A new day, more bias….Tory leadership candidate, Andrea Leadsom, is in the BBC’s sights and she’s taking a pounding, the BBC not just reporting but taking a view…..Leadsom is a bad person…lack of experience and judgement we are told. Hmmm….funny how May’s comments[clearly part of her leadership spiel] about not having children weren’t reacted to in the same way…funny how the BBC is saying that Leadsom is claiming people without children have no stake in this country…isn’t she awful? Funny how the BBC joined in the anti-Brexit campaign by saying that it was old people who selfishly voted for Brexit denying the young a say, destroying their future….so don’t the old have a stake in society that entitles them to vote as they like then? May was a Remainer, Leadsom a Brexiteer….any reason why Leadsom is taking so much flak? Apparently the Times interviewer asked Leadsom about children…it was a leading question knowing full well what May had already said…the BBC is already making judgements despite not having seen the full transcript of the interview.
Remember when Labour and the BBC told us that Old Etonians shouldn’t be running the country because they couldn’t understand what ‘normal people’ thought or wanted? Didn’t Old Etonians have just as much of a stake in the country as any other person? When Jo Cox was killed we were told she was the real deal, a people’s person, someone who could genuinely represent the ‘people’…..except she didn’t did she? She was for Remain and mass immigration…whereas Old Etonian Boris was on the other side with ‘the people’, all those once-Labour voters.
The BBC is there to check your privilege and approve and licence your acceptance as worthy of being part of their society. If your ‘out’ you’re going to be denounced as ignorant, uneducated, prejudiced, bigoted, racist, xenophobic,, Islamophobic and guilty of being White.
Whatever the BBC say, the choice facing Conservatives is between patriotism and a sharia compliant leader.
Theresa May, Dhimmi ! Liar and coward. She should convert and piss off !
Theresa the Appeaser in full dhimmi mode. Anyone who votes for her needs their bumps felt.
Regarding the furore over what Andrea Leadsom did or didn’t say about how having children changes your view of the world and the future; personally I believe she’s quite right and think you do need to be a father or mother in order to become the PM. In the U.S. For example I don’t think a childless candidate for president would ever get anywhere near the Oval Office; Americans would view it as odd and unacceptable for the leader of their nation not to have children.
I think a salutary lesson for those who are bleating of how offensive A.L.’s remarks or reported remarks were is this: Angela Merkel doesn’t have children; she who has done more to damage the future society which millions of young Germans and unborn generations in Germany will have to live in, than any reasonable person would believe possible.
We don’t want a British version of Frau Merkel: with no children of her own to make her consider the implications of her political actions beyond her own lifetime.
If she had children: would you expect her to be more likely or less likely to have acted in the way she did; virtually inviting the Third World to move to Germany and Europe?
Interesting comment. But historical research shows that ten British prime ministers (nearly 20 per cent) didn’t have children, and these included some of the most influential:
Benjamin Disraeli (hugely successful Victorian Tory)
William Pitt the younger (PM during the Napoleonic wars, including the Battle of Trafalgar, and also influential in reforming the Tory Party)
Also, Queen Elizabeth I never married or had children. Some say it was concern for the nation that caused this policy.
I don’t think comparisons to the US are valuable. Remember that the US president is head of state. Therefore it is important that that there is a ‘first family’ for people to identify with. But in the UK the royal family fill this role brilliantly.
Having/not having children should not be a requisite for having any job. I personally do not have children – a choice I made when in my 20’s, but appreciate there are those like TM who probably did want them and can’t have them – I’m not a fan, but she shouldn’t be vilified for something that is not biologically her fault. I also don’t think that Leadsom intended any harm by her remarks, but again the bloody reporting made her out to be the Wicked Witch from Snow White. This is equal to the remark made by Andrew Castle about the girlfriend of a Wimbledon player. A light hearted comment until the Twitterati and media turned it into something obnoxious., it was only the sensibility of the lady concerned which treated it as it was meant, flattering banter.
If, for whatever the reason, the debate has been lowered to this level, I despair. What the hell has the Governance of a State got to do with whether someone has children or not ? Surely, a true Statesman or Stateswoman should be putting the future of the country above any personal considerations ? And their enemies should refrain from personal attacks.
There are serious big issues to be resolved. But the media debate is focussed on trivia .
H H-B -. The two PM’s you cite served in that capacity a very long time ago and when only a very small proportion of the population were actually allowed to vote; so how their childlessness would be viewed by the electorate in terms of how (if at all) it affected their fittedness for that office was of less relevance then than now, due to the far smaller and narrower electorate (ie property owning men) at those times in our history.
A more recent incumbent, sans enfants, Edward Heath; led us into one of the most disastrous political entanglements in Britain’s history (a la Merkel in Deutschland’s presently).
The final consequences of which are being played out only now; over forty years later. Would he have viewed what he did differently if he had children? No one knows: but he may have done.
The role of the POTUS is very different in their system of government to that of our monarch is here; if our king or queen produced no heirs their line would end. The POTUS is only there for a maximum of eight years, under normal circumstances.
I think the fact that a presidential candidate had no children would be viewed negatively; not because there would be no “First Family” but because Americans would view them (man or woman) as somehow having less invested in the future of their nation. It would be an opinion that I, personally, share and I would prefer our PM (any PM) to not be childless.
It is interesting that in Germany; neither the current nor the preceding Chancellor have children.
Get the popcorn ready!
Good luck to Cliff and I hope he wins but who is going to foot the bill ? It is Muggins again !
I quite agree Grant. I have just made the same point in a comment on the Mail website, but for some reason my comments hardly ever seem to appear, so I don’t expect it to see the light of day.
So long as individuals can hide their personal responsibility behind corporate veils, there is no justice. The Beeboids who tried to destroy Cliff should be held personally to account and punished, if they are guilty.
As long as Cliff sticks with what he says because he is “determined to have his day in court” and does not go for an out of court settlement. This could well be a lot more damaging for Aunty than she could possibly imagine.
Despite Aunties protestations and media manipulation. This case superbly illustrates much of what is wrong with the BBC.
Like many court cases it could well turn into a running sore. Perfectly demonstrating the BBC.s agenda driven arrogance, belief it is above the law, and class/religous bias.
The unsaid agenda with with that smart arse reporter always was – Ha ha ha – This what is always underneath the skin with these christian, white, rich, middle class and probably conservative voting establishment figures. Have some of that you white hypocrite!
I think it also shows how the “politically correct” police forces have become complicit with the media in manipulating the narrative. Seen this one in Rotherham too!
I am sure the BBC will try and present it as some middle management cock up. But some mud will definitely stick this time. Despite their mealy mouthed apology.
However it is interesting that there are many fair minded people out there (and not just right wingers) . Who are equally disgusted with the way the BBC has conducted itself throughout this whole ghastly affair.
Lets just hope Cliffs health holds out. Never liked his music but by God I am rooting for the bloke on this one.
For once in my life I would also be interested on the opinion of our BBC trolls on the Cliff case.
So my BBC loving friends – whats the hive group think on this case in BBC land?
Agreed. The BBC and the stasi will try and bribe Cliff with our money to keep it out of court. They will do everything to make sure the details of their grubby deal do not become public.
As for the Trolls. ” We can’t comment because we don’t know the details “.
One of the many problems with the BBC and the Police is that they believe they are above the law. They must be brought down and put in their place as servants of the people.
Grant – I have more sympathy for the police than the BBC as they have been the plaything of politicians for the last couple of decades. Having said that there were issues that needed attending to after the Stephen Lawrence murder, but I believe the pendulum has swung too far the other way with PC/race issues becoming more important than common sense every day policing.
As well as considering themselves above the law I think the BBC consider themselves in effect to be the law. Or at least in a moral sense. Hence they can hector/misrepresent any individual or organisation who they think does not support their narrative. And if they do not get their way they sow seeds of disquiet which if they are lucky will mature into fully grown plants of chaos and hate.
