A new day, more bias….Tory leadership candidate, Andrea Leadsom, is in the BBC’s sights and she’s taking a pounding, the BBC not just reporting but taking a view…..Leadsom is a bad person…lack of experience and judgement we are told. Hmmm….funny how May’s comments[clearly part of her leadership spiel] about not having children weren’t reacted to in the same way…funny how the BBC is saying that Leadsom is claiming people without children have no stake in this country…isn’t she awful? Funny how the BBC joined in the anti-Brexit campaign by saying that it was old people who selfishly voted for Brexit denying the young a say, destroying their future….so don’t the old have a stake in society that entitles them to vote as they like then? May was a Remainer, Leadsom a Brexiteer….any reason why Leadsom is taking so much flak? Apparently the Times interviewer asked Leadsom about children…it was a leading question knowing full well what May had already said…the BBC is already making judgements despite not having seen the full transcript of the interview.
Remember when Labour and the BBC told us that Old Etonians shouldn’t be running the country because they couldn’t understand what ‘normal people’ thought or wanted? Didn’t Old Etonians have just as much of a stake in the country as any other person? When Jo Cox was killed we were told she was the real deal, a people’s person, someone who could genuinely represent the ‘people’…..except she didn’t did she? She was for Remain and mass immigration…whereas Old Etonian Boris was on the other side with ‘the people’, all those once-Labour voters.
The BBC is there to check your privilege and approve and licence your acceptance as worthy of being part of their society. If your ‘out’ you’re going to be denounced as ignorant, uneducated, prejudiced, bigoted, racist, xenophobic,, Islamophobic and guilty of being White.
Looks like Leadsom is not going on and that May will get an unopposed coronation. Break out the champagne at W1A! One of their own is installed – again!
I stopped watching (and listening to) the BBBC some time ago because of their constant left wing anti-British propaganda. But I am still required to have a licence to view other channels. I gather from contributors to this site that these BBC twats are labelling all us Brexiteers as illiterate, racist, uneducated, ill-informed, fascist, xenophobic working-class scum. We illiterate, racist, uneducated, ill-informed, fascist xenophobic working-class scum are paying for these bastards to insult us. We should all protest by disobeying the law and refuse to pay the BBBC poll tax. Stuff ’em all.
Well, with Leadsom quitting it becomes absolutely clear that TBTB will not permit us to leave the EU. It will have to be taken by force. My membership application to UKIP will be going in this week.
To Tory members who post here: are you simply going to take this stitch-up up the rear end, or are you going to do something about it?
I would also say that now, of all times, we could really do with a new Open Thread.
No-contacted the local buftons..as well as Grassroots Conservatives…they know there`ll be trouble and that May won`t be fitted or competent to withstand it.
An election In October, Brexit non-negotiable…
Unusually self-condemning piece from the BBC…not that they`d recognise it.
But they will…and, along with Rhydian Brooks Thought For The Day earlier?….this is promising.
And-if you`re right and Andrea is out…hold the faith and enjoy what`ll soon be coming.
The Mayfly is only for 24 hours isn`t it?….and the plague of moths at the footy last night?
Hope your entomology is OK…Antmusic`s on the iPod shuffle as I write.
“Nature is a Language-can`t you read”…so said Mozza, the last of the Moss Side prophets.
Until Steven Woolfe…
BBC appoint their Prime Minister. Now we can speculate as to whom they will put in her Cabinet.
The Tory party in Parliament and throughout the country combined are impotent.
Now the BBC will use all of its powers to destroy the chances of UKIP taking voters from either of their parties.
Brexit, forget it.
Sharia – the people have been trained and educated by the BBC and will sweetly surrender. See the happy Londoners with their Mayor.
No problems with oppressed wimmin in Islam; they love the fashions and diversity.
As for me – I will escape to France and vote for Le Pen.
It’s a pity Nelson isn’t bursting for a piss.
Classic FM Global Propaganda excelling itself still on Brexit.
After some luvvie stops his concert somewhere in Europe to stamp his foot to great applause, another clown says it will be more difficult to play over there now.
If mobile grope roaming and Trickyjet fares did not swing it, the inability to hear U2 in Cahors will defo swing the yoof.
No Start the Week thread? Is David Vance back from holiday?
A Sad day for Britain as Theresa the Appeaser, is appointed to be PM. A woman no one voted for who has achieved her office by ruthless attack on her opponent.
I fear that some one such as this entirely out of touch with the people of the country will reach for even more oppressive legislation and we will lose even more of our age old freedoms.
