A new day, more bias….Tory leadership candidate, Andrea Leadsom, is in the BBC’s sights and she’s taking a pounding, the BBC not just reporting but taking a view…..Leadsom is a bad person…lack of experience and judgement we are told. Hmmm….funny how May’s comments[clearly part of her leadership spiel] about not having children weren’t reacted to in the same way…funny how the BBC is saying that Leadsom is claiming people without children have no stake in this country…isn’t she awful? Funny how the BBC joined in the anti-Brexit campaign by saying that it was old people who selfishly voted for Brexit denying the young a say, destroying their future….so don’t the old have a stake in society that entitles them to vote as they like then? May was a Remainer, Leadsom a Brexiteer….any reason why Leadsom is taking so much flak? Apparently the Times interviewer asked Leadsom about children…it was a leading question knowing full well what May had already said…the BBC is already making judgements despite not having seen the full transcript of the interview.
Remember when Labour and the BBC told us that Old Etonians shouldn’t be running the country because they couldn’t understand what ‘normal people’ thought or wanted? Didn’t Old Etonians have just as much of a stake in the country as any other person? When Jo Cox was killed we were told she was the real deal, a people’s person, someone who could genuinely represent the ‘people’…..except she didn’t did she? She was for Remain and mass immigration…whereas Old Etonian Boris was on the other side with ‘the people’, all those once-Labour voters.
The BBC is there to check your privilege and approve and licence your acceptance as worthy of being part of their society. If your ‘out’ you’re going to be denounced as ignorant, uneducated, prejudiced, bigoted, racist, xenophobic,, Islamophobic and guilty of being White.
Alan well said BBC tying itself up in knots.
Sofa droids talking about how we used to get real summers 40 years ago and now it is markedly cooler. Yep we all know that that is why we think Global warming / climate change is a load of old tosh. But the droids cannot compute the two conflicting pieces of information to anyone with half a brain we all know the planet is cooling we can see it with our own eyes.
Sofa droids talking about how we used to get real summers 40 years ago and now it is markedly cooler.
Really? Doesn’t seem like 5 minutes since the BBC were all over us with the ‘hot, dry Mediterranean summers’ mantra was in fashion with the Warministas and their climate models only a short few years ago. How the ‘settled science’ changes, eh? And the BBC think us old, uneducated, Brexit plebs are too thick to notice.
Just to play devils advocate and warn against what might come flying back at you.
Because of Global warming there is greater evaporation from the sea and that means the Northern countries which often has wet summers, will become even wetter.
Don’t forget that this is a GLOBAL system, and the UK is only a part of that so it’s easy to destroy any argument which fails to take this into account.
I’ll take that as satirical statement on the ‘settled science’.
“Even if you lose the vote you are entitled to go on making the argument”.
Private Eye editor Ian Hislop has said remain voters in the #EUReferendum are entitled to their say. #Brexit
One bets he says it. He says a lot of things, and the BBC punts it out as gospel.
This was on Facebook.
Top comment points out that they are not making an argument, they are constantly smearing and deriding, like petulant children who don’t get their way.
Hislop is like the Pram baby in ‘Who Framed Roger Rabbit’.
Hislop hit every branch on the way down when he fell out of the ugly tree maybe that is why he is so bitter and traitorous.
Hislop would make an interesting case study on how the Establishment has worked over the last fifty years or so.
Peter Cook…Richard Ingrams…flawed but general Lords of Misrule, unlicensed and flashes of brilliance,
Entrepreneurs who could sift a Frost from a Feldman in terms of REAL ability and threat.
But Hislop was the Hague candidate, fresh and missing a generation in terms of the annointing.
Forty years on…read Private Eye in part at the shop…who`s funding it?…it`s sales are dire surely?
Licensed Public School lotus eaters writing for their mates…very BBC really.
If I were the estate or James Goldsmith I would get them sued off the shelves…Sir James got us out of the EU, Hislop clings to it as if they`re cross-subsidising his shit samizdat of Stowe School….I`ll have another “S” Carole!
I used to enjoy reading Private Eye as a teenager. Back then it went after every pompous arse that needed taking down a peg or two, regardless of political persuasion. Under that narrow minded little beeboid Hislop it has become yet another lefty propaganda rag. Shame.
I still subscribe, through gritted teeth, as there is still some good stuff in it. Up until the Referendum, it was fairly even-handed, but the latest issue is full on anti-Brexit ! Yes, Hislop is a wanker.
Last time I bought Private Eye ‘Street of Shame’ – where they supposedly hold our daily newspapers to account – was 90-odd per cent Daily Mail bashing.
Hislop took the BBC shilling some time ago – and it shows.
Check out this self-righteous turd –
Pass the sick bag.
Don’t look at the channel then Grant, I had a look in the hope of finding the counter
‘Unbearable Blackness of Remain’ video but nil found.
The Left just love fanning the race fire ! Hypocrites.
This deluded, troublemaking, brainwashed sixth former needs to cover up her semi flat chest!
In this one instance a burkha might prove to be of value!
Can we please have a video along the lines of “How Brown and Black is Islamic Terrorism?”
A classic leftie case of playing the man and not the ball.
Truly pathetic.
Yes, I saw the bit of him on QT saying remainers had the right to keep criticising. His point was that after a general election, the ‘losing side’ as it were doesn’t stay quiet for five years but are still vocal about the government. Didn’t see the rest of QT so don’t know if anyone else made this point but someone should have pointed out that with the EU ref it was a bit different in that remainers were (still are?) pushing for a second referendum. After a GE, you don’t get people calling for another go till they get the result they want.
When you say ‘punts it out as gospel’, you mean…….reported what he said?
The Times had better put out the FULL audio of this then hadn`t they?
And-the Times editorial team and their Rachel had better give us a good and clear line on how THAT headline was chosen out of-presumably-a half hour interview.
And-the BBC have better give us come “clarification” on how THEY elected to make that their top story this Saturday morning hadn`t they?…and, for that matter, why Corbyns CND crap with his party is THIRD item on Radio 4 news this morning.
Pretty clear to me-if you see the BBC as the State within a State( S/S)…then you WILL want the Leader of the Nasty Party to win…and since 2002,she`s been just that.
A couple of articles on May…in the cause of impartiality and balance” of course
I believe the second of these was squashed by Mays team at the Telegraph soon after…classy!
BUT_-let`s not be too bothered here-Andrea will soar with this one-what she says is fundamentally true, as anybody knows…and the BBC/Times are merely whipping up a “sectional interest” story…hopefully to rope in those angry gays they like so much…most childless couples would accept most of what Andrea says, because she puts it carefully, and those of us who have kids know what she`s saying…and our childless friends and colleagues know that there`s both costs and benefits to both choices/circumstances as lived out.
Divide and rule, selective editing, we lost the Referendum so lets get in the worst Home Secretary in living memory( except for Alan Johnson)…the Top People and the Beautiful People have conspired to wing Andrea…oh dear, they only make us stronger-and after 23rd June we don`t give an f about how they spin between themselves.
As they weave by the guillotines, they`re not seeing the forklift getting a new driver behind their padded arses…and they can say what they like, print what they like…after Independence Day, we`ll say what we like…and f the snakes like Sylvester and her tweetie pies…
Welcome to LibLab Country Andrea…give Nigel a call as he reminds you of the fire you draw once you`re over their temples and cloisters..so you`re right on target mum!
Johnny Quango and Bert Royal v Mick Mc Manus and Steve Logan….remember all the bad guys like Adrian Street and Jackie Pallo were good actors and decent lads…the BBC are evil, and are not playing…but we`re going to carry them and the Times types out of the five ringed circus very soon.