As well as awful old , middle class, white, Christian – Cliff Richard. We have the public pillorying of people like Nigel Farrage as a racist (and by association anyone who agrees with him) the same can be said for Brexit supporters who are continuing to have BBC supported opprobrium heaped upon them even though it was a democratic election.
And because they are so influential politicians/organisations are afraid to take them on. Lets just hope Leadsome gets elected as at least she does appear to have some ” balls ” (no offence intended Andrea). I am afraid if it is May things will just revert to “business as usual” – InshaAlla Godwilling!
I think the brexit vote came as a shock to the BBC – and their judge mental and divisive screaming may well have woken up many more people to what this organisation truly stands for.
Educate, inform and entertain – it aint!!!!
Hasn’t Cliff been the subject of a few sly ‘is he isn’t he’ digs over the years? Then a whiff of scandal and the BBC gets the helicopter out, which as I’m sure we all know isn’t cheap to run. What possible advantage, and relevance, other than hyping up the drama factor did the aerial footage bring to the reporting of that story? Once the possible collusion/corruption factor is thouroughly investigated I’d appreciate an independant bean counter having a look at that helicopter jaunt.
Definately drama Oldspeaker. Though I suppose being a rich, white , christian tory – Cliff may well have been in the house with an assault rifle. You need the aerial shots so everyone can see the full evil of the right wing backlash!
Dont want the reporters in the line of fire.
I think a little thought and maybe envy went into capturing the rich angle Oak, and yes, I know my spelling leaves much to be desired, I spells em like I says em! Comes with being a poorly educated brexiter dontchaknow.
Dont you worry mate – we spells it like it is, init!
Sorry Oldspeaker cant shoot no more shit with ya – cos Tyson is chewing up the X box!
TYYYYYSON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I believe Sir Cliff spent his early years in the British Raj in India, where his father was a ‘box-wallah’ (commercial manager). That in itself is probably a black mark on him in the eyes of the bien-pensant left – white oppressor, etc etc.
I’ve posted a lot of comments on the Mail website Lobster, which I can never see either. I have often wondered whether posters on that site are ever able to see their own postings.
I have complained a few times to the Mail re my comments not going through. I get polite, prompt replies with assurances that all will be fine but they still don’t go through. So I no longer try to comment.
It won’t come out of Botney’s £6 million pension pot, more’s the pity.
A new floor to accommodate the raft of execs that will need to be kicked upstairs and slightly further to the left wil surely not be enough this time?
A whole annexe to W1A will be required, Or Hugs will need to hot desk and Botney will need to… share his elevator!
Not looking too good for the licence-fee paying public programming hopes once the pensions of this lot kick in and the investments in EU-approved companies prove disappointing again.
The old Bachelor Boy has decided he is going to give the Beeb a kicking
Sir Cliff sues BBC for £1million: Star’s revenge for controversial live TV broadcast of police raid on his home as he vows to have his ‘day in court’
Whoops didnt see Lobster’s post with the same link.
So here is the Beebs link to the story
Cliff Richard to sue BBC and South Yorkshire Police
Cliff should sue for far more in my opinion and not settle out of court.I’m no fan but the live helicopter shots were an absolute disgrace.
Deborah – I love the way on the BBC website they said “The BBC and the South Yorkshire police made no comment on the statement”
Its almost like the BBC that tried to shaft and humiliate Cliff Richard is some unrelated alien organisation to the BBC that runs the website.
I am sure it is poor non BBC grammar – But would it not be more accurate if they said on their own website ” Both our organisation (The BBC) and South Yorkshire Police made no comment on the statement”
Splitting hairs I know – but isnt this all part of devious BBC agenda where it stirs the shit but is able to distance itself when their own actions blow up in their face.
Heard the term used lots recently by clever dick politicians and journos recently – But isnt the BBC really the living embodiment of macavety the cat.
Watching BBCs Wimbledon coverage, I didnt see the camera picking out Cliff, I wonder why that was.
Still the Beeb informed and showed us Benedict Cumcumbermuncher was there (didnt show him with any Syrian refuges though) and wee Jimmy Krankie, which gave me much pleasure.
BBC cover protests organized by Black Lives Matter in London
The Dallas shooter is emerging as a good guy with the psychos from Class War describing him as a working class hero and praising the fact that he killed cops.
Although information is widely available about the Johnson’s life, his sexual abuse of a woman during army service, and connections with the New Black Panthers , the BBC appear reluctant to release details which are widely available on the internet.
May I suggest that the BBC do not want to dilute the anti white protests partly inspired by their biased reporting of the deaths of black people by US police over the years. Not to mention, their use of baby photos of the so called victims.
This photo was taken from Micah Johnson’s Facebook Page, which indicates similarities between the cop killer and Isis.
Black Lies Matter
Apologies for replying to my post, but I posted an image from Micah Johnson’s Facebook page The BBC have actually looked at his Facebook page but selected other images. Draw your conclusions.
The left/BBC would love to see the outbreak of race war, where blacks would kill as many whites as possible.
The left are sick in the head and truly deserve the title of the politics of hate. In their warped leftish mindset everything that is good about our society has to be deconstructed (left-speak for destroyed by force) so that a new socialist utopia will rise up, full of love and equality.
It matters not to these ideologues how many people get killed as part of their pathetic fantasy – so long as they are only from the ‘oppressor’ classes; white, male, middle class, heterosexual; all fair game.
You can see why they secretly admire the despotic violence of Islam.
John Prescott: Ex-deputy PM says Iraq War was illegal
Hmmm, dear John, it might have been better to speak up at the time, yes? Or were you too busy throwing right hooks at members of the public who dared to disagree with you?
It’s not bias but it’s good fun nevertheless.
Too busy shagging his secretary.
Prescott’s definitely got egg on his face now!
Going tremendously well for him on social media.
Maybe a tense convo with the PR team later today?
Be interesting if BBC editorial integrity sees this as ‘not news’ (c) A. Newsroom Tealady.
Do like the smell of face palm in the morning…
Marr this morning
Carcrash Amanpour and some liebore feminazi on doing the papers
Didnt take long for carcrash to try to link saint jo to brexit and britain first
Tory mealymouth in the middle should have jumped on her to link 5 cops being murdered to black lies matter…….but of course he didnt……he wants patriots deported instead
How can you win with people like this missing an opendoor chance to slam dunk these prats?
Sadly Mrs. Merton not around to ask what it was about Ms. A that first attracted BBC producers to book her onto to Marr hands free couch.
Because lightweights will never get back invited to the BBC (or sky) if they tell too many inconvenient truths
Last week the establishment media were bashing Leadsom for not declaring her tax return but guess what no one appears on the BBC TO point out in response that none of the BBC bigwigs have showed publically their tax returns despite the demand from lots of licence payers they should do so
BBC Online News is not touching the Leadsom and her children news:
But it’s headlines on Sky Online News:
Why? Sky News/Times/Murdoch perhaps? Or is the BBC standing back as they see Leadsom as the next PM who may cause the BBC damage?
We can but hope DS
It’s not all bad news: Anna Soubury might leave the Conservative Party. Hooray!
Yes, she was quite vicious (in a socialist sort of way) the morning the Brexit result came in. Perhaps she could join with the Eagle brothers and form a new socialist party.
Nice to see Aaron Banks on Marr laying it all out for everyone , May will not trigger A50 and will try and keep us in the EU. Great now that everyone knows this and we can all watch May and see what she does if she gets in. They really have a tricky one now don’t they if May does not do democracy the tories will follow Labour down the plug hole. Roll on a GE after that. Just have to be careful not to have become an EU province by then
JABBERWACKY. (sincere apologies to Lewis Carroll)
Twas Brexit, and the slimy toads
Conspired and dimbled in the wake.
All sleazy were the Remainians
And the BBC did shake.
Beware the peoples voice my girl!
With message firm and words that sting.
Beware the Leadsom bird
And shun that furious Farage thing!
She took their venal words onboard
Long time for Brexit leave she sought.
Then rested she, needlessly
By which much time she bought.
While in guffish words they spoke
The Brexit vote, that cause so just,
Was muffled by the turgid talks
While they betrayed our trust.