The snoopers charter for one thing. No more Tory vote from me,not until we leave the EU.
“You know what some people call us?…they call us the Nasty Party”
Theresa May 2002.
Well-as long as they describe themselves as such on the ballot paper in October.
For I didn`t vote for this Gordon Brown in a hijab.
She`s not my PM anymore that Brown was…she`s just the Polyfilla for the Tory crack house.
Joining UKIP…and backing Corbyn to set the dogs on this unelected cabal of pisspots, expense fiddlers and turncoats.
We voted to get out of the EU, not be dropped back into the Eurine by a barren John Majorette.
Fuck the Tories…save for the faithful few….
They`re going to rue this….Tolpuddle here we come.
And the BBC won`t save them either…this is a dead zombie party in need of the Final Solution from UKIP and from the SWP.
“The answer lies not in the middle but at both extremes”
Theresa May, Anna Soubry, Amber Rudd, Marie Miller, Nicky Morgan versus David Davis, Sam Gyimah-Gimp, Ken Clarke Michael Heseltine, Alan Duncan.
Any more candidates for the Nasty party team photo?
I`d say Alan Duncan is the biggest creep of that lot…with Soubry close behind waving her piss around in a whisky bottle.
Today from Berlin, Angela Merkel has made it clear that to gain access to the ‘Single Market’, we’ll have to allow free movement of people.
This is how Traitor May will fudge Brexit. We don’t actually need the Single Market, but May will insist we do. Hence free movement of people.
I previously voted Conservative. Never again. I’ve joined UKIP.
UKIP Plus…UKIP on steroids…and a Five-Star kind of Italian online insurrection to mock and copy the political class.
Need to be tactical-starting with a systematic unseating of the Remainiac class, whatever rosette, whatever stone they`ve chosen to live under.
That`ll be the only question on Octobers dead duck election…were you IN or where you OUT on June 23rd?
And if they were all IN…set a UKIP candiadate or a far Left SWP OUTER up against them…and Beppe Grillo has shown us how to do it.
And we`ll put the fear of God up `em…the BBC and its gilded lilies soon to be very dried flowers for the funeral.
Maybe Glastonbury will put out a commemorative DVD of the death of the political class…
Everyone on this forum should read this report because it concerns them directly.
The sad thing is that it is never been acted upon because it contains a truth no politician wants to confront’ and in failing to do so, puts every one of us at risk for the sake of Community Cohesion & anti Racism.
Surprise, surprise … turns out that Muslim police officers are ten times more likely to be corrupt than non-Muslims.
Whoops – a feather just wafted in from the garden, somehow I’m now prostrate on the floor.
(My only surprise is that it is as low as ten).
I’ve told you all here that I should have had a vote for the Conservative leader, but that I was tempted to write ‘none of the above’ on my ballot paper. It was obvious the more I saw of her that Leadsom was just too inexperienced for the job and I really didn’t want May. My suspicion still is that the pro-Europe lobby ensured an inexperienced Brexiter on the paper would ensure May. Hence the knives were out for Gove. Watching Mock the Week last night (a repeat of a recent programme) and the Beeb’s obvious dislike for him was palpable. But I think it was the Tory Grandees that did for him. But where does it leave me? I could never in a million years vote Labour, not even under the delightful Miss Eagle. I can hear you all saying, ‘come to UKIP’, but I feel I need to vote for a party that has a chance of power and I could never allow my vote to be cast in a way that let Labour in.
But why did Leadsom decide to pull out? She seemed pretty calm under pressure during the referendum campaign prior to June 23. And she must have known she had a good chance of winning a poll of Con P members for the leadership. To the argument that the country needs certainty at this difficult time, rather than 2 months of hustings, I say: let’s settle for 2 weeks of hustings followed by a vote, provided that both candidates are agreeable to that. To the argument that she would not have been able to command a majority of Con MPs: that would change once she’s got jobs to hand out.
Mr Kenny – if we take Mrs Leadsom’s leaving speech at face value, she left because she felt for the good of the country the parliamentary conservative party (as opposed to the rank and file members) had to be behind the PM. They saw what happened in Labour when there’s a similar dynamic. I suspect the Tory Leavers have decided that the best option is to go with May and hope that pressure can be put on her to deliver Brexit. On the other side, I think that the Tory Remainers have decided that the best option is to strangle Brexit at birth with red tape – they won’t do anything as obvious as a second referendum (which even the supine British won’t stand for) but they will try to kill it off with delays and compromises. Kuensberg on R4 today paved the way by saying something like ‘there are different kinds of Brexit’.