Stone by stone, step by step,
I will listen again later when the Today programme is available online. I am neither a supporter or detractor of Ms Leadsom, but the very first instance of reporting on this issue this morning had the Times reporter in the studio (natch), and played a more extensive segment of the interview than we have heard since.
In this longer segment of the interview (and it’s a bit noisy since the ‘interview’ was apparently carried out in the middle of a Costa cafe) I am pretty sure I heard the original question put to Ms Leasdsom and it was specifically to try to elicit just how being a mother affected her political viewpoints for the future….Ms Leadsom answered by immediately trying to ensure that her answer would not be taken out of context, and should not be taken as being, in any way, an adverse comment on Ms May, and then went on to answer the specific question as to how exactly being a mother affected her personal political objectives/aims/viewpoints. According to later snippets of information she then went on, again, to try to ensure that her answer was not to be taken as an adverse comment on Ms May’s situation.
Cue the Times announcing that Ms Leadsom had claimed that being a mother gave her ‘an edge’, and the ever-diligent BBC not bothering to even listen to its own coverage of the initial segment of the tap of the ‘interview’ and claiming that Ms Leadsom was ‘insinuating’ or ‘suggesting’ or ‘inferring’ all sorts of things which, given what I heard, she was specifically trying to avoid.
Absolutely disgraceful reporting by the Times, if what I heard is a full version of that particular section of the interview……….and even worse, in my view, disgusting follow-up analysis and cherry-picking of out-of-context pieces of an interview by the BBC.
Bias by omission, bias by political allegiance, and bias by incompetence. The BBC at its best. Investigative journalism ? Don’t make me laugh.
I did, in fact, listen to this segment of the Today broadcast again. It’s from about 33 minutes into the programme (i.e. 7:33 am). The Times reporter, Ms Sylvester, specifically and clearly says that she asked Ms Leadsom “…do you think motherhood informs your politics ?”, the long clip is then played where she apparently goes on to ask “….do you feel like a mum in politics ?….” (unfortunately with lots of background noise in the Costa Coffee place, but I’m pretty sure that was the question asked on the tape).
It’s pretty clear that Sylvester brought the issue up, and got an honest response from Ms Leadsom to the direct questions being put to her, who tried to ensure that her comments would not be mis-interpreted as a slight on Ms May. Then Ms Sylvester/The Times decided to imply things which had not been said, to create a headline, and from that point on, this meme was then followed through, ‘par excellence’ by the Beeboids on the Today programme at any opportunity. Typical sloppy, biased, and inventive reporting, which passes for journalism these days – print and broadcast media included.
It is commonly put about that the public are disillusioned with politicians because they are always evasive or fudge the truth.
It seems to me that this is inevitable due to the manner of questioning politicians are subjected to. All interviews are confrontational, the purpose of the interviewer is to get the interviewee to slip their guard & say something that will be newsworthy. One can just sense the constant goading & fishing by John Humphries to hook a controversial soundbite. The interview is not to inform the public it is just a game to him. BBC Brownie-Points are awarded the more unintentional slips an unguarded politician makes.
No wonder politicians are wary of saying anything honest now. A bland fog of meaningless blather is by far their safest defence against such interrogation.
I think we get the evasive politicians now entirely thanks to the hostile questioning of the media. They are just scared to be honest.
Poor Ms Leadsom just answered a pointed question designed to trip her up in too honest a way. She has a lot to learn about fudging the answers!
Well put. Having tripped the interviewee up (always from a right-wing party) the BBC then use the quote in their news bulletins for the rest of the day.
Many of the “questions” you hear put by al beeboids aren’t questions at all; they are statements.
So right. Beeboids are not really interested in the answers. They are purely interested in the agenda they are pushing. And they , clone-like, continue pushing.
Now that they have been released from the “threat” of the Charter not being renewed and have neutered Whittingdale, they have nothing to fear but Leadsom. But they always fall for the mistake of repeating the same thing too often .
Despite all their efforts , i do not think they are succeeding.
No, the politicians tell lies in the main so that we do not know just what they are doing to us. Do not forget that the EU was forced on us by our own politicians by means of lies and deceit. That was the agreement for our admittance and every PM since has colluded in the lies. We urgently need a complete change in order to ensure that we have a proper democracy not the sham that we currently have. The only scent of democracy we have had in years was the Referendum, and the whole bunch of politicos and vested interests are still trying to deny us what we require.
She said what she said, and it was reported. Truth hurts.
Kikuchiyo: “She said what she said, and it was twisted. Deliberate mis-reporting hurts.”
There, fixed it for you.
You’ve got your Coochcoo. Leadsom has pulled due to MSM disinfirmation. So we’ll have another anti-British PM who will not follow the will of the people and will trigger A50 and full freedom. Democracy has officially ended today. Tyranny and violence, here we come.
That should have said “You got your wish Coochy”. And “disinformation”. And “will NOT trigger A50 for full freedom”
Yes, we need someone independent to make a written transcription from a recording of the interview so that we, the people, can be the judges.
My hopes are the same chrisH and we both aspire to the new dawn (no terrorist implication intended) – but the torrent of misinformation and doom-laden negativity is infecting almost every major media channel. Can the ‘general public’, those who don’t even know of bBBC let alone read your wise and winsome words, withstand the concerted might of the professional spinners, movers and shakers?
Hislop, although merely a pimple on the body politic, still itches and he’s still full of shit. Who can squeeze him?
I agree about Hislop. I slimy little overfed pet toad. Not sure about your other point. I think the relentless propaganda before the Referendum backfired and it may well happen again.
Thing was, Grant, before R-day it was all guesswork, and I agree, the public saw through or became bored. Now exchange rates are trumpeted daily with Juncker’s venom on a loop and ‘told you so’ the watchword. Even, incredibly, on ITV last night they used internet sales of widescreen TVs – down 80% – to show how frightened we all are, overlooking the fact that sales of such goods during the summer holiday months always drop – but hey, who needs clarification anyway?
Today Austrian president elect Hofer says he doesn’t want to leave the EU after all – reversing a major feature in his popularity and re-establishing EU solidarity – but who in the UK can know what he actually said? Would you believe reports in the Times, or the Guardian or even, of late, the Mail?
As you say, all the pre-referendum propaganda, based on conjecture, backfired then. This is now and people are being very actively encouraged to become nervous for the future. The question is, why?
Well said. Brexit does not frighten me but the establishment elite do frighten me.
Stop thinking of and calling these ****s “elite”.
Then the fear will go away.
They are the one who should be frightened.
I agree. They are only “elite” in the sense that they have their hands on the levers of power. I call them elite because they claim to be against elitism but they behave as though they are elite.
They are elite sh*ts.
That was what I was trying to say, but you put it more succinctly. They think that they are superior to the rest of us and know what is best for us. These champagne Lefties are just replacing what went before and aping them. Pathetic and any honest, decent people see through it.
They are more like Eloi, only without the looks or last minute grasp of consequences.
Watch internet sales of widescreen TVs rocket before xmas.
The gist of what you say, Alan, was clearly apparent on ‘Any Questions’ last night. It started at the very beginning with Jonathan Dimbleby’s reference to the £350M when introducing Gisela, which he continued to press during the programme, to the point of rudeness. He treated with relish the question of embellished c.v.’s, obviously to damage Andrea, and encouraged the development of the proposition that a ‘completed deal’ should be put before the people, either in a referendum or election, in due course. That, I feel, is the BBC’s narrative. That is, having failed to secure a Remain vote, the next best option to correct this obvious aberration, largely owing to natavistic tendencies, is a rerun of the whole affair wherein those of us who now regret our impertinence in challenging the establishment can put the matter right. I also await their campaign to include 16 year olds in the franchise.