One, two! Three, four! And more and more
Years went by, talks still “On track”.
Then it was dead! No more said.
Gullumphed behind our backs!!
“Now hast thou slain the Brexit vote?
You worked so well our cunning ploy”
O fab fab day! Theresa May!
They gloated in their joy.
I’ll get me coat.
Yasser, that’s brilliant.
There was a “Black lives matter” march through Brixton yesterday afternoon. It gave a lot of malcontent blacks (and there’s always a lot of those) and the usual gaggle of middle class, leftie, virtue signalling, right on whites a good opportunity to display their incredible insensitivity and astonishing bloody ignorance.
They all mooched along to Brixton nick where they stood bleating.
These morons always make me think of the sheep from Orwell’s Animal Farm; “Four legs good, two legs bad.” It’s a brainless, mob mentality. And all this after the mass murder of police by a vile racist, hate fueled brute in the USA.
Don’t you think after this heinous crime the organisers might have cancelled the march? No, not this lot. So full of their own precious form of bigotry are they that they can’t see how utterly tasteless their actions are.
Oh, and just for the record, the vast majority of young blacks are murdered by other young blacks. I don’t know if these killings are to do with gangs, drugs, turf war or repulsive rap “music.” I do know, however, that the murderers aren’t whites; they’re not cops; they’re blacks!
One might have thought these caring people would demonstrate about that…
Also the majority of inmates in prisons are. ……. black. Two Kenyan doctors ……. black, have been exposed for supplying athletes with illegal drugs. Almost all African politicians who are corrupt are ……. black. FIFA VP Jack Warner arrested in Trinidad on charges of corruption ……. black. Greater number of absent fathers………. black. Prominent US entertainers Bill Cosby / Michael Jackson have charges of sexual abuse and child molestation …………. both black. Of course I could pick an equally long list of white offenders who are also of sub-intelligence, – but if a white guy shot anyone, police or otherwise, whites as a race don’t generally go into over-drive and picket and protest. So there are some hard differences between the two races.
hahahah brilliant
Pandy Marr allowing the Corbynutta to project his PPB with very few interruptions.
What is it they call it Peter ? – ‘A fireside chat’
Oxymoron of the day
Gavin Esler on the factions in liebore
‘liberal intellectuals’
They actually believe that too
Nice to watch a bit of Sunday morning TV on the Beeb. All about transgender issues yep BBC I have worked hard all week and what I was really missing this week was a bit more information on transgender people thanks for being my favourite and oh so finger off the pulse broadcaster
Have we had a FOI request asking how much Licence Tax money has been spent on providing toilets for sexual deviants?

Lock13, the London Evening Standard’s magazine this weekend featured a tranny on the front cover, and I don’t mean a small radio. There’s obviously a concerted effort by the media, PR companies etc to push ‘transgender’ issues in a way that is out of all proportion to the number of such people in society. According to the BBC about 1% of the UK’s population is ‘gender non-conforming’ and even if that is true, it is a tiny proportion. There are more practicing Hindus in the UK than that, yet we are not constantly shown Hindus and told about Hinduism. What is interesting is that at the same time, the media are pushing images of headscarf wearing Muslim women as well. I would imagine a transgender Muslim would be the holy grail of the BBC!
Al Beeb has lost its way, time for a judicial enquiry into its recent conduct especially during the ‘Freedom Referendum’ and the attempted character assassination of Cliff Richard.
Thx Cranmer , don’t get me started on the Evening Standard they are in full handwringing mode can barely read it anymore .
So, St Teresa is tough on immigration, eh?
Erm…that’s not what this graph shows!
Just read about the Dallas Police Chief …Maybe the BBC might what to interview him.. His son was shot dead by the police………just after he murdered a police officer…..don’t think it’s likely though
Interesting feature on Leadsom by the BBC. Almost supportive?? Fearing their nemesis?
Just watched the Sunday Politics and a pathetic piece from the Remain campaign leaders on why they lost. The piece lasted about 10 minutes and not once in the piece did they mention sovereignty and democracy , but only sneeringly remarked on the lie , as they see it , of the Leave slogan of ‘Take Back Control’. But they did mention xenophobia and racism plenty of times. They clearly simply don’t think that a self governing nation state is something worth having and wish to delude themselves that Leavers are all nasty , stupid people who were deceived by a slogan.
We were then treated to silly Tim Farron from the Lib Dems ( although where the Dem bit comes from is a mystery). He said that before the future PM can trigger article 50 there should be , wait for it, a referendum!!! What an anti democratic, nasty, deceitful fool that man and his ridiculous party are. Andrew Neil said that he thought Farron’s suggestion was very European , just keep on having refereda until you get the vote you want.
Earlier Angela Eagle was on saying that tired old Labour phrase , slogan even , that ‘ Their People’ were crying out for a strong Labour party and had only voted Leave because of austerity. Wrong, they voted leave because they think that Labour cares more about immigrants than it does about them. But these leftists just don’t get it do they, which is a good thing because it will allow UKIP , or its successor party, to hoover up millions of ex Labour voters.
Earlier I watched some crazed leftist woman on the A Marr show claim, without challenge, that Jo Cox’s death was a political assassination by a far right group . Where do these idiots live, don’t tell me the Guardian.
All in all this morning showed that the left are still thrashing around to understand why they lost the referendum and keep on finding the wrong answers. It is really entertaining to watch.
The parliamentary Labour Party still cannot get their heads round the notion that Corbyn has been anti EU for years….and only publicly dropped that line when he was elected leader…or did he?
Labours, “Their people” outside London overwhelmingly voted leave.
Yet it is a coup by the remainers that is simmering in the Labour Party, led by Eagle and Smith who want to usurp Corbyn to make labour “more electable”.
There is a remarkable lack of curiosity on the part of the media, including the BBC about this curious state of affairs.
Embolden, it is my belief that many people on the Remain side, including BBC journalists, simply do not understand, or want to understand, the political complexity of the Brexit vote. I have two acquaintances, both quite hard left, who voted Leave because of sovereignty and globalisation issues. A brief look at some Labour party speeches on the EEC in the 1970s shows that is not a straightforward matter which can be explained away on old lines. Today’s media, including the BBC, seems able only to portray issues pantomime terms of black and white, good and bad, evil (Leave) versus good (Remain).
Cranmer – I often wonder how they view their Icon Tony Benn (good), who was anti EU (bad)?
Hopefully a few minutes laughter at Tolpuddle will be managed to the memory of Benn Snr…and is Vicar on Earth( in Urn) Michael Moocher who`s sadly gone to ground since last years jamboree.
Might be the fist time that Benns name will get a booing…ta Hillary!
Oh I love Labour…
Who do you think will be more popular with all those working class labour voters – Jeremy Corbyn or this gorgeous little lesbian?
No matter how big the goal, the labour party seem incapable of scoring.
? I wish I could fly…?
The Lesser of Two Eagles…as one lefty said rather wittily.
Jeremys a Keeper…and expect to get the T-shirt saying as much at Tolpuddle.
Other puddles of course will be available…Michael Moocher about to go undercover!
Might ask if they`ve got posters of Eagle…and none of that ” I`m a mum” stuff to worry about either with Sam the American Blonde Eagle..looks a bit like a grumpy John Foxx in his Underpants phase…
Come on guys , Angela is a laugh a minute. ( When I first typed that, I typed “gays”. That could have got me kicked off the site !
I find it arrogant of the Labour party to assume that Labour voters would have voted to Remain just because the hierarchy did ! er, why ? Regardless of who was leader – Corbyn or not, I fancy the result would have been the same – all those Labour voters wanting out. Why did they think that if JC had been more passionate about exiting the EU, that their followers would take heed ? they must think their electorate are sheep and cant think for themselves.
