you have little time left to engage with reality. Do us all a favour and try.
Oh dear, you failed to connect or argue. I am drawing attention to people who genuinely believe they are fighting a war against white people, a liberation war, and that the lives of the enemy do not matter. Hence the chants on their marches calling for deaths, and the Twitter messages calling for the death of whites.
As you missed out the rest of my comment let’s deal with your level. Actually I did not know your were gay, as it would not interest me. I thought your obsession with public toilets was about your interest in pedophilia, a continuation of BBC activity, luring children into them like Saville
Did you watch the video? You would have seen that BLM regards those who state ALL lived matter as racist……
Hello Jerrod,
May I please have your view on this display?
Marvin, time to get here and gather up your ‘chipmunks’ and put them back in their cage.
Dear BBBC regular posters ,
Please explain why you are wasting time on Jerrod ?
I have also said this in the past. He brings absolutely no arguments of any substance. He’s just annoying.. like a bluebottle buzzing around the buffet.
Don’t be unkind to Scott. As my dear old mother used to say “he’s funny, but it’s looking.”

LOL !!!
One of his posts has been rightly zapped by a moderator. Good to see they’re on the ball.
However, one could argue that the likes of Jerrod are necessary in that it confirms what most of us think is right, as Jerrod’s views are often the opposite.
Mind you, it is good to have a diifferent point of view and I think Jerrod could be of more value and worth reading if only he would refrain from being so offensive. If only he would put his arguments together in a more mature manner. He is intelligent and could contribute so much more to debates. It’s a shame really.
Come on Jerrod, you should know that being offensive merely lessens what could be a very good point you are trying to make. Play the ball a bit more, not the man.
Being offensive merely belittles the point you are trying to make. Ideas and events are of greater value than being nasty to other posters.
Remember what Socrates said,
Intelligent minds discuss ideas
Average minds discuss events
Poor minds discuss people.
You are wasting your time. He is a SJW.
All you can do is take the piss out of him.
Al bibi,
Yes. It is a kind of insect onanism. I have posted before that he should seek psychiatric treatment. But , now I am wasting time discussing it. He should start on Olanzapine and work up !
Insect onanism!!!! Lol. Unfortunately I hear that Olanzapine is not effective in treating socialist induced psychosis.
Al Bibi,
Yes, true. Science is wonderful but I do not think it has found a cure for that psychosis !
Where’s Jerrod, Zero and Manon?
I have just encountered phrase that has transformed my life.
In one lefty blog I saw the events in Dallas explained in terms of
‘the racist structure of neo liberalism’.
Diamond and Silk with Stefan Molyneux on All lives Matter
Wonderful stuff Diamond/Silk/Stefan.