Why would I listen to a Liberal like Lady Brinton or Tim Farron?
And why are the BBC using them suddenly now, as well as their SNP shock troops down here in England?
Only because they seek to overturn a Referendum…EIGHT MPs v 17.4 Million People?
Liberal?…very much so
Democratic…er, we`ll get back to you on that one.
Will go to iplayer and listen only to Liam and Gisela…and even when Gisela talks silly, I shall look for all the good in her arguments. And I shall nurse it for her, until next we hear from her.
We 17.4 love her.
Compare and contrast with Chukkas efforts to “hold us to account”…wonder who`s paying for THAT then?
Worth a burrow say I!
Panelists who criticise the BBC are rarely invited back. Facism at work.
As I have said for years, some means must be found by which the BBC does not have total control who is invited on to programmes and who controls the narrative. They should no longer be able to blackball commentators and experts whose views they disapprove. We all know who they are: Christopher Booker, David Bellamy, Lord Monckton, Andrew Neather, John Kettley and so on. After all, the BBC is in effect an organisation of the state, for which all citizens must pay, and half the population does not share the BBC’s Home or Foreign policies.
Just kill it.
Like Peter Hitchens…..or Alastair Campbell….or David Vance……oh wait?!?
Spot on Abendrot.
The central problem that the May campaign have is that notwithstanding the fact that they got 199 votes in the parliamentary election, and 70 more votes than Leadsom and Gove combined, which is no mean feat, everyone was/ is talking about Leadsom who it seems has more support in the constituencies. This does not sit well with their pro-EU tendencies.
So, what to do? The EU leaning media think the best way is to try to discredit Leadsom in whatever way they can. It is the media turning this campaign nasty not the participants, and if she does become the PM, you can expect this narrative to continue for a long time yet.
Some of us are old enough to remember Reagan and Thatcher but it goes back even to the time when Winston Churchill was frozen out.
For the Europhiliacs, Leadsom is the new Farage. But I doubt if all this crap will fool the Tory membership.
can`t remember who the guy was who gave us this gem above-think it was JUSTIN CASEY(PBUH)!
But very handy for Black Lives Matter, Andrea Leadsom stories…just laugh and out their grips and bitchins in the shredder-or roll into a ball to throw back into their fat faces.
Ta Justin…noting now an awful of these are available…maybe we need a Biased BBC one that allows us to generically quantify their bastard biases.
Laminate-and hang it round their neck at Traitors gate as LordSir Nigel re-educates them over a shouty tannoy.
Are you a member of the Conservative Party and able to vote in the leadership election?
You are, good.
Alan has produced the ultimate argument, if the BBC wants May to win, Andrea must be your selection.
Bye, Bye, BBC, as Harry Corbett would have said.
Everything that the BBC and media are doing is making it more likely that the membership will vote for Andrea. I am going to make a “luvvies promise”. If May becomes PM , I am going to apply for Gambian citizenship. Pretty empty one , as you need to be resident there for 15 years . Maybe the UK can learn something form that country. LOL !
Thin-lipped female journo from the Times gives her fellow liberal bubble inhabitants the BBC Breakfast sofa jockeys a quick lesson in selective quotation and leaps out of context this morning as she defends her attack piece on the slightly more conservative of the two Tory front runners.
Three times in a short interview she refers to Tory grass roots as though they were the very devil incarnate. You see folks there is now this huge and growing body of social liberal ‘law’ against which thou shalt never transgress. Who would have guessed the day would come when the most politically correct of candidates would be the apparent front runner for the Conserative leadership.
I hope the Shires shaft the Metroplitans once again and stuff Theresa’s chicken – the BBC approved candidate. Well, until she leads the Tories at which point the attack begins again.
Joke : how does the BBC choose which bucket of KFC is the best? The one with the most left chicken wings.
Rachel Sylvester of the Times, and author of the scurrilous piece on Andrea Leadsom, is wife of the political editor of the Guardian. Only saying ….
I`m reminded of the TISWAS Phantom Flan Flinger here.
It`s all that the BBC and the Times have left in their houseboys lock up after St Nigels Day.
Enjoy it Andrea-and get your Little Black Book ready…wor Jackie used to keep one, and it did him no harm up in the Tyne Valley..or indeed on the Shannon.
That`s the sound of a barnacle being scraped manically across the bottom of a pork barrel that you`re hearing from The Top Banana Splits by the way…do not adjust your sex.
The Tory “grass roots” are by and large white, over fifty and patriotic. They therefore qualify as the scum of the Earth in the eyes of the BBC. When was anyone who filled all those three criteria last employed by the BBC? Maybe the 1950s?
In earlier reports on the Today programme this morning, covering the Dallas shootings, the BBC announced all sorts of things found at the apartment of Mr Johnson, the black American sniper who attempted to murder a dozen or so specifically white people (by his own admission).
Amongst the items listed was evidence that he had been accessing ‘extremist’ literature. Now most of us would know that, if this literature had been of the ‘white supremacist’ type, that adjectival description would have been leapt on, and applied to the suspect literature by the BBC immediately. It was not, so it is probably safe to assume that this was not the source….. so what was the source, then ?
Follow-up reports by the Today programme through the morning still mentioned that lots of things had been found at the apartment, but any further mention – at least in all the reports I heard after the first one – completely excluded this ‘extremist’ literature.
Hmmmm……..specific omission of a previously reported piece of information by the BBC ? Never happens !
I think I’m right in saying that back in the day The Black Panthers were widely referred to by the media as a ‘black supremacist organisation’.
Can’t imagine that epithet being used now.
Censorship rules ok – ‘He who controls what you say controls what you think’ (or somesuch).
The question ‘so what?’ rather occurs…
You talkin to me?
I spent some time looking for any media source that was pro Leadsom, or at least ‘sat on the fence’. Totally astonished that every tabloid, broadsheet, broadcaster has the knives out for her. What is going on? Why this groundswell of opinion against her? Is there any paper out there on the side of reason or are they all in the pockets of big business or Marxism?
Because-like Gove-she says what she means and means what she says.
If only she`d appoint Gove as Chancellor, Boris as Home Office to lop the BBC octopus for fun…and Gisela gets Foreign Secretary…then go out and tell her party members about herself.
And get IDS, Owen etc to do her press…she needs to be with her people, NOT letting the BBC octopus play footsy with her.
“Wise as serpents, gentle as doves “Andrea eh?…let the REST of us check OUR Bigger Bible Black Books for you…but don`t give the devil his foothold…we`re out here for you…use us!
It’s Farage-ism. They want nothing to do with anything which puts the Former UK in a good light, or anyone who might make a difference for the better. All beneficial references to them MUST be totally stifled, at the earliest opportunity.
May have already been mentioned earlier.
The photo of immigrants that Farage stood in front of for the Brexit campaign, for which he was vilified by the BBC, was actually used by the BBC a year earlier to illustrate the immigration problem. The actual same photo.
Uh-oh – according to Mr Jean-Claude Junker, then, the EU believes the BBC clearly has nasty Nazi tendencies. Who could disagree with Mr Junker ?
Tell us more Richard…Junketeer #1 knows about these things.