1. Shrill, irritating voice.
2. Stupid Name
3. Bad Haircut
Radio 4 today burbling on about ‘black flight’, the movement of ethnic minorities into previously white majority suburban and semi-rural areas. It was made out that this was due to ‘aspiration’ and ethnic minorities becoming richer. No mention of any connection with unlimited immigration causing pressure on urban areas leading to an exodus by longer established ethnic groups. Plenty of discussion about how difficult it was to find the right sort of Pakistani foodstuffs in rural Buckinghamshire and how dull the ‘white middle class’ is.
I heard that nonsense too – well, thirty seconds of it. It’s the third time this week I have walked into the kitchen, switched on the radio and heard Radio 4 babbling away about black this or that. I’ve had enough. They have worn out their favourite toy and I get the strongest impression that I am not alone. People are thoroughly sick of it.
GCooper, I don’t mind the topic so much – I find it quite interesting – it’s just the total lack of any attempt at impartiality or stepping outside the multi-culti agenda that is so depressing. For example, I can’t imagine the BBC ever making a programme about British people living in France complaining about a lack of baked beans in the local hypermarche, unless it was to sneer or laugh at them. The default status of cultural self hatred in the BBC becomes soul-destroying after a while.
I do mind the topic. When I say it’s is on three occasions this week that I’ve been assailed by this sort of racist tripe, that is three times out of no more than six or seven attempts to find something worth listening to. OK, you can say I was unlucky, but it seems to me that Radio 4 has managed the incredible feat of getting even worse. It seems almost impossible to switch it on without being preached it.
Just us none tennis types here then, I agree 100% GC, the saturation coverage of all things pc was why I had to abandon R4, Lord, just thinking about it is enough to set me off. By the time I stopped listening there was nothing, absolutely no subject that was unscathed, even when it became detrimental to the story being told it wouldn’t stop them, they would still cram as much pc crap into it as possible, and then add a bit more just to make sure. And to boot it’s so bloody boring, we know what the BBC is going to say before they say it, diversity, climate change, racism, yadda yadda yadda blah blah blah… . I wonder just how many listeners R4 really has, if as Wiki tells us,
Guardian readership has fallen year on year, then the suspicion would be R4 is going the same way. The content they produce is just so distant from the views I hear expressed by people almost daily now, and those views are unsolicited by me, these are people who are genuinely pissed off with the way the country is going, I have to wonder who the hell is listening to R4 anymore.
Oldspeaker, I generally now only listen to R3/R4 with great care, as most of its content has been mired in PC. ‘Choral Evensong’ on 3 and ‘In Our Time’ on 4 are usually OK, they can’t tamper with the Book of Common Prayer easily and Bragg’s subjects are too in-depth to attract right-on airheads.
One thing I would love to see is a radio station, even just an online station, that had all the good elements of R4 with the Guardianista nonsense removed. Radio 4 extra is a little bit like this as it features older content from the days when the BBC was better.
I listen to “In Our Time” every week, but it’s developing a problem. Bragg is making increasing efforts to get the experts to draw parallels with some social issue, often unrelated to the topic being discussed. If they don’t want to go there he asks leading questions until he gets an answer he can reword to fit in with his own prejudices. He can then make an aside about our imperial past, or the lack of women in science, or the children of the poor being sent up chimneys; ending with a question to one of the experts that moves the discussion on, so his comment remains unchallenged. Perhaps he’s always done this and I’ve only just noticed, but it’s getting blatant.
Oldspeaker, I generally now only listen to R3/R4 with great care, as most of its content has been mired in PC. ‘Choral Evensong’ on 3 and ‘In Our Time’ on 4 are usually OK, they can’t tamper with the Book of Common Prayer easily and Lord Bragg’s subjects are too in-depth to attract right-on airheads.
One thing I would love to see is a radio station, even just an online station, that had all the good elements of R4 with the Guardianista nonsense removed. Radio 4 extra is a little bit like this as it features older content from the days when the BBC was better.
For the last 10 or 15 years my time spent listening to radio 4 , or any BBC radio apart from Test Match Special , has steadily decreased until now I listen to the media show , just to see what the bastards are up to, and PM to check the if the list to port has increased .Otherwise I almost never listen to the garbage they put out.
I have to agree with both you and Cranmer. I do like talk radio as a genre, however, and I bitterly resent the capture of R4 by the far Left. It is even reflected in its drama output, which has now descended to the level of self-parody.
It is largely the loss of R4 (most TV requiring a frontal lobotomy to endure) that has convinced me the BBC has to go.
Looked at what I thought would be the most-Leadsom friendly paper…the Express.
“Mums Fury At Leadsom” is the headline…not a good start.
On reading the article, it`s clear that all these “mums” turn out to be
a) Mumsnet
b) Anonymous twatters and Face buggers
c) Anna Soubry and Amber Rudd-“mums”?
d) Antoinette Sandbach..ex mum, stillbirth and no kids with new hubby
e) Gay, childless and Infertility UK(now how the Hell THEY get roped into this to shaft Leadsom says something about the gutter press pack now hounding Andrea)…Greening etc.
So then -not a REAL, guaranteed mum in amidst this shower.
And this is The Express FFS..not the Mirror or the Observer.
In short, an absolute stitch up-and, as yet, no full disclosure from Rachel Sylvester or the Times re the full tape and transcript.
But this won`t stop the BBCs current leakage from its Kanga pants…
It`s all going to get very nasty-none of the above should be known, but if you trash Leadsom , those who do so will deserve a backlash.
Isn`t Soubry under investigation for her expenses in 2015…and why hasn`t she been sorted by Crick…need we ask?
Whoever it is that Mrs Leadsom has upset sure has some powerful friends…
“Anonymous twatters and Face buggers”
One of your finest ever lines chrisH, but please don’t talk about Jerrod in those terms, he get’s very upset.
I think politicians are well aware of the propaganda possibilities and easy subversion of a site like Mumsnet which has hive-mind tendencies. Cameron had a meeting with the site owners a while back and I’m pretty sure I heard something about MI5 recruiting from them. I would imagine there are quite a lot of malleable, Common Purpose types on there.
Pretty appalled at this “realignment” effort as dragged around the media today.
Basically Tim Farron, Anna Soubry and Liz Kendall or such trying to blow up a new bouncy castle with a straw..yet the BBC smile on, and offer their flatulence to help.
The efforts-ongoing and getting traction to paint Andrea Leadsom as being as extreme as Corbyn are obvious. untrue…but typical drive by tactics of the likes of Heseltine and Mandelson puff adders in the nests.
I know it`s the weekend where this shit gets billing…but the established elite had better watch it.
We voted to go-and if they want tanks on the streets, and a few traitors kettled for rendering…then so be it.
The liberal paintballing might seem to be a game…but it`s not.
17.4 Million did NOT vote for the thoughts of Farron or Fallon. Soubry or Sorbet.
We want our country back, we want control of our borders and our economy-and an end to the BBC as they continue to act as a state within a state.
Simple-which is why the oil slicks can`t bear to face it.
One example of the disastrous effects of the EU.
Apparently the Iraq soldiers were not allowed decent armour plating and equipment, because Labour and their military stooges wanted to hold back £16 billion to pay their whack of the European Rapid Response Force.
So being in the vainglorious and incompetent EU cost us dearly…many soldiers.
Thank God we`re out.
To be exact, the army top brass wanted the money for a family of lightweight armoured vehicles called the Future Rapid Effects System, an odd name, but there you go. They did not want to spend any of the money earmarked for their new toys on boring old mine protected vehicles, and gambled that Snatch Land Rovers would do. They didn’t, and many soldiers died or were badly injured. FRES ended up cancelled anyway, but it is an insight into the minds of the army brass. They really do think that their men are expendable when it comes to buying a sexy new piece of kit.
Strangely enough, the politicians were not the problem here. In fact, they ended up ordering the mine resistant vehicles which proved very successful. The army brass were to blame, but have managed to shift the blame on to the politicians with remarkable efficiency. It’s just a shame they are not so good at running wars isn’t it?
Ta Rob.
Like those who know the green stuff inside out-always know there`ll be military knowledge to spare on this site.
The Euro Army gave me the willies before the referendum…how the heck their serial stupidities and incompetencies get no attention from the Europhiliacs at the BBC is beyond me.