The reporting by The Times and the Bbc on the interview which Andrea Leadsom gave is absolutely disgraceful and unforgivable. I agree with all of what has been said so far on this thread. It puzzles me too, JimC, that no newspaper or broadcaster seem to support her. The media in general are always looking for divisions or splits or chasms. But heh, that’s what happens when you have competitions! People of different views, just as you have different sports teams and so on. No one seems to be reporting divisions and chasms between Murray and Raonic but they are both trying to win one prize. Same thing with May and Leadsom.
All I can add is that, if Andrea can withstand all this s**t being thrown at her by the establishment, no less, it will only make her even stronger in the eyes of the sensible majority and it will stand her in good stead once she is in power. She knows her stuff for sure. There was an interesting snippet on Guido’s site which shows her grilling some banker or other. Boy, did she have him in a tangle!
Your last comment says it all.
It`s because she IS effective, told Osborne to f off early in her career and can make the likes of Dimmock look like the Bankwank Tanks that they are…because she KNOWS what they`re doing, where the bodies are…that the whole kitchinette is being thrown at her.
But-as we learned on Independence day-these are the petty squalls of a blown off shower of Hunts-and the grassroots out here will surely consign May to the equivalent of Margaret Hodge on some selective committee that knows nothing, keeps its own affairs secret but blows a pink straw when the BBC come a calling.
Hodge and May are the past…as is the BBC…now Andrea, Michael, Boris, Gisela, Lexit and Steve, Suzanne etc…THESE are our future post-political anchors…
May and queens?…they`re tthe wankers they hope we`ll grab for…f off, no kids and no cares…Hodge would only let them be abused if they had them anyway.
Today Guido also has an article on May which they pulled under pressure from her team. It totally rips her apart. http://www.order-order.com
Grant…Yes I read that a few days ago. In fact, I think I posted a link to it on a thread. For those of you who have not read it, here is the link again.
As Grant says, it absolutely tears May to pieces. It SHOULD be in some newspaper somewhere…(in my dreams, probably).
Sorry, I missed that first time round. I don’t suppose anyone here manages to read every post !
Grant – No problem!
I listened to a May and a Leadsom supporter being interviewed on Today this morning. The May supporter was basically allowed to speak at length without interruption, the Leadsom supporter got the full John Humphrys treatment, allowed to say two words and then interupted by a long, meandering and hostile attack disguised as a “question”.
May is clearly the candidate of the big business, pro EU establishment. Conservative Party members, please vote Leadsom!
I’m surprised that any politician gives interviews or the time of day to any journalist or interviewer these days, until the lot of them clean up their act. Reporters screeching at the top of their voices to politicians, when they know damn well they wont get an answer, imbecilic questions being asked, constant interruption of answers, bullying tactics and so the list goes on. In a way I’m not surprised that Jeremy Corbyn refuses to engage with reporters, it seems the best way to deal with them. And as for the media scrum when a person enters a building or alights from a car – its appalling, also how many in your face photos does a bloody photographer need anyway ? I wouldn’t hesitate to tell them to piss off if I was in that position, regardless of the following day’s headlines.
This is something we’ve seen in the States, and we all know what happens across the pond, eventually arrives on our doorstep; so I fear it will be only a matter of time before the police in this country will start to experience what we’ve seen in Dallas. Mark my words.
Other dichotomies pursued by the BBC and liberal/left bad losers .
Old folk don’t like change . Old folk mainly voted Leave , which the BBC says means great changes .!?
We must listen to experts . Sixteen and seventeen year olds should be given the vote . How many sixteen and seventeen year olds are experts ?
The economy is in great turmoil . Immigration is at an all time high . Who wants to settle into a country with a bad economy ?
I’ll believe the economy is as bad as the doom merchants when the majority don’t pay the telly tax .
Drama out of a Crisis
BBC Newswatch with Samira Ahmed, no not Kamal Ahmed – he’s the BBC economics guy, and not Asad Ahmad – he’s the BBC London News anchor, and not Aaquil Ahmed – he’s BBC head of religion. I’m referring to Samira Ahmed who hosts the laughingly titled BBC Newswatch which is supposed to hold BBC news to account on behalf of the viewers.
In fact Newswatch is the platform for the likes of Jonathan Munro head of news gathering to lie to viewers with absurdly bland reassurances of balance when in fact this brief interlude of introspection is surrounded by hours of proof of the opposite – wall to wall liberal bias.
This morning geeky Chris Mason stands accused of revelling in chaos and puts in an apprearance to tell the public he got it about right (think of him as an apprentice to Norman Smith’s drama queen brand of political cartoonery)
The licence payers also, quite rightly, accuse Evan Davies of ‘barely surpressed gloating’ over the political fall out over Brexit. Other viewers complain of inflamatory language.
Chris Mason has accumulated quite a rap sheet here:
The Labour Party’s trouble with the left has been a game of “Bat the Rat” and Boris committed “An olympian act of skulduggery”
Of course Mason is unrepentent.
My God, there are more Ahmeds at the BBC now than Dimblebys! Now that’s what I call diversity.
But there is no Ahmed Dimbleby, is there ?
Ah, if David had a son…
Guest – perhaps that was the Dimbleby junior that Jacob Rees-Mogg referred to!
Mark Lefty eh?…a good name for the Secular Prophet Society I`d have said.
Anybody else remember the kerfuffle over THIS one of only a year ago?
Helen Goodman is a member of the Bildenberg Group apparently…so she`ll be OK…merely raising issues, real concerns…consciousness raising…and the BBC/Times will allow this in her case.
Andrea seems to have a blowtorch aimed at the foot of Jenga Towers…and the BBC/Murdoch etc won`t like this at all.
Long hot summer to follow as May goes down the plughole.
Did someone mention that it has got colder:
Thanks OB
The Old Bloke, at the beginning of July Mr Deakin told us that June had been of above average temperatures. As we still had the heating coming on at the beginning of June, I didn’t believe him. Still, it is nice to have my common sense confirmed rather than rely on either the BBC or the Met Office.
I came across this article from the BBC yesterday:
I have read it twice, both times with jaw open. The article contains so many untruths and a complete lack of an understanding of how business works, if this is the standard of education our students of education are receiving, then my God are we in trouble. I cringed at the statements that the E.U. funding of the strawberry supplying companies are at risk because of BREXIT. Dear God, woman, it was/is our money in the first place! So why, following BREXIT should this funding be stopped?? We give the E.U. a net contribution of £10 Billion, the E.U. gives our farmers £1 Billion back.
The BBC are out of control and can print and say anything they choose. They don’t give a sh*t about the truth anymore but only when it suits their agenda. “It” has to be shut down, it really has.
State within a state OB.
Lucy seems to be the trainee Shadow DEFRA spokespoppet.
Just the little matter of knowing one end of a dibber from another…maybe an internship on Corbyns fabled allotment to follow.
Did you know that Scotland runs the biggest deficit (debt increasing fiscal policy) than any other European country. It is running at 10% of their GDP. The E.U. has stated that all countries should try to work on a 3.5%. No wonder all those Scots wanted their hands on the E.U. money. No wonder the E.U. in their infinite wisdom told tem to “bugger off” and that they were not competent. Their country is going tits up. Well done Nicola Sturgeon, well done. So, what are you going to do to get it down to 3.5%? Oh dear, oh deary me.
Old Bloke,
Yes, the SNP bastards are destroying my country. And Sturgeon is one bitch from hell. Let’s hope Theresa the Appeaser doesn’t destroy the UK as a whole.
Grant – My Mum is Scottish and I spent a lot of time with family up their back in the 70’s and 80’s in Glasgow and not one of them would have stood for any of the crap that wee Jimmie Krankie comes out with. They were all hard working,hard living people proud of their Country and with a secret love of the English.They would rib us relentlessly as London softies but there was mutual respect and friendship. They loved coming down to London too.
What has happened up there mate do people actually fall for all of her bullshit ? I am struggling to see what she offers admittedly I haven’t been up there in 10 years or more
Scotland’s littered with wind turbines. Hope that they may now be able to regenerate their fishing industries.
This is not the country it was even 10 years ago. My late father would be appalled. I do not know how this has happened. It is not the main reason I went to live in Gambia but, back here on a visit, the country is still beautiful apart from the turbines referred to by Bones below, but there is a nastiness which never used to exist here in the past. And we all know where it is coming from.
Your description of your mum and family sums up my parents and their families. They would have just laughed at Krankie and assumed she is mentally deranged, which she is !
Thought so mate – These bstds will not beat us
Her base is benefit junkies and sour Scots simply jealous of those doing better than themselves.
In the last 10 years I have seen such a change in the tone of our country – in direct correlation to the Scottish Nazi Party rise.
They are just shites.
Micah Xavier Johnson, Dallas shooter, acted alone, but as the BBC are eager to point out there were other attacks on the police for their killing of blacks.
Worth noting is the way BBC news, always with its political message, filters down to the psychotic deranged left who feel empowered to follow the state broadcaster but take one step further.
Clsss War crazies now present Micah Johnson as a working class hero – adding to their Facebook page:
”Class War At least cops are getting shot anyways. Long overdue whatever way you look at it.
21 hrs”
And next to a photograph of Johnson, described as ‘a working class hero’, is another piece of support for cop killers.
Of course this does not count as hate speech, move on.
The BBC is spoonfeeding these political criminals with race hate
Yes, the Left and BBC are encouraging rate hate and violence for their own purposes. All we need now is to discover that Johnson was a muslim and they will be in heaven !
If he was by chance a muslim, the attacks will, of course, be nothing to do with islam, that famed religion of peace.
I had a look at the article by Mukul Devichand,
It read exactly like I expected it too, no alarms and no surprises throughout the whole piece, a standard on
message BBC narrative for the casual Guardian reader, in fact it was quite a dull read becuase of this. For anyone tempted to
slog through this typical BBC non investigative, non questioning rather insipid piece I’d recommend
Contains statistics unlikely to be seen on the BBC, an organisation to which only some black lives matter, the rest, well they can just be swept under the carpet, can’t have people asking awkward questions.
BBC Online News:
Notice the selected photo of Leadsom? Not flattering and with a resemblance to Margaret Thatcher.
These photos are carefully selected and not random.
The BBC never misses a trick when it comes to pushing its agenda. Photo selection, as you say, is a favoured subliminal messaging trick. Still, the BBC seems unable to find a photo of May where her eyes appear as anything other than black holes in her head.
The left wing media sees getting May selected as PM as the only way they will be able to put the brakes on Brexit. I hope the Conservative Party does the right thing and boots May’s arse out of the door.
Regaining our sovereignty is a great prize, but will we use it wisely? Against all the odds our democracy has been won back but for decades it has been undermined by the BBC and is now more left leaning than the tower in Pisa. Will the British people vote for more middle class leftism or slowly track back to the centre ground? If the BBC is around propagandising for the left there is every chance that we will opt to go further to the left, more state interference in our daily lives, more immigration, more concessions to Islam, more internationalism , less Britishness and so on.
It is vital that UKIP now quickly march into Labour heartlands and show the voters there that they do care about working class people, unlike Labour who care far more third world issues than about the Brits they are supposed to represent. Labour MPs are now far more comfortable with the well off middle class lefties than with the working class , whom they still patronisingly and incorrectly refer to as ‘their people’. No doubt the BBC will do everything in its power to help Labour recover these lost votes even though it will still be a sham and betrayal of the working class.
If the Tories want to secure victory in 2020 and onwards then their best plan of action is to cut the BBC down to size. Without the help of the BBC Labour would never have won in 1997 and Blairism would never have seen the light of day and we would still be a country which was at ease with itself , free from the dark shadow of Islamification and where the working class had a real party to represent them rather than the sham of Labour today.
Sadly both UKIP and the real Tories seem to have stayed their hand, and not filletted the BBC and the liberal left.
We gave the buggers the knife to do so on the 23rd, yet they seem to enjoy the beef paste and not the raw steak that WE voted for.
And as I listen to Dimbly and Farron on the radio trying to parse my vote on the 23rd…the sooner we take the sharpened corkscrew to these Hunts, the better.
One of the key factors in Labour winning the 1997 election was the orchestrated attack on the sex lives of a few Conservative MPs, all arranged by Max Clifford, a man we now know is a paedophile and a rapist. You couldn’t make it up (though he often did).
*How many Tory members are there and how many of those are likely to vote in the leadership election?
*If they vote the ‘wrong’ way and choose Andrea, how likely is it that the powers that be will fiddle the vote and make Theresa PM in order to weaken Brexit?
I only ask the second question because of considerable lack of faith in the Tories, who seem indistinguishable from Labour these days.
News24: 1:05pm Big news about Leadsom and the children comment. NO MENTION about May and her story released earlier about not having children. More bias from the bBC as per usual.
Fred, did they report Leadsom’s denial ?
Sorry, can’t recall all the details.
Fred, that is ok, I’ll catch up with it some time.
S`pose there`s no chance of us seeing Theresa Mays CV is there?
Let alone Jonathan Dimblebys?
Posted the same somewhere on this site and that May was in banking before politics. If that disqualifies Leadsom, it must disqualify May too. Funny, the British Bastard Broadcasting Corporation don’t mention that.
As for Jonathan, his CV is very short ” Professional Dimbleby , no other qualifications nor experience required “.
When are the likes of Leadsom going to wield the Stanley into the faces of the BBC and its liberal pets?
Is there ANYBODY at the BBC who interviews or does current affairs that would
a) Show us their tax affairs
b) Show us their CVs before they got the free pass for life by working for the Stasi.
This remember-Trojans Tautology-is the State within a State.
As Dimbly and Farron, Grieve and Sandback(A) trash Gisela, Liam and Andrea…we`ll have had out Arab Spring when the liberal left are dead, dying and filleted for the sharkbait.
Dimblebore’s one-line CV says the same as brother Jonathan’s:
“My Dad invented TV journalism in the 1950s, so I’ve got a job for life, despite having no discernible talent whatever.”
http://order-order.com/2016/07/09/rachel-sylvester-corrects-story/ at the end of the entry is a clip made at 10.00am of the controvertial jounalist admitted she had asked Leadsom about children. Suppose you have guessed already where the clip come from, yes the bBC. Do they play it again to show that the Times article is very flawed. I have not seen it replayed, does not add to the narrative they want to project.
Wimbledon refers to it as the Ladies’ Singles.
BBC Sport refers to it as the Women’s Singles.
The official title is Ladies’ Singles so why… rhetorical question.
Probably to do with internal twisted BBC rules and procedures. BBC love anything “gender fluid” so they are most likely getting ready for the first man to woman gender change playing at Wimbledon.
In the heads of BBC staff they think a man can become a women but not become a lady – hence rename the official title to something more future proof.
Transgender tennis? New balls please!
You’re decades behind on this! Back in 1977 there was a trans tennis professional, some 40 years ago.
Attacking the BBC over their issues of Left Wing liberal idiocy and bias – whilst making sure they stay a million miles away from the people they claim to champion is fine by me.
Attacking those people who suffer from a genuine and internationally recognised medical condition can open you – and the site up to accusations of bigotry.