Don`t they know that there`s a growing groundswell who also went to university,who also studied Berger and McLuhan etc…and detest their treachery and tricks, making sure to note it for later.
We have undoubtedly saved lives-if not Catherine Ashtons pension pot payouts-by baling out on the EU…Putin would fear an authentic British Army, laughs at the EU drag acts and dopeheads that comprise The Euroarmy.
“Putin would fear an authentic British Army, laughs at the EU drag acts and dopeheads that comprise The Euroarmy.”
Chris, I never saw the Euroarmy as a war fighting force. I always assumed that its timetable of being ready after the next stage of EU integration meant that its role would be to put down provincial revolts. That way Merkel could avoid deploying the Wehrmacht.
One of the reasons I voted out was the threat of an EU army. A deliberate lie perpetrated by Remain during the EU debate was that Europeans had kept the peace in Europe since WW2. This is bullshit of the highest order. NATO kept the peace and that was because of the hegemony of the US in NATO. Not only did the US keep the USSR out they kept the Europeans apart. If Europe turns its back on NATO and goes it alone they are history. Putin couldn’t have engineered a better scenario himself. Imagine a Europe threatened by Russia without the backing of the US. Can anyone see any of von Rumpoy or Juncker’s successors stepping up to the plate and facing off against Russia. Don’t make me laugh.
Hopefully, post Brexit and post Obama we can repair our relationship with the US and become its aircraft carrier again. Then we will be able to sleep peacefully; unlike our poor European friends facing an enemy without and an enemy within.
PS I know an EU army could only ever be considered with unanimous consent of the member states.
Steve, to prove your comment about NATO, not the EU, keeping the peace is that Greece and Turkey would have been at war over Cyprus if they hadn’t both been NATO members. As Turkey is still not in the EU, and Greece was yet to join, the EU clearly had nothing to do with the fact they hadn’t gone to war. Well done NATO and our US allies.
Continental powers have a history of using the army against their citizens. Thankfully a very rare occurence here and always controversial.
The only reason the EU wants an army is to keep internal dissent crushed as it has only one real possible enemy ( Russia) and that country could take any EU force apart in days. A situation that is unlikely to alter for the foreseeable future.
So true on all counts. I rather wish that British subjects could use the British Military against the “powers that be ” in Britain.
Dave S, I don’t necessarily think an EU army would be used against citizens. I think the main advantage of it to the Brussels apparatchiks is that it makes it harder for individual states to protect their borders and sovereignty. Take Hungary for example. It’s conceivable that they could have a border dispute with Croatia about the movement of migrants and begin fighting one another. With an EU army this would be virtually impossible because it would be under central command and comprised of different nationalities, thus removing loyalty to any one member state.
I think the last European army was the SS; half its troops weren’t German.
Al Shubtill -A bit like this, perhaps?
I’m still laughing at ‘… blow up a new bouncy castle with a straw” what a great line
Still though…to hear of the SDP, Kinnock v Benn in 1988, Shirley Williams being cited and Blair before he took us to war in 2003…does remind us all why we HAD to get out…and maroon the godwaful failures and political class munchers and moochers.
I mean- Bill Rodgers anybody?
And to hear Blairs old sock sucking scribbler from Greyfriars College-piping poncing Anthony Selsdon-now having to rewrite his Blair hagiographies is funny…a whole load of Labour hacks are busy redacting all their church teas and air guitar tribute acts out of their biogs and blogs…the Great Helmsman all alone at the prow of the ship like Ted Heath after a biryani.
“Success has a thousand fathers, but failure is an orphan”….Napoleon said that, Selsdon Man busy passing round the Tippex at LibLab Central…twat.
A British winner of the British GP and a Scottish winner of Wimbledon.
Let’s hope Heather Watson can also be a British winner in the mixed doubles.
Demon – surely they are all British? Even the Scottish one.
I find with positive Scottish or Welsh stories much is made of them being Scottish or Welsh but never when it’s English. That’s by the by, I support all British people except for those who are anti-English or anti-British. That’s why I cheer for Murray’s opponent (except in the Davis Cup or Olympics) but am happy to cheer for his brother in the doubles (who has never said anything anti-English to my knowledge). I cheer against Scotland in the football nowadays (I didn’t used to – but their fans whistle the “English” national anthem and cheer for England’s opponents). I am a great fan of Chris Hoy etc. I also don’t cheer for the left-wing nasties winning oscars either as their left-wingedness makes them naturally anti-Britain.
My original comment btw was meant a bit tongue in cheek. I’m not anti-Scottish just anti some Scots (and some English to be honest). I know Grant and many on here show that there are as many decent Scots as anywhere else but most of the ones you hear from nowadays tend to be the other kind.
Demon – thanks for explaining that and I now see where you’re coming from regarding Andy Murray.
I had forgotten his “Anyone but England” comment. Apologies!
Not THAT old chestnut again. Murray was simply responding to Tim Henman who’d been slagging him for Scotland’s failure to qualify. It gets tiresome having to point that out each year.
As usual, you make some very perceptive points.
Andy Murray’s family come from Dunblane which is not a million miles away from the village where I come from. Leaving aside tennis, Andy is not very popular in this part of the World. His repulsive mother, even less so. His brother is well liked .
I did not watch the final , just dipped in now and again. I have to confess that I was hoping that Andy would lose. That is not disloyalty to Scotland, just to him. But, the sunny side is that at least his victory forced a smile out of him !
I agree with all of you other points .
And in the European Team championships GB has won the men’s 4 x 100m metres relay.
If I didn’t know from the news that the country was on the brink of collapse, and doom and sadness held us in an iron grip of despair, I’d almost think that Brexit had put a spring in the step of our sporting competitors as well as normal people up and down the land. But that would be impossible even to imagine, wouldn’t it.
Spot on ! Real or contrived crises tend to shake things down , one way or the other
Apologies for posting something off-piste but Sky have been reporting on Victor Barrios, a Spanish bull-fighter who has been gored to death by the bull.
They felt it appropriate to show pictures of the bull-fighter taunting and torturing the bull, with open, bleeding wounds on it’s back in front of 15,000 cheering fans, but stopped the video the moment before the bull skewered him to death, saying it might upset viewers.
The commentary was that he was a “brave and skilful bull-fighter” who was “tragically killed”.
Where are all those left-wing activists who campaigned for the end of fox hunting when you need them?…..if torturing a bull to death for sport is acceptable to the EU then thank the **** we’re out.
Would that be the same animal rights activists that go very quiet on the subject of halal meat? They know full well if they go anywhere that subject they will have a real fight on their hands. Cowards.
Yes, I too am repulsed at bullfighting.
Quite a metaphor for the Left and the EU…goad, provoke, torment and mock-and then kill the bulls mum when he turns on the torturer.
Defer to the Spanish cultural reasons for what looks like animal abuse to me…but when it`s available online for all to see then I can only think the bloke deserves it.
I think a lot of the reason many of the “right on” types become selectively blind when it comes to bullfighting is that Hemingway was fascinated with it and if you criticise bullfighting you criticise a fellow “intellectual” traveller. Yes I believe they really are that sad.
Personally I have no sympathy for any person who gets hurt in the process of torturing and then killing an animal. In fact I hope it bloody hurt the bastard and that he had a few moments to reflect on the stupidity and cruelty of what he did before the lights went out.
In my life I have killed fish, rabbits and deer. Both for food or for welfare reasons. And do you know what I have always done it as quickly and as humanely as possible. Yes I eat meat but I take no pleasure from the act of killing. So third A – I agree this is another bloody good reason for distancing ourselves from the EU.
Animal welfare in the EU is another reason I voted out.We are always outvoted on these issues.Bullfighting is cruel and outdated. I also profoundly hate the live transportation of animals from the UK across Europe for slaughter .Welfare ceases as soon as they leave these shores.Im not a vegetarian .I also avoid Halal meat but that is getting more difficult these days.