An old article from a few days ago but relevant again today…
Is Theresa May the right Conservative leader for gay people?
“They compare her to a parent who’s come to terms with and loves a gay child.”
FFS… so the BBC happily say May loves gay children but Leadsom cannot say she is a mother (and a heterosexual in a normal reproductive relationship) to her own children. What a messed up country we are becoming.
Theresa May stuck the label of the “nasty party” on the Conservatives, the biggest faux pas since Gerald Ratner called his jewellery “crap”. Is it any wonder the BBC and the left wing establishment want her to be the next Conservative leader? They are not mentioning it now, but as soon as she gets in they will make sure the “nasty party” comment is hung round her neck at every opportunity.
I would like it known when exactly Theresa May is intending to expedite our departure from the EU. I am worried that she will string it out for as long as possible. This will provide more time for the BBC, Sky, et al to reverse the referendum result.
Many political commentators have stated that if May wins, Article 50 will be invoked towards the back end of next year! With Andrea Leadsom it will happen before next year.
Tory Leavers, beware of the delay!!
Several papers have given CV comparisons on May and Leadsom. Perhaps someone on here can clear up a time line referring to Theresa May.
She was born in 1956, and attended Grammar school and Oxford University.
Between the years 1977 (when she was 21 and surely still at Yuni) and 1983, she is listed as being a FINANCIAL CONSULTANT at the Bank of England !!
Um, was she on work study do you think ? because a 25 year old (any 25 year old) being in that sort of lofty position at the Bank of England has me gravely concerned.
Yes Rob ,that nasty party jibe hung round the partys neck like an albatross and still does to an extent.That is the reason why we had Cameron and his ultra metro liberal agenda . Lets hope party members remember her treachery in labelling them nasty. The real nasty party is sitting on the opposition benches .Dont expect the BEEB to highlight it though.
i am livid. so now we have to win the referendum again and only 150000 ca. will decide but then on top of that were they not the times and sky news that gave us tony blair? and now they want to impose that failed home secretary who by the way was also responsible for the rotherham girls case….aaaarghhh
No we won`t Matahari.
Vengeance and violence are as nothing compared to what we`ll do if they dare to attempt it.
We are not the pipsqueaks of Ireland,Denmark or Holland…nor are we the German patsies like the French either.
This is England-our yes was yes, our no was no.
Farron,Blair and Heseltine are either politically insignificant, dead or dying by the hour…not one of them electable or required by anybody but the EU and the BBC.
Olivers Army in reality…so f the BBC and all its flag runnings…Pierrepoints drop zones are still available online.
I am prepared for the first time since I was a radical leftist in my twenties, to go out on the street if necessary. Things are serious enough for the left to go completely ape-shit, and I think we just have to make some kind of commitment not to leave them to it. It is about time they were shown who are the adults, and who exactly has earned the right to a voice in this country.
I do not say this lightly, as it is very difficult for me to get out for any length of time. However, I’m sure I’m not the only one who will make that effort. The constant public kidult celebration of emotional fascism is disgusting.
Sky channel is also responsible for The Pledge. Don’t watch if you suffer from high b/pressure.
Last week around the table were James Caan, Rachel Johnson, Michelle Mone, Michelle Dewberry, June Sarpong and Nick Ferrari, and apart from Ferrari these ‘business types/entrepreneurs’ all wanted a second referendum, because the first result didn’t go their way. To his credit Ferrari stood his ground, but the gobs around the table just shouted him down. This is a typical reaction of most who are in business, and boy were this lot at their most venomous – Mone was practically in tears at the ‘catastrophic’ state this country was now in. Its these types, the media and lefty young’uns who are creating a divisive Britain, and its going to get more toxic.
I listened to “Any Answers?” on Radio 4 (14:02-14:32 Saturday July 9th). In my opinion, this programme was not balanced, and not as good as the one a week ago.
The first problem is a familiar one: the 30 minute format compresses any discussions; 45 minutes would be fully justified by the quality of the callers and the time it would allow for a better balance. I believe there’s a thing called the Theory of Small Numbers: just as opinion polls based on small samples are more likely to be biased, so it is with this phone-in show, where unintentional imbalance can be created simply by allowing the first two or three callers to hog the microphone and thus limit or force out later ones. After Anita Anand had set up the programme, reminding listeners of the topics from “Any Questions?”, the first three callers took most of the first half of the broadcast. To her credit, she did try to move on when the second caller, a man who had already spoken at length, began repeating himself.
The second problem was the nature of the callers. There was a clear bias towards Mrs May, especially from the male caller mentioned above, who had worked with her and who did a hatchet job on Mrs Leadsom. Then there was an (allegedly) ex-Tory supporter who had switched to Labour at the 2015 Election, because of Tory welfare reform, and who trotted out the ‘nasty party’ label originated by … Mrs May. It wasn’t all one-way traffic but the question of being a mother giving someone more of a stake in the future (Mrs May isn’t, perhaps for health reasons linked to her diabetes, whereas Andrea Leadsom is) was overdone and over-emotionalized; plenty of much nastier things have flown around about Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage.
All in all, it was not one of the better editions, and left me feeling I was being manipulated and that the BBC doesn’t want Andrea Leadsom as PM.
Baled out after three minutes.
When I heard Anand, I knew it would be crap-closed questions, liberal tropes on display before the lies opened.
Why the hell would I care to discuss anything where Grieve and Farron had previously ranged over.
They had Liam Halligan there-good lad, knows his economics…but let Farron riff his shit as usual.
LibDems are the Pervs party aren`t they…their supporters used to hang around the scout hall didn`t they?
Get a little sick of this “Brexit lied” meme of the liberal losing lying left.
Next time we`re told that we had a figure up on the bus that they didn`t like…which was clearly stated as being available to the country(not a newly minted trough for junior doctors to surf in)…then remind them of their poster
AND-they DARE to say that Nigels poster was in poor taste, set the wrong tone…even racist?
Let`s continue to remind the Remainiacs what a racist, ignorant and nasty bunch of butt buggers they are…£4.300 wasnt` it?
This 350 Million meme needs attacking at every opportunity-it`s getting ingrained in the lefty idiot narrative and needs combating.
As does the “number of racist crimes” going up crap-look at the facts and who defines a racist crime…and who`s been especially set up to improve the figures.
If Tell Mama and Hope Not Hate spin this stuff-it`s lies.
If its pawned and owed Police Chiefs in search of excuses not to visit the drug dens that day…it`ll be all too convenient for everybody.
Basic rule?…who is in the dock, who is the prosecuting counsel and where do their figures come from?
Another liberal memes gaining traction-time to remove the liberal tick from the dogs body, before it infects the narrative still further.
Don`t give the lefty lying scum houseroom…hound them out,and don`t be afraid to scare them as they do to our pensioners.
I voted out-and their votes counted as much as mine…but more thought like me than did them.
So they can f off…no ifs, no buts…
The story concerning Leadsom’s triumphalism concerning “being a mum” trumpeted by the Times and bigged up by, among others, Lynne Faulds Wood (“we’re journalists we never lie – it’s in quotes”) on BBC24’s The Papers last night is already falling to pieces (according to Guido ). Now why would the Times (which recommended Remain) and the BBC (in fury and mourning at the Brexit vote) want to make up/spread lies to demonise Leadsom?
Mind you – I think the Times is even more disreputable than the BBC on this one.
The Times joins the list of other things to boycott after the Referendum.
As things stand I`m reduced to the Express, Wetherspoons and a resolve to buy a Dyson one day.
But I`ll not buy Murdochs crap or Dacres bollox again.
Hoping now to get a picture of Andrea with the lovely Penny Mordant now…what`s the stalking limits?
This is a joke, for the benefit for any trolls who haven`t registered yet with Boohannah…
Yesterday on Five Live the presenter was in a state of stupor. She could not believe it. She was about to share with us a hate crime so despicable she could barely speak. She shivered a few times on air to demonstrate how aghast she was and how appalling was the crime she was about to discuss. So, if you are of a sensitive disposition please do not read on. Apparently a Polish woman’s shed was burnt down and a letter left telling her to go home. Yes, that was it. Sorry? Did the BBC investigate if there had been a personal reason for the attack? A neighbour’s dispute, a disagreement over a parking space? Erm, no, now you mention it. Apparently it was all to do with the Brexit vote, though being so aghast the lady never got around to sharing with us the proof that the two events were linked.
On the same day a court was hearing how Showhaib Khan, Ahsan Khan, Sufyan Yaquab and Adam Hussein were found guilty of imprisoning a 14 year old boy, torturing him and branding him with a red hot poker. No doubt their hate crime was also brought about because of Brexit.
It’s a good thing the BBC never mentioned this case else this poor sensitive soul on Radio 5 Live, so attached to garden sheds, may have experienced a nervous breakdown.
Not really a hate crime, but a few enrichers did something dreadful.
What has this country turned into?
The BBC attacking Andrea Leadsom today is a hate crime caused by the Brexit vote.
Apart from the fact she is a lying tax avoiding nit wit who hasnt got a clue about a plan, she is doing fine. It says a lot about the desperation of the political class to even consider someone who cannot even come up with one idea post Brexit. Another vacuous sloganising and clueless loser to satisfy a constituency of clueless losers.
One post on a different forum has an interesting take on the Times/ Leadsom story.
Outside of the South East elite bubble most people – especially immigrants are very socially conservative, and there is a strong possibility that rather than damaging Leadsom’s chances, it has in fact strengthened it.
There is another issue of the media being as out of touch with the people on this issue as it was on Brexit, and in fact very many other issues of late.
And whadda know? Rachel Sylvester (the journo who interviewed Leadsom) is married to the diplomatic editor of the Guardian and it seems she’s very friendly with Mandelson. I know it’s hackneyed but, really, you couldn’t make this stuff up (as, apparently, Rachel has). BTW the Times is refusing to release the complete tape of the interview – I wonder why.
BBC Online News:
“”Brexit may not happen
-foreign minister””‘
The ‘foreign minister is Italian’, but it’s a chance for the BBC to stick the knife in. Would they be so interested in a foreign minister who said the opposite?
BBC Online News:
“”Who will pick our strawberries once we leave the EU?””
May I suggest that other people will pick the strawberries? Another chance for the BBC to bash Brexit.
BBC Online News:
“”EU Referendum: Lush cosmetics firm ‘terrified’ over Brexit””
Terrified? Thousands of other British firms are not terrified. Why not interview them? Of course, it wouldn’t suit the BBC’s anti-Brexit agenda to do that.
BBC Online News:
“”Ian Hislop: ‘Remainers are entitled to go on making the argument””
More ant-Brexit rhetoric and no balance.
The BBC is anti-Brexit and there’s the evidence. There’s plenty more.
Good luck Mrs. Leadsom. You are the BBC’s target now that Mr. Farage has stepped down. This is only the beginning…
I have just read an interview with Peter Jones of Dragon’s Den fame in today’s DT. He didn’t vote because he was disillusioned with the information given by both sides and is angry with the post-vote fallout. Doesn’t think the politicians are fit to run the country. Life and business will go on and he is optimistic.
Since he is a darling of the BBC, I would imagine they will be reporting that.
Message to Mrs Leadsom.
Remember when you are PM, you will need to tame the BBC, not by government intervention, but simply by allowing the people to decide if they would like to have it on a subscription service rather than licence. Just remove the licence and leave them alone.
Thank you
Maybe she should get a plan first. Otherwise the economy will start to tank. Oops it already has!
Keep waving your flag.
Re the Lush article. In February they ran an article that Lush was opening a factory in Dusseldorf to supply mainland Europe. So had nothing to do with Brexit.
New from the BBC TV Licensing Blog this week:
– BBC releases TV Licensing search warrant numbers. They really didn’t mean to let this secret slip out. More here.
– Capita TV Licensing, the BBC’s main contractor, awarded £120 million in prosecution costs. More here.
– Capita TV Licensing deliberately hangs up on 150,000 customers. More here
I still haven’t forgiven Crapita as we call them for harrassing me after my father died and the house was empty for some time .Their operative put in a false signed claim that someone was living in the property ,had been spoken to and had admitted they had a TV .It was completely made up ,a lie. I didnt even get an apology.
Can’t say I’m surprised. TV Licensing thrives on lies. The system of goon commission payments encourages dishonest practise. The BBC is fully aware of the situation, but happily turns a blind eye as long as the cash keeps rolling in.
I have no idea how to run any campaign ,let alone a civil disobedience campaign, but if the Tories are too scared to do anything to rein in the leftward bias of the BBC, and UKIP don’t have the clot, then perhaps it is a last resort whose time has come.
If all those who didn’t want to watch the BBC but still wanted to watch the tele , pooled their LF in some trusted fund ( ripe for being ripped off I know) and didn’t send it to the BBC , what would the BBC do? Assuming we are talking of several 10’s of thousands of people, let us say a hundred thousand, the BBC would be losing £14.5 million. Presumably this would upset them mightily and they would be scared of the campaign spreading because it would certainly get a lot of publicity. I expect that the corporation would try and make a few examples of refusniks by taking them to court. But if a portion of the £14.5 million was used to fight the court case with high powered lawyers surely then this could become a very costly and long drawn out process which of course provided even more publicity for the campaign and damage the BBC.
The central message of the campaign would be that in this day and age the BBC should become a subscription service with its subscription limited to the present LF plus inflation. I think that the BBC and their fellow leftists would have trouble defending the present system and of course there would be no loss of political capital for the Tories or UKIP who would not be involved. Even if the campaign failed it would certainly put down a marker that the LF had to change soon . In victory the fund would be returned to those who contributed , in defeat it would have to go to the hated BBC.
The critical issue though is how do you get the first 100 thousand to sign up?
UKIP do have clot. Shes called Leadsom!
Wowsers. A full house. The gang’s all here. How vital.
In other news, that sentence is truly ‘unique’.
You see, Nigel was right all along wasn’t he Theresa May?
And there are people such as the BBC, promoting that you become our next P.M. Yeah right..but then the BBC always does back the wrong horse doesn’t it.
Old Bloke,
My God, May is pathetic. I would not employ her to wash my car let alone clean my toilet. Amazingly ignorant.
Thanks for that TOB.
It’s recorded in 2013, and May says that in 2015 the Conservative party will be committed to scrapping the Human Rights Act after the general election. Have they been committed since 2015 to scrap the the Human Rights Act? I don’t think so….
As Farage pointed out to her, you can’t scrap the Human Rights Act whilst in the EU. May blustered and said ‘we need to take a sensible approach…blah blah’.
America is a racist country where blacks live in separate and inferior areas to white, where white cops shoot unarmed black people. Regular BBC story.
Another narrative is that Trump is a vile racist who intends to build a wall to keep illegal immigrants out.
But why to they want to come to this racist country?
Surely they don’t need wall to keep them out.
“Surely they don’t need wall to keep them out.”