You remind me of the night before the Referendum,when Selina Scott raised the issue of animal cruelty in the EU.
Wouldn`t be surprised if that topic struck home with some people-surely some greens and youngsters would have had food for thought(veggie) about the wasteful cruelty and nastiness of the EU.
And though Selina…or indeed Liz Hurley aren`t my natural go-to gals in much…I now keep an eye out for them and wish them well.
And-can I add East 17, 5ive, Bucks Fizz, Aleisha Dixon, Alexander O Neal,Gwen Dickie and Sister Sledge.
All the above may well have played at the UKIP rally in June, had they not been bullied out of it…
In other words-not Coldplay or Branson…but brave enough to show some support before the HSE Nazis prevented the concert.
Our people…support them in panto if you have to…
Halal is protected in EU Human Rights as religious practices outweigh animal welfare. In the UK the Farm Animal Welfare Council (1985, 2003,2009) have called for a ban on religious slaughter of animals in the food chain on the grounds that it involves an unacceptable level of suffering, but political authorities in the EU consider that respect for religious diversity (protected under Article 9 of the European Convention on Human Rights and under the Human Rights Act 1998) has a greater interest than animal suffering and to date a ban is out of the question, although consideration might be given to proposals to label food produced in this way in order to inform the public. The Tory Government under Cameron revealed no enthusiasm even for this.
could hardly believe my ears
some scottish bint reporting from america on the news just finished
“5 police officers killed by black activists”
can you imagine if some reporter had said” jo cox eliminated by british patriot”???
trying to sanitise bare naked racist murders……they are beyond words they really are
Number 6 quite. The term could also be “British activist”.
Passionate advocate for mental health funding restoration who rather over-egged the pudding.
Vulnerable, challenging, committed….
Imagine we`d have had a much larger win that 52/48 had the creep waited a few weeks more.
AND-if you take out Planet London, the parallel universe that is SNP Scotland…AND factor in the hounding and belittling, cancelling of Out events(Birmingham for one), the relentless propaganda and bullying, money spent by the Government to fiddle the results, extra time to register their youngsters…yada yada…if you weight all that-we`d have won 60/40 had we had a level playing field without having to fight with one hand behind our backs.
Stuff that in your conch shell you Ayatollah Remainis!
There’s a wonderful irony if you reverse the order how this item is currently presented on their web-site:
Like playing Sabbath LPs backwards at @45?
Great to see that the likes of William Keegan are still alive-if hardly learning.
Poor William has been peddling this lefty stuff now since the early 80s if not before…indeed I used to read him avidly , as he steamed and hissed throughout the Thatcher era…I knew no better as a hothead union rep and IRA suckup.
But-William chose to stay in the sarcophagus..and this article shows that the last thirty years have not been kind to him.
Still-if you want to do a bit of political archaeology-and can`t make Burston, Tolpuddle or Burford…let John Boltons simple English brother put you right.
Put your watch back forty years, Brian Inglis on the telly, Stratford Johns in The Listener…
Keegan’s moans are almost a parody of a typical left wing remainer.
The BBC is so fickle as coverage of Wimbledon shows. Cliff Richard entertained the crowds in 1996 as the BBC reports here:
Today, however, as someone above has already noted, they could hardly bring themselves to point the camera at him. As a BBC favourite from the days when it produced comedy used to say,”They don’t like it up ’em.”
The BBC did have a long, loving and lingering shot of three muslim women in the crowd wearing head scarves.
The BBC are building up to the big one. The first dhimmi woman to wear a heardscarf while presenting the news . The BBC are good at doing it in muslim countries in reports from ” foreign correspondents”.
Can they really make the leap to BBC HQ. ? Closer to home . The world waits, with bated breath !
I was not surprised, the camera went on to cliff Richard, but not a word about him was mentioned.
He obviously upset them a few years ago, when they would not play his new records on their biased playlist. He made a record under another name and they played it unwittingly. Someone up there does not like him, for some reason. But they got back at him, with the filming of the police at his home. I hope he wins his court case against them. I prefer him to have our license fee than the BBC.
What’s Phil Collins done wrong? They are snidey about him also.
They`re populist…that`s why.
Now that Viola Beach…REAL music…
A bridesmaid at our wedding loved Cliff Richard, Gene Pitney and others of this MOR genre.
I , being a pompous muso and all round Guardian clever dick scorned her taste-being a Manc, I could tell her about James, the Smiths and how crap the likes of Nik Kershaw and Howard Jones were.
I was a musical, up my arse twat and snob…
She`s still a good friend,,and has long forgiven me-and will get the guitar out to do a couple of Cliffs(but more of Genes) songs…and even a Cilla or a Hermans Hermits if there`s a beer in it.
No point singing about “The Love of The Common People” if you`re BBC paid up prats like Coldplay or Radiohead.
17.4 Million of them out there-they`re ours, fuck the BBC and the left lib taste and tone police and critiques.
Our people are Boney M not REM…
Agadoo, Birdie Song, Johnny Logan?…it`s a loving learning curve I grant you at times….
I went through a similar phase but recently have been listening to the Carpenters . Don’t tell anyone !
Things you would have never heard on the BBC last month:
Countryfile tonight did a piece on concerns about the importation of alien beasties in the soil of pot plants with Tom ‘Disaster’ Heaps.
Apparently, despite the recent referendum, we are still in the EU, so Tom tells us that ‘we can do nothing about it’.
There’s a surprise.
I saw that, too. I was waiting for some sort of blunt comparison with today’s immigration and how it could be favourably controlled whilst sifting out the bad types. But it was all blamed on the EU!
Wonders will never cease! I have a sportsman’s bet with myself that the BBC now realise that Mother Leadsom is favourite for PM. And that it is time to morph or die…
I saw it too. Reverse argument. Non-EU imports check each one. EU just samples. The Remainers are shooting themselves in the foot every day !
Remember the horse meat scandal .Who knows what is being put in food when it is packaged and sent across the continent with no checks.
The single market and open borders are a gateway for criminality and fraud ,that’s as plain as anything. Where is the beebs impartial investigative journalism in this aspect of the EU?
Oh I forget ,if you tell the truth at the beeb you lose your job a la Andrew Gilligan.
And a la David Bellamy.
It seems clear that Mrs May is plan B for the EU and that the BBC is recruited in this push to install her as PM. The way the BBc reported the Times interview with Andrea was as clear a case of distortion as I have heard recently. The BBC’s distortion piled upon that of the Times.
I just do not know anything of Andrea Leadsom but the BBC/Liberal rage against her may mean that she is that rare politician that actually has an independent view.
The reamainers must have made some plan in case of defeat and the speed with which Cameron went and the disposing of Boris and Gove looks to be preplanned. They must be counting on our apathy in installing Mrs May and maybe they are right. We will not be allowed to leave the EU.
Youre right Dave – they were just a bit too slick for all of this not to be planned. Lets dispose of anyone who has any credibility and who will actually try and make a serious attempt to remove us from the EU.
I particularly liked the Kenneth Clark microphone “slip up” Rubbish all the candidates except the desired choice who is given a back handed compliment.
Nice one Ken you have certainly earnt your brandy and cigars you treacherous old bastard!
As for Leadsome I suppose the media plan is to make her almost un electable so if the tories do elect her there will be an implicit threat that maybe we need a general election after all to save the country from this inexperienced leader – bastards.
So there you have it manipulation trumps democracy in one easy lesson.
Wrote something on the mails website about this.
Something like 40 likes/hour…and 95% of comments loved Andreas stance, raged at the bias of the BBC and May etc…and loads of Leavers who know what game is being played.
She`ll walk it on Sept 9th…and a Night of the lOng knives due to Soubry and the other Clarke shoehorn hostesses like Rudd and Sandbag.
Indeed have applied to join the Tories to ensure she gets in as far as I can.
Any May crap-then it`ll be UKIP…but UKIP plus I assure them!
Should I canvass for Mrs Leadsom at Tolpuddle…and will Jo Cox successor be a Corbyn creep or an Eagleburger?…fun times!
Certainly the Tories had better ensure all those votes are fair and accounted for.
Would YOU let a Heseltine , Clarke or Soubry count the votes?
Hope Graham Brady isn`t leaned on…Tories are a pretty spineless bunch as David Davis , Priti Patel have shown.
Not spinless though-and if Leadsom is denied or cheated, those Think Tanks won“t be suggestion boxes anymore…and they`ll be needing them.
They want civil war?…they`re going exactly the right way about creating it…none of them reading their recent history anymore?
It appears that ‘man on the clapped out bus’ is not his usual self, its almost as if he is ‘another person’.
Many women put ‘being a mother’ on their CVs – http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-36752865
Is this all about demonising Leadsom?
Leadsom knows the EU inside out. If May is put in as PM by the Torys, expect more conservatives joining UKIP.
Remember Theresa wasn’t called the ‘appeaser’ for nothing .
Will the TV licence fee payers have to cough up the money as a result of this action ?
Of course. Somebody has to pay for it.
And you can bet your life that it won’t be the ones responsible for the whole debacle.
bBC – “Kim Jong Un supports Andrea Leadsom for PM”
By the time the BBC has finished Satan himself will be endorsing Andrea Leadsom. Family values,proud of being a parent ,against gay marriage ,Christian,patriotic. No no we cannot have that ,it might discriminate against some one .
Surely that someone isnt St Theresa the Just?
Disappointed to see that Leadsom has apologised for any offence caused. Big mistake. She has allowed herself to be bullied by the left into apologising for something she says she didn’t do! So why apologise? I would not apologise for something I hadn’t done. Did Thatcher ever apologise for her “Rejoice, Rejoice” comment? Of course she didn’t. Even if she did wish she hadn’t said it (which I doubt) she knew that would be the end of her power if she had apologised.
The whole point of forcing her to apologise, was to ‘break’ her, to show her that she is not in charge – the media is.
I’m sorry, if she allows herself to be ‘broken’ by a bit of pathetic bullying from the left, how is she going to survive a constant hostile press about important things? Sadly she has failed this simple test and the BBC will keep on about their victory for days now.
Leadsom may have some good qualities, but a ‘Maggie’ she certainly isn’t.
I think Leadsom and her supporters should refuse to do an interview with the Times until the newspaper publicly apologises to her for twisting her words.
manchesterlad, Demon,
I agree.
Agreed, manchesterlad. Never apologise, never explain.
She should instead point out she simply gave an answer to a question, and that the voters are sick of identikit politicians who won’t give straight answers to straight questions. The Establishment don’t seem to have got that message yet, despite the Brexit vote.
Incidentally, there’s a Have Your Say at http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-36760986
Surely the labour leadership contest should throw up some hilarious comedic opportunities for the usual bbc ‘comedy’ suspects who seem to go round the tv show revolving doors ?
You know the ones I’m sure……same old lamer crap
Catweazle v Orville the Duck
Surely some laughs there……no?
Ok then
Eddie the Miliband v Eddie the Eagle…winner gets to fight Edie out of Ab Fab in the final.
Have to be more fun that last nights footy…what a shit tournament that was.
But Lineker lies for Europe…so he`d HAVE to say that it was worth all those empty hours of zen.
Are Labours Laefers
a) Muppets
b)Sesame Street Bunnies
c) Windsocks
d) Sock puppets
e) glove puppets,
f)finger puppets
g)finger bobs
h)Bob Crows Stiff Little digits
h)Names puppets like Leo the Lion, Lamb Chop, Lord Charles or Spit the dog.
I myself used to like Edd the Duck and Andy Crane-poor sod`s on Radio Manchester now, alongside Terry Christians Spitting Image puppet.
You’ll need to explain this identity politics thing for us, BBC.
Let me try to understand – it is in some way offensive to suggest a mother can better represent future generations than a non-mother – and yet apparently we need more women MPs as the only way to properly represent women.. men just won’t do.
Anyone else spot the contradictions here?
By an accident of genetics men are men but they are not good enough to represent half the population?
Ought men now be ‘offended’ by women only short lists?
My wife tells me that Andrea is right to say sorry-a lady thing, will play well etc.
I myself think it was wrong of her to bow the knee to the Times and the BBC with their warm lettuce confections like this ludicrous malevolent story.
The likes of Soubry/Sobriety a, Rudd, Miller Greening and Sylvester will only go for her like sharks in a small pool would.
Hope to God that Paterson and IDS etc will get out the tanks and go for each of these herpes harpies in turn.
.Soubrys elections expenses
Rudds hubby
Millers expenses from 2009 etc
Greening as Osbornes goatee
Sylvester and her hubby.
If you want power Andrea-this was nothing compared to what`s coming…pre-emptive take outs please…or else you`ll rue the day you let may win this
Those witches and bitches want power-we want YOU to have it.
So get a few heavies around you who will terrify the BBC…not many, but Goves team and the aforementioned might be worth a call.Better a weeping drunken sow who lay on one piglet too many that Mays halal butchers to come.
The BBC is getting very excited about a political realignment if Corbyn can’t be shifted and Leadsom beats May. It hauled in Mrs Andrew Marr onto R4 Today to explain how it will all work . Mr Waffle himself , Paddy Ashdown is said to be orchestrating approaches to pro EU labour and Tory MPs behind tne scenes.
So there we have it . A new political party will , with huge social media support, fight any attempt to leave the EU. It may pursue blocking tactics to leave in this Parliament.
The BBC may be wishing it had been more subtle . Why support May if, with Leadsom, you get a new social democrat- Tory centre party in favour of the EU?
Expect a lot of pushing for a new centre party on tne BBC in future.
Said this too as well yesterday EE.
Thankfully, for us; the liberal elite are in meltdown, now we“re leaving the EU.
From Lineker through to Ashdown and via Izzard…complete moral and metaphysical collapse of all their struts, joists and very reasons for existing.
Because all they can bank or presume to live for is that we consent to their rule, their ascendency and their right to crow for us-we pay them to speak to the world for us.
And the world knows we don`t give a flying fuck about what Lineker, Beckham, Carney and Osborne said-or what they`re ever going to say from now on.
Busted flushes all.
We want out-and the idea that we`ll let secretary shaggers like Paddy or Lord/Lady John and Pauline-let alone phone box turdies like Farron or Harman speak for us…and to their whispering grasses at the BBC-is now gone.
Takes time to go into the heads of the inbred thickies at the BBC and in the Establishment Clubs…we want a little more than a Peoples Sundae from now on.
So don`t worry…recall the SDP?…Peoples Assemblies?…
Ands-of course-less that 10 months after Corbyns landslide into the ballpool with all his kids…look at the collective nervous breakdown of the Chattering Hunts at the BBC and at Labours Top Table.
What then is to be done?
I well recall Hain, Blears, Benn(H)..and all the other New Labour squitters holding forth at Tolpuddle over the years…wonder if ANY of these “Big Beats” could ever show up to a Labour rally ever again?
THAT`S the comedy in all this…relax with it all, Corbyns talking at Tolpuddle at the weekend and no BBC muppets will dare to gainsay him.
Crow might be stiff as a board…but his Buster Bloodvessel goons will be down with the Factor 5 and the Stella as ever.
Utter wankers-but they hate Billy Bragg, who`s not here this year funnily enough!
Bragg tried to get them doing ska shit with his Black Brixton schoolkids a few years back doing “One Love” by Marley…oh dear…he`s been a bit lairy of the “People” ever since.
Hope to see a few of you there-`I`ll be looking at places for the thatcher Memorial…the martyrs were methodists as was she…and not poncing perving, noncing public sector gaulietrs for the E U.
And-you have to admit-when Dianne Abbott is the sane one in her questioning by Sir Humphrey-and a toff like Harman wanders through her Occupy jetsam like Lady Elizabeth Fry on her way to a dirty protest cell she actually paid others to shit and smear it up for her?…just enjoy it all…maybe Geoff Hoon will come to Tolpuddle to address us all!
End de siecle political death rattles and throes…got to be a Steve Reich/John Cage piece for radio 3….