They do, we have to build walls to keep people out, despite being despicable, vile, evil, racist, capitalist scum.
Whereas the mass murdering lefty Marxist (USSR, N Korea, E Germany) utopian societies were so perfect that they
had to build walls to keep people in. Says a lot about the lefties.
BBC Online News:
“”Brexit: Petition for second EU referendum rejected””
You`ll know that non-Muslims are unable to visit ether Mecca or Medina on pain of death,
Turns out that Corbyns Labour Party are doing something similar to those Labour MPs who want him out.
Today was the Durham Miners Gala…probably the saddest Mausoleum for all that Labour once might have stood for.
Never less than sinister…lots of Easington Colliery Pit Yakkas looking for southern softies to deal with…especially North Notts, S.Yorks.
The MayDay Parade these days features the transgendered sex workers of Columbia mincing under banners that only get ironed for this empty display of Thatcher bashing dinosaurs.
No surprise then that the BBC don`t make too much fuss over Labour MPs being banned from the balcony at the County.
No Labour MPs wanted unless it`s Skinner or such..and be very surprised if the miners let BBC Look North in to film it freely…the speakers are normally Stalins Oiuja boards…and the rest of us might get the right impression.
So there you have it-Britans second party not allowing all but a skinful of its MPs up to Durham to hear their own leader speak-and the BBC don`t tell you…but they ARE worried about May and her barren nights, Leadsom and her fecundity and nail polish.
Where Islam meets Labour Fascism?…seems to meet in Durham town today.
Will enjoy Tolpuddle…Tom Robinson in hetero mode i`m told…
The MayDay Parade these days features the transgendered sex workers of Columbia mincing under banners that only get ironed for this empty display of Thatcher bashing dinosaurs.
Has anybody heard – especially on the BBC, they being not just the world’s best investigative journalists but like, soooo impartial an’ all – what Remain’s plan was for the EU? Were they in favour of joining the Euro? What about total political integration – was that on their agenda? Maybe they just saw the UK as being a peripheral member in a ‘two tier’ EU? – how would that work? How’s about a plan for ‘reform’ – for example, making it more democratic? How would they go about it given Cameron’s humiliation last time he tried? Or maybe some restrictions on immigration – or perhaps they’re happy for it to continue spiralling out of control, putting more and more pressure on infrastructure and services? Were they happy to continue succumbing to more and more treaties, bleeding us of more and more of our democracy?
Still unenlightened? Well how amazing is it that a poll tax-funded national broadcaster with over 70% of news and current affairs coverage which allegedly acts at all times in the public interest has not attempted to ask any of these critical questions – in fact, no-one would blame you for suspecting that they have deliberately avoided them. And no-one would blame you for thinking they had an agenda.
Dead right Mr Fish.
How come the Leave campaign are expected to have planned for all this?
It was made quite clear by Nigels Barmy Army that all we had in common was the imperative to get the hell out of The EUs burning building…we were NOT an elective political party with a manifesto or plan for Government.
It was NOT an election-it was a binary Referendum…IN or OUR.
Last years elected Government was supposed to “implement the peoples will as expressed “-isn`t THAT what they paid their £9.3 Million telling us all in that sodding booklet of theirs?
How come Cameron is getting away with abandoning the ship he floated?
As for Remain…how come THEY`RE not held to account?…all they offered was managed decay and bakruptcy with Sharia finance to follow.
Just because the BBC aren`t asking doesn`t mean that we shouldn`t remind them.
Another Remain low in their sick and tawdry campaign.
‘Leave’ were not a party taking up government, of course. They could not commit to a plan that was going to be followed, that was not there’s to do.
However, if they had presented a sensible plan for how it ‘could’ work after/during exit then I’m sure we could have got loads more votes. The Leave campaign left the undecideds and don’t knows with nowhere to go but Remain.
All Leave had to do was to shine a torch into that leap into the dark.
Theirs was a stupid gamble IMO and we are dead lucky we won despite the efforts of the morons appointed un-democratically to ‘lead’ the campaign.
We could easily have been looking at 60:40 had they done it properly, but thanks to their imbecilic approach to the campaign we barely have a mandate for change, and it could have so easily gone the other way.
That’s why a plan showing a reasonable progression to independence would have been a very good idea indeed.
We have had plenty from them about this petition which now appears to have ‘bit the dust?’…………………
but not much about this one ? …………………………………….
(Now up to 82,091 signatures)
So while Tom Watson does a Pontius Pilate and the Labour party continues to implode semi-majestically – the main news item on both major channels was Andrea Leadsom’s trial by Islington surrogates. Nausea ad nauseam.
HYS still running ………
BBC Website ” Why did Tony Blair become so unpopular “. Do they really not know ?
They “did not know” about Savile.
They most certainly did not want to know. The evidence was staring them in the face.
Grant the answer to your Blair downfall question is well addressed here:
Thanks for that. I just watched the intro and will continue later .
Andrew Neil is in attendance but doesn’t ask a question. When asked how, despite being the worst PM this century, Blair won three elections , Tom Bower fails to mention the cover and support that the BBC gave him throughout his time until he came a cropper on Iraq. There is no doubt that the BBC made a vital contribution to bringing Blair to power and keeping him in power. Therefore the BBC must bear great responsibility for the enormous damage that Blair and Brown inflicted on this country from which we have not recovered and probably never will.
When libraries used to have independently written books-and not PC world from the Labour/Liberal Councils book monkeys-I remember one by Leo Abse on Tony Blair.
Basically a waxy tanned sociopath with a father fixation who wanted to be Jagger, but became a quasi-Christian charlatan at Oxford instead.
A Zelig like fantasist who talked himself into flying into Barbados to watch Jackie Milburn with a rum punch maybe…the grander the porkie, the more the gullibilty around him.
Know the book banged him to rights well before he set off to Iraq with other peoples kids as sandbags for his ego.
But most of Parliament with just a few notables( Ken Clarke for one…sorry!) backed the Lizard King…and the media did too in large measure.
His perorations in Sept 2002 and March 2003 went down very well with the critics…yet here they are claiming to have never agreed with their boy
They may now claim ‘never to have agreed with their boy’ but both the BBC, in its quasi-religious persona, and Tony Blair, in his pre-Catholic and Catholic incarnation, share an unshakeable belief in their own infallibility. They justify lying because they believe they hold a bright beacon of ‘truth’ and a ‘divine’ right to deceive in order to promote it. Cardinal Newman put it this way:
‘Another ground of certain authors for saying that an untruth is not a lie where there is a just cause, is, that veracity is a kind of justice, and therefore, when we have no duty of justice to tell truth to another, it is no sin not to do so. Hence we may say the thing that is not, to children, to madmen, to men who ask impertinent questions, to those whom we hope to benefit by misleading.’
Both Tony Blair and the BBC make use of the ‘just cause’ argument to mislead and lie to an ‘impertinent’ public. The interesting question, one posed by many biasedbbc contributors, is, when ‘just causes’ are exposed as delusional lies, in what form should retribution be delivered? I live in hope.
Money box on Radio 4 Saturday lunchtime, all about poor pensioners living abroad now that the £ has dropped, due to Brexit. Funny I didn’t hear the item previously about how well pensioners were doing living in the sun benefitting from a strong sterling.
I agree, nor does BBC ever say how much money the Brits living in Europe have taken and spent there, on houses etc. Unlike the Europeans that come here with nothing.
They also go on about the number of Brits living in euroland. Never mention the millions in Australia New Zealand or the states. Why not?
Why would you? It wasnt a problem was it.
A man of Straw – a troll