Jesus is coming.
Excellent, cH!!
LOL ! One of your best and 100% spot on. ” Phone box turdies”. Classic !
Always feel that I`m surrounded by a “loving cloud” on this site….a song title for my Jazz Odyssey Mash Up maybe?
As opposed to occassional whiffs of dog droppings on a flip flop brought into this cybercafe by the likes of poor Jerrod…
Whale music and tea tree oil, Penny Mordant and Julia Bradbury waving palm fronds and prospects of favours( coffee cake with no nuts) on offer.
You`re all too kind…and as the Elephant Man said “Everybody`s being so kind to me”.
Used to be able to do that as an impression-and my Prince Charles back them was liked by the bassist.
Good times ahead lads, I assure you…Philippians 3.12-16.
Thought For The Day was good today…Humph and Insane let it whistle through the wind tunnels that we`d say were eustacHian tubes…but , for the first time, the nature of liberal news was broadcast from the bunker
The same establishment that perenially calls for “unity” and “stability” is splitting into factions
The “unity” represented by the liblabcon and the Scots and Welsh “nationalists” has ceased to function.
Politics is about how to manage the divisions within societies, with the agenda defined by a usually united “establishment class” (the mainstream broadcast and print media including the BBC act as their agents)
As has been widely commented on outside the MSM for several years now the great divide in politics now isn`t left v right it is national interest v supra national interests.
The big question, going unasked and uninvestigated is what has divided the establishment class so much that they allowed the people a vote on 23rd June? what has frightened them so much?
Agreed, embolden. And the supra-national interests seem to revolve around an unholy alliance between big business and the UN-sponsored seekers of the Agenda 21 holy grail of a world eco-socialist government, including any subversive ‘green’ organisation you could name and the likes of Cameron who, as with the rest of the totalitarian has-been and failed politicans (that’s you, Juncker) , obviously know what’s best for us as opposed to what we’d choose to vote for.
I don’t understand. I know the BBC is aghast at Hate crime. It has spent an inordinate amount of time because a polish lady’s shed was burnt down and a letter sent to her telling her to go home.
But I am yet to see much coverage about a British man, Michael Sandford, attempts to kill Donald Trump. perhaps he should have burnt down Trump’s shed to gather more BBC news coverage.
Nothing yet on the BBC web site about Nigel Farage’s reasons for quitting: that the death threats he had put up with for years are now being directed at his young daughters.
Nor anything on the web site about a rapper by the name of Lunar Cobain, who threatened to run a train of migrants over Farage’s daughter. For we radio 4 listeners I should point out that ‘run a train’ is parlance in some quarters for gang raping young girls.
I wonder what Stephen Kinnock thinks of these hate crimes. Shouldn’t he be encouraged to share his views?
Or is a shed being burnt down considered worse than attempted murder, death and rape threats to children?
Like racism, ‘hate crime’ is a one-way street policed by the Left.
On bBBC news this morning, and being half asleep the detail may not be 100%.
It was that in the interests of ….something or other…….a group, maybe schoolkids, were going to visit (and here’s the accurate bit) “refugees in Calais”. Classic biased BBC.
Because by definiton, “refugees” should be claiming asylum in the first safe country. As far as I know, having visited about a hundred times, France for all its faults is a safe country.
By reaching Calais, the “refugees” are NOT refugees, but are clearly economic migrants.
But yet again the biased BBC tries to guilt us and peddles its open door narrative.
And also colludes in the ongoing brainwashing agenda of the hard left….
Wimbledon, centre court, yesterday. In his victory speech the British winner mentioned the Prime Ministers prescence in the crowd.
Initial cheering and applause but then an undercurrent of booing and jeering, rising in volume……..
No BBC comment noted during the event or since. It did happen didn`t it?
A Conservative PM booed on the Wimbledon centre court, a bastion of the establishment…….obviously not newsworthy.
Yet another Ceausescu moment, where the elite “meet the People” in sporting theatres…Osborne 2012 comes to mind.
Murray was decency itself…but the BBC and its Established scum are entrenched crud all over the camera lens, garnered on over the open mic they used to offer.
No-it`s licensed lefty rebellions, carefully choreographed and controlled-very Pyongyang.
Will Mary Beard ever do a piece on the extent of migrants, circuses, gladiatorial theatre as a correlation in the termination and decay of the Roman Empire.
From Roger Taylor and Sam Smith to Ashley Cole and Stephen Ireland within a lifetime?
No-not THIS Sam Smith either…nor the beer ..but Wimbledon Champ 72.
AFAIAA as of the time of this comment the Times still hasn’t issued a complete transcript – let alone the complete original recording – of the Leadsom interview. Not, strictly speaking, BBC bias I suppose but I wonder why the broadcasting envy of the world (“we’re journalists – we don’t lie”) is not making a big deal (or any deal) out of this.
I fully expected – and haven’t been disappointed so far – the Times to try to cover up its own mendacity but why should the BBC play ball? Well, to answer my own question – or pose others: who is harmed? Who does such restraint benefit? Well, obviously, Leadsom is harmed and, by extension, Brexit voters and supporters. May obviously benefits and, by extension, those who want to water down Brexit (if we ever get it) to achieve the kind of mock-deal Blair did concerning Mrs T’s hard-won rebate (ie surrender a goodly portion of the rebate for a meaningless undertaking to “re-examine” the Common Agricultural Policy – “CAP”). BTW, after Blair’s efforts we’re still in an unreformed CAP.
Precious Norman Smith tells us the “major policy differences” between May & Leadsom. After one being a Brexiteer & one a “low profile” Remainer, the next differences are attitude to gay marriage and fox hunting. Are these really major concerns to the membership of the Conservative party or the electorate at large? The priorities of the great unwashed Leave voters continue to be beyond the BBC’s ken.
Good piece from one of the good journalists knocking about.
Allison Pearson at the Telegraph.
Andrea knew the reality of CND whilst I was playing bloody benefits for that lot…so Andrea is “The Keeper”.
Funnily enough, I`m setting up a Corbynsakeeper.com meme for Tolpuddle…pink berets, T-shirts in hot pink and shaved legs all round for the RMT…if they`ll buy.
Corbynsa kipper.co.uk…grilled?…or the very anvil on which we turn the Lefts Men Of Steel into tinfoil?
Josef Starling…News At Tin…Starlinglad.
What use is unbiased reporting when the damage has been done. Leadsom is set to quit.
The Msm has done its worst.
My Times and Speccie subs won’t be renewed.
So Leadsome is pulling out, she’s found out that the press are nasty bastards when they go out to get you. This might not be so bad, May as PM means that UKIP are not going anywhere.
Sadly maybe Leadsome didn’t have what it takes to be PM, as this business seems to have knocked the stuffing out of her.
That gruesome old Vulture May will try and kick Brexit into the long grass, but hopefully UKIP won’t let her.
This is a black day for democracy. I don’t trust May to deliver on Brexit. I suspect Leadsome’s been nobbled in some way either by the party or the press. If May goes back on Brexit, the only hope is UKIP, and without Farage they don’t seem very capable. I urge all those in favour of Leave to write to their MPs to stress that the will of the electorate must be respected.
The UKIP donor on the Andrew Marr show yesterday, said if May gets it, UKIP will be back with a vengeance, but if Leadsom got the PM gig, they would probably reign it in a bit. He said they (UKIP) fancy going after Labour and Tory voters.
Hopefully he follows up on this.
But do they have anyone of the calibre of Farage waiting in the wings?
If not, then I fear the country is totally f**ked.
Absolutely agree. A cabal of Remainiac Tory MPs, ably abetted by the Brussels Broadcasting Corporation et al have done for Leadsom. This has eliminated any democratic process to appoint our next Prime Minister and as far as I am concerned May’s “coronation” has no more validity than Juncker’s. Is May going to sell us down the river ? You can bet on it.
The Tories are now spiralling down the electoral plug-hole, right along with Chairman Jeremy and his merry crew. Good riddance to them all…..